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450 Random Encounters

& Skill Challenges

How often have you searched for “non-combat encounters” only to come up frustrated?
Many tables that you find online are combat-oriented and provide little opportunity for
roleplay. Within this small product, a huge array of non-combat ideas are provided,
separated over three environments: wilderness, urban and dungeon.
Strangely, non-combat dungeon encounters are the hardest to come up with! Perhaps because
we live our everyday lives in cities and wilderness, it is a bit more natural to come up with
ideas for non-combat things that can happen within cities or wilderness areas. We don’t
often spend time in dungeons in our real lives. Yet, here within these pages you will find a
large assortment of ideas for providing non-combat encounters within dungeon
This is a tool designed for use by a Dungeon Master. It was originally created for a resource
aimed at solo adventuring, but I thought it might be useful to create a separate product for
DMs that just want encounters and not all the solo-focussed stuff. These tables are compiled
from two of my previous products: The Solo Adventurer’s Toolbox, and The Solo
Adventurer’s Toolbox Part 2: The Toolbox Expanded.


• To give your party opportunities to roleplay.
• To provide your party with a sidequest.
• When your adventure has stalled and you need something to get it going again.

Never let the rules of any system stand in the way of creating engaging action. If nothing is
happening, make something happen (unless your party wants downtime).
If you do not like the result you have rolled, simply roll again.
Also, feel free to skim read and choose the encounter that makes the most sense, rather than
rolling for it. Many of these encounters can also form quest seeds.


Each table consists of 150 non-combat random encounters. The idea is that the dungeon
master will choose an encounter that fits their current campaign.
However, if you prefer to roll, you can use a VTT such as Roll20 to roll a d150 (this should
be doable with most online rollers).


At the end of this book I have provided two resources for you to continue to make more non-
random encounters of your own. The first is a table that very generally suggests a focus for a
random encounter. It’s hard to explain, the best thing is probably for you to just go and have
a look at it.
The second resource is a keyword table: 400 random rollable words that are designed to
suggest flavour and context. They are totally up to your interpretation.
I hope you get a lot of use out of this product! Happy adventure crafting!
Wilderness Encounters
You find an assortment of personal possessions in this area. Roll 5 times on the
1 Items table (p.163), ignoring natural results such as rubble, leaves etc. Only things
that would have reasonably been possessions.
Small dungeon or crypt found. Purpose and history unknown. If entering, go to the
2 random dungeon generation tools in the Dungeon Master’s Guide (page reference).
A large number of birds have amassed in an area ahead. Enough to make you
3 wonder why they are all there, filling every tree branch, perched on every boulder
and available surface...
Ready-made camp found, or cosy cave, that could potentially be used as shelter for
4 the night, or a base while exploring. Is it inhabited?
You meet a local hunter setting traps in the area. She has some interesting
5 information to relate regarding things she has seen in her travels.

6 A small creek, babbling pleasantly. Or a large crack, bubbling pungently.

A malevolent, treacherous energy lurks in this area. The god of trickery is

worming his way into the minds of all. If you have any sidekicks with you, or if
there is more than one PC in your party, then have either a sidekick, PC or NPC
make a Wisdom saving throw. If they fail, they turn on your main character,
7 attacking them with their most powerful attack. The effect ceases as soon as this
sidekick, PC or NPC either takes damage, or has a spell such as remove curse cast on
them. You could also play it like this: have your main PC make a Wisdom save, and
if they fail, they attack the NPC/sidekick.

8 A storm on the horizon, lightning dancing underneath dark grey clouds.

An NPC (roll on NPC tables if you desire, or simply decide their characteristics)
catches up with you and begins asking all sorts of questions. “Where are you
9 coming from? Have you any tales to tell? What is your profession?” They come
across as very eager and interested. You’re not sure if they have any motives…
perhaps they have just been without company for some time.
A sinkhole has opened up nearby. Perhaps it leads down to a network of
10 underground tunnels. Or perhaps it is a shaft that drops all the way down – to the
You come across a section of forest that has been destroyed. A druid is in the
11 process of casting plant growth on various small plants to re-vegetate the area.

12 Abandoned, empty town.

You come across an abandoned cabin, its door hanging off the hinges. Belongings
13 are scattered everywhere. There are traces of blood to be found, but no creatures in
NPC met, who gives PC information about possible quest. Use sidequest table on
14 p.81 of DMG.
You pass a small inn. A wealthy noblewoman, just passing through, has stopped
15 here and is buying everyone drinks. It seems she has had great luck in business

16 Abandoned campsite found.

A local wizard is accepting visitors to his tower - a group of apprentices from a

17 local alchemy school, who have come to hear a lecture from him on the creation of
exotic potions.

18 A tree with what looks like Druid markings.

A cart passes, being driven by a figure in a hood who does not address you in any
way or even look up from the reins. In the back are various cages and crates. Two
19 of them are covered with thick canvasses, and from within you hear a strange, feral
barking and yowling. There are creatures of some kind in there, but you don’t
know exactly what species.

20 You find survivors of some sort of attack, and they have a tale to tell...

A group of pilgrims are on a walking journey towards a temple no-one in the party
21 has heard of. They have been walking for some months already, picking up people
along the way.
Plundered barrow / burial mound. But did they get everything? And what still
22 waits there?
You see a wanted poster. A notorious criminal is in the area. 10% chance it is
23 someone you know (NPC or even someone in the party).
On the road, a dropped item. A backpack, a purse with interesting contents / a hat
24 with a note tucked inside / an engraved ring…
You come across an ancient fortress that has been inhabited by a group of
opportunistic humanoids. They are currently practicing combat manoeuvres and
25 preparing for something. You are a little way off and they have not seen you (yet)
but it appears preparations are underway for some kind of combat action.
Interesting traveller. This character has seen something that he believes no-one in
26 the realms has ever seen. A legend thought to be myth up until now…
Roll a d4. (1) The air crackles with some unknown energy (2) The ground shakes
(3) An ominous peal of thunder resounds in the sky (4) The sun turns a dark shade
27 of red. Ominous portents all point towards some cataclysmic event. You don’t
know what it is, but in your soul, you feel as if something momentous has just
happened or is about to happen.
Cemetery. Some of the graves have been looted, and most of the tombstones are so
28 old that the names have worn off.
Make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. If unsuccessful, you fail to notice a [d6]
(1-2) Rope trap (3-4) Net trap (5-6) Pit trap which you blunder into. Moments
later, cultists emerge from the undergrowth and secure you in ropes. They will try
29 to convert you to their beliefs as part of an aggressive recruitment drive! They have
already captured a dozen or so people in this way. You will be subject to
enchantment spells and may actually succumb to believing their philosophy, at least
for a while.

30 Prisoner(s) being escorted in a heavily-armoured cart.

You see [d4] rangers who look like they are hot on the trial of something or
31 someone. They stop, crouching to the ground and examining signs in the dirt.
Interesting geological feature. Cliff face that looks like someone’s face, or a rocky
32 outcrop in the shape of a skull? Perhaps chalk lines tracing out some kind of
The smell of yeast and hops is heavy in the air. You emerge in a smallish open area
where a neatly-kept building stands beside a babbling brook. Dwarves and halflings
33 are hard at work, milling about this building and performing various jobs. A sign
on the outside reads “Stoutfolk Brewery.” (Or perhaps you’d rather come up with
your own name!)
An odd noise is coming from some distance ahead. Roll on Noises table in DMG
34 (p.298)
A shooting pain stabs through your head, nay, your very soul! You feel as though
35 someone is trying to control your mind with magic, or targeting you with some
kind of psychic attack.

36 Strange lights in the nearby hills are attracting your attention.

You come across a merchant who is deep in haggling with a nobleman. The
nobleman is demanding that the merchant sell him some rare item the merchant
37 has in their possession, but the merchant is not budging, insisting that it is not for
sale. The nobleman is getting rather hot under the collar. What is this item that
has them so fired up?
You stumble across an orchard, filled with ripe and delicious fruit. The owner is
38 nowhere in sight.
You enter an area where a gallows has been erected. A small crowd has gathered to
39 witness the execution of a monk who has been accused of spying on the local
authorities for some rival nation or faction.
Bounty hunters, searching for a fugitive. “You seen anyone?” (Who they are
40 working for is unclear)
A robbery has been foiled! Highwaymen are lying prone and bound at the side of
the road, and a group of passengers have disembarked from an ornate-looking
41 carriage and are preparing to dispense some brutal justice to these unfortunate
criminals. The carriage driver and a slightly-dishevelled looking nobleman, bearing
cudgels, have somehow got the upper hand.
42 Sudden and abrupt change in weather

Something is approaching. You hear [d6] (1-2) The tread of many feet, as of an
army (3-4) A heavy tread, as of a large creature (5-6) The patter of many tiny feet, a
43 large group of smaller creatures. You will have time to hide and watch them go by
with a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Stealth) check.

44 Abandoned mine, dwarven or otherwise.

You chance upon a network of caves that look like they could have once been
45 inhabited by a tribe of humanoids.
You hear howling in the distance. It could be wolves, but the sound is strange
46 somehow...
You come across two carts which have collided badly. One of the carts overturned
and spilled its contents across the road, and now the owner of the goods is having a
47 tantrum and demanding the other cart driver pay for the ruined goods. However, as
this is happening, their argument is interrupted by a dull roar from something
Debris from a recent, large battle. Who fought here, and who won? How recent
48 was this?

49 A ruined hut is here, with its roof partially caved in.

50 Humanoid corpse. 25% you find a clue (see Clue table in Chapter 9).

A piece of parchment is stuck into a tree with a dagger. The parchment is scrawled
with messy writing that looks like it was written by a child. It reads: “You are
51 entering the republic of the Forsaken Ones. All who wander in here without proper
consent are trespassing and will be dealt with harshly.”
A bird (or some other creature – roll Creature Table Chapter 14) begins talking to
52 you, in fluent Common! And not just mindless parroting...
You come across an ancient cemetery. All the gravestones are neglected bar one
53 which has had the weeds cleared from around it and fresh flowers placed before it.

54 A royal/noble personage and their entourage passes in an opulent carriage.

Perched on the edge of a cliff overlooking a small lake, a dilapidated castle, its walls
55 crumbling in places, lies ahead.

56 A flock of birds (vultures? ravens?) circles over a point somewhere overhead

A patrol from a nearby town is halted by the road, their cart having gotten stuck in
57 a muddy rut. They impolitely demand that you assist them in getting the stuck
vehicle free. “As a citizen of this realm, it is your civic duty to assist us!”
You find an old, ruined monument. Is it to a god, a famous local figure, or
58 something else?
A rustle in some bushes ahead and some easily overheard conversation gives away
59 the position of some juvenile criminals (from a nearby village/town?) planning to
ambush a passing cart.

60 A traveller with information/warning about a situation in the next settlement.

You come to the top of a gully, thick with vegetation. The sound of drums drifts up
to you and smoke from numerous fires rises in plumes above the forest canopy
61 below. Every now and then you hear chanting, different songs, sometimes a dozen
or so voices joined as one.

62 Unmarked settlement: town/village/hamlet. Human?

Making your way through a patch of dense undergrowth, you find a concealed
tomb, covered in vines and creepers. Nature has begun reclaiming this forgotten
63 structure, and all signs of who previously inhabited it are gone. Ripping away
foliage, you find a stone door.
You reach a bridge over a small river. The bridge is washed out.
64 Travellers are waiting here, unsure what to do.
You are approaching a grove of trees (or a clearing if you are in a forest) and can
see a group of people assembled there. One figure in robes stands before them, and
65 appears to be chanting a litany of some kind. The others repeat the words in a
ritualistic fashion.

66 You find an injured beast

Several wizards are here, surrounding a swirling field of energy, attempting to

67 control it. They do not notice your presence, too busy are they with this desperate
work! This is some sort of extra-dimensional energy, trying to enter this world...
A farmer invites you into his house for a meal, and possibly some of his home brew
68 ale/mead as well
You are approaching a large castle or fortress of some kind. It appears a small
69 military force is arrayed outside its walls, laying siege to the place.

70 Overturned/broken-down cart. Is it attended?

A band of clerics and monks is tending to what appears to be a huge throng of
displaced refugees. Food is being served from huge pots to an endless queue of
71 people. What is their story, how were they forced out of their home, and where will
they go from here?
An animal wanders across your path. It glances up at you but doesn’t seem
72 particularly bothered by your presence.
High above you see a flying craft, either magical or created using some unknown
73 technology, pass overhead. Where is it heading?

74 Trapped creature (humanoid? monster? What type of trap?)

Suddenly a group of humanoids passes you. Halflings or gnomes, intent on
something and all bearing weapons, are marching purposefully towards some
75 unknown destination. Every now and then, one particularly angry one at the head
of the party yells “Come on boys, time for some payback eh?” To which the others
all roar in approval.
An abandoned/ruined structure of some kind, which may or may not have a
76 subterranean component.
You are approached by a group of fey creatures. “Please, we need your help, we’re
77 at our wits end! Our village is being attacked!”

78 An old hermit. What’s he babbling about?

A patch of large fungi is ahead. These strange growths appear to be dripping with a
79 violet sap. Looking closer, you see that where this sap has landed on the ground, it
has killed everything growing there. It appears to be a virulent poison.

80 A creepy and unsettling token/sign.

You come across an enchanted glade, an oasis of some kind. Clear blue water falls
from above into a serene pond with a sound like the tinkling of crystals, and trees
81 bearing sweet-smelling flowers arc out over the water, occasionally dropping
delicate blooms onto the water’s surface. It is almost too beautiful to be believed...
Traveling merchant. You can have your players consult the equipment lists in the
82 PHB and restock on whatever they want. You may want to restrict certain items
like plate armour and greatswords, but most common stuff should be available.
A huge boom, like an explosion, comes from somewhere ahead, perhaps a few miles.
83 It is so massive that you feel the vibration through the earth. What is it? A meteor?
A volcano? A powerful spell? The only way to find out is to go and investigate.
A mansion, the estate of some noble who apparently likes to be away from
84 civilisation, lies ahead. The gates to the place are guarded.
The moon is high in the sky (whether day or night) but does not appear as normal.
Roll a d4. (1) It is a different colour (2) A huge chunk has been blasted off by a
85 comet or something similar, which looks epic but is rather worrying (3) It appears
closer than normal (4) It is in a phase that it shouldn’t be.

86 A group of soldiers and nobles are supervising a book burning.

You enter a copse of trees. Then, in the midst of this small, dense wood, you come
87 across several carved symbols of various gods, some festooned with cobwebs,
others kept clean and orderly with fresh offerings before them.
You come across a travelling salesman who deals exclusively in exotic beasts that
he keeps in cages. His cart is loaded with them! Perhaps you think him cruel, and
88 no doubt there is an element of cruelty here. But more worrying is the fact that he
has gathered all these strange animals together in one place. What would happen if
one or more of them were to somehow get free?
“Friend!” a voice addresses you from somewhere. “Want to make some money? I
need a hand with something. I promise it will be worth your while...” This ragged-
89 looking individual has a story to tell. Use random keywords or event meaning
tables (or both) to determine what work he is proposing.
A pair of warriors, utterly spent and bloodied, lie panting after a ferocious duel.
They appear to have been fighting each other all day but are too evenly matched,
90 and neither can get the upper hand. Perhaps you can mediate in this situation. But
first, you’ll need to understand their dispute. Keywords!
A wide river is ahead, and a large band of workers (probably from a nearby
91 settlement) are creating a dam wall.
A garishly-coloured bird alights in a nearby tree and regards you with a gaze that
92 is distinctly un-birdlike. “Hmm,” it says, looking you up and down. “Intriguing.”
You arrive at a rope bridge which extends over a narrow but deep canyon.
93 However, you are hesitant. The rope looks old and frayed, and you are unsure if it
will hold.

