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File Test 7

Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B


1 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple form of the verb in brackets.
Example: Raya and Greta studied (study) for the test last night.

1 The man __________ (stop) his car near the church.

2 What time __________ Sharon __________ (arrive)?
3 They __________ (not like) the paintings in the gallery.
4 When __________ the lesson __________ (finish)?
5 She __________ (not phone) you because it was late.
6 My uncle __________ (live) in England. Now he lives in Spain.
7 The shop __________ (not open) at 7 a.m. yesterday.
8 __________ you __________ (watch) the match?

2 Complete the conversation. Put one word in each gap.

Sofia Did you and Marcus go out last night?
Erin Yes, we did. We went to a restaurant.
Sofia Did you go there by bus?
Erin No, we 1 __________. We took a taxi.
Sofia What did you wear?
Erin I 2 __________ my new skirt.
Sofia What did you have to eat?
Erin I 3 __________ a pizza.
Sofia What did you drink?
Erin I 4 __________ mineral water.
Sofia Did you go home after that?
Erin Yes. We 5 __________ home and watched TV.
Sofia When did you go to bed?
Erin I didn’t 6 __________ to bed until midnight.

3 Underline the correct word or phrase.

Example: Yesterday were / was Wednesday.

1 The shops wasn’t / weren’t open at the weekend.

2 They was / were at the cinema last Sunday.
3 I wasn’t / weren’t at home this morning.
4 Were / Was Raquel at your party?
5 Where you were / were you yesterday afternoon?
6 Where were / was Loretta born?
Grammar total 20

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

4 Put the events a–g in order from 1–7.

a I was born in 1994.
b We went on holiday to Italy last summer.
c We got up late yesterday morning.
d Ralph phoned me the day before yesterday.
e Rebecca and Alonso got married two years ago.
1 f Eve was here a few minutes ago.
g Juliette found her purse last night.

5 Complete the phrases with go, have, or get.

Example: go for a walk
1 __________ a shower
2 __________ a letter
3 __________ lunch with friends
4 __________ by plane
5 __________ a good time
6 __________ up late
7 __________ a taxi
8 __________ out on Saturday night

6 Complete the sentences with the correct word.

Example: My favourite actor is Meryl Streep. I love her films.
1 Thomas Edison was a famous i__________.
2 Roman’s studying politics because he wants to be a p__________.
3 Which a__________ painted the Mona Lisa?
4 Tessa composes music. She’s a c__________.
5 Paula can dance the tango. She’s a great d__________.
6 Which d__________ directed The Hobbit films ?
Vocabulary total 20

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation B

7 Underline the stressed syllable.

Example: pol|i|ti|cian
1 ac|tor
2 com|po|ser
3 sci|en|tist
4 in|ven|tor
5 di|rec|tor

8 Match the words with the same sound.

waited lived cooked listened started watched

Example: called listened

1 called __________
2 talked __________
3 talked __________
4 needed __________
5 needed __________
Pronunciation total 10
Grammar, Vocabulary, and Pronunciation total 50

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Reading and Writing B

1 Read the text and tick () A, B, or C.

This is a funny story and it’s true. My name’s Shanice. I work in a big London hospital as a
nurse and I often work on New Year’s Eve so usually I don’t do anything special. Last year,
however, my friend Becky decided to have a New Year’s Eve party so I asked the hospital
administrators to give me the night off. They said they needed me but I could finish work at
11 p.m.

So, on 31st December 2017 I took my party clothes to work with me so I could get dressed
for the party later. When 11 p.m. came, I found an empty room and put on my party dress.
Then I booked a taxi from the hospital to my friend’s house. I was really hungry so I bought a
sandwich from the small shop in the reception area and had some of it while I waited for the
taxi. Of course, it’s a busy night because a lot of people go out to restaurants or parties and I
wasn’t surprised when my taxi was late. I was a bit worried by 11.20 so I phoned them again.

