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Choose the correct answer!

1.     X : I'm leaving to go camping in Bantir

  this weekend.
        Y : Well, I think you . . . take a raincoat
  with you. It's the rainy season now.
        X : You're right.
A.    should
B.    must not
C.     should not
D.    don't have
2.     X : Put the rubbish in the dustbin.
Y : Sorry.
A.    Don't be lazy.
B.    Don't say it.
C.     Don't litter.
D.    Don't run.
3.     Security : Excuse me, . . . you mustn't
    smoke here.
        Visitor    : Oh, I'm sorry.
A.    look at me
B.    listen to me
C.     look at that sign
D.    listen to the doctor
4.     What does the notice mean?

A.    People aren't permitted to throw rubbish here.

B.    People can get gasoline for their cars here.
C.     People must be careful with their hands.
D.    People must not steal things here.
5.     Which sign goes with the sentence
"Drivers mustn't park their cars here".



6.     Where can we probably find the notice?
A.    In a department store.
B.    In a swimming pool
C.     In a playground.
D.    In a library.

For questions 7 and 8, complete the dialogue below.

Linda : Why are you so sad?

Oscar : I have lost my ruler.
Linda : (7) . . . did you put it?
Oscar : I can't remember.
Linda : Well, (8) . . .  things back to their
   proper place so you can find them
Oscar : I guess you're right.
7.     . . .
A.    Where
B.    Have
C.     Did
D.    Are
8.     . . .
A.    you should be happy.
B.    you should return
C.     you make use
D.    you did it
For questions 9 and 10, complete the dialogue below.

A : I went to Pulau Panjang last week.

B : Did you? I went there too, last
A : (9) . . .
B : Well, the beach is OK, but elsewhere on
       the island there was nothing to see.
A : I agree with you. I think they should
      put more interesting things to see.
B : Yes. I think they should also provide
      (10) . . .  to give information about
      the island to the visitors.
A : You're right.
9.     . . .
A.    Where did you go?
B.    Why did you go there?
C.     What do you think of the island?
D.    What can we do about the island?
10.       . . .
A.    a security post.
B.    Some guides.
C.     Some trees.
D.    A boat

For questions 11 and 12, complete the dialogue below.

Zookeeper   : Excuse me, young man.

Visitor           : Yes, sir. What's the matter?
Zookeeper   : What are you doing?
Visitor           : I'm feeding the tigers.
Zookeeper   : (11). . .
Visitor           : Why?
Zookeeper   : The tigers are wild animals.
  They can be (12) . . .
  Besides, the food can harm

              the animals.
11.       . . .
A.    You must not feed the tigers.
B.    You should feed the tigers.
C.     You are feeding the tigers.
D.    You must feed the tigers.
12.       . . .
A.    tame
B.    funny
C.     beautiful
D.    dangerous

For questions 13 and 14, complete the dialogue below.

Mother         : It's 11pm now. Why are you

  still awake?
Laila               : (13) . . . this assignment
Mother         : OK, but (14) . . .  Going to bed
   late is not good for your
Laila               : OK, Mum.
13.       . . .
A.    I don't want to finish
B.    I must not finish
C.     I have to finish
D.    I can finish
14.       . . .
A.    you must go to bed late
B.    you must go to bed soon
C.     you should not go to bed
D.    you should go to bed late

For questions 15 and 16, complete the dialogue below.

Nora : Do you clean your room every day,

Alex  : (15) . . . In fact, I never clean my
Nora : Your room must be very dirty,
Alex  : No. My mother cleans it every day.
Nora : Oh that's too bad. You should clean
  your own room. (16) . . . too much
  on your mother.
15.       . . .
A.    Always.
B.    Yes, I do.
C.     No, I don't.
D.    I usually do that.
16.       . . .
A.    Don't come
B.    Don't rely
C.     Help
D.    Rely

For questions 17 and 18, complete the dialogue below.

Salma : I don't know how to open this

   rubbish bin.
Ivan    : (17). . . your foot to push the pedal.
   The lid will open.
Salma : Wow! Interesting! So I don't
   (18) . . . use my hand to open
   the lid.
Ivan   : Right. It's a good invention,
   I think.
17.       . . .
A.    Use
B.    Using
C.     Using
D.    To use
18.       . . .
A.    have to
B.    should
C.     must
D.    can

The following text is for questions 19 and 20.

19.       From the text, we can conclude that we . . . feed the animals.
A.    must
B.    should
C.     must not
D.    don't have to
20.       Where can we probably find the sign?
A.    At school.
B.    At the zoo.
C.     At an office.
D.    In a cinema.

The following text is for questions 21 to 23.

Linda is a new student. She is reading the class rules and talking about them
with her classmate.

