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Advancement in healthcare has vastly improved the efficiency of treatment, yet rendered the

very service inaccessible to many. QuickMedx Inc focuses on the core issue of fast and convenient service

at an affordable cost. Its business model provides innovative solution to the often ignored inbound logistics

and operations of the healthcare value chain. QuickMed Inc has made significant impact on the lower –

income demographic. However it faces a stiff challenge in growth and sustainability aspects. This

summary will address QuickMedx’s source of innovation and value chain, growth perspective and

place among disruptive innovations.

QuickMedx quality of service is on par with the full-care providers. Its difference lies in the value addition

from that comes from convenient and quality service at a low flat cost. Patients can receive treatment by

simply walking in and answering a few yes/no questions. This eliminates the long waiting time and lets

patients choose the time of visit. Concrete results can be obtained by simple tests within 3-5 minutes

makes the operation much simpler. A low flat rate combined with reduced turn around time and enhances

the customer experience. Also by strategically placing the kiosk near a pharmacy it gives the opportunity

for one stop shopping concept. In times of crisis

QuickMedx innovation has captured an estimated the 8-10% of the average primary-care practice’s

volume. But its issues lie in growth and expansion, protection against liability, financing and retaining its

talent pool. The company has covered its basic in terms of liability because of limited scope of treatment

and the acknowledgment from the patients prior to treatment. In terms of growth and expansion

QuickMedx can expand by adding more services or by increasing the number of kiosk. Increased number

of facility seems to be the way forward as QuickMedx rejects the idea too many services in its kitty at once.

The company can follow the Microsoft model of expansion where it captured the large scale market by

offering PC’s to school. QuickMedx can offer to administer the MMR and other entry level vaccination for

students. The fast convenient and low cost will appeal to most students.
Its greatest drawback as compared to the regular practice is attracting and retaining the nurse

practitioners. The limited scope of learning and growth has further dented the kind of talent it attracts to the

company. The company has recognized these concerns and lets nurse practitioners to work for a day or

two in nonprofit clinics so they can maintain their scope and also creating an atmosphere which offer a

career path.

The low flat rate of $35 made healthcare affordable to people

New market disruption --

Low end disruption

Large population

Low cost and limited service – second test

Litmus test—Is the innovation disruptive to all the significant incumbent firms in the industry

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