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Pasacao Campus
Sta Rosa Del Norte Pasacao Camarines Sur



CONTENT STANDARD: The learner demonstrates understanding of: Philippine literature in the Period
of Emergence as a tool to assert one’s identity; strategies in listening to and viewing of informative
and short narrative texts; word relationships and associations; informative speech forms; and use of
direct/reported speech, passive/ active voice, simple past and past perfect tenses, and sentence

PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner transfers learning by: showing ways of asserting one’s
identity; comprehending informative and short narrative texts using schema and appropriate listening
and viewing strategies; expressing ideas, opinions, and feelings through various formats; and
enriching written and spoken communication using direct/reported speech, active/passive voice,
simple past and past perfect tenses and connectors correctly and appropriately.

LEANING COMPETENCY: EN7WC-III-a-2.2: Compose simple narrative texts


At the end of the lesson,80% of the students are expected to:

a. Define narrative text

b. Write simple narrative text
c. cite the importance of Narrative Text both for writer and reader.


a. Topic: Narrative Text

b. References:
c. Instructional Materials: Laptop, Video clips and PPT
d. Values Integration: Cooperation within teams and participation
e. Skills to be developed: Critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, communication and writing skills
f. Methodology: Deductive approach


Time Teaching Teacher's Students' IM's

Frame Hints Activity Activity
5 minutes A. Preliminary

Good Afternoon class! Good Afternoon ma’am!

Prayer Before we
formally start our
lesson for today, may
I ask first Ms.
Missy to begin
our class with the
Presence of God.
Ms. Missy are you
here? Yes Ma’am

Is it okay with you if you

will be the one to lead
the prayer for this
afternoon? Yes Ma’am
(Missy will start the
Thank you so much!

Greetings Again let me introduce

myself, My name is
Erica and I will be
your teacher for
today, Now let start
our day by singing the
song “Hello Song” are
You familiar with this
song class? Not so Ma’am.

Since you are not that

familiar with the song. I’ll
be playing the song and
try to familiarize its
melody since later we
are going to sing that
song together.

Are you ready to listen? Yes Ma’am.

(Teacher will now play
the song and let the
students listen to it.)

Did you get the melody

of the song Class? Yes Ma’am.

Alright! Now, let us sing

the song together.
In 1, 2, 3!

Hello, Hello, Hello Hello, Hello, Hello

How are you? How are you?
Hello, Hello, Hello Hello, Hello, Hello
How are you? How are you?
I’m Good, I’m Great, I’m Good, I’m Great,
I’m Wonderful. I’m Wonderful.

Wow, you sang very

well. Did you have fun
singing the song
class? Yes Ma’am!

Checking of That’s good to hear, now

Attendance can we have a picture for
your attendance today.
Remain your camera

Thank you so much!

Before we proceed with

our new topic for this
afternoon I will be .
reminding you of the
things you need to
remember during our
virtual class

1. Create a quiet and

Comfortable study
2. Come to my class
prepared and
3. If you have to say
something, click the
hand raise button for
you to be notified.
4. Turn off your
microphone and
camera if you are not
ask to talk to avoid
5. Have fun learning.

Are we clear with this

5 virtual classroom
rules class? Yes Ma’am

Okay that’s great!

Checking of Last meeting I gave you

Assignment an assignment right? I
told you to create a short
video clip explaining or
showing the process on
how to cook your favorite
food. Are you done with Yes Ma’am

Alright! That’s Good to


Recall Last Meeting we have

discussed about
Expository Text, again
class what is this text
type all about?
Yes Ms. Krisha? Expository writing is a
mode of writing in which
the purpose of the author
is to inform, explain,
describe, or define his or
her subject to the reader.
Examples of expository
texts are textbooks,
encyclopedias, scientific
books/journals, atlases,
directions, guides,
biographies, newspaper
Very Good!

