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WilD Magic in your Game 3

WilD Magic Surge Table 5

The Dungeon Coach

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DC Wild Magic Table


Wild Magic in Your Game

Wild Magic Surge Tips on. These are fun for making it harder on the players to
figure out what exactly is causing this to happen.
• Duration is probably the most important because I want it
How the Table Works to be up to the GM how long this thing lasts. What makes
When rolling on this Wild Magic Surge table, roll both a d100 the most sense for the story? They just have this cool effect
and d20 at the same time. The d100 shows you which row to on them and LOVE it… maybe it's a permanent thing. Or
reference and the d20 tells you which resulting column to use. maybe there is a really bad effect that they HATE and would
A d20 result of 1-5 is bad, 6-15 is neutral, and 16-20 is good. If be awful to have… well have it drop off right after combat
any effect tells you that the Wild Magic Surge will always be a is over or they wake up the next morning totally fine.
certain type (good, neutral, or bad) then you should ignore the YOU as the GM know what would tell the best story and
d20 result and only use that column. be the most memorable. Maybe have that negative effect
be “permanent” and the place they are going to now has a
Check out my YouTube video about the d300 Wild Magic mystical healer in town that can cure them of this effect…
Surge table. for a price (side quest/ story hook / etc)
Good, Neutral, Bad What causes a wild magic surge
• Rolling Nat 1’s / Nat 20’s
My favorite thing about this table is that there is a spectrum
• Enemies or Allies rolling Nat 1’s / Nat 20’s
of good, neutral, and bad to it. With wild magic surge
• Combat Starts
tables being 100% randomly organized… it limits its overall
• You/ Ally/ Enemy falls unconscious or dies
usefulness. You can still use this d300 table randomly if you
• Take a certain type of damage
want, in fact MOST of the time that is how I use it… BUT
• Something VERY specific
having 3 different categories accomplishes 2 things.

1. When the players look at the dice on the table, they will be Delays
looking at the d20 and think “Oh No” when it’s a low number When the wild magic surge occurs
and “Oh Yes” when it’s a high number.
• No delay, it happens as SOON as the trigger happens (this is
2. It lets you create items and effects that have a GOOD or
how most of the items work)
BAD result baked into it so there is SOME control over the
• Next skill check/ saving throw/ attack roll they make
positive or negative impact of these things. Like creating
• 1 min/ 1 hour/ 1 day after the trigger happens
effects, boons, and items with BUFFS of only good effects or
• If it's in combat it can have a 1 round delay all the way
cursed items, effects, or even monsters that have bad effects.
through when combat ends
• At the GM’s discretion when “the time is right” (my personal
Triggers, Delay and Duration favorite)

On ALL of these Wild Magic Surges I do not usually have a

specific time duration on how long each of these lasts. I also Durations
do not usually put exact DC’s on saving throws or even exact How long the wild magic surge effect lasts
damage dealt. There are tables for GM’s to deal appropriate • Rolls each round for when the effect ends (Usually Wisdom
damage for challenge level if you need that (it’s on the back of or Constitution saves)
most GM screens) BUT I want these things to be customizable • 1d6 rounds later the effect ends
to what makes sense/ what level you are encountering these • 1 minute / 1 hour / 1 day
wild magic surges at. I want this table to be useful for a level • Permanent until removed by side quest/ spell of some kind
3 one shot… AND for a FULL Campaign where you can use • On GM discretion (my personal favorite)
it from level 1-20 and never have to worry about it falling off.
You can choose how powerful these effects are.
• Triggers are for what causes these surges to happen (as
explained in the items below as well. But you can easily add
wild magic into your game / travel / city / group.
• Delays are if the wild surge happens the moment the trigger
happens… or if there is a delay and the surge happens later


