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Commercial Information Services & Solutions (CISS)

Application, Operations, and Architecture Support RFP

Cognizant Response
November 28, 2006

500 Glenpointe Center West,

Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 USA
Phone: (201) 801-0233
Fax: (201) 801-0243
Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP

Table of Contents

Executive Summary..........................................................................................5
Cognizant Differentiators.......................................................................................................... 12
1 Supplier’s Profile: About Cognizant......................................................15
1.1 Supplier Corporate Profile................................................................................................... 15
1.1.1 EXPERIENCE..................................................................................................... 16
1.1.2 CORE CAPABILITIES AND COMPETENCIES...................................................21
1.2 Customer Base................................................................................................................... 27
1.3 Financial Data..................................................................................................................... 29
1.4 Strategic Alliances / Partnerships........................................................................................29
1.5 Corporate Responsibility..................................................................................................... 31
2 Proposed Solution Summary................................................................42
2.1 Our Understanding of AZ’s Requirements..........................................................................42
2.2 Solution Methodology.......................................................................................................... 44
2.3 Steady State Model - Proposed Solution Approach............................................................45
2.4 Flexible Services................................................................................................................. 47
2.5 Delivery Model.................................................................................................................... 47
3 Pricing..................................................................................................49
3.1 Application Set: Siebel/Field Sales and Information Center Support Applications..............49
Steady State Costs................................................................................................................... 49
Transition Costs........................................................................................................................ 49
3.2 Application Set: Cornerstone (Commercial Architecture)....................................................50
Steady State Costs................................................................................................................... 50
Transition Costs........................................................................................................................ 50
3.3 Outsourced Service: Database Administration for Commercial Operations........................50
Steady State Costs................................................................................................................... 50
Transition Costs........................................................................................................................ 50
3.4 Application Set: External Commercial Websites.................................................................51
Steady State Costs................................................................................................................... 51
Transition Costs........................................................................................................................ 51
3.5 Application Set: Headquarter Applications..........................................................................51
Steady State Costs................................................................................................................... 51
Transition Costs........................................................................................................................ 51
4 Knowledge Transition...........................................................................54
4.1 Key Objectives & Components...........................................................................................54
4.2 Overall Methodology........................................................................................................... 54
4.3 Knowledge Transition Monitoring & Measurement..............................................................58
5 Proposed Solution................................................................................60
5.1 Application Set: Siebel/Field Sales and Information Center Support Applications..............60
5.1.1 OVERVIEW......................................................................................................... 60
5.1.2 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION..............................................................................63
5.1.3 STEADY STATE MODEL...................................................................................77
5.2 Application Set: Cornerstone (Commercial Architecture)....................................................85
5.2.1 OVERVIEW......................................................................................................... 85
5.2.2 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION..............................................................................88
5.2.3 Steady State Model.............................................................................................96
5.2.4 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS & BEST PRACTICES..................................113
5.3 Outsourced Service: Database Administration for Commercial Operations......................115
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5.3.1 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION............................................................................115

5.3.2 STEADY STATE MODEL.................................................................................121
5.3.3 Operational Model............................................................................................. 124
5.3.4 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS & BEST PRACTICES..................................125
5.4 Application Set: External Commercial Websites...............................................................127
5.4.1 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION............................................................................127
5.4.2 STEADY STATE MODEL.................................................................................137
5.5 Application Set: Headquarter Applications......................................................................142
5.5.1 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION............................................................................142
5.5.2 STEADY STATE MODEL.................................................................................146
5.5.3 CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS & BEST PRACTICES..................................149
5.5.4 ALTERNATE SOLUTION APPROACH.............................................................149
6 Work Plan...........................................................................................152
7 Service Levels.....................................................................................153
7.1 Ability to Meet Service Levels...........................................................................................153
7.2 Account Management Service Levels Required by AZ:....................................................153
8 Staffing & Profiles..............................................................................155
8.1 Cognizant Staffing............................................................................................................. 156
9 Engagement Monitoring & Control......................................................157
9.1 Metrics and Tool-based Management...............................................................................157
9.2 Knowledge Management.................................................................................................. 161
9.3 Configuration Management...............................................................................................162
9.4 Project Communication..................................................................................................... 163
9.5 Performance Management................................................................................................164
10 Overall OSP Governance Models.........................................................166
10.1 Engagement Governance Models...................................................................................166
10.1.1 Transition Program Management Office...........................................................167
10.1.2 Steady State Program Management Office.......................................................169
10.2 Escalation Process.......................................................................................................... 170
11 Risk & Organizational Change Management.......................................173
11.1 Risk Management........................................................................................................... 173
12 Value Additions and Continuous Improvements.................................177
12.1 Transforming While Performing (Year over year efficiencies).........................................177
12.1.1 Year over Year Efficiencies...............................................................................177
12.1.2 Quality Certification for Continuous Process Improvement...............................178
12.1.3 Organization-Level Benchmarks and Industry Benchmarking...........................179
12.2 Leverage Cognizant Competencies................................................................................179
12.2.1 Leveraging Offshore Validation CoE (Center of Excellence).............................179
13 Experience / Case Studies..................................................................182
13.1 Appendix A – Experience / Case Studies........................................................................182
13.1.1 Case Studies: Application Outsourcing for Support and Maintenance..............182
13.1.2 DW Solution for a Biotechnology Company......................................................186
13.1.3 DataWarehousing Case Study: Large Pharma Company.................................191
13.2 Appendix B – Activities, Roles & Responsibilities............................................................198
13.2.1 Application Set 1: Siebel / Field Sales Application............................................198
13.2.2 Application Set 2: Cornerstone / Alignment Applications..................................200
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13.2.3 Application Set 3: DBA Services.......................................................................203

13.2.4 Application Set 4 & 5: External Websites & H.Q. Applications..........................205
13.3 Appendix C – Cognizant Competencies..........................................................................207
13.3.1 Cognizant’s Background...................................................................................207
13.3.2 Life Science Practice at Cognizant....................................................................207
13.4 Appendix D – Flexible Services: Business Data Stewardship.........................................212
13.5 Appendix E – Cognizant Infrastructure, Network and BCP Capabilities..........................223
13.5.1 Network Infrastructure Details...........................................................................223
13.5.2 Voice & Data Infrastructure...............................................................................224
13.5.3 Infrastructure & Data Security...........................................................................230
13.5.4 Hardware & Software Infrastructure Details......................................................232
13.5.5 Business Continuity Planning Strategy at Cognizant........................................234
13.5.6 Disaster Recovery Procedures..........................................................................236
13.6 Appendix F – Glossary.................................................................................................... 237

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP

Executive Summary

AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals IS organization is constantly looking for innovative mechanisms

to provide the highest quality of service to its business users. In pursuit of this goal, AZ
Commercial IS Services organization is exploring the best sourcing model to deliver IT services
efficiently and effectively. The objective is to have high quality of customer service while having a
flexible sourcing model and a robust process provided in a cost-effective fashion. Cognizant is
thankful to AZ for providing the opportunity to be part of this strategic initiative.

The information provided in the RFP combined with Q&A sessions and documentation has
helped us understand AZ’s vision, goals, and challenges of the CIS program. Some of the
highlights of our understanding are as follows:
 Reduce cost of operational support through a optimal sourcing strategy that balances
Risk versus Cost
 Raise the bar on Project Based Organization model and provide IT services in a Services
Oriented model that lends itself to outsourcing
 Help the AZ internal staff to reduce or eliminate effort spent on operational support and
focus more on strategic and developmental activities
 Leverage chosen service provider’s processes, methodologies, and best practices of
global delivery model in improving the service effectiveness
 IT organization should be seen as enabler, visionary and partner with the business
 Leverage the investments in technology such as Siebel to deliver higher business value

Cognizant has utilized this understanding as an underlying theme of the proposal response.

AstraZeneca through the CISS proposal is looking for partners who would share its goal of
providing innovative solutions. AZ has identified 5 application sets (Siebel / Field Sales,
Cornerstone / Alignment, DBA services, External websites & H.Q.) for which mix of Customer,
Operational and Flexible Services Support has been sought.

Cognizant Outsourcing Solution Framework

Cognizant will leverage its proven solution framework that will help AZ transition the in-scope
services seamlessly to Cognizant but in addition transform the services during the execution of
the engagement.

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Cognizant’s Outsourcing Solution Framework focuses on the following key drivers to ensure that
it not only meets but exceeds AZ expectation for in-scope of services. The key solution
dimensions are:

 People – Right talent, on-boarded seamlessly on to the engagement. Industry aligned,

AZ knowledgeable.

 Process – Strong process rigor to execute complex processes consistently but to be able
to provide continuous improvement throughout the engagement

 Innovation – Creativity drives our ability to transform the process/systems to create long
term value, increase capability, scalability, flexibility, quality and cost

 Governance – Provide mature governance models to help identify risks and resolve
them appropriately

 Domain – Demonstrated experience in running similar engagements for large Life

Sciences customers and in other industries.

Solution Roadmap for AZ across All five areas

Cognizant has created a roadmap that provides a phased approach for the engagement. It has
the following four significant stages.

Pre-transition Familiarization & Planning

Cognizant believes in meticulous planning to achieve a smooth and successful transition. In the
first stage, Cognizant will work with AZ in planning the right approach to knowledge transition
(KT). Cognizant will focus on sharing the right metrics to measure the KT process and will set this
engagement up for success in the most critical of phases. Cognizant will also work collaboratively
to develop a plan for all critical aspects of the engagement including recruitment and staffing,
infrastructure setup, governance and process setup. Cognizant will also set up an Application
work bench in it’s facilities offshore to help the team review the application functionality and ticket
history, much before they arrive onsite for actual transition. This approach helps significantly in
accelerating the transition and reducing any rework.

Transitioning – Q1 and Q2 2007

One of the keys to successfully transitioning is to assess the progress Cognizant is making during
the Knowledge Transition and proactively mitigate risks. Cognizant will deploy a phased metrics
driven transition approach which will give AZ the right information on the progress of the

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Knowledge Transition. Based on the metrics AZ and Cognizant can proactively drive actions that
will insure that the KT is successful.

Steady State – 2007

The hallmark of a successful engagement is how the partner drives and delivers continuous
improvement during the steady state of the process. Cognizant will start applying best practices
to deliver continuous improvements throughout the engagement period.

Cognizant has proposed an Application Service Delivery (ASD) model solution for supporting the
different applications and systems in a 24*7 model across time-zones. The proposed model
combines robust CMM Level 5 support processes, functional and technical expertise, and global
delivery in a balanced, low risk approach that meets AZ’s business objectives. Cognizant’s
proposed ASD based model is based on a Center of Excellence model that utilizes best
practices, standards and proven Application management and development processes in addition
to Cognizant’s proprietary tools and frameworks, which aid in achieving operational efficiency and
higher productivity. A detailed write-up of the ASD model has been outlined in Section 2.

Transformation – 2008 onwards

A key aspect of Cognizant’s solution is to drive innovation throughout the engagement. Cognizant
is committed to going beyond the stated objectives for all the areas. It is our mission to provide
process innovation and transformation throughout the engagement across and between areas.

 Optimize Processes – Cognizant will use process improvement and error reduction
methodologies such as CMMi L5 and Six Sigma to continuously improve processes.

 Innovate the Process– Cognizant will employ key Innovation Strategies. In addition,
Cognizant will designate an innovation leader to this engagement. This person will
proactively look at AZ’s processes and compare it to industry benchmarks and best
practices and provide transformational and innovation recommendations to AZ.
Cognizant will also hold regular meetings amongst the Sr. leadership of both the AZ and
Cognizant teams driven at innovation focused discussions.

Steady State Resource Summary

The final resource plan summary for Year 1 is as follows. In years 2 and 3, the resource numbers
will reduce as a result of productivity & efficiencies that the team is able to achieve.

For Application Set 1, two options have been proposed.

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 Option 1
o Tier 2 distributed between 2 offshore centers in India – Bangalore & Chennai
o Tier 3 and Operational support distributed between Wilmington and Bangalore

Application Set 1 – Field Sales Applications

Support Type Onsite at AZ Offshore Center I Offshore Center II
Customer Support
 Tier 2 1 8 9
 Tier 3 4 6 0
Operational Support 5 6 0

 Option 2
o Tier 2 distributed between Nearshore center and Offshore (Bangalore, India)
o Tier 3 and Operational support distributed between Wilmington and Bangalore

Application Set 1 – Field Sales Applications

Support Type Onsite Nearshore Center Offshore Center
Customer Support
 Tier 2 1 8 9
 Tier 3 4 6 0
Operational Support 5 6 0

Application Set 2 – Cornerstone & Alignment Applications

Support Type Onsite Offshore

Operational Support 8 8

Application Set 3 – DBA

Support Type Onsite Offshore

Operational Support 2 2

Application Set 4 – External Websites & HQ Apps

Support Type Onsite Offshore

Operational Support 2 1

Application Set 5 – External Websites & HQ Apps

Support Type Onsite Offshore

Operational Support 2 1

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Year over year efficiencies have been incorporated in the overall resource model, and hence, the
total # of resources in Year 2 and Year 3 are lower than the previous years. This has not been
depicted in the above tables.

Resources for Flexible Services are assumed to be on a need basis and hence the numbers have
not been shown in the above tables


The pricing for the proposed solution is as follows:

Area Discounted Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

KT Costs (Annual Steady state (Annual Steady (Annual Steady

charges) state charges) state charges)

Field Sales –
$ 701,744 $3,409,056 $3,069,936 $2,868,768
Option 1

Field Sales –
$ 701,744 $3,844,512 $3,511,872 $3,249,792
Option 2

Cornerstone $436,480 $1,870,848 $1,699,488 $1,528,128

DBA $32,768 $439,488 $392,112 $335,664

External Web
$32,768 $254,064 $254,064 $197,616

$45,440 $254,064 $254,064 $197,616

Solution Highlights

Cognizant’s overall solution caters to each of the following key areas that are important in
meeting the overall objectives of this initiative.

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Key Business How Cognizant’s Solution

Drivers & Critical Addresses These Needs
Success Factors
 Optimal & balanced resource model in Year 1 with a higher onsite
Risk Mitigation component (between 40 – 50%) gradually reducing in Years 2 & 3
 Cognizant has structured a Knowledge Transition (KT) approach that
has payment milestones and holdbacks ties to deliverables, to show
that Cognizant is completely committed to the success of the initiative
 A Knowledge transition approach which follows a proactive risk
identification and mitigation strategy for both transition and steady
state phases
Business  Cognizant’s solution proposes 2 options for Customer Support – i.e.
Continuity (Onsite- Nearshore- Offshore) and (Onsite - Offshore I – Offshore II)
models, with resources deployed in 3 centers in both options, thus
ensuring business continuity
 In addition, Cognizant’s robust BCP policies and resilient global
infrastructure setup will ensure that support will continue without any
Successful  Phase-wise Knowledge transition approach with clear milestones and
Transition deliverables, which include a reverse knowledge transfer session back
to AZ, to ensure successful understanding
 Application Groupings based on key parameters that enable the
knowledge transition execution in smaller chunks using a proven
transition methodology and documentation
 Dedicated Transition PMO to oversee transition activities
Service based  SLA-based delivery model with a clear process to measure and report
delivery metrics on a regular basis, with in-built service credits and penalties
for non-performance
 Tools to monitor and measure SLAs and take immediate corrective
Governance  Dedicated Account & Delivery Manager for overseeing delivery, in
addition to Program Leads for each application set area
 Executive management involvement and commitment at different
levels with monthly steering calls, to ensure success
Flexibility and  10% additional dedicated buffer resources at no cost to AZ, over
Scalability and above the core team, to help achieve the committed productivity
and address temporary spikes in work volume

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Key Business How Cognizant’s Solution

Drivers & Critical Addresses These Needs
Success Factors
 Access to other Cognizant COE and Organizational resource pools,
for quick ramp-up as and when required.
 Complete flexibility in using flexible services with ability to ramp down
Productivity &  Guaranteed throughput of 1960 hours per FTE per year
Efficiencies  Year over year efficiencies that result in at least a 10% productivity
gain year over year and hence the associated cost savings
Continuous  A big picture outlook of AZ IS organization and how synergies can be
Improvement obtained over a longer term by leveraging and consolidating resource
pools with similar skills and profiles, across different AZ business units
 Applying Six Sigma techniques to the support processes, thus
increasing stability of the applications and a downward trend in ticket
Change  Utilization of proven methodology to ensure business continuity while
Management transitioning to new and improved processes
Synergies  Utilization of synergies in resources, delivery management and
Program management and associated cost savings, when multiple
areas are combined together.
Support Coverage  Increase in number of support hours - Cognizant will leverage its
proven “Follow the Sun” approach for the current scope of support
and maintenance. This allows for extended support coverage to AZ at
no extra cost. The above approach will extend live support coverage
hours to a minimum of 16 hours across a 24 hour period for all
application set areas. On-call support will be provided for the
remainder of the duration, thus making it a 24x7 coverage model,
allowing quicker resolution to issues and challenges.
Process  Leveraging CMM Level 5 and Six sigma processes for support
Improvement  AZ CISS Organizational assessment of CMM levels and a
commitment to improve the level within 18 months of engagement
Cost  Locking of current rate for 3 years without any inflationary charges
 Utilization of MSA rates and additional discounts in Transition
Services and Steady State costs (detailed in Pricing section)
 Year over year cost savings

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Additional Cognizant Investments in this Program

 Dedicated Account Manager

 Dedicated Offshore Delivery Manager

 Cognizant Project Management, Process Improvement Tools

 Usage of proprietary Data warehousing tools and value creators

 Access to Technology Centers of Excellence

 Innovation Leader

 Testing and Validation CoE – Cognizant as a part of this engagement will invest in an
Independent, Testing and Validation CoE for the CIS group with 3-4 dedicated offshore
resources. This will help setup a formalized testing process, define entry & exit criteria,
standards, best practices and testing guidelines for current & future projects within CIS.
This CoE can also be used to incubate a “Testing Shared Services” model in the longer
Cognizant Differentiators

Based on our experience, we believe that certain core qualifications are mandatory for the
ongoing success of the program:
- Strong application support and maintenance experience
- Significant Pharma domain expertise
- Relevant certification requirements (i.e., CMMi-Level 5, ISO 9001, BS 7799)
- State-of-the-art infrastructure
- Dedicated offshore development facility
- Case studies to prove the experience and expertise
- Ability to bring in additional expertise from Technology CoEs
In addition, Cognizant brings the following significant differentiators for AZ.

1. Strong Life Sciences Delivery Capability: Cognizant’s 2200+ strong Life Sciences
practice has experience of over 12 years in providing IT services to Life Sciences
customers. We serve over 25 Life Sciences customers including 7 of the top 10 Pharma.
As a result, we have deep experience in, and a thorough understanding of the business
objectives and challenges involved in the Life Sciences space.

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2. Our Partnership with AstraZeneca & Successful Delivery on all engagements :

Cognizant is a preferred strategic partner for AZ and is currently involved in multiple large
global engagements across AZ. Some of the large ones are
a. Operations & Finance Solutions (O&FS) – support and maintenance of enterprise
and client/server, web applications
b. Hr.1 PeopleSoft – Implementation, roll-out and support and maintenance of the
global HRMS system
c. Touchstone Reporting using Siebel Analytics for CIS group
d. TOP Validation – Global delivery model for Validation activities of O&FS
e. SAPPHIRE Development – Supporting the Development of a Global Case
Handling System and further rolling into support & maintenance

Cognizant strongly believes that our experience of working with AZ globally and
delivering successfully on all the programs and commitments will ensure a successful
engagement with CIS as well.

3. Deep Expertise in Providing ASD for Pharma Customers: Cognizant is currently

supporting applications for large clients like IMS Health, Abbott Laboratories,
AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer & a Large Biotech.

4. Visible Productivity Improvements & Cost Reduction: In line with our commitment to
continuous improvement philosophy, Cognizant will provide year on year productivity
improvement and cost efficiencies to AstraZeneca over the contract time frame.

5. Regulatory Environment experience: Cognizant has developed / maintained systems

coming under the purview of GLP, GCP and cGMP for various Pharmaceutical
Companies. Cognizant has been also audited for regulatory and software validation
compliance requirements by leading pharmaceutical companies, CRO and leading EDC
product vendors like Novartis, Abbott, AstraZeneca, Quintiles, Pfizer, Merck, Phase
Forward and Hyphen Health.

6. Dedicated IT IS Practice: Cognizant’s IT IS services include Incident Management,

Monitoring, and Problem Management using industry best-practices. The competency
center offers proprietary tools and methodology that ensures successful transition and
steady-state phases. Cognizant recently acquired AimNet, a managed infrastructure and
professional services company based in Massachusetts, USA. By this acquisition,
Cognizant can provide better services to our clients and continue delivering high value
and secure managed services in the IT Infrastructure Services practice.

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7. Executive Management Commitment: Cognizant intends to build a long-term

partnership based model with AstraZeneca CIS. Cognizant will demonstrate visible
executive management commitment for this initiative by having quarterly review meetings
with the engagement stakeholders to assess the health of the engagement. Our promise
is especially meaningful given that Giga and Forrester have rated Cognizant “#1 in
Relationship Management”.

8. Strong Multi-Dimension Team: Cognizant will deploy a strong multi-dimensional team

consisting of Technology specialists, domain experts, business analysts, and program
and project managers for this engagement by means of Centers of Excellence (COE)
teams. Cognizant is a #1 recruiter across technical and management institutions in India
and has a strong track record of recruiting top talent and their retention.

9. AstraZeneca Offshore Delivery Center: Cognizant has established a dedicated

Offshore Delivery Center (ODC) for AstraZeneca at Cognizant’s head office in Chennai,
India. An ODC implies many benefits to the client in terms of dedicated pool of resources
in various business domains and technologies. It also provides cost-benefit to
AstraZeneca as the engagements can be optimally staffed and ramping –up/down
becomes practical and quicker. The AZ ODC currently already offers application
management and development services to some of the key divisions/engagements in the
U.S. and U.K. AZ-Cognizant ODC is fully connected via MPLS network connectivity with
AZ US and UK meeting all security standards and requirements.

Cognizant is uniquely qualified to partner with AstraZeneca for the CIS Support initiative. We
possess the required domain and technical experience and qualifications to meet AstraZeneca’s
strategic and technological intent. We look forward to your comments on our approach and
strongly believe that we can create value for AstraZeneca through this partnership.

Once again, Cognizant thanks AZ for this opportunity to present our proposal. For any additional
clarifications on this proposal, please contact

Bhaskar Sambasivan
Global Client Partner, AstraZeneca
Cognizant Technology Solutions
[email protected] ,

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1 Supplier’s Profile: About Cognizant

Supplier Corporate Profile

This section must provide a brief overview of Supplier's company and services, including
discussions of:

 How long the Supplier been providing these products and/or services?
 How many pharmaceutical companies are you providing similar services? How many of
these companies are you currently engaged?
 Please reference specific examples of success conducted by your firm (Pharmaceutical
specific would be a plus).

Core Capabilities and Competencies

 Company capabilities specifically around Commercial Application Outsourced Support
 Offshore/Near-shore capabilities - Provide domestic only and mixed-model proposals for
each scenario in which you are bidding with pros and cons of each approach.
 Competencies of the Core Teams and depth of resources in each skill and application set
 Scalability to adapt to increases/decreases in Sales force size, architecture complexity;
increases and decreases in Skill Center demand.

Cognizant began its IT services business in 1994 as the in-house technology development center
for the Dun and Bradstreet Corporation (D&B) and its operating units. In June 1998, the Company
completed its initial public offering and got listed on NASDAQ under the symbol CTSH. Cognizant
was added to NASDAQ-100 Index in December, 2004 and is currently the only IT services
company globally on that index. Cognizant has been recently added to the S&P 500 index in
November 2006.

Cognizant’s stellar growth to a 36,000+

strong organization, with over 250 active
customers today, in a matter of just 12
years has been propelled by the
unwavering focus on customer centricity
and delivery excellence.

Figure 1 Cognizant Clientele

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Our unique global delivery model features greater customer intimacy, speed of delivery, and
responsiveness and has helped us build deep, fast growing relationships with customers. This
model combines technical and account management teams located on-site at the customer
location and offshore at dedicated development centers located primarily in India.

We develop better insight into customers’ business through the leadership team located closer to
the customers and provide the best possible solutions to business problems by leveraging

Cognizant is the only major offshore company organized around verticals and horizontals rather
than just regions and development centers. Our deep domain expertise in key verticals and large-
scale horizontal solutions helps our customers become high-performance businesses.

In addition to our customer focus, and our industry specific expertise, our strengths which we
believe differentiate us from other IT service providers include the following:
 Established and scalable proprietary processes
 Highly skilled workforce
 Research and development and Competency centers
 Well-developed infrastructure

Backed by these strengths, and a single-minded passion for building stronger businesses,
Cognizant helps customers in every strategic and operational aspect of business, enabling
customers run and win the race for the future.


1. How long has the Supplier been providing these products and/or services?

Cognizant’s strong Application Management practice dates back to its inception i.e. 1994 to
manage large business critical applications for The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation and their
clients. Cognizant has significant experience in setting up offshore development centers and
experience in providing 12 years of Application development, management and enhancement
services to clients.

2. How many pharmaceutical companies are you providing similar services? How many
of these companies are you currently engaged?

Cognizant is involved in providing application management services to several of the leading Life
Sciences companies in the world. Representative list is provided below:
 Pfizer
 Merck
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 AstraZeneca
 Novartis
 Abbott Labs
 Amgen
 Schering-Plough
 UCB Pharma
 Biogen Idec
 Alcon Pharmaceuticals
 Johnson & Jhonson
 Novo Nordisk
 Organon

Additionally we have been providing support to IMS Health (leading provider of sales data to all
Pharmaceutical companies) for over 10 years.

3. Please reference specific examples of success conducted by your firm (Pharma

specific would be a plus).

With extensive domain, technology, and business process expertise in the Healthcare and Life
Sciences industry, Cognizant is the preferred partner for several pharmaceutical companies.
Cognizant’s representative experience in working on the various business functions is shown in
the table below:
Business Cognizant Solution Overview Client Benefits
Function Experience
Finance AstraZeneca A large-scale support and Support in a global delivery
O&FS maintenance project model with cost savings,
supporting about 170 process improvement and
applications in SAP, value additions
client/server, and Web
technologies for AZ’s Skill
Center and Client Facing
Abbott Cognizant’s Application
Application Value Management Model 24X7 support using effective
Outsourcing was used to cover onsite-offshore support model
applications for the client in
Finance (budgeting, Comprehensive Knowledge
financial planning, general Transition process with
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Business Cognizant Solution Overview Client Benefits

Function Experience
ledger), and Sales and Knowledge Portals
Marketing to provide a
shared service model for
these applications.
Pfizer MIC Cognizant provides MIC initiative, a enterprise
Migration and maintenance support for wide program, enabled and
Support Management Information improved reporting, analysis,
Center which is fully budget and forecasting
integrated management and capability of the client in the
financial reporting tool. it’s European markets.
Cognizant is also involved in
the migration and rollout of
MIC applications in other
Operations, Alcon Cognizant provided the Comprehensive analysis with
Business Regulatory analysis and COTS evaluation keeping in
Services, Affairs Tracking recommendation of a COTS mind client’s requirements
Regulatory Systems solution that best fits the
Affairs requirements of Alcon. The
team also provided a
roadmap for implementation
Amgen Project This Web Based intranet Competing requirements for
Portfolio application is used for corporate resources require
Management Maintaining, Reporting and that the project portfolios be
Managing Project w.r.t able to be summarized and
Project Cost, Resource analyzed at a global level for
Allocation, Portfolio prioritization and approval.
Management, and Project
Prioritization. This is a
complete Project
Management tool for the
execution of any project
Schering- Cognizant provides support  Support from offshore
Plough CARES to the Adverse Event resources (No Onsite
Support Reporting system (AERS) resources)

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Business Cognizant Solution Overview Client Benefits

Function Experience
application of Client called  Reduced support cost.
CARES, that can be  Round the clock support
summarized to their users by making
as follows: use of the time difference
 Level 2-IT support (over between India and the
3 shifts a day) for U.S
CARES application
support for Latin-
America, Europe & Asia-
Pacific during non-US
business hours
 Provide on-call support
during weekends & US
Human Merck Global PeopleSoft
Resources PeopleSoft implementation for capturing
Implementation Time & Labor data
Schering- The primary purpose of the  Reduced implementation
Plough SAP – Global HR DW is to provide cost with Onsite/ offshore
HR Global DW a repository and tool to allow  Solution addresses both
management access to business and technical
global key metrics and other objectives of this project
actionable data in order to adequately
make decisions that
optimize the human capital
of the enterprise.
Medical Amgen MedEd MedEd application provides It is integrated with Field
Affairs Engagement users ability to manage Sales application as well as
speaker lectures, accredited JDE and can track all MedEd
programs, exhibits, and related check requests
other activities related to
Amgen’s medical education
Commercial Pfizer SFA New field sales territory A new system that can be
, Sales & Rollout management solution based used by a number of users /

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Business Cognizant Solution Overview Client Benefits

Function Experience
Marketing on Siebel ePharma sales force, etc. that is
application, to be rolled out reliable, robust and provides
to 13,000 users in the next 3 latest sales information
years across in the Europe
and Canada region
Merck Smart Cognizant is enabling Merck Help Merck’s field force in
Routing Engine to improve its sales force charting out the most
productivity through its major optimum route to meet their
sales force automation target physicians
Amgen Sales Siebel’s ePharma suite of To better serve the needs of
Force products that have been the sales representatives.
Automation configured to meet the The application currently
business specific needs of caters to 1200 field force
the Client – including porting users (primary), 150 Call
the most relevant center users and ~50 Sales
functionality to handhelds Operations and
Administrative personnel
Corporate Pfizer Plexus Cognizant was involved in Cognizant’s solution provides
Affairs & design, development and a cost effective quality
General maintenance of the solution that can be
Counsel “Plexus” Philanthropy implemented with the least
Access Imperative Tool for lead-time. The framework has
Pfizer Corporate. Cognizant features in place that can be
solution helps manage customized / configured to
philanthropic programs specific requirements of
involving: Drug Donation, philanthropic programs in
Other supplies donation, individual companies
and Marketing at subsidized
Schering- Cognizant provided services  Reduced implementation
Plough CaWeb to test the CaWeb NT EOL cost for the client.
NT EOL application. This included
Testing authoring and executing the • Thorough testing of the
functional verification scripts application.

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Business Cognizant Solution Overview Client Benefits

Function Experience
for CaWeb system:
 Migration from NT to
Windows 2003 platform
– server upgrade
 Crystal reports upgrade
from 7.5 to 11.x
Pfizer Process Formulated a Strategy for Helped in organizing a KM
Knowledge Knowledge Management in initiative within Pfizer’s
Management Pfizer’s manufacturing manufacturing division to help
division and provided a in easy accessibility to
roadmap for a KM information by integrating
implementation across various knowledge
countries. repositories.


1. Company capabilities specifically around Commercial Application Outsourced Support

Cognizant has vast experience in application maintenance and support engagements, having
worked with some of the top companies in different industry segments like Financial Services,
Healthcare, Life Sciences, and Manufacturing on Application Management services.

Cognizant uses a robust delivery model for such engagements that includes senior executive
team commitment coupled with a well-planned governance team structure that ensures proper
monitoring and resolution of issues under challenging service levels. Cognizant is a SEI CMM
Level-5 organization and continuous improvement is achieved in minimum time once the project
is in steady-state.

AVM Competencies in Siebel Sales Applications:

 Cognizant has a strong CRM practice setup in the year 2000, which has rapidly
increased to 1400 associates with $95 million in revenues.
 Extensive experience in various CRM packages including Siebel, Siebel Analytics, SAP,
Siperian, Pega Systems and Peoplesoft.
 First company to offshore Siebel support and provide optimized models for support and
 Some key engagements in the Siebel space are based on on-going maintenance,
feature enhancements, product upgrades and extension and integration.

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 Service phase is an ongoing phase and includes onsite/offshore support, Quality

Assurance and metrics (quality, productivity and process effectiveness), value additions
like documentation, root cause analysis, code restructuring, performance tuning, test bed
creation as well maintaining the Knowledge Repository.
 AVM support well complimented with a Siebel Support COE that caters to variable
resource models, best practice templates performance analysis and backup centers.

AVM Competencies in Data Warehousing Applications: Cognizant’s Data Warehousing and

Business Intelligence Practice (currently 2500 strong) have been offering Application
Maintenance and Support services for the past 10 years. We as a practice have implemented
over 550 projects, of which about 257 of fall under the maintenance and support services
umbrella. A structured approach to maintenance is necessary to address maintenance issues that
arise in a data warehousing scenario. For this reason, we have developed a structured framework
for implementing these engagements and this provides a comprehensive Data Warehouse Value
Management using a structured methodology, maximizing customer satisfaction and minimizing
maintenance effort.

AVM Competencies in Data Base Administrator Services: With IT infrastructure becoming the
backbone of businesses worldwide, management of IT infrastructure to enable high availability
and provide high performance systems has become a critical business need. Cognizant has rich
experience in managing and maintaining IT infrastructure across diverse platforms and
technologies. Our infrastructure management services complete our end-to-end service offerings
in software design and maintenance. Cognizant’s infrastructure services encompass consulting
services such as IT infrastructure consultancy, migration, integration, BCP as well as services
ranging from point solutions in database to enterprise system management. Our differentiators:
 People – A team of 200+ highly experienced DBA’s currently providing DBA services to
our clients. Experience in databases include DB2, Sybase, Oracle, IMS DC, MS-SQL,
Red Brick and Informix
 Solutions Developed – Cognizant’s DBA team also develops solutions that help in easing
DBA activities. For example, the DBA services team has developed a mobile DBA
solution on Palm OS ® and Windows CE ® handheld devices using Oracle, DB2, Sybase
and SQL databases which can be instantaneously managed
 Supporting DBA work for our leading Life sciences clients across a gamut of business

2. Offshore/near-shore capabilities. Please provide domestic only and mixed-model

proposals for each scenario which you are bidding with pros and cons of each
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Cognizant’s global delivery model works closely with client’s needs and preference. Cognizant
proposes an optimal delivery model that means: meeting SLAs, cost benefit, fast resolution to
issues, and a good governance model. Cognizant ensures that its client’s requirements are kept
in mind when offering a solution that best meets the demands of the situation.

Cognizant’s experience in working with global leaders has lead to defining new and robust
delivery / governance models.

Headquartered in Teaneck, NJ, US, Cognizant also has locations in North America (California,
Illinois- Chicago, Lisle, Minnesota- Edina, Texas- Dallas), and a Global Delivery Center in
Phoenix, Arizona, US. The Canada Cognizant location is in Toronto, Ontario. In Europe,
Cognizant is based at London (United Kingdom), Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Zurich
(Switzerland), Amsterdam (Netherlands) and Paris la Defense (France).

