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Ben H. Rome

The True Path is the
Way of the Dragon
For almost a millennium, the symbol of the Dragon has struck fear into
the rest of the Inner Sphere. The fearless dedication of its warriors, the
devotion of its people, and the awesome ambitions of its Coordinator:
House Kurita has been more reviled than any other power. Yet a new
leader has arisen in the last decades, bringing about a host of reforms
and reigning in the realm’s most rapacious desires. Such rebirth comes
at a price, as various shadowy influencers fix their eyes on reigniting
the Dragon’s glorious past. Only time will tell which path the Dragon
will follow….

Handbook: House Kurita cover the pivotal history, politics and cultures
of the Inner Sphere’s most feared Great Houses. Not just a sourcebook,
Handbook: House Kurita covers rules for both BattleTech and A Time of
War game play, including such areas as personal equipment, support
vehicles, creatures and more.





Under License From


©2015 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Handbook: House Kurita, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, A Time of War: ISBN-13: xxx $24.99
The BattleTech RPG, BattleMech and ’Mech are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc., in the WEBSITE: CATALYSTGAMELABS.COM
United States and/or other countries. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Productions, LLC. W W W. C ATA LY S TG A M E L A B S . C O M
INTRODUCTION 12 How to Read This Atlas 77
HISTORY OF THE NATION 13 Pesht Military District (The Dragon’s Spine) 78
Father of the Dragon 14 Benjamin Military District (The Dragon’s Heart) 83
Foundation of Hate 14 The Galedon Military District (The Dragon’s Soul) 88
Alliance of Galedon 15 Dieron Military District (The Dragon’s Spirit) 93
Macedonian Politics 17 The Sanctum Arcanum 99
The Rise of the Dragon 17 Religion and Philosophy 101
Expansion of the Dragon’s Coil 19 The Doctrines of Shiro 101
Dragon Rampant 19 The Dictum Honorium 102
The Dragon Grows 21 Origin of the Code 102
Seeds of Discontent 22 The Art of Vendetta 104
Winds of Change 23 Vendetta Across Class Lines 104
The Age of Dishonor 25 Vendettas Within a Class 104
Blood Poisoning 26 Vendetta Lines Outside the Combine 105
Grace Under Siriwan 27 The Mysticism of Five 107
Driving Towards War 30 Belief Systems of the Five Classes 107
Reunification Through Violence 30 Nobility 107
Reign of Leonard Kurita 32 Warrior 108
Peace, Progression, and Power 33 Middle Class 109
Luthien and the Dragon’s Rebirth 35 Workers 109
Bushido and the BattleMech 36 Unproductives 109
Beginning of the League’s End 37 Minority Religions 109
The First Succession War 39 Judaism 110
Unforgiving Blood 41 Islam 110
Suns Ascending, Dragon Falling 42 PILLAR OF GOLD (GOVERNMENT) 112
War’s Dark End of Days 44 Sociopolitical Structure 113
The Second Succession War 45 The Coordinator 113
Peace of Unity Within 45 The Nobility 114
Yoguchi’s War 48 Court Ritual 114
The Hesperan Gambit 49 Privileges 116
The Marathon Offensive 51 Kuritan Nobility 117
Shadow Play 52 Governmental Structure 120
The Third Succession War 54 Ministries 120
The Retribution Strikes 54 War 121
Regrets of Past Sins 56 Interior 121
The New Century 56 Treasury 121
Border Cleansing 57 Justice 121
Enter Hugai 58 Court 122
Sunburst on Xhosa 58 Internal Security Force 123
Traitor to the Star 58 Order of the Five Pillars 124
The Steiner Conundrum 60 Government Districts 125
Dragonfall 60 Benjamin Governmental District 125
Dragon Afire 60 Dieron Governmental District 125
New Dawn for the Dragon 61 Galedon Governmental District 125
Death of the Draconian Tyrant 62 Pesht Governmental District 126
Mustering the Dragon’s Might 62 Interstellar Relations 127
Halstead Station 63 Strengths and Weaknesses 127
The Fourth Succession War 65 Daily Life and Culture 129
Son of the Dragon 65 The People of the Dragon 129
A Free Rasalhague 67 Codes of Conduct 129
Innovation and the Davion War Machine 69 Structure of Society 129
The Clan Invasion 69 Militarism 130
Death of the Elder 70 Xenophobia 130
Fall of the Jaguar 72 Education 131
Sinister Conflict 73 Universities and Other Higher Learning Institutions 132
Brings to All Darkness Rising 75 Arts 133
Ever the Dragon Triumphs 75 Social Problems 135

PILLAR OF STEEL (THE DCMS) 136 Order of the Dragon 153
Structure of the DCMS 137 Proserpina Bar 153
The Samurai Code 137 Silver Claw 153
Ministry of the Expansion of the Glories of the Draconis Combine 139 Watcher of the Dragon’s Eye 153
Department of Indoctrination 139 PILLAR OF JADE (ECONOMICS) 154
Bureau of Substitution 140 Economic Structure 155
Assembly of the Grand Inquisitor 140 All Roads Lead to the Military 156
Procurement Department 140 Conservation and Waste 156
Draconis Combine Port Authority 140 The Corporate Structure 157
Bureau of Administration 140 Important Direct Service (Military) Corporations 157
Combine Military Coordination Office 140 Important Indirect Service (Civilian) Corporations 163
Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery 141 Trade 167
Draconis Combine Admiralty 141 Intra-Combine Trade 167
Professional Soldiery Liaison 141 Interstellar Trade 167
Physicians of the Dragon 141 Strengths and Weaknesses 168
Combine Support and Engineering 141 RULES ANNEX 169
Draconis High Command 142 Creatures 170
Internal Security Force 142 Dragon Dove 170
DCMS Chain of Command 142 Kaosu/Chi no Hebi 170
Gunji-no-Kanrei 142 Oushi-uma 171
Military Districts 142 Pachirisu 171
Prefectures 143 Pesht Tawagoto Saru 172
District Commands 143 Snapping Dragon 172
Floating Commands 144 Tarazed Viper 173
Unit Types 145 Togura Dragon 173
Regulars 145 Personal Equipment 175
Floating Commands 145 Galileo ScanScope 175
Planetary Militia 145 Tanadi Network Enforcement Pad (NEP) 175
Mercenary Units 145 Space Dock Repair Suit 175
Major Training Centers 145 Compound Yumi 176
Aerospace and Interstellar Institute 146 Nissan 8G-12Shooter’s Special 176
An Ting University 146 People’s ProtectionH-T Spec-7a 177
Dieron District Gymnasium 146 Wakazashi O-12 ShotStun 177
Dover Institute for Higher Learning 146 Cost of Living in the Draconis Combine 178
Galedon Military Academy 147 The Black Market 181
Hachiman Technical Institute 147 Roleplaying In The Draconis Combine 181
Internal Security College 147 Combine Values:Our Lives for the Dragon 181
Minoru Kurita University 147 Regional Views 183
Pagoda for Luthien Officers 148 Crossing Borders 184
Sun Tzu School of Combat 148 Draconis Combine Border Crossing Roll Results Table 185
Sun Zhang Mechwarrior Academy 148 Draconis Combine Reaction Table 187
University of Proserpina 148 Draconis Combine Adventure Hooks 188
Wisdom of the Dragon 149 The Red Tape Mountain 188
Kensai Kami 149 Court Warfare 188
Osaka Fields Proving Grounds 149 Shadowy Underground 188
Uniforms and Insignia 150 Eyes Are Everywhere 188
Uniforms 150 Corporate Competition 189
Rank Insignia 151 Attacked! 189
Medals and Decorations 152 BattleTech Rules 189
Bushido Blade 152 New Unit Types 189
The Fledgling 152 Heavy Riot Infantry 189
Foundation of Galedon 152 Dragonstar Passenger Transport 190
Glory of the Fallen Samurai 153 Hoshiryokou 191
Guardian of the Lair 153 Gaajian System Patrol Boat 192
Honor of Wakizashi 153 Obuzaabaa Tactical Vehicle & Sasayaku Control Transport 194
Honor Tree 153 Gossamer Surveillance Drone 195
Katana Cluster 153 Wakamiya Salvage Destroyer 195
Kensai Kami Wreath 153 INDEX 196
Knight of New Samarkand Ribbon 153 RECORD SHEETS 198



Writing Special Thanks
Ben H. Rome Finally. You have in your hands the long-awaited finale of the
For The Glory of the Dragon House Handbook series - and we certainlly saved the best for last.
Philip A. Lee Over nine years in the making (the first draft outline was done in
2006), this Handbook is as much a work of art as it is a testimony to
Original House Kurita Sourcebook patience and determination.
Boy F. Petersen, Jr., Tara Gallagher, Todd Huettel, Ben would like to thank Randall and Catalyst for giving him
Donna Ippolito, John Theisen, Robt. Wells the trust to add color and tone to the most intriguing Battletech
faction. He also thanks his wife Rianne, who labored to learn the
Product Development entire Kurita geneaology for the sake of her husband’s sanity (and
Randall N. Bills continued forgetfulness). And a special thanks is given to “Neko_
Ben H. Rome Bijin,” who not only loaned the author his only copy of the original
House Kurita sourcebook, but also a few additional materials for
Product Editing cultural research. And to all the Davion and Steiner fans out there:
Philip A. Lee now you can finally know your enemy. Kondoragon no chikarani
goubukusuru kanou sei ga ari masu.
BattleTech Line Developer
Randall N. Bills Fact-Checkers
Assistant Line Developer Brian Bunch, Richard Cencarik, Brent Ezell, William J. Gauthier,
Ben H. Rome Keith Hann, Johannes Heidler, Alex Kaempen, Mary Kaempen,
David Kerber, Philip A. Lee, Mark Maestas, Darrell Myers,
Production Staff Joshua Perian, Jan Prowell, Craig Reed, Andreas Rudolph,
Art Direction Eric Salzman, Colin Toenjes, Øystein Tvedten, Elliotte Want III,
Brent Evans Chris “Chinless” Wheeler, Matthew Wilsbacher, Patrick Wynne
Cover Art
Jonathan González Playtesters
Cover Design Richard Cencarik, William J. Gauthier, Keith Hann, Alex Kaempen,
Jason Vargas Mary Kaempen, Philip A. Lee, Mark Maestas, Darrell Myers,
BattleTech Logo Design Joshua Perian, Jan Prowell, Craig Reed, Andreas Rudolph,
Shane Hartley, Steve Walker, Matt Heerdt Eric Salzman, Colin Toenjes, Øystein Tvedten, Elliotte Want III,
Evolved Faction Logos Chris “Chinless” Wheeler, Patrick Wynne
Jason Vargas
Layout ©2015 The Topps Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Handbook:
Ray Arrastia House Kurita, Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech, BattleMech and
David Kerber MechWarrior are registered trademarks and/or trademarks of The
Jason Vargas Topps Company, Inc., in the United States and/or other countries.
Production Assistant No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
Philip A. Lee or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior
Illustrations permission in writing of the Copyright Owner, nor be otherwise
Ray Arrastia circulated in any form other than that in which it is published.
Diego Galindo
Alex Iglesias Published by Catalyst Game Labs,
David Kerber an imprint of InMediaRes Productions, LLC
Chris Lewis PMB 202 • 303 91st Ave NE • E502
Victor Manuel Leza Moreno Lake Stevens, WA 98258
Mike Perry
Kristen Plescow Find us online:
Matt Plog [email protected]
Anthony Scroggins (e-mail address for any BattleTech questions)
David Sondered
David White (official BattleTech web pages)
Eric Williams
Alex Williamson (Catalyst web pages)
Øystein Tvedten (online ordering)
Record Sheets
David Kerber
Matthew Wilsbacher


EIGHTH DIERON REGULARS COMMAND POST Seconds later Bozeman thrust an envelope into Zander’s
TOPEKA BAY, LUZERNE outstretched hand. Without even reading who the sender was,
PESHT MILITARY DISTRICT, DRACONIS COMBINE Zander tore open the ComStar-embossed seal and pulled out a
22 OCTOBER 3067 sheet of paper. No longer focusing on how tired he was, he be-
gan to read over the printed Japanese characters with abandon.

he sun rose for the second time that day, and Chu-i
Alexander Takanashi suppressed a yawn as best he could Dearest Zander-chan,
while taking dinner in the mess hall. Already three months
on this planet and he still hadn’t gotten used to Luzerne’s rota- Omedetou!
tional period of nine hours and change, which was far different Today at 0719 hours, your wife welcomed a beautiful baby boy
than Proserpina. The rest of the Eighth Dieron Infantry had been into the world. He is 3.79 kg and 30.5 cm, a strong and healthy new
stationed here since the end of the Combine-Dominion War and soldier for the Dragon. The delivery was difficult, but your wife is
already had plenty of time to retrain their biorhythms in good spirits and is looking forward to your eventual
to the rapidly changing night and day, but return on furlough. In her stubbornness, how-
Zander was new. His body didn’t bounce ever, she has decided you should name the
back quite like those of soldiers who’d child rather than herself. I am certain
seen combat from one side of the she will send you her own missive
Draconis Combine to another. once she is more ambulatory.
On top of that, though he I pray this finds you well, and
was fresh from the University I continue to pray to the kami
of Proserpina’s class of ’66, for your safe return home.
his own company still didn’t
entirely trust him on ac- In the Dragon’s Service,
count of him never having Oba Haruka
seen real combat. All of his
gunso and shujin thought Ten days ago, the HPG
him weak and untried, message was dated. 12
and they never bothered October. His son’s birth-
to disguise how they felt day. His son.
about him. Inside the envelope he
No, yawning in public saw another article. A small,
wouldn’t do at all, no matter stiffer piece of paper slid out.
how tired he felt. Zander was a It was a photograph of a tiny,
soldier of the Dragon, and to yawn, reddened face, with thick head
even if no one was watching, was to of dark hair, newborn eyes barely
relax in his duties. Instead he politely cracked open. The face looked so much
covered his mouth and worked his jaw from like his wife Shizuka that a laugh of surprise
side to side to relieve some of his fatigue. almost escaped him.
With a dollop of cold potatoes sitting on his fork, His son. Zander felt moisture bead at the corner of his
Zander stared down the dull red of Luzerne’s sun through the eyes. Then he realized Bozeman, Tanaka, and Miller—each one a
mess hall window. The blood-red glow taunted him. It’s okay to gunso in his company—were still watching him. He couldn’t show
give in, it seemed to say. Think about the Lyrans or the Davions. I’ll them his vulnerability even on such a momentous occasion, espe-
bet they get more than enough sleep, ne? cially not after carefully crafting his façade of stoic toughness. They
But the Lyrans are fat and the Davions are lazy, Zander replied, all looked to him for strength—whether they liked him or not was
fighting to keep his eyes open. I am a soldier of the Dragon. I will irrelevant—and so strength he would give them. Instead of giving
beat you, even if it takes me years. in to his joy, Zander scratched the corner of his eye as though try-
At least he probably got more sleep than the Clanners did. ing to brush away a detached eyelash.
Maybe that was why they were so irritable and belligerent. Pushing his tray aside, he set the image of his son before him
Zander shoved the forkful into his mouth right as Gunso Ezra and studied it. What to name you? he asked the confused face. He
Boseman strode into the mess, arms laden with packages. saw no inherent name in the baby’s face, but the task of naming
“Mail call!” Bozeman shouted. fell to him.
Zander immediately perked up. Would today be the day? Perhaps it was time to consult a deeper well of knowledge
The gunso rattled off about a dozen other names before yell- than his own. From his uniform pocket he pulled three silver, one-
ing “Takanashi, Alexander!” ryu coins, each with a small, circular hole through it.



Show me my son’s strengths, he beseeched the coins while For the sake of national security, he could not scratch the itch.
searing his son’s face into his memory. Ah, the things we do for loyalty…
He spun all three coins on the tabletop and waited for them Every night he dreamed of coming back into the light, where
to clatter to a stop. One head and two tails formed the first un- his stiff, scratchy DCMS uniform would provide him so much free-
broken line in his I Ching hexagram. He spun the coins a total of dom, where the Palace surgeons could reattach the severed tip
five more times, until he had six lines—unbroken then broken, of his pinky he still kept in a preservation sleeve at his safehouse.
repeating another two times. The first trigram symbolized “fire”; To be whole again…
the second trigram symbolized “water.” Together they represent- But you are already whole, he told himself. No matter how
ed Hexagram Sixty-Three, “After Completion.” many fingers you must cut off, you remain whole in your service to
Zander stared at the worn coins for several moments. What the Dragon.
did this mean? His son had just been born. How could the child Passing the Unproductives, Shin headed further down the
already be “completed”? Had he asked the wrong question? trash-filled alley—organic trash, paper trash, human trash. One
The raid siren went off, wrenching Zander from his thoughts. of the pale-faced, bedraggled pieces of human trash, barely
Training and instinct kicked in. Instantly he was on his feet, scoop- standing on two shivering legs, didn’t watch where he—or she?
ing up the coins, letter, and photograph into his pocket before Shin couldn’t tell—was going and staggered right into him. The
looking to his gunso. stink of sake laced the man’s breath. Shin whirled and, in perfect
“Is this a drill, Chu-i?” Bozeman said as they rushed out of the Taro Toguchi style, unsheathed his concealed tantō. Wet from
mess hall. the rain, the small blade flashed and glistened in the buzzing
The roar of a passing aerospace fighter shook the whole build- street light nearby.
ing. Zander caught sight of the low-flying fighter through the “Don’t touch me, filth,” he growled.
window. He didn’t recognize the colors, but that was immaterial. The beggar bowed as low as humanly possible, eyes contrite
It wasn’t one of theirs. with fear. “Gomen, yakuza-san,” his wracked voice said, coughing.
“Gomen nasai.”
Shin gave a start—how had this trash known he was yaku-
INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, NEAR UNITY CITY za?—until he realized his knife stance had pulled back his coat
LUTHIEN sleeve far enough to expose the serpent tattoo snaking down
PESHT MILITARY DISTRICT, DRACONIS COMBINE his forearm. Instead of striking out with his blade, Shin shoved
22 OCTOBER 3067 the Unproductive, hard. The beggar fell back, hitting the nearby
building with a grunt.
Cold, dirty rain pelted Shin Yodama’s face as he pulled his sod- “Watch where you’re walking, bakayaro,” Shin said. He spat on
den coat tighter around his shoulders and wandered through the the ground to show his—Taro’s—contempt, the spittle all but lost
alley. Though midday, not even Luthien’s sun was strong enough in the Luthien rain.
to penetrate the thick carpet of smog and rainclouds hovering Shin deplored Unproductives, especially those that were
overhead. The clouds mirrored his mood. His mission was com- truly unproductive, but even he knew they, like everyone under
plete, but still the recall order had not come through. the Coordinator’s benevolence, served a place in the Combine’s
Would it ever come through? Had he been forgotten here on order. Despite the name, Shin believed that without this lowest
the streets, living with all of the gutter trash the Combine had to rung of Draconian society, the Combine would fall apart at the
offer? Had the silk-robed nobles of the Imperial Court marked him seams. It would—
as untouchable? Tainted? As if in response to his plea, he passed a He felt a small lump in his coat pocket that wasn’t there before.
pair of Unproductives, both swaddled in filthy rags, with sacks of Kuso, Shin thought, remembering his last information ex-
everything they owned being shielded from the rain as best they change with an underground contact. They’re really good. But he
could. Both looked stricken with some kind of sickness and were didn’t dare look back at the “Unproductive” or call attention to
missing teeth. If either survived the week, Shin would be surprised. his discovery in any way. Even those pair of beggars he’d passed
No, he reminded himself for the thousandth time, gritting his further down the alley could be informants.
teeth in anger at himself. Taro. My name is Taro Toguchi. Appearances, as Shin had so intimately learned since severing
Until the recall order came, he would forever be Taro Toguchi, a the first knuckle of his pinky, could be very misleading.
yakuza teppodama—not Shin Yodama, tai-sa of the vaunted Izanagi Shin casually ducked out of the alley at his first convenience.
Warriors regiment. To be anyone else for even a moment would in- Before stepping into the streetlight, he saw in his peripheral vi-
vite certain doom. The Ryuu-gumi yakuza had spies everywhere, and sion that one of the two sitting Unproductives was gone.
if anything got back to the Kokuryu-kai—the Black Dragon Society— “Shimatta,” he cursed under his breath. He’d been made.
Shin could risk endangering the whole Combine. No matter how Shin hurried toward the street, where he could attempt to
cold he was, how weary he was—how much he so desperately hide in plain sight. Out on the street corner across the crowded
needed to scratch the dull itch at the end of the pinky he’d severed thoroughfare, a riot-gun-toting Friendly Persuader in his red-
in yubitsume fashion to blend in with the Ryuu-gumi—he couldn’t. striped police garb observed the crush of foot traffic for anything


out of the ordinary. If Shin could somehow get near the Persuader The leisurely walk to his own personal garden on the Palace
and shake this tail … grounds did not take long, but he knew the attendant was pur-
He flinched upon feeling something small and hard poke posely delaying his guest to ensure he arrived at the meeting
against his spine through his coat’s drenched fabric—the cold, location first. He passed his father’s garden along the way, stopping
unmistakable outline of a gun barrel. for a moment to consider the legacy of Takashi Kurita. Palace nobles
“Konnichi wa, Toguchi-san,” a voice whispered from behind still maintained the garden exactly as it had been when Takashi was
him. “You have … very interesting friends.” still alive, but despite the same flowers, shrubs, and trees growing
there, Takashi’s own strong hand was missing from its cultivation.
Even the day after Takashi died, the change was stark.
UNITY PALACE How long before my own garden takes upon this same lifeless-
LUTHIEN ness? he wondered.
PESHT MILITARY DISTRICT, DRACONIS COMBINE The layout of Theodore’s own garden was vastly different from
22 OCTOBER 3067 his father’s. Where Takashi had preferred rock gardens and flower-
ing trees, Theodore valued vast arrays of flowers from across the
Wearing a red silk kimono slashed with yellow, Coordinator Combine, bridges spanning ponds of native Luthien carp, and
Theodore Kurita stood proud and tall on the covered balcony countless bonsai. Due to the rain, the small, clay-potted trees had
looking out into the Palace gardens. The dark rainclouds settling been moved beneath a tarp-covered area to prevent overwatering.
over Luthien should have dampened his spirits, but instead they Theodore walked through the collection of bonsai and chose
buoyed him. Even in the rain, the gardens brought him a small a very particular tree, a gnarled evergreen with blue frosted nee-
measure of peace and beauty. The azaleas, wood poppies, mag- dles. With deepest reverence, he carried the pot to his covered
work area and set the tree down on a pedestal that would allow
nolias, and Luthien sunflowers spoke to him in a way other things
him to see the tree’s shape from all angles.
could not. Their color—the reds and pinks and yellows—shone
Not long after sitting down on a stool to work, he heard her
through the darkest of rains, and not even the heaviest downpour
quiet footsteps over the rain but did not immediately turn to ac-
could crush these springy flowers and shrubs into the ground.
knowledge her. Be as the azalea. Instead, he lifted a pair of shears
Instead, the dirty rain strengthened the blossoms; they would
and studied the small tree with intent.
shine with even richer color once the clouds passed.
“Konnichi wa, Yamiro-san,” he said. “Thank you for coming on
As the azaleas are, Theodore thought, so must I be.
such short notice.”
For the good of the realm, he needed to be a spot of color
Snip went the bonsai shears on a small bit of twiggy back-
amidst the dreary and tumultuous times he saw ahead of him.
Soon he would take a JumpShip command circuit to the Star
The whisper of silk brushing silk told him she bowed deeply. “It
League’s Fourth Whitting Conference on Tharkad, but he would
is no matter, tono. I live to serve the Dragon.”
not leave the Combine before knowing his realm would be safe
during his absence. In a sense, he was the Combine, and the “Do you, Abbess?” Theodore turned to regard her with a kind eye.
Combine was him. As the Heir-Designate long ago, that thought Abbess Tomade Yamiro of the Order of the Five Pillars greeted
made little sense to him, but upon his father’s death, the idea be- his expression with affection. A powdered white face, crimson-
came both comfort and terror all at once. An entire nation looking painted lips, and raven-black wig done up in a bun hid her true
to his counsel. As they supported him, he supported them. But age. An exquisite, gold-silk kimono and black-lacquered geta
now, a black weed was growing in his garden, and he needed to sandals hid her physical prowess. Everything about her was a
find its root and pluck it before it choked out all of the wondrous carefully formed fabrication—a necessary precaution for the
flowers of the Draconis Combine. leader of an intelligence agency. He did not doubt she wore form-
Hands clasped behind his back, Theodore breathed in the fitting body armor beneath her robe and had possibly managed
scent of ozone and spent rain. How to go about this? he asked him- to sneak some nonconventional weapon past his Otomo.
self. I must tread carefully. Not that she would try anything, not with two Otomo standing
The soft scrape of the shōji screen behind him told him he at attention just beyond her field of vision.
had a visitor. That his Otomo guards hiding in the wings did not “In these trying times,” he said, “I find it a comfort to hear
immediately pounce meant the visitor was not a threat to him. such words.”
“Sumimasen, Kurita-sama,” the quiet, deferential voice said. “She Snip.
is here.” “What can the Order do for you, Lord Kurita?”
His attendant did not need to mention who “she” was. “Domo,” To mask his trepidation, he turned back to the bonsai. “I have
Theodore said, without looking at the man. “Have her escorted to just been given some solid leads to pursue in investigating the
my personal garden. I will meet with her there.” Kokuryu-kai hidden within our midst.” This much was true: under-
With a scrape, the shōji panel slid closed. cover operations by his cousin Isoroku Kurita and Shin Yodama
Be like the azalea, he thought. had both uncovered some very disturbing information regard-


ing the Black Dragon Society. However, information was power, Zander. Whether the Bears intended to steal a planet or
and Theodore was not about to relinquish that power just yet. “I even a single grain of rice, his duty was to stand fast and take
would like your agents to look into them.” no prisoners.
Silk whispered. “Hai. It would be my pleasure.” Such was the calling of the samurai and the tenets of bushido,
Snip. the Path of the Warrior.
Theodore lowered the shears and faced her. “Tell me, Yamiro- The Eighth Infantry’s CO, Chu-sa Ursula Loerring, passed
san. What do you think of this bonsai?” down the command chain that the Bears’ target had yet to be
“It is … a work in progress, tono. The branches still require identified. Based on their LZ, they could hit any number of min-
some training.”
ing complexes, which meant the Eight Dieron Regulars and its
Theodore laughed politely. “No bonsai is ever truly finished.
attached conventional forces had to be ready for anything. Tai-
What if I told you this particular blue star juniper was first culti-
sa Simms had ordered the 111th Dieron Heavy Armor’s tanks and
vated and trained by my ancestor Minoru Kurita? This particular
the Eighth Dieron Infantry placed in strategic chokepoints at all
bonsai has survived the fall of the Star League, four Succession
the possible places the Bears would strike, with aerospace per-
Wars, and the Clan Invasion. I wonder, will the Kokuryu-kai be the
death of it?” forming aerial recon. In theory the conventional troops could
“My apologies, Lord Kurita,” Tomade said, bowing low. “I meant attempt to hold off or trap the enemy until the Regulars’ ’Mechs
no disrespect. I merely stated the truth of my perceptions.” could come put out the fire. Just a ways south of Zander’s spot,
He laughed again. “You may see this tree as untrained, my armor from the 111th’s Niban Battalion was positioned in defi-
dear Abbess, but it has far more to teach the both of us than we lade in anticipation of an assault.
could ever learn in our respective lifetimes. Bear that in mind as After inspecting Ichiban Platoon, Gunso Bozeman wandered
we progress forward.” up beside him. “Anything yet, Chu-i?”
“Hai, tono.” “Nanimo nai,” Zander replied, shaking his head.
Knowing the Palace gardens were free of cameras or
other recording devices, Theodore gave the abbess a
short list of names. Some real, some false. He needed to
see where this path would lead.
The abbess bowed low. “My adepts and illuminati
will find what we can, Lord Kurita.”
“Domo arigatou gozaimasu,” he said, suppressing
a smile. “I know you will.”

22 OCTOBER 3067

In full field kit, Zander peered

through binoculars across the wide
valley. According to comm chatter on
his helmet radio, any moment now
’Mechs from the Ghost Bears’ 357th
Assault Cluster might spill out into
the yellow grasses on the horizon.
The Bears hadn’t stated their inten-
tions—at least as far as the higher-ups
told low-ranking chu-i like Zander—but
based on his book knowledge, Zander be-
lieved they were here to claim raw materials.
The Clanners hadn’t come in force, and it
was clear to him they didn’t plan on stay-
ing. Still, everything and everyone on the
whole planet belonged to the Dragon, even


“I’ll bet you twenty ryu they won’t even come here. Mining And then it came to him. From The Art of War: “A victorious
Complex Five is a much sweeter target. Plus, they’re probably warrior wins first and then goes to war.” The victory was already
scared of us, ne?” complete. Now he just had to win it.
Zander chuckled. “I think they’re just scared of you, Gunso. He studied the incoming ’Mech looming large in his field of
Your face could frighten just about anyone. Come to think of it, view. Its massive feet were not changing course, and he noticed a
make sure you stay away from my son. I don’t want you giving few bits of metal flaking off its right knee. Armor damage—If he
him nightmares.” and his men could plant an anti-’Mech charge there …
Just thinking about his son conjured a mental image of the “Niban and Sanban Platoons!” he shouted into his radio. “Take
photo his oba had sent. He’d tucked it safely in his footlocker back up flanking position! Ichiban, follow my lead!”
at the barracks, for fear that it might get damaged in the fighting. A chorus of ryokais responded. Zander unhooked his grapple
launcher and his men followed. This close, the Vulture’s footfalls
“Speaking of the kid,” Bozeman said, “he got a name yet?”
sent quakes beneath his boots and rattled his insides. The whine
“Iie. Nothing speaks to me.”
of large-bore lasers pierced his eardrums.
Zander thought of spinning the coins again, but consulting
It was a glorious moment. A moment preceding victory.
the I Ching twice about the same thing was discouraged. He al-
Katsu, Zander thought. Victory, the completion of a successful
ready had his answer; he just needed to figure out what it meant.
battle. That is a good name.
His headset mic clicked on with a crackle. “Be advised: ele-
No matter the outcome, his son would always be his truest
ments of the 357th last seen approaching your position.” victory.
Just as the connection cut, Zander felt the ground beneath He raised his grapple launcher and aimed at the towering
him shake. His heartbeat stopped for a moment. behemoth as the shadow of the ’Mech’s y-shaped foot spilled
’Mechs. over him.
He lifted the binoculars to his eyes. A familiar shape focused “Now!” he screamed to his platoon. “For the glory of the
into view: the distinct silhouette of a Vulture OmniMech, painted Dragon!”
in slate gray, with white, star-like dots and pale blue trim. Zander The shadow descended.
recognized it from stills, but to see one in the flesh brought
goosebumps beneath his uniform. A blocky Thor and another
“Bozeman!” he shouted, using his deep, command voice. LUTHIEN
“Ryokai!” The gunso ran down the line, yelling at the men to 22 OCTOBER 3067
form up and take cover.
Zander called in the sighting just as the 111th started opening Shin’s ingrained training in countless martial arts could eas-
up on the Ghost Bear ’Mechs. Long-range missile flights hissed. ily flip his assailant onto his back or wrench away the pistol and
Deafening crumps from large-bore autocannon filled the valley. turn it on its owner, but Taro Toguchi—lowly yakuza teppodama
“Hold your position, Takanashi” came the eventual, partially that he was—had no such skills. Regardless of the situation,
strangled reply from command. “Sanban Battalion is en route. Shin had to maintain the pretense for as long as he could. On
ETA, twelve minutes.” the slim chance this was merely a gross misunderstanding, he
had to keep up appearances for as long as possible, even if it
“Wakarimasu,” he acknowledged.
meant going to his grave wearing yakuza rags instead of his
Zander passed the orders along and readied his own laser
DCMS uniform.
rifle. Each time the ground shook, either from ’Mech move-
“Can I help you?” Shin said without looking back at the thug.
ments or explosions, he thought of his wife, of his nameless,
“Empty your pockets.”
newborn son.
“If you’re meaning to rob me,” Shin said, “you should know I
The hexagram “After Completion” … What did it mean?
have but three ryu to my name.”
The lead Vulture landed salvo after salvo onto the 111th, but “Spare me the lies, Toguchi. You are a traitor to the Ryuu-gumi,
Zander realized it intended to run right through his own po- and I will gain great glory in exposing your treachery.”
sition. His company would either have to stand firm and be Shin slowly turned around to face his abductor and made
crushed or step aside and take advantage of the maneuver. But sure the gun barrel pressed against his flat stomach. “Do you
how? The Clanner had only suffered minor armor damage so far, know who I am?” I am Shin Yodama! he wanted to scream. With
and the Eighth Regulars were still too far away to offer heavier but a word I could have you flayed and sentenced to a slow and
support. The 111th was faltering and in danger of falling back. If torturous death in an ISF prison buried so deep you will never see
the Vulture made it past his men, not even the Regulars’ arrival the light of day again. “When the oyabun hears about this …”
would matter. The man hesitated. That was all the time Shin needed.
After Completion, he thought. Whirling, he kicked the thug’s legs out from under him. A report


and muzzle flash deafened him as the man went down hard. Shin did not. More tradition. Only this time, he did so with a specific
turned to run but only staggered a few paces toward the alley purpose in mind.
before collapsing to his knees. Grabbing his side, his hand came “The time has come for something to be done,” he said with-
away wet with blood—dirty rain washing the crimson away into out preamble. “My wishes are thus:
the gutters. Spots danced in front of his eyes.
A shrill whistle sounded from the street—the Friendly Pluck the blackened weed
Persuader responding to the gunshot. Parading in our garden
Grunting in pain, Shin shambled away from the scene. If the
Before winter comes
Persuader caught him, he had no way to verify his identity. And
the thug …
“You speak of the Kokuryu-kai, Kurita-sama?” Tai-shu
Shin stumbled against the nearest building and waited
Minamoto asked. The look on his mustached face said he did not
just inside the alley, where the buzzing streetlight cast long
shadows. Biting back the pain, he waited until a silhouette truly expect an answer.
dropped into view. His tantō flashed and buried into the The haiku should be enough. It was always enough. The
thug’s neck for a split second before withdrawing. The thug Coordinator made his wishes known, and his Warlords interpret-
wilted in a crimson spray. ed them appropriately.
The Persuader’s insistent whistle grew louder, his splashing Theodore ignored the tai-shu’s question. “I have met with
footsteps approaching closer. There was nowhere in the alley for Abbess Yamiro and provided her a list of names that have recent-
Shin to hide. He would be caught and exposed, and all of his infil- ly come into the Dragon’s possession.”
tration would be for nothing. In desperation he snatched up the He waited a moment to let that sink in, gauging the reactions
thug’s pistol and ducked out of the alley. The striped red-and- across the assembly. No one so much as blinked or swallowed.
white uniform barreled toward him with riot gun to the ready. “The Dragon has given her full latitude to investigate these
Dozo gomen nasai, Shin said to the Persuader. Please for- names,” he continued.
give me. Again he studied them. No reactions whatsoever. Could it be
He pulled the trigger. that the list was wrong or forged, that no Black Dragon sympa-
The Persuader dropped. Another sacrifice in the name of na-
thizers resided amongst his immediate council?
tional security.
No, he reminded himself. Only a fool would lower his guard
Shin fought back the spots flashing in his vision. His wound
when the fate of an entire nation was at stake.
was probably not life threatening, but he was losing blood, and
“Cousin,” Isoroku said, “we will offer her our full cooperation, if
he had to get rid of the evidence fast, before he could seek medi-
cal attention or learn what these men had died for. He winced the Dragon deems it necessary.”
upon stooping to drag the Persuader’s corpse into the alley. Theodore nodded. “As you know, I am to depart for Tharkad
The things I do for the glory of the Dragon, he thought. soon. Put your people in place, but there are to be no movements
while I am away, wakarimasu ka? The scalpel cannot treat the pa-
tient if the physician is in a different room.”
UNITY PALACE Then he sat back and silently observed the Warlords planning
LUTHIEN for his absence. He saw nothing resembling betrayal in any of
PESHT MILITARY DISTRICT, DRACONIS COMBINE their faces, but no matter. The seed had been planted. All that
22 OCTOBER 3067 remained was to see what would grow.
After a time, he dismissed them and returned to his thoughts.
In complete silence, Theodore Kurita entered the Black Room, Alone, he activated a holomap of the Inner Sphere. Above the
the Palace’s most secret and secure location. Five uniformed table, thousands of populated star systems sprang to life. The
figures were already in attendance. Per tradition he kept them
wedge of the Draconis Combine glowed with crimson vigor. His
waiting as a reminder they were there at his pleasure, not the
realm was meant to rule all of the stars, but the Clans’ conquest
other way around.
and Davion predation had reduced his realm to the second small-
Members of the DCMS High Command were seated around
est of the Great Houses. Would the Combine survive another
the long table: Theodore’s cousin Isoroku, Warlord of the Dieron
Military District; Kiyomori Minamoto, Warlord of Pesht; Tai-shu hundred years? Fifty? Five?
Boris Petroff, of the Benjamin District; Tai-shu Li Tok Do, of Galedon; He had taken a risk by confronting the abbess and his
and Internal Security Force Director Ninyu Kerai-Indrahar. Warlords, but these were risks he had to take, all for the good
Theodore took his seat at the head of the table. He met the of the nation. If the Combine was to survive, wars would need
gaze of each one present, although he purposely lingered on a to be fought, heroes would need to die, and good people
few particular candidates. It was always good to play the tai-shu would need to be sacrificed.
against each other, make him think he played favorites, but he All for the glory of the Dragon.


Honored Dragon:

erein lies the efforts of half a decade’s work by your devoted servant. Pursuant to your
Directive 82-1, my assistant Jose Maestas and I have worked tirelessly to craft this compre-
hensive and unabashed view of the Kuritan realm.
In part, we strive to provide the Court an updated look at our history, culture, and per-
spectives. This work also provides a view into the Dragon’s inner workings: how we work, live,
fight, breathe, and survive. While such information is already an integral part of any Draconian
citizen’s educational upbringing, this tome is meant to bring provide a full accounting of the
realm to the Imperial Court. From this document, the Dragon can choose what to share with
the current signatories of the Second Star League, in order to deal fairly with us.
Throughout this process, we have stretched our resources to academies and other institutions
outside the Dragon’s influence. Glaring errors and outright fabrications have been discovered;
we have done what we can to address and correct such inconsistencies. Most egregious is the
blatant plagiarism by ComStar in their own internal diplomatic volumes; they have stolen, misat-
tributed, edited, and even outright lied in using publications and materials that were readily
available to them in every nation of the Sphere. We have, as best we could, included the original
documents and attributions in the various appendices located throughout this work.
As defined by your directive, I have provided a critical eye where necessary, to best show ar-
eas where the Dragon continues to build its strength. I have also put into place the proper titles
and ranks as introduced by Coordinator Theodore during his time as gunji-no-kanrei. Only in
reference works originating outside of the Combine or in transcripts have the old ranks remained
in place.
My deepest hope is that this comprehensive work pleases the Dragon.

—Megumi Kaneda II, Chief Historian Emeritus and Archivist, Luthien University

ADDENDUM: I would be remiss if I did not mention the hon-

orable efforts of my father, Megumi Kaneda. Much of the
information found within this work is a direct result of
his tireless efforts in chronicling the illustrious heritage
of the Kuritas from Shiro through Takashi. In his ninety
years of service with the Imperial Court, he has single-
handedly maintained the most complete historical
archive of your beloved family. I am humbled to
dedicate this work to his memory, as he passed from
the Dragon’s service on 27 November 3066.

ADDENDUM II: On 10 August 3067, the honorable

Megumi Kaneda was posthumously awarded a Dieron
teak Honor Tree, which has been placed in the Kaneda
gardens outside Imperial City. The Dragon is honored by
the dedication of its citizenry.

— Coordinator Theodore Kurita



FATHER OF THE Raised in a military and social tradition dating back more
than six centuries, Shiro’s life embodied the “way of the warrior.”
DRAGON Through the forcefulness of his personality, he rose to the leader-

ounded in 2319 by Shiro Kurita, the Draconis Combine was ship of New Samarkand and then united a group of petty kings
forged from a bloody mix of statesmanship, treachery, and mil- and warlords into the Alliance of Galedon. Initially created to op-
itary conquest. Shiro took the essence of a small city-state on pose the Ozawa Mercantile Association, the Alliance of Galedon
a backwater planet and forged one of the most unusual and feared was merely the starting point for Shiro’s military and political
stellar nations in existence. The Combine’s tenacity and longevity are conquest of dozens of systems. By 2319, Shiro Kurita controlled a
a testimony to the man who formed the Dragon from nothing. narrow strip of planets stretching from the region of space near
Terra to the largely unexplored Draconis Rift. Shiro rechristened
his realm the Draconis Combine.
THE OZAWA CLAN Shiro’s legacy continues to this day and, quite probably, for all
After the Outer Reaches Rebellion ended in 2238, almost every colony world time. The essence of the First Coordinator can be seen in the de-
found itself on its own, forced to depend solely on the resources of its own system votion of the Combine’s armed forces to the way of the warrior
and limited interstellar trade. Formal political, economic, or military alliances be- and in the belief that all citizens first serve the Dragon through
tween worlds did not exist until the formation of the Free Worlds League, the first the Coordinator’s quest to rule the Inner Sphere. The Combine’s
legitimate interstellar mutual defense treaty, in 2271. In the meantime, colonists blend of an all-pervasive military tradition and a dogged self-re-
fended for themselves, did not make trouble, and hoped no one else would, either. liance—oft mistaken for extreme xenophobia—explains in part
The only frequent contact between the aggressive posture of past and present Kurita leaders.
worlds came as a few shipping and mer- The greatest legacy of Shiro Kurita is the Kurita family dynasty.
cantile associations gradually evolved The Combine could not have summoned such single-minded de-
from smaller corporations that had votion from its people without Kurita leadership.
acquired K-F drive ships. These associa- More than any other Great House, the history of the Combine
tions were loosely organized coalitions is a story of recurring themes. The names may change, the tactics
of merchant brokers and starship crews that provided semi-regular passenger
and organization may shift, but the heart of the Combine—the
traffic, small-scale cargo transport, speculative trading in both luxuries and ne-
Kurita dynasty—continues to shape and define this greatest of
cessities, and information of the most unofficial sort. Even at their height during
interstellar nations.
the second half of the twenty-third century, fewer than a dozen of these co-ops
existed, mostly due to JumpShip availability. At this time of colonization most
vessels were transporting Terran colonists under Alliance control, limiting the
New Samarkand, one of the most heavily populated colony
number of ships on hand for other commercial uses.
worlds from the Age of Colonization, contained a half-dozen city-
As the vast reaches of space became available for settlement over the years, each
states ruled by several feudal lords. Each lord maintained a small
association carved out its own territory of dominant influence and amicably left the
army and claimed authority over the entire planet. With no one
others to do the same. Occasionally, a conflict would take place on a world where two
holding clear control over the system, New Samarkand was rife
territories overlapped, but bloodshed was rare. In most cases, one side would with-
with intrigue, subtle threats, and displays of military might that
draw peacefully, or the two groups might even consent to share the cargo or profits.
For the most part, these associations were valuable for disseminating goods made planetary politics both interesting and hazardous. Shiro
and information (including rumors) that would otherwise have been impossible Kurita was born into this environment in 2270.
to obtain. The merchants generally charged respectable fees but carefully avoided Shiro showed a keen interest in politics at an early age. His young-
excessive price gouging. After all, they wanted to be able to return and sell again. er brother Urizen, born in 2273, followed his example. Urizen soon
Such was the policy of the Ozawa Mercantile Association, a typical example proved to be less adept at politics, instead showing aptitude in the
of such loosely organized coalitions. This particular co-op served the coreward- arts of war. The two brothers quickly rose to power within their city-
spinward quadrant of the Inner Sphere, including the worlds of New Samarkand state Yamashiro. Shiro showed great skill at ritual dueling, political
and Galedon V. As the name implies, the Ozawa clan led the association, owning extortion, and cunning; in 2294, he declared himself lord of Yamashiro.
several ships outright and leasing a handful of others. Urizen attained the rank of captain in the Yamashiro Guard.
Though not outrageously wealthy, the Ozawas had done well enough for Before a year passed, Shiro discredited all of his political rivals.
themselves at a time when many colonists were barely able to scratch out a mea- Through threats of violence and the mysterious deaths of three of
ger living. They were not subtle about their wealth, and this rubbed off on their his more outspoken opponents, Shiro claimed control over all of
merchants, whose professional politeness was always tinged with arrogance. New Samarkand. In 2296, the “First Citizen” contacted other near-
On more than one planet, their customers would have been happier trading by worlds while Urizen molded the various private armies of New
with someone else, but the Ozawas had a virtual monopoly in their territory. Samarkand into a singular entity directly under his command.
Underlying resentment toward the Ozawa family would eventually set the stage At this time, the demand for JumpShips had begun to decrease,
for the spread of Shiro Kurita’s dominance. making K-F drive ships more readily available to individual worlds
—The Ozawa Threat Realized; Pesht University, 2743 or private groups. Shiro believed he needed to gain enough vessels
to transport his armies to war. Additionally, more starfaring ves-


sels would decrease New Samarkand’s dependence on the Ozawa

Mercantile Association and their kind. The First Citizen despised the MOVING PAPER MOUNTAINS
Ozawa family and their trading alliance, partially due to jealousy The ruling body of Galedon since the colony’s founding in 2282, the Colonial
over their amassed wealth, their passive methods of acquiring it, Board controlled the planet without question. Made up of eight voting members
and the way they flaunted that wealth. Shiro used his hatred for the and twelve non-voting members, the board controlled all aspects of Galedonian
OWA as a political weapon for rallying nearby worlds to his cause. life. The board met once a month in New New Delhi, hearing proposals and ruling
on various decisions, such as farm quotas and terraforming projects. The twenty
ALLIANCE OF GALEDON board members had a staff of ten to twenty advisors who sorted and organized
Galedon V was a major colony by the time Shiro Kurita reached proposals and other research.
out to the system in the early twenty-fourth century. The planet’s By the time of Shiro Kurita’s proposal for an alliance, the Colonial Board’s
sizeable population sat on vast mineral resources and uncontami- bureaucracy had slowed the planetary economy to a crawl. Local merchants
nated water, making Galedon V extremely valuable. The citizens commonly faced a wait of six months to a year for intercontinental export per-
of Galedon were enormously proud of their wealthy colony. mit requests to clear, forcing many to gamble on the local futures markets.
Despite its successes, Galedon still had problems with the OMA. The Ozawa Mercantile Association had a large number of advocates operating
Although the Ozawas maintained several large facilities onworld through the various staff members, using bribes and other means to get OMA
that provided many benefits, they also made substantial trade proposals and permits ahead of local merchants. That OMA agents received pref-
profit. On occasion, those profits came at the expense of Galedon’s erential treatment did nothing to endear them to the Galedonians.
economy, fueling the ire of the planet’s finance minister. Kurita’s creation of the Alliance of Galedon made a small splash within the
Shiro made it known to the Galedonian government that he, massive bureaucracy. The Colonial Board created a new position, that of director,
too, bore a grudge against the OMA. To the Galedonians, Shiro ap- and gave that seat the ninth vote on the committee. The director was granted
peared as a forceful, dynamic leader that shared their bitterness full authority to enact planetary measures, though these could be vetoed by a
towards the Ozawas. The First Citizen, however, simply wanted majority vote. Kurita used the director’s power sparingly in the beginning, using
Galedon V as a psychological and strategic springboard for further it to institute a draft for the Alliance’s militia and to create specific trade contracts
offensives. Shiro easily manipulated Nathaniel Imura, Governor of between New Samarkand and Galedon. Otherwise, it was business as usual for
Galedon, into pooling the technological and military resources of the monolithic government machine.
both worlds. Once Galedon’s Colonial Board agreed, they inquired Only after the OMA began to lose ships—and their power base—were
as to who would lead the combined forces. Shiro humbly offered changes noticeable. The loss of OMA agents opened up the logjam and un-
his services to lead the “Alliance of Galedon.” His manipulation of covered several corrupt board and staff members. Local law enforcement,
the Board through flattery won him their enthusiastic support. operating under the power of the Alliance director, detained the criminals and
The new director of the Alliance of Galedon then traveled ultimately ordered their execution. The swift sequence of arrest, trial, convic-
to Dnepropetrovsk and Sverdlovsk to offer them membership. tion, and execution galvanized the rest of the Colonial Board and ensured the
Dnepropetrovsk quickly accepted Shiro’s offer; Sverdlovsk re- new council members were of more honorable character. Director Kurita rec-
mained noncommittal. The military forces from the Alliance’s new ommended many personally.
members relocated to New Samarkand and received intensive By the time Shiro invaded Sverdlovsk in 2303, the majority of the Colonial
training and additional funding from Urizen Kurita. Board were in Kurita’s thrall. Through personal favor, political blackmail, or other
As more and more worlds joined the fledgling Alliance— means, the director ruled the Alliance—and the planet of Galedon—with little
thanks in large part to Shiro’s abilities as a statesman and fear of opposition or division.
orator—the OMA retaliated. By raising transport fees on the —Power of Personality: Shiro Kurita and the Alliance; New Samarkand Print,
Alliance worlds, the OMA proved they were out to punish Shiro’s 2876
nation through economic and commercial pressure. The attempt
played into Shiro’s hands, establishing the OMA as the villain.
gun battles. The OMA also fought back with an effective media
Armed Galedonian ships began boarding unarmed Ozawan
campaign and aggressive rate reductions, both of which some-
merchant vessels and confiscating cargoes. In support of the cause,
what improved the organization’s public image. The exposure
a large percentage of each cargo went directly to financing further
also shed some light on Kurita’s less-than-savory tactics, fueling
operations, a segment of the plan carefully hidden from civilians.
the more unpatriotic segments of the Alliance population who
The Colonial Board was aware of the action, however, and privately
approved of Shiro’s actions, though they maintained a façade of viewed Shiro more as a political strongman than savvy leader.
ignorance publicly. For some time this method of raising funds The Galedon Colonial Board and Governor Imura vigorously de-
worked; by the time the OMA caught on, the Alliance of Galedon fended Kurita as an ally and friend. Even with their stalwart support,
was operating its own government-controlled merchant fleet— Shiro’s popularity began to slip. Kurita, unwilling to let the situation
conveniently armed and well-escorted. fall from his control, resorted to a more direct response. In November
The Ozawa response was predictable. Hastily equipped with 2303, every known OMA office and support facility came under at-
weapons, the OMA vigorously defended itself from Alliance pre- tack including several complexes on Galedon V. The Alliance was as
dation. Shiro’s board-and-seize missions turned into running surprised as the OMA at the level of terroristic violence.


