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Last Updated for version 0.8.

Index Name Color
1001 Iron Body Orange
1002 Energy Overflow Blue
1003 Eagle Eye Blue
1004 Fleetfoot Orange
1005 Clown Face Green
1006 Stunning Beauty Red
1101 Composed Purple
1102 Aniseed Flavored Bean Gray
1103 Longevity Genes Purple
1104 Tortured Genius Red
1105 Bad Omen Orange
1106 Talented Fighter Green
1201 Short Fuse Gray
1202 Carpenter Gray
1203 Butcher Green
1204 Arrogant Purple
1301 Rebellious Blue
1302 Upstanding Gray
1303 Cursed Orange
1304 Blessed Orange
1305 Cold-blooded Orange
1401 Martial Demon (Sword) Purple
1402 Martial Demon (Blade) Purple
1403 Martial Demon (Spear) Purple
1404 Martial Demon (Fist) Purple
1405 Martial Demon (Finger) Purple
1406 Martial Demon (Palm) Purple
1407 Martial Sage (Sword) Purple
1408 Martial Sage (Blade) Purple
1409 Martial Sage (Spear) Purple
1410 Martial Sage (Fist) Purple
1411 Martial Sage (Finger) Purple
1412 Martial Sage (Palm) Purple
1413 Youxia Blue
1414 Deadly Fingers Blue
1415 Strong Hands Blue
1416 Living on the Edge Orange
1417 Natural Strength Orange
1418 Martial Wonderkid Red
1419 Rough Hands Green
1420 Slingshot Sharpshooter Green
1421 Boxer Green
1422 Heavy Lifter Green
1423 Wood Chopper Green
1424 Spatula Sword Green
1425 Hero Wannabe Blue
1426 Weapon Master Red
1427 Innovative Red
1428 Absolute Focus Red
1429 Avid Swordsman Red
1430 Wolf Child Blue
1431 Runs in the Family (SwoBlue
1432 Runs in the Family (Bla Blue
1433 Runs in the Family (SpeBlue
1434 The Outcast Orange
1435 The Only Survivor Orange
1501 The Gifted (Lightning) Purple
1502 The Gifted (Earth) Purple
1503 The Gifted (Fire) Purple
1504 The Gifted (Water) Purple
1505 The Gifted (Wind) Purple
1506 The Gifted (Wood) Purple
1507 Insulator Blue
1508 Fireproof Blue
1509 Like A Fish Blue
1510 Mountain Builder Blue
1511 Tree Grower Blue
1512 Run Like a Wind Blue
1513 Thunder Enthusiast Gray
1514 Fire Enthusiast Gray
1515 Water Enthusiast Gray
1516 Earth Enthusiast Gray
1517 Wood Enthusiast Gray
1518 Wind Enthusiast Gray
1519 Wind and Lightning (RigOrange
1520 Earth and Wood (RighteOrange
1521 Wind and Fire (DemonicOrange
1522 Earth and Water (Demon Orange
1523 Heavenly Gifted Red
1524 Earthly Gifted Red
1525 Unstable Roots Red
1526 Stable Roots Red
1527 Element Power Red
1528 Child of Water Green
1529 Child of the Forest Green
1530 Child of Fire Green
1531 Child of Earth Green
1532 Child of the Wind Green
1533 Child of Lightning Green
1601 Minor Alchemist Green
1602 Taken by Alchemy Blue
1603 Alchemic Demon Purple
1604 Reborn Alchemist Purple
1605 Doodler Adept Gray
1606 Novice Diviner Gray
1607 Surveying Master Green
1608 Heaven Scryer Purple
1609 Blacksmith's Child Green
1610 Dual Talents Blue
1611 Herbalist Orange
1701* Fool Red
1702 Intelligent Orange
1703 Alopecian Wisdom Purple
1704 Naive Gray
1705 Simpleton Gray
1706 Smart but Unlucky Gray
1707 Generous Purple
1708 Curious Blue
1709 Persistent Blue
1710 Bookworm Gray
1711 Scholar Gray
1712 Jock Gray
1713 Martial Artist Gray
1714 Optimist Red
1715 Hard-working Blue
1716 Energetic Purple
1717 The Moon Mirrored In TPurple
1718 Grandchild of a DemoniRed
1719 Descendant of a Hero Red
1720 Ghost Valley Prospect Red
1801* Jade Fox Orange
1802* Covered in Scales Orange
1803* Bear Paw Orange
1901* Family Heirloom Orange
1902* Treasure in the Mud Red
1903 Inherited Martial Skill Blue
1904 Gift of an Immortal Purple
1905 Rich Family Blue
1906 Happy Accident Purple
1907* Jolly Accident Orange
1908* Merry Accident Red
1909* Arranged Marriage Blue
1910* Ring in the Dream Purple
1911 Silver Spoon Purple
2001 The Chosen One Red
2002 Reborn Saint of War Red
2003 The Special One Red
2004 Killing Machine Red
2005 Vengeful Red
2006 Tomb Raider Red
2007 Imperial Orphan Red
2008 Demon of the North Red
2009* Leaping over the DragoRed
2010 Ambitious Red
2101 Prodigy (Alchemy) Orange
2102 Prodigy (Forge) Orange
2103 Prodigy (Incantation) Orange
2104 Feng Shui Expert Orange
2105 Disciple of Three Pure Orange
2106 Inherited Luck Orange
2107 Waist-Length Hair Purple
2108 Windchaser Orange
2109 Dragon Spear Orange
2110 Refugee Protector Orange
2111 Acalanatha Orange
2112 Forging Apprentice Red
2113 Falling Star Orange
2114 Reborn Qi I Purple
2115 Reborn Qi II Orange
2116 Reborn Qi III Red
2201 Heavenly Bolt Constitut Purple
2202 Heavenly Spark ConstituRed
2203 Yang Fire Constitution Purple
2204 Yin Fire Constitution Red
2205 Merciless Flood ConstituPurple
2206 Aquatic Breathing ConstiRed
2207 Northern Wind ConstitutPurple
2208 Autumn Wind ConstitutiRed
2209 Earth Diety ConstitutionPurple
2210 Earth Spirit Consitution Red
2211 Withered Forest ConstitPurple
2212 Timber Spirit Constituti Red
2301 The Reincarnated Orange
2401 Of Nature Purple
2402 Of Rain Purple
2403 Of Wind and Fire Purple
2404 Of Thunderous Fire Purple
2405 Of Wisdom King Purple
2406 The Banished Purple
2407 Bibliophile Purple
2408 Ancient Tree Orange
2409 Blood of the Dragon Orange
2410 Blood of the Phoenix Orange
2411 Blood of the Tiger Orange
2412 Blood of the Elephant Orange
2413 The Mysterious Green
2414 Beggar
Dragon's Protection Purple
2415 Phoenix's Grace Orange
2416 The Foolish Old Man R Red
2417 Hou Yi Shoots the SunsRed
2418 Jingwei Fills Up the SeaRed
2419 Suiren Makes a Fire Red
2420 Kuafu Chases the Sun Red
2421 Xingtian Slayer Red
2422 Public Enemy Red
2423 Tiger Killer Orange
2424 Three Flowers Eternal Red
2425 Reincarnated Tree SpiriRed
2426 Ghost Valley Disciple Red
2501 Elegant Blue
2502 Masculine Blue
2503 Happy Bachelor Green
2504 Thunderous Shout Green
2601 Left-handed Gray
2602 Wanderlust Green
2603 The Unfortunate Gray
2604 The Righteous Green
2605 Known Evil Green
2708 Business Wizard Purple
2709 Hard Bargainer Orange
2801 True Love Red
2802* White Crane Orange
2803 Elder Dragon Aura Red

