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1. Primary industries – cultivate
and exploit natural resources

  Examples: agriculture, mining

2. Secondary industries –
convert output of primary
industries into products
 Examples: manufacturing, power
generation, construction
3. Tertiary industries – service
 Examples: banking, education,
government, legal services, retail
trade, transportation
• Process industries, e.g., chemicals,
petroleum, basic metals, foods
and beverages, power generation

• Discrete product (and part) industries,

e.g., cars, aircraft, appliances,
machinery, and their component parts
• Intermittent Production System
– Production is performed on a start-and-
stop basis, such as for the manufacture of
made-to-order products.
• Mass Production
– A special type of intermittent production
process using standardized methods and
single-use machines to produce long runs
of standardized items.
• Mass Customization
– Designing, producing, and delivering customized
products to customers for at or near the cost
and convenience of mass-produced items.
– Mass customization combines high production
volume with high product variety.
– Elements of mass customization:
• Modular product design
• Modular process design
• Agile supply networks
• Continuous Production Processes
– A production process, such as those used
by chemical plants or refineries, that runs
for very long periods without the start-and-
stop behavior associated with intermittent
– Enormous capital investments are
required for highly automated facilities that
use special-purpose equipment designed
for high volumes of production and little or
no variation in the type of outputs.
• Manufacturing is the application of physical and
chemical processes to alter the geometry,
properties, and appearance of a starting material
to make parts or products for a given

Role of Prod Engr

Material Geometry

Role of Mfg Engr
Materials: 106
metals, ceramics,
process conditions are ~ ∞

Properties: 102
applications are ~ ∞
• Manufacturing is the transformation of
materials into items of greater value by
means of one or more processing and/or
assembly operations

• Manufacturing is critical to a country’s
economic welfare and standard of living.
• Manufacturing and assembly represent
the organized activities that convert raw
materials into stable goods.
• Manufacturing goods are typically divided
into two classes:
– producer goods used for other companies to
manufacture either producer or consumer
– consumer goods purchased directly by
customers or the general public.
• Factors
– Product design
– Materials
– Manufacturing process
– Cost analysis
• Strategies to reduce
manufacturing cost
– Lean manufacturing
– Systems approach
• Design engineer responsibilities
– What the design is to accomplish
– Assumptions that can be made
– Service environments the product must
– Final appearance of the product
– Product designed with the knowledge
that certain manufacturing
processes will be used
• Manufacturing engineer responsibilities
– Select and coordinate specific processes and
– Supervise and manage their use
• Industrial (Manufacturing) engineer
– Manufacturing systems layout, time study,
• Materials engineers
– Specify ideal materials
– Develop new and better materials
• Globalization has impacted
– Worldwide competition for global
products and their manufacture
– High tech manufacturing for advanced
– New manufacturing systems, designs,
and management
Wilbur & Orville Wright, 1903
fabric, wood, steel
120 ft, 12 s, 400 kg

Boeing, 2003
titanium, aluminum
14,000 km,
400,000 kg, 14+

Exploding tires, 2004 Melamine in milk, 2008

Toxic toys, 2007 Medicines, 2006

China over 2000 years

• Most engineering materials can be
classified into one of four basic
1. Metals
2. Ceramics
3. Polymers
4. Composites

• Three categories of processing operations:

1. Shaping operations - alter the geometry of

the starting work material

2. Property-enhancing operations - improve

physical properties of the material without
changing its shape

3. Surface processing operations - clean, treat,

coat, or deposit material onto the exterior
surface of the work
• Solidification Processes - starting material is
a heated liquid that solidifies to form part
• Deformation Processes - starting material is
a ductile solid that is deformed
• Material Removal Processes - starting
material is a ductile/brittle solid, from which
material is removed
• Assembly Processes - two or more separate
parts are joined to form a new entity
• Starting material is heated sufficiently to transform it
into a liquid or highly plastic state
• Examples: casting for metals, molding for
• Starting workpart is shaped by application of
forces that exceed the yield strength of the
• Examples: (a) forging, (b) extrusion
• Excess material removed from the starting workpiece
so what remains is the desired geometry
• Examples: machining such as turning, drilling, and
milling; also grinding and nontraditional

Turning Drilling Milling

• Two or more separate parts are joined to
form a new entity

• Types of assembly operations:

1. Joining processes – create a permanent
• Examples: welding, brazing, soldering, and adhesive
2. Mechanical assembly – fastening by mechanical
• Examples: use of screws, bolts, nuts, other threaded
fasteners; press fitting, expansion fits
• Performed to improve mechanical or
physical properties of the work material
• Part shape is not altered, except
• Examples:
– Heat treatment of metals
and glasses
– Sintering of powdered metals and
1. Cleaning - chemical and mechanical processes
to remove dirt, oil, and other contaminants
from the surface
2. Surface treatments - mechanical working such
as sand blasting, and physical processes like
3. Coating and thin film deposition - coating exterior
surface of the workpart

• Several surface processing operations used to

fabricate integrated circuits
Understand Function/Geometry
Properties: mechanical, electrical, thermal,
magnetic, optical, deteriorative.

2. Properties Identify candidate Material(s)

Material: structure, composition.