94 A lone figure is slumped against a tree sobbing. “My master is dead,” they sob.

You reach the top of a low cliff where you are looking down into what appears to be
95 a quarry. Several ogres are here, bearing whips and other weapons, and are putting
a variety of humanoids to work, using them as slaves to mine this area.
You hear a chorus of soft, melodious voices calling to you from nearby, beckoning
96 you to come closer. The words are almost formed as a song.
You meet an adventurer, on their way to explore a famed local ruins. Roll on NPC
tables (or choose a random, level-appropriate sidekick) and generate a dungeon-
97 based quest using either Chapter 7 of TSAT 1 or any of the quest generation tools
in this book. If you wish to pursue this thread, you must take this NPC with you as
they are the one who is on this quest. You are accompanying them.

98 The road disappears and the place looks nothing like on the map.

The foliage suddenly becomes lush and thick in this area. It is a little out of place,
99 and seems to have sprung up unnaturally, as if the result of some kind of natural

100 Unmarked settlement

You pass a cave in a low cliff. Someone has fitted a door over the entrance. Has it
101 been turned into a dwelling of some sort? Or, perhaps they merely wanted to
restrict entrance.

102 Patrol from the nearest settlement

You pass rocks that have strange markings on them, that look to be from the
earliest humanoid civilization that populated these lands. A DC 14 History check
103 will enable you to determine their basic meaning. Otherwise, who knows what they
speak of...
104 A tower, visible off the road some distance.

A storm approaches from the [d4] (1) Northern (2) Southern (3) Eastern (4)
105 Western horizon. You fancy you can see the shapes of various creatures within it.
Ominous, dark grey and laced with lightning, it is approaching fast!

106 A long-forgotten battlefield. How many died here?

The sound of fighting nearby, the vibration of heavy footfalls felt through the
107 ground - it seems like two huge creatures of some description are going at it,
fighting to the death!
On a lonely stretch of road, you see a lone cabin, but cannot tell if it is inhabited or
108 not.
A disembodied voice speaks to you directly. Roll on event meaning tables or
109 keywords list to discover what this supernatural voice says to you.

110 Bandits waylay you and demand all your money

An absolutely vile smell reaches your nostrils, coming from the [d4] (1) North (2)
111 South (3) East (4) West. It smells like [d4] (1) Rotting corpses (2) Unwashed
bodies (3) Spoiled Food (4) Excrement.
You see a track leading away from the road and into the forest/hills. Who knows
112 where it leads...
As you watch, you see something shimmer into view, as if teleported from
somewhere else. What is it that you see? [d10]
113 (1-2) Interesting natural landscape feature (3-4) NPC (5-6) Structure (7-8) Vehicle
(9-10) Something else (roll on Keywords table, p.167).
You see a low rocky hill, where faces have been carved into the rocks, along with
114 the shapes of various beasts. It is artfully done, and seems to tell some sort of story.
Ancient, ruined fortifications lie ahead, although what is behind them is anyone’s
115 guess.

116 Hunters/travellers/adventurers. Camped up and relaxing.

A marked change in elevation is causing the land to slope upwards towards a

117 plateau. Several tracks wind their way up towards the summit of this elevation,
which should afford a good view of the surrounding terrain.
A travelling merchant, but his wares are not the ordinary. Indeed, much of it is
118 illegal in some way. Is he a smuggler? A drug dealer? A heist thief?
A travelling apothecary is offering strange herbal remedies with a variety of
119 outlandish effects. Use keywords to determine the nature of these effects.

120 A travelling troupe of performers.

The landscape on the side of a gently-sloping hill has been marked with white chalk
121 to resemble the outline of a beast. This land carving may have been here for
A tribe who owns the land demands a tribute from you for passage (and in return
122 will escort you through – whether you like it or not).
Steam is rising from a hot springs ahead. You hear conversation also. (Roll for
123 1d4+1 NPCs relaxing here, generated using Chapter 4 of the DMG or whatever
NPC tool you desire).

124 A starving family begging for food or gold

More and more, you notice that the wildlife in this area - birds, deer, insects, small
creatures of all descriptions - appear to have been magically altered. At first it
125 starts with differences in colouration, but then progresses to mismatched body
parts and then totally hybrid creatures. What is causing this anomaly?

126 Bandits (human or otherwise) demand a toll from you.

You reach a low hill - or is it a structure of some kind - which appears to be entirely
127 formed of [d4] (1) Glass (2) Steel (3) Gemstone (too hard to mine) (4) Some other
non-precious mineral.

128 Travelling sage/archivist

These rocks look strange here, out of place, and not fitting with the geology of the
129 area. Not only that, there is a curious pattern of spirals covering them which you
cannot initially see the purpose of.

130 Heavily-guarded transport passes. What are they transporting?

A geyser is erupting clouds of poisonous steam into the air. You may want to avoid
131 this area. However, you see activity going on there… are there creatures living
here, even subsisting off these fumes?
A traveller, resting by the side of the road, begins pointing and laughing
132 uproariously at you. Is she mad?
A patrol from a nearby town is set up here in a roadside booth. Several carts are
133 pulled up and are being inspected for stolen or smuggled goods and contraband.

134 A traveling adventurer who is impressed and wants to join your party.

You meet a lone NPC on your route. They are a bit confused and keep repeating
135 the same phrase over and over again. “It must never be allowed to happen. It must
never be allowed to happen.” Over and over.
Overhead, you see some sort of astronomical portent. [d4] (1) Comet (2) Meteor
136 shower (3) Eclipse (4) Day or night suddenly appears, no matter what the time. The
scriptures/prophecies of old spoke of this, and what it signified...
Ahead, you see what appears to be a large walled garden of some kind. A construct
137 stands guard outside it, unmoving. What type of construct is it? [d6] (1) Animated
armour (2) Stone defender (3) Shield guardian (4) Clay golem (5) Stone golem (6)
Iron golem.
A crow flies overhead, and drops a scroll in your path, then turns and departs in an
eastern direction. The scroll bears a different message relevant to the quest you are
138 Or, if you prefer, the scroll reads as follows:
Adventurer! Heed my call! I am in need of your services. Head east, until you see a great
tower, with a sigil marking in its door. That is where I reside. I have a proposition for you.
You come across a large rock. The top half of this rock has been carved into the
likeness of a local renowned deity, but the carving is only half-finished and the
139 bottom half of the rock is still in its natural state. It appears this work was
abandoned halfway through. Coming closer, you notice that the carver’s tools are
still there, scattered on the ground amidst rock chippings.
You encounter an open-air forge in the middle of this wilderness. There is a hut
nearby, and 1d4 burly blacksmiths are forging weapons, domestic items, building
140 materials, smelting iron, copper, many different metals, and generally just doing
blacksmith stuff.

You come across a lone inn titled The Laughing Mage. Inside, the patronage
consists entirely of spellcasters. And it appears there are good ones and evil ones.
This is a place where conflict is off-limits and mages of all types engage in fierce
141 arguments over various schools, gods, and ways of doing things. There are benign
druids and twisted, malevolent necromancers: but no-one, absolutely no-one, breaks
the sacred covenant of no conflict. Even outside the bar is off limits. The truce lasts
until the mage reaches their own tower or what have you.
The party finds a recently abandoned campsite. There is a pot of stew cooking over
142 a fire, with a note attached. “Had to leave in a hurry, help yourself to our stew! It’s
not poisoned, promise!”
A group of gnomes are constructing some kind of huge cart that appears to be built
for war. If questioned, they will tell the party about a rival clan of gnomes or
143 halflings who have challenged them to a “cart battle.” Apparently it is a pretty
common sport around these parts. Competition is fierce, and people occasionally
An NPC in tattered clothing runs from the bush straight into the players. “Help!
144 I’m being pursued!” they say. When questioned, they will tell the party that they
have been unjustly accused.
A group of men dressed in armour which appears cobbled together are standing
145 before a large tree which lies across the party’s path. They demand a toll for
Two abandoned children, brother and sister, are found wandering the wilderness.
146 They have a strange light in their eyes. When questioned, they will say that they
escaped their village which was being raided.
A huge shadow passes over the party, as of some huge flying creature blocking out
147 the sun for a moment.
A rock or arrow is hurled at the party. When inspected, it has a note attached. “You
148 are in danger! Turn back from this foolish course. Signed, a friend.”
A satyr is sitting on a rock playing pan pipes. He will greet the party in a friendly
manner and ask if he can accompany them. After a while, it will come out that he
149 needs the party’s assistance. His community is being held to ransom by an evil fey
creature (e.g. a hag) and he needs the party’s help in order to deal with this threat.
Choose a player in your party who worships a certain god. That god appears to
them in a vision and delivers a strange prophecy regarding the party’s near future
150 (opportunity for the DM to reveal some tantalising and cryptic detail about what’s
Urban Encounters

You hear rumours of a nomadic cult that has taken up residence in an abandoned
1 building in a deserted part of town. Who knows what they are planning, but there
are strange sounds and lights coming from that area.
You witness a crime and they have a chance to stop the criminal. If you do, you win
the favor of the local constabulary. If you try to but fail, the guard gives you an
opportunity to help track down the criminal. If you do nothing, you must convince
the guard you are not an accomplice.
A strongman is exhibiting a show of strength at the side of the street, and has
drawn a large crowd. However, this burly character looks dejected, exhausted, and
3 the announcer who is narrating his feats appears to be the one in control. Does he
have the poor brute magically enslaved? Or is some other form of duress going on
Stampede of beasts such as pigs, cows or horses. Dex save or receive 3d6
bludgeoning damage.
A guard patrol suddenly runs past you. “To the gates, to the gates!” they are
yelling. “We are being attacked!”
A cry rings out through the town. “An army is massing outside the gates!” Are they
human, orc, mind flayer? You had better go and find out, or flee right now!
You pass a market stall. The stallholder is being harassed by someone in a loud
voice. “I know you have it, you liar! Give it to me now!”
A mysterious hooded beggar conspicuously ducks into an alley as they walk by -
8 they appeared to have a disfigurement. Perhaps they were just trying to hide from
Looking down an alleyway, you can see a figure being set upon by three larger
individuals - this definitely does not seem to be a fair fight...
A guided tour proceeds past, as the guide drops a particularly tasty snippet of local
knowledge which the party was unaware of.
Some sort of coloured smoke is billowing out of the windows of a nearby building!
Some sort of alchemical chaos perhaps? Or something else...

12 A shady figure beckons from an alley. They have wondrous items for sale, they say.
“Accepting all comers!” a huge bugbear yells as he walks down the street, ringing a
13 hand bell. “Tonight, at the Ancient Chalice! Pit fights, only the dirtiest, meanest
fighters will survive. 200 gold prize money! We’ll take anyone!”
Two old ladies, witches of some sort by the look of them, beg you to take a creature
off their hands (DM decides what type). “It never shuts up!” they tell you. “Please,
we’ll pay you! We just want to be rid of the damnded thing!” The creature is the
trapped soul of a former adventurer...
You pass a row of abandoned multi-storey buildings, each one with parchment
nailed to the front door. They all read the same: Condemned. Do not enter.
Two men are arguing about something. One turns to the party and says, "You look
16 like a reasonable bunch. What do you think?" Could be literally anything at all, and
could result in combat, a job, or just more arguing.
A large, walled urban garden is here. The sign outside informs you that the garden
holds some extremely rare and exotic species.
Minor earthquake shakes things up and in the ensuing panic looters take
advantage. Does the party join them, or stop them?
An old man telling a story has gathered a large group of children and adults around
19 him, entranced by his narration. It seems he was a former adventurer and has some
enthralling tales to tell.
A streetside merchant is selling baubles, inside which strange colours and scenes
are swirling. He tells you that at the right phase of the moon, you can enter one of
20 these baubles as a small pocket dimension, which you can shape to your liking. He’s
asking 50gp for each of them. But there is an element of shadiness to this merchant
and you perhaps don’t trust him...
Someone mistakes you for a mercenary, famous performer, or an old friend. They
have face blindness. 2% of the population have it.
A canal runs through this section of the city, and you can see large boats bringing
22 goods into the city’s riverside port. (Or if the town is coastal, this canal goes into
the centre of the city).
A local artist is exhibiting works in a gallery. Visitors have reported that his
images are so dark and evocative that he must have had some horrific experiences.
It’s even said that some descend into madness after viewing these works. Whatever
the case, the exhibition seems to be attracting a lot of attention.

24 A giant rat crawls out of a storm drain and gets into a fight with a dog.

A cart passes by, built of wood and metal, with bars over the windows. Passers-by
remark that it is an infamous criminal, finally caught, who is being transported to
the town jail. “They never thought they’d catch him,” someone says. “He’s been
eluding them for years!”

26 A peddler attempts to sell the party a trinket or minor magic item.

Someone is tolling the alarm bell nearby. Has a fire broken out? Magical chaos?
27 Some sort of catastrophe has occurred that is serious enough to call the town guard
28 A beggar crouches in a dark corner, clearly diseased.

You pass a huge, sprawling graveyard, covering a large area. All the town’s dead
are buried here, and it’s said that some tombs connect to a deeper network of
catacombs. Currently, however, a crowd is gathered around a freshly-dug grave
where a recently-deceased local identity is being interred. This person, you hear
someone nearby remark, died in extremely mysterious circumstances. There are
many unanswered questions...

30 Group of smugglers coming out of a sewer grate with a crate of goods.

You pass a magician’s guildhall. It is very active at the moment - a steady stream of
mages is coming and going from the door. Inquiring of one of them, you are
informed that this guildhall is currently hosting the annual general meeting to
discuss the state of magic in the realm.

32 An old female fortune teller beckons to you from her tent.

A royal procession is about to begin. The Queen/King/Emperor/Empress is due to

pass along the street you are on with their entourage very shortly. You see the
town guard doing a preliminary sweep of buildings, checking for potential assassins
or evil-doers. “Make way!” someone shouts. “Make way for our glorious ruler!”
Adults and children alike are beginning to throng either side of the street in
anticipation of the regal parade.
A man tumbles out a tavern window. He’s fully dressed in nobleman’s garb. A
female half-orc jumps out after him, letting out a warcry as he gets up and runs for
his life screaming for help. Do you help her and run him down or do you get in her
way? Possible: No matter who you help they both begin attacking you!
Striking up a conversation with a local, you are told of the old town, a deserted,
partially ruined quarter that was recently overrun by monsters. Much slaughter
35 and devastation happened there. “No-one ventures there now,” the local informs
you. “It’s said that there are still horrors lurking there, waiting for the foolish to
venture in.”
You catch a snatch of conversation from two passing locals. “I overheard them
36 talking about it in The Gobbling Gander. Yes, a heist, planned for tonight! The
Guild of Scoundrels has never been so daring as to attempt something like this!”
Quest board with rewards for deeds done. Someone has rats in their cellar, missing
townsperson in the woods neaby, simple things (or complex!) that give you little
things to do that keep you exploring the city, making contacts, and earning
gold/interesting items.
A small temple is having a festival which involves a bizarre tradition. [d4] (1)
Feeding all passers-by, regardless of religion, until they are so full, they can barely
move (2) Treating all visitors to the temple like royalty, washing their feet,
massaging their shoulders and generally pampering them (3) Hurling insults at
people passing by the temple (4) Allowing the children to order the adults about
and treat them like slaves for a day.
After this tradition is observed, it is customary for a high-ranking priest to tell a
story about their god or goddess’s mythology.
Someone sentenced to death: You happen across the hanging/beheading scene
before it concludes, what do you do?
You pass a grand building under construction. Teams of dwarven stonemasons are
crafting this building, working many intricate details into the masonry. Each of the
carvings has a story behind it, as the foreman is only too eager to inform you. This
40 building is going to be [d4] (1) An embassy for the dwarven kingdom of _____ (2)
An urban residence for a dwarven ruler (3) a temple to a prominent dwarven god
(4) A grand tomb, commissioned by the devoted followers of a noted dwarven
priest or mage.
Two local thugs are strong arming a merchant for gold. You can help the
41 merchant, but doing so annoys the local gang. Variation: The merchant is a thief,
and the thugs are trying to recover their stolen money.
You begin seeing a poster issuing a reward for a notorious criminal. The thing is,
this criminal bears a striking resemblance to a member of your adventuring party!