*This destiny does not occur naturally during character creation in the current version of the game, but i
DEF +5, Vitality +130
Energy +100
Crit +30
Agility +20, Travel Speed +100, Motion Skill Proficiency increases 50% faster
Charisma +100, Righteous +100
Charisma remains at 900
Mood isn't easily affected.
Luck +20, Max Lifespan -10
Max Lifespan +50
Insight +30, EXP Earnings +20%, Max Lifespan -20, Max Health -20
ATK +8, Crit +20, Charisma -300
ATK +2, Demonic +50, Charisma -100
ATK +6, DEF -4
ATK -1, Insight +20
ATK +2, Crit +10
ATK +6, DEF +2, Charisma -100
Demonic +50. Mood can be increased easily
Righteous +50, Charisma +100
ATK +6, Crit +20, Demonic +100
DEF +6, Luck +10, Charisma +100, Righteous +100
ATK +6, Crit +20, Charisma -100
Sword +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Blade +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Spear +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Fist +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Finger +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Palm +25, ATK +1, Demonic +50
Sword +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Blade +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Spear +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Fist +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Finger +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Palm +25, ATK +1, Righteous +50
Blade and Sword +15
Spear and Finger +15
Fist and Palm +15
Sword, Spear, and Blade +15, ATK +3, Righteous +100
Fist, Finger, and Palm +15, DEF +3, Demonic +100
All Martial Arts +18, ATK +5
Palm +15, Finger -10
Finger +10
Fist +10
Spear +10
Blade +10
Sword +10
Spear +10, Righteous +10
Sword, Blade, and Spear +20, Proficiency of Sword/Blade/Spear increases 30%
Fist and Palm +30, DEF +5
Spear and Finger +30, Crit +20
Sword +30, Sword Proficiency increases 50% faster
ATK +5, Fist +10, Charisma -100
ATK +2, Sword +5, Insight +10
ATK +2, Blade +5, Insight +10
ATK +2, Spear +5, Insight +10
All Martial Arts +10, Charisma +100, Righteous +100
All Martial Arts +10, Charisma +100, Demonic +100
Lightning Root +25
Earth Root +25
Fire Root +25
Water Root +25
Wind Root +25
Wood Root +25
Lightning Root +20
Fire Root +20
Water Root +20
Earth Root +20
Wood Root +20
Wind Root +20
Lightning Root +5
Fire Root +5
Water Root +5
Earth Root +5
Wood Root +5
Wind Root +5
Wind Root +25, Lightning Root +25, Righteous +100, ATK +3
Earth Root +25, Wood Root +25, Righteous +100, ATK +3
Wind Root +25, Fire Root +25, Demonic +100, ATK +3
Earth Root +25, Water Root +25, Demonic +100, ATK +3
Wind Root +25, Lightning Root +25, Fire Root +25, ATK +3
Earth Root +25, Wood Root +25, Water Root +25, DEF +3
All Spiritual Roots +20, Focus -80, Max Stamina -20, ATK +3
All Spiritual Roots -10, All Martial Arts +10, Focus +200, Max Stamina +10
All Spiritual Roots +20, All Martial Arts -5
Water Root +10, Charisma +50
Wood Root +10, Charisma +50
Fire Root +10, Charisma +50
Earth Root +10, Charisma +50
Wind Root +10, Charisma +50
Lightning Root +10, Charisma +50
Alchemy +12
Alchemy +20, Demonic +20
Alchemy +25, Demonic +50
Alchemy +25, Righteous +100
Feng Shui +10, Stamina +10
Feng Shui +10, Luck +10
Feng Shui +25
Feng Shui +40, Health -20
Forge +15, Charisma -50
Alchemy and Forge +15
Alchemy +30
Insight = 20, Lifespan +30, Luck +30. Some Martial Arts can only be learned by
Insight = 150, Max Mood -30, Charisma -100
Insight +50, Charisma -300
Insight -10, Charisma +200
Insight -10. Mood recovers quickly
Insight +10, Luck -10, Charisma +100
Insight +50, Spirit Stones -0.5% every month
All Spiritual Roots +5, Insight +10
All Martial Arts +5, Insight +10
All Martial Arts -5, Insight +25
All Martial Arts -3, Insight +20
All Martial Arts +3, Insight -5
All Martial Arts +3, Insight -5
Luck +30, Charisma +200, Travel Speed +100. Mood recovers very quickly
Insight -5, Mood and Stamina usage speed -30%
Stamina +20, Stamina usage speed -30%
Insight +20, Lifespan -20
ATK +5, Insight +15, Demonic +300. Obtain a Legendary Mind Skill (Foundation (I
DEF +5, Insight +15, Righteous +300. Obtain a Legendary Mind Skill (Foundation
ATK +10, Insight +30, reputation +150, Charisma +100
You had unifinished business in your past life with the Nine Tails
You had unifinished business in your past life with the Xuanyuan clan
You had unifinished business in your past life with the Youxiong clan
Obtain a random Rare Artifact at the start of the game
Obtain a random Epic Artifact at the start of the game
Obtain a random Rare Martial Skill at the start of the game
Obtain a random Epic Motion Skill (Foundation (II)) at the start of the game
Obtain 1000 Spirit Stones at the start of the game
Obtain 3000 Spirit Stones at the start of the game
Obtain the breakthrough materials needed for G1 Golden Core (IV) at the start
Obtain the breakthrough materials needed for Nascient Soul - Heaven at the sta
Obtain a Rare Interspatial Ring at the start of the game
Obtain an Epic Interspatial Ring at the start of the game
Obtain 2000 Spirit Stones and the Flying Sword (mount) at the start of the gam
Luck +50, Travel Speed +100, Charisma +200
ATK +10, DEF +3, Insight +20. Reputation +100
ATK +8, Insight +10, Luck +10, Max Vitality +100, Charisma +100
ATK +8, All Martial Arts +15, Insight -10, Demonic +100
ATK +5, All Martial Arts +6, All Spiritual Roots +6, Insight +10, Reputation +5
DEF +5, Fist, Palm, and Finger +20, Charisma -100, Reputation +100, Demoni
Luck +20, Charisma +100. Obtain 1000 Spirit Stones and a random Rare Mind Skil
ATK +5, Fist, Palm, and Finger +10, Wind Root +20, Reputation +100
Luck +40, Charisma +50, Reputation +500, DEF +10, Righteous +50. You're hun
ATK +5, All Martial Arts +10, Max Stamina +10
Alchemy +20, Insight +10, Reputation +100, Righteous +50
Forge +20, Insight +10, Reputation +100, Righteous +50
Insight +10, Talismans +60, Reputation +100, Lifespan -10
Insight +10, Feng Shui +50, Luck -10, Reputation +100
Insight +40, Lifespan +10, Righteous +50, Max Mood +20
Luck +30, Charisma +200
DEF +5, Luck +5, Charisma +100
ATK +5, Sword +15, Wind Root +15
ATK +5, Spear +15, Lightning Root +15
ATK +5, Blade +15, Fire Root +15
DEF +5, Fist, Palm, and Finger +14
Forge +35, gain an Artifact combined with an Artifact Spirit
Forge +30, Luck +20, Lifespan -20
Insight +5. Obtain one of the 6 Qi (breakthrough material needed for Foundation (
Insight +10. Obtain one of the six Qi Orbs (breakthrough material needed for Go
Insight +15. Obtain a piece of Heaven and Earth Treasure (breakthrough materia
ATK +5, Lightning Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Lightning Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
ATK +5, Fire Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Fire Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
ATK +5, Water Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Water Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
ATK +5, Wind Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Wind Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
ATK +5, Earth Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Earth Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
ATK +5, Wood Root +20, Other Spiritual Roots -10
DEF +5, Wood Root +35, Other Spiritual Roots -10
Insight +20, Lifespan +10, Luck +10, Reputation +100
Water Root +15, Wood Root +15, Lifespan +10
Water Root +15, Wind Root +15, Reputation +100
ATK +5, Fire Root +10, Wind Root +10, Lifespan -10
ATK +5, Fire Root +10, Lightning Root +10, Charisma -100
ATK -1, DEF +5, Earth Root +10, Wood Root +10
Demonic +20, Insight +20, Obtain a Martial Skill at the start of the game, but
Obtain an Rare Mind Skill Manual at the start of the game. Insight +30, Lifespan
DEF +4, Crit RES +10, Wood Root +10, Lifespan +5, Charisma -100
ATK +6, Luck +10, Lifespan +10
ATK +6, Luck +10, Charisma +100
ATK +6, Crit +20
DEF +5, Max Vitality +100, Luck +10
Lifespan +20, Health +10, Charisma +100, Righteous +100
DEF +5, Spear +5, Charisma +50
Sword +14, Fire Root +14, Charisma +150
Max Vitality +80, Max Stamina +10, Max Focus +50
ATK +5, Attack Range +20, Crit +20
Earth Root +20, Water Root +5, Agility +20
Fire Root +20, Wood Root +5, DEF +5
Focus +50, Travel Speed +150, Insight +10
ATK +10, DEF -3, Max Vitality +100
Charisma -300, ATK +10, Luck +10, Max vitality +50
DEF +5, Fire Root +15, Fist +15
Fire/Earth/Lightning Roots +20, ATK +6, Righteous +100
Wood Root +25, Max Energy +50, Charisma +150, DEF +5
ATK +12, Insight +30. Obtain a Legendary Motion Skill (Foundation (II)) at the s
DEF +2, Charisma +50, Reputation +50
Wind Root +5, Charisma +100, Reputation +50
Charisma +100, Reputation +150
ATK +5, Charisma -50, Reputation +50
Insight +15, Reputation -50
Charisma +150, Reputation +100
Luck -5, Charisma +150
Reputation +100, Charisma +100, Righteous +100
Reputation +100, Charisma +100, Demonic +100
Buy items 10% cheaper at markets
Buy items 20% cheaper at markets. Charisma -100
You have a very faithful partner.
You have a master.
ATK +5, Agility +10, Spear +5
With a trace of dragon Breath, a dragon cry seems to airse when your arm is raised. When there is Breakthrough
ng character creation in the current version of the game, but is part of the game's code.
Starting Description
You were born with a remarkable physique. Blessed with strong muscles and unbreakable bones, you were
alwaysinjured. Your controlling
had trouble workout habit
yourhas only made
energy. you even
The constant stronger
feeling thatover
you time.
can't contain it is a reminder tha
You almost feel like everyone is blind except you. You see things other can't, like the ant nest on the wall of the n
You have a unique understanding of movement. No matter the destination, you always arrive the earliest. You're
Your face was wounded in an accident. Now, the only expression on your face is a smile. People laugh at you fo
You're blessed with natural beauty, which makes you the center of attention wherever you go. Your gentle tempe
You don't panic about anything. No amount of pressure will ever faze you. People in your village like your compo
When you were little, you had a chance to have a broad bean snack. Since then, its anise flavor has stuck in you
Everyone in your family lives a long life. Your grandma, for example, lived 150 years. Perhaps it's because of you
You were born with a congenital disorder. It was so serious a condition that your doctor only gave you 30 years t
Both your parents died shortly after you were born. Those close to you, plants or people, all died quickly. Over tim
You love to fight. You're good at it, too. Your extraordinary combat skills and experience allow you to win almost
You're aggressive and easy to anger. When you lose your head, you tend to say things without thinking. Others
You learned woodworking from Wang in the neighboring village. He taught you that a good carpenter must have
Your grandpa taught you how to butcher a pig. He believed it's a livelihood you could always rely on to put food o
You truly believe you're the strongest in the world and that no one comes close to your strength. Your attacks are
You've always been the rebellious type. You must do things your way and refuse to be restrained. You took a be
Perhaps influenced by the old scholar in your village, you grew up to be an upstanding person who would despis
You were born a meatball, which terrified your whole village. It was a stormy day. Murky clouds covered the who
You've always felt you were different. You're good-looking, smart, and righteous. In fact, you refuse to tolerate an
As an experienced fighter, you attack your enemies where they're most vulnerable with no mercy. People are afr
You have an extraordinary understanding of sword techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in you
You have an extraordinary understanding of blade techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in your
You have an extraordinary understanding of spear techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in your
You have an extraordinary understanding of fist techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in your he
You have an extraordinary understanding of finger techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in your
You have an extraordinary understanding of palm techniques, but many inexplicable images that appear in your
You have an extraordinary understanding of sword techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in you
You have an extraordinary understanding of blade techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in you
You have an extraordinary understanding of spear techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in you
You have an extraordinary understanding of fist techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in your h
You have an extraordinary understanding of finger techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in you
You have an extraordinary understanding of palm techniques, and many inexplicable images that appear in your
You carry your sword or blade wherever you go. It's a dangerous world, and the weapon in your hand is your pro
People know little of you except that you're a spearmaster. What most don't know is that your fingers are anothe
Hand-to-hand combat is your strong suit. One time when you were drunk, you killed a cow monster with your bar
The first sword you ever held was made of wood. You wielded it like you'd been practicing swordmanship for a lo
The first time you ever threw a punch, you knocked out the other guy in an instant. You realized that you had a n
Showing a great interest in martial arts at a young age, you have an intuitive comprehension of all kinds of comb
Your family runs a small business selling roasted chestnuts. When you were little, your father taught you how to
Shooting birds is your passion, and all you need is a slingshot. You were the best amongst all your playmates in
Your family couldn't afford to buy you any martial arts manuals, but that never stopped you from dreaming of bec
The storyteller in your village once told you a tale about the monkey king and his magical rod. You were fascinat
Your family cooked food using a log burner, and you were responsible for chopping wood. You became good at
When your mother tried to teach you how to cook, you showed no interest in the actual cooking process. Instead
You've always loved heroic stories. You dreamed about becoming a hero yourself, helping the needy and punish
You prefer using weapons over hand-to-hand combat. No matter the type, you learned how to wield them quickly
You have a different understanding of fist and palm techniques. Rather than limiting yourself to traditional moves
As you learned martial arts, you discovered the differences but also similarities between spear and finger techniq
When you were little, you had the chance to witness a duel between two legendary swordmasters. It was at that
You were raised by wolves. Growing up in the jungle has trained you to be physically quick and strong, but on th
As the child of a great swordmaster, you're gifted in sword techniques. Under the influence of your family, you're
As the child of a great blademaster, you're gifted in blade techniques. Under the influence of your family, you're m
As the child of a great spearmaster, you're gifted in spear techniques. Under the influence of your family, you're m
You're the youngest of the 7 children of a cult leader. Outcast and framed by your older brothers, you were kicke
You were a talented disciple in a righteous sect. Your sect was growing quickly and becoming too powerful for th
There was deafening thunder and continuous lightning when you were born, almost like a sign that you'd be gifte
Your birth was accompanied by an earthquake, almost like a sign that you'd be gifted with a natural ability to con
Your whole village was on fire when you were born, almost like a sign that you'd be gifted with a natural ability to
Heavy rain was pouring down when you were born, almost like a sign that you'd be gifted with a natural ability to
Strong winds blew when you were born, almost like a sign that you'd be gifted with a natural ability to control the
Fragrant flowers bloomed when you were born, almost like a sign that you'd be gifted with a natural ability to con
There's something strange about you. You were struck by lightning multiple times, but apart from losing all your h
You were trapped in fire multiple times but never burned. As a matter of fact, you became stronger afterwards ev
You were taught to hold your breath when learning to swim, and so you did. As it turned out, you could easily ho
