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Name:  ________________________ Grammar

Class:  ________________________ 4 Choose the correct verb forms.
1 Sam used to be / would be my best friend, but we don’t
Vocabulary get on so well now.

1 Choose the correct words. 2 My little brother was really annoying when he was
younger. He will always take / was always taking my
1 My parents invited all the family and even some
things without asking me!
distant / immediate relatives who I hadn’t seen for years.
3 My parents make me to do / do my homework before I
2 A man started waving his arms and staring / yelling at us
have supper.
to leave.
4 He warned me don’t be / not to be late.
3 I hope I don’t drop / fail this exam!
5 By the time they arrived, we had waited / had been
4 Are you hoping to pursue / attend university?
waiting for over an hour!
5 There was a big reception / shrine after the wedding, with
over 200 people.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
verbs in brackets.
2 Complete the words in the sentences. 1 My teachers advised me _____________ (drop) maths.
1 We had a small family g _ _ _ _ r _ _ g last weekend, so I
2 Do you fancy _____________ (come) to the cinema with
saw my cousins.
2 Sam seems to have an i _ _ _ _ e ability to draw – he just
3 Anna was very happy when I saw her yesterday because
does it naturally!
she _____________ (pass) her driving test.
3 I’m very c _ r _ _ _ s to find out what happened to the
4 Julia’s eyes were all red, so I could see that she
_____________ (cry).
4 Paul is a very g _ _ g _ r _ _ _ s person who loves being
5 Will your parents let you _____________ (go) to the
in a big crowd.
music festival?
5 Divers have found the w _ _ _ k _ _ e of an old ship on
the seabed.

6 Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence
is correct.
3 Complete the text with one word in each space. 1 The girl which sits next to me is very good at maths.

I went to my cousin’s wedding last month. She and her __________________________________________

fiancé fell (1) ________ each other as soon as they met,
and they’ve been madly in love ever since! The wedding 2 The sandwiches selling by that shop are really nice.
was meant to take place last year, but they put it
(2) ________ for six months because my grandmother was __________________________________________
ill and my cousin really wanted her to be there. It was an
amazing event, and I could see it was really a 3 They didn’t leave any food for us, what was annoying.
(3) ________ in a lifetime experience for my cousin. I’m
sure it was a lot of work organising it, but it was definitely
(4) ________ the effort. Everyone looked great, and I’m
4 The boy sitting by the window is my cousin.
looking (5) ________ to seeing the photos!


5 They live in Exeter, that is a very nice city. /5


Use of English
7 Decide which answer, A, B, C or D, best fits each gap.

I’m due to finish my exams next week, and I can’t wait. Everyone says I (1) ___ a gift for languages, so I’m bound to do well,
but I’m not so sure. I don’t soak (2) ___ knowledge easily like some people do, so I’m never confident. I’ll be happy as long
as I do well enough to go (3) ___ to university. But anyway, my parents are organising a small party for me to celebrate the
end of school. Quite a few relatives will be there, so I know I’ll probably be (4) ___ with gifts, and everyone will (5) ___ a real
fuss of me. I can’t wait!
1 A have B make C get D do

2 A in B up C out D for

3 A through B out C in D on

4 A showered B given C rained D poured

5 A have B do C make D bring


8 Read the text and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap.

When I was younger I had a really bad memory. I (1) __________ always leaving my phone or school bag on the bus
and I (2) __________ use to remember anyone’s birthday! Then last year my little brother got really upset because
I (3) __________ forgotten his birthday yet again. I felt really bad, and it (4) __________ me realise that I needed to do
something about my poor memory. I decided to spend a few minutes each day doing some brain-training exercises,
(5) __________ was really difficult at first but soon got easier. Now my memory is much better, and I always remember my
friends’ birthdays – well, nearly always!

9 Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line.
My mum and dad first met when they were students. My dad was living in a small flat in Manchester and
my mum moved into the (1) ____________ flat with two of her friends.


(2) ____________, they didn’t get on well at first. My mum was interested in my dad, but he was very SURPRISE
sociable, and wasn’t prepared to give her his (3) ____________ attention. But they soon started seeing
each other, and made the (4) ____________ to get married when they both finished their studies. Their DIVIDE
(5) ____________ has been very happy, and they’re still together nearly twenty years later.



10 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given.
Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1 We lived in Edinburgh when I was a child.


We _______________________ in Edinburgh when I was a child.

2 Jack always messed around in class!


Jack _______________________ in class!

3 It stopped raining and then we went to play tennis.


We went to play tennis when _______________________ raining.

4 Our teachers don’t allow us to use dictionaries in class.


Our teachers _______________________ dictionaries in class.

5 I don’t have enough money to buy a ticket.


I _______________________ a ticket.


Name:  ________________________

Class:  ________________________

Your school magazine wants articles about how to do well at school. Read the instructions on the magazine
It takes more than just brains to do well in exams. Write an article of 200–250 words in which you discuss some of the
other qualities that young people need in order to do well in exams. We will publish a selection of articles in next
month’s magazine.


 Include a catchy title

 Include an introduction

 Discuss how important it is to be brainy, and what other qualities are important in order to achieve success.

 End with a conclusion

Write your article in 200–250 words.



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