In Asia Pacific, Cognizant is based out of Tokyo (Japan), Singapore, Cyberjaya (Malaysia),
Melbourne (Australia), Shanghai (China) and has multiple development centers in India (Chennai,
Kolkata, Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Coimbatore, Mumbai)

Cognizant’s Offshore Delivery Centers in India are state-of-the-art facilities that includes
dedicated seating capacities for projects and a dedicated network connectivity to anywhere in the
world. This comes as a package with Cognizant’s technical know-how, application management
methodology, domain expertise, and cost-advantages.

Domestic only and mixed-models is discussed along with the solution approach for each of the
application sets.

3. Competencies of the core teams and depth of resources in each skill and application
set area

Cognizant has the depth and breadth of experience covering various aspects of this engagement.
Cognizant as a world-leader in providing offshore best services has centered its organizational
structure on Technology Competency Centers and Centers of Excellences. Cognizant’s rich
domain experience in the Life Sciences industry will also play an important role in driving this

Technology / Cognizant Experience

Application Package

Customer Solutions  Deep Domain expertise in Life Sciences, Banking & Financial
Practice Services, Healthcare, Insurance, Manufacturing & Logistics and

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Telecom verticals
 Industry specific Analytics, BPM, CDI and CRM solutions &
 Over 75 (including 5 of top 15 Pharmaceutical firms, 5 of top 15
Banks, top Hi Tech firms, top Healthcare firms) clients and 1400+
 CSP group rated as one of the leading players in the world in
o Siebel-Pharma domain today
o CDI Solutions
o Siebel Analytics
 Rated among the best by Forrester and Gartner
 Extensive experience on industry standard packages –
o CRM – mySAP CRM, Peoplesoft, Siebel
o BPM – Feugo, FileNet, Pega, Onyx
o CDI – Initiate, Siperian, Siebel UCM
 Strong partnerships with Siebel/Oracle, Pega, Feugo and Siperian
o Siebel consulting partner since 2000
o Involved in Siebel 7.7 and 8 Beta testing
o Enhanced Siebel UCM
o Pega partner since 2001
o Received 2004 & 2005 Partner Excellence Award from
o Supports Pega’s Professional Services Group
Siebel Competency Center
 The practice has about 800 associates with a revenues of over
$55 million
 Strong partnership with Siebel:
o Consulting partner since 2000
o Involved in Siebel 7.7 Beta testing
 Completed over 100 Siebel projects and support efforts.
 Expertise in Siebel upgrade & Data Migration from Siebel 6.X to
 Practice team has over 110 Siebel certified professionals
 Developed the first Facets-to-Siebel Connector.
 Siebel implementation in PDA using Everypath solution.
Data Warehousing  Cognizant has a dedicated Data Warehousing practice that has
more than 2430+ consultants working in different DW and BI
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Practice technologies.
 Experience of implementing over 550 DW&BI projects for over 140
Blue-chip clients
 XCBIT, a dedicated consulting arm providing high-end, strategic
services that enable bridging Strategy and Implementation on the
one hand, and Business and Technology on the other.
 End-to-end DW&BI Solutions for Global 2000 companies and
pioneered many aligned frameworks and tools
 Technical capabilities augmented by Collaborative Management
Approach, PMO processes, productivity tools, Quality and
Knowledge Management tools and techniques
 DW & BI Solution Offerings:
o EDW & BI Strategy
o BI Environment assessment
o Corporate Performance Management
o Data Quality Assessment
o DW CoE
o Global Report Shop
o Maintenance & Enhancement of DW
Microsoft and .NET  Cognizant’s Global Technology Office has a dedicated center of
Center of Excellence excellence for Microsoft and .Net technologies.
 Over 4000 resources distributed across locations
 180+ successful enterprise-scale projects
 The COE has resources that are trained and certified in these
 Microsoft GOLD Certified partner
o Member of Microsoft mainframe migration alliance
o Premier partner for Microsoft Readiness Initiative
o Expertise in Visual studio 2005, SQL Server 2005,
o Leverage Microsoft resources for review and
 CAFÉ .NET is a broad set of re-usable components that
jumpstarts development of enterprise .NET applications. It is setup
to work with .NET Framework 2.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2005
and supports best practices that are immensely valuable for
projects from both re-use and quality perspective.

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4. Scalability to adapt to increases/decreases in support areas’ size, architecture

complexity; increases and decreases in Skill Center demand

Cognizant is a company that presently has more than 36000+ associates working in different
technologies around the world. Cognizant’s experience in breadth and depth of technologies is
vast and can provide additional resources in technologies in very less lead times. Some of the
most widely used technologies have Competency Centers in Cognizant that makes finding
trained and certified resources available for engagements.

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Customer Base

At present, how many large Pharmaceutical companies does the Supplier currently support in
similar areas?

Each Supplier must provide three (3) references that you recently or currently do business of a
similar nature. It is preferable the references are from corporations of similar industry and size as

Please provide the company name, contact name, title, phone number, and e-mail address along
with number of plan participants and number of plan combinations for that Company.

Cognizant is the first offshore-based IT Services Organization that organized its project delivery
based on industry verticals. The Life Sciences practice has been providing IT services to
Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical –based companies for well over a decade. Over the
decade, we have grown into a robust practice with over 2200 associates serving a client base of
over 25 leading Life Sciences companies. Our solutions include projects ranging from IT Strategy
Roadmap development to application maintenance. We serve all the segments of Life Sciences
Industry across the drug / device development continuum.

Cognizant currently works with some of the large Pharmaceutical companies in similar
engagements: Abbott Laboratories, Pfizer, Schering-Plough, PhaseForward, etc.

Cognizant is pleased to provide references of three of its customers. At the request of our
customers, we would greatly appreciate if AZ can coordinate through the Cognizant Client
Partner for AZ and the respective account Client Partners to schedule the references, at the
request of our customers.
Client Name Reference Contact Details
Amgen Jeff Ketelhut - Director Meena Gopakumar, Client Partner

IS Sales & Marketing Ph: 602-284-8147

Pfizer CRM
Tom McArthur, Director, Aravind Ramachandran, Client Partner
Pfizer Animal Health Ph: 732-239-2035
Kevin Fleet, Director
Enterprise Data

Merck Mark Portner, VP of IS Gopa Menon

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Ph: 201-966-9062
Organon Pharmaceuticals Ed Van Heesch Satyen Doshi, Account Manager
Ph: 201-674-9799
AZ OFS – Internal reference Clint Gilliam or
Gary Tretina

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Financial Data

Suppliers who do not have a Master Services Agreement with AstraZeneca must submit the
financial information requested below

Cognizant Technology Solutions has a Master Services Agreement with AstraZeneca.

Strategic Alliances / Partnerships

Please provide information on all strategic alliances, i.e. company name, service/product, length
of agreement, etc. that you may be able to leverage specifically for the benefit of this project.
 Technical Services
 Professional Services
 Customer Support Services
 Offshore/Near-Shear Capabilities

Cognizant’s alliances fall in four comprehensive categories:

 Strategic Alliances: Formed in order to deliver joint solutions that addresses our
customer’s needs and to build a ‘Center of Excellence’.
 Industry Alliances: Industry alliances are the experts in their field, providing specific
vertical services and expertise.
 Technology Alliances: Alliances with industry leading technology companies to provide
our customers with an all-inclusive set of solutions. The Cognizant team is well trained
on our partners’ products and technology giving us the ability to deploy a skilled team of
consultants for a variety of projects.
 Consulting Alliances: Aligning with key consulting partners who provide specific skill
sets, pertinent domain knowledge, and valuable input.

To provide quality solutions to our clients and build competency, Cognizant is involved in strategic
partnerships and alliances across the technological and business domain companies and
products. Some of such alliances that are relevant for this project are detailed below:

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Partner Name Duration of Alliance/Year of Purpose

Microsoft 8 years Strategic*

MicroStrategy 4 years Strategic

Documentum 2 years Technology

FileNET 1 year Strategic

HP 1 Year Strategic; IS

IBM 10 years IBM Center of Excellence

Informatica 5 years Technology

MCI 1 Year Strategic*

Mercury Interactive 1 year Technology

Netegrity Inc. 3 years Technology

neoIT 2 years Consulting

Oblix Inc. 3 years Technology

Oracle 4 years Technology*

Pegasystems 2 years Strategic

SDT 1 year Technology

Siebel Systems 5 years Strategic

Verio 4 years Technology

Versant 4 years Technology

SAP 2 years SAP service partners in US and

engaged with SAP Labs in developing
and testing next generation products
BEA 4 years Technology

Cognizant also has partnerships and business associations with large consulting players,
technology vendors, product vendors, process framework consultants and infrastructure
Here is a representative list of partnerships:

Area Company
Consulting Computer Sciences Corporation, Trizetto
Business and technology Component Management Group (iCMG), IBM San Francisco
framework consultants

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Area Company
Process consultants and Rational, Mercury
process-based product
Technology vendors Microsoft, IBM, Oracle, Nokia
Product vendors Siebel, Pegasystems, BEA Systems, Interwoven, Netegrity,
Informatica, Vitria, Jacada, Sybase

Corporate Responsibility

1. Does your organization have CR policies in place (e.g., Safety, Health & Environmental
(SHE), animal welfare, human resources, bioethics, ethical business principles, etc…)?
Please describe.
2. Have these CR policies been communicated to employees?
3. What are your major risks and opportunities within the CR area?
4. What CR objectives, actions and Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) do you have for your
5. How are you communicating policies and requirements to your own suppliers and
6. Do you ensure that major suppliers, contractors and manufacturers have the following in
place and, if so, how? (a) Policies for relevant CR issues (SHE, labor practice, animal
welfare, etc…); (b) A clear management structure, with defined responsibilities for
performance and risk management?; (c) Objectives for improvement?
7. Do you have a way to ensure that your CR policies are complied at your location?
8. What are the mechanisms by which employees raise concerns with management?
9. What training do employees receive on the issues relevant for their jobs (e.g., animal welfare
and bioethics, marketing and sales practices, etc…)?
10. 10. In what way is CR being considered in decision-making (e.g., risk assessments, business
development, etc…)?

1. Does your organization have CR policies in place (e.g., Safety, Health & Environmental
(SHE), animal welfare, human resources, bioethics, ethical business principles, etc…)?
Please describe.

The Cognizant management is committed to the integrity and objectivity of all information
presented to the shareholder and other business stakeholders.
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Consolidated financial statements are prepared in conformity with accounting principles generally
accepted in the United States of America and include amounts based on management’s best
estimates and judgments. Management believes the consolidated financial statements fairly
reflect the form and substance of transactions and that the financial statements fairly represent
the Company’s financial position and results of operations.

The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, which is composed solely of independent
directors, meets regularly with the Company’s independent registered public accounting firm and
representatives of management to review accounting, financial reporting, internal control and
audit matters, as well as the nature and extent of the audit effort. The Audit Committee is
responsible for the engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm. The
independent registered public accounting firm has free access to the Audit Committee.

Cognizant also has corporate responsibility policies for the Safety and Health of its employees.

Guiding Principles:
 All Associates working on our sites or premises have a right to expect safe and healthy
work conditions. All Associates also have the right and duty to contribute to such safe
and healthy work conditions and come out with ideas, views and suggestions for constant
 Health and Safety is a part of our core business value which we have translated and
integrated with each and every activity performed within the Organization.
 We continuously improve our Health and Safety systems through Appropriate Work
Procedures, Systems, Processes, Training and Supervision.

Key Roles and Responsibilities:

 The CEO in consultation with Executive VP, Head HR and Head Finance &
Administration oversees the Health and Safety policy of the company. They ensure the
compliance of the policy by providing necessary Skills, Authority and Responsibility.
 The Responsibility of ensuring Safety in the Organization is with the Administration
Function; Implementation of Safety is closely monitored and controlled by the Head of
Finance & Administration in consultation with other Administration Representatives
identified for this purpose.
 The Responsibility of ensuring Health in the Organization is with the Human Resources
Function; Implementation of Health is closely monitored and controlled by the Head of
Human Resources in consultation with other HR Representatives identified for this
 Every Project Manager holds the responsibility of ensuring Health and Safety of
Associates working under him/her.
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 All Associates have responsibilities for the Health and Safety of themselves and others
affected by their Action.

Process and Tools Implemented to Ensure Health and Safety:

 Once in every quarter the Executive Management talks about the overall Health and
Safety of the Organization. Any issues concerning Health and Safety are addressed then
and there.
 At Associate level issues regarding Health and Safety are addressed in Open Houses, I-
Care or directly with the HR/Administration representatives on a routine basis. Associates
are also encouraged to speak directly with their Business Unit/Functional Heads in case
of any escalations.
 Health and Safety also forms a part of PCMM model, where there is a clear definition of
the processes implemented for compliance and also scheduled audits for re-
 Safety/Security is also defined as a process document which briefly talks about Physical
Security Boundary, Physical Entry Controls, Securing Offices/Rooms & Facilities,
Working in Secure Areas, Removal or Transfer of Property and Rules Regarding
Security/Safety Professionals.
 To ensure the Health of Associates, Cognizant has implemented tools like Pre
employment Medical Check up, Master Health Check, Eye Check up, Health Camps,
Vaccination Camps, Medical Insurance in tie up with Premium Insurance Agencies and
also conducts workshops on Health and Stress related topics.
 Commitment to operating the business in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work
Act of 1974 and all applicable regulations made under the Act.

Policy Monitoring:
 Accident and ill health record
 Standards of compliance with legal requirements and codes of practice
 Re-Introspection through Audits
 Time scales for achieving certain defined objectives (short term/long term) related to
Health and Safety that arises based on business requirements and needs
2. Have these CR policies been communicated to employees?

Yes, these CR policies have been communicated to Cognizant employees.

Our culture has been described as assimilative, transparent and stimulates sharing leading to
individual and organisational development. This has contributed significantly to our being an
employer-of choice.

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Cognizant has invested significant time and money in its "electronic information and
communication systems" for efficiency purposes and to better serve its customers. Cognizant's
electronic information and communication systems include telephone systems, facsimile
machines, voice mail system, electronic mail system (E-mail), computers, computer network
system, the Internet, and the equipment and data stored on these systems, and all messages and
transmissions composed, sent, stored or received on these systems.

In line with our philosophy of making information available to the employees, Cognizant uses an
employee-centric portal called Cognizant online. This portal is the real time information hub for all
employees across the globe with reference to information relating to policies, business,
competition, announcements, customer engagements etc.

The Cognizant Code of Conduct is distributed to each new employee, officer and Director of the
Company upon commencement of his or her employment or other relationship with the Company
and also distributed annually to each employee, officer and Director of the Company, and each
employee with the title of Vice President or above (and any other employee as so directed by the
Chief Executive Officer or the Chief Financial Officer of the Company), officer and Director
certifies no less than once during each twelve month period that he or she has received, read and
understood the Code and has complied with its terms.

In addition, Cognizant employees can refer various projects/causes to the Cognizant Foundation
for Corporate Responsibility through a mailer to [email protected] A
subcommittee is then formed to identify various projects and causes in line with the Overall
3. What are your major risks and opportunities within the CR area?

Cognizant believes that a fair part of corporate social responsibility is really about reputational risk
management, and ensures that service reputation is preserved. Based on analyst reports from
Gartner, Forrester etc, and the client success stories build over years of painstaking delivery of
high quality standards, Cognizant views its goodwill and brand value as key opportunities within
the CR area.
4. What CR objectives, actions and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) do you have for
your location?

CR Objectives

The objectives for what we believe are the main areas of corporate responsibility are listed below.

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 Governance: To remain a leader in corporate governance and ethical business conduct

by maintaining best practices, transparency and accountability to our stakeholders
 Management Systems: To initiate the expansion of our Environmental Management and
Review System in 2006 to include other sustainability issues.
 Innovation and R&D: Maintain our leading investments in business innovation
 Workplace Practices: Continued improvement of our Employee Satisfaction Index (BES)
 Employee Health & Safety: Maintain on-duty accident and occupational disease costs
below general industry benchmarks in; Maintain or render non-occupational absence
costs below general industry benchmarks in 2006.
 Community Investments: To increase corporate donations gradually

Cognizant focuses on two core areas that we believe needs immediate attention: education and
public health.

Education: To focus on promotion of quality education across two target segments—individuals

and institutions. Recognizing that there is a hiatus between institutions imparting education in the
metros and those in small towns in terms of infrastructural facilities like laboratories, libraries and
availability of instructors. Cognizant believes that it can make a small difference by contributing its
might to bridge the divide.

Towards this, Cognizant would:

 Help to upgrade infrastructure facilities in identified educational institutions through
provision of computer hardware and appurtenant facilities like laboratories and libraries
 Provide merit-cum-need based scholarships to students; this assistance includes to study
 Organize inter-institutional contests like Computer Olympiads to promote excellence
through healthy competition.
 Provide grants to promote cutting-edge research in IT.

Public Health: To focus on providing relief to the needy individuals and institutions in the form of
medical equipment and medial supplies like diagnostic equipment, kits, vaccines and drugs to
prevent outbreak of epidemics and to treat endemic health disorders.

Cognizant would establish strong ties with and seek assistance from government agencies, local
bodies, educational institutions and NGOs to fulfill this need.

Others: Over and above these focused areas, Cognizant has provision to support any of the
following areas, which would be evaluated and decided upon, as and when needed:

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 Undertake various community development programs by way of conducting seminars,

workshops and conferences to support deserving and needy people on educational and
other social welfare measures
 Undertake and assist various rural development programs and relief to deserving and
needy people—especially those affected by natural calamities through assistance for
improving basic amenities like water supply, electricity, roads, drainage, sanitation and
healthcare, women and child welfare, promotion of social interaction.

CR Actions: Beneficiaries of Cognizant Foundation

 University of Madras, Chennai
 Cognizant Foundation contributed funds for the renovation of the Senate Hall.
 Contribution towards earthquake disaster in J&K
 LEPRA Society, Hyderabad
 TANKER Foundation, Chennai
 Ramakrishna Mutt - Nattarampally
 Ummeed Child Development Centre – Mumbai


A few representative KPIs proposed for Cognizant CR are

 Innovation: Investments in business innovation
 Workplace Practices: Employee Satisfaction Index
 Employee Health & Safety: On-duty accident and occupational disease costs; Non-
Occupational absence costs
 Community Investments: Cognizant donations and community sponsorships
5. How are you communicating policies and requirements to your own suppliers and

Cognizant will aim to finalize a simplified CR questionnaire and evaluation process, and conduct
a trial with our select major suppliers and contractors.
6. Do you ensure that major suppliers, contractors and manufacturers have the following
in place and, if so, how? (a) Policies for relevant CR issues (SHE, labor practice,
animal welfare, etc…); (b) A clear management structure, with defined responsibilities
for performance and risk management?; (c) Objectives for improvement?

Cognizant works with all its suppliers truly and fairly. Cognizant works with top hardware and
software suppliers and ensure that they comply with Cognizant’s ethical standards. Cognizant

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also ensures that there is a clear definition of responsibilities for supplier performance, so that our
business with our clients does not get affected.

Cognizant gets more than 91% of its revenues from repeat business. Cognizant is known for its
service delivery and high customer focus. Cognizant reputation can be affected by the suppliers
we do business with. It is important that our suppliers act ethically, treat their employees fairly,
maintain high health and safety standards and manage their impact on the environment.

In return we need to treat our suppliers fairly, pay them promptly and communicate our
requirements clearly. We believe we can get the most from our relationship with suppliers by
working with them as a team. In this way we can improve our performance and ensure the timely
delivery of high-quality services to our customers.
7. Do you have a way to ensure that your CR policies are complied at your location?

Cognizant ensures that CR policies are complied at all locations. Some of main policies on which
employee feedback and action are routinely and proactively sought include
 Ethics and compliance issues, such as accounting and financial reporting, insider
trading or antitrust regulations
 Employee relations and human resources, such as harassment, discrimination,
scheduling/time abuse or disciplinary action
 Loss prevention and asset protection, such as threats and violence, alcohol/drug
abuse, workers' compensation fraud or internal theft
 Environmental health and safety, such as OSHA violations, hazardous waste disposal
or product tampering

If the Company’s General Counsel receives information regarding an alleged violation of this
Code, he or she shall, as appropriate, (a) evaluate such information, (b) if the alleged violation
involves an executive officer or a Director, inform the Chief Executive Officer and Board of
Directors of the alleged violation, (c) determine whether it is necessary to conduct an informal
inquiry or a formal investigation and, if so, initiate such inquiry or investigation and (d) report the
results of any such inquiry or investigation, together with a recommendation as to disposition of
the matter, to the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors for action, or if the alleged violation
involves an executive officer or a Director, report the results of any such inquiry or investigation to
the Board of Directors or a committee thereof. Employees, officers and Directors are expected to
cooperate fully with any inquiry or investigation by the Company regarding an alleged violation of
CR policies. Failure to cooperate with any such inquiry or investigation may result in disciplinary
action, up to and including discharge.

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The Company shall determine whether violations of CR policies have occurred and, if so, shall
determine the disciplinary measures to be taken against any employee who has violated them. In
the event that the alleged violation involves an executive officer or a Director, the Chief Executive
Officer and the Board of Directors, respectively, shall determine whether a violation of this Code
has occurred and, if so, shall determine the disciplinary measures to be taken against such
executive officer or Director.

Failure to comply with the standards will result in disciplinary action including, but not limited to,
reprimands, warnings, probation or suspension without pay, demotions, reductions in salary,
discharge and restitution. Certain violations of the Code of Conduct may require the Company to
refer the matter to the appropriate governmental or regulatory authorities for investigation or
prosecution. Moreover, any supervisor who directs or approves of any conduct in violation of this
Code, or who has knowledge of such conduct and does not immediately report it, also will be
subject to disciplinary action, up to and including discharge.

Employees with concerns regarding questionable accounting or auditing matters or complaints

regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters may confidentially, and
anonymously if they wish, submit such concerns or complaints in writing to the Company’s
General Counsel at 500 Glenpointe Centre West, Teaneck, New Jersey 07666 or may contact
the Cognizant Compliance Hotline by using the toll-free telephone number 866-824-4897 or the

All such concerns and complaints will be forwarded to the Audit Committee of the Board of
Directors, unless they are determined to be without merit by the General Counsel and Chief
Financial Officer of the Company. In any event, a record of all complaints and concerns received
will be provided to the Audit Committee each fiscal quarter. Any such concerns or complaints
may also be communicated, confidentially and, if you desire, anonymously, directly to the
Chairman of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors.

The Audit Committee will evaluate the merits of any concerns or complaints received by it and
authorize such follow-up actions, if any, as it deems necessary or appropriate to address the
substance of the concern or complaint.

The Company will not discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass or in any other manner
discriminate or retaliate against any employee who reports a complaint or concern.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, if a person knowingly files a false or misleading report, he or she
may be discharged, demoted or suspended.
8. What are the mechanisms by which employees raise concerns with management?

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Cognizant ensures that employees have channels to raise their concerns to the management.
Cognizant’s different divisions hold varying levels of interaction with senior management

There are different ways through which employees can raise concerns to the management:
 Open House / Town Halls: Open House and Town Halls are conducted every quarter by
different divisions of Cognizant to ensure that employees’ concerns are adequately and
openly answered. The senior management from the division and the organization will be
present during these town halls ensuring that all levels of the organizational are represented.
 Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Cognizant believes in an open and transparent
management philosophy. The way to understanding what the people at different levels feel
about the senior management is through employee satisfaction surveys. It’s conducted
annually by experienced third-party surveyors that ensure confidentiality and transparency in
the survey process. The result is used to arrive at various management decisions toward
employee welfare.
 Power Lunch with Executive Management: Cognizant employees are randomly invited to
have working lunches with executive management personnel to promote greater sense of
belonging and understanding the employee requirement better.
 Team Meetings: Employees can also participate in team meetings and skip-level meetings
where we can directly address concerns to senior management personnel without the
intervention of the direct supervisors. This is treated confidential and the employee is fully in
control of the meeting ensuring maximum transparency and satisfaction to the employee.
9. What training do employees receive on the issues relevant for their jobs (e.g., animal
welfare and bioethics, marketing and sales practices, etc…)?

Providing training to associates is an integral part of Cognizant’s HR philosophy. The overall

budget for providing technical, domain and behavioral training is approximately about 4 % of the
revenue of the organization.

Cognizant emphasizes the need for overall development of associate. Behavioral interventions
are provided by ODC (Organizational Development Center), the training arm of Human
Resources. These are done in the form of Behavioral Competency based programs:

The training needs are identified as – Role Based, Appraisal Based and Organizational Based.

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Each of the development centers of Cognizant has dedicated professionals who facilitate such
training activities. Our associate portal (called CognizantOnline) provides our associates with
information on various activities of the training functions.

People Development:
 Autonomous Corporate University
 Unique Cell for Behavioral Interventions
 Synergistic competency model for recruitment, performance evaluation and People
 Developing Leadership at grass root level

One of the major contributors to Cognizant’s success is its ability to provide high-quality, cost-
effective solutions using the onsite-offshore model and taking its customers through every
technology wave. This has been possible because of its focus on continuous knowledge
enhancement through its corporate university, Cognizant Academy (CA) and behavioral training
through the Organizational Development Center (ODC).

People Management:
 Multiple Career Tracks
 Powerful Multi-dimensional Feedback Mechanisms (BES, Open House, Internal
Satisfaction Survey, Project Feedback Sessions, Exit Interviews)
 Vibrant & Transparent Culture

Cognizant provides an excellent career progression to its associates in order to ensure that their
career aspirations are met adequately. Apart from this, Cognizant believes in providing an
invigorating environment where the core competence of the associates is tapped. Human
Resources Function, Resource Management Group, Cognizant Academy and Project Groups
facilitate identifying such suitable opportunities and provide appropriate inputs in order to ensure
that there is a match between the associates’ aspirations and company’s business objectives

The training inputs are provided to the associates through formal, informal training programs,
classroom sessions, knowledge sharing sessions, TBTs and symposiums. Some of the
behavioral training programs include Leadership programs, Management Development Program,
soft skill training like Self Awareness, Presentation Skills, Cross Cultural Adaptability, and Team
Building etc. The associates of Cognizant are also facilitated to acquire formal technical academic
degrees in under graduation, post graduation and research programs like an MBA from British
Open University through Distance learning.

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10. In what way is CR being considered in decision-making (e.g., risk assessments,

business development, etc…)?

Corporate ethics overrule every business consideration in Cognizant.

We seek to outperform our competition fairly and honestly. We seek competitive advantages
through superior performance, never through unethical or illegal business practices. Accordingly,
employees, officers and Directors endeavor to deal honestly, ethically and fairly with the
Company’s suppliers, customers, competitors and employees. Cognizant strives to ensure that
statements regarding the Company’s products and services must not be untrue, misleading,
deceptive or fraudulent, and that no employee takes unfair advantage of anyone through
manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts or
any other unfair-dealing practice.

Employees are expected to make or participate in business decisions and actions in the course of
their employment with the Company based on the best interests of the Company as a whole, and
not based on personal relationships or benefits. Conflicts of interest can compromise employees'
business ethics. Employees are expected to apply sound judgment to avoid conflicts of interest
that could negatively affect the Company or its business.

Employees, officers and Directors must act in the best interests of the Company. Employees
must refrain from engaging in any activity or having a personal interest that presents a “conflict of
interest.” A conflict of interest occurs when an employee’s personal interest interferes, or
appears to interfere, with the interests of the Company. A conflict of interest can arise whenever
an employee, as an officer, Director or employee, take action or have an interest that prevents
him/her from performing his/her Company duties and responsibilities honestly, objectively and

CR in Executive Management Decision-making

Board Composition: Cognizant has inducted illustrious professionals to be a part of Foundation

and to advice, guide and take appropriate actions to help us in our endeavor to be a responsible
corporate citizen. In addition, it has one of the senior management team members from
Cognizant on the board to monitor the progress of the Foundation apart from the independent
directors. Here is the list of members of the board:
1. Subrahmanya Ramamurthy
2. N R Krishnan
3. R Rajagopalan, Director, Vice-president, Finance, Cognizant

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2 Proposed Solution Summary

The proposal should demonstrate the following considerations:

 Agreement or alternatives to the terms and conditions of the RFP
 Understanding of the program requirements
 Flexible solutions
 Demonstrate that Technical Solutions can meet and will be scalable to changes in
AstraZeneca’s environment.
 Ability to adapt “out of the box” solutions specifically to meet AZ’s needs

Our Understanding of AZ’s Requirements

The Commercial IS team has embarked on an initiative to deliver equal or higher level of service
to its business while reducing the overall cost over a period of three years and more. The CIS
team plans to achieve its objectives by outsourcing some of the activities currently performed by
external and internal staff, thereby leveraging the best practices and global delivery models of the
IT service providers. The five areas that AZ CIS is currently evaluating are
 Field Sales Applications
 Cornerstone / Alignment Applications
 DBA Service
 External websites
 HQ applications

Cognizant has taken a holistic view of the initiative and understands its goals and objectives at a
detailed level. Our solution and proposal reflects the understanding of these key objectives.
Some of the key messages that resonated while talking to multiple stakeholders within CIS are
summarized below:

Key messages from CIS leadership:

1. Have the right people at the right time in the right place.
2. Be the indispensable business partner and an enabler.
3. Drive continuous improvements and efficiencies while leveraging current investments in
technology (e.g. Siebel)
4. Ability to achieve synergies in the long term across other AZ business units and globally
i. Achieve execution excellence while improving the service levels using the best
practices, experience, and knowledge

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ii. Raise the bar on Project Based Organization / Service Oriented model by
standardizing the processes. This model will also support outsourcing
iii. Enable client partners to align with business objectives and drive strategic
initiatives to unlock business value
iv. Manage Change effectively using a phased approach with well defined entry/exit
5. Key messages from CIS Skill Center:
i. Service level based delivery model with equal risk sharing from service provider
ii. Ability to scale up quickly and effectively to handle peaks’ and troughs
iii. Ability to meet the demands of the business
iv. Balanced resource model that adequately balanced ‘Risk’ versus ‘Cost’
v. Flexible model that allows for quick ramp-ups and ramp-downs
vi. Transition management with least disruption to business and ongoing operations

Taking into consideration all of the above, we have proposed a solution that will deliver on the
following key areas:
1. Risk Mitigated approach – Ensure that the overall solution is crafted based on a risk
mitigated approach with the right resource balance between Onsite and Offshore.
2. Business Continuity - Minimal to no disruption of business and ongoing operations
3. Knowledge Transition – Ensure a smooth Knowledge Transition by utilizing a proven
transition methodology
4. Metrics – To ensure the solution is SLA focused
5. Governance - Provide tools and methodologies to communicate, prioritize work, allocate
resources, and report metrics
6. Resourcing - Provide flexible resourcing model with quick scale down / scale up
capabilities. AZ will be able to exploit its access to Cognizant varied resource pool.
Cognizant will be able to provide resources with adequate skill sets as required for this
7. Productivity & Efficiencies – To increase throughput of the different activities and
provide year over year efficiencies
8. Continuous Improvement. Provide long-term view (beyond 3 years) – for application &
process optimization
9. Process - Identify and improve synergies between different groups through process
10. Cost – Provide optimized cost model for year over year savings.
11. Change Management – Proven methodology to enable clients to ensure business
continuity while transitioning to new and improved processes

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Solution Methodology

Cognizant has performed a detailed analysis of the information provided in this RFP regarding
applications in-scope, prior information provided by AZ, used its prior experience of working with
AstraZeneca on other engagements and arrived at a logical grouping of applications.

Grouping of applications is done to ensure lesser risky and expedited transition. The key
parameters taken into consideration for grouping the applications are:
 Business domain category
 Technology spectrum
 Business criticality

This logical grouping of applications was used to arrive at an optimal resource model that
leverages cross-trained resources to provide support for applications and also keep the costs
down for CISS.

The key parameters considered to arrive at optimal resource model are:

 Application grouping
 Skill sets required
 Application complexity
 Call volumes and call split across severity levels
 SLAs for each severity
 Business criticality

Figure 2: Solution Methodology

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Step 1: Application Grouping

Based on the steps described above, the Application sets are broadly divided into different
groups. (Details are provided in Section 5.)

These application groups, along with the other parameters listed above will form the key
component of the resourcing approach outlined in detail in Section 8.

Step 2: Optimal Staffing Levels

After the applications were grouped, optimal resource levels were arrived at using parameters
such as volatility and criticality of applications, call volumes, skill sets required, SLAs as well as
familiarity with applications, and “risk versus cost” balance, to arrive at the resource model. This
step (coupled with Cognizant’s historical knowledge of AZ systems) generates inputs to create
detailed allocations of effort and duration.

Step 3: Cross-training Opportunities

Resource estimates in each group were then refined based on cross training opportunities
available in each group. The cross training opportunities will be utilized all through the
engagement to generate year over year efficiencies and also bring in synergies when new
applications or groups are added into the scope.

Step 4: Transition Plan based on existing Support Groups

Based on the resource plan, a complete transition plan outlined in Section 4 was created taking
into account the existing support groups for the in-scope applications and also considering the
transition timeframe and logistics into account. Cognizant has provided a complete plan that
includes knowledge acquisition, secondary and primary support of all the applications.

Steady State Model - Proposed Solution Approach

Customer & Operational Support - Application Service Delivery (ASD) model

Cognizant envisions an optimized Application service delivery model for supporting the different
applications and systems in a 24*7 model across geographies, time-zones and applications. The
different levels of support will be tightly integrated. The figure below illustrates the Application
Service Delivery model supported by the different Technology Centers of Excellence (COEs)

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The overall solution model, while not only addressing the current scope of services, also provides
a scalable model to add more applications and services without linearly increasing the number of
resources, thus ensuring significant cost benefits to AZ. In specific, it provides the flexibility and
scalability to
 new applications within the given technology landscape to the scope
 accommodate changes in ticket & call volumes for existing and new applications
 accommodate changes in user base for existing and new applications
 to include other Level 2 and/or Level 3 contracts currently with AZ (as and when needed)
for optimal utilization of resources

ASD Model: Key Highlights

 The resource model would largely comprise of techno-functional analysts from
Cognizant who will not only have the technical expertise to support the different systems,
but also possess the functional knowledge of the applications (e.g. a good understanding
of Siebel ePharma SFA).
 The support team will also be augmented both onsite and offshore by Pharma Business
Analysts who have much deeper knowledge of the pharma systems and processes.
 COE model for key technologies thus utilizing best practices, standards, tools and
frameworks that will form the foundations of the COE
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 A clear governance model, delivery oversight and escalation mechanisms at different

levels to ensure success.
 Adoption of CMM Level 5 processes and tools that ensure metrics driven delivery based
on SLAs
 Access to other groups & COEs such as (Testing COE, Performance COE, Quality Audit
group) within Cognizant for expert advice, resources and audit services.
 Extended support coverage - a minimum of 16x5 manned support, on-call support during
remaining hours and weekend support for special processing, thus providing coverage
24x7 for all application set areas.

Flexible Services

The flexible team can be ramped up/down at a very short notice (1-2 weeks) through the use of
buffer resources. There are three levels of buffer resources that are available from which the
resources can be pulled from.