By December 2303, detachments of heavily armed soldiers offworld neighbors would take heed. Shiro believed the light-
from New Samarkand, supported by small numbers of newly ning-quick capture of the planet using such overwhelming force
indoctrinated Galedonians, began to move across the “neutral” would intimidate the other planetary leaders and cause them to
planet Sverdlovsk. At the same time, squadrons of atmospheric capitulate quickly. In reality, Shiro had no other force at his dis-
aircraft flew support missions against mobs of unarmed—but posal; anyone calling his bluff would shatter Kurita’s illusion.
potentially dangerous—civilians. The first full-scale interstellar No one dared, however. Shiro Kurita was the first leader in the
military operation ever run in the Inner Sphere had begun. quadrant to equip, train, deploy, and mobilize an entire invasion
force. With many planets still in the colonial stage—just trying to
survive—warding off an interstellar invasion was nearly impossible.
DYNASTY RISING Though a handful of worlds refused to cooperate, most quickly
The invasion of Sverdlovsk required nearly all of Shiro’s military agreed to sign treaties of cooperation with the Alliance of Galedon.
force, including the majority of his JumpShip fleet. Later histori- Shiro’s manipulation of these worlds was masterful. Through
ans indicate that roughly four troop divisions—50,000 officers politics and intimidation he slowly and meticulously annexed one
and men—landed in the major cities. Opposing them was a paltry planet after another—inhabited or not. Through this method, he
force made up of civilian peacekeepers and emergency person- kept the other worlds in the dark concerning his true purpose:
nel. Sverdlovsk had no organized militia and, never expecting an building an interstellar empire. Such naked aggression, which
interstellar invasion, was completely caught off guard by the ap- Shiro’s brother Urizen heavily advocated, would keep the colonies
pearance of several thousand armed combatants. Within weeks, from unifying against him.
the planetary officials had signed a treaty of complete coopera- Part of each world’s agreement was to send a certain percent-
tion with Director Shiro. age of its citizenry to New Samarkand for indoctrination and
The new conqueror of Sverdlovsk visited several regions of his military training. Early on, the planet Kirei Na Niwa fell short of
new domain, meeting with the natives during closely guarded its quota by fewer than twenty people. Within three months, the
encounters. At each venue, Shiro claimed to have as many more world lost twice as many as were drafted through mass execu-
soldiers available for each world that defied him. The speeches tions orchestrated by Shiro and carried out by Urizen. No world
were transmitted to relay stations and courier DropShips so his ever missed its quota again.


MACEDONIAN POLITICS the task in training and preparing the Alliance’s army. His dedication,
With his raw display of power and dropping all pretense of competence, and enthusiasm were needed just over a year later.
subservient politics—at least among the Alliance—Shiro Kurita In June 2311, a dispute broke out between Dieron and nearby
began to envelop nearby systems. Using a combination of po- Altair. Duke Armitage Brody, ruler of Dieron, promised swift
litical genius and strategic insight, he conquered, besieged, or action in response to some imagined insult. Threatening to call on
persuaded his neighbors to join the growing Alliance. Kurita’s his “distant but trusted ally,” Shiro Kurita, he soon discovered that
stature grew as he personally joined his forces in numerous bat- Shiro had also promised Altairian King Hugh Norman the same
tles, often shoulder-to-shoulder with his brother Urizen. protection. The two worlds, disgusted with Kurita’s attempts to
By 2309, Kurita assumed sole control of the Alliance of play both systems against themselves, founded the short-lived
Galedon. The body of advisors—made up of the planetary lead- Dieron Federation to resist Alliance encroachment. Nevertheless,
ers of the allied and conquered worlds—were tolerated as a both were soon briefly absorbed into Alliance before being
pretext of leadership cooperation, though Shiro rarely consulted “liberated” by the nascent Terran Hegemony.
with them. As far as the director was concerned, he embodied Few nobles within the Alliance were outraged at the deception.
the Alliance and his word was law. Though the Alliance con- Others simply accepted the ruse for what it was and continued
trolled seven significantly populated worlds and nearly a dozen to honor and accept the Alliance of Galedon as an official ruling
others, Shiro wanted more. body and ally. Resistance to Kurita’s authority was strongest on
Using the Alliance as a front, the director conducted a year-long Benjamin and Asgard. The local leaders of these two worlds felt
tour of several major colony worlds, including Dieron, Junction, manipulated and betrayed. Instead of focusing their aggressions
Benjamin, Worrell, Luthien, and Pesht. The leaders of these worlds on their neighbors—as was the norm—they transferred their
also controlled several of their neighboring systems. None of them hostility to Shiro Kurita. Most of their rhetoric they transmitted in
trusted each other, constantly wary of deceit and treachery from a fusillade of angry and hostile communications, detailing their
their peers and underlings. The environment was ripe for a political resentment in explicit detail.
strategist like Shiro. Only Dieron resisted Shiro’s aggressive diplo- The result was a meeting later known as the Council of One in
matic efforts: the planetary leadership was more enamored with late 2311. Shiro Kurita cordially invited every known lord in the core-
the Terran Hegemony’s promises of strength and security. ward-spinward quadrant to attend. More than a thousand leaders,
Such self-styled planetary nobles were no match for Kurita’s dignitaries, representatives, and political leeches accepted. Kurita
political acumen. Long before embarking on his tour, Shiro ob- made an impassioned speech condoning cooperation between
tained as much intelligence as possible on each of the planetary worlds for the betterment of all. As Shiro spoke, Urizen surrounded
leaders he was to meet. Spies and informants also met the direc- the meeting hall with two companies of his best troops. After the
tor upon his arrival, providing last-minute information. As each speech, a vote was taken. Those who voted for Shiro’s measure
king, duke, and warlord received him, Shiro showed documents returned home safely. Those who opposed were taken away for
allegedly proving a nearby rival had intentions of invading and further discussion and their next of kin was notified.
taking over his territories. Soon after, the Alliance’s fleet and army invaded Benjamin,
With humble modesty, Shiro would then reluctantly offer to me- Telos IV, and Asgard; the Alliance fleet had moved into position
diate the dispute as a disinterested, neutral party. To each, he would even as the Council of One began. Though none of the three sys-
also suggest an alternative: join the Alliance of Galedon and unite tems mustered any sort of standing army, their populations were
the planet’s resources with Kurita’s. Such an action would give the stalwart in defending their misguided independence. Peace came
leader nothing more to fear from his supposedly aggressive neigh- after several months of guerilla tactics and liberal use of every
bors. Kurita would reassure the leader that the Alliance was far conventional weapon available to the Alliance. Benjamin folded in
enough away to be uninterested in conquest. Alliance forces were less than a month; Telos IV surrendered in April, and Asgard finally
close enough, however, to provide direct support or meet an attack succumbed in August 2312.
on a second front, if necessary. The leader would need to agree im- The Alliance invasion began seven years of sporadic rebellion
mediately, as Shiro could not guarantee protection. and suppression. Many worlds saw the violence as something to
Used in subtle variations with each leader, this ploy succeeded be avoided. Others quickly joined the Kurita forces, impressed
on more than a dozen occasions and never failed. When Shiro with their success in military conquest. A few viewed the Alliance’s
returned to New Samarkand in 2310, the Alliance of Galedon actions as a rallying cry for armed resistance to Kurita’s growing
encompassed more than thirty inhabited worlds, several rich in power. A small handful of worlds asserted their independence—
various resources, and all providing men and materiel to swell the until the battle-hardened forces under Urizen’s command arrived
ranks of the Alliance’s army. to decimate their homes and factories. Many systems, completely
unprepared for full-scale warfare, fielded only half-trained police
THE RISE OF THE DRAGON and scattered, under-armed militia in defense.
The director of the Alliance knew that all of his political maneu- After 2317, more and more planetary leaders—survivors of
vers would be for naught if the Alliance military could not defend his the Council of One and subsequent invasions or their succes-
gains. Fortunately for Shiro, his brother Urizen was more than up to sors—swore oaths of allegiance to Shiro Kurita. By November


Outpost of
New Bergen

New Oslo






Sevren Tamar
Vorarlberg Pesht

Cusset Volders Sertar

Maestu Unity Thimphu

Lamar Yamarovka Cyrenaica

marault Biota
ed Thun Satalice
Suk II Halesowen Port Arthur

La Grave Tamar Pact Carse



Tarazed Luthien Chatham

Nox Sighisoara Chirala

Utrecht Braunton
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami
Toffen Bicester Corsica Nueva
Babuyan Xinyang
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San
Rubigen Odabasi
Rasalgethi Najha Chinmen Tao
Ogano Omagh Keihoku
Fort Loudon Ueda Philadelphia
Pilkhua Sakai

Dehgolan Arkab
Kelenfold Karbala
Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis
Caldrea Silkeborg
Blue Diamond Baldur Simferopol Sverdlovsk
Grumium Dove Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Nakaojo
Fatima Al Hillah Osmus Saar
Otho Oshika
Morningside Orestes Koumi Galedon V
Port Moseby Mersa Matruh Dnepropetrovsk
Tamsalu Goubellat
Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Cosenza
Dalkeith Hachiman Sakuranoki
Apostica Sakhalin Buckminster Tatsuno
Helsingfors Togura Nadrin
Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Symington Accrington Aubisson Kirei Na Niwa
Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern
s Auldhouse
Saaremaa Kawabe Hun Ho
Eaglesham Shimosuwa Fukuroi Annapolis Weisau
Yed Prior Benjamin Valmiera Shaul Khala
Kannon Matsuida Beta Mensae V
Corridan IV Apriki
Sutama Monistrol
Yed Posterior Alnasi Hagiwawa Ljugarn
Tsukude Altdorf
Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian An Ting
edom Baxter Rukbat

Vega Altais
Eltanin Umijiri
Kimball II Alya Irurzun
Izar Arlington

Konstance Kitalpha Huan
Kaus Borealis Algedi
Ryde Komephoros Waddesdon Gandy's Luck
Kaus Australis Shimonita Donenac Misery
Kessel Shitara Marlowe's Rift
Kaus Media Harpster Thestria

Carnwath Dabih Reisling's Planet
La Blon Alrakis Latexo
Piedmont Junction Elidere IV
Ascella Chichibu Ludwig Bergman's Planet
Dromini VI Galtor III Deshler
Unukalhai Harrow's Sun
Kuzuu Cussar Udibi Colia
Ashio Marduk
Alphecca Moore
ochab Skondia Kurhah New Mendham McComb Barlow's End
Skye Lambrecht Yance I Bremond
Tannil Tripoli Benet III
Atria Matar Glenmora Choudrant
Alkalurops Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Homam Paris
Zebebelgenubi Telos IV Halstead Station Rowe Fallon II
Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Ko Dyev Scheat Royal
Syrma Nusakan Pike IV Biham
Sadachbia Sadalbari Tallmadge
Nashira Breed
Lyons Ottum
Galatea Athenry Deneb Ancha Hoff
Summer Imbros III Skat Proserpina Sakhara V
Algedi Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Morrill
Al Na'ir Dobson Fairfax
Styx Bettendorf Sun Prairie
Mizar Zollikofen Asta
Menkent Nirasaki Markab
i Yorii Altair Dieron Murchison Le Blanc Dahar IV Waunakee
Muphrid David
Alioth Thorin Saffel Quentin Towne Galatia III Xhosa VII
Lipton Mara

Lucerne Verde
New Earth Helen Franklin
Rigil Kentarus Raman Doneval II Maynard
Milton Zavijava Chara Fomalhaut
Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Allerton
Alchiba Alula Australis Caph Clovis Rochester
cda Terra Addicks Tarkio
Denebola Sirius
Wyatt Zosma
Graham IV Keid
New Home
Northwind Small World Ronel Elbar Cartago
Olancha Exeter
Sauk City
bhe Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III Robinson
Pollux Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
son Marcus Carver V Potwin
Castor Devil's Rock Epsilon Ruchbah
Eridani Sheratan Schedar

Terran Hegemony Basalt Tigress Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb

Fletcher DeWitt Larned Peabody
onne Kawich Rio Caselton Edwards
Nopah Avawatz Keytesville Sul
Bordon Talitha Terra Firma Cholame Bogard
Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Connaught Outreach Logandale Evansville
mulac Capolla Acamar Bharat
Corydon Ramona
Van Diemen IV Yangtze Sonnia Barstow Coreward
Nathan Tikonov
Hall Azha Hamal Marlette

Chisholm / Elgin New Valencia


Acubens Mira Goderich Kestrel
Alphard Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
Hsien Nanking Arboris Tawas
Irian Wasat Mesartim
Miaplacidus Zurich Genoa New Hessen Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin Capac Gambier

Aldebaran Sanilac Sodus Bellevue

Tall Trees Algol Buchlau Almach Plymouth

Berenson Saiph Petrolia


Foundation (2319)
New Canton Ningpo Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton
Pleione Manteno Northfield Huron Cer
Halloran V Ulan Batar Streator Willowick
Gan Singh Poznan Algot Farwell
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Zion New Aragon
Menkar McHenry 120 LIGHT YEARS ORDelavan
Kyrkbacken Valexa
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Leamington
Shensi Jonathan


2319, Shiro Kurita achieved his objective of controlling a narrow promoted technological improvement and mutual defense
empire of planets from Terra to the Draconis Rift. A single spur of of its member worlds and signed many worlds into its fold as
controlled worlds branched off in the spinward direction, reach- Kurita declared his leadership and the power of the Draconis
ing as far as New Samarkand. Only the Rift limited Shiro’s growth Combine. That Dieron and Altair were two of the worlds that
outward. The partially explored region of space contained very joined McKenna’s alliance infuriated Shiro.
few habitable worlds. The surprising success of McKenna’s newly formed Hegemony
His immediate goals of conquest complete, Shiro cast off the led to a major change in Kurita’s growth policy, though he would
trappings of the Alliance, looking to formalize his nation with a never admit as such. Though Shiro first intended to expand his do-
new identity. The formation of the Draconis Combine was an- main in the direction of Terra, a number of planets he coveted were
nounced to its member worlds and neighbors in 2319, with already siding with the Hegemony. The Draconis Rift proved an even
Coordinator Shiro Kurita at its head. more tenacious obstacle, leaving the Combine only three directions
in which to grow: toward the Federated Suns of House Davion, to-
ward the regions controlled by the Federation of Skye and the Tamar
DRAGON RAMPANT Pact, or toward the loosely knit Principality of Rasalhague.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: While the ComStar treatment of our history that is in vogue In 2320, the Coordinator made a conservative but wise decision.
with other Great House intelligence services is troubling, their butchery of Shiro’s Instead of thrusting into a neighboring empire, Shiro proceeded to
own writings is especially infuriating. I have included the text of the actual letter that choose worlds that were within easy striking distance of his own. At
the University of Pesht holds in its current collection of our illustrious history. —MK] the time of its establishment, the Combine looked on a stellar map
Dear Musuko: like a scattered collection of islands in a huge archipelago. Kurita did
You are fourteen years old now, and a man. Though I am still well and fit to not yet control every stellar island in his chain. Through slow and
lead, you will serve the Kurita line in the event of my demise. You are also old consistent expansion policy, the Coordinator planned to take most
enough to learn some things that I could not tell Tenno-the-boy. of the remaining independent worlds that existed within the gaps
Our forces have paid the price in blood, valor, and high honor to help me between now-loyal planets. During this period, the Coordinator’s
create a domain, a kingdom, a dynasty. I charge you, my son, with its protec- brilliance in military strategy shone bright.
tion after my death, on whatever day that may come. I am the Coordinator of the Individual target worlds went through the gradual process of
Draconis Combine. My brother Urizen is the Warlord. But you are its future, and isolation, subjugation, and consolidation as their respective leaders
your children and their children. Remember this. were coerced into joining the Draconis Combine. By the late 2320s,
I have chosen the dragon as our standard and our symbol, reflecting many even the Coordinator’s enemies and detractors—of which there were
facets of our existence. We must never forget the ancient Terran heritage of our
few, thanks to Urizen—grudgingly admired his methods. Realizing
line, with its samurai greatness. I remind you, too, that the dragon is feared and
his new empire needed a cause to preserve and strengthen its unity,
respected for its strength, cunning, and willingness to destroy for the sake of
Kurita chose to move against the Principality of Rasalhague in 2330.
its own power. Always keep the virtues of the dragon in mind, and use them to
Director-General James McKenna extended an offer to the
defeat your opponents.
Combine in 2325 to join the Terran Hegemony; Shiro rebuffed the
You may recall that I have spoken much about the treacherous Ozawas and
request. Incensed that the Hegemony leader had suborned a few
their wealthy merchant fleets. You may now know that the Ozawas no longer
of the systems Shiro had spent immeasurable time politicking, the
concern me. Having met our forces, they were forced to concede defeat after
Coordinator refused to communicate with the Hegemony until after
many losses. We, not they, are now the power with whom all in our quadrant
McKenna’s death in 2340. With Michael Cameron’s succession to the
must reckon. The Ozawa Mercantile Association must now abide by our rules.
leadership of the Hegemony, Shiro signed a limited trade pact with
Give them no thought or care. A debt nearly four centuries old has been paid in
the rival nation. Kurita openly stated his hope that Cameron would
full. From now on, we have the advantage and shall press it whenever we choose.
be satisfied with the limited agreement and not seek anything more.
If one wishes to show who is master and who is the vanquished, it is better to
The trade pact opened up opportunities for economic exchanges
inflict a lingering pain upon an enemy than a quick death.
and underwrote much of the Combine’s expanding industrial base.
Always preserve the dragon, and its magic will keep you strong.
Secretly, Shiro reaffirmed to his brother and son, Tenno, his vow that
—excerpt from a letter written by Shiro Kurita to his son Tenno, 2325; on
one day he or his descendants would rule all of space.
display at the University of Pesht Archives

Stellar Rivalries THE DRAGON’S COIL
As Shiro was putting the finishing touches on his sprawl- After consolidating the worlds in and near the Combine,
ing empire, the Terran Alliance collapsed. Fleet Admiral James Shiro looked towards his neighbors for continued expansion of
McKenna stepped into the power vacuum and formed the Terran the Combine’s influence. Though the Federated Suns controlled
Hegemony in 2314. McKenna’s rise to power and acquisition of a number of attractive worlds, Kurita felt that the Davion sphere
former Alliance worlds was markedly different from the more would be too distant for an easily won campaign. In 2330, the
stringent methods employed by Shiro Kurita. The Hegemony Combine did not share a common border with the Suns.


The Protectorate of Donegal, the Tamar Pact, and the

WE, RASALHAGUE Federation of Skye were in the midst of discussions to unite their
We Rasalhagians were a noble collection of proud peoples. We asked little, three territories. Instead of directly attacking any of the three
except to be left to our own destiny and devices. Though life was hard on the new before the group had officially joined together, the Coordinator
and often forbidding worlds during colonization, we managed. It was no harder made one of his very few strategic errors. In hindsight, if Shiro
for us on those strange new planets than for our own ancestors of a millennium had attacked the Tamar Pact during this time before it could form
before. The freedom to live or die—by our own choice, not the choice of our gov- the Lyran Commonwealth, House Steiner would likely never have
ernment—that is all we sought. come to power.
During the exodus, many of us left our homeworld, never to return. With
heavy hearts and a deep sense of regret, thousands of colonists ventured from
the Federal Democratic Republics of Sweden, Finland, and Norway. It seemed THEORIES
that our ancestors saw the shape of things to come and decided to abandon Terra Several theories exist as to why the Coordinator waved off an assault on the
even before the main wave of emigration had begun. Tamar Pact, though only two may be close to the truth. Rumors of secret envoys
Our reasons for leaving were as much geopolitical as they were economic. from the Tamar Pact visiting New Samarkand in 2329 briefly swirled through the
We did not truly want to go, but conditions forced our departure. Our nations had nobility. While an unmarked trade vessel did visit the world at that time, there
suffered extensively as a result of the Second Russian Civil War in the early twen- was no record of any visits to the Coordinator’s residence or the diplomatic halls.
ty-first century. The hordes of displaced civilians fleeing across the border from Curiously, there was a brief uptick in technological research shortly afterwards.
their destroyed Soviet homes created severe economic dislocation and near- Many historians theorize that the Tamar Pact had exchanged newly acquired (or
anarchy in our homelands. As late as the mid-twenty-third century, nearly 150 stolen) Hegemony technology for a limited non-aggression period, carried out
years later, these once-prosperous nations were still paying the exorbitant social under the cover of a standard mercantile visit.
and financial costs of rebuilding the splintered Soviet states. The assessments, The more favored theory—at least by Combine citizens centuries later—is
assigned by the Terran Parliament and cruelly enforced by Alliance authorities, that Warlord Urizen suffered a personal challenge to his honor by a Rasalhagian
ensured the economic and psychological bankruptcy of our once proud lands. noble during one of Shiro’s system tours in the early 2300s. No concrete details
When our chance came, we chose to flee. At that time, the unexplored planet exist about any such encounter or of a possible visit during that time frame. The
of Rasalhague was about as far away from Terra as anyone could imagine. Thus, theory holds little evidence, but the thought of Urizen convincing his brother to
it was the perfect refuge for a people who had developed a deep and lasting authorize a war simply to assuage his honor fits the Combine citizen’s more ro-
resentment for oppressive, impersonal bureaucracies supported by a strong mantic view of the First Coordinator and his family.
military. The Terran government seemed bent on depriving our people of their —Hindsight History: An Armchair View of the Inner Sphere; Geneva University
dignity and their means of survival. Thus, we found our sanctuary in Rasalhague Press, 3002
and other nearby worlds. Here we looked forward to autonomy and as much
physical distance as possible from the authority of Terra.
The worlds settled in this region during this time were organized into a The Coordinator sent his brother Urizen to the Principality
loose structure of clan-oriented families. Family heads took responsibility for
of Rasalhague in 2330. During the first three years of the cam-
their own people and annually elected a single head for each planet, known as
paign, the Combine encountered only token resistance. After a
a varldherre, or world-lord. In turn, each world-lord paid lip service to the Prince
few months, Urizen sent for his sons Victor and Isaac, who were
of Rasalhague, elected once every ten years. We were loyal to our prince but not
also warriors in the blossoming Kuritan tradition. Urizen’s health
was slowly deteriorating, and he wanted to ensure his bloodline
The prince, often referred to affectionately as the “High Chieftain,” was nom-
would remain in battle. The younger Kuritas flourished in combat
inally responsible for the safety and well-being of every Rasalhagian. In practical
and quickly rose within the ranks of the Combine’s army.
terms, though, this protection amounted to little more than verbal agreement to
Several Rasalhague worlds fell in a matter of months, with
a mutual defense pact. For all intents, every family was on its own and would live
or die by its wits and the resources at hand. Combine advances limited more from the logistical chain than the
Aside from petty family in-fighting and inevitable minor disagreements in minimal opposition. Using a stellar leapfrogging technique, the
planetary politics, we minded our own business. Surviving, we found, was a dif- Kuritans seized planets in a seemingly erratic sequence. The tac-
ficult chore. It became a standard political joke for commentators to add that tic kept the enemy off guard while continually creating advance
“the Principality of Rasalhague was generally conspicuous by its absence.” As a staging bases for upcoming attacks. Planets deliberately skipped
rule, our citizens showed little interest in interstellar politics, other newly formed in this manner were taken during a second wave, sometimes two
governments, or the activities of Terra. to four years later.
In fact, we might have kept entirely to ourselves until population pressure Moderately large Combine garrisons and sizeable weapon
built up to the point that we needed to expand our vision and our territories (not caches were stationed on the advance bases as Urizen and his
necessarily in that order). If we had been left to our own ways, this expansion forces seized worlds and continued to penetrate deep into the
might have taken several centuries. Unfortunately, our independence would be Principality. By late 2333, Urizen’s forces bypassed Rasalhague,
forever crushed in 2330 by the heavy boots of the armies of the Draconis Combine. having seized and subjugated New Bergen instead. The move
—The Dragon’s Claw: A History of Rasalhague; Tamar Interstellar Press, 2561 surprised the Rasalhagians, who felt sure Urizen would strike their
capital when it was in range.


independent state until 2510. Lip service was given towards its
TENNO KURITA would-be conquerors, keeping a fragile peace in place lest the
Born in 2305 on New Samarkand, the eldest son of Shiro Kurita became the
Combine decide to revisit with the issue with more violence.
Second Coordinator upon his father’s death in 2348. Tenno was a skilled organizer
and administrator, which matched his mild-mannered persona. He did not, how-
ever, possess his father’s statesmanship or military acumen. Instead, Tenno spent THE DRAGON GROWS
the first two-thirds of his reign promoting industrial development, forging closer Tenno Kurita was a pragmatist and knew the Combine’s best
diplomatic relations with the Terran Hegemony and organizing the Combine into chances for growth lay in sheer numbers of people. To encourage
a workable administrative government. Tenno divided the Combine into military an expanding population, he awarded merit citations and rewards
districts and prefects for better structure and governance. Though the district to mothers of large families. He also developed mandatory indoc-
and prefecture borders would change over time, the system has served the trination training for citizens of all ages, beginning as young as four
Dragon well for the last seven hundred years. years of age. His sole motive was to boost the number of colonists
—Profiles of the Dragon; First School Publications, 2980 loyal to the Dragon on thinly populated worlds. The programs
worked: families with ten to fifteen children became common.
The more populated worlds such as New Samarkand and Galedon
In January 2334, Victor and Isaac Kurita headed a small Combine
V saw an uptick in colonization and relocation efforts as citizens,
occupation force in New Bergen. The troops stationed there were
looking to take advantage of Tenno’s population edicts, moved out
preparing for action against the Outpost system but for the mo-
of the crowded cities and to more underpopulated worlds.
ment they enjoyed an extended R&R period. During this state of
The greatest crisis of Tenno’s reign occurred when a terrorist raid
lessened attention, a powerful Rasalhague force arrived and com-
took place on Rasalhague in December 2375. An unknown number
bined their might with a prearranged uprising of local citizens.
of guerrillas evaded the guards and attacked the Draconis Combine
In an unprecedented massacre, the defenders wiped out the
Rasalhague Military District housing complex. Vladimir Kurita,
occupation force to the last man, including Urizen’s sons. Huge
Rasalhague Military District Governor, and almost every member
stocks of armored ground vehicles, personal weapons, artillery,
of his family were killed. Also lost in the attack was Omi Kurita, the
munitions, other equipment, and a few parked JumpShips were
captured and distributed among the Rasalhagians.
The New Bergen disaster provided the natives with a means to FORCE IN MOTION
fight the Combine on their own terms. The seizure of this single “As many of you are aware, the Free Rasalhague Republic—the Republic
supply depot prolonged the fighting for at least two full decades. for short—did not begin in 3034. While the name is new, many students of
The loss of both sons nearly drove Urizen mad. Though he was Combine history recognize the Republic as the proud descendant of the ancient
coordinating battle plans elsewhere, news of the debacle did not Principality of Rasalhague, which lasted seventy years before Coordinator Shiro
take long to reach him. The Warlord vowed revenge. Kurita began to absorb the nascent kingdom in 2330.
Urizen never saw his vengeance fulfilled. Though he contin- “During the long process of slowly absorbing the Principality into the
ued to lead his forces for the next two years, his health continued Combine, Shiro and his descendants used the low-level conflict to unify the entire
to worsen. In April 2336, he died from congestive heart failure. realm into a cohesive power to rival the nearby Steiner empire and the Federated
Upon learning of his brother’s death, Shiro took the news with Suns, with only the Terran Hegemony a stronger stellar nation.
his characteristic stoicism: “Branches of the tree die, but the tree “One could argue that independence-minded rebels within the newly
lives on.” Fortunately for Urizen’s line, his youngest son Adam and named Rasalhague Military District caused the turmoil and ill will between the
his grandson Vladimir, Victor’s son, were safe at home on New Combine and Rasalhague people over the next several decades. The most infa-
Samarkand. The Kuritan dynasty was never in danger of extinc- mous example of this being the attack on Vladimir Kurita’s estate in 2375, killing
tion, to the disappointment of its enemies. Coordinator Tenno’s sister and causing a chain of events that lead to many years
Upon Urizen’s death, Shiro’s son Tenno took command of the of brutal tyranny among the Rasalhagians due to Jason Kurita’s personal ven-
Combine forces in Rasalhague. Though he had neither his father’s geance over the death of his father and family.
strategic outlook nor his uncle’s grasp of military tactics, Tenno “Yet one can also argue that because of the rebels’ action, those events led
kept the Combine’s tenuous hold until 2342, when Adam Kurita to Daniel Sorenson’s birth (from Jason’s sister Oma) and subsequent exile among
replaced him. Tenno returned to New Samarkand to finish his the Rasalhague public, bringing to light the awful truth of Jason Kurita’s tyranny.
tutelage under his father’s leadership, preparing to become the Daniel’s reign as Lord of Rasalhague and Warlord of the district helped heal the
next Coordinator. In 2348, Shiro Kurita passed away in his sleep rift between the Combine and its people. More importantly, Sorenson’s birth set
and Tenno ascended the throne of the Combine. the stage for the McAllister Rebellion against the Von Rohrs line and saved the
Guerilla fighting on Rasalhague worlds continued for three Combine from madness—and destruction.
decades. In 2367, Tenno declared the Rasalhague menace van- “In 2510, the Principality formally joined the rest of the Combine and, for the
quished and withdrew the majority of the Combine’s forces. first time in decades, enjoyed peace under Siriwan McAllister-Kurita.”
While the Combine put a victorious spin on the entire operation, —Lecture notes from The Ronin Crisis; Sun Zhang Academy, 3066
in reality the Principality was officially neutral and remained an


Coordinator’s sister. Missing from the ruins of the assault was Oma While his father lived, Nihongi coveted the Coordinatorship.
Kurita, Vladimir’s eighteen-year-old sister. The governor’s oldest When Tenno passed on to his ancestors and Nihongi ascended,
son, Jason, was on New Samarkand at the time of the strike. he found little use for his new position.
Tenno found the attack revolting and dishonorable. As the in- The Third Coordinator’s reign lasted two decades. During
cumbent Coordinator, he was responsible for the well-being of his that time, he launched no major offensives, signed no meaning-
family. His sister’s sudden death was seen as a profound disgrace ful agreements, and spent much of his time whining and sulking
and loss of personal honor. The Coordinator considered commit- about wanting everyone to obey him. To his credit, Nihongi was
ting seppuku—ritual suicide—and when Omi’s body arrived at an excellent horseman and maintained an enviable stable of
New Samarkand in 2376, he carried out his intentions. Tenno’s son high-quality Samarkand breeding stock. He was often seen riding
Nihongi, who happily stepped into the role of Coordinator upon a magnificent stallion around the palace grounds. Unfortunately
his father’s death, wholeheartedly supported the decision. for the Combine, he let pressing affairs of state go unresolved
while he enjoyed his equestrian forays.
SEEDS OF DISCONTENT Word of Oma Kurita’s fate came in 2377. Kurita intelligence
Coordinator Nihongi Kurita, the only son of Tenno, was born in sources learned that Oma was not killed on Rasalhague with
2336. A vain man with little capacity for long-term thinking—and other members of the Kurita family. Instead, Oma was alive on
possessing none of the qualities of his father or grandfather— Trondheim. Adam Kurita, Warlord of Rasalhague and sole surviv-
Nihongi treated his newly acquired position as an attractive toy. ing son of Urizen, led the rescue operation. After several harrowing
encounters and an exhaustive firefight, Oma and her newborn
son, Daniel Sorenson, returned to the safety of New Samarkand.
ROAD TO WAR The Coordinator’s only reaction was to withdraw several military
By the end of the twenty-fourth century, ten separate states with strong units from the Rasalhague Military District, mostly due to Adam
central governments evolved within the Inner Sphere. Some formed through co- Kurita’s incessant prompting.
operation and consent, while others were created through conquest and military Oma apparently had fallen in love with Jan Sorenson, the High
domination. Chieftain of her captors, and in a strange and fortuitous turn of
Many of these new political powers faced the same problems that had con- Stockholm Syndrome, married him. Jan was killed during the rescue
fronted individual colony worlds during the previous century, only multiplied mission. Oma never recovered from grief for her husband, sinking
tenfold. Treachery and political Darwinism flourished, as the richer or more deep into an addiction to absinthe. At only forty years of age, she
populated planets dominated and often exploited their less fortunate neighbors. died in 2397 from chronic liver failure and related complications.
Now, instead of two worlds fighting between themselves, two powers (each re- During the early years of Nihongi’s reign, he transferred a
sponsible for many worlds) might face off, and these struggles were not always number of Rasalhague’s units to duty stations along the Skye
confined to diplomatic channels. and Tamar borders. Both leaders of the foreign realms became
With a relatively large population base, easily obtained raw materials, and concerned, believing the moves to be a prelude to a Combine in-
a tradition of many centuries of scientific research, the Terran Hegemony main- vasion. Nihongi ignored any possible opportunities for advance,
tained technological superiority over the other states. This in turn enhanced its however, and Combine attacks never went beyond minor bor-
political influence, especially when dealing with governments whose worlds still der raids. Some raids were for the sake of capturing supplies or
lacked such fundamental necessities as water. Trade, both of goods and informa- stocks of raw materials, while others had only nuisance value. The
tion, flourished between the Hegemony and the more cooperative governments. transfers gave the Skye and Tamar regions pause and diverted any
This did not mean that peace was an uninterrupted luxury, however. As the thoughts of conducting their own invasion.
century progressed and each state attempted to define its borders more em- Nihongi’s lukewarm leadership caused consternation
phatically, border disputes heightened in frequency and intensity. Struggles over throughout the Draconis Combine. Factions began to form
strategically valuable planets escalated from verbal disputes to small skirmishes within the government, some with the purpose of obtaining his
to battlefields covering an entire world. Scientific research veered away from im- resignation, others offering a more permanent solution. Near
proving the quality of life, now at comfortable levels on most worlds, and took the end of Nihongi’s reign, even the most patient of advisors and
aim at weapons research and development. leaders could not accept the Coordinator’s political indifference
Over the twenty-fourth century’s last three decades, many border worlds or ineptitude.
in sensitive areas underwent a remarkable change. They progressed from being The situation deteriorated completely by November 2393.
equipped with navigational aids and glorified police officials to having sophis- Nihongi’s oldest son, Robert, discovered his sister Marika had
ticated ship detection equipment, fully armed JumpShips, a variety of system been visiting the family stables for more prurient reasons. Purely
defense craft, and large garrisons of crack troops. Many border worlds even by accident, Robert learned Marika was pregnant by Werner Von
began to resemble encampments under siege, because their mineral or hydro- Rohrs, one of the stable hands. Enraged at the dishonor brought
logical wealth made them prime targets for their neighbors. The Age of War to his family, Robert confronted Werner and killed him with a
would soon rear its ugly head. shovel. Marika followed through with the pregnancy, giving birth
—House Kurita: The Draconis Combine; ComStar Archives, 3026 to Nihongi Von Rohrs in May the following year.


Killing Werner did not slake Robert’s anger. He sought his fa- more powerful new weapons. Such a decision would delay any
ther’s advice, but Nihongi was of no help. Robert’s disgust with major military action for several years.
the Coordinator’s inability to maintain any semblance of decorum Not known for his patience, the young Coordinator had diffi-
within his own house pushed the Kurita heir towards the politi- culty waiting. The time was well spent, however, as his forces were
cal opposition on New Samarkand. For nearly two years, political upgraded and readied with new weapons and technology. Robert
turmoil built on New Samarkand, spilling outwards into the rest of instead spent his time frequently reconsidering his overall strategy.
the Combine. The Coordinator remained blissfully unaware of the What little he knew of strategy came from studying Terran history.
growing resentment. Robert’s faction was ready to implement his The Terran tactical concept of dual encirclement and pincer
own plan to end his father’s reign when Nihongi fell from his prize movements so intrigued Robert that he wanted to give it a try. The
racehorse while riding up a steep incline. The Coordinator broke Coordinator failed to understand that ground tactics do not neces-
his neck and died instantly, saving Robert the trouble of execut- sarily translate to the strategic scale of interstellar war. After much
ing him. Robert Kurita assumed the throne in April 2396. discussion, he settled for an attack against the Federation of Skye.
One pincer would strike near the Tamar/Skye border and
WINDS OF CHANGE swing down deep into Skye territory. The second pincer, launched
With the news of the outbreak of war between the distant a year later, would move through the Kessel-Dromini gap and link
Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League in 2398, Robert with the first pincer as quickly as possible. The combined sweeps
Kurita began making his own plans for an attack. Disappointed would theoretically isolate a large portion of the Federation and
he was not the first to reignite the flames of war, the Fourth leave it in Combine control. The Coordinator believed that if all
Coordinator was determined to take advantage of the hostilities. went as planned, the advances might even threaten Terra itself.
Robert’s advisors unanimously agreed that House Steiner’s The first pincer attack launched in November 2407. Combine
Skye and Tamar provinces were better targets than those of forces crossed into the Tamar Pact just above its border with the
House Davion. The Steiners were better equipped than the highly Federation of Skye. Kurita and his generals directed these forces
disciplined Combine forces. Knowing that even the best-trained to make at least two diversionary strikes, then to aim toward Terra
troops cannot survive against superior firepower, the Coordinator in a flanking motion. The second complete force was in position
agreed that he must even the odds and provide his army with and awaiting orders.


Combat was ferocious. The Steiner defenders, unable to private gardens ensured Nihongi’s rise to power. Several of
match the Combine’s ferocity, deliberately destroyed much of Nihongi’s supporters joined the dead Coordinator after inquiring
their worlds. Their actions rendered the planets useless to the about their promised promotions.
advancing Kuritan forces. Unfortunately for the Federation, Suffering from extreme paranoia, Nihongi possessed a
these tactics were only partially successful and led to a major strong instinct for self-preservation. After eliminating his less-
shakeup in Skye’s leadership. reliable colleagues, he ensured his position by exiling all of the
The Combine’s advances were successful and consistent on immediate members of the Kurita line. Why Nihongi chose ex-
both flanks for nearly two years; the most significant victory ile over execution is not known, though many Kurita historians
coming on Menkent when Kuritan forces killed Archon Alistair believe the Coordinator wanted his enemies to live and know
Marsden. The advance ended when the Combine suffered a ma- he reigned in their stead—a fate that, in his own mind, was one
jor defeat on Meacham. A month later, a devastating covert raid worse than death.
on a major Combine supply depot on Vega severely depleted mu- Philip Kurita, Parker’s eldest son, remained hidden for nearly
nitions and materiel for the Kessel-Dromini forces, stopping their four years. He was eventually discovered in 2425 and forced to
forward progress cold. join his two brothers in exile. Von Rohrs secretly sold his mother’s
Three years later, Robert Kurita joined eight other interstellar youngest sister, Lenore Kurita, into slavery in 2421. She died fif-
powers on Ares and signed the Ares Conventions in June 2412. Six teen years later, killed for sport by her owner, a “noble” ruler of a
months later, the Coordinator was dead from an assassin’s bul- Periphery world.
let on New Samarkand. Though never proven, most of Robert’s With all rivals removed, Nihongi began a series of extensive and
confidants agreed that his sister brought about the assassination: bloody purges. These mass executions cut deeply through many
Marika Kurita never forgave Robert for slaying Werner Von Rohrs. levels of Combine society, including the military and mercantile
Stepping into the Coordinator’s role was Parker Kurita, Robert’s
leaders, and created economic instability and near-anarchy.
younger brother. The first Kuritan born in deep space—birthed
On Rasalhague, Oma Kurita raised her son Daniel Sorenson
in transit between Benjamin and New Samarkand—Parker did
in the royal court, despite the stigma of his unacceptable birth.
little more than maintain the status quo set by his domineer-
Daniel remained on Rasalhague until the age of eighteen, when
ing brother. Considered by most to be a weak leader, Parker did
his mother died. After her passing, Daniel left Rasalhague and
everything possible to follow Robert’s will and when in doubt,
joined the local military, partially to fulfill his own wanderlust and
did nothing at all.
to escape the wary eye of Jason Kurita. Daniel knew that his life
One of Parker’s few noteworthy successes came from the sei-
was in danger with his mother no longer present to protect him.
zure of the Lyran Commonwealth world of St. John in 2414. Robert
Jason Kurita, the tyrannical ruler of the Rasalhague Military
had envisioned the operation as an attempt to destabilize the
District since 2375, continued to hold a grudge against the na-
newly formed Lyran government. House Steiner launched two
tives of the Principality. Daniel’s existence provided Jason with a
counterattacks in 2417 and 2418, both of which ended in disaster
continual reminder of the hated Sorenson clan, who in his mind
for Steiner troops.
personified the terrorists who killed his father and family. He
Viper in the Nest never referred to Daniel as a nephew, calling him “that trash of
The new Coordinator’s ambitionless rule nonetheless gained sub-humanity” on a good day. For their part, Jason’s own fam-
him a mortal enemy. Nihongi Von Rohrs, progeny of Marika ily hated him for his depravity as much as his subjects hated and
Kurita and her commoner lover, harbored an ingrained hatred for feared him.
Robert Kurita for the slaying of his father. With Robert’s assassina- As Daniel traveled through the Principality of Rasalhague on
tion, Nihongi transferred his thirst for vengeance to Parker Kurita. his duty tours, he was relieved to be free of the insulated world of
Saigo Kurita, the youngest of Nihongi Kurita’s sons, died on Jason Kurita’s court. Among the people, Daniel could see the true
Vega in a Federation of Skye raid. With his death, Nihongi Von effects of the dictator whose food he had shared. He witnessed
Rohrs was the eldest surviving male in the New Samarkand Kurita torture, physical and psychological indignities, and the gradual
bloodline. This made him next in line for the Coordinatorship, destruction of Rasalhagian morale. With his background, Daniel
even though he was a bastard child. was sensitive to the emotions of others and could not allow in-
After serving in several low-grade House units, Nihongi made nocent civilians to endure much more. Treasonous ideas quietly
friends with some ambitious and greedy officers. His promises passed between Daniel and his few closest confidants.
of high positions persuaded them to assist him in a coup against When Nihongi enacted his coup on New Samarkand, Jason
Parker. In March 2421 during a dark evening, elements of another Kurita followed his depraved instincts and supported Von Rohrs,
unit replaced the Kurita Household Guard. Parker put up a fierce even sending troops to fight against loyal Draconis forces. These
but short-lived resistance, barricading himself in his quarters. actions by the governor shocked Daniel into action. His twin cous-
Shortly after midnight, Nihongi’s guards escorted Parker to a ins Toshiro and Hanako Kurita, sons of Adam Kurita, came to his
holding cell for the night. A sunrise execution in the Coordinator’s aid and support in a revolution against Jason Kurita.