43 A young urchin is in an ally, cornered by either thugs or stray dogs.

A duel is about to take place, in the middle of the street / town square / market
between two rival mages. By all indications, it’s going to get ugly!
A chamber pot is emptied from above. Make a DC 13 dex save to avoid. If
45 unsuccessful, you disadvantage all charisma and stealth related rolls until you have
a bath and change clothes. (Optional: make a con save vs filth fever).
There is a commodity shortage in this part of town (e.g., food/water/building
supplies). Perhaps the local government has placed restrictions on this area because
of perceived unlawful behaviour, but whatever the case, the citizenry is on the brink
of rioting.
A scrap of paper is pressed into your hand by a young man, who looks at you
47 desperately before turning and running away. You turn over the note and read it.
“Please help, he’s coming for us all!”
Since you’ve been in this town, you’ve noticed quite a few suspicious-looking
individuals all sporting the same tattoo. You wonder what it could signify.

49 A member of the local guard asks you what your business is in town.

50 A bard strikes up a song and starts following you around.

A noble passes in a litter carried by servants. “Get out of the way, filthy peasants!”
the noble rudely shouts as the litter jostles past.
NPC met, who gives the party information about possible quest. Use sidequest
table on p.81 of DMG.
You hear that a huge ship has just arrived in port from a foreign land. No-one has
ever encountered these peoples before, and they are looking to make contact with
locals to learn more about local customs and culture. They also brought some
fascinating items with them to trade.
54 Merchant asking for help stopping local children with slingshots.

A violent gang conflict (perhaps between two rival thieves’ guilds or other factions)
55 has spilled out into the streets. It’s open warfare out here, with abductions and
assassinations happening in broad daylight.
From a second-story window, you hear a halfling woman singing a pretty song
56 about an ancient hero and their conquests. The story is very descriptive, and you
are perhaps overcome with a desire to know more about this legend.

57 A lady / young man on a balcony blows you a kiss and then runs away.
A worried-looking novice mage is making their way down the street carrying an
58 armful of scrolls. “Can’t be late!” she is saying to herself. “Mistress will kill me if
I’m late! If only I had someone to help me with these scrolls!”
A drunkard sees you and mistakes them for friends or enemies or perhaps throws
up on you.
You see an agile figure bounding across rooftops, carrying something. From quite a
way behind, pursuers are yelling at them to stop.
An eviction is in progress. You see the town guard forcibly removing a family and
their grandfather from their house. A woman is screaming: “This is a disgrace! Do
you know who my father is? You have no respect! Wait till the duke hears about
this, he’ll have your heads!”

62 A person who claims to be a fan of the party begins to follow them around

There is a crack of thunder and rain begins falling very heavily. Stall holders and
other vendors begin packing up, and citizens doing their business about town begin
running for cover. It is an absolute downpour. You see a nearby tavern which looks
cosy and inviting.

64 Street is having a block party tomorrow and need help setting up.

This area of the town is deserted… every house barred, condemned. Then you see
65 them, piled up in the middle of a square. Bodies. A tolling bell catches your
attention. “Bring out yer dead!”
You notice a group of villagers attempting to put out a nearby house fire. This
66 looks like it could easily spread to neighbouring houses, possibly affecting the
whole town.
You see a man running, looking terrified, clutching a relic of some kind. Then,
some distance behind him, a mob of well-armed female priests.

68 Bar fight bursts out into the street and may involve the PCs.

A desperate-looking half-elf peasant clutching a pitchfork asks you if you’ve seen

anyone who looks like him pass by recently. He refuses to explain or give his name.
Snake Oil Salesman has gathered a crowd, and has actors in the group to fool
70 people into buying worthless potions. Bonus: they're not worthless, but definitely
not as advertised. A healing potion that's really gaseous form?

71 A guard checkpoint stops everyone except a noble and his entourage.

A drunk just wakes up nearby. “Wha… where am I?! My… my weapons! My

belongings! They’re gone!”
You hear word that a ship’s captain is sitting in a nearby tavern, looking for
adventurers to accompany him as protection on his next expedition to the outer
islands. The pay is terrible and the food worse, but he promises one thing: it won’t
be boring.
An exhibition is in town featuring artifacts from far-flung countries that most
people have never heard of.
Passing an open doorway, you catch a strange scent, and cannot help but glimpse
several drowsy-looking people stumbling between rooms. A female, seated by the
door, notices your interest. “Fancy a taste?” she asks. “Go see Delren in the back
room, he’ll sort you out.”
A warrior stumbles out of an alleyway into the middle of the street, a sword
76 impaling him from front to back. “Stop… him…” he manages to say before
collapsing onto his knees. He is alive, but only barely.
A wizard is casting divination spells at passers-by and then tossing off idle remarks
about the person’s future.
“Be on the lookout,” a small company of guards is announcing loudly as they patrol
the streets. “Prisoners escaped from the tower!”
You see a poster. The local library is getting overstocked and is having a sale of
some of its books. Some old books of redundant maps that no-one uses anymore (as
79 they refer to the ancient kingdom, not the current one) and other potentially
interesting but obscure tomes are being sold for a fairly reasonable price (100-300
gp per book. depending on rarity).
You spy a large building ahead which is subject to some strange metaphysical
anomaly. [d4] (1) The building floats (2) The building is covered by a dark shroud
resembling night-time (3) The building is surrounded by light patterns (4) The
building is partially spectral (transparent) and you can see its interior.

81 A young woman is passing out wooden tokens for a free drink at a local tavern.

You find a map, discarded, on the street, or just a fragment of one, which arouses
82 your curiosity. It shows a ruin, and there is a sketch of an artifact. Magical?
Perhaps a local mage could help you decode this...
A boat is passing in a nearby canal. It is [d4] (1) A royal barge (2) A goods
84 freighter (3) A pirate or explorer vessel of some description (4) A mage’s ship. If the
city is landlocked, make it an airship instead.
Someone's horse is spooked and charges through the streets. whether it’s dragging
a wagon or just a rider, it is panicked and needs to be stopped.
If you have an NPC or sidekick, they are potentially kidnapped by a group of thugs
85 while you are distracted. You could choose this to happen to someone in the party
instead, or your party could witness a kidnapping.
A street dog runs past with a human hand in its mouth - wearing a large, very
86 obvious jeweled ring. Dog chase or find out what happened to the owner of the ring
(and hand).
You see workers loading a huge shipment into boats, or into carts if your
87 settlement is landlocked. You wonder what this shipment is, where it might be
going, what it is, who it’s for and whether they have protection on the journey.

88 A beggar notices the group and offers to guide them around in exchange for coin.

A section of street has fallen into a sinkhole deep below, taking several houses with
89 it. Who knows why this happened, but it is unlikely that the inhabitants of the
houses survived.
“Stop, thief!” You feel your arms being grabbed. The local guard apprehend you,
accusing you of stealing jewels belonging to a noble/royal. Searching your clothes,
and/or bag, they successfully turn up the jewels in question. You, however, have
never seen them before.
You pass a place of business where many vehicles are parked outside. (These could
be any sort of vehicle that fits with the lore of your world, from an oxcart to an
airship). They are offering passage to most major settlements in the realm. Fares
start at 50 gp.
You stop to listen to a talented storyteller relate a story about a famous adventurer
92 and his beast companion. Part of the story is unresolved, however, and gets you

93 A con man is selling jewels and rare components that you might need.

The panicked news comes to you through the city grapevine, and people are fleeing
to safety as a result. A famous local wizard, finally driven insane through his
dabblings in obscure subject areas, is on a rampage through the city, destroying
everything in his path. Authorities are unsure how to deal with him.

95 A card shark/con artist is busking in the street, a large crowd gathers.

A stranger runs quickly past you, dropping a random item in your path. [d4] (1)
96 Mundane Item [2] Weapon [3] Gems and money (roll on CR 1 hoard table, DMG
or TSAT) [4] Common magic item.
The street suddenly goes empty but for one or two people, and in the next moment
even they are gone. You are alone… Where did everyone go? Then you hear it...
A distraught mother cannot find her child and is convinced it has been kidnapped.
She is moving from person to person, begging for help.
A poster announces the public reading of an obscure and arcane scroll recently
discovered by an eminent archaeologist in a forgotten tomb near to the city.
A tattered cloak blows up the street. Catching hold of it, you find a note in one of
its pockets.
A huge team of workers is busy fixing this part of town. It turns out that this area
of the city houses catacombs which connect to the Underdark, through long
networks of twisting passages. Somehow, a purple worm found its way up here and
101 burst through the surface, destroying huge amounts of masonry, businesses,
residences, ploughing through several blocks of buildings. The damage was
immeasurable and will take months to repair. Also, a small company of men-at-
arms is stationed there in case any other nasties come up from below...
Suddenly, out of the blue, you see a mage of some sort simply appear in the middle
of the street/alley.
News comes to you of beggars and homeless being killed by some unknown
A creature begins following you. [d10] (1-8) Beast, (9) Construct (10) Other.
104 Choose a level-appropriate creature familiar from SRD Monsters, Monster Manual
or other resource.
A large government building has a crowd protesting outside of it. They could be
105 from a peoples who have been mistreated by the ruling elite. But this is a situation
that you know of and has been going on in the realm for years. Decades, even.
This part of town bears some interesting ancient hieroglyphs etched on various
106 historical walls. Some of them are in a language that no-one has been able to
To their great surprise, one of the PCs sees someone from their old home town.
107 This NPC shares news of their hometown, as well as gibing access to some local
Religious pilgrims making their way quietly through the streets are being mocked
and jeered by a group of elven teenagers
You run into an NPC from a previous adventure. Perhaps they were evil and
109 mended their ways (or perhaps not), but anyway they have some interesting stories
to tell.
You see an artisan sitting outside their workshop, finishing off some incredibly
detailed work while an apprentice looks on.

111 “Ay oop luv, looking for a good time?”

Two expert swordmasters are duelling it out in a public place. The exhibition has
112 drawn a crowd, but no mistake - this is a fight to the death, as evidenced by the
expressions of determination on the faces of the competitors.

113 An overturned cart ahead is causing gridlock - the street is jammed with traffic.
You hear a voice in your head. “Do not be alarmed. I speak to you because I can,
and because I have seen you before. I do so through magic, but also because I need
your services. Come to me at the Inn of the Three Wands. It is hard to find, but
you shall know the way. If you do not wish to, forget I have spoken to you and
continue on your way. I shall not bother you again. But I promise you, it will be
worth your while.”
A dwarf, armed with greataxe, is threatening a cowering halfling, who is shaking
115 with fear. The dwarf is living with rage, but has just been disarmed by the town
guard. What’s the situation here? Has the halfling wronged him in some way?
A sudden gust of wind whips through the town, sending stalls toppling over, hats
116 flying, stacks of parchment fluttering down the street. Perhaps the party discovers
something as a result.
Someone has released a hallucinogenic substance into the air, and people are in
various states of intoxication.
You encounter a circus performing in a large plaza. Acrobats, jesters, storytellers,
118 puppeteers, illusionists, all manner of entertainers are here, and many interesting
market stalls to boot.
Two half-orcs are engaged in a full-on brawl outside a nearby tavern. Apparently
one thinks the other cheated at dice.
A trio of interesting-looking individuals - adventurers perhaps - blinks into view
right in front of you. “What… where are we?” one of them stammers.
A group of protestors has set up outside the Town Hall, protesting the new road
121 which is planned to run right through the middle of their settlement, some distance
out of town.
Two halfling women, one old and one young, are walking past you. “It’s all right
mother,” the young one says. “It’s only for a little while. The locket should get us a
122 nice purse of gold, then we can be back under a roof before nightfall.”
The older one sobs. “That heartless wretch! Casting us out on the street like stray
dogs! That locket belonged to my grandmother!”
Something occurs, or you find something, that requires a (roll d10), 1: animal
handling check, 2: insight check, 3: survival check, 4: medicine check 5: perception
123 check, 6: persuasion check, 7: performance check, 8: deception check, 9: inimidation
check, 10: charisma check. Use Q/A roll or Story Element Interaction tables
(chapter 14) to find out what.
The local botanic gardens are a fascinating place. There is a section of the garden
where the foliage grows exceptionally thick, and some of the plants there are
known to be quite dangerous to walk near. The supposed reason is that there is a
124 series of tunnels beneath the gardens, and a powerful relic is hidden under that
spot. No-one has ever been able to find the entrance to this alleged dungeon
however, and no-one knows if it is a relic that is causing this verdant growth, or
some other cause.
A shopkeeper is attacking a wasp nest outside of his shop with a broom. He
dislodges it and it crashes to the ground, engulfing him in a Swarm of Insects!
You notice guards stationed on the battlements around the city walls. Asking a
passing citizen why they are so vigilant, the citizen replies, “There were rumours
that a nearby giant colony was planning an attack… so, naturally, that’s got
everyone worried.”
A merchant asks you to mind his cart for him while he chases a thief who has stolen
merchandise from it. He then leaves, and doesn’t return for a very long time...
You pass a building which bears a plaque: “Alyssa Ibold, Scholar of the Realms.
128 Detailed knowledge on all countries and settlements within the known world.
Consultations 10 sp per hour.”
If one of your PCs worships a god, they see a festival in progress honouring their
god. This might be weird if their god is a rare one, but in that case, this is a rare
sighting of public practice of that religion. If it is a major religion, then this is a
festival holiday. If this doesn’t fit with your character, reroll.
A cleric stands atop a box on the roadside, spouting vitriol and nasty rumours
about the town’s leader or leaders. The cleric has attracted quite a crowd.
Many guards are stationed on street corners, preventing access to several city
131 blocks. “Don’t go in there,” one of them tells you. “Trust me, you don’t want to go
in there.”

132 You see a dice game going on in an alley off the street you are walking down.

You pass a high wall, overrun with creepers. Reaching the gate of this large
133 compound, you peer in to see a huge, dilapidated building, probably once glorious.
A sign on the gate reads Compassionate Asylum for Victims of Mind Magic.
You pass a house which is all boarded up, the gates locked. A passerby informs you
that this is the house of a local nobleman who hasn’t been seen in years.
There is a loud crack, and lightning strikes the ground mere feet away from you,
filling the air with a strange, burnt smell. Looking up, you see that it is a clear sky,
not a cloud. So where did that come from? Does someone powerful have designs on
PC hears a rumour about a job that a local priest might have. Apparently, or so the
rumour goes, something is going on in the sacred catacombs beneath the streets.

