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,ltarI!ININ !!

*#l U ll ilf:
MoaE I\Dw rrEMs ro wEr youR AppETrrE ANDCREATErEE opmRruNrrY To r"luNcE YET MoRE waIIRDoRNE oPER-{lroNs

AMPs USLCVPiofantsyNault boatwith 3 cw ed netal ran! fi50 GIKI I SF.ial Failq fd K€co0ln4 wilh sienalscable E5p
AMP6 CemanSnmboot 39 dvd dsaultboatwith 2 c@, trol€ GTKI2 Spebl Failerfu K€c€ md \rilh orgo 85P
llis bootconescompletewith its surcuding Ss BM f4.00 (usedby nomtaintoF)
GTKI3 SFcial bor traild fd Ketr€trkad 85p

AUSI5 3 lM mire det€.torteu !1.29 RxcoDD AI{DHr\s ITs owN sEpARArf,L$r. pREt'lous
AUSIT USrofmt lmm admchg qith flm€ throv€. 38p wI IT Nf,w RILEASFJFoR THosEPARTICIJLAR RANGFJAs
AUSIS 3 mananti-tanteoncew tl.l? AI\D\{,tfiNAvAtr |ILE.
AUP23 Pat?advancing lrill flam illNer 3EP cuNsl l05nn cernd doilles Bn t2.35
AUP24 6 figw s€tof USParaPathfinden t2.32 cuNsz 75m cemanMoilles gD 9.35
GUNS3 5?m dd'lanl gun t3.23
CLASSICGERMANINTANITY 20nD CUNS4 Brit/uSA 6pdr/ 57m Anbomeanli-lankelln t3:23
WERI? 6 Knelin8 Gedds suitrblefd taDtndels t3.23
CUNS5 US75m pek howiter
or plrcingh boats f2.32 zS 3 mti'tank/ field gutr f3.23
GUNS6 Russian
TALISCEIRMJAGf,R Cr ST Gennan75m lielt moutain gl]n t2.90
FAL19 3 nan recoitlaseu cw tt.t7 GUNSS Ceman75minLG l8 i'fdq sun f2.90
FALm f.Eneilradeilh driverad specialraild 13.50 GUNS9 5cmPAK onfoiress nounting ti.23
GUNSI0 20Dn PAK 38 t2.50
GllNSl l05m@oilss gun 12.35 cuNsll ?5m PAK40 eri-rrnk gl|n 8.23
GUNS2 75m @oilles gln !2-35 cuNsl2 BntishlTpdranri-ranleon 8.23
Gt]NSl3 Rusim 45ronanti-tank$n t2.50
GERMANMOIJNIAIN TROOPS GUNSI4 Russian 45m lonSbaftl dli taik gun 12.50
GMTI5 Kette rad with driverandspeial bor trailer !3.50 cUrNSl5 Russiai5?m eri-ialt gun t3.23
cMIl6 2 0d lidt nortar firing E5p ctlNsl6 C€man lo5mrnanillerygu t3.23
Pri{te witt Pacerfaus!nounted
SSCAV26 f l.m NwFlo Highla terbarchingwirh almo. nul€ I1.50
Priratewilh Pallzdcbr@kenou ed
SSCAV2T Ilm NwFrr PipdFiddlarer vouDded,playingbagprp$ x1.50
kivate witb Palzerfaust
SSCAV28 advddng onfoot 38p NWFI2 3 6d heliogEphr.m (Higrnod€n) t2.00
2 lm PamsbEke teu tuitrg
SSCAV29 85p NwFl3 4 be niglt piquet(Higuedels) 12.50
Ou pDducls@ 'nibble thmEahtlre Including 20mm ranges of
Visa, Nard & Eu@rd N aaepd
Commandos, SS, Wermacht in
G€LNfrs 9t wilhdbshsEtr Plee Nt r we @ rble to t te s*it b Greatcoats, US Rangers,
CudslwFa 0194 56490,6 Paratroopers, Fallschirojager
14Ruedu MouliDd'Etia,GoDN P&P-UKIBFPO10%of ordernilinud 30p etc,, and 25mm ranges of The
SOLEAGENTUSA:lae EUteGNup fteu Nd 150.m post1ie Pony wars, Colonial, Crimea,
2625Focl Gl6 lbil Rir€sdd4 rL 6{Dl5 E@F 20% of ordd
Ceada 30% oforder
Ancients and The Old West etc.
AUSIRALJA:F,SSEX MINLrIURF-S, AusFalia/ Fd Ear etc. 30% minimm !5-m
22Stdn y Rd,EomsbySls NSWt$t
'I.l: 02941166NFa. 0294771,664
i-i TEL:01159268800
rn L.K.: 5Ll|1D,, r rn [uroPe: .(id u

I!i! lsir:ieilWa[&
l r l : a . : !E a ! .0 . 1 6 4 2 Ili'ieeslor 8.boisrang6,
rionTrnbihg DreL.K (ont\):
fiking & llonEali
ilE0A0 Iio,i snDrhnnr rohhi.r (ont\)i
l n I ? 2 S c a l oP o w l o r s':rr)t

I r d . . \ n s t o \ o r m a n s .1 0 6 6 -l t t o :
! r0 trer
i q0 54{i,r

Discornt,\rnt Pscls (l),\P) li!d arr,iri.rii,-1:lri.!fi r

r. !2563$ D h m o u n r c\dn g l o N o r m a n s

lii:-,rr.i!a:r,.r- :, .t -.
r l i \ n i r n r \ r n r \ P a . t s( D . \ P )
: _ r i t . :, . r l : r : , . ! i : : : , r 1 : ' : . :
Iio TufrbLhs Dire(od\): ridn durL
r:r.r ri:a:irrliail,iii::'i;i:,li::::il
.:t .:'. D i \ n B u n r eTd r o o p s
rrron ard0rh!^r rohbk5 tontr:
\ [ l q D \ ! | r c | s l l : f i ! . q u i \) d s 9 ! s
D i \ c o u nlrr m r P a c h (sD \ P )

TumblingDice in Nofih America!
:2'E! E :r._-.'srS:':et Garden crove,CA 92840U.S.A.
P f c . . - r ; , ; : a 8 i . r l s e o u r 2 4h o u r l a x : ( 7 1 4 ) 693r s60

E.MaI : . - . : . . O
: : : r " a r - ' t : l l r 3 3 0 P l l s . l 1 0 Ar P
.i:o: W € b S i l e h n p : i ' u s ear o slcoinrSrookhobby
, tr .st u n1 1 A , t 5 p r , l lHilmffi,mF
Trade& Deatertnauiriesare Welcome!
28bn trl Eod.b ir 3b€[ ts sElpled by AIN dd Michr.l P.ry.

ACWCavl. CAUALRYTROOPERSUVKEPI o*"*t"a -^l,"*'t acwerv L acwvlBa.

ACWCaVIAX. CAUALRY TROOPERS lN KEPI daunbdv"Eiona! acwcdvl) AcE caulttr PAn'rEDBvsrEw DE1N






LTD, Eob.ri3 L.!., Otf Doyl. Rd, St P€i.r Port, Gr€ru€y, C[.m.]
PtoN, ol,al 714241Ft!.ollEt 71t905

THf, TOt NDRY I-ITD,1549M.Fiew Driv., Wetl.Lc Obio ,14141USA,

Photrc,l4|l'87l-,1s8? Frt. 44G49r5887
lllrnb, Gcd Brii.iD. CYI IRG
This mondl { e ha\ e our d6t ansico Ciril We covalry pa.ks frod WsrEmes Foed.y, rhis is rhc liur of rhEe gonps of 8 kepi Nedng caralry supplid in ler and
m.ured pai6 lor those ofrou *fio \mt lo sldmish or b disnomr you drdlry Eeinflts. By rh. rise )or Ead djs, we should have our fiEt !€inal ofb!.vs
redr (6suminA /\lan Aersthe colmmd Srcup done). We nay cvd have ou fi6t even d eighr packs of Rdrissce lddsrTcbrs/SwGs Gady, Cive u a catl fr
further inlomarion and samples. MmNhilq from Guecey Foundry- ve h.rr a hmrt ofne* lndius iom Mark Copple$onc. Ttris is rhe 8st ofa emup ofEleas
pro\ idin8 ddnio6 ro all lne Old Wdl me.s. By lne rine you read L\is wc should q!n. r large barch olMe\icans read_v;ogain. ring for infomariodtuples! Of
colN- Jou cs al\ ajs joi. N st&di.g ords systen dd hare .c$ rddirioN lioo mg.s ofyou choice shipped ro )ou auronaricall_\r6 eon 6 we csr lhm up! at a
addirion,l l0o/odisour fton or ddl pricesi
2Ndn $!tpr.d by aj,n & Mi.h..l p.4.
we hare fir€ new ADricm Civil wd pack: our fi6t thr cavalrypack, and d sorrDenl ofvig.enes in tso packs
\4gettes: Prisond. acol! s6try. foolsoE, staggler 15,50/$r0
AC\\'Kt6 Mgneies: Punishedfor drun}€m€s on duty, sDrgeonsdebil 45.50/$10
ACwCavlBX a7.20tst2
Dishounled vcuioB oI cavl AX & I BX. is.soar0


Markns $ur/edre nryrootoo""o"".." oo""n"r"",'f;....,-#if#i'"'ff"t$r*'Jtfti.X'ft;: ".."s br@d
mdtwoDoesord,s)ribtnd nou.t€d


a dd4 c(ft wnr o te c@v of d ns tulv ilsioled old $/esi,]I)oiN!!r1s/r6qi.on civil!\(r| cororog@ond o t*emples tim ou fdJhcmhg etelgl
w,rq!@s Foundry & Fotrndd: P.ynert pogtt& plctrb!:

nhoh.i4.oin r Fn tu o,. q-rv'nibrebr'@ do&.6-'6?drutus&i Bi,r$ o,i.ft

uurJ nE $,dd a qcr ed.s{rs $idh ai &F. trya johryld4od. d +, sd, i@dismr or
Froit Corerphoto: 25nn Gripping Beastniniatans Jron their new
fl CA ruge- mat\ the bo! fion Bivu vho nade good lcading the CONTENTS
charse! we've had a nasniirins gass ol the cid's Iace to seeiI he's
nodclbd on Rod.igo ot chuck Heston, we suspectthe Jomt -
ahhoush it also Iaots a bir A*. Mr. Poaensnior! 14 D.K Hunt

16 AdamO Bden ClimbEveryMountain

warcame llllslnted is publishedon rbeftnd TIuGdayof eacbnon$
by: Stratgm, 18kvers Ldq Nwdk, NotB.NG24IHZ I 8 D€lbyWegms Club Somevirys of thei.Rusian
EDTTORT Duncd Mactullan€.
PRINTED jn England. DISTRIBUTORSTComlg Maeuino 20 PaulKirher
Mdketing, Tavisl@kRoad,WestDrayron,MiddlesexUB? 7QE.USA: Sponish,S6on & Bavaian atuies
Tle Emperor'sHeadqudeB, 5714 wst INine Puk Rord, Chicago, 22 PeterMorbey Som€shobof Pete\ NapoleonicFrencb
MiniatursLd-,22 Sydney Road,Hornsby Heights,
NSw 20?-7. Staningwatganing?Pon Ir Figlier
2E GeorgeAngell St.Valenlines Day, 1929
A seaso@llook backat the no$acre.
SItBCRIPTIONS fo. I 2 issuesof WdSamesIllustratedare !32 in
30 Stephen
Sinpson Wrilingyo( ownwdgamerules Pl.2
the U.K. Eumpe & R€srof the World surface:$4. Rest of world
Includeso siryle let Jor the sat oJ1812.
airmail: f44- Individual back nunbers g2.50 each.Bindersf6.50.
AU ev.ilable ftum: STRATAGEM, 18 LOVERS LANE, No,3Cowdo, Diewe. 1942
Fi8rrcs,bookt& eanes
TheBridshAmy, 1660-l?02
DR.oewraY(G| Part2: lnfann! unilom .lurin| the
F u t u r s C o m b a t G a | n oS v 3 t € r n rcig$ oJJMes II & williah II
52 MikeSiggins WarganelsNotebook
54 Alex Self Gettingstnrtedin waftammerFantasy
By SteveWinter 5? Reade6'klte6 & Obituary
58 Classin€dAds
WargamesI llustrated #126
Available from: Dropwing, 43 Milton Street, will be publishedon
Balderton, Newark, Notts. NG24 3AP Thursday 19 February 1998
P+P UK - 10% Evope - 20VoWorld, - 259o

by theTunbridgeWellsWargames
22 February1998
l0:00- 17:00
St Grcgory'sSchool,ReynoldsLane,Soathborcagh.

Lors of denoNrrrtion grnes to seeplus participition gam€s

A Pdnting competitiontowio cashprizes
Biggertban erer"Aring and Buv" ro dhposeofgaming
iteds you no longerneed
F.tns ar. tvilahle: SAE ta aJ Dotplo: Road n,,htitltt. Kcd Tlig 2UD

. Cateringby COFIEE CALL ofTonbridge

. Admissionf2.00 (wont.n ahd childrc" under l6free!)
For inlomarionI 0181.4670t1:


In associationwith


R o l I Call
SATURDAY6th & SUNDAY7th JUNE 199810am- 5pm
TradeStands,Demonstration& ParticipationGames
Licensed& SnackBars,Bring & Buy


Dark Ag€s WRG Book 2 lsmm 1500prs WRG (7th edn.)
Biblical wRG Book I lsrnm 400pts DBM
MacedonianPeriod WRG Books I /2 l5nm 400pts DBM
EastemFeudal WRG Books 3 / 4 lsrmn 400pts DBM
High Medieval WRG Books 3 / 4 l5mm 400pts DBM
MacedonianPeriod WRG Books I / 2 25mm 350pts DBM
Dark Ages WRG Books 2 / 3 25mn 1500pts WRG (6th edn.)
EarlyRenaissance WRG Pre-1600 l5mm 400pts DBR
Late Renaissance WRG Post-1600 lslrun 400pts DBR
Early Renaissance wRG l5mm 1500pts WRC (2nd edn.)
Napoleonic NapoleonicPrinciplesofwar l5mm NapoleonicPrinciples
19thCentury Colonial 15ffn - Principlesofwar
ACVr' On Entry 15mm - Fire & Fury

Demonstration Period - Free Entry

l8th Century A Bigwig l5mm - A Bigwig
Teamentriesare welcomedand ar€ to comprisea maximumof six and a rninimum of four players.However eachaeammay
haveno morethan one player fiom eachperiod and contain no more than threeplayersfrom the DBM periods.Club entries
are also invited, with a rninimum club size of six playerscompetingin any periods.Only the best 16 players'scoresfrom each
club will b€ takeninlo accountwhen assemblingthe club competitionwinners.


Entries& Enquirieswith.A4sAE to - Keithspedding
chequespayableto SHrRELEVY
' Flar2, 134Wesrfield
Closingdate:2EthFebruary1998 KingsHeath'Birmingham'B147SU
lI.lJ TdtFar or.ter to:013t8 76Un4
wab slte - ht',!/
E-rrtll - MadlnOpetarylg.clena co ux
u rtsydl! b M addl

PosT & PAcKtNc - h U,K.r ord". *d. €3o,"oo tt',

to N. Am€ricancustome$
over there in February, e conta.t BrookhuEt Hobbies if vou
More new siuff ror 1998! For ou u.t@stomeF, a remin.ler that wellbe - * vou 'an meet us' and F our true qualitv fist-handl
iosh'-' "
can poD bv and seerrr And n me u.(, we n conu.i;;G v"*

AIBIf,AIITIIANS Rpglldr/rhfe-.'onil repl * \LK
17 2l noleNonalCFw
Ra,ng€ r7: I[odolr:E t1l
1 7 7 R . B / r o f C r e ws C a P 5
17 22 Mi,u( onmdd
..... Lt.7rl$6o5
AIHce,! lfara, 15D.m 173 Re8./I'iof. Dead Fign6
r72J Tovokt..kup.
17.24 pc;uhr of6ce6, Cap
"mis b@n has changed hdnds Jot the l -4 \4lhhiv AX_47 _ t7 25 vll'hd RR.
t7 5 R"gxrd\n!.pw.aR-r/ '7ro Re8uldxded
thital tine this moflth!" 7{ Regui' fto{. V"hrle(lei -- - __- l??7 C,dod 4
Ihr rdse alowsplayesrocrry aurbaru6in r 7 . 7 , - 5 5M R r l72S Mi,uAmnocdeF
Ak'.i in\enb\e PlayeE wiu b€ able ro mount
t73 RegllaFRIrC t7-29 CrvtaN
rveaeoc on lhe vehicles 7i Reculb L-MC
'F.inidls. Stddard inldtv pack conrd 3 -- 1710 e.&Lr orhce:. B?re
pothons b go with thi5 t7.10 r,thha Bol A.nmRi44 l7lt /M"d,,G"w
bsures in I Tne ru16 c(TslRsciPr
17 rr ReSuk,tror 17-12 9omt,nnad,AMr u.m 97bs
r;€e € riKrT R€publd, h,Gd below lhe
force 1i56,md t7-r2 Rcg trora'onalcJcw.( aP> 1?33 Alircd Btdq {uire.... o qo/56,I0
-E -d'de p.l,bci.-e,'d
nav;. tu16 Inis roge will con_ t?13 norN$n lFN/SLR.Ha$ 1714 Am.d Bud-drsl loS L3 00/t-65
$me real t?€
i7 14 Resrb/Prcr /MrLuMo'*9!'q1- r"." r,nhard/Ar4lMc/Moftr .uftr
r7-r< UflnogTru.r ... C3.00/$765
R-15 "AK-47 Regubli.'ru16 ' 15m Mod 17.16 Profsionalotnces 1 7 3 6 R o u n dH n r . . . . . . . . . . _ . Q.5a/|640
Ani.dwac ... . . . . . 1 5 . 5 0 / $ 1 3 . 9 3
17-17 trcte$imal LMGS 1737 Regular c3/SLRBeEt
> Exceot wheF o$etui* indicaled, each Pack 17-rB Militia Crew r7,3n Rd;rhr LMC Beret
.onhrre 3 6srcs or pie!6 (or r vehiclelpn@d 17.19 HMCS U rs rda'"uer ..... ..... . A.L/&95
r .:... ... €1.39/$3.2s

Ba,Dg€ ,: Ancrica'r
EAITIERIGAII Negro, rro.k .st chegrng

civtl war, ISDD

"I uaflt
lou to charye those people!" 241
rnE rdee conbues ro srow Nohce $€ jollv
ueful p;ck of men PidrB Md besg rude d*
r6ed b dhdce rhedw,.Fr or YouramY"Ldro
p; wln tlh rmse we .d nG oltur our
;oln, Wd- ru16 rhee sPLt rhe Pl:tt8 de?
inb squar$, whicn ne@ no n€asurug c ne'd
ed ana the pl.v.r (d bk. the Pad of ' 8eneral
and .or ot ; ;ML r,ddlei cdmes usudut la(
iust Ndr d hour. Yo!donthavebre_basryour
iNDs be.ause d\. bde tiA ale not lhat .tu.iar' 2-70
fte n,l.s in lude orde6 ot battle ad tules ror Mounted olfficeE, conH
rhe off table pan ol tne batlle (i e whai tne rst of Cu. Crd in kePi, lddinA
d\. amv $ i,p ro ) Tle rcbt Yod cd se n rhe cm Crew in hat, l@ding
.l'oos ir" tr p,rt Mit(h€ll PainUnASerice Fot Cavarry Cotmdd, h.r
i.isley rs.odrnd), rer. 014134e1752 Thdk F@t Cavalry Conmnd, kePi

Rl6 'Lin.oln s W.l'ruls 254

Civilwa! . .... ..... .. e550/S1393 f0.40/sl0o
7.24 Mr r. ME. Lin.oln . . . . .
>E\ce where nd'.ared sch P&t .onDs a 229
heu6 u t'<6 (ror d\ ak, 4 ho66 md 4 n'r_
"irp"-air '' 8 1 3 5 /5 32 5
a h.Ee lmb.r. hal E]50/5135
,r hoM limber, repi €1 50/$3.35
cderals crdt, Sheman, Shende
Rebel Cenarars re, iaclson Stuait
Straw hat Zouar. Marching

TheExclusive Distributor for

PeterPig in NorthAmerica!
Streel,GardenCrcve'CA 92840 U.S.A.
Phone?14) 636_3580or useour24 hr' lax: (714)636-9150 Trade& Dealerlnquiries arc Welcome!
r2r88 Br..rhJrstStreet.
GardenGrove. CA 92840U.S.A.
Phonei r.1 1136
3580or useoLrr24 hourfax:(714)636-9150
a:..-',,-. .- r lcAr,r
iPMsli fAtl5PM
E.ila I : [email protected]'Brookhobby Trade & Dealer lnouiries are Welcome!

* *
(;!i,n.x, fligh.r! du,:0i ri:1r ( rnn,nirr€16r rP'.reLhiuL..l

WW I, 15m.m
:i -\ ,n\rr ir. Pd.tld hr 16r aor\i,rr: ilr s+nrui
t.. s h ! $ . r -r . r n t r o ! i l i r r . i
- i.. rrr 3:nr'S nLt.\ b.l.r
16F Fri rurd i,r.!r r!r.i
, : !1 i gir! rhir trrrl li+ nr
rrLgLin\1'.!ni \roui
!r Lrir5i 6i r6 i; flirundsJn,nLrrclnl
- - i. .,n!i dn'dP $P flirL.t
i irLr'sr
r6 ri 3d|:r,t! i9irKrtrPFr,uf TBl
B.ULd ci'.brnLe. r,1.if r\ rr rc Ennnr D!\anrntJ ci\iln
r6 ! fr!! h r hr{
i . iiu:re BrshinS. 1iftn
,:! iLr,/51r9rl (:tanDnlf';rbr Chr|!ln,s

> L.5. Dollar (5) pricesabove are availableonly through BROO(HURST HOBBIES to N. American custom€rc
31-36 Knightsdate Road
,.' r. I
"ltil'!C o \, wernourh
-'- )
fel/Fet: 013os 76o3a4

TELt01323738022 FAX:01323738032


More figur€s for our exciting AmericanCivil War rangethis month as well as anothergroup of evil looking Guerrillasto
harry rhe Frenchin Spainand Line Grcnadiersfor Napoleon\ Battalions
ACXI4 Crsualtyset.Threewalkingwounded
andtwo mencarryinga laddersectionwith a wounded
soldieron il.
ACX15 ConfederateCo'mod set.Two mountedofficeB on ho6es dd one disnounEd, with doDblebreNtedjackeis decoratedwiti
AusFio knots. Batdefield or aniltery co|mmd

ACX16 Union Commd set.Two mounteddd one dismoDntedotriceB d ACXI5, bul wilh single breastedjacketswith shouldertabs
md no loots on [email protected] or anille.y coImmd-

Eachset is t3.60 includitrg hqds. Justchoosewhich you wdt in the packfrcm Officer's Kepi, Otricer's Slouch,Soldier's Kepi, Slouch,
Bareheaded,Tenrcs@, Puff Ball or Hardee.Extra headsde also availableat 5Opper pack. .

Napoleooic Spanish Gu€rills to add to the ien previoDslyreledes.

SCI I GueEilla chargingwith musket,shin, waistcoat.bat with wide brin, mmo pouch
SG 2 CueEilla chargingcroucheddown with two pistols, in long lailed coal dd broadbrimed hat
SG 3 GueEilla chareing,holding sword,waistcoat, hai wilh culy brim
SG 4 Cuenilla standingnnng musketin shin, shoulderbelt wiih pouch,bdeheaded. NaDoleonicFoot
SG 5 Guenilla crouchingtuing nuskel long tailed coat.bdeheaded,raSgedtrouseB. Figurbs are 60p each
SG 6 Guenilla kneelingfuing musket.sho.rcoat.pouch,buttonedtrousers,cap
SG 7 Guerilla wonan adldcing shoutingand waving sword in a long drEssdd apron
SG 8 Guenilla woman adlancing with knife. blouse.trcusers,waist sdh, hair tied at the back
SG 9 Guenilla eomD waving banne.,long skirt, shon sword stuckthrcugh waist sash.
SG20 Priestin cass@kwaving bible and holding club
FR?0 Line Grenadieradvancing.shato with tall plume- Ievel musker
FR?I Line Grenadiermarchattack.bemkin
FR72 Line Grenadierat $e ready,bedskin
FR?3 Line Grenadierofficer advancing.sword on shoulder.be6kin. caDpai8nwed

ffi 1&S
Pl.€ snd lzm ($.00 EEc & Rst of th. world) lor dF tuny ilushre
$d vikiig slnt. Rcnahrs@, Tr@ rtlsk@B. FiEt*. Enskh Civilw6 encanwr or IndeFndmc., wdlinglo
N'poh'nc kncb.4 Abb.n\ Mpol.mic Nrv,l rsg., Aredco Civil wq Sud.n ( r 33Os3nd GornonR.lief Exp.lirion), Sudd Pad'jl. Srahe. Zulu ws.
ftis! risicn (Mmh or Di.)

6gn pnce ror ou Dns6 ls 6op ror r@l ed ellher q)p or ror ho'g
Pl.e $nd s shp€d eddirsd dr.lop. fo. uy pdicdr ELl* sh
P . & P r J K :l 0 % o f o q v a l u . u p t
EEC: 30% of oid6 valuc, niiifrun 12.50. RESTOF WORLD AIRMAIL: 50* of ordr vriue, minimun 13.50
\r,t.n .v.r p.sibte we chrAe .hc crult cc. of posbec.

we rcep! pr)m4t in c6h, p6bl ords, chequesout not p€non cheques6on ovesa ple&). EuMheqcs Td ail n$r cEdi' cads.
Orde6 aeivcd by rclcphoncwil nomauy b€ d.spdch.n wnhin 24 houF.