In 2398, a territorial dispute between the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds League erupted into open warfare, the first stellar war in over a century. Over the next
fourteen years, dozens of extremely bloody, destructive wars were fought over frontier worlds along both nations’ borders. A catastrophic battle on Tintavel in 2412 resulted in
thousands of civilian casualties. With rampant destruction threatening to destabilize civilization, representatives of eight interstellar states, including the Draconis Combine,
met in the city of New Olympia on Ares to sign the Ares Conventions. Realizing that war could not be eliminated, these representatives drew up a body of interstellar laws to
regulate warfare and to minimize its impact on humanity.
The Ares Conventions, an agreement that the Coordinator and most of his people tacitly agreed to in principle, banned warfare in heavily populated areas and prohibited
military destruction of civilian economies. War was an almost continuous fact in the twenty-fifth century, and through the Conventions, warfare became a less destructive
event. Military campaigns were transformed into a more chivalric contest of maneuver and tactics. Forces would generally surrender rather than fight against unfavorable odds,
with the knowledge that another contest would soon arise. All governments recognized the necessity of preserving the civilian populations, in order to have something left to
fight for. This agreement would only last as long as all signers adhered to the guidelines, and so compliance with the Ares Conventions was generally universal. Warfare was
indeed far less destructive, but leaders were now more willing than ever to use war as a means of resolving even the most minor of disputes.
Of more immediate impact on the state of warfare—and of immense interest to the Combine in particular—was the unveiling of the first bipedal combat platform on
Terra in 2439. Using myomer technology to power artificial legs, these giant battle machines, called BattleMechs, were more mobile than conventional wheeled and tracked
vehicles. Their size, firepower, and armor made the BattleMechs invincible on the battlefield. The Terran Hegemony controlled all BattleMech technology at first, using their
advantage to subdue every opponent.
In 2455, technical schematics were captured in a Lyran Commonwealth raid on Hesperus II, and the technology rapidly spread throughout human space. The arrival of these
war machines on the fields of battle reinforced the ideals of the Ares Conventions. Highly skilled warriors could fight complete battles in a small area, reducing the risk to civil-
ian populations. Even using BattleMechs, very few battles fought at this time were decisive. Most skirmishes established temporary control over a targeted area that could be
challenged at any time by another force.
—March of the Gods; Focht War College, 3064

As word of the rebellion spread, citizens joined the move- ecuted competent corporate and mercantile leaders and replaced
ment in droves. As a result, Jason recalled his troops from New them with inept but loyal friends and stooges. Political turmoil would
Samarkand, and Nihongi retaliated by removing the governor have resulted, but the new tyrant dealt with the slightest criticism
from office. While guards loyal to Von Rohrs forcibly removed from anyone in the harshest possible manner. Entire families, from
the governor from his throne room, Daniel offered his uncle one grandparents through grandchildren, were executed if a single fam-
last chance to accept exile. In response, the ex-governor pulled a ily member spoke out against the Von Rohrs government.
small pistol and shot at young Sorenson. Fortunately, the youth’s Where Robert Kurita called for torture or an execution perhaps
reflexes proved superior, and he killed his uncle in self-defense once a month, under Nihongi these punishments were a daily
amid several stunned witnesses. occurrence. None could complain, however, as by all the rules of
With Jason’s death, Daniel Sorenson seized control of the dynasty set down by Shiro Kurita and a century of ongoing tradi-
Principality of Rasalhague and assumed the title of Lord. His stated tion, Nihongi was the Combine’s rightful heir. The people could do
goals were to end all oppression of its citizens and offer opposition nothing but wait, endure, and let time heal the wounds. They se-
to Von Rohrs, who now claimed the title of Coordinator. As a whole, cretly hoped that one of the exiled Kuritas would step forward, and
the populace of the Principality accepted Daniel as their rightful soon. Any other drastic action, such as an attempted assassination
leader, the son of their former High Chieftain Jan Sorenson. or efforts to stage an open election, might mean the collapse of the
Though Daniel’s efforts to remove Nihongi Von Rohrs were un- century-old dynasty. That course of action was inconceivable.
successful, the Lord of Rasalhague received great popular support Von Rohrs did reaffirm the House Kurita policy of territo-
as a leader and allied his own troops with military units loyal to the rial advances against the Lyran Commonwealth. He also made
true Kurita family line. The new governor was a competent and occasional plans to attack the Federated Suns, which some
vigorous leader and died at the age of 110 in a mountain climb- advisors described as “a dangerous supernova on the edge of
the Draconis Combine.” For the most part, the previous Kurita
ing accident. That the illegitimate offspring of a one-time terrorist
leadership had agreed that House Steiner and its predecessors
clan proved to be more faithful to House Kurita than his uncle,
presented less formidable opposition. Moreover, a two-front
a pureblood Kurita, was never lost on the Rasalhague populace.
war involved a high level of risk and was likely to fail disastrously.
Even Von Rohrs, in his usurpation, left House Davion more or less
THE AGE OF DISHONOR untouched, save a diversionary raid now and again. Rumors qui-
Unlike Nihongi Von Rohrs’s predecessors, who controlled only the etly circulated that Von Rohrs had some form of collusion with
political and military elements within the Combine, the new leader Davion leadership; those caught whispering such treason went
wanted total economic control of House Kurita. He removed and ex- missing shortly after uttering such words.


worlds that were inadequately or incompetently defended. By

THE BLOODY KNOT 2445, approximately one-fifth of the worlds in the former Tamar
OF VON ROHRS Pact belonged to the Combine. The victories were a small balm to
As far as it mattered to the average citizen of the Dragon, the eighty-nine soothe the bloody gashes inflicted upon the Combine’s citizenry.
year reign of the Von Rohrs could have been under a single man or a dozen dif- House Steiner had already raided a Terran BattleMech facility,
ferent ones. For most, the period was a bloody blur of misery with no tangible seized the necessary computer data, and begun to set up their
changes from one tyrant to the next. Even court observers on New Samarkand own factories. Combine officials agreed it was time to pay the
had difficulty determining exactly who was in charge or when one man’s term Steiners a visit and steal the valuable technology from under their
ended and another began. noses. In 2461, the Combine launched two covert raids against
This confusion was largely due to Nihongi’s disuse of his first name within a Steiner BattleMech facilities. The success of the operation on
year of his ascension. Throughout the rest of the period, the tyrants went only by Coventry gave the Dragon the technology to design and manu-
their surname. Always fearful of retaliation, Nihongi and his descendants lived out facture its own ’Mechs.
their lives in the strictly guarded seclusion of the New Samarkand palace grounds.
The court chain of command during the Von Rohrs period was confusing
and convoluted. Presumably, subordinates would report to their superiors, who BATTLEMECHS OF THE DRAGON
would, in turn, report to theirs. After passing through three, four, or even five Following the raid in 2461 that netted BattleMech plans for the Draconis
levels of administration, a message might reach one of a half-dozen persons who Combine, House Kurita set out on a crash course of construction. To build this
actually knew and met regularly with the incumbent leader. Or, in some cases, first design, the paranoid Kozo Von Rohrs established a secret division of New
someone whom they thought was the tyrant. Samarkand Metals, watched over obsessively by his newly formed Draconis Elite
Such confusion spread in full after Nihongi’s death. Kozo Von Rohrs was never Strike Teams. It would be up to New Samarkand Armor Works to tackle the task.
seen in public and his closest aides were the only persons in all of human space (When the capital of the Draconis Combine moved, NSAW migrated wholesale,
who knew what he looked like. For over sixty years, Combine subjects could have becoming Luthien Armor Works). Due to the restrictions of personnel and re-
met their Coordinator on the surface of any world and no one would have recog- sources from such secrecy, the GLD-1R Gladiator would not reach full production
nized him. Paranoia enshrouded the upper levels of the Combine government. until 2468.
To historians’ best estimation, Nihongi ruled from 2421 until the mid-2400s. Following the disastrous assault on the world of Nox—the first large-scale
It is not known how many offspring he had: he was known to have a sizeable ’Mech vs. ’Mech battle—in 2475 against House Steiner, additional resources
sexual appetite that ranged across both sexes and beyond. One son, Kozo, is were poured into the nascent ’Mech program. Advances in new technologies
believed to have ruled next, from approximately 2450 until the late 2460s. Kozo meant an end to the “primitive era” of ’Mech production.
apparently had several sons and daughters. According to an exhaustive research With the Gladiator forever dishonored by the Nox affair, the Combine moved
study conducted by the Benjamin University College of Ancestry, Yama was next, on to produce its first “modern era” BattleMech in 2487. The Von Rohrs fam-
serving until approximately 2510. Some court accounts indicate a proxy rule by ily immediately created and funded a new BattleMech construction company,
Yama’s sons Ulysses and Nii before his brother Krüger officially took over around Kankoku Military Fabrication Corporation. The sole purpose of the company was
2520. Because there is no hard evidence for any of the Von Rohrs progeny serving to take the lessons learned by NSAW and the battlefield failures of the Gladiator
on the throne save Nihongi, Kozo, Yama, and Krüger, they are considered the Fifth and produce a BattleMech that would not only be superior to the Combine’s
through Ninth Coordinators in the line of succession. Several of the Von Rohrs enemies but also a standing reminder of the head of the Dragon. In 2487, the
spawn—most illegitimate—served in DCMS line units, out of the presence of Combine’s first “modern” BattleMech, the Von Rohrs, walked off the Kankoku
their hyper-paranoid patriarchs. assembly line. It was immediately put to use.
Regardless of their order, few Combine citizens today refer to any of the Von The Von Rohrs served in every Kurita line regiment that reclaimed worlds
Rohrs tyrants as Coordinator, believing they are not worthy of the honorable title lost to the Steiners during the 2463 Lyran invasion. The ’Mech was on its way
and all it implies. to becoming the standard Combine BattleMech unit when the success of the
—The Bloody Torment; Benjamin University Press, 2940 McAllister Rebellion wiped out the Von Rohrs line. One of Martin McAllister’s first
formal orders after taking command of the Combine was to issue the DCMS an
order to change immediately the name of all Von Rohrs ’Mechs to Hebi (serpent).
None of the Hebi were to be replaced if destroyed, and Kankoku MFC was imme-
diately closed down and dissolved.
After learning about the development and manufacture of the
Fortunately for the Combine, the years after McAllister’s Rebellion were
Terran Hegemony’s BattleMechs in the 2430s and ’40s, the Von
peaceful, allowing the Combine to dismantle and replace the symbols of the for-
Rohrs agreed that the Combine needed its share of such formida-
mer dynasty. Nearly seventy years later, the Combine’s leadership blamed this
ble technology. In 2443, the Hegemony fielded a lance of ’Mechs sudden spike in manufacturing and military purchasing (and, by extension, the
against a Kuritan armor company on Styx. The enormous Mackies, Von Rohrs Coordinators) for the House’s poor economic position when the Star
though primitive by modern standards, easily handled the heavy League was formed. Few foreign economists agreed, instead pointing toward
Combine tanks. much more recent economic mismanagement of the Combine’s economy.
The Von Rohrs dynasty, though highly secretive, maintained an —Early Battle Technology: Draconis Combine; Sun Zhang Publications, 3067
obvious foreign policy. The new ruling family intended to attack
weak lines in House Steiner’s political leadership while claiming


The Lyran Commonwealth launched an offensive against the Devastated by the loss of his wife, Martin threw himself into
Combine two years later, with the target appearing to be St. John. his work. By 2501, the Von Rohrs gave up on a peaceful resolu-
The Von Rohrs stripped several border worlds of their garrisons to tion with the Principality, and McAllister was transferred back to a
fortify planets in the suspected target area. Steiner forces target- military assignment, finding himself posted along the Combine/
ed other worlds besides St. John, hitting Skondia and Nox. Caught Rasalhague border. For seven years, McAllister passed informa-
by surprise, the Combine’s forces offered little resistance at first tion to Lord Sorenson, who slowly gathered and repositioned
but grew tenacious as the Lyran offensive ground on. Principality forces. During his service, McAllister rose through the
By 2465, the battle shifted to Caldrea. A combination of exhaust- ranks of the DCMS and made powerful friends within the military
ed Lyran attackers, worn out equipment, determined defenders, and the court.
and extremely rough terrain created an impenetrable defense. In With help from his friends within the Imperial Court, McAllister
desperation, the Commonwealth used tactical nuclear weapons on orchestrated the imprisonment of Yama Von Rohrs in 2508. Krüger
the Dragon’s forces and captured the planet. The Lyran push stalled Von Rohrs took over shortly afterward, knowing that McAllister
in 2468, and House Steiner withdrew, garrisoning their captured was instrumental in his ascension but not aware of how. Martin’s
worlds. At this time, BattleMechs began entering the DCMS line political influence skyrocketed in the court, and he continued
units. For the next three years, the Dragon pressed to retake its lost making new friends and secret agreements.
territory, but Lyran forces maintained their expertise in BattleMech In mid-2510, Sorenson launched a powerful but brief assault across
tactics and successfully held their ground. the Combine border. The reports of enemy activity prompted a mas-
The first full-scale ’Mech-versus-’Mech battle took place on sive reassignment of the bulk of the Combine’s forces to combat the
Nox in 2475 as the Second Sword of Light met the Steiner occu- threat, including half of the Household Guard—of which McAllister
pation force. Though the Kuritan attack was neither successful then commanded—on New Samarkand. Security was at its lowest
nor strategically significant—it was a complete disaster for the state of awareness since the Von Rohrs had taken over.
Combine—it marked a major turning point in armed warfare. In late November 2510, Colonel McAllister, Blaine Sorenson’s
Political confusion hindered the Lyran armies as each of the eldest son Jarod, and several score of the Household Guard en-
three powers—Tamar, Donegal, and Skye—sought to build their tered the palace and opened fire. Unsure of individual identities,
own ’Mech force. The Von Rohrs took advantage of the internal McAllister’s forces took no prisoners in a quick and intense firefight.
dissension within the Commonwealth, and during the last two de- The entire Von Rohrs family and most of the servants were wiped
cades of the twenty-fifth century, all Combine worlds lost in the out, including women and children. Yama, languishing in the palace
2463 offensive returned to the Dragon’s rule. prison, met the same fate as his sons and brother. Their termination
brought an end to the Von Rohrs line; orders went out shortly af-
Crushing the Snake ter for the execution of various Von Rohrs spawn serving in various
Illiyana Sorenson, daughter of Lord Blaine Sorenson, was fif- military forces. Unfortunately, Jarod Sorenson also lost his life.
teen years of age when she met Captain Martin McAllister, the Less than ten hours later, McAllister publicly broadcast the
Combine’s emissary to the Principality of Rasalhague. McAllister, coup and the results of a genetic test, taken at the behest of Blaine
born on Echo, had come to the attention of the Von Rohrs after Sorenson before his marriage to Illiyana. He was, without any
a few years of exemplary service in the DCMS and was selected doubt, a direct blood descendant of Shiro Kurita. His sequestered
to the prestigious position. During his initial visit to the Dragon’s daughter Siriwan would be his heir. The Combine was once again
nominal ally, Sorenson and McAllister fell in love and were mar- under the proper rule of a Kurita.
ried in a private ceremony in 2494. Lord Blaine Sorenson was named Duke of Rasalhague, and
The Principality had steadfastly refused to accept a lasting the two realms were formally united. While a degree of mistrust
peace with the Combine under the Von Rohrs’ banner. After between the two cultures remained—more from ideological dif-
McAllister’s marriage, Lord Sorenson and the young captain grew ferences—the unification was a monumental step towards peace
close and began making plans to not only reunite the two realms in the quadrant. More importantly, the Combine gained a long and
but also overthrow the Von Rohrs tyrants and return rule to the strategically exploitable border with the Lyran Commonwealth.
Kurita line. McAllister returned to New Samarkand without his se- With the McAllisters ruling the Combine, an age of relative
cret wife, reporting his diplomatic mission as a failure. Over the peace ensued. Combine commanders began a gradual, subtle
next seven years, he returned to Rasalhague several times, osten- campaign of conquest along both borders. Full-scale battles with
sibly to maintain contact with Lord Sorenson but in reality to visit the Commonwealth and the Federated Suns were infrequent,
his wife. leaving the borders fairly quiet. Thus did the Age of War come to
In 2496, Illiyana gave birth to their daughter, Siriwan McAllister. an end for the Combine.
Three years later, Illiyana drowned during a boating excursion.
Martin was present for the birth of his daughter but found out GRACE UNDER SIRIWAN
about his wife’s accident several months after the incident. Lord Siriwan McAllister-Kurita (also referred to as Lady Kurita) is
Sorenson took over Siriwan’s care, raising her alongside his own considered the most remarkable woman in Combine history. A
daughter Zarabeth, born later the same year. smart child, she was present during her father’s infrequent visits


with Lord Sorenson and kept her father’s secret. Being included heir. Her lady-in-waiting researched the Kuritan family tree to find
in her father’s long-range planning had a deep impact on the girl a suitable mate.
and helped her keep her own counsel later in life dealing with the Unfortunately, the Coordinator was murdered by a woman
scheming Kuritan court. in his bedchamber before he could make definite plans for the
The Sorenson household, which raised Siriwan through her line of succession. His sole heir was Siriwan; there were no close
formative years, was warm and close, devoid of the paranoia and male Kurita relatives. Thanks to the Von Rohrs, all the remaining
intrigue that plagued the Kuritan court. As such, she had the most Kuritas in the Combine were equally far from a claim to the throne.
normal upbringing of any Kurita Coordinator. At the same time, To avoid another bloody struggle for power, the court nobles
she was always viewed as an outsider. Siriwan learned warmth agreed that Siriwan should hold the throne as Coordinator. The
and caring but also how to remain guarded in one-on-one deal- Lady Kurita accepted the title with a show of great reluctance, but
many nobles were concerned that she actually intended to rule.
ings with people.
They believed having a woman on the Kuritan throne was bad
After Martin’s successful coup, Siriwan relocated to New
enough; her exercising such power was unthinkable. Her status as
Samarkand, finding a very different world than she expected.
an outsider and descendant of the rulers of Rasalhague, a former
People at court treated her warmly when they wanted something
rebellious realm, only added to their apprehension.
from her—usually a favor from her father. Many saw Siriwan’s over-
Just as court tension was reaching its apex, Warren Kurita ap-
tures of friendliness as manipulation, so she found herself lonely peared at court to be decorated for military service. The great
for companionship. She used her position as an outsider to her grandson of Grant Kurita, exiled during the Von Rohrs purge,
advantage, observing all court proceedings with a detached air. Warren was the only son who devoted himself to military studies.
She studied the history of the Combine and the Kurita family ex- He was a fair tactician and had an affinity for BattleMech tech-
tensively and learned how to use her position as the Coordinator’s nology; however Warren was not a strong leader. He arrived on
daughter to get what she wanted from people. New Samarkand to be decorated not for exemplary service, but
McAllister informed his daughter that she could not become for his work in joint engineering-military projects. Warren’s arrival
Coordinator because she was a woman. He recommended she for the decoration had been specially arranged by a few cunning
find a distant Kurita to marry so her son could be designated as court officials, including Siriwan’s lady-in-waiting.


Siriwan was taken by the intelligent, quiet, and unambitious wanted to face humiliation before this small, iron-spined woman.
Warren; in return, the young Kuritan was dazzled by the self- What Lady Kurita wanted, she inevitably received. Her tactic of
possessed young Lady Kurita. They were married a few days after choice was asking the “pre-answered question.”
their first meeting, and in May 2515 Warren was installed as the Lady Kurita taught Hehiro the ways of court as she herself had
new Coordinator of the Draconis Combine. learned them. When he was still too young to fully understand
Warren slowly settled into his office, learning his way around what was going on, Hehiro sat in on sensitive meetings, soak-
the court with Siriwan’s help. The Lady Kurita was sympathetic
ing up the atmosphere in much the same way Siriwan had done
to the plight of an outsider who faced the ambitions and hidden
at the feet of her father. Hehiro had tutors for every academic
agendas that made up the Kuritan court. Siriwan was the picture
discipline—but only Siriwan taught him political science. The
of the helpful, devoted wife; Warren, who never quite recovered
from the sudden transition to Coordinator, depended on her
advice. In February 2516, Hehiro Kurita was born and named the
Heir-Designate at his naming ceremony a week later.
Like his ancestor Shiro, Hehiro believed in militant self-reliance and the inher-
Siriwan devoted much of her time to Hehiro after his birth.
ent ideological superiority of his subjects. Hehiro’s judgments were significantly
Warren, who missed his wife’s guidance in decision-making, began
influenced by his mother, herself a strong proponent of peaceful expansion and
to suffer from depression and disorientation. On the family doc- administration. Being raised by his mother rather than by his father undoubtedly
tor’s insistence, the Coordinator and his small family retreated to a made Hehiro a bit more charming than many Kuritas, but he also possessed his
small seaside resort for a quiet vacation. Less than a week later, on mother’s cunning mind and skill at matters of state.
9 February 2517, Warren died from mysterious causes. Officially, the Many questions have been raised as to why Hehiro permitted his mother to
Coordinator had died from improperly prepared shellfish. act as regent until he was forty years of age. Apparently, he never truly wanted
With Hehiro only one year of age, Siriwan reluctantly became the position of Coordinator. He married at the age of nineteen, and his wife died
regent of the realm, though dubbed the Thirteenth Coordinator. in childbirth. He spent the next decade raising his son Martin before remarrying.
A woman serving as regent to a male heir appeared perfectly ac- Some informed sources indicate that Siriwan offered to step down on several oc-
ceptable to the nobles of the court. Siriwan formally mourned the casions, but Hehiro only accepted after Martin turned twenty. Two years later,
death of her husband for the mandated year but dropped the “re- Martin died in a battle along the Periphery border.
luctant regent” pose almost immediately. A skilled and convincing orator, a just arbiter, and an iron-willed leader,
Hehiro constantly strived for his ideals of perfection and sought the means to
The Lady Kurita attain them. He may be most famous for signing the Treaty of Vega in 2569,
Siriwan ruled for nearly forty years. She befriended those which made the Draconis Combine a member of Ian Cameron’s brainchild, the
nobles who were amiable and gradually took power away from Star League. Some members of the military and the nobility angrily accused him
those who opposed her. Her years growing up in the background of trusting his enemies more than his friends.
of the court served her well as her court enemies continued to In 2577, Hehiro backed the Star League on the issue of the Reunification War
underestimate the Coordinator. against the Periphery worlds. Having rejected the Star League’s offer of member-
Lady Kurita took pains to treat the women of the court well, sus- ship, these outlying nations formed their own alliance to protect their autonomy.
pecting that many of them were the powers behind their husbands A twenty-year war followed. Despite some political pressure and significant ca-
as she had been Warren’s. (It would not have been proper for the sualties, the general populace threw its support behind their Coordinator.
Coordinator—even a female—to befriend the women.) Siriwan On issues close to home, Hehiro did condemn many of the court nobles for
was the first Coordinator to lend an ear to what these women had using bribery, favoritism, blood vendettas, and other similar means to promote
to say. She impressed some with her image as a young widow and their own personal interests. While his actions drew considerable hostility from
mother struggling with the burden of rule, and others were influ- those same nobles, Hehiro’s stance endeared him to his subjects to a degree
enced by her position as outspoken, influential woman. rarely seen in the Draconis Combine before or since. This probably explains the
The only gap in Siriwan’s education was military experience. popular support he was able to muster for participation in the Reunification
Rather than hide such a flaw and expose herself to criticism, she Wars. Though he had inherited his position, Hehiro liked to believe that he would
openly admitted her ignorance and surrounded herself with the have been the people’s choice—had they been given one. However romantic
best military advisors she could. Instead of turning control of the mili- the notion, the Coordinator was no fool. His tripling the size of the Household
tary over to others or leading the Dragon into situations she could Guard provides an illuminating footnote to the story of his reign. That action
not judge, Lady Kurita strove for peaceful solutions to conflicts. The showed Hehiro finally understood his mother’s lessons regarding the difference
Combine started few armed conflicts during this time, concentrating between gullibility and trust. This well-protected leader ultimately died by ac-
its forces instead to repel any incursion into the Dragon’s territory. cident in 2591 after tripping and falling down a long palace staircase; his neck
Siriwan would not negotiate with other leaders but assembled broke instantly. Witnesses confirmed no one else was near enough to push him,
a sharp ambassadorial staff to achieve the results she desired. completely ruling out the possibility of foul play.
According to many court observers and historians, Siriwan had a Hehiro’s son Leonard was next in line—and a far cry from his father.
leadership style based on “a steely eye, an acid tongue, and an ear —Hehiro the Peacemaker (Revised); Geneva University Press, 2997
that did not hear what she did not want to hear.” No one in court



It is resolved whereby the parties who sign and come into accordance with the Condition 4. The Member-Federates shall arrive at a mutual agreement of
provisions and conditions of this treaty shall be jointly agreed to abide by the provi- protection and alliance in the case of attack from outside, non-member states, and
sions and conditions contained therein. a formula for negotiation and/or retaliation in the event of attack by one Member-
Federate against another for whatever reason.
Condition 1. At which time all parties and States to be concerned have become
signatory members, and within a reasonable administrative period not to exceed five Condition 5. The individual signers of this agreement shall not, publicly or pri-
years immediately thereafter, the existence of a new hegemony will be created and vately, discuss, disclose, or otherwise reveal or open the contents herein, until such
recognized. This new hegemony, to be known as the Star League, will: time as the Terran Hegemony representative, Ian Cameron or his heir or assign, shall
A. consists of founding parties and States, or any subsequent parties and States deem it meet to open the chartering negotiations of the Star League among all sign-
who accept a bona fide offer to become signatories, ers of such treaties of intent.
B. recognize, individually and equally, all parties and States as Member-States
within the Star League. Condition 6. If, within two years from this date, no convention or concordance
shall be announced whereby a charter for the aforementioned Star League shall com-
Condition 2. The signatory members of this Star League shall, as their first concern, mence, or, if no agreement shall be forthcoming from such convention by five years
while chartering this League, provide for the rulership and control of said League in a from its commencement date, this treaty of intent shall become null and void.
manner agreeable to all. This rule may include, but is not bound by this treaty to require:
A. a single administrator of the Star League, and Signed this 15 August 2569, Standard Terran Calendar
B. a body of ruling persons representing each founding Member-Federate
Ian Cameron, Thirteenth Director-General, Terran Hegemony
Condition 3. The individual ruler of the State now known as the Draconis
Combine, and the rulers of other Member-Federate States, shall maintain control over
the internal affairs of their separate states, beyond the control of the Star League,
within whatever limits are arrived at in the charter of the Star League, including
I an Cameron
A. complete autonomy over all matters of policy that in no way exceed the borders Hehiro Kurita, Fourteenth Coordinator, the Draconis Combine
of the State over which he and/or his government rules, the definition of such matters
as exceed these borders to be arrived at by agreement of all Member-Federates, and
B. preservation of the internal political structure within the borders of that state.

Heir-Designate absorbed from her the preference for negotiation sign the accords—and Ian Cameron was recognized as First Lord.
over physical combat and the use of both subtlety and bluntness. The League articles granted each of the other five leaders a seat
Possessing his father’s temperament, Hehiro could never on the High Council, autonomy over all domestic policy matters,
adopt his mother’s frank manner, which had earned her in the and official sanction of the existing line of succession. Most im-
back halls of the palace the nickname “the Dragon Lady.” Hehiro portantly for the Combine, the member-states had free access to
was not weak but preferred to issue requests in urgent whispers the Terran military research apparatus.
rather than by his mother’s style of often unanswerable demands. Many critics felt the fundamental differences between the
Hehiro was intelligent, quickly grasping the intricacies of his- member states ran too deep and too much blood had flowed
tory and applying them to the Combine. Siriwan detected within for a long-lasting, peaceful transition into the Star League.
him an inability to believe the worst. Trust and optimism are fine Questions about freedom of trade and about what loyalty
qualities for a young boy. A monarch, however, needs these quali- meant were raised. Now that all the Houses were on the same
ties tempered with a realistic eye. Concerned that her son would side, against what (or whom) could the Star League fight? The
never see the knife angling for his back, Siriwan maintained only remaining target that could unite all parties in a common
the throne as long as she could, stepping down when the Heir- cause existed beyond the Inner Sphere’s borders: the Periphery.
Designate reached forty years of age. She remained an active These outlying realms did not want to give up their autonomy
advisor in Hehiro’s court until his death in 2591. by joining the Star League.


DRIVING TOWARDS WAR In late 2572 the Star League learned of significant ’Mech forces
In 2569, Hehiro Kurita formalized a secret agreement with the in the Outworlds Alliance. The League immediately launched a
Terran Hegemony’s Ian Cameron and signed the Treaty of Vega. police action under the auspices of the First Lord’s Directive 21,
The Combine was the last to join Cameron’s string of alliances; which called on the Alliance to accept the presence of SLDF troops
the Coordinator spent two years in negotiations with the other for protection and to control the outlaw forces that had been
Great Houses to form the charter of the Star League. In 2571, the gaining a hold in the region. A mixed task force of SLDF and DCMS
Star League was established—Coordinator Hehiro was the first to troops landed on several Outworlds planets, locating and neu-

Taran's World



Skallevoll New Ceylon

d Star's End
Constance Idlewind
Outpost Schwartz
Persistence Icar Ouagadougou
The Edge Hartshill
New Caledonia Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Rodigo St. John Ferranil Virentofta
Lovinac 40 Chapineria
I Rasalhague
New Oslo Brocchi's Cluster
Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Chupadero Algate Chorley
Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Kabah

Predlitz Duxfort
Hohenems Courchevel
Vantaa Ridderkerk
Jeronimo Pusht-i-rud
Basiliano Macksburg Espakeh
Engadin Wolcott
Hyner Herndon Sikkim
Marshdale Multan
Baker 3 Stanzach Corfu Bilma Maldonado
Sevren Tamar Ningxia Hongor
Vorarlberg Tuscarawas Linqing
Itabaiana Teniente Pesht
Thessalonika Takata

Muswell Irece
Cusset Volders Tuat Caripare Sertar
Maestu Sheliak Huaide
Heiligendreuz Unity Thimphu

Hassi R'mel
Cyrenaica Ulsan
Tinaca Yamarovka
Montmarault Oyevaina
Mualang Asgard Odawara Monywa Tottori
Kilmarnock Old Canton
Koniz Benfled Thun Satalice Port Arthur
Suk II Halesowen Suianheer
Skandia Tarazed
Ardoz Avon Chatham
Graceland Domain Shardayne Luthien Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Ballynure La Grave Pondicherry
Maule Miyada
Carse Kanowit
Nox Chirala
Pandora Miyako Sighisoara Kazanka
Utrecht Braunton
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami Tabayama
g Toffen Bicester Corsica Nueva Hakkaido
Rubigen Xinyang Ramgarh
Tomans Babuyan Mokpo Murmansk Ban Na San Milligan's
Omagh Zlatousi
Rasalgethi Najha Chinmen Tao
Odabasi Dyfed Zalaf
Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku
t Borghese Yardley Philadelphia Nexus Ri
Pilkhua Sunchon
Sakai Quantraine
runwald Midway Bad News
Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan
Surcin Iijima
Meacham Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg
Blue Diamond Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Dove Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Qui
Al Hillah Osmus Saar
Otho Oshika Morthac
Arcturus Santiago
Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Zawiercie Dnepropetrovsk
Ganshoren Port Moseby Tamsalu Goubellat
nestra Lucianca Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Budingen
Dalkeith Cosenza Dindatari
Sendai Sakuranoki
Apostica Sakhalin Tatsuno Schirmeck
Buckminster Togura
Helsingfors Hachiman Nadrin
ckengen Breukelen Cadiz Senorbi
Symington Falsterbo Handa
Accrington Aubisson Kirei Na Niwa Lushann
Kajikazawa Kawabe Valentina
Osumi Vanern
ma Carstairs Phalan Hun Ho
Saaremaa Kaznejoy
Eaglesham Shimosuwa Fukuroi Weisau
Benjamin Valmiera Shaul Khala Ki Zoban S
m Kirkcaldy Yed Prior Talisker Annapolis
Kannon Matsuida Beta Mensae V
Apriki Kinkaid II
Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Hagiwawa Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian An Ting Groveld III
Rukbat Medron
Eaton Baxter
Vega Altais Crestoblus
Freedom Umijiri
Eltanin Kesai IV Bryceland
ans Irurzun
Kimball II Alya
Konstance Arlington
Izar Huan
Nekkar Kaus Borealis Algedi Kitalpha
Laurieston Ryde Komephoros Donenac Gandy's Luck Tancredi IV
Zebeneschamali Kessel Waddesdon Misery Conroe
Kaus Australis Shimonita Aldrecht
Shitara Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift Thestria
Balkan Kaus Media Piedmont Harpster
Carnwath Dabih
Chaffee Alrakis Bergman's Planet
La Blon Cassias Latexo Anguilla Haynesv
Albalii Junction Ludwig
Glengarry Ascella Elidere IV
Dromini VI Chichibu Deshler
Gladius Galtor III
Unukalhai Harrow's Sun Brookeland
Kuzuu Cussar Udibi Colia Sturgis
Moore Ashio Marduk
Kochab Skondia Kurhah New Mendham McComb Barlow's End De Berry
Seginus Sabik Yance I
Laiaka Skye Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Lima Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Glenmora Choudrant B
Alkalurops Kervil Shinonoi
Alkaid Atria Lone Star Homam Paris
Zebebelgenubi Chaville Halstead Station Tallmadge Fallon II Brundage
Crossing Rowe
Ko Fairfield Tishomingo
Syrma Nusakan Telos IV Biham Scheat Royal
Sadachbia Sadalbari
Dyev Nashira Breed Greeley
Carsphairn Lyons Pike IV Ottumwa
Galatea Ancha Hoff
Imbros III Inglesmond Skat Proserpina New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Summer Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Morrill
Menkent Athenry Al Na'ir Fairfax
Alcor Rocky Sun Prairie
Murchison Adrian
Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf
Yorii Dieron Markab C
Gacrux Cor Caroli Muphrid Nirasaki Pokhara David Dahar IV Urich
Le Blanc
Alioth Haddings Thorin Killbourn Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Quentin Towne Lucerne Verde
Lipton New Earth Fomalhaut Helen Franklin Maynard
Zaniah Alchiba Chara Rigil Kentarus Raman Doneval II
Milton Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Allerton Mayetta Sylvan
Phecda Denebola Zavijava Northwind Protection
Shiloh Lockdale Clovis Rochester
Afleir Alula Australis Terra Caph Ronel
Sirius Small World Addicks Tarkio
Wing Wyatt Keid Ankaa New Florence Elbar Cartago Sauk City
Zosma Oliver Graham IV New Stevens Deneb Kaitos
Alhena Olancha Exeter Colchester Pattonsbrug
Dubhe Epsilon Indi Robinson Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon
ochelle New Home Bryant Ingress
Hean New Rhodes III Kentares IV
Callison Castor Devil's Rock Sheratan
Ruchbah Schedar
Hechnar Carver V Ulysses
Kalidasa New Dallas Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Tyrfing Fletcher Basalt DeWitt Larned Mokane
Tigress Blandinsville Peabody
kes Dieudonne Bordon Brownsville Caselton
Kawich Edwards
Talitha Rio Avawatz
Nopah Achernar Cholame Keytesville Sullivan St. Robert
Hope Connaught Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Bogard
Van Diemen IV Outreach Capolla Hamal Yangtze Logandale Evansville
Remulac Acamar

Bharat Corydon Ramona
Alrescha Tikonov Barstow
Nathan Bex Azha Marlette
nia Borealis Savannah Hall Elgin Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Acubens Slocum Mira Goderich Kestrel
Alphard New Hessen Mesartim Tawas Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Hsien Nanking Arboris Parma Gambier
Irian Wasat Mauckport
Mandal Zurich Aldebaran Genoa Wroxeter Batavia
Pliska Berenson
Tall Trees Algol Kansu
Almach Sanilac
Capac Bellevue
Saiph Chesterton Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Blue Sava Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Liao Listowel Cahokia
Elbing Menkalinan Demeter
Augustine Pleione Manteno Northfield Huron
Halloran V Ulan Batar Cerulean
Markesan Streator Willowick
Gan Singh Algot Farwell
Poznan Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion Amiga McHenry
New Aragon Menkar Coloma Meinrad
ster Kyrkbacken Valexa Arcadia Delavan
Tiskilwa Saginaw Xenia
Jonathan Strawn Leamington
Shensi Goshen
Foochow Muskegon
Ibstock St. Andre Ashkum Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Tecumseh Beten Kaitos Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor
ralis Argyle
Park Place
ealis Axton New Avalon Perdido
New Macao Highspire Emerson Sylvester

Palos Galax
Ling Wei Freisland
Lungdo Ohrensen Zaurak Manassas
Sorunda Ventabren

Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Sophie's World McKenna NATIONAL CAPITAL Wazan Moravian
Torrence Point Barrow

Jászberény Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam

New Delos Old Kentucky Phact Remshield
Emris IV Steeles
Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie Dirk's Gulf El Dorado
Tsinghai Chamdo Lee 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8 PARSECS Covington

Age of War (2571)

Raballa Sarna

Vanra Bora Truth

Semenyih Hassad Salem Bastian
Lesalles Minnacora Fincastle Wedgefield
Ingersoll Montcoal
Kiyev Matheran
Randar Ares
Novaya Zemlya Victoria Chakachamna Rimward

New Sagan Gulkana
Geifer Waxell
Daneshmand Necromo
trougli Propus Bethel Susulatna
Salur Eom Masterson Relevow
Daniels Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Tatlawiksuk
Calloway VI Kashilla Notwina
Khuna Boardwalk Alcyone
Gei-Fu Brighton Kluane Nahoni Colorado Eustat

tralizing the threat posed by the ’Mech forces. The SLDF focused Although the request on the part of First Lord Cameron was
their efforts on their assigned task but failed to find signs of an initially met with hostility, these additional forces would retain
extant threat. The DCMS was more heavy-handed and effective in their own identity and remain under the command of a Combine
its approach. The Outworlders complained about the Combine’s officer. Support for the DCMS corps came from every corner of
more straightforward tactics, which unfortunately caused dam- the Combine and from every class. The people of the Dragon
age to property. Matters came to a head on 14 December 2572 wanted nothing more than to prove their military dominance
in Santiago City when the Seventeenth Galedon Regulars found over the rival Houses.
itself facing hostile crowds. Demonstrations against the occupa- The Combine’s economy was the most isolated in the
tions were commonplace and generally peaceful, though vehicles Successor States because of its nearly constant state of hostility
and ’Mechs were often pelted with stones and paint. toward neighboring powers. Though many Combine worlds were
Many of the unruly local children saw this as a game, daring resource poor, they were particularly well exploited. What a world
each other to throw objects and paint at the SLDF troops. What might lack in raw materials, its citizenry made up for in overall
happened next varies depending on source and propaganda. efficiency. As soon as word of war was confirmed, the Dragon’s
According to ISF reports, a Combine warrior took action against economy went into high gear. The Kuritan economy saw high lev-
the children by throwing a can of coolant at her tormentors. The els of production and output that rivaled the days of Shiro Kurita’s
can burst and splashed over one boy, who immediately began first conquests through the Alliance of Galedon.
to scream as the chemicals burned his skin. The crowd went With the Rim Worlds Republic near one frontier border and
wild and the ’Mech, a Locust, was isolated from its lancemates, the Outworlds Alliance near another, Combine troops had no
tripping and crushing several people as it tried to extricate it- lack of opportunities for combat. The Reunification War lasted
self from the growing mob. The attacks against the fallen ’Mech for twenty years, ending in 2596 when SLDF troops captured the
escalated and, fearing for her life, the MechWarrior opened fire capitals of the Republic and Taurian Concordat. Resistance trick-
with the ’Mech’s weapons. Twenty-seven people were killed and led to nothing and peace was declared by the Star League. For
thirty more hospitalized. (The warrior in question atoned for her the next 150 years, the Combine would have few opportunities
actions after her debriefing.) to vent its aggression.
The deaths sent shockwaves through the Star League and the
Periphery. The damage to the League’s image was irreparable. REIGN OF LEONARD KURITA
Demonstrations erupted across the Periphery and even on some The accidental death of Lord Hehiro Kurita left a momentary
Star League worlds. Coupled with other incidents across the power vacuum in the Combine court. Though his eldest son
Periphery, the Pollux Proclamation was issued and shortly after Leonard was sworn in as the Fifteenth Coordinator, trouble ap-
the Reunification War began. peared to be brewing at the palace. Hehiro’s mother Siriwan led
Many within the Combine were skeptical that the League the mourners at Hehiro’s state funeral, but Leonard was nowhere
would follow through with its aggressive threats until First Lord to be found. Many regarded such an absence as an ominous note
Cameron announced the suspension of the Ares Conventions. The for the future reign of the new Coordinator.
Dragon was the sole House enthusiastic at the prospect of war. The Apparently upon learning of his father’s death, Leonard left
Conventions had taken much of the sheer brutality out of combat, New Samarkand and spent the first two months of his reign on
so many in the Coordinator’s inner circle welcomed the opportunity a planet-hopping orgy. Court insiders quietly admitted that
to show their true capabilities in the art of warfare. The leadership Leonard had departed and left a message that he would be “en-
of House Kurita knew their history: the people of the Dragon were suring that many worthy descendants of Leonard Kurita the First
often at their peak when confronted by a worthy opponent. will be planted across the breadth of the realm.”
The prospect of permanently assigning units to the SLDF Leonard’s premeditated excesses and corrupt nature was the
met with open hostility throughout the Combine’s military. complete opposite of his father’s dignified stature. Even during
The thought of swearing loyalty to someone other than the his time as Heir-Designate, the middle-aged playboy behaved
Coordinator was heresy. more as a rutting Federated Suns lordling than a proper mem-
At first Coordinator Hehiro Kurita asked for volunteers and then ber of the Imperial Court. Once his rule began, he only grew
turned to his warlords to select units to transfer to the Star League. worse and nearly undid all of the political and social advances
The bulk of the transferred units were pulled from the district regu- of his father’s reign.
lars, though the Arkab Legions and Proserpina Hussars each lost a After Leonard’s return, state gatherings and family events de-
regiment. The Combine lost a total of thirty-nine regiments and volved into raucous, week-long debauches. The district governors
fifty-seven WarShips to the forming SLDF. House Kurita later pro- of Pesht and Rasalhague saw their individual powers increase be-
vided an additional six BattleMech, four armor, and eleven infantry yond their wildest ambitions. While the new Coordinator spent
regiments. The Galedon Regulars provided the bulk of the forces most of his time in a state of inebriation or unconsciousness,
that made up the Draconis Combine Auxiliary Corps, though each circumstances forced these leaders to assume direction of the
of the other districts ended up providing at least two regiments. Combine’s participation in the Reunification War.


During Leonard’s rare moments of sobriety, he created severe PEACE, PROGRESSION, AND POWER
political and military tension for the Dragon, especially during Sanethia became Lord Kurita in 2607. (The title applied regard-
the early and mid-2560s. He ordered large contingents of Kurita less of gender from this point forward, ensuring Lady Kurita’s
BattleMechs to land on planets near Terra to search for and re- singular honorific.) A quiet, open-minded woman who was also
trieve any children who looked like the Coordinator. a serious patron of the arts, Sanethia was an able ruler. Always
Such use of the Dragon’s military was considered a flagrant willing to listen to new ideas, she maintained a firm but gentle
violation of the Star League Accords. This violation came while grasp over state policy. She often suggested non-military op-
the Reunification War was in progress, when the BattleMechs tions for resolving disputes, much to her Warlords’ chagrin. This
could have been assigned to more critical operations in the war. attitude reflected her grandmother Siriwan’s influence, though
Leonard paid little attention to increasingly strong warnings from Sanethia did much on her own to establish a peaceful yet strong
the First Lord of the Star League. regime. Her calm demeanor, her grasp of court politics, and her
The Reunification War ended in 2597, opening a new era grandmother’s advice guaranteed Sanethia time to explore other
of peace for the Star League. Large garrisons remained in the endeavors, such as funding several exploratory ventures on many
Periphery, though they would be withdrawn within a decade. of the Combine’s less industrial worlds.
Despite the overall success of the Star League’s operation, With the Leonard’s death, relations between the Combine
Leonard remained unsatisfied. In the midst of his drunken rages, and the Star League slowly edged away from the precipice of
he threatened to attack Terra. As frontier garrisons were reas- all-out war. No longer did the Coordinator send Kurita forces on
signed homeward over the next several years, Star League forces “heavy reconnaissance forays” into other member states. Under
on Terra began to mobilize for possible strikes on Kuritan worlds. Coordinator Sanethia, the Dragon actually paid some reparations
Once a family embarrassment and nuisance, Leonard had to the people whose lives and property the Kurita forces had
turned into a genuine public menace. Elaine Kurita, the young- damaged. Slowly, and with great caution, the Regular Army of the
er of his two sisters, became so despondent over Leonard’s Star League stepped down from its year-long alert status.
dishonor that she tearfully begged him to step down. Leonard Despite the calming of the border, relations between neither
ignored her and barely noted her act of seppuku in December nation returned to the previous level of respectful, if not cordial,
2604. Her final note implicated the Coordinator for her ac- relations. In fact, the First Lord of the Star League was becoming
tion. Less than three months later, the political situation had aware he could no longer really trust the leaders of the League’s
deteriorated so badly that something decisive needed done other member-states. A successful twenty-year ISF undercover
or the Star League would storm across both the Steiner and operation uncovered secret communications from the First Lord
Davion borders. to his commanders. These communications outlined plans for
Within a few weeks, Leonard contracted a mysterious and the best way for the SLDF to wage war against each of the five
fatal disease that also afflicted several of his forebears, and he other Houses, should the need arise. The plans for a war against
died within a week of diagnosis. Leonard’s son Blaine became the the Draconis Combine were deemed priority. The ISF information,
Sixteenth Coordinator. Aside from Siriwan, still alive at 109 years when revealed to the Coordinator, only reinforced the Dragon’s
of age, few could recall Warren Kurita’s death from mysterious wariness and suspicion of the Star League’s actions.
causes eighty-eight years before. Many Kuritans found the period of peace after the
Blaine Kurita was twenty years old when he took the throne Reunification War entirely too quiet and lacking in the excite-
in March 2605. He was already in the final stages of cardiac myas- ment that many, particularly the warriors, had grown to expect
thenia gravis. Despite the most advanced life-support technology from life. (Lower class citizens lived vicariously through con-
available, he succumbed to the illness only seven months later. His tinual propaganda reporting the Combine’s military prowess.)
brief reign was nowhere long enough to stop the slow slide into The soldiers’ boredom and nervous energy led many to relieve
dishonor brought on by Leonard’s catastrophic reign. No heir had their frustrations through spontaneous brawls and riots, which
been designated, and with great reluctance Siriwan reclaimed the occurred with increasing frequency. Equally bored and frus-
throne and became the Seventeenth Coordinator. trated, citizens often participated in these outbursts of mindless
The Lady Kurita became the only Coordinator in Combine his- fighting and destruction. On Vanern, for example, rioting and
tory to ever hold the position on three separate occasions. After a collateral damage destroyed three whole cities.
few months, political pressure from court nobles began to build. Coordinator Sanethia and her ever-present grandmother
Though still competent and sharp, Siriwan was showing her age. decided the people needed some large project to occupy their
Two years into her third reign, she grudgingly accepted the in- energies and to prevent further damage to the realm.
evitable and graciously stepped down from the throne. Her final This “lull,” as the Dragon’s people called the time of peace,
official act was to name her granddaughter Sanethia as the Heir- was accompanied by a League-wide boom in the economy.
Designate. Despite Siriwan’s official retirement, she remained a Technology, now devoted to peaceful research and development,
force to be reckoned with in court politics, guiding and advising began paying huge dividends for the Great Houses of the Inner
the new Coordinator. This state of affairs lasted until Siriwan’s Sphere. By 2630, hyperpulse generators cut communication time
death in 2632 at the remarkable age of 136. by more than half. Improved, low-cost water purification systems


made it possible to settle worlds ignored during the Exodus. Economic Unification Through Temptation
These systems also provided an economic boon to worlds that For many members of House Kurita, this forced, peaceful coex-
were no longer reliant on Ryan Cartel iceships. By 2700, an addi- istence was unwelcome. A generally unfriendly and xenophobic
tional 750 worlds across the Sphere had been settled. society, the Dragon’s citizenry rarely ventured across the border
Major advances occurred in medical technology, biological en- except when involved in an attack. Until this period, trade with
gineering, and hydroelectrical engineering. Labor-saving devices other Houses was rare. When it did occur, the Kuritan merchants’
provided more freedom and leisure time to explore the pleasures objectives were decidedly simple: get as much as possible, offer
of luxury goods and the arts—though within the Combine, these little in return, and get out quickly. The Draconis Combine had
devices were outlawed or restricted through bureaucratic licens- been created through military conquest, not peaceful negotia-
es to preserve the citizens’ work ethic. tion. Some of its leaders would only comply with the new era of
Trading ships travelled the length and breadth of the Inner cooperation if forced. Not only was the growth of trade ending
Sphere, delivering goods and transporting new, exotic wares at this time-honored stance; some other House leaders were even
each port of call. As the sense of growing prosperity filtered into calling for a single form of currency to facilitate trade.
the most distant reaches of the Star League, the overall quality When the issue of a universal currency system first emerged, the
of life continued to improve. This was to be mankind’s apex, the Combine’s corporate sector (not under control of the Kuritan family)
peak of Homo sapiens’s accomplishments. opposed it as vehemently as the Star League supported it. According
to the First Lord Cameron, a regulated currency would eliminate the
awkward system of barter and fluctuating exchange rates between
THE KURITA interstellar governments. Combine industrialists feared the new cur-
WAY OF BUSINESS rency would create a dangerous interdependence between House
The Draconis Combine was never one to shrink from a task. Its efforts to en- Kurita and the other Houses, endangering their own economic pow-
ter into the League-wide economic market showed determination, if not finesse. er. They also feared the possibility of Star League-induced currency
The case of Waddesdon Traders is a good example of the Kurita style of business. devaluation, which would render all money worthless. In public state-
In 2617, Sammuel Kestrich and Timth Miyasato bought two near-derelict ments, however, the corporate heads only said they questioned the
freighters and founded Waddesdon Traders. Their first two years were spent car- Star League’s authority to advocate such a massive change.
rying chemical fertilizers from their homeworld of Tannil to Davion worlds just First Lord Cameron continued to press for better political and
across the border. socioeconomic relations between the League’s member-states.
Though business was good, the two wanted to get into bigger-ticket items. He believed that once trade began to flourish among the six pow-
Their attempts to break into a new market were continually thwarted by the Kosoan ers, there would be no backing down. Adventurous freelance
Trading Company, a Davion merchant association with five brand-new freighters. traders were the first to successfully deal in Combine goods and
By 2621, Waddesdon Traders was in deep trouble. Though the com- managed several successful smuggling runs. In their wake, these
pany had managed to increase its fleet to four vessels, the Kosoan Trading freelancers left samples of wares available from across the Inner
Company had a virtual lock on almost all inter-House trade in that area of the
Sphere, ranging from paints, cosmetics, and toys to raw materi-
border. Something needed done, no matter the cost—and no matter what
als for industry. Varieties of vehicles (civilian, industrial, and light
laws might be broken.
military), heavy equipment, and colonization supplies also found
In March 2622, an unidentified freighter entered the Shinoni system and
their way to “abandonment” at Kuritan spaceports.
quietly approached the FSS Franklin, a Kosoan freighter. No one noticed the men
As quickly as limited quantities of these high-quality goods
hidden on the hull of the unidentified freighter. A small team used rocket packs
were “acquired” and released to the open market, they sold out
to scoot across to the Franklin, where they planted an object at the drive-sail
with avid cries from the nobility for more. Kuritan manufacturers
junction. The mysterious freighter then moved off. After its departure, an explo-
could not resist the lure of fat profits. The Kuritan court did not favor
sion rocked the Franklin, destroying both the drive core and the sail mechanism.
large-scale export trade with the other powers, though the influx of
Then came reports that the Franklin was one of four Kosoan ships that suffered
wealth tempted many. Within a few years, large cargo JumpShips
a crippling explosion that month. A cloud of suspicion quickly settled over
travelled where smaller vessels had only visited before. Greed re-
Waddesdeon Traders.
placed isolationism within the economic and political upper levels
The Federated Suns protested these incidents and demanded that the
of House Kurita. In 2623, the member-states of the Star League
Waddesdon partners be handed over for trial. It was of no use; the Traders’
audacity had impressed Lord Kurita and the Minister of Economic Exchange voted on the question of a new currency system. After lengthy de-
and Expansion. The scandal eventually fizzled out, resulting in Waddesdon bates, the system was eventually accepted unanimously.
Traders becoming the largest trading company in its region within two The Kuritan family reluctantly reversed its traditional position
years. Its flagship was a huge new freighter called the Wisdom Through on trade and interstellar relations; once they did, few dared to
Audacity, which Coordinator Sanethia secretly donated “in recognition of challenge the new policy. Because of concern that foreign luxury
their business acumen.” goods might soften the spartan toughness of the Combine citi-
—Combine Trade Relations During the Lull; Galedon Proprietary Press, 2996 zenry or invite economic sabotage, the Kuritan court restricted
incoming trade through bureaucracy and carefully monitored the
effects of intercultural relations on the realm.


LUTHIEN AND THE tasked them to shepherd the project, leaving only the most
major of decisions to the Coordinator. When it was completed,
DRAGON’S REBIRTH Imperial City would become the most ambitious, most expen-
In June 2617, Sanethia announced to the Combine that she sive, most energy-consuming project ever undertaken by the
was relocating the capital from New Samarkand to Luthien. The Combine. The two women were also responsible for the place-
proclamation came as a shock to everyone, as it was expected the ment of several other city locations on the planet and crafting
Kurita family would always remain on New Samarkand. The fam-
the infrastructure design that persists today.
ily’s roots were there, as were most of their ancestors.
The project was plagued with problems from the start. It took
The plan, criticized mostly by non-Kuritas and the more dis-
five years to drain the enormous swamp that occupied the des-
tant nobility of the Combine, was a masterstroke. New Samarkand
ignated location for the new capital city. More than ten million
was distant from the Combine’s border with its longtime en-
laborers and craftsmen from all parts of the Combine were tasked
emy, House Steiner, and campaigns were difficult to coordinate.
with construction. Due to Sanethia’s original plan, the entire city
Luthien was closer to the center of the realm, better represent-
ing the Dragon’s heart. It was also a resource-poor world with was built without the use of modern construction technology. For
an ecosystem perpetually on the verge of extinction. The sparse inspiration, Siriwan and Sanethia patterned the city’s architecture
population numbered three million and its economic index was and design elements after that of ancient Japan. Unity Palace was
rated as one of the worst worlds within the Combine. All of these modeled after Himeji Castle on Terra, and much of the outlying
reasons and more made Luthien the perfect choice for what the buildings maintained elements from the Azuchi-Momoyama pe-
Coordinator had in mind for her people. riod. Sections of the city remain dedicated to various Japanese
In 2620, Sanethia resigned as Coordinator on the same styles throughout the centuries, including the neo-Fujimoto fa-
day Urizen II celebrated his thirtieth birthday. The Nineteenth cades of the twenty-third century.
Coordinator inherited his mother’s ambitious program on Most of the laborers employed in Imperial City’s construction
Luthien. Though Urizen was ultimately credited with the rise were drawn from the lower echelons of the Kuritan military or
of Luthien as the jewel of the Combine, the project’s success chain gangs. As the project progressed, many of the lower castes
came largely from both Sanethia and Siriwan’s oversight. Urizen on other Combine worlds clamored to join volunteer labor groups


that were brought in to bolster the workforce. Because

of the insistence the city be built without modern ma-
The Nineteenth Coordinator and eldest son of Sanethia Kurita, Urizen II was a tall, im-
chinery, the brute labor jobs were dangerous. Foremen
posing figure. Compared to his namesake of three centuries prior, Urizen was shy and quiet
considered it a good day if fewer than five hundred
amidst the court. His demeanor did not mean compliance, however; Urizen was a sharp ad-
workers were killed from accidents or other project-
ministrator and took after his mother and grandmother in navigating court politics.
related incidents.
Though his detractors dubbed him “Urizen the Passive,” he successfully pursued a policy
The massive project created an economic boom
of peaceful economic trade and colonial expansion throughout his reign. Urizen was Kuritan
to the core and monitored his Household Guard closely, ensuring their complete loyalty. His across the realm and bolstered the flagging spirits of
precautions served him well; he left office in 2691 at the age of 101. After retiring, Urizen re- the populace. Archaic building materials such as teak,
quested and was granted the governorship of Echo, where he lived and ruled contentedly for granite, marble, and mosaic tile were in great demand.
another nineteen years. He died in a vehicle accident in 2710. Progress reports became highly anticipated news items
Aside from his installment of the Kokugaku, Urizen was responsible for the citizen’s on other worlds.
growing distrust of the Star League. The Combine had been the least enthusiastic about The flow of materials and labor to Luthien prompt-
joining the League, as it ran contrary to the Kuritan ideology that it was their destiny to ed the need for lesser cities around the capital, a
eventually rule all humanity. Many, from the highest general to the lowliest Unproductive, situation Sanethia and Siriwan had already pre-
believed that to join the Star League was to admit failure, implying the Kuritas no longer pared for. These support cities and infrastructure
honored their sacred destiny. followed the careful planning and guidance of the
Urizen ordered gradual changes in the Combine’s educational system, underplaying co- Coordinator’s advisors, keeping order amidst the
operation between the Combine military and Star League Regulars during the Reunification growing chaos. Within ten years of the cornerstone
War. Historians began claiming that the Dragon had not joined the Star League because it being laid, Luthien’s population blossomed to fifty
offered any special benefits, but out of a sense of pity. The media and propagandists avoided million and showed no sign of slowing.
reporting on events occurring outside the realm’s borders. All of this blended to create an The erection of this tremendous homage to ancient
image of the Star League as somewhat apart from the realm. Whenever it suited the Dragon’s Oriental architecture sparked a mass wave of interest in
purpose, the Kuritas used this growing dissonance to portray the League’s policies and laws the old ways. Urizen instituted the Kokugaku—National
as outside interference. Learning—program, which stressed Japan’s ancient his-
When Urizen stepped down, he had established his legacy as the Combine’s most influen- tory in its curriculum. Buddhism and Confucianism saw
tial Coordinator (outside of First Coordinator Shiro). Because of his many official and unofficial an increase in membership, as did many martial arts
policies, the Dragon had adopted a nearly uniform culture and awe-inspiring fanaticism. dojos. The idea of bushido became vogue among the
Gone were the trends toward a “melting pot” of cultures. In its place, Urizen capitalized on nobility and middle class, peaking in the 2650s.
the citizenry’s love for the culture of a Japan that had not existed for more than a millennium. Despite propaganda from the Combine’s neighbors,
Such a mandate had serious consequences; it has shaped and molded the Combine into one of the embrace of the past did not mean House Kurita was
the most feared Great Houses in existence. eschewing the ways of modern science and technol-
Society was further stratified on top of the existing divide between nobility and the ogy. In 2652, Urizen tasked the Combine government
commoner. The new division was between those who could adapt to the new culture and with an ambitious program of industrial development.
those who would not. Citizens who refused often lost all privileges, including the right to In addition to the goal of expanding new technologies
work. If such malcontents were high up in the social hierarchy, they may appear to remain such as HPG communications—introduced by the Star
unscathed—but the ISF was only a shadow away. The specter of the ISF loomed large as League—the project focused the Combine’s scientific
Urizen increased the department’s budget and power, granting them the authority to stifle resources on designing and producing its own weapon
any trends that encouraged unsanctioned avenues of expression and political criticism. systems. House Kurita did not want its military to rely on
While most critics of the Combine outside the realm’s borders focused on the broad man- other Houses or the Star League for assistance or parts.
dates of the ISF, they forget the more positive trends that bolstered the Combine’s power. A
large expansion of trade opened between the Dragon and its neighbors. The Combine, look- BUSHIDO AND
ing within to strengthen military development and technology, allowed its merchants to look THE BATTLEMECH
outwardly for commercial endeavors. The Combine’s merchants crafted trade alliances that Renewed interest in the ways of ancient Japan
brought needed resources and materials to several of the Dragon’s poorer worlds. And with sparked across the worlds of the Combine. New ar-
these new agreements and satellite facilities came new outlets for the ISF to use in its ever- chitecture replicating that found on Luthien began
expanding role as an intelligence service. replacing older buildings in cities on every world in
Hand-in-hand with its economic gains came the Combine’s increasing self-sufficiency in the realm. An immersion in ancient cultural history
military technology. Until Urizen’s reign, House Kurita relied heavily on the Star League for its prompted the adoption of “the old ways,” accented
military edge. Urizen’s mass building programs encouraged factory construction and expan- by technology where needed. Japanese became
sion of the Kuritan military industrial arm. popular again and was installed as the official lan-
—Urizen II and the Political Realities of the Star League-era Combine; New Samarkand guage of the realm—though Star League English
Educational Press, 3024 remained the primary language among the nobility
and merchant citizenry.