Your grandpa believed your family house had bad feng shui because there were no mountains behind it. You su
Your little brother likes all kinds of fruits, so you planted many fruit trees around your house. And every one of the
People always say you're like wind, especially when you're running.
When thunderstorms hit, neighbors' kid are always scared and cry, but all you feel is excitement. One time, you s
Though flints aren't valuable, you always carry one with you. Whenever you're bored, you play with it. You love to
You're known to be a great swimmer. Whenever it's too hot in the summer, you lead the kids in your village to the
You love the earth beneath you too much. If your parents didn't have an animal hide for you to cover your body,
You never liked playing with other kids. You don't have the time anyway, as you have tons of plants to look after.
When you were little, your father made a paper kite for you. Since then, kites have been an important part of you
The powers of wind and thunder are heavenly powers. You were born with a natural understanding of these two
The powers of earth and wood are earthly powers. You were born with a natural understanding of these two pow
When wind and fire meet, they devour everything. You possess these two terrifying powers. With their influence,
When earth and water meet, they flood everything. You possess these two terrifying powers. With their influence
Heaven holds three types of energy, namely wind, lightning, and fire. You were born with the ability to control the
Earth holds three types of energy, namely earth, wood, and water. You were born with the ability to control them
There are six Spiritual Roots, namely Lightning, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Earth. You have a certain control a
It's effortless for you to be observant and stay focused, which allows you to be a master of artifacts and elixirs. B
When you were little, a self-proclaimed immortal warned you to give up cultivation as you have unstable Spiritual
Growing up in a canal town, you have an inexplicable affinity for water. Those long hours staying in water have m
Growing up in a forest, you have inexplicable affinity for trees. Perhaps because you're blessed by nature, all cre
Both your parents are masters of fire. As their child, you were born with a strong Fire Root. Your personality is in
You're naturally sensitive to earth. With that, you often successfully predict landslides and earthquakes. People l
You've always liked chasing wind. To you, wind is freedom. Running with it makes you feel free. Perhaps becaus
You were born with a strong Lightning Root. Affected by it, you're decisive, and people like you for that.
When you were little, you learned alchemy from an immortal. That's something you should have been proud of y
Alchemy is a craft passed down in your family. That is, until your family was slaughtered by its enemies. You wer
You have an extraordinary understanding of alchemy. One time, you concocted a special elixir that unfortunately
You have an extraordinary understanding of alchemy. When a plague hit one year, you concocted an antidote th
Doodling is hardly a useful skill, but you just love it. You're good at drawing all kinds of charms, though few unde
When you were little, you read a book about moving mountains to fill up an ocean. The book was probably fiction
Your bagua board is a family heirloom and the most precious thing you own. In fact, it's your livelihood. Though t
It's almost as though you have an invisible third eye, which makes you see things others can't. But you're physica
You father is a blacksmith. Growing up helping him in the smithy, you never paid much attention to your appearra
You're no different than others, except what you experienced in your childhood made you grow interested in alch
Your natural sense of herbs is different than that of ordinary people. You have an innate ability to separate toxins
Fortune favors the foolish. It's true in your case. It's hard for you to understand things, but because of it, you hav
You intelligence is unmatched, but being too smart can be a curse. You find it hard to get excited by anything, an
You're smarter than most. Your receding hairline is the proof.
You're simple and honest but a bit slow. Everyone gets along well with you.
You're unintelligent to the point that you could be called slow, but you've got a good heart. You don't care about w
You're very intelligent and good at both calculation and dealing with others. However, whenever something does
You're highly intelligent-smarter than most others-but have no interest in monetary matters. Though perhaps this
You've been restless since you were young, always curious about your surroundings. You'd often spend the enti
You've been trained in martial arts by your father since you were young, the strenuous and dreary days robbing
You were always borrowing books from others and getting lost in all the new knowledge they provided you. Com
Born into a family of scholars, you've been well-versed in poetry since you were a child, and other families often
Your family's lack of money couldn't suppress your innate curiosity and passion for martial arts, and you'd often u
Born into a family of martial artists, you've always had a keen interest in various fighting techniques. Though you
You've always been optimistic no matter the snags you run into. Though you've never had the best of luck, your
Born into a poor family, your parents have been struggling to make ends meet since you can remember. The ma
Everyone's first impression of you is that you're incredibly strong. Even if you do happen to use up all your energ
You once received a musical score called the Moon Mirrored in the Pool. From it, you were able to feel life's hard
You're the grandchild of the most powerful cult leader. When you were born, he gave you a manual he believed t
You're the successor to the leader of those who stood up against evil-and also the man who saved countless peo
As a disciple of Ghost Valley, the most mysterious sect in all the world, your talents exceed those of ordinary peo
You were born holding a piece of jade in your mouth, and upon closer look, it was discovered to be a jade fox. Th
You were born with many scales on your body, causing those in the village to think you a reincarnated monster,
When you were born, your palms were astonishingly thick, almost like those of a bear's, and you possessed incr
It's said that your ancestor once entered the heavenly realm and left something behind. Once you were a little ol
Fate works in mysterious ways. When you were little, you found something with a strange aura while playing in th
Born into a family of martial artists, it's said that your ancestor once entered the heavenly realm. Because of this
You once met a bearded old man beneath a tree who said you had the perfect figure to be a martial artist and wa
Your family has always had money, which was quite a good thing. And since you were young, you've wanted to a
When you were little, you fell into a hole, where you found a pile of shiny gems. Unfortunately, you don't know ho
When you were little, you fell into a hole, where you found a pile of amazing things. Unfortunately, you don't know
When you were little, you fell into a hole, where you found a pile of exceptionally amazing things. Unfortunately,
When you were very young, your family married you off and put an old ring around your neck. One day, you hap
You were once given a ring by a fairy in a dream. When you awoke, that same ring was on your finger. One day,
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and became extremely wealthy. You've now prepared yours
Almost as though you've been chosen by Heaven itself, everything goes eerily smoothly for you. Why in the worl
Strange things happened all over the world as soon as you were born. Even at a young age, your strength reigne
Your origin remains a mystery, but the golden blood flowing in your veins is a constant reminder that you're differ
Raised by the leaders of a killers' cult, you rose above all the other disciples and followed the way of killing. How
A pitiable child, your parents died by bandits, leaving you to fend for yourself. Deciding to leave this world, you flu
Inheriting the way of the shepherd from your ancestors, you'd often dig up graves during the middle of the night t
Born to the previous emperor, it seemed you would be the one to restore your family's glory. However, throughou
You are a Naissant Demon, the flesh-and-blood incarnation of a northern spirit. It is said that wherever a Naissan
The day the carp leaped over the dragon gate was the day you received your human form. With your innate luck
Ambitions are more than just ideas. To achieve your ambitions, you've always been hard on yourself. Mastering
Your interest in alchemy helped you develop a deep sense of acumen even from a young age. You infused your
As a money-making tool for your master from a young age, there was no artifact you couldn't forge. But after bei
A masterful painter, wherever you go, you paint the scenery. After becoming the disciple to a charm master, you
Dragon veins are Feng Shui principles used to denote sources of great life energy and the paths by which they fl
As a former disciple in the pavilion of the three purities, you have a deeper understanding of Taoism than most. T
You're the grandchild of the chosen one, and your luck is positively explosive! Despite you often getting yourself
No one ever told you that your hair was too long-that is, until an assassin came to kill you, and your hair blocked
Rumor has it whenever the Windchaser Sword appears, someone's head will roll. The rumor is true. The frighten
The Dragon Spear penetrates all defense, just like its wielder eradicates all evil. Some say that this world has ch
When your homeland was destroyed by war, you fled with everyone. Your hardships, however, were not to end t
Your hand-to-hand combat skills have earned you high respect and the nickname The Immovable. But, at the sa
You were raised by a mysterious old man, and not having enough toys was one of your last worries. What made
When you were born, a meteorite fell from the sky, destroying your entire village. Though the survivors left in sea
In your past life, you wandered the world of the immortals and successfully ascended to Foundation (II) - heaven
In your past life, you wandered the world of the immortals and successfully ascended to G1 Golden Core (IV). Yo
In your past life, you wandered the world of the immortals and successfully ascended to Nascent Soul (VI) - Hea
Before rumbling thunder is heard, terrifying lightning strikes first. There's nothing that can't be destroyed by a ligh
The deadly lightning can be a source of power. You often bath in the middle of lightning storms, and the only thin
Flames of heaven, burning of an all-devouring Yang. Arguably the most destructive weapon, fire is your friend. A
Flames of nether, burning of an all-devouring Yin. Often you awake at night on a woodpile of dying flames, disco
A deadly flood destroyed your family but also made you born anew, especially after you realized you had the abi
Your favorite thing to do when you were young was bathe in the water and soak up the summer sun. One day, h
The chilling northernmost wind reaches heaven. You were no stranger to the northern wind, but none could com
The wind in the wild howled the deepest sorrow. As you touched the sadness in the wind of late autumn, the win
Where is earth, there is home. When you traverse the world, the sky is your blanket and the earth is your bed. A
You long wandered the earth, never again believing the earth did not have a spirit. Late at night when all is quiet
You fell in love with that forest. However, whenever you touched one of the trees, it would instantly shrivel up. Be
Ancient trees wither but never die. When spring comes, they grow again. Before you were born, your hometown
While crossing the street, you were hit and killed by a car; however, your soul strangely remained tied to the bod
Since you were little, you place of refuge has been with the mountains. Whether playing in the water or running t
Different from others, you've always enjoyed storms. Feeling the wild wind whipping your body has always given
There's nowhere you'd rather be than sitting by a bonfire. The warmth of its flames always gives you a sense of c
You've always liked firecrackers since you were a child. You have a firecracker-like temper, too. As the leader of
People in your village saw you as a pushover. They'd always tell you to do this, help with that. You didn't mind. In
You were banished from your sect for breaking the legendary glass lamp. Out of bitterness, you went to a village
You're a bookworm who loves nothing more than talking about books. Though the years of acquiring knowledge
An ancient tree appeared when you were born, and then your skin turned wrinkled like the bark of the ancient tre
Dragon blood flows through your veins. You were born with a mightier strength and endurance than ordinary peo
Phoenix blood flows through your veins. You were born with a mightier strength than ordinary people, and you're
Tiger blood flows through your veins. You were born with a mightier strength than ordinary people, and you're tal
Elephant blood flows through your veins. Your natural physique allows you to withstand attacks better, and you'r
You met an old beggar when you were a child. He gave you a martial arts manual. After years of practice, howev
Where the dragon veins lie, good fortune follows. Those who rule an empire or are the leaders of sects are all ble
Graced by the phoenix, you possess the essence of both heaven and earth. You're more talented and better loo
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and helped Yukong, the foolish old man, move Taihang Mo
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and helped Hou Yi defeat the Three-legged Crow. You've n
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and helped Jingwei fill up the East Sea. You've now prepar
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and helped Suiren acquire the very first fire. You've now pre
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and made the acquaintance of Kuafu. You've now prepared
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and defeated Xingtian. You've now prepared yourself to ma
Your ancestor once traversed the world of immortals and made many enemies. You've now prepared yourself to
Your fists have enormous power. When you throw a punch, the air trembles with sparks. You once killed a tiger w
When you were young, three flowers in the shapes of fire, earth, and lightning would grow atop you head. You ha
It's said that when you were born, exotic flowers bloomed around your house and the trees bore fruit overnight. S
You hardships paid off as you were finally recognized by Ghost Valley, the most mysterious sect in all the world.
You have a disposition as graceful as the luster of jade. You're deemed the definition of perfection and sweep m
Your son has a disposition as graceful as the luster of jade. Though not as young and handsome as your son, as
Staying single makes you happy. Your positive attitude has also earned you a good reputation.
You're a loud talker. Too loud, in fact. You once scared a donkey to death only by shouting. As a result, you have
Apart from being left-handed, you're no different than most. Your mother told you left-handed people are smarter
You love to travel and meet all kinds of people. The places you've been, the things you've seen-they give you a c
People assume you have good luck because you're the great grandchild of the chosen one. But quite the contrar
There's something about you that brings joy to people. You're liked by righteous sects but hated by demonic sec
There's something about you that strikes fear into people's heart. You're liked by evil sects but hated by righteou
Proactive instead of reactive, that's your business secret. More often than not, you can get the same product for
Using your brain and experience, you always try to maximize your profit. People don't like you because that's all
You're very lucky, because you have a childhood sweetheart you'd never part with. The two of your swore that yo
You don't know when it started, but in your dreams, a white swan has begun teaching you cultivation methods. Y
You got lost in the mountains when you were a child because you were too playful. The sky grew dark and you w

