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Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes


Mary Arden Prince, Magic Mirror
Tayla Dennis Doc
Romni Feltwell Grumpy
Olivia Gallaway Snow White
Laura Moorefield Evil Queen/Witch
Jane Peters Bashful
Mary Percy Sneezy
Neha Quai Hoi Dopey
Isabelle Smith Sleepy
Elise Williams Happy

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 1

Props Mirror

LFX Spotlight on Mirror and Queen

Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall

who is the fairest of them all?

Mirror: Snow white, what? Did you think it was you? Pfft. Haha. LOL.

Queen: WTF! That’s it!

Action Queen and Mirror exit

LFX Lights fade

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 2 (Dance)

Action Prince and Snow White enter

LFX & SFX Lights on Prince and Snow White & Baby – Justin Bieber

Action Prince and snow white exit opposite ways

LFX Lights fade

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 3

Props Block

LFX Lights on

Action Snow White enters through side door and wonders up the stars to the stage

Snow White How the hell could my dad love that evil bitch! What kind of a person ditches their step
daughter in a forest?!

Action A door appears (the curtain opens, only a little bit)

Snow White Is that a little house? Who would wanna live in a forest! The closest mall is miles away!

LFX Lights on stage

Action Snow White enters gap in curtain and curtains open fully to reveal dwarvettes. Sneezy,
happy and doc are sitting on the block, sleeping is leaning on the block, asleep grumpy
and bashful are sitting on opposite blocks and dopey is spinning.

Snow White OMG! You guys are so small! You’re like dwarves!

Sneezy Well hello to you too

Doc Actually, being females makes us dwarvettes!

Sleepy Who woke me up?

Grumpy What the hell! Why are you even here?

Sleepy Seriously, who are you!?

Grumpy You’re opinion doesn’t matter while you’re wearing a snuggie!

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Snow White You don’t know? I’m like the most popular girl in the world!

Dopey Uh... no...?

Snow White I’m on the cover of this month’s Vogue! Geez! I’m Snow White!

Happy Oh, so why are you here?

Snow White Um, my bitch of a step mum tried to kill me! So I ran away and got lost. Could I like, crash
here for a while.

Bashful’re really yeah (blushes)

Snow white We can have sleepovers!

LFX Lights off

Action Everyone lies flat on the ground

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 4

Props Scroll

LFX Lights on

Doc All right everyone! Get up! Time to call roll! Happy!

Happy: Yep

Doc: Sneezy!

Sneezy: sneezes

Doc: Bashful!

Bashful: Yea blushes

Doc: Dopey!

Dopey: Uh Huh

Doc: Grumpy!

Grumpy: Unfortunately

Doc: Sleepy, pause SLEEPY! Okay, everybody, on three. 1, 2, 3,

All: Wake up sleepy!

Sleepy: What?

Doc: Ok, that’s everyone.

Snow white: Uh, hello! You’re forgetting me!
Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Grumpy: You! Get in the kitchen!

Snow White: What! Why should I?

Happy: None of us want to do the dishes

Sneezy: And you are staying here for free...

Snow White: You should be happy to have me!

Sleepy: Shut up and get in the kitchen yawns

Snow White: Why?

Dopey: Cos you’re a girl

Snow White: Whatever, I’m outa here, I’ll be back later

Action Snow White exits

Happy : Hey, aren’t we late for work?

Doc: Right everyone! Off to work!

LFX Spotlight on Dwarvettes

Action Dwarvettes start marching around stage singing

SFX Song - Heigh Ho

Dwarvettes: Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It’s off to work we go!

Action Dwarvettes march off stage and exit via side door. Curtains close

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 5

Props Mirror

Action Witch and mirror come from behind curtain

LFX Spotlight on mirror and queen

Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall

who is the fairest of them all?

Mirror: I told you this yesterday! It’s still snow white!

Queen: But I thought she would die alone in the woods! What she do, find a little house full of
dwarves to hide in?

Mirror: Well actually....

Action Mirror and Queen exit behind curtain

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 6

Props Brooms. Cloths

Action Dwarvettes enter from behind curtains

LFX Lights on Dwarvettes

SFX Song – Chim Chim Cher-ee

Grumpy Hey, Doc, did you hear? Snow white rigged her last beauty competition!

Doc Guess what Happy, Snow white rigged her last comp, and her hair, it’s a wig!

Happy Hey Bashful, have you heard? Snow white rigged her last comp, has a wig and she has webbed

Bashful Sneezy! Guess what, Snow white rigged her last comp, has a wig, has webbed feet and got a
nose job.

Sneezy Hey Sleepy, Sleepy! Ah never mind. Dopey! Listen to this, snow white rigged her last comp, has
a wig and webbed feet, got a nose job, and a boob job! I knew those weren’t real

Dopey Wait what! Snow white gave birth to a unicorn!

Grump Idiot!

LFX Lights Off

Action Exit

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 7

Props Basket of cookies, and bottle of poison, caldron, hanky

LFX Coloured red light

Action Queen turns into the witch. She is mixing potion, poisons cookies

Queen: This time I’ll make sure Snow White dies! Laughs evilly

SFX Song - I put a spell on you

LFX Coloured light off

Action Queen begins to exit off stage,

Curtains close

Snow white enters through side door

Queen Why hello dearie, here, take this basket of cookies

Snow White Cool, thanks

Action Queen Exits

Snow White ...

Action Dwarvettes march in from side door, tiredly singing hi ho

Happy Home at last!

Sleepy I can’t wait to go to bed

Sneezy I need a tissue sneezes
Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Bashful Here, borrow my hanky

Sneezy I’m not using that!

Grumpy I don’t see why we have to walk. We have cars!

Doc Oh, stop complaining! Hey Snow White

Snow White Guess What!

Dopey You bought me a unicorn!

Snow White I have cookies!

Happy Can I have one?

Snow White Sure! LOL Jokes, they’re all mine!

Action Snow white eats cookie while walking to other side of stage and falls to the ground

Dopey Look sleepy, she’s like you!

Sleepy I don’t think she’s sleeping

Grumpy Idiot Shakes Head

Sneezy Check her pulse

Doc She doesn’t have a pulse!

Bashful Gasps/breath in

Happy What should we do now?

Action Dwarvettes freeze and curtains close
Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Scene 8

Props Broomstick horse,flowers

` Action Prince enters on broomstick horse kneels

Prince How hard is it for a handsome prince, like me, to find a beautiful wife? Urgh...

Prince rides up stage

Prince OMG! She Dead

Action Prince looks up at dopey

Prince You’re beautiful

Dopey You did get me a unicorn

Action Prince exit

Dopey Pretty unicorn!

Action Prince pulls dopey through curtains

Sign that says they lived happily ever after

Dopey and Prince talk from backstage.

Dopey Stupid idiot you made me lose my unicorn!

Prince Shut up woman!

Dopey You always do this to me!

Prince Get in the kitchen
Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi
Snow White and the Seven Dwarvettes

Sleepy Okay, that was weird

Doc Agreed

Grumpy Weird! That’s an understatement!

Sneezy So, What do we do now?

Happy Anyone for Macarena?

All Nod and agree

SFX Song - Macarena

Action Dance to Macarena


Snow White Jeez people! I’m dead! I’m Snow White! It’s all about ME people!

Action Snow White exits. Witch laughs evilly from backstage

SFX ??? Need Music

Action Bow

Yr 10 Drama
Olivia Gallaway, Mary Arden, Laura Moorefield, Romni Feltwell, Elise Williams, Isabelle Smith, Tayla Dennis, Jane Peters, Mary Percy and Neha Quai Hoi

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