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1. Which are the places in Kerala where tea and spice crops are cultivated in large scale? How far has
the environment influenced the human life in these places?
 Ellukochi, Rajapuram and Ranipuram (eastern regions of Kasargod)
 Iritty, Peravoor and Aralam (The hilly regions of Kannur)
 Kattappana, Nedumkandam, and Udumbanchola(Idukki)
 Provides cool climate, determines the crops that can be cultivated
2. Name the factors which constitute environment?
 Climate, topography, soil, agriculture, plants, animals and man
3. What activities has man undertaken in his efforts to adapt with his environment?
 Constructed roads along difficult terrain.
 Hill slopes were terraced for agriculture.
 Built houses in possible areas.
4. How is the human life in the deserts where dusty winds blow continuously?
 The style of dressing of the people of the Arabian deserts have close relation with the climate
of that region.
 Agriculture is generally poor as water is scarce.
 Arabian deserts region is densely populated and is quite prosperous as well due to the rich
petroleum deposits.
5. Write an example of a place situated below sea level in Kerala?
 Kuttanad
6. The topography of Kuttanad is very rare even in the world. Justify
 People living amidst the backwaters and other water logged areas have reclaimed the land
through immense toil.
 Lifestyle is centred on duck farming, paddy and coconut cultivation, etc.
 Tourism has also become an important activity in the life of these people.
7. Write the factors that prevent human habitation in snow-covered Siberian region?
 Limited resources and hostile climate
8. What if the petroleum in the Arabian region gets exhausted due to over-exploitation?
 Arabian countries face crucial situation
 Poverty, starvation, unemployment
 Affect whole world oil transportation
9. The delicate balance of the environment in Kuttanad is on the verge of destruction. What will be the
possible consequences?

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 Destruction of the eco- system

 Destruction of marine organisms
 Tourism sector will diminish
 Unemployment & poverty
10. What are the measures adopted by the people of Siberia for their life?
 They built their houses using snow
 Wear woollen clothes
 Fishing & hunting - occupation
11. Why Environmental protection is important?
 The interventions of man in nature with selfish motives will have adverse effects.
 Interaction in nature without disturbing its diversity is an important aspect in the conservation
of the environment.
 Conservation of the environment and its diversity is a must for the healthy sustenance of not
only man but all life forms as well.
12. What are natural hazards? Write any two examples
 Natural phenomena that are hazardous to life, property and environment are known as natural
 Landslides, earthquakes
13. What do you meant by natural disasters?
 Disasters occurring due to natural causes are termed as natural disasters.
14. List out the natural disasters occurring in India.
 Cyclone • Lightning• Earthquake • Tsunami• Landslide • Flood• Hailstorm • Avalanche •
Drought • Frostbite
15. Kerala is one of the states prone to natural calamities. Justify
 Expanse of backwaters bordered by the slanting coconut trees
 lush green midland
 cool mountain slopes in the east
16. Identify the most widespread natural disaster in Kerala?
 Landslides
17. Which physiographic unit in Kerala experiences landslides the most?
 The highlands of Kerala
18. What is landslide?
 During severe rains, large quantity of water seeps into the soil.
 This exerts pressure on the pores in the soil.

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 Due to the pressure of water, the soil under the loose rocks will move downwards.
 Due to gravity, the whole or part of the area will collapse with great noise.
 This phenomenon is known as landslide.
 National Centre for Earth Science Studies has identified that places with slope above 20° are
prone to landslides.
19. How are streams formed in the hilly terrains?
 After the landslide, the water stored in the soil starts flowing down as streams.
 Many a time this flow will last only for a few days.
 But on some occasions, there may become permanent streams
20. What are the unscientific activities along hilly terrains?
 Demolishing hillsides for soil.
 Cultivation of crops that need frequent tillage along steep slopes.
 Construction of houses and other buildings along steep slopes.
21. Why do we say that the land utilization should be scientific in Kerala?
 Lack of space is one of the crucial problems that Kerala faces.
 More than 30% of the total land area of Kerala consists of slopes.
 Hence it is very essential that land utilization should be scientific.
22. Write scientific land use practices
 Hill sides may be transformed into terraces in order to reduce the slope.
 The course of the natural streams in the hilly terrain should not be blocked.
 Construction activities along steep slopes should be avoided.
23. In what scale Earthquake disaster intensity in Kerala is measured?
 Moderate earthquake disaster
24. What are the precautions we should take for the Earthquake disaster?
 The construction of large buildings in seismically active zones should be avoided.
 Adopt seismic resistant construction.
 Light roofs are comparatively safe
25. What is flood?
 When a large quantity of water flow into the rivers during the rainy season, the river will not
be able to hold the excess water and it overflows. This is known as flood.
26. What is flash flood?
 The phenomenon of sudden rise of water level following heavy rain is known as flash flood
27. What are the precautions adopted in order to avert the danger of flood?
 Do not build houses on the river banks.

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 Do not reclaim the paddy fields. They are the natural sinks for rain water.
 Construct bunts on the river banks.
28. What do you meant by disaster mitigation measures.
 It is impossible to prevent natural disasters.
 We can reduce their impact and bring the people back to normal life through properly planned
interventions. Such actions can generally be called disaster mitigation measures.
29. List out the general measures to be followed in the event of natural disasters.
 Provide immediate medical aid to the injured.
 Do not believe or spread rumours.
 Keep only precious items or documents along with you. Drink boiled water only.
 Keep the necessary medicines with you.
30. Flow chart - three stages for disaster mitigation measures.

31. What steps we must adopted to ensure our safety in the event of natural hazards in schools?
 For that the safe spots of the school have to be identified in advance.
 Areas away from the buildings, preferably the middle of the play ground will be the safest.
 This is because of the fact that even if the building collapses the debris might not fall here.
 Decide the path for ambulances and other rescue vehicles to the school campus.
 Do not make any modification in the campus obstructing this.
 The safe spots may be marked clearly for everyone's knowledge.
 Mock drills to tackle disaster situations may be carried out at intervals.
32. Name the authority which is entrusted with the task of coordinating the disaster mitigation measures
in Kerala?
 The Kerala State Disaster Management Authority (KSDMA)

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33. Flow chart - lists on the various steps to be followed in the event of natural disasters.

34. What is the role of children in disaster management?

 Prepare and circulate pamphlets and exhibit notices in public places explaining the steps to be
adopted by the people in emergency situations.
 Organize orientation programmes on scientific land-use practices.
35. Describe the functions of SEOC & DEOC.
 The State Emergency Operations Centre (SEOC) supervises the disaster mitigation measures
in the various districts.
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 It issues warnings of disaster possibility and measures to be adopted in the event of

emergency situations.
 District Emergency Operations Centre (DEOC) is responsible for the disaster management
activities of a particular region.
 Warnings to people are issued through these centres.
36. Write the mission of SEOC & DEOC.
 To coordinate the actions of various government departments such as health, law and order,
fire force, and public works in disaster management activities.

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