game's code.

you have a much higher energy level than ordinary people.

eighboring tavern or the hairstyle of the birds flying in the sky. In combat, it's also easier for you to see your opponents' wea
known to be the fastest person in town.
it and treat you like a clown. But none of that ever stopped you from doing the right thing.
ament and elegant manner further increase your popularity.
ed manner.
head. You love it so much that wherever you go now, you keep some beans in your pocket.
r longevity genes that you've always been healthy.
live. Though sickly and weak child from birth, you're blessed with a natural ability to learn things quickly.
e, no one dared get near you. This caused hatred to accumulate inside you. In this chaotic world, you're more ruthless than

ill then use the flaws in your arguments to attack you, which makes you angrier. And a vicious cycle beings...
een eyes, dexterous hands, quick thinking, and patience.
n the table. After years of practice, you're now a skilled butcher who can kill a fat pig with one clean cut.
decisive and ruthless, but, at the same time, leave many openings for your opponents. Others are annoyed by your arrogan
ting when you were little, but it never changed you. You laugh at the consequences of your reckless behavior without consid
anything dishonorable. You always try to do the right thing, and others respect you for that.
e sky, and the roof of your house was struck by lightning many times. When you were 5, your village chief was scared to dea
y wrongdoing. The local bullies understand this firsthand. You fought them many times and won every single time without ev
id of you and keep their distance.
head make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its sword in the sky.
head make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its blade in the sky.
head make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its spear in the sky.
ad make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its fists in the sky.
head make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its fingers in the sky.
ead make you want to hurt people. In your dreams, you often see a blurry shadow waving its palms in the sky.
head make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his sword in the sky.
head make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his blade in the sky.
head make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his spear in the sky.
ad make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his fists in the sky.
head make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his fingers in the sky.
head make you want to help people. In your dreams, you often see a man in white waving his palms in the sky.
ection. You live by your code of honor. Over the years, you've helped many in need.
lethal weapon of yours. Rumor has it you've mastered the Vajra Finger skill, but it's never been verified, as those who've wit

ng time. Later, you found out that it's not just swords: you have a natural gift in all martial arts involving swords, blades, and
tural gift in all martial arts involving fists, palms, and fingers. Starting from then, you made up your mind to walk your own p
t techniques.
oast chestnuts, but you weren't strong enough to toss the wok. You had to practice a lot, which made your palms stronger, b
our village. No one else even came close. After years of practice, you almost never miss. One stone, one bird.
oming a martial artist. You'd hang a big sack full of sand on the house beam, then use it as a punching bag. Your mother wa
d about the monkey king and would mimic his moves using a carrying pole. People joked about it and referred to your move
In fact, you'd often show off this skill of yours to other kids and laugh at them when they failed. Over time, more and more k
you found yourself fascinated by the spatula. You ran around the house waving it and wouldn't let go of it. Your mother had
ng evil with your spear. One day, you found a wooden stick and attached a chopstick to its tip. And that became your first sp

you combine the moves from the two techniques to achieve greater power.
ues. Combining both would make it much harder for your enemies to defend. Your spear can be your finger, and the other w
moment that you realized swordmanship would be your lifetime passion.
other hand, you are not very liked by others.
much better with a sword than those your age.
uch better with a blade than those your age.
much better with a spear than those your age.
out from your own home by your father. Since then, you've made all the cults your enemy.
other sects. Out of jealousy, they joined forces and killed every one of your sect members but you. You survived and swore
d with a natural ability to control the lightning element.
ol the earth element.
control the fire element.
control the water element.
wind element.
ol the wood element.
air, you weren't hurt in the slightest.

d your breath for half a day.

prised everyone by forming a hill with your bare hands in three years.
m grew extremely well.

ood atop a mountain and were hit by a lightning bolt. It didn't hurt you, but your hair stood on end.
see the sparks, as if they're dancing for you. Your parents warn you that if you play with fire, you'll pee the bed, but you just
river and play with water. Because of that, other kids consider you their leader.
hey would never allow you to roll in the dirt like you do every day.
Waking up under the shades of your plants every day is your biggest joy. Occasionally, when other kids would knock over a
life. You have a dream you never told others. You dream of flying high in the skies. And when you fly a kite, you feel as tho
owers. With their influence, you've grown to be an upstanding person.
ers. With their influence, you've grown to be an upstanding person.
you've grown to be a wicked person.
you've grown to be a wicked person.

bility over all of them, but it's difficult for you to stay focused, which makes it hard for you to use artifacts and elixirs.
t compared with others, you have a harder time controlling the Spiritual Roots.
Roots. He couldn't have been more wrong. The fact is that you can control all six elements with ease, and even your weake
ade you paler than most.
atures like you instinctively.
uenced by fire, too. Warm and cheerful, you leave a good impression on everyone around you.
e your personality and the fact that you saved them many times.
e you're blessed by nature, all creatures like you instinctively.

ur whole life, but you were too young, so over time, you've forgotten most of what you learned. Now, you know barely more
e the only survivor. To avenge your loved ones, you began studying the forbidden alchemy method, awaiting your opportunit
poisoned all the pigs in your village.
t saved your entire village.
stand the meaning of them. As you grew better and better, you developed a solid comprehension of feng shui.
al, but it did help you learn the basics of feng shui.
e super rich aren't impressed by your geomancy skill, plenty of common folks are willing to pay you to read feng shui for the
ly weak and get sick a lot.
nce. Others don't like you because of it, but over the years, you've grown quite skilled in forging.
emy and forging. In your spare time, you like to study relevant books and experiment with what you read. You failed most of
from various herbs and elixirs, which allows you to more effectively refine herbs into elixirs
Fool Martial Arts Not Functional
d others don't like to spend time with you.

inning or losing, and you don't let others influence your mood.
't go your way, you bemoan your bad luck.
could be considered part of your intelligence?
e day outside, only corralled back when your parents sent someone after you. The trees, the grass, the clouds-all of it fascin
ou of the youthful vigor of your peers and turning you into quite the reticent child. The constant training did, however, make
ng from a destitute household, you often had to engage in hard, laborious work, but the continued lack of nourishment event
sed you as a model for their own children. Your many years of accumulating knowledge has made it easy for you to uncove
se tree branches to practice your craft. After coming across a rare martial arts manual, you'd spend entire days lost in your o
family always had many books around the house, you couldn't have cared less. Others suspected you couldn't read the cha
ealthy attitude towards life has always made you popular.
y harsh years have made you more resilient than others.
, after only a short rest, you're primed and ready to go again.
ships and gain considerable knowledge.
o be suitable for you.
ple. Though you've never seen him again, his heroic deeds and martial arts techniques follow you to this day.

Not Functional
Not Functional
Not Functional
Not Functional
Not Functional
you've studied martial arts since you were young, and once you were a little older, the chief gave you a martial arts manual
nted to make you his apprentice. You, however, couldn't be convinced, so the man gave you a manual and said that if fate w
scend to Heaven. It's been said that doing so requires spirit stones, so you spent a fortune in the black market to buy shiny
w to use them.
Not Functional
Not Functional
Not Functional
Not Functional
elf to make that same journey.
are you this lucky?
d supreme, and no one could challenge you. Once you'd grown older, you were so strong, you could lift a cauldron and upro
ent. Though your blocked meridians once prevented you from cultivation, an immortal in white helped you with your ascensio
ver, there was a limit to how far you could go-killing people was your only skill. So the leader eventually abandoned you, lea
ng yourself off a cliff, however, you were luckily (or unluckily) saved by demonic immortal. From that point on, you became h
develop your skills. Sometimes discovered and chased away, you eventually became well known for your grave-digging an
the long and arduous journey, you gradually lost your original passion. While the martial arts passed down by your family p
Demon goes, death and destruction follows. Though the rumors are false, you have still suffered a life of rigor ever since y
Sect Hunting Portion Not Functional
ll martial arts, you became as strong as an ox and fierce as a tiger. And you showed no mercy to those standing in your wa
passion into every elixir you ever made. Some might not look pretty, but none could argue they were not effective.
g hunted down by an enemy, you and your master became separated, and though you now wander the world, you've still ye
Talismans skills have only improved.
w. You made a fortune helping many find their dragon veins, only to unfortunately lose it to a thief.
hough you left the pavilion, the cultivation experience you had there will ensure a smoother path in your ascension to an imm
nto dangerous situations, you always manage to turn calamities into blessings.

ng sword belongs to you, and people see you as death. Though killing is never a virtue for a martial artist, you believe you c
nged, becoming a cesspool of the despicable. You don't bother to argue, but every time you draw your spear, you make the
ere, for banditry soon became everyone's largest worry. People lived in fear until they noticed fewer and fewer bandits woul
me time, being too strong makes enemies. Many have tried to best you. And though none have succeeded so far, you can n
you curious though, was how so many Cultivators would come over for him. They refer to him as the Divine Hand, and they
ch of a new life, when you were 12, the meteorites returned, killing everyone in the village. You used the materials you gath
You're now prepared to make that same journey.
u've now prepared yourself to make that same journey.
en. You've now prepared yourself to make that same journey.
ning bolt. Even if there were, it surely would be destroyed by two.
g you feel is refreshed and powerful.
d you use it to burn anything unjust, leaving behind naught but ashes.
mforted by the chilly night wind. Yet when the ghastly underground fires rise from the heart of the embers, even the nipping w
y to control the power of floods. No mountains could withstand the all-devouring waves.
wever, you floated farther and farther away until you became quite lost. It was at that moment that you discovered you could
are with what howled before you. This raging wind was sharp enough to break any metal, but you walked into the center of
spirit sneaked into your body. From then on, wind blew wherever you laid your eyes on.
the earth beneath you grows heavier, you reach closer to your destination.
you sleep atop the earth, only to suddenly feel the earth beneath you grow heavy. When you open your eyes, you're deep b
ore long, all the trees had died, and you'd lost your forest.
elied on farming for a living. After you were born, your hometown began to sell timber. The reason was simple-the spiritual t
of a child of this world. You often impress villagers, and you've become well known for your strange way of speaking.
rough the trees, you could feel something throbbing faintly inside of you, though you don't know what this means.
you a sense of comfort. However, you don't like lightning, as the booming thunder always give you a fright.
omfort. When the wind comes and whips up the embers, however, your whole body unconsciously shakes, your mind filled w
a group of kids, you demanded absolute obedience. And long-term exercise made you physically strong.
stead, you stayed focused and did everything you were asked meticulously. Over time, you earned the respect of others.
Manual/Martial Skill Portion Not Functional
ave given you a keen acumen for cultivation, the lack of exercise has made you quite frail.
e, turning people away from you. However, this skin gave you a high level of defense, an affinity with wood, and a kind heart
ple, and you're also luckier.
also luckier.
nted in close combat.
also luckier.
er, you didn't grow stronger, rather better looking.
ssed by the mighty dragon, and so are the people under them.
ng than ordinary people.
ntains and Wangwu Mountains. You've now prepared yourself to make that same journey.
w prepared yourself to make that same journey.
d yourself to make that same journey.
pared yourself to make that same journey.
yourself to make that same journey.
e that same journey.
avoid those same mistakes.
ith your bare hands when you were young.
d no idea what they meant. As you grew older, you realized you had the ability to control these three powers.
ome say you were born with the power of the ancient tree spirit.
Though you never really knew where it was located.
ny off their feet. Spending most of your time in your study, you have an unmatched charm but are also frail.
the father of the most eligible bachelor in town, you possess an extraordinary temperament. You're also tall and strong, whi

had little luck in finding love. After all, no one enjoys staying too close to a megaphone all the time. But you do have quite th
and you believed her. Others beg to differ, though.
ertain aura that makes you out of this world but also approachable.
, all sorts of misfortunes tend to happen to you...
s. During your cultivation journey, be sure to watch out for demonic sect members.
sects. During your cultivation journey, be sure to watch out for righteous sect members.
cheaper price.
ou care about.
u'd never abandon each other no matter the trials. Together, you've experienced life, death, and fortune. And you'll continue
ou don't know who's behind this swan, but you definitely owe them a lot.
ere looking at the sky helplessly when you suddenly felt a tingling pain in your shoulder. A caterpillar had fallen on your body
ou to see your opponents' weaknesses.

ngs quickly.
world, you're more ruthless than others.

s cycle beings...

clean cut.
rs are annoyed by your arrogance.
eckless behavior without considering others' feelings.

village chief was scared to death when he saw you lifting a millstone. No one in your village likes you, but you couldn't care
on every single time without even a scratch. A fortuneteller said you were blessed.

s sword in the sky.

s blade in the sky.
s spear in the sky.
sts in the sky.
s fingers in the sky.
palms in the sky.
is sword in the sky.
s blade in the sky.
s spear in the sky.
sts in the sky.
s fingers in the sky.
s palms in the sky.