AMtrRICA: MINIATURE sERvIcE itr, CALFoRNI-\ 95993 TeL 916.6735169

AUSTMLL{: ESSEXMINIAIORES AUSTRALLA. 22 SydneyRcd, Homsbr Heishb. N.s.w' 2077 Tel, (o2) 177 6696 Fa 02 9417 1664
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GERMANY: CAMISFLEET Ros.n6l 12,90403.Nudh.rg. 9ll 553tr03
GREECE. MAMALI aIKISTIS. 7l}74 ZBlohou Pign. 106 3l. Tel 3346336.3.
ITALY: PANOPUA di LACOSTINI S.a.s.via Numidia L ml33 RomaT.l: 06 772 01012
SPAIN: Acd.l SA C-lPen6cdes5. 23023Mrdrid. Tel 5?4 9lt4 ,775

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lJ26sbd'4jedy.d'ld'd Li.'i inf.ry nffiw.rEste (S) MtrU\'WCRIDIT
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THE MOORS SPC? Utumoued highl wilh PCTI Picl acsbomd (2) LM Hignhd €nle (1) 12.80
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MoR2 Nubiansp€ma srqding SPC8 Ummouen knighl widi NORMANS LlV4 Paqkpony$ paniss(l)?5p
MORS Nubid spao6! pldd€d opm rael h.lrn NOMI Disnouled klighs
SPC9 Umftoued Knighr wilh
MOR4 Belhs sFimm adrocing NOMI MediM infasrry $IIPS, BL'ILDINGS &
MOR5 B€rhd spemm {atrding SPCI0 Amourd lqriShtwitb ,rccissoRlEs
MOR6 Bqbq sp€ma cbarSilg sMded l6thd gorgel NOMS Fmco-Fhni.h in&nta sc2 Vikins tnor (rEdi4 r6ei)
MORT Andlluion sp€ime Src l-10 contart of,eider dd me t22.04
htse and cd! tt.10. Nate: Srcl-3 NMCI Mouled kniSbl at qs SCI l,!ge tinb.r Faned IdBhoBe
MOR8 Ar&lusim *e ke lme/ignt 6 codet MlC6-e NMc2 Mouled kri8h wirh sFd !8 50 (!15.00 painted)
e.t rcyetat t9p;cateen Eurcpea SC4 tirSe wttle & drub dwelling
MOR9 Amourqt Aftlalsi!! NMC3 Mouled tnidt sii'ling s €8 50 (!15 00 pailred)
SC5 MediM vatl€ & linb€r
MORr0 [email protected]&Ume6 c) Tr'IKINGS NMC4 Mohledk ighl, ba!€-hanhn dwelling !7 (! 15p€'ntd)
{!r.l0l VIKI VikinS Colrmnd NMC5 UMmNed horsm. s SC6 t rge flint A slon€chuch t2l
MOR I I Modish stlndard b..r6 VlI<2 HsFrls alLcking SC? Wanlelace sdions (l),l.20
MORI2 Bd Ysefs BIa€kOurd vlKl Hsmrls (mdi,8 NMC6 Knldt chargingsidr SC8 l inbd $sltslvs (8) 12.20
Sc9 Tnbute/r.?di.g goods12 20
MORI3 Bm YusefsBlac\ cud V[(i Bondi adlacms NI,lc7 Knlsh striling o\d{ft sC l0 SnaUsiline r'6sel f8 50
VIK6 Bondr*1th BoNs SCll Viting raeon !2.50
MoR l4 Irmn ( I ) (I0 6t) vlKl MiC9 Mobted hon blorva sC 12 Medim slnle & linb.r
MORI5 Moonsh Aicbeis NMC l0 Moured st3.dlrd bard dwelling {6.i0 (! I I pdinred)
MOR16 M@ish Comnd v (3 NMC I I FaIm tniehs I3 00 sc 13 smll th'tched oul,building
N4RCI Berb6 holsM sirikDs v!(9 NMC t2 SquiE vidr @ehel loM t3 25 (!6.50 painted)
VIKIO Godi(2) a!.30 NMCt -10 @tdiMC I 2 containon. SC14 Stde & 6atcb dwelling !6 50
MRC2 Bdbdho6etrmu facF VIKI I ho6e plus nder an ! cot t1.10 erch.
\,'IKI2 SC15 A framebuilding 16 50
VIKI4 co ai. orelaot t anehd. rrs. SC16 Osbjdg sq-leloneship{25 00
MRC.I Bqbq h6€mn w VIKI5 PSNI Huld Hftdad4 King of SC17Rould shields(16)tl 20
VIKI6 sc t3 sbip rov€6 {12) with oor fiB
MRC5 Andlls'm Ullmou€rl VIKI? PSN2 lostie codwinsoa exiled (r2)16.00
hos@n w helm VIKI8 Eari of No.thmbria SCl9 a{sting lable,benoh6 and
MRC6 Arlalsiatr h()ls@d Willie the B8rad, D*e of
Bm.rg scile mow. \1Kt9 Vili.g lallo & wohd€d Nmand (nrd) SC20 | lu/120 mtuy sl@e keep
MRCT A!&lEis miled vl(lo PSN4 Bshop o(lo (mtd)
hosm w tnbanned PSNs Eusbe- Coul ofBoulolie sC2l PalingF€nc6 (D !1.00
MRC8 Ardalusim miled SAXI Sa\o.comand PsN6 Harold GodNinso[ (i!g of BAATLE PACKS
hors@ w fae-leil SAX2 Amoued dreSN
MRC9 Be.b6 nouled d.lllmer SAXr selecrFlrd m heLns PSNT Cytth Codwison, Earl of
MRCI0 Anihlunn Nobl@n SAX4 SeleotFtr.l n mps or BPla Olaf Til'gvesso's walband
\ IRCI - ! 0 containoneho4 e plas PSN8 Earl L@tuine Codrilrm
rider atd cost!1.44 eeh. SAX5 Fvrd q i& bo*s^l8gs PSN9 Ed*in, Elrl olMdcia BP4 Saxonshieldwall (36 infanlry)
SAX6 Ummouled ln€gB PSNIo Molsr o1,dk€rO, !{l of
THE SPANISH SAXT Alftei tho Gr6r & rtbh6 BP4a Alftd rheGr*r. shield$all
SPAI Spanishfootrdo adwncing SAX8 SaxonChienain(l) 65p PSN]I (36 nfantr.v)120.00
SPAI Spanishfoolno sranding SXCI Mout€d sa\o! tbeEl PSNI2 BP5 D*e w'llim s Rednue(24
SPAS Spanish@oqed f@l,am ANDI Anglo-Ddn'shItusca s rv'lh PSN2O infontry + l0 srlF + D*e
two-hrndedaxes PSN2I RodrigoDiaz del Bild - El
SPA.| spanishamoued footrnm c'd (rr 40) BP5r Nom. Car?lF (10 aqlq-d)
CELI Waftios skndln! CTVILIANS BP6 Cellic Warband(36 inla.t_1
CEL2 Wamo6 chllsnE + 4 €\d4 ) 125 00
sPcl CIv2 Shephqdsrnd steram BP7 Monsh Warband(56 rnfantr!)
CIv3 NoM wofte (5) a3.00 Lt2.A0
CELS Scols4nshcolmdd CM 'Romn Fi6r lnd afta&nr (2) BPTa RenY6efs Relinue
(59irfmtr\ + l0s\rl\_ +
SPCJ (r8ni Fl'n roil c@| corf 'Ba Yseo 145
CMCI MoEledsp*'mn BPTbMoodshC-alrv (10€wbl)
CMC2 Moured wdi@ NORSE MYTHOLOGY fl2.50
CMC3 Mohtclwnio. BP8 El Cidt R€tinue(24 inlanrv
Kn'eh Rith mail{et ard CMC4 Mour€d chietuin + 8 €valry + EICrd')I2500
PCTI WadioB oharging(4) LII'ESTOCK BP8aSFnishCa\rlrt (10@qlrJ-)
PCT2 Noblmfl sranding(2) LM Mem t nglm sbee?{6) 12 80 ft2 50
demiseof clan Mcbod- Someof Anguj menslepl in the poor viuage
Claidmhore! huls huddled in lhe shadow of their Laird s rower. preferring the
A Scottish Skirmish companyof their wivesor loosewomen.a small chmge fron $e rude

w companyof Red Angus dnd hn druil<en companions.A sentry wis

placedatopthe tower walls and the gatebded, Angus wd loo downy
a bird to be caught with hn plaid do*n. However, the night was
D.K llunt
bringing more ihan the promiseof cnlusidg dd the dticipation of
goodwhNb dd iood...rr qas aho,od.
SCENARTO The above story is the background I crealed specifically for a
''Too long. too lodg away" thoDghlLaird Alec Mcleod, fed keeping sknnish wargame using 25mm Ecw Scots Highlandersand
Covenantertroops from fry colleclion.
his wordsunspoken,N he dd the mer of his cla. huniedly madetheir
way back to their hornesand toeaJdsthe sinister8ey black billowing
smoke lbat rose ofrinously from the vauey abeadof them. Ar fte
mou$ of the glen rheir wo61 feds werc .ealised. Bumed crofts To wdgme tie aboveil *oDld be ideal to havea small bordercstle
snouldered all along $e sides of the valley, no movemenb were od a half dozen peasantdwellings to scatter rcund its bale (see
visible,just still foms, p€opleard beasBlyine in distortedbundles diagrm). Failin8 the availabilily of sucb a castle tben Tower
scaneredover the oncegreencarpetof the vallel. A raid haddestrcyed Mcspnidah could be repesnted by a keepmd palisadefence.Sucb
towers can be edily obtained from any of fte reeuld $enery
Mctcod hedd a b@ly snp€ssedgroan rise from the ranks of his manufacturersthal advenisein the wdgame! e altemaliveit
TrainedBmd. menof his clm. menwhosedevotion10him. rheirLaird, hay be possibleto consider theuseof colouredgming sheetssuchas
had led them away from their homes, south rc join the bdner of thoseprcducedby Standdd Cmes which de availableftom Keep
Montroseto fight for the English King. Men who had for more thd a Wdgming ed featureforests,villages.orchdds dd severalcastlesof
yee fougbt and Ddched thrcugh Scodandand fte bordes aiding
Monlroseh his victoriesandnow retuminghone in defealdd despair RedAngui mensbouldbe rep.esenledby cldsnen md amed wjth
after his fall. Gonenow werethe highlandclothesand wedpons,plaid. radidonal highldd weaponse.g. Swords,shields,bows dd 4es-
broadswo.d,tdge ud de to be replacedby more efficient killing The5evillains should numberbetween12 and 15 iiSures.tnrd
weapo.s. malchl@k musket and pikes, &len from de Covendrer Mcliod\ force shouldbe apprcximatelydoublelhal of his adversary
deadat a scoreof battlefieldsin the Lowlands far fron lheir kirk dd and cd be depictedamed with Datchlocks, half-pikesdd swords.
RedAngut nen shotrldbe split betweenlh€ hovelsand the bwer I D6
As they woDnd theii sorowtul joumey into the glen fte nen\ nunber could be dispesed belween lhe huts and $e remainder
thoughtshad startedto their own fmilies only to be broughtback to consideredto be cdousing in lhe casde.les of courF the soliLary
hdsh reality by the cries ol a wond md cbild. She called to one of gudd who will use a simple lD6 roll 1o dereminemy succestul
the men in lhe ranks. he dropped his musker dd m rowtuds her,
holding her at dms lenglh he sked her what bad happened.aho had
done this to he. The answer puDctuatedby sobs dd reds was FICURESAND RULES
whispercd with dread....Angus, Red Angus Mcspraidah . Mclpod.
chokedwilh eDotion. sworevengeance.RedAnguswas d outlaw dd wargaDe6 have then own opinions abour such Datlers and
a godiess man. tong overdue a repnned for his evil behaviour. consequendyI will only slatethat oy collection is madeup of 25lm
witness this day lo rape, piltage nnd murder Raiding md ils goly nguresftom lhe RedoubtEnterpnsesrmge ( whosesytemof sePdate
aJtermathwere 6 one b rhis foul heathenand his honr ofreckonins headsfor eachvdimt Dean! $at no two figms look atike ed for a
ws now apProactung. skimish gme this is ideal.)
Tired and wai wom a his men were,Mcleod had still more to ask
ofthem,theirnnswerftoDghhe wassDreot He raiseda glovedhand
to sten thebabbleofnoiserisingftomthe6nks. MenofMcleod.ou.
peoplemd homeshavebeencru€lly and cowddly trcated,ftey nDn
be alengedor we mustdie in the atlempt.we mdch on + +
the Towerof Mcspraidahin Clen Boll(rhy, Deaft beforeDishonour! ,t
From the throatsof his menihe answerwas rored a one voice. filled
with nge, the battle{ry 'Claidmhor€l t
Safely backin TowerMcspmidah, Red Angus was feeling satisfied
Nift hislasrnights work.Sippingwhisky1aken in tberardhereflected
''Mckod wasa fool to go SouthandfollowtheKing\ nd Monlrose.
awaytoo long, his fams and cattle npe for picking. old men, women l
andchildren.HalJuslwhatthe nilksop desedes.He'll neverretum:
Upon considenngthe simplicny of the nid he wonderedwhy he
hadnl don€i1before. He hatedfte piousMchod ad his cld. He and
hisnen hadIefl thenhir in GlenBollochyardawndd mde thenway
sil€ntly 10their neighbouN valley. the heafter on the floor of the glen
maskjng any noise ften morenenr nade. There. shortly affer first
lighl, they cised thei broadswordsdd tdges dd launched lheir
attack againstnee defencelessvillageG who we€ slain in their beds.
Thosewho tried 10resislod standagainstftese brigdds werebrulally
cul down,their crcfts bumedand ca le stolen."F@ls one md all'
laDghedRed AngDsdd all the liDe his bloody claynore crying ..'ll n lJ n
cnmsontea6 for the slain. U r J u
Oncesafelyensconcedback at fteir BlackTowe. a feastwd prcpde
with pillaged food to celebratefteir dark deeddd to eloat over lhe

saxot{ INFANiRY ( Hettuts}
POI Advmcinq shdldeed dfle
PO26 Cohmdd p&k Otfioq,Slandard

PO26c Cdmmd pmk 4 Ofrm,2 Honisis

PO17 Commod pek Oliics, Siandad WUFTEMAURG

PO6 Commarn pad( Offc€r, Slddad b@f & drummg

m7 Advanoingriflo ar sid€ PO19 AdEftinq shouldereddie

m3 Advancingrifls 45o
PO30 Cmnand pack OtlSceL
b€@ & dtunnq
PO30c C@mandpack 4 Oficee 2 honisls.
POlo Commmd pac*i Ofioa Slandad PO21 Ad@ciig dne 45o
PO22 Advmcinq tie roMd
PO11 F@t adillerymen(6 ps pml4
PO12 Hoe aninertms (6 ps pack) PO24 Fidng mding loMad



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Wargamesrules & booklets Fields of Glory. Scenarios for Shako f9.9s

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fight really big battles!) t7.95
conflict. Now in colour. C8.95
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Rapid Fire! Fastplay rulesfor WorldWartr
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Rapid tr'ire Second Supplement. Unit WesternBattles.ScenarioBook for F&F S9.95
Organisationsfor the RussianFront 1941.45 Battlesof theA.C.W.Vol 1. Scenarios 1861-62
( I I 2pp) by RichardMarsh (not specificto particularrules). c9.95
912.95 Revenge!Medievalrules(alsocoversieges
Rapid Fire First Supplement. & navalactions)by ToddFisher 912.95
Unit Organisationsfor North-WestEurope, Spearhead.WWII rulesby tuty Conliffe. 013.95
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GeKoku Jo Samurailargescaleskirmish P&PrUK: l07o(to a maximumof !3)
& smallactionrules. 16.00 Europe:207, (to a maximumof t5)
Shako.DivisionalLevelNaDoleonic rules From: Stratagem 18 Lovers Lane, Newark,
by Afty Conliffe C9,95 Notts NG24 lHZ (Visa/ Masterc.rd accepted)
be on their way jusl a! soons that infemal cloud cover lifts -
CLIMB EVERY IMOTMITAIN The panisd player divides his men into two Eroups,one depioyed
YUG'OSI-AVIA,1943 on the plareauand the other concealedin the wden of cavesotr-table
to the easr.Thesela e. emerfte table fron ihe eastemedgedring the
molenenl phaseof a pre ' determinedtum- The relative sizesof these
by groupsis up 1othe player,allhoDShif the plateauforce is 1oolmge mv
"rctreaf desiCnedto lue the Gemds into the jaws of the counFr '
Adam O'Brien
attackmigh! appearprecipitantand sDspicious.
The wd in Yugodavia was a brutal affair. compounded by lhe The slopes above the south westem road have been packed with
fraricidal horcls seenevennow in the fomer rcpublic. Exceses, to explosives dd can be detonatedat any point. Roll 1D6 ro assessthe
use a neutralterm, werecomined by all sides.Those perpe|aled by effects of the subsequent lddslide: 1,2,3 Road impasable lo
the Gemans can be panly explained.if dor the regultu\ vehiclesi infauy ald horse! nay pas in single file otrly' 4.5.6 - Road
ch@cteristic frustaiion wilh an elusive guerilla foei the grediose impassable to vehicles dd ho6es: infanFy may clamberover the rock
ha]mer blows pldned by the Wehmrht dd the SS were freqnently pile ar half their nomal movement rale.
confoundedby lhe unexpectedresilienceof their iregulm enemy ad lnfantry, hoses and trucks caught in the landslidede autodaticallv
fte hdshnes of the temin which sheltered them. destrcyed, while Hdomags and Slucs tako lD6 hits as from heavv
The fouowing scendio pits an overconfident colum of SS aeainst anillery. The landslide counts as equalling bunker slrength if the
a remoteplateaDheld by conrmuni$ panisas. The acdon hingeson Gemds attempt to bldl thei! way through.
the nme it ta,kesfor the Gemans rc realisejust how seriouslytheyhave
misjudgedlhe situation. FORCES
I ve teft tne mount of figures on the ground up 1o lhe individual
BRIEFINGS ganer's budgersincethe scenanoshouldguaranteea close run lhing
whateverthe sp&ific numberof foops deployed
The plateauis in sight. bul the arrociousterain hd disruPted yout Oncetheir counter atlackis launched.the Panisds shouldpossess
commdd to the extent ftar a coo.dinatedallack will be impossible sDfficientnumbe6 dd equipmenrb give the enefry's infantry a very
wiftoDt regrouping.Nevenheles, your orden de exPlicit engagelhe bloody nose:allow MMG s, seredl light morta6 ,nd a modestlysized
infdtry cavalry
enemy before he can disperse.This neans $ai yoD will have to ger ati tank gun.The Gemu cotumncontainsmolntain
your men onto fte battlefield as qDickly as possible,evenif it Deans and assault gun elements dra{n from the 7th SS Freiwilligen
Division "Priu Eugen'.This divisionta! fomed frcm
deploying them in lenny packetsto slart with. lntelliSence rePorts Gebiresjage.
indicate ftat the panlsos tre uddeFequiPped,poorly trained md volkideutsche(et\aic Gemds living outside the Reich) and
licKng their wounds aier a senesof reveBes:they are unlikely to raisedspecifically fo. fightjngpanisans.
stdd md fight and thusyour mission\ inpenlive is to obl'ge lhem ro
"interogation ftar rhe welcone to fte pleasDlerperience ofbeing spoihfor choice.My
A capturedChetnik scouthasrevealedunder
personal €comDendation hasro betheBriianniaMiniatures caElogue
enemy colum grinding towardsyour posidon has lost much of its
whichinclDdes soDesuperladve SScavalrl(wift hose d.awnsupport
cohesionand will be unableto launchconcenedattacksfor somelime.
vehicles) N weu as mounlaininfmq' and panisds
You pld is simple: l,rre as mmy Gernans onto the plateauas yoD
So thercyou haveit - somensty surPrisesfor fte Germus. and an
think pncticable and Oen, when you havebitien otr all you can chew,
ignominious rctreat in store for the partisans if they launch their
block the enemyt one tine of retreatmd launclryou counter_attack
lddslide and counte.attack with anything les than perfect timing.
Victory conditionsaE alwaysgoing to be fluid in lhis son of gmq so
THE PLATEAU (Seemap.) fte delicaEissueof dsessingvicto6 and vequishedto
I'll delegate
fte Solomon-likewisdomof eachunpiie.
The table edges rep!€sent fte bounds of fte plateau. with the
suftoDndingmountainscodsidercdiDpdsable for the 8ame.Panisds
nay leave fton the plateau\ eastemedge lo shelter in the off-lable
cales ( seebelow) bu1may not retum. Vehicles,ho6es atrd Gernm
infanry may only enler and leavethe plateaualong the south westem

The Geman player is obliSed to deploy his men in the order ihey
haveadoptedon the approachmarch.His tmps are only avaiiableiD
waves,eachone s€ning Dptbe south-westemroad on a lcore of 4. 5
or 6 on lD6 rolled at the beginningof ihe tum.
The fist *ave enle6 tie table aDtomancally.with the othe6
following (when allowedto do so by the dice) in snict sequence

Iirst wave Mountain intanry
secondwave Cavalry
third wave Ho6e ilrawn none caris
fouth wave - Loried infantry
frfth waye HanomagpeBonnelcaniers
sixth wave StuGllll
No an support is available.allhough it might be kinder to let fte
Germanplayer rcll somespunoDsdice and believethar the Stuka will

1n.r, rair*bll. rw:y rreh our S.murai rabg. r. tholgbr ii b.j ro g.l
b:.k ro our 'eGsrh J.n8dn...^r iive or rouden n* tstasa
Eillb.J!:ilahr. ror rhe liBr rin. ri: rhs 'r cnu9{Df.9a
(:l4rh Jdr.ry I eeg or bt E
ord.r ifFn ..,1 hir_
3rd - 4tb OCTOBERl99a
\1t-' '- a'
Hatuboto cohbander, qnns tltrbaori
qrh fish. uil crec, irnding*iia ft$ hqd.d yrn. ftfonfrqFfudn&oftdr
(UaenronCDonks Period Rul6 S€1.
sam ?2 clhrSibg with No - Dashi.bove h€ad.

,1SnlqaRU I
Sam7t Mv.ncinr;rh Bised Katam. b.rch€.d.d. wRc7llEd
S:m 76 Runninsidth y:ri atrhe ira,t. bub€.d.d. I
s.n 77 RunnlnEsirh N.g'nrb rr rha ha , bJFhad€d. N@Ldc t5nfr
P.d,oI5 @ tt.4n, pa.t5oJro @ to% pat?

IL lfiii !iln& k Dn|.Nt*tn h{dtrid. i rd |t.E llrj. Ir.d. tdi! n ttc])

trll&ituth*6db0* urdr9t{10-({h.d!.ftrtagl!0bar46[l hdt
r-jddIrrb'.r I I{n f ,! .d &!.o.n'tdd ' t0Jllsl,It{d6d CLOSING DATE FORALL PERIODS30tb M!rch l99a
@@li*,ilr,ifr1*$,#,. FEES 17.00p.rl.drvrrrurr t2r,0o Fr |tm oarbe

l'k !4 &48 14&

M \ - ' / s € V M M I N I A T V R € SI 5 M M
1 7H I L D f R T H O R P €
R O A D ,E K I D L I N C T O NY- O I S] A Y - vK. r€LlfAx ot 262 67042r

25o/"Off 130Bc -205BC. 32.00

Through 5l BC _r0 BC.


ou cen take oft 2sY.atrt

gures .trd full,rmyl,ar/c

lckr throught the month
This is just a small sel€ctionof figures, equipmentatrd army packsthat are listed in our crtalogue
It23r4 Hrr LrNrSTta
c a r a l o g ui.r c P o ( r g e tt.!5!11.r',T H .rMsn. + sa\
.'slDrrc HFUNs nc AcHara{
!.aoII,/rr poLlTL{\Ros\
AtrtnFi' r,.00I|r$ AnALIDPLR!sr\l
c.rdr Msr€r cb$9. !lrR! bER MActDoNraN


Yes,IhM the TankEryire hzadsfor nE far-Jlln| sidiaewhet Derb wa.sM Ctublea th.i, Rassi,'. Ciyil wat sM. Atuweat
ttuins ptutl th. tabletop- R6siM be@sat giuliest! - ondplent! of plaa* dw overheadlikz aq.t hatuE. Mwwhib, Snun PdrLin's
wtJ. eand26 nE ho6e,le@ing nuddrlootpring a^dwoilits "Wlut s happ.Md kJ n! doonat?! (It s bed tude.I irto a R6sia conf.U
.Lar!) I suw@tewe h@e to blarE B.& B- Minidturet thosewetd guls fon H'& eho decrk l to btirq olt a 20M R6slu Civilwtu @ge -
f8uft' flags oad tle obligatory amured ttuit Bn tenoqb thoseofyou wha ye sen th. scellatt BM put dot MiAbtilr showsow th.
pastJ4 tets bt the Deftt club \'ill bbw that thet'rc tdnd tetters mthzr ih6 tfti6poiers!
Will b€ held in the l*rger n€w vilagc hall CromwellMiniatures
from 10.004mon Sunday,8 F€bruary 1998 Comoisseurquality 25mm armies(any
Tfrd€rs, Bring and Buy, period)andexpertlypaintedl5mm armies
Ten lst classdcmonstratiotrs atrd home catering. (Ancientsonly) wantedand for sale.
Off lhe A359 Yeoviysparkford Roed SAE to: Cromwell Miniatures,
CONIACT JOHN TTJCKEYON: Flat 72, RiversideOne,HesterRoad,
01935-840537 LondonSWll 4AN.
fiequenlly thd the line battalions.I rate tbem as secondate intanry.
NEW LISTS FOR STIAKO but with the oprion 1obe deployed6 Skinishe6 at the beginningof
The cavalry if dything is wo6e. Throughourlhe Peninsuld we I
Paul Kitcber w6 not unusualfor reSimetrtsto field as few s 80 90 men,chronic
shortag€sof good ho6es being a significant considendon.That said
INTRODUCTION someunits lerformed well in individual aclions,notably fte DraSoon
RegimentDel Rey at Talavem.CavalryfomanoDsoften weremadeup
Over lhe lasl few monlhs the lford club has rediscovered the of a hotch potch of squadronsFenFh fomations drawn ftom threeor
Napoleonic period using AJty codifre s snak rules. These have four rcgiments.They did havetheir monents lhotrgh (s ar Talavera)
provedlo be a s[nnladng vdiation on the timple singledie .ol]' geft and it is possiblethar fte odd unit could rnte a decentslatus.Later in
of rules wift interestingcommdd. morale dd fighting mechanisns- the we new ligbt cavalry egiments ( roughly eqDivaientto
As a mainly DBM player I found it relatively easy to .e-aalaprto light dragoont were also fomed, again these could be nted as
playing Napoleonicswilh laclics I rememberedfton my teens(andthe regutds.Thebaldce is.I m afraid,at bestsecond e.
long-sold/nuch missed25no miet. The rules work efiectively to The Span*h also raised a plethoo of Mililia units, plus the
give a gme ptayablein an aftemoon,ed havepotentialto be adapEd Guerilas. I have assuned that some of the iregular units could be
for someealy colonial banles(in India for example)or the AWL included on the battlefield, wirh the mountedguerillas perfoming a
Having beenbinen againby the Napoleonics bug' I sbned to look function nor unlike that of cossacks.I mte the mililias as uNliable.
thrcughthe l5nm fiems I ownedfld found I coutd(just) field Brilish The guerilla calaty units, althoughrating a! umliable. cd dismount
and Frencb pick up' mies. However. looking nore closely, I in difficuh temin dd fight d skimishen. Unlike regDld skimisheB
rediscoveredthe Bavdims I bought on that bnng dd bDy yeffs ago howevertheyrequireonly two hil! lo be eliminated.This would reflect
(npidly rebased)ed then discoveredanong ihe small mountain of lhe considenblenuisuce they r€presenledto the French.
unpaintedfigures Old Glory Saxons{an inpulse bDy at the SELWG Tactically the Spflish @ a linear fornalion amt
show). I npidly moved the SuoDs to tie parntinglable dd mothe. I havessumed that on @csion lhe Britlsh / Portuguesemighl well
nice lilde allied connngentfor the Frcnchbeganto trLe shape.Monlhs prolide a contingent to fight alongside fte Spmidds md have
passed.the Sdons beSd to look like a little army in fteir own right rcflectedthisin thebonussetections.
ften at ou own show I found somebatteredItalian inlantry in a box. I'II! suft that myone who hasthe patiencero paint enoughSpaniards
Close dmination (dd d iftsisnbly low pnce) showedihey were ro do ftis amy will get hours of fun iom tbem (or at le6! tbeA
sahageabledd ihey werc addedto the colt€ction.
My thoughtsthentumed to ihe idea of (perhapt building Oeseunirs
up - maybe as an indep€ndentamy. with the idea of fighting some SPAIN
muchloved what if scenarios.It'sarthis poinlthat the S/rdt 'pick up
lists begin to fail. They cover de najor playeG Frdce, Britain, bfaDtry 1800-1809 1E09-lEt2 r8B-1815
Russi4 Austria, Prusia, dd evenTurkey - nicely providing a roDghly Line infdq 4 6 1 0
Corps sizedforce. But looking cloFly at say Bavna. Sdony, or fte secondrate infetry l:l 13 10
llalim Stalesthesecould (or did) field Corpssizedfotes in then ovn Uneliablelnfdtry+ 8 5
right. Add a few allied troops and you're away with someinteresnng Lighr Infdry+ 4 5 6

There follows a set of amy lhts which I've assembledusinS the CavalrJ
orden of baiile frcm tbe Men at-Ams series,aided md abelled by I I
reseaJchftom colleaSDesal lford. (Rob Taylor and lan Robens 1 I
desere Danicularmentionhere). 2 3
IrreSule Cavalf 2 2
I've almost b@r dreading writing rhis pamculd p8n, s this is l:30 1:15 l:l5
probably lhe nost seroiuslycrap ady of the period, likely lo get a l:30 lr30 l:30
seriousdrubbing evetrftom the lowly Neapoliles. That said. duing
the edly part of the PednsDld war up to three Spanishamies werc Special
kept in the field for si8trificmt pe.iods of time, and scored some . Line infanEl ro 1809@ foreign Dnitsin Spanishemploy,and
successes - noiably at Baylen. The spaniardsalso inproved steadily
guards.After I 809 these6ay be Brinsh tuinedunifomed reSulm
under British influence, particuldly towardsthe end of the period d
mo€ British tcined units becane available. The lisl is ihercforc
divided into the periods: edly (dieadfrl), middle (bad). md late ( . Second6re rnlury m (dddd Spmishline unit:
atmostO.K.). :Ihe best thing rhat cm be said about the eely amy is . Utreliable infantry de town frilidas, usually poody train€ddd
ftar to sbnd any chmce you get a sod of a lot of it, dd assuchI have oflen without uniforns. Up to half of theseunits may be deployed
incrcasedthe pick up amy to 36 uniis insteadof the stardard30. asskimisheB rcprcsenringguerillas who havetempordily
The lmy is divided into four infdtry types:Gudds, who apped in decidedto 6sist the field amy.
small numbeF in alt of the ordeB of batde I cu fitrd: Foreign
. Up to l8l2 light infutry fight as secondnle line if dePloyediD
regiments(Irish. Neapolitansand Swiss)rLine re8imetrts;and Light
closeordea otheMise asskimishers. After l8l2 they may be
units. The gu&ds and foreiCnserviceunils were reasonableud I rate
tbem d regul6, tleir performance under Beresford at AlbueE
jDstifies this. Line infmtry units were generally badly trained od . hegutd cavalry are guerillas. They fight mountedar secondrate
appallinglyofficered.At b€stthey count as secondrate dd somemay cavalf, but nay disnount as skimisheB in difficult tenain.
be of only militia standardandcouldEte a 'qmLable'. Again I could . No :my gunsauowed.
cite perfoMce of sone line units al Albuen wheE they simply
. Linear doctrineamy-
refDsedto advdce- The light infutry were quite reenable, dd for
someredor tendedto havetheir battalionskepl up to strer8tb more . Skimishe. ratio - 1;6
1800- 1809 lElo - lE12 - 18rs
l TSRrlLi:1SRc 55R:1Reg: lSRc 45Ri2RegrlDr
2lDr:lSRC:4SR 3SR;zRegjSRc lSRq2SR;3Re8
3 IH!s:2Reg:2SR I Husi2Reg; ISR:1Li lHus:3Reg;1Li
4 5Ree:lLirlliDr 5Reg;lLi;1LtDr 5Reg;lLi: lLtDr
5lHus:4SRc 2Hus;4SRc 2SR;zHDsi2SRc
6 6utri3lircav 4utrizlrlcav;3SR 2SRc;4SR

Sdony had a smaUdd fairly effcienr amy a. the time that it became
embroiled in the Napoleonic wars. Irs itrfdry establishmentw4
twelve Lin€ regimenrs (2 bns each) dd two cudds regiments
(including one of Swiss).The nine {iont line cavalry unitJ were four
Cuirasier, four ChevauIrgen and otreHusa. tn rhe field addirioml
infanry battalions were oftetr created by removing grenadier
companiesftom line banaliom dd consolidatingthes inro a single
unit. Orde6 of batrle I have s@n to dare su8tgst that the s€nior
regimentslendedto rctain their greoadiersso rhe mdimum nunb€r of CALL TO ARMS
grenadierunits I haveatlowedin the list is four atrhoughin thory i! Newbury& Rgading
coDldhavebeeneised to six. WargamesSociety's
Supportingthe mainltreamreginents w@ Foorand HoBe AJtillery Popular Open Day
units, althoud edly in rhe p€riod the Sdons stiU mintained ihe 21si February1998
systemof usingbatr.lion guns(usuany4 pdrs).Thrcughoutthe Sdons NewburyTechnicalCollege'l0.3oam-5.3opm
app€arto have had quit€ a high propodion of artillery available ro Wargames Competitions- Ancients,DarkAges
lhen, for exmple evenat kipzi8 (wben anillery was at a premium Medieval/Renaissance,
Pike& Shot,Napoleonic,
following the Russid disdler) the Sdon corps had 38 guns (6 or 7 ACW (Fire& Fury).n/Wll
Demonstration & Participation
Tacticald@trine up ro 1812would havebeentine& in concept,but tulanytrade stands
in tater cupaigns senior (corps) commandeB dd often infanFy
TradeenquinEb Royc Boss,ElmFam,Hdkedon,Wi[sSN69SZ
otrceB tendedto b€ French,!o I would €x!@r 'flenbb' docEircs to Compelilions
& otherenquiiesto ChnsSmnh,I Blamwett
be adopled. N.B. Flenbb doctrine in the S/dt rul€s allows flant Thatcham, BqkshireRG134FZOd 01635861398)
supportto b€ givetrby infantry unirsin colum to othe. infstrf unih.
Lineal tactics mies do not @eive this bonus-Morat of the srory if
yon havea lined tactics amy: don'r ger canghtin cotum!
You ihus haved amy which catrfield a g@d sizedCorpsdsuming
vinDally all of the :my is ailable. For banlesof largersize yoDwitl
r@d 1o add on allies: Prussiansup to 1805,French or Wesrphalids
from 1806- 1813.Ihaveincludedlheseopnonsin iraticsin the list.