 Project Level Resource Pool: As a contingency measure, AstraZeneca engagement

will have a pool of shadow resources (~10%, not billed to AstraZeneca) in addition to
the billable resources. These shadow resources will undergo orientation on the
Knowledge Repository created specifically for this engagement. This will allow the
shadow resources to get a quick but complete background of the AstraZeneca
engagement in terms of domain, issues, technologies etc. These shadow resources will
work along with the CISS team and gain understanding of the system. In case of an
unplanned ramp up or staff turnover these shadow resources are immediately deployed
and their vacancies back-filled.

 Account Level Resource Pool: Additionally, Cognizant can also draw resources from
the account Level buffer pool i.e. buffer pool of resources maintained at the account level.

 Organization Level Resource Pool: Cognizant maintains a large resource pool at the
organisation level to ensure proper staffing for new clients, new projects and staff
turnover. As Cognizant wins several new clients each quarter, the organizational
resource pool gets utilised and replenished. At the organization level Cognizant maintains
the offshore utilisation of 75% to 80% allowing sufficient resources for quick ramp up.

Delivery Model

After the initiation of the Operational readiness and the Change management exercise that will
be undertaken by AZ, Cognizant will ensure that the processes are in place for Engagement

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governance, Infrastructure, Quality processes, Business, and Technology orientation for Project
teams. These serve as primary building blocks for our Application Outsourcing Methodology and
have been customized to address AZ requirements.

Form a core dedicated
team that takes Knowledge
complete ownership & Management setup Business
responsibility for the Implement customized Orientation
customer relationship knowledge portal Orient core team on
and execution. Team business processes,
will be available application functions, and “Transforming while
throughout the duration Infrastructure maintenance procedures Performing”
of the engagement.
The governance
structure consists of: Cognizant assumes responsibility
H/W & S/W set up
for Application Value
 Project Team Connectivity
Technology Management and continuous
 Program Orientation improvement
Process & Quality Orient team on
AZ company
 Steering Create collaborative quality
framework incorporating
specific applications
Committee client process. and maintenance process
 Transition Team Agree upon & monitor SLAs

Building Blocks of a Successful Support Engagement

After the Engagement Governance team is put in place, the designated teams in AZ will initiate
the Change Management while Cognizant team initiates Infrastructure Setup, Quality Processes
and in parallel starts planning for Knowledge Transition. This ensures that the collaborative
process framework & infrastructure, security & network connectivity alignment with AZ needs is
initiated in parallel with the planning phase of the outsourcing exercise. The details of various
building blocks and Knowledge Transition are covered in various section in the proposal.

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3 Pricing

Application Set: Siebel/Field Sales and Information Center Support Applications

Steady State Costs

Year 3
Option 1 – Two Offshore Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
centers for Tier 2 support charges) charges) charges) Total
Operational Support $111,384 $97,104 $92,232
Tier 2 + Tier 3 $172,704 $158,724 $146,832
Total Monthly Charges $284,088 $255,828 $239,064
Total Yearly Charges $3,409,056 $3,069,936 $2,868,768 $9,347,760

Year 3
Option 2 - Nearshore center for Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
Tier 2 support charges) charges) charges) Total
Operational Support $111,384 $97,104 $92,232
Tier 2 + Tier 3 $208,992 $195,552 $178,584
Total Monthly Charges $320,376 $292,656 $270,816
Total Yearly Charges $3,844,512 $3,511,872 $3,249,792 $10,606,76

Transition Costs

Actual Knowledge Discounted KT costs

Transition costs (20%)

$ 877,180 $ 701,744

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Application Set: Cornerstone (Commercial Architecture)

Steady State Costs

Year 3
App set 2 - Cornerstone / Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
Alignment Apps charges) charges) charges) Total
Operational Support $155,904 $141,624 $127,344

Total Yearly Charges $1,870,848 $1,699,488 $1,528,128 $5,098,464

Transition Costs

Actual Knowledge Discounted KT costs

Transition costs (20%)

$545,600 $436,480

Outsourced Service: Database Administration for Commercial Operations

Steady State Costs

Year 3
Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
App set 3 - DBA Services charges) charges) charges) Total

Operational Support $36,624 $32,676 $27,972

Total Yearly Charges $439,488 $392,112 $335,664 $1,167,264

Transition Costs

Actual Knowledge Discounted KT costs

Transition costs (20%)

$40,960 $32,768

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Application Set: External Commercial Websites

Steady State Costs

Year 3
Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
App set 4 - External Websites charges) charges) charges) Total

Operational Support $21,172 $21,172 $16,468

Total Yearly Charges $254,064 $254,064 $197,616 $705,744

Transition Costs

Actual Knowledge Discounted KT costs

Transition costs (20%)

$40,960 $32,768

Application Set: Headquarter Applications

Steady State Costs

Year 3
Year 1 (monthly Year 2 (monthly (monthly
App set 5 - HQ Apps charges) charges) charges) Total

Operational Support $21,172 $21,172 $16,468

Total Yearly Charges $254,064 $254,064 $197,616 $705,744

Transition Costs

Actual Knowledge Discounted KT costs

Transition costs (20%)

$56,600 $45,440

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 Cognizant will pass the T&E costs incurred through to AstraZeneca on actual based on
the guidelines below.
During Transition
The estimated T&E cost per resource during the Transition period will be
approximately $6,000 per resource. This cost is limited to resources who are
either travelling from India OR from out of town (not within driving distance to
Steady State
While Cognizant will make every attempt to have resources locally available in
Wilmington, it may not be entirely possible because of the nature of the request,
skill set and the timing of the request. Hence, in cases where the resource is not
based out of Wilmington area, T&E costs will be charged to AZ on actual, after
approval from AZ.
 Expenditure for any additional travel proposed by AZ for the CIS engagement will be
borne by AZ.
 The cost of any SAS70 audits or other special AZ audit requirements has not been
factored into the above costs in Section 3.0. If AZ does require such a special audit of all
operations, the cost of the audit will be borne by AZ.
 The cost estimates in Section 3.0 above, have been provided based on the data given by
AstraZeneca in terms of user base, average call volumes
 A tiered pricing structure for Application set 1 Customer Support, has been provided
taking into account operational boundaries as detailed in the table below.

Change in Max Number

Number of Field Sales Number of Change in of Monthly
Users users Monthly Fee calls to Tier 2

9,000 $500 $30,000 7,800

8,500 $500 $16,000 7,000

8,000 $500 $0 6,400

7,500 $1,000 0 6,000

7,000 ($500) $0 5,600

6,500 ($500) $15,000 5,000

6,000 ($500) $28,000 4,500

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 For Application set areas where no historical call / ticket / service request data was
provided, the current resources estimates have been provided based on capacity.

Application set Total capacity Total capacity Total capacity

available available available
(# of hours) (# of hours) (# of hours)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Cornerstone 31360 29400 27440
DBA 7840 7840 5880
External Websites 3920 3920 3920
HQ Applications 3920 3920 3920

The “Capacity utilization” and the “Work load” will be compared and reviewed every
month and reported back to AZ. Cognizant will be able to accommodate up to a +/- 10%
variance in capacity needs, at no additional charge to AZ. Capacity requirements outside
of this range (+/- 10%) may impact the number of resources and project pricing. This will
be mutually discussed with AZ and the resource numbers will be adjusted up or down,
once every quarter.
 AstraZeneca SMEs and Support personnel from current Support Vendor will be available
for Knowledge Sharing and assistance during Transition.
 AstraZeneca will provide laptops/Cell phones for on call support for the onsite resources

 AstraZeneca will provide access and facilitate setting up connectivity to AstraZeneca’s

environment from India for associates working from Cognizant’s offshore development
 AstraZeneca will provide the necessary Topaz images with the applications on time for
the start of the engagement and for the Pre-familiarization phase during Transition.
 AstraZeneca will provide access to the required production/development/test
environment that Cognizant needs to support.
 A prioritization of requests would be provided by AstraZeneca in a case where there are
multiple “Severity 1 or Severity 2” requests.
 AZ will provide all software licenses necessary for supporting the applications.

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4 Knowledge Transition

Key Objectives & Components

Cognizant transition objectives has the following key themes:

 Risk mitigation- ensuring business continuity so that there is no impact on the end users
 Delivering the cost savings and exceeding quality expectations
 Application & Geography coverage for knowledge transition
 Optimal size of the team across different locations for appropriate knowledge transition.
 Realistic timelines – To ensure a complete risk free transition
 Tracking and Monitoring - A tool based approach to track and monitor metrics during KT
to assess the health of the transition

Key components / phases of the Cognizant’s proprietary transition approach is discussed in the
the section below.

Overall Methodology

Cognizant’s Knowledge Transition Methodology ensures a speedy and complete transition of

responsibilities to Cognizant team from AstraZeneca personnel or contractors. The following
diagram represents in detail the various phases and high-level activities. Subsequently, we have
elaborated the individual phases with detailed list of activities, deliverables and responsibilities for
the phases.

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Figure 3 Cognizant Knowledge Transition Methodology

The Knowledge transition approach is divided into 6 phases as below. A high level overview of
each phase is provided below. Detailed list of activities and deliverables have been provided in in-
dividual chapters for each application set area.
 Pre-transition familiarization
 Planning
 Knowledge Acquisition
 Shadow
 Share
 Lead

Pre-transition Familiarization

Prior to the start of Knowledge Transition activities, Cognizant will carry out a Pre - transition fa -
miliarization and Program finalization phase to refine the final approach while working closely with
the leadership team of AZ. The objectives of Pre-transition familiarization are:
 Training of technical experts on the application functionality prior to start of the planning
and other KT phases
 Help in the team engaging in detailed discussions and pointed Q&A sessions with the
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 Accelerate the knowledge acquisition process


The objective of this Planning phase is to validate the scope of the engagement, finalize a com -
mon execution framework and evolve a transition plan detailing the activities for transitioning ap -
plications to Cognizant.

The planning stage starts with a core team from Cognizant working with key AZ stakeholders to
create a detailed roadmap for the follow-on phases. In this phase we will also address any recent
developments that need to be captured in the solution, any reprioritization of activities, any delta
between our understanding of the top issues and AZ top issues are bridged, finalization of team,
and any sensitive issues that may require focused effort. In addition the plan for the infrastructure,
quality, and change management phases will be finalized with AZ.

Knowledge Acquisition

The objective of the KT Interaction Phase is to gain a good understanding of the business
context, application and the technical environment and later, plan the offshore transition. In this
phase, Cognizant’s functional consultants and technical resources would interact with
AstraZeneca’s Client facing team, technical leads and internal and external technical staff in the
skill Center to gain an understanding of various applications, underlying technologies, and
architecture of the entire landscape in scope.

Shadow Phase

The objective of the shadow phase is to gain further understanding of the application(s) and the
process by working hands-on the various activities in scope under the supervision / guidance of
AstraZeneca employees and contractors. During this phase, Cognizant’s staff would shadow the
existing AstraZeneca staff and gain understanding of the applications systems. 15-20% of overall
effort spent by Cognizant in this phase would be towards performing application support work.

Share Phase

The objective of the share phase is to gain hands on experience on the applications. During this
phase Cognizant’s team would work on tickets and issues jointly with existing AstraZeneca staff
(internal and external) and gradually increase the proportion of support work done by Cognizant.
50% of overall effort spent by Cognizant in this phase would be towards performing the above ac -
tivities. During this phase, Cognizant would also transition the knowledge gained to the Cognizant
offshore team members and validate the understanding gained by Cognizant with AstraZeneca.

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After the share phase, a part of Cognizant team would move offshore to carry out the support

Lead Phase

During this phase, Cognizant team will take lead of the support and development activities. 100%
of overall effort spent by Cognizant in this phase would be towards performing support work.
Cognizant expect to handle about 80% of the tickets independently during this period. Only 20%
to 40% of AZ skill center contractors need to be retained to provide assistance, if required.

A detailed list of activities, deliverables, responsibilities and timelines for the Knowledge
Transition is provided in the individual sections for each Application set area in the later pages.

Transition PMO

Cognizant will set up a Transition Program Management Office (Transition PMO) to enable
smooth transition of application support activities from AstraZeneca to Cognizant.

The Transition PMO will consist of the Project Sponsor and other key stakeholders from
AstraZeneca, a dedicated Transition Program Manager, Cognizant Account Manager, Steady
State Program Manager, Offshore Delivery Manager and projects leads from Cognizant. The
transition PMO will meet once every week to monitor the health of the program. The meetings
will specifically focus on Knowledge Transition progress, identification and resolution of transition
issues, Risk mitigation and adherence to Transition SLAs and milestones.

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This is described in detail in Section 10.1.1

Knowledge Transition Monitoring & Measurement

Knowledge Transition is tracked by a metrics-driven approach for each application in-scope. By

this approach, percentage of KT completed at onsite and offshore locations, is derived based on:
 Classroom sessions completed
 Details of documents collected
 Problems fixed during the shadow, share and lead phases
 Inspections and reviews carried out
 Reverse Knowledge transfer sessions. This is a unique process during which the
Cognizant team presents back to the AZ SMEs their understanding of the applications
and processes and the AZ team gets an opportunity to ask questions to validate the
understanding and knowledge gained.

The knowledge transition is measured by key deliverables and milestones for each phase as
detailed below. In the spirit of strategic partnership with AZ and the commitment to make this
program a success, Cognizant has proactively proposed payment milestones tied to
deliverables (detailed in the Pricing section). This Knowledge transition risk sharing model can
be mutually discussed and finalized before the start of engagement.

Key Deliverables Payment Milestone

 Project Scope/Process Document ( PSPH ) Milestone 1:
 Detailed Knowledge Transfer (“KT”) Plan Pre-transition
o Resource plan familiarization and
o Intermediate Milestones Planning (3 weeks)
 Checklist per application set
 Governance & Communication Plan
 KT Performance Tracking Plan
 Risk Mitigation Plan
 Infrastructure Plan, Business Continuity Plan and Disaster
Recovery Plan
 Templates and document formats for operational activities
 AZ PMO knowledge portal – baseline version
 Weekly/Monthly status report templates
 Gap assessment document – Inventory of applications Milestone 2:
 Reverse KT session Knowledge
 Checklist progress Acquisition & Shadow

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Key Deliverables Payment Milestone

 KT Questionnaires filled in with interview data (5 weeks)
 Updated KT documentation/repository
 Shadow – Progress Review meetings
 Weekly/Monthly status reports
 Successful completion of Reverse KT presentations Milestone 3:
 Completed documents as per checklist Share (2 weeks)
 Templates and document formats for operational activities
 KT Performance Metrics
 Share – Progress Review meetings
 Updated KT documentation/repository
 Weekly/Monthly status reports
 At least 50% of the work effort ( calls/tickets/issues) to Milestone 4:
be handled by Cognizant in lead phase. The % of the Lead (3 weeks)
work effort will be prorated based on the number of
weeks available.
 Signoff by Cognizant and AZ on successful KT
 Successful (as determined by AZ) monthly activities to
achieve the business outcomes for the month in which
the “lead phase” occurs
 Successful (as determined by AZ) quarter end activities
to achieve the business outcomes before which steady
state operations begin
 Lead – Progress Review meetings
 Updated KT documentation/repository
 Weekly/Monthly status reports

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5 Proposed Solution

Application Set: Siebel/Field Sales and Information Center Support Applications


AstraZeneca US Field Sales Organization utilizes components of Siebel’s package software as

well as other custom software applications. The US Field Sales organization is the main
customer of this area of support, but includes customers who utilize the application sets or
interface with them, such as the Information Center, Sample Accountability or a set of
headquarters based analytics users. A diagram showing key functionality addressed by the
applications, platforms and user groups is given below

Functional Architecture of Current Sales Applications

The In scope applications and interfaces for Application Set 1 comprise of 33 applications, 77
interfaces and 4 databases. While most of these applications are used by the Field Sales
Force, there are a good number which are primarily used by CISS Analysts for providing
support to the field.

Based on our experience in managing similar environments we have found the following to be
some of the key challenges faced in supporting these applications:
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 Synchronization of data by field sales users and related data and synch issues
 Problems with usability faced due to migration of non technology savvy field sales users
into paperless operations
 Performance of key applications
 The need to provide adequate support to the field sales during key business enablement
 Support specific selling teams when they are going through major re-alignment or
change processes

While some of these issues may be addressed by appropriate change and expectation
management practices in the short term, it is important that the applications reach a stable
state over the longer term – which means that there is a visible downward trend in the number
of issues reported by end users. This metric will be one of the key measures for a successful
support organization. To achieve this goal, it is therefore important to view the different
applications not as individual units, but sets that satisfy a business process OR a set of
business drivers. This will help the support team to develop a holistic view of a certain
business process area and all issues related to that area and the interdependencies. With this
in mind, we have classified the in scope applications into multiple groups based on following
 Business Processes being supported
 Type of end users using the application
 Underline technologies in which these applications are developed
 Type of Interfaces that needs to be supported
 Criticality & Uptime requirements

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The different groups are represented in the figure below:

Each column in the above diagram represents a specific Business Process that a set of
application needs to support.
 Execution Efficiency – Applications that contribute to enhancing the efficiency of
carrying out business activities (This group comprises of 12 applications). The key
application in this set is Touchstone
 Executive Reporting – Applications helping out in generation of reports and
dissemination of them to the end users (This group has 7 applications). The key
application in this set is Touchstone Reports
 Learning & Knowledge Management – Applications forming the knowledge
management environment for AstraZeneca (There are 5 applications in this group)
 Operations Enabler – Applications that enables smooth functioning of other key
applications (There are 9 applications in this group). One of the most important
applications in this set is Synchronization Manager

Each row in the above figure represents the set of end users who are being supported. Thus,
applications have been logically classified into following groups based on the end user base
 Applications used by the Field Sales Force (which includes PSS, DSM, RSD, Analysts,
Brand Managers, etc. (user base of >6500)
 Applications used by MACS Information Center (user base<100)
 Applications used by CISS Analysts

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5.1.2 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION Understanding & Analysis

Cognizant has very high familiarity with a number of the business areas that these applications
support and the related technologies. Some of the key applications and a brief overview on
Cognizant’s understanding on each of them are mentioned below:

Touchstone - Touchstone is developed using Siebel SFA and Siebel mobile client v 7.8.2.
Having involved in several Siebel ePharma SFA implementations, roll outs and support for
multiple Pharmaceutical customers, Cognizant has a thorough understanding of the business
processes associated with Touchstone. While the vanilla model of Siebel ePharma forms the
basis of Touchstone, there are multiple areas where custom configuration has been carried out
to provide AstraZeneca specific business functionalities. Some of the key areas of
customization include
 The source and the process involved for loading accounts/contacts in Touchstone
 The workflow/assignment manager or any other process which associates employees
(Sales Force) with the accounts/contacts
 Process associated with targeting the contacts/accounts with products
 Process of adding new products in the system and associating these products with
 Criteria for determining the territory of accounts/contacts/employees
 Source of ‘Sample History’ and ‘Status’ tracking of the order
 Differences in feature availability between connected mode and disconnected modes
 De-duplication logic used to avoid entering duplicate contacts/employees in the system
 Process of entering/terminating employees

Cognizant’s Siebel team has developed a complete process decomposition diagram for the
vanilla Siebel ePharma SFA product. In order to completely understand the Touchstone
application and all the AZ specific functionalities, Cognizant has already embarked on an effort to
map the Touchstone business process to the vanilla process model, to help identify variations
and customizations.

Touchstone Reports - Touchstone Reports is built using Siebel Analytics and has
been modified to a great extent to meet AstraZeneca specific business requirements.
Cognizant has been involved from inception of this application to its current stage of
development and has thorough and complete understanding of the business process and all
the application details.

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Synchronization Manager – It is a key component for the overall data dissemination strategy
of AstraZeneca Field Sales operations. A new Synchronization Architecture is being introduced
by end of December 2006, which is likely to resolve a number of current problems associated
with the present architecture. Cognizant has worked closely with the AstraZeneca Architect
responsible for development of the Synchronization Manager, to leverage it for purpose of
Touchstone Reports. This has provided the Cognizant team with in depth understanding of this

CSTP – Though not as heavily used as the above three applications, this custom built
application assumes enormous importance during the start of every Trimester. Having
developed and supported similar applications in other Pharmaceutical clients Cognizant has a
high level understanding of the different functionalities of this application such as Check
in/Check out capabilities, Collaborative View (which includes recent implementation of two
faced rule and ability to swap accounts), History View, Summary View, DSM View (ability to
change micro territory assignment) and Administrative capabilities (such as resetting targeting
plans to original Market Rx values and generation of ad hoc reports).

Cognizant has taken an objective view of the current understanding in the different application
groups and has provided a summary of the level of knowledge in each application group,

End User Group Applications Functional Technical Prior

Knowledge Knowledge Experience
Field Sales Execution Touchstone
Efficiency Touchstone Interactive
View Point
Sample Allocations
Time Trax
Executive Touchstone Reports
Insight Sales Metrics &
Sales InSite Portal
Sales InSite Navigator

Learning & Centra

Knowledge On24
Management Distance Learning
Meridian Player
Operation Synchronization
Enablers Manager
Membership Directory

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MACS Execution MACS & Avaya IC

Information Efficiency Symon Desk View
Center NICE
Executive IC Analytics
Insight IC Website
Learning & KnowBOL
Operation IC Shortcut Generator
Others All SIRUS
Sales InSite Log File
Sales InSite Packager
Sales InSite Re-Direct
Sales InSite Re-Direct
Web Site

In summary, Cognizant believes that it already possesses 35 – 45% of the knowledge required
to successfully take over the support activities and hence has no doubt that the overall
knowledge transition will be successful. Knowledge Transition Approach

Cognizant’s Knowledge Transition Approach for Customer and Operational support for Sales /
Field sales applications is based on application groups identified above. Our strategy to group
functionally similar applications in one group, has helped us to prepare a knowledge transition
plan specific to each group of applications depending on the business processes that they
support. The above mentioned strategy is aimed at ensuring a complete, smooth and risk-free

Cognizant’s Knowledge Transition approach (described in detail in Section 4 above) comprises

of multiple phases
 Pre-transition Familiarization
 Planning
 Knowledge Acquisition
 Shadow
 Share
 Lead

Discussed below is our Knowledge Transition approach for Customer and Operational Support
for the following sets of Sales / Field Sales applications within the following business areas
 Execution Efficiency

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 Executive Insight
 Learning & Knowledge Management
 Operations Enablement Knowledge Transition Phases

PreTransition Familiarization:

PreTransition Familiarization is the process of pre-training the team on the applications in a

simulated environment in Cognizant. This process shall be initiated immediately after the
contract has been awarded to Cognizant. Our approach involves creation of a unique
Application Workbench for selected applications along with application documentation (supplied
by AstraZeneca) which will enable the team to be pre-trained on the Application and the related
business processes. This helps the team to effectively utilize the short windows of time that will
be available from AZ and other SMEs during subsequent sessions, by asking pointed questions
and engaging in meaningful and effective discussions.

In the Application Workbench we plan to replicate select applications and associated databases
as appropriate. For each of the applications the workbench shall have information on tickets
and detailed documentation. The Application Workbench for AstraZeneca shall include the

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Figure: Application Workbench

PreTransition Familiarization is typically utilized by Cognizant in instances where a large

number of client applications are to be supported involving a large number of users.

Phase: Pre-Transition Familiarization

Activities  Simulate AstraZeneca application environment

 Load AstraZeneca Sales / Field Sales applications to create
Application Workbench
 Train Cognizant team on the Application and business processes
 Creation of additional documentation based on understanding
AZ  Provide details on applications and application environments
Responsibilitie  Share application documentation
s  Share process documentation
 Share ticket and call history for the applications
 Share Local databases for the Siebel application to the offshore
 Share code base for the various homegrown applications.

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Timeline  2 Weeks of Offshore effort

Planning Phase

Activities  Prepare for Transition

 Validate scope and refine team structure
 Validate Governance / Communication plan
 Setup of development environment for the support team. Creating
login id’s in all three environments ( Development, QA and
 Establish processes / engagement rules for a multi vendor
interaction environment (AZ, Cognizant, Accenture)
 Analyze AZ’s offshore readiness – availability of AZ SME /
Contractors for KT
 Review AZ’s development, maintenance and QA procedures and
facilitate AZ’s understanding of Cognizant’s procedures
 Finalize process frameworks with AZ
 Validate Cognizant’s Knowledge Transition plan with key AZ
 Plan the schedule for Knowledge Transition on a day-to day basis
 Finalize Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Disaster Recovery
(DR) Plan
Deliverables  Project Scope/Process Document ( PSPH )
 Detailed Knowledge Transfer (“KT”) Plan
 Resource plan & Intermediate Milestones
 Checklist per application set
 Governance & Communication Plan
 KT Performance Tracking Plan
 Risk Mitigation Plan
 Infrastructure Plan, Business Continuity Plan and Disaster
Recovery Plan
 Templates and document formats for operational activities
 AZ PMO Portal – baseline version
 Weekly/Monthly status report templates
AZ  Review KT Plan
Responsibilities  Arrange reasonable availability of pre-agreed key AZ SMF /
Contractors for Knowledge Transition

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Planning Phase

 Sign-off of all KT Planning Deliverables

Timeline 1-2 weeks

Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Activities This phase will start with sessions on the functional and business
processes. This will set the context for technical sessions to be conducted
later by the skill center team.
 Understand Business Process, Application Functionality, Technology
Architecture and Quality Support Process through:
o Class-room sessions
o Interviews with the respective Client Facing team members
and key contractor staff
o Interviews with functional and technical leads
 Self-study of the application documentation
 Prepare exhaustive KT Documentation based on the understanding
from the above

Knowledge acquisition will be driven through five sub-tracks with specific

activities as detailed below

Tier II helpdesk support

 Study the FAQs, Partner summaries and related documentation on
the business process.
 Understand the call resolution process with resolution scripts
 Review training material on the applications, studying functionality
screen by screen and navigation
 Review the ticket history for Tier 2 and discuss specific examples
with the AZ team on why and how a certain ticket was handled.

Tier III helpdesk

 Understanding the workflow activities performed at the field and
how it relates to their daily usage of the application
 Discuss real life usage scenarios during peak periods and non-
peak hours

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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

 Perform root cause analysis on specific issues and compare

results to the actual resolution detail on the tickets
 Review Tier 3 ticket history and understand the common issues
and resolution paths

Operational support
 Understand the monitoring tasks on the Siebel server components.
 Understand all other standard monitoring tasks, failure mode and
remedial measure to bring the process back to normal.
 Review and study SLAs regarding different processes and the
severity levels

Interface support
 Understand the technical flow of the interfaces with technologies
 Understand the inputs and outputs of these interfaces along with
the mappings associated
 Understand the complexity of these interfaces with details on the
number of instances these interface has failed in the past and the
remedial measures taken.

Application functionality
 Understanding the business process with respect to organization
structure in the solution. Understand the hierarchy and territorial
alignment of the solution.
 Understand the various operational norms used for List of values,
User administration, Responsibilities and views
 Review the Siebel repository to document and understand the
different business components, objects, relationships between
these components, business services, level of customizations

Deliverables  Functional understanding document outlining AstraZeneca business

processes, variations from standard Siebel ePharma business
process, and how other related applications fit within a certain
business process / group.
 KT Questionnaires filled in with interview data

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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

 Document application functionality, and customizations made to meet

AstraZeneca requirements
 Detailed documentation on ticket workflow, resolution process and
escalation channels
 Detailed documentation on operational tasks with timing and SLAs
and impact analysis
 Detailed technical documentation and interface architecture for all
functional areas
 Reverse KT presentations by Cognizant team to measure KT
 Updated Knowledge Repository
AZ  Review KT Plan
Responsibilitie  Arrange reasonable availability of pre-agreed key AZ SMEs /
s Contractors for Knowledge Transition
 Sign-off of all KT Planning Deliverables
Timeline 4 weeks

Shadow Phase

Activities  Engage closely with the AZ staff by closely following/shadowing their

approach for the various activities in scope in different Tier levels
 Continue self-study of the application documentation
 Refine KT Documentation based on the understanding from the above
 Perform the Monitoring activities for application sub set identified in
conjunction with the existing resources.
 Trouble shoot issues relating to field sales application with the existing
team to look at the approach taken and the methodology used.
Deliverables  Updated Knowledge Repository on Application sub set identified.
 Updated Maintenance processes
 KT Questionnaires filled in with interview data
 KT Performance Metrics
AZ  Review of KT progress
Responsibilities  Feedback on KT
Timeline 2 weeks

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Phase: Share Phase

Activities  Cognizant team performs support activities, with assistance from AZ

team as appropriate
 Refine KT documentation based on the above learning
 Part of the Cognizant KT team will return offshore to provide KT to the
rest of the offshore team
 Trouble shoot issues independently and validate the steps with the
existing team
 Execute ETL and other interfaces independently and validate with
existing vendor
 Take over processes that are time dependent like Monthly extracts
and execute independently and validate with existing vendor.
Deliverables  Reverse KT document/presentation from Cognizant team.
 KT Metrics of the support work performed by Cognizant team during
this phase
AZ  Review of the initial work undertaken by Cognizant
Responsibilitie  Review of KT metrics
s  Provide Feedback on KT
Timelines 2 weeks

Lead Phase

Activities  Cognizant takes primary ownership of all activities in scope

 AZ contractors provide secondary support
 Service Levels monitored & measured as per the above plan
 Complete interface monitoring and execution
 Complete ownership of all ETL’s and troubleshooting issues
 Server monitoring, ETL monitoring and other activities independently
AZ  AZ sign-off on Cognizant’s key deliverables
Responsibilitie o KT Document, Process Document and SLA Document
s  Approval to move into the steady-state phase
Deliverables  At least 50% of the work effort (calls/tickets/issues) to be handled by
Cognizant in lead phase. The % of the work effort will be prorated
based on the number of weeks available.
 Signoff by Cognizant and AZ on successful KT completion
 Successful (as determined by AZ) monthly activities to achieve the

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Lead Phase

business outcomes for the month in which the “lead phase” occurs
 Successful (as determined by AZ) quarter end activities to achieve
the business outcomes before which steady state operations begin
 Updated KT documentation/repository
 Weekly/Monthly status reports
 Updated KT document
 Updated Run book for monitoring activities
 Updated Frequently asked questions documentation

In order to provide Business Continuity and mitigate risk of any disruption due to unforeseen
events, Cognizant proposes to carry out Tier 2 support activities from two distinct locations where
one location would act as a backup for the other. The two options provided are

 Option 1

o Tier 2 Support from 2 centers in India (Bangalore and Chennai, India)

o Tier 3 and Operational support is provided by a mix of onsite (Wilmington, DE)

and offshore (Bangalore or Chennai, India)

 Option 2

o Tier 2 Support from 1 center in India (Bangalore, India) and Nearshore center
(Phoenix, AZ for example)

o Tier 3 and Operational support is provided by a mix of onsite (Wilmington, DE)

and offshore (Bangalore or Chennai, India) Customer Support KT Plan

Based on the 4 application groupings, we have come up with the following Knowledge
Transition plan (with resources and timelines):
 Phases of transition for each group of applications
 Number of Cognizant resources onsite and offshore on a week to week basis
 Number of AstraZeneca employees needed during transition
 Overall team composition during the various phases of transition
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Customer Support Near shore Option KT Plan

Customer Support Offshore Option KT Plan

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** The resource requirements mentioned above for AZ/ Current vendors is NOT full time
equivalents. The time required will vary between 20 – 30% depending upon the KT phase Operational Support KT Plan

Figure 4 KT Plan: Operational Support Roles & Responsibilities

Refer to Appendix C for complete details on the activities, roles and responsibilities as applicable
for Application Set 1 Location of Knowledge Transition

Knowledge transition will be simultaneously executed in 3 locations

 Vendor Location (Nearshore & Offshore) for Customer support KT
 AZ premises (Wilmington, DE)
 Cognizant offices (Bangalore & Chennai, India)

The transition will be overseen by the Transition PMO and managers in all locations. Entry & Exit Criteria

Entry Criteria: The entry criteria to Knowledge transition will be the successful completion of the
Pre-transition familiarization and planning activities as discussed in the previous section.

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Entry Criteria: The exit criteria from Knowledge Transition would be successful completion of
Shadow, Share and Lead phases. We believe successful completion of following activities would
be a good indicator for assessing the support team’s capability for running the program in steady

Data Loads

One key point of exit for successful completion of Knowledge Transition would be Cognizant
resources taking ownership of monitoring and completion of different data load process

 Real Time Loads: There are about 7 interfaces which need to be loaded on a real time
basis (either on a 5 or 10 minute gap or on an hourly basis). Break up of these include:
o Touchstone: 2 (both hourly)
o MACS: 5

Cognizant resources will be carrying out these load process successfully for a period of 2
to 3 days

 Daily Loads: There are a total of 49 interfaces that are loaded on a daily basis. The
break-up of these processes are
o Touchstone: 18
o MACS: 12
o View Point: 11
o Sales InSite: 4
o Touchstone Interactive, Sales Metrics Reporting, Membership Directory & Time Trax:
1 each

Cognizant resources will be carrying out all the daily load process successfully for one
entire week

 Weekly Loads: There are two loads that are carried out from Touchstone Reports &
Time Trax on a weekly basis. Cognizant resources will ensure successful completion of
one such process

 Monthly & Bi-Weekly Loads: There are 5 loads that happen on a monthly basis (3 from
Touchstone & 2 from Sample Allocations), while Touchstone Reports data load happens
on a Monthly & Bi- Weekly basis. Cognizant resources will ensure successful completion
of one such process for each

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 Ad-hoc Loads: There are 5 Ad-hoc loads that Touchstone to Cornerstone and from
different applications to Touchstone. Cognizant resources will monitor and carry out
these load for an entire week

Special Case: CSTP Process

The CSTP process happens only once every Trimester. Cognizant would like the Knowledge
Transition of CSTP application to start at least 1 week before the start of CSTP process, and
would like to take complete ownership of the process for the last week of Open period. Cognizant
resources would take lead in completion of all activities required for closing the CSTP process.

Incorporating Business Change

There are scenarios through out the year when Business decides to carry out some changes
which affects different applications. Cognizant would like to carry out all activities related to one
such change process (If needed a pseudo scenario may be designed to test if Cognizant
Resources are ready to take over). Some examples of change process are provided below:
 Re-alignment of any Selling Team
 Re-alignment of a particular product to different Selling Teams
 Launch of a new product
 Definition of a new Product Market or add/update/delete products from a Product Market
 Change of Incentive Address of a HCP
 Major change in affiliation after CSTP lock down has happened
 IMS Health sending over incorrect data for a month
 Market Rx not sending the correct alignment file
 Year end reporting and data management


This section describes in detail, the analysis done by Cognizant on the AZ CIS organization, how
this maps to the “to-be” scenario and the steady state approach for the engagement.
Subsequently, a detailed organization structure and the corresponding mapping by Cognizant
resources for each of the areas have been provided.

