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Learning Episode REMOTE LEARNING

To have a meaningful and successful accomplishment in this FS episode, be sure to read

through the whole episode before participating and assisting in your FS 2 Resource Teacher’s class.
Note all the information you will need and tasks you will need to do before working on this episode.

Target Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Learning Episode, I must be able to:
• establish my classroom routines and procedures before, during and after classes in a face-to-face or in remote
• explain the classroom routines (what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and why those need to be done);
• reflect on the basic questions when building my classroom routines and procedures in the classroom and in
remote learning;
• list down some possible topics for action research on classroom routines and procedures; and
• use professional reflections and learning to improve practice.

Clarify Your Task

Enhancing My Own Classroom Routines and Procedures
(Face-to-Face or Remote Learning)

Routines are the backbone of daily classroom life. They facilitate teaching and learning. Routines don’t
just make the life of the teacher easier. They save valuable classroom time. Efficient routines make it easier for
students to learn and achieve more.
Establishing routines early in the school year enables you to run your daily activities smoothly; ensures
that you mange time effectively; helps you maintain order in the classroom; makes you more focused in teaching
because you spend less time in giving directions/instructions; and enables you to explain to the learners what are
expected of them.
Classroom routines set the foundation for a meaningful school year with teachers and students whether in
the classroom or remotely. To teach classroom routines remotely, it is best to record videos and to post these in
the learning management system so students may watch them over and over again for better retention and for
families to view them so they can assist their children when needed.
Students can take an active role in establishing classroom routines. They can brainstorm on ideas which
they will most likely do and follow. Routines are important especially when done in remote learning so that there
will be less distractions both for synchronous and asynchronous participation.
Revisit the Infographic/s

Participate and Assist

To ensure that I can carry out/perform my tasks efficiently and effectively in participating and assisting
my cooperating teacher in establishing routines and procedures in the classroom or in remote learning. I must be
guided by the following questions:
1. How will I gain student attention in the classroom/remote learning?
2. What are the routines and procedures that I need to establish before, during and after my classes whether
on a face-to-face or remote learning?
3. What verbal and non-verbal communication will I use to signal that students need help/attention in the
classroom/remote learning?
4. How must students get/secure the needed work materials and books and others in the classroom/remote
5. How will students transition to group work and other cooperative activities in the classroom/remote
6. What procedures must be followed by students who need to attend to personal necessities in the
classroom/online classes?
7. What rules must be set for students who finish task early and for those who cannot complete work on
8. What procedures must be observed for tardiness/early dismissals?
9. What procedures must be done when submitting homework/performance tasks in the classroom/remote
10. What procedures must be employed in movements into and out of the classroom/remote learning?
Having these guide questions in mind, consult your Resource Teacher on the possible assistance or
participation that you can do to help her/him in doing the classroom routines. Complete the matrix for the routines
that you can employ before, during and after classes in the classroom/remote learning to ensure order and
discipline in your classes. List down the problems which you have encountered while implementing these
• Lack of Enjoyment in distance learning
• Lack of equipment and educational materials
• Lack of Access to Technology
• Lack of socialization skills of other students
• Lack of cooperating and communicating skills with peers
• Difficulty Learning to Use New Technology
• Difficulty Concentrating
• Difficulty Managing Time
• Absences or Tardiness of students

After doing your classroom routines and formulating your procedures, state what you noticed by
answering the following questions:
How did you feel after employing your classroom routines and establishing your procedures in the
classroom/remote learning?
• After employing my classroom routines and establishing my procedures in the classroom/remote learning, I
felt so happy seeing it increases my student’s confidence and comfort levels since my learners know what is
expected of them in different situations. It is very helpful when working with young learners and teens that need
extra support in regulating their behavior. It encourages student to take responsibility for how their classroom
functions. After employing those routines, it makes my classroom well managed and students are able to learn
effectively from a conducive and learnable environment. I felt that my teaching is very effective and is very
efficient to my students. As a teacher it is very over whelming upon seeing that your classroom routines are
working effectively and it is really a great help.

How did your students respond to your classroom routines and procedures?
• My students respond positively in a way that they are very active and cooperative in the classroom routines
and procedures that I am implementing. My students where students are able to follow and responded and also,
they stay focus on the task at hand. I can see that they are very eager and willing in a way that they are
responsible to take part in classroom routines being implemented.

What was the feedback of your Resource Teacher on your classroom routines and procedures?
• My resource teacher validates that my classroom routines and procedures are effective and is helpful in
promoting conducive learning environment where students are comfortable and eager to learn.

Was there a change in the classroom environment/teaching-learning process after you have implemented your
classroom routines and procedures?
• Yes, there is a change in the classroom environment/ teaching-learning process after I have implemented my
classroom routines and procedures. I have seen that students became more participative, active and eager in
classroom discussion. I have seen that the students become more excited and thrilled every day.
1. What factors/conditions prompted you to establish those classroom routines and procedures?
• I established those classroom routines and procedures because I have seen that students are very inactive and
not functioning well inside the class thus, I created those routines for them to encourage and give some
excitement in learning. I also find that there is a need for betterment and progress on how to manage and teach
students, as well as how to correct and handle their different attitudes and behavior. Another factors or
conditions that made me create those classroom routines and procedures is that there is a need of classroom
management and organization in that class

2. Did the teaching-learning process improve? Justify your answer.

• Yes, the teaching-learning process has improved because I can see the positive changes and improvements that
affects to students as well as in the classroom. Students have learned to discover and go beyond their skills and
talents as well as their capabilities and abilities in working task being given by the teacher. Students shows
their eagerness and excitement in learning every day in class. Also, they are doing their best in fulfilling their
responsibilities and doing their tasks as student. Teaching-learning has been improved thus students performed
well in class.

What insights have you gained while doing this learning episode?
• After doing this episode, I realized that routines are an important way to establish norms, set expectations, and
otherwise build positive relationships in the classroom environment. They help everyone involved be on the same
page. As we all know students often misbehave to fill a stimulation gap. If there is nothing going on around them,
some students will make their own activity by messing with another student or by talking out of turn. Routines
help to minimize this behavior by constantly giving students something to do. If students know what is expected
of them at certain times of the day, they will follow through with these tasks rather than invent their own less-
constructive activities.

Write Action Research Prompts


1. The problems/challenges I encountered in establishing my classroom routines is the lack of cooperating

and communicating skills with peers and cooperation of students and the absences or tardiness of students


2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by making plans and action together with
parents. It would be better if parents also could cooperate on how to improve their child’s behavior by
practicing cooperating and communication skill in their homes, as well as encourage their child to always go
or attend virtual class on class days.

3. Some strategies/ways which I can employ to improve my classroom routines are:

• Giving rewards and punishments to students who follows the rules regularly
• Giving justified punishment to those who don’t follow or disobey rules
• Improving and updating the classroom routines in different circumstances
• Making the classroom routine a daily habit to everyone inside the cla


4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action research on this episode is

“Action Research in the Implementation of Classroom Routines and Procedures for a Conducive
Environment for Teaching and Learning Process.”
Work on my Artifacts
Take some snapshots of your routines in the classroom or in remote learning
and tell something about them. You may also write down the procedures you have
formulated and explain the reasons for these.

• Asking some question to students

It will help them develop their participation in
class during class discussion as well as you’ll
be aware of the ideas of you students about
certain topic.

• Let students do group activities

It will help them develop their collaboration
and participation in doing or performing a task.

• Guide students in doing the task

It will help them perform the task correctly as

they have you as a guide. Never let your students
wonder or guess on how to do the task correctly.

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