IDfantry tE{xt- tE06 lE07- 1809 lE09- 1812

Elite Infmtry 2 2 2

t7 tl 15

LighrInfanEy+ 2 12th & 13th SEPrEMBER 10.30am-5.30pm

ancisb isni'v or AEr.6 snj6td)
HDsds I l 1 tud &63 ( Da'r Ass sc6ry sh'd o
Pirl & shor {Parzn Prcs sbddl
NaFr€odc (N@rsi. A$@iaion shisrd)
r s cantu'y icdkd6cra H do'id sd6ry shi.rd)
ArtillerJ woid wu n (Ndruy Ru6 sh sld)
acw - lFic & Fud Rd6)
l:8 1:8 l:8 IOTS OF PRIZES
l:24 l:24 1t24
SpEial Don't mtss you pl,.e, get you dtry id @ty
. *ChevaD trge6 up to t8t0,tl, Uhtansfton l8l1/12.
. #Crenadies are consolidatedgrenadierbarhlions using grenadier aFr@60ffi'dr@Pry&dpf
compdies tiom someinfmtry batta,lioDs. MASSIIIETRADDFAIR . DRING & BT'Y STAI
. +1809 until l8l0 refom! representsconsolidaredjaeger banatiotrs,
afterl8l0 independenr jaegerban2lions.
Trade{quin6 io: RoyG B@, ElmFam,Hank€non,
. F@t gunsnust be aU@ated to infdtry brigades,rcpe*ding anached All @mp€lhlonand displaygd€ dquiiF 1o:ChrisSmith
batteries,oneper brigade.Ho6e Anillery baneryis m my gun. A B€mw€llCl@, Tnabham.Erie*shiGRG134FZ {T€t:01635361393)
(coDtinues on page 24) or on htmet numbff 10063.626@cmpuseNa@n
Four shotsof soM ofPeter Morbet\fw 2SmNapoLonic collectim. Seenheredre Frq.hrs RusJjas. Pet - ds @st oftou prubobtyInoir
is theptuprietor @d desie^er of Elite Miniaturcs so ^o pnzesfor Swssing ehat nak thefsures arc! Not cdtdt with designingthef?ures
Peteabo painte.l Mny ofthea, on l Mde the teftain blocksond the trees. obtiousl, on theseventh.!d!he rested"becausethe buiainls ere
rcddypainteAfton lIovels. PeteRoyb and S.dn B.yatt oJMetal Mercendnespainted the rcst of thef4ures. The rulesin usetue obyio$ty 'tn
thz Gru Mune. Mr Motbet is a[|er all ie nandar.l beaw for the oLl Peter GiAe, trhtul of desi'ning Md ganinS! So here's to a pM.
|9ithJlair! (Not Blai r! )
. Sdon infanry bngades4-8 batt.Iiors stroDg.Saxoncavalry WARRIOR MINIATURES
Brigades3 5 units. Maximum numberof Sdon bngadesis six. 14 Tiverton Aveme, GlasgowG329NX Scotl.nd
. SkimisheB l:8 untit 1809,ofrer that period the consolidaBd New Caralogneft.50 plus a iahped addPrs€d.NeloPt.
Jaeger/Llbattalionsare usedinstead.Thesemay deploy a Pha* sbte inreEb lor smph, 24hous aNPryhonq 0l4r'7733,126.we a@pi ltua,
skimisheB or line units. Vdtethaneeh Mail oidn onlt
15nn TLMIEi - ONL! B.gSpl6 Ai rori Chmq fioh Fm.h tr Bniish Napolsic,
. kior to 1809Dw lined doctrine,wilh allied 'delays'for order RomansECw Roy:bt or PdlindbnaD ACW Nodi md s.uth, lStI Gntury, Colmi:l
tnnsnissioni 1809on flexibte docEne, Frenchcomand sFuctuie Zuls andBnblh Fmbsy Cn d tr Evil md SkelebN. Mininun of 100lee in eacn:ny
(atlowedflank mdches).
. Allies:1800- 1806Pll$sim, 1806- l8 13French,1809westphalians 25rr N,{POLIOMC, i]ldf,S - ONIYt17,9ttfust]0aton l00 PiG, Bndsh,FFno\
(**), 1814- 1815Ftussian Pru$ia Rlsaq ,AEhim, Spmish.
tsndARMiES ONLYt24.9t pl6 t'350pot,100 r'le' CRlq Romd, Pe6ian,Ttffi:n,
Miedonian, Nofla S:nu4 Mmgolt Lantknfthb, M.dievrlt AC$ Noni andSouth
. Alies mustfom their own divisions- 25n^DBAAPJ',I.S rRoM fir.31,, ovd,l0 L.h@* rmm
'JdkECUPjS IRoM Ep,15iiFROMi0r'- All Mde 6m bP quality alloy Also
BONUS SELECTIONS 20rnr Spmish cjvn Wa Mehan and Modem USA Extensivel5Fm Coloniai and
lE00-lEl0 lE11-lEt2
I I El,4 Reg,lcbl I 4 Reg,luhl, I cuir
2 4 Reg.l.Hus.I Cu 2 6 Reg
3 5 rcg. ll-i, lchl-g 3 4 Reg,2Li C H E L I F E RB O O K S
4 4 rcg.zLi** 4 2 Ctir,2Dr.zLc MikeSmith
5 2Cuir2Dr,2t 5 6 Reg Todd Close,Curthwaite,wigton, Cumbria
Like Sdonx Bavdia had an amy of aboutCorps size and oi several Boughtand Sold Sendsaefor catalogue
occsions supplieda Corpsfor the Frcncb.Any eslablishmenrw6 of
I | ' l2 line rcBiments.eachof 2 bns,dd 6 7 battalionsof light infdiry
whosetacricalrcle was similar to Frenchlf,ger r€giments,Battalions Spsial
werc orguised along similar lines to Frerch, wilh 6 conpeies . Bavdian foot anillery mustbe attachedlo tnJmtry Divisions. except
including a skimisher and grcnadiercompey. for the Heavy battery which may be usedal d amy 8un.
Id rhe etuly pan of the NapoleonicWds six cavalf €giDenb were . Priorto l8l0 Bavand orgfisationws I Cavalry:l LiShtInfantryl
mainlaiftd; initlally two Dragoon (which were convenedto chevau 4 Line bns.The pick up amy prior to l8l0 mult be orgmised along
kge6 in l8l0) and fou Chevautrge6. A sevenlh mii (also of theselines, md ma) havea ndimum of 6 bngadesof this type
ChevauLege6 wasmisedin l8l3 ud the lotal nunber ofcavalry Dnits (or3 divisiont. Raiioof ll-ight:4 Linemustbe mainBinedin
6se ashigh as 14 (on paper)by 1815,witb mostof lhe new unib being infantrydivisions$ioughoul.
raisedalter 1813.Th€ n€wly establishedunits includedtwo Cuiassie6 . 1 skimisher ned per 4 infantry unns.Light units may be deployed
(1815),a lancerunit (1813),two Hussd unils (1815)and rddwebr
Hussds. In the interim belween tbe retum fron Rtrsia md lhe . Ater l8l0 cavalry may not be attachedto infetry units and nusl
reor8anisalion dunng 1814.muy of the lnirs wonld have been fom brigadeswith a minimum of two units and a maximumof four
severclyunder strength.or poorly tnined. I have reflectedthis in the . 2nd rate infdtry 1812rep.esentLandwehJmd under strengthLine
list by regradingunits as secondrate.
Anillery consistedof foot and hoae batteries,mosdy 6 or 8 p.lrs, . 2nd rate cavalry reprcsentDnderstrengthchevauleSerunits and
alrhoughtherewere also somel2pdrs nvailableas d amy reseNe.
Tactical doclrine is less easy to deteoide the Sdo.. although l80l-1813
. Alliesin italicsGeeSrato tulet, l80OAustrians,
silen fte ltuge number of skimisheB available I favour allowing French,i8l4-15 Austids. Alliesnust be fomed inlo lheir owtr
Bavtuids to use 'flexible docEineriSht ftom tbe nan of fte period.
Cenainlyduringthecampaigns of 1809dd 1812thiswouldhaveb@n
the case.Given the similanry to French h nany resp€ct! ( althoDgh
they obviously had a nuch smaUer amy) this males qdte d lE00 r80r-18r0
inleresting opponent, pdticularly for Frerchl S4ony vs Bavdim i.4 Reg;zli 1.4Reg2 i Li
(with say Prussio and Austrian allies rcspectively)might atso make 2.5 Reg;lcz; lcl 2-6R€gi2Li
for a nther inter€stitrggame. 3-3 Regr2 Oz;lDr: luh 3 . 4 R e g iI L i i I H D :l c h
4.4 Ree:lGr;lJg 4, 3 Reg;I Lii lcr; lDr
IrldtrJ 1800-1E101810-18121813 1E14 lEl5 5.3Reg:lcri lDr: lcr 5.3Cr:3D.
Gued 2 2
Line Infanry 20 ?o l0 l0 10 l8l1-1812 1E13(Dt Leipzig)
1 0 8 8 1.4 Regi2 Li 1 . 6 S R it l - a
Light IDfanEy 5 5 5 5 5 2.6 Regi2 Li 2. 3 Regi3SR;2Li: ll-a
3. 3 Regi2 Lir IHD:ll-a 3.3 Regi2SR;I Li: lHui lch
Cavalry :1.2 Reg;2 Eli ll-i: lch 4 . 3 R e g :l S R ; 2 S R c
5.3Cri3 D. 5 . 2 R e g : 2 S R ; 2 c r2tD r
3 3
2 2 I After Leipzis 18t4-1E15
l.4 SR;2Li:ll-a 1.4 Regi2Li: ll-a
Artilery 1800-1E10 r8r0-r8r2 1813 1E14 lSls 2. I GHc:2src:3SR 2. 1 GHc: lcr; lsrci 2HD
F o o fG u n s l:10 l;10 1:12 1tl2 l)2 3.4 Reg:2SRrlcz: lDr 3-4 Reg:2Sr:lczr lDr
HorseGuns 1:24 l:24 1:3O 1:24 l.Z4 4-4 Regi2SRiUg; luh 4 . 4 R e g : 2 S RUi g : l u h
Healy BatDries 1:24 t:24 1124 1.24 5.2Reg:2SRi lcz:zcr:lcl 5 . 2 R e g : 2 S Rl ;c z : 2 C r : l c l


tftetsunkg 66#l
+"t"K!:i ?*
Archaeologr at its best!
xBwFon'ga-il'' ' amidst the resting places
Dig to victory
ELCID:BeatcharltonHesron what ooord;yor wdr? Of the Ph'aiaOhS!
rOlrVFlOl'? AT mn BS?9NE I Sh@l out n lhe iaroest trun n lhe @sl
PIc oldjaLountes . -CUNSOF NAIERONE- Winna oJrBestPdai.iparion gme ShefieLl Tnpples 1997 . "rhe BORGGAME", : rHE
oN REgIJEST lto.riblc ofEycnts lo.uJam Eatue comences l0.00an BatdeCom€nces
Alday 7.30pn Dlnne. follovedb! srtuday 12.00- 1.00pmLuncb Suld8y t2.OO LOOpfrLunch
6.00pn. Dinne..lollotrtd bt last moves 4.00pn Gme Completlon
ONLY 31l5,OO per person - Full Boatd GROIJPDISCOIJNTSII 2 playefs,only !95 each
Ask abou t ou r Even ings { i hrn.a"uor tro'ded -. r 'o 3 players. only f,8i eacb
unly speclals! hishqualu. radiiional/vesetanan.
E.grishBed& Breakfasr
4 players, only 465 each
Fot furthcr detalls of each evert a.od a complcte tlmctable plea6c 6erd a s.s.c, to
Shau! MclsugltliD, 7 Bramble Dene, Woodthorpe, York YO2 2RL Telephone (Of9O4) 705399

4t' & SundaySthApril'98
DOORSOPEN 10;00am-5:30pm - S:OOpm
Saturday 1O:Ooam Sunda,

t 3.00 ,NDERl6&oA
EP2s . 0 0

r.l..L.l..l'.-..-. .-, .-, .-, .1. .-, .1, .1. .-, L .l' A. .l' L r
lsmm or 1/100'A very popul{ scale.This scalehasthe advdiage.
Starting Wargaming? if money\ no object, of being compatiblewith a ldge rdge of model
20tm or rt6 scale(OO/HO in Airtu-speak) - Once fte domain
Peter Tanner of ptastic figures by Esci, Revell.Airfix etc. this s$le soon sPreadto
metalfiguresin the morenodem periods.I'm not sur€why, bDtbelieve
INTRODUCTION rhat il must havebeenconnectedwith the ability lo usethe nultitude
of plastic vehiclekils available.wihess the exposion of thesein resin
There hs beena clamow. albeit a small one. for articles suitablefor or meul. bDtstill in 20tm. Recendyftere hd ben a growlh in other
the newcomer,so here is the firsl of fou. Within the four articles I periodsavailable.I'm no userof thesenon-lnodemfigurcs, but would
intend to cover the main consitnenE of a eme: namely figures. saythat unle$ fte figms complementthe exjsdngpldtic fi8urcs then
scenery,rulesatrd scendios. dy manufactureris onm a hiding to nothing.Again, rhi{ scalehasthe
Like him or hatehim (it seeDsto b€ aboul50:50) Mike Sigginswd advantage,if moDey\ no obje! of beingcoDpatiblewiih a hugemee
at lest hotrestup-fonl so here is a brief sumary of my confessions: of modelmilway equipment-
I've beenwargming for 25 yeds. I think Wdgdes Foundryprcduce 25nm - This scalews onceall that therewas in metzl.At this time
brillift figlres, but so do a lor of other ndufact@B dd I despise 25lm m@t 25lm. Now 25mm figES vary fron 25mm tall to about
comp€tilion gmes dd 8mers- Thafs eDoughof ftat. On with my 35mm. Wher buying lion nore than one mdufacturcr be careful.
introduction to wmgming which will be very personal. If you've Solne25nm ligws simply don l fil with ofter 25'm figures.Scenery
coments to makethenpleasef@l free to do so.l'm surc the editorcm will haveto be almosl exclusivelyscFtch-buill or mdDfacturcd by a
ne\erha\€l@ muy.onribution( tor thelene^ page. wugames conpmy asthis scalehasnow just mpt out of the @ge of

Part I - Figures 30tm These were the onginal wdgmes fi8urcs. They aJe
probablycollector's items now.Avarlableonly in llastic it looked like
L€fs run down mostthings that a newcomerlo wargamingwill n@dto rhen day had come.Howevermoy of loday\ 25tm figur€s are tully
compadblewith yesierdayt 30'm figures md so they've a new Iease
of life if you don't mind the rclarivelack of detail on the plasticfigures.
FIGURE SIZES I'm not surethat myone could start to collet a 30tm amy today if
they wanredto. (At least,not one sold as 30mm dyway.)
Back in the old days the quoted size of a ngue mmt something. 40 or 42mm - The newestfigure size. Probablythesetwo sizesre
Now ir doesnl. I long for the day when a waJgmer sues a compatible.who cms? I fail to seewhat wargamingDsethey've
manufacnEr, even Wdgmes Foundry under the tradesdescriptior 54nn or 182 - This scaleis the old toy soldier siz€.Apan ftom in
act. The quoted size of a figure (25m, l5tm elc.) used to b€ lhe America. where you seen lo ger all sorts. it s fair to say ftar fteir
height of a standing 'avemge' mm. Even tben some people argred wargmes use in the UK ar leastseems1obe restrictedto Gladiabri.l
wherheris was ro the eyesor the top ofthe head.Now size is usedasa conbars, Westem Gunfighls or other sKmishes where a bit of a
grotrpirg for figurcs md as a wdgamels teminology for figures that penonaliry is given to eachfigure.
de m@ o.les compatible.Th€ nunber ilself mems almosl nolhine Bigger - There prcbably de bigger scales, but so what? Their
wdgdes usemust oe uny.
Incidentatly my wife, a sci€Dris!jokes about wdgaDe6 talking in
tems of 'twenty five mills' etc. A 'nill', in the rcal wortd meansa
millilitre. Is that the amountof alloy thal would be createdwere the
figue melteddown?Wdgamersshould,usingthe sme rationate,lalk
in tems of 'twenty five mims etc', I can't seeit calchin8 or, so lefs
move on and lalkea look al the main rcales in use, sBning wilh the
Lin'jrd b ju' ,omm 0 54nD
U2400, 18000 etc These scatesare rearly only used for taval
A sD,jle. but eping mge of
items.As fd as I m awre the scaleis ndherd ro by all mdufactureB
except iI eror I m not a naval wffgmer, so ctu't cometrt much
Painrhas a habn of lla$ng ofi.
ifiher Suffice to say that 6 far as I'm aw@ if you buy you. fleet in pdicultrly thii rhinss like weapoG
the sme $ale all the shipsshouldbe compatible. outide modens. showsyou't a bir
U*d b hare snobElu. b.4c or th.
2lm ' A relatively new scale.lf eachfigue is 2Im tall then how rlariY. ud 6s Now cveryone
cm yoD *e then ed why noljust boardgme? Their advmtageseems
ro be that a banle with thes fiEurescm be big ad when viewed ftom Conp,nbk bdrer mDUIetuB
fte all s@ing wdSamer's position looks like a pld in the history
books-So what?Nameme a generalwho\ everhad sucha viee. Even LishNeisht nrybe dedy sd, havy
in modemwarfde. when a C-in-C could be abovethe battlefield. oe
enemyhas a habit of hiding. An inleresdngdide, well knom to anis$ or studenlsof datomy:
5mm or U300 - Often usedinlerchdSeably or together This scale Metal figures are mutdts. If you saw a real hund. prcportionedlike
is often called mifioblobs' wbich doubtle$ would havebeena tem a metal figu.e, walking down the street you'd beat a swiJt retreat.
appliedto 2nm had this scalebeendound fi6t. but it w6 nt. lnitially Plasticfigurestendro bebetteabut the wdgamer's eyes@nadapts&d
rhis scalewas lhe donain of nodem items, but now just about every 'mm'-
metal 6gure analomybaomes acceptedas somekind of
period is available,(SeeH€roicsdd Ros for details.)The 5lnm figm 'w]tether you go
for metal or ptdtic here\ two tips thal apply to
Ias grcm a bir and is dow iypically 6 or 7'm tall. The big advanhge
of lhis scale is $at it\ easy 1o cove.t figures. Jusl paint the nemest Fllgs - ther€ aie a hugerdge of pre-print€dflags availableftom a
approximationro whatyoh wanl to be that which you want.No-onebut vdiery of conpanies.Mmy de superband i1ceiainly beaisthe hasle
a puist will notice or cde. of trying ro paint your om. BUT, once you ve glued you. pre-pnnted
10nm - Probablythe newestscaleon the ma*et. lt's nor yet talen flag aJoundits pole pleasetake a minute or two to run a paintbrush
off as mostwdgamesseemto go up to l5tm or doM to 5ffn. Could mund the lery edgeof the flag (its 3rd dinension) wilh a matching
be usefnl asa secondor $ird period to your main interest. cotoudg to the flag\ field od Iosefte white edgeotheMise [email protected]
rcsulling flag looks ten riDes better
Spelrs, pik€s, lancesetc. , I wish manufscru.erswoutd stopca$ing
theseon f,gurcs of 15mm or above.Cut them or befo.e rhe figwe is
undercoatedand replacethem with wire. (Bearriesor model shopsdo
leng(hsfor 10.20p.rPlasricmy flsre burmeLalallo' bendsdo rhere
are prccious i€w thirgs that look more daft thm a pjke btock zmed
with spaghe(i.(For dmpl€s of this jusr look, donl buy, this
magazine'smain .ival andseesomeof th€ photosthat appear)I ve two
whole P.ince August battalions made fron alloy cDr offs ed wine

Most rule setsthat you will comeacrosssratethat lroop typesshould
be mountedon baes which allow XmD wide by ymm deepfor each
soldie. or playing piece. Rule setsinclude rhis b€causethey ieel rhar
ftey nave to. In pmctice frontage rarely matters and depih h d 50,000+ SECONDHANDWARGAMESFIGURES
iR€levmcein all rules thar I ve sen bar DBA md ils varidts. Alwaysin stock.All scales.Mostmanufacturers_
As a ruleofrhuDbbde widlhswill ontynatre.ifa smalle.sizeiets SAE statinq intercsts fot lists to:
morc figurcs tbm rh€ enemy shoot or mele€ on the ssme frontase. A.J. Dumelow,
Purisrswiu argueLndlbasecrTes areretevar.Theyare.caleddo"n;n 53 Stnton Road, Stqpenhill,
the samebdis that movedisrancesde. This my be rrue,but it doesn,r Burton-on-Tr€nt,StatrsDE159RP
mattei No,one hasyer resolvedthe ba5icprcblem sned asfollowsl Telephone:(01283)s30556
. A real soldier can narch X merresper minure.
. The wdgmes rabler'rubt scateis tnown to be so many metresin
real life is equallo so many millimelres on the tabie. Americanamy will not fight your frjends 25nm Han Chinea€lhat
. The time represenredby a tabte/rulesset nove is known.
. A figure car thusmove a set numberof millimeres p€r nove. otien.It's cheaper if you only needto buildup forcesfor onesideala
. 11is known, on average,how a unit spaceditself out. tiDe,but don't lakethisroo liiemlly-If youropponenr hs Maitburian
. Using the sarnesc€leas for movementand altowing for lhe kno*n British and allies, tor example,tben apan frorn the obviousFrench a
Jacobite amy in thesamescaleopensup lhe Jacobiterebellionsas a
figlre:men mtio rhe ngure'sbare width od depthcanbe calcutated. posibilily.
. Fineso far-Th€n the gameis over andhaslasledso manynovs.
On Don't forget aeslherics.To me, anyway.someperiodscry out for a
the rime scal€me.rioned in the third point abovefte battle lasredt0
certain scale.ECW gamesonly look .ight in 25mn and Napoteonics
minules.(or whatever)All ol a suddenthe whole rime,distance
look b€stin l5mm md so on. There'sno right or wrongbut Id be
loathe to get into a periodo. scaierhal didnl feel right ro ne.
Until lbis is resolvedthen all movedislancesmd basesizesmusl be Finally on basing and astherics rtm to Wors4meslthttared
suspect.(Seealso ny comnenis in Part 3 - Sceneryon bu'lding size.)
nDmber122 and pages46 and 47. Which photosdo you feet give the
rcal look of warfde before regimentalion?Basing is ofien dependenr
SO WHAT SCALE OR BASING SHOULD I USE? on rules,so maybecommentunder 'Figu.ej is non-valid.Still, I
Whenchoosinga scaleconsider: wasnl there p.e regimenration, nor were any of the wargameB
Cosl concened(I hope)bur regimentsof rroopsin this perioddonl feel
right.Mosr wdganer may havemovedbeyond unirsof beserkers'
The sizeofacrioDsyou wishro fisht bDtsomehavemovedtunher rhanorhe6, After three,bite you. shield.
How fd you tre likely to havero carry an and what meansot
transponand storagewiu be availabie.
' Whal your friends/opponentshave. PAINTING
Let's expanda bit on eachof tbose:
I a$ee fuuy wnh a view expressedfairly rccenrlyin rhis magzine -
Cosr - The smaller figures cost less. (Surprise. surp.ise.) So
ir doesnt really natte. whal rhe painting style thar you adopt is_The
wargame$can Iield the sameamy for less ou ay. Fine in theory bur
fact remainsthat your rwenrierhpaintedunir wili put your first to
I've noticedthat in practicethesesavingsa.e tessned by smale. scale
shanre. This is verylrue.Maybetheansweris to buyyourfirlt nineren
units having more figures in ftem or ihe wargamerbuying bigger
arrnieswilh moreoptional figurs_ The savingprobablyhn,t as much Whilstl'm on thatsubjecrlet me divulgeanotherpedtofwhdon:
wa.gamersfaU into th.eegroupswhen it comeslo meraltgures. Therc
TableSize- Ifyou've gora t6'x S tabteavailable then$h probably are youngsleGand the unemployed.Thesede easjly distinguished
is nt an issDe.Iir generaltermsthe smallerrhetablethe nore flexibjliry at
home.Theiravailable cashto spendon figurescan t keepup eirh thek
smallertroopswill give as ro what ce and cant be succestully
time availableto paint figures.Tley havefew unpaint€dfigures.Older
or beller off wargamersre rhosewhoseincome now meaDstbar rhey
SizeofActions - I don't wanrro p.€ emptthe4rh anicle on scen&ios can buy figures quicke.
thd they can find rhe time to pajnt then.
Finally thercis ftd groupwho cd afford to ordernguresreadypainted
Ca..ying and Sto.sge - Often ovenooked.25mm figuresned a lo1 from a
specialistpainter OverlayiDgall lhese are the dd buy
ol storagedd 5Dm ngDresa lot les so.As someone *ho s oncehad crovd who do lhe buying.lti aMing whatbargains cm be hadand
ro canl a reasonablysized25mm amy throught ndon,on a tub€,in
how evenmedioc.engureslook good afrer a rebasing.
lhe rushhour,[email protected] you'veacd (or betterstilla van
Unpaintedmetal figures ee ofren called Silver t-egions',or ,.scnp
orArctictruck)to rakeyou to yourusualvenuethenfineelseyoute in
metal".I'n unawareofa parallelDame fo. plasricfigxres.
dangerof havingyour choiceof gamesdictaredby whar you can
Enoughramblingon longas you enjoywhatyou
buy ad feel ftat you ve got value for your (o. you. parenft hrd
Opponents'Armies- It maybe obviousbul your5mm 1942 eamedcashnothingelserslly ma(ers.Nexttime Scenery.
rhat he bad morc brnin. on his feet thanhe did in his head.
George Angev The only rcasonMord trad suNiled ws that Capone\ gdg bad
distaken Al Weinshankfor him. who wa! a mm of simild build dd
On 17 January1920a law was pased thar prchibited the manufacure also dressd in tbe saDebrown overcoatand olive greenfedorahat as
dd sale of tiquor anywherein tbe USA, and althouehSegste6 had he often wore.Although Moran had sDnived $e ndsacre. he and the
alreadybeen mund for nany yeds they had never been prcsented remants of his gm8 would neverbe the sameagain.Esentially, wilh
with sucba fabulousolportunity. Vat sumsof moneycould be made a single blow. Capone had crushed the opposition and wa now
fton prohibidon,dd this could only lead 1ooneconclusionnurder on undisputed king of Chicago.
an unprecedentedscale-The years up 1o 1932 led to 2000 civilims Therere many theoriesasto the namesof the kille6 on thd faretul
(mainly gangstersmd beerrunnes) and 500 ppohibition agentsbeing day.Oneof the likeliest is ftal a Josepht olordo could havebeenone
killed, Ar one slaeeit wd one a day! BDtthe slauShlerwould reeh its of the plain clothesnen. ashis brolher had ben murderedby Mor&\
peakon 14 February1929 St- valentinet Day. gdg ud he was known to be desperatefor revenge.Another is that
In Chicago fierce gd8 w6 had rnged for yeds. Bugs Moron\ Fred Buke md Jmes Ray, both membersof the Egu s RaB gang
gdg, who controlledthe nonh side,wereswom enemiesofAl Capone. frcm St. touis. mdqueradedas the policemen.Mccum knew lhen to
whose gmg controlled the soltlh side. Two preljous leaden of what be expensivebut efficie.t killers. and probably rcasonedthat as they
was now tbe Moratr gang, had both ended up dead ar' a result of wqer't from Chicago lhey were not likely io be recognised other
bungledattemptsupon Capone'slife. But MoEn pushedCaponetoo ndes lin-kedwift fte mdsacr€ de thoseof Albert Anselfri dd John
ttu whenhe conlinuedro hUrk hi\ liquorshipmenn. Scali*. i*o profesional killers who were known a! tbe Homicide
On the night of 13 Febnary 1929, Moran receiveda Phonecall Squad.Nor contentwilb Dore anional explanations.prohibition agents
confiming a delivery of illegal whisky. Ir wrs 1o be taken to his Iater clarmed that MoEn had thaatened to expose tniee co@pr
headquarteN.a garagecalled the S.M.C. CanngeCo- on 2122 Nonh policemen,dd that they, on heanngthis. bad decidedlo silencehim.
Cldk I I :00 aln lhe following noming. whilsl no1imposible in this age of hiSh comption, thrs expldanoD
Whilst Al Capone was entenaining dignitaries al his home in seeDsunlikely astwo chequesfron Mccum fo. $ 10,000de known to
Florida. he left his top killer "MachineGun JackMccum 1osettlethe havebeengilen ro Egut Ratsmen Burke and Ray aroundthis time-
mtter onceod for all. Mccum was tbe rchited of one ofAmerica s Sevenyes laler to rbe day, Mehine Gun Jack. eho usedto put
bloodiestpeacetime killings."MachineGun" Jackwould showthe a silver nickel in the paln of his victims to showhow litde ftey were
world exactly who was the bossl worth to hiD, lay dead-Only this tine it wd Jack sho had a silver
nickel in his handand $e comic vdlerrine lay by his body.
The moming of 14 February1929wd a typical midwinter Chicago
day: cold and windy with pDwderysnow that drifted along the nine wtilst the evenrsof rhemasa-e werein rcalilyclinicallysimple,
mite cluter of buildings that mak€ up Cldk Slreel. At the S N C and only eighrminutesin lengti, ibey rely on a fes key elements,
CartageCo. five men of the Bugs Motu gdg chattedto the owner ol mainly riat noneofthe jnbnded victims would recoeniseor rcsisttheir
the gMge. They werc: Frank & PeteGDsenbergwhosespeciahy was killes. Bur, what if BugsMore md the two ofter beobe6 of the
burglary dd lrain obbing, John May a safe cracker,Al Weinshanl, gang had of dived edlier? Would tley have recoFised dy of the
and Jjn Cldk a gume who was olso Mom's brolh€rinlaw. The tjllers, md therefor€not believedit to be just anotherroudne Potice
sqenrh pe6on prc*nt at the garage on that fatefll day was Dr raid?Or would they too haveb€enmudered atongwith the resi of tbe
Reinndt H Schwimmer,a young occultist and adrnier of Mom. gang?what if lherehad beena real police nid in progess at the lime?
Meewhile Momn, his bodyguardand Ted Newberry,who was in couid a thfte vay gun batdehaveensued?The caponeGang*ere also
chdge of lhe whisky sales slatr and the oveneer of Moran\ relying on both the gtuaeeowner and $e occultist not rccognising
speakeasi€s, were on then way ro the 8@ge. when a black Packed them. Had they smelt a rat, $ i1 were. the outcomecould have been
lourcr wilh the lop raised dd the side cuitains drawn, sped Pasr'
Noticing the blackenedbel otr i1srunningbodd, they assumedi1lo be The St.Valentine'sDay Mrssacrehasrealposibilidesasa sceneio
a police car md hid in a shopdoorway.Ar 10:50m the c{ pulled up for a skimish or rcle-playing gme. It could involve two or morc
at rh€ftont of the g@8e. Onemo, who wd dresed in police unifom, ptayersandpreferablya gamejudge, dd of coursecould be ssembled
stayedat the *heel of ihe cff, while his four pNserges 8o! out. T$o at potentially minimal expenseas ftere needonly be a linited nDmber
we@dresed a-!policemenmd two werein civilid overcoatsand hats of figures involved.Terain in the fom of a small one slorcy g@8e
The four thenenteredthe building. could be constructedfrom cdd and painted - brick outside,
Tbe lwo nen dresed d policeDenenreredthe gdage forecounfiBt whitewdhed plasterwalls anda concretefloor inside-The gme would
Morant men t@k it to be just anolherrcutine raid md behavedas require only a smalt playing spaceand could eaiily be resolvedin o
prcfesional criminals nomally did, complying with police demdds.
All seven werc then lined up facing a waU and their gDns werc I'IGURE AVAILABILITY
removed-They probably expectedto be :rested, &ken to the police SteveBdber Models havereleaseda gro*ing rmge of fi8urcs. rules
sEtion ad then rcleasedwithout chdges just after nidday, when ed terain in 25mn. Or you could try to track down someold Cames
suddenly the two men in olercoais appeed and openedtue with Workshopfigures Aom bring &d buys.
nachine guns.At 10:58afr the two menin plain clolhescme oui with
lheir hods up, ctosely followed by the two uniformed men who were
holding gDnsin their backs,so d nol to euse unnecessrrysDsprcron.
All fou thetr go! into the car where the fifth was waiting, dd sPed ThomasM Coffey - flE lrn| mnrt (Pnhibitioi In Anenco 1920 '
/9J.i) Hmish-Hamilton
Ofrhe l0O bullerstftd that day only 8 missd flesh md bone and KennethAllsop I/,e BortleSsersHutchiNon, t ndon
endedup in the wall. Four of the mendied imnedialely, two moE were JoshuaB Feder- GarSrr?ru(Po.taiti /n Ctn?) FriedmanGrcup
finished off with shotgunblasB to tne head.Otny Frank Gusenberg The Uatouchables( 1987)D:rectedBy Bnm DePelna
nade it to the hospital before he died. One reporter said afiestrds
c 1 9 2 0- 1 9 3 3 . '
TffiG t