 Expository text provide

facts in a way that is
educational and
purposeful. The text is
fact-based with the
purpose of exposing the
truth through a reliable
source. True and
deliberate expository text
will focus on educating
its reader. Other
descriptors of exposition
are clear, concise, and
organized writing.
Expository text gets to
the point quickly and

Examples of expository
texts are textbooks,
encyclopedias, scientific
books/journals, atlases,
directions, guides,
biographies, newspaper

But are you aware class

that that the information
we get in this kind of text
can be used as a basis
for constructing another
text type.

7 minutes B. Motivation We will figure out how as Laptop

we unlock our new topic and video
for this afternoon but clips
before that I will show
you first 2 video clips and
after that tell me what did
you observe after
watching it.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

Okay! What have you

observe about the two
video clips class?
Yes Mr. Ricky?
Ma’am I observed that
they both about story
with interaction in bears
but the difference is that
the first one is a short
animated story while the
other one is a news
about an attack of a
Very Good observation
Its right, two video clips
both evolved in human
interaction with bears but
the difference is that the
first one is animated and
great evidence of fiction
is present while the
second one is real
people and real animals
are played in the video
and is an example of
news report.

Although they differs in

the way on how the story
is presented yet both of
them have one main
agenda which is to tell a

Now class, what kind of

text do you think tell a
Yes Mr. Luis? Narrative text Ma’am!


1 minute C. Lesson This afternoon we are Video clip

Proper going to discuss and PPT
Presentation of Narrative text and we will
Topic and be guided by the
Objectives following objectives.
Please read.
At the end of the
lesson,80% of the
students are expected to:

1. define narrative text

2. write simple
narrative text
3. cite the importance
of Narrative Text
Thank you!

20 minutes Discussion Now based from your Video clip

background knowledge and PPT
or based from the quick
We had a while ago, how
can you define Narrative
Yes Mervine?
Ma’am Narrative text
tells a story.
Very good!
Narrative text is a piece
of writing that tells a
story and entertains the
reader or listener.
Narrative Text can be
Fiction and Non-Fiction.
Fiction in way that it is
completely made up
story and Non-Fiction as
it contains factual prose
that is written in a
compelling way facts
told as a story.
The story of The King
and His Daughters is an
example of Narrative
text, let us know why it is
considered as one as we
discuss the elements of
Narrative text.

There are 6 elements of

a Narrative text which
are the Plot, Characters,
Setting, Point of view,
Theme, and Conflict.
Now let us discuss one
by one.

The 1st element is the

Who can read? The Plot is what happens
in a story or what Is the
story all about.
Thank you!

In a narrative or creative
writing, a plot is the
sequence of events that
make up a story, whether
it’s told, written, filmed,
or sung. The plot is the
story, and more
specifically, how
the story develops,
unfolds, and moves in
time. Plots are typically
made up of five main
elements which are
exposition (introduction
of setting and
characters), rising action
(events that build conflict
for the protagonist),
climax (tension of conflict
reaches highest, most
intense point), falling
action (the events
following the climax), and
denouement (the
resolution of conflict).

Now, does the story of

The King and His
Daughters have plot? Yes Ma’am

Very Good!

Now, The second

element of a narrative
text is the Characters.
Who can read?
Characters are the
people involved or
present in the narrative.
Thank you!
A character is a person,
animal, being, creature,
or thing in a story.
Writers use characters to
perform the actions and
speak dialogue, moving
the story along
a plot line. A story can
have only one character
(protagonist) and still be
a complete story. This
character’s conflict may
be an inner one (within
him/herself), or a conflict
with something natural,
such as climbing a
mountain. Most stories
have multiple characters
interacting, with one of
them as the antagonist,
causing a conflict for the

Now who are the

characters in the story
The king and his
Yes Ms. Kiel? The King, His Daughters
and the husband of his
youngest daughter.
Very Good!

The 3rd element of

Narrative Text is the
Who can read? Setting is the time and
location a story takes
Thank you!
The setting of a story
is where and when it
takes place. In other
words, story setting
involves both time period
and geographic region,
as well as individual
locations within that
region (such as a
character’s house,
workplace, or favorite
coffee shop).