3. Material Identify required Processing

• Processing: changes structure and

overall shape
• Material and Geometry compatibility
• Other considerations
• Quality
– Dimensional – bulk and surface
– Properties – bulk and surface
• Economics
– Cycle time
– Materials utilization
• Flexibility
– Tooling development
– Setup time
– Cycle time
• Bulk
– Tolerances
• Bilateral, unilateral or limits
• Size and location
– Geometric tolerances – flatness, roundness,
cylindricity, straightness, parallelism,
perpendicularity, angularity, true position, etc.
• Surface
– Surface texture – roughness, waviness, lay
• Defects
– Inclusions, voids, porosity …
• Microstructure
– Grain size, residual stress, precipitate size,
• Surface integrity
– Absorption, alloy depletion, cracks, craters,
hardness changes, heat affected zones,
inclusions, intergranular attacks, seems, pits,
plastic deformation, recrystallization,
residual stresses, selective etch …
• It is desirable to minimize waste and scrap in part
shaping i.e. have high material utilization
– Material removal processes tend to be wasteful in the
unit operation, simply by the way they work
– Casting and molding waste less material

• Terminology:
– Net shape processes - when most of the
starting material is used and no subsequent
machining is required to achieve final part
– Near net shape processes - when minimum
amount of machining is required
• Material transport
– Vehicles, e.g., forklift trucks, AGVs, monorails
– Conveyors
– Hoists and cranes
• Storage systems
• Unitizing equipment
• Automatic identification and data capture
– Bar codes
– Other AIDC
Inspection –
conformance to
design specifications
– Inspection for variables -
– Inspection of attributes –
Testing – observing the
product (or part, material,
subassembly) during
• Regulation of the individual
processing and assembly
– Process control
– Quality control
• Management of plant level
– Production planning and
– Quality control
• Facilities organised in
the most efficient
way to serve the
particular mission of
the plant and
depends on:
– Types of products
– Production
– Product variety
• Number of units of a given part or
product produced annually by the plant
• Three quantity ranges:
1. Low production – 1 to 100 units
2. Medium production – 100 to 10,000 units
3. High production – 10,000 to millions of
• Number of different product or
part designs or types
• ‘Hard’ product variety –
products differ greatly
– Few common components in an
• ‘Soft’ product variety – small
differences between products
– Many common components in
an assembly
Job shop – makes low quantities
of specialized and customized

• Products are typically complex (e.g.,

specialized machinery, prototypes,
space capsules)
• Equipment is general purpose
• Plant layouts:
– Fixed position
– Process layout
• Five manufacturing system designs
– Job shop
– Flow shop
– Linked-cell shop
– Project shop
– Continuous process
• Project type:(Ship building)
– Product Design - complex with many parts
– Vol - low, usually one at a time
– Product mix - limited, usually one at a time
– Layout - FIXED POSITION - product is fixed
and materials and tools move to product to
finish required process
– Long lead times in production
– Production does not begin before an order
– Production scheduling - project
e.g. CPM or PERT
• Job Shop: (e.g. Machine shop)
– Product Design - fairly simple, small size
– Vol. - low, usually in LOT sizes
– Product mix - limited, usually a few in
– Layout - PROCESS or JOB SHOP - product is
moved to various work centers
– Production usually does not begin before an
order, materials purchased after an order
– Production scheduling - intensive scheduling and
routing on the shop floor
1. Quantity production
– Equipment is
– totooled
Standard machines thefor high production
(e.g., stamping presses, molding machines)
manufacture oflayout
– Typical layout – process one
2. product
Flow line production – Multiple
workstations arranged in sequence
– Product requires multiple processing or
assembly steps
– Product layout is most common
• Repetitive: (e.g. Assembly process for EGR valves)
– Product Design - moderate to complex
– Vol. - high volume with varying lot sizes
– Product mix - moderate but related in design
– Layout - can be PROCESS or PRODUCT-FLOW
depending on the item being manufactured
– Equipment - usually special purpose TRANSFER
– Production - blanket contracts with varying
– Production scheduling - fixed routing
• Line: (e.g. Assembly of cars)
– Product Design - moderate to complex
– Vol. - high volume with varying lot sizes
– Product mix - different options
– Layout - PRODUCT-FLOW - layout of
facilities dictated by the manufacturing
– Equipment - usually special purpose, highly
automated machines
– Production - long lead times; order oriented
– Production scheduling - moderate
• Continuous: (e.g. Petrochemical)
– Product Design - usually bulk, simple
– Vol. - high volumes, 24 hour operations
– Product mix - ver few options
– Equipment - usually special purpose
– Production - long lead times; order oriented
– Production scheduling - moderate

• Other classification: Job shop, Batch and

• Mechanics (static or dynamic)
• Economics or costs
• Time Spans
• Constraints
• Uncertainties and process reliability
• Skills
• Flexibility
• Process capability
Figure 1-16 This figure shows in a general way the relationship between
manufacturing systems and production volumes.
• Business functions :
– sales, marketing, accounting
• Product Design:
– product development, design
• Manufacturing Planning;
– Process planning, MPS, MRP I
• Manufacturing Control
– Inventory, Quality, Shop floor control
How do we relate these four systems to
• Application of Mechanical, Electronic
and Computer-based systems to
control production
– Mechanical -
– Electronic -
– Computers -
• CIM - integration of automation and
computerization of the support
• Fixed automation: - sequence of
processing or operations fixed by
equipment configuration
– Characteristics:
• high initial investment for
custom engineered equipment,
• high production rates,
• inflexible in accommodating product
• Programmable automation: - production
equipment designed with capability to
change configuration and accommodate
higher product variety
– Characteristics:
• high initial investment in general
purpose machines
• lower production rates than fixed
• flexible for changes in product
• batch production
• Flexible automation: - high level of
programmable automation with minima
time loss in changeovers
– Characteristics:
• high initial investment for custom
engineered system
• continuous production of a variety of
• medium production rates
• flexibility to deal with product variations
• Economical and successful manufacturing
requires knowledge of the relationships
between labor, materials, and capital
• Design a manufacturing system that
everyone understands
• Engineers must possess a knowledge of
design, metallurgy, processing, economics,
accounting, and human relations

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