2 5 M MF I G U R E S 7 5 P E A C H

PW2 "LlachineGun"JackMccurn
PW3 Gangslerwlh Kniie
PW4 Gangsierin FlaiHai F ing a Revolver
PW5 E iot Ness
PW6 FB.lAgentwilh Badge
PW7 PolicernanPalrolling F
PW8 Policeman Fi ng Revover
PWg Policeman RunningWlh Sholgun
PW10Policeman FiringGunWithBolhHands
PWl1 GangstersMoll
PW12BookKeeper i
P W B1 S P E A K E A S Y / S H O P f 4 2 . 5 0 PW13GangsterFiringShotgun
Thisis a fullyinleraciive buildingwhichconsistsoJa Shop/ Office/
Stairs/ Slage& Bararea,on 3lloor seclionsfor 25mmFigures.
PW14lvan in SuilwithStrawBoater& Cane
PWl6 GangsterIn Fai HatFling MachineGun
PW17Gangsterin LongCoatFi ng .45Auto
CONIING SttttN! BootIeggersruIesfor
PWA1 StraighlRoadSeciion13.00
T h e P r o h i b i r i o nW a r s 1 9 2 0 1 9 3 3 . PWA2 Crossroad Seclion f3.00

For our illustrated

send q1.50 to:
1 Avon Place,
Hawkslade F
9LR. *
England F
may sounda bit awkwiJd, but they ee not asdificDlt to 8et hold of as
WARGAMES RUI.ES - PART2 Eachgme tun consistsof the tollowing stages:
Firstsidemovesed fies
by Secondsidenovesed fires
St4)ben Simpson
Tesrmorale whererequned
Testto seeif Comander-in-Chief is a cauahy.
This secondpaJtof my anicle continueswhee the fi6t one left off
with my second*r of exmple rules.this tine for theWd of 1812.I
will desc.ibelhen underthe sde sub-headingswhich I usedbefore- Count the numberof whole elemenlsplus lh€
nunber of officeB and add rhnt ro the valueof
a D4 to give the mdimum nove disldce in
I imaginethar a lot of people@ dDwn lowrds tbe Napoleonicera as Cavalry As for infdtry exceptadd the valtreof a D8
a settrng for wdgdes. It s@ms to have so mtrch to offer I was LimbeEdartillery Count the numberof figures (up lo 6) dd add lhat
particularlytakenby the wd of 1812.lnsteadof column !e6us line or to the valueof a D4-
column ve6us colum fte lwo amies involved.Americanand British. For exampled infetf rcgimentwith 13figDres(3 elemen6)plus one
boih fought in lines. This is. I thidt. Dniquein the NapoleonicWas. I officer (+ I ) which hada die roll of 3 (+3) woDldbe ertitled to moveup
have ro confess also to being arr.&ted by the sp€ctacle on the to 7 inches. Note that at the beginning of each gme tne Daxmum
wdgmes table which two suchcoloDrtul mies produce.esPeciany movedistmce for infmiry is 10"-
the distitrctiv€Americans. It tltes a whole movefor cannonto linber or unlimber UnliDbered
As far s the rules go I had ben looking for a settingfor sometime cannonce onty ptvol
h which I could explore the posibiliry of Dusketry firing havinS a Calalry andanillery cannotmole thmughwoodsor walls. Infantry m
graduatedetrer oler ils whole rege.ather tho be brokendown inio.
say,threecategoriesof shon, mediumand long. what I decidedro do Infantry may nove up to balf their calculaledmove distanceand strll
wasto use12sideddice(Dl2s) dd havea ranSeof 12 for mnskelry. fire.
For edh tuing elenent lhe rangeis measuredand a D12 is thrown.lf Aftillery may nor fi€ in lhe move in which ftey Dnlimber,but may
tbe score on the Dl2 is equal ro or S.eatertho the range a hil is
achieved- For exaDple,at a mngeof l0 a scoreon theD12 of 10,ll Firingl
or 12 is needed.Startingwith this basicconceptI movedon to the resr Infantry - For eachconplele element(4 figu.e9 in the nst rank (units
de usuallyin line the wholetime)a D12 h tbmwn.If the valneof the
Dl2 equalsor exceeds the rangea hit is obtainedand one ngDreis
TIIE REQUIRED RESEARCH renoved.Whenthedislance is les ftd,l adualinchesthro* n D6 for
each hn dd if the result is a 3-.1.5or 6 a secondfigure is removed.
I confes that I wN not parliculady interestedin tbe actual histodcal Cavalry coum doDble so thal 1wo hns de equired lo remove one
course of the conflict. My interest was mainly in the tactics ed cavalry figure- Single hits de hoseler recorded dd held over to
unifom of the period. Infornation on the British :my in the followinggme tuns-
NapoleonicWd is of cou6e widely available,that on lhe Amencan However,the value of the D12 is modified by the following tndod
Amy is lessso. bur still reialively lraightfoNdd lo obtam. beforeil is com?e€d to the ranger
Veteranunit firing +2
Tdget in cover -2
For rherea$ns givenin the fct pan of the article I usedstdddd sizes Each lime that an elenen( is €moved the nexr casually may be m
for my unirs. ln this cde for infantry units ftat deds 16 figures plus officer Roll a D6 whenlhis happens andifthe resultis 4.5 or 6 then
2 ofncerii8urcs.Inthisconflictcavalryl.te a backsear,soI onlyhave a. of6ce.isenoled. ofteflise thecasualry is coDnred asnomal.
one cavalry Dnil of 8 figurcs with 2 oftceB per dmy, to go with fte Artilleryoperatein a similarmannerexceprthat 2 x Dl2 dice are
eight irfantry uniK and 1wo artrllery pieces.Although slading with used b detemine range and the lotal n nodified by lhe following
units of lhe samesize may seema little anificial tbe rules do caterfor lnctoB beforeit is compred lc}the range:
different sire unirs as the gamesproge$, including small units which Tdget in cover -4
re qDitefunctional, 6 will be se€n.I1 is also quite important for Oe Three gun crew figuresor les remaininE -4
tunclion of the rules 6 the bsic bnilding block of a unit is an element Ifa hir is achieveda D4 is usedto deleminethenumberofcasualties.
of 4 fi8ures (2 for cavaby)so that eachunit startswith 4 elenenl!. Mele€l
When$ere de lwo or nore unil! in contactalter movemented finng,
K-EYFACTORSIN RTJLEDEVELOPMEN'I a nel@ takesplace.Fo. e&h unit involved,sepaFtelyadd the number
of whole elementsto the numberof oftceB (artillery counr I point for
The key factor wd the mechmismfor finng at differem mges which eachcrew figure) and adjrst with tbe following fado^:
I have describedabove-Another key factor wns in fte use of the Chargedinto melee(not existingmeleet +l
otrces as nn inlecral pan of the structureof eachuni! afiecn.8 rct +l
only momle bur also fteir ability to nove and fight in meleesas a +1
rcflection of ften fonDnes duing each game. I felt thal this was +2
imponant ds leadershipal the unit level is an importdt faclor not Add the tolats for eachmit logetherlo makean ovemll lotat. Tlrcw a
alwaysrepresentedesity on the wargamestable and the co-ordination D4 dd nultiply this by the oveGll tolat- Repearfor bolh sides.The
and useof regrnenh in line in battle over whar could havebeenquite side wilh the highestscorc losesone fi8urc. The side wilh the lowest
difficulr terain is an inponanl featurcof this war. $ore losesfour seeif one is an officei lf one sidehs a
scoretwice that ofthe otherthe units with the lower sore rout as eetl.
THE RULFS TIIEMSELVES This nechanisn doesalow smallerunits a chancein melee,but still
retainsthe advantagefor dy phye6 who havemanagedto concentEte
The dice requiredde fonr Dlz, one D4. one D8 andone D6 (which

Conlacts: ECWBespokeSystemsLtd
WARGAMES lratthewWildeman
Phone:0990084 208 BH132ZN
FORUM E-lvlail:
[email protected]
FaxiO12O2 706671

ECWpresentsthe WargamesForum.
A newconceptin wargamingon theWeb.
TheWargamesForumis locatedat
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all the tradeFlhereare sectionsfor youthe public.Thereis a wargamesnoticeboardso you candiscusswargameswith
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lf you havg any questionsor suggestionsdon't hesitateto contact us:

Rout move is 10" for infanry or artillery crew dd 14 for cavalry md then movedat infantry speedunlil the player eifter declaresthem
which is the theoreticalmaximun movedistmce. or they de fred at (md hit) or conracredin a melee,at which point the
unit is placedon the lable. This mechanisncan be further unlsed by
Any unit which has routed or hd lost a whole elementin a tum (2 incorporating np to one third of the toral s blanls which do not
figures for artillery) musttesl irs mo.ale- rep€sent a unit at all. In ftis way a degreeof hidden movementcan
Total the numberof elemenrs,otrceB or gun cew fgures andadjusr
qith the following feto6: In conclusion to ftis anicle I woDld like ro say that my baic
+l objectivein writing it wd to pronore the acfviry of wriring your own
rulesasa signilicmt dd enjoyablealpect of wargaming-If I havedone
Generalcdualty this tb -l tl'at, ther I m happy.The main rhing is rhat it do€sn1matterwhat you
Then thrcw a D6. r the scoreis less dan or equal to the sum of the do, as long as you do sonething. If you fel that Mitine yonr own
points for the Dnil rhen ir has rallied. Rout€d units only have one rulesmight appealto you, I hopethat I havehelped.

Casualti€sto gene.als:
There are no colmdd md conlrol rules in rhis ser of rules, bul lhe
generrlsdo havea @tuein helpingunits in mele or wirh their DoFIe
tesls-They haveto b€ with a unil for the whole gme alrhoughthey can Consaruction/Basing/PaintinB
move betweenunits ar 14 speed.If the unit which rhey are with ha of figures.ships,vehicles,buildings
Manufactureof ScenicFeatu$:
ligures remov€d in a tum then ftey cd become casualties also. Fields,Roads,Rivers.Buildings,Fortifications
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ngures they may not be very etr@tive. This in fact creat€sa very
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and ljs6 *nd 12 95. For 25lm smple risms scDd[:.95 Prylblc b Ghd crcnin.
accountthe potentially difficult temin, is nt $e beginningof the gme 74Cmnon Rod. Orpinsroo.r€ BR6 3HY
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r 5nn & 25Im a spdsriiy. mies ,iMys tor salc.
Ench cdd is kept face down, but is recorded a rcprcsentinga Militr] boob boush nd eld
paniculdr unit. The cards@ deployedar the beginning of the gme us .encB $nd ts bi|| for rsDn smpre ,nd lisr

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rsmn MEDTEVAL (t l00.1s0o AD) HR26 Mountd t ngbomm B HR55

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"DERTOMMYKOMMT" 10srandoff shorefor d long as possible.Major Young and his pany
climbedlhe steepclitrs by way of a narcw cleft in fte r@ks which the
No 3 Cornmando, Dieppe, Germu defendeBhadso lhickly laid with wire lbatit wasposible in
placesfor a man to walk on it. This. togetherwith the aid of togele
rg42 ropesallowedlhe Den to safely reachthe summit.As they movedoff
alone the clitr top they were encouagedby the sight of five landing
bjt caft. md a molor boal approachingYelow One io their left. (*These
Pbilip Robinson were 6e cafi ro which etulier referencehd beenmadeibDttheir\ is

INTRODUCTION The party movedquickly into the cover of a small wood n€e to the
road leading inlo Beoeval-leGrand. Major Young hoped to
Therajdon Dieppe,madeon 19August1942by theSecondCdadid rendezvousat the village church wilh someof rhe conting€ntheading
Division. wasthe ltrgest operationof iis Knd in the SecondWorld Wr, for Yellow One.As no Germanswere sighted,the party set otr down
being designed10 discover whether or not a large pon might be the roadlowdds the houses.En roule lhey encountereda young French
capturedintact at the commencement of any tuture invasionof Fonres lad who infomed them that lbe Gemans had 200 men at the battery
md wbo advisedthem of the bestrcute lo take to their objective.The
The Raid on Dieppe was a disaslrou! failurc. Our of the 5,000 small pany reachedthe safetyof the chDrch,where they encounlered
oficeB dd other ranks enbdked. 3.300 were killed, wounded, or rhe; finrenemy.whilsr Eyingto gera snall snipingpnnyup thebell
becme pnsonen. Twenty nine lanks werc lost, togelber wilb 33 tower, they came under fire ftom a Ceman machine-gunposilion.
ldding cnti. The Royal Navy lost the destroyer H.M.S. A?*e/ql Retuming fire fiom the 2 mortu. with six boDbs. the machine-gun
whil$ tbe R.A.F losr 106 aircraft. Never the less.the Fid taughrthe posidon wa. soon siledced. Finding no way up fte bell tower (No
nilitary pldneB dd their political maste^ valuable leslons. These Hollywod direcrorpresent, I guessl),MajorYoDnEnoved his pany
were put lo good Dsein the planningand erccutionof Opection lowdds fte rer of rhe banery, s@n coning Dnderheavy fire from
Olerlord two yeds later concealedGemd posidons.This forced Major Young'splny to re6re
Allhougb the b@ps of the SecondCanddianDivision were brave lo the saferyof the village.
dd well irained, |hey had not heard a shot fired in anger until that To the west of fte batrery was a large comfield, which seeded to
farefnl moming when tnel we.e unloadedonto enemyheld beaches. MajorYounglo be thebestroue for an auack.Encouraging his snall
lacKne both prelininary bodbaJdnenror surpnle in supportof thei panl by salingftdOecom stalkswouldstopfte bullets,he deploled
attack. to face a well endenchedand preparedenemy force. One his force in two lines: thosein the rear firing throughfte gapsin the
sDccess. however,out of this debaclewas rhe attack of No 3 Iine of thoseaheadlDunng this time, the battery had conlinuedto fire
Commddo on the GoebbelsBa11ery,descnbedby tbe naval force slowly at long interals. Young\ parry openedup down the gun line of
comander as. Perhapslhe mosr outstandineincident of fte whole the batery fom their position in rhe comfield. so etreclively that the
banery was unablero fire again for over half d hou., at which poinl
one of the heavy naval euns had been taversed to fire on tle
THE ATTACK connando positionin ihe comfield.Howeve..the gun couldnot be
sumciemlydepresedto do d! realhafu b the.ofrnandosed soon
Twemy assaultboals cdied No 3 Comando group. gDided
gaveup theanemprlFor d hourdd a half fte conmmdoske Dpa
bl gunboarNo 5 and flankedby a Dotor boatand a flak ship.As they
steadyfire againsttle batery, all the while mder rine nrc tum 6e
neaJedthe eneDy coast lhe sDall flotilla encounreredeiSbt enemy
Gemd positions.Major Youne'sdsertionsthat the sbding com
vessels headingtowedsDieppe.A briefactionoccuredin whichthe
woDldstopfte bullets wa! obliousll conecr a! not a singlecotunando
supponing gun boat was hit by the concentratedfire of rhe enemt
was hitl Or again. perhapsthe Gernan defenderswhere poor
flotilla..esullingin dmage to her wi€les roomandsenou!danage
lo her engineroom-aswell a! her forulid gunsb€ingput out ofaction.
wilh aDmunirionrunninglow ud thepossibilityof tanksappedirg
The flak ship joined the action and quickly cnppled two of the eneny
from the soulhit seemedro Younga wise courseof actionto withdraw.
veseh wilh her li6r salvo-The renaining Gedan !e$eh broke off
CaptainSelwynand a small pafty of menset off for the beachto nake
the action. nakng off at speedfor the greaEr saferyof the Gemd
contacr wift fte lnnding cmft. while Major Young and Lieutenot
RDxtonwith the Bren gDn deah with d obseNationposr on tne clitr
Dunngtheactionall but five* of the la.di.g cFft haddisappeded.
edge in font of the batery. Afler seeing Very light signals ftorn
Whilst contactwas atteDptedto report this mjsfortDne,the motor gDn
Captain Selwln on rhe beach,Young collecEd fte rernainderof lhe
boatwas sentin sedch of the mising lddine c6Jt: ftese beingeithe.
pany fion the cohfield dnd redchedthe beachunscathed.exceptfof
locatedor eventually making their own way back 1o basepon- One
one md injued by a mineon the bea.h.Althoughheavilyengaged
lone landingcGft was meatrwhilecornnuing on irs couse lowdds its
fsm the obsefladon posr dd the clifflop fte panl enbarked sabll
original largel,Yellow Two- On boardwas the secondin cormdd of
dd were soonout of enemyr&ge-
fte group, Major PeterYoung: Lieut€nantRuxton, togetherwift lwo
Their wilhdrawal hadcomenol a momentloo soon,fo., eventhough
tunnersfron ConmandoHeadquartesiCaplainSelwynand 14menof
there were no lanks in the dea, thJ@ companiesof Gemm troops
ThJ@Trcop. In all the snall force btaued only 19 men.
werc close on their heels.Although attackedby a JU 88, Lieutenmt
In the couse of fte eaiier action. LieutenantBuckee,R.N.YR-, the
Buckeebrougbt his landing craft safely back to Englud. The action
comddin8 officer of the landingcmft, obsening that rbe stem gun
fought by Major Young aDdhis commandosrenderedthe Goebbels
boat No 5 would not be able to fight it! way thrcugh decidedafte.
Batteryineffectivefor morc lbantwo hou6 during a c.itical time in the
consulladon witn M4to. Young to alter cou6e to starboard.Iosing
Dieppe ladings on lhe main beaches.Major Young od Lieutenot
contactwirh theflodllain rheprocess.
Buckeewere aweded the D-S-O for their part in lhe action, whilst
Despnethis ser back. neith€r nan had any dolbt as to their next
CaptainSelwyn receivedthe Military Crcssfor his gallantrydlring the
coD6e of acdon, ftey would continue on in to Yellow Two and
completetheir pan of the mission. They would ssault lhe powertul
GoebbelsBatterylTheir weaponsconsistedof rifles. submachineeuns,
ore Brer 8un, one two inch monal wilh six bombsand one threeinch
moftd with fourbonbs!l
The pany was landedat 04.45 hou6, whjle Lieltenant Buckeewas The main fearuresof the terain can be gleaned hon $e
accompanyin8map. FiBu.e scale day appearto be a problem in so commandos.In a gameof 21 tms. the action wenras follows:
unequal a contest between Major Youngs force dd rhe ceman Mover r - 6
defendineforce.althoughwe optedfor a l:1 scalein oDrrefght for The Scoutsadvdced down theroadbeforebeing spottedjust outside
YoungSforce dd a scaleddown versionof lhe defenden,norhaving the village, imedialely coming undernachine-gunfirc, but sufferinS
200plusGemd infdlryl A scaleof l:l wa usedfor theconmddo no casuallieslThe scoulsretumedfire. bur the glorious troops of tbe
force,a scaleof 1:5 for the Gemans, giving lbe coImados no chbce Fathedandsutreredno cduallies. Thus the bauery was able to fire
in a direcl assault.but some cbanceof weding down the defendeB

The gamerequiresthe coImddo force ro prevenrthe banery from Afler fte compulsory tum of inaclivity in the village church rhe
firing fof a numberof tums - agreedlocnlly - in order to Eord a wn. Scolts Doved 10 occupy posilions in the comfield. causing two
I allowed the battery ro 6re every three tums. E3ch tum thar fte casualtiesto the Germd defendeB.prevendngfte baueryfiring in tum
comDandosinflict cdualies on fte Geman defendeB,lbrcw oneD 6, 9. The Scouh had so fd sufferedonly lwo calualties in tbe villaSe
deducting ftom the score one for each casualty received. lf rhe
resulting scoreis tbiee or less.ften fte battery may not fire thd rum. Movesl0 - 12
Atrer the setnumberof tums haselapsed.thenyou may alsorefighr the The Scouls fired the;r rcmaining 50nn nonar rounds, which
commandoswilhdrawal b the beachand then enbdkalion. if rhnr is destroyedthe Gemm machine-gun.and.togetherwith small ams fire,
accountedfo. 5 casunhiesfor the defendeB.The b6ve defenders
caDsedfour casualtieson the Scouts,but againthe bauery was unable
Moves 13 - 15
The Geme t.ops defendine th€ battery were nor of fte best The nexi rhfte movessae the fre fight coniinue.the Scours!!ing all
quality, but to compensatefor fteir scaleddown numbe6, I classed their Slmm mond rounds,but causingonly thieecasualries on rhe
rhemas regulds. using ny favouriE serof rules for the penod. @pid Gemds, bursDfficient to prcventlhemfiringthebatteryin rDm15.h
tE. The commddos were classified6 elite, of coD6e. retum the Scou$ received a turther two cdualties.
Moves 16 - 18
The Gernans now miEored the historical conflic! inflicring no
HQ Conpany CO + 3 figures csDaldes in thesetumsl The ScoDtsin tbeir tum nanaging only one
themselves! Ar last, the batterywas able to fire againin tum lEl
IxMMG MMG ad 3 figures Moves 19 - 21
TheGemannre inflicreda furlhertwo casDalries in tum 19,causing
a morale test which the ScoDtspdsed easily. Their fire causedtwo
nore casuaheson the Gemans. but weatheringthe stom, the batlery
MajorYonn8sorficeh I fi8uEs wasableto fre for a founh andlasr time.The batteryhad fftd for 577.
2 figurcs 6 rcundsonly of Ihe posible tine in lhe gaDe, giving the cemms a inarginal
3 nSures' 4 roundsonly
1l figDres The cofrfields on the rabledid nol prevenllhe ScoDrssutrering42%
of thelrcasualiesahilst in theircoverlWe decidednot ro gamerhe
Given the sDall scaleof ihe .ofrnando force,thenI su-qgesr that rhe *ithdnwal. cofee,cakeandconveBation comingli6rl
aclionbeslartedfrcmthepoimof thewood.djcingin eachrDmashey
movetowardsthevillagero dereminewhelheror not rheirmolenenr
har beenspotted.I gavea 256l.chanceeachrum frcm rhe wood to rhe
village, lhereafler a 50., chance. I also gave the conmandos a Fig@s m available liom a wide vdiery of m&DfacrureN who
compuhory nove of inacnvity, to simulaietheir unsuccessfulattempt regularly advertisetheir wares in this joDfral, alrhoughmost
to climb the chnrch\ bell tower, beforethey coDldmovefor the cover commddos are of D Day vintagel I believe rhat rhe Airfix Coastal
of the dubiouscomfield. The comf,eld itself I clased a! sotr cover Emplacementser hasbeenreissued,whiih woDldbe ideal to represent
perhapstbe Gemds were no! suchpoor mdksmen atrer all - and rhe the battery.I1 usedto comecoDpletewith colmedo figures,bur I do
bdtery and villaSed hdd cove. The villageI placedar long range not know if this is still fte case.As noled edlier, we Dsednapil lciE
from the battery the comfields at fredium mnge, to encomge fie rules.but all of the abovecould no doubl be adapredfor yoDrcurcn1
conmandosro act hisro.icalll.If lou shouldwish to gme alsofte
comandos' withdrawalto the beach,tbendice eachrDmfd rheanival
of the three Gel]]fu cofrpanies ar the point mdked A on ihe nap,
remembenngthat eachconpnny comprisesonly 8 fi8ues. I also only
allowed Ceman fire to be rhe equivalenrof one compmy md rhe
MMG elemenl.replenishingcasualriesFon lhe rcmainderof the force.
To determinethe victory afttr rhe agreednumberof tums havebeen
played.tolal lhe numberof times that the battery*as able to fire:
74% or more,the Gemans win
50 75%,a narginalcemd win
25 50%, a narginal Commandowin
0 25%,a Connandowin \. _-q.;,#;ffiH"
ff you have gamedthe comando wirh<traw6l.rhen detemine the

75% or moreof the remainingforce wilhdrawn, a comando succe$

50 - 759. wilhdrawal,a mdSinal coImddo succes
. _,,,,r$F4

50% and below' Oh detr! A Geman triumphl I

The scendio neednot. of course,be confinedto its hisroricalsering.
I Smed the action as e easten frcni scenaJio.wirh my good friend
and rcguld opponentDavid Bickley, using Sovier Scoutsin place of


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Rst r stltm olor. bludgtun 92'
s35.00 lB?? Bdds. nn'p: cad mbailmir wirh
I stltm .otor- nud/gED 92'
\fBr0 r sbEyap3tudbulldiig wk dbyinendi'i6
4' dEB 7pce wnnshoEc!ft
s26.mlB23 Brids. mp: nr:i Mins Ca"r 7")
vBlr 4 noEy nm nonrdshyed by bicbdprciB vB29 Bnd!. nmp: fonihld ch*t Finr *irb
rS4 1' n!* 7pcSd {jd shod.m.
ftnch \y3tm (24' x ?1
cdor,nd/g€i 92'of G \vB12 4 scy hder,taftyd by MiDq \rtsr,citysEtBdicad.'MaNd!
vB13 4 ioEy o6e boilditrsd6d.ytd by fin -
wBr M.di@ Mlht. e4. x 16"r 5.) (9 roind
RS6 5pcsr ri roos.lft $B16 CoiLd holb.trjsi€ tusbm o'&r o'Jy) buirdiigsa .o|ir6d. ! rig. 6q@J $0.m
I 1" hi,srh- bd*d iid pcid.d wBr.l Tm*r (43"r 24")Rrbiroitl. t0 pi@ s iictud6
,l' 'iv6 2pce! shights ('arld d T!1OP Snlirgrd
wBl? krdd. bu.rn tops,Ef wdk ,nd 15p3rfr@
svmF ?p. d 2025nn
wBls siali.s,?d supd sd R.d &bb.f F&bry tl59m
conpr.b wilh bs (l]'i 16')
IrBl9 bnb Chopfiill Rmrzbk bp hr tomr ,. Tmw hsndp,inr.J Ef nd (915) cunm ordd -
WorldWartr-20nm sy$eb(x"r l6.i 6) t65.m LrMrmD.ollsMahnrbb.pL,eoL s22500
wBl th$ay tonili.d $n hoEairbbanbd!ms. nts20 cuosol Mishm (16"x 16") R.msbh h Pid*G6ioB- Ltr"oIlD. sp€.id *rension
t22.m roprirh iotrin & Biar suns t90.m r0n pin rorTdw& CNm ordtr
wl2 Bmh.dod*rh0*wirhbiln.N Aom $ts2r MoDe9 Hju (2r' r 16' r 6)
$ts3 Da€'sbds-nndynur.d 'zo.m aM0re Cadio rnd.h. sdit, t75.m fi2.0{
wB4 Ivdt hr . R6sid Frcnrlog .abin*irb iftnor rts22 Fd,:rd lositio Mch rii. (20"i 7.) t25.@ wB35 PhhTE:srolrs t?5.m
M23 H IA e4. i 16.).Tnmb rift *idr wE36 isghvitlag.e3'r l5') l0rd t95.0rNEwl
.oEy vi$ iib.ior and ruiftlfod 165.m
rairalr t35@ nrBz Bndg.e.jor (4 *ide /5'long) $1500
$ts6 'Jlmbkn $e Hur' oh[tmr€d w325 Bretr b,idsedlo {,r'x 5) $15.m
Atso!|nill}l. fiw: UX- OldGlory,lBiitlll Uoaleit{6 I(p, Sbn|!r,ca Dntm DB97TJ T.* (01207)
ITANCE:6mp d. M,rs,1r Re dcSNis,re,7!)04Prds T.t llj laM)l02 AUSTRALL{:1l tu€e Ror4Nc' Tosr,TMh ru3 T.l: (03)62tC9312
5 ppl4:44 USA,m% U(/Eunrq :{sArbali.