Cognizant plans to transition from the ‘KT-Lead’ Phase to a Steady State delivery by 1 st week of
July 2007. The entry criteria to Steady State delivery would be the successful completion of the
knowledge transition process.

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During Steady State, the applications development and support ownership will be fully transferred
to Cognizant and Cognizant will assume complete responsibility for the scope of services agreed
upon at the desired service levels.

The key activities that will be executed during steady state support are as follows:
 Execution of all activities based on the agreed scope/SLAs
 Implementation of a real-time metrics application in order to continually monitor status
OR use one that AZ is currently satisfied with
 Carrying out process improvement initiatives based on the analysis of the above metrics
 Status Monitoring & Reporting

The key deliverables during steady state are:

 Deliverables as applicable for the various development and support activities
 Regular Status Reports to help monitor the progress of the maintenance effort
 Metrics collection, analysis and reporting

AZ responsibilities during this period will be to provide feedback of the steady state process so
that they can be reviewed and incorporated into the process. The key elements of the proposed
Steady State model are discussed in subsequent sections. Support Model

Cognizant proposes two support models for providing Customer and Operational Support
Services to AstraZeneca
 Near shore - Offshore Model – Services in this model shall be provided leveraging 1
near shore center (Phoenix or Toronto) and 1 offshore India center (Bangalore OR
Chennai) along with onsite presence at AZ in Wilmington, DE.
 Onsite Offshore Model – 2 offshore centers based in India (Bangalore and Chennai)
shall be utilized for providing services along with onsite presence at AZ in Wilmington,

The key elements of the proposed models are discussed in subsequent sections.

Both these options will extend the hours of support services at no additional cost to AZ.
 Tier 2 support would be extended to 16x5 manned support
 Tier 3 support would be 24x5 manned support. This will facilitate quicker resolution to
problems, especially if the problem is reported late US hours
 Operational support would be extended to 12X5 manned support and 24x7 on call
support, at no additional cost to AZ

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Near shore – Offshore Model

Under this model, the Customer Services and Operational Support shall be delivered out of

AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office, and Cognizant’s Near shore (Phoenix OR
Toronto) and India centers (Bangalore & Chennai). The components of the support
window are elaborated in the table below

Service Location Availability Coverage – EST # of Resources

Tier 2 & 3 ASM AZ Onsite Normal day 0800 – 1600 hrs 1

Tier II support Near Shore Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 4

Tier II support Offshore Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 5
Tier II support Near Shore Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 4
Tier II support Offshore Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 4

Tier III Support AZ Onsite Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 2

Tier III Support Offshore Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 2
Tier III Support AZ Onsite Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 2
Tier III Support Offshore Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 2
Tier III Support Offshore Shift 3 2300 – 0700 hrs 2

Operational Support Onsite Normal Day 0800 – 1700 hrs 5

Operational Support Offshore Normal Day 1200 – 0800 hrs 6

On call support 24 x 7 24 x 7 Rotation basis

Onsite -Offshore Model

As part of the Onsite - Offshore Model Cognizant shall deliver the requested services by
leveraging its India centers (Bangalore and Chennai) and onsite presence at
AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE office. The services are being offered with the following
coverage plan.

Service Location Availability Coverage – # of Resources

Tier 2 & 3 ASM AZ Onsite Business 0800 – 1600 hrs 1
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Service Location Availability Coverage – # of Resources


Tier II support Offshore Center I Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 4

Tier II support Offshore Center II Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 5
Tier II support Offshore Center I Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 4
Tier II support Offshore Center II Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 4

Tier III Support AZ Onsite Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 2

Tier III Support Offshore Shift 1 0600 – 1400 hrs 2
Tier III Support AZ Onsite Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 2
Tier III Support Offshore Shift 2 1400 – 2200 hrs 2
Tier III Support Offshore Shift 2 2300 – 0700 hrs 2

Operational Onsite Business 0800 – 1700 hrs 5

Support hours
Operational Offshore Business 1200 – 0800 hrs 6
Support hours

On call support 24 x 7 24 x 7 Rotation basis

Cognizant’s Application Service Desk will provide a single integrated delivery mechanism for
customer, Operational and Flexible services, along with close integration with AstraZeneca
Technology Support Center, CISS Application Service Managers and key roles in CISS. This
integrated support team will allow AstraZeneca to optimize support services and maintain
controlled and predictable support costs. Organization Chart

Cognizant’s support team for Sales / Field Sales applications shall have a dedicated Program
Manager given the strategic nature of the application set being supported. The Program
Manager will have Application Service Leads for Customer & Operational Support working with

1 Application Services Lead for Customer Support shall lead a team for Tier II and Tier III

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For Operational Support, the team shall comprise of 2 Application Service Leads for the
following application subsets identified (during application analysis) –

 Execution Efficiency
 Executive Insight & Other Applications Operational Model


At present, the AstraZeneca Technology Support Center provides 1st level support, 24X7, for
all AstraZeneca applications. Level 2 and Level 3 services are currently provided by other third
party vendors
 Calls taken by the Tier 1 Help Desk are logged into the Call Tracking System by the Tier 1
Help Desk to create service tickets.
 Support calls and the associated service tickets that are irresolvable by Tier 1 are warm
transferred to the CISS ASD.
 Service tickets that are created for support calls that occur during non-supported hours
are placed in a queue and responded to by the ASD the next business day.
 Support calls that come from the ASMs or other CISS roles, are entered into the Call
Tracking System by the ASD second or third level support team

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On similar lines, Cognizant will provide Customer, Operational and Ad hoc support for
resolution and tracking of help requests, production incidents or ad hoc requests through an
Application Service Desk - ASD. Cognizant will set-up a dedicated second and third line
Application Service Desk for AstraZeneca. The Service desk will be available 16 X 5, thus
providing live support across AstraZeneca locations and users.

Support Framework

As part of Customer Support, Cognizant shall be offering Tier 2 & 3 support with the following
key activities


 Assisting users with ‘How-to’ problems

 Problem / change request logging and response
 Problem categorization/ prioritization
 Problem resolution
 Problem solving using knowledge base
 Escalation and management to pre-defined and agreed procedures
 Create and maintain helpdesk Procedures and work instructions
 Ensure that all activities are carried out to meet service level agreements

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 Reporting Metric
 Identifying recurring problems
 Informing users of known problems, upcoming changes, etc.


 Troubleshooting issue: Assisting clients in solving problems with the application,

o Application crashes and locks
o Corrupt or missing data
o Poor application performance
o Application performance that deviate from the design spec
o User problems involving synching with databases
 Investigation problems that occur due to data.


As part of Operational support, Cognizant would perform all activities listed in the RFP for the
applications that are specified to be “in-scope”. They are


 Incident Management
 Problem Management


 Interface Processing
 Database Support (for In Scope databases only)
 User Administration
 Release Management
 Configuration Management
 Disaster Recovery

The support channels offered to Users would be through both voice and email.


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 The first line help-desk would perform a basic call handling. If the call is related to field
sales application, the First line help-desk would assign the ticket to the Cognizant Second
line help-desk

 The voice calls would also be transferred to the Cognizant Offshore second line help-
desk. (Cognizant would provide the First line with a dedicated number to which the calls
would need to be transferred)
 The second line would then perform a detailed diagnosis of the User’s problem, classify
and prioritize the call, and perform resolution for how-do-I related questions, configuration
related issues, password resets etc in line with Pre-defined procedures in the Knowledge
 Any issues that cannot be resolved by the second line within the SLA are escalated to the
third line support and in turn to operational support team.
 Such issues may include Implementation of complex change requests, enhancements to
the Application, server level configuration changes etc

Details about the Infrastructure, ACD and how the call gets routed to multiple centers in parallel
and gets answered, are provided in Appendix D.

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Ticket Resolution Process

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Application Set: Cornerstone (Commercial Architecture)


As defined in the RFP Cornerstone is the name given to the architectural components and
processes of information management within AstraZeneca Commercial enterprise. Following
components have been identified to be in scope for this proposal:

 Core Master Systems (CMS)

o Customer Master
o Product Master
o Territory Master
 Alignment Applications
o Repfinder
o FWA Management
o Sales Alignment Management
 Common Integration Layer (CIL)
o FTP File Exchange
o Informatica Mappings
o Operational Data Store (ODS)
 Commercial Data Warehouse (CDW)
o Detailed Data Store
o Analytical Data Store
o Involves ETL process to load ODS, DDS, ADS and other data marts
 Reporting and Analytics
o MicroStrategy toolset
o BO Applications
 Purchased data and Reports Catalog

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Understanding of Cornerstone Architecture

Per the scope of the RFP, ongoing support for the different components of Cornerstone is to be
provided as and when the Cornerstone components go-live. It is expected that a sizeable
portion of Cornerstone will be live by July 2007, when the support initiative will begin.

Similar to other application set areas, Cognizant has attempted to create logical groups for
each application or set of applications. Some of the key considerations for logical grouping are:
 Skill-set of support team – There needs to be a logical grouping of applications to
ensure that a common pool of resources with similar skill set can be utilized
 Processing involved – Applications can be grouped based on whether the underlying
process is a batch process or a real-time process
 End Users to be supported – Type of end users for whom support has to be provided
also forms a key consideration. This may vary from highly technology savvy users
(such as CISS Analysts) to business users such as Data Stewards, RBAs & Managed
Market Analysts

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 Support Window – The time for support coverage is different across application sets.
While there are applications (such as Customer master) that need only support during
business hours there are applications (such as the Commercial data Warehouse) that
will need constant monitoring at odd hours to ensure some of the batch processes are
not failing
 Criticality – While all the applications that are mentioned in the RFP are critical
Business Applications, it may not be possible to ensure 24 hours uptime for all of them.
It will be required to group the most critical applications as part of a single group to
ensure adequate support is being provided

Based on our understanding of applications and the challenges associated with them, we
believe the different applications can be further classified into the following logical categories:
 Group 1: Master Data Management (MDM)
o Core Master Systems
o Alignment Applications
 Group 2: Data Process Management (DPM)
o Commercial Integration Layer (CIL)
o Commercial Data Warehouse (CDW)
 Group 3: Reports Management (RM)
o Reporting and Analytics
o Purchased data and Reports Catalog

Provided below is a table that enlists the three different categories compared and contrasted:

Groups Skill sets* Processing Key End Support Criticality

Users Window
MDM Siperian, Real-time Data Stewards 8:00 AM to Very High
Trillium, 5:00 PM
DPM Informatica, Batch Channel High
Auto Sys, Applications & 24*7
Erwin Data Marts
RM MicroStrategy, Scheduled & RBAs & HQ 7:00 AM to Medium
BusinessObject Ad-hoc Analysts** 10:00 PM

*Oracle & UNIX expertise is required across all application sets

** Includes T&P Analysts, Managed Market Analysts
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5.1.5 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION Understanding & Analysis

In order to support all systems in this set there needs to be a thorough understanding from the
following stand points:
 How the systems are being used in context of AstraZeneca – This would require the
o Understanding of business functionality of each system
o High level understanding of channel applications that are feeding them
o High level understanding of the Data Marts that are down stream applications
and use the data provided by these systems
 Expertise on core technologies that form the basis of these systems
 Prior Experience in supporting similar applications in a Global Delivery Model

Cognizant already has high level understanding of number of systems that have been included
for support in the RFP. This understanding is there due to
 Prior experience with different channel applications as part of development of Prostar -
Cognizant has worked on defining interfaces for 6 channel applications
o View Point
o My SAP
o Spreadsheets
 Experience with similar applications in other global Pharmaceutical organizations giving
Cognizant team a high level understanding of most of the other channel applications
 Cognizant has over 10 years of experience in supporting IMS Health in generation of
most of their data deliverables which are key inputs for the Commercial Data Warehouse
 Cognizant’s team was responsible for working together with the Cornerstone team for
defining interfaces to Touchstone Reports
 Cognizant has been closely working with SPW team for the last 1.5 years which has
given the team a very good understanding of all the metrics and business Processes
 Cognizant has been supporting the SPW team in carrying out the weekly data load
process for over 6 months. This has helped Cognizant establish an Offshore based
operational support model and develop deep understanding of the activities involved in
providing Operational Support to this team

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The chart below provides a high level assessment of where the Cognizant team currently stands
on each of the system mentioned in the RFP based on the following:
 AZ Specific Business Process
 Technology Know-how
 Prior experience
# CA Applications Functional Technical Prior
Knowledge Knowledge Experience
1. Customer Master
2. Product Master
3. Territory Master
4. Repfinder
5. FWA Management
6. Sales Alignment Management
7. Common Interface Layer
8. Commercial Data Warehouse
9. Managed Reports
10. Purchased Data and Reports

Based on the above chart and involvement in components of CA already, Cognizant believes that
we already have a good understanding of the Cornerstone landscape and architecture. Overall,
we believe Cognizant currently stands at an understanding level of 40-45%. Knowledge Transition Phases

Pre-Transition Familiarization Phase
Objective Ensure all team members have complete understanding of the following:
 Application specific Business Process
 Base technologies
 AZ work processes and utilities to be used for support (e.g. Manage

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Pre-Transition Familiarization Phase

Activities  Cognizant Program Manager gets all relevant documents from his/her
AZ counterpart
 Application lead for each group will go through all documents and
interact with current Cognizant resources working in AZ
 Each application lead would be responsible for bringing his/her team up
to speed on all the work items, ticket and issues history thus far.
Timelines 2 weeks
Location Onsite & Offshore
Entry  Availability of all relevant documents
Criteria  On boarding of resources
Exit Criteria Successful completion of internally developed Quiz program

Planning & Due Diligence Phase

Activities  Identify key stakeholders for each application
 Establish Governance / Communication plan
 Understand and finalize the scope of support activities for each
 Understand application landscapes
 Undertake Sustainability Analysis for critical applications
 Develop detailed plan for Knowledge Transition on a day-to day basis
 Identify team members, roles and responsibilities
 Detailed activity plan for AstraZeneca resources during the Knowledge
Transfer Phase
 Identify key milestones for the transition
 Perform risk analysis and develop risk mitigation plan for each
 Determining Infrastructure(Hardware & Software) requirements
 Identifying logical work packages
 Review AZ’s development & maintenance standards, Software
Configuration Management, change control and QA procedures and
facilitate AZ’s understanding of Cognizant’s procedures
 Gathering existing documents related to application in scope
 Prepare application and service specific resource plan
 Review steady state service level requirements

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Planning & Due Diligence Phase

Deliverables  Detailed project plan
 Detailed Knowledge Transition Plan
 Governance & Communication Plan
 Application landscape document
 Detailed plan for the availability of the AstraZeneca team to enable
Knowledge Transition
 All templates used during Knowledge Transition phase
 Comprehensive support scope document
 Service catalog for each application
Timelines 2 weeks
Location Onsite & Offshore
Successful completion of Pre-Familiarization Phase
Project Plan Signoff
Approved Communication Plan
Exit Criteria
Detailed Knowledge transition Plan Signoff

Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Activities Application Functionality:
 Application overview
 Understand application Architecture - System & Technical
 Application environment - Development, Test and Production
 Identifying key process for each applications
 Detailed study of existing processes
 Inbound/Outbound interfaces for Channel applications
 Source System data mapping for channel application interface
 Understanding metrics definition used in reports
 Understanding the delivery mechanism of managed reports
 Understanding Application security procedures
 Understanding user profile maintenance in applications
 Detailed design documents
 Application Business rules
o Match rules
o Survivorship rules
o Cleanse rules
 Custom Business Components

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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Interfaces Support:
 Understand various Inbound & Outbound interfaces
 Understand One-off / Ongoing interfaces
 Load frequencies of various interfaces
 Interface data transfer mechanism
 Understand the interaction between MDM, CIL , ODS, DDS, ADS &
other Interfaces
 Commonly encountered problems during interface processing and the
 Source to Target data mappings
 Interface configuration and parameters
Operational Support Activities
 Understand Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
 Review application implementation and operation manuals
 Change Control Procedures
 Error Fixing Process
 Recovery Procedures for ETL processes
 Identify hotspots in existing applications
 Common errors and solutions
 Error History
 High error-frequency applications and standard fixes
 Activities related to Report publishing
 Current Tool usage
 Maintenance Standards documentation, Required Documentation
 Understanding application Operation manual
 Identify and update shortcomings in system documents in consultation
with Application owners
 Maintenance Team responsibilities
Deliverable  KT Document
s  Detailed technical documentation and interface architecture for all
 Functional understanding document outlining AstraZeneca business
 Application Gap Analysis document
 Application operational guidelines
 Application maintenance manual
Timelines 5 weeks (Including Environment Study)
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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Location Onsite & Offshore

Entry  Successful completion of Due diligence and Planning

Exit Criteria  Successful completion of KT targets for this phase and sign-off from AZ

Shadow Phase
Activities  Understanding Issue resolution methodology for failures in application
groups MDM, DPM & RM
 Recovery procedures for Informatica workflows, FTP Processes,
MicroStrategy reports
 Understanding manual process triggers and day-to day operational
activities for Interfaces and Reports
 Test connectivity to AZ from offshore facilities
 Knowledge transfer logs are prepared by Cognizant and signed off
Deliverable  Reverse KT presentation by Cognizant to the respective AstraZeneca
s team
 Revised Reverse KT document
 KT tracking sheet
 Metrics for Shadow phase
Timelines 2 weeks
Location Onsite & Offshore.
Entry  Successful completion of the Knowledge acquisition phase
Exit Criteria  Review and approval of reverse KT presentation

Share Phase
Activities  Start rendering support to Applications by handling 50% of operational
support calls.
 Start independently working on small issues
 Start rendering support to applications
 KT initiative to Offshore
 Induction programs for offshore team to deliver knowledge gathered at

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Share Phase
Deliverables  Revised Reverse KT document
 Metrics for Share phase
 KT tracking sheet
Timelines  2 weeks
Location Onsite – Offshore.
Entry  Successful completion of Shadow Phase
Exit Criteria  Acceptance of the initial work undertaken by Cognizant on the

Lead Phase
Activities  Commence Maintenance Activities in MDM, DPM & RM applications –
expect to independently handle 60 – 80% of tickets that are coming in.
 Undertake Root Cause Analysis for the issues faced in MDM, DPM &
RM applications
 Identify and document common error in MDM, DPM & RM applications
before steady service phase begins
 Procedures to ensure seamless transitions between offshore and onsite
 Finalize QA plan, Metrics plan, Metrics collection tools and templates
 Validate Maintenance process by taking up a maintenance request
offshore in each of the application areas, using Problem Resolution life
 Enhance existing documentation and fill up the gaps on MDM, DPM &
RM applications
Deliverables  Programs that have been changed and tested using the operational
support process
 Updated KT document
 KT status sheet
 Metrics for Lead phase
Timelines 3 weeks

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Lead Phase
Location Onsite & Offshore
Entry  Successful completion of Share Phase
Exit Criteria  AstraZeneca sign-off on Cognizant’s key deliverables
 KT Document
 Process Document
 SLA Document
 Sign-off of the Knowledge Transition phase
 Acceptance of work done in the Lead phase
 Approval to move into the steady-state phase Knowledge Transition Plan Cognizant & AZ Roles & Responsibilities

Detailed Roles & Responsibilities and activity-responsibility matrix has been provided in Appendix

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5.1.6 Steady State Model

During Steady State, application enhancement and support ownership will be fully transferred
to Cognizant. Cognizant will assume complete responsibility for the scope of services agreed
upon at the desired service levels.

Cognizant proposes to use a staggered methodology for moving into steady state from the
knowledge transition phase. The reasons for proposing a staggered approach are:
 Some of the applications (such as Product Master) are smaller in size and easier to
transition out
 It will mitigate the risk of handling the overall change process associated with change in
operational support staff
 AZ resources associated with applications that have been transitioned out can quickly
move to their new roles
Detailed project plan for how the different applications will be staggered will be created during the
time of Planning & Due Diligence phase.
The key activities that are going to be part of the Steady State phase are provided below:
 Operational Support
o Production Monitoring
 Interface Processing
 User Administration
 Release Management
 Disaster Recovery
o Problem & Incident Management
 Incident Management
 Problem Management
 Flexible Services
o Project Management Support
o Business Consultant Support
o Support for Ad-hoc requests such as data validation, application enhancement,
o Business Data Steward Support
o Email & In touch Coordinator Support
o eDetailing Coordinator Support
o SAS Analyst/Programmer Support

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Out of Scope
As per Cognizant’s understanding, the following are the items are not in the scope of the current
engagement. Cognizant will be happy to provide these services if need be. The inclusion of some
or all of the items would entail additional cost.
 Perform Operational support of the Channel Applications
 Perform Operational support (including administrative tasks) of the SAS Analytical
 Perform Performance tuning of ODS, DDS, ADS, data marts, MicroStrategy / BO
Reporting environments
 Provide customer support for in scope components
 Performing testing of in scope components for any infrastructure-related technical
 Hardware Administration and Support
 Hardware/software vendor management, O/S Management
 Supplier management and technical guidance
 Providing training to end-users Proposed Organization structure

Cognizant would be providing operational support to AstraZeneca using its Global Delivery Model
for Application Value Management. The core members of the operational support team will be
based out of offshore locations with a presence of client liaisons for each application set at onsite.
While during Knowledge Transition most of the members will be at onsite, 50% of the team will be
at offshore when steady state starts. With time, Cognizant will strive to reduce the onsite
presence of operational support staff further, providing AstraZeneca with additional cost savings.

The diagram below depicts at a high level the proposed organization structure for this group
during Steady State.

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Proposed Support Coverage

Based on the above Organization Chart, Cognizant proposes the following Support Window for
the Cornerstone Suite of Applications:

o For CIL and CDW:

 Weekdays: 16*5 Support along with “On call” support for the rest of the
 Weekends: On call Support
o For all Analytics & reporting Applications( MicroStrategy, BO):
 Weekdays: 16*5 Support

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 Weekends: No Support
o For Alignment Applications and Core Master Systems
 Weekdays: 16*5 Support
 Weekends: On call support OPERATIONAL MODEL

For the Cornerstone application set, Cognizant will provide Operational and Ad hoc support for
production incidents or ad hoc requests. The services described in the framework fall into two
major categories –
 OPERATIONAL SUPPORT – This service includes Production Incident Support and Production
Monitoring. As part of this service the Operational Support team shall respond to and
resolve issues escalated by Customer Support team. The issues escalated to Operational
Support will be in the areas of Incident Management and Problem Management in the case
of Production Incident Support. Under Production Monitoring Interface Processing, User
Administration, Release Management and Disaster Recovery will be the services provided.
Cognizant will be providing a transition plan that shall be devised to move this service from
the incumbent vendor to Cognizant.
 FLEXIBLE SERVICES – Flexible services comprise Ad Hoc, Business Consultant Support,
Project Management Support and Additional services. These services shall be based on
requests received from AstraZeneca with the flexibility of quick ramp up or ramp down.

Customer Support ASD is out of scope for Cognizant and will be taken care by AZ.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Cornerstone Centre of Excellence

Cognizant is proposing a Cornerstone Center of Excellence, which will mature with time and
provide AZ with following value additions:
 Availability of a pool of resources trained on Cornerstone Business Functions and
Processes, who can be leveraged for providing ad-hoc services at a short notice
 Accumulation of knowledge assets and creation of service enhancement tools
 Use of Technology Best Practices from extended Centre of Excellences within Cognizant
such as the Informatica Group, MicroStrategy Center, Siperian Team, etc.
 Incorporate Six Sigma as a standard process for all delivery

The proposed COE model involves provision of project governance, technical inputs and best
practices based on Cognizant’s extensive experience gained over the years.

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The above model depicts the various components of the Cornerstone COE that Cognizant
proposes to build to meet the requirements of AstraZeneca. The various components in the
Cornerstone COE are:
 Steering Committee (COE Hub) – It would comprise of key stake holders from
AstraZeneca and Cognizant including AZ Business Sponsor, AZ Cornerstone Program
Manager, Cognizant Global Client Partner for AZ, Cognizant Program Manager and
Project Manager. COE Hub is responsible for providing strategic direction to the COE
project teams from the client’s corporate perspective
 Program Management Office (PMO) – It is responsible for providing Project
management oversight required to ensure delivery of core and flexible services to
 Specialty Components - The XCBIT (Excellence in consulting for Business Intelligence
Transformation), Technology Advisory Group (TAG), EsCom (Estimation Committee) and
Value Creation Group (VCG) would be part of the Specialty Components. Escom will
define estimation models and guidelines to project execution teams. TAG shall
define/enhance DW&BI, Siperian, .NET technology / architecture standards, tools
rationalization, Technology audits. XCBIT, a strategic consulting group concentrates on
strategizing and architecting high-end solutions for our customers.
 Enabling Components - SQAG, Training and Infrastructure & Environment are enabling
components that assist in the smooth functioning of the Cornerstone COE model. SQAG
assists in Quality process setup and compliance, Audits and Reviews and CMM & Six-

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Sigma Compliance. Training assists in Technology Up-skilling and COE Induction.

Infrastructure & Environment assists in supporting network connectivity, hardware and
software installation.
 Delivery Teams - The delivery team would comprise of Core and Extended teams for
performing Cornerstone Core Services for Cornerstone Application. The roles of the Core
and Extended teams are explained as follows:

Core Team - Cognizant proposes to have MDM, DPM and RM Core Teams to cater to
Cornerstone Core Services. The Core team will help enable smooth transition to the extended
teams. This way, Cognizant will leverage technology, application knowledge, sharing of best
practices and standards between Core and Extended teams and balance the resource loading
(and hence cost) by being part of the demand management process, and managing utilization of
the group.

Onsite Liaisons
 Cornerstone DW Onsite Lead – Will be responsible for project planning and resource /
cost estimation and project implementation for the DW&BI components of Cornerstone.
This person will be responsible for coordination between Core and extended teams from
the DW & BI perspective.
 Cornerstone MDM Onsite Lead– Will be responsible for project planning and resource /
cost estimation and project implementation for the Product, Customer and Territory
Masters within Cornerstone and the 3 .NET applications. This person will be responsible
for coordination between Core and extended teams in these technology areas.
Offshore Project Managers
 Cornerstone DW Offshore PM – Will be responsible for providing inputs to the project
planning, resource / cost estimation process and offshore delivery for the DW&BI
components of Cornerstone.
 Cornerstone MDM /.NET Offshore PM – Will be responsible for providing inputs to the
project planning, resource / cost estimation process and offshore delivery for Product,
Customer and Territory Masters within Cornerstone and the 3 .NET applications.

Extended Team - The extended teams will work along with the core team for the fulfillment of
the Cornerstone Core Services. The Core and Extended teams would be spread between
onsite and offshore.

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Escalation Mechanism

The Cognizant Core & Flexi Services Teams should comply with the agreed upon SLA-s; any
deviation to the SLAs should be communicated in a timely manner to the AstraZeneca team
along with reasons for the same.

Cognizant Project Delivery team would be the primary responsible group to identify, communicate
and address the reasons for delay, provided the reasons for not meeting SLAs are totally owing
to reasons that are in Cognizant’s preview. If the reasons for delaying in meeting SLAs are due to
certain dependencies on the AstraZeneca teams then Cognizant Project delivery team and
respective AstraZeneca Project team would work towards addressing the issues and also work
towards foreseeing and identifying the risks in the event that the resolution gets further delayed.

Highlights of the Cornerstone COE model

 Provide an integrated approach to address the enhancement, support and maintenance
requirements of AstraZeneca.
 Reduce risk through knowledge sharing within the COE model.
 Cognizant would leverage its experience in handling similar engagements, ensuring the
organizational change management is handled effectively.
 Cognizant proposes to rationalize the interplay of people, process and technology
through the proposed approach. Cognizant has proposed its ramp-up/down strategy for
efficient demand management through a core and a transient team. The proposed
approach optimizes the team size by cross-training resources across applications. This
in turn builds enough redundancy in the support structure to meet and exceed service
levels and result in year-on-year gains.
 Leverage Cognizant’s expertise and strength in DW & BI, Siperian and the .NET
platform through various techno-expert groups like TAG (Technology Advisory Group),
VCG (Value Creation Group)
 Leveraging the home-grown value creator tools like WIA (Warehouse Impact Analyzer),
AQUA (Automated Quality Analyzer), DACT (Data Analysis and Cleansing Tool),
BIMAP etc to bring in efficiencies through productivity improvements in steady state
and development activities

This is a scaleable model. New applications can be added to the model. For each application,
the resource requirements will be evaluated to provide application specific services and
foundation services. If the current team structures can handle the additional load, then the team
will absorb the support of the new applications. Any incremental addition to the applications will
be evaluated based on the synergies the new application will have to the current services.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Execution Model

 The first line IBM help-desk would perform a basic call handling. If the call is related to
Cornerstone application, the First line help-desk would assign the ticket to the Cognizant
Cornerstone Support Team.
       The voice calls would also be transferred to the Cognizant Cornerstone Support Team.
       The Cognizant Cornerstone Support Team would then acknowledge the call, perform a
detailed diagnosis of the User’s problem, classify and prioritize the call, and perform
resolution for how-do-I related questions, configuration related issues, password resets
etc in line with Pre-defined procedures in the Knowledge Base
       In case the call does not fit into the above categories and requires more detailed
investigation, Cognizant Cornerstone Support Team performs a technology categorization
of the call and directs it to the appropriate track of Cornerstone Operational Support team.
       Changes are deployed, tested, and then tracked to closure
       Implementation of complex change requests, enhancements to the Application should be
taken up by Flexible Services team on approval of a Change Control Board, comprising of
executive level membership from Cognizant and AZ.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Roles & Responsibilities

This section outlines the work deliverables against points of ownership, and the roles and
responsibilities for these deliverables.

Work Deliverables for Core Services

Activity Work Products Primary Secondary
Responsibility Responsibility
Monitor Production jobs Resource Check in/ Cognizant AZ
Resource Check out

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Activity Work Products Primary Secondary

Responsibility Responsibility
Report an incident and/or Issue Tracker Cognizant AZ

Analyze incident and Initial Resolution Cognizant AZ

Provide resolution Description

Log the problems in Issue Issue Tracker Cognizant AZ


Analyze the problem Initial resolution Cognizant AZ

Monitor/Track/Close the Issue Tracker Cognizant AZ
Incidents in Issue Tracker

Assistance in trend Trend Analysis Cognizant AZ

analysis of Document

Release planning and Release Plan Cognizant AZ


Assistance in Annual Cognizant AZ

Disaster Recovery

Roles and Responsibilities for Core Services

Role Responsibility

Informatica  Monitors Informatica workflows & sessions of the Informatica

Production repositories pertaining to ODS, ADS, DDS & Other Data marts
Support Analyst  Analyze Informatica workflow/session failure and proceed with
recovery procedure
 Analyze incident pertaining to data issues and provide resolution
to next level
 Monitor/Track/Close the Incidents in Issue Tracker
 Plan for Production migration during new releases & send
communication to business users appropriately

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Role Responsibility

 Provide assistance in trend analysis of incidents/problems

 Communicate to helpdesk in case of any database connectivity
 Manage configuration of Informatica objects & their
 Assist CISS team during disaster recovery
MicroStrategy  Maintain MicroStrategy metadata and reports pertaining to
Production MicroStrategy toolset.
Support Analyst  Analyze incident pertaining to data issues and provide resolution
to next level
 Monitor/Track/Close the Incidents in Issue Tracker
 Plan for Production migration during new releases & send
communication to business users appropriately
 Provide assistance in trend analysis of incidents/problems
 Communicate to helpdesk in case of any database connectivity
 Manage configuration of MicroStrategy objects & their
 Assist CISS team during disaster recovery
Informatica  Monitor and administer powercenter server and repository sever
Administrator pertaining to ODS, DDS, ADS & other datamarts
 Check the log files regularly
 Manage server space
 Taking regular backup of repositories
 Sending communication to business users/developers/support
analysts on the server maintenance activities
MicroStrategy  Monitor and administer narrowcast servers and web servers
Administrator pertaining to MicroStrategy toolset.
 Check the log files regularly
 Manage server space
 Taking regular backup of metadata layer
 Sending communication to business users/developers/support
analysts on the server maintenance activities
Siperian / .NET  Closing tickets for environmental issues
Operations  Resolving Interfacing issues
Support  Responding to Customer / Product / Territory data requests

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Role Responsibility

personnel  Record edits

 Analyzing potential duplicated identified by Siperian
 Manual merges / unmerges
 Reject Analysis
 Monitoring

Work Deliverables for Flexible Services

The following tables show the deliverables for the enhancement/Bug Fixing phases

Bug-Fixing / Ad-hoc Requests Process Model

Tasks Work Products Primary Secondary

Responsibilit Responsibility
Log the issues in Issue Tracker Issue Tracker AstraZeneca Cognizant
Issue Prioritization AstraZeneca Cognizant
Assign the task AstraZeneca Cognizant
Analyze the bug and perform Root Initial resolution Cognizant AstraZeneca
Cause analysis Description
Close the issue if it is a data Cognizant AstraZeneca
problem, not a bug or it cannot be
Study impact of bug fix on the rest of Impact Analysis Cognizant AstraZeneca
the system Document
Code and Unit Test the fix Update Cognizant
Test the fix at onsite Test Case/Test Cognizant
Signoff the fix Test Logs AstraZeneca End Users
Raise Change Request Change Cognizant
Migrate to production Cognizant
Close the Issue Tracker AstraZeneca Cognizant

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Enhancement / Project Requests Process Model

Tasks Work Products Responsibilit
Business Definition Business Requirements AstraZeneca  
Initiation Issue Tracker List AstraZeneca  
Analyze the requirement Functional AstraZeneca Cognizant
Specifications Document
Data Modeling Logical and Physical AstraZeneca / Cognizant
data models DBA
Data Mapping   AstraZeneca / Cognizant
Study impact of Impact Analysis Cognizant AstraZeneca
enhancement on the rest of document
the system
Estimate the request Estimation Worksheet Cognizant AstraZeneca
Design Design Document Cognizant AstraZeneca
Prepare Program Program specifications Cognizant AstraZeneca
Prepare Report Report Specifications Cognizant AstraZeneca
Code/Report Construction   Cognizant  
Prepare Unit Test Test Cases Cognizant AstraZeneca
Perform Unit Testing Test Logs Cognizant  
Perform System / Integration Test Logs Cognizant AstraZeneca
Signoff Test Logs AstraZeneca Cognizant
Acceptance Testing Test Logs End Users AstraZeneca
Raise Change Request Change Request Cognizant  
Promoting to production   Cognizant  
Close Issue Tracker   AstraZeneca Cognizant

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Roles and Responsibilities for Flexible Services

Role Responsibility

 Involves in project planning and resource/cost estimation

 Involves in project plan implementation, quality assurance,
communications, resource administration, vendor contract
administration and financial administration.
Project Manager
 Attend status review meetings with AstraZeneca
 Coordinate all infrastructure requirements that offshore needs
 Responsible for Delivery from the Cognizant Team
 Single point contact between Cognizant and AstraZeneca
 Study of the existing Informatica environments to load ODS,
DDS, ADS and other Datamarts
 Perform impact analysis of a proposed change, modification,
extension or other enhancement to Informatica mappings to
load ODS, DDS, ADS and other Datamarts.
 Assess the work effort required to deliver the application
Informatica enhancements
Developer  Perform Business and Technical Analysis, Conceptual and
High Level Design, Test Planning of ETL Code
 Develop, implement and unit test the application enhancements
in AstraZeneca’s technical environment.
 Perform System Testing and Implementation Support in case of
 Provide technical documentation
Data Modeler  Understand existing data model
 Prepare Logical/Physical Data Models data model based on
requirements study
 Prepare a map of the new business requirements to the
Logical Data Model in case of Enhancements
 Establish and maintain data modeling standards
 Coordinate with the business users and AstraZeneca
Technical team regarding meta data capture and meanings,
schema modifications and enhancements
 Develop and maintain technical documentation
 Coordinate with the ETL Developer on data mappings and

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Role Responsibility

conversion rules
 Coordinating with the DBA for instantiating logical schemas
into physical schemas
 Data model version control
 Study of the existing Reporting environments
 Perform impact analysis of a proposed change, modification,
extension or other enhancement to Reports in MicroStrategy
 Assess the work effort required to deliver the application
MicroStrategy  Perform Business and Technical Analysis, Conceptual and
Developer High Level Design, Test Planning of Metadata and Reports
 Manage and Support security implementation
 Create Metadata, Develop reports and unit test them in
AstraZeneca’s technical environment.
 Perform System Testing and Implementation Support in case of
 Provide technical documentation
 Involve in creating statistical models and data-driven analysis
 Direct involvement with internal clients to define needs, consult
SAS on proper analytical methodologies, initiate and execute
Analyst/Developer projects.
 Write and optimize SQL queries to access source data from
ODS, DDS, ADS and other Datamarts.
 Assist project manager in conducting business requirements
interviews and consensus workshops
Business  Prepare Documentation of the detailed business requirements
Consultant  Coordinate with the Data Modeler and the Developers to
translate the business requirements into technical and Data
Architecture during enhancements
Business Data  Oversees the Data SME-s / Strategists in various functional
Stewards areas.
 Typically the sign-off authority for Data Governance decisions
taken at the functional levels.
 Has a holistic view of the enterprise data and how data for
various entities are related to each other.