Setting serves as the

backdrop to everything
that happens in a story,
and often contributes
significantly to its
atmosphere. This is
why romance novels are
typically set in small,
cozy towns and horror
stories in isolated,
unnerving places (a
Transylvanian castle, a
cabin in the woods).

Now where do you think

is the settings if the story
The King and his

Yes Mr. Gil? In the Kingdom

It’s Right! The story

happens inside the
King’s Kingdom.

Now let us proceed to

the next element which is
the Point of View.

Who can read? Point of view refers to

who is telling or narrating
a story.
Thank you!
Pont of view refers to the
angle from which the
story is told. A story can
be told from the first
person, second person
or third person point of
view (POV). Writers use
POV to express the
personal emotions of
either themselves or their
characters. The POV of
a story is how the writer
wants to convey the
experience to the reader.

Now in what POV do you

think The King and his
Daughters are narrating?
Yes Mr. Janno? 3rd POV Ma’am
Very Good!

The 5th element of a

Narrative text is the

Who can read? Conflict refers to the

issue or problem
characters in a story are
confronted by. The
narrative is structured
around how the
characters face the
Thank you! conflict.
Conflict is a struggle
between opposing
forces. Characters must
act to confront those
forces and there is where
conflict born. If there is
nothing to overcome,
there is no story. Conflict
in a story creates and
drives the plot forward.

The four general types of

conflicts are: 1) person
vs. person (a couple
going through a divorce);
2) person vs. self
(protagonist wrestling
with depression); 3)
person vs. nature
(protagonist trying to
survive a natural
disaster); and 4) person
vs. society (protagonist
fighting for civil rights).
The interaction of
character and conflict
creates the central effect
of the story and is the
main indicator of

Now what type of conflict

do you think The King
and his Daughters is
Yes Ms. Gail? Person vs. Person
Very Good!
Now let us proceed to
the last element of
Narrative Text is the

Who can read? Theme is defined as the

underlying meaning of a
story. It is the message
the writer is trying to
convey through the story.
Thank you!

Theme is perhaps the

most important literary
concept because it is the
overarching idea that the
writer of the story wants
to reader to understand.
All other literary concepts
are used to create
theme. The theme is the
author’s commentary on
a subject.

What do you think is the

theme in the story The
King and his Daughters?
Yes Ms. Rose Ann? Love for Family Ma’am!

Excellent! None ma’am.

Now do you still have
questions about the
elements of a narrative

Now let us know the
characteristics of
Narrative Text.

Who can read?

Characteristics of
Narrative Text.

1. It can be real or
2. May have one or
more characters
3. History has a space
and a time
4. Narrate an action
5. The author of the
text may be the
narrator of the story
6. It has a goal
1. It can be real or

In narrative texts, what is

told may belong to the
plane of reality, but it
may also be the
description of a series of
events framed in fantasy
or fiction.

An example of actual
narrative text is a news
story, whereas a legend
or myth is a fictional

2. May have one or

more characters.

In the narrative text there

are no limits for the
participation of
characters. These can
be protagonists or have
a secondary
participation. On the
other hand, a narrative
can have only one

Examples of narrative
texts with various
characters are
stories. On the other
hand, when we tell
someone tells a personal
story, it is a story with a
single protagonist.

3. History has a space

and a time

The narrative text is

developed in a certain
time and space.

A classic example is the

stories that begin with
“Once upon a time, an
enchanted castle in the
middle of the forest …”.

4. Narrate an action

A narrative text
describes the actions
that the characters
perform. And those
actions, in turn, have an
end within history.

For example, conquering

a territory, rescuing a
character, searching for
treasure, etc.

The author of the text

may be the narrator of
the story

Whoever writes the

narrative text may be, in
turn, who narrates the
events from the first,
second or third person.

When a person sends a

text message telling
about something that
happened to him during
the day, he becomes an
author and a narrator at
the same time.