It2Dd Mark Male
It2rd Mark Mem:le
15'm GladiatoN J3.99 each
91.20per pack of E figures Two relatively simpleplartic kits which go togetheredily and faidy
This new rmge curently comprises12 ditreremfigures.As rheyde quickly to prodrce a pair of nicely detailedmodeh. Assemblyof the
sold i. packsof 8 identical f€ms I presDneftey de ldgely aimedal two veBions is very simild, with the side sponsonsand dmdent
Spartacusfds, m1herlhan dena combats,alrhoughsomenguresnay obviously foming the main ditrerencesberween lhem. They de
be usefulfor oder armies. accompmiedby resonably cled instrucrion sheers.Somekirs have
Overall,the figures@ cledly calr with somenicedetailing,but I been frisrakenly releasedwilh rhe wrong instructions,bul the
must admn rhat I was a little dubioDsar finr about the fi8ures with mmDfadures will happily remedythis if you write or' phone ro tell
plate:m defence!.Most of rbese(wirh fie exceplionof cD I I ) do nor them,burit is posible to assemble the kit usitrgthe wrcngsheetdd
seem ro have any visible meds of support for the amour. and I somegood reFrencepictDres.
inidally thought thar this was perhapssome major gatre. Howeve., I was not too keenon the tracks,which comeastwo piecesand ned
gilen that most designes tend ro scul paniculu features for a joini.g by "Superglue",but my main rese.varionon this was
purpose,I decidedlo check thiough my refe.encematerial thar I bad principally becauseI hav€never used"SDperglue"b€for€, and found
availableon gladiaton. tr$ thu half of the booksI consultedshowed the pospect ratherdaunting.
dy strapsat all. md sone had an assortmenrof disiinctly odd looking The exhaDstneedsbendingcetully to tu, but rhis is not difficulr
underam sraps, giving rhe impre$ion that the gladiab. had greaves given how thin n is. The instructionsbeethas a illDslrntionwhich is
on his biceps,or hmesks which would be moreof a hindrancethu a an &rial view. There de somemther fiddly top rails for undilching
help.Underthe circumsrances,I mustconcederha! the lack of strapsis bems or fascines,althoughyou will needto addthe beamsor fascines
nol a factual faulr, besideswhich, they de esily painted on if yoD youBeli Hddly a difficult job. althou8hthe moreanbirious might rry
modellingthe laltice-work cribs ' which replacedfte fascinesfor larer
As for lhe figures rhemselves,mosr de depicted stmdine or
advbcing. tully eqDippedfor the @na, dd alftough tbe mge Finally, bolh nale andfemalede suppliedwirh altemariveDdKngs
feauresthe ubiqDitoDs Retiarius,Samiie, dd Mymillo. therem for Bntish or Geman use.
somemoreunusDal choicesamongstthe rmge, includingLaqueriN The Grear War rends to get overlooked by most plastic model
with laso, Gaetulianwith heavythiowing darrs,Cimachaeuswirh iwo ndufadDren. otherthanfor airc.aft. soir is to be hopedthat thesetwo
swords,dd nost bizde of all. a Pugilus,:med only vith healy kns nay be followed by a dive$e range.They should be of obvious
benefit ro 20mm Wwl wdganers. bul I supposethai they could also
Briefly looking at the figures: cone in usefulas bDdget'priced SF vehiclesfo. '41s1Cenrury Space
GDO I Thracian. advancingfigure with
Unmoured apartfrom greaves.
GD02 Velile. Unmoured 6gure with small
Advmcing6gurewirh helDet.greaves.
plateam, md

GD04 Secubr Crcuchingfigure with cresredhelmet and small 25nn ScienceFictioD

A new rangeof ten figDres(althoughnot d entirely new venrure,as
OD05 ThJacia- Standingfigure wilh dested helmetand small round TrenthaveproducedSF figuresin the past)casuallydressedin clothinS
shield. frost suitedto did Ierain, presumablyinfluencedby Oe Dlnc series
GD06 Retidius. Bde head€d,standingwith lridenr andnet. Oneof tlr of noveh. Designedby Rob Bake.
bestfigures in the tuge. The figures de suirably non,genericto fit most gmes systemsor
GD07 ProvocatorSteding figu.e wilh crestedhelner and l&ee round backgrcunds,and tre fairly iregDld in appedance. TlEy would
obvioDslylook best in a dry selting, bu given that mdy SF serdngs
GD08 Mymillo. Stdding figure witb crestedhelnet and Dedium featurebleakdesolatepldets, this probablywon't poseay problems.
Severalof ft€se figuresbed a resembloce to Afghd Mujaleddin.
GD09 Cimachaeus. Advancingfieure wirh both ams and legs Most wear kree length bors, .lrholgh two bave slightly baggy
moured. and two swords. trcuse6 which rcach the anHe. Four wear bemous.thfte nore wear
GDIO Pugilis.I m no(sue wharto sayabou(thischap. helmers,bu all of different styles,one has a hoodedcloak, whil$ rte
GDll Gaelulian. Advocing figure with both ams moured. and final two de breheaded, one with his headsbavedto a ropknorpony
carryingheayytluowiDg dansin eachhand.This ngre ha prominent tail.
strapsacrossborh chestand back dd a very callic looking haircur. All the figms hale belt pouchesor pisiol holsterson one or bolh
CDlz Laquearius.A sttuding figur wirh one :m moured and a hips. One has a nufrber of small poucheson his belr, anorherhs a
lasso.He alsohasa ponyrail. simile belt ceied bddolier fasbjonoverone shoulder andone spons
The thfte figures which mosl impressedme ee numbersI I , 9 and a bapkpack,bul orhetuise. ftey seemto haveno eqqipmentwith rhem
6, dd if I did consider a SpanacDsamy, I would probably use a - bul tbenwhy shouldthey b€ weigbteddown wirh fte coDplete boy,
p.epoMermce ol ftose thJee figms amongst any gladiaror uniis. scout'holidaycmping-sef ? They re, afler all, a group of ire8ulm
Othetrise, I shall try lo find a use for the C@hrlid dd Cnnachaeus equippedfor hirdd-run raids,theydon t needa lond ofclutrer to slow
them down. If used a! local defetrceforces, they eill nomally be
The Pngilis is a curiosity. Fnir enough,they were ro be found in operatingfroo vehjclesor within a bde o. builr up re4 so be same
Romanrenai bfi asa military figu€, I don't really se nuch hopefor
someonewho is amed only wilh boxing gloves_He is wemjng a Weaponry is fairly varied, bur not ludicmusly fururistic : foDr
helmet.soperhapshe miShl be conve(ed to a stoddd Deare.or some differcnl SMGS, one ssaulr rifle wilh iited bayonet, one long
such.Pe6onalln I rhink I mighrjusr usehin a a robot for SF gaDes_ maguine fed rifle, one long brelled weaponthd looks like a pump-
action pDntgun. (perhapsthe tuture equivalentof a Boys Anti-Tanl coveredby lassets,and mourcd knees,but he is wearin-ea plackart
Rifle ?),anda heavysupportweaponwhichhasno visibleDaguine. over what appetrs to be a short sleevedlivery coat. His head is
bu1might perhapsbe useables a missile launcheror sone form of prorectedby a Geman sallel, and his chin is colered by whar looks
bean weapon.One cmies a \tatr of powei , which l@ks like some
fom ofde, bulcouldbeuseds eilhera closessault weapon,a unil The bormbardis a fouFpiececastingrouShly50mDby l6mm.with
ltandard, or posibly an €nginering weapon,simild to a "Bm8alore $ree piecesfor the 'tmdle Dd one for the bdel. The baftl hasfive
ToQedo . Thanliirlly no gidr chainsawsor nucled poweed battle proninenrhoopsdd a deco ed touch'hole.the cradleis heavily
gauntlets.just weaponswbich look asthoDghthey could physicallt be
cdied by the figures,dd. moreinponddy, usedby therr. The crew h madeup of thre figurcs: gunnerwith powdefhom and
Overall,a nice bunchof usetul looking figures,at a reasonableprice porte feu, loaderwith rammerand bail. loaderwith scoopand powder
: only 60 pence each. I would be inlercsted10 know if any turther barel- All th@ wed shoesor ankle bootsand m undmed otherthan
releasesm in the pipeline.All the review castingswere flash-freeand dagSes.
The gunneris a beardedchapin tighi fittin8 doublet and hose,and
weeing a simplecoif on his head.
The loader with ralmer is cled shaven,md dressedin hose.
doublet dd iurkey bonnet.He also ttas a hood which haes down
behindhis head.The secondloaderhar a scrutry,stubblylooking beard
nnd *ears a cap, hose.and baggy shirt wilh rolled up sleeves.Just
10mb Science-Fictioo beingpedantic, bul wharb holdinghishoseup ? Ifit is his bell (which
isn t actqally visible benealhthe folds of the shirt. althoughhe must
Pendrakenhaveexlendedtheir diminutive rangeof SF subj@rsby
haveone for his daggerto hangon) it would needlo be pulled fairly
addingtwo packsof Lizddnen", one nounted on bipedaldinosaur
tight, which I woDldhavethoughtwould inhibit his work. Apan liofr
like creatures,md one on foo! with two vdirts for each.The figures
thal, I cdnot reaUy6nd faulr with these6gur!. They .re nicely posed
have crocodiliD headsdd long tails, ed me all dmed with what
dd painr!p well.
appetrs to be qDite subslantial weaponry The mounted pair ee
equippedwilh a fourbarelled nini-gun or a belt fed GPMC., whilst
their dismountedconades cnrry a nissile launcheranda heavyassault
rifle. Overall derailing is clear ard ealy to paint up, although the BOOK REVIEWS
painling shoDldbe madeeasierby deir rctal lack of clothing. only th€
ngue with nissile lnunchereea$ anythingat all, and that is his A
Guide to the War of 1812
backpack' presumablyfor amunition.
Canadian WargamesGroup
For playes who do not ordindily use totm, their sia shoDldnol be To Dosl people,1812is prcbablysynonymous with Napoleon\
viewed s a probleD, but may actually be a bonDs: in e SF setdngI
campaign againsl Russia and the relreat frcD Moscoq so the
seeno rcasonwhy theycoDldnot be usedalongside5mn or l5nm Canadian4,lorlhAmericanconflict is lalgely overlooked.I must admil
figures,after.ll. alienracesshouldreallybedifferentsizes.althouehI tbat I knew little abourit beforeeading this book.
wouldacceptthattheywill lmk tiny ifDsedin conjunction with 20 or Ir is anicelylaid out 76 pa-qeA4 paperback, printedon eoodquality
25Im. They N very reasonablypriced.diving in bagsol 5 mounted paper Introductory chapreBsummdise the causesof the wd. theatre
or l0on foot for only tl. of opemtions,participtuts, ractics,unifoms. and the waterbomeside
As anothercoDsideralion,why not lry a couple of peks of these of the conflict. Theseee well written dd informatjve without beine
againstsome 15tm Wodd Wd II ngues for a "World War in the overburdenedby excesive facls ed figures.As d intdrction. they
Balance altemativehistory scentuio? contain sufficient idormariotr for tbe total rcvice 1o needno tunher
resedch before commencingplay, ed act as a gentle lead-in to the
rules thenselves.They night possibly be viewed as extended
The dles de designedfor l5lm figures,but ce be usedfor 25frn
Harlequin Miniatures by alteringthe scales.andtvo sersof ldd'basedrulesde suppliedto
25tm Medievals - "Helsini|ns" cove.lege battlesor sDall skimishes. The ldge battle rulesde fairly
Hdlequin have a neady sculpEd range of late medievavedly straightfosdd, andee quile fast to both asimilate andplay.They re
renaissdceRgureshiddenunderthe tide of Hehinianj. AllhouSh also cmdkably shorr, so there\ no messirS about wilh endle$
designedfor fanhsy gm€s, they apped to be fairly straightfo$dd chaptes of small print, The rules €volve doDnd "slands" of fieures, t oopsof the Burgundio wm p€rio( simild lo the WRG SelenYem Wd nles, so you shouldbe ableto use
Takng two reviewpacks6 smples. 8l 18 Men-at-amsand 8119 theD without the bother of re basingall your ngDres,dd use
Bombdd md creq the figuresarecleanlycalt andstanddound 26Im altemaling player phases.Playe6 will ned to prepde a deck of
'conmand cuds before com€ncement. but giveD that the highest
eye ro fl@r All figres comeon 20Im sqDareplastic slotta- bases".
The men at :ms de heavily moured, dd comp.ise a sbnding value is a I, dd no norc tho 4 cdds of atry value ee is
halberdier,an advmcing chapwith panizm, dd d atrackingbillnd. eay enoughto usecdds fion anordinarypackofplaying cads. There
All thre wed kn@ length b@ts dd have swords d second.ry de no quict ref€rencesheetssupplied.altough lhe Dain esentials of
fte rules de sunmdised on a 2 pagespreadof playiDgcharts.Melee
The halbedier appeds lo be the least moured. He is a bedded dd liring havefart simple frechanisrns.bu requiresone basicnaths
figure, and has a plain openfacedsaletta.whilst his body is protecled ro comp e- Sone playersmay find a pocketcalculatoruleful to sp€ed
by a plackanover a mail shirt. His leSsde moured at the knees.His things Dp. Rdges re exrenely shon, allowing Dle ofn fairly small
halberdis held horizontally acrcsshis chestal the charge. playing de4 or allowing playersplenty of roon to nnno€uvrebeforc
The billDan has dms fully clad in plate, thighs coveredby ta.sel5.
ed moured hees, bul appem lo be weaJing some form of The small unit scale calls for individually based, but body lmour is not readily appdent- His helmet otheNise lh€ rulesde ldSely derivativesof the mainset.Firine rmSes
is a fa y plain openfacedjob. perhapso Italid sallet,md his bill is de longer,bul slill suficiendy shon b allow for a small play ea. The
held hi8h, readyfor a downwald strike or a rapid advdce. naval rules de equally shon dd relatively straightfosaJd. They are
The chapwith the panizm also has :Ufl fully clad in plale, thighs sumdised onlo a single pagesunnary md supponedby 2 pagesof
ships'charts asreadyto play exanples.
Scenariosde given for l0 land aclions frcm QueenstonHeights
( 1812)throughto NewOrleans( 1814),dd for I 2 waterbome acdons,
including botb deepseaand lake coDbar. TheKeep
Eachof rhe lmd scenmioscoDprisesa derailedrenain map,lisr of Lelra rchantB6rracks,
torces involved. player briefings for all commdds. any specialrules SN102ER,UK
which might apply, and victory condftions.Hisrorical outcomesdd Tel& Fax(01380)724558
''what ifs m
also given, allowing players some added vdiery for
mosl aclions. I ws very impresed by fte scendios, dd woutd W. 3h.ll be at lhe tollming shoys in rhe n€f ftrlurc:
considerOe book almost wonh buying on their strengthalone, even
though I havent really played any Napoleonicgmes fo. almost 20
yem. They give some very inreresringgmes. The nalal scendios
follow the samegeneralfomat. but omir the €rain nap. Most of the Co lege of Furth€r Edlcalion
ldd baled actions require cofrpamnvely few fiBurs, allhough the Collage ol Funntr Education
numbersobviously lary L'emendouslybelweenengagenents_Some.
suchas ThamesRiver, needonly 49 nSuresfor the battle scateedq
W€ aB now .bla to eppty tisiing ot att th. Enga we stock on
but more typically the gamestend to need dmund 60 fi8ures a sjde, disk Pl.$E conracr !s for deL 5
which shoDldb€ a rcasonablyaffordable force to raise in I5nD. I F|',hod'dilorJ.rdhdx*q''|.dgd{
worderwhereI canfind somefiEue!.... 4'trF&tl'o'notiro
Overall, highly recomended.
H.'o'6&trdF suG& sourneM'{aruc-rf I'suF'.n06
Musun Miii'ru6. sHoMnlaiurc.
*****rn*** Marchboxwhiclss:
anfir: Fry.rl;FuiimiaHaqrya

De BeiJit Civik c.nFn'G5aefuk.

@BR English civil war Scenarios1642-43)'ro
Keep WargamiDe
o.pdvM.r d_Am..Hi..vansu,dacampi,sn
sn a3:An*hr'js.hms.Rrc.
As you might galherfroD the title, this 42 pagepaperbackconrains r.rrnnl .d.lturdi!3
scenuios for 18 eely actionsfrom the EnglishCivil We. (lM r,6j Hovsk{ced, Mdinrr (6hr. Hd,d@v.,
Mirndry D€lisnr4d): D,!pa,
Moder!(r5mm N,ooreonic6rdbuidinot
Each is presentedin a stmddd fomat of map md hisrorical ShoDotsnTtr*Sdl10.hm30opm).
backgroundplus lisl of forces in DBR tems, and vicrory condirions.
Thesem followed by further hislorical noresotr rheoriginal cou6e of

The engageDentscovered de a interesting nix, ranging ftom Rapid FireJSeond Supplement

PowickBndse rhrou8hto Winceby.1 presumen is just coincidence Unit Organisatioos for the Russian Fmnt 194l-1945
that bolh fiN and final acrons m enri.ely mounredclashes,but there by Richard Marsh
is a good mixrurc of bafiles in berween.The large .ier-piece- acdons Stratageb PublicatioN
of Edgehill and (Fist) Newbury are both covered,but so too tre the t12.95
smaller engagementsof Highnam, Colefo.d, dd Seacroft Moor This glossy 102pagepaperbackgives|my lists and addinonalstac.
DedicatedECW fas may find few surprises,bur i! makesa plesmr tbr playes wdting lo portmy the cmpaigns on the EaslemFront, and
changeb se the more obscurcminor cldhes getting somecoverage, is very simild in fomat to the firsr supplement. covering the
rather thanjust the nsuatldge/well known ones.There de prcbabty
lm mary gamerswho ftink that rhe ECW is conposedeDtirelyof fte ''Standdd" unil orgdisations
for the major conbalanrs@cupy 68
lrio of Edgehill - Mmlon Moor - Naseby,so hopefulty tbis mighr pages.listing uniis by lyp€ and date of sedice. Each unit is brcken
pe6Dadesomeof tbem olheruise. Someof the scenariose hqvily down into componentsecrions,e,g. companies,plaioons. elc. witb
imbaldced, perhapsmosi notably Seacroft Moor, and might have detaih of composition dd poinrs values, plDs accompanyingnotes
benefiledfrom a little morc nodification of victory condinonsro give explaining vuiations f6m the nom, or dy restictions on their use.
grearerincentivelo tl'e losing player The notes ee quite comprehensive,dd cd be used to fDnler
Tbe mapsde adequale.but I thoughtsome,suchasNewbury looked cDsromiseforcesor add exr.adetail or vdiety.
just a litde cluttered,whihr orhers.especiallySeadofr Moor, apped German. RoDdid. HDngmian. Italiu, Slovakian, Fimish dd
very spand. I donl supposelhere is.eally a greal deal ftar could be Sovier forces de all cove€d. wiih r),"ical HQ, infanEy. cavairy,
done aboul this, some need lo convey a lor more infofration than a m o D e d . a n r i a i r c r a f ra. n , i - r M k .f i e l d d n ' l l e r y . , e . o n n a i $ a n c e .
othe6. The lists are laid out in a qDnesraighrfoNdd mdner and tre engrneeiingdd bndging units all delailed. About the only rhinS I
keyedinto the mapscleady, so it is a fairly eay proce$ to serup any didn't *e was a Luftwatre Meteorological Suney Compdy (one
gjven game.I would havelited to seesomespecific noteson lemin, sened al Stalingraduntil the final fall), or a ho6e drawn neld
rathef thanjust haveb interprct the mapsand gleaninfomation from The standdd units are followed by 14 pages of wdgdmes
the historical backgroundnotes. Players unfamilid with rhe acnons organ$ations,to allow for easy organisarionof Kmpfgruppe,
nrghl encounle. sone minor difficuldes wilh this. The scenados Brieades,or Batle cfoups by conbining standdd units.
presentedde entirely factual.which is perfectlyredonable given rhal fomations m looselybsed on specifichisroricalestablishmenB,
$ese arehistoricalencounteF,but it would havebee. nice to lee some 6 average operanonal strenglh at Kunk. rarber tnd rheoretical
''histoncal what ifs,
included ro give more vuiety to rhe gmes. For s!rcngths.
example.someof the &tions wereinfluencedby a critcal shonageof As wilh lhe fi61 supllemenl, rhe vehicle and equipmentlists ftom
muniiion. but this is not necessarilyrefl@redin rhe sceneio. the onginal rulese considerablyexpdded here.wirh a 6 pagelisting
Non DBR playea may well find them of limited use, alihough it of all lhe vehiclesinvolved,plus a fDnher5 pagesof aircraft
should not be difficult to trmsiare ihe srarisricsto othe. systems.but The prcduction standdds @ the usual excellert ones thar we &e
ftey ac very reaonably priced, md well worth a look_ comng to associatewith StEtagem\ ourput: sleek, glo$y paperod
clear,edy to rcadtext. Molale is the phasewheredy hils ftom fte previonsum de rcsolved.
Again, a! with the fist supplemetrt,theree 5 pagesofphotoeriPhs Combatcove6 atl movenen! nrin8, dd mele. Reinforcenenrarlows
at Oe fion! md a half-dozenpa8esof mnufacturels adverhsenents imher cardsto be brough into play-
at ihe back of the book, againwith severatphotos,taking the lotal page For thosewho de kEenon collecling a tull setof cards.or would like
the tull set to play fte endrehistorical cmpaign. Columbjahavenow
Recommendedro Rapid Fift playeB. especially the ones wift releasedfuu decks wi$ all 300 cdds. otheNise, the cards ift
dgumenhtive opponen$. rddor y all@ated to each box. As an addedopdon for collectoN.
there me bronre edged.silver edgedand gold edgedveBions of each
ced. Thesehnve absolutelyno eff@t upon play, but gold dd silver
GAMESREVIEWS cdds de ruer (and presuhably then more collectable.)Playe6 who
de only interestedin the gme miSht like to lake advdtage of this by
E.gl6 : wate.loo 1815 ditching golds and silven at conventionsfor exFa bron2€caids.
Colectable Cr.d Gam€ Overa!. not what I might choosefor m evening\ eaming,but ideal
Columbia Games,Inc. for the @cdional hour-to-kill" gme or for rcsEictedcircunshces.
Some time ago. I had the opponunity to rcliew "Ddi?", the such as a gaDe a! the pub (if yotr really musl) or as a means of
Americm Civil We cardgue ftom Columbi4 and althoughI m not entenaiment on a longjoumey. providlng you re not driving the cm.
a regulm card-playea I looked foNed to tho opportunity to see Tley af really ideal for the fe.ry, \there you cm show our Empee
''Ea8ler", their Napoleonicotrerin8.
neighboun ftat we @ tuUy conversant witl lhe PrinciPles of
In many rcspecB, Eosles aid Ditie cm probably be viewed as continentalintegmdon.Espeially the French.
compuion sets. Tbe cards and the gde rules sh@ a number of
feauies, dlftongb in somercsp@lsI foutrd E48ler to be the sup€nor
product, dd both offer the gder tbe possibility of a relatively fdt,
simple gme. Each Eagles pack conlaiff a random selection of 60 ******rrrr*
cardsout of a potenti.l fuU set of 300, plus rules and a set of die<ut
counten which e Dsedfor tMhng uresolved casualties,or for
infantry uniis in colum or squde-
The cdds have ditrerent colourcd bek for 6y identification: (Boxed set: rureb@t, dice, templat€s,artrllery pieB)
British de a bold red with a Sold lion in a geen weath at fte c€nte,
Fr€nch are mid blue wilh ihe tmperial Eagle in a gold llrealh, and t19.99
ftussians arc datk blue/charcoalwith the Pnssie eagte in a gotd The long-awart€dadilery supplem€ntto Flintloque bnnas rhe
w@th. I liked this at-a-glanc€"distinctior: deks cu be sorted chm@ of massdestrucl1ondd devdtation in the form of aniuery
quickly, dd tbe designsare fairly colourtul. gemdes. od rockets,plus one or lwo other supplementaryideas.For
As migbt be expected,the c&ds representunits of the tbiee mies. anyorc unfamilid with $e basic concept, the rol€s are for
alrhoDsha the British cdds depict the Anglo-Dulch army, the fronis 'Napoleonique fdtasy' gmes set on ihe fictional world of Valon.
aJe fffihei distinguisbed by having red edges to British cdds. whereImperialFrerch N now rcpresenEdby Elves,&d Wellingtotr's
taMy/pale browDfor Dutch cards.ud btek for Brunswicke6. There ihin red line e Orcs.This may not b€ to everyooe'state, but it might
de cdds for infmty, cavalry,artitlery generals,lp€cial effects", md prcve a useftl nenns of introducing neq ptay6 to Napoleonic
Eachcardbed a suitablepictu.e and all gam€infomation rclevat The original boxed set, Flintloque, Save fi8ws md rules for
1o iis use. Irfdrrf cards rcpresetrtFrench or British brigades or ''Shdke's Rifles ', pitt€d againstPeninsuld ElvenVoltiEeuB.dd werc
Prussif rcgiments,dd have colou illusFations of officers or men soontollowed by Deadloque,which €xpandedlhe ids by introducing
froln spe.ific batlalions. Cavalry cards r€presetrtBndsh or Pmssiat a decidedlyRussif cmpai8tr setin the ftozen east,with new dles for
brigadesor Frenchdivisionsand depictrid6 ftom sp€cificrcgiments. fte Undead(Russians)md Do8 soldiers(Austrians).
Artitlery cardsrepresent2-4 brlteries of guDs,dd lortray gunDe6in Groperh?necontiouesthe trcnd. Thereffi morenew mces,with ibe
colou with their pi€cesd r monochome backgrcund.The anileiy TurKsh iniDen@d otter meo, "Othdi". and sone very colodial rules
cdds de fd more attractivetbd tbe rath€rbland profiles us€din the for hslflings, who fit itrto the Napoleonic rcl€s of Mdelukes.
Dtt p&ls. Generals@ illusFated by head-and-shouldenportnits. Cdibbem militia forces.od E.I.C. sepoys.
Temin cdds havescedc views; specialeffeci! caids bed ilhstntions Howeveathe real em?h6is of rh,s s€l is an lery It @y sem a lirde
lertinent to then subjet. incongnous jr a stjmisb setting whete units de probably no more
The cardsde cledly tEked with gme infornation. sucha! combat than a doren figlB strcng, but it can work if you de cretuI. Fietd
vrlues, tuepower, @lee etr@ts, ud morale vatues.They also have gus m potertially de$rating, esp€ciallywhen loadedwith caseor
infomtion relatinSto hisroricaldeptoymen!suchasonginal orderof gnpe shot,blt bopetullt this shouldnake playeB a bit moretacticatty
batde, dd which actions they seNed in historicalll Il is possibleto mided: guns co b€ easily outnank€d,dd b€sides.tbey were nor
fnd cards for Quatre Brs. Ligny. Waw, dd Walerloo. dependetrt designedfor snipitrg.
u?onthe origiMt corpsdeploymentTberere additionaly someceds The rules book cameas a bit of a surpriseaft€r the slim booLleisof
for units which took pan in the campaiSnbDt did Dot get into adion. the finr tvo sets: this one is tlrce tin€s as fiick. and hN less
HaviDgtbe coEect cards for an aclion is tbantdrly trot computsory background malerial amongsl it. There arc a few sections of
provided thar rhe coned mrios @ maintainedthe actioN nay b€ expluatorf note! which I susp€ctde mainly aim€dar felay players
playedusing a mixture of unib, altboughterain is limited to hisbncat with tittle hisroricalconceptfor the period, ed therearea lot of chans
deployneDt.Playen will probnbly needai leasttwo p&ts to proceed of statistics: 14 pagesof artilery weapons.followed by 9 paSesof
beyond QuaEe Bras or Wa$e: with m averageof 20 cuds per individual black powder weaponryin the form of nuskeis, carbines,
natioMliry in eachpack, Ligny and Waterl@ wil be beyondnormal pistoh, blunderbuses,rifles dd grcnades.
meds, the fomer needs36 French dd 40 Prussids, the latter needs The shtistics ar€ not jtrst blod colsnns of figures, bul de
36 eachfor the Brirish md Frenchand 24 Prusids. Sincegees ue itrtersteB€d with technical notes' and ancillary background
normally played by two players,this either meansbuying a pack ach information. AI weaponscoveredare given gam specincatioN.atry
md swappingspaies,or som€kind of loa mgenent- peculiaritiesof loading,reliabiliry or specialetrecb (suchasircr€aed
Gme mehanics @ exhemelysimple dd fat. Play is altemat€od chdce of explodidg if mislred), dd numb€rof crew required.Tbe
follows th€ simDle seouenceof Morale Combat Reinforcement. artiltery is listed by Valon nadonality.but most Nnpoleonicstalescm
be qui1eeaily identified.
A numberof nther exotic weaponshavebeenincluded.itrspiredby
historical precedent,dd rules are included for the deployment of
Tnamrcnn Mopnrs
hiehly unpredictable 'Con€lave" rockets. Amongst the entedaining 12, Lary Hill Road, Aldridge, Walsalll, w. Mids WS9 8RR
additions to the peBonal amoury, there k a grenadelauching PhonelFaxt 01922452457
cubine, dd m Orcish horse artillery double-blreled pislol- The Stockistsof 1/ 1200shipr 1/300Alvs & Aireaft by R6 & Nawar
'ijstarid repealingair,rifle" midr be anothe.eDtenainingweapon
to 1/ 300Tr@fe6, 1/200 Napoleonicships,
I / J000& | / 1200net fdck lor dI penod'
Nine new scenariosde prcsented.Five, Shdke's Br€ach,Sbarke\ HiBh Qlality Sablebrushes
Retea! Sharke'sFort, cer&dt Escon and Obidiafit Amy, de based Fu[ Colou Partypaint hge
on ealily recognised"Peninsdd fiction". The other four re a mixed Bulk s@tterpacks
batch, with two €dily recognisable"historical" snings: cerdd\
Revofla8s,Veni,Vidi, Vici trmfeB
Treasureis bded on the Frenchcmpaign in Egypt, Dracsul'sRevenee
is set dler the retreatftom Moscow.The final rwo. Ger&d\ Mission, First isse of ou tu]l prcdu.r lGt (20pa8es)now available
dd Bercr by Hatl give a Dwad ve6Ds Dog-soldiermbush. ud m Send€1.00& ,{4 evelope
Elf versusHalfling encount€r.
Each scerdio has a computer geneGtedsketch mp, md a brief
background1o the action. There de player briefings and a
comprehensivelist of combatants.detailin8 abilities, arnametr! and Caliver Books
dy speial facbrs which might atrel play. Mo$ scenariosfeaturc
mixed units. either allied .ac€so. ftom ditreretrt3ms of sePice. and
might be playedby more thantwo play€s, whilst severalwill etively 10r (x!) ti.00
require al leastthe players.The largesrscendio is Obidiaht Arny,
which requircs47 fiems, a howitzer and a rocket laucher, ed will
fted at least tbce players.All scemrios de quite weu baldced and
shoqldgive & entenaininggane. WE NOW STOCKTHE COMPLEftMNCE Of VAIIIIO PAINT5
. @ rarF
The bmk also containsa surunary of the tull tules, which would in
lheory atlow playeB to jusi use this one volume ud dispensewilh
buying the fist two ser!. How€ver.the rules de betler presentedin
Flintloqu. nd Deadloque,Nd re a bit cmped in their sumaised
vesion, bDt it might still be worth cotrsideringfor lhoseon a limited
budget.Also, you would not get the figms included wirh lhe starter C|an/NAPOLEONIC N!anN