Two friendly old wizards are using mage hand to put on a puppet show for local
children. The story, however, seems almost too fantastical to be true, and you find
yourself drawn in. Does this outlandish tale come from the wizards’ own
You are stopped by the local guard who want to congratulate you on your recent
successful quest. How do they know?
A gnarled old streetside merchant, who looks like he’s seen some things in his time,
is selling pieces of monster anatomy and items made from said anatomy.
Something occurs, or you find something, that requires a (roll d10) 1: acrobatics /
dex check or save, 2: strength or athletics check, 3: stealth check, 4: con check or
140 save, 5: int check, 6: investigation check, 7: arcana check, 8: history check, 9: nature
check, 10: religion check. Use Q/A rolls or Story Element Interaction tables
(chapter 14) to find out what.
Some young apprentice mages are being bullied by some young warriors-in-
training. A classic jocks vs nerds scenario. As you watch, you see that one of the
young mages is quietly forming a spell between his hands… You have to see how
this turns out!
A female priest is castigating a businesswoman who has set up her wares before the
temple (of Lathander, perhaps? Any good-aligned god). Except this business is no
ordinary business - a female slaver is parading her wares, selling slaves to
whoever’s buying.
A cartload of prisoners rumbles past. You see all sorts of faces in there, male and
female, human, orc, elf, halfling, but all having the look of professional soldiers.
“Heading to the prisoner of war camp, three miles out of town,” a passer-by
remarks, noticing your interest. “Enemy soldiers transported back here after the
latest conflict. A rebellion which the Empire just stamped out. Why they don’t just
put them out of their misery is beyond me.”
A jeweller emerges from his shop, screaming that he’s been robbed by dwarves. A
144 nearby dwarf asks him for proof, but all he has to say is, “Of course it’s dwarves,
they lust after gems constantly!”
Camped out on the steps of city hall, a tribe of nomadic warriors has erected tents,
including a chief’s tent, has made campfires and are roasting a large dead animal on
145 a spit. The town guard are standing around, hesitant to ask these rugged-looking
barbarians to move on. Why have they travelled here, you wonder, so far from their
homelands? Do they have some issue with the ruling power?
A wizard is carrying a bagful of potions when suddenly the bag rips (perhaps it
catches on a nail sticking out of a building, or it catches on a passing cart) and
several potions drop out and smash on the ground, exploding with various
dramatic effects.
You feel a thwack in the side of your head, and turn to see that a bunch of drunk
young nobles are pelting passers by with rotten vegetables, laughing as they do so!
Your sharp eye spots a pickpocket deftly relieve a noblewoman of an expensive
A mage’s tower is in this area, and looking up you see sparks, strange whorls of
energy and other phenomena exploding out of the windows!

150 A group of brash young mages are roaming the streets terrorizing the townsfolk!
Dungeon Encounters
You find a stricken individual, slumped against the wall of the room/passage and
1 raving to themselves incoherently. They have obviously been involved in something
highly traumatic which has robbed them of their wits.
This area of the dungeon has fallen into disrepair. The passage ahead looks
2 dangerous, like it could cave in at any moment. You will need to proceed with
extreme caution.
An almighty roar fills the passages, echoing around you. It seems to be coming from
[d4] (1-2) Nearby (3-4) Far away.
A drunk dwarf is staggering down the passage towards you, arm in arm with a
4 similarly drunk halfling. They are regaling each other with outlandish stories of
their adventures, and do not initially notice you.
You find an adventurer’s corpse (roll on NPC tables to discover details). They have
an interesting [d6] (1-2) Note (3-4) Bounty (5-6) Map on their person.
You find a humanoid child, hiding behind a pillar. They do not speak your language
and you have no idea what they are doing here.
Within a room, a floating orb sits atop a plinth. You approach… the orb is
translucent, and many colours swirl within it… what do you see?
You see what looks like a portal ahead. The air is stale here, however, and the walls
drip with some foul contagion...
A magical darkness permeates this area, originating from a point you cannot see.
9 Suddenly, a priest comes into view, smiling and holding forth a holy symbol. “Ah!”
he cries. “You’ve come, at last!”
You discover a sinkhole in the floor of the passage. Peering down, you see several
10 levels of dungeon passages below you, but the sinkhole (natural?) descends out of
There is a celebration going on somewhere nearby… the sound of goblets being
11 clinked, wine being poured, even a band of minstrels… but there is a smell hanging
heavy in the air… the smell of rotting flesh. Of death… or undeath?
A notice is tacked onto a wall. “The fight for the prize begins soon. The victor will
claim the symbol of our deity! You will be witness to a great contest…”
You come across a creature, which has been wounded. Roll a d8 to find out what
type of wounded creature you have come across: (1) aberration (2) beast (3) elemental
(4) fiend
(5) humanoid (6) monstrosity (7) undead (8) dragon. It is not combative. Perhaps an
intelligent creature capable of communication might negotiate with you if you can
help to heal it. However, do so with care!
Huge fungi grow in this area, standing as tall as an ogre! Moving through, you must
be careful not to bump them or they will release spores. Make a DC 13 Dexterity
(Stealth) check. If you fail, roll three times on the Keywords table (p.167) to discover
the nature of the effect the spores have on you.
A sprite, or some sort of small creature, is down the end of a passageway, beckoning
to you. “This way! Yes, come, follow!”
You feel imbued with a heroic spirit. The god of courage has smiled on you, granting
you a boon. Roll on the Boon table (p.152).
You happen upon an underground settlement of some kind. If this is in an
established dungeon, perhaps it is a colony of tiny creatures, or an enclave of
17 hermits. If in caverns, or the Underdark, it could be svirfneblin or duergar or drow
perhaps. They are not initially aware of your presence and you have the opportunity
of observing from afar until you decide to interact.
The ground begins to shudder, and dust falls from the roof. Perhaps even a chunk of
18 masonry or two falls to the floor. Is this an earthquake, or some huge creature
approaching? Either way, it’s seismic.
You meet a friendly NPC who immediately engages you in conversation. However,
19 they are accompanied by a powerful stench which almost has you gagging. Make a
DC 12 Constitution saving throw. If you fail, you are violently ill.
An adventuring party is ahead, you think. You can hear conversation, several
different voices, and they speak in a mixture of Common, Dwarvish and Elvish.
Small alcoves in either wall house icons to a range of deities you have never seen
before. The workmanship looks ancient.
Within a room, atop a table, you find a fascinating object: an intricately crafted
22 miniature version of a dungeon. This dungeon? Who crafted this and for what
Rows of sarcophagi line either side of this room. Their plaques bear fascinating, and
very old inscriptions.
You stop in your tracks. Ahead (in a room or passage, generate next bit of the
24 dungeon to find out what) you see a mage of some kind deep in the performance of a
ritual. But you have no way of knowing their nature, or the nature of the ritual.

25 The sound of rushing water comes from nearby. An underground river?

Roll a d4. (1-2) Roll on Skill Challenge table, p.139 (3-4) Level-appropriate easy
A trio of gnome artificers are here, hard at work studying some phenomenon, device,
construct or other thing. They are escorted by two hulking mercenary warriors. A
scientific expedition, it would seem. Stealth roll, DC 14, to see if you are noticed,
A noxious, yellowish slime covers the walls and floor here. Moving through is going
28 to require agility, and who knows what the effect could be if any of the stuff lands on
you… (Use keywords to determine)
A small humanoid runs past and tosses an item into your hands. It is a [d6] (1) Ring
(2) Rod (3) Scroll (4) Staff (5) Wand (6) Weapon. They are gone before you can
29 respond, calling these words back over their shoulder. “Your problem now!”
Is something pursuing them? Or have they just offloaded a potentially cursed item
on you?
There is a lot of noise and hubbub coming from ahead. The clank of steel-shod boots,
30 the shouting of commands. You appear to be approaching a barracks of some kind,
and it sounds like they are mobilising for battle!
You find a room filled with cages. 1d6 of these cages have captives inside them. You
find any combination of the following: [1d20] (1) Rich Noble (2) Charming thief (3)
Talkative explorer (4) Whiny scientist (5) Gruff admiral (6) Innocent shapeshifter (7)
31 Dishevelled navigator (8) Greedy priest (9) Apathetic immortal (10) Ignorant royal
(11) Distracted artificer (12) Impatient engineer (13) Xenophobic artist (14)
Sympathetic monk (15) Agitated cultist (16) Angry town guard (17) Affectionate
merchant (18) Cursed aberration (19) Shrewd judge (20) Gloomy assassin.
Ahead, you see the passage seemingly dissolve into nothingness. A void opens up
before you. Where a passage was before, now is a swirling, nondescript energy… a
32 portal of some kind? You are hesitant to continue, but also intrigued… Should you
back away and try another path, or throw yourself into this strange energy and see
where it leads you?
At the side of the passage, a beautiful little font, ornately crafted with figures of
benevolent, childlike gods, receives silvery water into its stone basin. It radiates a
soft, healing energy. Drinking from this font will restore 4d4+8 hp to your
character, but you can gain this benefit only once.
A magical darkness descends. And in this darkness, a voice starts whispering to you,
about something from your past that no-one could possibly know about. When the
darkness finally lifts, no-one is there… Is someone playing mind games with you, or
are you going insane?
If you have an NPC with you, they begin acting strangely… as if this place is getting
to them, affecting them in some way.
You hear voices coming from somewhere, but it is impossible to tell which direction.
36 They are talking constantly, keeping up an endless patter of absolute nonsense. It
sounds like the ravings of a lunatic!
An offensive smell reaches your nostrils… You come across a pit where all sorts of
refuse have been dumped. There must be a humanoid settlement nearby that has
seen fit to fill this area with their trash, with no consideration for the other
inhabitants of this dungeon. Or, perhaps this is ancient refuse, left here by a group of
creatures who have since departed. Either way, it smells utterly repulsive, and you
suspect some foul rot-dweller may be lurking in there...
Suddenly a feeling of blessed calm comes over you. It is almost as if some benevolent
38 god is smiling on you, and a sacred aura has descended. Any one of your party may
immediately take the benefits of a short rest.
You find a collection of items in a bag which you are trying hard to make sense of.
Roll five times on the Items table (p.163). Who did this belong to?
You get the feeling you are being stalked by something, some invisible force. You
see shadows, hear noises, feel a presence, but every time you turn you see nothing.
Perhaps it will show itself eventually. Perhaps it is another adventurer, or perhaps…
something more sinister.
Rounding a corner, you see a door hanging off its hinges, and a procession of
creatures running in and out of a room carrying various looted items. A stash of
some kind has been discovered, and it is a free-for-all. The stash consists of one of
the following items [d10]
(1-2) Food (3-4) Alcohol (5-6) Weapons (7-8) Wood for burning (9-10) Random
assortment of all of the above.
You enter a chamber where a sacrificial ceremony is taking place. Several humanoids
42 are gathered around a plinth, about to sacrifice a live beast. Who knows what the
outcome of this ritual will be?
A fresh smell comes to you, as if there was an opening to the outside somewhere
near, a vent of fresh air. Then, you round a corner, and see a tree, somehow
43 magically growing in the middle of a widened section of passage. It is suffused with
magical light, as if suspended in a bubble, and sits in the middle of a richly-carved
dark stone circle which contains the soil it grows in.
You see an ornate historical mural on a nearby wall, faded but obviously painted /
carved by a master artist. As you watch, the figures in the mural come to life and
begin to play out a scene hitherto unknown to you. You gain knowledge of this
episode of history, and possibly of some previously undiscovered
location/quest/relic associated with it. (Consult the history of your setting / use
Q/A rolls to find out what… player’s choice!)
Whoever your quarry is that you are stalking, the reason you entered this dungeon,
you find a valuable clue relating to them. You receive this information in one of the
following forms [d6] (1) Graffiti (2) Carved inscription (3) Note (4) Disembodied
Voice (5) NPC (6) Overheard conversation.
You find the shrine of a long-forgotten deity. (Loot Hoard 30%). Perhaps this deity
tries to commune with you, attempting to find a new worshipper?
A small pebble hits you on the back of the head. Turning around, you cannot see
who threw it.
1d4-1 humanoids are arguing and do not notice your approach. One is a commander,
the other(s) subordinate. The subordinate has failed in the execution of some task.
The rest of your story will hopefully provide the context here. If you choose to
attack, this will be a (d4) 1: Easy, 2-3: Medium, 4: Hard encounter. You may choose
an appropriate enemy based on the encounter guidelines in Chapter 16. Individual
loot 50% (roll twice, once for each humanoid)
Entering a natural cavern, you happen upon a pile of gore and dead bodies. This
49 looks like the food stash of some creature, but the smell coming off it is horrific.
What lurks nearby?
You find small circular openings in the walls. Each contains a scroll. Withdrawing
them, you see that they bear writing from some ancient civilization. These could be
of great worth to an archaeologist, but first you will need to get them translated.
What secrets do they hold? (Roll a d8. The scrolls are in 1: Infernal, 2: Abyssal, 3:
Celestial, 4: Draconic, 5: Druidic, 6: Giant, 7: Primordial, 8: Undercommon. If you
happen to speak the resultant language, use Q/A rolls to determine what they
contain. Perhaps a quest! Or some valuable knowledge. They might be worth
something, too, to the right buyer).
Strange runes glow with an arcane energy, painted on the floor in this area. Make a
51 DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) or Intelligence (Wisdom) check. If successful, you have
seen these runes somewhere before and know something of their meaning.
You find a secret entrance to an opulent room, lined with bookshelves. A fire
52 crackles in the hearth, and richly-patterned rugs and furniture decorate this cosy
space. Who lives here?
A statue in the middle of this area looms high over you. Then, it opens its mouth and
53 speaks to you! Roll on a keywords table or whatever tool you deem appropriate to
determine its message.
You take one more step and… boom! You are in an utterly unfamiliar part of the
dungeon. Abandon the map you have so far. You have stepped through a portal, and
now are not even sure you are in the same dungeon, realm, or world! Where have
you been transported?
An abyss runs across the passageway, dropping down out of sight. Looking down,
you see the entrances to various other tunnels, as if peering down through the
middle of a colony of insects. The only way across this expanse is a series of floating
You run into some rival adventurers, who happen to be there following the same
56 leads as you. Will you team up with these NPCs? (Use NPC tables to determine who
they are, skipping Profession and going straight to Class Tables).
Entering a chamber, you see a machine or contraption of some sort at its centre,
whirring and clicking away. What is this device and what is its purpose?
A kindly little goblin appears with hat in hand, and begs your help in ridding him of
a problem. He has just returned from a trip to the nearest town to find that his home
has been taken over! Two levels down, his humble little abode that he shares with his
58 wife and two little goblings, has been invaded by a horrible (insert level appropriate
hard encounter here). If he could get your assistance in getting rid of this scourge, he
will reward you with all his profits from his recent sales trip - 250 gp! And his wife
will cook you a delicious pot of Tunnelslug Stew, finest in the dungeon, they say!
You come across an ornate door, attended by a spectral figure dressed in opulent
59 clothes. The thing is non-hostile, and manning this door, like a doorman. Roll a d4.
On a 1: He praises you and your obvious prowess as an adventurer. He seems to
know a lot. The spectral doorman admits opens the door for you. On a 2: He begins
insulting you, pointing out how awful your clothes are, how ugly you are, how
terrible you smell! Make a wisdom check, DC 15. If you succeed, he congratulates
you on your poise in the face of abuse and lets you through the door. On 3-4: He
begins debating with you as to why you shouldn’t be admitted through the door.
Make an intelligence check or a persuasion check, DC 14. If successful, you win the
debate and he lets you through the door. The spectral doorkeeper cannot be attacked
or moved. And the door only opens for him. (40% boss encounter).
Blood is pooled through this area, along with arrows, broken weapons, broken crates
60 and other detritus. A pitched battle has gone on here, but you see no bodies… very
You come across a proper dungeon - a locked room with bars, in which you see
61 several ragged-looking prisoners. “Quick, break us out!” one of them exclaims when
he sees you.
A lone humanoid is wandering the corridors, muttering to themself about how they
have been exiled, and how they will get revenge on those that cast them out.
As you round the next corner, you catch sight of a lone humanoid. Make a stealth
63 check, DC 14. If successful, you stay hidden and watch as they move a stone in the
wall, place something behind it, then replace the stone. Then they depart.
Water drips from the ceiling above, forming pools here and there. Where is this
water coming from… and is it indeed water at all?
An old timer, clearly mad, is perched on a soapbox to the side of this passage,
65 ranting about the current state of political affairs to an audience of one slightly
amused boggart.
You hear the sound of a waterfall from somewhere nearby, and also a mechanical
noise of some kind, a machine-like sound… Then, above that, the chatter of voices,
although due to the sound of the water you can’t make out what language they are
speaking. What is going on up ahead?
Roll perception, DC 14. If successful you notice something in your periphery. A
stone in the wall shuts with a scrape. Investigation roll, DC 12, to find the
67 mechanism to open it. Beyond is a (d4) 1-2: passage, 3-4: room, containing an
encounter (d4) 1: Easy, 2: Medium, 3: Hard, 4: No encounter. Clue 75%, Individual
Loot 50%.
This area contains ancient frescoes, some of them ruined, but some remarkably well-
68 preserved. They reveal important lore about the quest you are on, specifically in
relation to important people related to that quest, and their history.