Class Rules:
o   Listen when others are talking.
o   Follow directions.
o   Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.
o   Work quietly and do not disturb others.
o   Show respect for school and personal property.
o   Work and play in a safe manner.
21.       Linda       : What should we do when
         a teacher is talking?
Nyoman : You . . .
A.    must close your eyes
B.    mustn't tell others
C.     must listen ta her
D.    must talk to her
22.       Linda       : May we borrow others'
Nyoman : Sure, but you..
A.    should keep them personal
B.    must keep them for you
C.     should not return them
D.    must respect them
23.       Linda       : May we play in the
Nyoman : Yes. We can play in the
        playground, but . . .
A.    we must be quiet
B.    we must play safely
C.     we should play hard
D.    we must not play with our friends

The following text is for questions 24 to 26.

Our Kitchen Rules:

·        If you empty it, fill it.
·        If you dirty it, clean it.
·        If you open it, fill it.
·        If you spill it, wipe it.
·        If you cook it, share it.

Aminah is talking about the kitchen rules in her house with her friend.
Aminah : Did you have any kitchen rules
       at home?
Sumarti : Oh, we don't have any. What
       about in your house?
Aminah : We have kitchen rules.
Sumarti : Really? Like what?
Aminah : Well, like when we spill
       something, we (24) . . .
Sumarti: Oh, what if you empty a jar?
Aminah: You (25) . . .
Sumarti: That's good. What if you cook
24.       . . .
A.    must take it away
B.    should leave it
C.     must empty it
D.    must wipe it
25.       . . .
A.    must fill it
B.    must clean it
C.     must not do it
D.    must tell others
26.       . . .
A.    You must not cook.
B.    You must not share it.
C.     Don't forget to share it.
D.    You must cock something delicious.

For questions 27 to 30, complete the dialogue below.

Dadit         : My friends and I are going

          to go surfing this weekend,
Mrs Budi : Surfing? In this kind of
          weather? (27) . . . , Dadit.
          It's too dangerous. The waves
          must be big and it must be
          windy and cold at the beach.
Dadit        : But we have planned it for a
         whole month, Mum. Please,
Mrs Budi : OK. Let's listen to the weather
          forecast tomorrow. If it says
          that the weather on the
          weekend will be (29) . . .
          you may go. (30) . . . you
          have to stay at home.
Dadit        : Alright, Mum.
27.       . . .
A.    That sounds nice
B.    You can't go
C.     Let me go
D.    Please go
28.       . . .
A.    let me go
B.    you must go
C.     I want to stay
D.    it's very happy
29.       . . .
A.    fine
B.    bad
C.     cold
D.    windy
30.       . . .
A.    If not
B.    If it is
C.     However
D.    If you like it

Look at this picture and answer the questions 31 to 35.

31.       Visitor : Can we use mobile phones

Officer: No. You . . .
A.    must use a mobile phones here
B.    should use a mobile phones here
C.     don't have to use a mobile phones
D.    mustn't use any mobile phones here
32.       Visitor : Can we take pictures of the paintings?
Officer : No. You . . .
A.    must not use any cameras here
B.    should not have a camera
C.     must use a camera here
D.    should have a camera
33.       Visitor : Do we have to buy a ticket
     to enter the gallery?
Officer : Yes. . . .
A.    It's free.
B.    I don't know.
C.     It's Rp20,000.
D.    You can pay me.
34.       Visitor : Can I take my dog
     with me?
Officer : No. . .
A.    It's prohibited.
B.    It's alright.
C.     You can.
D.    Alright.
35.       Visitor : What else should
     we know?
Officer : Ah, you . . .
A.    mustn't eat inside the gallery
B.    mustn't walk around the gallery
C.     must speak loudly to the officer
D.    must leave the gallery immediately

The following text is for questions 36 to 40.

Hil My name is Lina. I want to describe briefly a building I have visited

recently. The most incredible thing about the building is the shape. It's in the
shapeof a giant turtle. I loved the shape of the building. It's so realistic. To
enter the building, visitors had to pay Rp17,500 for adults and Rp12,500 for
children. Inside the building, we were able to enjoy facilities, such as a giant
aquarium with sharks, turtles and various fish in it, educational games, and a
3-dimensions film booth. I also liked the aquarium; the fish inside the
aquarium seemed so close to the visitors. However, I didn't like the
educational game section because almost all the games didn't work. The
officer in the room was not helpful at all. He just sat in his chair and did
nothing. Even worse, he was smoking, although there was a "No Śmoking" sign
in the area.
36.       An adult . . . to pay Rp17,500 to enter the building.
A.    will
B.    must
C.     should
D.    has to
37.       The visitor . . .visit the giant aquarium to see sharks, turtles, and various
A.    should
B.    must not
C.     should not
D.    don’t have to
38.       The management . . . the education games.
A.    should prepare
B.    must not give
C.     must place
D.    must fix
39.       the officer . . . the visitors.
A.    must stay
B.    should help
C.     must not come
D.    should not invite
40.       the officer . . . inside the building.
A.    must not smoke
B.    have to smoke
C.     should smoke
D.    must smoke

Key Answer

1 A 11 A 21 C 31

2 C 12 D 22 D 32

3 C 13 C 23 B 33

4 A 14 D 24 D 34
5 B 15 C 25 A 35

6 D 16 B 26 C 36

7 A 17 A 27 B 37

8 B 18 A 28 A 38

9 C 19 C 29 A 39

10 B 20 B 30 A 40

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