The military saw the rapid reemergence of bushido among its tles ending in victory for the Dragon. An estimated five hundred
soldiers, especially the pilots of the massive BattleMech war ma- unofficial duels were also fought during that period. These were
chines. As the pinnacle of the military, the Kuritan MechWarriors never counted as part of the official record as they were initiated
took every ancient word to heart. MechWarriors adopted the fash- by grudge-bearing Regulars or MechWarriors from other Houses
ion of carrying the wakizashi and katana (short and long swords) and not by Combine Champions.
of the ancient samurai to formal dress occasions. Dojos sprang up The Regulars MechWarriors lost with alarming ease to their
everywhere, reviving and fostering the nearly lost arts of kendo and Kurita challengers in the beginning. To counter this, the Regular
kyudo—the ways of sword and bow. Sword dueling was revived, Army launched an aggressive training program to bring up the
and by the 2670s the Coordinator commissioned the creation of standards of the average MechWarrior. The Advanced Combat
rules to ensure his MechWarriors didn’t kill one another off. Maneuvering Skills (ACMS)—or “Gunslinger” program—barely
Warriors who did not have strong ties to Japanese or other elevated its participants to the elite status of Combine warriors.
Asian ancestry were slower to accept the samurai ways. Several Veteran MechWarriors from other realms also came forward to
proclamations by the Coordinator, emphasizing a warrior’s loyalty fight, ostensibly to keep the honor of the Star League from be-
as vital to the Combine’s respect, brought them around. ing tarnished by the Dragon—but more to test their own skills
The steady proliferation of the way of the samurai led to a against Combine warrior prowess.
growing popularity of BattleMech duels and the concept of a
“Champion” MechWarrior. In some ways, these revivals occurred BEGINNING OF THE LEAGUE’S END
because of Michael Cameron’s Edict of 2650, which required mass Takiro Kurita was the eldest of Urizen’s six children and took
cutbacks of the Kuritan military and put many MechWarriors out the role of Coordinator after Urizen stepped down in 2691. Several
of service. These leaderless warriors—ronin—were forced to sell DCMS officials initially opposed his appointment because of
their skills so they could provide for their families. Takiro’s dedication to a life of contemplation and reflection. Such
A duel resulted when one MechWarrior somehow insulted anoth- a background, however, was exactly what the next Coordinator
er. The two would then decide where and when their contest would would need as the Star League slowly fell from its Golden Age.
transpire. The duel typically occurred with few rules and continued Coordinator Takiro was an example of a true samurai. An ex-
until one ’Mech was disabled. Those who survived many duels be- pert in the use of the katana, he was also an accomplished poet
came known as Champions among the citizenry. These Champions and painter. His religious upbringing shielded him from the fa-
traveled about the realm, with aid from the Kurita family, to test their natical patriotism that swept through much of the Combine’s
skill by taking on all comers. Champions such as Kendrick Musashi, nobility, giving many courtiers the impression that Takiro was im-
Amanda Kazutoyo, and Rikkard Sveson became cult heroes. The passive and difficult to read. Nonetheless, the new Coordinator
government rewarded those who survived seventy or more con- continued most of Urizen’s established policies, with a particular
tests, appointing them to lead their own dojos so they could train interest in seeing the realm’s military industry freed from reliance
and teach others. The reputation of the Sun Zhang Academy, which on Star League and other non-Combine resources. He was pres-
had the most Champion alumni on its rolls, increased exponentially; ent when the first Panthers (and later Dragons) stepped from the
many retired Champions returned to the school to teach. testing fields onto the parade grounds, signifying the start of ac-
Dueling was not confined to competitions between Kurita tive service. (The vaults beneath Imperial City still hold the first
warriors. The more arrogant Champions were known to wander Panther and Dragon seen by Takiro. Both BattleMechs were gifted
up to the entrance of a Star League Regular Army base and chal- to the Coordinator as symbols of the Dragon’s growing might.)
lenge its best MechWarrior to a duel. When First Lord Cameron Takiro differed from his father in one crucial area, however:
learned of this practice, he ordered that no one among his troops the imposing of Japanese culture on the people. He eased the
was to accept such challenges. Cameron also lodged a formal strict Kokugaku and made knowledge of Japanese a requirement
complaint with the Coordinator, insisting these duels were waste- only for those entering government and military service. He also
ful and politically dangerous. made conciliatory gestures towards several non-Japanese groups
Urizen Kurita’s response included a full copy of The Book of Five within the Combine, following the footsteps of Shiro during the
Rings and a detailed explanation that these men were technically assimilation of the Rasalhague people.
ronin—and reminded Cameron this was due to the First Lord’s Thanks to an earlier assassination attempt on his life while still
military cutbacks—and therefore beyond the Coordinator’s con- the Heir-Designate, Takiro ordered a full purge of the ISF—done
trol. Though the Kurita family supplied travel for these Champions, with the blessing of his father, who had retired to Echo. The resul-
they were powerless to stop them from challenging whomever tant purge made the agency leaner but utterly loyal to Takiro. As
they chose to duel. a show of gratitude, the Coordinator increased the organization’s
Shortly afterward, the First Lord rescinded his order. Star funding and expanded their power and duties to include scrutiny
League troops pleaded for their chance to show their refusal of the military. He also used the agency to suppress the Fukuroi
was not based on cowardice. From 2681 through 2751, there were Riots on Benjamin in 2743. Though brutal by necessity, the quick
more than three hundred officially recorded duels between the action quelled future outbreaks and negated the power of large
Star League and the Combine Champions, with 157 of those bat- labor unions on several industrially important worlds.


None of these accomplishments, however, stand above Coordinator’s heart to fail. He died a day later after passing on his
Takiro’s greatest achievement: orchestrating the eventual fall of political views and wishes to his son Minoru, the Heir-Designate.
the Star League. The Coordinator had his hand in passing new Takiro took after his father for longevity; he was 121 years old
laws that pushed the teetering League over the edge. Takiro used when he went to be with his ancestors.
each of the Council Lords’ pride and stubbornness against them;
while technically all five Lords had a hand in the events that fol- The Long Night of Turning
lowed, the primary instigator was the Coordinator of the Draconis Minoru Kurita stepped into the Coordinator’s path with his
Combine. It is fitting that the reluctant final signatory of the father’s passing. Because of his aggressive nature, many within
League’s Charter would be the orchestrator of its collapse. the Imperial Court assumed the Combine would soon be on the
The first major action was the passing of an amendment to road to war. However, Minoru’s honor bound him to a different
Michael Cameron’s Edict of 2650, which limited the size of House path. The new Coordinator chose to honor his father’s deathbed
armies. The new amendment allowed the five Lords to legally request, to handle the current crisis through negotiation, not vio-
double the size of their own personal militaries. The move was a lence. No other path was available, as it would mean a great loss
formality, since every House Lord had begun a military build-up of face for himself and the Dragon.
the day Simon Cameron died in a mining accident in 2751. Threats disguised as jovial comments from Amaris were fre-
Roughly a year later, the Star League Council Lords passed an- quently sent to the Imperial Court. Minoru trod a fine line, honoring
other edict that raised the taxes levied on the territorial-states. his father’s wishes by agreeing with the Usurper’s demands. In true
It also gave each House an increased portion of the League’s Kurita fashion, such agreements were carried out to the strict letter
revenue. The Combine’s merchants were especially happy with of the request and often to further other ends. In one notorious ex-
this development, as it provided even more avenues for the ample the ISF tipped off Amaris’ forces to the plans of the Third RCT’s
Combine’s economy—and themselves—to prosper. Officially, the Nineteenth Striker Regiment, one of the Regular Army’s best units.
Kuritas heralded the edict as yet more proof of their dynasty’s ob- The information allowed Amaris to ambush and destroy the unit.
vious superiority as leaders of men and nations. Minoru banned General Kerensky from entering the Combine
When Richard Cameron came of age and accepted the mantle of with his Regular Army, though the other four Houses allowed
First Lord a decade after the death of his father Simon, he enacted such passage. This was less an agreement with Amaris than an as-
Executive Order 156. This mandated all five Council Lords immedi- sertion of sovereignty; nonetheless, the media within the League
ately disband their private armies. The Dragon’s reaction was one realms took the news and exaggerated it, making the Combine
of unrestrained laughter; Coordinator Takiro led the Council’s vocal a scapegoat. The ban remained in place, forcing Kerensky to
derision, forcing the young ruler to rescind the order. invade several Combine worlds in order to access Star League fa-
The New Vandenburg Revolt in 2765 brought another war cilities in an attempt to flank Amaris’ forces. Under orders from
between the Star League and the Periphery realms. Rankled the Coordinator, the Combine units faced the invaders briefly, ex-
by the oppressive taxes levied upon them for over a decade, ecuting orderly withdrawals after a few minutes of combat. The
the Territorial States revolted. By 2766, most of the Star League Dragon retained its public stance and Kerensky received use of
Regular Army was involved in the fighting. Richard Cameron ig- the much-needed facilities. The defection of a few ronin duelists
nored SLDF Commanding General Aleksandr Kerensky’s advice and of the Combine battleships Kumamoto and Shizuoka (escort-
and invited loyal units from the Rim Worlds Republic to guard the ing the damaged carrier Seoul) to the General’s army were quietly
Star League’s interior. swept under the rug.
Takiro Kurita saw through the Republic’s leader, Stefan Amaris. The motivation behind Minoru’s actions—that Amaris held
From his own dealings, Takiro knew Amaris was a man greedy for part of the Kuritan family hostage—did not become apparent to
power. Though not disapproving of that trait, the Coordinator the rest of the Inner Sphere until Kerensky had reclaimed Terra.
knew Amaris needed to be watched carefully. The Dragon as- The Army forces found the bodies of Ambassador Kurita and his
sumed Amaris was playing on the idealistic and impressionable household in the Combine embassy. They had been defiled and
Richard’s fragile ego and surmised some secret agreement had slaughtered during Amaris’ final hours before Terra’s fall.
been struck for the use of large numbers of BattleMech regiments After General Kerensky liberated Terra, the five Council Lords
on worlds surrounding Terra. gathered in October 2780 to discuss the future. The first action
The Dragon did not foresee how swiftly Amaris would they could all agree on was to strip Kerensky of his duties as com-
move. The murder of First Lord Richard Cameron, followed by manding general. The motion to divest the general of his duties
the seizure of Terra, was unexpected. The Usurper acted when was instigated by Minoru, who privately blamed Kerensky for fail-
Republic troops outnumbered the remaining Regular Army ing to save his kin from the Amaris horror.
forces and seized Terra and many nearby systems. Of particular The other action the five Lords mutually agreed upon was the
concern to the Coordinator was the news that his grand-nephew installation of Jerome Blake as Minister of Communications. From
Drago and family was still on Terra under “protective custo- there, the Council degenerated into chaos as each member tried
dy” of the Usurper. Drago was the Combine’s ambassador to to make deals with the others to get themselves seated as the new
the Star League. The news of the family’s capture caused the First Lord. In August 2781, the Council broke up and would never


meet again. Almost immediately, the Draconis Combine went on THE FIRST
a war footing. The Coordinator issued orders to his most trusted
merchants before leaving the Terra system: purchase whatever
The Combine’s entrance into the chaos created by Kerensky’s
valuable natural resources remained on the open markets for
departure owed to the art of iaijutsu. The ancient practice in-
whatever cost before the borders closed. To his generals he gave
volved two opposing samurai kneeling before each other, katanas
the authority to hire whatever non-Star League military units that
sheathed at their sides. A samurai skilled in iaijutsu could draw his
survived the recent fighting, including deserting Regular Army
sword and strike his opponent first through great speed and grace.
units, and bring them into the Dragon’s fold.
Minoru Kurita saw the Combine and the Lyran Commonwealth in
In 2784, word of a surge in activity within the Regular Army
such a manner, and proper application of iaijutsu would be crucial
in and around Terra reached Minoru. He was informed that sev-
to the Combine’s success in cowing its avowed Lyran enemy.
eral League bases within the Combine were being stripped and
In August 2785, unmarked Azami BattleMechs hit Bone
disassembled, shipped off to parts unknown. Reports from New
Norman. The Commonwealth interpreted the attack as originat-
Samarkand indicated a large upswing in activity around the large
ing from former Rim Worlds Republic forces in the Periphery and
SLDF base and spaceport on the planet’s southern continent. The
shifted their forces appropriately—away from the Combine bor-
system’s nadir point was becoming the center of tremendous traf-
der. The action was exactly as Minoru had planned.
fic—all under the Regular Army’s protection. These reports made
The DCMS seized Trolloc Prime and Gram and then waited for a
the Coordinator uneasy, as the Combine’s military strength was
Lyran counterattack that never materialized. Emboldened by their
not yet great enough to take on the SLDF Army. Minoru sent a dip-
success, the DCMS launched another invasion in June 2786. The first
lomatic mission to the Lyran Commonwealth with an important
system to fall was Skondia, which suffered enormous industrial and
and secret proposal.
civilian casualties. The Combine’s forces faced little resistance and
By November 2784, New Samarkand was overflowing with Minoru assumed the Lyrans were weak. The Coordinator was look-
hundreds of freighters and naval vessels. The system’s jump points ing for a more challenging foe, and since the Lyrans proved to be
were populated with over a thousand vessels, from JumpShips to anemic in their defense, he decided to come back later to finish off
intrasystem craft. The ISF noted SLDF fleets normally assigned the Commonwealth. With successful raids on a few Davion worlds
to other Houses mixed within the gathering. Any Combine naval such as Towne, Minoru saw another opportunity. The Dragon
vessel was soundly rebuffed if it approached the growing flotilla. turned its eyes to its other neighbor, the Federated Suns.
With growing alarm, the DCMS generals urged a complete war The Coordinator’s official proclamation as First Lord of the Star
alert for the Galedon Military District. The former capital world League in December 2786 precipitated the invasion of the Suns.
was completely shut off from the Combine; only Ambassador Minoru Kurita believed it necessary to follow up such a bold dec-
Raymond Sainze was authorized contact with the general on laration with a show of overwhelming strength. With the Lyrans
Kerensky’s flagship. ISF courier ships made daring intelligence runs putting up only a token resistance and the Dragon spoiling for
near the Star League armada on their way to distant JumpShips. a fight, the Coordinator chose to match the might of the DCMS
Minoru took no action in response to the gathering threat, instead against that of the Armed Forces of the Federated Suns. The Heir-
focusing the realm on stockpiling equipment and supplies. His Designate, Jinjiro Kurita, was given the honor of planning and
sole response to the general in command of the Galedon District carrying out the invasion.
was itself cryptic: “Masterless warriors tend to gather together be- Using the high state of alert still in effect in the Galedon Military
fore departing a burning castle.” The Coordinator had divined the District—thanks to Kerensky’s recent exodus—Jinjiro masked the
general’s intent from his brief meetings with the man. Like a true arrival of additional Kurita regiments from the Steiner border. The
warrior, Kerensky would rather exit the scene than face disgrace Federated Suns, apparently used to its neighbor’s constant state
as a non-participant in future events. of alertness, failed to notice the uptick in transport arrivals routed
If Kerensky was to seek the route akin to that of the fabled through Galedon before being dispersed to various staging areas
forty-seven ronin, the Coordinator knew the Combine could not along the border.
withstand such an assault. The ISF also discovered that the leaders of the Suns were planning
As activity at New Samarkand reached a fevered pitch and their own offensive against the distant Capellan Confederation. As
Regular Army units began loading countless tons of supplies, such, much of the Suns’ Draconis March forces were being shuffled
machines, and troops, the Combine’s generals prepared for to prepare for the assault. By spring 2787, the Kuritas had nearly seven
the inevitable. Pressure from the Imperial Court demanded hundred regiments—two hundred of them dedicated BattleMech
Minoru conduct a preemptive strike on the gathering fleet. The regiments—ready for the campaign. To maintain deception, Jinjiro
Coordinator stayed his hand, as he felt it would be ignoble to deny ordered commanders to use minimal force defending worlds against
Kerensky’s people their chance to leave gracefully and with hon- probing raids, even if it meant losing.
or—if that was indeed their intention. The Combine’s assault unfurled in May 2787. Though the
On 5 November 2784, Kerensky and the bulk of the SLDF left— Kuritans attacked all along the border, the invasion’s focus was
with the Combine Ambassador—New Samarkand and the Inner the Cussar pocket, where more than fifteen ’Mech and fifty-five
Sphere behind. Centuries would pass before their fate was known. conventional regiments were concentrated. The surprise attack


The Heir-Designate to Coordinator Minoru Kurita during the opening moves
of the First Succession War, Jinjiro Kurita suffered during his upbringing. The son
of a concubine—Minoru’s first wife Clarissa was barren—Jinjiro spent most of
his early years embroiled in the center of heated Court politics.
His mother’s maiden name has been lost to the mists of time, though her
adornment name (customary for royal concubines) was Heaven’s Gate. She was
a native of Radstadt whose non-Asian features made her popular in the uki-
yos (pleasure districts) until Minoru bought her contract. After Jinjiro’s birth,
Heaven’s Gate used every persuasive art—and some apparent blackmail—to
convince Minoru to adopt the child and make him the legal heir. Her access to the
Imperial Court allowed her to poison other contracted concubines with chemicals
that forced miscarriages. (Many historians suspect an overdose of this chemical
caused Clarissa’s death.) Believing the fates and his ancestors against him for his
failure to save Drago Kurita and his family from Amaris, Minoru recognized ten-
year-old Jinjiro as his son and heir just before learning his second wife, Yvonne
Toshi, was pregnant.
A whispering campaign within the Court suggested the Coordinator was un-
der the charms of his concubine. True or not, the rumors persisted until Yvonne,
days from giving birth to Zabu Kurita, shoved Heaven’s Gate from the parapets
of Unity Palace in the middle of the night. Jinjiro discovered the bloody, broken
form of his mother early the next morning. She had survived the night and died
in her son’s arms.
Combine historians and psychoanalysts believe this was the catalyzing event
that began Jinjiro’s slow slide from sanity. The pain and shock of witnessing such
an event was enough to push the sensitive child along the road to madness and
eventually, planetary atrocity.
—The Bloody Coordinator: Seeds of Kentares; Proserpina Publications, Ltd., 2971

caught the Federated Suns completely off guard. In the initial cha-
os, the AFFS received conflicting orders to retreat and to hold the
line. Some regiments remained and others pulled back, creating
gaps along the front that the DCMS ruthlessly exploited.
Within a month, the First Sword of Light, led by the Heir-
Designate himself, arrived on Franklin. The Coordinator, at the head
of the Third Sword of Light, landed on Cartago. Both assault groups
aimed to engage and cut off Suns forces by destroying Davion
JumpShips and DropShips, marooning the AFFS in place. The
DCMS then landed a massive assault force to grievously wound the
stranded Davion forces—but not destroy them. Once that objec-
tive was accomplished, the assault force moved on while a lighter
DCMS force arrived to finish off the surviving Suns troops.
The strategy was superb; the Dragon penetrated as far as Imbrial
III, Kestrel, and Saunemin in the first five years of the attack. Though
facing stronger resistance in some systems (such as Galtor III), Jinjiro
predicted that the Combine would plant the Dragon’s flag on New
Avalon before the end of the century. The massive naval battle in
the Cholame system bolstered his claim, resulting in the loss of
nearly two hundred Davion vessels. The six-week-long engage-
ment resulted from a successful ISF espionage operation within the
halls of the Federated Suns’ Department of Military Intelligence.


The other Great Houses later adopted Jinjiro’s strategy, dubbed defending Seventh Crucis Lancers. As such, the Coordinator ar-
“planet hopping” by armchair strategists. The brilliance of Jinjiro’s rived with the Sixth Sword of Light in the summer of 2796. Using
plan served the Dragon well, though it also altered the other sheer weight of numbers and an infusion of fresh supplies, the
Houses’ perception of the Combine. Secret discussions at consul- Coordinator forced the Davion troops onto a single continent and
ates in the Commonwealth, Free Worlds League, and Confederation nearly encircled them.
began, debating the wisdom of allying with the Combine in future Outside New Snowfield, a small mountain village in the
endeavors. Such deliberations ultimately scuttled talk in various Carmelite Mountains, Minoru stopped to take in the incredible
Lyran circles regarding a non-aggression pact with the Dragon. vista before him. He dismounted from his BattleMaster and, ac-
The Combine’s successes against the Suns had the opposite ef- companied by his three lancemates, three guards, and a local
fect within the Capellan Confederation. Longsuffering victims to Buddhist priest, made his way to an alpine meadow. Once there,
Suns aggression and political meddling, the Capellans welcomed the Coordinator and the priest sat quietly among the trees, pri-
the growing possibility that Kurita might bring down the Davion vately conversing.
empire. The Combine’s own cultural affinity to Confederation’s A chance passing by a Seventh Crucis sharpshooter ended
quasi-Chinese traditions made an alliance appealing. the conversation. The sniper’s laser shot caught the Coordinator
As the Combine war machine gobbled up Davion worlds, the squarely in the back. As he lay dying, Minoru whispered some-
Confederation put forward an alliance proposal. Riding high on thing to those gathered around him. The conversation was
his troops’ successes, the Coordinator flatly rebuffed the Liao dip- lost to posterity, as the remaining seven never betrayed the
lomats. Minoru countered with a proposal for the Confederation Coordinator’s trust.
to execute an immediate offensive against the Suns flank. With What followed remains a stain upon the Dragon’s honor and
little enough military power to successfully carry out such an as- history and should never be forgotten, if only as a lesson in what
sault, the Confederation quietly removed themselves from the
the madness of power can bring upon a man and a nation.
bargaining table and let the Combine continue in its conquest.
Jinjiro was on Franklin when he was informed of the
The Free Worlds League, while not considering an alliance
Coordinator’s death. Upon his arrival at Kentares, the new
with the Combine, hoped the Dragon would turn towards House
Coordinator ordered his troops to kill every living soul upon the
Steiner after their Davion conquest. House Marik hoped to see its
planet. To defy the order was a death sentence. During the fol-
traditional enemy vanquished and welcomed any power capable
lowing five months, Kuritan units on Kentares dispersed across
of weakening the Commonwealth.
the planet and began the systematic killing. The mass executions
were accomplished by rounding up as many as possible in the cit-
ies, then using ’Mechs and vehicles to hunt down the rest. During
By 2796, the Dragon’s offensive reached Odell, Saginaw,
the second month, Combine military discipline began to waver.
Arcadia, and Delavan. Only a few light years remained between
Despite deep indoctrination in stoicism and obedience, the duty
the DCMS and the crown jewel of the Federated Suns, New
of killing hundreds and thousands of people day after day began
Avalon. Several Kuritan raids had already hit the system, assessing
to take a psychological toll on the common Kurita soldier. Some
its defenses and taunting the Davion defenders. Despite los-
were deliberately allowing groups of Kentares citizens to escape,
ing just over one hundred vessels during the Kuritan ambush in
Cholmane, the DCA crews performed admirably in reconnoiter- and reports began to surface of officers doing the same. Many
ing the Davion capital. good Kuritan soldiers began to commit suicide because of their
Before the final push, the Coordinator decided to give his troops role in the continuing atrocity.
some rest and cycle his heavier units back through the lines, as- Jinjiro finally ordered the DCMS to withdraw in February 2797,
sisting in the continual cleanup of captured and bypassed worlds. leaving a world missing more than ninety percent of its popula-
Jinjiro strongly disagreed, insisting that the offensive continue tion, roughly fifty-two million men, women, and children. Among
while momentum was hot. The Coordinator, now ninety-one years the dead was the Buddhist priest who had been conversing with
of age, was tired of the constant fighting and did not feel the same Minoru at the time of his death. He lay dead from Jinjiro’s own hand
drive to conquer that saturated his son. He ignored Jinjiro’s advice. after the priest came to him with a plea to stop the genocide.
The DCMS suffered a setback on New Rhodes III, losing a ComStar broke its neutrality with the Combine, broadcasting
massive supply depot and two armor battalions’ worth of equip- news of the massacre at the first opportunity. The entire Inner
ment to a small Davion rebel force. The news and video footage Sphere soon learned of Jinjiro’s actions on the Davion world. The
spread throughout the Federated Suns, showing the Dragon’s Combine’s actions had consequences, not least of which was the
humiliation and inspiring other Davion resistance cells to rise up formal desertion of several mercenary units. The Eridani Light
on conquered worlds. Horse attempted to leave even as a Combine liaison held nearly a
The Combine’s assault on Kentares stalled as a result of the thousand of the regiment’s dependents hostage on Sendai. The
loss of materiel to Davion counterattacks along the Kuritan supply mercenaries refused to honor their contract and failed to surrender;
chain. The lack of forthcoming supplies had slowed the progress the hostages were killed. This would not be the last time a merce-
of the Sixth Pesht and Second Benjamin Regulars against the nary unit failed to honor or obey its contract with the Dragon.


Such actions gave House Davion a treasure trove of intelli-

THE HONOR OF THE DAIMYO gence and insight into the Kuritan military. The Suns formed the
Under Jinjiro’s orders, the ISF conducted an intensive investigation into the core of a new intelligence-gathering structure that would ensure
matter of who provided ComStar with the data footage that made its way out to the AFFS would never be caught off-guard again.
the other Houses. The inquiry lasted less than a week, as the transmission’s video It quickly became obvious even to Jinjiro that the actions on
data contained coding that was traced back to the crew of a Daimyo HQ 67-K. The Kentares had given the Federated Suns the inspiration they need-
crew was arrested and brought before the Coordinator, who killed each of them ed to turn back the Combine assault. Jinjiro’s new plan was to
with a single laser pulse to the brain. merely hold on to what the Dragon had won previously.
During a standard maintenance routine in 2910, mechanics from the Second Many within the DCMS command began to rue the earlier deci-
Sword of Light discovered the headquarters vehicle in a motor pool on Luthien. sion to ignore the Lyran Commonwealth. In their efforts to prove
The vehicle had been transported without record from the bloody fields of the Dragon’s strength against the Davion war machine, Jinjiro had
Kentares and left on the capital world, possibly as some disagreeable officer’s neglected the fact that House Steiner possessed some of the richest
quiet notion of rebellion. worlds in the Inner Sphere. Now, with most of the Dragon’s forces
The vehicle was reclaimed and refitted for duty and its battle history made committed to holding onto its gains in the Suns, the Combine could
known to the Second Sword’s command staff. From then on, the regiment used it launch only infrequent invasions and raids against the weaker Lyrans.
in every campaign as a distinct reminder of Sworder history. Crews volunteered Despite the sporadic effort, Kurita forces captured a few worlds
for assignment to the mobile HQ, knowing full well the dishonor that came with and crippled several Lyran industries. This would become a continu-
its operation. ing pattern as the First Succession War dragged on. The Combine
In 3051, the Daimyo was an active participant in the defense of Luthien from
primarily sought to hold their early gains. Seizing territory became
the Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat assault. During the later stages of battle, both
a secondary objective as the Dragon tried to hurt the enemy by de-
Takashi Kurita and Shin Yodama commanded from the vehicle as the Combine
stroying whatever it could reach. Using battalion-sized ’Mech units
successfully repelled the invasion.
reinforced with heavy aerospace and WarShip support, Kuritan
After the battle and seeing the crew operate with no regard for their person-
forces launched deep raids against both of its opponents. Though
al safety as they assisted the Coordinator in his command, Takashi declared the
the raids were more effective against the Lyrans, they failed to de-
vehicle cleansed from its historic stain. The Coordinator personally paid for the
stroy the massive BattleMech factories on Hesperus II.
vehicle’s repair and refurbishment, and it proudly occupies a place in the Second
Sword of Light’s order of battle.
—Quirks of the Kuritan Army; Orestes Public Press, 3062
The First Succession War put an immense strain on the civilian sectors of the
Combine during its later years. After the military seized most of the commercial
SUNS ASCENDING, JumpShips, the Kuritan economy nearly ground to a halt. Factories devoted to
DRAGON FALLING the production of purely civilian goods either converted to manufacturing for the
The sheer enormity of the Kentares massacre paralyzed the military or closed up entirely.
Federated Suns for a short time as anger began to build from within The lower classes of the Dragon’s society were hit the hardest. The common
and then exploded back at the Dragon with predictable violence. citizens were the first to feel the shortages of essentials such as food, clothing,
Davion troops began launching spontaneous offensives and housing. For them, rationing of food and water became a way of life for the
against Combine forces. Although fueled more by emotion than next several decades, stretching into the Second Succession War. Textiles became
strategy and tactics, the attacks still succeeded more often than scarce. Housing stock shifted to the cheapest building materials available, as con-
not. Affected in their own way by the news of the incident, the stant raids destroyed as much as was created.
Kuritans retreated in the face of the increasing assaults. Davion Throughout it all, the citizenry was reminded that to sacrifice one’s comfort,
generals first tried to halt the independent actions, but as reports security, and health for the greater good was honorable and beneficial to the
of building success rolled in, the AFFS commanders took advan- Dragon as a whole. There were numerous government-sponsored contests on
tage of the situation. By December 2798, the Kuritan line had been worlds far from the war to promote the art of selfless giving and to hold up for
pushed back to Streator, and New Avalon was no longer in imme- praise those who best exemplified it. Those who questioned such actions found
diate danger of assault. themselves facing the stern hand of the local ISF; public complaints were handled
Jinjiro, ill-prepared to counter the Davion counterassault, fell quickly and efficiently through public execution.
back on traditional Kuritan defense strategy using a series of stag- Blood sport made its first appearance in the Combine during these trying
gered counterattacks and fighting to the last man. Such a defense times. Though initially started as classic gladiatorial matches between criminals,
failed to stem the rolling tide of Suns forces. Troop morale hit an the Dragon’s officials quietly put their stamp of approval on the activities. These
all-time low. Though many Kuritan soldiers accepted the Kentares brutal spectator sports helped channel the social resentment that otherwise
massacre with a disciplined blandness, the news instilled many might have built up to inappropriate and dangerous levels.
with feelings of guilt. Many Kuritan forces surrendered in order to —The Dragon’s War: Behind the Border of the First Succession War; Togura
defect to the other side. Press Limited, 2915


Taran's World

Paulus Prime

ron VI
Butte Hold
Thule Richmond
w Ålborg
Iron Land Holmsbu

Skallevoll New Ceylon

Star's End Pinnacle
Tovetin Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
New Sarum
eelton Susquehanna Altona
Jarett New Sapporo
ersistence Icar Ouagadougou Wonju
Svelvik Balsta Kiruna
Alleghe Bjarred
The Edge Turtle Bay Hartshill
New Caledonia Leoben Trondheim
Chateau St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Rodigo Ferranil Almunge Virentofta Caracol
Verthandi Hermagor Slaithwaite
Nykvarn Stapelfeld
Maxie's Planet
Csesztreg Lovinac Bruben 55 Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
Rasalhague Last Frontier Brailsford
New Oslo Brocchi's Cluster
Harvest Kirchbach Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Christiania Schuyler Jeanette
wycross Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Pomme De Terre
Kreller Seuta Bimyeong Kamarod
Evciler Qandahar
Savinsville Duxfort Caesaera
Ferleiten Predlitz Courchevel Bangor
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Luzerne Matamoras
nizli Jeronimo Pusht-i-rud
akkia Spittal Casere McAlister Emar
Leskovik Svarstaad Basiliano Kufstein Macksburg Espakeh
Engadin Byesville Wolcott
in Goito Herndon Sikkim
Dell Bushmill Hyner
Zoetermeer Marshdale Cheriton Multan
Skokie Clearfield Land's End
aker 3 Stanzach Labrea
Kandis Bilma Abagnar
Vulcan Moritz Maldonado Loysville
Radstadt Soverzene Outer Volta
Sevren Tamar Ningxia Abiy Adi Hongor
Stonarboi Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Memmingen Kempten Itabaiana Teniente Pesht
Vorarlberg Thessalonika Takata
Laurent Weingarten Meinacos Kokpekty
Colmar Juazeiro Ebensburg
Volders Kaesong
Graus Irece Nara
Cusset Thannhausen Tuat Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide Enif
Kobe Unity Thimphu
Deweidewd Bessarabia Kanto A
Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Cyrenaica Ulsan
Tinaca Yamarovka
Montmarault Oyevaina
Wheel Hainfeld Odawara
ustball Satalice Marawi Mualang Asgard Shimoda Monywa Tottori
Rastaban Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Port Arthur Old Canton
Thun Halesowen Kagoshima
Suk II Galuzzo Sternwerde Greypear
Skandia Suianheer
Tarazed Avon Chatham
Domain Ardoz Luthien Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Graceland Ballynure La Grave Shardayne Pondicherry
Maule Setubal Miyada
Pandora Diosd Nox Kiamba Kanowit Baruun Urt Braunton Miyako Sighisoara
Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Kazanka
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami Tabayama
Mannedorf Dumaring Worrell Osse
Lothan Bicester Hakkaido Koulen
Rubigen Corsica Nueva
Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Ramsau Toffen Mokpo Murmansk Milligan's
Jabuka Meilen Omagh Ban Na San Zlatousi
Rasalgethi Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Odabasi Dyfed Zalaf
Tukayyid Chandler Ogano Keihoku R
Borghese Fort Loudon Yardley Philadelphia Sunchon Nexus Ri
Ueda Pilkhua
Fefferfer Darius Sakai Quantraine
unwald Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
Surcin Qualip Iijima
Meacham Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Simferopol
Grumium Baldur
Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Belacruz Quib
Fatima Al Hillah Osmus Saar
Otho Oshika Morthac
Arcturus Glenlivet Sendai Santiago
a Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime
Leganes Dalmantia Dnepropetrovsk Calish
Ganshoren Port Moseby Tamsalu Goubellat
Lucianca Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Budingen
Dalkeith Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calis
Apostica Sakhalin Chimpaw Minowa Schirmeck
Buckminster Tatsuno
Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
kengen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lushann
Auldhouse Accrington Kingtribel Gram Alegro
Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
ma Carstairs Kaznejoy
Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Phalan Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
Yed Prior Talisker Valmiera Ki Zoban Se
Kirkcaldy Kannon Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Cebalrai Apriki
Sutama Monistrol Niles Kinkaid II
Edasich Yed Posterior Alnasi Tsukude Ljugarn Igualada
Hagiwawa Altdorf
Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
Baxter Rukbat Delacruz Medron
Vega Altais Goldlure An Ting Crestoblus
Freedom Kimball II Tangerz Westfield
Whittington Grootfontein Umijiri Capra Kesai IV Wittington
Marfik Eltanin
Alya Irurzun
Nekkar Konstance Kitalpha Arlington Bryceland
Izar Hildaman Huan
Kaus Borealis Algedi Donenac
urieston Ryde Komephoros Kessel Waddesdon Gandy's Luck Tancredi IV
Zebeneschamali Shimonita Harpster Misery Oldsmith Périgueux Conroe
Balkan Kaus Australis Aldrecht Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift
Shitara Thestria
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Piedmont New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Bergman's Planet
Junction Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesvi
Glengarry Albalii Ludwig
Ascella Chichibu Celebes Elidere IV McGehee
Dromini VI Nai-Stohl Galtor III Deshler Saumur
Gladius Unukalhai Elix New Sumatra Harrow's Sun
Moore Cussar Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Brookeland
Kuzuu Marduk Sturgis
Alphecca Kurhah Barlow’s End Damevang
Seginus Kochab Skondia McComb De Berry
Laiaka Skye Lambrecht Miyazaki Yance I Tannil
New Mendham
Tripoli Lima Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Glenmora Choudrant Bro
Alkalurops Kervil Shinonoi
Alkaid Atria Halstead Station Lapida II Homam Paris
Zebebelgenubi Chaville Tallmadge Rowe Fallon II Brundage
Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Nusakan Ko Telos IV Biham Scheat Royal
Syrma Sadachbia Okaya Sadalbari
Dyev Pike IV Nashira Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Carsphairn Galatea Lyons Melcher Arromanches
Imbros III Ancha Hoff
Summer Skat Cylene Fellanin II Proserpina Klathandu IV
New Ivaarsen Sakhara V Swales
Menkent Athenry Al Na'ir Fairfax Morrill
Alcor Murchison Ballentine Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Turkalia Carcassonne Princton
Zollikofen Yorii Dieron Markab Cha
Cor Caroli Nirasaki David Alnadal Dahar IV
Gacrux Muphrid Quentin Pokhara Le Blanc Urich
Helen Chaumont
Alioth Haddings Thorin Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Towne Lucerne
Lipton New Earth Franklin Josselin
Zaniah Alchiba
Milton Denebola Chara Rigil Kentarus Fomalhaut Raman Doneval II Allerton
Phecda Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Courtney Entalun Mayetta Sylvan Protection
Zavijava Northwind Lockdale
Shiloh Afleir Alula Australis Terra Caph Ronel Clovis Rochester
Small World Addicks Tarkio Junior
Wyatt Sirius
Wing Zosma Oliver Graham IV Keid New Stevens Ankaa New Florence Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City Hickok
Deneb Kaitos Olancha Exeter Klamriz V Pattonsbrug
Alhena Dubhe Epsilon Indi New Rhodes III Robinson Colchester Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon
helle New Home Bryant Ingress
Hean Tybalt Kentares IV Charleywood Potwin Declan II
Devil's Rock Sheratan
Chertan Callison Castor Carver V Ruchbah Schedar Lexington

Kalidasa New Dallas Tyrfing Epsilon Eridani Mirach Waycross Johnsondale Layover Macomb Manksville
Fletcher Basalt Carnac DeWitt Larned Mokane
Dieudonne Bordon Brownsville Tigress Peabody
es Kawich Caselton Edwards Palmyra
Aquileia Outreach Rio
Talitha Woodstock Nopah Achernar Avawatz Cholame Newton Keytesville
Remulac Connaught Terra Firma Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
Hope Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Catroxx Van Diemen IV Capolla Hamal Yangtze Logandale Evansville
Nathan Hall Elgin
ia Borealis Acubens Slocum Mira Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Goderich Kestrel
Adhafera Alphard New Hessen Tawas Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Hsien Nanking Arboris Mesartim Parma Gambier
Irian Mauckport

Miaplacidus Wasat Mandal Zurich Aldebaran Genoa
Tall Trees Algol Kansu Almach Sanilac
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Bellevue Andely
Pliska Berenson Buchlau Chesterton Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield
Saiph Bristol Flushing
Blue Sava Ningpo Ormal Vicente
New Canton Liao Conwy Listowel Cahokia
Elbing Menkalinan Demeter Euclid
Marik Kristiandsund
Gan Singh Pleione
Halloran V
Ulan Batar
Markesan Streator Northfield 2781 (PRE-WAR) BORDER
Belluevue Poznan Tianamon Angelsey Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton Zion New Aragon O'Fallon
Angell II Menkar Amiga McHenry Coloma Meinrad
St Gall Myrvoll Kyrkbacken Valexa Goshen Delavan
ter Manennaia Arcadia Saginaw Xenia
Jonathan Everett Tiskilwa Strawn Leamington
Snailzar Shensi Weldon
Abadan Bonaire Bernardo Hunan Westphalia Scudder Paulding
Sarkel Styk Foochow Muskegon Odell Augusta Korvitz Saltville Coreward Kaufermann
Ibstock Sichuan St. Andre Ipava
Asuncion Foot Fall Ashkum

Holt Reinhardstein Chebanse

Tecumseh Leipsic

Oceana Pavia Beten Kaitos
Ilmachna Suzano Tsitsang Bell Anaea Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Shipka Argyle Andalusia M
Park Place Wei New Avalon Maison
Second Try
Asellus Borealis Jilin New Macao Undra Axton Genf Emerson Sylvester Simancas

Ventabren Highspire Freisland Galax Lynchburg Teylingen

Lungdo Ling Ohrensen Yunnah Zaurak Plataea Manassas
Sorunda Caria Talcott Shubu

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Belladonna

ophie's World McKenna NATIONAL CAPITAL
Second Chance
Achilles New Athens
Menkib Moravian Mytilene
Gravensteen 30 LIGHT YEARS
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Harsefeld Corey Matsu Aosia Lacadon Boeotia Dothan Molino
Jászberény Ulan Bator Sakhalin Vecchio Antietam
New Delos Phact Remshield Quimper Agmond
Old Kentucky Paches
Emris IV Steeles
Fuentes Kievanur Ramen II Tsinghai Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Kek Perkasie Dirk's Gulf El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Meinhof Covington

First Succession War (2822)

Raballa Sarna
Remagen Vereeniging

Vanra Hassad Bora Truth Vintru Bahl's Retreat Dol

Semenyih Sarmaxa Minnacora Salem Bastian Hephzibah
Gorki Lesalles Lhasa Fincastle Du Lac Wedgefield
Carbonis Ingersoll Chitwan Ilmar Gahral Stockpoll Montcoal Ferrara
Matheran Chengdu Staffin Noh-wan Hohm
Kiyev Andro
New Praha PROVINCE CAPITAL Bithinia Capella Randar Ares
Novaya Zemlya Branzoll

Daneshmand Les Halles
Bandora Geifer No Return © 3067 COMSTAR CARTOGRAPHIC CORPS
New Sagan
Necromo Herat
Gulkana Rimward Waimalu
Aer Turko
rougli Propus Cordiagr Monhegan Bethel Nis Susulatna
Salur Eom Masterson Capricorn III Skaslien
Aldertaine Relevow Daniels Nunivak Sparrevohn
Tatlawiksuk Zambezi Waipahu
Ragusa Calloway VI Kohlman Alto Knutdor Brabent Kluane
Nashuar Alcyone Aggstein Dunkerque Notwina

WAR’S DARK END OF DAYS major factories survived the carnage. The Luthien Armor Works
By 2808, the Federated Suns had pushed the Combine back to factory sustained heavy damage but was able to restart in less
the border between the Crucis and Draconis Marches. Jinjiro’s at- than a year; the Alshain facility would maintain production on a
tempts to motivate his soldiers through judicious executions and limited scale for the next two decades. Several subcontractors es-
torture failed, and the Dragon’s troops remained uninspired past caped destruction as well but were severely hampered by limited
their immediate defense. resource flow.
The Davion troops turned the tables on the Combine, using While the massive destruction of the Combine’s war-making
the Dragon’s own tactics against them. The Federated Suns forces capability put the Dragon in a bind, the loss of thousands of wa-
launched swift attacks against Kurita JumpShips and DropShips, ter purification plants and the factories to construct them hurt
stranding the DCMS forces for the AFFS to hit them piecemeal. the Combine more. The reduced availability of fresh water af-
Soon enough, both sides experienced difficulty in finding fected many important activities. Though the Combine wanted
enough transportation to move their armies. Taking a cue from to rebuild industries, its leaders knew this would be futile in ar-
the Lyran Commonwealth, each House began seizing commercial eas lacking enough fresh water for their needs. This forced the
JumpShips and pressing them into military service. Foreign ves- abandonment or declassification of some reconstruction efforts
sels were detained under dubious charges and then confiscated. and the relocation of factories to systems deeper into the realm—
House Davion launched a heavy counteroffensive in 2808, which cost the Dragon more in terms of money and time.
overwhelming Kuritan defenders on most of the targeted worlds. The upside of the war was the new territory taken by the
Additionally, the AFFS launched small-unit raids against supply Combine, though the Dragon lost eight systems. Thirty-three ma-
centers deep behind enemy lines. Initial successes demoralized jor systems (and a handful of minor outlying colonies) were under
Kuritan defenders on nearby worlds, sparking a panic. The Kuritan the Dragon’s sway: nineteen Lyran worlds and seven from the
troops became cautious, attempting no major offensives and of- Suns. Some of these worlds were prizes rich in natural resources.
fering token defense. Encouraged, the Davion forces launched a The government of the Draconis Combine used the acquisition of
new counterstrike in 2811 to yet more victories. For the failed ef- these systems as proof they had “won the war.” The Coordinator
forts to stem the tide, ritual suicides were common among the and the Imperial Court wanted to blur from public memory as
Combine’s officer ranks, causing hierarchical chaos in the com- quickly as possible the Kuritan mass retreat from the forces of
mand and control of the DCMS. The Coordinator was forced to House Davion.
issue edicts that forbid further seppuku ceremonies until such Of all the regions in the Combine, the Benjamin and the new-
time as the manpower could be spared. Additionally, Jinjiro au- ly formed Dieron Military Districts were hit hardest. Steiner and
thorized the early graduation of thousands of cadets, putting Davion forces destroyed more than sixty percent of the Dieron
wholly inexperienced troops on the front lines. District’s industrial capacity; nearly half of the Benjamin District’s
The Combine’s reputation for fanaticism became its redeem- capacity suffered the same. Both areas sustained crippling com-
ing quality in the conflict. Davion command knew that the instant mercial damage, with nearly eighty percent of the combined
an AFFS unit landed on a Combine world, they would face an en- area’s capacity shut down or reduced to minimal levels due to ris-
tire planet of rabid defenders. From the highest MechWarrior to ing inflation and limited transportation capability.
the lowliest Unproductive, every Kuritan would be honor-bound Coordinator Jinjiro did not take the overall performance of the
to sacrifice their lives to rid their world of invaders. For the time DCMS well, especially the stunning reversal after Kentares. He felt
being, House Davion set about consolidating their gains among the need to review in intricate detail the process of interservice
the worlds recently liberated. cooperation, as its lack caused the loss of several key campaigns.
By 2821, an unofficial ceasefire existed between Kurita, Davion, Though sorely tempted, Jinjiro kept the postwar executions
and Steiner. Though raids still occurred, these usually involved for failure to a small number, carried out in less than a week at
forces no larger than a battalion and were aimed at either de- Imperial City. Instead, he demoted most officers who failed in
struction or seizure of resources rather than invasion. their duty to the Dragon down to the lower classes. Most were
To take stock of the war’s effect, Coordinator Jinjiro ordered lucky to find themselves of any rank above private among the mi-
a huge national census with a twofold purpose. First, it would litia forces. The few officers who actually pleased the Coordinator
measure the toll taken by three decades of fighting. Second, the were promoted, most going to the military academies to train the
census would identify the thousands of people who had used upcoming crop of cadets.
the chaos to escape the realm’s meticulous recordkeeping. The Arguably the worst to suffer were the political figures among
Coordinator was especially keen to see everyone accounted for the nobility. Many district governors, civilian leaders, and plan-
and wrapped back into the fold of Kurita society. etary officials had shown poor foresight in preparing for the war.
A major consequence of the war was the massive loss to Such inaction failed to provide enough protection to defend the
Combine shipping. Of the numerous shipyards capable of manu- Dragon’s resources from enemy attack. These dishonored politi-
facturing and assembling JumpShips, only two survived due to cians suffered fates similar to that of their military counterparts,
their distance from the Steiner and Davion borders. BattleMech with many finding themselves exiled into peasant farming or
facilities also suffered from the war: two of the Combine’s seven even the ranks of the Unproductives.