69 You feel a hard shove in your back. When you turn to look, is anyone there?

You find a mirror, a small hand-held mirror on the floor. Picking it up, you see that
70 it appears some creature (monster? NPC?) is trapped inside it. How did they come to
be here, and why was this artifact simply left lying on the floor?

71 A mist swirls about your feet.

A lever is in the left wall. There is no indication of what it controls, or that it
controls anything at all. Perhaps it is defunct. But there is only one way to find
[d6] Pulling the lever (1) Opens a trapdoor (2) Releases acid rain into the corridor
(3) Opens a dimensional portal (4) Opens a previously locked door in a nearby part of
the dungeon (5) Triggers a spear trap (6) Opens a secret door nearby.

73 You happen upon a massacre. The corpses of a dozen humanoids lie scattered.

You suddenly emerge on a mezzanine-type floor overlooking a large chamber below.

Something is going on down there. Creatures are congregating, but they haven’t
seen you yet.
[d6] (1) Gladiatorial battle (2) Summoning ritual (3) Court trial (4) Meeting of
cultists or other group around a large table (5) Battle between monster factions (6)
Leader addressing a large group.
You get the distinct impression that you are being followed. You even fancy you can
smell whoever it is, and they smell rank.
The relentless rhythmic thud of large drums is vibrating from somewhere distant. Is
it coming from underneath you? You can feel the pounding through the floor.
In a corner, a huge pile of rubbish festers. It is being picked through by some horrid
beast or other.
A broken construct lies wrecked in this area. It has been partially, but not wholly,
78 looted for parts. [d6] (1) Retriever (2) Iron Golem (3) d4 Iron Cobras (4) Oaken
Bolter (5) Animated Armour (6) Hellfire Engine.
As you move through this area, make a perception check, DC 15. If you fail, you do
not see a glyph on the wall and trigger an alarm spell! What comes to check?
You enter a chamber which appears to be a wizard’s or artificer’s laboratory. Plenty
of interesting artifacts, and quite a few blueprints and other things as well. Roll a
d100. If under 20, you find a common magic item. If under 10, you find an
uncommon magic item.
A giant rat runs past you, closely followed by three hungry-looking goblins. They
pay you no attention.

82 Several boiling cauldrons are in this area, giving off bizarre fumes.

84 Ahead, two orc guards sit at a guard post. They appear to be playing dice.

You emerge in a chamber which is split into two levels, lower and higher. Two
84 groups of humanoids are battling each other, one on the lower ground and one on
the higher ground. Neither have noticed you as yet.
You come to a door on which a parchment is nailed. “Dungeon caretaker.
Enquiries/complaints within.”
A strange field of coloured light is ahead, dancing hypnotically. Make a DC 14
Wisdom save or you are entranced by this. Who set up this magical trap, and why?
Suddenly the wall behind you explodes, and two adventurers enter through it. One is
87 a goliath who has just punched his way through the masonry, the other appears to be
a halfling sorcerer.
You come across several humanoid (or possibly giant) creatures, rolling around on
88 the floor laughing. Something has amused them, but what? Perhaps this is some
magic, and you are in danger of falling under it also…
Make a perception check, DC 14. If unsuccessful, you suddenly notice your pack is
89 lighter. Randomly choose one item from your inventory (perhaps figure out a way to
randomly roll for it). It has been stolen! You might get it back, but then again...
A series of huge pillars line both sides of this corridor, which is good as you can hear
a creature of quite some size approaching! Might be time to hide…

91 You hear the sound of something heavy being dragged, coming from up ahead.

92 You round the next corner and see two humanoids engaged in a heated quarrel.
A large group of humanoids comes running down the tunnel towards you, their
93 expressions showing absolute, abject terror. “RUN!” the lead one yells at you. “Save
yourself, run, now!!!” Behind them, you see something BIG following...
Make a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. If unsuccessful, you fail to notice a skulk
deftly relieving you of wealth. Choose either a random item or 2d100 gp to remove
from your inventory. If successful, you catch him in the act, and he immediately flees.
Make one opportunity attack and then pursue if you wish, encountering 1 skulk.
There is a portal here, an archway of some sort, set into the wall. Beyond, it is black,
95 but around the edges it glows with some sort of arcane energy. It is obviously a
doorway to somewhere- but where?

96 You hear screaming, very faint, as if from far, far away.

From ahead, the patter of footsteps, as of someone running. And then, laughter. A
child’s laughter. Is someone playing mindgames with you?
There are shallow channels in the floor here, in an interesting, symmetrical pattern.
98 You can find no clue as to their purpose, but a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
check might reveal something. If successful, roll on Keywords table (p.167).
A bard has stopped in this area to belt out a quick song to try and lift his own spirits.
He’s been lost down here for days! He tells you that he’s managed to find his way up
to this level with some difficulty, but that this dungeon descends many levels
downward. He was held captive by some kind of humanoid until just recently. He’s
absolutely starving, having had to subsist on dungeon moss and tunnelslugs for

100 Nearby, you hear a dog barking madly, then another voice telling it to shut up!
A low rumble, then a deep cracking noise is heard directly above. The area shakes
slightly, dust and small debris falls from the ceiling, then it stops.
A room containing chests full of mundane items. Roll ad20 times on the Items table
102 (p.163), discarding inappropriate results like rubble, broken wood etc. All results
should be things that have reasonably belonged to someone at some stage.

103 A player is bitten on the hand (causing minimal if no damage). What did it?

104 Graffiti on the wall: “Stop! Bridge out ahead! Go back, your doom is at hand!”
The ground here is earthen and covered with a top soil. It smells heavily of must and
105 dirt. Root-like tendrils will start to appear out of the ground and start to grow up
the walls.

106 The smell of food cooking comes to you, making your mouth water.
To the far side three skeletons hang on manacles, if they are inspected 1d6 rats will
jump out at the PCs.
TRAP! Use the tools on DMG pp. 120-123 (or whatever tools you prefer) to devise a
trap for the party.
In the distance a small girl dressed in rags can be seen standing near the wall. If
109 players move toward her, she will turn and run through the nearest wall and
Suddenly a vision flickers before you, a vision of your ultimate goal in this dungeon.
110 You do not recognize the room, but get some prior information about what you
might be headed towards.

111 The area is filled with a thick mist/fog, that hangs heavy and low to the ground.
A group of creatures is ahead, working on renovating a section of the tunnel. What
are they doing, and what are their motivations? [d6] (1) Clearing an obstruction (2)
112 Constructing a trap (3) Tunnelling a new passage into the rock (4) Decorating this
area of the tunnel with a mural or runes (5) Mining for minerals (6) Forcing slaves
to do their work (roll again to determine what that work is).
If the party are holding torches, or there are torches or candles present in the area,
something blows them all out suddenly.
From nowhere, you hear a booming voice: “Take up your weapon, adventurer! You
114 dare to trespass here, now you will face me in battle!” But no one appears. At least
not yet… You hear laughing...
In this area are some pools of greyish-green slime of unknown nature. Q/A and
nature rolls to determine more about their nature.
You hear the sound of musical instruments, many playing together, but discordant,
and well out-of-tune with each other.
You find a dimensional door into a forest, but can’t be sure if this wilderness is real,
or simply an illusion to lead you into even greater danger.

118 A middle-aged woman is slumped against the wall, sobbing. She is dressed in rags.
You find a secret door to a chamber where an alchemist is busy preparing potions
and tinctures of all kinds. He might be open to bartering, but is currently trying to
119 prepare something that will “stop all hell breaking out in this place.” If you try to
attack him, you find he is protected by an impenetrable magic barrier, which only he
can let down.

120 Within a pool, a flawless gem shimmers.

This area is home to a mining operation. Enslaved humanoid children are toiling
121 away, loading rocks into mine carts for ore processing. Their masters whip and force
them to continue on, despite their obvious fatigue.
A burning energy begins to take hold of everything… flammable objects nearby
122 burst into flame, metal objects like torch sconces and doorknobs begin to glow red
hot, and everything is suffused with heat. What creature or curse is causing this?
The ceiling above you opens, and an unexpected NPC falls through screaming,
hitting the ground in front of you! Roll NPC Tables to find out who it is.
Concealed from prying eyes, you stumble somehow across a small library of rare
tomes. What strange volumes do you find in here?
A voice repeatedly whispers, “What do you seek?” No matter how you respond, it
repeats the same question. (Perhaps until you give the true answer, at which point,
you may get what you seek, but not as you expected!) Who does this voice belong to,
if anyone?
Conscription patrol. A band of humanoids is approaching. They are searching for
126 recruits for their army in an upcoming battle against an enemy force. Are you allied
with their cause?
You hear voices ahead, and turn the corner to see a barbarian parleying with an ogre!
127 Apparently they are discussing what the ogre’s price is for releasing the half-orc he
is currently holding hostage.
A haunting moan, as of many tormented voices together, begins to come to you,
quietly, on the air. It is impossible to determine the source of this disturbing noise.
You see a statue of a wizard in the middle of this area. The plaque beneath reads “I
am Fennishaw Eldsight. Speak my name and bring me to life, if you dare!”
A bridge extends over (1) Natural geysers (2) Acid pools (3) Lava (4) Dimensional
Strange vines have grown all through here, creeping around the stonework and
gradually, over time, destroying parts of the masonry. How did they get in here?
In the middle of a room, a pendulum swings from side to side, accompanied by a loud
ticking noise. Runes are inscribed around all the walls; every surface is covered with
132 writing in... [d6]
(1) Dwarvish (2) Abyssal (3) Infernal (4) Undercommon (5-6) Whatever is most
relevant to your adventure. What is the purpose of this device?
133 You enter a tomblike area. All of the coffins are child-sized.
An idol on a pedestal speaks to you as you pass. “You have forgotten something of
134 your past, traveller. I know all secrets… do you wish me to tell it to you?” If your
PC has wishes, this Idol of Memory will reveal a hidden fact about their past.
A door covered in moss, with a large knocker. Looks like it’s been transplanted here
from someone’s garden.
As you progress through this area, a succession of ghostly apparitions appear on
136 either side of you, telling you to turn back, that you are entering an area of ancient

137 Part of the floor has crumbled away, revealing a black, empty space below.
A huge, beautifully-crafted fountain depicts a magical beast and a greenish water
138 spouts from its mouth, filling the pool below the fountain. 50% chance this area is
inhabited by humanoids.
You find a strange growth in this area, on the dungeon walls. Is it a moss of some
A portal, swirling with planar energy, stands in this area. On the steps leading up to
140 it, you see a note held in place by a stone. It reads. “I waited, but you did not come.
Now I go to do the deed. Come find me if you have the courage.”

141 Dead beast or monster carcass. What happened here?

A huge cage, like a birdcage, is suspended from the roof in this area. However,
several of the bars are bent open as if what was in it has escaped.
NPC gives you information about possible quest. Go to Chapter 7 and generate a
quest, which you may or may not accept. (Generate NPC as well – Chapter 13).
Ahead, a group of humanoids is towing a large cart carrying [d6] (1) Junk (2)
144 Minerals (3) Prisoners (4) Military supplies (5) Food supplies (6) A captive and
angry monster.
Something occurs, or you find something, that requires a (roll d10), 1: animal
handling check, 2: insight check, 3: survival check, 4: medicine check 5: perception
145 check, 6: persuasion check, 7: performance check, 8: deception check, 9: inimidation
check, 10: charisma check. Use Q/A rolls or Story Element Interaction Tables
(chapter 14) to find out what.
Something occurs, or you find something, that requires a (roll d10) 1: acrobatics /
dex check or save, 2: strength or athletics check, 3: stealth check, 4: con check or
146 save, 5: int check, 6: investigation check, 7: arcana check, 8: history check, 9: nature
check, 10: religion check. Use Q/A rolls or Story Element Interaction tables
(chapter 14) to find out what.
In the next room, a gnome sits at a table in a sparse room before a chess board. He
147 invites you to play. Playing requires a DC 15 deception or intelligence check. If
successful, the gnome will gift you with a useful trinket of gnomish invention, or 50
gp. If unsuccessful, you surrender an item of 50 gp worth. You can refuse this
invitation if you wish. The gnome will also just talk if you want - he will welcome
the company, and is a wealth of information about the dungeon.
The walls in this area are coated with a kind of horrid green slime. It is acidic to the
touch – any PC who touches it must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or
take 1d4 acid damage. If anyone has a vial, they can collect some by making a DC 12
Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check. If they fail, they must make the Constitution save,
suffering 1d4 acid damage on a fail, and they fail to collect the acidic slime. Each vial
counts as a flask of acid.
From out of nowhere, a wizard flies into view, sending a ray of scorching lightning
from her hand. The glyph you were about to trigger explodes in a shower of arcane
energy. She has most certainly saved you from a horrific magical trap. Turning, she
introduces herself, and tells her story.
A strange font, like a font you might find in a temple, is filled not with holy water
but with some sort of luminescent blue liquid. It moves slowly, as if existing in
150 another dimension. What is the nature of this liquid? Something tells you it is of an
exceedingly pure and benevolent nature, but you have no way of knowing. Really,
there is only one way to find out!
Skill Challenges
These skill challenges are just like the random encounters listed above, but each one requires the
player make a skill check, or possibly several.
Depending on the check and the context of your quest, you might have all of your players attempting
the check(s), or just one. You should judge what is appropriate in the moment. You may decide to
allow other characters may help if they have some knowledge with the relevant skill. Use your
I have tried to write these to be appropriate for any environment. But here and there a tweak to the
flavour/narrative may be required to make these fit in the context of your quest. Feel free to do so.


You will notice that most skill checks include a direction to add your tier. This is so that difficulty
scales upwards as you advance in levels. The tiers as used in Fifth Edition are as follows:

Tier Table
PC Level Tier
1-4 1
5-10 2
11-16 3
17-20 4

100 Skill Challenges


You come across a huge crack in the ground. You encounter a wide gap, with an abyss
1 below, and no way over except jumping. Make a DC 13 + tier Strength (Athletics) check to
get across, or find some other method. (Fly spells, or use of a rope, tree log etc).

You slip on a section of slippery ground. Make a DC 11 + tier Dexterity (Acrobatics) check
or take 1d4-1 bludgeoning damage.

You come across a humanoid who has been wounded in battle. Make a DC 15 + tier
3 Wisdom (Medicine) check to get them up and moving. If successful, you may gain 1
sidekick who has a maximum of (tier) hd. For more information on tiers, see p.13.

Dungeon: You are passing through a huge colony of bats, which are all currently sleeping.
Make a DC 13 + tier Dexterity (Stealth) check. If you fail, they all awaken and flap around
you. Make a DC 18 + tier Dexterity saving throw. If you fail, take 2d6 piercing damage,
half on a successful save.
Wilderness: A herd of animals is crossing your path. Make a DC 13 + tier Wisdom
(Animal Handling) check to successfully navigate your way through. If you fail, the
panicked animals start a stampede, and you must make a DC 20 + tier Dexterity saving
throw. If you fail, take 2d6 bludgeoning damage, half on a successful save.
Something is tracking you! Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Nature) check, a DC 17 + tier
Dexterity (Stealth) check or a DC 17 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If you fail,
you are surprised during the first round of your next combat encounter, and you cannot
gain surprise at the start of this encounter either.

The path here is blocked by some fallen obstacle. Make a DC 15 + tier Strength (Athletics)
check to clear the obstacle, or choose a different path.