Implementing Wild Magic Surge Using Wild Magic Subclasses
Items I love these and these are designed to be pure fun. They are
designed with a “Wild” playstyle in mind and make sure your
In every single campaign I have ever run… I have given my group would be okay with this type of character. I love the
players some kind of wild magic surge item within the first unpredictability of the Wild Magic Sorcerer and these try to
5 sessions or so. (one time it took a while since it was a low establish that WILD type of feel in 4 different ways. I had fun
magic setting… but you get the idea) I do this because I think making these and would definitely have fun playing them.
this mechanic is FUN and I want to introduce this FUN level Maybe they are best played in a one-shot? Or you could always
of RANDOMNESS into my games. It keeps things fresh for tone down the frequency of those Wild Magic Surges.
me with improv as a GM for what happens when a Wild
Surge goes off. Another secret hint towards the future is that I feel that
casting magic in D&D should be a bit more unpredictable
These Items should entice the players to use them for a and have more “risk and reward” and highs and lows than it
known benefit… BUT… the outcome of the surge (if one even does currently. Magic is PERFECT to cast… every time? Yet
happens) is unknown and it's unknown if it's going to be good a fighter (no matter what level) always has to make an attack
or bad too. I would not give players exact details about magic roll, and could miss… meanwhile casters are perfectly casting
items, instead let them figure it out! Give hints and general 9th level spells with zero chance for failure. Manipulating the
ideas but I just love items like this. weave and tapping into this kind of power should feel more
So here is a list of some items you could introduce at ANY ALIVE… BUT that is a video/ homebrew for another day.
point in your campaign. The first 3 items are literal examples These subclasses dip into that WILD feel of magic. I hope
of what I have used in my games that I gave players at the start. you like them!
Infact one of them came from me giving it to a player that had Check out my YouTube video about the Wild Magic
a mysterious backstory right out the gate of the campaign. Sorcerer Rework.


Wild Magic Surge Table

Wild Magic Surge table (d300)

d100 1-5 Bad 6-15 Neutral 16-20 Good
1 You Polymorph into a hostile dragon and attack the nearest You turn into a dragonborn and can only speak You transform into a dragon. The GM
creature. At the start of each of your turns, you may make Draconic and barely understand Common. chooses an appropriate type, color, and
a Wis Save to gain control over your new form. duration.
2 You Polymorph into a dog. A talking spectral dog appears, that only you You gain a talking ethereal dog companion
can see. that appears and disappears on your
3 You Polymorph into a Small creature. You slowly turn into a forest creature (deer, You gain the druid Wild Shape feature.
fox, squirrel, etc).
4 You turn into a troglodyte and gain the Stench feature: an You slowly turn into a reptile piece by piece You gain the dragonborn Breath Weapon and