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Role Responsibility

 Typically part of the Governance body that formulates and

implements the overall data governance strategy of the

Other Flexible Services

Cognizant will provide Project Management, Business Consultant and SAS Analyst/Developer
support as and when required by AstraZeneca. Cognizant requires a Lead Time of 4-6 weeks
for sourcing onsite resource and 1-2 weeks for sourcing offshore resource.

Roles and Responsibilities for the Steady State Phase:

Based on Cognizant’s understanding of the support needs for the Cornerstone suite of
applications, Cognizant has proposed the following functional roles for resources involved –

Onsite Manager / Supervisor – Cognizant proposes to engage an Onsite Manager / Supervisor

for the Cornerstone suite of applications. The key responsibilities include -
 Co-ordinate activities of the onsite team
 Be a single point of contact from Cornerstone perspective
 Serve as an escalation endpoint in events of non-compliance
 Perform weekly status reporting to AZ
 Participate in weekly status calls
 Monitor engagement health
 Issues Management
 Perform Pro-active Risk Management
 Management of Change Requests for Flexible Services group

Offshore Manager / Supervisor - Cognizant proposes to engage an Offshore Manager /

Supervisor for the Cornerstone suite of applications. The key responsibilities include -
 Co-ordinate activities of the offshore team
 Be a single point of contact from Cornerstone perspective for offshore delivery issues
 Serve as an escalation endpoint in events of non-compliance
 Perform weekly status reporting to Onsite Manager / Supervisor
 Participate in weekly status calls
 Delivery Issues Management
 Perform Pro-active Risk Management with respect to offshore delivery – schedules /
infrastructure etc.

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Production Incident Manager - Cognizant proposes to engage a Production Incident Manager

at Onsite for the Cornerstone suite of applications. The key responsibilities include -
 Be the first recipient of Production Issues
 Perform primary analysis of issue to understand the appropriate track of Cornerstone
where the issue needs to be directed to
 Co-ordinate with Operations Support team
 Status Reporting to Onsite Manager / Supervisor on issue status
 Participate in weekly status calls


The following Critical Success Factors have been identified for this Cornerstone
application set:

# Technical Standpoint Contributing Factors

1. Ability to reduce TCO thru metadata based Strong technology skills to exploit the tools
productivity tools (these are possible only in use - as most DWs have a tool oriented
in a DW environment which extensively approach ( We can use this if we are
relies on metadata based technologies) planning to use any tool)
2. Ability or the support team to understand  Strong KT process
the domain/application data model from a  Participation from the Client SMEs
DW standpoint (Slowly changing during KT and execution
dimensions, conformed dimensions etc)  Team’s ability to develop application
that are business specific and technical knowledge
3. Ability of the support team to act as an  Strong Communication skills within
interface with business as well as team
technology in understanding the issues  Strong involvement of the business
through a Level 2 support layer that will stakeholders
have a mix of domain and BI skills  

4. Periodic DW health check exercises to Data/ Report usage/effectiveness of the

determine if the DW is as effective as it business with the data
was designed to be
5. Ability of the business to understand the User training and change management
softer concepts of the lifecycle of a DW
implementation – as in being very user
driven, could have an iterative development
phase, participation in multiple UATs and
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# Technical Standpoint Contributing Factors

releases etc
6. Ability of the data stewards within an Strong data governance required within the
organization to recognize the DW as a organization
‘single source of truth’ – so that any
enhancements to the current application do
not use ‘bypass routes’ .
7. Effectiveness of customer / product / Periodic review of match rules
territory data consolidation
8. Validity of data survivorship strategy  Review of trust rules

 Need for manual overrides

 Need to consider age-ing of trust rules
9. Data Quality within organization  Data Quality Audits
 Reporting of Data Patterns and Trends
to Business Data Stewards by IS /
Operational Data Stewards
10. Data consumption needs  Review interfacing mechanisms
 Need for real-time data transfers /

asynchronous data transfers

 Development of interfaces as part of
flexible services
11. Territory Alignment  Solid knowledge of Pharma Alignment

 SME-s coordinating with AZ Data
Experts during Territory Alignment
process as part of Flexible Services

The best practices followed in designing the Cornerstone support model include:
 Risk-managed approach
 Limited disruption to business & ongoing operations
 SLA and metrics focused delivery
 Established governance model for the engagement
 Continuous Productivity & Process improvements
 Strong business & IT understanding through elaborate KT focused on each solution
 Established executive level relationships & trusted partner status
 Cost Savings
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 Dedicated Support services for each Application

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Outsourced Service: Database Administration for Commercial Operations

5.1.8 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION Understanding & Analysis

Seventy Eight (78) Oracle databases are included in scope, instances of which comprise of
various versions of Oracle (, and 10.2).These databases are used for applications
like Contracts Management, Touchstone etc and their sizes range from less than 1TB up to a
max of 4.2TB. Data Base Administrators (DBAs) are responsible for creating and maintaining
Oracle and SQL Server instances in the development, test, and production environments.

The databases under scope can be classified as below:

 MCAS (Managed Care Accounting System)
 Touchstone
 Pegasus, Pulse & Smart
 Others

The figure below provides a list of applications along with the number of databases
against each category.

Application Category Count of DBs

AZ University 4
CA 3
Compass/Contracts Mgmt 2
Contracts Management 6
Envision 3
Knowledge Base 3
Managed Care Accounting System (MCAS) 1
MicroStrategy Metadata 1
MicroStrategy Metadata (dev) 1

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Application Category Count of DBs

Pegasus 2
Pricing 2
Pulse 2
Smart 2
Touchstone 4
Various 2
Others 15

Though the above classification is based on the applications and their corresponding databases,
Cognizant will work with AstraZeneca during the planning phase to group the databases based
on the following criteria:
 Criticality
 Size
 Business Category e.g., Contracts Management, Cornerstone etc
 Process Category e.g. Development environment, Test environment, Production
environment etc
Grouping of databases based on the above mentioned parameters would help in smooth, less
risky and expedited transition.
The overall solution approach has been explained under the two broad categories:
 Knowledge Transition
 Steady State Support Approach

The KT will cover all the databases as listed under the category Application Set 3 in the RFP.
Apart from the core services, the KT will also include flexible services covered under the scope of
DBA services.

The DBA Services KT is slightly different from the other application sets. This is due to the fact
that the DBAs can gain significant knowledge by reading the config files and going through DB
related technical documentation. Knowledge Transfer from the existing support personnel should
focus more on the processes followed and the frequent problems encountered while performing
KT. The different phases involved in the transition process are described in the following section.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Knowledge Transition Phases

Section 4 lists the various phases involved in Knowledge Transition. In addition, the following
activities will be performed during the different KT phases for the databases.

Core Services

Pre- Transition Familiarization Phase

 Internal discussions
Activities  Collect documentation
 Study config files
Timelines 1 week
 Offshore: DBA technical experts who would be part of the KT and steady
state support would be involved in this phase. These experts would then
initiate internal discussion with team members to create internal body of

Planning & Due Diligence Phase

 Verify the scope of the DBA maintenance activities Collect
 Determining Infrastructure (Hardware & Software) requirements
Activities  Validate Information available on the databases
 Confirm understanding on response times (based on which the estimates
have been arrived for operational support)
 Categorize databases based on criticality
Timelines 1 week
 Onsite: Onsite DBA Coordinator would lead this phase. Methodologies
include one on one interview with AZ SME’s and going through existing
documentation. Webex and / or conference call will be used by the onsite
resources to achieve KT to offshore resources

Knowledge Acquisition Phase

Activities The knowledge acquisition phase for DBA transition will be segregated into 3
 Technical Knowledge Acquisition – Details like configuration,
parameter file settings etc
 Process Knowledge Acquisition – Processes currently followed for
change management, release management etc

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Knowledge Acquisition Phase

 Call History (for operational support team only) – Understanding of
key problems which were faced during the past and resolutions adopted
by the existing support team.
This phase would also constitute:
 Understand Maintenance process: Learn and document the processes
triggered by error reports or enhancement requests, tracking all events
through the entire fix / develop life cycle, identifying all tools used, and
learning AZ’s change control procedures and error classification
 Understand AZ’s Regulatory compliance and Validation
 DB Configuration information (for e.g., information on init.ora parameters,
table spaces, DB files, Rollback Segment Sizes etc)
 Details on how the applications connect to the Databases and how the
databases fit into the overall architecture of the different applications
within CISS.
 Details on frequent problems encountered in the databases
 Processes involved in migration of DBs across different environment
 Processes involved in periodic support provided to the application teams.
For e.g., backup frequency, refreshes, change control processes etc
 Naming conventions, Standards followed etc
Timelines 4 weeks
Location  Same as in the case of Due diligence and planning phase

Shadow Phase

Phase: Shadow Phase

Activities  Engage closely with the AZ staff by closely following their approach
for the various activities in scope
 Self-study of the application documentation
 Refine KT Documentation based on the understanding from the
above activities
Deliverables  Reverse KT presentation by Cognizant to the respective AstraZeneca
 Revised Reverse KT document

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 Detailed KT metrics
 KT tracking sheet
AZ  Review of KT progress
Responsibilities  Feedback on KT
 This phase will take up 20% to 30% time of the AZ resources and

Share Phase

Phase: KT- Share Phase

Activities  Cognizant team performs support and development activities, with
assistance from AstraZeneca team as appropriate
 Refine KT documentation based on the above learning
 Part of the Cognizant KT team will return offshore to provide KT to the
rest of the offshore team
 Ensure the availability of infrastructure to support the application from
Deliverables  Revised Reverse KT document from offshore team.
 KT Metrics of the support and development work performed by
Cognizant team during this phase
AZ  Review of the initial work undertaken by Cognizant
Responsibilities  Review of KT metrics
 Provide Feedback on KT

Lead Phase

Phase: KT- Lead Phase

Activities  Cognizant takes primary ownership of all activities in scope
 AstraZeneca contractors provide secondary support
 SLAs monitored & measured as per the above plan
 Backlog tickets cleared
Deliverables  Programs that have been changed and tested using the maintenance
 Updated KT document
 KT status sheet
 Metrics for the Lead phase

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Phase: KT- Lead Phase

 Progress Tracking sheet
AZ  AstraZeneca sign-off on Cognizant’s key deliverables
Responsibilities o KT Document
o Process Document
o SLA Document
 Approval to move into the steady-state phase

Flexible Services

Ad-Hoc Requests: The transition approach for this category will be more or less similar to the
Operation Support category. In addition to the various steps in the approach suggested for
Operation Support, the following steps will be incorporated in the KT for flexible services.
 Development Methodology as adopted in AZ
 Change control process Knowledge Transition Plan

The KT plan for DBA services will have the following salient features:
 Quicker Transition to Steady-state Support: Since it is expected that all the Cognizant
DBA resources will be required to start from the knowledge acquisition phase, there
would be no need to have a separate share phase. Also the lead phase duration can be
reduced when compared to the other streams.
 Offshore-Centric Knowledge Transition: Offshore resources will dial-in to the onsite
environment during the KT phase. And there will be only one DBA stationed at onsite to
provide co-ordination to the offshore resources.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Roles & Responsibilities

Refer to Appendix C for details on Activities, roles and responsibilities as applicable for
Application Set 3 Entry & Exit Criteria

Cognizant proposes the following entry-exit criteria for Knowledge Transition:
Entry Criteria: Validation of the assumptions made for estimating the DBA resource count
Exit Criteria:
 Successful closure of incidents and problems adhering to the SLAs
 Active participation in closing some key production incidents involving the databases in
 Participation in migration of at least one database from development to test or production

5.1.9 STEADY STATE MODEL Understanding & Analysis

The DBA services comprises of 78 Oracle Instances supporting various applications of

AstraZeneca. Current DBA structure has dedicated DBAs who own primary responsibility for
applications broadly divided into Siebel/Compass, Commercial Datawarehouse, and Contracts

Tools Used by AstraZeneca:

 Monitoring tools currently used are Oracle Enterprise Manager and Spotlight of Oracle by
 Currently the Backup strategy is implemented using Tivoli storage Manager. Database
backups consist of hot backups, cold backup and export backups. Backup and disaster
recovery strategy setup for Cornerstone and Touchstone are still being developed.

Based on the information provided in the RFP and our analysis Cognizant proposes to provide
support with a total of 4 resources with 2 resources stationed at Onsite while remaining 2 are
situated at offshore. Cognizant has arrived at the resource model based on the following

Type of Support Assumptions Total Hrs Per Comments

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day (estimation)
Production 30Mins/DB/day 39 Hours (for Includes call from ASD/GSD and also
support 78 instances) handling alerts messages ,monitoring
database jobs, backup jobs etc.
Flexible 4 Hours /day 4 Hours Preplanned tasks like
Services database creation,
scheduled DB startup/shutdown,
New release migration,
Database upgrade etc,
Total 43 Hours/day Steady State Phase

Cognizant will be able to accelerate the Knowledge Transition phase and quickly stabilize the
support activities. The entry criteria to Steady State delivery would be the successful
completion of the Knowledge Transition process.

During Steady State, the database support ownership will be fully transferred to Cognizant and
Cognizant will assume complete responsibility for the scope of services agreed upon at the
desired service levels.

Phase: Steady State Support

Activities Database Specific Activities

 Provide Production Database support.
 Monitoring database alerts and handle Production database tickets and
resolve as per SLA.
 Provide level1 and Level2 support for all databases listed.
Deliverables The key deliverables during steady state are:
 Deliverables as applicable for the various support activities
 Regular Status Reports to help monitor the support.
 Metrics collection, analysis and reporting
AstraZeneca AstraZeneca responsibilities during this period will be to provide feedback of the
Responsibilities steady state process so that they can be reviewed and incorporated into the
Time Line Steady State support from 1 st July 2007 onwards.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Organizational Chart & Support Model

Cognizant proposes the following support models for providing Customer and operational Support
Services to AstraZeneca –
 2 Onsite – 2 Offshore Model: Services in this model will be provided leveraging 2 Onsite
and 2 offshore resources. Looking at the criticality of the application and databases, this
model offers better quality of DBA support for critical databases with excellent response

The support hours for this model are as follows:

Service Support Team Coverage – EST

Operational Support Onsite Resource 0700 – 1500 hrs
Operational Support Onsite Resource 1400 – 2200 hrs
Operational support Offshore Resource 2100 – 0500 hrs
Operational support Offshore Resource 0400 – 1200 hrs

Using this model the weekend support will be On-Call support for Severity 1 issues. Cognizant
proposes the following Organization Chart for providing this support:

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5.1.10 Operational Model

The proposed support framework for AstraZeneca is elaborated pictorially in the diagram below.

Requests on As-Is Basis: Cognizant understands that certain requests on as-needed/ as-is
basis as listed below can be received:
 Schedule/modify/remove database administrative jobs
 Disconnect session
 Alter rollback segment/undo
 Refresh snapshot or refresh groups
 Recreate snapshot
 Database analysis or integrity checks
 Rescheduling of backup jobs

Cognizant will monitor the AZ databases using AZ developed scripts and processes and will
pickup these requests based on the alerts from these scripts or notification from AZ. The requests
will be logged into AZ’s ticketing tool and will be resolved based on the specified Service levels.
These tasks are defined as daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual or as-needed.

Requests through Escalations from AZ Application Service Managers: Cognizant

understands that these requests will be received through an E-mail alert. Cognizant resources
will access the AZ’s ticketing tool and provide updates through it.

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On Demand Requests (Flexible Services): Cognizant understands that we will receive certain
requests on demand like:
 Creation of user accounts
 Creation of profiles
 Reset Passwords
 Lock/Unlock accounts SLAs & Metrics

Cognizant is accepting the SLAs that are mentioned in the RFP and is proposing to use the
metrics described in the following section to measure the performance against these SLAs.


The following are the metrics that will be tracked during the project to measure SLAs.
 Total number of tickets received, classified by category and customer
 Calls/ requests handled within SLA, deviations and reasons for deviation
 Mean time to resolve
 Shift wise performance
 Top 10 issues/ key concerns
 Metrics to ensure workload tracking, productivity and load distribution within the team Key Assumptions & Dependencies

 Cognizant will use existing database environment of AstraZeneca by connecting to it
using a dedicated frame relay network. Cognizant price includes office infrastructure
and standard desktop for its offshore resources.
 AstraZeneca has current alert mechanism (Monitoring tool) for database alerts which
can be used and enhanced by Cognizant.


Cognizant has a significant experience in providing IT Infrastructure services to various

customers across all business domains. Cognizant leverages this experience and has come up a
list of critical success factors for engagement entailing DBA Administration support.
 Cognizant DA (Data Architecture) CoE has come up with standard data collection
templates for Backup & Recovery, Performance tuning etc.
 Though day-to-day infrastructure support is handled by ITIS, following two major areas
DACOE gets engaged

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o Any enterprise level effort like enterprise information lifecycle management,

database architecture re-definition, HA/DR design, data security audit etc
o Any database problem resolution which goes above and beyond routine
support activity

DBA Best Practices:

Knowledge Repository of Incidents: Cognizant maintains a Knowledge repository of the history of
calls, which helps in troubleshooting problems much better at a faster speed. It also helps in
Knowledge sharing with the team.

Automation Using Scripts: DBA create automated scripts for backup, reporting and gathering
performance related statistics. These scripts are constantly updated to incorporate new features
and functionality.

Regular Analysis of Performance Statistics: The databases are constantly monitored for capacity
and resource usage so that the problems are detected in advance. This is a proactive measure to
identify potential issues that might come up later.

Implement New Features: Analyze the new features of Oracle and see how they can be applied
to improve the existing process/job is one of the best practices followed by DBA.

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Application Set: External Commercial Websites

5.1.12 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION Understanding & Analysis

AstraZeneca US maintains a large portfolio of Internet properties with content ranging from
disease state awareness to branded information for both Consumers and Health Care Providers.
These web sites also have registration capabilities for marketing programs, calendaring, and
other types of dynamic functionality.

In addition, ePromotions utilizes several additional “e” services for driving education, acquisition,
and adherence. These additional services include outbound email Marketing, eDetailing, and
data integration with key internal systems.

CISS provides the following technical expertise for all the ePromotions services:
 Develop new sites;
 Providing, reviewing & documenting web standards
 The technical team will also move the site into production once it has been fully tested
and approved.
 Web site support responsibilities include:
o Production monitoring and production incident analysis and resolution.
o Web site development responsibilities can range from making minor content
updates to implementing/developing a new site.

CISS is responsible for application stability, content, and internal customer interfacing.

AstraZeneca is looking for a long term partner to provide operational and flexible services for the
maintenance of the external websites.

As a part of its overall application support methodology, Cognizant proposes to group application
to ensure smooth and expedited transition. Application grouping methodology and its rationale is
described in the following section.

Application Grouping

Cognizant has performed a detailed analysis of the information provided in this RFP regarding the
applications in-scope and has used its prior experience of working with AstraZeneca on other
engagements and has arrived at a logical grouping of applications. Cognizant’s strategy has
been to group applications by the criticality. This is arrived at by using the data for the support

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hours provided in the RFP. The applications are grouped into three groups, namely, High,
Medium and Low. Within each group, the applications are further sub divided by their technology.
This logical grouping of applications helps in a smoother knowledge transition process and also
arrives at an optimal resource model for supporting this engagement.

Although CISS has about 73 applications to support, Cognizant believes that the high and
medium complex applications contribute to a larger share of the work load. So Cognizant feels
that the focus during the KT should be more on the high and medium critical applications.
Cognizant would like to validate this assumption with AZ prior to the start of knowledge transition.
Cognizant would also like to iterate that this was one of the approaches successfully adopted for
the O&FS engagement.

The chart below presents the grouping of the application by criticality.

Grouping of applications by Criticality



Low Medium
56% Low

Figure 5 Application Grouping by Criticality

The list of applications in the three groups are given below

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Knowledge Transition Approach

Cognizant’s strategy for Knowledge Transfer and Transition of External Websites is aimed at
ensuring a complete, smooth and risk-free transition resulting in uninterrupted services to the end
users. The Knowledge Transition phase is based on an objective analysis carried out on the
Application Data, Organizational Structure and other information shared by AZ.

Knowledge transition approach is considered separately for Operational support services and
flexible services

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Operational Services KT Approach

The operational services transition will cover all the websites and one interface (Promotional
Ordering) from a technical and functional perspective and will cover the activities under the
operational support services including Incident Management, Problem Management, Interface
processing, database support, user administration, release management and disaster recovery.
The KT will also cover all the flexible services in scope for this application set.

During the planning phase, Cognizant will work with AstraZeneca to identify the critical
applications and include them as part of the KT plan. For most of the low critical applications
(mentioned in the table above), Cognizant will use the existing documentation to gain knowledge.
Low critical applications for which documentation do not exist, Cognizant proposes to create KT
documents as a slack time activity. Cognizant will validate the risk impact of this approach with
AZ. This approach will ensure that the effort of the AZ employees and contractors are effectively
used and will also ensure quicker transition.

The KT will be carried out at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office. On successful
completion of KT, this resource will continue to provide steady state support out of onsite.

Flexible Services KT Approach

Ad-Hoc Requests:
The transition approach for this category will more or less be similar to the operation support
category. In addition to the various steps in the approach suggested for operation support, the
following steps will need to be factored for KT with respect to Ad-Hoc requests.
 Development Methodology as adopted in AZ
 Change control process
One resource will travel to AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office for knowledge
Transition. During transition, there will be a second resource based out of Cognizant’s India
office. The onsite resource will transition the knowledge through regular conference calls to an
offshore resource. On successful completion of KT, the onsite resource will return to offshore
and both the resources will provide support from offshore. All KT will be carried out at
AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office.

Cognizant has included the KT approach for the flexible service roles, in case AZ expects
Cognizant to take over any of the existing roles. The fixed price submitted does not include the
cost of this KT and also the cost of steady state services for any of these roles. If AZ does
require Cognizant to take these roles up, then the pricing may need to be adjusted during
planning phase to reflect the flexible services addition.

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Business Consultant Support

Business Consultant role will require knowledge transition more from functional and process
perspective. The KT process should involve the following salient features:
 Understanding of the existing business processes
 Understanding of SDLC processes as defined in AZ’s QMF
 Acceptance testing framework, guidelines etc
 Understanding of Templates for training materials, help documentation etc
 Understanding of applications from functionality standpoint. Hence, the business
consultant will have to be part of the functional knowledge transition phase provided for
the operations team.

Email / InTouch Coordinator & e-Detailing Co-ordinator

Knowledge Transition for these tracks will vary significantly from the other tracks mentioned
above because these roles are specific to email marketing and e-detail campaign management.
For Email / InTouch Coordinator support, more emphasis will be provided on the following
activities from KT standpoint.
 Detailed Understanding of the e-mail and InTouch Platforms
 Current e-mail campaign management process
 Training on Epsilon Dream email Campaign Management Software
 Detailed understanding of InTouch Database and eHCP database
 Thorough understanding of existing VB script batch jobs that manage transfer of data
to/from Epsilon/InTouch and their timelines

For e-Detailing support, the following line items will drive the KT approach.
 Detailed understanding of the two different e-Detail platforms
 Focus on e-HCP database
 Understanding of e-Detail Campaigns
 Thorough understanding of the tools used in the current solution framework Knowledge Transition phases

Please refer Section 4 for the various phases involved in Knowledge Transition. In addition to the
activities mentioned under the various KT Phases, the following activities will be performed during
the different KT phases for external websites.

Pre- Familiarization Phase

Activities  Internal discussions

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 Review the available documents related to the External websites

 Browse the external websites to get familiarized with the applications
 Understanding existing documentation
Timelines 1 week

Planning & Due Diligence Phase

 Identification of different tracks i.e. Operations Support, e-Mail Co-ordinator
 Identification of sub-phases and their respective timelines within each track.
Activities For e.g. KT for business consultant support will not require an elaborate
shadow-share-lead phase.
 Identification of common areas across all tracks
 Finalize team structure within each track
Timelines 1 week

Knowledge Acquisition Phase

 Technical Knowledge Acquisition (excluding Business Consultant track) –
Understanding of Architecture & Implementation details of applications and
interfaces. In case of applications, this will involve understanding the
o Architecture & technology
o Failure points,
o Application and error log files and,
o Database setup, user administration and release management of
Activities  In case of interfaces, this will include interface scheduling, monitoring, error
logs, etc.
 For e-Mail Co-ordination team, the focus will be on email and InTouch
Platform and for e-Detailing, the focus will be on the Campaign management
 Operational support – Understanding of key problems which were faced
during the past and resolutions adopted by the existing support team. This will
enable the team to gain the knowledge on the past incidents and problems
In addition, the team will review the documentation available for low critical

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Timelines 4 weeks

Shadow Phase
 Understand the specifics of monitoring the Promotional Ordering interface
 Identify the common incidents and problems that occur in multiple applications
Timelines 2 weeks

Share Phase
 Perform the Production monitoring for the specified websites and promotional
ordering interface under the supervision of AstraZeneca team.
Activities  Resolve common incidents and problems that occur in applications and
 Perform the database account creation and user administration for websites
Timelines 2 weeks

Lead Phase
 Independently execute the Promotional monitoring interface
 Perform release management for at least one website
Timelines 2 weeks Knowledge Transition Plan

Cognizant will use its proprietary methodology of transitioning applications in each of the groups
of application described in Section 4.0. Based on our understanding of the information provided in
the RFP and experience in similar engagements, Cognizant recommends an application
transition timeline of 12 weeks.

Due to the difference in roles performed within the operations and flexible services team,
Cognizant recommends different plans for the different groups as can be seen from the picture

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Operational Support
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Steady State

Ad hoc support
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Steady State

Business Consultant
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Shadow, Share, Lead
Steady State

Email/InTouch Coordinator
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Shadow, Share
Steady State

eDetailing Coordinator
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Shadow, Share
Steady State

The Knowledge Acquisition phase of Operations Support is further broken down as per the three
stages described above. They are
 Functional knowledge acquisition – 1 week
 Technical knowledge acquisition – 2 weeks
 Call data analysis – 1 week
The plan for Operations Support team and the Ad-Hoc requests team is more or less on the
similar lines. Cognizant recommends that both the tracks be clubbed together for the first 3
Business Consultant Stream has a shortened transition plan as the activities will be pre-
dominantly centered on knowledge acquisition. The Shadow-Share-Lead Phase has been
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shortened as the nature of work is unpredictable because each requirement is unique which
means the transition is more focused on processes and approaches.
Email & eDetailing tracks will be different from the first 2 tracks because of the nature of work
involved. Equal focus will have to be provided on both technical and functional knowledge
transition as the role demands the support team to be equipped on the both lines.

Detailed KT Plan for external websites is listed below:

External Websites Transition Plan
KT Track Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Total Wk13 Wk14
Pre -
Group 1 - High complexity Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre -
Group 2 - Medium complexity
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre -
Ad hoc Services
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2
Business Consultant Knowledge Shadow, Share,
Planning Acquisition Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eMail/In Touch coordinator
Planning Knowledge Acquistion Shadow/ Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eDetailing coordinator
Planning Knowledge Acquistion Shadow/ Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Onsite Total 0 1 2 2 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 42 4 4
Offshore Total 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 2 2
Cognizant Total 1 1 2 2 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 49 6 6 AZ and Cognizant – Roles & Responsibilities

Refer to Appendix B for details on activities, roles and responsibilities as applicable for
Application Set 4. Entry and Exit Criteria

Cognizant proposes the following entry-exit criteria for knowledge transition

Entry Criteria: Validation of the grouping of application into high, medium and low critical areas

Exit Criteria:
 Successful closure of incidents and problems adhering to the SLAs
 Participation in release management of at least one website

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5.1.13 STEADY STATE MODEL Understanding & Analysis

During Steady State, the applications development and support ownership will be fully transferred
to Cognizant and Cognizant will assume complete responsibility for the scope of services agreed
upon at the desired service levels. As part of Steady State delivery, Cognizant will independently
handle all support request, enhancements and ad hoc requests. Cognizant will also do status-
reporting, metrics analysis as part of steady state delivery.
In developing this steady state operation model, Cognizant’s goal has been to address the
following primary objectives:
 Understand and mitigate the risks inherent in the process
 Effective and efficient use of resources
 Build a scalable team that brings the flexibility to ramp-up or ramp-down based on
business needs
 Achieve the desired business goals and Service Levels to ensure high customer

Skill Set Identification

Based on the information provided in the RFP, Cognizant has summarized the application set by
technology as given in the figure below:

Application Count

ASP 2.0
ASP .net
30% ASP 2.0
ASP 3.0
ASP .net
ASP 3.0

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Since the applications are predominantly Microsoft centric, Cognizant proposes a resource model
which will comprise of Microsoft Technology skill sets.

Based on data provided in the RFP and Cognizant’s experience in similar engagements,
Cognizant proposes to staff the operation services of external website with one resource at
onsite. For the ad hoc section of the flexible services, Cognizant proposes two resources at
offshore as depicted in the table below

FTE Onsite Offshore

Support services 1 1
Ad hoc services 0 2 Steady State Phase

The key activities that will be executed during steady state support are as follows:
 Execution of all activities based on the agreed scope / SLAs
 Implementation of a real-time metrics application in order to continually monitor status
OR use one that AZ is currently satisfied with
 Carrying out process improvement initiatives based on the analysis of metrics
 Status Monitoring & Reporting

The key deliverables during steady state are:

 Deliverables as applicable for the various enhancement and support activities
 Regular Status Reports to help monitor the progress of the maintenance effort
 Metrics collection, analysis and reporting

AZ responsibilities during this period will be to provide feedback of the steady state process so
that they can be reviewed and incorporated into the process. Organization Chart & Support Model

Support Model

As part of the Onsite - Offshore Model Cognizant shall deliver the requested services
leveraging its India centers and onsite presence at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office.
The services are being offered with the following coverage plan

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Service Support Team Coverage - EST

Operational Support Onsite Resources 0800 – 1600 hrs
Operational Support Offshore Resource 2200 – 0600 hrs

However, in case of critical incidents, the operational support resource will be available on an “on
call” basis outside the coverage hours to assist in rapid resolution of the issue. Cognizant will
also cross train the flexible services resources supporting the ad hoc section to provide support
outside the coverage hours
The organization chart for the external website is as depicted in the picture below. The onsite
team for both operational support and flexible services will report to the program manager and the
offshore team will report to the delivery manager.

Dot Net CoE

As part of their operations, the support team will get necessary support from Cognizant’s Dot Net
Center of Excellence (CoE). Some of the key areas of interaction with the CoE would be
 Architecture and design recommendations
 Design and code review
 Expert assistance for critical issues.
 Framework support.

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This would enable the team to achieve a robust application and high levels of productivity. In
addition to the Dot Net CoE, the team would also get the support from DBA CoE, Performance
CoE and Quality CoE as needed. Operational Model

The Operational Model for the External website is depicted as below:

CISS Application Managers Key CISS Roles AZ


AstraZeneca Technology Support Center (IBM Help Desk) IBM


Operational Support (Core Services)


Production Incident Support Production Monitoring


Incident Problem Interface User Configuration Release Disaster Database

Management Management Processing Admin Management Management Recovery Support

Flexible Services

Ad Hoc Requests Business Consultant Email & InTouch

- Application Enhancements Support Coordinator
- Data Requests
- Other Ad Hoc Requests Project Management eDetailing
Support Coordinator

Dot Net DBA Performance Quality



The operations support team will be the first point of contact for responding to Incidents and
service requests. Calls will be directed to the support team through the Users, ASMs or IBM First
Level helpdesk. Interaction with the first line helpdesk will be using Manage Now, phone and e-
mails. SLAs

Cognizant will be adhering to the SLAs as per given in the RFP. Risks & Mitigation Plan

 Refer to Risks and Mitigation Plan under Section 11 of Risk Management. Assumption & Dependencies

 Refer to Key Assumptions and Dependencies under Section 3 of Pricing.

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 Effective cross-training - The application set 4 (Commercial Websites) and application
set 5 (HQ Apps) have a lot of synergies in terms of technology and application
functionality. Cognizant suggests that the resources in both the categories are cross-
trained in the other application sets. That is, the application set 4 support team will get
cross-trained in application set 5 and vice versa. This way, the operational support model
can enjoy the benefits of
a) Optimum resource model across both the categories
b) Effective backup provision
 Institutionalize the concept of Website Superusers to bring in operational efficiency.
Nominate and engage some Superusers or Powerusers from AZ to help manage the
program more efficiently. Cognizant has recommended other customers in similar
engagements to nominate Superusers which have almost always resulted in immediate
process efficiencies.