There is some sort of wild magic field here. Make a DC 15 + tier Intelligence (Arcana)
7 check to determine the nature of it, otherwise any spells you cast in this area are subject to
rolls on the wild magic table (PHB, p.104).

You come across a historical account of the happenings here, either a mural or markings
8 etched on rock. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (History) check. If successful, you have
advantage on all Intelligence- and Wisdom-based checks for the remainder of this quest.

Some kind of slaughter or battle has gone on in this area. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence
9 (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception) check to discern the nature of past events. If
successful, gain an inspiration.

You find a shrine to a deity, although the statue is partially disfigured and it is hard to
10 identify. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Religion) check. If successful, the party can
identify the deity and may receive a boon from it (DM’s choice).

A short pillar bears an interesting relic, but it appears that it is resting on a pressure plate.
Nearby is a stone or similar object that looks like it could be roughly the same weight.
Make a DC 17 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to replace the item. If successful,
gain one common magic item.

A group of potentially hostile humanoids are resting in this area. They appear quite drunk
and demand you regale them with song! Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma (Performance)
12 check. If successful, they throw a bit of gold at you! Gain 1d20 gp. If unsuccessful,
encounter 1d4+1 thugs (or other low-level humanoid of your choice, minimum CR ¼). Due
to their drunkenness, their attack rolls are all -2.

A spectral figure appears before you. “You shall not pass this point, traveler! I invoke the
power of an ancient curse and forbid your passage! Only the mightiest may pass beyond
Make a DC 14 + tier Charisma (Intimidation) check, or a DC 19 + tier Charisma
(Persuasion) check. If successful, you may proceed, and you gain an inspiration. If you fail,
you must find another way around, or encounter 1 undead creature of hard difficulty.

Markings on a wall or a nearby rock read: “No-one bearing weapons may enter here.” If
anyone in your party is carrying weapons, perhaps you can try to hide them from whatever
force is at work here. Make a DC 14 + tier Charisma (Deception) check. If successful, you
may proceed with your weapons. Otherwise, you may find another way around. If you
choose to ignore this warning, make a DC 17 + tier Wisdom save, otherwise you are
afflicted by an ancient curse which causes 3d8 psychic damage!

You find strange tracks on the floor/ground, which leads you to think there may be
15 enemies nearby. Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom (Survival) check. If successful, your enemies
are surprised during the first round of your next combat encounter.

You find evidence of the evil handiwork of your enemy (roll keywords to discern the nature
16 of it). This reveals something about your enemy’s persona. Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom
(Insight) check. If successful, you gain the following boon.
Enemy Insight: During the next BBEG encounter, when an attack from that BBEG would
hit, you can choose to have it miss instead. You can only use this boon once.

You come across a large patch of fungi growing here. There are all kinds of colours and
shapes here, and some of them seem almost to glow with a kind of volatile fluorescence.
Make a DC 12 + tier Wisdom (Survival), or Intelligence (Nature) check. If successful, you
are able to gather the equivalent of two vials of basic poison (PHB, p.153).

You find some ancient architecture which appears strange. But it reminds you of something
18 you have seen before. Make a DC 11 + tier Intelligence (History) check. If successful, you
have advantage on saving throws to avoid the next trap you encounter.

You feel a hint of a magical aura coming from somewhere nearby. If you have any affiliation
with magic (i.e., you are a caster or a being for whom magic has played a part in their life)
make a DC 17 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check. If you succeed, you have advantage on
saving throws against spells for the rest of this quest.

Dungeon: A nearby door is locked, with no latch or apparent way to open it (if there is no
door in your current area, you suddenly notice one). However, it appears that the lever to
open it is high up on the wall, near the ceiling. By using the walls as springboards, a
dexterous character might be able to propel themselves up to the lever to activate it. Make
a DC 15 + tier Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. If successful, you make it to the lever and get
the door open. Roll on Chamber Contents (DMG p.296) to see what is behind this secret
Wilderness: Storm Winds. A gust of powerful wind catches you by surprise, sending
nearby objects into the air like missiles. Make a DC 12 +1d4 Dexterity saving throw to
avoid the debris. On a failure you take 3d8 bludgeoning damage and are knocked prone. To
continue you must succeed on a DC 12 + 1d4 Strength (Athletics) check or take shelter and
wait out the storm winds.

You find a series of small niches in the wall where caskets could have been stowed. Some of
them are broken open. Make a DC 17 + tier Intelligence (Religion) check. If successful, you
sense the presence of undead creatures in the area, and your next combat encounter will
feature undead creatures.
If unsuccessful, the next combat encounter will feature undead, but your party will be
surprised in the first round of combat.

Suddenly, from nowhere, a glowing, spectral blue rope appears, and begins wrapping
around your hands and feet. Make a DC 14 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to
22 attempt to get your hands free, and then your feet. If unsuccessful you are restrained for the
next turn. You can use an action every turn to repeat this check, ending the effect as soon
as you succeed on the check.

You encounter some low-level minions in the service of the BBEG. “Hello there,” they say,
looking you up and down. “What brings you to our master’s domain, then?”
23 There’s a chance you could get out of this situation. Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma
(Deception) check. If successful, you may go on your way. If unsuccessful, roll a level-
appropriate easy encounter featuring humanoids.

You find markings possibly left by henchmen of the enemy you pursue. They speak of their
leader’s power, stating that “All who come near our master shall be destroyed!” But
24 something seems a little off about these boasts. Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Insight)
check to discern the deeper meanings behind these. If successful, you have advantage on
saving throws against being charmed or frightened during your next BBEG encounter.
An animal, trapped in a cage, is immediately friendly towards you. You may be able take it
on as a companion, if your class allows it. What is required is a DC 12 + tier Dexterity
(Sleight of Hand) or Thieves’ Tools check to unlock the cage and then a DC 13 Wisdom +
tier (Animal Handling) check. If successful, you gain a beast companion up to the allowance
for your class. For example, rangers have a limit on the CR of the beast they can choose to
be their companion, which increases with their ranger level.

A far-off sound catches your attention. Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check. If
successful, you gain an insight into enemy movements. Take one inspiration.

A pool is before you, shimmering like silver, and within you fancy you can see images,
moving, beyond your reflection.
27 Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check. If successful, you gain an insight into
what is happening in another nearby area. During this quest, you have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to sneak up on enemies and surprise them.

You notice a swarm of tiny, gnat-like creatures swarming in one area. Make a DC 14 + tier
Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If successful, and you have an empty glass vial or other
breakable vessel, you are able to capture some of these creatures. As a bonus action, you can
throw these at a creature so that the vessel shatters on impact (or, alternately, you can open
a vessel beside the creature and then disengage and move away as an action). The gnats
will buzz around the nearest creature, imposing disadvantage on its attacks for 1d4 rounds.

A nearby architectural wall has strange contours, leading you to think there might be a
hidden door here. Make a DC 16 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If successful, you
29 discover a hidden room. Roll for a new room using dungeon generation tools (or any tools
you want). If the rolls produce a monster encounter, you can ignore this if you wish to (as
the room was hidden for a long time).

If an NPC or sidekick is present, all of a sudden, they take offence at something you’ve
done, either recently or sometime in the past. They are threatening to leave the party. Or,
perhaps, if there are two members in this party, one disagrees with the other.
Make a DC 15 + tier Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Intimidation) check. If
30 unsuccessful, the NPC or sidekick leaves the party. If the disagreement involves two
characters, then for the remainder of this quest neither character can take advantage of
traits that rely on having an ally present. Take note whether you used Persuasion or
Intimidation, as this will colour future interactions.
If you feel this check is unfair and will affect balance adversely, feel free to reroll.

You find the satchel of an apothecary. Perhaps you have no idea what many of these items
31 do, but you might be willing to experiment. Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Medicine)
check. If successful, you gain 1 Healer’s Kit.

Nearby, you see a high rock ledge which seems to have an object placed on it. You can only
see part of the object, and can’t really tell what it is, but it looks to be man-made. Perhaps
someone placed it up there for safe-keeping. Reaching it is going to take some brute
32 strength or agility.
Make a DC 17 + tier Dexterity (Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check to reach this
item. If successful, make one roll on one of the many Items table to be found in the DMG
(p.299-301). Reroll until you find something that makes sense given the context.

You see large, looming statues ahead, that stand like sentinels, on either side of a narrow
throughway. Their eyes glow red, and you sense a trap of some sort. Perhaps they simply
act as alarms, letting nearby enemies know of the presence of trespassers. Make a DC 14 +
tier Dexterity (Stealth) check to creep by these silent sentinels, or find another way around.
If you fail the check, roll a d4. (1-2) The statues emit lightning from their eyes. Make a DC
17 + tier Dexterity saving throw or take (tier) d6 lightning damage. (3-4) The statues
begin to howl in an otherworldly dirge. You cannot gain surprise on enemies. Immediately
initiate a medium-difficulty encounter.

You find evidence of a nearby small mining operation. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence
(History) check. If successful, you know who was mining here, and what they were mining
for. Make a DC 19 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If successful, gain 1d4 x 100 gp

You find a small natural rock alcove where slime covers every surface. Even coming near it
causes you to gag and your breath to catch in your throat. It is clearly poisonous.
Make a DC 11 + tier Intelligence (Nature) check. If successful, you have advantage on
35 saving throws against poison while in this dungeon / wilderness area. Additionally, if you
have something to gather it in, you can attempt a DC 18 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
check. Also gain 2 vials of basic poison (PHB p.153).
If unsuccessful, make a DC 13 + tier Constitution save or take 3d6 poison damage.

You find evidence of cult-like, ritualistic activity. At some point in the recent past, it
36 appears a cult has worshipped here.
Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Religion) check. If successful, gain an inspiration.

Someone has erected a barrier here, to try and hamper the progress of anyone approaching.
Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Insight) check to try and discern who built this, and what
37 their intentions might have been. If successful, roll a d4. (1-2) A possible ally erected this,
who is still somewhere nearby. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If
successful, gain 1 sidekick. (3-4) An enemy erected this. Gain an inspiration.

You find a dead creature which died in a bizarre way, as a result of some magically inflicted
disease, or possibly by poison. Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Medicine) check. If successful,
you are able to gain knowledge of how this creature died.
38 For the rest of this quest, you have advantage on saving throws against one of the
following (choose, based on what is most appropriate for your current quest and the
monsters you have encountered): poison, acid or necrotic damage.
If none of these are appropriate, gain an inspiration instead.

You are aware that at some stage you are going to need to rest, and as you move through
this area you begin scouting for potential campsites. Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom
(Survival) check. If successful, you find a campsite and will not be disturbed during your
39 next rest. If unsuccessful, there is a 50% chance that you rest will be disturbed by a creature
during your next rest. The next time you choose to rest, roll a d100. If 50 or under, roll for
a monster encounter. Unless someone was on watch, the monster has advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks to surprise you.

You find a piece of graffiti on a wall. It reads “A message for my fellow travelers: The
creatures in these parts love a song and dance. It saved my life when I was wandering
through these parts. May it save yours too.”
40 Save this for your next combat encounter. When you next encounter monsters, make a DC
13 + tier Charisma (Performance) check. If successful, the creatures do not attack, and you
may leave the area without further mishap. However, this effect will end if you cause
damage to any of these creatures.

You encounter a fountain. An ancient plaque proclaims it to be a place of arcane restoration,

for those who can discern its secrets.
Any caster or character who possesses some sort of innate spellcasting ability, can make a
DC 13 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check. On a success, regain spell slots equivalent to your
level divided by half. For example, if you are level 10, you gain 5 levels of spell slots. This
could be a level 2 spells slot and a level 3 spell slot, or a level 2 slot and three level 1 slots,
or any combination. If you are level 1, regain a level 1 spell slot. This boon cannot be used
to gain extra spell slots. If all your spell slots are unused, restore your hp to max instead.

A strange series of runes painted on the floor (or a rock, if outdoors) are glowing, and
represent symbols that have an evil look to them. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence
(Religion) check. If successful, you sense the presence of fiends in the area. Fiends have
42 been summoned to this area, and are possibly roaming nearby.
Your next combat encounter will feature fiends. If your Religion check was unsuccessful,
make a DC 13 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check at the start of the fiend encounter. If
unsuccessful, you are surprised in the first round of combat.

You suddenly get the feeling you are being watched, as if your enemy has eyes everywhere,
43 magical or otherwise. Make a DC 14 + tier Dexterity (Stealth) check. If successful, gain an

You suddenly remember hearing something in the last settlement about this place, a detail
that has only just come back to you. Make a DC 11 + tier Intelligence (History) check. If
44 successful, your character immediately learns the location of the BBEG, and their monster
type. They have advantage on Stealth rolls to determine surprise at the start of the BBEG

After spending some time in this area, you are starting to get a feel for the lay of the place
45 and your senses are heightened. Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom (Survival) check. If
successful, enemies have disadvantage on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to creep up on you.

You suspect you might have picked up a tail. It feels as if you are being followed. Nothing
you can pin down, just a feeling of being watched.
46 Make a DC 13 + tier Wisdom (Perception) or Wisdom (Survival) check. If successful, you
sense the location of the tail and are able to lose them. If unsuccessful, encounter 1 monster
of the type that fits with the theme of your current quest.

All of a sudden, the floor is flooded with a slippery substance that you think is oil. Make a
DC 13 + tier Strength (Athletics) check or Dexterity saving throw to stay on your feet or
47 become prone and take 1d4 bludgeoning from the fall. Perhaps this is the beginning of an
ambush? If in wilderness, some other disorienting force has come into play, such as a
log/pit trap or even the area being flooded with tar or something crazy like that.

The plant life in here is familiar to you, you think. Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom (Nature)
48 check. If successful, you find 1d6 healing berries. Each heals 3 hp and may be consumed as a
bonus action.

“Traveler!” a disembodied voice suddenly addresses you. “The ancient goddess of mischief
demands you entertain her with a song. Sing, little one! I have been bored for so long in
this place. Entertain me!”
49 Make a DC 14 + tier Charisma (Performance) check. If successful, you gain the Charm of
Heroism (10 temporary hit points) for the remainder of your current quest. If you fail, the
DM may impose some sort of penalty or curse for displeasing the goddess (or just have no

A tormented spirit appears to you, accusing you of trespassing here. “All who come here
want only one thing: to raid the treasures within this sanctum. You shall not do the same!”
50 Make a DC 14 + tier Charisma (Persuasion) check. If unsuccessful, the spirit will let you go
on your way. If you fail, encounter one hard spectral undead creature (such as a ghost or a
You come across a secret door which has jammed on opening. There is enough of a gap that
you can see through, but not enough that you can fit. Make a DC 15 + tier Strength
(Athletics) check to get it open wide enough, and then you can move through to the other
side. Roll on the appropriate Chamber Purpose table from the DMG (pp.292-295).

There is an area here that is blocked by a huge portcullis, secured by a sturdy lock. If in
wilderness, treat this as a tomb or some kind of gatehouse. If proficient with thieves’ tools,
52 you may attempt a DC 15 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or thieves’ tools check to get
the door open. Otherwise, a DC 19 + tier Strength (Athletics) check will allow you to bash
this portcullis in, but the noise might attract enemies!

From some way ahead you hear voices! Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Perception) or
Intelligence (Investigation) check to discern who is speaking, and whether they are friendly
or hostile (use oracle rolls). If hostile, make a Dexterity (Stealth) check (using their passive
Perception as the DC) to sneak up on them.

An inquisitive beast is lurking nearby, and seems agitated, almost as if it is trying to tell
you something, or warn you of something. Its behaviour seems odd.
Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Animal Handling) check. If successful gain one of the
following boons of your choice [d6] : (1-2) Gain an inspiration (3-4) You cannot be
surprised for the remainder of the quest (5-6) When the next combat encounter is
triggered, treat it that your character already knew the location. Give them advantage on a
Dexterity (Stealth) check vs the enemy’s passive Perception. If successful, the enemy is
surprised in the first round of combat.