aura of 20ft, Con Save or become Poisoned. (skin, nails, eyes, limbs). grow scales in cool places.
5 You transform into a stone, marble, or metal statue of The appearance of your skin changes into You gain +2 AC as your skin turns into a
yourself, during which time you are considered Petrified. stone, marble, or metal. hardened stone, marble, or metal.
6 You Polymorph into a raven. You grow feathers on your arms, back, legs etc. You grow black raven wings out of your back
and gain a fly speed of 40ft.
7 Your touch turns all non-living things into rusted copper Every non-organic thing you touch, temporarily 3d6 x100 silver pieces appear randomly
(reverse midas touch). turns to gold. around you over the next hour.
8 You grow gills and can ONLY breathe water. You grow gills on your neck. You gain the ability to breathe water.
9 You are Stunned and feel extreme pain for 1 round, make a Every so often you freeze in place for a few You gain the effects of Time Stop but only
Con Save each round until you are successful. seconds… no mechanics to this, just RP. for 30 seconds.
10 Your skin thins and is now vulnerable to Slashing and Your skin thickens and you gain Unarmored If a blade hits your SKIN, you have resistance
Piercing damage. Defense. If you already have this, then increase to Slashing and Piercing damage (cannot be
AC by +1. wearing armor).
11 All of your hair falls out. For the next hour, you are the opposite gender. You gain the ability to change the color of
your skin, hair, and eyes at will.
12 You Polymorph into the nearest creature or the last You grow antlers, fur, horns, or some other You gain the ability to speak with animals
creature you have seen. beastly feature. permanently and can cast Beast Bond at will.
13 You shapeshift into a monkey that can still function as the You grow a tail. You grow a prehensile tail that can function
player BUT has reduced Intelligence and is “primal”. like another hand that can interact with any
object as a free Action.
14 Two of your ability scores swap (for a bad result) at the Two of your ability scores swap (for a funny Two of your ability scores swap (for a good
GMs discretion. result) at the GMs discretion. result) at the GMs discretion.
15 Every time you attack with a weapon or cast a spell, take You gain a cantrip. Either the player or the GM You start to gain access to spells OR if you
1d4 Force damage. has control over its uses... GM’s choice. can already cast spells; different types than
16 Next ally you speak to suffers the effects of Bane. Next ally you speak to gains the effects of You gain the Bardic Inspiration feature.
17 You lose 10ft of movement and triple in weight density You weigh 1/10 of your normal weight (Feather You gain 10ft of movement and triple your
(can’t jump). Fall). jump distance.
18 You suffer 1 level of Exhaustion. You understand how to use ALL weapons and You get a surge of adrenaline and gain one
have an urge to use a different one. use of Action Surge.
19 Your eyesight goes dark and you are considered Blinded. You gain the ability of echolocation (hear You gain Blindsight.
20 You cannot speak, only bubbles come out. You must shout when you speak. You can now speak telepathically.