5. It has a goal

A narrative text can have

an informative purpose
(such as news reports),
teaching (the morals of
stories) or entertainment
(novels, jokes, etc.).

Are we clear already with

the characteristics of a
Narrative Text? Yes Ma’am.
That’s Good to hear!
Now let us proceed to
the Genre of Narrative

Actually there are many

genre of Narrative Text
but we will focus on the

1. Fable
2. Myth
3. Legend
4. Fairy Tales
5. Short story
Let us discuss one by
one. The 1st one is Fable.
Who can read?
Fables are short tales
that usually feature
animals (real or mythical)
given human-like
qualities to deliver a
specific moral or lesson.
Thank You!

Fable is also a story that

is passed down from
generation to generation.
A fable’s overall purpose
is to teach a lesson.
However, all
the characters in a fable
are things that can’t
normally talk. A fable is
about animals, plants, or
forces of nature that can
talk and act like humans.

Characteristics of a
 Fables are fiction.
 Fables are short
and have few
 Characters are
often animals
with human
attributes. They
have strengths
and weaknesses
and are in some
sort of conflict.
 Fables are just
one story.
 The setting can
be anywhere.
 A lesson or moral
is taught and is
sometimes stated
at the end of the

Examples of Fables are

The fox and the grapes,
The lion and the mouse,
The tortoise and the
hare and The fox and
the crow.

Now let us proceed to

the second one which is
Who can read?
A myth is a story that
comes from an ancient
culture and often
includes supernatural
elements. These
elements may be
anything from talking
animals to people with
superhuman powers to
the interference of gods
and goddesses in human
affairs. Myths
traditionally were created
to explain the origins of
the world or of belief
systems, practices, or
natural occurrences in
Thank you! the location of that
A myth is a story that
was made up by people
who wanted to explain
how or why our world
works, how it came to
be, how we should treat
each other, why
hurricanes happen, and
so on.

Myths were sort of like

our ancient ancestors’
version of science. Myths
explained how natural
events occurred and are
set in really ancient
times; before history
even began. These
myths are generally
passed on from parents
to kids, and when those
kids grew up to be
parents, they would tell
their kids, and so on. The
word myth actually
comes from the Greek
“mythos” meaning “word
of mouth.”

Ten Characteristics of a

1. A myth is a story that

is, or was considered, a
true explanation of the
natural world and how it
came to be.

2. Characters are often

non-human and are
typically gods,
goddesses, supernatural
beings or mystical “fist

3. Setting is typically
ancient, or prior to the
time when actual records
were kept. Myths are
typically set in a world
very similar to our own,
but with supernatural
monsters or areas.

4. The plot of a myth

may take place between
a supernatural world and
our present day world.
Myths do this to highlight
the basic human
behaviors that are
essential in any setting.

5. Myths possess events

that bend or break
natural laws. This is
often done to magnify
the “super-naturalness”
of the mythical world.

6. Promotes “Social
Action”—myths try to tell
people how to act and
live. Core values such as
individualism, family and
community are often
instilled in mythical

7. Myths have sense of

mystery, or the unknown.

8. Dualities (or complete

opposites such as
night/day, good/evil)
often play important roles
in the plot of a myth.

9. Myths often have an

emphasis on language…
Mythical heroes are often
sophisticated storytellers.

10. Myths are often

metaphoric—that is,
myths are created to
comment or analyze a
real world event. Real
world questions that
myths often attempt to
answer are:
 Why are we here?
 Who are we?
 Why are we living?
What is our

Examples of Myth:

 Icarus flying too

close to the sun
until his wax wings
melted and he
crashed into the
 The Tower of Babel
being created that
led to the
proliferation of
different languages
among humans.
 A great flood wiping
all most or all of the
humans at the time
(prevalent in
creation myths from
around the world).