You discover a piece of arcane war machinery, but it is poised on the brink of self-
destruction. The only thing stopping it from going off is a bladed weapon, which has been
stuck in the mechanism to jam it. The weapon is ornate and appears enchanted. The
weapon type is one of the following [d4] (1) Shortsword (2) Longsword (3) Rapier (4)
55 Greatsword.
To retrieve this rare-looking weapon, make a DC 17 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) or
thieves’ tools check to disable the war machine. If successful, gain a Vicious Weapon (DMG
p.209). If unsuccessful, you inadvertently trigger the device, which explodes! Take (tier x 5)
d6 bludgeoning damage from the explosion.

You see a door in a wall, with three bells positioned above the door. Each has a rope
hanging from it. A plaque reads Play for me a tune to hear, and the way before you will be clear.
Make a DC 13 + tier Charisma (Performance) check. If successful, you gain entry to this
56 mysterious door. If unsuccessful, there is no extra effect.
The door could open onto a previously undiscovered chamber, or one already present in
your quest. Use standard generation tools to populate this chamber (DMG pp.292-295). If
you are outdoors, treat it as a small shrine or wilderness tomb.

You are extremely on edge. Did you just hear something? A flicker of movement in the
57 corner of your eye? Make a DC 13 + tier Wisdom (Survival) check. If successful, you have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws to avoid traps while in this area.

From seemingly nowhere, a bolt of lightning streaks towards you! Make a DC 15 + tier
Dexterity saving throw to avoid this arcane trap, taking 2d10 lightning damage on a failed
save. Once you recover yourself, you see that up in a high spot is a relic of some sort which
has been enchanted to fire lightning bolts at any who attempt to pass below (If outside, it is
58 positioned up in a tree, if in a dungeon it is ensconced in the wall). However, vines lead up
to where it is, making it possible to reach. Make a DC 14 + tier Dexterity (Acrobatics)
check to get to the relic which is causing all this havoc, then remove it from its sconce,
which will stop it functioning as a trap. Then, roll to see what rarity of magic item you have
found: [d10] (1-7) Common (8-9) Uncommon (10) Rare.
You think back to your last combat encounter, and it occurs to you that there was some
design in how you and your allies were targeted. The creature which you seek has nefarious
59 designs of some description on you, but you can’t discern exactly what those designs are.
Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Insight) check. If successful, award inspiration for all party

You come across a semi-conscious PC, on the brink of death. They seem eager to tell you
something… Make a DC 15 + tier Wisdom (Medicine) check. If successful, you gain
60 important knowledge regarding your quest. From here, it is up to here whether you let this
character peacefully depart or whether you nurse him back to health and gain a

Your sidekick or NPC, if they are with the group, refuses to continue. “Something’s not
right about this… I won’t walk willingly to my own demise!”
You try your best to convince them to continue. Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma
(Persuasion) check. If unsuccessful, choose one of the following [d4]: (1-2) Lose your
sidekick or NPC (3-4) While you waste time conversing, a wandering monster or monsters
discovers your location and attacks! Roll for 1 Medium encounter.

Pick (or roll for) a random member of your party. They start to feel queasy, possibly as a
result of something they ingested lately. Eventually they can’t go on and have to sit down.
62 Trying to help them with this digestive ailment is going to require a DC 11 + tier Wisdom
(Medicine) check. Alternatively, have them make a DC 14 + tier Constitution saving throw.
If you fail either roll, that character takes the Poisoned condition.

Your adventuring partner (if you have one, or an NPC) begins insisting on a course of
action that you thoroughly disagree with (roll keywords for details). Make a Charisma
(Persuasion) check equal or above their Wisdom score to talk them out of it. Alternately,
(or if the Persuasion check does not work) make a Charisma (Deception) check equal or
above their Wisdom score to make it look like you are going along with their suggested
course of action, when in truth you have no intention of doing so. If you choose the
Deception route, be aware that this will have consequences later on when they discover
your true intentions!

A monster appears and forbids you from proceeding. Consult your monster lists and make
this a Medium - Hard level encounter, appropriate to your current environment. Make a
Charisma (Intimidation) check equal or above this monster’s Wisdom score to avoid the
encounter and pass unheeded. Otherwise, either backtrack or encounter the monster!

From out of nowhere, objects begin raining from the sky! These could be small rocks,
hailstones, or any other object (perhaps this is the result of some magical effect). Make it
65 appropriate to your story.
Make a DC 14 + tier Dexterity (Acrobatics) check, or take (tier x 2) d10 damage of a type
appropriate to the objects (e.g., bludgeoning damage for rocks).

You pass a wall that is decorated with a mural, but the humanoid and animal figures in it
seem to be moving. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (History) or Intelligence (Arcana)
check to learn more about the nature of this mural, what it depicts and how it came to be
here. Generate story using keywords.

You find a musical instrument on the ground.

Roll a d6 to find out what it is. (1-2) Flute (3-4) Lute (5-6) Hand drum.
Make a DC 17 + tier Charisma (Performance) check to play this instrument. If successful,
you activate its arcane nature. This instrument transforms into an animal familiar which
will be loyal to you for the remainder of this quest, and will appear whenever you use a
bonus action to play a note or two on the instrument. You can dismiss the creature and
have it transform back into an instrument as an action. The creature is a [d6] (1) Wolf (2)
Boar (3) Giant Badger (4) Black Bear (5) Brown Bear (6) Dire Wolf. What you have in fact
found, is a familiar instrument!

A strange sound is coming from somewhere (roll on the table found on DMG p.298 for
68 details). To discover its origin, make a DC 11 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If
successful, roll a d4. The sound is (1) Near (2) Far (3-4) Wherever you are.

This area is littered with the corpses of a particular type of animal. But what killed them
all? Make a DC 13 + tier Wisdom (Nature) check to discover what caused the death of
these poor creatures. If successful, use keywords or Mythic event meaning tables to
generate details.

A holy (or unholy) symbol is marked on the wall in blood. Make a DC 13 + tier Intelligence
(Religion) check to see if you can determine what deity this symbol represents. If successful,
70 decide what the deity is based on the current quest context, or devise a dice roll to come up
with a random god. This god will now form one of the threads of your solo adventure. The
next time you roll for monsters with any system, roll twice and choose the result.

You see a potential mount nearby, roaming wild, complete with saddle. Obviously, this
creature has lost its former master. The mount is a (1) Mastiff (2) Donkey (3) Pony (4)
Draft Horse (5) Riding Horse (6) Warhorse. Make a Wisdom (Animal Handling) check.
The DC is 10 + the result of the d6 roll. If successful, you gain this mount.

A random member of your adventuring party slips on some loose rubble and rolls their
72 ankle! Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom (Medicine) check to treat this sprain or the character’s
move speed is reduced by half until they complete a long rest.

One character in the party seems very preoccupied, distracted by some thought. They are
certainly not themselves, and you get the feeling that they may be wrestling with some
internal struggle. Will this affect their ability to cope with stressful situations? Make a DC
13 + tier Wisdom (Insight) check. If unsuccessful, the character makes their next 3 d20
73 rolls with disadvantage. If successful, you talk with the character and attempt to get to the
bottom of the problem. Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma (Persuasion) check. If successful,
they are able to get over the problem and focus on the task at hand (use keywords to
determine what the problem was, or roll on an event meaning or threads table if you have
one). If unsuccessful, the character makes their next 2 d20 rolls at disadvantage.

A strong, rushing body of water courses through this area. You can see some object at the
midway point, a statue or some other heavy object which the water cannot move. To
inspect this object, make a DC 15 + tier Strength (Athletics) check. If successful, you
successfully inspect the object. Roll on an event meaning or keywords table to provide you
with some detail as to what it is and whether it appears to be connected to your quest (add a
clue point if it does).

Strange plants grow here that appear to bear spores on their flowers. You have no idea
what effect these spores will have if disturbed and dispersed into the air. Make a DC 15 +
75 tier Dexterity (Stealth) check to move through this area. If you fail, you inadvertently
knock one or more of the plants and disperse these spores into the air. Make a DC 15 + tier
Constitution saving throw. If unsuccessful, take (tier x 2) d8 poison damage.

You arrive at a strange monument. It is a robed female who holds a priceless-looking gem
in her hand, balanced on her fingertips. Examining the statue closely, you see that the arm
76 appears to be weighted, a lever of some sort. Removing it (if you wish to do so) will be very
tricky and might require replacing it with a stone or other object of similar weight. To
attempt to do this make a DC 17 + tier Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check.
If successful, roll a d4 to discover what you have gained:
(1) Garnet - 100gp
(2) Topaz - 500 gp
(3) Star ruby - 1000 gp
(4) Diamond - 5000 gp.

You can hear a knocking sound coming from somewhere ahead. Is it the sound of someone
77 hammering? Make a DC 11 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check to discern more about the
nature of the sound. If successful, roll keywords to provide more information.

You enter a strange area where a dark, bluish energy suffuses everything. If there are living
things here, they are struggling for life, and you yourself feel lethargic, as if you are falling
under some enchantment or curse.
Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check to discern more about the nature of this
phenomenon. If successful, you have advantage on a subsequent DC 14 + tier Constitution
saving throw which you must make now. If unsuccessful, take one level of exhaustion.

You see an altar where a relic of some kind rests on a pedestal. Coming near, however, you
find it difficult to proceed, to get near this relic. Then, painted on the floor at the base of the
pedestal you see several runes. Make a DC 14 + tier Arcana check to discern the nature of
79 these apparently protective runes. Perhaps, if you are able to recall some lore about them,
you can find a way to deactivate this magical field.
If you are successful in the Arcana check, and then you have a spell such as dispel magic, roll
twice on the Uncommon Magic Items table (p.180) and choose the result.

You find strange markings here in a language you don’t understand. Did some ancient
civilization live here at some stage in the distant past? Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence
(History) check. If successful, you have advantage on all Intelligence checks for the
remainder of this quest.

You find an odd device embedded in the rock. It is unclear what this does, but it obviously
has some purpose. Make a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check. If successful,
choose one of the following effects, depending on the context of your quest. Or roll a d4.
(1) You discover a secret door.
(2) You discover the entrance to a dungeon.
(3) A trap, locked door or other feature encountered somewhere nearby is disabled /
(4) Use keywords to determine the effect.

Outdoors: The terrain is strange in this area, as if some beast or natural phenomenon has
altered it in some way. Make a DC 11 + tier Intelligence (Nature) check. If successful, use
keywords to determine why the terrain here is the way it is.
Indoors: Re-roll for a different skill challenge if you wish.

You discover a body dressed in strange ceremonial garb, as of a priest or acolyte. Make a
DC 12 + tier Intelligence (Religion) check. If successful, you have advantage on
Intelligence checks related to cults and religion for the rest of this quest, and you cannot be
surprised by cultists or other enemies of a religious nature.

Your enemy, if you even know what they are, seems elusive. No matter how you search for
them, the web they have woven is strange and at times hard to decipher. There are traces of
their handiwork that you have found, but nothing that allows you to know their true
motive. You take a moment to stop and consider what their master plan might be, based on
all that you have seen so far.
Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Insight) check. If successful, gain an Inspiration.
You feel a twinge in your neck. For some reason, perhaps you have not been drinking
enough water or have not eaten for a while, you feel a splitting headache coming on. It is so
severe that you fear it might compromise your prowess in battle.
Make a DC 12 + tier Wisdom (Medicine) check. If unsuccessful, make your next three
attack rolls at disadvantage. You may make the Medicine check with advantage if you have
an herbalism kit.

You have a strange feeling that you can’t shake. It’s as if eyes are watching you, from
somewhere hidden perhaps.
Make a DC 14 + tier Wisdom (Perception) check. If successful, roll a d4.
(1) Someone is watching from a concealed place nearby, possibly a hidden room.
86 (2) Someone is observing you magically.
(3) Someone is using a tiny creature as a familiar to spy on you.
(4) A member of your party is carrying an object which someone has cast a spell on
that enables them to track your movements.
Decide what in-game effects this result has on your quest.

The rigours of travel and adventure are taking their toll and you and any companions you
have with you. It might also be some sort of enchantment, but all of a sudden you are
struck with a ravenous hunger and parched thirst. If you have not eaten today, you must
immediately take rations. If you have no rations, you will have to forage. Make a Wisdom
(Survival) check, DC 9 + tier if outdoors, DC 14 + tier if indoors. On a fail, take one level of

You reach a barrier where a spectral figure bars the way forward. “Stop, travelers!” it
addresses you. “You shall go no further!”
This spectral figure is blocking the way. You must either succeed on a DC 17 + tier
Charisma (Intimidation) or Charisma (Persuasion) check. Otherwise, based on your PC tier,
88 encounter the following:
• Tier 1: 1 x shadow per character (if level 1, max 1 shadow per party)
• Tier 2: 1 x wight per character
• Tier 3: 1 x wraith per character
• Tier 4: 1 x alhoon per character

Off to the side of your path, a glimmer catches your eye. You move closer and see small
crystals that catch the light and appear to glow with a strange radiance. A DC 14 + tier
Intelligence (Arcana) check reveals that these are arcane crystals. A spellcaster can take one
of these, and cast 2 level 1 or 1 level 2 spell into it for later use, following the same rules as
a ring of spell storing. You find 1d4 crystals. The crystal can only be used once in this way. If
you fail the Arcana check, you are not privy to this knowledge and would not know the
crystals can be used in this way. Each crystal can also be sold as a common magic item (if

You hear a cracking sound, and look up to see a large rock or piece of masonry falling
90 towards you! Make a DC 10 + tier Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check,
taking 2d6 bludgeoning damage on a failed save.

Your immediate area is a bit of a mess, with small to medium piles of detritus lying on the
91 floor. A DC 12 + tier Intelligence (Investigation) check will reveal a small chest containing
a CR 1 treasure hoard.

Is there an NPC with you? If not, reroll. If so, continue reading.

You get the feeling (possibly as a result of certain recent events) that the NPC
accompanying you is not telling you everything they know. Make a DC 12 + tier Wisdom
(Insight) check. If successful, make an oracle roll (with the likelihood at “likely”) to
determine if they do know something else (possibly related to your quest). If they do, roll
for keywords to determine the nature of this information.

You encounter a shrine to an obscure god, surrounded by ritual offerings and several
corpses. Make a DC 13 + tier Intelligence (Religion) check to discern the nature of this
93 dark god, their name, and possibly the motives behind this horrific ritual. If successful, you
will have advantage on checks to determine surprise against cultists or other beings
engaged in similar rituals, for the rest of this quest.

Strange animals are dwelling a little way ahead, but are as yet unaware of your presence.
They appear harmless, but could stampede if alarmed. Make a DC 15 + tier Dexterity
(Stealth) or Wisdom (Animal Handling) check to move through this area. If you fail, the
beasts panic and stampede, looking to escape. In that case, make a DC 16 + tier Dexterity
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) check to get out of the way or take (tier x 3) d6
bludgeoning damage.

You reach a door which has a magical talking mouth. It demands you tell it one truth and
one lie, and it has to guess which is truth. It tells you, if you succeed in fooling it, it will
open and reveal its secrets. If you are outdoors, you encounter a structure with this door as
95 the entrance.
Make a DC 15 + tier Charisma (Deception) check. If you succeed, you gain entrance
through the door. Use keywords to determine what secrets you gain access to here -
something directly relevant to your quest.

You find a flickering portal - a shimmering rip in the air. The image behind it stutters and
changes from moment to moment. If you succeed on a DC 14 + tier Intelligence (Arcana)
check you can stabilise the portal for a few seconds to travel anywhere you want within 100
miles (If you fail the check by 5 or more, you end up in a random location 100 miles away).