SUCCESSION WAR In 2822, the DCMS announced a new and optional system of procurement
Reconstruction efforts went into high gear after the completion for mercenary units contracted to the Combine. The new system allowed an in-
of Coordinator Jinjiro’s mandatory census. The few remaining military crease of the mercenary unit’s pay so they could buy supplies directly from the
and private heavy industries were nationalized, giving the Dragon Procurement Division. Some larger units quickly realized the dangers inherent in
complete control over the realm’s industry and economy for the next the Dragon’s new policies, born from experience in the First Succession War and
decade. Jinjiro viewed the reconstruction to be the moral equivalent the massive reconstruction efforts throughout the military.
of war and demanded the citizenry see it in the same light. When Pay did increase but not at a rate that equaled the expense of supplies.
not overseeing construction or production on various worlds, the As a result, an unsuspecting unit went deeper and deeper into debt to the
Coordinator could be found visiting and purifying the DCMS. Procurement Division. In an effort to work their way out of the situation, a merce-
nary unit was forced to take on more contracts. That, in turn, created an increased
PEACE OF UNITY WITHIN need for more supplies, causing more debt.
The formation of the People’s Reconstruction Effort (PRE) was Units that stepped beyond the bounds of their contract by robbing or as-
one of Jinjiro’s proudest—and most positive—achievements. saulting Combine assets to arm or supply themselves soon learned the depth
The PRE became the ruling board and coordinating bureau of the of Kuritan punishment. Mercenary DropShips could be destroyed or JumpShips
government’s various military, economic, scientific, and political seized; DCMS line units might be ordered to exact retribution on the mercenaries,
reconstruction projects. Jinjiro appointed his half-brother Zabu as often couched as “live fire training exercises.” After some aggressive actions by a
head of the PRE. few mercenary forces, the Combine changed their approach.
Under Zabu’s calm and rational hand, the PRE became a text- The Dragon made the “company store” syndrome more subtle, so that a unit
book example of what unity of purpose can accomplish. Zabu’s took longer to sink further into debt with the Combine. It also took longer for a
official position as PRE Coordinator was second only to Jinjiro in unit to realize what was happening. The DCMS perfected the system to the point
importance within the Combine. Five subcoordinators, represent- where several large mercenary regiments were eventually forced to sell them-
ing each of the Combine’s five pillars assisted Zabu. selves into the DCMS in order to pay off their debts.
Zabu’s main focus centered on the preservation of knowl- While none of the other Great Houses treat mercenary units well, they also
edge. As a well-educated man, he had been horrified by do not make such a concerted effort to subjugate them, either. The Combine ei-
the wanton destruction of universities—including his own ther ignores the needs of a unit to avoid squandering its own precious supplies or
alma mater, Ashio University. As PRE Coordinator, he con- else attempts to entangle the unit in a constricting web of debt.
vinced Jinjiro to let him establish the PRE Academy on Dover. —The Dragon’s Subtle War on Hired Forces; Galatea Press Syndicate, 3004
Professors and teachers who had lost their livelihoods from
the destruction of the war staffed the academy. The faculty
included visiting industrialists, engineers, technicians, and me- but both would leave Zabu Kurita as the next Coordinator. As
chanics from undamaged factories that could spare them to Zabu was more intellectual than militaristic, few leaders within
help others rebuild. Zabu hoped to preserve as much knowl-
the DCMS viewed the Coordinator’s half-brother with respect.
edge as possible by creating an enormous library acting as a
With so much depending on united efforts by the government
free consultation group for Combine efforts in rebuilding.
and military, Jinjiro felt it unwise to withdraw at that point.
Though noble in design, the PRE Academy faced stiff oppo-
After much self-examination, he always managed to hang on
sition from both the military and the ISF even before it opened
to a single thread of sanity when directing the military, even
its doors. Both agencies had grave reservations about how the
during his darkest spells.
Dragon’s knowledge would be disseminated to anyone who
The Coordinator’s conclusion would once again ignite the
asked. Jinjiro formally backed Zabu after it was understood that
only Combine corporations and groups whose loyalty was proven Inner Sphere. His decision was to spend the next decade rebuild-
would be allowed to avail themselves of the Academy’s resources. ing—and then start another war.
After a series of vicious raids by a mysterious raider force
Caution in the Quiet dubbed the “Minnesota Tribe,” the Coordinator decided to
By late 2824, Coordinator Jinjiro was suffering from excessive accelerate his timetable. In 2830, House Kurita conducted a deep-
mood swings and mental degradation. Observant court staff raid strategy and hit Chandler and Moore in Steiner space and
would step in when a manic episode erupted, protecting every- Lucerne, Franklin, and Sakhara V in the Federated Suns. These
one from the Coordinator’s shameful and uncontrolled behavior. invasion assaults were accompanied by smaller outlying raids in-
Through a secret examination, physicians soon learned there was tended to pin down nearby defenders. A few deeper raids were
no cure for Jinjiro’s deteriorating condition. also launched, targeting major manufacturing and industrial cen-
The ISF, still loyal to the Coordinator, informed him of the ters identified by the ISF’s own efforts.
diagnosis and expected to carry out another bloody purge. The raids in Davion space turned into a disaster. With the Suns
Instead, Jinjiro considered his options carefully and methodi- knowing part of the Combine’s assault plans through extensive
cally. The obvious options were retirement or ritual suicide, intelligence operations, the AFFS was prepared on Lucerne and



As the Dragon rebuilt its strength, the Coordinator needed something to The Minnesota Tribe mystery started with a raid on Svelvik, conducted
keep his enemies off-balance and distracted. The result was the creation of the by a previously unknown force. Nearly a regiment in size, this BattleMech
Combine’s Chain Gang regiments. force showed considerable skill in defeating the small garrison. Refusing any
A mix of convicts, Unproductives, and disgraced officers, these men and communications, the raiders took what they needed and departed without
women received minimal BattleMech training. They were supplied with barely further bloodshed.
serviceable, obsolete, or malfunctioning ’Mechs. Chain gangs were promised What caught the Coordinator’s attention upon viewing a video recording
freedom, citizenship, money, and reinstatement upon the successful comple- of the attack was the raider ’Mechs were impeccably maintained and freshly
tion of their assigned mission. The gangs were doped up with battle stimulants, painted in Star League Regular Army colors. Zabu Kurita noticed that the
chemical psychoactives, or narcotics and then sent on raids across the Suns and regimental patch was an outline of Minnesota, a geo-political domain in the
Commonwealth borders. North American region of Terra. The Imperial Court also learned from the
Few of the missions succeeded, but those that did were wildly effective. reports that the regiment was apparently escorting a fleet of cargo, com-
Many times, the Chain Gangs would surrender at the first sight of a Davion or mercial, and liner JumpShips. This fleet, with their elite escorts, apparently
Steiner ’Mech. Gangs were typically delivered to the target world a lance or two had some destination in mind and used uninhabited star systems to reach it
in strength. Despite the promise of rewards, the Kuritans never intended on re- at a steady pace.
trieving any survivors of a Chain Gang mission. After they were dropped off, the Called the Minnesota Tribe by Kuritan analysts, the mysterious raiders ap-
Kuritan DropShip and JumpShip would depart for good. peared again at Trondheim. Being a prefecture capital, the system was well
The most successful mission was conducted by the Turkish Chain Gang, two defended by the resident Twentieth Rasalhague Regulars. The ensuing battle
lances of convicts dredged from the Port Benjamin State Correctional Facility was remarkable for the way the mystery raiders dealt with the Kuritan defenders,
on Schuyler. These seven men and one woman were dropped on Tamar in early using strict SLDF formations and tactics. The Minnesotans refused all attempts at
2825 and wreaked havoc on the Commonwealth’s industry. They gutted three communication, to the point that pilots of destroyed ’Mechs killed themselves
BattleMech factories, torched several million acres of farmland, and engaged an to avoid capture. The fleet then jumped from the system, apparently headed for
entire continent attempting to search for them. The prisoners went to ground another nearby system.
for weeks at a time. They were finally rooted out three months later in a massive At this point, the Kuritans firmly believed the raiders were a Regular Army
firefight that destroyed the city of Chevy Chase and put the nearby spaceport out unit, the 331st Royal BattleMech Division. The possibility that the Minnesota Tribe
of commission for over a year. might be an advance scout group raised the frightening specter that General
—Criminals and Malcontents Unleashed: Jinjiro’s Chain Gangs; Tamar Society Kerensky or his successor might return in an angry fashion. Such thinking made
Press, 3016 Jinjiro exceptionally nervous. As such, he ordered a high state of alert for the
Rasalhague and Pesht Military Districts and moved troops within these areas
towards the Periphery border.
Franklin. Tai-sho Chosokabe Motochika, commander of both inva-
The Minnesotans hit Jarrett, taking what they needed and moving on. The
sion paths, found himself trapped on Lucerne after a subordinate raiders unveiled their powerful aerospace force when their flanking maneuver
failed to submit the tai-sho’s request for withdrawal. Rather than stopped two Kuritan battalions cold.
return to the Combine and embrace the honor of seppuku, the With the Combine occupied, the Lyrans struck across the border in a series
tai-sho took his four regiments deeper into the Federated Suns, of lightning raids. The Commonwealth was carrying out a retributive strike for
arriving at Dahar IV. the Combine’s capture of the Chahar Profit. The supply transport was carrying
Motochika devised an elaborate plan that sacrificed himself grain to Chandler and had mis-jumped to Darius, right into the teeth of a massive
and gave the Kuritans the element of surprise, quickly overwhelm- Kuritan aerospace training operation. With the systems around Darius in disarray
ing the Davion garrison. Though Motochika died, his men savaged from the Lyran raids, a Steiner special forces unit slipped in and reclaimed the
the world—previously untouched by war—and were allowed to wayward JumpShip. (Nearly a century would pass before the Combine discovered
return to the Combine with their honor intact. the Profit had actually jumped to Darius to execute a rescue operation of a Lyran
intelligence cell.)
Summer Twilight; War is Peace The Minnesota Tribe struck the Combine one more time, hitting
By the end of 2835, the Coordinator’s mental health had de- Richmond vigorously. The raiders immediately made for the large prison
teriorated to the point that his guard was always at arm’s reach and slave camps on the planet, established after the fall of the Star League.
to restrain him when a bad episode struck. However, in his lu- Despite the prison’s isolated location, the Minnesotans knew exactly where
cid moments Jinjiro remained a brilliant strategist. Instead of to strike. They freed thousands of prisoners, who were loaded onto several
launching another wholesale border invasion, the Coordinator landing DropShips and taken offworld before the Kuritan garrison force
funneled the Combine’s military strength into targeted search- could arrive.
and-destroy missions. Several worlds in both Steiner and Davion This was the last time the Minnesota Tribe made an appearance in the Inner
space suffered catastrophic damage to their vital heavy indus- Sphere.
tries and infrastructure, with only Hesperus II being spared the —The 331st and Jinjiro: Dancing In the Minefield; Alshain Publications, Ltd., 2989
Dragon’s wrath.


Because of Jinjiro’s condition, Zabu Kurita

stepped into a de facto leadership role, mak- NIGHT OF THE SWORD
ing most of the day-to-day decisions. He I, General Frederick J. Kozoma, member of the DCMS High Strategic Council and the Procurement
showed typical Kurita shrewdness by build- Evaluation Board, do hereby assert that what follows is a factual account of what transpired on 23 June 2838.
ing two new planetary supply centers into his My reasons for acting as I did are numerous and perfectly reasonable. After Jinjiro’s illness forced that
budgets. However, the tension between Zabu great leader to retire, Zabu assumed the throne.
and the DCMS High Command continued to Though I am sure he was an honorable man, Zabu lacked what has always made the Kurita family great:
increase. The generals believed Zabu weak the desire to reduce his enemy to groveling at his feet. I doubt Zabu even believed in the Kurita destiny. He
and soft compared to Jinjiro’s utter ruthless- certainly didn’t show any such Kurita breeding when he issued the 2839 budget.
ness. As long as Jinjiro had confidence in his My fellow generals and I couldn’t believe it when we found it called for a four percent cut in our
half-brother’s ability to lead, the generals military budget! I haven’t the serenity of my more Japanese colleagues, so I was unable to control my
could do nothing publicly against Zabu. anger and displeasure.
In early 2837, a mysterious gift was deliv- Apparently, I was not the only one who felt betrayed by Coordinator Zabu’s actions. Three nights later,
ered to the Coordinator’s chambers. Through a group of my colleagues knocked at my door. They came to say that Zabu Kurita represented a clear and
closed doors, his retainers could hear his definite threat to the destiny of the Draconis Combine and something had to be done about him before his
loud screams and the thud of thrown furni- pacifist policies spread further.
ture. Few took notice, however, because such They appointed me to be the sword of their desire. The next night I concealed a sword in my cloak. The
scenes had become increasingly common. sword was made of a special plastic that enabled me to walk through the metal and explosives detectors
His shouts that billions of corpses were com- without incident.
ing to get him were pointedly ignored. I informed Zabu’s secretary that I was there to deliver an urgent message of military importance. That
The manic episode lasted for hours, which the secretary dared ask me if it could wait until morning confirmed the rightness of the deed I had come to
was unusual for the unstable Coordinator. do. Why, in Jinjiro’s day, any man bearing important military news would have been ushered in immediately.
Zabu finally ordered the Otomo, properly As it was, I had to wait some ten minutes in the corridor outside his door. When I finally entered, I was
protected with riot gear, to enter Jinjiro’s shocked to see one of his concubines lying among the rumpled sheets of his bed. Gods, Jinjiro would never
suite. They were attacked immediately; de- have allowed a mere woman to stay a second longer than was necessary to service his needs. This seemed
spite being ninety years of age, Jinjiro nearly one more proof of Zabu’s weakness. He must have been one of those “perfume men.” You know the type, the
killed both guards. It took two hours to corner ones who actually lend a serious ear to what a woman might have to say.
and calm the Coordinator. All this so enraged me that I immediately drew my weapon. Seeing the sword did not affect Zabu as I
Amid the rubble of the furniture, Zabu had expected, however. He showed no fear but only looked me in the eye and asked if I was acting alone or
found a toy soldier dressed in the uniform of if I represented the other generals as well. When I told him that I was acting in accordance with the views of
a Star League officer. The doll’s features were most of the military High Command, he gave a slight nod.
so angelic, so unforgivably pure, that even He looked at my sword again then got up and walked toward one of the room’s walls. Half expecting
Zabu felt uneasy looking at it. No one knew him to call for guards, I was preparing to launch myself at him when he reached up and pushed a concealed
who sent it or how it managed to slip past so button. A portion of the wall slid back, revealing an array of the most exquisite swords I had ever seen.
many guards and examiners. This little toy He reached up for one, smiling slightly. By now, I was certain that he was going to fight me personally.
had apparently driven Jinjiro past the break- Feeling a bit outclassed by the sword he chose, an incredible blade that must have been an ancient Japanese
ing point and into permanent psychosis. antique, I prepare myself to die. Just then, Zabu turned and offered me the sword with a smile.
The Coordinator spent the next four years Shocked, I took the blade without saying a word. He then asked to be allowed to send his woman away. I
either heavily sedated or in a featureless, agreed and watched with more puzzlement as he roused her, kissed her most lovingly, and sent her from the room.
soundproofed room screaming in terror. He I could not help but ask how he was able to accept his death so gracefully. This was far from what I had
died in July 2841, fashioning a noose from his expected. Zabu replied that he was above all a Kurita and so viewed death in its proper light. He said, too,
own clothes. that it would have been ridiculous to try to avoid his death when his own military was dead set against him.
No matter what he might do—purges, executions, and the like—he would always have to consider the
When Enemies Rest DCMS as the enemy. Better to let the inevitable happen now, he said.
Zabu Kurita stepped in as the next I gave him all the ritual courtesies. First, he wrote his death haiku, which was a fine one. I then allowed
Coordinator, but his reign lasted less than a him to shower and to change into his best uniform. Finally, he took a silk mat and laid it in the center of his
year. With Jinjiro gone, no one could shield room. Kneeling on it, he took a short sword—another antique with beautiful designs along the blade—
Zabu from the military’s disgust. After years of and wrapped it in a sheet of clear, white rice paper. He then took the sword and laid the point of it on the
maintaining silence under Jinjiro, the generals skin of his belly. I raised my sword.
felt free to act upon their real and imagined I still do not understand his ability to meet death so honorably. Could he have been a better man than we
perceptions about Zabu. Tai-sho Frederick imagined? Have we made a mistake in judging him so harshly against the pillar of his stepbrother’s honor?
Kozoma confronted Zabu in his quarters one —Confession by Tai-sho Frederick Kozomoa, taped by the ISF before his execution; ISF 2838
evening, and Zabu committed seppuku. The
DCMS High Command officer stepped for-


ward and admitted he had attempted to assassinate Zabu but The ISF considered Yoguchi’s order an insufferable insult. The
was too late to prevent the Coordinator’s actions. Kozoma was agency, since its formation, had considered itself the personal ser-
executed shortly after the discovery of the Coordinator’s body. vant of the Coordinator. Since the Metsuke considered the military
The Combine was in a hurry to return to normal. With the con- inferior warriors, the ISF interpreted being placed under the mili-
firmation of Zabu’s eldest son, Yoguchi Kurita, most believed that tary’s control as a sign that Yoguchi no longer valued the agency’s
a true Kurita was once again on the throne. Many were soothed services. This event sparked a rift that would only widen in the
by Yoguchi’s first speech, which was filled with comforting words future, developing into a long, complicated, and fateful series of
about how the Draconis Combine would one day rule the Inner power struggles between the two offices.
Sphere and how that would require a supremely strong military.
To assert his ability to command the DCMS, Yoguchi planned YOGUCHI’S WAR
and launched an immediate raid against the Commonwealth After spending nearly a year in planning with his top gener-
BattleMech facilities on Hesperus II. Though seven regiments als, Coordinator Yoguchi Kurita unveiled a new version of Jinjiro’s
were insufficient to destroy the factories, they did manage to planet-hopping strategy that worked so well in the previous war.
come much closer to success than had any previous attack. This The plan called not for deep pushes into enemy territory but a
did wonders for the Coordinator’s confidence and his standing slower, more methodical capture of worlds nearest the Combine.
among the Combine’s officers. Confident of his control over the The only exception to this steady application of strength would be
government, Yoguchi allowed the action along both borders to a series of deep raids conducted away from the main offensive to
grow quiet as he began plans for a major offensive. keep the enemy guessing. Yoguchi and his military commanders
During this planning phase, Yoguchi ordered the ISF attached firmly believed the Dragon would be easily gobbling up worlds.
to the DCMS, an action that made no sense and pleased no one. The new offensive began in 2840 against a few worlds in Lyran
The military, with as much reason to fear the ISF as anyone else, space. As the LCAF began to muster a response nearly a month
realized that it dared not exert its supposed authority over the later, a Kuritan deep raid smashed into Thorin. The raid caught
Combine’s secret police. the Lyrans off guard even though the planet’s weather worked


against the Combine. Though defeated, the Dragon’s action de-

layed reinforcement of the Combine’s main thrust. ROWEENA KURITA:
The opposite occurred along the Federated Suns border. The VIPER AMIDST THE WEEDS
worlds targeted in the first wave put up a stiff resistance, and the Roweena Kurita was Coordinator Yoguchi’s younger sister. Intelligent and
deep raid on Robinson, designed to freeze Davion reinforcements astute, she saw clearly the effect of placing the ISF under the control of the DCMS.
in a similar manner, was a disaster. The second wave was delayed An ambitious young woman, Roweena took advantage of the Metsuke’s hurt
as the Combine continued to fight on its initially targeted sys- pride and began to curry their favor.
tems. In 2841, the Suns slipped heavy reserves close to the border When her brother appointed her Coordinator of the People’s Reconstruction
and struck into Combine space using two main task forces. One Effort in 2841, she used the powers of her post to aid the ISF. In the beginning, she
was a major thrust apparently intended to take back worlds in the asked little in return. After 2842, she began to request the ISF’s assistance. The ISF
Kentares area. The other appeared to be an attempt to bypass and leaders agreed to help because her schemes revolved more around accumulating
surround the Dragon’s troops attempting to take Davion worlds wealth than seizing power. She loved luxury and had an obsession for collecting
on the Periphery edge of the border. rare works of art.
Though the AFFS had its successes, the Kuritan commanders In return, Roweena gave the ISF important access to the far-reaching net-
were relieved to see their troops retreat in an orderly fashion. This work of the PRE, which had become a second-level bureaucratic communication
allowed the DCMS to withdraw, re-concentrate, and launch a well- system. As the people of the PRE came to realize the ISF had intimate knowledge
planned counteroffensive. of their actions, the reconstruction of the Draconis Combine began to operate
even more effectively than before.
By 2849 the Davion offensive had gained four Combine
And the ISF’s shadow power began to build.
worlds and faced massive resistance from Draconian citizens.
—The Viper’s Shadow; New Samarkand Print, 2999
Coordinator Yoguchi was beside himself with anger. His care-
fully planned offensive was thwarted by AFFS audacity and was
more than an embarrassment for the Dragon. It was an insult to cause he wished for no one else to have her. She was the first
his family’s destiny. If not for the Combine’s victories on the Lyran concubine he returned to after his time on Tishomingo.
front, including the Coordinator’s son Hugai exterminating the From what investigators determined, one evening after the
elite Fourth Royal Guards on New Caledonia, the campaign would Coordinator fell asleep, Snow Fire took a knife she had hidden
have been an unmitigated failure. The Coordinator began prepa- and slit his throat. She then laid an embroidered patch from the
rations for seppuku until Yoguchi read reports that House Davion Commonwealth’s Fourth Royal Guards on the Coordinator’s body,
had chosen Tishomingo as its next target. In a measure designed lay next to him, and took a suicide pill.
in part to atone for his poor battle planning, Yoguchi decided to
personally lead the planet’s defense. THE HESPERAN GAMBIT
Public reactions to Yoguchi’s assassination varied. The
The choice proved near-disastrous: after the AFFS landed an
Combine propagandists described it as a heroic death, that
overwhelming force on the planet, Yoguchi was caught behind
Yoguchi had died at the hands of a large group of assassins.
the Davion lines and presumed dead. Unfortunately for the
Those who knew the truth felt deep shame that a lowly Steiner
Federated Suns, Yoguchi was very much alive and organized the
spy had been able to murder the Coordinator. Miyogi Kurita’s
planet’s population to resist Tishomingo’s unwanted guests.
first action as Coordinator was to order the deaths of all civilians
By virtue of her position as head of the PRE, Roweena Kurita be-
with Lyran heritage who served in the Imperial Court. Thirty-six
came de facto leader of the Combine, much like Zabu before her.
servants and eighteen concubines were identified by the ISF as
Seeing how systematically the loyal Kuritan people of Tishomingo
having ties to the Lyran Commonwealth and summarily execut-
were resisting the Davion intruders, she suspected this was the
ed. The fifty-four deaths would be only the first of Miyogi’s plans
result of her brother’s handiwork. On a hunch, she decided to or- to avenge his father’s death.
ganize a military campaign to rescue whomever was directing the The Combine High Command hastily set in motion a plan that
Tishomingo resistance. The hastily assembled force arrived at the their strategists had been fashioning with great care. The mission
system two months later, just in time to save Yoguchi’s life and would strike at the very heart of the Lyran Commonwealth—their
spirit him away. BattleMech factories on Hesperus II. Miyogi wholeheartedly ap-
Less than a month later, the Coordinator was dead at the hands proved the operation.
of an assassin. The plan consisted of two parts. First was to gather up the re-
Despite his outward toughness, Yoguchi Kurita had a weak- maining WarShips in the Combine Admiralty, along with support
ness for women, a fault inherited from his father Zabu. Yoguchi vessels and aerospace cover, to counteract the Steiner defenses
enjoyed “falling in love” every time a beautiful woman caught his and blockade both jump points. The second phase would starve
eye. He collected many concubines during his reign; the courte- out the planet’s defenders and follow up with a massive ground
san known simply as Snow Fire was his first choice. assault. Politically, the Lyrans were in prime position to be at-
Yoguchi first saw her in an ukiyo in the Rasalhague district, tacked—ruled by a shaky committee of three weak leaders—and
bought out her contract, and relocated her to Unity Palace be- the DCMS High Command believed them vulnerable.


The attack began smoothly with success against

TURNING POINT: TISHOMINGO both jump points. Steiner reinforcements and sup-
Tishomingo was one of the worlds that escaped the ravages of the First Succession War plies arrived and were quickly seized; the Lyran
because it lacked any heavy industry. Agriculture was the planet’s main worth. Its temperate defenders began to eat into their own stores. After
climate, abundant water supply, and good soil made the planet ideal for large-scale crop pro- several weeks, the Kuritans launched their plan-
duction. Because many water purification plants had been destroyed in the previous war and etary assault.
the current conflict threatened to destroy the rest, Tishomingo’s abundant fresh water was a
Twenty-one regiments—six of them ’Mech
key asset for the Kuritans.
regiments—dropped onto the lightly defended
With the scarcity of useable farm machinery—also a result of the First Succession War—the
portions of Hesperus II and began a grueling, me-
planet’s population had increased to a high level for an agricultural world. Several of the larg-
thodical campaign to exhaust the three defending
est transplanted family groups were rabid supporters of the Kurita family, and the presence of a
Steiner ’Mech regiments and five support regi-
large number of ISF agents helped keep the populace in line, as Tishomingo had been a Davion
ments. The whole point of the strategy was to wear
world for centuries prior. As a result, the civilian militia units, composed of a fair number of DCMS
the defenders down, rather than striking directly at
veterans, were well organized if not well armed. Also, three regiments of armor and three more
the ’Mech factories.
of standard infantry held garrison duties.
After a long six months, the Kuritans had scattered
The Coordinator arrived to reinforce the world with the Fourth Sword of Light and three other
the Commonwealth defenders around the planet
line regiments. Though most of his generals believed the planet’s total defense to be insufficient,
and advanced on the massive Defiance Industries
Yoguchi was confident. However, he was unaware of the importance the Davions placed on re-
factory. They were stunned when the doors opened
claiming Tishomingo. With several nearby Suns systems in desperate need of water, Tishomingo
and they found themselves facing a battalion of
drew twenty regiments, four of which were full ’Mech regiments.
brand-new heavy and assault BattleMechs piloted
The offensive launched in typical fashion, with the Davion landing ships fighting
through Combine aerospace. The overwhelming force dropped on the planet, including a mainly by factory workers and civilian volunteers.
full battalion of ’Mechs on top of the Coordinator’s headquarters, nearly broke the Combine As the DCMS fell back, they were hit from behind by
force before the day was over. The campaign lasted three months, but the outcome was remnants of the Lyran defenders.
certain from the opening hours. Worse, the Lyrans finally pushed through the
The Davion ’Mech units spent the next month mopping up the planet. Three of the four ring of Kuritan WarShips. The arrival of the LCS
Davion ’Mech regiments departed the planet after taking care of the last Kurita ’Mech. If the Invincible, a Star League-era battlecruiser formerly
AFFS leaders had realized they had nearly missed killing or capturing the Coordinator, they would reduced to a floating museum over Tharkad, sur-
never have left Tishomingo defended with only a single ’Mech regiment. prised the Combine naval commanders. The Kuritan
For the next several months, the entire Davion garrison was almost forced to retreat inside fleet scattered in haste, and the Lyrans seized the
its military bases for fear of being shot at, blown up, or poisoned. The local population’s fanati- jump point before the Combine navy could reorga-
cal willingness to give up their lives shocked the Davion soldiers. Through a system of runners, nize. The remainder of the Steiner reinforcements
Yoguchi Kurita communicated his orders to various fighting commanders across the planet. arrived, and the task force made their way to the
A surprise Davion patrol accidentally discovered Yoguchi’s presence on the planet. Though planet, escorted by the Invincible.
the Coordinator escaped, the AFFS knew they had a prize on the planet worth taking besides the The Kuritan troops regained the ground they
water. Yoguchi slipped his pursuers, making his way to the city of Urado. had lost over the prior two weeks. Once again facing
Warned of his arrival, the city’s militant underground sponsored a religious festival. Using the surprise reinforcements at the factory doorstep,
this as cover, the population of the city swelled to twice its normal size as the farmers from the the Combine’s might forced the Lyrans into a dis-
surrounding countryside entered. Leaders of the underground passed out weapons that had been organized retreat. Just before the Combine troops
stockpiled and hidden before the planet’s invasion. could enter the complex, the guns of the Invincible
When the Coordinator arrived, the people rose up and killed the Davion garrison before it could shattered them as it entered orbit. Within minutes,
mount a defense. They erected barricades to block vehicles coming into the city and turned strategic the WarShip destroyed most of the Combine at-
buildings into impromptu fortresses. Urado became a Kurita stronghold in a matter of hours. The tackers near the BattleMech factories.
first Davion attempts to retake the city failed miserably. They knew trying to starve out the city The commanding Kurita general—Carson
would be useless, as it contained several fortified underground food and water warehouses. Santander—considered the Hesperus strike a mar-
A week later, a ’Mech battalion arrived and was met by civilians carrying out desperate guer- ginal victory. The DCMS had destroyed part of the
rilla actions. Despite the Uradoans’ courage and fierce determination to protect their ruler, they outlying complex, amounting to one BattleMech
soon realized they would be unable to prevent House Davion from capturing Yoguchi. line. What impressed Coordinator Miyogi most,
The rescue force sent by Roweena Kurita landed just in time to save Yoguchi’s life. Suddenly however, was the destruction of two veteran Steiner
faced with a major Kurita presence on the planet, the Davion defenders pulled back to await re- ’Mech regiments and four of the five support regi-
inforcements. More than three million Kurita citizens gave their lives fighting against the Davion ments—at the cost of one Combine ’Mech regiment
troops. Fifty thousand died in Urado on the final day. The Coordinator accorded them the ultimate and nine infantry regiments. Upon the surviving task
honor when he mentioned their courage in a speech to the Combine a few weeks later. force’s arrival in the Combine came the news that the
—The Blood Honor of Tishomingo; Dieron District Publications, 3008 LCS Invincible had mis-jumped, depriving the Lyrans
of the last known WarShip in the Inner Sphere.



ISF REPORT 0077367- 11 JUNE 3052
**COORDINATOR’S EYES ONLY** Coordinator Miyogi Kurita was a great believer in studying
his opponents. To do so, he greatly expanded the operational
Kurita-dono, powers of the ISF and O5P. He also spent considerable time
Pursuant with your will, we continue the reconstruction of archival materials talking with ComStar representatives, hoping they would help
damaged in the gaijin assault on Luthien. Materials dating as far back as the Von him gain a clear picture of the nature and motivations of the
Rohrs dynasty have been discovered and preserved, offering an insight into the other powers in the Inner Sphere.
lives of your illustrious ancestors. This effort has proven to be of great interest to the After the semi-successful attack on Hesperus II, Miyogi’s
Metsuke, allowing us to study in detail many of the great historical events within the analysis of current Steiner and Davion politics made him
Combine by applying modern techniques and insights to these ancient cases. One in believe it was time to launch yet another major offensive.
particular, tono, may be of significant interest. Convinced that both realms were too concerned with politi-
The agent known as Snow Fire is notorious as the slayer of your ancestor Yoguchi. cal matters to respond effectively, Miyogi planned to launch
Our agents on Tharkad confirmed she was a Norn agent (with an alias of “Denise attacks that concentrated in strong, decisive thrusts. Though
Vanderham”), tasked with gathering intelligence and later murdering the Twenty- he regarded his predecessors’ “planet hopping” strategy as ef-
fourth Coordinator in what the Lyrans call Operation PRAYING MANTIS. That Snow Fire fective, he believed it was too draining on resources. He was
killed your ancestor on 12 December 2850 at the height of the Second Succession War, also hoping his offensive would put an end to House Davion’s
having wormed her way into Lord Yoguchi’s bed, is well known. What has never been operations in the Galedon area of the front.
clear is how she received her orders; the LIC cells here in Imperial City were in disarray The DCMS generals had some misgivings about the
in the late 2840s, heavily infiltrated by Katsuyori-san’s agents. No identifiable con- Coordinator’s plan, however. Though it was true that planet-
tact occurred between Vanderham and the compromised LIC teams, and it has been hopping offensives were a drain on resources, the Coordinator’s
assumed that she acted in response to orders from agents who eluded detection. plan could turn out to be even more costly. Tai-sho Santander
Modern reexamination of the archives suggests another possibility. in particular had serious questions about the logistics of keep-
Shortly before Yoguchi purchased Snow Fire’s contract, she met with a trade attaché ing two deep penetrations effectively supplied.
from the Free Worlds embassy. We can now identify this individual as Emun Moray, re- Nevertheless, in 2854 the Dragon’s military launched its of-
vealed as SAFE’s Luthien Station Chief after the scandal of 2863. Initial suspicions that this fensives against both neighboring Houses. The first five years
individual was a Lyran double agent were swiftly disproved, leading us to assume that SAFE of each campaign met with considerable success. Three Lyran
rather than the LIC instigated the attack. Our current hypothesis is that while Vanderham systems fell early, and the Combine held Dehgolan, Tukayyid,
was an LIC agent, she had been suborned by SAFE and used to manipulate the flow of infor- and Grumium against two Steiner counterassaults. On the
mation to the Lyrans. It would seem the Free Worlds became aware of Operation PRAYING Davion front, only one world was captured, but its value was
MANTIS and its failure in Katsuyori’s purges but chose to sacrifice their own double agent worth several worlds. Robinson, capital of the Federated Suns’
for the mission to proceed, thus ensuring Yoguchi fell to the assassin’s blade. Draconis March, fell after a few months of hard fighting. Four
Were it not your own honored ancestor who met his fate, I would have to describe elite Sword of Light regiments, supported by ten conventional
this as a move of genius by the SAFE director; in killing Lord Yoguchi the flames of regiments, crushed the Davion defenders and held off four
vendetta between the Dragon and the Lyrans were stoked and we continued to pros- separate counterassaults over the next two years.
ecute the Second Succession War for another fourteen years, leaving the Free Worlds By 2862, however, the Dragon’s fortune began to turn. With
League free to campaign against the Capellan Confederation without interference. aggressive campaigns on both borders, the supply lines had
One wonders if this information might prove advantageous in negotiations with become too long. Units began facing critical tactical weak-
the Captain-General—a bargaining chip against his usurious demands regarding nesses due to lack of sufficient supplies, with many becoming
technology upgrades, perhaps? impossible to find. This led to cannibalization as an accepted
Your humble servant, practice to keep the Combine’s ’Mechs operational. There was
Indrahar an increase in disobedience among Kuritan MechWarriors as
they insisted on thoroughly searching all targets for useable
In drah a r-s a n,
supplies before putting the remains to the torch. This slowed
This message reac hed m e ra t h e r tha n m y fa t h e r
an d I wo uld argu e aga inst b ringing it to his down operations on several planets, putting several campaign
att en tio n . My fa t h e r wo uld fe e l hono r-bo un d to timetables far behind projections.
confron t Ma ri k, bu t w e must t h i n k of t h e Com b i n e. Tai-sho Santander humbly asked Coordinator Miyogi on
Th e Fox an d t h e Clans ha v e d ri v e n Thomas into o u r behalf of the generals to either stop the offensive or slow it
ca m p an d us ing t his info rma tio n fo r some t h ing down. To their surprise, the Coordinator agreed. With his sub-
as bas e as com m ercia l advantage wo uld undo t his
sequent order, the Coordinator ended the Combine’s part in
det en t e. An old s light from two c en t u ries ago is not
wort h blood-feud an d, as yo u sa y, on e must res pect the Second Succession War. After reviewing their position, the
t h e s ub t l e c unn ing of t h e o p era tio n . Coordinator and his top military advisors believed they had
come out on top again, with gains along both fronts. Eighteen
-Theodore Steiner and fourteen Davion systems were now in the Dragon’s
fold, as well as all of its former worlds previously occupied by


the Federated Suns. Conversely, the Dragon lost nine worlds to found stuck upon the yari was more likely to belong to a Metsuke
the Commonwealth and twenty-two to the Davions. than some poor citizen.
With its borders secured, the Dragon turned to look with- By 2865, more than a thousand Metsuke had been killed in the
in to purge any identified threats. The largest of these was the Shadow War. Though Miyogi and Roweena maintained a sem-
Coordinator’s own kin and head of the PRE, Roweena Kurita. blance of cordiality during this time, both were struggling behind
the scenes to gain the upper hand. In a major escalation of con-
SHADOW PLAY flict, Roweena attempted to expand the powers of the PRE by
absorbing a vital section of the DCMS Procurement Department.
Roweena, nearly seventy years of age when the Second
This would have forced the entire military to funnel their supply
Succession War ended, had become something of a mother
requests through the PRE.
figure for the average Combine citizen due to her nearly three
The conflict between the two Kuritas was evolving into a clash
decades of PRE leadership. Her grandmotherly face stared down
between the Pillar of Gold, the established governmental struc-
from a variety of posters admonishing the people that recycling,
ture, and the People’s Reconstruction Effort. It was an eerie time
for example, was the honorable thing to do. Her voice came over
for the average Combine citizen on many worlds, as sometimes
various communication devices in public service announcements
gauging which faction had the most control over their world was
and calls for blood donations. She was everywhere the common
a matter of life and death. Paying homage to the wrong side was
citizen lived and worked.
a quick and easy way to lose one’s head.
In many ways, Roweena was more a public figure than her The DCMS, which had done its absolute best to remain
brother Miyogi—which was why he had come to fear her. What he neutral in this massive political struggle, was forced to react
didn’t know was that Roweena had considerable influence within when they learned that news of the Combine’s difficulties was
the ISF, the very agency that was supposed to be spying on her spreading to the Dragon’s enemies. In an effort to resolve the
un-Combine activities. conflict, DCMS generals found themselves divided over which
Her influence over the secret police had been fostered Kurita, and therefore which faction, to back. To avoid truly
when Yoguchi Kurita had put the ISF under the oversight of splitting the realm, the High Command voted to postpone
the military, a horrible insult to the agency’s elite. The astute their decision for a week.
Roweena stepped in to stroke the ISF’s ego and allowed the Taragi Kurita, a mid-level officer and aide to Tai-sho
agency to use the PRE to gain access to all portions of Kurita so- Santander, sensed an opportunity to increase his own power
ciety. Inside the ISF she came to be seen as the Kurita to which and prestige. In separate audiences with Miyogi and Roweena,
greater loyalty was owed. he attempted to peddle his influence over the generals of
Not all of the ISF was under Roweena’s sway. Rajiv Sulevani, the High Command. Both the Coordinator and his rival knew
a high-level investigator, formed a small, elite squad composed Taragi’s true position; Roweena dismissed him out of hand,
of agents whose loyalty to the Coordinator was unquestioned. while Miyogi half-heartedly offered a promotion if Taragi could
Using his authority, he began a clandestine investigation into sway the generals to his position.
the rumors of the distinctly un-Combine activities being per- When the High Command reconvened, Taragi faced the as-
petuated by Roweena. sembled generals. He then held up the Dragon Medallion, the
Sulevani was a true believer in the Combine’s destiny and the chain and seal that all legitimate Kuritas wear. He proceeded to
greatness of the Coordinator. He did not approve of the growing give an impassioned speech extolling the virtues of Miyogi and
coolness between the ISF and the ruler of the Combine. He had characterizing Roweena as a witch. The speech lasted an hour;
already dueled and killed a fellow Metsuke who dared say the ISF the vote, taken immediately, was unanimous in support of
no longer owed loyalty to the Coordinator because he had aban- the Coordinator.
doned them to the lowly Arm of the Dragon. The DCMS mobilized swiftly. Aided by Metsuke loyal to the
To strengthen his position, Rajiv began a secret assassination Coordinator, commando teams stormed key offices of the PRE
campaign to rid the agency of its most anti-Coordinator mem- and pro-Roweena ISF. On Ashio, the massive Grand Library of
bers. Not until four turned up dead in the span of a month did the Kuritas, part of the PRE University complex, burned to the
the other agents realize their enemy was within. Sulevani’s ac- ground. With it went centuries of knowledge and artifacts, most
tions were not unique; several loyal ISF agents conducted similar notably a large portion of Star League technical research that
actions on other Combine worlds, though without awareness of was unduplicated elsewhere. By the beginning of 2866, the
each other’s actions. Shadow War was over.
The conflict between the pro-Coordinator and pro-Roweena Miyogi officially decreed the end of the PRE. Roweena was
factions became as deadly as it was confusing. A person might sentenced to house arrest, as suggested by Taragi Kurita. He felt
be shot, strangled, or stabbed on the thinnest of evidence and execution might have later repercussions, as there might be ISF
mountains of innuendo. Somehow, news of the internal struggle agents still loyal to her seeded throughout the realm.
leaked out to the public, which led to what came to be known Taragi was promoted immediately and became Miyogi’s trust-
as the “Shadow War.” For once in the Dragon’s history, the head ed advisor during the later years of his reign.


Taran's World

Paulus Prime

Oberon VI
Butte Hold
Thule Richmond

Iron Land Holmsbu


Skallevoll New Ceylon

and Star's End Pinnacle
Tovetin Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
Steelton Susquehanna Altona
Jarett New Sapporo
Persistence Icar Ouagadougou Wonju
Svelvik Balsta Kiruna
Alleghe Bjarred
e The Edge Turtle Bay Hartshill
New Caledonia Leoben Trondheim
Chateau St. John New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Rodigo Ferranil Almunge Virentofta
Verthandi Hermagor Slaithwaite
Nykvarn Stapelfeld
Maxie's Planet
Csesztreg Lovinac Bruben 55 Sawyer Chapineria Leyland Brihuega
ell I Rasalhague Last Frontier Brailsford
New Oslo Brocchi's Cluster
Harvest Kirchbach Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Christiania Schuyler Jeanette
Twycross Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Pomme De Terre
Seuta Bimyeong Kamarod
Evciler Qandahar
Savinsville Duxfort
Ferleiten Predlitz Courchevel Bangor
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Luzerne Matamoras
Denizli Jeronimo Pusht-i-rud
polakkia Spittal Casere McAlister Emar
Leskovik Svarstaad Basiliano Kufstein Macksburg Espakeh
Engadin Byesville Wolcott
Devin Goito Herndon
Dell Bushmill Hyner
Zoetermeer Marshdale Cheriton Multan
Skokie Clearfield Land's End
Baker 3 Stanzach Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Moritz Maldonado Loysville
Radstadt Soverzene Outer Volta
Sevren Tamar Ningxia Abiy Adi Hongor
Stonarboi Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Memmingen Kempten Itabaiana Teniente Pesht
Weingarten Vorarlberg Thessalonika Meinacos
Laurent Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Kaesong
Graus Irece Nara
Cusset Thannhausen Tuat Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide Enif
Kobe Unity Thimphu
Deweidewd Bessarabia Kanto
Hyperion Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Cyrenaica Ulsan
Tinaca Yamarovka
Wheel Hainfeld
Dustball Satalice Marawi Mualang Asgard Shimoda Monywa
Rastaban Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Port Arthur Old Canton
Thun Halesowen Kagoshima
Suk II Galuzzo Sternwerde
Skandia Suianheer
Tarazed Avon Chatham
Domain Ardoz Luthien Shimonoseki New Samarkand
Graceland Ballynure La Grave Shardayne Pondicherry
Maule Setubal Miyada
Carse Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Diosd Nox Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami Tabayama
Mannedorf Dumaring Worrell
g Lothan Bicester Koulen
Rubigen Corsica Nueva
Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Ramsau Toffen Mokpo Murmansk Milliga
Jabuka Meilen Omagh Ban Na San Zlatousi
Rasalgethi Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Odabasi Dyfed Zalaf
Tukayyid Chandler Ogano Keihoku
mmit Borghese Fort Loudon Yardley Philadelphia Sunchon Nexus Ri
Ueda Pilkhua
Darius Sakai Quantrain
Grunwald Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
Surcin Qualip Iijima
Meacham Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Simferopol
Grumium Baldur
a Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Belacruz Q
Fatima Al Hillah Osmus Saar
Otho Oshika Morthac
Arcturus Glenlivet Sendai
estra Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime
Leganes Dalmantia Dnepropetrovsk C
Ganshoren Port Moseby Tamsalu Goubellat
Lucianca Aix-la-Chapelle Awano Budingen
Dalkeith Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari C
Apostica Sakhalin Chimpaw Minowa Schirmeck
Buckminster Tatsuno
Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
Kockengen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Lusha
Auldhouse Accrington Kingtribel Gram Alegro
Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
orrima Carstairs Kaznejoy
Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Phalan Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
olm Kirkcaldy Yed Prior Kannon Annapolis Valmiera Ki Zoban
Corridan IV Matsuida Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Apriki Kinkaid II
Yed Posterior Cebalrai Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Alnasi Ljugarn Igualada
Tsukude Hagiwawa Altdorf
Alexandria Minakuchi Koping Chian Groveld III
Baxter New Wessex Rukbat Delacruz
Vega Altais Goldlure An Ting Crestoblu
Freedom Kimball II Tangerz Westfield
Whittington Grootfontein Umijiri Capra Kesai IV Wittington
Marfik Eltanin
Alya Irurzun
Nekkar Konstance Kitalpha Arlington Bryceland
Izar Hildaman Huan
Kaus Borealis Algedi Donenac
Laurieston Ryde Komephoros Waddesdon Gandy's Luck Tancredi IV
Zebeneschamali Kessel Shimonita Harpster Misery Oldsmith Périgueux Conroe
Balkan Kaus Australis Aldrecht Reisling's Planet Marlowe's Rift
Shitara Thestria
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Piedmont New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Bergman's Planet
Junction Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Hayn
Glengarry Albalii Ludwig
Ascella Chichibu Celebes Elidere IV McGehee
Dromini VI Galtor III Deshler Saumur
Gladius Unukalhai Elix New Sumatra Harrow's Sun
Moore Barlow’s Folly Marduk Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Brookeland
bie Kuzuu Sturgis
Alphecca Kurhah Barlow’s End Damevang
Seginus Kochab Skondia McComb De Berry
Laiaka Skye Lambrecht Miyazaki Yance I Tannil
New Mendham
Tripoli Lima Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Glenmora Choudrant
Alkalurops Kervil Shinonoi
Alkaid Atria Halstead Station Lapida II Homam Paris
Zebebelgenubi Chaville Tallmadge Rowe Fallon II Brundage
Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Nusakan Ko Telos IV Biham Scheat Royal
Syrma Sadachbia Okaya Sadalbari
Dyev Pike IV Nashira Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Carsphairn Galatea Lyons Melcher Arromanches
onia Ancha Hoff
Imbros III New Ivaarsen Swales
Summer Athenry
Skat Cylene Fellanin II Proserpina Klathandu IV Sakhara V
Menkent Al Na'ir Dobson Fairfax
Alcor Murchison Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Bettendorf Turkalia Carcassonne Princton
rab Zollikofen Yorii Markab
Cor Caroli Dieron Nirasaki David Alnadal Dahar IV
Gacrux Muphrid Pokhara Le Blanc Franklin Urich
Helen Chaumont
Alioth Haddings Thorin Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Quentin Towne Lucerne
o Lipton New Earth Josselin
Zaniah Alchiba
Milton DenebolaChara Rigil Kentarus Fomalhaut Raman Doneval II Allerton
Phecda Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Rochester Courtney Entalun Mayetta Sylvan Protection
Zavijava Northwind
Shiloh Alula Australis Terra Caph Ronel Clovis
Small World Addicks Robinson Tarkio Junior
s Wyatt Sirius
Wing Zosma Oliver Graham IV Keid Ankaa New Florence Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City
Deneb Kaitos Olancha Exeter Pattonsbrug Hickok
Alhena Dubhe Epsilon Indi New Rhodes III Klamriz V Colchester Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon
Rochelle New Home Bryant Ingress
Hean Tybalt Kentares IV Charleywood Potwin Declan II
Devil's Rock Sheratan
Chertan Callison Castor Carver V Ruchbah Schedar Lexington

Kalidasa Epsilon Eridani Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb Manksville
Fletcher Basalt Carnac DeWitt Larned Mokane
Dieudonne Bordon Brownsville Tigress Peabody
Alkes Kawich Caselton Edwards Palmyra
Aquileia Outreach Rio
Talitha Woodstock Nopah Achernar Avawatz Cholame Newton Keytesville
Remulac Connaught Terra Firma Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
ew Hope Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Van Diemen IV Capolla Hamal Yangtze Logandale Evansville
Nathan Hall Elgin
Tania Borealis Acubens Slocum Mira Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Goderich Kestrel
Adhafera Alphard New Hessen Tawas Beecher New Valencia Imbrial III
Hsien Nanking Arboris Mesartim Parma Gambier
Irian Mauckport

Miaplacidus Wasat Mandal Zurich Aldebaran Genoa
Tall Trees Algol Kansu Almach Sanilac
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Capac Bellevue PROVINCE BORDER And
k Pliska Berenson Buchlau Chesterton Petrolia Plymouth Mansfield
Saiph Bristol Flushing
Blue Sava Ningpo Ormal Vicente
New Canton Liao Conwy Listowel Cahokia
Elbing Menkalinan Demeter Euclid
Marik Kristiandsund
Gan Singh Pleione
Halloran V
Ulan Batar
Markesan Streator Northfield
2822 (PRE-WAR) BORDER Cerulean
Belluevue Poznan Tianamon Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton Zion New Aragon O'Fallon
Angell II Menkar Amiga McHenry Coloma Meinrad
St Gall Kyrkbacken Valexa Goshen Delavan
ncaster Manennaia Arcadia Saginaw Xen
Jonathan Everett Tiskilwa Strawn Leamington
Snailzar Shensi Weldon
Abadan Bonaire Bernardo Hunan Westphalia Scudder Paulding
Sarkel Styk Foochow Muskegon Odell Augusta Korvitz Saltville Coreward Kaufermann
Ibstock Sichuan St. Andre Ipava
Asuncion Foot Fall Ashkum

Holt Reinhardstein Chebanse

Tecumseh Leipsic

Oceana Pavia Beten Kaitos
Ilmachna Suzano Tsitsang Bell Anaea Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Shipka Argyle Andalusia
t Park Place Wei New Avalon Maison
Second Try
Asellus Borealis Jilin New Macao Undra Axton Genf Emerson Sylvester Simancas

Ventabren Highspire Freisland Galax Lynchburg Teylingen

Lungdo Ling Ohrensen Yunnah Zaurak Plataea Manassas
n Sorunda Caria Talcott Sh

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Belladonna

Sophie's World McKenna NATIONAL CAPITAL
Second Chance
Achilles New Athens
Menkib Moravian Mytilene
Gravensteen 30 LIGHT YEARS
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Harsefeld Corey Matsu Aosia Lacadon Boeotia Dothan M
Jászberény Ulan Bator Sakhalin Vecchio Antietam
New Delos Phact Remshield Quimper Agmond
Old Kentucky Paches
Emris IV Steeles
Fuentes Kievanur Ramen II Tsinghai Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Kek Perkasie Dirk's Gulf El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Meinhof Covington

Second Succession War (2864)

