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ENGLISH 7 section.

Quarter 3
Summative Test
Name: _______________________________________________ Section: _________________
I. Identify the text type or multimedia resources described in each of the statements below. Choose the letter of your answer
from the list of terms in the box.
A. Recount C. Procedures E. Descriptions G. Text I. Animation
B. Explanations D. Narrative F. Audio H. Video J. Picture/graphics
_______ 1. This type of text aims to entertain, amuse, or instruct through fictional and non-fictional works.
_______ 2. This text type teaches us how to do something through a series of steps.
_______ 3. This text type refers to retelling a series of events which may either be factual or personal.
_______ 4. This refers to moving images that provide audio and visual experience to the viewers.
_______ 5. This text type provides information on how or why something happens.
_______ 6. This multimedia resource comes from images that are initially drawn and photographed in succession to make them
appear as if they are moving.
_______ 7. This refers to written or printed characters, letters, and symbols used to create words, sentences, and paragraphs.
_______ 8. This pertains to recorded or transmitted sound
_______ 9. It is a text type that presents the characteristics or features of a thing or a phenomenon.
_______ 10. It is one of the oldest forms of media which uses images to represent someone or something.

II. Answer each question by choosing the letter of the best answer.

_____ 1. What is expressed in the following sentence?

I personally believe that things happen for a reason, so I try to be positive even in difficult times.
a. belief b. conclusion c. fact d. reality
_____ 2. What kind of statement is exemplified below?
I think we must really follow basic health protocols like wearing of face masks and face shields and maintaining social
distancing because they help prevent Covid 19 from spreading and infecting more people.
a. belief b. conclusion c. fact d. reality
_____ 3. Which phrase does not signal a statement of belief or conviction?
a. In my opinion b. I think… c. Meanwhile… d. I believe…
_____ 4. Which visual aid is a combination of several forms of communication - audio, video, text and animation?
a. flip chart b. graph/chart c. prop d. multimedia
_____ 5. What must you remember when using video clips during a speech presentation?
a. make sure the sound provides good background music c. use clips that are at least two minutes in length
b. be certain the clip is cued up d. all of the options
_____ 6. What is a specific detail that can be proven as true based on objective evidence?
a. fact b. opinion c. evidence d. statement
_____ 7. It is a feeling, judgement, belief or conclusion that cannot be proven true by objective evidence.
a. act b. proof c. detail d. opinion
_____ 8. Which of the following is NOT an objective evidence?
a. scientific law b. physical evidence c. eyewitness account d. feeling and judgement
_____ 9. Which of the following best describes a fact?
a. Something that can be proven c. The feelings of the main character
b. Something that can’t be proven d. How much the main character likes something
_____ 10. Which of the following best describes an opinion?
a. A good choice c. A statement that can be proven
b. A scientific investigation d. A physical evidence from a crime scene
_____ 11. Which of the following is an opinion?
a. Tedd is wearing a blue tie. c. Vince was unhappy that his team lost.
b. Jason won the race at field day. d. Sylvette woke up at 7:30 in the morning.
_____ 12. Which of the following is a fact?
a. Reading is very easy. c. I received a 98% on the reading test.
b. Gary Paulsen is my favorite author. d. I’m the smartest student in the tenth grade.
______ 13. Which of the following is NOT a fact?
a. Rich people are dishonest.
b. A national flag symbolizes a country.
c. A karate expert can use his hands as deadly weapon.
d. Dengue is an illness caused by a virus that is spread through mosquito bites.

Read the paragraph to answer questions 14 and 15.

Andrew’s mother and father unloaded the van after the family returned from the soccer tournament. Andrew was
exhausted from playing in all eight games over the weekend. Andrew wasn’t helping, because he ran inside the house to call his
grandparents to tell them about the games. He had won a trophy for being the most valuable player, and his team had won all of
their games. He scored at least two goals in each of the games. He was extremely excited.

14. Which of the following is NOT a fact stated in the paragraph?

a. Andrew scored at least two goals in every game. c. Andrew had won being the most valuable player.
b. Andrew won a trophy at the soccer tournament. d. Andrew’s team won all of their games in the tournament.
15. Which of these sentences is an opinion stated in the paragraph?
a. Andrew’s team won the tournament.
b. Andrew’s parents unloaded the van after the tournament.
c. Andrew was exhausted, but excited about the tournament.
d. Andrew called his grandparents to tell them about the tournament.

III. Write T if the statement is true; F if it is false.

_____ 1. Note-taking is a strategy one can use to increase comprehension of the text/ideas listened to.
_____ 2. Asking questions requires clarity.
_____ 3. A panel discussion involves a single speaker only.
_____ 4. Sensible questions are questions which are comprehensible and insightful about the topic discussed.
_____ 5. When asking a question, precision is not important.
_____ 6. Thought-provoking questions are questions asked to invoke laughter.
_____ 7. Correct grammar is important in asking questions.
_____ 8. Questions asked should be relevant to the topic being discussed.
_____ 9. Asking intelligent questions is for intelligent people only.
_____ 10. A question is considered thought-provoking if it ignites deep thinking about a subject.
____11. When you raise a sensible and thought-provoking question, you are enabling the discussion to be more in-depth and
____12. Asking a question not related to the topic being discussed is acceptable as long as the question is thought-provoking.
____13. Beating around the bush would make you look smart and can make your question thought-provoking.
____14. Looking for points of misunderstanding is one way of constructing a thought-provoking question.
____15. Asking an intelligent question makes a person look smart and intimidating.

IV. Identify each question as simple or thought-provoking. Write S if the question is simple; TP if it is thought-provoking.

____ 1. What life lessons has COVID-19 pandemic taught you?

____ 2. Aside from personal happiness, what other reasons should one have to get on with life?
____ 3. Where would you like to have a vacation this yearend?
____ 4. When can we say that we have done enough?
____ 5. Who is your favorite Marvel hero?
____ 6. Why do you need to stay at home?
____ 7. How would you spend your Christmas vacation this year meaningfully?
____ 8. What are your favorite food?
____ 9. When was the last time you went to the beach?
____ 10. How are humans really better than animals if humans are the reason why some animals go extinct?

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