21 You are surrounded by a faint, offensive odor. You You lose the ability to smell or taste. Your sense of smell strengthens. You
gain DisADV on all Charisma Checks, and potentially even gain Blindsight with a radius of 10ft
Stealth Checks. and ADV on Perception Checks related to
22 You suffer the effects of Slow. You feel the rushes of Haste and Slow back and You gain the effects of Haste.
forth (no spell effects, only RP).
23 You LOSE prof. in the next proficient skill check you make You feel a strong sense of confidence and Your knowledge and skill has ascended! You
(not casting spells or making attacks). ability to learn. You permanently gain prof. in are now prof. in everything you do.
the next thing you attempt to do (skill / tool
24 All allies around you must make a Wis Save or suffer the Allies around you gain the effects of Bless. Allies within 20ft of you gain +2 to attack
effects of Bane. and damage rolls on any melee weapon/ spell
attack they make.
25 You can only see non-living things (all living things are Your eyes turn white with a subtle glow. You gain the ability to look through walls for
invisible to you). 1 hour.
26 A 30ft cube Hypnotic Pattern appears with you at the You get extremely drowsy and have small You IMMEDIATELY gain the effects of a Long
center. All creatures within the pattern must make narcoleptic flare ups. Basically you fall asleep Rest and future Long and Short Rests require
a Wis Save or fall asleep for 1 minute or until they take randomly. (no mechanical punishments, just half the amount of time as normal.
damage. RP).
27 You lose 2 (or more) in a primary ability score but gain 2 in You gain a +1 to one ability score and a -1 to You gain +2 (or more) in a primary ability
a secondary ability. another (GM choice). score but lose 2 from a secondary ability.
28 You gain the ability to fly, but once you exceed 30ft above You can levitate up to 10ft high, but no farther You gain a fly speed of 30ft.
ground you lose the ability. and your move speed is reduced to 10ft.
29 You suffer the effects of Enlarge/Reduce and shrink by one You grow noticeably taller or shorter (GM You gain the effects of Enlarge/Reduce and
size category. choice). grow to one size category larger.
30 You gain over 100lbs and your movement speed is halved. You must move at full speed any time you Your movement speed doubles and you can
move anywhere (always sprinting). dash as a Bonus Action.
31 Subtract 2 from your Strength modifier. Your muscles swell and grow, and look FAR Add 2 to your Strength modifier.
more defined.
32 Subtract 2 from your Dexterity modifier. You become “clumsy”, constantly tripping/ Add 2 to your Dexterity modifier.
dropping things.
33 Subtract 2 from your Constitution modifier. Everything hurts when it touches you. Add 2 to your Constitution modifier.
34 Subtract 2 from your Intelligence modifier. You can no longer read, write, do math, or Add 2 to your Intelligence modifier.
even count.
35 Subtract 2 from your Wisdom modifier. You become very gullible. Add 2 to your Wisdom modifier.
36 Subtract 2 from your Charisma modifier. You become more attractive and well-spoken. Add 2 to your Charisma modifier.
37 A Fireball explodes centered on you, requiring Dex Saves in Any flammable item you touch, that you aren’t A large ball of fire (Delayed Blast Fireball) is
a 20ft radius. already wearing or carrying, bursts into flame. at your control similar to Flame Sphere. You
can move it 20ft/round and detonate it on
38 You stand at the center of a circular Wall of Fire with a You catch on fire, burning each round for 1d4 You gain control of a fire aura that you can
radius of 15ft. Any creature in any of the spaces covered by Fire damage. turn on or off, dealing 1d4 Fire damage
this fire must make a Dex Save or take Fire damage. within 5ft of you, and are now resistant to
Fire damage.
39 All creatures within 30ft of you must make a Str Save or get A gentle gust of wind blows outward from you. All creatures within 30ft of you make a Str
pulled towards you OR pushed away from you (whichever All creatures within 40ft of you can feel it, but Save or get pulled towards you OR pushed
would be WORSE). it otherwise does nothing. away from you (whichever would be
40 A loud boom emanates from you. All creatures within Any creature you touch takes 2d6 Lightning You can cast Call Lightning for free as an
15ft take 2d8 Thunder damage and must make a Con Save damage Action.
against your Spell Save DC or be Deafened. (the GM could have you make a melee spell
attack if needed).
41 Every time you touch an organic creature you make a Str You gain the ability to cast Mage Hand with just The next creature you touch/attack/ cast a
Save or YOU fly backwards 30ft. your thoughts. spell on flies back 30ft.
42 At your location a Delayed Blast Fireball forms and erupts At the start of your next turn there is a burst You can now permanently cast Burning
in 1d4 rounds. of flames and creatures within 10ft of you take Hands but must learn to control it (Cha Save
1d6 Fire damage. to try and control it).
43 You uncontrollably levitate upwards. Lightning shoots out You slowly start levitating upwards, You can cast Levitate on yourself at will, but
of you to the 3 closest targets for 3d10 Lightning damage. uncontrollably (this could be bad). it only lasts 30 seconds.