Raballa Sarna
Remagen Vereeniging

Vanra Hassad Bora Truth Vintru Bahl's Retreat Dol

Semenyih Sarmaxa Minnacora Salem Bastian Hephzib
r Gorki Lesalles Lhasa Fincastle Du Lac Wedgefield
Carbonis Ingersoll Chitwan Ilmar Gahral Stockpoll Montcoal Ferrara
Matheran Chengdu Staffin Noh-wan Hohm
Kiyev Andro
New Praha PROVINCE CAPITAL Bithinia Capella Randar Ares
Novaya Zemlya Branzoll

Daneshmand Les Halles
Bandora Geifer No Return © 3067 COMSTAR CARTOGRAPHIC CORPS
New Sagan
Necromo Herat
Gulkana Rimward Waimalu
Aer Turko
lektrougli Propus Cordiagr Monhegan Bethel Nis Susulatna
Salur Eom Masterson Capricorn III Skaslien
Aldertaine Relevow Daniels Nunivak Sparrevohn
Tatlawiksuk Zambezi Waipahu
Ragusa Calloway VI Kohlman Alto Knutdor Brabent Kluane
ayr Khuna
Nashuar Alcyone Dunkerque Notwina

THE THIRD The attempt was an enormous failure but signaled the start of
hostilities between the two states, embroiling the Commonwealth
SUCCESSION WAR in a war on two borders. The distraction further weakened Steiner
Miyogi and his generals did not wait for the wounds from forces and by 2870, the Dragon had seized worlds anti-spinward
the Shadow War to heal. The Combine quickly sought to pun- up to and including Marfik.
ish all outsiders who had learned of their internal difficulties.
The full force of the Dragon’s wrath was directed at the Lyran
Commonwealth, as Archon Elizabeth Steiner seemed so well-in-
formed of the sordid details of the Shadow War. That knowledge TARAGI KURITA
allowed her diplomatic and economic actions to create even more Born with an inner ear problem that gave him chronic motion sickness, Taragi
tension between the two warring political factions. Kurita was never a MechWarrior, aerospace pilot, or even a crewman on a space ship.
The Combine also wanted to punish the audacity of Lyran He spent the early years of his military career delving into the intricacies of the DCMS
traders attempting to expand their influence deep into the bureaucracy. While others were learning to do reverse Immelmanns in aerospace
Rasalhague Military District. This was a clear nuisance, made even fighters or strike from a prone BattleMech, Taragi learned how to secretly manipulate
more so because the Lyrans found willing markets for their many the bureaucracy entrenched in the Combine’s way of life. When he became a sho-sho,
goods. Food was a much sought-after trade item on many Kurita that talent came in handy for siphoning off money and goods anytime he wished.
worlds, and this deeply embarrassed the Coordinator. The process was more a game to him than anything else, as riches and power
Additionally, the Dragon believed the Commonwealth weak. With were not the prime motivators of his life. An intellectual of the first order, his
most of its industry located within the Federation of Skye, a relatively real interest lay in solving problems. Being a Kurita, especially one born in se-
small section of space near Terra, the DCMS High Command consid- cret thanks to his father Yoguchi’s own sense of security, meant the problems
ered it a fairly easy target. The Archon had also relaxed the military he wished to solve were tied to the destiny of the Draconis Combine. He also had
vigilance of her realm, believing that a time of true peace was at hand a mischievous streak, which played itself out in full during the latter part of the
with the Combine crippled from its brutal internal war. twenty-ninth century.
—The Promise of Taragi; Ashio Print, 3009
In early 2867, the Combine launched an offensive against the
Lyran worlds Chateau, Icar, and Steelton. The campaign appeared Taragi’s Plan
to be a full invasion attempt but was actually a ruse, with mostly Upon arriving on the Davion front, Taragi decided to see how
second-line and support regiments. The Dragon hoped to lure far he could get by taking advantage of his position and using his
some of the defending units located in the Skye region before be- cunning. As the Coordinator’s official representative, Taragi was
ginning its true campaign. treated with respect and even awe by the three Warlords. With
The offensive progressed far better than the Kuritans hoped. malicious glee, he dove into the politics of the situation and se-
Caught unprepared, many Commonwealth units retreated from cretly pitted each Warlord against the others. At the same time, he
their worlds without firing a single shot. The Archon mismanaged was examining the procurement system of the front as a puppet
her reserves, giving the Dragon free rein over many important master would examine a new acquisition.
systems in the region such as Kessel, Ko, Dromini VI, Aubisson, Within a year, the bureaucracy was a tangled nightmare all along
and Port Moseby. the Davion front due to Taragi’s manipulations. The three Warlords
What the Kuritan generals failed to consider was what ac- fought among themselves, with each blaming the other for the poor
tions the Federated Suns might take. The AFFS, with damnable supply situation. Militarily, the AFFS took advantage of the situation,
foresight, had made plans based upon the probability that the attacking seven worlds and seizing three. The only Kurita command-
Combine would go full-force into the Commonwealth. Davion er who was able to pull any victories from the mess was Taragi.
forces opened their own maneuvers with a series of raids along In 2885, Davion forces raided major supply points at Towne, New
the border to wear down the Kurita forces still stationed there. Ivaarsen, and Colia. All were successful, mainly because Taragi made
To combat the threat, the Coordinator sent Taragi Kurita to sure these depots were ill-protected. After the Davion raids, Taragi re-
the Davion front as chief advisor to the Warlords of the Galedon, turned to Luthien and reported to the Coordinator on the complete
Benjamin, and Dieron Military Districts. The three tai-shus had ineptness of the three Warlords. Though he never blamed anyone
shifted their attention from the Lyran front to try to stem the tide specifically, Taragi’s report made it clear that he believed the Davion
of Davion aggression, leaving the Skye campaign in the hands of front should be commanded by a single tai-shu—namely, himself.
their counterparts. After digesting the report, Miyogi thanked Taragi for his valu-
The Combine received a boost to their efforts against House able service to the Dragon and agreed with his conclusion. The
Steiner when emissaries from the Free Worlds League arrived on Coordinator already had someone in mind—his own son, Jon Kurita.
Luthien to discuss an alliance. Though officially noncommittal, the Taragi was deeply humiliated when the Heir-Designate be-
Coordinator was encouraging enough that House Marik went ahead came his superior on the Davion front. He had been sure the
with their assassination plot against Archon Elizabeth Steiner. appointment would go to him. Such an insult to his personal


honor galvanized his once vague ambition and formed a razor-

sharp focus: he set his sights on the pinnacle of power within the
Draconis Combine.
The ambitious sho-sho knew where to turn: Roweena Kurita.
Now ninety-four years old, she was living out her house arrest in
grand style. When Taragi came to visit her with a request for as-
sistance and advice on how to win the Coordinator’s seat, Miyogi’s
sister saw her last chance to strike out at the man who had broken
and imprisoned her.
Roweena gave Taragi greater access to the ISF. Despite Miyogi’s
many purges to rid the agency of pro-Roweena elements, a few
higher-placed officers managed to escape detection. Though not
many, they had maintained contact with Roweena and now gave
Taragi access to secret information.
The former PRE Coordinator also advised Taragi that it would
be best to discredit Jon Kurita first. If Taragi could do that, then
Miyogi would have to replace his son with Taragi. Retaining Jon as
commander would only anger the DCMS, whose leaders could not
abide an incompetent ruler. Either way, Taragi stood to benefit.
As second-in-command of the Davion front, Taragi began to se-
cretly manipulate the bureaucracy so that sufficient supplies failed
to reach the Third Sword of Light on the vitally important world
of Robinson. Exacerbating the lack of supplies was the substantial
force of Davion guerrillas who generally made life difficult for the
Kuritan occupation force on the former Draconis March capital.
The Federated Suns did not take long to recognize that the
elite Third Sword was low on supplies, especially ammunition.
In late 2891, a large Davion invasion force of conventional and
’Mech regiments landed on the world. When a consistent flow
of supply was most needed, Taragi secretly manipulated the
procurement routes so that the planet received nothing for a
month. Seeing they were in danger of running out of ammuni-
tion and spare parts for their BattleMechs, the Third Sword and
its supporting regiments were forced to retreat. Robinson was
recaptured by the AFFS shortly afterward.
The commanders of the Sword of Light regiments have always
had considerable unofficial influence because of the elite status
of their troops. Tai-sho Yori Granada of the Third Sword angrily
confronted Jon and Taragi Kurita, wanting to know who caused
the supply snafu. Taragi then sprang his trap. Using falsified in-
formation, as well as the counterfeit testimony of a procurement
officer (actually an ISF officer), Taragi presented a mountain of
damning evidence against Jon Kurita.
Tai-sho Granada and his staff urged the Coordinator in
strenuous terms to remove Jon from command and place
Taragi in his place.
The Coordinator’s position was as perilous as Roweena an-
ticipated. Miyogi attempted to rally his own support by calling
on certain key generals to come to his son’s defense. To the
Coordinator’s dismay, everyone had an excuse to stay neutral,
due largely to a smear campaign being waged by Roweena’s al-
lies within the ISF. The agents were spreading the lie that Miyogi
was sending an offer of alliance to First Prince Melissa Davion of
the Federated Suns, in lieu of a counterattack.


The conflict played out in horrific fashion. On 20 March 2892, The High Command looked to him to design a plan that would
Tai-i Hideyoshi Toyama, a mid-grade officer in the Third Sword of halt the enemy’s gains on the Davion front. On the Steiner front,
Light, sought to avenge his unit’s humiliation on Robinson. He the Dragon’s inability to take Skye forced a complete change in
smuggled a bomb into Unity Palace and entered the Audience the offensive’s direction, which snarled logistics and forced some
Hall with the device strapped to his chest. After gaining permis- difficult decisions. Bandit activity along the Periphery border cre-
sion to present his petition, Toyama detonated the bomb. The ated food and water shortages for the people along the distant
explosion killed Toyama, twenty-five soldiers, three civilians, and border systems. The ISF, now having discovered the last remain-
Coordinator Miyogi Kurita. ing Metsuke loyal to the recently deceased Roweena, awaited the
Upon hearing of the assassination, Tai-sho Taragi had his ISF Coordinator’s decision on its fate. In addition to all of these issues,
contacts place Jon Kurita under arrest. A short trial found Jon Taragi held a nagging fear that Miyogi’s three daughters might be
guilty of negligence and treason. Jon Kurita died by firing squad plotting against him.
exactly one week after his father’s death. With such a massive burden facing him, Taragi was tempted
to retire on several occasions. Each time, the thought of his son
Shinjiro ruling the Combine prevented him from doing so. Though
THE UNOFFICIAL RULES OF WAR Shinjiro was nearly forty and an excellent officer, Taragi believed
Since the beginning of the latest war, a set of rules governing combat has the Heir-Designate too politically naïve to rule. Thus, Taragi perse-
been slowly evolving. As the high commanders realized their supply of resources vered and quietly paid the price for his schemes and plots against
was dwindling fast, they began to adapt to the scarcity. Even before engaging others in his earlier years.
in battle, one side might realize his force had no chance to win and so would
withdraw to cut his losses. Such a phenomenon would have been unthinkable THE NEW CENTURY
during the previous two wars, both of which were famous for battles in which As the thirtieth century dawned in the Combine, it brought
the winner was the last one left standing. news of a massive plague sweeping through Albiero and
Early in the Third Succession War, commanders began to plan battles in clear Bjarred Prefectures. Though the disease could be treated with
and open areas away from cities because they wanted their troops to have the an existing vaccine, both the treatment and vaccine depended
best terrain in which to use their precious supplies. This tendency to fight away upon advanced medical facilities—something sorely lacking in
from cities was soon reinforced by the scavenger mentality that seized all the both prefectures.
realms. With parts and equipment often irreplaceable, scavenging through the When confronted with the news of the plague, the Coordinator
rubble for spare parts in the aftermath of battle became almost as important as faced a difficult decision on how treatment might be carried out.
the fighting itself. Some advisors counseled he place both regions under strict quar-
This trend did not sit well with many of the more conservative DCMS generals. antine. Should anyone from those areas attempt to leave, their
Raised in the old ways, they expected war to be terrifying, gruesome, and dramatic. JumpShip or DropShip would be destroyed to prevent spread of
When Taragi learned that some of his generals questioned the new way, “Albiero Consumption.”
he issued a booklet entitled The Katana Principle. Consisting of a series of the A smaller group of advisors suggested that to abandon so
Coordinator’s observations, this small report outlined the religious and moral many people to certain death was an affront to the oath Taragi
beliefs that supported the newer, more humane way of fighting. He wrote that had taken on becoming Coordinator. He should honor his pledge
the new style of fighting might not be as exciting as some of the older ways, but
to “do [his] best to protect the lives and well-being of those that
it was the only way to preserve the equipment and people vital to the Draconis
aid [him] in [his] quest to fulfill the Kurita destiny.”
Combine’s eventual dominion over all humanity. The brief essay ended with the
Taragi ordered as much assistance as possible be given to
reminder to the generals that bushido demanded obedience to one’s lord above
the two stricken prefectures. In retrospect, his decision proved
all. The question never came up again.
most fortunate. Three years later, in 2904, an inexpensive and
—Taragi and the Katana Principle; Sandhurst History Press, 3020
easily prepared vaccine was developed as a result of work in
Albiero Prefecture. Within another three years, the plague had
been brought fully under control. Millions were spared by the
REGRETS OF PAST SINS Coordinator’s decision to actively combat the plague.
Named Coordinator at the age of sixty, Taragi found that the Ironically, the medical profession that the Coordinator
appointment brought him no contentment. The pursuit of the championed with his trust during the Albiero plague ultimate-
goal had been far more exciting. Now in possession of it, he found ly failed him. In November 2907, a latent congenital defect in
himself burdened with the heavy decisions and responsibilities of his heart suddenly struck Taragi down. The doctors in Imperial
the realm. Taragi dearly missed the days when he could immerse City tried to save him, but an error during surgery ruined his
himself in the curious pleasures of maneuvering through the vast chances for recovery. He died—as did the surgeons who made
intricacies of the Combine bureaucracy. the mistake.


boxed-in ’Mechs until they were destroyed. The death of the Lyran
THE DEADLY DOUBLE COBRA Archon in a BattleMech explosion a short time later did little to
Scientists and medical experts from systems near the affected prefectures blunt the sting of Freedom’s loss. The marked improvement in
were called in by the Coordinator to combat “Albiero Consumption.” Using Lyran skill gave many generals in the DCMS pause.
samples gained through strict protocols, this special medical task force—coor- With the failure to take Skye in 2894, the Combine had shifted
dinating across eight different systems and facilities—finally struck success in its offensive into the Tamar Pact region. Though not as heavily in-
2904. As a result, millions of people were spared a lingering death from the fast- dustrialized as the Federation of Skye, this area possessed some
spreading virus. Removing the quarantine kept the Dragon’s stretched economy relatively undamaged manufacturing centers and agricultural
from going under completely. worlds, which the Combine wanted.
The DCMS special warfare labs also benefited from the research. After the cri- Fifteen regiments slammed into Tamar. Success was promis-
sis had passed, the medical facilities were closed down, except for two. Research ing until several stalwart defensive actions by the Stealthy Tigers
moved from vaccinations and public health into a related field: biowarfare. While and Lyran mercenaries inspired the defenders. With the bulk of the
not commonly used during the previous Succession Wars, the DCMS High Command Dragon’s invasion force tied up on Tamar, DCMS timetables slipped
had considered it in the event of an overwhelming assault by its neighbors. and then collapsed as Lyran reinforcements poured into the region.
After several months of extensive testing, a weaponized version of the Less than a year later, the Combine pulled out and abandoned its
plague was created after merging it with an Age of War-era viral experiment. initial plans to push through Tamar and the surrounding systems.
The new virus, called the “Double Cobra” for its two transmission vectors, was
capable of infecting an entire planet within weeks, depending on exogenous
environmental factors. The Double Cobra was theoretically more lethal than any
other chemical or biological weapon posited during the height of the Star League MENDING SHADOWY FENCES
era. When the full range of the virus and its effects was disclosed to Coordinator When members of the ISF realized they had become nothing but pawns mur-
Shinjiro, he immediately ordered the samples sealed and locked down. Only in a dering each other in the Shadow War between two Kuritas, it took some doing for
case of extreme emergency—such as the imminent downfall of the Dragon— ISF Director Jacob Yokohama to control his people’s desire for revenge. In the end,
would such a weapon be unleashed. the ISF reaffirmed its loyalty to the Draconis Combine, if not to the Kurita family.
The DCMS High Command placed the Double Cobra in a buried vault complex After the Shadow War, the ISF remained cloistered in its New Samarkand
chosen for its proximity to the Federated Suns border, as the Dragon believed headquarters, avoiding direct contact with the government for the next decade.
if any enemy was capable of pushing the Combine to the brink, it would be the This was also the location of the “Black Dojo,” a massive, featureless building that
realm of the hated Davions. If that inconceivable situation happened, the Double serves to this day as the training center for the Metsuke.
Cobra would be ready for use. Not wishing to stir the wrath of the agency, Coordinators Miyogi and Taragi
—SX-RT3; Luthien Court Library, 2933 did not pressure the ISF into returning to its more active former (and traditional)
role. When contact between the ruler and ISF was necessary, the commander of
the Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy acted as mediator. Though the ISF’s core
BORDER CLEANSING operations staff had withdrawn from Luthien, the organization continued to ful-
Shinjiro Kurita proved to be far more politically skilled than fill its obligations to the Draconis Combine during this time. Whenever the Sun
his father imagined. Upon assuming the mantle of the Twenty- Zhang commander passed on a request for the agency’s services, the ISF respond-
seventh Coordinator in 2907, he immediately dismissed his father’s ed without hesitation. The main reason for remaining so obstinately separate
counselors to show he was in full control. He replaced them with from the government was to show the ISF’s displeasure at being used so callously.
a group of retired officers and diplomats who were among his Coordinator Shinjiro recognized that dwindling resources in the Inner Sphere
teachers at the Sun Zhang Academy. would eventually put limits on even the Arm of the Dragon. As such, the con-
His first concern was how to deal with the forces of the so-called cealed knife or poisoned drink might become the most efficient way to eliminate
Bandit King harassing the realm’s prefectures along the Periphery some future enemies. Shinjiro felt it was essential to restore the closeness that
border. All diplomatic attempts had failed, and to sit waiting for an had previously made the Coordinator and the ISF such a lethal combination.
attack was pinning down too many of his troops. In 2911, Shinjiro es- The Coordinator visited New Samarkand in 2921. Though officially there to address
the graduating class of officers from the nearby Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy, his
tablished a bounty system that encouraged hunting down bandits.
real purpose was to meet with ISF Director Clarissa Indrahar and her Council of Five.
Open to all combat veterans of the DCMS, the program provided
The meetings between Shinjiro and Clarissa stretched from the initially pro-
bounty hunters with surplus weapons systems, including a few bat-
posed three weeks into six months. As a result, the two managed to hammer out
tered BattleMechs and JumpShip transport. These bounty hunter
a new accord between the ISF and the government. The agency’s main grievance
groups, nicknamed the “Gray Dragons,” slowed the rate of pirate
was being placed under the control of the DCMS. As a compromise, Shinjiro offered
attacks against Kurita border worlds along the Periphery.
to make the Director of the ISF a full member of the High Command. In this manner,
In 2913, the Lyrans attempted a counter-offensive campaign
the Director would have a say and a vote on what the Metsuke would be asked to do.
they dubbed Operation FREEDOM, after one of the worlds they This concession satisfied Director Indrahar enough that other points of con-
hoped to liberate. The Combine lost a sizeable portion of the tention were resolved quickly. The Davarapala Accords were signed in 2921.
Sixth Sword of Light in a push by the Third Royal Guards, led by —The Modern ISF; New Samarkand Pressworks, Ltd, 3054
the Lyran Archon Eric Steiner. Commonwealth forces shelled the


The DCMS reexamined its operation and found it needed more For over a decade, the Draconis High Command took note of
time and many more units than originally intended. The cost of the Suns’ continued grinding war against the distant Capellan
supplies tagged for the Steiner front was mounting far beyond Confederation. The DCMS leaders assured the Coordinator there
the High Command’s initial estimates. would be little activity on the Davion border for several years.
The Dragon pulled some its better line units from duty along AFFS strategists, however, were not content with a stable
the Periphery and replaced them with lesser quality regiments. border. Despite tight supplies, the Davion generals decided
The various bandit kingdoms took notice and responded by at- to hit a Combine world and chose Xhosa VII for its importance
tacking Kuritan worlds with abandon. Of all the Gray Dragons to the Dragon. Fifteen regiments, three of them composed of
operating along the border, only Tai-sho Ricardo “Geriatric Judge BattleMechs, slammed into the world in early 2930. Defending the
and Jury” Gillespie and his volunteers were continually successful system were six regiments, two of them Galedon Regulars ’Mech
in beating back whatever raiders they encountered. regiments. The Dragon’s forces were commanded by the illustri-
Because so much manpower and materiel was being funneled ous and honorable Sho-sho Samson Sakamoto, the Coordinator’s
to the Lyran front, Davion commanders were able to take advan- mentor and a staunch defender of the Kuritan throne.
tage of the situation, especially on worlds close to Terra. Hugai had served under Sho-sho Sakamoto and regarded him
Though House Kurita was winning more worlds along the with great fondness. Sakamoto took command of the Twelfth
Steiner front than it was losing to the Federated Suns, the losses to and Seventeenth Galedon Regulars as a personal favor to the
the AFFS were disheartening and humiliating. As Combine com- Coordinator. The commands were recently reorganized and
manders considered the AFFS an equal to the DCMS, each system lacked regimental cohesion.
lost hit the Dragon’s morale doubly hard. The Davion assault group managed to insert itself within the
The lessons of the Marathon Offensive during the Second system’s commercial traffic stream and was discovered scant hours
Succession War had convinced the Combine military that at- from landing. Sakamoto had little time to organize a strong defense,
tempting to sustain a major campaign on both fronts was folly. instead breaking the Twelfth into smaller companies and leading the
In 2924, the DCMS High Command decided that as long as they Seventeenth directly into the teeth of the Davion assault.
continued to gain strategic advantage along the Commonwealth The sho-sho challenged an advancing Davion ’Mech regi-
front, they would continue to devote to it the lion’s share of sup- ment outside New Xhosa. Though outnumbered and harassed
plies and equipment. This was not a popular decision to those by heavy artillery, Sakamoto’s force maneuvered the advancing
Kuritan commanders posted on the Davion front. enemy into exposing their command lance. He then engaged
In 2925, Shinjiro died unexpectedly in his sleep. The circum- General Mickertrick, the Davion commander, in a combat duel. By
stances of his death were suspicious, as a security computer had the time reinforcements arrived, both commanders were dead,
recorded the presence of a late-night visitor to the Coordinator’s their ’Mechs blackened hulks on the rocky plains.
chambers on the evening of his passing. The ISF and Grand With their charismatic and storied leader dead, the Kuritans
Inquisitor both heavily investigated the matter and pronounced fought a delaying action against the overwhelming Davion force,
Shinjiro’s death due to natural causes. themselves in disarray. Most of the survivors who made it off Xhosa
were from the Seventeenth; many of the Twelfth Galedon soldiers
ENTER HUGAI remained behind to organize a guerrilla force to antagonize the
At thirty-five years of age, Hugai Kurita became the Twenty- Davion occupiers. Sho-sho Evan Aberdeen, Sakamoto’s second-in-
eighth Coordinator of the Draconis Combine. He had just taken command, personally delivered the news to the Coordinator of the
command of a regiment when news of his father’s death reached defeat and Sakamoto’s loss. Aberdeen graciously requested and
him, forcing his return to Luthien. Despite his youth and inexperi- received the Coordinator’s honorable solution shortly afterward.
ence, Hugai impressed the Draconis High Command with his calm
bearing and quiet manner. TRAITOR TO THE STAR
Hugai barely knew his father Shinjiro, who was fond of the Hugai took the news of Sho-sho Sakamoto’s death hard.
spotlight. Hugai and his sisters were raised away from Luthien, so Though his training allowed him to master his grief, those close
the elder Kurita would not need to share his popularity with his to him in the Court knew how the loss affected the Coordinator.
children. Though the estrangement did not seem a problem, an Within a few weeks, another blow was delivered: Necess Kurita,
occasional streak of violence worried Hugai’s mother and siblings. Hugai’s older sister, joined ComStar.
Necess had grown increasingly frustrated by the restrictions
SUNBURST ON XHOSA placed upon her medical studies and travel beyond the Combine
Rich in metal deposits and chemical energy sources, Xhosa borders. She was also aware of the increased attention the ISF
VII served as a major resource and transportation hub for the gave her whenever she visited other systems beyond the Dragon’s
Combine, particularly servicing industries and military units sta- border. Disgusted by all of the “protection” lavished upon her by
tioned on the Davion border. Early in Hugai’s reign, the Federated Hugai, she walked into the Office of the Precentor on Luthien and
Suns invaded this stellar crossroads. announced her defection to the Order.



Necess Kurita was the eldest of Shinjiro’s children, though Hugai was the
oldest son. The High Command purposely passed over Necess for rulership due
to their prejudice against her femininity. The old bushido mentality reinforced
the second-class status of women in Combine society, and a few centuries had
passed since the successful reign of Lady Kurita and her granddaughter.
Despite the slight, Necess had no interest in becoming Coordinator. From her
youth, she had been drawn to the healing arts, which she believed were a more
honorable pursuit that holding power over other humans. Her special interest
was to rediscover lost medical techniques and technology, based on her training
in medical sciences. Her work had already taken her to worlds in the Free Worlds
League, Capellan Confederation, and Outworlds Alliance—much to Shinjiro’s
displeasure. Being a most stubborn and intelligent woman, Necess had decided
that political boundaries would never prevent the possible rediscovery of some
valuable tool or technique of the past.
—Tale of the Tearful Kurita; Dover Biographical, 2998

Tthe Order was ecstatic that such a personage as Necess chose

to defect. The ISF quickly discovered the elder Kurita’s decision
and informed the Coordinator.
Hugai’s response was calculated and bold. In November 2931,
two DEST squads visited the ComStar Hospice on Luthien where
Necess was serving in her new apprenticeship. The firefight was
quick and brutal, with several ComStar ROM agents executed for
their actions in harboring the Coordinator’s sister. A few DEST
agents gave their lives in the process; their sacrifice was honored
when the ISF agents returned to Imperial City with Necess in tow.
Hugai sequestered Necess in a wing of the palace—ironically
the same quarters previously inhabited by Roweena Kurita dur-
ing her imprisonment—and refused to hear protestations from
Precentor Stephanie Hendriks. The Coordinator was convinced
ComStar had brainwashed Necess into joining.
Precentor Hendriks sought Terra’s direction in handling the
situation. The solution, according to her superiors, was to enact
ComStar’s “Emergency Powers Protocol of the Communications
Act of 2787.” This authorized her to hire mercenaries—the
Bandersnatches—and sneak into Luthien’s heavily travelled or-
bital space through deceptive means.
She then bullied her way into a meeting with Hugai after
shutting down the Luthien HPG station for one day. As was his
right, the Coordinator refused to subject Necess to further ma-
nipulation and barred his sister from the meeting. The infuriated
precentor laid out her demands, which included the threat of a
full Interdiction. Hugai, prepared for such a demand, refused.
The Coordinator did not anticipate ComStar’s hired thugs,
who were under orders to rescue Necess and Hendriks from Unity
Palace or lay waste to it in the attempt. When the mercenaries’ im-
minent arrival was discovered, Hugai had no choice but to release
his sister into ComStar’s possession. Because Hugai acquiesced
graciously, Hendriks called off the assault and did not attempt to
punish the Combine for its actions.
But the Dragon never forgot ComStar’s audacity and arrogance.


THE STEINER CONUNDRUM found themselves outgunned and called for reinforcements, and
The loss of Xhosa VII to House Davion made the Draconis High the battle escalated a simple raid into a two-year campaign in-
Command reexamine their military expectations on the Lyran volving seven different Combine ’Mech regiments.
front. In a year-long meeting held on Luthien in 2993, they dis- The Lyran boldness on Alexandria, along with their retaking of
cussed the current operation in detail. Phalan, alarmed the High Command. The generals began seeking
Though the Dragon seized nearly twenty planets in their ef- a way to lessen the LCAF’s effectiveness. They decided on another
forts, the DCMS had failed to take the two most important: attack aimed at destroying the Steiner’s huge BattleMech facilities
Skye and Tamar. Both regional capitals were linchpins to the on Hesperus II.
Coordinator’s plan in order to force House Steiner to sue for In 2957, two Kuritan regiments carried out an almost suicidal
peace. Though invasion attempts against both planets had failed, mission. The Combine troops surprised the Lyran defenders and
the Kurita generals still held hope of taking Tamar. dropped not on the plains as expected, but into the surround-
After the failed attempt against Skye, Commonwealth forces ing mountain range. More than half of the MechWarriors who
managed to push the Kuritans off nearby Zebebelgenubi, which participated in the attack died when their ’Mechs impacted the
had served as the Dragon’s jump-off point for the invasion. Now mountain slopes. Those who survived managed to regroup and
the Dragon was forced to use distant Alkalurops or Skondia as savage the BattleMech factories before the Lyran defenders could
staging areas for future actions, which would make future at- drive them off. Their heroics crippled the Hesperan factories, cut-
tempts against Skye extremely costly. ting their output by more than half.
The continual improvement in the LCAF’s quality was another This was one of the few bright spots during Hugai’s remaining
sore topic. During the First and Second Succession Wars, Lyran years as Coordinator.
forces had proven rather incompetent, particularly the officer
corps. They seemed more interested in the cut of their uniforms
than in strategy and tactics.
Though the vanity still existed—according to merchants NOT LIKE THE FATHER
and ISF agents—a sense of determination and self-confidence Where Hugai Kurita was weak, falling prey to depression and loneliness, his
seemed infused among the Steiner military. The officers seemed son Hohiro was strong. Believing his father and other recent predecessors had
more willing to stand and fight, inspiring the lower ranks to rare failed to live up to their duty of fulfilling the destiny of House Kurita, Hohiro de-
acts of courage and heroism. This was bad news for the DCMS, voted himself body, mind, and soul to the Dragon’s heart.
which was used to seeing Commonwealth troops cower and run Hohiro was a tall man whose imposing face and body made even his smile
at the mere appearance of the Dragon’s military. seem like a threat. As a regimental commander, he ruled by fear. Whippings and
beatings were common in his unit; anyone not scarred by the lash was either a
DRAGONFALL new recruit or the commander himself. He was Kurita to the core, carrying out at-
The combined losses of Hugai’s mentor on Xhosa and his eldest tacks with abandon. He preferred to execute a good plan today rather than wait
for a better plan tomorrow.
sister to ComStar took a heavy toll, and the Coordinator became
When Hohiro assumed the Coordinatorship, he immediately injected life into
withdrawn. During his increasingly long bouts of indifference,
the moribund DCMS and DCA by appropriating funds for them from the already
Hugai spent much of his time wandering the Palace gardens. The
meager budget of the People’s Medical Services. Though this decision would even-
Palace guards were under orders to keep everyone from disturb-
tually result in severe plague outbreaks that would kill millions, the money did
ing the Coordinator’s peace, no matter the urgency or need.
provide a much-needed kick start of parts and supplies for the Arm of the Dragon.
Without the Coordinator’s approval, the rest of the government
—The Reign of Hohiro Kurita; Imperial Press, 3058
could not create budgets. As a result, the military was stuck using
repetitions of their 2952 budget for the next decade, until Hugai’s
death in 2963. Military industries churned out the same quotas of
parts and supplies and technology, which perpetuated shortages
in some products and a surfeit of others. An underground barter DRAGON AFIRE
market sprang up among unit quartermasters, which drew local Hohiro Kurita succeeded his father in 2963, becoming the
yakuza gangs and other organized criminal elements. A burgeon- Twenty-ninth Coordinator. The Imperial Court immediately re-
ing black market bloomed on several DCMS supply worlds. alized the son was not the father. One of Hohiro’s first acts was
The mercenary trade thrived during this time as mercenary to take redirect various monies earmarked for civilian concerns
units became conduits for black market supplies to various DCMS into the Combine’s military industry. This indicated how the
quartermasters. Those mercenaries lucky enough to be employed Coordinator intended to treat anyone not intimately connected
by the Dragon often found themselves the best-equipped units with the Kuritan military. Hohiro considered “the coddling of the
at their duty stations. common citizen” a subversive social policy that needed removal.
The Third Succession War stagnated for the Dragon until 2953, Under the banner of “Dragon Renewals,” Hohiro took away the
when McGee’s Cutthroats—a Combine-backed mercenary unit— few services that existed for aid and relief of the lower classes. Only
landed on Alexandria in Steiner space. The mercenaries quickly the ComStar Hospice stations remained, though the Coordinator


did attempt a few times to rid himself of these “secret recruiting Word quickly spread of the Coordinator’s actions; the pro-
stations taking advantage of the Kuritan work ethic.” (ComStar testors’ heads on poles outside of the palace gates did much to
recruitment did rise in the Combine during Hohiro’s reign, most publicize the incident. In less than a month, an unprecedented re-
likely due to the state of lower-class affairs at the time.) volt—now known as the Strike of 2989—erupted. Major Combine
Language was another point of confrontation. The Coordinator industries shut down in protest of Hohiro’s tyranny. Though the
wished to make Japanese the Combine’s sole language, suggest- Coordinator tried everything from executions to using the mili-
ing that violations be punishable through public whippings. tary to run the factories, he could not break the will of the bankers
When ComStar leaked a private recording of Hohiro discussing and industrialists. After four months, the strike threatened to tip
this policy with his advisors, it triggered numerous public dem- the DCMS into chaos. Hohiro finally relented and scaled back
onstrations across the realm. The situation intensified in 2978 many of the reforms instigated by his Dragon Renewal program.
when Hohiro made the new language policy law. After more than
twenty violent demonstrations—including two on Luthien out- NEW DAWN FOR THE DRAGON
As the dawn of the thirty-first century approached, the
side Unity Palace—the Coordinator was forced to nullify the order
Draconian people were exhausted, fearful, and fatalistic. The spirit
less than nine months later.
of the Dragon was flagging; of all the proper Kuritan Coordinators,
Hohiro was the most cruel. The turn of the millennium provided
the Coordinator a unique opportunity to bring the people back
THE ARM, TWISTED under his shadow.
While Hohiro’s policies caused a cascade of mass disobedience unheard of in To celebrate the millennial turn, Hohiro called for festivals and
Kuritan history, the DCMS suffered under its own set of new policies. observances to take place across the realm. When the populace
Coordinator Hohiro stripped much of his Warlords’ power, crippling their realized the Coordinator was serious, they plunged into prepara-
ability to carry out many of their station’s actions under their own initiative.
tions with fervor.
Now all decisions and orders were required to pass through High Command, re-
The reason for the Coordinator’s benevolence became clear
sulting in a military too sluggish to respond to new situations. The ultra-harsh
as the festivals commenced a month before the new year. In 2997,
treatment of the soldiers, which Hohiro seemed to believe was beneficial to his
Hohiro had recalled his eldest son Takashi from the Davion front
warriors, also took its toll. The constant terror under which the average soldier
to serve as a commander in the Otomo. In early December 2999,
now lived made him dull, completely lacking the fire that formerly characterized
the Coordinator announced he had important plans for the Heir-
the Dragon’s troops.
Designate, which Hohiro would announce on New Year’s Day, 3000.
Both the Lyran Commonwealth and the Federated Suns took advantage of
Hohiro’s egomania by making gains against the DCMS. The Lyrans swiped a few It was obvious the festivals and celebrations were as much for
worlds back from the Federation of Skye section of the front. The Suns gained Hohiro’s coming announcement as they were for the advent of the
the most, however, taking back seven border worlds from the Draconis March millennium. The cruel leader had one soft spot—Takashi—and
region. The AFFS success in the region sparked a heightened clamor within the had lavished attention and gifts on his son during his childhood.
Robinson theater, and the Suns generals began advocating for a renewed push
from the March border.
—Leadership Trends in the Combine During the Third War: Revised; Focht War THE YOUNG DRAKE
College, 3065 As a young officer in the Second Sword of Light, Takashi displayed consider-
able talent. His skill at piloting his family’s BattleMaster was exceeded only by his
innate leadership ability. Even the already elite Second Sword improved upon his
arrival. Takashi eventually rose to command the regiment’s heavy assault bat-
Hohiro also rankled the top echelons of the ISF, announcing talion. He enjoyed the life of a battlefield commander and was not pleased to be
that as part of the “Dragon Renewals” protocols he would be re- pulled from the regiment and brought home to Luthien.
viewing the Davarapala Accords. The Coordinator cited his grave Serving in the Otomo is considered a high honor within the DCMS. The as-
doubts about nearly all of the previously agreed-upon provi- signment is also known as easy duty. To be assigned to the Otomo is known as
sions. Director Jervis Indrahar was alarmed and communicated getting the “dream ticket.” Command of the Guard is a titular honor reserved for
the agency’s displeasure by having agents burn a large yari in the hereditary Kuritas.
Despite the honor, Takashi was ambivalent about the new assignment. On
center of the Coordinator’s favorite palace garden. Hohiro was
one hand, he enjoyed Imperial City for the politics and inner workings of the
amused by Indrahar’s audacity and quietly dropped the issue, al-
Combine’s power. Hohiro’s son no doubt looked forward to ascending to his
lowing the ISF to continue operations under the Accords.
father’s throne, but Takashi believed he would never feel the euphoric heat of
What the Coordinator did not find amusing was that many of battle again. This saddened him; his sadness would later crystallize into anger.
the lower-tier nobility of merchants, bankers, and industrialists re- —Wyrm Turning: The Rise of Takashi Kurita; Imperial Press, 3066
sented his efforts to tighten his hold on the Combine. When some
came to him in audience to protest the harsh policies, Hohiro
seized their holdings and had the protestors beheaded.


(This behavior sparked a common complaint within the lower or worse than his father, so the realm waited with tense anticipa-
classes: if Hohiro had spared one-tenth of one percent of the love tion to see what their new Coordinator had in store for them.
for his son on the Combine, then the Unproductives would feast A month after his father’s funeral, Takashi Kurita announced
on caviar every day.) sweeping reforms to the laws governing the Combine. Acting the
By all accounts, the New Year’s Eve celebration was truly spec- part of the benevolent leader, he outlined plans that significantly
tacular, especially on Luthien. More fireworks were expended loosened the chains clapped on by his father.
over Imperial City than in the previous century combined. For As the public rejoiced over the proposed changes that removed
years, the common joke was that telescopes on neighboring nearly all of Hohiro’s restrictions enacted over the previous forty-
Chatham noted a slight increase in the Luthien system’s apparent plus years, critics within the higher levels of government began
brightness due to the massive display. muttering. These nobles considered Takashi’s reforms a ploy to
As scheduled, Hohiro made his much-heralded announce- prevent a closer investigation into how Sterenson had managed
ment on 1 January 3000. In a speech broadcast to the entire realm, to kill the Coordinator. They insinuated the assassin had help from
he announced Takashi’s promotion to Sho-sho, that he would Takashi, head of the Otomo at the time of the incident.
serve as Hohiro’s proxy in the DCMS High Command and would The ISF informed the Coordinator of the rumors circulating
take overall command of the Otomo. Imperial City and the surrounding bureaucratic strongholds.
Takashi ordered Otomo to round up into the palace courtyard
anyone who had been spreading such sedition, along with many
Anyone expecting Hohiro’s benevolence and leniency to con-
of Takashi’s political enemies. The Coordinator accused them of
tinue after the turn of the millennium was sorely disappointed.
traitorously weakening the Draconis Combine with their mali-
Immediately after the festivities concluded, the Coordinator
cious lies. There was only punishment for such behavior.
re-imposed all of his Dragon Renewal edicts. He even strength-
The Coordinator gave the order, and the Otomo cut down ev-
ened a few, in order to “help strip away the laziness caused by
ery politician and dissident in the courtyard. He then turned his
the celebrations.” The festivities reminded the Draconian people
guards onto the families of anyone who questioned him. Among
of a more joyful way through life; the imposing of the Dragon
the common people, this purge was a sign that Takashi’s true na-
Renewal edicts reignited resentments abandoned only a few
ture was as violently repressive as his father’s.
months before.
Once Takashi was sure the people of influence as well as the
Riots sparked on a few industrial worlds but were brutally
general public understood his ruthlessness, he formally passed
squashed. DCMS soldiers and conventional regiments were
the new laws and loosened the strictures on Kurita society.
commonly found on heavy patrol around many of the Dragon’s
military-industrial sites, breaking up any gathering through use
of force. The strong use of force did little to stem the simmering MUSTERING THE
resentment among the civilian classes. The more public outbursts
were limited to systems within the Rasalhague Military District.
As control of the government settled under Takashi’s rule, the
In February 3004, Otomo Kashira Ingmar Sterenson slipped
DCMS and DCA suffered a series of setbacks from the Federated
into the Coordinator’s private gardens. A trusted aide to Takashi,
Sterenson knew the location of the palace’s motion and heat sen- Suns. Davion troops were aggressively pushing at the shared bor-
sors and deftly avoided them all. He did not take into account der between the realms. Just before Hohiro was assassinated, the
the ancient flooring of the Coordinator’s private quarters, how- Suns managed to create two significant bulges into the Combine,
ever. By design, the polished wood would squeak loudly when one tipped by Harrow’s Sun and the other by Cylene II.
someone traversed the boards. As Sterenson passed through the Because of the faltering military, Takashi moved to revamp
antechamber, the squeaking alerted the Otomo guards stationed the Dragon’s troops. The Coordinator made it obvious to each
outside. The elite guardsmen confronted the intruder but were regiment’s officers that no one’s job was secure. To strengthen
cut down before they could stop the assassin. the entire structure, Takashi reshuffled many regiments’ chains
Sterenson burst into Hohiro’s bedchamber, raised his sword, of command and showed through several aggressive examples
and screamed “Independence for Rasalhague!” He then split he would not hesitate to remove even the most illustrious com-
Hohiro’s skull in two. mander from his post if necessary.
The assassin was soon apprehended and held until Takashi was Every officer on and off the field knew he would be under
located. The Heir-Designate had Sterenson taken into the garden close scrutiny, which created a sense of competition between unit
and shot. His body was hung upside down from a tree until the commanders. The fear of imminent dismissal served to heighten
bones dropped to the ground then cast into an Unproductive each unit’s performance It even promoted the use of innovative
grave site. tactics, though this was not the Coordinator’s aim.
Though many among the populace were relieved when news Takashi also removed the commanders from both fronts and
of Hohiro’s death reached them, a general feeling of uneasiness returned to the policy of each military district’s Warlord com-
permeated the Combine. No one knew if Takashi would be better manding the fight on their portion of the front.


In 3007, Coordinator’s additional scrutiny within the DCMS months of battle cemented Takashi’s respect for “The Fox,” a nick-
appeared to have worked. A modest offensive along the Davion name coined by Takashi.
border reclaimed Cylene, Mara, Galatia III, Harrow’s Sun, Benet In 3012, a year before Ian’s death, the Combine began convert-
III, and Crossing, blunting the Suns’ push into the Combine. The ing large sections of the world into a massive warehouse and
new sense of competition among the Kuritan units saw success. arms depot. A top-secret project, Halstead Station was to become
Pleased, Takashi began planning more ambitious schemes. one of the Combine’s hub worlds in a renewed invasion of the
In 3013, the Coordinator sent thirteen regiments—three of them Federated Suns. Combine architects excavated deep pits in the
’Mech regiments that included the Coordinator’s own Second planet’s surface and placed built armored bunkers underground.
Sword of Light—to Mallory’s World. After three months of intensive Encircling the depots were rings of hardened positions capable of
defending against both land and air assaults.
combat, the main continent was little more than a maze of burnt
During excavation at Site HS-14U, the Kuritans made a major
farm fields and destroyed cities. Though the Dragon ultimately re-
discovery. A large building complex was discovered under several
treated, the Davion troops paid a high price for their victory. First
hundred feet of volcanic ash, the site of an Age of War-era uni-
Prince Ian Davion, leader of the Federated Suns, led the defenders
versity. A massive room vault was quickly uncovered, which took
against the Kuritan assault and died protecting his troops’ retreat.
crews nearly two months to unearth. Kuritan experts believed
the sealed chamber contained a wealth of technological data, as
the location corresponded to the library and research division of
THE DRAGON AND THE FOX Terra University, one of the few Combine branches of the ancient
The relationship between Takashi Kurita and Hanse Davion began for both Hegemony university system.
men before either attained the throne of their respective nations. Takashi read The Federated Suns attacked the system at the beginning of
every intelligence report he could find of the young man’s early career. Though 3014, shortly after Ian’s death. First Prince Hanse Davion arrived
at the time Hanse was not the Suns’ designated successor, being Ian’s younger just ahead of additional Kuritan reinforcements and landed
brother and second in line to the throne, Takashi knew any capable leader in the near the vault. The Davion troops, in their haste to acquire the
Davion family was a threat not to be taken lightly. mysterious contents, punched open the vault door and stuffed
Because of his intense study of the man, Takashi grew to respect Hanse as he ’Mech-sized bags with whatever their BattleMechs could grasp.
watched the younger Davion’s career. After the news of Ian’s death, Takashi’s de- As the Kuritans approached, the Davion troops then torched the
sire to know his future enemy grew into an odd friendship of sorts. When Hanse’s inside of the container, destroying centuries of lost knowledge.
father died, Takashi made an unprecedented gesture of sending a note of condo-
Combine DropShips kept the orbiting AFFS forces from
lence. Each took a keen interest in the life and career of the other. Hanse even sent
reaching the fleeing Prince and his men for weeks. At the head
a message expressing his wish that Takashi’s wife Jasmine would recover from a
of the Second Sword of Light, the Coordinator arrived in early
serious illness that befell her in 3019. Takashi was invited and attended Hanse and
February and personally led the hunt for Hanse. During the sub-
Melissa’s wedding on Terra at the start of the Fourth Succession War.
sequent cat-and-mouse games, Takashi watched the Federated
There was never any doubt, however, that each leader considered the other
Suns leader place his own life in jeopardy three separate times
an honorable and respected opponent. They were sworn enemies. The fact that
Hanse respected the Coordinator (and vice versa) pleased Takashi immensely as in order to protect his troops. Impressed by observing first-
it gave an aura of epic struggle that is prized in bushido. The Coordinator realized hand the cunning and intuition of “The Fox,” the Coordinator
early on that Hanse Davion was the only person he trusted to do his best. allowed the Suns troops to retreat with their prize. Only a few
When word reached the Coordinator of Hanse’s death in 3052, Takashi texts survived the Davion vandalism. These were immediately
composed a death haiku for his honored adversary and sent it, along with his relocated to New Samarkand for further study, though the Kell
condolences, to Victor Steiner-Davion, Hanse’s firstborn son. With Hanse’s pass- Hounds mercenary unit absconded with a few on Murchison.
ing, the Dragon knew the end of an era had arrived, and he mourned the loss of What remained would later be instrumental in Kurita research
his most respected enemy. on improved particle projection technology.
Interestingly, Victor Steiner-Davion repaid the honor to the Dragon when he
sent a note of condolence to Theodore upon learning of Takashi’s passing. In 3059, STATUS QUO ANTE
during a visit to Luthien before the start of Operation BULLDOG, Victor also paid After Halstead Station, the Federated Suns looked anti-
honor to the Combine by visiting Takashi’s grave. spinward towards the Capellan Confederation, leaving the
—Circle of the Dragon; Al Na’ir Publication House, 3063 Combine-Suns border in a fragile stability. A few AFFS raids
struck Combine worlds, but nothing indicated a major assault.
The Coordinator moved to take advantage of the Suns’ preoc-
cupation with the Confederation and launched a mini-offensive,
HALSTEAD STATION beginning with the Davion world of Mara in 3015. The assault
One of the first incidents where the Coordinator faced the required cooperation between the Warlords of Dieron and
new First Prince Hanse Davion in a crisis was during the battle for Benjamin, a major test of Takashi’s continued attempts to im-
Halstead Station. The Federated Suns leader’s exploits during the prove the DCMS through competition.