en verified, as those who've witnessed it are all dead.

involving swords, blades, and spears. Starting from then, you made up your mind to study martial arts in order to eliminate
p your mind to walk your own path, using your great strength for personal gain.

ch made your palms stronger, but you no longer can help your mother with delicate needlework.
ne stone, one bird.
punching bag. Your mother warned you that it could do you harm, but you kept on practicing. Thick calluses on your tiny ha
out it and referred to your moves as a pole dance. You had no idea why it was funny, but whatever it should be called, you'v
ed. Over time, more and more kids from your village came to you for help, and you had to chop wood for other households.
n't let go of it. Your mother had to ask your father to intervene, and you took a beating and had to apologize.
p. And that became your first spear.

be your finger, and the other way around, too.

ut you. You survived and swore to take revenge.

you'll pee the bed, but you just can't stop.

other kids would knock over a potted plant of yours, you'd angrily kick them out immediately.
n you fly a kite, you feel as though you're, too, flying with it.

se artifacts and elixirs.

ith ease, and even your weakest Spiritual Root is stronger than most.

d. Now, you know barely more than amateurs.

ethod, awaiting your opportunity to make your enemies suffer.

sion of feng shui.

ay you to read feng shui for them.

at you read. You failed most of your experiments but never gave up. If anything, the failures made you more driven.

grass, the clouds-all of it fascinates you.

nt training did, however, make you incredibly strong.
nued lack of nourishment eventually rendered your body quite weak.
made it easy for you to uncover the true essence of the books you read, but your frail form has made it difficult for you to en
spend entire days lost in your own martial arts world.
ected you couldn't read the characters, but were always too scared to mention it-instead acting nothing but respectful.

w you to this day.

gave you a martial arts manual that had been passed down for generations.
a manual and said that if fate was so inclined, you'd meet again. You still don't understand what the manual says.
the black market to buy shiny stones, unsure if they're spirit stones or not.

u could lift a cauldron and uproot a willow. Your fame has spread across the land.
e helped you with your ascension to Heaven.
eventually abandoned you, leaving you to wander the world alone.
om that point on, you became his disciple, and you began studying the Six Paths of Reincarnation, determined to kill those t
nown for your grave-digging antics, and people began to tell scary stories about you. Your fame as the Zombie Shepherd sp
s passed down by your family provided you with the needs to protect yourself, you found yourself unable to sleep at night, a
ered a life of rigor ever since you displayed your innate powers in your childhood.

cy to those standing in your way. When it comes to talent, few come close to you.
ey were not effective.
wander the world, you've still yet to find him again.

ath in your ascension to an immortal.

martial artist, you believe you could never be more careful. Kill or be killed, it's a simple choice for you.
draw your spear, you make the world a cleaner place, even only by a little.
d fewer and fewer bandits would attack them. Then they saw you and the blade in your hand. People were in awe and excit
ve succeeded so far, you can never be sure about the future.
as the Divine Hand, and they would come from places afar just to beg for an Artifact. And when they do, the old man would
ou used the materials you gathered from the meteorites to create all variety of items and develop your forging skills. As a re

the embers, even the nipping winds would not dare approach.

nt that you discovered you could breathe underwater, which approached up a whole new world for you.
t you walked into the center of it unscathed, you and the wind becoming one.

open your eyes, you're deep below the ground, but you can still breathe.

ason was simple-the spiritual trees grew endlessly.

strange way of speaking.
ow what this means.
e you a fright.
ously shakes, your mind filled with visions of flame and wind.
cally strong.
arned the respect of others.

ity with wood, and a kind heart.

se three powers.

t are also frail.

You're also tall and strong, which makes you more than capable of handling any labor work around the house.

e time. But you do have quite the reputation. Everyone knows not to get on the wrong side of you for the sake of their ears.

and fortune. And you'll continue ever forward side by side.

erpillar had fallen on your body and bitten you. You were shocked, and thought you were going to die soon, but unexpected
ou, but you couldn't care less what others think of you. You know what you want.

arts in order to eliminate any injustice.

calluses on your tiny hands are the best proof.

t should be called, you've become very good at it.
od for other households.
ou more driven.

de it difficult for you to engage in martial arts endeavors.

hing but respectful.

e manual says.
determined to kill those the world deemed should be killed.
the Zombie Shepherd spread far and wide.
nable to sleep at night, almost as though your enemy would appear in front of you at any second.

e were in awe and excitement, and you became the worst nightmare of even the most ferocious bandits.

ey do, the old man would just brush them off with one of your old and broken toys. When you turned six, the old man gave y
our forging skills. As a result, your knowledge of crafting artifacts is much greater than normal people's.
the house.

r the sake of their ears.

die soon, but unexpectedly, your body seemed to have gained a peculiar Breath.
d six, the old man gave you a giant purple rock. He told you to keep it on you and clean it daily. Then, he left like the wind. T
n, he left like the wind. Ten years have passed, and your unending polishing routine has finally elevated the rock into the sh
ated the rock into the shiniest mirror. You felt elated at the perfection, and that was when the rock cracked and an Artifact, b
racked and an Artifact, bearing an Artifact Spirit, popped out.
Last Updated for version 0.8.4039
Life- Vitalit
Index Name Mood Health Stamina Energy Focus Luck
span y
1001 Iron Body +130
1002 Energy Overflow +100
1003 Eagle Eye
1004 Fleetfoot
1005 Clown Face
1006 Stunning Beauty
1101 Composed
1102 Aniseed Flavored Bean -10 +20
1103 Longevity Genes +50
1104 Tortured Genius -20 -20
1105 Bad Omen
1106 Talented Fighter
1201 Short Fuse
1202 Carpenter
1203 Butcher
1204 Arrogant
1301 Rebellious
1302 Upstanding
1303 Cursed
1304 Blessed +10
1305 Cold-blooded
1401 Martial Demon (Sword)
1402 Martial Demon (Blade)
1403 Martial Demon (Spear)
1404 Martial Demon (Fist)
1405 Martial Demon (Finger)
1406 Martial Demon (Palm)
1407 Martial Sage (Sword)
1408 Martial Sage (Blade)
1409 Martial Sage (Spear)
1410 Martial Sage (Fist)
1411 Martial Sage (Finger)
1412 Martial Sage (Palm)
1413 Youxia
1414 Deadly Fingers
1415 Strong Hands
1416 Living on the Edge
1417 Natural Strength
1418 Martial Wonderkid
1419 Rough Hands
1420 Slingshot Sharpshooter
1421 Boxer
1422 Heavy Lifter
1423 Wood Chopper
1424 Spatula Sword
1425 Hero Wannabe
1426 Weapon Master
1427 Innovative
1428 Absolute Focus
1429 Avid Swordsman
1430 Wolf Child
Runs in the Family
Runs (Sword)
in the Family
Runs in the Family
1434 The Outcast
1435 The Only Survivor
1501 The Gifted (Lightning)
1502 The Gifted (Earth)
1503 The Gifted (Fire)
1504 The Gifted (Water)
1505 The Gifted (Wind)
1506 The Gifted (Wood)
1507 Insulator
1508 Fireproof
1509 Like A Fish
1510 Mountain Builder
1511 Tree Grower
1512 Run Like a Wind
1513 Thunder Enthusiast
1514 Fire Enthusiast
1515 Water Enthusiast
1516 Earth Enthusiast
1517 Wood Enthusiast
1518 Wind Enthusiast
Wind and Lightning
Earth and Wood
Wind and Fire
Earth and Water
1523 Heavenly Gifted
1524 Earthly Gifted
1525 Unstable Roots -20 -80
1526 Stable Roots +10 +200
1527 Element Power
1528 Child of Water
1529 Child of the Forest
1530 Child of Fire
1531 Child of Earth
1532 Child of the Wind
1533 Child of Lightning
1601 Minor Alchemist
1602 Taken by Alchemy
1603 Alchemic Demon
1604 Reborn Alchemist
1605 Doodler Adept +10
1606 Novice Diviner +10
1607 Surveying Master
1608 Heaven Scryer -20
1609 Blacksmith's Child
1610 Dual Talents
1611 Herbalist
1701* Fool +30 +30
1702 Intelligent -30
1703 Alopecian Wisdom
1704 Naive
1705 Simpleton
1706 Smart but Unlucky -10
1707 Generous
1708 Curious
1709 Persistent
1710 Bookworm
1711 Scholar
1712 Jock
1713 Martial Artist
1714 Optimist +30
1715 Hard-working
1716 Energetic +20
The Moon Mirrored In
1717 -20
The Poolof a
Demonic One
1719 Descendant of a Hero
1720 Ghost Valley Prospect
1801* Jade Fox
1802* Covered in Scales
1803* Bear Paw
1901* Family Heirloom
1902* Treasure in the Mud
1903 Inherited Martial Skill
1904 Gift of an Immortal
1905 Rich Family
1906 Happy Accident
1907* Jolly Accident
1908* Merry Accident
1909* Arranged Marriage
1910* Ring in the Dream
1911 Silver Spoon
2001 The Chosen One +50
2002 Reborn Saint of War
2003 The Special One +100 +10
2004 Killing Machine
2005 Vengeful
2006 Tomb Raider
2007 Imperial Orphan +20
2008 Demon of the North
Leaping over the
2009* +40
Dragon Gate
2010 Ambitious +10
2101 Prodigy (Alchemy)
2102 Prodigy (Forge)
2103* Prodigy (Incantation) -10
2104 Feng Shui Expert -10
Disciple of Three Pure
2105 +10 +20
2106 Inherited Luck +30
2107 Waist-Length Hair +5
2108 Windchaser
2109 Dragon Spear
2110 Refugee Protector
2111 Acalanatha
2112 Forging Apprentice
2113 Falling Star -20 +20
2114 Reborn Qi I
2115 Reborn Qi II
2116 Reborn Qi III
Heavenly Bolt
Heavenly Spark
2203 Yang Fire Constitution
2204 Yin Fire Constitution
Merciless Flood
Aquatic Breathing
Northern Wind
Autumn Wind
2209 Earth Diety Constitution
2210 Earth Spirit Consitution
Withered Forest
Timber Spirit
2301 The Reincarnated +10 +10
2401 Of Nature +10
2402 Of Rain
2403 Of Wind and Fire -10
2404 Of Thunderous Fire
2405 Of Wisdom King
2406 The Banished
2407 Bibliophile -30
2408 Ancient Tree +5
2409 Blood of the Dragon +10 +10
2410 Blood of the Phoenix +10
2411 Blood of the Tiger
2412 Blood of the Elephant +100 +10
The Mysterious
2413 +20 +10
2414 Dragon's Protection
2415 Phoenix's
The Grace
Foolish Old Man
2416 Removes the +10 +80 +50
2417 Hou YiMountains
Shoots the Suns
2418 Jingwei Fills Up the Sea
2419 Suiren Makes a Fire
2420 Kuafu Chases the Sun +50
2421 Xingtian Slayer +100
2422 Public Enemy +50 +10
2423 Tiger Killer
2424 Three Flowers Eternal
Reincarnated Tree
2425 +50
2426 Ghost Valley Disciple
2501 Elegant
2502 Masculine
2503 Happy Bachelor
2504 Thunderous Shout
2601 Left-handed
2602 Wanderlust
2603 The Unfortunate -5
2604 The Righteous
2605 Known Evil
2708 Business Wizard
2709 Hard Bargainer
2801 True Love
2802* White Crane
2803 Elder Dragon Aura
*This destiny does not occur naturally during character creation in the current version of the game, but is p
Travel Crit
Insight ATK DEF Crit Agility Blade Spear Sword Fist Palm Finger Fire
Speed RES

+100 +20

+8 +20
+6 -4
+20 -1
+2 +10
+6 +2

+6 +20
+6 +20
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+1 +25
+15 +15
+15 +15
+15 +15
+3 +15 +15 +15
+3 +15 +15 +15
+5 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18 +18
+15 -10
+20 +20 +20
+5 +30 +30
+20 +30 +30
+5 +10
+10 +2 +5
+10 +2 +5
+10 +2 +5
+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10
+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10