44 Blinding light flashes from you in a 60ft radius all within You glow with light out to a distance of 60ft Light glows out 60ft from you that you
range must make a Con Save or be Blinded. You are now from you. can activate/ deactivate, and you can cast
vulnerable to Radiant damage. Daylight at will.
45 You are the center of a Circle of Death (only 4d6) and a All light sources within a 60ft radius are You gain magical Darkvision and can cast
cloud of magical darkness is left behind. extinguished. Darkness as an Action.
46 An Earthquake triggers centered around you and you can Your feet constantly sink into the ground. You can control earth and stone within 10ft
control sections of earth that are not affected. of you.
47 You stand at the center a circular Wall of Force with a You and all creatures within 30ft of you gain You gain control of a small Wall of Force that
radius of 15ft. Any creature in any of the spaces covered by vulnerability to Force damage. When you make you can move around, 30ft at a time, as a
this wall must make a Dex Save or take Force damage. an attack, a single Magic Missile hits a random Bonus Action. The wall is 10ft tall and 10ft
target. wide (or more).
48 You fire a Magic Missile twice at each of your party Every so often a Magic Missile fires off at You fire a Magic Missile three times at each
members. one of your party members whenever ____ enemy within 120ft.
happens (ex. They get within 20ft of each
49 Everything within 20ft is pulled 10ft towards you. All creatures within 20ft of you must make All hostile creatures make a Str Save or fly
a Str Save or be knocked Prone. back 30ft and take massive Force damage.
50 You must make a Str Save or fly towards a target (GMs You are “magnetically” drawn towards a You gain Telekinesis as an Action but only to
choice). You do not take damage on a fail but still get target (GMs choice). Gain 5ft of movement pull things towards you.
thrown towards the target. when running towards them and lose 5ft of
movement when moving away from them.
51 Oil pours off of you, giving off an odor and leaving a trail A puddle appears around you triggering the You can cast Grease, as an Action, at will
and residue everywhere. effects of Grease. now.
52 You teleport to an alternate plane of existence. You teleport for a few seconds to places that You can now teleport to a place you have
could be helpful or hurtful (GM choice). been (1 use).
53 You phase into an ethereal version of yourself, as if under For the next minute, you are under the effects You gain the ability to cast Blink as a Bonus
the effects of Blink. Blink, under GM control. Action.
54 A duplicate of yourself spawns into existence and instantly A duplicate of yourself appears in the nearest You gain control of a duplicate that you can
starts to run away and cause problems for you. open space to you. It can take Actions summon once per day (has 1 HP). It looks
independently and goes on the same initiative like you and follows your commands.
as you. However, any damage it takes as well as
any spell slots it uses applies to you as well.
55 A magic item in your possession becomes mundane A mundane item on your person gets A mundane or magic item in your possession
(temporarily?). duplicated. (Perception Check to notice a wisp gets duplicated (GM discretion).
of magic flying into their gear).
56 The effects of Darkness appear. It is centered on and moves The effects of Fog Cloud appear. It is centered You gain the effects of Gaseous Form, that
with you. on and moves with you. you can activate with a Bonus Action and the
fly speed increases to 30ft.
57 You trigger an Unseen Servant that is constantly plotting A small illusory dog spawns and is under your You gain the use of an Unseen Servant that
against and trying to sabotage you. command (it can talk but only like a small comes and goes when called upon.
58 You keep uncontrollably teleporting into objects, bouncing You keep sporadically teleporting 10ft into the You can freely cast Misty Step for free as a
off of things, or into dangerous positions. air and free falling, taking 1d6 Bludgeoning Bonus Action.
59 You are under the effects of Dominate Person, which Your vision goes red and you start feeling You gain the barbarian Rage feature.
causes you to attack everything in sight. extreme anger, hatred, or rage.
60 You are Frightened by the nearest creature until you You feel scared by, afraid of, or paranoid about You gain the Frightful Presence ability to
succeed on a Wis Save. a random ally. a range of 60ft, causing each creature of
your choice to make a Wis Save or become
Frightened for 1 minute.
61 You forget everything that happened within the last 24 You suffer the effects of Modify Memory (GM You gain the effects of Mind Blank.
hours. adds, takes away, or changes a memory).
62 You have a FULL case of amnesia and forget everything You forget who one of your party members is, You gain the ability to control the memory of
(except your class mechanics). temporarily. others with a Wis Save as an Action (Modify
63 A demon equal to your level appears near you. It makes a An imp appears and makes a Cha Save. If it fails, A succubus or incubus appears and you can
Cha Save. If it fails, the demon is subservient, otherwise, it the imp is subservient, otherwise, it is hostile. make a pact with it to do your bidding, the
is hostile. better the deal, the more they will do.