The Rock

Drask's Den
Paulus Prime
Santander V

Crellacor Porthos
ron VI

tte Hold
Thule Richmond

Holmsbu Farstar

Star's End Pinnacle
Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
lton Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
istence Icar Balsta
Bjarred Hartshill
The Edge Turtle Bay
d New Caledonia St. John Leoben Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Chateau Almunge Virentofta
Lovinac Rodigo Hermagor
Verthandi Nykvarn Slaithwaite
Csesztreg Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
40 Brihuega
Maxie's Planet Bruben Rasalhague Brailsford
New Oslo Last Frontier
Brocchi's Cluster
Kirchbach Radlje Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Harvest Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Schuyler Jeanette
cross Planting Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Pomme De Terre Albiero
Evciler Qandahar
Hohenems Savinsville
Ferleiten Predlitz Courchevel
Vantaa Ridderkerk Luzerne Matamoras
li Basiliano Bangor Pusht-i-rud
kia Spittal Casere McAlister
Leskovik Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Engadin Goito Byesville Wolcott
Hyner Herndon
Zoetermeer Dell Marshdale Multan
Skokie Cheriton Clearfield
aker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Soverzene Outer Volta
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Sevren Ningxia
Vorarlberg Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Memmingen Kempten Teniente
Weingarten Itabaiana
Laurent Juazeiro Meinacos Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Thannhausen
Graus Kaesong Irece
Cusset Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
Unity Enif
Kobe Thimphu
Bessarabia Heiligendreuz
Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Shaula Hyperion
Tinaca Yamarovka Cyrenaica
Montmarault Biota Hainfeld
Marawi Mualang Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Thun Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Satalice Halesowen Port Arthur
Suk II Kagoshima
Skandia Tarazed New Samarkand
Galuzzo Ardoz Avon Chatham D
Graceland La Grave Domain Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Ballynure Maule Miyada
Carse Setubal Pondicherry
Nox Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Diosd Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Utrecht Tanh Linh Tabayama
Crimond Quarell Mizunami
Ramsau Altenmarkt Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Toffen Mannedorf Bicester Corsica Nueva
Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's Wo
Jabuka Meilen Odabasi Zlatousi
Rubigen Omagh
Rasalgethi Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Tukayyid Dyfed Zalaf
Grunwald Chandler Ogano Keihoku
Borghese Fort Loudon Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Dehgolan Quantrai
Pilkhua Darius Sakai
Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Brasha
Surcin Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Shirotori Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Havdhem Agematsu
Blue Diamond Sulafat Peacock Sverdlovsk
Tok Do Shibukawa Nakaojo
Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Osmus Saar Dante
Otho Oshika Morthac
Arcturus Orestes
Morningside Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime Goubellat
Dnepropetrovsk Calish II
Ganshoren Tamsalu
tra Lucianca Apostica Awano Budingen
Leganes Dalkeith Port Moseby Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calish I
Sakhalin Minowa Schirmeck
Buckminster Tatsuno Togura
Helsingfors Hachiman Nadrin
ngen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Symington Accrington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Alegro Lushann
Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
Carstairs Auldhouse Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau Sevo
Yed Prior Valmiera Kaznejoy
Kirkcaldy Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Cebalrai Matsuida
Yed Posterior Apriki Kinkaid II
Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Alnasi Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Hagiwawa Koping Chian Igualada Groveld III
Eaton Baxter Rukbat
Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
hittington Freedom Kimball II Eltanin Umijiri
Marfik Capra Kesai IV
s Irurzun Dorm
Alya Gandy's Luck
Konstance Arlington Huan
Nekkar Izar Kaus Borealis Kitalpha Bryceland
Shitara Algedi Marlowe's Rift
urieston Komephoros Waddesdon Misery Tancredi IV
Zebeneschamali Ryde Shimonita Conroe
Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet Donenac Ke
Kessel Thestria
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Harpster
New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee Alrakis
Junction Elidere IV Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Glengarry Unukalhai Piedmont Ludwig
Ascella Galtor III Deshler Bergman's Planet McGehee
Dromini VI Chichibu
Gladius La Blon Harrow's Sun
Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Brookeland
Kuzuu Ashio Marduk Sturgis
Kochab Alphecca
Moore Kurhah New Mendham McComb Barlow's End Damevang
Seginus Sabik Glenmora De Berry
Skye Skondia Yance I
Laiaka Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Choudrant Broa
Alkalurops Atria Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Lapida II Homam Paris Royal
Alkaid Zebebelgenubi Halstead Station Fallon II Brundage
Crossing Rowe
Ko Telos IV Fairfield Tishomingo
Syrma Nusakan Biham Sadalbari Scheat
Dyev Sadachbia Tallmadge
Carsphairn Lyons Pike IV Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Athenry Ancha Hoff
Galatea Imbros III Nashira Skat Proserpina New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Summer Al Na'ir Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill
Alcor Menkent Asta Murchison Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson
Bettendorf Princton
Zollikofen Markab Chanu
Cor Caroli Dieron Nirasaki
Yorii Dahar IV
Muphrid David Le Blanc Urich
Altair Helen Towne Galatia III
Alioth Thorin
Lipton Saffel Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Gacrux Quentin Lucerne Verde
Milton New Earth Franklin
Alchiba Chara Rigil Kentarus Fomalhaut Raman Doneval II Maynard
Zaniah Denebola Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Allerton Mayetta Sylvan N
Phecda Zavijava Northwind Protection
Alula Australis Caph Clovis Rochester
Terra Small World Addicks Tarkio Junior
Wyatt Sirius Ronel
Wing Graham IV Keid Ankaa Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City
Shiloh Zosma Oliver Exeter Pattonsbrug Hickok
Dubhe New Home Olancha Robinson Colchester Necedah Linneus
Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III
Marcus Pollux Procyon Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
lle Alhena Deneb Kaitos
Chertan Callison Castor
Devil's Rock Sheratan
Ruchbah Ulysses

Kalidasa Carver V Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Fletcher Kawich DeWitt Larned Lexington Mokane
Tigress Peabody
Dieudonne Bordon Talitha Caselton Edwards Palmyra
Nopah Achernar Rio Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Connaught Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
pe Remulac Van Diemen IV Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Outreach Bharat Logandale Evansville
Capolla Acamar
Acubens Hall Azha Hamal
Yangtze Tikonov
Corydon Ramona
Adhafera Savannah Elgin New Valencia Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Mira Goderich Kestrel
Alphard Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
ania Borealis Hsien Nanking Arboris Tawas
Irian Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport
Tall Trees
Genoa New Hessen
Algol Buchlau Almach
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Plymouth Mansfield
Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Euclid
Pleione Halloran V
Markesan Streator Northfield
Willowick 2864 (PRE-WAR) BORDER Cerulean
Gan Singh Poznan Ulan Batar Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion New Aragon Amiga McHenry
Menkar Coloma Meinrad
Kyrkbacken Valexa Delavan
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia
Shensi Jonathan Leamington
Bernardo Goshen Weldon
Abadan Styk Hunan Foochow
Scudder Odell Augusta
Coreward Kettering
Ibstock Asuncion St. Andre Ashkum Tecumseh Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Min
Park Place Shipka Highspire
Asellus Borealis Second Try Axton New Avalon Perdido

Palos New Macao Emerson Galax

Ling Yunnah Wei Freisland
Lungdo Sorunda Ventabren Zaurak Manassas Shubuta

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Second Chance
Elnath Menkib
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Corey Matsu Dothan Molino
Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam
Wazan Remshield
Emris IV New Delos Harsefeld Old Kentucky Steeles
Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Kathil 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8Reisterstown PARSECS Covington

Third Succession War (3025)

Sarna Tsingtao

Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora

Semenyih Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
Lesalles Sarmaxa Salem Wedgefield
Kiyev Matheran Randar
Carbonis Bithinia
Ingersoll Capella Ares Andro

64 Daneshmand Les Halles

Bandora No Return
New Sagan Meglan/Victoria
Gulkana Rimward Waimalu
Geifer Necromo Bethel Novaya Zemlya
ugli Eom Propus Capricorn III
Monhegan Susulatna
Masterson Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk
Kashilla Nashuar Notwina

Ukita Yorioshi, the new tai-shu of the Benjamin District, carried Steiner blitz, though the Dragon’s seizure of fifteen Davion sys-
out unconventional tactics that saved the life of Vasily Cherenkoff, tems assuaged the losses somewhat. The assaults also marked the
later the tai-shu of Dieron, and nearly three regiments of troops. rise of the Coordinator’s son, Theodore, who came into his own
Yorioshi was brought up on charges by his peer for “grossly ig- during the brief conflict.
noring battle strategy established by the Coordinator.” Takashi,
however, closely followed the events on Mara and instead deco- SON OF THE DRAGON
rated Yorioshi for showing initiative. Targeted specifically by Lyran forces during the Fourth War,
Despite the Dragon’s success, the mini-offensive failed to gain Theodore evaded capture and led the DCMS to its few victories on
traction, netting the Combine only two additional worlds that the Steiner front, most notably in turning back the invasion of Vega.
were lost within the next five years. On the Steiner front, a suc- Recognizing that seizing the initiative is a critical component in victo-
cessful feint on Sevren allowed Rasalhague Military District Tai-shu ry, Theodore commanded a counter-invasion of the Commonwealth
Ivan Sorenson to assault Laurent. The Commonwealth put up a
strong resistance, redirecting several LCAF regiments to the world.
Though the Combine retreated, the border destabilized enough for THE RISE OF THEODORE
the DCMS to conduct several successful raids through 3020. Theodore Kurita, the only child of Takashi and Jasmine Kurita, began his rise to
In late 3020, a Steiner emissary arrived on Luthien, carrying Archon power in the fires of the Fourth Succession War. His successes against the Steiner mili-
Katrina Steiner’s ceasefire proposal with her. Insulted by the use of a tary coincided with the loss of support Takashi experienced during the same period.
female in such an important role, and mistrustful of the woman on the The Coordinator’s obsession with destroying Wolf’s Dragoons after the mercenar-
Commonwealth throne, Takashi refused to entertain such a notion. ies left the Combine in 3028 bordered on madness. Takashi took the case to a ComStar
In 3022, the Combine learned of a peace and alliance treaty Review Board, where the mercenaries were not found at fault. While the Coordinator
between Houses Steiner and Davion. After regaining his compo- concentrated all of his energy and attention on the Dragoons stationed along the Davion
sure following an uncharacteristic fit of rage, the Coordinator sent border, the Combine’s military effort on the Steiner front suffered. Takashi became in-
emissaries to the Capellan Confederation and the Free Worlds creasingly irrational, flying into rants and fits of rage that echoed memories of Jinjiro.
League with a proposal of alliance. After two years of effort and Constance Kurita, in her position as Keeper of the House Honor, stepped in and
discussion, the three realms formed the Concord of Kapteyn, spe- forced the Coordinator to undergo extensive medical examination. The Combine
cifically created to oppose the union of their two ancient House doctors found that Takashi had suffered a stroke severe enough to affect his mental
enemies. With the announcement of alliances on both sides, the functioning sometime during the previous two years. They also predicted he would
Third Succession War came to an inauspicious end. suffer another more debilitating one unless he underwent a series of operations to
remove dangerous blood clots and repair weakened arteries.
THE FOURTH As all of this occurred, Theodore gained prestige and influence within the Dieron
Military District. As Tai-shu Vasily Cherenkoff did nothing, the Heir-Designate moved
SUCCESSION WAR from commanding three regiments to near-complete control of the district’s military
The Combine quickly found itself in need of a massive mili- forces. Through shrewd analysis and daring strategies, he succeeded in reversing the
tary build-up program after the formal announcement of the Combine’s military situation and stopped the Commonwealth’s offensive cold.
Federated Commonwealth alliance. The lengthy series of mili- Though the Dragon lost several dozens of systems and many of its elite regi-
tary exercises being conducted by the LCAF and AFFS made ments were in tatters, the defeat might have been more devastating if not for the
the Coordinator and his High Command even more nervous. young heir’s brilliance. He emerged from the war a hero, which touched off a power
Designed to help both militaries mesh with each other, Operations struggle within the Kurita family.
GALAHAD and THOR put the Combine on edge. A common ex- After the war, Theodore’s power and popularity continued to expand. As
pectation among the Court was that a coordinated invasion from a result of his skillful leadership, he eventually won the support of most of the
the new, combined realm was not a matter of if but when. regiments of the Rasalhague, Dieron, and Benjamin Military Districts. He also
Despite the martial exercises occurring on the borders of the impressed the yakuza, who saw him as a new and potent force compared to the
Combine, no assault manifested itself. In 3028, during the wed- stagnation that Takashi represented. These yakuza later pledged their support to
ding ceremony between First Prince Hanse Davion and Melissa Theodore and helped him resist the Federated Commonwealth’s massive inva-
Steiner, heir to the Lyran throne, the reasons for the operations sion in 3039 with the debut of the Ghost Regiments.
became clear. The Davion groom, in a surprising display of gall Takashi had always been harsh towards his son—not an unknown practice
and without a shred of proper decorum, gave his new bride a gift in Kuritan family history—but he could not ignore Theodore’s immense popular-
of immense proportions: the Capellan Confederation. The AFFS ity with both the military and the people. In 3030, the Coordinator awarded his
launched a mass invasion into the smaller realm. heir the Order of the Dragon in honor of his achievements during the war. He also
To protect the nearly defenseless Suns border, the Lyrans in appointed him gunji-no-kanrei, believing it a hollow honor. Theodore leaped at
the chance to remold the DCMS according to his own desires and as kanrei, virtu-
turn invaded the Combine. The combined strikes marked the be-
ally no one stood in his way.
ginning of the Fourth Succession War.
—ComStar Update 3043; Sandhurst University Press
Unlike the previous wars, the Fourth War lasted a little more
than two years. The Combine lost more than fifty worlds to the



The Rock


Drask's Den
Paulus Prime
Santander V
Crellacor Porthos
n VI
Butte Hold
Thule Richmond

Holmsbu Farstar

Star's End Pinnacle

Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
lton Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
istence Icar Balsta
Bjarred Hartshill
New Caledonia The Edge Turtle Bay
d St. John Leoben Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Chateau Almunge Virentofta
Lovinac Rodigo Hermagor Nykvarn
Verthandi Slaithwaite
Csesztreg Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
Rasalhague 40 Brihuega
Maxie's Planet Bruben Last Frontier Brailsford
New Oslo Brocchi's Cluster
Kirchbach Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Harvest Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Schuyler Jeanette
cross Planting Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Albiero
Evciler Qandahar
Ferleiten Predlitz
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Courchevel Luzerne Matamoras
li Bangor Pusht-i-rud
kia Spittal Casere McAlister
Leskovik Basiliano Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Engadin Byesville Wolcott
Hyner Herndon
Zoetermeer Dell Marshdale Multan
Skokie Cheriton Clearfield
aker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Soverzene Outer Volta
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Sevren Ningxia
Vorarlberg Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Weingarten Memmingen Kempten Teniente
Laurent Thessalonika
Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Thannhausen Kaesong
Graus Irece Meinacos
Cusset Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
Unity Enif
Kobe Thimphu
Bessarabia Heiligendreuz
Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Hyperion Karston Alshain
Tinaca Yamarovka Cyrenaica
Montmarault Hainfeld
Marawi Mualang Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Thun Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Satalice Port Arthur
Suk II Kagoshima
Halesowen Sternwerde
Skandia Tarazed New Samarkand
Galuzzo Ardoz Avon Chatham D
Graceland La Grave Domain Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Ballynure Maule Miyada
Carse Nox Setubal Pondicherry
Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Diosd Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Mizunami Tabayama
Ramsau Altenmarkt Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Mannedorf Xinyang Bicester Corsica Nueva
Toffen Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's Wo
Jabuka Rubigen Meilen Odabasi Zlatousi
Najha Kiesen Paracale Omagh Chinmen Tao
Rasalgethi Dyfed
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Quantrai
Pilkhua Darius Sakai
Dehgolan Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Brasha
Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Dante
Osmus Saar Oshika Morthac
Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime Goubellat
Dnepropetrovsk Calish II
Ganshoren Tamsalu
tra Lucianca Awano Budingen
Leganes Port Moseby Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calish I
Minowa Schirmeck
Apostica Buckminster Tatsuno
Sakhalin Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
ngen Breukelen Symington Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Accrington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Alegro Lushann
Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
Carstairs Auldhouse Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
Yed Prior Valmiera Kaznejoy Sevo
Kirkcaldy Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Matsuida
Cebalrai Apriki Kinkaid II
Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Alexandria Yed Posterior Alnasi Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
New Wessex Minakuchi Hagiwawa Koping Chian Igualada Groveld III
Eaton Baxter Rukbat
Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
hittington Freedom Kimball II Eltanin Umijiri Capra Kesai IV
s Irurzun Dorm
Marfik Alya Kitalpha Gandy's Luck
Konstance Arlington Huan
Nekkar Izar Kaus Borealis Bryceland
Shitara Algedi Marlowe's Rift
urieston Waddesdon Donenac Misery Tancredi IV
Ryde Komephoros Conroe
Zebeneschamali Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet
Kessel Thestria Ke
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Harpster
New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Shimonita
Junction Bergman's Planet Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Glengarry Piedmont Ludwig
Ascella Chichibu Galtor III Elidere IV McGehee
Gladius Unukalhai Moore Harrow's Sun Brookeland
Kuzuu Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Sturgis
Kochab Dromini VI Ashio Marduk
Alphecca New Mendham
Kurhah McComb Barlow's End Damevang
Seginus Sabik Glenmora De Berry
Skye Skondia Yance I
Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Choudrant Broa
Laiaka Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Alkalurops Atria Lapida II Homam Paris Royal
Zebebelgenubi Halstead Station Rowe Fallon II Brundage
Alkaid Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Ko Telos IV Scheat
Syrma Nusakan Biham Sadachbia Sadalbari Proserpina Tallmadge
Dyev Pike IV Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Carsphairn Lyons Melcher
Athenry Ancha Hoff
Galatea Imbros III Nashira Skat New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Summer Al Na'ir Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill
Alcor Menkent Murchison Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Princton
Zollikofen Nirasaki Markab Chanu
Cor Caroli Yorii Dieron
Muphrid David Dahar IV Urich
Le Blanc
Alioth Chara Thorin Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Gacrux Quentin Lucerne Verde
MiltonLipton Rigil Kentarus Helen Franklin
Fomalhaut Towne Raman Doneval II Maynard
Zaniah Denebola New Earth Ozawa Allerton Mayetta Sylvan N
Zavijava Terra Caph Northwind Errai Mallory's World Protection
Alchiba Clovis Rochester
Phecda Alula Australis Junior
Sirius Addicks Tarkio
Shiloh Wing Wyatt Keid Ronel Cartago Emporia Sauk City
Zosma Oliver Graham IV Small World Deneb Kaitos Ankaa Elbar Hickok
New Home Olancha Exeter Colchester Pattonsbrug
Dubhe Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III Robinson Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
lle Alhena Chertan Callison
CastorDevil's Rock Sheratan Potwin
Ruchbah Schedar Ulysses
Carver V

Kalidasa Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Fletcher Kawich Basalt DeWitt Larned Lexington Peabody Mokane
Dieudonne Tigress Palmyra
Talitha Edwards
Nopah Achernar Rio Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Bordon Caselton Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
pe Van Diemen IV Outreach Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Capolla Bharat Logandale Evansville
Nathan Hall Nanking

Azha Hamal
Yangtze Tikonov
Corydon Ramona
Adhafera Savannah Elgin New Valencia Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Acubens Mira Goderich Kestrel
Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
ania Borealis Alphard Arboris Tawas
Irian Hsien Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport
Tall Trees
Genoa Kansu
Algol Buchlau
New Hessen
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Plymouth Mansfield
Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Euclid
Pleione Halloran V
Markesan Streator Northfield
Willowick 3028 (PRE-WAR) BORDER
Gan Singh Poznan Ulan Batar Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion New Aragon Amiga McHenry
Menkar Coloma Meinrad
Kyrkbacken Valexa Delavan
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia
Shensi Jonathan Leamington
Bernardo Goshen Weldon
Abadan Styk Hunan Foochow
Scudder Odell Augusta
Coreward Kettering
Ibstock Asuncion St. Andre Ashkum Tecumseh Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Min
Park Place Shipka Highspire
Asellus Borealis Second Try Axton New Avalon Perdido

Palos New Macao Emerson Galax

Ling Yunnah Wei Freisland
Lungdo Sorunda Ventabren Zaurak Manassas Shubuta

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Second Chance
Elnath Menkib
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Corey Matsu Dothan Molino
Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam
Wazan Remshield
Emris IV New Delos Harsefeld Old Kentucky Steeles
Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Kathil 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8 PARSECS Covington

Fourth Succession War (3030)

Sarna Tsingtao
Reisterstown Baxley

Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora

Semenyih Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
Lesalles Sarmaxa Salem Wedgefield
Kiyev Matheran Randar
Carbonis Bithinia
No Return New Sagan
Meglan/Victoria Chakachamna
Gulkana Rimward Waimalu

Daneshmand Les Halles Waxell
Geifer Necromo Bethel Novaya Zemlya
ugli Eom Propus Capricorn III
Monhegan Susulatna
Masterson Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk
Kashilla Nashuar Notwina
una Boardwalk Gei-Fu Alcyone
Loeches Calloway VI Brighton Kluane Nahoni Colorado Lihue Eustatius
Exedor Stein's Folly

On 13 March 3034, the Free Rasalhague Republic was publicly

THE RONIN DECLARATION declared. The new interstellar nation included most of the worlds
“The Dragon has entered a new era. As we look ahead to the future, we are of the former Rasalhague Military District, recently conquered
saddened by those who only look behind. For the Dragon to move forward, we by the Steiner military. ComStar quickly recognized the FRR, fol-
must shed the shackles that bind us, limiting our power and holding us back from lowed by the Draconis Combine. The formation of the FRR created
true greatness. By allowing the Rasalhague people to be free, we have removed a buffer state between the Dragon and the Lyran Commonwealth,
the shame that has quietly burdened the Dragon for centuries. freeing up additional DCMS troops for use elsewhere. Only
“There are those who believe that to hearken to an older time is to further twenty district worlds remained with the Combine under the
the purpose of the Dragon. They are wrong. The Dragon endures because it newly-formed Alshain District, whereas the Lyrans were forced to
adapts and embraces progress without burying itself in obsolete beliefs. Those give up nearly all they had gained during the Fourth War.
who oppose the will of the Dragon are therefore declared ronin, masterless war- Not all of the Dragon’s Warlords accepted the Coordinator’s
riors who think only of their own selfish desire and not the will of the Combine. decision to recognize Rasalhague’s independence. Marcus Kurita
“To these ronin, I say: Lay down your arms and accept true honor, or follow and Vasily Cherenkoff, Warlords of Pesht and Dieron, respectively,
your selfish course to a disgraceful and ignoble end.” vowed to fight. Under the leadership of Marcus, renegade forces
—Theodore Kurita’s public address to the Draconis Combine, May 3034; moved to attack and seize many of the FRR’s newly annexed worlds.
ntallos (Port Krin) University of Pesht Archives, 3035 Theodore branded these men as ronin—masterless war-
riors— and declared they were acting neither in the name nor
interest of the Combine. The kanrei then sent DCMS forces to cut
Dneiper that could have seriously damaged the Lyran war machine had the off the ronin from their supply bases and crush any resistance.
LIC not successfully carried out a stopgap operation that targeted The short conflict that followed killed both Warlords, gutting
Prinis Prime

Risin the DCA fleet at Dromini IV. The brief counterassaults were successful the resistance of the ronin leadership, and the nascent rebellion
but ended up stalled from the lack of transportation.

Rushaven ended before the close of 3034.

ine Theodore’s tactical acumen came under the envious eyes of many The Ronin War was a boon for the kanrei. Fighting against re-
within the upper echelons of the DCMS. Takashi noted Theodore’s bellious elements within the DCMS, the brief war purged many of
successes; as a reward, the Heir-Designate was named gunji-no- the disloyal from the ranks, and Theodore’s two biggest adversar-
kanrei—Deputy for Military Affairs. The Coordinator reinstated the

ies were permanently removed. Also, because the kanrei quickly
Quatre Belle
position specifically for Theodore, as Takashi did not have confidence withdrew the DCMS forces after they had crushed the rebels, he
in his son’s political strength to handle one of the prestigious Warlord raised his political stock with the FRR’s new leadership.
positions. In the position of kanrei, a de facto supreme warlord for
all of the Combine that reported only to the Coordinator, Theodore
would oversee the rebuilding and updating of the Dragon after the PIRATES AND PRINCES
recent war. The only way Takashi knew to season his heir and prepare Theodore’s most controversial decision was the appointment of Michi
for leading the Combine into the future was to throw his son into the Noketsuna as Warlord of Dieron in the wake of the Ronin War. A former aide
proverbial dragons’ den of the High Command. to Minobu Tetsuhara, commander of the Ryuken in the conflict against Wolf’s
Theodore planned to use the newly-crafted Genyosha and Dragoons that occurred immediately before the Fourth Succession War,
Ryuken regiments as a model for his intended reform of the DCMS, Noketsuna had forsaken his DCMS post to pursue a vendetta against rogue
which called for a more flexible armed forces. Takashi had little
Warlord Grieg Samsonov. His campaign to offset the dishonor inflicted by
Milligan intention of granting the kanrei any real power and scattered his Samsonov on his former master prompted Noketsuna to adopt the guise of
son’s pet projects within the Combine military. This action actually the Bounty Hunter, and in this role his path crossed Theodore’s as the kanrei

served Theodore’s plan, however: it spread the new units’ flexible sought allies to rebuild the DCMS. Despite the objections of Theodore’s advisors,
Nagel doctrine throughout the DCMS, laying the seeds for true rebirth. Noketsuna become one of the kanrei’s closest associates, standing shoulder to
shoulder with him in his efforts to sway the yakuza to his cause.
Noketsuna’s rival for the Dieron posting was Dexter Kingsley, who served
Davisville One of Theodore’s more audacious plans to quickly build at the time under Warlord Vasily Cherenkoff. Cherenkoff went rogue during
up the devastated DCMS was the construction of a secret deal the Ronin War and was brought down when Kingsley betrayed him. This action
with ComStar. The kanrei received an offer from Primus Myndo crippled the rebel forces, but Kingsley did it to advance his own position rather
Waterly promising war materiel, BattleMechs, and other sup- than from loyalty to the kanrei. Theodore had little desire to promote such a self-

plies in exchange for stationing ComStar-sponsored garrison serving individual to command of a military district and instead chose to install
troops at all Combine HPG complexes. The crux of negotiations someone he knew had little desire for such power. Noketsuna, he believed, would
Symsonia was the formation of a free Rasalhague state, independent from command because the Combine needed him. The “old pirate” was not a popular
Combine rule. ComStar wished to see the new republic more to choice with career DCMS officers, but his combat and command skills, developed

keep the dominant Davion-Steiner alliance at bay than any altru- in his years with the original Ryuken, were beyond question.
istic motivation. After intense discussion, the kanrei agreed and —Trevena’s Guide to the War of 3039; Focht War College, 3065
secured Takashi’s approval.




The Rock


Drask's Den
Paulus Prime
Santander V
Crellacor Porthos
ron VI

tte Hold
Thule Richmond

Ronin War Holmsbu

(3034) Skallevoll
Star's End Pinnacle
Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
lton Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
istence Icar Balsta
Bjarred Hartshill
The Edge Turtle Bay
d New Caledonia St. John Leoben Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Chateau Almunge Virentofta
Lovinac Rodigo Hermagor
Verthandi Slaithwaite
Csesztreg Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
Nykvarn 40 Brihuega
Maxie's Planet Bruben Rasalhague Brailsford
New Oslo Last Frontier
Brocchi's Cluster
Kirchbach Radlje Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Harvest Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Schuyler Jeanette
cross Planting Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Pomme De Terre Albiero
Evciler Qandahar
Ferleiten Predlitz
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Luzerne Matamoras
li Bangor Pusht-i-rud
kia Spittal Casere Courchevel
Leskovik Basiliano McAlister Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Engadin Goito Byesville Wolcott
Hyner Herndon
Zoetermeer Dell Marshdale Multan
Skokie Cheriton Clearfield
aker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Soverzene Outer Volta
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Sevren Ningxia
Vorarlberg Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Weingarten Memmingen Kempten Teniente
Laurent Juazeiro Meinacos Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Thannhausen
Graus Kaesong Irece
Cusset Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
Unity Enif
Kobe Thimphu
Bessarabia Heiligendreuz
Karston Alshain Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Shaula Hyperion
Tinaca Yamarovka Cyrenaica
Montmarault Biota Hainfeld
Marawi Mualang Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Thun Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Satalice Halesowen Port Arthur
Suk II Kagoshima
Skandia Tarazed New Samarkand
Galuzzo Ardoz Avon Chatham D
Graceland La Grave Domain Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Ballynure Maule Miyada
Carse Setubal Pondicherry
Nox Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Diosd Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Utrecht Tanh Linh Tabayama
Crimond Quarell Mizunami
Ramsau Altenmarkt Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Toffen Mannedorf Bicester Corsica Nueva
Babuyan Xinyang Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's Wo
Jabuka Meilen Odabasi Zlatousi
Rubigen Omagh
Najha Kiesen Paracale Chinmen Tao
Rasalgethi Tukayyid Dyfed
Grunwald Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Dehgolan Quantrai
Pilkhua Darius Sakai
Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Brasha
Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Dante
Osmus Saar Oshika Morthac
Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime Goubellat
Dnepropetrovsk Calish II
Ganshoren Tamsalu
tra Lucianca Apostica Awano Budingen
Leganes Dalkeith Port Moseby Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calish I
Sakhalin Minowa Schirmeck
Buckminster Tatsuno Togura
Helsingfors Hachiman Nadrin
ngen Breukelen Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Symington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Alegro Lushann
Accrington Gram
Auldhouse Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
Carstairs Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
Yed Prior Valmiera Kaznejoy Sevo
Kirkcaldy Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Cebalrai Apriki
Yed Posterior Sutama Monistrol Niles Kinkaid II
Edasich Alnasi Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
Alexandria New Wessex Minakuchi Hagiwawa Koping Chian Igualada Groveld III
Eaton Baxter Rukbat
Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
hittington Freedom Kimball II Eltanin Umijiri
Marfik Capra Kesai IV
s Irurzun Dorm
Alya Gandy's Luck
Konstance Arlington Huan
Nekkar Izar Kaus Borealis Kitalpha Bryceland
Shitara Algedi Marlowe's Rift
urieston Komephoros Waddesdon Misery Tancredi IV
Zebeneschamali Ryde Conroe
Kaus Australis Donenac
Kessel Thestria Ke
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Reisling's Planet
New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Shimonita
Junction Elidere IV Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Glengarry Unukalhai Piedmont Ludwig Bergman's Planet
Ascella Chichibu Deshler McGehee
Gladius Dromini VI Galtor III Harrow's Sun
Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Brookeland
Kuzuu Ashio Marduk Sturgis
Kochab Alphecca
Moore Kurhah New Mendham McComb Barlow's End Damevang
Seginus Sabik Glenmora De Berry
Skye Skondia Yance I
Laiaka Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Choudrant Broa
Alkalurops Atria Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Lapida II Homam Paris Royal
Alkaid Zebebelgenubi Halstead Station Fallon II Brundage
Crossing Rowe
Ko Telos IV Fairfield Tishomingo
Syrma Nusakan Biham Sadalbari Scheat
Dyev Sadachbia Tallmadge
Carsphairn Lyons Pike IV Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Athenry Ancha Hoff
Galatea Imbros III Nashira Skat Proserpina New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Summer Al Na'ir Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill
Alcor Menkent Asta Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Princton
Zollikofen Dieron Nirasaki Markab Chanu
Cor Caroli Yorii
Muphrid Murchison David Dahar IV Urich
Le Blanc
Alioth Thorin Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Gacrux Lipton Quentin Lucerne Verde
Milton New Earth Helen Raman Franklin
Alchiba Chara Rigil Kentarus Fomalhaut Towne Doneval II Maynard
Zaniah Denebola Errai Ozawa Mallory's World Allerton Mayetta Sylvan N
Phecda Zavijava Northwind Protection
Alula Australis Caph Clovis Rochester
Terra Small World Addicks Tarkio Junior
Wyatt Sirius Ronel
Shiloh Wing Zosma Oliver Graham IV Keid Ankaa Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City Hickok
New Home Olancha Exeter Colchester Pattonsbrug
Dubhe Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III Robinson Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
lle Alhena Deneb Kaitos
Chertan Callison Castor
Devil's Rock Sheratan
Ruchbah Ulysses

Kalidasa Carver V Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Fletcher Kawich DeWitt Larned Lexington Peabody Mokane
Dieudonne Bordon Tigress Caselton Palmyra
Talitha Basalt Edwards
Nopah Achernar Rio Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Connaught Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
pe Remulac Van Diemen IV Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Outreach Bharat Logandale Evansville
Capolla Acamar
Acubens Hall Azha Hamal
Yangtze Tikonov
Corydon Ramona
Adhafera Savannah Elgin New Valencia Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Mira Goderich Kestrel
Alphard Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
ania Borealis Hsien Nanking Arboris Tawas
Irian Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport
Tall Trees
Genoa New
Algol Buchlau

Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Plymouth Mansfield
Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Euclid
Pleione Halloran V
Markesan Streator Northfield
Willowick 3030 (PRE-WAR) BORDER Cerulean
Gan Singh Poznan Ulan Batar Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion New Aragon Amiga McHenry
Menkar Coloma Meinrad
Kyrkbacken Valexa Delavan
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia
Shensi Jonathan Leamington
Bernardo Goshen Weldon
Abadan Styk Hunan Foochow
Scudder Odell Augusta
Coreward Kettering
Ibstock Asuncion St. Andre Ashkum Tecumseh Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Min
Park Place Shipka Highspire
Asellus Borealis Second Try Axton New Avalon Perdido

Palos New Macao Emerson Galax

Ling Yunnah Wei Freisland
Lungdo Sorunda Ventabren Zaurak Manassas Shubuta

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Second Chance
Elnath Menkib
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Corey Matsu Dothan Molino
Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam
Wazan Remshield
Emris IV New Delos Harsefeld Old Kentucky Steeles
Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Kathil 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8Reisterstown PARSECS Covington

War of 3039 (3040)

Sarna Tsingtao

Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora

Semenyih Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
Lesalles Sarmaxa Salem Wedgefield
Kiyev Matheran Randar
Carbonis Bithinia
Ingersoll Capella Ares
Chakachamna Rimward

Bandora No Return New Sagan Meglan/Victoria Gulkana Sabanillas
Waxell Waimalu
Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo
Geifer Bethel Novaya Zemlya
ugli Eom Propus Capricorn III
Monhegan Susulatna
Masterson Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk
Kashilla Nashuar Notwina
una Boardwalk Alcyone Kluane Nahoni Lihue Eustatius

INNOVATION AND By attacking into the teeth of the Davion assault, Theodore
THE DAVION WAR MACHINE made Hanse Davion believe the DCMS was stronger than it ac-
As kanrei, Theodore enacted many changes in the DCMS tually was. Barely six months after the first wave launched, the
to make it a stronger and more efficient force. He mined the FedCom cut its losses and sued for peace.
yakuza as a source of pilots and MechWarriors for the new Ghost The War of 3039 accomplished little except remind the
Regiments. He concentrated on rebuilding the Ryuken and Successor States of the severe cost of war. Though small border
Genyosha regiments using newly commissioned academies and skirmishes continued through the next decade, military readiness
their graduates. Training stressed practical cooperation rather and overcharged political rhetoric remained the Dragon’s priority
than political correctness, emphasizing coordination between over the next decade.
front and rear echelons and among the various military branches.
Formed in utmost secrecy, the so-called Ghost Regiments
provided the Combine with a concealed reserve which ultimate-
The Combine gained a sizeable advantage in the technology
ly gave the kanrei a means of taking the war back to the enemy
(though this did not overtly deter Davion aggression). Theodore race that followed; the Coordinator’s earlier deal with ComStar
also encouraged commanders to promote soldiers on the grounds had netted the DCMS several BattleMechs that were not com-
of ability and potential rather than by gender or social standing. pletely stripped of Star League technology. Despite the vaunted
Consequently, the number of women holding prominent posts in reputation of the New Avalon Institute of Science within Davion
the DCMS rose substantially, though the installation of a female space, the Combine was able to return numerous lost weapons
Warlord would not occur until decades later. and equipment into limited production earlier than the Federated
The success of Theodore’s policies became clear when the Commonwealth. Nevertheless, the Combine was still woefully un-
newly christened Federated Commonwealth launched a four- prepared for the arrival of the Clans in 3049. The descendants of
prong offensive against the Combine in 3039. General Kerensky’s SLDF, the Clans returned with an eye to con-
The first assault wave succeeded brilliantly as the Federated quering all of the Inner Sphere.
Commonwealth sought to break the Combine and assert the The Combine MechWarriors’ great skill and typical samurai
Federated Commonwealth’s hegemony. Before Hanse Davion ferocity and dedication allowed the DCMS to slow the advanc-
could launch his second wave, however, the DCMS viciously coun- ing Clan hordes (in stark contrast to the performance of other
terattacked. Theodore’s aggressive strategy pushed the FedCom House militaries). Tactics, honed through centuries of combat
forces onto the defensive as the AFFC faced fresh DCMS forces against the less-than-honorable Lyran and Federated Suns forc-
resupplied with Star League-era BattleMechs provided through es allowed the Combine to exploit the strange ritual of battle
the 3030 deal with ComStar. the Clans insisted upon. Proper battlefield selection and prepa-


ration brought the Dragon victory on Wolcott, the first such worlds—Smoke Jaguar, Nova Cat, and Ghost Bear—expect to face
defeat of the Clans by Inner Sphere forces. Thanks to the fore- honorable combat and conduct. The fight was to the death, akin
sight of Theodore’s son Hohiro, the Dragon also acquired several to a sworn vendetta: there would be no surrender, no mercy.
valuable pieces of Clan technology to accelerate the Combine’s When the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats attacked Luthien in
technological development. 3051, they were met by the full force the DCMS could bring to
The Combine citizenry’s refusal to submit and the steadfast bear. The kanrei also went against the Coordinator’s desires and
leadership of Hohiro Kurita also led to the worst atrocity of the requested aid directly from Hanse Davion, who sent the merce-
Clan Invasion. Clan Smoke Jaguar, tired of putting down constant nary Wolf’s Dragoons and Kell Hounds to join the defense of the
damaging guerilla attacks by the resistance fighters on Turtle Bay, Dragon’s capital. Losses were horrendous on both sides. The in-
annihilated the capital city of Edo through orbital bombardment vaders were defeated and forced to retreat from the system.
after the Heir-Designate escaped the Clan’s prison. This brutal- The sheer amount of salvage claimed from that battle pro-
ity was more in keeping with tactics the DCMS expected from its vided an astounding wealth of Clan technology. The Dragon’s
scientists and researchers, skills already honed through re-
Inner Sphere opponents, and it galvanized the Dragon’s citizenry
verse-engineering Star League technology only a decade
and soldiers. No more could the three Clans invading Combine
prior, unlocked the secrets of the Clans’ OmniMech technology.
As a result, the Combine’s military industry debuted its own
THE KOKURYU-KAI ENIGMA OmniMech and pod technology in 3058, placing the DCMS at the
Not all within the Combine’s nobility agreed with the changes enacted by forefront of military technology in the Inner Sphere.
Coordinator Takashi and his son. The Dragon’s newfound focus and more liberal After ComStar halted the Clan Invasion with the Truce of
policies were at odds with those of many hardline, conservative nobles. Within Tukayyid, the Combine moved into another rebuilding phase.
this environment the Kokuryu-kai—the Black Dragon Society—grew exponen- While successful in defending its capital, the Dragon had lost
tially. Originally confined to the mad fancy of Combine nobles wrapped in the more worlds to the Clans, including vital resource and industrial
trappings of history dominated by Shinjiro and Hohiro Kurita, the Black Dragons centers. Combined with the excessive military losses during the
found prestige, money, and strength. Bolstered through this renaissance of two years of the invasion, the Dragon needed time to heal. There
thought, these elder nobles found new life in their younger protégés and began would be a fifteen-year lull before the Clan truce expired. The
suborning those who could assist them in standing against the Coordinator. Not Combine did not rest easily and embarked on a rebuilding plan
even our own people were immune. Echoing shreds of the past, we found our- aimed not just at preparing a defense but at counterattacking to
selves divided once again, though such an ideological division would not surface drive the Clan threat from Combine space.
for several years.
In 3054, Coordinator Takashi Kurita suffered a severe stroke that would end DEATH OF THE ELDER
his life, leaving Theodore as his heir. Despite the new Coordinator’s uncharac- Despite its heavy losses, the DCMS was at its highest level of
teristically open and public testimony, supported with reports from within this performance in centuries. Nearly every soldier was united be-
agency, many subversive Combine news agencies began circulating rumors that hind the single goal of ridding the Combine of the Clan enemy.
Takashi had not gone to his death willingly. These independent sources, a prod- Impressed with the groundswell of civilian support for this singu-
uct of the Combine’s loosening strictures over the last few decades, bolstered lar goal, the Coordinator ordered the creation of an additional fifty
the Black Dragons’ cause through persistence and casting a modicum of doubt proving ground facilities. Recruitment and volunteerism for DCMS
among the populace. These reactionary elements sought a premature return to service was at a record high; many defensive garrisons on worlds
the Combine’s original doctrine of conquest and glory, before Theodore’s reforms along the Clan and Federated Commonwealth borders saw an in-
could destroy the honor and prestige of the DCMS and the Combine. crease in infantry and support regiments. DCMS military academies
The Kokuryu-kai claims six grievances with the Coordinator: were flooded with applicants; those who would have qualified be-
• The continuing détente with the Federated Commonwealth. fore the Clans’ arrival were turned away in droves. The Coordinator
• According common soldiers equal honors alongside noble officers. authorized the creation of several temporary boot camps as an
• Building BattleMech regiments out of yakuza and other criminals, insulting additional avenue to funnel men and materiel into ad hoc conven-
the well-born and properly bred citizens. tional regiments, leaving more room for blossoming MechWarriors.
• Permitting the secession of the Rasalhague people. The Clan Invasion also brought an end to the silent cold war
• Opposing the noble and heroic efforts of Marcus Kurita and his followers in between Takashi and his son Theodore. Unified in thought, honor,
their attempt to redeem the Combine’s honor. and duty at the defense of Luthien, the Coordinator and his kan-
When examined thoroughly, the Black Dragons are simply using a myopic rei turned their attention to removing the Clan threat. Alone of
view of the past in order to claim authority over the Draconis Combine. Because the Inner Sphere nations, the Dragon had defeated the Clans and
this ideology is against the purposes and integrity of the Dragon, it is the ISF’s kept a world inside the Clan occupation zone—a feat not even
duty to completely oppose it. the Federated Commonwealth could claim. With the Dragon’s
—Memo attributed to Ninyu Kerai from Subhash Indrahar, 3058; Imperial direction obvious, the Coordinator and his kin came to a quiet
Court Archives, 3067 agreement with their FedCom neighbor: armed peace until the
Clan threat was neutralized.



The Rock


Drask's Den
Paulus Prime
Santander V
Crellacor Porthos
n VI
Butte Hold
Thule Richmond

Holmsbu Farstar

Star's End Pinnacle

Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
elton Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
sistence Icar Balsta
Bjarred Hartshill
New Caledonia The Edge Turtle Bay
ld St. John Leoben Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Chateau Almunge Virentofta
Lovinac Rodigo Hermagor Nykvarn
Verthandi Slaithwaite
Csesztreg Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
Rasalhague 40 Brihuega
Maxie's Planet Bruben Last Frontier Brailsford
New Oslo Brocchi's Cluster
Kirchbach Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Harvest Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Schuyler Jeanette
cross Planting Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Albiero
Evciler Savinsville Qandahar
Ferleiten Predlitz
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Courchevel Luzerne Matamoras
zli Bangor Pusht-i-rud
kia Spittal Casere McAlister
Leskovik Basiliano Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Svarstaad Wolcott
Engadin Byesville
n Goito
Zoetermeer Dell Marshdale Hyner Multan
Skokie Cheriton Clearfield
Baker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Soverzene Outer Volta
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Sevren Ningxia
Vorarlberg Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Weingarten Memmingen Kempten Teniente
Laurent Thessalonika
Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Thannhausen Kaesong
Graus Irece Meinacos
Cusset Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
Unity Enif
Kobe Thimphu
Bessarabia Heiligendreuz
Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Hyperion Karston Alshain
Tinaca Yamarovka Cyrenaica
Montmarault Hainfeld
l Mualang Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Thun Marawi Charity
Koniz Benfled Satalice Port Arthur
Suk II Kagoshima
Halesowen Sternwerde Tarazed Avon
Galuzzo Skandia New Samarkand
Ardoz Chatham D
Graceland La Grave Domain Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Ballynure Maule Miyada
Carse Nox Setubal Pondicherry
Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Diosd Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Utrecht Tanh Linh Leiston Tabayama
Crimond Quarell Altenmarkt Mizunami
Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Mannedorf Xinyang Bicester Corsica Nueva
Toffen Yumesta Ramgarh
Ramsau Babuyan
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's W
Jabuka Rubigen Meilen Odabasi Zlatousi
Najha Kiesen Paracale Omagh Chinmen Tao
Rasalgethi Dyfed
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Quantra
Pilkhua Darius Sakai
Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Dehgolan Brasha
Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
Garrison Fatima Al Hillah Dante
Osmus Saar Oshika Morthac
Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime Goubellat
Dnepropetrovsk Calish I
Ganshoren Tamsalu
stra Lucianca Awano Budingen
Leganes Port Moseby Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calish
Minowa Schirmeck
Apostica Buckminster Tatsuno
Sakhalin Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
ngen Breukelen Symington Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Accrington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Alegro Lushann
Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
Carstairs Auldhouse Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
Yed Prior Valmiera Kaznejoy Sev
Kirkcaldy Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Matsuida
Cebalrai Apriki Kinkaid II
Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Alexandria Yed Posterior Alnasi Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
New Wessex Minakuchi Hagiwawa Koping Chian Igualada Groveld III
Eaton Baxter Rukbat
Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
hittington Freedom Kimball II Eltanin Umijiri Capra Kesai IV
s Irurzun Dor
Marfik Alya Kitalpha Gandy's Luck
Konstance Arlington Huan
Nekkar Izar Kaus Borealis Bryceland
Shitara Algedi Marlowe's Rift
urieston Waddesdon Donenac Misery Tancredi IV
Ryde Komephoros Conroe
Zebeneschamali Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet
Kessel Thestria K
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Harpster
New Aberdeen Cimeron
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Shimonita
Junction Bergman's Planet Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Glengarry Piedmont Ludwig
Ascella Chichibu Galtor III Elidere IV McGehee
Gladius Unukalhai Moore Harrow's Sun Brookeland
Kuzuu Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Sturgis
Kochab Dromini VI Ashio Marduk
Alphecca New Mendham
Kurhah McComb Barlow's End Damevang
Seginus Sabik Glenmora De Berry
Skye Skondia Yance I
Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Choudrant Broa
Laiaka Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Alkalurops Atria Lapida II Homam Paris Royal
Zebebelgenubi Halstead Station Rowe Fallon II Brundage
Alkaid Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Ko Telos IV Scheat
Syrma Nusakan Biham Sadachbia Sadalbari Proserpina Tallmadge
Dyev Pike IV Breed Ottumwa Greeley
Carsphairn Lyons Melcher
Athenry Ancha Hoff
Galatea Imbros III Nashira Skat New Ivaarsen Sakhara V
Summer Al Na'ir Cylene Fellanin II Klathandu IV Fairfax Morrill
Alcor Menkent Murchison Sun Prairie Adrian
Vindemiatrix Mizar Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Dobson Bettendorf Princton
Zollikofen Nirasaki Markab Chan
Cor Caroli Yorii Dieron
Muphrid David Dahar IV Urich
Le Blanc
Alioth Chara
Thorin Altair Saffel Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII Waunakee
Gacrux Quentin Lucerne Verde
MiltonLipton Rigil Kentarus Helen Franklin
Fomalhaut Towne Raman Doneval II Maynard
Zaniah Denebola New Earth Ozawa Allerton Mayetta Sylvan
Zavijava Terra Caph Northwind Errai Mallory's World Protection
Alchiba Clovis Rochester
Phecda Alula Australis Junior
Sirius Addicks Tarkio
Shiloh Wing Wyatt Keid Ronel Cartago Emporia Sauk City
Zosma Oliver Graham IV Small World Deneb Kaitos Ankaa Elbar Hickok
New Home Olancha Exeter Colchester Pattonsbrug
Dubhe Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III Robinson Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
elle Alhena Chertan Callison
CastorDevil's Rock Sheratan Potwin
Ruchbah Schedar Ulysses
Carver V

Kalidasa Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Fletcher Kawich Basalt DeWitt Larned Lexington Peabody Mokane
Dieudonne Tigress Palmyra
Talitha Rio Edwards
Nopah Achernar Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Bordon Caselton Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
ope Van Diemen IV Outreach Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Capolla Bharat Logandale Evansville
Nathan Hall Nanking

Azha Hamal
Yangtze Tikonov
Corydon Ramona
Adhafera Savannah Elgin New Valencia Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Acubens Mira Goderich Kestrel
Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
Tania Borealis Alphard Arboris Tawas
Irian Hsien Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport
Tall Trees
Genoa Kansu
Algol Buchlau
New Hessen
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Plymouth Mansfield
Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Euclid
Pleione Halloran V
Markesan Streator Northfield
Willowick 3050 (PRE-WAR) BORDER
Gan Singh Poznan Ulan Batar Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion New Aragon Amiga McHenry
Menkar Coloma Meinrad
r Kyrkbacken Valexa Delavan
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia
Shensi Jonathan Leamington
Bernardo Goshen Weldon
Abadan Styk Hunan Foochow
Scudder Odell Augusta
Coreward Kettering
Ibstock Asuncion St. Andre Ashkum Tecumseh Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Mi
Park Place Shipka Highspire
Asellus Borealis Second Try Axton New Avalon Perdido

Palos New Macao Emerson Galax

Ling Yunnah Wei Freisland
Lungdo Sorunda Ventabren Zaurak Manassas Shubuta

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Second Chance
Elnath Menkib
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Corey Matsu Dothan Molino
Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam
Wazan Remshield
Emris IV New Delos Harsefeld Old Kentucky Steeles
Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Kathil 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8Reisterstown PARSECS Covington

Operation REVIVAL (3052)

Sarna Tsingtao

Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora

Semenyih Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
Lesalles Sarmaxa Salem Wedgefield
Kiyev Matheran Randar
Carbonis Bithinia
Ingersoll Capella Ares
Chakachamna Rimward

Bandora No Return New Sagan Meglan/Victoria Gulkana Sabanillas
Waxell Waimalu
Daneshmand Les Halles Necromo
Geifer Bethel Novaya Zemlya
ugli Eom Propus Capricorn III
Monhegan Susulatna
Masterson Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk
Kashilla Nashuar Notwina
huna Boardwalk Gei-Fu Alcyone

Enter the Black Dragons FALL OF THE JAGUAR

As the Combine adjusted to life with an occupying force at its The Clans’ twilight began with the Star League’s restoration
breast and a détente with its long-standing neighbors, a group of on Tharkad, though the military actions to follow were still in
insurrectionist conspirators rose. These collaborators, who called the theoretical stage. Before much groundwork could be laid,
themselves the Kokuryu-kai (Black Dragon Society), believed they however, the Black Dragons struck again. An assassination at-
knew best what path the Dragon should tread and used their tempt, sponsored and carried out by a fanatical Kokuryu-kai cell
growing influence to attempt steering the Combine onto a path on Luthien, targeted Archon Prince Victor Steiner-Davion. The
that did not truly fit the Kuritan way. son of Hanse Davion, he was a key leader of a future campaign
The Black Dragons’ first major action came when they sub- against the Clans. Black Dragon agents slipped into the com-
orned several DCMS regiments—led by the Fifteenth Dieron
pound where he was visiting with the Coordinator’s daughter
Regulars—to carry out an unauthorized assault on Towne. The
Omi Kurita, Keeper of the House Honor. The Archon Prince was
Davion world was close to the Federated Commonwealth’s de-
taking steps to immerse himself in the Dragon’s culture, to bet-
stabilized Terran corridor. Encouraged by the recent request for
ter understand its people before leading the charge to remove
aid from the Commonwealth in keeping peace within the Lyons
the Clan threat from the Combine’s worlds. The assassination
Thumb region, the Black Dragons believed Towne would be an
easy mark. They assumed the Federated Commonwealth could attempt failed, prompting Director Kerai-Indrahar to order an-
not control its border worlds as it dealt with internal strife that other purge of the ISF.
threatened to tear the alliance asunder. Operation BULLDOG launched in 3059, utilizing nearly forty
Instead, the assault was rebuffed by the local Towne militia DCMS regiments and a smaller military coalition from around
and a handful of mercenaries under Chandrasekhar Kurita’s em- the Inner Sphere. Thirsting for vengeance, the Dragon’s forces
ploy, and the Fifteenth returned to the Dragon in shame. The ISF led the assaults to reclaim worlds seized by both the Smoke
hunted down the Kokuryu-kai cells and contacts believed respon- Jaguars and the Nova Cats. The Combine soldiers performed
sible for the debacle. As the Dragon moved to save face from the admirably. Seeds planted by Minoru a few years before bore
incident, the Black Dragons struck again. fruit as the Coordinator’s son convinced Clan Nova Cat’s lead-
In 3058, during a birthday parade in honor of the ership to join with the SLDF coalition. The Clan’s defection
Coordinator, Kokuryu-kai agents who had infiltrated the ISF, accelerated the Jaguars’ collapse, leading to a rout that the
Otomo, and other DCMS command positions attempted to as- SLDF pursued all the way back to the Clan Homeworlds. Few
sassinate Theodore. They blamed the Coordinator’s reforms for of the Dragon’s troops went the distance, instead remaining to
the degradation of Combine society and accused him of ca- restore order to liberated systems. Unsurprisingly, every one
vorting with the Dragon’s ancient enemies. The attempt failed of the thirty-nine regiments assigned to BULLDOG returned in
thanks to the timely intervention of the Ninth Ghost Regiment some manner. The First Genyosha, which accompanied Hohiro
and Chandrasekhar’s mercenaries. Kurita and General Steiner-Davion to the Clan Homeworlds,
Both attacks exposed critical flaws in the ISF’s operations covered themselves in honor by convincingly winning one of
and the hardline attitudes that still existed within the upper the honor duels that brought an end to the Clan’s stalled inva-
echelons of the DCMS. Theodore hoped to correct the DCMS is-
sion. No more would the threat of a renewed invasion hang
sues through marginalization and reassignment but gave new
over the Dragon.
ISF Director Ninyu Kerai-Indrahar carte blanche in cleaning the
As the Clan war wound down, Theodore ordered the creation
agency’s house.
of Irece Prefecture and offered these worlds as havens for the
As efforts to cleanse the realm of the rising Black Dragon scourge
Clan Nova Cat defectors. The move was calculated to minimize
began, the Coordinator authorized his younger son Minoru to ven-
tensions, which had not abated despite the Nova Cats’ change
ture into the Clan Occupation Zones on a mission of diplomacy.
Theodore perceived a shift in Clan Nova Cat’s behavior; the mission of allegiance. Minoru, a bondsman to the Clan by choice, contin-
was a gamble that the Coordinator’s more spiritually sensitive son ued his efforts to help the cast-out Clan turncoats integrate with
could open up a shift in the region’s balance of power. Combine civilization.
At the same time, the first Whitting Conference, born of the In 3061, as the SLDF returned victorious from the Clan
efforts of an interstellar coalition on Coventry within the now- Homeworlds, the second Whitting Conference saw the election
sundered Lyran half of the Federated Commonwealth, bore of Coordinator Theodore Kurita as First Lord of the Star League.
interesting fruit. The gathering of leaders, the first in a genera- Though such a lofty goal had been the dream of the other Great
tion, saw the unanticipated rebirth of the Star League. Central Houses, Lord Kurita assured the Combine citizenry that the
to this agreement was the understanding of a unified effort Dragon’s true goals and founding principles would not be aban-
to take the fight back to the Clans before the Tukayyid truce doned. First Lordship was only the next step in the continuation
expired in 3067. of the Dragon’s plan.