+3 +25
+3 +20
+10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 -10
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5 -5 +20

+10 +5
+25 -5
+20 -3
-5 +3
-5 +3

+15 +5
+15 +5
+30 +10
+20 +10 +3
+10 +8
-10 +8 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15 +15
+10 +5 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +6
+5 +20 +20 +20

+5 +10 +10 +10

+5 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10 +10

+5 +15
+5 +15
+5 +15 +15
+5 +14 +14 +14

+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 +20
+5 +35
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10
+5 -10

+5 +10
+5 +10
-1 +5
+4 +10
+6 +20

+5 +5
+14 +14

+5 +20
+5 +20
+10 +150
+10 -3
+5 +15 +15
+6 +20
+30 +12


+5 +10 +5
of the game, but is part of the game's code.
Lightni Alche Feng Talism Repu- Char-
Water Wind Earth Wood Forge Herb Ore
ng my Shui ans tation isma









+25 +25
+25 +25
+25 +25
+25 +25
+25 +25
+20 +20 +20 +20 +20
-10 -10 -10 -10 -10
+20 +20 +20 +20 +20
+10 +50
+10 +50
+10 +50
+10 +50
+10 +50
+15 -50
+15 +15



+5 +5 +5 +5 +5 +5
+5 +5 +5 +5 +5
-5 -5 -5 -5 -5
-3 -3 -3 -3 -3
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3
+3 +3 +3 +3 +3

+150 +100

+6 +6 +6 +6 +6 +50
+100 -100
+20 +100
+500 +50

+20 +100
+20 +100
+60 +100
+50 +100



-10 +20 -10 -10 -10

-10 +35 -10 -10 -10
-10 -10 -10 -10 -10
-10 -10 -10 -10 -10
+20 -10 -10 -10 -10
+35 -10 -10 -10 -10
-10 -10 +20 -10 -10
-10 -10 +35 -10 -10
-10 -10 -10 +20 -10
-10 -10 -10 +35 -10
-10 -10 -10 -10 +20
-10 -10 -10 -10 +35
+15 +15
+15 +15 +100
+10 -100
+10 +10

+10 -100



+5 +20


+20 +20
+25 +150

+50 +50
+5 +50 +100
+150 +100
+50 -50
+100 +150
+100 +100
+100 +100

Righte Dem-
ous onic

Motion Skill Proficiency increases 50% faster


Mood isn't easily affected.

EXP Earnings +20%


+50 Mood can be increased easily



Proficiency of Sword/Blade/Spear increases
30% faster

Sword Proficiency increases 50% faster



Not Functional: Some Martial Arts can only be

learned by Fools.

Mood recovers quickly

Spirit Stones -0.5% every month

Mood recovers very quickly

Mood and Stamina usage speed -30%
Stamina usage speed -30%

Obtain a Legendary Mind Skill (Foundation (II))

at the start
Obtain a Legendary Mindof the
(Foundation (II))
at the start of the game
Not Functional: You had unifinished business in
your past
Not Functional: You lifehad
the Nine Tails
business in
your past life with the Xuanyuan
Not Functional: You had unifinished business clan in
your past life with the Youxiong
Not Functional: Obtain a random Rare Artifact atclan
Not Functional; theObtain
start ofa the gameEpic Artifact at
Obtain a random the Rare
start of the game
Martial Skill at the start of
the game
Obtain a random Epic Motion Skill (Foundation
(II)) at the start of the game
Obtain 1000 Spirit Stones at the start of the
game at the start of the
Obtain 3000 Spirit Stones
Not Functional: Obtain
game the breakthrough
materials needed for G1
Not Functional: Obtain Golden Core (IV) at the
the breakthrough
start of the game
materials needed for Nascient Soul - Heaven at
Not Functional:
start ofathe
Rare Interspatial Ring
at the start of the game
Not Functional: Obtain an Epic Interspatial Ring
Obtain 2000atSpirit
the start
Stones of the
the Flying Sword
(mount) at the start of the game

+80 Obtain 1000 Spirit Stones and a random Rare
Mind Skill (Foundation (II)) at the start of the
Not Functional: You're hunted by a random Sect
at the start of the game



Obtain one of the 6 Qi (breakthrough material

needed for Foundation
Obtain one of the six Qi(II))
Orbsat the start of the
material needed game
Obtain a piece of for Golden
Heaven and Core (IV))
Earth at the
start of the game
(breakthrough material needed for Nascent Soul
(VI)) at the start of the game
Not Functional: Obtain a Martial Skill at the start
+20 of the game, but you're hunted by the sect that
Obtain an Rare
the Skill
sameManual the start of
the game.


Attack Range +20


Obtain a Legendary Motion Skill (Foundation

(II)) at the start of the game

Buy items 10% cheaper at markets.
Buy items 20% cheaper at markets.
You have a very faithful partner.
You have a master.
Special sect available

Name Color

Blood Claw I Purple

Blood Claw II Orange

Blood Claw III Red
Blood Energy I Purple
Blood Energy II Orange
Blood Energy III Red

Blood Power I Purple

Blood Power II Orange

Blood Power III Red

Burning Butt I Purple

Burning Butt II Orange

Burning Butt III Red

Burning Jealousy Purple

Burrow I Purple

Burrow II Orange
Burrow III Red

Catalyst Red

Chicken King's Here! Red

Combat Expertise
(Bare Hand)

Combat Expertise

Combat Expertise

Combat Expertise

Combat Expertise

Commander of the
Dead I
Commander of the
Dead II

Counterattack Orange

Efficient Learning Purple

Elixir Recycle Red

Emperor's Legacy Red

Energy Essence I Orange

Energy Essence II
Energy Seed I Purple
Energy Seed II Orange
Energy Seed III Red
Enhanced Spiritual
Skill I
Enhanced Spiritual
Skill II
Enhanced Spiritual
Skill III

Fight and Learn Red

Fire Burst Purple

Fleeing Beauty Orange

Following Bug I Purple

Following Bug II Orange

Following Bug III Red

Following Bug IV Red

Forge Apprentice Purple

Free Spirit Orange

Heavenly Giant Orange

Hidden Potential I Purple

Hidden Potential II Orange

Hidden Potential III Red

Irresistible Orange

Jo's Flying Sword I Purple

Jo's Here! Red

Killer Vibe Purple

Lightning Burst Purple

Martial Skill
Specialization I

Martial Skill
Specialization II

Martial Skill
Specialization III

Mirage Pot Purple

Motivated Study Purple

Mushroom Power II Purple

Mushroom Power III Orange

Mysterious Shield I Purple

Mysterious Shield II Orange

Mysterious Shield III Red

Natural Essence Orange

Old But Strong Orange

Pickpocket Orange

Quick Escape Red

Quick-witted Purple

Rain of Energy I Purple

Rain of Energy II Orange

Rain of Energy III Red
Realization I Orange
Realization II Orange
Realization III Orange
Realization IV Orange
Realization V Orange
Realization VI Orange
Realization VII Orange

Shield Spirit I Purple

Shield Spirit II Orange

Shield Spirit III Red

Shield Stance Orange

Source of Joy Purple

Spark of Genius Purple
Speed Reading Purple

Spirit Fusion I Orange

Spirit Fusion II

Spiritual Fruit Gift Purple

Spiritual Sword I Purple

Spiritual Sword II Orange

Spiritual Sword III Red

Starlight I Orange

Starlight II Red

Sword Shadows I Orange

To the Fullest Purple
Training Partner Purple

True Shield Stance Red

Vigorous Purple
Vitality Essence I Orange

Vitality Seed I Purple

Vitality Seed II Orange
Vitality Seed III Red
War Drum Purple
Warlord's Phantom Red
Water Burst Purple
Wind Burst Purple
Witchcraft I Purple
Witchcraft II Orange
Witchcraft III Red
Wood Burst Purple

*Many values scale with cultivation tier. Your specific damage, energy costs, etc. may be higher or lower de
Comments are enabled. If you have a relevent screenshot feel free to
attach a link to a related cell.
In battle, you can consume Vitality to form a blood claw. The blood claw takes
5 seconds to be formed and will be released upon your subsequent attack.
The blood claw explodes upon hitting an enemy, dealing 800* damage to the
enemies within 250. This damage's type matches your highest Martial Art.
Forming the blood claw consumes 5 Vitality every second. You can't form it if
your Vitality is below 20%. (Can be upgraded to Blood Claw II)

When you deal damage to the enemies within 300, you'll convert 7% of
damage done into your Vitality. (Can be upgraded to Blood Power II)

When you deal damage to the enemies within 350, you'll convert 14% of
damage done into your Vitality. (Select to replace Blood Power I; can be
upgraded to Blood Power III)

When you deal damage to the enemies within 400, you'll convert 21% of
damage done into your Vitality. (Select to replace Blood Power II)

Your Agility during battle is increased by 15%, but you'll receive 10% more
damage from behind. (Can be upgraded to Burning Butt II)

Your Agility during battle is increased by 20%, but you'll receive 10% more
damage from behind. 10% chance to release a vengeful (smelly) flame at your
attacker. (Select to replace Burning Butt I; can be upgraded to Burning Butt III)

Your Agility during battle is increased by 20%, and you'll receive -50% damage
from behind. 10% chance to release a more destructive flame at your attacker.
(Select to replace Burning Butt II)

You deal 15% more damage to Cultivators with a Partner or Husband/Wife.

When you're dying, you'll instantly burrow into the ground, recovering 5%
Vitality every second for 5 seconds. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle;
can be upgraded to Burrow II)

When you're dying, you'll instantly burrow into the ground, recovering 10%
Vitality every second for 5 seconds. Meanwhile, a phantom will spawn, dealing
60* damage. The phantom exists for 60 seconds. (Select to replace Burrow I;
can be upgraded to Burrow III; cannot trigger more than once per battle)
When you're dying, you'll instantly burrow into the ground, recovering 15%
Vitality every second for 5 seconds. Meanwhile, a phantom will spawn, dealing
100* damage. The phantom exists for 60 seconds. If the phantom dies it'll
explode, dealing 3276* Water damage to the enemies within 400. (Select to
replace Burrow II; cannot trigger more than once per battle)

Each artifact equipped increases Max Vitality by 7%

When you Vitality drops below 30% in battle, you have a chance to receive
help from the Chicken King. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle)

You can cast Fist/Palm/Finger Ultimate Skills even when you don't meet their
requirements. (For Ultimate Skills that detonate special units, only the cast
requirements are removed, but no special units will be automatical generated.)

You can cast Earth/Fire Ultimate Skills even when you don't meet their
requirements. (For Ultimate Skills that detonate special units, only the cast
requirements are removed, but no special units will be automatical generated.)

You can cast Blade/Sword/Spear Ultimate Skills even when you don't meet
their requirements. (For Ultimate Skills that detonate special units, only the
cast requirements are removed, but no special units will be automatical

You can cast Wind/Lightning Ultimate Skills even when you don't meet their
requirements. (For Ultimate Skills that detonate special units, only the cast
requirements are removed, but no special units will be automatical generated.)

Every enemy you kill has a 10% chance to transform into your Ghost Warrior
(up to 2). (Can be upgraded to Commander of the Dead II)

For every 6% damage you receive in a battle, you'll increase your damage
during the same battle by 1% (up to 100%).

Spirit Stones needed for learning Manuals -80%

Every time you use an Elixir in battle, you have a 60% chance to defecate it
within 10 seconds. then you can pick it up to add it to your current Elixir Slot.
When you're dying, you'll transform into Flower Faerie x 5. When the battle
ends, as long as there's one Flower Faerie alive, you'll revive.

Max Energy +10%

Max Energy +30%

Spiritual Skills' range +10% (Can be upgraded to Enhanced Spiritual Skill II)

Spiritual Skills' range +20% (Select to replace Enhanced Spiritual Skill I; can
be upgraded to Enhanced Spiritual Skill III)

Spiritual Skills' range +30% (Select to replace Enhanced Spiritual Skill II)

When fighting or sparring with other Cultivators, you have a 20% chance to
learn a skill from them. (Cannot occur more than once every 6 months)

Each of your attacks has a 15% chance to shoot a fire ball at a random
enemy, dealing 358* Fire damage.