Application Management Best Practices

Continuous Identification of areas of improvement: Website support typically involves

identification of various areas of improvement and implementation of solutions which result in
continuous improvement.
Some of the typical areas of focus for Website support involve:
 Request consolidation and connection pooling
 Server tuning for memory utilization and garbage collection
 DB performance tuning
 Security service optimization

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Application Set: Headquarter Applications

5.1.15 KNOWLEDGE TRANSITION Understanding & Analysis

AstraZeneca has a number of applications that are used to support the Commercial business.
These applications vary by size, complexity and criticality. They perform a variety of business
functions including the following
 Promotional ordering
 Sales forecasting
 Demand forecasting
 Supplier evaluation
 Budgeting
 Reporting
The applications in scope are pretty well-established and have very low enhancement
requirements. The calls are primarily handled by the AZ Business Consultants who funnel them
out to the operations team. There are around 8 applications and 13 interfaces in scope for
headquarter applications.
The services performed by AstraZeneca CISS for the headquarter applications include
 Develop and maintain the applications
 Design, develop and implement enhancements to the applications
 Monitor the interfaces supporting these applications including resolving job run failures

AstraZeneca is looking for a long term partner to provide operational and flexible services for the
external websites.
Cognizant proposes to group application to ensure smooth and expedited transition. Application
grouping methodology and its rationale is described in the following section.

Application Grouping
Based on an analysis of the information provided in this RFP and its prior experience of working
with AstraZeneca on other engagements, Cognizant has grouped the applications and the
interfaces by their business domain. This logical grouping of applications helps in a smoother
knowledge transition process and also arrives at an optimal resource model for supporting this

The groups are

 Promotional group of applications and interfaces
 Others applications and interfaces
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The application grouping is depicted in the table below

Group Application Technology

Marketpro ASP, Oracle
S-FAN ASP, Oracle
FITT ASP, Oracle
enVisionX ASP, .Net,
Pegasus VB.Net,

The interface grouping is depicted in the table below.

Group Area From To
Lecture Compass Embryon / Novus
Lecture Compass Embryon / Novus
MarketPro MarketPro Compass/
MarketPro Compass/ MarketPro
MarketPro MarketPro Archway
MarketPro Archway MarketPro
MarketPro Estar MarketPro
MarketPro Internet MarketPro
MarketPro MarketPro RLS
MarketPro RLS MarketPro
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S-FAN S-FAN Compass/

Touchstone Knowledge Transition Approach

Operation Support Knowledge Transition

Cognizant’s strategy for Knowledge Transfer and Transition is aimed at ensuring a complete,
smooth and risk-free transition resulting in uninterrupted services to the end users. The
Knowledge Transition phase is based on an objective analysis carried out on the Application
Data, Interface data and other information shared by AZ.
The KT will cover all the in scope applications and interfaces from a technical and functional
perspective and will cover the activities under the operational support and flexible support
The KT will be carried out at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office. Two resources will
participate in KT activities and the successful completion of which, one will remain at onsite and
the other will shift to offshore for steady state support.

Flexible Services KT approach

This is same as described under the Section of the external websites for ad hoc requests
and business consultant support.
For ad hoc requests, one resource will travel to AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office for
knowledge Transition. On successful completion of KT, the onsite resource will return to
offshore and will provide support from offshore Knowledge Transition phases

Please refer to the KT Phases for details on the activities that will be carried out under various
phases of KT. Knowledge Transition Plan

Cognizant will use its proprietary methodology of transitioning applications in each of the groups
of application described in section 4.0 Based on our understanding of the information provided in
the RFP and experience in similar engagements, Cognizant recommends an application
transition timeline of 12 weeks.
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Due to the difference in roles performed within the operations and flexible services team,
Cognizant recommends different plans for the different groups as can be seen from the picture
Operational Support
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Steady State

Ad hoc support
External Website W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 W08 W09 W10 W11 W12 W13 W14
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Steady State

Business Consultant
Headquarter application W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07
Knowledge Transition Phase
Knowledge Acquisition
Shadow, Share, Lead
Steady State

1. The Knowledge Acquisition phase of Operations Support will be further broken down as per
the three stages described above. They are
 Functional knowledge acquisition – 1 week
 Technical knowledge acquisition – 2 weeks
 Call data analysis – 1 week
2. The plan for Operations Support team and the Ad-Hoc requests team is more or less on the
similar lines. Cognizant recommends that both the tracks be clubbed together for the first 3
3. Business Consultant Stream has a shortened transition plan as the activities will be pre-
dominantly centered on knowledge acquisition. The Shadow-Share-Lead Phase has been
shortened as the nature of work is unpredictable because each requirement is unique which
means the transition is more focused on processes and approaches.

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Detailed KT Plan is listed below.

Headquarter Application Transition Plan
KT Track Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Total Wk13 Wk14
Group 1 - Promotional Pre -
applications Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre -
Group 2 - Others
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Offshore 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Pre -
Ad hoc Services
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Business Consultant Knowledge Shadow, Share,
Planning Acquisition Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Onsite Total 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 38 2 2
Offshore Total 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 2
Cognizant Total 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 40 4 4 AZ and Cognizant – Roles & Responsibilities

Refer to Appendix B for details on Activities, roles and responsibilities as applicable for
Application Set 5. Entry and Exit Criteria

This is same as described in the section under external websites.

5.1.16 STEADY STATE MODEL Understanding & Analysis

During Steady State, the applications development and support ownership will be fully transferred
to Cognizant and Cognizant will assume complete responsibility for the scope of services agreed
upon at the desired service levels. As part of Steady State delivery, Cognizant will independently
handle all support request, enhancements and ad hoc requests. Cognizant will also do status-
reporting, metrics analysis as part of steady state delivery.

In developing this steady state operation model, Cognizant’s goal has been to address the
following primary objectives:
 Understand and mitigate the risks inherent in the process
 Effective and efficient use of resources

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 Build a scalable team that brings the flexibility to ramp-up or ramp-down based on
business needs
 Achieve the desired business goals and Service Levels to ensure high customer

Skill set Identification

Based on the information provided in the RFP, Cognizant has summarized the application set by
technology as given in the figure below:

Technology Count
.Net 2

Since the applications are predominantly Microsoft centric, Cognizant proposes a resource model
which will comprise of Microsoft Technology skill sets.
Based on data provided in the RFP and Cognizant’s experience in similar engagements,
Cognizant proposes to staff the operation services of headquarter applications with one resource
at onsite and one resource at offshore. For the ad hoc section of the flexible services, Cognizant
proposes one resource at offshore as depicted in the table below

FTE Onsite Offshore

Support 1 1
Ad hoc services 0 1 Steady State Phase

For details on key activities and deliverables refer to the steady state phase described for
External Websites in Section above Organization chart & Support Window

Organization chart for the teams involved in the providing the support is given below:

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Support Window
As part of the Onsite - Offshore Model Cognizant shall deliver the requested services
leveraging its India centers and onsite presence at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC office.
The services are being offered with the following coverage plan

Service Support Team Coverage - EST

Operational Support Onsite Resources 0800 – 1600 hrs
Operational Support Onsite Resources 2200 – 0600 hrs
Flexible Services Offshore Resources 2200 – 0600 hrs
Flexible Services Offshore Resources 2200 – 0600 hrs

However, in case of critical incidents, the operational support resource will be available on an “on
call” basis outside the coverage hours to assist in rapid resolution of the issue. Cognizant will
also cross train the flexible services resources supporting the ad hoc section to provide support
outside the coverage hours Operational Model

The operational model is the same as described in section under external websites. SLAs
Cognizant will be adhering to the SLAs as per given in the RFP.

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Risks & Mitigation Plan

Refer to Risks and Mitigation Plan under Section 11.1 of Risk Management Assumption & Dependencies

Refer to Key Assumptions and Dependencies portion under Section 3.0 of Pricing.


Critical success factors are the same as described in Section under external websites


Based on in depth analysis of the data provided in the RFP for external websites and headquarter
application sets, Cognizant envisages a number of similarities between these and hence, there
are synergies to be exploited.

Cognizant has identified the following common areas between the applications:
 Both application sets are web based applications and interfaces
 They share the same technology (ASP/ASP.NET/Oracle/SQL Server) for the most part
 They share the same operational support services such as incident management,
problem management, production monitoring, database administration, user
management, release management etc.
 The share similar needs for ad hoc data requests, application enhancements, business
consultant services etc.

AstraZeneca can thus leverage the similarities between the two application sets and combine
their operational support. In addition, the ad hoc section of flexible services is very similar to the
operational support services. The team will be cross trained between external websites and
headquarter applications and this will lead to efficiency gains and lower costs to AstraZeneca.

Hence, Cognizant recommends combing the ad-hoc section of flexible services and the
operational support for external websites and headquarter applications and service them with a
common global pool of resources. The other sections of the flexible services, namely, Business
consultant support, Project Management Support, eDetail / InTouch Coordinator, will remain
Cognizant proposes the following resource pool to service this combined operational support and
ad hoc section of flexible services for external website and head quarter applications during the
steady state phase.

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Steady State Resource Model

(External Website and Headquarter
Common pool Onsite Offshore
(FTEs/year) FTE FTE
Year 1 2 3
Year 2 1 4
Year 3 1 3

KT Plan for the Alternate approach is described below:

Combined External Websites and Headquarter Application Transition Plan

KT Track Wk1 Wk2 Wk3 Wk4 Wk5 Wk6 Wk7 Wk8 Wk9 Wk10 Wk11 Wk12 Total Wk13 Wk14
Pre -
Group 1 - High complexity Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Group 2 - Medium complexity Pre -
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre -
Ad hoc Services
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0
External Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 1.5
Websites Business Consultant Knowledge Shadow, Share, Lead
Planning Acquisition Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eMail/In Touch coordinator
Planning Knowledge Acquistion Shadow/ Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
eDetailing coordinator
Planning Knowledge Acquistion Shadow/ Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Group 1 - Promotional Pre -
applications Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Pre -
Group 2 - Others
Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Head Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0
Quarter Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5
Applicatio Ad hoc Services Pre -
ns Transition Planning Knowledge Acquisition Shadow Share Lead Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0 0
Offshore 0.5 0 0 0 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1
Business Consultant Knowledge Shadow, Share, Lead
Planning Acquisition Steady State ->
Onsite 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Offshore 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Onsite Total 0 3 4 4 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 69 6 6
Offshore Total 3 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 3 3
Cognizant Total 3 3 4 4 6 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 79 9 9

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Cognizant’s Response to AstraZeneca CISS RFP Organization Chart & Support Model

Organization chart for the proposed alternate model is given below:

The above mentioned approach enables AZ to exploit existing synergies and hence get the
benefit of getting the support work done by one less resource.

Support model would be the same as it is mentioned under the section of External websites.
Application grouping, KT approach, KT phases, operational model etc will be the same as
described in the External Websites and Headquarter applications sections.

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6 Work Plan

Sample Work Plan: Siebel/Field Sales and Information Center Support Applications

A sample detailed Work Plan that includes all tasks to be completed and a description of what
deliverable or result is produced by each task for the transition is embedded below.

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7 Service Levels
Ability to Meet Service Levels

Cognizant believes in a partnership model and is committed to provide a robust SLA driven ASD
structure to AstraZeneca. Cognizant will endeavor to meet and exceed the Service Level
Objectives (SLOs) and Service Level Agreements (SLAs) agreed with AstraZeneca. However,
looking at some of the SLA benchmarks at some of the other engagements of similar size and
volume, Cognizant believes that a tighter SLA can be adopted for CIS. Within AZ, Cognizant is
currently performing on supporting mission critical applications with tighter SLAs within the AZ
O&FS group. Hence, Cognizant would like to suggest that in Year 2 and Year 3, Cognizant is
open to and will be able to deliver on tighter SLAs than what has been proposed. The following
table provides Cognizant’s viewpoint on the SLA response & resolution metrics for the different
severity levels.

Severity Levels from AZ Cognizant’s Suggestion for

Year 1 Sev 1, 2, 3, 4 Agree to meet or exceed
Sev 1, 2 Response time – 1 hr Sev 1, 2 Response time – 30 mi
Years 2 & 3 Sev1 Resolution time – 24 hrs Sev 1 Resoultion time – 12 hrs
Sev 2 Resolution time – 3 days Sev 2 Resolution time – 2 days
Sev 3 Response time – 2 hours Sev 3 Response time – 1 hour
Years 2 & 3 Sev 3 Resolution time – 30 days Sev 3 Resolution time – 15 days or next
or next patch patch
Sev 4 Response time – 24 hr Sev 4 Response time – 1 business day
Years 2 & 3 Sev 4 Resolution time – Next Sev 4 Resolution time – Next patch or
Major release release per prioritization from AZ

Account Management Service Levels Required by AZ:

Cognizant also accepts the following Account Management Service Levels required by AZ.

Support Channel
 On-Site Support: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST.
 Phone Support (direct dial): 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m. EST.
 E-mail Support: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. EST.
Service Levels
 Human acknowledgement within 2 hours based on Support Channel used
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 Resolution or action plan within 24 hours

Cognizant will document all service levels and the performance committed for each of them at the
time of the specific project engagement, as part of the Statement of Work (SOW) or Work Order
(WO) definition, in consultation with the AstraZeneca. These service levels will be revised based
on the actual performance over a period of time. Cognizant is also open to using AstraZeneca
supplied tools and incident information capturing tools / methodologies and augment it with its
own in-house tools.

Frequency of SLA reporting

Cognizant would report its performance against the SLA periodically as defined by the chart

Frequency Due by Applicability Delivered to

Effective during the
Every 1st and 15th working
Fortnightly 1st six months of post AZ Engagement Manager
day of the month
transition support
All members of AZ -
Every 1st working day of a
Monthly Ongoing Cognizant Joint Steering
All members of AZ -
Every last working day of
Quarterly Ongoing Cognizant Joint Steering
a quarter
All members of AZ
Every last working day of
Annually Ongoing Cognizant Joint Steering
a Year

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8 Staffing & Profiles

The Supplier should describe the qualifications of the resources proposed to deliver the project.
The proposal should include the following items:
- A description of resource capabilities and qualifications of core team and customer support
- Resumes for principal leadership staff to be assigned
- Details of any and all subcontracting arrangements
- Documented availability of proposed leadership staff over the life of the project
- What percentage of the staff is U.S. based versus globally sourced for each area of Service?
- What is the location of the global resources for each service?
- Will there be any level of subcontracted support for each area of Service?

Cognizant proposes to provide a Service Desk that follows resource management practices that
gives full advantage to AstraZeneca in providing the necessary and sufficient number of
resources for an engagement at any given time. As the scope of services or applications change,
accordingly the resources can be ramped –up/down with a short notice that can be agreed upon

Cognizant has a large pool of resources for the technology areas mentioned in the RFP
document. And, Cognizant will ensure an additional 10% buffer resources are available to the
AstraZeneca engagement at no extra-charge, to accommodate any temporary spikes in work
effort and also act as a backfill for the core team members when someone is away on vacation or
training or holiday, thus providing the throughput of 1960 hours per FTE per year.

Monitoring and Refining Staffing

The core team and the flexible services team utilization will be monitored on a monthly basis to
review the resource numbers totally. Resources may be moved from the flexible services team to
the core team and moved back if necessary to take care of additional work items OR emergency
situations. The goal is to leverage synergies and efficiencies between the two teams as the
applications stabilize and continue to refine the resource numbers. Parameters like average
number of calls handled by a team member, comparative analysis, staffing per shift etc will be
used to determine the utilization of resources and to refine overall resourcing plan for the
engagement to maximize benefits for AstraZeneca.

Subcontracting Arrangement

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Cognizant proposes to utilize its own staff for this engagement with AstraZeneca. In case of any
requirement for subcontractors, we will proactively inform AstraZeneca to get an approval before
staffing the sub-contractor.

Managing Onsite Offshore Mix

As the scope of the engagement could increase significantly in future, Cognizant will provide AZ
on a regular basis (monthly), a Risk vs. Cost Analysis report that includes the onsite-offshore
ratio. We have observed in previous engagements that an ongoing analysis like this provides the
customer an exact snapshot of how further cost reductions can be achieved if the additional
savings far outweigh the additional risks. On the other hand, it also allows the customer to do an
ongoing risk analysis and increase ratio of Cognizant onsite staff to accommodate any
requirements due to sudden business changes. Cognizant will ensure that it provides
AstraZeneca a low risk operating model with optimal staffing approach.

The onsite-offshore mix is proposed to be as follows:

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
Onsite 40 – 50 % 35 – 40% 30 – 35%
Offshore 60 – 50 % 65 – 60% 70 - 65%

The location for these resources will be AstraZeneca’s Wilmington DE, USBC premises in the US
(Onsite) and Cognizant’s location in India (Offshore – Chennai or Bangalore). If Nearshore is
preferred by AZ, the options are Phoenix or Toronto, Canada.

Cognizant Staffing

In the interest of keeping the proposal response readable and concise, Cognizant recommends
that resumes and profiles of all key resources for the engagement in a separate communication
and have AZ talk to these candidates as appropriate. Cognizant has already identified the
resources for key roles within the program and will continue to find and assign the remainder of
the resources over the next 2 months, much before Q1 07, when the engagement is expected to

The Cognizant Account team consisting of the Client Partner, Account Manager and Delivery
managers will continue to remain associated with AZ for continuity and share the success as the
AZ-Cognizant partnership matures and reaches new heights.

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9 Engagement Monitoring & Control

Metrics and Tool-based Management

One of the key aspects of Cognizant’s project management process is metrics and tool-based
management. As per SEI-CMM level 5 guidelines the objective of metrics management is to
maximize defect prevention and process improvement. It is also stipulated that quality
management decisions and measures taken towards this objective should be based on a
quantitative analysis of established project execution metrics.

Cognizant will finalize the metrics to be collected, analyzed and reported to AstraZeneca during
the program finalization and KT phases of the engagement. Cognizant will use these metrics to
benchmark and carry out productivity improvement measures. This analyzed data is also used for
initiatives such as Six-Sigma to add continuous value to systems and processes.

All metrics for Application Management service are identified based on the following Cognizant
Metrics framework.
Voice Of Customer

AZ needs

Reduction in IT Operation Cost Move to Flexible Service Model

Optimized Onsite/Offshore Support SLA driven Support

Program Level

Translate VOC to Business Metrics

Resource Utilization Lead Time for Servicing Resource

SLA Adherence Application Up Time

Project Level

Translate Business Metric to Project Metrics

Monitor Project Optimize using
Responsiveness Stability of application Metrics
Performance Using
Tools Based
% Meeting SLA’s Resolution Management

Transition Effectiveness

Cognizant uses a Business Aligned Metrics framework to ensure proper alignment between
project metrics and business metrics. AZ’s needs (Voice of the Customer) are first understood and

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analyzed to determine the key Business Metrics. The Business Metrics are translated into Project
Specific Metrics which are monitored throughout the project cycle to ensure continuous
Cognizant will work with AZ in determining the metrics to be used from the following list that can
be used during the Transition and Steady state stages of the project.
Some of the typical metrics that are identified for KT phase of Application management service
are given below.

Category Metric Satisfying Goal

Knowledge  % Production Maintenance Requests Improve effectiveness
Transition fixed without customer’s support during of Knowledge
(KT) KT Phase Transition Planning and
 Effort Variation for KT Phase execution
 Duration Variation for KT Phase
 Schedule Variation for KT Phase
 % Systems successfully transitioned
during KT Phase

Some of the typical metrics that are identified for steady state phase are given below.

Category Metric Satisfying Goal

Service  Overall Effort Variation for  Improve
Management maintenance requests effectiveness of
 Average Effort Variance for each Service
type & category of maintenance Management
requests Planning and
 Average Schedule Variance for execution
each type & category of  Improve On-time
maintenance requests Delivery, Reduce
 Defect Density for each type & Cost Overruns
category of maintenance  Reduce Cost of
requests Quality
 Defect Leakage across different  Reduce rework
Maintenance life cycle phases  Improve
 Defect Removal Efficiency productivity
 Residual Defect Density
 Cost of Quality

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Category Metric Satisfying Goal

 Productivity
 % Maintenance requests
 Risk Identification Efficiency
 Risk Mitigation Efficiency
 % Maintenance types fixed
without escalation
 Load Factor
Product Quality  Software Maintainability (MTTR)  Improve Product
 Software Reliability (MTBF) Quality
 Software Availability
Service Levels  % Maintenance types that met  To improve the
SLA customer
 Service Level Metrics (Those satisfaction
specified by Customer)  Cognizant Metrics
 Average time required to solve a model has list of
maintenance request typical services,
 % of Maintenance requests which will be
escalated to total issues reported monitored using
 % of batch job run failure to total service levels.
 Schedule slippage However,the actual
 Residual errors service levels need
 % of post production errors to to be determined
total errors based on the
 % of wrong fixes current application
performance and

Tools Based Management

Cognizant has developed a number of in-house tools to help streamline the metrics management
process and automate metrics data collection. These tools are used to collect and analyze the
key metrics of the project so as to aid in effective governance and management. The important
ones amongst these are: eTracker, Prolite, eMetrics/eCockpit and the AZ PMO Portal.

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Cognizant understands that at present AZ CISS uses ManageNow tickets to track the status of all
the activities. Cognizant team would continue to use ManageNow as it is currently done and
update all required status & tasks in ManageNow. Apart from this, Cognizant proposes to use its
proprietary tools (mentioned above) for better project control. Whenever a new ManageNow ticket
is generated, Cognizant would create a corresponding Incident Report / Bug fix, Enhancement
request in eTracker. Each of these requests will be navigated through the various phases and
documented within eTracker. For projects, Cognizant would create the request as a single
project within Prolite instead of breaking them down into multiple requests for the various
individuals working in the team and report a consolidated status to AZ at any point in time.

eTracker™: eTracker” takes care of initiation of Incident Request raised and tracking them
through closure. The system has features for defining benchmarks and measuring the progress
against the benchmarks for all parameters – Effort, Schedule and Defects.
Key features used for CISS include:
 Management and tracking of all categories of bugs / emergency fixes / issues
 Tracking tasks at multiple levels, phases and cycles
 Tracking Defects
 Tracking SLA
 Reporting SLA Metrics to AZ periodically
 Automatic e-mail triggers to Cognizant & AZ Stakeholder
 “Web Service” to connect to other tools

Prolite: Prolite will serve as an end-to-end Project Management tool for the Cognizant & AZ
project management team for managing the releases & projects within the O&FS program. The
following are the key attributes of Prolite:
 Process Definition – for the various types of requests handled, i.e., Release
Management, Small / Medium / Large projects
 Resource Allocation
 Project Configuration
 Effort Tracking
 Defect Tracking
 Issues / Clarification
 Metrics Management
 Risk Management

Other proprietary tools like eMetrics & eCockpit (discussed in Appendix B – Project Management
Methodology) will be used to give a consolidated view of the project status to AZ & Cognizant
Management teams.
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Knowledge Management

Cognizant builds and utilizes domain / project specific knowledge repositories (KR) that will hold a
wealth of information on the project both from business and technical perspectives. KR(s) are
built during initial knowledge transfer phase of engagement(s) and subsequently updated
throughout the project life cycle / service phases. The following schematic represents the typical
knowledge repository development and knowledge transfer procedure implemented by

Value Addition

QA & Performance Monitoring
o Onsite/offshore support
Know ledge Transfer

d Offshore Transition Planning

Start Support Activity T
a Maintenance Process Study
t O
i Application Understanding
Repository L
o Technical Environment Study S
n E

Transition Planning

Cost Estimation

Requirements Study

Account Project Offshore

Manager Manager Onsite Team Team

Cognizant will build a KR portal for CISS to which all the existing activities, delivery plans, docu-
ments / artifacts provided by AZ will be uploaded. The KR will be the storehouse of all the knowl-
edge captured during the Knowledge Transition phase and will be continuously updated by both
AZ and Cognizant resources working on this project. As has been depicted in the following dia-
gram, the KR is a web-based tool that will be accessible to both AZ and Cognizant management
and project teams.

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This tool can be effectively used to bring new members to the project quickly up to speed, as well
as act as a reference material for all stakeholders of the project.

Configuration Management

The purpose of configuration management is to identify the configurable items and implement a
plan for maintaining those items. Configuration Management comprises of three major activities:

Activity Description
Configuration  Identify baseline libraries
Identification  Identify configuration artifacts (Code, Data, and Document etc.)
 Create baselines
 Identify work areas (access controlled work space)
 Define naming conventions
 Assign unique version identifiers
Configuration  Identify and document need for change
Control  Analyze and evaluate a change request
 Verify, implement and release change
Status  Maintain recording of information on version control, processing
Accounting and dissemination

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Every Cognizant project has a Software Configuration Management (SCM) coordinator.

Configuration audit takes place along with the work-product audit by QR. The following figure
depicts the process flow Cognizant follows for Release Management for issues, enhancements
and development projects.

Figure 6 Release Management for Enhancements Projects

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Project Communication

Cognizant has a well-established methodology for communicating project-related information.

This can further be customized and tailored to customer/project requirements. As part of every
engagement Cognizant team develops a communication plan in which periodicity, medium and
responsibility for Status Meetings/Management Review and ongoing communication are upfront
Cognizant proposes the following types and schedule for status reporting. This is open to review /
modification by the proposed PMO as and when required.

Respon- Delivery Cy-

Description Review
sible cle
Weekly Status Report Cognizant AstraZeneca Weekly
Weekly/Bi-weekly Conference Call Min-
Cognizant AstraZeneca Weekly/Bi-weekly
Weekly Update of Project Plan Cognizant Weekly
Phase End Review Cognizant Milestone-based

Typical agenda of the status/review meeting will contain the following items but are not limited to:
 Tasks accomplishments
 Resource usage & forecast
 Milestones & Progress
 Issues & Concerns
 Risk to project schedule and the impact on delays on either side to the project cost
The structure and the frequency of the status reporting are explained in the table below.
Management Reporting Project Reporting Team Reporting
 Status Reports  Defect Log
 Status Reports  Metrics Report and (reviews and
 Issues and Concerns end of each phase Testing)
 Future Plans  Issues and Concerns  Issues and
 Resource Forecast Concerns

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Management Reporting Project Reporting Team Reporting

Team – Daily / need based
Project – Weekly
Management – Monthly / need based

Cognizant team also uses the in-house collaborative Project management tools (Prolite,
eTracker) which facilitate seamless communication within the project team. These tools also take
care of routing the information and monitoring the status of the tasks on hand and tracking it to
Cognizant has hotlines between India and its overseas centers enabling associates and
Management staff to keep in touch on a daily basis. Additionally, Cognizant has video
conferencing facilities that can be used on a need basis, (e.g. to understand key design issues
and resolve complex queries related to the project).

Performance Management

Cognizant will share with AZ, regular metrics on resource utilization that will be used to plan:
 Work distribution over a period of time
 Resource ramp-up / ramp down
 Effort spent in rework
 Effort spent on new change requests

Metrics for deployment will include

 number of application components deployed
 number of users whose local databases were extracted
 number of users to whom deployed

Managing Performance - Continuous Process Improvement

Based on the metrics collected, analyses of various kinds is undertaken and this is taken an
effective basis for making decisions and lowering response time. Cognizant will also track on an
ongoing basis all the SLA’s and if it is found that current performance levels are much better than
the SLAs then we will propose more stringent SLAs to AZ

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Figure 7 Continuous Process Improvement

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10 Overall OSP Governance Models

Engagement Governance Models

A robust account management approach and governance structure is critical to the success of
the proposed engagement with AstraZeneca. Drawing upon its experience in similar
engagements, Cognizant proposes a relationship driven engagement governance structure that
sufficiently addresses the inherent complexities and challenges and provides help desk services
at desired quality levels on a long term sustainable basis.

The objectives of Cognizant’s governance approach are to ensure:

 Alignment and execution of projects as per AstraZeneca’s strategic and operational
 Working closely with AstraZeneca’s PMO to ensure smooth and seamless
communication amongst AstraZeneca’s IT/Business users and Cognizant team.
 A lean and efficient project management structure working across projects.
 Effective management and monitoring of the services being delivered during and after
project implementation

Cognizant proposes a joint governance team with representatives from both AstraZeneca and
Cognizant. In this partnership driven model, AstraZeneca will have full visibility and control of the
progress of the engagement and Cognizant will take full responsibility for execution. The following
salient features characterize this model:
 Cognizant Executive Management Support
 Orientation towards AstraZeneca’s business goals
 Relationship-driven, not contract or project driven
 Performance goals aligned with engagement success

Keeping in view the varying complexity and diversity of the nature of tasks during the Transition
State and Steady state of the engagement, governance approach has been divided into two
distinct stages - The Transition State Program Management Office and the Steady State Program
Management Office. The Transition PMO would be coordinating the transition effort with higher
involvement of the Transition Manager from Cognizant with AstraZeneca Service Teams. The
Steady State PMO will be monitoring the efficacy of the onsite-offshore delivery and assess
overall engagement success.

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10.1.1 Transition Program Management Office

As discussed in Section 4.4, Cognizant will appoint a dedicated Transition Manager to monitor
the progress of KT and work together with all the key stakeholders in making KT a smooth
process. Following diagram depicts the proposed structure of Transition Program Management

Key Responsibilities
The Transition PMO will have the following responsibilities:

Strategy Planning: The PMO will be responsible for preparing a strategy to ensure smooth
transition. The plan will include strategies for Application Transition and interlinked Knowledge
Transition. The plan will establish co-ordination and escalation paths.

Strategy Implementation: The Application and Knowledge Transition plan will be implemented
as per the strategy laid down in the plan above. The Transition PMO will:
 Have complete oversight of the progress of the transition process.
 Discuss remediation plans if transition does not progress as per the plan

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Risk Mitigation: The Transition PMO will guide the engagement risk management strategy. This
strategy will mitigate risks associated with moving AstraZeneca CISS support to a new model
where application support is entrusted to a technology services vendor.

Cognizant Roles and Responsibilities

Client / Engagement Partner

The Client Engagement Partner will be responsible for
 Managing all relationship and business aspects of the engagement
 Strategic and tactical planning and identifying strategic initiatives that help AstraZeneca’s
 Work closely with the Program Manager and Offshore Delivery Manager and act as an
interface between the Senior Management team of AstraZeneca and Cognizant

Transition/Program Manager
The Transition/Program Manager will be responsible for the actual transitioning of all work that is
in the scope of the engagement. He will be the single point of contact for AZ and will be
responsible for:
 Participating in and supporting strategic planning and decision-making for transitioning.
 Anticipating and handling any transition related risks, which might have to be addressed.
 Ensuring that the overall commitments of the project are met in terms of committed
schedules and quality of deliverables.
 Ensuring that Cognizant’s Transition best practices and methodologies are followed to
achieve a smooth transition.
 Directing ownership and management of Cognizant’s scope of work in the engagement
 Ensuring that all of the AstraZeneca defined Service Requirements are fulfilled by
Cognizant as per mutually agreed upon schedules, SLAs and quality levels
 Monitoring and managing future plans, resources, schedules, deliverables and progress.
 Providing regular status reports to AstraZeneca Management and Cognizant Client
Engagement Manager.

Offshore Delivery Manager and Project Leads

The Project Leads will be handling the delivery responsibilities for their responsible
 Directly responsible for the module/application level Transition and for tracking the
effectiveness of the Transition Approach.

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 Supporting the Program Manager and the Cognizant Client Engagement Partner in
ensuring that AstraZeneca defined service requirements are met.

AstraZeneca Roles and Responsibilities

It is assumed that the members of the Transition PMO from AstraZeneca will be responsible for:
 Providing project specific insights and monitoring operational parameters for each of the
task executed as part of the proposed engagement.
 Interacting with Cognizant Program Manager to track progress.
 Provide feedback to Cognizant on progress and status of KT.

10.1.2 Steady State Program Management Office

The components of the proposed Engagement Governance Model are:

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 Steering Committee - The Steering Committee is composed of senior management

teams from both sides. The committee seeks to ensure that the engagement has really
resulted in tangible results and demonstrable value.
 Program Management Office - The PMO comprises of AZ Service management team,
Cognizant Account Manager, Program Manager and Offshore Delivery Manager. The
PMO serves as an oversight body that leverages synergies among business functions
and projects. This group focuses on operational issues and has the necessary and
sufficient authority to make key decisions.
 Project Execution Group - This team will manage the day to day execution of projects,
execute and enhance management processes, promote shared learning and reuse and
feed the Program Management Office with relevant information and updates.

Escalation Process

An escalation process has been defined to handle any issues or problems that may be escalated
by AZ. Through periodical review meetings, Cognizant will facilitate the issue escalation
procedure. The frequency of the meetings will be mutually decided and issues will be escalated to
the predefined roles. Depending upon the severity of the problem, time limits will be defined for
escalation to higher levels of management. There could be some situations that might demand
simultaneous escalation to all levels. As directed by AZ, suitable changes in the escalation
structure, if necessary, will be defined and documented.
The picture below represents Cognizant’s understanding of the communication and escalation
flow: Cognizant Application Analysts (ASD) will report to Cognizant Application Service Manager.
Cognizant Application Service Managers who will have a direct line of communication with the
AstraZeneca Application Service Managers.

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 Cognizant Application Analysts will report to Cognizant Application Service Manager.

Cognizant Application Service Manager will have a direct line of communication with
AstraZeneca Application Service Manager. Cognizant ASM will submit weekly status
reports to AstraZeneca ASM
 Cognizant Application Analysts will have a direct line of communication with AstraZeneca
Application Specialists and other resolver groups.
 Users will have a direct line of communication with IBM help desk and not with Cognizant
help desk.
 IBM Help desk will have a direct level of communication with Cognizant Service Desk
 Super Users will not have regular communication with Cognizant Service Desk. They’ll
speak to Cognizant Service Desk only for occasional emergency technical questions

Cognizant ASD will be responsible for the end-to-end responsibility of resolving all the incidents
reported to the ASD, including the communication to the various groups and follow-ups to the end
users. Cognizant ASM will submit weekly/monthly status reports to AstraZeneca ASM in
accordance with the format shared by AstraZeneca and all issues will be discussed during weekly
status meetings. Any urgent escalations regarding ticket timelines, interface group issues will be
escalated according to the pre-defined escalation paths.

Cognizant’s ASMs will serve as the primary point of contact between Cognizant and AstraZeneca
and will be in charge of day-to-day administration, operational management and ensuring SLA
compliance. The ASM will try and help the team rectify issues within time limits specified in the

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 In case deadlines may be missed, the ASD will inform both the Cognizant ASM and
AstraZeneca ASM and escalate the issue with a report and reasons for escalation and
suggested remedial measures. If issues recur frequently leading to escalation, then a
root-cause analysis will be conducted and remedial action taken.
 Cognizant ASM and AstraZeneca’s ASM will initiate remedial action and if despite this
effort the deadlines outlined in the contract are expected to be missed, the program
manager of Cognizant and Regional service manager of AstraZeneca are informed. This
forms the second level of escalation.
 Cognizant’s Program Manager and AstraZeneca regional service manager work with the
ASMs from Cognizant and AstraZeneca, to look at immediate solutions to address the
issue and implement the same. The teams also analyze and put in place long-term
measures to avoid repetition of similar issues being escalated.
 Cognizant’s Account manager and AstraZeneca Global service manager, working jointly
with their respective teams will brainstorm and implement a co-coordinated effort to
resolve the issue and specific reasons for non compliance to SLAs are noted, a root
cause analysis is done for the issue and suitable remedial measures agreed by both
teams are put in place

Cognizant will also provide various metrics including the number of occasions the escalation
process is invoked. The period and frequency of these reports will be finalized in discussions with

The escalation mitigation measures could arise from analysis of the data from ManageNow and
eTracker and will include:
 Refining service delivery by manipulating parameters like resource allocation,
 Enhancing knowledge repository
 Additional training for the support Analysts etc.
Each entry in the escalation log would be date-time stamped and cross-referenced with ticket
numbers. Each time an escalation process is invoked, the person escalating the call to the
escalation point would also provide the ticket number. This would ensure the accuracy of data
provided for the number of times the escalation process is invoked.