64 You are now under the effects of Confusion. You get confused very easily now and have to You can look creatures in the eye and cast
be told everything 2-3 times before it makes Confusion. You must be within 15ft and
sense (RP effects only). either in front of them or have them looking
at you.
65 (Don’t tell PC how this works) Every creature within 60ft You can now only say EITHER very hurtful (Don’t tell PC how this works) Everytime
of you that hears you speak only hears insults as if you are things, or very kind things (Super MEAN / you speak to anyone, they gain the effects
casting Vicious Mockery at 1st-level. Super NICE). of Bless or Guidance and can add 1d4 to the
next thing they do.
66 You must now speak in an accent, pig latin, rhyme, or sing Everything you say now must rhyme. If it If spoken in a rhyme or sang you have ADV
(GM choose one) or take 4d6 Psychic damage. doesn’t, you take 1d6 Psychic damage. on the next thing you do that the rhyme/
song was about.
67 You can only speak the phrases of others around you (like a Every so often you MUST repeat phrases of As an Action you can suggest an Action for
kenku). If you need to cast a spell with a verbal component, others around you (like a parrot). a creature to do over and over again (like
someone else around you must speak it first, so you can Command, but on repeat) They must make
too after. a Wis Save.
68 You HAVE to lie : You can NOT tell the truth. You feel compelled to insult everyone you Every time you compliment someone… they
come in contact with. Not doing this makes heal for 1d4.
you suffer 2d4 Psychic damage.
69 You gain the influence of an evil patron. You gain the influence of a neutral patron. You gain the influence of a good patron.
70 You take 1d8 Radiant damage if you do anything “evil” or Your touch automatically casts Light on You can Imbue items with 1d8 Radiant energy
lie. creatures. that heals or harms.
71 You completely believe everything you hear. You can detect the thoughts of 1 creature you You can immediately tell when anyone is
can see within 30ft of you for 1 minute. lying.
72 You can now only see through the eyes of the ally that is A third eye appears on your forehead giving A third eye appears on your forehead giving
nearest to you. you ADV on sight-based Perception Checks. you the ability to cast Scrying to a location
you can see.
73 You temporarily forget how to speak Common. You can understand all languages, temporarily. You permanently learn one relevant
74 You go back in time (GM chooses a length of time). You You get a vision from the past or future (GM You go forwards in time (GM chooses a
disappear from the rest of the party for between 6 seconds story discretion). length of time). You disappear from the rest
- 1 min, then reappear in the same spot… careful what you of the party for between 6 seconds - 1 min,
do. then reappear in the same spot… what will
you learn?
75 You get a glimpse of a possible “worst-case scenario” of You get a glimpse of an event from the past You teleport back in time to a place of great
something relevant to you in the future. about something important that gives you importance… but be careful what you do…
clues or useful hints.
76 An item on your person becomes cursed with a sentient You start to hear voices emanating from one One randomly chosen item in your inventory
demon. of the items on your person… and think it’s becomes sentient.
sentient (GM secret… it’s not).
77 Player unknowingly has a WISH spell… but a BAD kind… that A surge of energy flows through your body and Player unknowingly has control over a WISH
ONLY manifests itself as a player’s worst fear or something makes your eyes have a subtle glow to them. spell. The next thing they want to happen,
that would be BAD if it happened. Can happen instantly or “Magical Possibilities” (GM have something does. (GM Note: DO NOT TELL THEM, just
“when the time is right”. special happen based on the players wants and describe a surge and that’s all… wait for them
desires, instantly or in the future, then eye to naturally say something in character.)
glow stops.)
78 You are Blinded during the day. You gain Darkvision or Improved Darkvision if You gain the effects of See Invisibility.
you already have Darkvision.
79 If you tell the truth you take heavy Psychic damage. Every time you lie your eyes glow a golden You can cast Zone of Truth at will.
80 You get a vision of yourself dying (made up by GM) make a You have a vision of an important story You have a vision of what the BBEG is doing
Wis Save or be Frightened. element and gain key info. right now.
81 You have an invisible Mage Hand that does nothing but steal Whatever object is in your hand (or the next You gain the service of a 2nd-level Spiritual
or pull pranks on those around you, making you look guilty one you touch) you can now move it around Weapon.
for it. telepathically within 30ft of yourself.
82 You have a momentary vision of your own death. You are You get a strong sense that you can tell the If you touch a creature you can get a vision of
Frightened until you succeed on a Wis Save. future… but you can’t (GM can either lie to the how they might die.
player and give false visions, or let them know
the truth and just RP it).
83 You can now ONLY see invisible creatures. You gain control of an Arcane Eye but you You now have Truesight.
can ONLY see through it, and are otherwise