After a successful Escape, your opponent will like you better.

You received a Following Bug. (Can be upgraded to Following Bug II)

Your Following Bug has grown bigger. (Select to replace Following Bug I; can
be upgraded to Following Bug III)

Forge +20, Max Focus +500

Artifact Spirit Favored Skills do not have to meet casting conditions

When you use your Ultimate Skill for the first time in a battle, you'll summon a
Heavenly Fighter to fight for you.
When you're dying, you'll instantly recover 30% Vitality, and your Agility will
increase by 25% for 10 seconds. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle;
can be upgraded to Hidden Power II)
When you're dying, you'll instantly recover 50% Vitality, and your Agility and
damage will increase by 25% and 15% for 10 seconds. (Select to replace
Hidden Potential I; can be upgraded to Hidden Power III; cannot trigger more
than once per battle)
When you're dying, you'll instantly recover 80% Vitality, and your Agility and
damage will increase by 25% and 15% for 5 seconds. In addition, all your
skills' cooldown -20%. (Select to replace Hidden Potential II; cannot trigger
more than once per battle)

It's easier for other Cultivators to like you.

When your Vitality drops below 30% in battle, you have a chance to receive
help from the Mystery Man Jo. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle)

Every time you cast a Special Skill, you have a 50% chance to summon 6
lightning orbs that last 10 seconds to surround you.

Martial Skills' cooldown -15% (Can be upgraded to Martial Skill Specialization


Martial Skills' cooldown -25% (Select to replace Martial Specialization I; can be

upgraded to Martial Skill Specialization III)

Martial Skills' cooldown -40% (Select to replace Martial Specialization II)

You success rate when performing Alchemy is greatly increased! You agility
during battle -15%, and you'll receive -15% damage from behind. Every 12
seconds, you can give a pot to a summoned ally unit who doesn't have one.
This unit will receive -15% damage from behind and deal more damage based
on its size (small: 10%; medium 25%; large 30%). For the next 10 seconds,
you'll also receive the same damage boost.

Mood dropped after learning Manuals -80%

When you're dying, you'll transform into a Mushroom Man, and 30% Vitality
will be recovered. Duration: 15 seconds.

Every 10-20 seconds, an edible mushroom will spawn nearby. When you're
dying, you'll transform into a Mushroom Man, and 50% Vitality will be
recovered. Duration: 15 seconds.
Your Qi forms into a shield that blocks enemies' projectiles. (Can be upgraded
to Mysterious Shield II)
After every 5 blocks, your shield releases a shockwave that deals 320* Earth
damage to enemies nearby, their Agility -30% for 3 seconds. (Select to replace
Mysterious Shield I; can be upgraded to Mysterious Shield III)

The shockwaves your shield releases now knock enemies back, and their
damage -25% for 8 seconds.

You'll recover some of you Vitality, Energy, and Focus every time you perform
Cultivation on the world map.

Your DEF increases by 1 every year.

When you steal items from Cultivators of the same or a lower Realm, you're
guaranteed to succeed, but the victims will also notice that.

Your Escape is guaranteed to be successful.

Insight +50
When your Energy drops below 10% in battle, 60% Energy will be instantly
recovered. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle; can be upgraded to
Rain of Energy II)

Receive 30 Skill Points.

Receive 140 Skill Points.

Receive 300 Skill Points.

Receive 450 Skill Points.
Your opponent's Affinity toward you will increase more if you defeat them in

When you're dying, you'll receive a shield with 30% Vitality. (Cannot trigger
more than once per battle; can be upgraded to Shield Spirit II)

When you're dying, you'll receive a shield with 50% Vitality. For the next 10
seconds, the shield will deal 200% damage to enemies. (Select to replace
Shield Spirit I; can be upgraded to Shield Spirit III; cannot trigger more than
once per battle)
When you're dying, you'll receive a shield with 70% Vitality. For the next 10
seconds, the shield will deal 200% damage to enemies. When the shield's
Vitality drops to 0, it'll explode, dealing 2048* Fist damage to the enemies
within 400. (Select to replace Shield Spirit II; cannot trigger more than once
per battle)
After taking damage 50 times in a battle, your subsequent Ultimate Skill will
generate a shield: you damage taken -80% for 15 seconds. (Cannot trigger
more than once per battle; can be upgraded to True Shield Stance)

Max Mood +50

Earn 100% more EXP when upgrading skills.
Time needed for learning Manuals -10 days.

Every time you cast a Special Skill or Ultimate Skill (excluding continuous
skills, mobility skills, and transformation skills), you have a 25% chance to cast
it an additional time, dealing 30% damage (Energy will be consumed). (Can be
upgraded to Spirit Fusion II)

You receive free Spiritual Fruit every year.

In battle, you can summon a spiritual sword to automatically attack the

enemies within 600, dealing 300* damage. This damage's element matches
your highest Spiritiual Root. Each of the spiritual sword's attacks consumes 3*
Energy. If you don't have enough Energy, the spiritual sword won't move. (Can
be upgraded to Spiritual Sword II)

In battle, you can summon a spiritual sword to automatically attack the

enemies within 800, dealing 576* damage. This damage's element matches
your highest Spiritiual Root. Each of the spiritual sword's attacks consumes 4*
Energy. If you don't have enough Energy, the spiritual sword won't move. For
every 1 Energy you spend on casting skills, the spiritual sword's damage will
increase by 1* for 7 seconds. (Select to replace Spiritual Sword I; can be
upgraded to Spiritual Sword III)

In battle, you can summon a spiritual sword to automatically attack the

enemies within 800, dealing 1075* damage. This damage's element matches
your highest Spiritiual Root. Each of the spiritual sword's attacks consumes 6*
Energy. If you don't have enough Energy, the spiritual sword won't move. For
every 1 Energy you spend on casting skills, the spiritual sword's damage will
increase by 3* for 7 seconds. Every time the spiritual sword deals damage, it'll
absorb 5% Energy. (Select to replace Spiritual Sword II)

After killing 25 enemies in a battle, your subsequent Ultimate Skill will generate
Starlight, blinding the enemies within 350 and dealing Lightning damage. The
Starlight lasts 15 seconds. (Cannot trigger more than once per battle; can be
upgraded to Starlight II)
After killing 50 enemies in a battle, your subsequent Ultimate Skill will generate
Starlight, blinding the enemies within 400 and dealing Lightning damage. The
Starlight lasts 30 seconds. (Select to replace Starlight I; cannot trigger more
than once per battle)
You'll earn 30% more EXP after training together with others, and they'll gift
you an item.

After taking damage 100 times in a battle, your subsequent Ultimate Skill will
generate a shield: your damage taken -90% for 30 seconds. (Select to replace
Shield Stance; cannot trigger more than once per battle)

Max Stamina +50

Max Vitality +20%

enemy with the highest Vitality. The war drum deals damage to nearby
After entering
enemies battle,
7 times peryou'll onlyeach
second, keeptime
10 Vitality.
dealingThe25* remaining
damage. The Vitality will be
converted into a shield (at least 30% Vitality.) After the battle ends, the unused
Each of your attacks
shield haswill
Vitality a 10% chance toback
be converted shoot a waterspout
into your Vitality.that lasts 5
seconds at a random enemy, dealing
Every time you right-click, you have a 30% chance to 1046* Water damage.
generate a halo that
lastsof5your attacks
seconds. has
The a 10%
halo chance
will pull to turn the
all enemies target
within 500into a harmless
toward you.
chicken for 10 seconds. (Can be upgraded to Witchcraft II; ineffective on
chicken for 10 seconds.
and otherattack nearby allies and enemies
randomly. (Select to replace Witchcraft
enemies into angry chickens for 10 seconds. AngryI; Can be upgraded
chickens to attack
allies and you
In battle, enemies randomly.
can summon (Select
1 small to replace
Flower FaerieWitchcraft
every 12 II; ineffective
seconds. on
small Flower Faerie exists for 7 seconds.

ultivation tier. Your specific damage, energy costs, etc. may be higher or lower depending on current cultivation tier.
Breakthrough Description

During your breakthrough, the raging Vitality inside you forms into a blood claw, tearing any threats into piece

During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. Inside the realm, a man shining in rad is fighti
enemies. Not bothering to dodge any attacks, he casts his powerful spell to spill blood. The wounds on him miracu
heal in an instant. Before you get the chance to observe him closely, he disappears. Thinking back on what you sa
feel like you've learned something.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. The man shines brighter in red, and his spell
more blood. Before you get the chance to observe him closely, he disappears again. Thinking back on what you sa
feel like you've learned something.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. The man is now enshrouded in a red aura, an
spell draws even more blood. Having learned from before, you quickly observe the man's moves. Shocked, you fee
power awakening inside your body.
After your breakthrough, you feel a burning sensation in your butt. "Is my Qi leaking?" You think to yourself. But one
for sure-you're now faster than ever.

The familiar feeling is back! Except this time, your butt feels even hotter. The discomfort makes you scratch your bu
a sudden, a flame full of Qi bursts out from your rear end, burning the grass behind you into ashes...

Third time is a BLAZING charm! Yep, the feeling is back. Only this time, your vulnerable part has become invulnera
of Qi, the flame bursting out is hotter and more powerful.

After your breakthrough, you hear flirting from a loving couple. After being single for so many years, if there's one th
can't tolerate, it's public displays of affection! Jealousy starts to burn in your chest...

During your breakthrough, you suddenly have a near-death experience. Out of fear, your body begins to merge w
earth. The Qi from the ground makes the feeling of death fade, and you've lived through another breakthroug

During your breakthrough, tendrils of death creep toward you again. Your body begins to sink until only a shell is lef
the ground. The roaring sound begins to fade, as does the feeling of death. You've lived through another breakthr
After breaking through, you open your eyes and notice artifacts have fallen from the storage ring and are lying on
ground. Just as you're about to grab them, an Old Man appears. He is fiddling with some prayer beads, which glim
strangely as his fingers dance across them. The light instantly vanishes into the Old Man's body like some divine m
You pick up one of the artifacts. As you do so, a powerful jolt of energy enters your body! Feeling this, you finally ge
should definitely keep an eye out for these artifacts in the future!
After breaking through, you stumble upon a flock of chickens in the wild. The chicken leader fearlessly approaches
gives you a stare you can't look away from. You end up giving the chickens some food. the chicken leader leads h
and leaves after they're full.
You almost forget this whole thing, until one day you're trapped by monsters. The chickens are back, and this tim
fearless chicken leader returns your favor by saving you.

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. A shadow is training his combat skills with his bare hands
the image disappears, you feel like you've learned something.

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. Earth cracking, the all-devouring magma is gushing out
under the ground. After the image disappears, you feel like you've learned something.

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. A shadow is training his combat skills with weapons. Aft
image disappears, you feel like you've learned something.

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. The wind is screaming, the lightning is flashing, and the
majestic. After the image disappears, you feel like you've learned something.

During your breakthrough, the surrounding Qi converges and rushes into you. Among it there's even the Qi of the d
that happens, you seem to possess the power to control dead spirits.

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. Two men are fighting, and they both take several heavy
But instead of slowing down, their punches become faster and more powerful. After the image disappears, you fe
you've learned something.
After your breakthrough, your mind becomes clearer. You know how to plan your study. As a result, you get to save
Spirit Stones.
After your breakthrough, you stumble upon a man in a small alley. he takes an Elixir, then quickly reaches toward h
end," and the next thing you see, the Elixir he just took reappears in his hand! You're in shock, but, at the same tim
to give it a try yourself. After several attempts, you finally learn this secret technique.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. Inside the realm, a man transforms into several
that sweep across enemies, before he transforms back into human form and disappears. Shocked, you feel a new
awakening inside your body.

During your breakthrough, a seed is planted inside you as the source of your Energy.