However this leadsto the naSgingtnoughrof "why didnl theyjDsr

print a thiuer book dd makeil a bit cheaper....?'- This is emphdised
by th€ inclusion at the end of the book of a 4 pagelist of Flndaqze
ngws If you arc going to try md fill a couple of pages.why troi
molher sc€nario, backgrourd material or further cotoNl^L, Acw & MoD[rN
designeBnotes? Possiblyevena playsheer?
Anyway, on to the rcst of the box. Therear€ 5 platic di@ , d4, d6,
d8, and a percentagepair- I expe.r rhnt mosi playeB will alreadybe
€quipped with dice. bul extras me always very usetul, so I won'1

There re somecolouredcdd teDplates.The shell,bunt circles &e

alright, but the 'tmieer ridgle" looks a bit flimsy to me: n is
sufEcientlylong (55 ctr/22 incheo rhat ii hasto b€ folded to fit inro the
box, md I snspectthat rhecre4es may proveto b€ the weakpoini. The
@a coveredby lhis templateappeN prctty hefty, bur may not be A A MA]ORSECOND HANOBOOKLIsTISON ITSWAY
dev6tating as playeB may suspet. Suchtemplatesusedto abomd in HUGE BoARD WAR CAMESALE SENDFOR LIST
the lale sixties when oles by ctut, Feathe6tone. etc were in
widespreaduse,but when ir use,they neverquite seemedto coverihe
@a neded, unlessyou oppone wa using rhem.The catings de
probablyny main griF. Th@ de pi@s to compl€reboth a field gm
and a howitzer Crews are not prcvided, speifically b€causemost mNkeL and ca$ines- The type of stuf thar is fairly ubiquitous a
ptayeB wo'rld only want one @€ of gutr crcw' dd it would be backSrcunddetaits h nodels or paintings, almost aU of which wil
extravagantlo provide a lot of extraneousfigues 1ocaler for aU tbe come in usehtl in dqe cou6e somewh@ or other. AgaiD, thes @
nadonalities.If you e an orcish ptayer you will only wanr orc clear y csl, with clearderailingdd edily painted.
gunne6, so therc is no point in having a load of elvesdd dwaryesin Then comesthe niggly bit I said almost all the cluner will core iD
the samebox. Fan enough,I can acceptthe logic behind rhar. Gun usfiil in due coune, but therc rcmain soft castingswhich @ quire
crewsare availablesepdately in blister packs.The adillery pi€cesre cledly memt to be bils of rubble". Althoud th€y ar€ quite g@d
cleanly cast, with eachcomprising a cdiage, pair of wheels,barEl, rcprentations of dilapidatedwalling, I di.ln'r find them particuldly
and ao eleEting wedge. Derailing is ct€e but minimalisr, and th€y useftl.I halfway suspectthis was a caseof having a spaceto iU. md
paint up easiv Nothing dranatic. and no "distinguishingfearureJ'to needingsom€lhingeconomicalto fill it. I would havepreferd to se
identify theEce of lhe o\lrler, so they wil prcvide a good,generic!an, a pile of cannonbatls,e almuition chest,or evena cdualry fiem,
useableby most playe6. They de undoubredlylarge,but most of the if anythinghad to be put in, but not rbesebirs of wal
figues in *E flinrlo4!. mge seempretry hefty, so they shouldfir in Despitemy reservationsaboutth€ moyirS wall s€ctions,the folded
cmisier template, and the figurc list, I actuajly liked this ser, ud
ThereaE also some"cluttel' caltings, boxes,bdels, gabions, rccomend it to Fli,adoq!? players.


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of orde6undertso(Minimum
5oo)eBO- !t20 _
planned. with Jdes fleeing the country dd Willim createddual
The British Army 166o-17o2 monarchwith his wife Mary. If the new king coDldgain the supportof
Its Dress and Campaigns peliamen! he would now be able to comnit British soldiers to the
coming war ngarnstFrdce.
Part IL The Infantry during the
relgns ofJames tr (1685-88) and
william m (1688-1702)
Jmes very rapidly iDcrealedthe size of the StandingAimy in Bntain.
Part One much againstthe will of parliamentwhich feded he night use i! to
by changethe constitutionin supponof his co{eligionisls. DunDg l6E5-
1688he raised 18 battalionsof Foot, l4 regimentsof Ho6e and 2 of
Mark Allen Dragoons-All this while the country was osEnsibly at peace.Wilim
of Oage continDedthis expansioD,mising 66 banalionsdunng 1688-
This is fte first pan of a two pan article coveritrgthe British infantry 1698.These were reducedby 51 ar fte end of the Nine Yem war
duirg the reignsof thesetwo ilnpoddt mondcbs. This fi^t pan wilt (1688-97) and thJ@ more battalions were disbdded beforc 1714.
illDstratethe dres dd €quipmenrand $e secondpan will take a look However in cadiness for the coming conflict over the Spmish
at the flags. SDccession20 battalioff wereaised betweenJune Uol and Februan/
The period 1685-U02 was one of profound chdge ud upheavatin
Britain, not only for the military, bDtalso politically, economicaly and During ihe reign of KirB Janes most regimentswerc foned with a
socialll Had th€ so called Glorious Revolulion not occurcdin 1688 single banalion orgmisatiotr. (Only the First F@r GDards.tbe Scots
thenthe shapeof British history could well baveb@nvery differcnt. ln Guardsand fte Royal Regimenthad two.) The battalion consistedof
1685lhat muchovenatedmonar€hChdles tr died dd left the tbrcne 13 companies. one of which was compnsed of 8renadies. The
to his brotler Jm€s, who b€causeof his Romm Calholicismhad been grenadierconpany had no pikenen. but the remainderwere madeup
subj@redto vdious attemptsto excludehim the soccession.His of both pikenen dd musket6, with the fomer naking up dound a
dival otr tbe thrcne was initially welcomedas he bad behavedwith ftird of $e conpdy. By 1690 the propoiions were mund 5:1 in
great dignity tbrughout the period of the 'exclusion' bils dd was favou. of the muskeleen.In July 1685the ting reducedthe strengthof
populd in the coutrtry.He atsocut a somewhatdashingfigm asa mu a contany Aom approximalelyI I 1 men of all mnks to lhe followinS:
of nction, havinS sered in the 1650sboth in the French amy under I CapraiD, I Lieutenant. I Ensign. 2 Sergemts, 2 Corpomls, 2
Turenne(who had a high opinion of him) and later with fte Royalist Drulmes, 2 Hautbois players dd 60 Privates. In addition the
amy in Exile', alli€d b tle Spdish, at the Batde of tne lDunkjrk] regimental staff consisredoi I colonel, I Lr.colonel, I Major I
Dunes( 1658).After the Restorntlonhe look responsibiliryfor the navy, Quanedasier. 1 AdjDtdt, I Cbaplain, I Suigeon dd a Surgeon\
doing goodseryicein correctingfte mfy orgeisational faults d wetl
futfitling the role of a.lrniral, wilh some success. during $e Dulch ln action tbe pikemenwer€ drawn off'from their companiesod
fomed into a single body, usually deployedbetweentwo 'wings of
Unfonunatelyhis reign a monrch wa not 6 successful.AlftoDgh musketeers.Tbe tactical doctrinesemployed were undergoing
he managedto *eather the atlempt by his nephewJames.Duke of considerablechdSes during this period. The old methodof firing by
Momouth, to usurp lhe lhrone, he failed to gaugethe Dood of the ranks.which retmed to the red to reload, wa beinSreplacedby the
coDniy and his policy of allowing toleration for catholics and Durch rechniqDeof plaroonfire. This new rrethod alloqed a grcater
Prctestdt dissenters atlempt to re-Catholicisethe weighr of tue to be lard down by a tighler fomation, which no longer
nalion. tn Ircldd the Mlities of Oesepolicies becme trdsprent 4 requiEd spac€sbetwen the files, down which fte musketeerwould
his deputy the E&l of T)rconnel purged the militdy stablishment of retirc lo reload. EqDally,if not more. impor&ntly, ihe platoonswerc
irs Prctestot officers.replacinglhem with loyal Catholics- arrangedsothat at dy otretime at lea$ pan of fte Dnil wd ableto Sive
In forei8n policy Janes continuedhis brotheCsctoseties with rh€ fire, improving the securityod fire control of the battalion.
Frarce of Louis xry which wd also unpopulu in the countt,
particuldly after tle Revocationof the Edict of Ndles sentthousands CLOTHING, ARMS AND EQUIPMENT
of PrctestatrrFr€fth families to sek dylum in Britaitr, bringing wirh
them horcr stories of life urider tbe 'Sun King . tndeed the foreign
Soldierswore a ldge coUdle$ coal usually red, with linings which
policy implications of James's closenes to King Louis we.e a! showedat tbe cutrs in vdious coloun 1oditrerencethe units. SmaI
importdt a factor ss ey in caDsinghis demise. black bats werc the mrm, €dgedwith while or yellow tapeaccording
Jafres's daDgblerMary was muied to rhe Dulch strdtholder to whetherth€ buttols wee white (!ester) or yetlow (brass)net l-
of Orege Nassau,a ngurc of considedbl€inponmce on the Vestsor waistcoat! rere sleevedmd usually madeup of the soldieit
Empef stage-Willimt Neth€rland-s werethe tuch enemyof FraDce old coat ehen it wa rcplaced.smll clothesconsjsEdof a linen sbirt
and his feds for his couDtryfotlowing an Anglo-Frencb.Iimce led md cravat in vanous 'otr-white' shades.Breecheswere cul less tull
him to tale drasticactionto prctectloth the Netheddds md his wifet ilan earlier in the cennry ad were wom with woollen stockingsdd
heavyblack sho€swilh squ@ toes.
inheritfce, the latter having been threatenedby the birth of a son to
Jmes dd his young Italian wife, Mary of Modena.The birth of the Swordswereonginanycnied on butr shoulderbelts,bDtthesewere
young Jmes also threatenthe future of ihe 'Prolesldt Succession'. Braduallybeingreplacedby waistbelts.Most pikenen wore no mour
tolenlion coDld be given to oDe Catholic mondch, who coDld be althougha few dained backand brcastplatos;the weding of the hals,
Featedas a 'blip beforc nomaliry was resnned, bui a dynastywd a rather lhan helneis. was Dnivesal. The musteteels shoDtderbelt of
atosdeswas,likewise, in decliDq the replacenentb€ing the caitiidSe
wiliam found himself forced to take action. He amnged for lhe box, usually on a shoulderbelt. btrt somenmescuied on the waist.
amy of Bredenlurg to defendHollmd whilst he gatbereda small but The matchl@kmusketwd also being replacedby the flintlock and
well lrained amy to invadeEnglandwilh the inlenlion of forcing his with nosr regiments fielding them in equal numbeB in 1685 the
Dncle1ochdge his policies.In ihe edd the prcj&t qorked betterthan matchlockhad prcbablydisappeGd by the end of the centDryA morc
shon tem piece of equipnent was the plug bayonet(se plate one)
which wd only inEoducedafter 1689into the British Anr bur had
beenreplacedjusr a decadelater by the more bayotret, The Quen Coblort's Regt. of F@t (Ih€ N€w Targier Regt)
which aUowedtne loldier to continue tuin8 when the bayonetwd Fomed: 1680 (Later 4$ Foot)
Colonels: 23.04.82 CharlesTrelawney
01.12.88 Sn cbdles orby
THE REGIMENTS(1685-1702) 31.12.88 Trclwmey(reappointed)
Unifom: Seeplate lH. Pike armourappedsto havebeenwom a! lare
The First Regr of I'@! cuard! as 1697.G€nadiers nay havewom tall tur capswilh a red bag (see
Colonels: 14.12.81 Henry Fitzroy. lst Duke of craflon
30.11.88 Sir Edwud HenryL@. 1stEal of Lichfield There we.e ftree English and tlrce Scotsrcginents in Dutch serice
31.12.88 Gmfton(reappointed) who cme over with wiltim in 1688.They had beenin Hollod since
16-03.89 Henry. Earl of Romey 16?4dd the threeScols.egimentsretmed to the Dulch esrablishmetrt
2?-12.90 Charles, Dukeof Schomberg in 1698.Of the thre Englisb regimentsrwo remainedoD the English
20.11.93 Romey (rcappoinled) esbblishmentaJterthe Nine YearsWar (laterbeconing the 5th dd 6tl
Unifomi Seeplate1A. crenadierderaihreferro theleriod c. 1685. Regimentsof Fooo and one was disbandedh 1698.Although rhey fit
OfEcer's Grenadier costume (gold lace) is taketr frcm the Francis into tbe list of regimentsat this loint their dess, organisarionand
Hawley porhait. An altemativecap is shoqn on the ri8h. appointmentswere, nt least imediately after 1688, Durh and will
thercforebe coveredin a later anicle.
Tbe Seond ( or Coldstrem) ReeL of Foot Guards
Fomed:1660 The Royar ReSr of FuzileeN
Colonels: 06.01.70 willid Craven,lsr Earl Craven Fomed: 1685 (Later 7tn Foo,
01.05.89 Thoms ToUemache(also speltToinash) Colonels: 11.06.85 Georg€trgge, lst Irrd Danmouth
03.10.94 Jobn,IIdCDtts 26.08.89 John,Lord Churchill
Unifom: Se€plate 18. creradieB' yellow lace. {later lst Duke of Mdlborcugh)
23.01.93 t ord CeorgeHuilton
Ihe Scois Regt, of Foor Guad.! 01.08.92 Edwed Fitzpatrick
(On the Scotrishestablishmenr) 12.11.96 Sir ChdlesO'Hm
Fonnedr1660 Uniform: See plate lL. Caniidge box on a waisrlelt. Some soDrces
Colonels: 13-06.84The Hon.Jmes DouglN showcoatslacedwhite.AI ranlers and NCOSworc cap.Oftcers wore
01.09.91 The
Unifom: See plate lC. Gremdie6 coa$ eirher white or no lace.
Grcnadiersprobablyin tur caps(seelFi)- Princ6s Am€ of Denmark's RegL of F@t
Fomed: 1685 (titer 8O Foot)
The Royal Reer of Foot (Royal Scots) Colonels: 19.06.85 Robert Shirlel lst Edl Ferers
Forned: 1633(Thus nichame 'PontiusPilate,sBodyguerd't) 01.11.86 JamesFiEjmes, lst Dukeof Beruick
Colonels: 21.10.55 Lo.d ArchibaldDouglas. 31.12-88 JohnBeaumorr
lsr Edl of Dubanon 26.12-95 JohnRichmondWebb
31.12.88 FrederickHeme, Dukeof Schomberg Unifom: Se lK.
05.03.91 Sn RobenDouglas
01.08.92 t rd GeorgeHamilron Henry Comwal's R€gt of Foot
Unifom: Se€plate lD. crenadiers' ahire laceedgedblue.crenadie.s Fomed: 1685 (Later 9th F@0
cap whiie fonted with a 'lion face crownedpropel. Colonels: 19.06.85 Henrf Comwall
20-11.88 OliverNichola
The Queen Dowaser's Regr. of Imt 31.12.88 JohnCuminghd
(The Otd Tdgier Regt.o. Kirke s Lmbs) 01.05.89 williD StDart
Fomed:1661 Unifom: See plate lM. Offtcere de recordedas weding blue coats
Colonels: 19.04.82 PercyKirke
18.t2-91 williu Selwyn
Unifom: Seeplate I D. GrenadieBin nr caps.crenadieB lace gien The Er.l of Bath's Regt. of F@a
and white. (Somesourcesshow rc lace). Fomed: 1685 (Laler loth Foo,
Colonels: 20.06.85 JohnC.anville. lst E{l of Barh
The Holhnd R€sinen. (the Butfs) 08.12.88 Sir ChadesCmey
Fomedr1665 31.12.88 Bath(reappointed)
Colonels: 26.01.84 John Sheffield,3rd E{l MtrlgDve 29-10.93 Sir Belil G@vitle
23.10.85 SirTheophilus Ogiethorpe Unifom: SeeplateU.
31.12.88 ChdlesChurchill
Unifom: Seeplate lc. Facingcolou. often desribed as ,fleshcotoul. The Duke of Beaufo.t's R€gt of Foot
Coat usually called camine i.e., a ddker red thm most other Fomed: 1685 (kter 111hFoo0
Colonels; 20.06-85 HenrySonerse!lsr DukeofBeaufon
26.10.85 CharlesSome6et,Mdques ofworcesr€r
Prince G€orgeof D€Dmark's R€gt. of F@t 08.05.87 Willian Herbert,2dd Marquessof Powis
(Sered asMarines.KnoM asthe Mariline Regt.or rhe 'Oid Marines,) 31.12.88 Sir JohnHdmer, Bt.
Fomedr16&. Disbeded: 1690-91 Unifonn: Seeptate lN. Grenadienworelawtry ud white lace.Capsa!
Colonels: 15.02.68 Sii CharlesLitrleton 2Kiii & iv with rcd bags'tlmed-up'ramy'
Uniforn: Se plate2C. Redcoarwom fiom 1686.Crey hals wom witb






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The Duke of No.folk's Regl. of Fooi BeYil Skelton's Regt. of Foot
Formed: 1685 (Iaer 12thFoo, Fomed: 1688. Disbanded: 1689
cotoneh: 20-06.85 He f Howad, 7ft DukeofNorfolk Coloneh: 09.10.88 Bevil Skefton
14.06.86 Sir EdwardHenryte, Bt., I st Ed of Lichtreld
30.11.88 Sir RobertCarey,61ht rd Hunsdon
31.12.88 TheHon.HenryWhanon The Earl of Stafrord's Regt. of Foot
01.11.89 Richdd Brwer Fomed; 1688- Disbdded:1689
Udfom: See lP Pikenen wore white sasbesaroundtheir waists- Colonels: 08.1l-88 Hetrry Stafford-Howdd, lotb Edl of SBtrord

The Earl of Eutingdon's Regt of [ooi

Fomed: 1689 0lter 13thFoot) Edwad Fitzpatrick's Regl. off@i
Colonels: 22-06.85 TheophitusHalt1ngs,?th Edl of Hunnngdon Fomed: 1688. Disbanded:1698
31.12.88 Fe.ditrddoHastings Colonels: 31.12.88 EdtardFitzpatrick
13.03.95 Sn Joln Jacob 01.08.92 FrdcisCouitrgw@d
Unifom: See ]Q. One souce shows b6s buttons. Grenadien 01.07.99 Mward Fox
Unifom: Seeplate 2D.
'Royal Irish)
Si. Edwr.d Hrl€s' R€gt. of Foot Lo.d Forb€s' Regt of r@t Gtun 1695the
Fomed: 1685 ojter 14thFoot) Formed:l6E4? (LaEr l8thFooo
Colonels: 22.06.85 Sn EdwardHales,Bt. Colonels: 01.03.86 AJtbua Lo.d Forbes
31.12.88 WilliamBeveridge 01.03.89 St JohnEdgewonh
(Sapbenondate! his appoitrtnentto 28.02.89) 01.05.92 Edw&d,EarlofMeath
14.11.92 JohnTid@mb 19.12.92 Frcd€rickHamilton
Udfom: Seeplate 2,q. Uniforln: Seeplate 28, wom froln 1695,previousfacings unknown

Sir W riaD Clifton's R€gt of F@t Sir David Colyeu's R€gt. of Foot
Fomed: 1685 (Later l5rh Foot) Fomed: 1688. Disbmded:l70O
Colonels: 22.06.85 Sir Willim Clifton, Bt cotonel: 31.12.88 sir DavidColyed
12.05.86 Anhur Herbert,lst Eel ofTonington
12.04-87 The Hon. Sackvile Tufton
31.12.88 Sn Jmes L€slie(or Irsley) The Edl of Monmouth's R€gt. of Foot
01.11.95 EtrrllHU€IHowe Fomed: 1688.Disboded: 1698?
Uniformr Red coal, lined red. white stockings.Grenadiercaps(1689) Coloneh: l0-11.88 Charles,ViscoutrtMordaunt,
2Kiii & iv. Edl of Momoulh
25.04.94 Henry Mordaont
John Hares' R€gt of Foot Unifon: Seeplate 2F dd 2J. Grenadiercap is euesswort,coDldjust
Fomed: 1688.Disbeded:1698 asedily havebeentur.
colonels: 10.03.88JohnHales
26.09.92 Rob€rtcoodwyn Sir John Guis€'s R€gt. of Foot
31.10.93 Edwdd DuttotrCott Forned: 1688. Disbmded: 1695-96
Unifon: Red coat,grey stockings,yellow hat lace. Coloneh: l2-11.88 Sir JohnGuis€
20.09.89 JohnFoulk€s
Henry Gage'sRegL of Foot 30.11.93 LukeLilingsbn
Fomed: 1688-Disbuded:1689 Unifom: Nor known.
Colonels: 27.09.88 Henry Ga8€
UniJom: Not loo*n. Fra&is LutEn's Regt. of Foot
Fomed:1688 (kter lgth Foot)
Solonon Rlchaflls' Regt of Foot Colonels: 20-11.88 FrancisLutrel
Foned: 1688 (Later lTtI Fooo 01.01.91 ThonasErle
Colonels: 27.09.88 SolomonRichards Unifom: Seeplate 2N. This r€gimentwd comanded ftom 1691by
01.05.89 Sn GeorgeSt.G€orge Thond Erle md may have wom the rcd faced unjfom of his other
01.05.95 Jobn Courtl'orp€ regimenlfrcm that tine Geebelow).
01.09.95 sii Matthew Bndges
Uniformr Coal red, lined red. Pewterbunons,white breeches. Sir Rob€rt Pelton's Regt of F@t
Fomed: 16E8 (tnter 20th F@t)
The Duke of NeEcasue'sRegl. of Foot colonels: 20.11.88 Sir RobenPeyion
Formedr1688-Disbdded:1689 01.06.89 GustawsHamilton
Coloneh: 29.09.88 Henry Cavendisb,zndDuke ofNewcastle Unifom: Coat red, liDed red: blue waistc@t, yellow hat lace Grey
Unifonn: Nol krow!.

Archibald Dougras'sRegt of loor The Sco.sRegt ofFuil€€rs

Fomed: 1688 (Later 16thFoot) Fomed: 1678 (Laler2lst Fooo
Colonels: 09.10.88 ArchibaldDouelas Colonels: 23.09.78 Chdles ErsKne, 5th E&l of Mar
31.12.88 Rob€rtHodges 29.07.86 ThomasBuchan
01.08.92 Tfie Hor. Jues Stanrey 01.03.89 FrdncisFergusO'Fanell
Unifom: S@ plat€ 28. Coat possibly lin€d rcd with a red waistcoat 13.01-95Rob€nMackay
until1691. 01.01.97 ArchibaldRow
Unifom: Seeplale 2M- Known a! the 'Eal O'Md's grey breeks',from Lord Lisborne's Re8t ofr@t
the colour of then beeches.A sou.cefor tle pe.iod of Mdlborough\ Fomed: 1689.Disbdded:1698
wds showsyellow srockines. Colonels: 08.03.89 Add, ViscountLisbume
01.02.92Richdd Cooie
The Duke of Bolion's lst Re4. of Foot Unifoms: CoatsblDe.lined oage or darkbufi. Bufi or greybre@hes.
Foned: 1689.Disbanded: 1698 Offices wore crimon coats.
Colonels: 08.03.89 Chdles.MarquisofwinchesE,,
Duke of Bollon Lo.d Lovelace's Regt of Foot
Cotonels: 08.03.89Johr, Lord t velace
The Duk€ of Bolton's 2nd Regt. of Foot 28.09.89Nichola! Sankey
Fomed: 1689. Disbanded:1697
Colonels: 08.03.89 Chdles,MtrquisofWinchesbL
Dukeof Bolton Si. Henry h8oldsbJ's Regt of Foot
24.09.92 Godiiey Lloyd Fomed: 1689.Disbdded: 1694
0l-01.95 HenryHolt Colorels: 08.03.89Sir Henry Ingoldsby
08.1L89 Richdd Ingoldsby

The Duke of No.folk's Regt. of Foot

Fomed: 1689 (kter 22nd Foot) Sir Thonas Gower's R€gt of F@l
Colonels: 08.03.E9 He y, Duke of Norfolk Fomed: 1689. Disboded: 1698
28.09.89 Sir Herry Belldis Colonelsr 08.03.89Sir Thoma cower
Unifom: Coatsred, tiDedred ( ore solrce showsbuff / flesh facings 28.10.89Henry,E l ofGrcgheda
with yellow lace hat ed white bunons),grey waisboat dd breeches-
White iace andbuttoDs,officen gold.
Thonas Erle's Regr ofI@t
Lord Herbert's Regt ofr@t Fomed: 1689.Disbdded:1698
Fomed: 1689 (Later 23rd F@r) Colonels:08.03.89Thoms Erle
Coloneh: 08.03.89 Henry, Lord Herbenof Cherbury Unifom: red. lined yellow.
10.04.89 ChdlesHerberl
13.07.91 TobyPurcell I$rc de la Melonierc's Regt of Foo! (Ircnch HueDenofuegimeno
20.04.92 Sir JohnMorgd Fomed: 1689- Disbanaled: 1697
28.02.93 RichardIngoldsby colonels.0l 04.8oMaJorCenerall.aacde Ia Melonie'e
Unifom: Coat blue. lined white. Wlite breechesand srockitrgs.White Uniform: Probablygrcy coats.

Fmncis de Canbon's RegL of Foot

Si. Edwrrd Dering's Regt. of Foot Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: 1697
Fomed: 1689 (titer 24th Foot) Coloneh: 01.0,1.89 Francisde Cmbon
Cotonels: 08.03.89 Sir Edwdd Dering 12.08.93WiUim, Count de Manon
2?.09.89 Ddiel Dering Uniforms: Prcbablygrey coats.
01.06.91 SdDel Vemer
13.03.95Louis,Mdquis de Puizar The Ma.quis de Cainenotte's R€gt. of Foot
Unifomr Btue coatsad breeches. Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: 1697
Colonels: 01.04.89Mdquis aleCaillemotte
Tbe Esd of Dmgheda's Reer of F@t 19.07.90Peterde Belcasrel
Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: by 1693 Unifotm: Probablygrey coais.
colonels: 08.03.89 Henry, Eel ofDrcdeda
Unifom: Coai! blue. lined whire. Gultallls Hamilton's (Iniskining) Regt. of Foot
Fonned: 1689. Disbdded: 1698
I he Erl of Kingston's RegL of Fmt Colonets: 20-06.89Guslaws Hamilton
Fomed: 1689.Disbeded:1698 13.07.91 Abrdhm Creighton
Colonels: 08-03.89 Willid, Edl of Kingston Unifoin: red coats lined rcd. Red or blue breeches.Red st@Hngs.
??-09.90 The Hon. Jmes Douglas Oftces wore blu€ coati.
05.02.92 HenryRowe
13-03.95ThonasBrudenell Thona Lloyd's Gmiskilling) Regr of I@t
Unifonn: Coatsred, lined red. Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: by 1694
Colonels: 20.06-89ThomasLloyd
Lord CastletoD'sReSt of Foot 01.03-90Lord GeorgeHmilton
Fomed: 1689.Disbmded:1698 Unifoms: Nol known.
Colonels: 08.03.89 George,ViscounrCastletotr
06.11.94 ThonasSaundeson Hery Baker's (Londonderry) Regt. of Fmt
Unifom; Seeplate 2L, Breeches.edo. grcy. Fomed: 1689-Disbanded:1698
Colonels: 1689HenryBaker(covenorofrnndondeny)
The Earl of Roscommon'sRegt of F@t 04.08.89Thoms St. John
Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: by 1692
Coloneh: 08.03.89 Cary,Edl of Roscomon
Clotworlhy Skeffngton's (Londonderrt) RegL of Foot
Fomed: 1689.Disbdded: 1698
Colonels:Jduary 89 Clotwonhy Sk€ffitrBlon I{.d St rthnaver's Regl ofFoot
19.04.89JohnMichelbume Fomed: 1689.Disbanded:1690
Unifom: See2P. SE ped caiico waistcoats- Colonel 19.04.89 John.Lo.d Sfaihnavtr
Unifom: Not known.
The Rex Georsewark€r's (LudoDd€rrJ) Regr. of Foot
Fomed: 1689. Disbanded:169l Richad Cuminshm's Regt ofFoot
colonets: 19.04.89Georgewrtker Fonned:1689.Disbfded:1698
04.08-89 RobertWhite Colonels: 18.12.89 RichardCumingbam
october89 Jobncaulield 01.02.91 JohnBDchd
Uniform: Nol known. Unifom: Not known.

