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PSYCHIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH NURSING  Self-concept and body image changes,

PHENOMENA OF CONCERN developmental issues, life process

changes, and end of life issues.
 The American Psychiatric Nurse
 Physical symptoms that occur along
Association (APNA) has standards of
with altered psychological status
practice and standards of professional
 Psychological symptoms that occur
performance. These also outline the
along with altered physiologic status
areas of practice and phenomena of
 Interpersonal, organizational,
concern for today’s psychiatric-mental
sociocultural, spiritual, or
health nurse. The phenomena of
environmental circumstances or events
concern describe the 13 areas of
that have an affect on the mental and
concern that mental health nurses
emotional well –being of the individual
focus on when caring for clients
and family or community
Actual or potential mental health problems  Elements of recovery, including the
pertaining to: ability to maintain housing,
employment, and social support, that
 Promotion of optimal mental and help individuals reengage in seeking
physical health and well-being and meaningful live
prevention of mental illness  Societal factors such as violence,
 Impaired ability to function related to poverty, and substance abuse.
psychiatric, emotional and physiologic
distress. Ares of Practice
 Alterations in thinking, perceiving and
Basic Level Functions
communicating due to psychiatric
disorders or mental health problems. Counseling
 Behaviors and mental states that
indicate potential danger to self or  Interventions and communication
others. techniques
 Problem-solving
 Crisis intervention
 Stress management
 Emotional stress related to illness, pain,
 Behavior modification
disability, and loss
 Symptom management, side effects or Milieu therapy
toxicities associated with self
administered drugs,  Maintain therapeutic environment
psychopharmacologic intervention, and  Teach skills
other treatment modalities  Encourage communication between
 The barriers to treatment efficacy and clients and others
recovery posed by alcohol and  Promote growth through role modelling
substance abuse and dependence

Self-care activities
 Encourage independence The psychiatric-mental health nurse identifies
 Increase self-esteem expected outcomes individualized to the client
 Improve function and health
Standard IV. Planning
Psychobiologic interventions
The psychiatric-mental health nurse develops a
 Administer medications plan of care that prescribes interventions to
 Teach attain expected outcomes.
 Observe
Standard V. Implementation
 Health teaching
 Case management The psychiatric-mental health nurse
 Health promotion and maintenance implements the interventions identified in the
plan of care.

Advanced-Level Functions Standard Va. Counselling

 Psychotherapy The psychiatric-mental health nurse uses

 Prescriptive authority for drugs (in counselling interventions to assists clients in
many states) improving or regaining their previous coping
 Consultation and liaison abilities, fostering mental health, and
 Evaluation preventing mental illness and disability.
 Program development and
Standard Vb. Milieu Therapy
 Program development and The psychiatric-mental health nurse provides,
management structures, and maintains a therapeutic
 Clinical supervision environment in collaboration with the client
and other health care providers.
CLINICAL NURSING PRACTICE Standard Vc. Promotion Self-Care Activities

STANDARDS OF CARE The psychiatric-mental health nurse structures

interventions around the client’s activities of
Standard I. Assessment
daily living to foster self-care and mental and
The psychiatric –mental health nurse collects physical well –being.
client health data.
Standard Vd. Psychobiologic Interventions
Standard II. Diagnosis
The psychiatric-mental health nurse uses
The psychiatric-mental health nurse analyses knowledge of psychobiologic interventions and
the data in determining diagnoses. applies clinical skills to restore the client’s
health and prevent further disability.
Standard III. Outcome Identification
Standard Ve. Health Teaching
The psychiatric-mental health nurse , through The advanced practice psychiatric – mental
health teaching, assists clients in achieving health nurse provides consultation to enhance
satisfying, productive, and healthy patterns of the abilities of other clinicians to provided
living. services for clients and effect change in the
Standard Vf. Case Management
Standard VI. Evaluation the psychiatric – mental
The psychiatric-mental health nurse provides health nurse evaluates the client’s progress in
case management to coordinate comprehensive attaining expected outcomes
health services and ensure continuity of care.
Standard Vg. Health Promotion and PERFORMANCE
Standard I. Quality of Care
The psychiatric-mental health nurse employs
strategies and interventions to promote and The psychiatric – mental health nurse
maintain mental health and prevent mental systematically evaluates the quality of care and
illness. (Interventions Vh-Vj are advanced effectiveness of psychiatric-mental health
practice interventions and may be performed nursing practice.
only by the certified specialist in psychiatric-
mental health nursing.) Standard II. Performance Appraisal

The psychiatric – mental health nurse evaluates

his or her own psychiatric- mental health
Standard Vh. Psychotherapy (Advanced) nursing practice in relation to professional
practice standards and relevant statutes and
The advanced practice psychiatric – mental regulations.
health nurse uses individual, group, and family
psychotherapy, and other therapeutic Standard III. Education
treatments to assists client in preventing mental
The psychiatric – mental health nurse acquires
illness and disability, treating mental health
disorders, and improving mental health status and maintains current knowledge in nursing
and functional abilities.

Standard Vi. Prescriptive authority and Standard IV. Collegiality

treatment The psychiatric – mental health nurse
The advanced practice psychiatric – mental contributes to the professional development of
peers, colleagues, and others.
health nurse uses prescriptive authority,
procedures, and treatments in accordance with Standard V. Ethics
the state and federal laws and regulations, to
treat symptoms of psychiatric illness and The psychiatric – mental health nurse’s decision
improve functional health status. and actions on behalf of others are determined
in an ethical manner.
Standard Vj. Consultation
Standard VI. Collaboration

The psychiatric – mental health nurse

collaborates with the client, significant others,
and health care providers in providing care.

Standard VII. Research

The psychiatric – mental health nurse

contributes to nursing and mental health
through the use of research.

Standard VIII. Resource Utilization

The psychiatric – mental health nurse considers

factors related to safety, effectiveness, and cost
in planning and delivering client care.

Standard 1X. Leadership

The psychiatric mental health registered nurse

provides leadership in the professional practice
setting and the profession.


Psychiatric nurses have a responsibility to

demonstrate leadership by working for greater
professional accountability and autonomy for
nurses through a negotiated process with their
peers, others health care providers,
administrator, consumers, and society at large,
with the ultimate goal of improving patient

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