84 You draw in health from allies around you. Targets of this Every creature within 15ft of you takes 2 You gain the ability to use the Hit Dice from
effect make a Con Save or you drain 2 Hit Dice (or deal Necrotic damage. If you are wounded (below one ally and apply it to another, within 30ft,
Necrotic damage) from each within 60ft… You like this 1/2 health) you regain HP equal to half the siphoning life from one to the other.
feeling and want more. amount of damage dealt.
85 Roll a Hit Dice and subtract that much from your HP You can either cure one disease or poison Roll a Hit Dice and add that much to your HP
maximum. effect OR gain one disease or poison effect. maximum.
(GM Choice)
86 You suffer one permanent Death Save failure. You must make a Death Save, and permanently You gain one permanent Death Save success.
gain the result.
87 All food you touch becomes tainted w/ poison (find All food and drink within 30ft of you gains the You permanently gain the effects of Detect
creative solution to eat food). effects of Purify Food and Drink. Poison and Disease.
88 The next creature you kill comes back from the dead with a The next creature that dies, in the next minute, The next creature that falls Unconscious (or
life-long vengeance to hunt you down and kill you. returns as a ghost and haunts whomever killed dies) you can bring back with just a touch
it. and heal up to an amount of HP equal to your
character level.
89 You immediately drop to 0 HP. You must touch an ally once every minute or You immediately heal to full health and
fall Unconscious. An ally touching you brings gain the Lay on Hands feature with (level
you back to consciousness at 1 HP. appropriate charges).
90 (GM chooses target) You are bound by voodoo to this (GM chooses target) You now must act like (GM chooses target) Your soul is bound to
target, anything that happens to them (damage and and be like that person, doing everything they a target and you can now cast spells through
effects) happens to you too. do. them and use each other's Hit Dice.
91 During stressful situations (GM discretion) you take 1d6 You constantly heal for 1 HP every 6 seconds. Energy surges out of you, healing all allies
Necrotic damage every round, slowly dying. within 30ft.
92 You are a magnet for all projectiles. Any projectile within You immediately gain a magic shield of Temp All your allies within 30ft of you gain Temp
20ft of you gets redirected to you as the new target. HP (GMs discretion for an appropriate amount HP. (choose an appropriate amount based
based on level and circumstance). on level and circumstance)
93 You are at the center of an Antimagic Field that negates all Magic cast around you starts to fade, act You can now negate magic effects around
magic up to ___ level (GM choice). strange, malfunction, or wear off faster. you (gain the ability to cast Counterspell and
Dispel Magic for free within 30ft of you).
94 At the most random and inopportune times, magic surges You are now trapped inside a magic dome of a You can now freely cast Shield as a Reaction.
from you and you create force fields around things (could material or force. How can you get out? (GM
be yourself, creature, or objects). puzzle)
95 A flock of small magic creatures surround and harass you in You gain the ability to Speak with Animals. You gain the services of a Phantom Steed or
various ways (birds, squirrels, etc). animal companion.
96 You become a beacon of light with beams of light shooting You become the source of Daylight. You turn Invisible.
out of your body in all directions, all the way into the sky.
97 Plants grow around you and you become Restrained by Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter in You cast Mirror Image on yourself and it does
them. the air around you in a 10ft radius for 1 minute. not require Concentration.
98 You can only speak ____ (GM language choice). The next thing you touch spawns an illusory You gain the ability to throw your voice,
mouth that functions as your only way to speak to a spot you can see, and you can cause
or make sounds. creatures to make a Wis Save or be forced to
say what you want.
99 You gain a 10ft aura of Silence around you. You make no sounds of any kind: footsteps or You can go Invisible at will, as a Bonus Action.
100 Nothing happens... yet. The GM secretly rolls on this table Nothing happens... yet. The GM secretly Nothing happens... yet. The GM secretly rolls
again but only rolls the d100 and takes a BAD result. The rolls on this table again and chooses when to on this table again but only rolls the d100 and
GM then triggers this effect at a very bad time for the trigger the effect they rolled (good/ bad/ funny takes a GOOD result. The GM then triggers
target. timing). this effect at a very good time for the target.