The taxi arrived at 11.30 and I said where I wanted to go, got into the car and put my
headphones on. I closed my eyes and enjoyed my favourite music. After about 15 minutes I
looked out of the window and I didn’t see any streets or houses that I knew. I asked the
driver where we were and he said “Very near Agar Road”. But Becky lived on Agar Grove.
We were in completely the wrong part of London! I told the driver about the mistake and he
was very sorry. He quickly changed direction but there wasn’t time so last year I celebrated
New Year in the back of a taxi with a bit of a sandwich and a bottle of water!

Example: Shanice’s story is about _____.

A New Year’s Eve  B Christmas Day  C her birthday 
1 The party was _____.
A at Becky’s house  B at the hospital  C at Shanice’s house 
2 Shanice needed time off work so she asked the _____.
A other nurses  B doctors  C hospital administrators 
3 When the taxi didn’t come, Shanice felt _____.
A stupid  B worried  C surprised 
4 At _____ Shanice phoned the taxi company again.
A 11.20  B 11  C 11.30 
5 In the taxi, Shanice _____.
A listened to her favourite music  B talked on the phone 
C said her address to the driver 
6 Shanice’s friend lived on _____.
A Agar Grove  B Agar Street  C Agar Road 
7 At midnight on 31st December Shanice was _____.
A at Becky’s house  B at the hospital  C in a taxi 

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Reading and Writing B
2 Read the text again. Are the sentences True (T) or False (F)?
Example: Shanice is a nurse. T
1 Shanice lives in London. _____
2 She never works on 31st December. _____
3 Becky is her friend. _____
4 Shanice went home to get dressed for the party. _____
5 Shanice was hungry after work. _____
6 The taxi wasn’t late. _____
7 The taxi driver went to the wrong street. _____
8 Shanice didn’t arrive at Becky’s house at midnight. _____
Reading total 15


Describe a day or an evening out that you enjoyed. Answer the questions
with complete sentences.
1 How long ago was it?
2 Where did you go?
3 Why did you go there?
4 Who did you go with?
5 What did you wear?
6 What did you do?
7 What did you have to eat?
8 What did you drink?
9 What time did you get back home?
10 Did you have a good time?
Writing total 10
Reading and Writing total 25

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Listening and Speaking B

1 Listen to a conversation between two people in a bookshop. Tick ( ) A, B,

or C.
1 Wendy wants to buy a book for _____.
A her grandfather  B a boy called Jonah  C her friend André 
2 When André went on holiday with his family, he _____.
A went for a walk  B played tennis  C read books 
3 Laura Ingalls Wilder was an author from _____.
A France  B the USA  C England 
4 The Little Prince _____.
A doesn’t have pictures  B isn’t a book for children  C is an old book 
5 Antoine de Saint-Exupery was a writer and also _____.
A a pilot  B a teacher  C Andre’s university friend 

2 Listen to five people talking. Match the sentence halves.

1 Speaker 1
2 Speaker 2
3 Speaker 3
4 Speaker 4
5 Speaker 5
A bought something she didn’t really want.
B ate dinner near the beach.
C saw his girlfriend for the first time at a concert.
D looked very different when he was a teenager.
E had an expensive taxi journey.

Listening total 10


1 Answer your partner’s questions about what you did last Sunday.
Now ask your partner about what he / she did last Saturday.
1 What time did you have breakfast?
2 Did you go out in the morning?
3 What did you have for lunch?
4 What did you do in the evening?
5 When did you go to bed?

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019
File Test 7
Listening and Speaking B

2 Your partner has information about a famous person. Ask these questions.
• Who ? • What / do?
• When / born? • Why / famous?
• Where / born? • When / die?

3 Read the information about David Bowie and answer your partner’s

David Bowie
Born London, UK, 1947
Famous singer
Had 25 top 10 songs / Made more than 20 films
Died 2016

Speaking total 15
Listening and Speaking total 25

English File fourth edition Elementary Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2019

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