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Career day is typically designed to help senior high students decide what to study in

college for we believe that  life goals of a person generally revolve around what we
want to become. The occupation that we want to pursue becomes a part of
our personal identity.

Once again, a pleasant afternoon to all who are gathered here today. Careers form an
important part of a person’s life. Since a very young age, we invest heavily, consciously
or unconsciously, in building our careers. Thus we’ve we’ve pulled together experts
from different educational field to help you decide, motivate you towards your goals, or
inspire you to take your next step.

So for our 1st speaker, she is from the home of education, from the maker of excellent
educators, from the Samar Colleges Inc. Please welcome, the Dean of Graduate
Studies, Dr. Nimfa T. Torremoro.

After mam nimfa’s talk __________________________________________

Thank you, ma’am, for a compendious discussion on Education.

As we continue, let’s give way for the discussions on a body of laws that apply to
criminal acts, let’s put our hands together for the Program Head of Criminal Justice
Education, Mr. Joseph Roque A. Pensotes.

After mr. Pensotes’ talk __________________________________________

Thank you, sir, for that epigrammatic discussions on the system of law concerned with the
punishment of those who commit crimes. We hope our students will make up their minds to become
law enforcers in the near future.

And as we move on, to coax you to take the degree program that equips students with
the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitude to provide quality service in the hospitality
industry, let’s give a warm round of applause for the Program Head of HRM from St.
Mary’s College of Catbalogan, Ms. Charnym C. Toleran.

After Ms. Toleran’s talk __________________________________________

Thank you, ma’am, for that inveigling discussions on Hotel Restaurant management.

At this point, we shall be moving to the discussions on the responsibilities of a person

who has been appointed to oversee the fire safety, fire prevention and fire evacuation
procedure, to encourage us to join in their field, please welcome, Fire Officer 2, Audrey
Krezia B. Elizan.

After Ms. Elizan’s talk __________________________________________

At this juncture, let’s move on to the executive department of the Philippine

government tasked as the main economic catalyst that enables innovative,
competitive, job generating, inclusive business, and empowers consumers,
from Department of Trade and Industry, let’s give a resounding applause to
the Senior Trade & Industry Specialist, Ms. Maricel B. Navarra.

After Ms. Navarra’s talk __________________________________________

Thank you ma’am for that aphoristic and succinct discussions from your field. We
just hope that what you have all imparted to our dear learners have helped them
a lot in choosing their fields as they pursue higher education.

With this, we officially end our Part 2. And that would lead us to part III of this
activity, which is the Open Forum.

I’ll turn over the microphone now to Ms. Zion Faye Fajanillan

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