During your breakthrough, the sapling of energy inside you grows into a tree.
After your breakthrough, you have better control over your Spiritual Skills. Simply by lifting your hand, you can sh
spiritual orb that travels a long distance.
After your breakthrough, you have better control over your Spiritual Skills. The spiritual orb you shoot now travels a
After your breakthrough, you have much better control over your Spiritual Skills. The spiritual orb you shoot now tra
much longer distance.
After your breakthrough, you stumble upon two men in a fight. A man throws a punch first, and after a spark in the
man's eyes, he throws the exact same punch, canceling out the attack. Witnessing that, you feel like you've lear
During your breakthrough, a rush of Fire Qi converges and quickly flows into your body. As you feel confused, the
absorbs the surrounding Qi and forms a fire vortex. Before you can decide whether you should push it out, the vorte
into a fire ball and bursts out of your body. Afterwards, the vortex disappears inside your body, but not without lea
behind a force of fiery Qi.
After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. You run to the streets to fully enjoy this great fee
Everyone is staring at you, mesmerized. Men, women, old, young... Even small children. Frightened, you quickly ru
small alley, just to change your clothes and cover your face...

As you absorb the Qi around you for the breakthrough, a strange bug flies toward you. You swat it, but it isn't hurt
slightest. The bug releases a thick smoke as it licks your palm. When you wake up again, it's already three days

As you absorb the Qi around you for your breakthrough, the strange bug suddenly ascends into the air, absorbing a
Qi as it can. And once again, it releases a thick smoke. Before you pass out, you vaguely see the bug grow unbeli
big... You wake up three days later, and the bug is still around. It's not bigger, however, so perhaps what you saw w
a dream?

After breaking through, you drift off to sleep. In your dream, you come to a Blacksmith's Shop. High-handedly, the
throws a hammer and a piece of iron in your direction. Confused, you pick up the hammer and start pounding the ir
a man possessed. After some time, the smith shoves you away, impatiently. As you slowly wake up from your drea
realize you have gained new insight into the Way of the Forge.
After breaking through, you notice a Favored Artifact Spirit flaoting in the air before you, meditating with its eyes clo
if striving to match your own diligence. After a few moments, it opens its eyes and raw essence pours out of them,
you backwards. It smiles faintly and disappears back into the artifact. From now on, you can cast Artifact Spirit Fa
Skills without restrictions.
During your breakthrough, a giant descends from the skies. He uses his brutal force to shatter the surrounding rock
lets out a deafening roar before disappearing. Witnessing that, you feel like you've learned something.

During your breakthrough, you suddenly have a near-death experience. As you concentrate all your power to fight
hidden potential is awakened. The feeling of death begins to fade, and you've lived through another breakthrou
During your breakthrough, the tendrils of death creep toward you again. You release all your power to awaken your
potential. The roaring sound begins to fade, as does the feeling of death. You've lived through another breakthro

During your breakthrough, the tendrils of death creep toward you again. You release all your power to awaken your
potential. The air around you crackles, and soon the feeling of death is gone. You've lived through another breakth

After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. The Qi you absorbed seems to be changing yo
appearance and temperament. A big dog suddenly charges at you. You try to fend it off, but instead of attacking you
your hand while wagging its tail...

Since your breakthrough, you've had a feeling that someone is watching you. Your feeling is confirmed when you r
danger in the wild. A swordsman appears out of nowhere and stands between you and the monsters. It's Jo, the
person who conned your money! As you try to cover your pockets, Jo singehandedly slays all the monsters..

During your breakthrough, a rush of Lightning Qi converges and quickly flows into your body. As you feel confuse
Lightning Qi absorbs the surrounding Qi and forms a lightning vortex. Before you can decide whether you should p
out, the vortex turns into a lightning bolt and bursts out of your body. Afterwards, the vortex disappears inside your
but not without leaving behind a force of electrostatic Qi.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. Inside the realm, a man is practicing a Martia
you're familiar with, but at a faster pace. Before you get the chance to observe him closely, he disappears. Thinkin
on what you saw, you feel like you've learned something.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. The man now uses the Martial Skill at an even
pace. Before you get the chance to observe him closely, he disappears again. Thinking back on what you saw, you
you've learned something.
During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. The man's pace is so fast that you can barely k
Having learned from before, you quickly observe the man's moves. Shocked, you feel a new power awakening insid

After your breakthrough, you find yourself inside a mirage, where your path to ascension becomes free of obstacles
get carried away, a pot falls from the skies and would have killed you if you hadn't broken through. It's at that mome
wake up from your dream, realizing that the path of cultivation will never be easy. You also notice the pot in the drea
to you. You carry it on your back as a constant reminder.

After your breakthrough, your mind becomes clearer. Studying is now much more fun to you.

During your breakthrough, the Mushroom Immortal keeps complimenting you. "The most talented person I've seen,"
a thousand years," "I have to teach you everything I know..." These words send chills down your spine, but, fortuna
Mushroom Immortal soon disappears in a flash of light. You're left alone now-at least you think so...

During your breakthrough, the Mushroom Immortal once again appears. this time, it mumbles something like
"transformation at will," "hero and beauty..." You're truly terrified, but before you can say anything, the Mushroom Im
After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. All of a sudden, the Qi inside you forms into a sma
in front of you. Some words are engraved on it, but they're illegible.
After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. All of a sudden, the Qi inside you begins rushing in
small shield. The engraved words are now more recognizable. You manage to make out two words: Ghost Vall

After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. All of a sudden, the Qi inside you begins rushing in
small shield, illuminating it. Under the dazzling light, you can now see the engraved words clearly: Buster of Ghost

After your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. A man sitting with his legs crossed. flowers around him bl
his Qi spreads out. After the image disappears, you feel like you've learned something.
During your breakthrough, an image appears in your head. A general, hair fully gray, is leading his army in a cha
towards his enemies. Despite his old age, he's unstoppable. After the image disappears, you feel like you've lea
After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. But at the same time, transparent slime gradually a
on your hands, which makes them slippery and funny smelling.

After your breakthrough, a feeling of invigoration fills your body. But something strange happens as you try to wa
ground all of a sudden feels slippery. You take one small step, and the next thing you know, you've moved severa
ahead. It doesn't take long, though, for you to gradually get used to this new feeling, moving freely amongst the c

After your breakthrough, you have a higher Insight than before.

During your breakthrough, you seem to have entered a misty realm. Inside the realm, and exhausted man suddenly
his Energy after a drizzle of rain. Witnessing that, you feel a new power awakening inside your body.

After your breakthrough, you begin to understand even more about the world.

After your breakthrough, you begin to understand even more about the world.

After your breakthrough, you begin to understand even more about the world.
After your breakthrough, you begin to understand even more about the world.
After your breakthrough, a man challenges you to a duel. You defeat him and earn his respect.

During your breakthrough, you suddenly have a near-death experience. As you concentrate all your power to figh
shield appears around you. The feeling of death begins to fade, and you've lived through another breakthroug

During your breakthrough, the tendrils of death creep toward you again. You release all your power into a sturdy shi
roaring sound begins to fade, as does the feeling of death. You've lived through another breakthrough.

During your breakthrough, the tendrils of death creep toward you again. You release all your power into a sturdy shi
air around you crackles, and soon the feeling of death is gone. You've lived through another breakthrough.
After your breakthrough, a hale-and-hearty taoist suddenly appears before you. He claims that it's fate that's wove
paths together and teaches you Shield Stance.

After your breakthrough, you have a better mood than before.

After your breakthrough, your mind becomes clearer. You now understand and learn more from your cultivatio
After your breakthrough, your mind becomes clearer. The books you couldn't understand are now no problem to

After your breakthrough, you sense a spirit in the air. The spirit also feels your presence and fuses with you. As y
terrified, you hear a gentle voice in your head "don't be afraid. I'll lend you my power."

After your breakthrough, you come across a tree full of Spiritual Fruit. You pick one and leave, without knowing th
Shennong Elder has witnessed it all. He stops you, telling you that he's surprised you didn't try to pick more. As a re
not being greedy, he decides to give you a Spiritual Fruit every year.

During your breakthrough, the raging Energy inside you forms into a spiritual sword, fending off any threats comin

During your breakthrough, the spiritual sword becomes sharper, using your Energy to empower itself.

During your breakthrough, the spiritual sword becomes sharper, using your Energy and the Energy of your enem
empower itself.

After your breakthrough, a woman in red suddenly appears before you. She claims it's fate that's woven your paths
and teaches you Starlight I.

After your breakthrough, the woman in red appears again. This time, she teaches you Starlight II.
After your breakthrough, you're accosted at the market. Someone tries to sell you a textbook on training together. Y
it and learn a lot from the book.

After your breakthrough, the same taoist appears again. this time, he teaches you True Shield Stance.

After your breakthrough, you have more stamina than before.

During your breakthrough, the seed of Vitality inside you grows into a sapling.

Legend has it, the drumhead of the war drum was made from a kui hide while its shell and mallets were made from
During When
Wood. your breakthrough,
the beating ofyou
drum to have to
begins entered a mistyinrealm.
stiry ferocity Inside
the hearts ofthe realm,they'll
soldiers, a manhavecovered in blood
nothing to fea
singlehendedly fighting an army. Though outnumbered, nothing can hurt him. Shocked, you feel a new power awa
Qi absorbs the surrounding Qi and forms a water vortex. Before
inside you can decide whether you should push it out, the
your body.
absorbs the surrounding Qi and forms a wind vortex. Before youthe
into a waterspout and bursts out of your body. Afterwards, canvortex
decide disappears
whether you inside yourpush
should body, but not
it out, thewv
turns into
knowing a whirlwind
where the powerand bursts
came outyou
from of your
try tobody. Afterwards,
separate the vortex
the Qi from it. Yourdisappears
efforts areinside
in vain,your body,and
though, but the
not Qi
During your breakthrough,
to dissipate. With no otherthe demonic
choice, youpower
absorbinside you awakens,
the demonic power greedily
with the Qi.theAfter
Qi around it. You have no
your breakthrough, yo
over it. As you try your best to push it out, the power suddenly injects all the Qi it absorbed
During your breakthrough, the demonic power inside you once again awakens. Given what happened before, you n into you. With its help,
try to fight it. Instead, you actively useisthe
a success.
power toAs that happens,
absorb as much the Qi asdemonic
The quiets
power down.
quiets down again af
Qi absorbs the breakthrough.
surrounding QiAndandunlike
forms before,
a woodit'svortex. Before you can decide whether
now part of you-you and this power have you should
become push out, the
bursts out of your body to nourish the earth. Afterwards, the vortex disappears inside your body, but the power of

ower depending on current cultivation tier.


Foundation (II)+

Blood Claw I
Blood Claw II
Foundation (II)+
Blood Energy I
Blood Energy II

Foundation (II)+

Blood Power I

Blood Power II

Foundation (II)+

Burning Butt I

Burning Butt II

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Burrow I
Burrow II

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III) (II)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Commander of the Dead


Qi Condensation (III)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+
Golden Core (IV)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+
Qi Condensation (III)+
Golden Core (IV)+
Foundation (II)+

Enhanced Spiritual Skill I

Enhanced Spiritual Skill II

Origin Spirit (V)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Following Bug I

Following Bug II
Following Bug III

Foundation (II)+

Golden Core (IV)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+
Hidden Potential I

Hidden Potential II

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Martial Skill
Specialization I

Martial Skill
Specialization II

Golden Core (IV)+

Foundation (II)+

Mushroom Power I from

Strange Mushroom

Mushroom Power II?

Foundation (II)+
Mysterious Shield I

Mysterious Shield II

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Golden Core (IV)+

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Rain of Energy I
Rain of Energy II
Foundation (II)
Qi Condensation (III)
Golden Core (IV)
Origin Spirit (V)
Nascent Soul (VI)
Soul Formation (VII)
Enlightenment (VIII)
Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Shield Spirit I

Shield Spirit II
Qi Condensation (III)+

Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+

Qi Condensation (III)+

Spirit Fusion I

Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+

Spiritual Sword I

Spiritual Sword II

Qi Condensation (III)+

Starlight I

Qi Condensation (III)+
Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+

Shield Stance

Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+

Foundation (II)+
Qi Condensation (III)+
Golden Core (IV)+
Qi Condensation (I)+
Golden Core (IV)+
Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+
Foundation (II)+
Witchcraft I
Witchcraft II
Foundation (II)+

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