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Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each

_______1. What is force?

A. Ability to do work.
B. A push and pull on an object.
C. Physical properties of the materials.
D. Molecules are widely spread.

________2. What causes the object to move?

A. Force B. Magnet C. Heat D. Sound

________3. A door need a _________________ to open.

A. energy B. force C. magnet D. friction

________4. We need to apply _____ to move the table.

A. energy B. magnet C. force D. friction

________5. The greater the mass of an object, the greater is the force needed to ______ object

A. Move B. stop C. roll D. push

________6.What will you do when there is the car coming very fast while you are on the street?
A. Do not cross the street
B. Stay on the side
C. Walk slowly
D. Stay put where you are

_________7.An oil spilled on the stairs where you need to pass in going to the canteen What will you do?
A. Do not walk on the floor with spilled oil
B. Stay on the stairs
C. Jump and hop to move away from the area where there is oil spill
D. Dry the floor with clothes and walk away.

_________8. During an earthquake, which of the following should you need to do?
A. Stay in safe places without objects that might fall for you.
B. Stay inside your room
C. Stay outside where there is an open area
D. Stay under your bed or any big table.

________9. During Physical Education activities, what will you do if someone pushes you?
A. Push the person in front of you
B. Push the person behind you
C. Hold on to someone near you
D. Tell them not to push anyone

_________10. What will you do if you are transferring a glassware from one place to another?

A. Push each other

B. Pull each other
C. Unattracted to each other
D. Does not move

Direction: Analyze the following sentences. Write T on the blank if the statement is True and F if it
is False.

_______11. To move an object from one place to another, you need to apply force.

_______12. An object stays on its position if applied with force.

_______13. Force makes things move.

_______14. Force that is applied on an object may cause a change in it – either in its movement or the
direction in which it is moving.

________15. If lesser force is applied on an object, it goes farthest.

________16.Force changes the shape of an object.

_________17.When you shake hands, your hand changes shape.

_________18.When you squeezed a can it will return to its original shape.

_________19. There is no force exerted if you bend a bamboo stick.

_________20. The paper changes its shape when you crumple it.

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided.
_______21.Which of the following has the ability to attract objects made of iron and steel?
A. Aluminum B. magnet C. plastic D. rubber
_______22.Which of the following is the concentration of magnetic force in a magnet?
A. Magnetism B. magnetic field C. poles of the magnet D. side of the magnet
________23.Which of the following types of magnet that loses its magnetism once it is no longer in
contact within range of a strong magnetic field?
A. Metallic B. ferromagnetic metals C. permanent magnet D. temporary magnet
________24.Lucas’s mother bought him an electronic remote-control car as present on his
birthday.Because of excitement, Lucas played with it and he was amazed how his toy car moved in
different directions. Which do you think caused the car to move?
A. It is the electromagnet that made the toy car moved.
B. Metals used in the toy car has a high quality
C. It is the wheels of the toy car that made it moved.
D. No one knows how the toy car moved.
________25.Which of the following force is produced by a magnet?
A. Magnetism B. magnetic field C. magnetic force D. north pole and south pole
__________26. When the same poles of two magnets whether north or south are placed close to each
other, which of the following may possibly happen?
A. Pull each other C. It does not move
B. Push each other D. Unattracted to each other

__________27. Which of the following will happen to the force of a magnet if you break it into pieces?
A. Force will be doubled C. Force exerted will decrease
B. Force will remain the same D. Force will not be affected
_________28. If you were to make an experiment by putting strips of papers, screws, nails and rubber
bands inside a jar, then position one pole of the magnet in its mouth. Which of the following might
A. Nails and screws will be pulled toward the magnet
B. Strips of paper and rubber bands will be pulled toward the magnet
C. Nails and screws will be pushed away from the magnet
D. Strips of paper will either be pushed or pulled by a magnet.
__________29. Which of the following is the force exerted by a magnet?
A. forceps B. iron C. magnetic force D. magnetic material
__________30. Which of the following is the concentration of the force in a magnet?
A. beginning of the magnet C. poles of magnet
B. middle of the magnet D. sides of magnet
__________31. Which of the following happens when the unlike poles of a magnet come close to each
A. They both attract each other C. No magnetic force is felt
B. They push each other apart D. No magnetic field is observed

___________32.Observe the figure below showing the earth is like a giant ball of magnet. Which is the
direction of its magnetic field?

