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8 https://www.nslriin/case-analysis-of-durga-prasad-v-baldeo -and-otheres/


This case deals with the invalid agreement because of lack of proper consideration between

the parties. Ihe parties having no proper consideration means no legitimate contract

between the parties. According to the indian Contract Act,1872 it clearly mentioned that

"the contract without consideration is void.


This case deals with the invalid agreement because of lack of legitimate consideration

between the parties. The parties not having any legitimate consideration, therefore it is not a

proper contract between the parties. As per the Indian Contracts Act, 1872 it clearly explicit

that "the contract without consideration is void". In contract the consideration of each of the

parties is important, otherwise it become void. During this case, there was no legitimate

consideration between the parties throughout the course of agreement and created the

contract void and there was no personal profit for the dedication, the plaintiff on the ground

that the construction of the shop wasn't done at the need of the defendant however was

done as per the instructions of the district collectorll.

CASE NAME Durga Prasad v. Baldeo and others

cITATION (1881) ILR3ALL221

cOURT Allahabad High Court


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cOURT Allahabad High Court

BENCH Mr.Justice Pearson, Mr. Justice Oldfield

DECIDED ON 3 March,1880

RELEVANTACTS /SECTIONS Section 2ld), 25 of Indian Contract Act 1872


The plaintift requested the district collector to construct some outlets in his city. Those

outlets got for rent to the defendant for doing business

The rent was conjointly affixed. Later, the defendant had assured to the plaintiff that he will

be offering a 5% commission to him on all commodities that he will going to sell through

that shop in consideration of the construction of the building by the plaintiff by

disbursement immense cash.

However, the defendant did not pay the commission. Therefore, Durga Prasad filed a suit

against the shopkeepers who failed to offer the commission.

Issues before the Court:

Whether the contract is valid or not

Whether this is legitimate contract or not?

4) 328/032

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Plaintiff Contention

The plaintiff contended that the defendant assured to offer a 5% commission for all the

articles sold through the that shop, and also the articles are sold-out. And because the

defendant's act of the construction of the building therefore, it makes it a legitimate

contract. So, the derendant IS meant to ofrer the s% commission.

Defendant Contention

The construction of the building was made without the prior consideration of the

defendant. The defendant never showed any intention to construct the building. So, the

ContractIs nvaia

Ratio of the Case

In this case, the rule of law upon that the judgement was drawn was Section 2[d) of Indian

Contract ACt, 1872| states that, when, at the desire of the promiser, the promise or the

other person has done or abstained from doing, or does or abstains from doing, or promises

to do or to abstain from doing, something. such an act or abstinence or promise is called the

consideration tor promise. The principles of law set during this case are- Section 2(d)

followed by the Section 25|ilof the act clearly states that "any agreement without

consideration is void. The Indian Contract Act (1872) is thorough and imperative and clearly

specifies that the any agreement without consideration is void. And the Judges also

contended that there's no case for second appeal and dismissed it with the costs.
Related Cases

1,Abdul Aziz vs. Masum Ali, (1914)[iv

e d/28/202

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