OPEN GAME LICENSE Version 1.0a License to copy, modify and distribute any Open Game Content originally
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and is distributed under any version of this License.
Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights Reserved. 10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License with every
1. Definitions:  (a)”Contributors”  means  the copyright and/or trademark copy of the Open Game Content You Distribute.
owners who have contributed Open Game Content; (b)”Derivative 11. Use of Contributor Credits: You may not market or advertise the Open
Material” means copyrighted material including derivative works and Game Content using the name of any Contributor unless You have written
translations (including into other computer languages), potation, permission from the Contributor to do so.
modification, correction, addition, extension, upgrade, improvement, 12. Inability to Comply: If it is impossible for You to comply with any of the
compilation, abridgment or other form in which an existing work may be terms of this License with respect to some or all of the Open Game Content
recast, transformed or adapted; (c) “Distribute” means to reproduce, due to statute, judicial order, or governmental regulation then You may not
license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast, publicly display, transmit or otherwise Use any Open Game Material so affected.
distribute;(d)”Open Game Content” means the game mechanic and 13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to
includes the methods, procedures, processes and routines to the extent comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of
such content does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as Open of this License.
Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work covered by this 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable,
License, including translations and derivative works under copyright law, but such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it
specifically excludes Product Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product enforceable.
and product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress; 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.;
likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
other visual or audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims,
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special and Steve Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave
abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical Arneson.
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic designs; and
any other trademark or registered trademark clearly identified as Product Notice of Open Game Content: This work Uses Open Game Content
identity by the owner of the Product Identity, and which specifically excludes pursuant to the Open Game License, version 1.0a.
the Open Game Content; (f) “Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, and may be Used only under and in terms of that license. No portion of this
sign, motto, designs that are used by a Contributor to identify itself or its work other than the material designated as
products or the associated products contributed to the Open Game License Open Game Content may be reproduced or used in any form or fashion
by the Contributor (g) “Use”, “Used” or “Using” means to use, Distribute, without written permission.
copy, edit, format, modify, translate and otherwise create Derivative
Material of Open Game Content. (h) “You” or “Your” means the licensee in Product Identity: The following are hereby identified and designated
terms of this agreement. as Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version 1.0a,
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: DC Playbook, The Dungeon
contains a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used Coach, The Dungeon Company, The Dungeon Coach LLC, all The Dungeon
under and in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Coach product and product line names, logos and identifying marks
Game Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from including trade dress; artifacts; creatures; characters; stories, story lines,
this License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or plots, thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols,
conditions may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and
License. graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations; names
3.Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments, personalities, teams,
Your acceptance of the terms of this License. personas, likenesses and special abilities; places, locations, environments,
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this creatures, equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos,
License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty‑free, symbols or graphic designs; and any other trademark or registered
non‑exclusive license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open trademark. Content that has previously been designated as Open Game
Game Content. Content or is in the public domain is not included in this designation.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
material as Open Game Content, You represent that Your Contributions are Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product Identity
Your original creation and/or You have sufficient rights to grant the rights Designation herein, the following material is designated as Open Game
conveyed by this License. Content. (1) all material required to be Open Game Content as part of the
6.Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE game rules, or previously released as Open Game Content, (2) all material
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE previously released as Open Game Content, (3) all previously released Open
of any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, Game Content, material required to be Open Game Content under the terms
and You must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder’s of the Open Game License, and public domain material anywhere in the text.
name to the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you
Distribute. DC Playbook, Copyright © 2022, The Dungeon Coach, The Dungeon Coach
7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product Identity, LLC. All rights reserved. Not for resale or redistribution. Permission given to
including as an indication as to compatibility, except as expressly licensed print or copy for personal use only
in another, independent Agreement with the owner of each element of that
Product Identity. You agree not to indicate compatibility or co‑adaptability
with any Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
containing Open Game Content except as expressly licensed in another,
independent Agreement with the owner of such Trademark or Registered
Trademark. The use of any Product Identity in Open Game Content does not
constitute a challenge to the ownership of that Product Identity. The owner
of any Product Identity used in Open Game Content shall retain all rights,
title and interest in and to that Product Identity.
8. Identification: If you distribute Open Game Content You must clearly
indicate which portions of the work that you are distributing are Open Game
9. Updating the License: Wizards or its designated Agents may publish
updated versions of this License. You may use any authorized version of this


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