A. Magnetic field flows from around earth.

B. Magnetic field flows from the side of the earth
C. Magnetic field flows from north pole and in to the south pole of the earth
D. Magnetic field flows from south pole and in to the north pole

__________33. One day, if you were given a chance to become a seafarer, which of the following things
you must have in your work?
A. Candies/chocolates C. Leather bags/coats
B. Electronic toy cars D. clothing/foods/magnetic compass

__________34. Which of the following statements explains the figure below?

A. like poles repel

B. Magnetic force are very useful
C. Playing magnets can be fun.
D. Magnets are unique objects

_________35. Observe the figure below. Which of the following sentences best explain the it?
A. Magnets are interesting.
B. Magnet can attract all objects.
C. Magnetic force can be felt
D. Magnetic force is concentrated at the poles of the magnet.

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE, if it is in correct.


__________36. If you break a magnet into two pieces, you will have two magnets with the same poles.
__________37. All magnets have two north poles.
__________38. The pulling and pushing force is strongest at the north and south poles.
__________39. Most objects with iron are attracted to magnets.
___________40. Magnet can repel an object made of paper.
Direction: Choose and write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before each
_______41. Which of the following statements is correct about sound and light?
A. Sound cannot travel, but light can.
B. Light cannot travel, but sound can.
C. Light travels faster than sound.
D. Sound travels faster than light.

______42. Which of the following materials can sound be heard?

A. rubbing two stones C. clapping your hands
B. falling leaves D. A and C are correct

______43. What do you think will happen when someone knocks on the door and your ear is on the other
side of the door?
A. There will be no sound.
B. The sound will be carried by the wind.
C. You will hear sound because it travels through air.
D. You will hear sound because it travels through the

_______44. Animals like whales and dolphins communicate with each other by producing sound
underwater. What does this show?
A. Sound can travel to air.
B. Sound can travel to solid.
C. Sound can travel to liquid.
D. Sound cannot travel to liquid.

_______45. Which of the following shows proper use of sound?

A. loud music at night
B. reciting oratorical piece
C. shouting to someone near you
D. tapping the table during class hour

_______46. Which of the following materials are made to produce sound?

A. door bell B. electric fan C. flat iron D. wrist watch

_______47. How does sound travel to different materials?

A. through echo C. through vibration
B. through waves D. through vacuum
_______48. Which of the following situations shows that sound can travel in different materials?
A. music heard over the radio
B. ringing of a phone under the pool
C. tapping the table can produce sound
D. chirping of the bird from a nearby tree
________49. What will happen when you strike the drum sticks together?

A. It produces heat. C. It produces sound.

B. It produces light. D. It can produce object.

________50. Which of the following situations show the importance of sound?

A. to detect running horses from a distance
B. to ring a bell to give warning or signals
C. to communicate with each other using sign language
D. A and B are correct

________51. Which of the following statements is correct about sound?

A. Sound cannot travel through solid.
B. Sound travel faster in solids than in air.
C. Sound travel faster in liquids than in solid.
D. Sound travel faster in air than in liquids.

________52. When sound travels through air. How do the vibrations of the particles behave?
A. It vibrates fast. C. It vibrates moderately
B. It vibrates slowly D. Cannot be determined.

_________53. Where does sound travel the fastest?

A. on air B. on water C. on gas D. on wood

__________54. Jose taps his desk while Pedro taps two stones together under the water. They do these at
the same time. Which sounds will you hear first?
A. The sound made by the stones under the water because
sound travels fastest in water.
B. The sound made by the stones under the water because
sound travels slower in water.
C. The sound made from tapping the table because sound
travels fastest in solid materials.
D. The sound made from tapping the table because sound
travels slower in solid material.

_________55. Which of the following situations show the proper use of sounds?
A. ring of a cell phone at midnight
B. loud music from live band during night
C. noise from your seatmate seated behind you
D. talking to someone at moderate voice when someone is sleeping

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if wrong.

_______56. You cannot hear sound underwater.

_______57. Sound can travel in different materials.

_______58. Sound is produced when there is vibration.

_______59. When the vibration is strong, the sound wave is slow.

_______60. Tapping the table shows that sound travelled to solid



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