Tte Earl of Leven's Regt of Foot The lst Marine R€giment

Fomed: 1689 Gater 25th FooO Fomed: 1690. Disboded: 169E
Colonels: 19.03.89 David, Etrl oflf,ven Colonels: 16.01.90 Arthur. Earl ofTorir8ton
19.03.94 Jmes Maitldd 31-12.90 Peregrine,Eai ofDerby
Udfom: Probablyred coats,iined white. Grey breeches. Uniforms: S€€plale 2Q. A1l Grenadierscapsand flindcks.

The f,arl ofArgu's R€gt offoot Th€ hd€ Regiment

Fomed: 1689 (t2ter 26th F@O Fomed: 1690- Disbanded:1698
Colonels: 19.03.89Jmes, Edl ofAigus Colonels: 17.01.90 Thona. Edl of Pembrokeod Montgonery
01-08.92 AndrcwModo 01.01.91 HenryKiuigrew
25.08.93 Jmes Ferguson 01.12.93 Jobn,t-rd Berk€ley
Unifom: cmine coats,lin€dwhite.while waistcoatdd bft@hes. shovelt
01.03.97 Sir Cloudesley
Yeuowhat lace md bunons.(An altemativesourceshowsyelow cutrs Unifoms: Seeabove.
dd b@hes dd blue bonnets.)
John Hill's R€gt. of Foot
Zacbdish TifEn'sRegt of Fooi Formed:1690.Disband€d:1698
Fomed:1689 (kt€r 27thFoot) Colonel: 02.09.90 JohnHill
Colonels: 20.06.89 Zacbdiah Tiffin Unifom: Not known.
Unifom: Coats tight grey. tircd white or yellow (otr-whit€?), gey
breechesard siockings. The Ea.l of DoneSsl'sRegt. of Foot
Forfred: 1693. Disbmded: 1698
The Earl ofAr$/ll's Regt ofFoor colonel 01.02.93 AJthDaEel of Donegal
Fomed: 1689-Disbeded:1698 U.ifoms: Not known.
Coloneh: 19.04.89 Archibal4 Eail ofArgyll
07.04.94 John,Lord Lme Sir Jamss Monkriefts Regr of r@t
Unifom: Not loo*n. Formed:1693. Disbdded: ul4
Colonel" 0l.029l Sn Jme\ Monrcnrfr
Lo.d Bargeney's Regr. of Foot 01.01.94 GeorgeHmiltotr
Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: 1689 Unifoms: Nol known.
Colonel: 19-04.89 John,Lrd Bargeney
Unifom: Not known. Lo.d StEtbmy€.'s Regl, ofFoot
Fomed: 1693.Disbuded: 1717
lard BlatrtyE's ReBr of r@t Colonels: 01-02.93 John.t .d Srathnaver
Fomed: 1689.Disbanded: 1689 Unifom: Not known.
Colonet 19.04-89John.Lord Blanryre
Unifom: Nor knom. Robert Mackayt Regt of F@t
Fomed: 1694.Disbanded: 169?
The lxi.d of G.aot's Regt.ofFoot Colonels: 01.01.94 RobedMackay
Fomed: 1689.Disboded:1690 13.11.95 GeorgeMccill
Colonel: 19-04.89 Ludovic Grant Unifom: Not knovn.
Unifom: Not known.
Sir John Gibson's Regr of r@t
The Earl of Glencain's Re6. of r@t Forned: 1694. Disbmded: 1698
Fomed:1689-Disbmded:1691 Colonel: 16-02.94Sir JohnGibson
Colonel: 19.M.89 John.Edl of Glencaim Unifom:Not known.
Unifom: Nor known.
Thons Fanington's Regt. of Foot
Lord Kennuir's Reet ofF@t Fomed: 1694.Disbanded:1698
Fomed: 1689.Disbdded:169l Colonel: 16.02.94 ThonasFanington
Colonel: 19.04.89 Alexdder. viscount Kenmuir Unifom: Nol known.
Uniformr Probably red coals, tircd whit€. May have served al
Killieknnkie in 'hoddencley' with blue bonnets. william Northcote's Regt. of Foot
Forned: 1694. Disbmded: 1698
The E8l of Ms.'s Regt ofFoot Colotrel: 16.02.94 Willian Nonhcore
Formed:1689.Disbdded:1689 Unifom: Crimsoncoat.linedsreen.Pewterbuttons
ColoDel: 19.M.89 Chales.Edl of Me
Unifom: Nol known.

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Fmds Russell's RegL of F@t Viicount Charlemonfs Regt ofF@t

Fomed: 1694.Dibanded:1697 Fofted: 1694.Disbanded:1698
Colonel: 16.02.94Fnncis Rusell colonel. )1.0404 will'am. vi.counI Cbdlemon,

Lord Joho Mu...y\ Regt. of Foot Luke Lillingslon's Regt. of Foot

Fomed: 1694.Disbeded:1697 Fomed:1694.Disbaded: 1698
Colonels: 23.03.94 t rd JohnMumy Colonel: 24.12.94 LukeLillineston
Unifoms: Noi known. Unifom: Not known.

Lord John Linds.y's Regt. of Foot Sir William Dougls' Regt of Font
Foded: 1694.Disbtuded:169? Fomed:1695.Disbanded:1697
Colonel: 23.04.94 John,Lord Lindsay Colonel: 1695 willi'm Douglas
t n r r o m : \ v h i r ec o a L . r r n r o , e d $ , i e b r e e . h e .F. d n o . | \ r n 8 . U n i f o m N o rk n o q n
Sergeants:grcy breechesand stocKngs.
The 3rd Marine Reginent
Fomed: 1698 DisbaDdedr 1698
John courtholpe s Regt.or Foot
Colonel: 19.08.98ThomasBrudenell
Colonel: 23.04.94 JohnCoDnhorpr
The 41hMadne Regibent
Uniiom: No1bown.
Fomed: 1698.Dnbanded:l69E
Colonel: 19.08.98wiuiam Seymour
Sir Richard Atkin's Regt. of loot
Formed:1694.Disbdded: 1698 The 5tb Marine Resiment
colonels: 23.04-94 Sir RichddArkins Fomed: 16q8.Di\beded: 1698
06.12-96 Geo.gevillien colonel: 19.08.9EEdwdd Dultoncolt
Unilbms: No1known.
Th€ 6tb Mlrine Regiment
yiscouDtMouDtjoy'sR€gt.of Foot Colonel: 19.08.98HenryMordaunt
Fomed: 1694.Disbanded:1698 Unjfoms: Nor known.
Colonel: 23.04.94 William.ViscounlMountjoy
Unitbm: Not known. Nen p!.t: Officere'dr€ssand rcginental cotou6, pls bibliogmphy.
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(alben only an initial one) is ftar it is tough to win some of the
Mike Siggtns encounler. You d ex!@t Picken's Chdge ro be a tad difficult to pull
on but McPhe6on\ Ridge still eludes ny faitbtul Rebs. That is
SELWG was as good as ever I think il lnay be gening to the point howeverullihately a compliment,becauserhe last thiDSyou wml is a
where the layout ud fomat needs a refreshiDgchtuge ad ather gde tnat is too easyor an AI rhat is stemlered into ihe groundby
snaller queues(advdce tickets next yee?), but one co haidly noan fte nft game.Onecan seethat the enemytaclics are sound,rheyeven
abouta showthal deliversconshtentquality, a hDgevariery of goodto E ro outfld* intelligetrdy,md the senseof havitrga real opponert is
outstanding gmes, an excelletrt tumout by the rade6 atrd a very [email protected] one cd alwaysplay it two player d)eay,
prcfesionally nn envircment. Tle bestgme by sone marginwasby given anoth€rPC or the evermore commonmodemsd Intemet linl.
The GLC Club. an orguisadon ratho overduefor a nme chdgel Also availablenow ee two exceltentgamesaom IntemctiveMagic lems of new Eoducts, therew@ noneof interesr,blt that's which competedfor compulertine with cerryrruls- The fsr is Tn.
the way it eGs sonetimes- GreatBailes of Hannibdl, t follow up to the Alexeder gme basedon
I tully take on board the coImen$ made recently about my the successtulGMT tomdgane series.Although my interestslie far
comnenting on rcw fi8ures that are fearwd as photographsin the morewith tle Gr€ek, fiere is little to matchthe arays of Ronans and
sane issue.The redon for this redundaDcy, in caseit isn'r clear,is thar the herdsof elephdts lhat chdacterisethis new release.I would also
I havelittle ideawhat advertswill be appding in any given issue.tud go as far 6 to say that the barfes are far Inore iDteresting,especialy
certainlyno ideawhethermy coments wil tie up chronologically_In the epic sEugglesof Cm@ tud Magnesia.Wlile th€ systemitseUis
fact, given the t@brological breakhroughsat prinien ed Macfartue unchmged,and still ralllq lone wirded, the generalfe€l is now one of
Towers (runou has ir he will soon possessa relephonicr€ceiving contolling large amies with at ledt some of the
Foblens that
device Oat actually rirgs), it is realonabteto assumetbat rhe ads will ergenders and the 'line advmce colmdds corne inro their own-
apf,€arbeforeny copy.This begsrhe questionwhetherit is woni ne Again, very itnpressivework thar makes rhe boaJdgamesvirtually
connenting a! aI. sinceyow eyesare as good a tool as you needlo
eshblish quality. So, one to ponde. Of cose noneof this is going to Fron ttlre sane prcductive compdy comes Saen KingdoB by
stop me telling you about rhe re.ent Foundry ACW gunners and Trevor Chan.Now this is trot a historical system,alrhoughonesforces
Bronze Age cbdiois wbich are quit€ superb,ihe firsr of rhe e clearly basedon the Seui dd Romans,but the generElappeal
Renaissance mgs, which arEnoulhwatering, dd the SYW HussaE is one sbarcdwith the excellentAse o/ Enp@s - empire buildirg,
which ee a linle bit chunkier thd I'd imaginedtben, but sril Ether trade, diptonacy dd not a lirtle combar. The fel is nther more
nice the sepdatep€lisses.m apprcachlong us€dby Bill Gaskin to Worcmt thd mlthing. which is good in itse|f, but with t]e added
facilitate veiety, is a welcoEe move.Also tenpting the crcdit cdd e botrusof openendedgamingmther thm tougb, somelimesunsolvable,
the new releales from Gripping Beast - rhe El Cid ruge. For some puzzles.The general plot is build stuff. buitd some more, explore,
reNon I have a weaknessfor exotic MedireEaneu or Asid boops, attack villages, attack ridq trade md win. But rhe whole is put
especiauyrbosewith hmds or chainrnailfacegDards. ad rhesefit the togeiherwith suchallomb. dd that all loo elusiveingedient, mdsive
bill perfe.tly. I wonl 8o lttroughrhe sane old sdapborsrutragain.bu! playability, that the experierceis N close ro addicrion 6 I wmt to
my min reasonfor espousingthe Founalrytuges is ro hold rhemup come. Very ve.y good and just the sort of gme lhar could b€ lost
d the most fitting quality targetal which othe6 ce aim. To my inind, motrB the ho,de(of Conlllad & Cobquerclonesnow appeding.
with some of aheseoutsteding figures, Grippitrg Bedr de coming Hiehly recomnenden.
mighty close,which cd only be a good thing. The Gauntletis ^n exce\ent litde maguine, recen y recomended
It has ben m excel€nt few nonths for compuler gaming. A to me by the humd ball ofYork$ire Enlhusiasm.DavePopplewell.I
successionof Batdegound gnes, Battks ol Alemnde. SSl's ASeoJ supposeotre could say that The Gauntlet is WargM.t\ Newslettet
RiJles,Age oJEnpircs, CloseCoftbar 2 (a gme I hale retumedto time revampedfor the nineries,andI meanthat in the bestpossibleway.The
and a8ain the DIY scendios de superb)md ro top ir all off we now only prcblem is thal I wouldnl haveheed of it withoul Dave'sjnpur -
bave Sid Meier\ Gen rbar8. Now this really is differenr If you cu so a higherprcfile is caled for I ftink. I haveissuedne in frcnt of ne
imagrnea gme rhat is perhapsten dmesfastertha Bardeg.ound,h6 dd it contains reviews, coment, rule sets. articles on obscm
eraphics of ar least that qDality with excellent aimrions ro boor, subjets ftar would makeevetrDuncm think iwice, humour (yo! cd
which har all but dispensedwirh hexes, and which allows you to take or leave $is, I found it better thd avemge,and in a ditreEnt
command. in real time, ar the brigade level doM ro individual miverse b RuDesof lrki) dd tons of enthusiasmod infomtion
battations.ud you havea sysremihat hd enjoyeda lot ofptay here pacled into its 60 nicely printed pages.Ar !9 for 4 issues,I don'r se
over the holidays. The basic idea of fte gme is to nale wargames how you can go wong: Mdk Hmm, 2F1R 65 Walker R@d,
accessible.So we bale intro screensthat explain the situationwith big Aberdeen,AB I 1 8DL. MHmm@Aolcom. Mark atsohas rule set
naps aad geneGlspoinling, and an excellentvoiceoverlr&k. There for sale, including lhe Sun tatically nmed ,Jcdrlsren - The One
de aboutiwenty ditrercnt scendios fiom rhe battle, dd yoD ce play That Gor Away nade flesh.
either side ar severalditrerenr levels of difficutty. The actual systen The tiDing of ftis colqmn,beiDgwritten overthe Christrnashotidays
givesmore thd a litde nod towardsacknowledgingcommd conrrol, b€tw€envisits to the hospitallo seemy dad, is suchrbarin a week or
ud if you ain in life is to sit on a hili, or even in your tent, issDe two I shall be going do$fl to my shiny new PO Box to collec! what I
oftles to you bngadesud then havea nap while rhe battle prcceeds, hole is a laJgebag of readeis tetteE in readines for nexr issues
this cotrld b€ tie gaDe for you. Now one can debaE whetherthis is a coluN. r they are anlthing like the batch that appededin WI 124 I
comon fom of genelalship,but d we know ir did haplen. r on the shall be a litde displensedsince I wet to play down the penonality
other hed you are a wellingtoniu hmds-on detail merchdt, you cd wm in favou of good,consEuctiveandenthusiastichobbydiscussion,
go in wilh the nouse poinler md unlimber, pur Eoops into skimish but I m gatefDl for dyrhing. Thesewill hopetully be joined by rhe
order or mak€ them 6E that well timed volley. The interfrce is unwinding of d enbaralsing b&*log of item - compnterrul€sets,
excellent- you just click the unit\ flag, dmg e :mw to where you daditional rulesetsincluding, hidden somewhere,Piqler and prcbably
wanl $em to go, dd lell $em whether ro advdce, doublerim€ or Talonsoftt tat?m rmnt mong other items for you delectation.So.
chdge. They do fie rest. unles you chooseto slep inro the Colonelh letteE on uy subjet to Mike Siggins,PO Box 2062,Woodfordcften.
booL. The result is very plasing, the whole rhing rattles along ar a Essx IG9 5DL, emaii to [email protected] oneof ny NewYed
ftdlic pace(neaty representingthe lime pressureof battle) ed you resolutios. for the umple€nthtime, h to paitrt somemore figuresl

, : 1


r r l t r L l r n \j l l l S r I r \ i r r l d \ r ! r
I . :f, r r, lljj n.m lllili ]: ti
L\C\ ! ROBI\H()OD.\tIlS-\lt.RR\ \tt:\- !r.00,t,.\1,
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rmn' rdi rrin.c.J0trr


IRI\DIi \\I) DT:1LERII,\AT IRNJ\ \1TI,' o\Itr

.\ll...l.rd.!pxrcbdl 1;\iri. \ l o r u r u J . r h x r - ! .j U r )
frtdr. r.r:fr.! b\ ih.qtr.. rO. Sr.rho! FLr).h.!u..r I \t O
best,so try to rcsist buying malse! of dy ore particuld trcop-rype -
Getting Started in you'll s@n find them surplusto requitments.
Wa.rbammer F ant asy Ba.t-tle

Alex Self
Apart from buyitrg Gam€sworkshopt melal mod€ls at tull price,
there m tbEe sourcesof inexp€nsiveminiatms that you sbould
conside( plNtic models; second-bandmodels, dd - the lEilorous
This article is aimed at rhosenew to wargamingwho ate intercstedin thnd option - olher mdufacturers' mhiatures {gasp!)
playine WafiaMet Fo\tasy ,atle, but who are perplexedby the A soundoption Inay be to b8e tbe core of your amy aroundone or
potentialy hugescop€of the game,and wondcr whereto sbn. It.lso two ldge units of Gamesworkshop\ pldtic models.sqchai tose that
gives me rhe opportunity to pds coments and advice ftat is cme i rle warhonwt boxed 8me. Buy a metal cotunand Foup
indep€ndentfrom Gmes Workshop\ mdketing bias! I m assuming with stdddd bere. for hdd-to-hmd Dnits. but I wouldn t botber
that most peopleae aw@ th^t Warhanwr Fa4tosyBottle is r l6E doing so for unicsamed wilh bows,crcssbows,etc.
establisheddd populd tabletopwargam€serin a late-medrevilworld A popule sourcefor high-qualitypldtic miniaturcsat fte Linconbe
populatedby vdious huMoid races,monsteB md nagic. I've lost Bm Wdgmes Soci€iy are the old Milton Bradtey Bademsre.
count of the nunber of incarnationsit ha gonethroughover the yees, games boxed sets, whose miniatures were designed by Citadel
but the latestsrely mustb€ the best.This is becauseGmes workshop Miniatures.YoD.f still get them at sometoy supentol€s,p.incipally
have made detibeFte efforts to sEemline ed chiry the previous for the Chaosand Empire forces. They atso did fl?ro4l?ir, .lthough
version of the rul€s 6 well as cfttully ensm that play balmce h4 thesesetscontarnfewer modelsed so de tess useful, but the box of
improved.Thankslo rules $at give a rdlk bonusin combat to large sevenOgres is padiculely 8ood. There have also ben a spate of
units of rdk md file, ordimry trcopes stod a mucb better chance dugonqploring gmes in a similar vejn by olher toy mmufacturcB
against powerful creatures,md the crded exceses of the magic which might be wonh considering.
systemhavebeenton€ddown to somethinga litde morc mnageable If yoDfdcy the challengeof doing sone convenions,the Lizddmen
(but otrly just). amy is a @elous opportunity to go out and buy pldtic dinosaus
Of coune, the oveniding ato?ctionis the sh@rvdiety of @es atrd of the lype with "made h HongKong" wnten on them. I have got
t@p-t|es availabl€,which enableyou to keepconc@tingweird aDd mcentops with $ratch built howdahs full of platic skitrks for
wonderful banle tachcs for mucb of you wdgming lif€. Its such stegadonsr dimelodons (I think) assalanandersidd Tmiya rapto6 4
grcattun trfitrg out that MagicalAnillery Supe.iority" stnteey in one cold ones,featuring pldtic skinks cunningly shavedbetwen the legs
gde, andthenthe MassAll-Our Chittering Hordes"lactic in dothe.l (ouch!) so that lhey cf sit otr their backsad amed wift shieldsmd
Of come, there'salwaysthat old chesmqt"SuperheroWielding a Big
Stick on a ScaryMonstei gmbit, but rhais a bir passdnow, my dem. The best sourcefor second-handmodelsis bring and-buyshnds at
wdSmes shows,where.if you are lucky, whole mies cm be bought
WHICH ARMY DO I B(ry? al ridicDloDdy low prices- They de often the ideal pla@ to g€t
exmples frcm the old (ed much more intginative) Ciladel back
So, wherc to start?I think that prcbably the frosi otr-putting thing cataloeue.These sttuds de always c.owded, but il is well worlh
for most begimers is the rhoughtof prying our all thar mobeyfor the bnving rhe scrum to seewhat's alarlable. is posible lo
large trumbes of miniaturcs thar are required, not 1o mention the become so enthused with bargait-f€ver that you end up buying
colourful boxed sets and amy books, and then having to paint you somethingqlite inappropriate instead of whal you had onginally
amy upto rhe high sranda.dupheld in the hallowed pagesof Mt? pldnedl The olher sourceof second-handminiatms {e the kind of
Ddd Bur fed not! Real gme6 have to cone to lems with more fdlBy/science fiction hobby shops that keep a glds cabinet for
realistic limiis on their budeeh ed nme, md it\ a rde light to seea selling colledable miniatures.Curendy we havetwo in Bristol md I
fuuy-painted fantasy amy at ou club. There re some rqsonabte dsulne $at $is phenomenonoccurselsewhere.UsuaUynot as cheap
econoniesthar yoD ce makethat will get you up and ruming a little asa bring-and-bDy,with infrequentchdges of stock,they nevedheless
quickeadd for a lot les exlense- cd prcvide the @cdional bdgain. Usuarly only a souce of the
WhenconsiderinSwhich amy to buy it k a good ideato chooseone comonest rarl md file troops. a ma.joradvdlage of secod hand
that containsmodelsof a high points value becausethis gDddlees a miniatlres is that they often comeready-painted.
sdall amy of high quality troops $nt aJeless expensiveto bDy and Thirdly. we have olher manufacturer'sminiatures,most of whom
havefeser miniaturcs LopainL.Aho. in my opinion."omeamie( de supply superbmodelsat slightly cheaperprices! They also provevery
easierto play thm othe6, md as a consequence are less likely 1olet usetul for filirg out thosegapsin tbe wa'lrnn.t rege, eg: Gmes
you down in your eely emes- Beding theseftings in nind, I think Workshop,wherc be thy ninotauis? chaos homds? chaos chdiots?
that my of the Etven races make excellent amies for begime6. dd cenlauE?As some quick exanples, I shalt briefly r4olmend
Likewis, Orcs md Coblins, atrd Edpire amies also play well, but somemmuf@tureF whom you night wish to tty.
rendto be oD the large size to collecl md paint. ln my experienc€,the Have a look at ti,e Ral Patrha catalogue and b€ conpletely
most difEcult amies lo win with agairst expe.iencedplay€rs e oveNhelmed by fte sheernumber of sup€rbfut6y niniatures rhat
Dwdfs (tun slow novemeni cbdcteristic lets lhem down) atrd, lhey produceI AhhouehI find their hunmoids too slight of build 1osil
st@gely. Chaos, whose lack of expendabletmp types nakes this comfonably with Gimes workshop stutr, they are an excellentsouce
lmy nost unforgiving if you messup, (a you e bound to do if you of din cheap monsleG( about !6 each) - producing ar ledt twenty
difr€rcnt &agon nodels aloae! TIe AdvancedDuaseo6 & DtdSoas
However.opinjons will vary on this, so by all meanstalk to some ratrgeare sold al Vtrgin storesdd the rcst of the rangecm be obtained
experiencedgamerswho can give you someitrvaluableadvice about at wargarnesshowvmail order Recomended for dragons.chimeras,
qhich hooptypes to buy dd what tactics tend to work best. Every pegasi.unicoms,spiden, $orpions aDdhippogriffs.
amy book contains one or lwo toop-types tbat de absolutely You have probably seen the advenisements tot Ha equin
indhpensableand others tiar me tactically worthless.You need to in this very maguine. They provide a selectlonof races
includinS HiSb Elves, Wood Elves, Undead, Empire, Lizardnen,
Try to plan out your purchdes in 500 or 1,000point goups so that Skaven, some excellent Dwarfs. plus a few monsle6 (the
you. amy expand!in suchn way a to enableyou to play bigger and aforementionedninotam). You may hav€to pick andchoosewilh this
better gameseachtine. As n geneEl rule, well baleced mies vo.k range.a! I find lhat the qDalityof designvariesquile a bn. Their p.ices
are also nol a! Iow asthey could be, but they havefound their way into
soDe high streetbobby shops.
Hearlbreakc. Miniatu es lse ex cmes workshop designeB,md IIEW FROM
so then models fit in perfectly. Unfonunately. this exceltenrrange I{ARLEOUIN MIIIIATUBES
seemsto be lirnited h scop€and avaitabiliry.They haveproducedOrcs IHE
and Goblins.Dwarfs.Ddk Elves,HiSh Elvesandtbe occasionalChaos
Chmpion. I mainly use ftem for their chdader models,whicb are
usnally intricately detailed,md ar a price that is righr
Grena.liet Modds t*d to producesomevery handsomeminiarures
by Mdk Copplestone,including a mce of bdbarians tharwereso good
that I bouehta whole .my of themI They alsodid a very cnel-looking Range
bunchof Ddk Elves,Empire. Undead,Wod Elves,High Elves,Orcs
Fantasy Banles miniaturesare especiattydesigned so that each
and Coblins, and of cous. monste6_ senesstandsiogelheras regimentalunits thusmakingthemid€atior
Other rdges that you might like to look ar de Ess.t,s Fanrarl, use with all fantasylabtetopwargamessystems.The usuathigh
rnor m a bir on rhepordy \ide. burrher de someusetutfind5t'te standardol exc€llenceo, our individualfigures has bsen majntained
cett^E)t Minidturc Figltiiiiiie's U.Ik) oJ the Four Winds@ee tol il nol indeedexceeded-
qfieadi Lauashi.e canes fd bdeain bagsof rdk and file (30 foor
Pleas€send SAE ror rutt deiaits ro
fot Ll0.5O).a d Chatiat Miniarzt?q which atsocomein Megga-Bags
of 5 foor for !2.00. I'm bound ro havemised our tots of other worthy 632BadLrdRoad,
mautactures, ad ro thes, my apologies,bDtir givesyou d idea. B4rod, Noningham

ON PAINTING Pd*01ls 9422293
weli, yoD'vegot your amy at a reasonableprice,but now you ve got
ro painl thenl The bi$e$ nislake that newcomeBmale ar rhis point SPECIALANNOUNCEMEI'ITTO ALL OUBAUSTMLTACUSTOMEFS!
is agonisingover their inabiliry to painr eachindjvidual miniatureasa WargamesWarehouseha@ beenmadeour dctusivs agentsior
nasterpiece-For months on end they play barttesat our club wilh Austalia.
unpaintedfigues rhat den\ evenstuckiogetherproperlybecausethey Pleasecontaclthemfor anyandattof)our HaiequinMiniatures
believe that a rue painrer must paint atl the bits separaretybefore
alsembling just like the experts in .,The Dwdf' reonmend. Once Wargamoswarehouse pty Ltd
again,pleale ignorewhatyou readdd go ands@ihe amies of gmen 12 ChmmeSt€et, Salisbury4107
tivinS in the Real World. They donl go to atl rhar rluble, oh, no. A Que€nsland,Ausinlia
popula coDpromisear Lincombe Bam is to asembte dd undercoat t66 499
Fd: 132t66 942
yoDrminiatuEs immediately,dd thenpainr then in a ljmited amy of
flat colours thatis. wnho highlighrs, shading,or may
feel ftat this unde.minesthe beautyof your modets,bur fteir fine detail
md eimation is fte very reason why they can cany it ott fts a WARGAMES TTGURES PAINTED
convenrentway to g€r rh€mtbiough $eir tnt barles withoul resortinS to collector's standards.SendSAE or rwo IRCSfor price list
to uSly displaysofwhire undercoaror metat,or wo6e - modelsfallins ro: D. Seagrove,
all ove, rhe place.or wiLhpansmr.ine. which I peronall, feel ; THE LAST DETAIL
196ParlauntRoad,Langley,SloughBerkshireSL3 8AZ
Another tip is to ry od keep a regular cotour schemeruming
firough your amy it renlly d@s help b puU togefier aU the units Wa.hantuerFahtasr Eanle nles well enoughro acr d adjudicatorin
Dnder a conmon identiry rhat males the amy iDmediarely the cde of aryumenc.In addition,suchnembeB crn DrcvidehelDand
recognisabled you6. Fo. example, one of ou. club gmes hd advice. inboduce odEr membea ;ho shm thex
achieved just this effect by pninting his High Elf amy in the mtercsls,dd set the tone for fair play and enjoyable gamine. For
predominot colouGof sitvd for ainour; el@rricblue for clothing and instDce, ov rop Wa&anmel playe. wiB neartya]l his battlesdespite
bme6i dak brown for leather md qood, md a pale flesh cotour being a perfect gentlemel
They de only flat colou6, bDtin largenumbersrheyl@k superb_ If you do want to buy [email protected] is wonh menrioningftar cmes
Wo.kshopnllow yoD ro buy them sepdarely via maii ordea od you
YOIJ'R LOCAL WARGAMES CLUB could Sel away withoDthaving the Ba lebook, ptdnc niniatures dd
cdd buildings from tle main boxed set, dd rhe mgic cardsfiom ihe
Now all you havelefr to do is to bDy alt thoseboxedsers,d aJmy Warhanfter
MaEic bored ser,
bool,.ed male somebeaulitut*enery ro pta) on - Dtp,- )our La\ki\
neveFendinelThis is where a good local wdgames club can comero
you rescue.Of cou6e, a cmes workshop shopcm pmvide you wilh SO, WIIAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?
everything you need to play (including. fiom whal I hee. some A nnal word of advice; you will ne€da cerrainlevel of enthDsiasm
dubiousrule interpretarionswhen it suits ften) on their club nighi., to overcomeyour inelirable eely defears,but please
donl be pur off
dd you may find lhis ideal. Howev€r,ou young memben have not If you de playing againslthe right kind of wargmen. who
been allowed 1o use miniaruresby other moufacturers, and have fairly dd considentely,and with a senseof humou. you wilt
not mjnd
somelimesbeendispleasedwith rhe fact thar rheyknow rherulesbener Iosing to them,aDdwill probablylook fotu{d ro playing
thm the stafl who are ruming fte gamesl agoin. Worhanne, F@tc|sy Bdttle is a fine place to sbn your
In order to be of hetp, a good local club reaUyn@dsro prcvide a warSming hobby,dd ifyou get bitten by the bug you
are udikety ro
club copy of the main boxedserand the aanle Mdai. boxedsetplDsa b@ome bored wirh it quickly- Ir can be iminensely
collection of club sceneryfor you to use.Then atl you rcaly needto belongingto a groupof playe.swho re s en$usiasticabour gue
get by N your own army book, sone dice, and of course, you as you de. Here'shoping that lhis anicle
hasbeenof help, and bappy
miniaures. We have found thar anotie. essential element is the wtenlngl Ald Sef it a nenbe/ oJbnconbe Bdm rvasanes
presenceof at leart one approachableolder gamerwho knoes the Bnsrol and ownssevenfullt painted warhaftner dmtes!