You come across a small band of four men encamped around a cooking fire. On seeing you
one of them calls out, “Greetings good friend! It has been a long time since we have been in
a stranger’s company and have grown quite bored with each other. Please, come join us and
tell us of your adventures.” Make a DC 11 + tier Charisma (Performance) check to
97 entertain the men with stories of your exploits. On a success the group becomes friendly to
you and gives you some information about a new or current quest (roll on keyword or
event meaning tables). On a fail, one of the men draws his bandit’s scimitar and points it in
your direction as the others circle around you. “Hmmm....not all that impressive I’m afraid.
Now give us all your gold!” Encounter (tier x 1) thugs.

You feel an ancient force here, but cannot tell whether it is benign or malevolent. Make a
DC 13 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check. If successful, choose a Supernatural Gifts (DMG
p.227-228). If unsuccessful, choose a curse from the list under the bestow curse spell (PHB

You find a ring. Make a DC 15 + tier Intelligence (Arcana) check to recognize that this is a
ring of mind shielding. There is a random NPC's soul within the ring and If any character
decides to put it on, the NPC's soul may interact telepathically with the mind of the
character wearing it. If the character succeeded on the check, they will be aware that the
ring is causing this, otherwise they will simply hear voices and may think they are losing
their mind. This might continue until they come across someone (such as a mage) who can
tell them why they are hearing these voices, and identify the ring.
Once per day, the wearer may try a DC 19 + tier Persuasion check to convince the soul of
the random NPC to depart for the afterlife and vacate the ring. Regardless of there being a
soul or not in the ring, the character wearing it can benefit from all of its characteristics.
The player can decide whether completing a side quest will be enough to convince the soul
within the ring to depart for the afterlife.
Time passes, and you find you have nodded off and woken up inside some sort of dream
world. Make a DC 19 + tier Wisdom saving throw to escape immediately and wake up in
the real world. If you fail this saving throw, you must perform a minor quest within this
100 world. All skills and rolls are based on your Charisma modifier. You have to find the way
out of this world, which means making a new DC 19 + tier Wisdom saving throw at the
beginning of each new scene or story point. Everything you see is strange, especially the
monsters. The rules of science do not necessarily apply.


Use the table below to generate more random encounters for your character or characters.
Roll a d20 twice, and then consult the keywords table for more detail


1 To you

2 To someone else

3 Something happens To the environment

4 To a creature

5 Supernatural / Metaphysical

6 Mentally/psychically

7 You sense something Physically (heat/cold/vibration)

8 Supernatural / Metaphysical

9 Horrific

10 You smell something Pleasant

11 Weird

12 Involving the environment

13 You see an occurrence Involving other creatures

14 Supernatural

15 Involving the environment

16 You hear something Involving other creatures

17 Supernatural

18 Architecture / Feature

19 You find something Item / NPC

20 Clue / trail / monster sign/ writing

Keywords Table
Roll a 1d8 and a 1d100. When you have your result, use a CTRL+F search to quickly go to the
number. The way the die roll is set up below means that you can quickly read the rolls. E.g., 3 on a d8
and a 42 on a d100 = 342. The only time that you don’t read the number on the d8 as the hundreds is
when it hits 8. That means it's in the 0-100 range.
Note: Some of these words do recur, as they have wide application in creating encounters.

D8 D100

1 100-199

2 200-299

3 300-399

4 400-499

5 500-599

6 600-699

7 700-799

8 0-99

1. Undead 27. Twilight 53. Patrol

2. Noise 28. Guard 54. Subliminal
3. Loot 29. Map 55. Decrepit
4. Cloying 30. Location 56. Mammoth
5. Diseased 31. Boon 57. Twisted
6. Unseen 32. Sneak 58. Rites
7. Rocky 33. Rusty 59. Ability
8. Well 34. Gaping 60. Possession
9. Prodigy 35. Overexcited 61. Unsafe
10. Energy 36. Incongruous 62. Accomplice
11. Curse 37. Vacant 63. Gears
12. Secret 38. Sarcophagus 64. Hollow
13. Adventurers 39. Information 65. Delusional
14. Hide 40. Success 66. Curiosity
15. Infectious 41. Escape 67. Chill
16. Fragmented 42. Trapped 68. Family
17. Dryrot 43. Vibration 69. Love
18. Crypt 44. Calm 70. Performance
19. History 45. Erratic 71. Treacherous
20. Road 46. Hefty 72. Henchman
21. Ruined 47. Glowing 73. Animal droppings
22. Silence 48. Burial 74. Whoosh
23. Luminescent 49. Government 75. Title
24. Smoke 50. Student 76. Precious
25. Boisterous 51. Fugitive 77. Angular
26. Damaged 52. Knowledge 78. Ruler
79. Temperature 135. Obstinate 191. Noxious
80. Lake 136. Revealing 192. Blustering
81. Clue 137. Garbage 193. Blood
82. Illusion 138. Nobility 194. Slide
83. Itch 139. Equipment 195. Woven
84. Arid 140. Skill 196. Stale air
85. Decayed 141. Food 197. Livestock
86. Enthusiastic 142. NPC 198. Singing
87. Scary 143. Slippery 199. Disease
88. Flee 144. Invite 200. Agreement
89. Area 145. Rambling 201. Republic
90. Sea 146. Prehistoric 202. Courage
91. Familiar 147. Foliage 203. Admission
92. Item 148. Orb 204. Pleasant
93. Smell 149. Technology 205. Building
94. Premonition 150. Wealth 206. Orbit
95. Representative 151. Uncharacteristic 207. Nothing
96. Rundown 152. Rescue 208. Target
97. Weather 153. Severed hand 209. Camp
98. Protection 154. Obsidian 210. Priest
99. City 155. Search 211. Tradition
100. Message 156. Awake 212. King
101. Rotten 157. Aftershock 213. Explosion
102. Persuade 158. Sceptre 214. Manage
103. Diary 159. Child 215. Glitter
104. Demon 160. Heart 216. Release
105. Suggestion 161. Rancid 217. Question
106. Unsophisticated 162. Diversion 218. Skin
107. Oppress 163. Misty 219. Champion
108. Vision 164. Tunnel 220. Resident
109. Country 165. Rainbow 221. Employment
110. Man 166. River 222. Instrument
111. Slave 167. Sentimental 223. Monopoly
112. Toss 168. Armies 224. Thick
113. Dripping 169. Runes 225. Uninterested
114. Force 170. Storage 226. Endanger
115. Unthinking 171. Fetid 227. Birth
116. Natural 172. Explosion 228. Carry
117. Motive 173. Floating 229. Crack
118. Wilderness 174. Sundered 230. Rope
119. Fire 175. Effigy 231. Device
120. Woman 176. Slime 232. Sister
121. Captive 177. Sleep 233. Reflect
122. Disciple 178. Apocalypse 234. Route
123. Escape 179. Medicine 235. Hole
124. Statue 180. Alcohol 236. Temper
125. Spoiled 181. Malodorous 237. Speed
126. Persistent 182. Turgid 238. Mother
127. Bridge 183. Laugh 239. Native
128. Dungeon 184. Fluttering 240. Witness
129. Language 185. Scuttling 241. Guidance
130. Payment 186. Bones 242. Brother
131. Saviour 187. Toilet 243. Disastrous
132. Deteriorating 188. Music 244. Swear
133. Hairpin 189. Teacher 245. Common
134. Refuse pit 190. Argument 246. Illuminate
247. Craft 303. Percussive 359. Sleep
248. Spirit 304. Stray 360. Son
249. Opening 305. Lounge 361. Book
250. Many 306. Health 362. Communion
251. Foreknowledge 307. Ball 363. Mould
252. Weakness 308. Door 364. Warrant
253. Costume 309. Shoe 365. Vessel
254. Downward 310. Talk 366. Friend
255. Mouth 311. Song 367. Beast
256. Refuse 312. Obligation 368. Cloud
257. Eye 313. Duty 369. Dark
258. Dream 314. Contradict 370. Daughter
259. Parent 315. Gossip 371. Goods
260. Check 316. Fresh 372. Duty
261. Candidate 317. Gift 373. Punish
262. Ambition 318. Bother 374. Surprise
263. Few 319. Silver 375. Group
264. Awful 320. Break 376. Track
265. Maximum 321. Accident 377. Proof
266. Nimble 322. Indication 378. Performance
267. Step 323. Original 379. Weird
268. Luck 324. Pilgrim 380. Village
269. Pattern 325. Embrace 381. Guide
270. Guard 326. Implicate 382. Original
271. Confusion 327. Impact 383. March
272. Celebration 328. Code 384. Temporary
273. Medium 329. Gold 385. Web
274. Important 330. Cover 386. Foot
275. Memory 331. Girl 387. Smoke
276. Express 332. Tale 388. Mirror
277. Item 333. Chase 389. Command
278. Mouth 334. Turned 390. Warning
279. Request 335. Ammunition 391. Prize
280. Potential 336. Shape 392. Communion
281. Guest 337. Dimension 393. Banter
282. Fortune 338. Bell 394. Fancy
283. Tidy 339. Valuable 395. Demand
284. Faith 340. Boy 396. Damage
285. Tedious 341. Water 397. Wine
286. Communion 342. Nimble 398. Slice
287. Metal 343. Direct 399. Entice
288. Storm 344. Give 400. Ruined
289. Shame 345. Seat 401. Boon
290. Dance 346. Symbol 402. Escape
291. Operation 347. Gap 403. Fugitive
292. Negotiation 348. Fear 404. Unsafe
293. Enchanted 349. Sell 405. Treacherous
294. Change 350. Proposal 406. Clue
295. Unnatural 351. Heat 407. Familiar
296. Fair 352. Express 408. Rotten
297. Structure 353. Advance 409. Slave
298. Chain 354. Moan 410. Captive
299. Shelter 355. Wary 411. Saviour
300. Fall 356. Effect 412. Food
301. Temple 357. Noise 413. Uncharacteristic
302. Midnight 358. Alarm 414. Rancid
415. Fetid 471. Refuse pit 527. Weather
416. Malodorous 472. Invite 528. Portal
417. Noxious 473. Obsidian 529. Motive
418. Investigate 474. Tunnel 530. Bridge
419. Entertain 475. Sundered 531. Garbage
420. Silence 476. Fluttering 532. Foliage
421. Sneak 477. Slide 533. Aftershock
422. Trapped 478. Silence 534. Sentimental
423. Knowledge 479. Enlarge 535. Sleep
424. Accomplice 480. Boisterous 536. Toilet
425. Henchman 481. Overexcited 537. Livestock
426. Illusion 482. Erratic 538. Glare
427. Item 483. Decrepit 539. Crypt
428. Controller 484. Delusional 540. Guard
429. Toss 485. Title 541. Sarcophagus
430. Disciple 486. Decayed 542. Burial
431. Secure 487. Representative 543. Rites
432. NPC 488. Suggestion 544. Family
433. Rescue 489. Unthinking 545. Ruler
434. Diversion 490. Spoiled 546. Flee
435. Explosion 491. Obstinate 547. Protection
436. Turgid 492. Rambling 548. Vision
437. Blustering 493. Raid 549. Wilderness
438. Hidden 494. Rainbow 550. Dungeon
439. Adventurers 495. Effigy 551. Nobility
440. Luminescent 496. Scuttling 552. Orb
441. Rusty 497. Woven 553. Sceptre
442. Vibration 498. Ensnare 554. Armies
443. Clank 499. Dispute 555. Apocalypse
444. Gears 500. Damaged 556. Music
445. Animal droppings 501. Incongruous 557. Singing
446. Itch 502. Hefty 558. Gamble
447. Smell 503. Mammoth 559. History
448. Diary 504. Curiosity 560. Map
449. Dripping 505. Precious 561. Information
450. Escape 506. Enthusiastic 562. Government
451. Hairpin 507. Rundown 563. Ability
452. Slippery 508. Unsophisticated 564. Love
453. Severed hand 509. Natural 565. Temperature
454. Misty 510. Persistent 566. Area
455. Floating 511. Revealing 567. City
456. Laugh 512. Prehistoric 568. Country
457. Blood 513. Awake 569. Fire
458. Cloying 514. River 570. Language
459. Enshrine 515. Slime 571. Equipment
460. Smoke 516. Bones 572. Technology
461. Gaping 517. Stale air 573. Child
462. Calm 518. Rocky 574. Runes
463. Subliminal 519. Decomposed 575. Medicine
464. Hollow 520. Twilight 576. Teacher
465. Whoosh 521. Vacant 577. Disease
466. Arid 522. Enter 578. Enlighten
467. Premonition 523. Twisted 579. Road
468. Demon 524. Chill 580. Location
469. Force 525. Angular 581. Success
470. Statue 526. Scary 582. Student
583. Possession 639. Explosion 695. Surprise
584. Performance 640. Monopoly 696. Temporary
585. Lake 641. Reflect 697. Fancy
586. Sea 642. Disastrous 698. Orbit
587. Message 643. Costume 699. Release
588. Man 644. Few 700. Endanger
589. Woman 645. Medium 701. Temper
590. Payment 646. Tidy 702. Illuminate
591. Skill 647. Enchanted 703. Refuse
592. Wealth 648. Percussive 704. Nimble
593. Heart 649. Duty 705. Express
594. Storage 650. Original 706. Communion
595. Alcohol 651. Disguise 707. Fair
596. Argument 652. Nimble 708. Health
597. Agreement 653. Express 709. Fresh
598. Republic 654. Communion 710. Implicate
599. Tradition 655. Duty 711. Ammunition
600. Employment 656. Original 712. Seat
601. Device 657. identity 713. Wary
602. Guidance 658. Pleasant 714. Vessel
603. Foreknowledge 659. Manage 715. Group
604. Candidate 660. Thick 716. Web
605. Confusion 661. Route 717. Demand
606. Guest 662. Swear 718. Nothing
607. Operation 663. Downward 719. Question
608. Temple 664. Awful 720. Birth
609. Song 665. Important 721. Speed
610. Accident 666. Faith 722. Craft
611. Girl 667. Change 723. Eye
612. Boy 668. Stray 724. Step
613. Proposal 669. Contradict 725. Item
614. Son 670. Pilgrim 726. Metal
615. Daughter 671. Chase 727. Structure
616. Village 672. Direct 728. Ball
617. Warning 673. Advance 729. Gift
618. Courage 674. Mould 730. Impact
619. King 675. Punish 731. Shape
620. Instrument 676. March 732. Symbol
621. Sister 677. Banter 733. Effect
622. Brother 678. Building 734. Friend
623. Weakness 679. Glitter 735. Track
624. Ambition 680. Uninterested 736. Foot
625. Celebration 681. Hole 737. Damage
626. Fortune 682. Common 738. Target
627. Negotiation 683. Mouth 739. Skin
628. Midnight 684. Maximum 740. Carry
629. Obligation 685. Memory 741. Mother
630. Indication 686. Tedious 742. Spirit
631. Tale 687. Unnatural 743. Dream
632. Water 688. Lounge 744. Luck
633. Heat 689. Gossip 745. Mouth
634. Book 690. Embrace 746. Storm
635. Goods 691. Turned 747. Chain
636. Guide 692. Give 748. Door
637. Prize 693. Moan 749. Bother
638. Admission 694. Warrant 750. Code
751. Dimension 767. Shelter 783. Check
752. Gap 768. Shoe 784. Guard
753. Persecute 769. Silver 785. Potential
754. Beast 770. Gold 786. Dance
755. Proof 771. Bell 787. Fall
756. Rope 772. Fear 788. Talk
757. Wine 773. Alarm 789. Break
758. Camp 774. Cloud 790. Cover
759. Champion 775. Performance 791. Valuable
760. Crack 776. Mirror 792. Sell
761. Native 777. Slice 793. Sleep
762. Opening 778. Priest 794. Dark
763. Parent 779. Resident 795. Weird
764. Pattern 780. Rope 796. Command
765. Request 781. Witness 797. Forbidden
766. Shame 782. Many 798. Magic Item!

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