Now let us proceed to

the next one which is
Who wants to read?
It refers to a form of
narration that comes
mainly from the oral
tradition, through which
events of human beings
or supernatural beings
are told, reason why it
can narrate a real or
fictitious story that
includes a series of
marvelous aspects.
These fantastic elements
become a reflection of
the folklore of the area
from which it originates,
which is why it is often
defined as a popular
narrative. It is
Thank You! characterized because it
is transmitted orally or in
A legend is a narrative — writing.
often handed down from
the past — that is used
to explain an event,
transmit a lesson, or
simply entertain an
Though customarily told
as "true" stories, legends
often contain
supernatural, bizarre, or
highly improbable
elements. Types of
legends include folk
legends and urban
legends. Some of the
world's most famous
legends survive as
literary texts, such as
Homer's "Odyssey"
and Chrétien de Troyes'
tales of King Arthur.


human actions that are
believed by the
storyteller and the
reader/listener to have
taken place in HUMAN

- Written in such a way

as be at least potentially
real/true; includes no
happenings outside of
the realm of possibility.

- Legends have a
specific SETTING: a
time, and a place. They
often include beliefs and
ideas of a culture.

- Legends have flexible

guidelines, and
therefore, can begin with
miracles that are
believed to have really

- Legends transform over

time. Facts will change
or be stretched,
HYPERBOLE will enter
the PLOTLINE, and
colorful details will
remain and/or get more

- Legends evolve over

the years and are kept
fresh, lively and exciting.

- Legends can be prose

or poetry. They combine
a real event or real
person’s unusual life
story with the
exaggeration and heroic
actions that we associate
with stores of heroes and
great national events.

- Legends read like Folk

Tales but have a least a
bit of historical truth.

- Legends are different

than myths because they
portray a historical hero
rather than one who is a
god or goddess.

Now let us proceed to

the next one which is
Fairy Tales.
Who wants to read?
Generally considered a
type of folklore, fairy
tales are short stories
featuring fantastic or
magical events and
characters.  The Oxford
English Dictionary notes:
“Often stylized in form
and having a structure
following certain general
conventions, they are
sometimes associated
with idealized happy
Thank You! endings or viewed as
stories for children
A fairy tale is a children's
story in a magical setting
about imaginary
characters that include
fairies, dwarfs, witches,
angels, trolls, and talking
animals. It is also known
as a folklore genre
written in the form of
short stories.

Characteristics of Fairy

 Often introduced
with the
phrase “once upon
a time.”
 The story is usually
set in a far-away
kingdom or a
forest, where
human characters
interact with magic
and mystical
 The good side
ultimately triumphs
over evil, and the
promise of a
ending is realized.

Examples of Fairy Tales

are the Following:

 Snow White
 Cinderella
 Rip Van Winkle
 The Twelve Dancing
 Thumbelina

Now let us proceed to

the last one which is
Short story.
Who can read?
A short story is a fully
developed story which is
shorter than a novel and
longer than a fable. It
typically takes just a
single sitting for reading.
Short Story focuses on
the incidents bigger or
smaller and evokes
strong feelings from its
readers. A short story
Thank You! often has a few
characters in the plot.
1. Short story is a story with
a fully developed theme
but significantly shorter
and less elaborate than a
Characteristics of Short
 € Short - Can usually
be read in one
 € Concise:
Information offered in
the story is relevant
to the tale being told.
This is unlike a
novel, where the
story can diverge
from the main plot. €
 Usually tries to
leave behind a single
impression or effect.
Usually, though not
always built around
one character, place,
idea, or act.
 € Because they are
concise, writers
depend on the
reader bringing
experiences and
prior knowledge to
the story

Examples of short story

are The Happy Prince
by Oscar Wilde,
The Yellow Wallpaper
by Charlotte Perkins
Gilman and The Tell-
Tale Heart by Edgar
Allan Poe.

Are the following genres

already clear to you
Yes ma’am
Okay, to test if you really
30 minutes Application understand our new topic PPT
for today we will be
having an activity. We
will be having 5 groups in
this activity, same
groupings with what you
have last time.

What you are going to do

is to write a narrative text
based on the genre that
will be assigned to you.