!".-ar -

V300ScienceFictionrchiclA and inlanlrl



a t L LL UCtr R,\N(;E\Ol1 t\.{L{ItLE a

Gladiator Games
1l De.tretrl
Bisghs$de, s.{{Lr\
TeYfax (01767)
llilEEl \IASTERCARD& \1!i lCCT:PTf,D
gamen$with haDdypockets,
Readerst Lertters idealfor holdingdiceunril equiiedl


Firsl of all, carry on producing such grear wmgamesDagaines. I
really look forward to gettirg my magazineseachmonth dd seeing I regrerlo haveto infom you of rhe dearhof Bill Manin, who many
wharolhergaDe6 de do,ng.Abo I do hopeMike SigSin\.die: on readeBmay rememb€rfrom younge.times. In p.nicular. rhar period
writing his colum. Ifs wondertulhow he cu bring out suchreactions whenYorkshireWargamesClubs had more to do wirh eachorber
to hjs words.I peaonally usevargamesd u escapefron nomal life Bill liked b conv€ythe impresion that he wa! an ordinarymm, dd
and it's problem, rc,fighring battlesfrom history and fictional battles indeedhe was huDble enoughto believethis, but rhosewho knew him
of Dy own making- Give me Napoleonics,Colonial, Ancients and de awareftat he was fd fron ordinrry. Inlo his 55 yeas be crmed
World we II aDdI m happy for hous on end. BecaDseI havenever rwo lifedmes. He was above all a wdior wirh rle courageand be
reauy been able to atrord me1alfigures ove. the lasl 35 yea6, I sriil often said he was bom at least400 yeds 1oolare.but he was also the
have maidy plaslic painredmies. Altbough I now do have severat qu'er type who would makeno fuss aboutheroicsandcmd alwaysfor
metal frgnres bought at such showsas Saivo and N.O.W t ng nay his family md friends.
The l$t half of his life wouid havemadea good advenrurenovel.
Re the programe a cme of Wd: I peFonally hopethat ftis is only Beginning with euotDent in the amy aier whar he describedas a
ihe sian of someg@d wdgmes programmeto comein ihe fDiure.I wild yonlh a a teddyboy, he gcduated into acriveengagementin the
also hopesomeonemight makea wtugmes video s a starer for new Middle East dd wben invalided our witb bDtletwounds.wenr on to
wegames to seehow wd gmes de piayedmd hos the mechmicsof sere asa mercenaryin ihe BelgianCongo.Unfortunaiely,he choserhe
the rules work. I Inay eventf to do thal wilh someof fte chapsai the wrong side in the conflicr and had to flee tbe counlry alongbnckroads
club I belone1o.A projecl for the NewYe&l Anybody out theE got my in a fdt jeep with 15 nonths wagesin his poclels- After bribes to
ideashow this night be doDe?I would really also lre rc see more officials dd payment! for pape6 and t@s?on he endedup after rwo
wdgmes showsin eastAnglia. O.K. I've alreadymentionedthe only yeds of ddgeroB senice. on the tmac at HeathJowAirpon wirh just
two showsin my area,but I thiisr for more! I prefer wriring my o$n f5 in his pocket At this point, ashe put it, a chdge of lifesryl€ seemed
wdgamesnles. Wlen I buy a setof rulesrheyneverseemto be writren
in the Queen\ Englishl Keepprinting lhe mags! He setaboutlhis ain and soughta mdiage partnerand childr€n.A
catalosDeof his involvenent in the comunity is quireimpresive dd
indicatesa continuedlove of manial things and an interestin people.
LaveDhm, Sufiolk In addition !o Any enlisrmenrand serice with the SAS he was in
tine involved in: The Auiliary Fire Serice. Ite RoundheadSocieF/,
The Halifax and Bradford wargamesSocielies,The Yorkshire
.GAME OF WAR'- REPLAY Meksmen. Heanbedt- A supportorgdisation for people with hean
problems,The Frieddsof the Royal Amoury, covefro. of Slanningly
Mr Siggins\ original review of cme of wd. fe more ftoughrful GreenSchool,Mixendendd, finallt Govemorof Badey High School
dd constnctive than those which appearedin the daily newspape$,
ted me to believe rhat he, md your readers,mighr be inlercstedin an Life deatthim somebadcards.and wa deeplyfrusfated by the way
allemalivepoint of view: rhal rheprogranre make6 had actuallyvery his weakenire body let hin down, but he endeavouredto rise above
soDndreasonsfor nor. using rcy soldies and rhe traditional game
shcture associaled wi|h rhen. wlEn he had his right hmd maimedin an accidentwith a prels he
That Mr Siggins can make no better reply, howevef,to my letrer went on tiom this ser back to becone an expert painter of milirary
conceming hiscilicisds of Gameofwd ihd to accuse De ofbeing minialures and designer of wargmes scenery and later becme a
unablelo comprehendhis column, and to imply thal I am one of the nationalclNs narksman with aii pisrols dd nfles.
'btuking idiols who bave the bmeriry
to disagr@wirh hin, shows ln the edly 80\ he suffercdheait disede, which ted to openhean
that. conhzry to what readeB might expecrftom a columisr in lhis surgery.When I wenl lo seehim imediately afrer lhe operationhe
mgaine, he is unwilling , or unabie?- ro engagein reasonable was sittitrg u! in bed and he had been given a hard pillow to hold
discussion,but qill resortto a lmokescreenof chea!, personaljibes to againslthe stilche! when he coughed.Each dme he picked tne pillow
deny the validiq' of dother's opinion. up he said " Excule me. I haveto cuddleleddy."
May I respecdrtly sugeesi,fterefore. that he be connnedto wnting He had seriousdd painful back trouble, bDi he rook advaDtageof
adDlatoryreviewsof toy soldien for you. review colum. to which his this lo sport a stylish can€.
pesonality dd litotuy talenis de eminenrlysuired. we had a ready and clever wit, but it was never deliver€d with
Your olher contspondenl,Roy Walson,Davis,who suggestedrharI inalice. He would not mate fun of rhosehe felt could nor bed il dd
had igrcred the fact that televisionis a visual nedium, may bavefailed his hunour was infectious,cheky anduplifting. He wd a worrhy and
ro note my suggesrionfor an altemative display. using traditional ddgerous opponentor Imy a tabletopbattlefield. A wargameqith
lactical symbolsfor the :ms of senice (d usedin numerousworks of him wa! seldoma dull evenl dd his uncuny skill with lighr cavalry
mjlilary history, dd in fte pagesof wdgmes fragazineg uponltuge, tied the newe of muy colmdden.
colourcd maps, mounted vertically to create an equivalentview of He was tle first wdSmer 1o seriously field tu dcienr bartarim
ev€ntsto thar providedby the hot-headshoc of rhe modelbattlefields, amy - Franco/cothic Allimce , ofier than rhe miserable Aifix
fbr both lhe playes and the umpires.This woDldhaveenabledvieqeB Ancient Brit PanzerDivisions"- ar borh rhe Halifd ed the Bradford
to comp&e more easily the subjectivedisplayson rhe playeB maps, Wdgmes Sociery, with all the sunning impact acbieled by the
which were, indeed,visuatly uninspirin8, wirh the objectivesitration histonc Celtic uival in lraly. And if nany colourful Yorkshirearmies
of Celts, Palmyrds. Nomar!, Gotbs and other such low fellows
I would agreewholeheanedlyrhat the cme ofwr'troop countes uived afteruard!, it was Bill (Aldic) Manin who blazed the trail.
were aeslhencallydispleasing,but do trot seethd 1oysoldiersde the Thin8. werene\errhe'me. nor will rhe) beno{ he is 8one.
only acceptablemeansof indicating bodies of troops, and confes I
cannot understdd rhe objecnon to cardigds - comfortable, cdual


by a chequemadepayableto Stratagem,
accomparded Esp€cially
18 Lov€N Lane. New'ik, Notts. NG2A lHZ. Rat€ 15p RobMve6.Tel0t376585357
per word. + 17rr7, V.A.T. Minimum charge: t3.00,

COLLf,CTORS nGIJR.ES. LES IIIGGINS. IJNPAINITD 20DB FIELD SERVICETQualitysefliceror all pedods(sp@iallyNapol@aics).
ECW approx 50/50 RoyalisnRoundlead,49 cavalry 34 Pikenen. 45 S-S.A.B2IRC\. tl t5mn 12 25m. or own castingsd detaih.
nuskets. 8 swordsnen. l1 dnlmere, ofEcm, pftacbers Cotal) 4 4 KingsfieldRoad Biddulph.S-O-l ST86DN
suns, 16 crew t25.00 Tel: BanbUrJ01582762392
GAMES WORKSHOP FIGURES wH40K. fanrasn Epic, HIGH QUALITY SERYICE. All scat€s.Sendinf figurc ed SSAE
Bloodbowl, Nedonunda 25Dn Histoncal, painted Unpainied-SAE for sample.CoDtacr Up 4cames. 5 Ffolkes Place, PE33 oAH. Tel
for list M Ellison.43 MellishRoad.Walsall.WS42DG01922625809 (01553)810518.
BYZANTINE ARMY, 2sllnn, 36 caraby. 12 Infantry. coffnard HELION & COMPANY Frcm PMrs to Pataces...your figres dd
Broup,painting reasonable.!85.00 Robert0181 693 4470 modelspaint€dmd assembleddownto the lasl SaiterbunonI For price
l l00 WWII TROOPS! Complete SecondPamr Division plDs lists etc., sendA5 SAE & 2 x first classslampsto: 26 willow Road.
Allied, Gemd. RDsi& extraunils- Modem US Mdines dd Waipac. Solihull. west Midlands B91 IUE
Aiicnft lo. Phone01243552?62for lists- TABBY'S PAINTING SERVICE. experiencedpaioler Fasl dd
ACCIIRATE AIRrU lt2 flGURES, AFV'S, forts banleshets efficienr, supplier 1o ldee esbblisbed cobpeies. 5Im to 25tm all
aircmft-ancientmedievalACWAWI-Napoleonic-WW1'WWII Also periods. WaJgamesand collecton stmdard, reasombly ?riced-
Esci - Hat ' Imex Italeri Matchbox-Revetl-Many a! bdgaiD prices. Discountsavailablefor clubsand socielies.S.A.E.dd !1 in shps for
New! Crusade6 Secem Napoleonics ACW wagons!Tet 012?1 sampl€and lists ro 39 Tnnity Slreet,Birkenhead,Wiral L41 4HJ
77757sendL.S.A-Efor list : A Peddle,Sunrymead,4 Bcutrtor Road, CHAINMAIL PAINTING SERVICE. All periods dd scales,
Bmstaple. N. Devon,EX31 lry painted to your reqqirenent!, lery quick hm-doDnd. Pleasesend
FOUNDRY TRANCO-PRUSSIAN WAR: PRUSSIANS:146 c6ring, info, S.A.E and chequefor 13.00 nade payable 1o Mr. B
Infantry.l6 Cavalry. 6 Guns,l Limber; French; 106 Infmtf, 2l Simonds, HoneysuckleCollage,PenCro$, Hemyock,DevonEXl5
Cavalry,2 Guns, 2 Mitrailleuse- Pai ed Gee WI83) nol based!450 l S R T e l : 0 1 8 2 63 6 ? 8 8 9
inc- postagewithin UK. Phore 01543 422913 BELGRAVE FINE ART. Hish qualiry 20$ Centurywargane figure
WARGAMER SELLING UP lhe following itemspnintedandbared dd vehicle pairting senice, olher periodson application,for sanple
to a very high standad. l5lm FrenchNapoleonicSltalo .my 25 bns figue, please send !2.00 to Ie K Hedley, 5 Betgrave Avenue,
lnf. 6 Cav Regts. 6 Arty batte.ies plus colmod €210.00- 15Im Halhershaq Oldhm, OL8 2LL (0161 620 3474J
ScenicEffects HouSoumotrt€175.00.25lm Fmt6y Bdbdiu Amy WARGAMES FIGURE PAINTING. Napolonics, ECw. ACw'
fl5.00- 20Im \tetnm set US Plat@tr,VC Platoon.Civilius, ACAV 6tun-30nn. Figurespaintedlo basic or colleclors stdddd. Send!2
Plat@n,2 Helicopte6 f,175.00.20tm Gemd WWII Platoon€70.00. and SAE fo. sample and detalls (stating slandardrequired) to: R
E6t Front PanisaDs!35.00. 30 + vehiclesand amou. !5 ' t12 each. Wesrwood.'ApplewoodConage" 73 Enfield Road, HuDt End.
20lm Scedc EtrectsStalitrgradTractor Fetory and Admin BuildinS Reddnch,Worcs,B97 5NE-
[125-00.20lm ScenicEfiectsbattledamaged buildings€25.00each. E\TR VICTORIOUS MINIATURES - addition.l quality ligw
Tel:Dougie0191291 38?4 paintenrrequi.ed ro handleour expandingorder b@k. PleNe senda
FLOCK & TOLIAGE (AMIA DiCOR RANGE) for saTe.Plede sampleof you wo.k to 19NewsteadAvenue,Mapperley,Nottingham,
*nd a ldge SSAE for a lisr and a small smple to: HeadsWdgme NG36GB-
Pamphemalia"40 BradbridgeGreen.Singleton,Ashford TN23 5WA.
Weaisosell Military & wargamingBooks,for a list plerle senda ldge
MEGABOOKSII S@ondhdd Mililary & Wareming Books at
Milihry & wargamingBook CollecnonBought.
sensibleprices. List No.4 now avajlable NEW CD ROM Computer
SpecialistDealerin out-of-prinr & second-hand
Came section.A5 SSAX for lists 36 Melboume Str@t. Bdow in
& Rol€-playing.
Fumes, Cumbria.LAl4 5TU
Send,{5 SSAEfor gmes cataloeue
PAINIED 25|m NAPOLf,OMCS. 125 Cav. l0 suns wilh crew
BOOKSTOP BOOKSI{OP, lr Mafeld G.ove,
f280.00 the lot. Tel. Demis 01606737544
Ha..ogale HGI sHD, North Yorkhire. Tel:01423-505817

FIRST CLASS PAINTER to paint approx.1,500lomn ACw!, to be FORTHCOMING EVENTS
paid for in kind. (i.e. ganes or unpaintedniniaures. wiite to Chris, I
BeaconRise, Ald.idge, walsall. west Mids. wS9 0TQ. I aln in no SOUIII CHESHIRE MILITAIR.E, Sunday22 Februdy l0-o0am
till5.00pn at thevictoria Centre,Crewe. Wargmes. Model Dispiays,
1/32ND SCALE wlvll tanks, vehicles.kits. premoulds,diecastsor Re enachent [email protected],Trade Stands,Bring and Buy,
scFtchbuilt. Any condition considered.P. wilnsha\ 4 Kingsfield Bd and Reftesbments. Signs frcm M6 Junclion 16 and in Ccwe.
Road.Biddulph, S-O-T.Slaffs. ST8 6DN ContactDavidTaylor012?0?65138-
WELL PAINTED 15MM NAPOLEOMC PENNINSULAR,Cehs. THE BIG BATTALIONS will be hostingtheir nextday participatioD
ECw. Must be easyto rebase.Represenhnvesanple (retumed) and gme in north London on Sunday15Mech 1998.Multi player25mm
list to Mr Howo(b, 17HdgreavesDeive,Rosendal€,t2ncashireBB4 Napoleonics.All figues supplied.Umpire controlled.G@d Mmer
8SPTel.01706 225458 rules. Up to 2lft x 12ft table. 320 for fte day.For htrther details call
MILITARY BOOKS: Particulary Napoleonic. uniforms and Rohm 01818885530
wdgaming. Top pric€spaid-Cataloguesalso issued.MagenraBooks, SUNDAY 5th APR]L I99E . MODEX MODELLING AND
I SilcoatesStreet.wakefietd wr2 ODU. 01695 570707(days) WARGAMES DAY, will be held at the Town Hall, wells. Someset-
TEde Srands,demomtrationud panicipnlion games.Fuflher derails
frcn PaulHmbleton, 60 Ash taq Wells. Some6er.BA5 2LS LOOKING FOR
I fax.01749 674342.
will be on Ibe w@kend of l6th/17th May 1998, wift aI the main
delaih the sme ar beforc i.e. VenDe;Town Hall, Bunon on Trcn( .SCENARIOSFOR ALL AGES"
Staffs,UK. Times: 10 - 10 Saruday, l0 ? Sunday. by C.S. Crant and S.A. Asqiuth
Tickets:!3.50 p€r day / !6 for both on the doo4 d3.00pe. day / !5 for
Facililies: Hot ud cold food, tea, cotreeerc.availablealt the nme: bd A]\Y PERIOD.WIII{ MAPS,FORCES
open tdr all but a couple of hou6. tllt yed the Real Ale ran our 112.50
pematurely - so we havechaD8edbeersupplieBt Therewilt now be a
selecrion of cdk beers frcm rhe awed winning Bu.ton Bridge THINKING ABOUT GryING
Brewery plus the obligarory fizzy stuff for thosewho p.efer it. The WARGAME CAMPAIGNING
Town Hall has a 300 spacece pdk and is 2 minuteswalk fton tbe
station.Ther€de pl€nry of horeh md gqesthonsesaroundthe town. A TRY?
Be€r & PEtzeh cates for all rypes of non-electricalgdes - your "WARGAME CAMPAIGNING'
trcket gumtees playirg space.b do with what you will. There e
sev€ralorg&ised gmes, virh miniarms wargming panicularly well by C.S.Grant
coveredin recent yem, but therc is also a welt-usedBoard cames
Lib.arf, md nby peoplebnng rheir own favouriteso Play. WILL GTVEYOUAI-LYOUWANTTOKNOWABOUTHOWTO
Therc is a simple but etr&rive systemfor mabhing ptayeGneeding SETI]P ANDRIINYOUROWNWAIICAMECAMPAICN
ganes to gmes needinSplayers. A Magt toumment is now a t12.50
srandddfeatm, and thereis alwayssomerole-playing,thoughnot as froIn
much as one mighr exp&r due to both cM,s ud players being
distreted by orhergmes. Thi! yed we tre goinSto t y realiy h@dto C.S.GPUBLICATIONS
get morc RPG\ o.gani$d in advance,so interesredpanies pleaseget FATRMOUNT HOUSE
The otberchangerhis yem is rhal we de going ro hale io restricrthe PERTII, SCOTLANI)
Fade space- we cme p€rilously close ro running out ot rableslast
yee, dd gamingtales absolutepriority over selling. Anyone with a
gming productto sell o. club to promoreis welcomero a bir of walll Availablein the USA ftom Brookhunt Hobbies,
spaceand a modest display, bul in retum musr nm some son of 12188BrookhurstStreet,carden Crove, CA 92460
panicipation gme. People running gmes dont get free rickets
becausethey e therc to enjoy themsetvestoo - atrhougbI havebeen
knovn to buy the odd beerfor thosedoing d especialtygrearjob. PLAY BY MAIL
FDriler details of exactly who is running whal will be published
nemr May: medwhile infomadon.ficketsetc. de availablefron: WWII EASTERN, WESTERN AND MEDITERRANEAN
Spiril Games,98 SlarionStreer,Bunon on Trent, Statis.DEl4 t BT Tel TI{EATRDS TO PLAY- Highty detailed,addicrivedd cheap.Appty
/ Faxr01283511293enail: [email protected] to AJM GROUP,35 ELIAS PLACE, LoNDoN sw8 INs.

FL{SCO Sa(urday,20th June.At ArDley SponsC€ntrc,CM Cmfis, WARGAMESWEEKEN'DS

FIASCO ll Sunday, lsr of November At rhe Royal Amouries THE OFFICERS MESS - NAPOLEONIC WARGAMES
Museum,The Walerfrcni,keds. WEEKENDS IN ESSEX. A fDll day of gding usiDgsuperbaward
Doo6 for bothshowsopenat 10.00.Therewill be a lareenDmberof winning terain md figurcs for just t25 a day_For laresl datessd
trade^, display dd participarion gaoes at bo|h shows. Both shows availabiliry
phoneRobMye6 01376585357_
will havea ditrerentmix of tndes ed display gmes. Therewill be a
large, qell run bring and bDyma at both evenr. Specialprice deats: SHOPS
If you come1oFIASCO in JDnedd keephold of youi prusrmme you
cm useit ro get half price enlry imo Fl{sco tr. on top of this rhere DIJNGEONS AND STARSHIPS,BIRMINGIIAM OI21 643 6008
is a special price entry inlo fte Royal Amou.ies Musem, on Buys ard selh pre-owned (arl rid! second hdd) clasic bodd
prodDctionof a FLqSCOtr prcglmme. You cd gain this discoDmon WarSmes of the SPI, GDw era..PleasephoDeor .tiop in with you
top of fte usual low witrter price dd you can take advanrageof rhe gmes tor a quotemd a cashsale.Or a seond chmce to buy a Cta$ic.
otrer on in NovemberIf anyonegoesonly to lwo r_eedsshows
lhey mNt both b€ FLASCO_You how ir nakes sense!If any club, ,N.4POLEON'MAGAZINE
individual or society bal a display or panicipanotrgme rhey would (lotuerty ,,Empi€s, EaEles
& Liotu,)
like ro pDl on could they sendtull derailsro JohnD Smithnt 27 Annley
tlK subs to ih€ bi-monthly tul colour Amen.m NaFolsnic
GranSeMr, L€ed,t-S12 3QB.
ma8zine arc available lrom Strata8em Publications.
N.O.W. '98 wargmes Sho% SaturdayI lth Juty, St. Andrew's Hall,
NoNich, for turther derails. ConracrKifr Duiels 01362 69105?or one year'. subsaiprion (6 i$ues):
€23.50{€21 to W1 subscribes)
SENTRY 98 at Haywood High Scb@I, High tae, Buislen, Stoke- Issues I to 10 dftntly availabl.
On'Trent Statrs on Sunday 26th July 1998. Demonsrralon and NEW! NAIOLEON AINDERS (hol.l 12 issues) €7 p6r paid.
panicipanongames,TEde stands.BritrB & Buy. lxclusively f nm Stlatagem
18 Love6Ide, Newaik, Notts NG24lHZ

InstituteHouse, Bor 20

GLORY New Kyo, Stanley,
Co. Durham,DH9 7TJ
The Finest" Tel: (01207)2E3332 Tel: 4124233580
Fax: (01207)2E1902 Fax: 4124236E9t

OLD GLORY eoesinto real-estate

Now availableliom OLD GLORY thesegr€atlinesof modelbuildrngsandtermin for your $argamestable.
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89aA AcN r Gn nc E. {o'.r !o.d sh&k
DELUTCl ddrcid$!(2r') AC\| r cm.ncolds eMod.' bm
sbnd l'd'n Gd d
DELUIG l' dm roadsd ( I r) Lobnn,n thel\u.ataloq,e
DEI-LDGl" @bbl.!rcd$t{lr') 1613l
Srder r obbled rcadd ( l5 ) !!qqa4!$i!4!14
I ior<r tdn hoe. L $ap.d DErUlc l" cobbl.drcad$r i I 5'l !6r ril :lE!! M.dild Buudbi

q cobbl.d read ro)m crN st.d \l"dRal6ll.15\zlLsd'cPlEgdetl]5.00

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:' cobbldotr. {r $crlhr s{rois) \lcddnl\ilh€.lll Grone& ild.h) '35.m
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Th. N3do, apprcxr \: 6'
.r 75 ISEE I!!g!er!q&i!]!i: Thr:lfroha|3p?fuadBlhe
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.rbo arailad. noft - !&L Enpero6 HQ. 5714 \I'51 Irirs Park,Chi.aso- Iuinon 60634. &44!4
old Glorl cd { 242 wind.mde .\€nue. Torcnlo- onldiq lt{6s 31i3. cMdz (416) 766 7690 b G]dn. oLD CLORY\
\'ncnos$. 15. 86391 Sladbdsfl. 4!s!lgbk_!9!
E4!g4i Banle croudd c,lc. &!g4 Chmp D€ \16. ll wa€ding suppldml. ,1 isues pd ter.
Rue De Seligne-7004. Pais Sgllr .d1iql s A Pd6cales 5. 28028 Madrid. 44!ri Slralecia E snbsiFid € 13poe fEE single isu6 I4-50p
Tanica via cavM 250, 00t34 Rma .16taltai \\'alrus & Cdrern{. ld nmi 97-99 .\r$'le st*r.
Pffian. NSW2150.026371336.
t'or Scenc Eflectsh the US1 c,otact Scnic EtrecraPO B6t ? 9.1307Tel 510 235 r9J5. rax 510 2:1399012

P_!A-4_LcLis: t:i( & BFPO to.b oforder r2lue. EURoPE25oloofordd lalue. OtTSIDE 'IBOPE 50q. ofoidr ulue.
we ac{€tl !lSA& IiIASTERCARD. Ch.qu6 md. parableto: OId Glo4,Co.p.nlim. Calal,er? [1.00 SAE$jlh 50pstmp pleae

l9l sT ]IARG\!u: r"S R0 \l)

LO\\ I,tSt()1.1.sllFl'oI-K
r"Rl2lH\". ENGl,Ar'D
P H O \ E : 1 0 l 5 l l 2 )5 l 8 l . r ( l
( 0 1 5 0 15 l 1 7 7 9

WWI 20mm
P \ R \ I ' E T\ 1 1 ( r I r \ r :( ; t \ \ r a R s
lONl ll L.\ isTernr l0 7l
'IONI .li
vickc^ Terri I L 0E
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::f_-c.:-. (i\ 10
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H N l a ;0 8 T c x n !
L i l l c 0 ! t / 1 5l . ! n l
! LliS

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Ofdnrncc L)cpol QuirxelClanrcs PlLlloplir
5 Cfan\x Ci)Llr1 POBox 1561 Vil (i Dc Petfl l-+
Blxckbum South (icldcrn
-176f)S 0{)l(rl Ronr!-
V i c t o l i a3 1 3 0 T c l : { ) 6S 6 l l - + l S ( l


fionE rtxE IN nEsEAuctt
t DEsteNt
noeE c iE tN ,RoDucfton a DEsrarcrt

tst TEXAS ll-l-tRC0RNFIE[DSEPT tTrl',t862

l{ow ovcr lO0 fgurca in this nantc, n|ort rith at lcast t5 hcad uari.nG,thatSoucr 6rOOO
pd3iblc ligur.r!
C o r h i h : l n o u r r e 6d . r . r . 1 ,I e ! r e p l o t rl o r t , 2 4 C d r l q l i r c . H o t s s l ,
9 0 l i f . i r r y , r C u rr . r mI l i n b a , 2 E n k g q m& 1 2g d i r s ,


VnpNARTAK'gg 1ar4 n.30am j.30ph1

Sundaylst february,n[srchantAtaenture$'t{a[[, yossgate,
Conc & Scc lhc ucry first in out complet€lt EWRA GEI

sEl{D05 (t C.p& tuRop:) ron out iulty tLLUstnatED

Arso ?[oraEon FAxor{ 0148484616tr{OW!!
2 5 m m. S A l l U R i l ,E N g t l s HC l V l tW A RG , RAiID A L L I A N C{ iEm . L o u iX
. I VA , n y ) ,0 T T 0 M ATNU R K SF,R EC HN A p 0 L E 0 N S t CE.V E yNE A R S
W A Rl i r c - F . d a h kt h eG r o aIi F , ! i . hl i d h i W * s ) ,A I A M 0 A
, M E R t C ACi tI V t LW A R S & W I I DW E S T
l i i . . S t . g e @ cAh * . 9 o B . r c . l

2 0 n m. W o R L D
W A RT W o- D E S E R{ iTn . .E r i t i s hA, f r i k ,( o i F ) l T i L t A N SR, U S S T A&N E i n c .p i r d & S S )

l5hh ' A R I E U R I A N , 6 R ENA0TR T H E RWNA RI l t l D l A l lt l U T l N r

SpringGrov€ Mills/Linthwaire,Huddersfietd,W. yorkshir€,EngtandHD7 5eG. td A tax: Ott84 8{616t



Whit€ StarRising is designedfor
SPEARHEAD rules but is playablewith
any set of w'v/II rules that ProYides
Divisiona! organisationsand usesthe
Pliatoonasthe smallestcombat element.
. 17 scenarioscoYerthe waf in the
Vest, from the Normandy landings
to the last organizedresistance
behind the Rhire.
. Canyou get force massiveAnglo-
American armiesthrough the hedge-
row country and end the war by
. Canyour superbly trained but
troops stem the tide and prot€ct the
It won't be easyeith€r way, but this is
the era of dle wtite Star Risi.g.

uK: EISEX c orzaaaa2tol
HOBSYCRAFT r ot90i"to99
S'RA'AGE[ t ol6acrrt t
w.i.G a ottacr2alta

MnflaRY MtNUttURE t 952t I tro

oRDERSONLY 1-AOO - 221 - 20ll

ntrll|raa, hc.
ao( 278
WV 26059@78

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