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11 Risk & Organizational Change Management

Risk Management

Cognizant has a strong risk management process for proactively identifying and monitoring risks.
This effective risk management process prevents program disruption; project budget overruns,
missed implementation deadlines, unhappy users or missed opportunities that impede realization
of targeted benefits.

Process: The Cognizant methodical risk management approach ensures the identification and
problems solving `in a proactive manner and transparent manner. This process is indicated in the
figure below.

All potential risks are identified at the start of the project and proposed mitigation plans are
created. Additionally, Cognizant will continuously monitor the project landscape for risks arising
as a result of various dynamics. The mitigation plan is tracked throughout the project, depending
upon the extent of risk exposure. The identified risks are tracked and controlled at all phases of
the engagement.

Without limiting Cognizant’s other obligations under the Contract, Cognizant shall employ various
risk mitigation strategies to prevent issues and problems from occurring, as well as to minimize
the effect of any issues and problems that may have occurred. Cognizant’s approach to risk

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mitigation is represented below. Cognizant shall update Customer of the status of any risks and
provide frequent updates on the measures taken to mitigate any such risks.

Cognizant has classified the areas of risk that have been identified for this project as:
1. Transition & Change Associated Risks – These risks relate to;
a. Knowledge Transition from incumbent
b. User Perception to change of service provider
c. Flexible Services required falls outside the projected areas
2. Technical Risks – These risks relate to;
a. Timely Project Start-up
b. Adaptation of Customer’s stakeholders to the offshore-onsite optimized model of
support environment
c. Resource Availability and Readiness
3. Infrastructure Risks
a. Site Outage
b. Delay/Lack of network connectivity between Onsite and Offshore

The mitigation measures and the detailed areas of risk that have been identified for this
project are presented in the following table:
Risk Severity Mitigation Plan Ownership Phase
Transition & Change Associated Risks
User satisfaction AZ Manager
dropping due to the  Change Management Plan & Cognizant Transition
1 result of change in Program Phase
 User Communication Plan
service provider Manager

 Use Pre Transition Phase

to build readiness
 Create Application
AZ current Simulators with historical Pre
data Respective Transition
leave before the
Solution Set Phase
completion of  Leverage Pre Transition
2 Medium Project And
knowledge transfer
phase to have Shorter Managers Transition
to the Cognizant
team. “shadow” phase to allow
early “hands-on”
experience to Cognizant
3 Unwillingness of Medium  Identify Cognizant Program Transition
AZ contractors to Manager Phase –
resources upfront for
share information And Offshore Shadow
with the Cognizant “Shadow” of AZ and/or Team Leads Phase
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vendor resources and

ensure maximum
team. knowledge transfer is
undergone during the Pre
Transition Phase
 Create web based
Knowledge repository
 Capture all system
documentation at the start
of the engagement and
Lack of existing augment lack of Post Project
4 documentation Kick off
documentation And Offshore
Team Leads
 Cognizant would spend
additional time during
transition for creation of
needed documentation

Project Related Risks

 Leverage the Solution
Assurance Group who will
ensure tight execution of Verbal
Project Commitment
processes to enable timely Manager that the
Timely Project Medium startup And Solution Project has
Startup to High Assurance been
 Create a schedule in Group awarded to
conjunction with Customer Cognizant

staff to plan time allocation

2 Adaptation of Low  Cognizant will conduct Solution Pre & Post

Customer’s Assurance Transition
sessions, workshops at
stakeholders to the Group Phase
offshore-onsite regular intervals to portray
optimized model of
benefits of off-shoring,
environment onsite-offshore model,
offshore culture and
processes, and other
necessary details to ensure
a effective working
environment for Cognizant
and Customer

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 Cognizant has already

identified key resources
and will continue to build Client Partner
Availability and Ongoing
3 Low & Account
Readiness the team in advance of
starting the project.

Infrastructure Risks
 Cognizant already has
enabled connectivity with
Delay/Lack of Chennai, Kolkata and
network Cognizant Pre
Bangalore centers. These
connectivity Network Transition
1 Low
between Onsite will be used and additional Manager Phase
and Offshore
Bandwidth augmented if

 Disaster Recovery and

Offshore /
Site Outage Restart Centers will be At Intimation
2 Low Nearshore
of Outage
made available Manager

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12 Value Additions and Continuous Improvements

Transforming While Performing (Year over year efficiencies)

12.1.1 Year over Year Efficiencies

Achieving year on year improvements, including improved system stability and reduction
in the costs of support to AstraZeneca
Cognizant’s application management methodology stems from extensive experience in managing
business critical applications:
 Over 18,000 person years of offshore application outsourcing experience
 Over 10,000 hours of mainframe based application outsourcing experience
 Over 2250 individual applications transitioned offshore for outsourcing work
 Strong robust transition methodology
 Cost savings of over 40% experienced by customers on average
For application management at AstraZeneca, Cognizant can achieve substantial benefits using its
Quality processes, Portfolio Analysis and Rationalization Service and cross training of resources.

 Cognizant Quality Processes -Cognizant’s quality processes deliver cost reductions

and sustainable productivity improvements to the client. Typically, customers realise cost
savings of about 5% as a result of Cognizant’s CMMi Level 5 best practices. By
employing Six Sigma DMAIC, customers typically save an additional 3-7%. Employing
DMADV Six Sigma trims an additional 4-6%. These benefits are illustrated in the diagram

       Figure 6: Benefits of Quality initiatives at Cognizant

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 Portfolio Analysis and Rationalization Service - Cognizant offer a full range of large-
scale application management and transformation services, including portfolio analysis,
rationalization and consolidation, change management, program management and
transformational outsourcing. The new Portfolio Analysis and Rationalization Service
helps clients cut costs, streamline processes, and boost system performance and
throughput by eliminating system redundancies and rationalizing their application
portfolios and IT organizations. Using these services, Cognizant is able to provide
performance improvements and cost savings that significantly exceed the advantages
typically provided by other offshore vendors
 Load Balancing and Cross Training Resources – Significant improvements in
application management can be realised by increasing the utilisation of resources
supporting these applications. Applications with similar technology and functionality can
be grouped together and the resources supporting this can be cross- trained to support
multiple applications in a single group. Thus increasing the utilisation of the resources.

12.1.2 Quality Certification for Continuous Process Improvement

Cognizant develops, trains, and certifies key resources across various verticals, horizontals, and
support functions in Six Sigma in order to ensure maintenance of quality standards and
productivity improves over engagement life times. This ensures a proper mix of Black Belts and
Green Belts who would be instrumental for ‘Continuous Process Improvements’ in their
respective engagements.

Six Sigma Trained Resources Six Sigma Certified Resources Dashboard

Dashboard (as of September 2006) (as of September 2006)
Yellow Belts 10,500 Master Black Belts/ Senior Black Belts 7
Green Belts 1050 Black Belts 13
Black Belts 85 Green Belts 128

Cognizant is ISO 9001:2000 certified, and assessed at SEI-CMMi Level 5 and P-CMM Level 5. It
is also assessed against the BS 7799 standard, the internationally recognized certification for
security and business continuity.
Cognizant’s quality philosophy aims to sensitize every employee, division and location to strive
relentlessly to exceed the customer’s expectations so they will want to continue to do business
with us; create innovative, world-class software solutions that redefine standards; and achieve
these goals by adopting a strong quality culture, encouraging individual commitment to quality,
continuous quality improvement and process innovation.

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In line with this philosophy, Cognizant’s Quality processes are devised to enable Total Quality
Management and emphasize on problem prevention rather than problem correction.

Cognizant has taken a conscious decision to be assessed against global Quality benchmarks at
least once every two years. In 1996, it was certified at ISO:9001, in 1998 at SEI-CMM Level 4, in
2000 at SEI-CMM Level 5 and in 2002 at P-CMM and BS 7799 and in 2003 at SEI-CMMi Level 5.
All Cognizant assessments have been enterprise-wide and by an external certifying body such as

12.1.3 Organization-Level Benchmarks and Industry Benchmarking

To ensure continuous productivity improvements, Cognizant proposes to meticulously track

engagement metrics against Organization level Benchmarks (OLBM) that will reflect the process
capability of various metrics at engagement as well as organization levels. The benchmarking
methodology is given below.
 Projects Metrics Data will be collected periodically from our internal tools Prolite and
 Metrics Data will be stratified based on operation model and for some metrics the
stratification is done based on technology and language.
 Stratified Data points is analyzed and outliers will be removed
 Percentile method is used to compute the benchmarks for each metrics. P10, Median
and P90 will be calculated for all metrics after removing the outliers.
 Goal, upper control limit (UCL), lower control limit (LCL) is identified for each metric.
Median is treated as goal, P10 is LCL and P90 is UCL.

The metrics benchmarks are published in our intranet portal qview and are integrated with our
internal tools Prolite and eTracker to facilitate projects in their planning process. New projects will
make use of these benchmarks to set the goal for identified metrics.

Some of sources we bank upon to get updates on industry standards are:

 International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (
 David Consulting group (
 Software Productivity Research (
 SPI-SIG (Software Productivity Improvement Special Interest Group), a Bangalore based
SPIN organization

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Leverage Cognizant Competencies

12.1.4 Leveraging Offshore Validation CoE (Center of Excellence)

Cognizant has a Validation Center of Excellence that provides validated systems leveraging
Cognizant’s Global Delivery Model.

Cognizant has extensive experience with FDA validated systems, and has provided solutions to
leading and niche pharmaceutical players in the areas of GCP, 21 CFR Part 11, CIOMS
standards, MedDRA standards, ICH and FDA guidelines and CDISC standards.
Cognizant performs testing at all appropriate stages of the project life cycle and follows the
butterfly model for software validation. The validation activities applicable to In-Scope
applications will be customized and adopted by the proposed Validation CoE.

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Figure 8Validation CoE

Cognizant’s packaged Solution Validation Framework is shown below.

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Figure 9 Solution Validation Framework

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13 Experience / Case Studies

Appendix A – Experience / Case Studies

13.1.1 Case Studies: Application Outsourcing for Support and Maintenance Siebel Support for a Pharmaceutical Firm

Client Profile: A global pharmaceutical leader with worldwide presence and thousands of

The client had implemented Siebel SFA application for Spain. Based on the initial assessment
and the business needs, Cognizant was given the responsibility of supporting the existing
application, implementing the immediate needs of the users and deploying the new application
in Spain.
 The client wanted quick Knowledge Transition (KT) for supporting the existing
application. Requirement gathering and design of enhancements had to proceed while
the transition was in progress
 The incumbent vendor was located in different country, not proficient in English and
Cognizant resources were not allowed in incumbent vendor premises
 There was lack of a single tool for logging L2 & L3 support issues

 Knowledge Transition across multiple geographical locations, spanning multiple time
 Integration of L2 and L3 support tools
 Metrics based progress tracking during transition
 Weekly transition monitoring and progress update to all the parties

 Knowledge Transition using WebEx application resulted in cost benefits for Client.
 Effective use of Webex sessions during share phase when Cognizant team from Off-
 India and incumbent vendor from France had to work together

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 Active involvement of Cognizant, Client, incumbent vendor & other stakeholders during
knowledge transfer planning and execution stages resulted in quick, effective and best
use of knowledge transfer sessions
 Onsite-Offshore Model eliminated the cut the time and cost required for Onsite – Offshore
Knowledge Transition
 Cognizant’s In-house Cross Culture programs have helped employees get sensitized to
cultural and linguistic differences. These resulted in greater participation and effective
knowledge flow from the incumbent vendor Siebel SFA Support for Large BioTech Firm

Client Profile: One of the world's largest Biotechnology companies located in the US with
annual revenues in excess of $10 billion and employing people worldwide.

The client had implemented Siebel for Sales Force Automation. A Big 5 Consulting company
was the implementation partner for Release. The client selected Cognizant to maintain the
application. The existing Siebel application was not optimally designed and the client found the
Incumbent vendor not cost-effective. Moreover frequent rotation of resources resulted in an
inexperienced team from vendor.

 Transition plan was prepared with active involvement of Cognizant, Client and incumbent
 During Knowledge Transfer, Incumbent Vendor and Cognizant were actively involved
while client monitored the progress
 Cognizant adopted Shadow-Share-Lead Approach, making both Incumbent Vendor and
Cognizant resources where 1005 productive during Shadow & Lead phases
 Phased rolling-off strategy of the existing vendor consultants with Senior most tech lead
rolling off at the end of the transition, resulting in Maximum knowledge transfer with
minimal loss of information
 Weekly transition monitoring and progress update to all the parties

 The client derived significant productivity improvements starting with the Knowledge
Transfer phase
 Reduced number of defects
 No impact on Client’s ongoing release plan
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Release 2.0 Release 3.0 Release 4.0

Total Requirements - 315 Total Requirements - 247 Total Requirements - 613

Team size - 30 Team size - 24 Team size - 30
Duration - 7 months Duration - 7 months Duration - 7 months

Productivity Index - 7.5% Productivity Index - 17.15% Productivity Index - 18.24%

Big5 - Lead, Cognizant - Cognizant- Cognizant – Lead

Shadow Share

Point Release
Productivity Index – No of requirements / person day

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Figure 10 Defect Reduction Siebel Support for Business Information Supplier

Client Profile: The client focuses on being one of the world's leading suppliers of business
information, services, and research. Its database contains statistics on more than 100 million
companies in more than 200 countries, including the largest volume of business-credit
information in the world.
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The client has a Sales Force Automation system along with Siebel sales, marketing and call
center module based on Siebel 6.3. Siebel Analytics 7.0 is being used for business pipeline
reporting. The Siebel applications have been integrated with CTI middleware platforms
Genesys and Concerto. A lead management – eLeads – system handles lead submission and
processing. To aid smooth functioning of the complete system multiple utilities have been
created over the years. Besides these multiple database schemas have been used to cleanse
the data and populate the data in Siebel Base table.
These applications have 1000+ users, including 400 remote users, in multiple business units
with different profiles.
The client needed support services (SLA bound) for Siebel Sales, Siebel Marketing, and Siebel
Analytics & eLeads applications encompassing increased support hours, Siebel administration,
user troubleshooting and maintenance. A much desired benefit from these services was
significant cost reduction.

Cognizant leveraged its Onsite/Offshore support model to deliver application maintenance &
support services. Onsite team includes the program management office viz. Cognizant CRM
Director, Client Partner & Account Manager and the Onsite coordinator. The support team
(offshore based) is led by Delivery manager, responsible for Offshore Delivery and supported
by project lead. The support groups include members of Siebel competency center, quality
assurance group and network operations group.
The client services portfolio includes –
 Maintenance
o Managing different external interfaces of the application
 Tasks
o Weekly Data processing from External systems into
Staging area and then running EIM to populate Siebel
Base tables.
o Troubleshooting issues with the loading of data into
staging table.
o Monitoring Siebel and eLeads application
 Support
o End user support and troubleshooting issues
 Tasks
o Application administration

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o Remote administration
o Server administration
o End users assistance
o Data driven issues handling

 17 hours a day 5 days a week support from onsite/offshore with staggered shifts to work
over night (US time) for processing data
 Complete day time support to work with D&B management team
 Saving of $ 0.3 million due to utilization of onsite/offshore support model
 Effective tracking of calls using Cognizant Project Management Office (PMO) based tools

13.1.2 DW Solution for a Biotechnology Company

Client Profile
Our client, the world's largest biotechnology company, was founded in Thousand Oaks, California
in 1980. Our client's corporate mission is to be the world leader in discovering, developing and
manufacturing cost-effective human therapeutics based on advances in cellular and molecular
biology. Our client pioneered development of novel and innovative products based on advances
in recombinant DNA and molecular biology. In-depth knowledge developed through the utilization
of state-of-the-art cellular and molecular biology enables our scientists to discover and develop

naturally occurring proteins, anti-bodies and small molecules, with the goal of extending the
reach of science to unleash the body’s own powerful therapeutic responses. Our client uses
science and innovation in an effort to dramatically improve people’s lives.

In July 2002, our client has acquired Seattle based bio-technology company which, centered its
research on lymphokines and the immune system, an area rapidly emerging interest that would
ultimately have clinical implications far beyond traditional immunology.

Client Situation
Our client has a complex system for managing information across the Sales & Marketing
organization. The data that is required for sales and marketing were handled by differing and
diverse systems that were not easily consolidated. Existing data repositories were designed
based on incomplete requirements. These systems are not scalable or flexible to meet the current
business needs. As historical information becomes critical to sales and marketing trending,
decision support and program effectiveness analysis, there was a need to develop a strategic
historical data warehouse. Workaround on current systems to meet new business needs were

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increasingly expensive, inefficient and unreliable. Existing information processing methodology

consisted of manual intervention and custom interfaces to retrieve data. Current level of staff
used inefficiently due to redundant reports and high level of maintenance.

Recently, our client undertook a major initiative called BRIA (Business Requirements Information
Architecture) to present unified information architecture for maintaining and reporting
requirements. As the first step in integrating the various systems, they launched the Customer
Master and Alignment (CMA) project to create a unified Customer Master and Sales Alignment
system. Hence, a number of systems like ACM, CMS and REP/Terr are being retired.

Some of the reporting requirements are obtained from Centaur and ATLAS data mart systems.
Other reports are running in tools that are not part of the standards, such as Micro Strategy.

Finally, our client has grown tremendously in the past few years - expanding its product line and
the business units to support them - and the systems need to be upgraded to cater to this growth.
Our client needed a Reporting Data Store (RDS) system that will be integrated into their Sales
and Marketing Business Requirements Information Architecture (BRIA). RDS will be the “Single
Source of Truth” for all reporting needs.

Some of the other business applications/processes to which they would like reporting solutions
 POA Activities.
 Call Center.
 Medical Education.
 Advocacy
 Global Publication Plan Tracking.
All of the above processes are integrated in to the Siebel CRM application and hence give rise to
the need for a robust yet scalable and flexible reporting infrastructure.

Cognizant Solution
Cognizant provided a central, flexible, scalable and rapid information availability reporting/
analytical environment for Sales and Marketing with the incumbent reporting and other business
needs. Cognizant suggested an iterative approach to achieve the requirements, which meets all
of our client's business requirements, while effectively managing risk in a cost-effective manner.

RDS consists broadly of the following elements

 Build RDS data-mart which will contain Compensation aligned sales and scripts, aligned
total sales, and unaligned total sales.

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 Convert Micro Strategy Reports into Cognos.

 Develop automated excel reports.
 Automated QAQC process and Job monitoring.
 Create operational reports identified as critical.
 Migrate the functionality of Sales Adjustments from its current form to an independent
transactional system, along with associated web-based GUI, processing and interfaces.
 Implement an Activity Data mart to provide a central data repository of POA information
 for all Business Units with ability to do cross BU analysis as well
 Redesign of the Activity data mart for seamless integration with Sales
 Standardize POA reporting requirements and implement the same
 Address the real time standard and adhoc reporting needs of the Call Center and Medical
Education groups
 Address the Analytical information needs of the Advocacy group
 Address the standard/adhoc reporting requirements of the Medical
communication/Publication planning and tracking group
 To expand the ad hoc querying capabilities of Activity reporting

Why RDS-Compass?

Single Source of Truth: Sales Adjustment data, weekly data, Corporate Account data, Oncology
Business Unit data, Anemia Business Unit data, and Compensation processing were all
addressed in different systems. They would end up with differing data sets. Needless to say,
client could hardly marry these diverse data sets. To add to this complexity, clients were
observing the lack of flexibility and difficulty of coordination of multiple systems when faced with
changes requested by the business. RDS will be the THE source and only source where
business will define the impersonal compensation rules a.k.a. sales credit rules, will find what
data is given to TrueComp, will be able to get weekly sales as well as Corporate Account sales
and other BU sales for which client were observing the need for cross BU sales analysis.

Single Business rules processing: All of the processing logic will be consistent across data
sets mentioned as a result of the consolidation effort referred to earlier. RDS provides a web
interface where business will be able to define its business rules concerning how to process data
in general (what makes up the total sales), how to align sales (sales credit rules) and how to feed
TrueComp while providing the same set of data for querying and reporting (Compensation
Aligned Sales). In addition, RDS will be able to provide ranking and deciles functionality for any
sales force with some minimal restrictions.

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Ease of reporting and querying: The premise of RDS was to facilitate and improve the query
and reporting. The legacy systems were either unable to address many scenarios of the business
needs resulting in dissatisfaction of the business against the reporting capabilities and/or were
creating many hidden tactical solutions which were not resilient, efficient and cost-effective. RDS
data model is constructed to address the needs discovered in the past, and the lack of the legacy
functionalities while building on the positive features of the legacy.

Extended Capabilities: Legacy was comprised of databases, MS Excel sheets and manual
processing. RDS heavily relies on CMA for alignment, EDX for sales data, CCS for contract and
chargeback and business for business rules using its web front-end. RDS was designed to ingest
new sales forces, and new products without interruption.

RDS - Sources and Flow

Activity Reporting

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Client Benefit
 “Single Source of Truth”, with the premise being the improvement and efficiency of query
and reporting processes.
 Single Business rules processing.
 An analytical and integrated reporting environment for sales and marketing & activity
 Ease of reporting and querying, efficient SFA data turn-around.
 Leverage and build on the reporting capabilities of existing applications, such as Activity
Reporting, Launch Digest etc.
 Support requirements for reporting, user interface and system inputs and outputs.
 Standardize sales and activity reporting across business units.
 Support requirements for system security, QA/QC processes and system metrics.
 Increased value of data through extended analysis.
 Reduced maintenance cost of distributed applications.
 Standardize Activity/Medical Education/Call Center reporting across Business Units

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Tools and Technology

 Database: Oracle 8.1.7
 OS: Sun Solaris 2.6
 ETL: Informatica 5.1
 OLAP: Cognos 7.0
 Methodology: Phased approach
 Application Server: Weblogic
 Webserver: Iplanet
 Scripting: Java
 LDAP: Siteminder
 Configuration Manager: PVCS
 Data Modeling: Erwin
 Content Management: Documentum

 723 Man-Months

13.1.3 DataWarehousing Case Study: Large Pharma Company

Client Profile
The client is the world's largest pharmaceutical company.

Client Situation
Each of the client entities in Europe had their own legacy system for financial status reporting.
The client wanted to have a consolidated/centralized financial repository for the entire region.
They wanted to use Oracle reporting tools like Discoverer and OFA as the upstream. European
Financial Shared Service (EFSS) in Oracle Financial application and integration between
upstream and downstream would be simple.

Cognizant Solution

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Figure 11 MIC Architecture

The MIC architecture shows different source systems from which the data is coming like O2C,
P2P, R2R, Concur, IPT, IPM and Hyperion
 IPT implies Integrated Parallel trade system used for getting the Parallel Trade data
 IPM implies Inventory Product Movement system used for getting the mark up data
 Hyperion system is used to record Export Sales data and royalties paid by Pfizer
 NY Head quarter is the source for IPT, IPM and Hyperion data

Client Benefits
 Cost-efficient delivery solution through onsite-offshore model which provides extended
support to Customers from 3AM to 6PM GMT.
 Considerable reduction in end to end ETL process time achieved by automated ETL
based on Oracle Warehouse Builder (OWB) and automated scheduling of ETL jobs by
 Automated Data validation processes enables improvement in data quality and accuracy.
 Oracle Internet Directory and Oracle Application server provides security for Discoverer

 Database: Oracle

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 ETL: Oracle Warehouse Builder

 OLAP: Oracle Financial Analyzer (OFA) and Discoverer
 Others: Solaris
 Methodology: Phased approach Top-3 Pharma Company

Client Profile
The client is a Global Leader in the Pharmaceutical Industry with annual revenues of over USD
$50 Billion.

Client Situation
The Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence (DW &BI) Division of Human Health IT has a lot
of applications specific to Pharmacogenomics, Drug Research Data, and Financial Data that
needs to be maintained and enhanced efficiently.
The client has an Integrated Outsourcing Support Model for providing support services for the PG
mart application. Currently there exist four levels of support; these are Level 1 – Production
Support, Level 2 – Subject Area Support, Level 3 – SME and Project support and Level 4 –
Development Support. The primary objectives of Integrated Outsourced Support model are:
 Reduce overall support cost for Data warehouse environments.
 Improve overall quality of the “Support Experience” currently provided to the customer.
 Enable efficient project support that does not compete with the resources for production
 Work independently as a Level 4 Support consultant and projects developer, with minimal
dependence on other BI resources.
Cognizant was invited by the client to provide the services for various support and development
operations that would facilitate the PG personnel use the systems productively and effectively.

Cognizant Solution
Cognizant with its business-focused and technology-driven approach helped the client meet its
needs and provided long term strategic benefits by providing services to the client’s 2nd and 4th
Level Support which included:
 Performing a Technical Environment Study
 Providing Technical level Development, Project & Support Specialists and Subject Matter
Expertise for the Development Support of PG mart
 Project management for the scope of work performed by the Cognizant team.
 Development and Delivery of a Communication Procedure describing the procedures to
be followed by the Cognizant team when interacting with Level 1 support team.
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 Development and Delivery of a Communication Procedure describing the procedures to

be followed by the Cognizant team when interacting with Level 3 Pfizer support team.
 Metrics based measurement of productivity through Cognizant’s internal tools such as E-
tracker, Emetrics etc
 Customer Interactions, Data Discrepancies and Escalations.

Current Support Services

 Level 1 and Level 2 support for ‘RIF’ (Research Information Factory)
 Level 2 Support for ‘GIF’ (Global Information Factory)
 Level 2 and Level 3 Support for ‘PG CoRE’
 Providing 9 x 5 support for PG CoRE, 21 x 5 support for RIF and 24 x 7 support for GIF
 Support to Incident Management & Change Control Mechanism
 Data Quality Validation and Trouble Shooting

Customer Benefits
 Scalable Support Model ramping up and down to meet increased volumes and business
 Global Model Servicing applications 24 x 7
 Improved quality levels and continuous process improvement
 Synergy across engagements
 Improvement of overall quality of the “Support Experience” for the client
 Reduction in the overall support cost for Data warehouse environments CDI & Data Governance

Client Profile: A global research-driven pharmaceutical company which discovers, develops,

manufactures and markets vaccines and medicines

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 Lack of consistent customer definition
 No integrated view of customer data
 Business needed a Data Governance framework
 Multiple Information silos
 Lack of integration among systems
 Difficulty in handling customer data coming from over 40 different systems

 Define & Manage Data Governance process
 Siperian CDI Hub will provide a centralized customer repository
 J2EE based & SOA compliant system
 Integrate Trillium for address cleansing
 Handle multiple source and destination systems

Data stewardship and consulting services to Client’s multi-channel initiative
 Steeping stone for enterprise wide MDM initiative
 Data Governance handling enterprise wide data issues
 Cross channel integration & optimization
 Feeding Analytics to mine customer’s econometric, lifestyle and life stage data
 Improve customer retention through better service Consolidated Customer Master

Client Profile: A Fortune Global 500 firm which has over its 150+ year history discovered and
developed breakthrough medicines and consumer products.

 Time-consuming batch processes handling large volumes of data leading to data ageing
 Multiple databases, capturing and storing customer data in different ways, resulting in
difficulties to integrate customer data
 Imperfect matching routines that compare customer data from different systems, resulting
in inconsistent and inaccurate customer data master


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 Implemented the Siperian CDI Hub and integrated it with existing applications to provide
a single view of all customers’ information and one integrated communication and
fulfillment strategy to business
 Holistic view of the customer was integrated into all touch points ensuring that every
interaction is both consistent and appropriate
 Technology: Java based Siperian CDI Hub with Oracle 10g master database, Windows
2003/XP, Sun OS 5.9, WebLogic 8.1, Ascential DataStage 7.5, JDK 1.4/ JRE 1.4, IE 6.0,

Developed a system integrated with internal as well as external data sources across UK,
Continental Europe and Canada (22 countries in all), and enabled to cross-reference for
customer data in multiple systems
 Framework for real time / near real-time / batch mode data exchange between CCM and
other interfacing systems preventing data latency
 Siperian CDI Hub acting as a single system of unified records and most trusted source of
all customer related information for the market
 Cross-referencing capability of customer records among all enterprise systems and
external vendors
 Cognizant completed the entire exercise in 4.5 months using the Onsite/Offshore model ECMS Support

Client Profile: Fortune A Fortune Global 500 firm which has over its 150+ year history
discovered and developed breakthrough medicines and consumer products.

Support is required for-
 Transition from the existing vendor providing support
 Operations issues that require complex diagnosis or unique solutions
 Siebel ECMS Application and Interface maintenance/execution
 Coordination with other vendors/stakeholders

 Cognizant took over the responsibilities from the previous consulting vendor
 Overcame language barriers, unfriendly attitude, lack of co-ordination and several other
infrastructural problems
 Planned meticulously for Knowledge Transition from incumbent vendor
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 Integrated the various client tools which helped in meeting the Business Users need as
well as the Pfizer IT standards
 Technology: Web based tools-Bitacora & Clarity (Niku)

Developed a system integrated with internal as well as external data sources across UK,
Continental Europe and Canada (22 countries in all), and enabled to cross-reference for
customer data in multiple systems.
 Significant reduction in Response time (in resolving issues) with invention of home grown
 Providing permanent solutions / fixes – reduced number of Issues from 10-15 a day to 5-
6 per day
 Over 98.5% SLA met

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Appendix B – Activities, Roles & Responsibilities

13.1.4 Application Set 1: Siebel / Field Sales Application

The following table indicates the list of activities during the KT phase and responsibilities of
Cognizant and AZ:

R Responsible – Who owns the problem / project

A Approve – Who must sign off / approve on work before it is effective
C/S Consulted / Supportive – Who has information and can be consulted to
complete tasks
I Informed – Who has to be notified of results but need not be consulted

Pre – Transition Familiarization

Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Request for ticket details of all the application to review and R C, I

understand the common issues

Request for details on the application for application simulation C, I R


Provide Technical Specification Document on various application R C, I

( touchstone SFA, Touchstone Reporting, Interactive Center
Siebel and Analytics)


Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Prepare Detailed KT Plan R C, I, A

Review existing Processes and procedures R C, I

Risk analysis and mitigation plans R C, I

Review Software Configuration Management R C, I

Finalize QA plan, Metrics plan, Metrics collection tools and R C, I, A


Review existing SLA framework and Prepare SLA document R C, I, A

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Knowledge Acquisition
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Understand existing development and test environments, security R C, I

standards and procedures

Conduct Knowledge Transfer sessions to gain functional and C, I R

technical knowledge of involved systems

Understand interfaces of Touchstone systems with source and R C, I

downstream applications

Understand Business process for the field sales application R C,I

Understand Business Hierarchy and organization and territorial R C, I


Understand Workflow of the users R C, I

Understand Business rules R C, I

Understand maintenance process – understand current R C, I

production support process, change control process, and
documentation required during problem resolution life cycle

Understand validation process R C, I

Prepare Process handbook for Applications and various R C, I, A


Enhancement requests (Flexible services) – Document R C, I

processes triggered by such requests, tracking all events through
entire development life cycle, identifying tools used, and error
classification schemes

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Shadow Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Identify and update shortcomings in system documents in R C, I

consultation with Application owners

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Induction programs for offshore team to deliver knowledge R C, I

gathered at onsite

Test data and voice connectivity to AZ from offshore facilities. R C, I

Check the various DID options

Initiate offshore support R C, I

Refine KT document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Share Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Understanding Issue resolution methodology for failures in Siebel R C, I

and analytics Environments.

Recovery procedures for Interfaces R C, I

Refine KT Document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Lead Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Validate Maintenance process by taking up a Maintenance R C, I

request offshore using Problem Resolution life cycle

Review and Approve SLAs R C, I, A

Monitor and Measure SLAs C, I R, A

Refine KT document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

13.1.5 Application Set 2: Cornerstone / Alignment Applications

Pre-Transition Familiarization Phase

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Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Collects relevant documents from AZ R C, I

High level understanding of AZ system with the help of R C, I

collected documents

Update Cognizant team with current system in terms of work R I

items, ticket and issues history thus far.

Due Diligence and Planning

Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Prepare Detailed KT Plan, Project plan and Governance & R C, I, A

Communication Plan

Review existing standards R C, I

Risk analysis and mitigation plans R C, I

Review Software Configuration Management R C, I

Finalize QA plan, Metrics plan, Metrics collection tools and R C, I, A


Review existing SLA framework and Prepare SLA document R C, I

Knowledge Acquisition
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Understand existing development and test environments, R C, I

security standards and procedures

Provide Technical Specification Document on MDM, DPM & RM C, I R


Conduct Knowledge Transfer sessions to gain functional and C, I R

technical knowledge of involved systems

Understand interfaces of various channel application and R C, I

master systems with DPM and vice versa

Understand Business rules R C, I

Understand data transformation rules R C, I

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Understand maintenance process – understand current R C, I

production support process, change control process, and
documentation required during problem resolution life cycle

Understand validation process R C, I

Prepare Knowledge handbook for MDM, DPM & RM R C, I, A


Enhancement requests (Flexible services) – Document R C, I

processes triggered by such requests, tracking all events
through entire development life cycle, identifying tools used,
and error classification schemes

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Shadow Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Identify and update shortcomings in system documents in R C, I

consultation with Application owners

Induction programs for offshore team to deliver knowledge R C, I

gathered at onsite

Test connectivity to AZ from offshore facilities R C, I

Initiate offshore support R C, I

Refine KT document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Share Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Understanding Issue resolution methodology for failures in MDM, R C, I

DPM and RM applications

Recovery procedures for failed jobs in MDM, DPM & RM R C, I


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Refine KT Document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

Lead Phase
Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Validate Maintenance process by taking up a Maintenance R C, I

request offshore using Problem Resolution life cycle

Review and Approve SLAs R C, I, A

Refine KT document R C, I

Review and sign off deliverables from Cognizant and provide R

inputs / feedback

13.1.6 Application Set 3: DBA Services


Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Generate Detailed Project Plan for Execution R C, I, A

Identification of critical databases which require continuous R C, I, A


Review existing SLA Framework R C, I

Define Quality Standards & Review Process R C, I, A

Ensure the availability of infrastructure for offshore DBAs C, I R

Sign-Off Phase Deliverables R

Knowledge Acquisition

Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Process Knowledge assimilation R C, I

Understand existing Business Process, Application R C, I

Functionality and Technology Architecture

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Provide technical documentation on the databases C, I R

Prepare exhaustive KT Documentation R C, I, A

Reverse Presentations R C, I

Sign-off Phase deliverables   R


Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Engage with the AZ staff for Operational Hand-holding R C, I

Self-study of the application documentation R

Performs support and development activities, with assistance R C

from AstraZeneca team as appropriate

Understand the DBA tools used to monitor different R C

parameters across the DBs

Create/Refine KT Documentation R C, I

Sign-off Phase deliverables R

Please note there is no Share Phase required for the DBA application set.

 Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Take primary ownership in monitoring DB parameters R C, I

Take primary ownership in resolving production incidents R C, I

involving the DBs in scope

Review & Approve SLAs R C, I, A

Monitor & Measure SLAs C, I R, A

Refine KT Documentation R C, I

Sign-off phase deliverables R

13.1.7 Application Set 4 & 5: External Websites & H.Q. Applications


Task Description Responsibilities

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Cognizant AstraZeneca

Generate Detailed Project Plan for Execution R C, I, A

Identification of different tracks R C, I, A

Review existing SLA Framework R C, I

Define Quality Standards & Review Process R C, I, A

Define Progress / Status Reporting Process R C, I, A

Ensure the availability of infrastructure for offshore support C, I R

Define Cognizant Project Team Training Plan R I

Sign-Off Phase Deliverables R

Knowledge Acquisition

Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Process Knowledge assimilation R C, I

Understand existing Business Process, Application Functionality R C, I

and Technology Architecture

Provide documentation on websites and related applications C, I R

Review existing Functional & Technical Specification documents R C, I

Prepare exhaustive KT Documentation R C, I, A

Reverse Presentations R C, I

Sign-off Phase deliverables R

Shadow / Share

Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Engage with the AZ staff for Operational Hand-holding R C, I

Self-study of the application documentation R

Performs support and development activities, with assistance R C

from AstraZeneca team as appropriate

Create/Refine KT Documentation R C, I

Review status of Infrastructure C, I R

Sign-off Phase deliverables R

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Task Description Responsibilities

Cognizant AstraZeneca

Take primary ownership of all activities in scope R C, I

Review & Approve SLAs R C, I, A

Monitor & Measure SLAs C, I R, A

Refine KT Documentation R C, I

Sign-off phase deliverables R

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13.2 Appendix C – Cognizant Competencies

13.2.1 Cognizant’s Background

Cognizant Technology Solutions Corporation (NASDAQ: CTSH), headquartered in Teaneck, New
Jersey is a tier-one provider of product and application outsourcing service. Effective from
December 29, 2004, Cognizant is one of the companies constituting the NASDAQ-100 Index; it is
also the only IT Services firm on the list, apart from also being the first and only offshore firm to
be included in the NASDAQ-100. The current employee strength of Cognizant is 36,000+.
Cognizant is uniquely positioned with its strategic focus on customer objectives, strong internal
processes, people management and business culture.

13.2.2 Life Science Practice at Cognizant

Cognizant is the first offshore-based IT Services Organization that organized its project delivery
based on industry verticals. The Life Sciences practice has been providing IT services to
Pharmaceuticals and Pharmaceutical–based companies for well over 12 years. Over the decade,
we have grown into a robust practice with over 2,200 associates serving a client base of over 25
leading Life Sciences companies. Our solutions include projects ranging from IT Strategy
Roadmap development to application maintenance. We serve all the segments of Life Sciences
Industry across the drug / device development continuum.

Life Sciences Strengths and Differentiators

Some of Cognizant’s Life Sciences practice key differentiators are:
 Largest offshore IT service provider in pharmaceutical domain with over a decade’s
experience and a 2,200+ professionals strong Life Sciences Vertical
 Delivery Managers, Relationship Managers and Business Analysts with strong Life
Sciences industry experience
 Over 25 Life Sciences customers including Pfizer, Merck, Novartis, IMS Health,
World’s Largest Biotech, Eli Lilly, Abbott, Alcon, AstraZeneca, Purdue Pharma,
PhaseForward, Schering Plough, AmeriSource Bergen, etc.
 Quality processes conforming with GxPs and FDA Computer System Validation
guidelines and mapped to CMMi Level 5 constructs
 Significant experience in managing Field sales applications like Siebel ePharma,
Siebel analytics etc. implementation, upgrade and application maintenance in the
Pharma industry
 Built number of Data warehouses in the Pharma industry – e.g: Clinical Data
Repository for Merck, pre-clinical DW for Novartis etc.,
 Significant experience in developing and maintaining validated systems for
pharmaceutical companies.

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 Successfully audited multiple times over the past five years by leading Pharma /
BioPharma / CROs including Novartis, World’s Largest Biotech, Abbott, Quintiles, Phase
Forward, AstraZeneca etc. for compliance with Computer System Validation
 Regulatory Affairs Certified (RAC) professionals specialized in both European
Pharmaceutical Regulations and US.
 Significant experience in 21CFR11 and the predicate rules that influence the
implementation of 21CFR11. We provide thought leadership in industry leading
conferences on Computer System Validation.
 Developed proprietary tools like Decifer™, an eLearning tool and a 21CFR11
Assessment Tool™ to assess applications for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance.

Life Sciences Solution Offerings

Cognizant offers solutions across the entire value chain starting from Research & Development to
Sales & Marketing including Regulatory Compliance assessments and remediation solutions.
Cognizant’s compliance services take a process driven approach that helps in architecting a
corporate wide quality program, designing an enterprise-wide plan-covering people, process and
technology, and creating remediation plans. Cognizant follows its proven Onshore/Offshore
Application Value Management methodology to provided maximum value to its clients. The
following chart gives Cognizant’s solution areas in the pharmaceutical industry:

Office of Regulatory Affairs and Compliance

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Cognizant has a dedicated Office of Regulatory Affairs & Compliance (ORAC) and is led by
regulatory professionals with over 15 years of industry experience. In addition to this all life
Sciences associates are trained on CSV, GXP’s and 21 CFR Part 11 compliance. The group also
constitutes of people who are Regulatory Affairs Certified (RAC).

The AstraZeneca-Cognizant Relationship

The AstraZeneca – Cognizant relationship was established in Q3-2004, when Cognizant was
selected as one of the partners in providing IT / Business solutions to AstraZeneca. Since then
Cognizant has been involved with AstraZeneca both in the US and Europe.
With a dedicated onsite-offshore team right from the senior management level, Cognizant is all
set to partner with AstraZeneca in anticipating business needs, planning initiatives and executing
them, to attain significant improvements in the satisfaction levels of internal and external
customers. The extended Cognizant – AstraZeneca team provides the ability to identify and
develop technology, tools, and methodologies best suited to provide these business
improvements to AstraZeneca.
The following diagram illustrates the engagement lifetime.

Cognizant is engaged with AstraZeneca (US/ Europe) in the following projects:

Project Business Area Project Overview
Sapphire Clinical Drug Phase 1 in the U.K. is an application J2EE, .NET,
Safety being developed solely by Cognizant that BO
aims to replace the existing ClinTrace
system for Adverse Event Reporting
which is not meeting the growing

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demands of AZ.
Aims to replace the current sales
reporting set-up with a robust and user-
Commercial Sales & friendly system. The engagement in the Siebel
Reporting Marketing U.S. caters to the roll-out of dashboards Analytics
and reports for various levels of sales /
geographical hierarchy
A large-scale support and maintenance
SAP, Client-
Operations & project supporting about 170 applications
Server and
O & FS Finance in SAP, client/server, and Web
Solutions technologies for AZ’s Skill Center and
Client Facing Groups
A multi-lingual Level 2 Support
engagement in the U.K. to support
Clinicopia PA R&D Java
applications for AZ’s global supply chain
for investigational products
Project aims to develop a one-stop shop
that will act as an integrated source of MicroStrategy
Corporate, Sales data and Meta data to support 8.0
& Marketing management of expense data, state Siebel
legislature reporting and business Analytics 8.0
Sapphire Clinical Drug Japanisation of the newly developed
Phase 2 Safety SAPPHIRE Global AERS
Aims to automate by developing a fully
functional Common Technology Platform
A&RT Clinical R&D for supporting the analysis and reporting J2EE, .NET
of the clinical study data providing
interfaces with GEL and SAS programs
Project for providing support to 12
applications based around
Drug Safety
Clinical R&D Sapphire/ClinTrace. Cognizant is
providing Level 2 & Level 3 Support in a
support window of 07:00 – 22:00 GMT
hr.1 Global HR A global program to implement consistent PeopleSoft
people management practice, information HRMS
standards, and integrated HR system

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across AZ’s key locations around the

Consulting engagement in Sweden that
aims to capture the relevant business
Procedure & System
End To End processes and data models/nodes across
Process Architect
AZ’s clinical processes as an “as-is”
model on all levels of the organization
Engagement in Japan involves Level 2
COOL Electronic Data support & maintenance activities for AZ’s
Support Capture COOL, Web-based Data Capture systems
and DigiPass systems

Major Accomplishments

1. Having dedicated Swedish and Japanese translators as part of the AVM team for serving the
Swedish and Japanese users apart from the English users for UK and US businesses.
2. Having a dedicated Offshore Development Center for AZ with connectivity to AZ Network
through Topaz machines.
3. Implementation of the Application Service Desk for enhanced support and reduced costs that
cater across business domains and technologies.
4. Conception and demonstration of an Innovative Concept Room Pilot (CRP) for the
Commercial Reporting project involving three fully interactive disconnected Analytics CRPs to
drive business analysis and incorporate user-level feedback quickly into the process.
5. Outstanding performance throughput in testing of the Siebel Commercial Reporting project
surpassing Siebel’s testing benchmarks.

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13.3 Appendix D – Flexible Services: Business Data Stewardship

Cognizant’s Perspective on AZ’s Data Stewardship Approach

Cognizant understands the basic principles underlying AstraZeneca’s suggested approach to be
as follows
 Creation of a structured data stewardship outsourcing model
 Creation of a data stewardship hierarchy to cater to business needs
 Classification of Data Stewards based on entity types
 Ensuring appropriate liaison between data stewards and stakeholders

The above approach has distinct advantages such as

 Clear demarcation of responsibilities between the various stewardship layers
 Well defined and scoped ownership and accountability for each data steward
 A clear reporting model to enable adequate detail to tactical and strategic direction
 Clear definition of outsourced and in-house services

However, it is our experience that the following areas need to be addressed to provide a
comprehensive approach to data stewardship
 While business functions and units are catered individually, distinction also needs to be
made between operational data stewards and data SMEs
 Technical stewards are often required to assist and enable the stewardship process
during key aspects
 Operational Data Stewards need to report trends / patterns of data behavior to data
 Coupling data stewards in an onsite-offshore model to provide rapid turn around and

Recommendation of Alternative Approach for Business Data Stewardship at AZ

The below diagram accommodate the recommendations suggested in the previous section. Data
stewards are paired with data subject matter experts (SME) who specialize in each of the
systems assigned. Additionally, the team leadership structure would be defined within the realms
of business and IT as it is quite commonly noted that these two are distinct functions in the
governance hierarchy and need to be addressed separately. The modified approach diagram
would be as below -

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Business Data Stewardship Team Lead – The Business Data Stewardship Team Lead
oversees the Data SME-s / Strategists in various functional areas. He is typically the sign-off
authority for Data Governance decisions taken at the functional levels. He has a holistic view of
the enterprise data and how data for various entities are related to each other. He is typically
part of the Governance body that formulates and implements the overall data governance
strategy of the organization.
IT Data Stewardship Team Lead – The IT Data Stewardship Team Lead oversees the
Operational Data Stewards in various functional areas. He is typically the sign-off authority for
Data Management decisions taken at the functional levels.
Data Stewards – The Operational Data Stewards typically perform the following functions:
 View / Search Customer Records
 Create / Edit records
 Review matches
 Merge records if appropriate
 Unmerge records that should not have been merged
 Override automated system decisions such as ‘Trust’ rules for specific records

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 Analyzing rejected customer records and identifying tweaks to improve overall

Data SME – A Data SME typically performs the following functions:
 Functional level data governance policy definition
 Planning
 Formulation of Rules
To ensure an integrated engagement between Operational (IS) and Business data stewards (as
part of Flexible Services), Cognizant would propose the following model for data management –

Cognizant’s data management model is sub-divided into data governance and data
stewardship activities.
Data governance activities focus on strategic enterprise level issues such as –
 Organization level data governance policy definition
 Planning
 Formulation of Rules
This is typically conducted by Business Data Stewards (as part of Cornerstone Flexible Services).
Data stewardship activities provide day-to-day data management services such as –
 Monitoring data acquisition and analyzing failures for correction / prevention
 Maintaining data health
 Adhering to defined standards and SLA-s
This is typically conducted by Operational Data Stewards (as part of Cornerstone Core Services)

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To ensure proper coordination and interfacing between the Operational Data Stewardship team
(Level 1) and Business Data Stewardship team (Level 2) Cognizant proposes the formation of a
data stewardship PMO.

This PMO will continuously monitor data management processes and ensure that business
objectives are achieved. The activities that normally fall within the purview of this PMO are shown

The following figure summarizes the interaction among various Stakeholders:

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The Operational data stewards will continuously interact with Business data stewards, apprising
them of possible tweaks or enhancements that can improve the overall automation. The
Operational data stewards will be co-located with Business data stewards to ensure maximum
Business Data Stewards will provide required subject matter expertise on Customer Profile and
Hierarchy Data. They will be consulted while resolving tactical data issues. They define
organization-level data policies and strategies, thereby performing Data Governance.
The following is a typical roadmap for Data Stewardship transition. The timelines indicated for
each stage are indicative of typical projects -

The various phases are described below:

Strategic Alignment & Assessment

Develop a common and consistent understanding of AstraZeneca’s Cornerstone business
goals and stakeholder expectations within the context of Commercial Analytics business
operation. The areas examined during this phase include:
 Understand the primary business goal of Cornerstone initiative and how it supports
AstraZeneca’s overall strategies & priorities in Commercial Analytics
 How is success defined & what are the key success measures
 Study customer segmentation strategy and review the operating model

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 Define, leverage & enforce information policy and develop Stewardship Change
Management process
Current State Analysis and Process Definition
The aim of this phase is to develop a comprehensive understanding of AstraZeneca’s current
operation, issues, workflows, systems, and human factors, in order to develop a baseline for
measuring data quality improvements, and assess strengths and weaknesses of current
The areas examined during this phase include:
 Identifying major data sources, processes & activities are associated with each.
 Determining the relative importance and significance of each process.
 Defining detailed steps taken to complete specific activities.
 Identifying owners of data and establishing protocol to resolve ownership conflicts.

Process Design
The aim of this stage is to identify, design and integrate the most optimal workflow solution
(future capabilities required), that is in alignment with the client’s overall business objectives,
for efficient and effective management of customer facing processes.
The areas examined during this phase include:
 Identifying the operational, financial & organizational parameters.
 Identifying the major gaps between current performance and expectation. Planning a
roadmap to achieve the desired state of operation.
 Determining the processes that represent the critical path to project success.

Data Stewardship Process Deployment

The aim of this stage is to develop a pragmatic implementation approach based on short-term
improvement opportunities, strategic capability needs, and projected financial benefits to be
gained by implementing the newly designed workflow capabilities across multiple levels of Data
This is an ongoing activity throughout the life of the system which includes -
 Implementation of Data Stewardship process
 Defining and tracking SLAs for continuous process improvement (achieve information
 Develop Knowledge Repository Data Stewardship Best Practices

 Formalize the accountability for the management of organizational data
 Establish Data Stewardship Charter with defined activities & Prioritization
 Have Management support to the initiative
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 Facilitate infrastructure required for information sharing within and between enterprises
 Create Ontology or data registry, Data quality rules and validation
 Track data quality dashboards and reports
 Test and validate all new data integration
 Define, evaluate and regulate data security policies
 Understand downstream impact of data changes
 Have collaborative approach to data management

Benefits, Resource Requirements, and Key Roles / Responsibilities of Each Resource

Onsite Data Stewards will respond to service requests on data-related issues, interact with data
subject matter experts and will perform activities such as -
 Search and View customer records
 Create / Update / Correct customer records
 Review auto match-merged customer records
 Unmerge records that have been incorrectly processed
 Override automatic system behavior such as survivorship for specific records
 Analyzing rejected customer records and identifying tweaks to improve overall

The Operational data stewards will continuously interact with the business data stewards,
apprising them of possible tweaks or enhancements that can improve the overall automation. The
onsite data stewards will be co-located with business data stewards to ensure maximum
Business Data Stewards will provide required subject matter expertise on Customer Profile and
Hierarchy Data. They will be consulted while resolving tactical data issues. They define
organization-level data policies and strategies, thereby performing Data Governance. Some of
the key responsibilities are:
New Customer Management:

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Ongoing Data Quality Management:

Conversion Certification:

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Customer Event Management:

Managed Customer Transformation:

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Efficiencies associated with having one vendor provide both business and IS Customer
Master and Data Stewardship support
 Leveraging package / application knowledge of IS team
 Negligible KT for operational data stewards
 Streamlined communication across multiple levels of data stewards
 Data Stewardship PMO for cross-functional governance

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13.4 Appendix E – Cognizant Infrastructure, Network and BCP Capabilities

Technology Infrastructure Capability: At Cognizant, we believe that the key to success for any
fast growing software solution provider like ours is its infrastructure. Building quality infrastructure
is one of the top priorities at Cognizant.

13.4.1 Network Infrastructure Details

Cognizant has established global connectivity enabling delivery of the processes from various
centers across India and in the US and UK while ensuring strong BCP and DRP processes

Cognizant connectivity architecture provides for strong building blocks to provide no single point
of failure in delivering call center and data entry services. It has 2 Data Centers (Points of
Presence) in the US at Weehawken, NJ and Sunnyvale, CA provides 100% redundant gateways
to deliver voice and data lines for Cognizant’s BPO delivery.

Network Uptime: Cognizant’s robust network and systems infrastructure provides a very high
uptime of 99.5%.

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Network Redundancy & Monitoring: Cognizant’s network infrastructure is a key element in its
24 X 7 business operations. Adequate redundancies have been built into every network
component to ensure that there is no single point of failure in connectivity to clients. Some of the
redundancy measures include:
 International link redundancy: Primary link to Weehawken, New Jersey, USA and
Secondary link to Weehawken through Teaneck, USA.
 Redundancy for all inter-city and intra-city links between development facilities.
 Firewall with automatic fail over capabilities.
 Power redundancy and Control card redundancy for critical network components like
WAN switches, routers, backbone switches, PBX etc.
 End-to-end backup links for client connections using VPN.
13.4.2 Voice & Data Infrastructure
Cognizant BPO has developed dedicated Voice and Data for BPO within Cognizant Connectivity
architecture. Cognizant BPO facilities are located in Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore.

Cognizant has established dedicated voice connectivity and extended its resilient data
connectivity to deliver call center operations in Chennai, Mumbai, and Bangalore. The voice
network is also available in Pune providing the back up for Mumbai operations. Cognizant BPO’s
Voice and Data connectivity focuses on stability, reliability and scalability.

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Cognizant’s Voice infrastructure provides a mechanism for Clients to connect to our US location
and then Calls are forwarded from the Cognizant US Location to the Offshore Center over the
Cognizant’s network. If required calls are queued at India and mapped to the right agent based
on the business logic defined in the Work Routing Table as well as the Call Center Elite Skill
(CES) Based Mapping & Expert Agent Selection Software.

The Call Center Elite Software enables Cognizant to Segment the callers based on various
Business logic / criteria, Set Priority, Provide appropriate announcements and Map the Caller with
the Right agent with relevant skill level to handle the transaction.

Cognizant’s Call Management System (CMS) can be used to track telephony, agent statistics and
provides over 100 preformatted reports. CMS offers both Real time and Historical Reports.
Custom Report option is also included to generate custom Reports.

Calls are switched to the Most Appropriate IP Agents connected over LAN. Cognizant enables
QOS on the data elements to prioritize mission critical voice application. Cognizant has

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appropriate bandwidth for IP Agents over WAN (Approximate 16 Kbps per voice call inclusive of
cRTP & Silence Suppression / Voice Activity Detection).

Call Center operations are supported through 100% redundant switches and redundant Voice
connectivity in addition to the multiple data connectivity available on the Cognizant Data Network.

Description of Various Redundancies:

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Availability – Multiple Levels of Resilience:

First Level: Stateful server duplication. ‘Memory shadowing’ No compromise on features,

functionality or scalability.
Second Level: Multiple interfaces from the servers to the media gateways.
Third level: Multiple signaling channels. End-points and remote media gateways (G700) register
with one of the multiple C-LAN cards.
 Duplicated S8700 Media Servers with Call State Preserving
 Duplicated Control Network with redundant Links
 Duplicated IP Server Interface to Media Gateways
 Alternate Gatekeepers for call signaling redundancy

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Cognizant High Availability Voice Setup:

 When the G700 gateway looses connectivity to S8700 server, the G700 gateway is
survived by Local Survivable Processor (LSP).
 Transition to LSP and fallback to primary Server is call preserving & the G700 gateway
does not loose active local calls.
 All licenses & configuration are copied automatically between primary S8700 server and
 WAN Backbone ensures high availability for data/voice applications Backup EVPN port at
Mumbai to take care of incoming/outgoing calls in case of failure in Chennai AT&T EVPN
ensures high availability of VOIP network.

Options for Inbound connectivity from customer location to Cognizant delivery centers:
 Option1: If call volume is small (less than 100 calls a day), Cognizant will provide a US
PSTN DID number and customer s could route the calls to the DID number.
 Option2: If the call volume is large (less than 1000 calls) customer’s can extend 1 or
more PRI lines to our existing Cognizant POP in US.
 Option3: If call volume is greater than 1000 calls, Cognizant will need to install a Router
at the customer end and connect the lines from customer end to Cognizant router.

Infrastructure at Bangalore, Chennai and Mumbai:

 Redundant 8710 Media Servers
 G650/G700 Media Gateways
 Computer Telephony (CT) Server
 Call Management System

Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Call Flow Feature & Options:  

 Customer will dial the local Toll Free number in their respective countries to reach the
support center executive.
 These toll-free numbers are mapped to the different DID numbers in the respective
 Once the call hits the DID number that call with specific ANI/DNIS will get routed to the
Cognizant POP in Bangalore on IPLC links which are terminated on Cisco Voice
 Voice Gateway will divert the voice calls to the Avaya ACD.
 Calls with a specific ANI/DNIS are mapped to the VDN for the further treatment.
 Based on project requirement call flow is configured in Avaya ACD. (E.g. welcome
message prompt, working hours, Holiday announcement, Hold music etc.)

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 If agents are logged into the skill set & are in available mode then call will land on most
idle agent’s extension. (If needed we can configure the system for the best agent
selection depending on the expertise of associates).
 If the agents are not available in that particular skill set then callers will hear the
announcement or hold music for the predefined time in seconds. During this time system
will continuously check for the available agents in that skill set. If still agents are not
available then we can configure/route the call to the voice mail box or to any other
location/Number. (We can also configure the Best service routing strategy to check the
availability of Agent across multiple site & deliver the call to the best agent/skill set)
 If the call is not answered within the predefined time threshold then we can configure the
system to deliver the call to the Voice mail or other external number. The agents also
retrieve messages from the voice mail system and login the tickets along with the priority
based call classification.
Call Tree

Customer Dials the Support Toll-Free

Number through PSTN Network

PSTN network will route the call to the respective T1/E1/DID

number at Congnizant POP

Cognizant POP will route the call to Cognizant Bangalore


Depending on the toll free nubmer call will hit to the predefined

Caller will get get a Welcome


Call will get queued to the predefined


Yes If agents are No


Call will land on System will play the

the most idle Hold music / Predefined
agents extension announcement for
predefined time

Stop Yes

Is call waitng time

<= predefined time

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13.4.3 Infrastructure & Data Security

Network Security: Cognizant network is highly secure. Cognizant has a high level of security
awareness within the organization and has put up a robust security infrastructure in place. Some
important features are listed below.
 Cognizant have a corporate security policy that defines the security standards to be
followed and the best practices in all technologies that are available in Cognizant.
 Firewall for controlling access to internet & all customer connections from Cognizant
 Access Lists and Anti spoofing policies in all edge routers
 Implemented NAT in the firewall to mask the internal IP addresses
 Access lists for restricting telnet/SNMP access to all network equipments
 Implemented SMTP, HTTP & FTP virus scanning
 HTTP authentication and monitoring has been implemented
 Implemented URL blocking for restricting access to unwanted web sites
 Dial up connectivity is not permitted in our network
Firewall Security: Cognizant has implemented a firewall that is used to regulate all access to
and from the customer networks and Internet. All outgoing connections and incoming connections
are regulated using source/destination IP addresses and specific applications or port numbers.
Change control procedures have been implemented for firewall access. All firewall change
requests will have to be approved by the project manager and the security administrator. After
approval these changes are implemented in the Firewall change window. All the firewall changes
are documented. All requests coming to the firewall both successful and failed connections are
logged. The Security administrator goes through the log and takes suitable action for any
Anti-virus / Email Security: Cognizant has implemented multiple layers of virus defense as per
the Anti-virus security policy. A few of these measures are stated below:
 Desktops & Servers – Mcafee anti-virus software
 Exchange Mailbox Servers – Scanmail
 SMTP Server - Trend Micro Viruswall
 HTTP/FTP traffic – Trend Micro Viruswall
Regular signature updates of the anti-virus software are automated through a tool, E-policy
Orchestrator from McAfee, to protect the environment from new viruses.

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Apart from these tools, Cognizant has the following procedures which aid in the prevention of
 Vulnerable file types like .exe, .com, .vbs, .js, etc have been blocked for all e-mail traffic.
 Anti-spamming policies have been implemented in the email servers.
 Automatic scan of the complete hard drive at least once a month
 In-built scanning process is enforced
 Scan all E-mail attachments and files downloaded from the Internet
 Scan all removable disks before use.
 Scan all diskettes, tapes etc., brought into company's IT environment
 Write protect all demo disks and scan before use.
 Disk that contains unauthorized data and programs from outside the organization on
company PC's (e.g. games disks etc) are prohibited from use.
 Introduction of any computer code which is meant to replicate is prohibited
 On suspicion of a virus attack, disconnect the system from the network immediately, and
log a call in Help Desk package
 Do not possess or develop any virus or other malicious software.
 Floppy drives are disabled.
Cognizant also has implemented tools to ensure only ‘business specific’ access to Internet. All
‘hacking’ sites are prohibited from access through the ‘Websense’ tool.
Physical Security: The following is a snapshot of the physical security measures implemented in
 All facilities are manned 24x7 by trained security personnel
 Proximity Card based Access Control System has been implemented for access to all of
Cognizant’s facilities and data centers
 Access to data centers are restricted to authorized personnel only and all the accesses
are monitored. It should be noted that all critical network components are located inside
the data center. All wire closets and main switches are protected under lock & key.
 An authorized person should accompany any maintenance personnel/vendor if they are
accessing the data center
 Only associates are allowed access to work area
 All associates should display their ID cards/Badges within the facility
 Any vendor/customer should be accompanied by an associate within Cognizant premises
 The third party maintains external Maintenance records involved in the maintenance of
equipment. However,Cognizant has access to this information. Cognizant maintains a log
of the maintenance schedule for the equipment undergoing third party maintenance.

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 Any electronic items like laptops, mobiles etc should be declared by visitors before
entering the facility
 Gate passes are issued for laptops entering and leaving Cognizant’s facilities
 No material can leave the facility without approval from authorized personnel
 Fire Detection and Prevention mechanisms are available
Data Encryption: Encryption normally used for VPNs has the following key features
 Data Confidentiality: Encryption is a key feature of VPN connectivity. This ensures that
privacy of data is maintained. We are using 3DES and DES based encryption for our
VPN connections... 3DES is a 168-bit encryption and it is considered to be very secure.
 Data Integrity: We use hashing functions like MD5 and SHA which ensures that data is
not tampered with when traveling over the public network.
 Authentication: We use pre-shared keys for authentication. This is mutually agreed upon
and known only to the VPN administrator at both ends.
 Cognizant has implemented 40-bit encryption for our internal systems and corporate

13.4.4 Hardware & Software Infrastructure Details

Cognizant has invested substantially to provide the latest technical environments in its data
centers. Cognizant’s server infrastructure includes major vendors like Compaq, IBM, Dell, Sun,
and HP etc. Most of the servers have built-in redundancy in terms of power and hard disks. The
following is a snapshot of Cognizant’s expertise in various platforms.

Hardware Platforms
 IBM S/390
 IBM AS/400
 IBM RS/6000
 IBM Netfinity 8000, 5000 & 5500
 Sun E-450, E-250, Ultrasparc 5, SS20
 HP-9000 G30, HP-9000 K200
 Compaq ML-370, Proliant 5000, Proliant 3000, Proliant 800 etc
 Dell Power edge 6400, Power edge 2400

Operating Systems
Operating System Version /Release No
Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / NT 4/ 2000 /ME
HP-UX 10.2 & 11.0
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Solaris / Sun OS 2.7 & 2.8

IBM OS/390 V2R8 & V2R9
IBM OS/400 V4R4
AIX 4.3
Linux Redhat linux 6.1
OpenVMS 7.1

Database Version/Release no
Oracle 7.3, 8.03, 8i, 8.1.5
Sybase 11.0 & 12.0
MS-SQL 6.5, 7.0
DB2 6.1, UDB

Web Servers and Application Servers

Web/Apps Server Version/Release no

Microsoft IIS 4.0 & 5.0
iPlanet 4.0
Apache Web Server 2.0
Weblogic Server
IBM Websphere Server
Oracle Application Server

Development Environment
 Visual Studio 6.0
 Java
 PowerBuilder
 Delphi
 Borland C++
 Developer 2000
 COBOL for OS/390
 COBOL/400
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 PL/1
 MQ-Series

13.4.5 Business Continuity Planning Strategy at Cognizant

The Cognizant Business Continuity Plan (BCP) is designed to ensure that the business
operations are not affected by the occurrence of a disaster or in an emergency situation. The
Plan reiterates Cognizant’s commitment towards delivering the highest quality solutions and
protecting the customer from adverse events. The Plan also ensures safety of employees,
protects company resources, and builds a high degree of credibility amongst our clients. The plan
presents the actions and procedures necessary to recover from an adverse event.

Cognizant’s approach towards achieving the above BCP objectives is by ensuring, in an event of
disaster, the following key components of business are operational.
 Data Center Infrastructure
 Development Environment
 Network communications
 Availability of employees to carry out the designated assignments
 Business unit functions
 Organizational support processes

Major Minor Trivial
Entire facility or major Impact localized to few Negligible impact on
portion of facility groups customer projects
Service impacted, but
Multiple facilities does not impact customer
affected projects

A service affected
across multiple facilities
Service Vital Essential Necessary
Service that would stop Service affect operations Services that do not affect
business operations & customer projects, but customer projects and
and customer projects minimum functions can be company operations
carried out directly

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Backup Sites Hot Site Warm Site Cold Site

Fully configured site Site with critical Site with basic
with essential environment only. infrastructure.
environment Configurable within 2-4 Required setup &
days. configuration to create
Available within 4 hours project environment.
Designated for essential &
Designated for Vital necessary services Can take up to 30 days to
services become functional

Intra-city / Inter-city Alternate sites

Facility Name Intra-city Warm Site Inter-city Warm site
Chennai/CSI Chennai/Elnet Injawadi, Pune
Chennai/Elnet Chennai/CSI Injawadi, Pune
Chennai/27, Whites Road Chennai/Tidel Bangalore
Chennai/WCB Chennai/Tidel Pekon, Kolkata
Chennai/Tidel Chennai/WCB Injawadi, Pune
Kolkata/SDF Kolkata/ Webel Chennai, CSI
Kolkata/Webel Kolkata/Pekon Chennai, Elnet
Kolkata/Pekon Kolkata/ G P Tronics Chennai, CSI
Kolkata/G P Tronics Kolkata/Pekon Chennai, Tidel
Pune/Injawadi Nil Chennai, CSI, Tidel
Bangalore Nil Chennai, WCB

Communication Redundancy and Fail-over Procedures

Since network infrastructure is a key element of Cognizant’s infrastructure, adequate
redundancies have been built in for the communication infrastructure. A snapshot is given below:
 International link redundancy – primary link to Weahawken, Secondary link to
Weahawken through Teaneck
 Redundancy for all domestic links between facilities.
 Firewall with automatic failover capabilities.
 Power redundancy and control card redundancy for critical network components like
WAN switches, routers, backbone switches, PBX etc.
 Adequate inventory of spares for critical network components
Cognizant also has an Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) Model and Backup Mechanism for
automatic switch-over of network links at times of failure.

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13.4.6 Disaster Recovery Procedures

Cognizant has defined recovery duration for various service offerings depending on criticality of
Service, as defined in table below:

Criticality Recovery duration

Vital 4 to 8 Hours
Essential 1 to 2 Days
Necessary 2 to 7 Days
Desirable > 7 days < 2 months

Critical transactions are identified at the beginning of the engagement and specific resumption
plans will be drawn up to ensure that business disruption to AZ is minimized.

Recovery plan would be triggered and depending on criticality of services, hot sites and warm
sites will bring back services to defined levels of normalcy within stipulated periods of time.
Resumption of services to AZ from a disaster site is totally dependent on the extent of disaster at
the site.

In situations where the damage to the site is widespread due to a community-wide disaster or a
singular disaster affecting the complete building and infrastructure located inside, only recovery of
any material would be attempted as soon as possible after the building has been declared safe to
do so. Security will be tightened across the site so as to avoid any pilferage of any confidential

In situations where there has been partial damage to building and other infrastructure, a business
resumption exercise would be started wherein all the components of the network, starting from
the critical components will be restored. Security will be tightened across the site so as to avoid
any pilferage of any confidential documents/material. It must be noted that depending on criticality
of services defined earlier, ‘hot site’ and/or ‘warm site’ recovery would have already taken into
effect at the designated recovery sites. In disaster situations where the damage to building and
infrastructure is minimal, a full-scale resumption exercise would be initiated at the disaster site
itself. Individual items of network components that are damaged would either be repaired or

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13.5 Appendix F – Glossary

 AZ-AstraZeneca
 AVM-Application Value Management
 BCP-Business Continuity Plan
 CISS-Commercial Information Services & Solutions
 COE-Center of Excellence
 DBA-Data Base Administrator
 DR-Disaster Recovery
 DW-Data Warehouse
 FTE-Full Time Equivalent
 IQ-Installation Qualification
 KR-Knowledge Repository
 KT-Knowledge Transition
 OQ-Operational Qualification
 PA-Portfolio Analysis
 PMO-Program Management Office
 PQ-Performance Qualification
 QR-Quality Review
 RACI-Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, informed
 SCM-Software Configuration Management
 SLA-Service Level Agreement
 SME-Subject Matter Expert
 SOP-Standard Operating Procedure
 SQA-Software Quality Assurance
 SS-Steady State
 UAT-User Acceptance Testing
 VPN-Virtual Private Network

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