The 1st group will be

crafting Fables In the
concept of greediness
and using the characters
of Mice and Cat.

The second group will

be assigned in Myth
which will focus on why
we cannot see air.

The 3rd group will be

doing Legend About
Durian fruit.

The 4th group will be

writing Fairy tales About
the Princess and her

And the last group will

be doing Short story
About Tragic Love story.

Make sure all characters

of each genres are
present or will be visibly
seen in your final output.

You will be guided by the

following rubrics.

The first group will be the

one to present, followed
by group 2, then group 3,
followed by group 4 and
last group to present will
be the last group.

I will rate your group

once everyone are
already done presenting.

I will give you 15 minutes

to prepare then after that
we will begin the

You may now start.

(The student will start
doing the activity)
Are you done?
Yes Ma’am
Group 1 are you ready?
Yes Ma’am
You may begin.
(The students will begin
presenting their work)
What a wonderful
performance group 1!
Let us give a virtual clap
for group 1!

Now let us proceed to

the second group.
Group 2 are you ready?
Yes Ma’am!
You may begin.
(The students will begin
presenting their work)
Well done group 2!
Let us give a virtual clap
for group 2!

Now let us proceed to

the third group.
Group 3 are you ready?

You may begin. Yes Ma’am!

(The students will begin

Good job group 3! presenting their work)
Let us give a virtual clap
for group 3!

Now let us proceed to

the 4th group.
Group 4 are you ready?

Yes Ma’am!

(The students will begin

Great Job Group 4! presenting their work)
Let us give a virtual clap
for group 4!

Now let us proceed to

the 5th group.
Group 5 are you ready?
Yes Ma’am!

(The students will begin

presenting their work)
Very Good Work group
Let us give a virtual clap
for group 5!

Excellent work everyone!

I will now rate your work.
(The teacher will start
rating students work)

Thank you so much

everyone for very well
done presentation.
2 minutes Generalization PPT
Did you enjoy the activity
Yes Ma’am.
Very Good!
Now what do you think is
the importance of
Narrative Text both for
reader and writer?
Yes Arman?
Narrative text is
important in a way that It
entertains people and
through narrative writing,
writer expresses his or
her thoughts freely and
That’s right! creatively.
Because of Narrative
writing people tends to
be entertained and be
aware of a certain
concept or idea.
To stimulate their
imagination and to foster
their artistic expression.
Narrative writing allows
students to express their
stories creatively it as
well clarify their thinking,
and teach them to
express that in writing in
an organized way.
So is Narrative writing
already clear to you

Yes Ma’am


Identify what is being referred to in each item. Write your answer on the space before
the number.

__________ 1. A piece of writing that tells a story and entertains the reader or listener.
__________ 2. It pertains to the time and location a story takes place.
__________ 3. It is the underlying meaning of a story. It is the message the writer is trying to
convey through the story.
__________ 4. Genre of Narrative Text which stories features fantastic or magical events and
__________ 5. It refers to the issue or problem characters in a story are confronted by. The
narrative is structured around how the characters face the conflict.
__________ 6. Genre of Narrative Text which Stories that comes from an ancient culture and
often includes supernatural elements.
__________ 7. These are the people involved or present in the narrative.
__________ 8. It refers to who is telling or narrating a story.
__________ 9. These are short tales that usually feature animals (real or mythical) given
human-like qualities to deliver a specific moral or lesson.
__________ 10. It is one of the element of Narrative Text that tells what happens in a story or
what Is the story all about.


 11-15 Elements of Plot

 16-19 Characteristics of Narrative Text
 20-25 Elements of Narrative Text
 26-30 Genre of Narrative Text


1. Write a simple Narrative text. Choose only one Genre you will work on.
 Fables in the concept of Laziness and Wild Animals as your main characters
 Myth about why ants are small
 Legend about bitter melon vegetable
 Fairy Tales about The princess and the Cockroach
 Short Story about Forgiveness

2. Do an advance reading about our next topic which is about Descriptive text.
English Module pp. 35-37.

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