SINISTER CONFLICT More disturbing was the sudden, simultaneous departure of

Any hopes of a long-term peace for the Dragon were shattered four Alshain Avengers regiments. The fanatical troops reappeared
in 3062 when the Combine came under assault from multiple at Clan Ghost Bear’s capital world of Alshain and initiated a bloody
fronts. The Coordinator’s annexation of the worlds in the Lyons assault that ended in the regiments’ annihilation. Provoked and
Thumb may have been the catalyst for what was to come. With led by Black Dragon subversives, the assault brought about a
the worlds under assault by mercenaries masquerading as Lyran swift and brutal response from the Ghost Bears. The Clan surged
and Combine troops, Lord Kurita used his power as First Lord to across the underdefended Combine border as DCMS forces were
absorb the troubled systems. Investigations conducted by the ISF quickly reassigned from the Periphery and FedCom borders.
have since shown the mercenaries carrying out the attacks were Draconis March Duke James Sandoval took advantage of the
hired by individuals with strong ties to the Kokury-kai. The sub- sudden surge of troop movements and launched his own reprisal
versive society managed to force the Combine’s hand and nearly war into the Combine. By the end of 3062, nearly every region bor-
started another war in doing so. Such a war the Combine was not dering the Ghost Bear Dominion and the former FedCom states
yet ready to undertake. became hot zones. Minor raiding or full-scale assault threatened
Escalating the situation, mercenary forces and a few Kuritan all of the Dragon’s worlds within jump range of the borders.
support regiments commanded by Black Dragon sympathizers The heaviest fighting of 3062 occurred along the Ghost
struck several worlds in the Draconis March. These troops fought Bear front. Tai-shu Teyasu Ashora, Warlord of the Pesht Military
with uninhibited zeal, hitting Robinson, Markab, and Doneval II. District, fell battling the Clan’s saKhan on Schuyler and was im-
The units perished to the last man, adding fuel to the powder mediately replaced with the Coordinator’s wife, Tai-sho Tomoe
keg along the Federated Commonwealth border. With the former Sakade. The Coordinator sent out execution orders for all surviv-
Commonwealth on the cusp of civil war, the former countrymen ing members of the Alshain Avengers, but the offer failed to curb
would inevitably set upon each other, and the Black Dragons at- the Clan assault. The Dragon braced for another brutal wave at
tempted to light the fuse early. the start of 3063, but none materialized. Clan Hell’s Horses had


Tai-shu Tomoe Sakade entered the Combine-Dominion war through less than auspicious means. Reassigned to the position by her husband the Coordinator, she faced
not only the ferocity of the Ghost Bear assault but also lingering prejudices inherent to the Combine’s culture. A woman had never before been promoted to the prestigious
position of military district Warlord, and many under her command did not know how to take the promotion.
Sakade was a capable commander and a superb tactician. She was also very outspoken but played the part of the Coordinator’s wife well. She was previously the military
commander of Kagoshima Prefecture, a position Theodore had given her partly to assuage her warrior spirit. The honor of being entrusted with Luthien’s protection was not
lost on the former tai-sho. By several accounts, she actually resisted Theodore’s command to step into the tai-shu’s role after the death of Teyasu Ashora.
The Ghost Bears penetrated into the Combine in their initial wave, striking Schulyer and ten other worlds in Albiero Prefecture. With limited defensive forces available,
Sakade knew another push by the Bears would easily swallow the rest of the district. The tai-shu proposed a daring plan, one the Coordinator was intimately familiar with:
strike back into the teeth of the Clan’s assault and fool the Bears into thinking the Combine was stronger than it was. This plan was identical in theory and operation to the
one Theodore had carried out in the War of 3039.
Sakade targeted several Dominion worlds for the counterattack, using ISF and O5P data to select areas where sizable manufacturing centers or military depots were
located. On 25 December 3062, most of the forces assigned to the Pesht Military District jumped out and struck twelve Dominion systems. The DCMS units were to hold their
assigned targets for as long as they could and then retreat before receiving more than twenty-five percent losses.
The plan was solid and could have succeeded, save a few critical factors. Many of the commanders under Sakade believed her plan was flawed. As such, they took liberties
to amend their assaults—including timing—to incorporate what they deemed more “honorable elements.” Others refused to believe a woman could come up with any
type of strategy and found ways to stall or circumvent their orders.
Whatever the reason, only half of the operation went off as planned, leaving several regiments without appropriate support or needed firepower. Those forces that did
follow orders were not enough to stop the Ghost Bear advance cold, though it did contribute to the Bears’ reconsideration of launching the second wave. Nonetheless, Tai-shu
Sakade’s forces were severely damaged by the botched operation, which her enemies used as evidence of her unfitness for command.
Shamed by the actions of her subordinates, Sakade returned to Luthien to discuss the situation with the Coordinator. The Courchevel Challenge was the tai-shu’s idea,
along with several other small mini-offensives designed to keep the Bears in stalemate. Knowing she could not return to her command without the full respect and honor
due her as Warlord, she opted to take the samurai’s path out. By committing seppuku, she opened the way for the Coordinator to salvage the situation with a new Warlord at
the helm. Her honorable death also proved her detractors wrong; shamed, they were awarded the Honor of the Wakizashi at the end of the conflict.
The Coordinator named Tai-shu Tomoe Sakade as the first female recipient of the Glory of the Fallen Samurai in 3064.
—The Dragon’s Tears Flow in Many Forms; Imperial Press, 3065



The Rock

Drask's Den
Paulus Prime
Santander V

Crellacor Porthos
Butte Hold
Thule Richmond
Operation BULLDOG
Holmsbu Farstar

Star's End Pinnacle

Constance Idlewind Tarnby
Outpost Schwartz Gravenhage
ton Susquehanna Altona
Svelvik Rockland
stence Icar Balsta
Bjarred Hartshill
New Caledonia The Edge Turtle Bay
d St. John Leoben Trondheim
New Bergen Salford Nowhere
Chateau Almunge Virentofta
Lovinac Rodigo Hermagor Nykvarn
Verthandi Slaithwaite
Csesztreg First Ghost Bear - 40
Stapelfeld Sawyer Chapineria Leyland
Maxie's Planet Rasalhague
New Oslo CombineLast War
Brocchi's Cluster
Kirchbach Garstedt Coudoux
Romulus Harvest Liezen (3063)
Radlje Chupadero Algate Chorley
Dawn Polcenigo Lonaconing Ad Duwayd
Seiduts Vipaava Jezersko Kabah Echo
Schuyler Jeanette
ross Planting Unzmarkt Hanover Korramabad
Mozirje Feltre Ferleiten Albiero
Evciler Qandahar
Vantaa Ridderkerk Hohenems Courchevel Luzerne Matamoras
i Bangor Pusht-i-rud
a Spittal Casere McAlister
Leskovik Basiliano Macksburg Espakeh Rezak's Hole
Engadin Byesville Wolcott
Hyner Herndon
Zoetermeer Dell Marshdale Multan
Skokie Cheriton Clearfield
aker 3 Moritz Stanzach Radstadt Labrea
Kandis Abagnar
Vulcan Maldonado Loysville Land's End
Soverzene Outer Volta
Tamar Abiy Adi Hongor
Sevren Ningxia
Vorarlberg Pesht Tuscarawas Linqing
Dompaire Weingarten Memmingen Kempten Teniente
Laurent Thessalonika
Juazeiro Ebensburg Kokpekty
Colmar Volders Thannhausen Kaesong
Graus Irece Meinacos
Cusset Caripare Sertar
Sudeten Maestu Gunzburg Sheliak Huaide
Unity Enif
Kobe Thimphu
Bessarabia Heiligendreuz
Hassi R'mel Soul
Blair Atholl Biota Shaula Hyperion Karston Alshain
Tinaca Yamarovka Cyrenaica
Montmarault Hainfeld
Marawi Mualang Asgard Monywa
Rastaban Thun Kilmarnock Charity
Koniz Benfled Satalice Port Arthur
Suk II Kagoshima
Halesowen Sternwerde
Skandia Tarazed New Samarkand
Galuzzo Ardoz Avon Chatham Dn
raceland La Grave Domain Luthien Shimonoseki Suianheer
Ballynure Maule Miyada
Carse Nox Setubal Pondicherry
Kanowit Chirala
Pandora Kiamba Baruun Urt Sighisoara
Diosd Utrecht Eguilles Krenice Braunton Kazanka
Orkney Tanh Linh Leiston
Crimond Quarell Mizunami Tabayama
Ramsau Altenmarkt Dumaring Worrell Koulen
Mannedorf Xinyang Bicester Corsica Nueva
Toffen Yumesta Ramgarh
Tomans Lothan Ban Na San Milligan's Wo
Jabuka Rubigen Meilen Odabasi Zlatousi
Najha Kiesen Paracale Omagh Chinmen Tao
Rasalgethi Dyfed
Grunwald Tukayyid Ogano Keihoku Zalaf
Borghese Fort Loudon Chandler Yardley Philadelphia
Ueda Quantrain
Pilkhua Darius Sakai
Dehgolan Midway Bad News
Numki Arkab Dover
Kelenfold Karbala Brasha
Surcin Meacham Iijima Sanda Tiflis Sinope
Caldrea Silkeborg Isesaki
Blue Diamond Shirotori Baldur Simferopol
Grumium Havdhem Agematsu
Sulafat Tok Do Shibukawa Peacock Nakaojo Sverdlovsk
arrison Fatima Al Hillah Dante
Osmus Saar Oshika Morthac Q
Morningside Orestes Camlann Mersa Matruh Koumi Galedon V
Trolloc Prime Goubellat
Dnepropetrovsk Calish II
Ganshoren Tamsalu
ra Lucianca Awano Budingen
Leganes Port Moseby Aix-la-Chapelle Sakuranoki Cosenza Dindatari Calish II
Minowa Schirmeck
Apostica Buckminster Tatsuno
Sakhalin Helsingfors Togura Hachiman Nadrin
gen Breukelen Symington Cadiz Handa Senorbi
Accrington Aubisson Falsterbo Kirei Na Niwa Delitzsch Alegro Lushann
Phalan Kajikazawa Vanern Kawabe Valentina
Carstairs Auldhouse Hun Ho
Shimosuwa Saaremaa
Eaglesham Shionoha Fukuroi Benjamin Shaul Khala Weisau
Yed Prior Valmiera Kaznejoy Sevo
Kirkcaldy Annapolis Beta Mensae V Waldheim
Corridan IV Matsuida
Cebalrai Apriki Kinkaid II
Sutama Monistrol Niles
Edasich Alexandria Yed Posterior Alnasi Ljugarn Delacruz
Tsukude Altdorf
New Wessex Minakuchi Hagiwawa Koping Chian Igualada Groveld III
Eaton Baxter Rukbat
Vega Altais An Ting Crestoblus
ttington Freedom Kimball II Eltanin Umijiri Capra Kesai IV
Marfik Alya Irurzun Dorm
Kitalpha Arlington Gandy's Luck
Izar Konstance Huan Bryceland
Nekkar Kaus Borealis Shitara Algedi Marlowe's Rift
rieston Waddesdon Donenac Tancredi IV
Ryde Komephoros
Kaus Australis Reisling's Planet
Misery Conroe DCMS Reprisals Ken
Kessel Thestria
Carnwath Kaus Media Dabih Albalii Harpster
New Aberdeen Cimeron (3064)
Chaffee La Blon Alrakis Shimonita
Junction Bergman's Planet Cassias Latexo Anguilla Lyceum Haynesville
Glengarry Piedmont Ludwig
Ascella Chichibu Galtor III Elidere IV McGehee
Gladius Unukalhai Moore Harrow's Sun Brookeland
Kuzuu Barlow's Folly Wapakoneta Udibi Colia Sturgis
Kochab Dromini VI Ashio Marduk
Alphecca New Mendham
Kurhah McComb Barlow's End Damevang
Seginus Sabik Glenmora De Berry
Skye Skondia Yance I
Lambrecht Tannil Tripoli Benet III Bremond Pascagoula
Matar Choudrant Broad
Laiaka Kervil Shinonoi Lima
Alkalurops Atria Lapida II Homam Paris Royal
Zebebelgenubi Halstead Station Rowe Fallon II Brundage
Alkaid Crossing Fairfield Tishomingo
Ko Telos IV Scheat
Syrma Nusakan Biham Sadachbia Sadalbari Proserpina Tallmadge
Dyev Breed Greeley
Carsphairn Lyons
Imbros III
Pike IV
Athenry Ancha DCMS ReprisalsHoff
New Ivaarsen
Melcher Ottumwa
Galatea Nashira Skat Fellanin II Sakhara V
Summer Klathandu IV
Menkent Al Na'ir Cylene
(3064) Fairfax Morrill
Vindemiatrix Lyons
Mizar Thumb
Asta Styx Deneb Algedi Murchison
Markab Dobson Bettendorf
Sun Prairie
Zollikofen Dieron Nirasaki Chanu
Cor Caroli
annexed Muphrid
David Le Blanc
Dahar IV Urich
Alioth Chara Altair Waunakee
Gacrux (3062)Lipton
Rigil Kentarus
Quentin Galatia III Mara Xhosa VII
Lucerne Franklin
Fomalhaut Towne Raman Doneval II Maynard
Zaniah Denebola New Earth Ozawa Allerton Mayetta Sylvan N
Zavijava Terra Caph Errai
Northwind Mallory's World Protection
Alchiba Clovis Rochester
Phecda Alula Australis Junior
Sirius Addicks Tarkio
Shiloh Wing Wyatt Graham IV Keid Ankaa Ronel Elbar Cartago Emporia Sauk City
Zosma Oliver Small World Deneb Kaitos Hickok
New Home Olancha Exeter Colchester Pattonsbrug
Dubhe Epsilon Indi Hean New Rhodes III Robinson Necedah Linneus
Marcus Pollux Procyon Bryant Ingress Kentares IV
le Alhena Chertan Callison
CastorDevil's Rock Sheratan Potwin
Ruchbah Schedar Ulysses

Kalidasa Liberty Epsilon Eridani Tybalt Mirach Johnsondale Layover Macomb
Fletcher Kawich Basalt DeWitt Larned Lexington Peabody Mokane
Dieudonne Tigress Palmyra
Talitha Edwards
Nopah Achernar Rio Avawatz Newton Keytesville
Bordon Caselton Cholame Bogard Sullivan St. Robert
pe Van Diemen IV Outreach Terra Firma Woodstock Angol Rosamond Blandinsville Quincy
Capolla Bharat Logandale Evansville
Nathan Hall Nanking

Azha Hamal
Yangtze Tikonov
Corydon Ramona
Adhafera Savannah Elgin New Valencia Delphos Monroe Tsamma
Acubens Mira Goderich Kestrel
Slocum Alrescha Beecher Imbrial III
ania Borealis Alphard Arboris Tawas
Irian Hsien Mesartim Parma Gambier Mauckport
Tall Trees
Genoa Kansu
Algol Buchlau
New Hessen
Wroxeter Batavia Saunemin
Kirklin Sodus
Plymouth Mansfield
Berenson Saiph Bristol Flushing Petrolia
Ningpo Vicente
New Canton Listowel Cahokia
Augustine Menkalinan Liao Demeter Chesterton Euclid
Pleione Halloran V
Markesan Streator Northfield
Willowick 3052 (PRE-WAR) BORDER
Gan Singh Poznan Ulan Batar Farwell Bluford
Avellaneda Hamilton O'Fallon
Angell II Zion New Aragon Amiga McHenry
Menkar Coloma Meinrad
Kyrkbacken Valexa Delavan
Tiskilwa Strawn Saginaw Xenia
Shensi Jonathan Leamington
Bernardo Goshen Weldon
Abadan Styk Hunan Foochow
Scudder Odell Augusta
Coreward Kettering
Ibstock Asuncion St. Andre Ashkum Tecumseh Ipava

Holt Foot Fall Chebanse


Oceana Leipsic
Suzano Tsitsang Bell Numenor Defiance
Asellus Australis Beten Kaitos Argyle Andalusia Mine
Park Place Shipka Highspire
Asellus Borealis Second Try Axton New Avalon Perdido

Palos New Macao Emerson Galax

Ling Yunnah Wei Freisland
Lungdo Sorunda Ventabren Zaurak Manassas Shubuta

Gomeisa Mandate Acala Talcott Belladonna

Second Chance
Elnath Menkib
Torrence Point Barrow
Nova Roma Corey Matsu Dothan Molino
Ulan Bator Sakhalin Antietam
Wazan Remshield
Emris IV New Delos Harsefeld Old Kentucky Steeles
Fuentes Quemoy Kaifeng Heligoland Perkasie El Dorado
Chamdo Lee Kathil 120 LIGHT YEARS OR 26,8 PARSECS Covington

FedCom Civil War (3067)

Sarna Tsingtao
Reisterstown Baxley

Vanra Campertown Raballa Bora

Semenyih Hassad Truth Bastian Hephzibah
Lesalles Sarmaxa Salem Wedgefield
Kiyev Matheran Randar M
Carbonis Bithinia
Ingersoll Capella Ares Andro

74 Daneshmand Les Halles

Bandora No Return
New Sagan Meglan/Victoria
Gulkana Rimward Waimalu
Geifer Necromo Bethel M
Novaya Zemlya
gli Eom Propus Capricorn III
Monhegan Susulatna
Masterson Relevow Nunivak Sparrevohn Waipahu
Cordiagr Aldertaine Daniels Tatlawiksuk
Kashilla Nashuar Notwina
una Boardwalk Gei-Fu Alcyone

struck the Ghost Bears’ opposite border, and the Bears reposi- broad discretionary powers to his generals along the front.
tioned their forces to account for the new threat. With no new Eager to exact just punishment for the damage inflicted upon
forces to carry out their next wave, the Bears maintained low- the Combine from the ambitious Sandovals, several DCMS
er-intensity warfare as the front lines turned into slugfests that regiments struck Draconis March worlds in a series of reprisal
ground up troops on both sides. raids and assaults. The Dragon’s forces landed and smashed
Newly promoted Tai-shu Kiyomori Minamoto, Warlord of the through the AFFC defenders. Though a few assaults failed, the
Pesht Military District, issued the Courchevel Challenge in late Combine found success over the next two years. The Draconis
3063, a plan designed to end the conflict with honor and without March sued for peace after Tancred Sandoval succeeded his
further bloodshed. The Ghost Bear khans accepted the terms of father as duke. The Combine retained the important industrial
the challenge—a series of one-on-one warrior duels in the style and resource worlds of Breed and Kesai IV but released the re-
of the Star League Gunslingers—which would restore the pre- maining contested worlds after March forces withdrew from the
Alshain borders. Courchevel, where the Trial would take place, assaulted Combine systems. Though peace has settled across
would go to whichever side won. Representatives from all surviv- the border, tensions remain high as the rechristened Federated
ing units that took part in the conflict met for the battle. While Commonwealth settles from its recent civil war.
the Bears carried the day, the sixteen other contested worlds were
returned to Combine control. EVER THE DRAGON TRIUMPHS
The brutal fighting on both borders destroyed or damaged
ntallos (Port Krin)

Freed from the Clan threat, the Dragon turned its attention
back to the Federated Commonwealth in preparation to oust the many DCMS regiments. Kurita forces faced a more highly orga-
nized and determined opposition than they had during Operation
Draconis March invaders. The ISF carried out another purge of
BULLDOG with little backup. Many regiments remain depleted
Black Dragon sympathizers, targeting local ISF and DCMS person-
below operational capacity, though efforts continued in restoring
nel situated along the Dominion border.
Prinis Prime

them back to fighting strength.
More importantly, the ISF maintained its focus on locating as

many threads of the Kokuryu-kai as possible. Evidence on numer-


DARKNESS RISING ous worlds pointed to Black Dragon involvement in the recent
Troops were relocated from the Ghost Bear front and plans conflicts. A propaganda campaign was initiated to reinforce the
drawn up for a counterstrike into the Draconis March. Without

cultural integrity of House Kurita, with a return to using ancient

Quatre Belle
warning, Keeper of the House Honor Omi Kurita was slain by an Japanese feudal titles and more accessible cultural programs for
assassin on 15 March 3064. The Black Dragons were suspected of the working classes. The majority of the Dragon’s citizens knows
the deed, but the ISF never discovered incontrovertible evidence. only that some renegade elements operated in their midst. While
Efforts to locate the assassin and prevent word of the horrific

the full magnitude of the Black Dragon’s involvement remains

tragedy from leaking became top priority, as the Imperial Court concealed from view, much of the blame for the recent conflict
did not want her death to be capitalized upon. All HPG traffic and has been heaped upon Theodore, a burden the Coordinator bears
JumpShip transit beyond Kagoshima Prefecture’s borders were with Kuritan honor.
heavily monitored as no effort was spared to find the killer. When
As the decade continues to unwind, new threats emerge and
found, there was no fanfare; the borders were simply relaxed and

old ones resurface. Maintaining honor and duty in the midst of
normal traffic resumed. so many adversities—great and small—is a common cycle of life
Honor demanded more than the mere recapture of planets for the Kuritan. Until the universe understands and submits to the
Milligan assaulted by Duke Sandoval. Rather than declare open war on glory of House Kurita, it will ever remain a constant. Such is the
the Federated Commonwealth, the Coordinator instead gave way of the Draconis Combine.













he Draconis Combine is second in size to the neighboring HOW TO READ THIS ATLAS
Federated Suns, containing 323 inhabited star systems. The following section reviews many of the Combine’s key
Going simply by the Combine’s stellar borders, the Dragon worlds, arranged by military district—Pesht, Benjamin, Galedon,
easily swallows all of the Periphery nations as well as the Capellan and Dieron—and containing statistical, cultural, and historical
Confederation—though it would not match the sheer number of information. Each world description contains a block of statis-
populated systems. Cutting through the heart of Kurita’s realm tics, including world name, noble ruler, primary star type, and
lies the Draconis Rift, a swath of empty space devoid of habitable JumpShip recharging time in hours. Planetary position, DropShip
systems. Popular Kurita mythology describes the Rift as the loca- travel times to standard jump points with normal acceleration,
tion of the Dragon’s heart; guarded in mystery and unreachable number and names of moons or other satellites, planetary grav-
by mortal men. ity, atmospheric quality, surface water, and highest type of native
The vast arms of the Dragon’s realm requires a significant life are listed as well. In addition, the classification of local hyper-
commitment from its district bureaucrats as they journey from pulse stations is provided, along with the most recent estimate of
one system to another. Throughout his lifetime, a typical mid- planetary population.
level inspector can accumulate a minimum of twenty years in The final statistic listed is the Universal Socio-Industrial Index
travel time just between worlds within their district. With such Rating (USIIR), a five-letter code that uses an A through F grading
heavy dependence on interstellar transportation, the Combine system to represent (in order) a settled world’s level of techno-
is always in need of experienced crews and techs to maintain the logical sophistication, industrial development, dependence on
Dragon’s expansive commercial fleet. imported raw materials, industrial output (relative to population)
Systems located along the Combine’s border typically see and agricultural dependence (relative to population). The USIIR
heightened security, and non-Kuritan travelers are scrutinized Table below explains these gradations.
thoroughly. Border patrols are more lax with those planets
located further within, but the ever-vigilant ISF maintains a
strong presence to discourage the more curious—and possibly
Rating Description
A Fully self-sufficient. System produces all needed raw
materials and may export in large quantities.
B Mostly self-sufficient. System produces all needed raw
materials and may export a small surplus.
C Self-sustaining. System produces some of its needed raw
materials and imports the rest.
TECHNOLOGICAL SOPHISTICATION D Dependent. System is poor in raw materials and must import
Rating Description most of its material needs.
A High-tech world. Advanced research centers and universities; F Heavily dependent. System utterly reliant on imported
best medical care; cutting-edge microelectronics industry. materials to maintain industry and population.
B Advanced world. Access to new technologies; hosts universities;
good medical care available (though lacking the most cutting- INDUSTRIAL OUTPUT
edge medical tech); basic microelectronics industry. Rating Description
C Moderately advanced world. Average local education and A High output. World has wide industrial and commercial base
medical care; minimal microelectronics industry (must be capable of exporting most of its products.
imported for sale). B Good output. World’s industrial and commercial base is
D Lower-tech world. Poor educational system; medical sufficient for modest product export.
technology equivalent to 21st-22nd century level; C Limited output. World has a small industrial base that limits
nonexistent microelectronics industry (excepting possible exports; imported goods are common.
isolated regions run by private concerns). D Negligible output. World’s industrial base is insufficient for
F Primitive world. Inhabitants live without dependence on major exports. Reliant on imported goods.
technology; no advanced education; medical care equivalent F No output. World must import most—if not all—of its heavy
to 20th century level (at best). industrial and high-tech needs.


Rating Description Rating Description
A Heavily industrialized. Capable of manufacturing any and all A Breadbasket. Planetary agro industries meet all local needs
complex products. and sustain a thriving export trade.
B Moderately industrialized. May produce a limited quantity B Abundant world. Rich agricultural environment sustains
and range of complex products. local needs and permits limited exports.
C Basic heavy industry. Equivalent to roughly 22nd century C Modest agriculture. Most food is locally produced, though
tech; fusion technology possible, but no complex products some agricultural needs rely on imports.
(including BattleMechs). D Poor agriculture. Minimal agricultural output forces heavy
D Low industrialization. Roughly equivalent to mid-20th reliance on off-world imports to sustain the local population.
century level; fusion technology must be imported. F Barren world. World’s agricultural output cannot sustain the
F No industrialization. local population without continuous off-world imports.



The worlds of the Pesht Military District are the backbone of the Draconis Combine.
Economically stable and removed from hostile powers, these were the main destination
for refugees of the Clan Invasion. Periphery border worlds have seen an increase in popu-
lation and industry from these relocations, and few refugees have any desire to return to
their native systems.
The Clan Invasion brought to Pesht the violence of war that centuries of Succession
Wars failed to do. Seeing their homes and livelihoods crushed under the oppressive
Clan heel inspired many citizens to resist in whatever form they could manage.
As such, the people of the Pesht district are proud, fierce, and loyal, especially
those worlds freed from a decade of Clan tyranny.
Industrial expansion is high throughout the district. An abundance of re-
sources, especially in the worlds of Qandahar Prefecture, has provided new
growth opportunities for the Combine’s military industry as the DCMS
takes advantage of the Second Star League’s cooperative spirit. The
Imperial Court liberally grants support and autonomy to Pesht, which
has boosted citizen confidence and loyalty to the Coordinator.
Irece Prefecture remains a singular source of concern. The Nova
Cat “experiment” is less than a decade old, and already fissures are
noticeable between the Clan and the resident Kuritan population.
Relocation services are backlogged with requests, though the ISF has
worked diligently to reduce interactions between Draconians and the Clan. Public sentiment towards the Clan is somewhat reduced in
hostility, though it will take only a singular instance of perceived perfidy to stoke the fires of animosity once again.

LUTHIEN than two centuries. The construction of Imperial City secured

Planetary Ruler: Coordinator Theodore Kurita Luthien’s place as the Combine’s new capital.
Star Type (Recharge Time): G0III (181 hours) The crown jewel is the sprawling Imperial City, home of the
Position in System: 4 ruling Kurita family. Its north side is a virtual fairytale of a city,
Time to Jump Point: 10.43 days surrounded by verdant gardens and hectares of natural forest.
Number of Satellites: 4 (Tsu Shima, Orientalis, Hikisaku, The impressive Unity Palace, the seat of Kurita power, appears
Occidentalis) to hover on the horizon. Each of the five towers that form the
Surface Gravity: 1.0 palace is distinct, built along the aesthetics of a different archi-
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted–Pollution) tectural period from ancient Japan. The Coordinator’s private
Equatorial Temperature: 35º C (Temperate) sanctum, which dominates the palace complex, evokes the
Surface Water: 70 percent graceful lines and swells of Himeji. The Chrysanthemum Throne
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir Room’s simple elegance is a direct nod to Tōdai-ji. Imperial
HPG Class Type: A courtiers and their staff reside in the Kinkaku-ji-inspired rear
Highest Native Life: Amphibian southern tower. Those guests whom the Dragon deems worthy
Population: 7,939,000,000 are given rooms in the heavily protected westernmost tower,
Socio-Economic Levels: A-A-C-A-C a twenty-third century version of the ancient Matsue. The
Audience Hall, which every visitor to the palace enters, evokes
Chosen as Coordinator the imperial styles of Tokuma Katayama.
Sanethia Kurita’s indus- Scattered throughout the palace complex are nearly one
trial project in 2619, Luthien hundred gardens of various sizes and forms. Traditionally, each
transformed from a sleepy Kuritan Coordinator—from Sanethia onward—designs and
backwater farm world into cares for their own personal garden. Such activity provides the
the Combine’s largest man- Dragon a place of privacy and intimacy necessary to the burden
ufacturing center in less of leadership.


The largest industrial complex on Luthien resides less than ten The Ozawa clan later relinquished all rights to the planet to
kilometers from the center of Imperial City on a small chain of the Alliance of Galedon, though they failed to inform the Kuritans
manmade islands strung along the Unity Plateau. Guthry Island, of their colonization problem. The first colonization attempt dis-
which can be seen from the parapets of Unity Palace on a haze- appeared, though not without leaving evidence of their demise.
free day, boasts the massive Luthien Armor Works OmniMech Determined, the Combine burned large swaths of the ancient
production plant. Tokyo Island hosts the company’s headquar- forests and within a decade had driven the predators to the brink
ters complex and LAW City. Covering ten square kilometers of extinction. Once the predators were contained, the Combine
above and below the surface, the industriplex produces a sizable established a large military base. Fortifications reminiscent of
percentage of Luthien’s gross domestic product and employs mil- feudal Japan sprang up as soldiers from every branch of the mili-
lions scattered among the many satellite facilities on the planet. tary arrived. Pesht became the main launching point for forays
The ancient Fortress Sanethia on the continent of Sakura is into the Draconis Rift. During the restructuring of the govern-
the sole Castle Brian on Luthien. The fortress is heavily guarded ment under Coordinator Martin McAllister, Pesht was named the
with highly restrictive access. The massive complex was the site of new capital of the Pesht Military District.
Coordinator Sanethia’s rule until the completion of Imperial City and Though Pesht commands considerable prestige as the capi-
oversaw much of the planetary construction project instituted by tal world of the district that includes Luthien, the world was
Lady Kurita. considered too close to hostile borders to be home to the Kurita
Scattered around the planet are memorials and museums that family. It remains a major military supply depot and training com-
honor the First Star League, the origins of the Combine, and the mand, a key component in the ever-expanding Procurement
Dragon’s fallen. One of the largest and most popular is the Dragon’s Department’s role in the DCMS.
Tears Plaza, boasting a three-meter stone samurai replica for each The DEST Tactical Command Center on Pesht boasts security
warrior who fell on Luthien during the Clan Invasion in 3052. features similar to those of the ISF command centers. Originally
built by the Combine military as a prototype installation based
upon Star League Castle Brian designs, the project was aban-
PESHT doned when the Combine capital moved to Luthien. Recognizing
Planetary Ruler: District Governor Erasmus Watanabe the base as perfect for its training needs, DEST took control of the
Star Type (Recharge Time): F7V (178 hours) facility. Hidden deep within Pesht’s forests, the Tactical Command
Position in System: 3 Center is the central training college for DEST members. As with
Time to Jump Point: 12.89 days the ISF installations on New Samarkand, it can only be reached
Number of Satellites: 1 (Buda) by underground shuttle car. A sophisticated motion and heat-
Surface Gravity: 1.04 tracking surveillance system monitors the woods surrounding
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) the center and is linked to an arsenal of hidden weapons and
Equatorial Temperature: 33° C (Tropical) booby traps. In addition, DEST commanders have saved the pop-
Surface Water: 64 percent ulation of ferocious simian predators that originally inhabited the
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir planet from extinction, encouraging their breeding behavior to
HPG Class Type: A discourage intruders. A complex system of anti-aircraft weapons
Highest Native Life: Mammal mounted on the complex’s buildings and on several weapons
Population: 6,353,000,000 platforms in geosynchronous orbit above the site shoot down
Socio-Economic Levels: A-A-A-B-B any unidentified aircraft venturing into the area.
Venerable Pesht Motors is located just outside Vrydolyak, the
Discovered in 2212 by a planet’s first successful settlement. The industrial site is respon-
group of Ozawan merchants, sible for manufacturing a wide variety of economic vehicles for
Pesht was not settled for a the lower classes; nearly ninety percent of the city’s population
hundred years due to preda- works in the factory’s artificial mountain.
tors that lurked in the vast Dominating the continent of Ruhr is the enormous LAW bu-
forests. All eight coloniza- reaucratic complex. Employing just over ten million citizens, the
tion attempts by the Ozawa facility boasts its own mass transit system. High-level managers
family were wiped out. The can traverse from one side of the complex to the other in just un-
mercantile dynasty gave up and the world was relegated to a safe der seven hours. Ruhr is also the name of the continent’s largest
resupply point. city and the planetary capital.


BJARRED During the subsequent investigation, the ISF discovered that

Planetary Ruler: District Governor Lynette Yokoshima-Stuart though the citizenry had not rebelled in the manner of other
Star Type (Recharge Time): F4V (175 hours) Combine worlds such as Turtle Bay, Schuyler, or Port Arthur, the
Position in System: 5 Draconians did not roll over and submit. Evidence showed that
Time to Jump Point: 16.10 days although exports were rerouted to Jaguar worlds, those raw
Number of Satellites: 1 (Bereich) materials were of much lesser quality and quantity. More impor-
Surface Gravity: 0.91 tantly, a high percentage of smelted metals and manufactured
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) steel contained numerous defects and weak spots. This created
Equatorial Temperature: 42° C (Arid) substandard products that increased breakdowns and other
Surface Water: 39 percent trouble spots in Clan equipment and materials fashioned from
Recharging Station: Nadir
Bjarred exports.
HPG Class Type: B
With the facts revealed, the Coordinator applauded the citizens
Highest Native Life: Amphibian
of Bjarred for their dedication to the Dragon and declared an ex-
Population: 1,341,000,000
tra week of celebration during the planet’s official reinstatement
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-C-A-C-D
as a prefecture capital. The system was declared one of the three
Bjarred is a rather small destination worlds for those relocating from Irece Prefecture, and
world beneath a large hot the resultant boom has made Bjarred an economic powerhouse
sun. Though it has little open in the Pesht Military District.
water on its surface, huge un-
derground rivers run through
catacombs below the sur- IRECE
face. Lush grasses, bushes, Planetary Ruler: Khan Santin West
and trees cluster above these Star Type (Recharge Time): F8III (179 hours)
subterranean waterways. As Position in System: 4
a result, vast lines of vegeta- Time to Jump Point: 12.01 days
tion crisscross the planet. Bjarred’s barren mountains are rich in Number of Satellites: 1 (Bahia)
minerals and metals, which attracted the first colonists, an Ozawa Surface Gravity: 0.99
scout group, in the early twenty-fourth century. Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
A prefecture capital before the Clan Invasion, Bjarred resumed Equatorial Temperature: 30° C (Warm-Temperate)
that status after the world was reclaimed from Clan Nova Cat in Surface Water: 44 percent
a famous coin toss. The continent of Icefall was so named for a Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir
disastrous ice asteroid crash that occurred in an attempt to pro- HPG Class Type: A
vide comet water to early colonists who were wiped out by the Highest Native Life: Mammal
impact. The crater from that strike still dominates the landscape
Population: 3,230,000,000
of the small continent.
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-A-A-A-A
The planet was the home of the last of the Ozawa line. True to
their nature, the Ozawan nobility was deeply entwined in corrup-
Though Irece is home
tion with Metals of the Earth when the Clan Invasion snatched the
to significant manufactur-
world from the Dragon. By the time Bjarred was returned to the
Combine, the Ozawa line had been snuffed out and the corporate ing activity, this is all under
changeover in Metals of the Earth (and its subsidiary, Deep Ores) Clan Nova Cat’s control.
provided a discreet distance. However, the Combine does
Fortunately for the citizens of Bjarred, the Clan occupation still assert authority over
did little to change the planet’s infrastructure. Other than reas- the prefecture command
signing exports to Jaguar facilities within their Occupation Zone, facilities located here, which is more of an oversight operation
the occupiers left the docile population alone. Because very little since the Nova Cats handle the defensive duties across this region.
rebellion or uprising occurred during the planet’s captivity, the The Nova Cats raised a new capital city—New Barcella—from the
ISF questioned whether the citizenry of the system was worthy plains of Santana when they relocated their people to Irece after
or even loyal enough to regain its status as a prefecture capital. the Great Refusal.


New Barcella stands also as the capital city of the Nova Cat MATAMORAS
enclaves throughout Irece Prefecture. The city is a magnificent Planetary Ruler: Tozama Daimyo Yuri Voskoboynikov
metropolis that bears remarkably little resemblance to its origins. Star Type (Recharge Time): G1V (182 hours)
When first seized by the Clan in December 3051, it was a minor Position in System: 1
township—albeit one with a spaceport to handle traffic from Time to Jump Point: 9.75 days
nearby LexaTech Industries (a now-obliterated Star League-era Number of Satellites: 2 (Anastasia, Anatoly)
production facility). In the years following the Cats’ occupation, Surface Gravity: 1.46
however, the renamed and redeveloped city has become the ad- Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
ministrative and spiritual heart of the Nova Cat Clan. Equatorial Temperature: 50° C (Desert)
At the center of the city, just north of the hundred-square- Surface Water: 20 percent
kilometer expanse of Rosse Spaceport, stands a high wall that Recharging Station: None
encircles the Ways of Seeing Park. Hallowed ground to the Nova HPG Class Type: B
Cats, this park includes a circular, waist-high hedge that forms a Highest Native Life: Microbes
ring two hundred meters in diameter. The grounds are carefully Population: 3,100,000
kept, and none may tread upon the lush grasses here, for this Socio-Economic Levels: B-C-A-B-D
place hosts the annual Oathmaster Grand Melee.
On the northern end of the park, perhaps the most important Matamoras is one of the Combine’s
structure in all of Nova Cat space rises almost three hundred me- major resource worlds, producing mil-
ters. Designed in the style of a neo-Gothic cathedral and ringed lions of tons of rare, defense-critical
by eleven smaller limestone chapels, this complex is the home metals a year to feed the Dragon’s
of the Nova Cats’ genetic repository. Surrounding the Ways of military machine. At one time, the
Seeing Park are the various administration buildings necessary to world supported three major manu-
govern the Clan’s affairs in the prefecture. facturing centers that produced a
Nearly two-thirds of the planet’s population resides on the number of vehicles and armaments for
central continent of Santana, and most are employed in bu- the Combine’s conventional regiments.
reaucratic and administrative duties. The smaller, mountainous The last of these factories was destroyed
landmass of Salvador dominates the southern hemisphere and during the Third Succession War by a Lyran deep raid in 2942.
is the current home of a pride of transplanted nova cats. Fewer The planet is the windiest world in the Draconis Combine,
than one hundred survived a hurried relocation from the Clan with wind speeds at times exceeding four hundred kilometers
Homeworlds. Five years later, that number has quadrupled per hour. These constant and fierce winds have molded the rocky
through the patient oversight of a joint Nova Cat-Combine zoo- landscape into dramatic shapes that dot much of Matamoras’
logical task force. desert landscape. Its fierce beauty has inspired countless works
When the Nova Cats were granted the worlds of Irece of art and literature in Combine culture and has become a mecca
Prefecture, Kuritan civilians were given the option of relocating of sorts for Azami artisans.
to other Combine systems. The response was overwhelming; Founded during the twenty-seventh century, Matamoras
the Bureau of Friendly Interior Comfort and Concerns constantly has never been considered more than a collection of mines
processes requests and handles the transport of citizens to des- and heavy industry. Few choose to travel to the world; fewer
ignated worlds in Bjarred and Qandahar Prefectures. Because of still remain to eke out a living. For a time, the DCMS main-
the situation, the Bureau formed “resident zones” on all other sys- tained a prison facility on Siberia, the southernmost continent.
tems in the prefecture. These zones are nothing more than large, Notorious for its small guard detail and highly corrupt admin-
self-sufficient enclaves under the domain of the Clan. Combine istration, the complex was abandoned in the mid-2700s—with
citizens are not permitted on the grounds unless they possess over three thousand male and female prisoners still locked
proper documentation and authorization. Those Combine no- down within. A New Samarkand Metals shuttle made an emer-
bles who govern these planets work side by side with the Clan’s gency landing at the prison in 2913 and discovered a small but
labor and merchant castes to assure a peaceful coexistence, thriving community. The citizens of Krasnogorsk were wel-
though the inevitable gaps in authority has created a thriving comed back into the fold; the Red Clay yakuza clan made its
yakuza culture and black market. presence known shortly thereafter.


NSM is the primary employer on Matamoras, with more than PORT ARTHUR
two million workers scattered across fifty mines and process- Planetary Ruler: Tozama Daimyo Rutherford Ellis
ing sites. Tozama Daimyo Voskoboynikov is the CEO of NSM’s Star Type (Recharge Time): G8V (189 hours)
Matamoras operation and is known to be fair and partial when Position in System: 3
carrying out official state business. He recently awarded a major Time to Jump Point: 6.19 days
contract to Deep Ores, which struck a large gold vein in the Black Number of Satellites: 1 (Mordred)
Urals in 3065. Rumors of Voskoboynikov’s affiliation with the Red Surface Gravity: 1.1
Clay yakuza are still under ISF investigation. Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Vladivostok, the planetary capital, is unusual in that it has been Equatorial Temperature: 20° C (Temperate)
built primarily underground. More than sixty percent of the city is Surface Water: 50 percent
located deep within The Brothers, a twin peaked mountain located Recharging Station: None
not far from the sprawling Matamoras spaceport. The city’s build- HPG Class Type: A
ers took advantage of a series of large caverns carved by an extinct Highest Native Life: Reptiles
underground sea. Near the center of the city is a massive stalag- Population: 5,600,000
mite formation known as the Bloody Tsars, as its red-tinged stone Socio-Economic Levels: D-B-B-C-A
resembles the heads of several ancient Terran Russian leaders.
Because of the world’s heavy gravity and cruel wind, NSM One of the district’s breadbasket worlds,
rotates its workers from Matamoras every five years. The other Port Arthur is also one of the few to have
two mining conglomerates operating in the planet’s expansive avoided heavy fighting during the Succession
mines have similar policies, though the expense of transporting Wars. Before the Clan Invasion, it had been
so many workers keeps their rotation periods to a decade or lon- raided twice by Steiner troops, both times
ger. DCMS troops cycle through the system roughly every year to destroying several agrodomes, processing
train in the dense gravity and extreme windstorms. centers, and valuable water purification facili-
Within the last seventy years, the fad of “wind skirmish- ties. Until the Helm Core discovery, Port Arthur
ing” took root. Typically enjoyed by younger Draconians, the had been without means to process its bacteria-
sport involves a lightweight bodysuit that contains strength- heavy waters and relied on its neighbors for water.
ened glider webbing similar to those used in BASE jumping. The capital city of Affendale is one of the prefecture’s jewels. No
Participants arm themselves with a paint pellet gun and set out building stands taller than thirty meters, and local foliage adorns
to score the most hits while avoiding taking the same. Matches every avenue. Tourists walking the downtown shopping and admin-
involve upwards of ten to twelve players and, depending on the istrative districts often comment it is difficult to believe Affendale is
wind speed and current, can last from five to fifteen minutes. a bustling metropolis of nearly two million people. Sadly, much of
The DCA has taken an interest in the sport’s popularity; in 3026 the city’s beauty was ravaged during the Smoke Jaguar occupation
they began sponsoring the annual Matamoras Melee. The top when several Clan DropShips used various parks as landing zones.
scoring individual earns an automatic entry into the Aerospace Less than a decade after liberation, Osaka has strongly rebound-
and Interstellar Institute. The Melee was put on hold during the ed. Erasing the scars of the brutal occupation is a planetary obsession.
Clan occupation. Tozama Daimyo Voskoboynikov officially re- The Heir-Designate Hohiro Kurita, on a visit to the world in 3066, com-
opened the contest in 3064 and awarded the top five finishers plimented the citizens on their hard work, as little damage remains
with a substantial cash prize. to be seen. He also unveiled the Veteran’s Memorial in Yokohama,
dedicating it to the planet’s fallen samurai during Port Arthur’s oc-
cupation by Clan Smoke Jaguar.
One of the benefits of the mass rebuilding has been the change
in construction patterns. For centuries, expansion of Port Arthur’s
cities was conducted by taking over additional land space and
sprawling outward. After being subjected to the horrors of the
Clan occupation, architectural designers explored an underground
expansion effort, increasing a building’s capacity by going deeper
underground. This has maintained the beautiful minimalist aesthetic
aboveground while keeping the population’s growth centrally lo-
cated. The redevelopment has also sparked a wave of underground
passages and even a large commercial district in Serpent Bay. The
nobility on Port Arthur has applauded these latest efforts, as it helps
preserve the planet’s natural beauty. Recent pollution-control laws
were passed to slow down a rise in industrial expansion. The move
was, according to Tozama Daimyo Ellis, “to keep Port Arthur as the
prefecture’s Zen garden within the Dragon’s den.”


QANDAHAR mous amounts of toxic waste into the waters.) Though much
Planetary Ruler: District Governor Paul Markov of the planet’s water supply is drinkable after a heavy filtering
Star Type (Recharge Time): G0IV (181 hours) process, fresh water is a major luxury import to the planet, as
Position in System: 3 are other items produced by Combine firms. Light industry con-
Time to Jump Point: 10.43 days tinues to flourish, selling and manufacturing subassemblies for
Number of Satellites: None small fusion power plants used to power environmental domes
Surface Gravity: 1.05 and space-borne facilities elsewhere in the Combine.
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Toxic) More than forty percent of Qandahar’s population can trace
Equatorial Temperature: 19° C (Cool-Temperate) its roots back to the Muslim nations of ancient Terra and includes
Surface Water: 71 percent several hundred Azami communities. Because of the tendency
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir of Combine government officials to overlook the system, proper
HPG Class Type: B Kuritan societal decorum is looser here than on other prefecture
Highest Native Life: Mammal capitals. Such attitudes breed contempt and rebellion, which
Population: 1,707,000,000 Qandahar experiences every generation.
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-A-A-B-D The last major uprising was during the 3020s when the Holy
Struggle attempted to shut down the Dow-Nexus turbine factory
As a prefecture capital, in the domed city of Mistiq. The Holy Struggle’s impetus was the
Qandahar houses the typical company’s notorious disregard for worker safety; a record four
government apparatus, which em- hundred people were killed in 3019 after a poorly maintained con-
ploys roughly half the population. veyor system seized and collapsed. (The company settled 1,358
Compared to other prefectures, wrongful death claims between 3018 and 3022.) The protesters car-
however, the tight confines of the ried out a series of sabotage events that escalated in 3028 when
four large domed cities housing armed conflict broke out between mercenaries and Dow-Nexus
the Combine bureaucracy ensures security. The ISF, which had been covertly investigating both sides,
that visits from High Command au- arrested several hundred. The protesters were put to death; the
thorities are rare. company suffered several million K-bills in fines, and Dow-Nexus
Qandahar is a dimly lit world, reduced their operational footprint on Qandahar in 3042.
perpetually enshrouded in heavy, low-hanging clouds. All of the Life outside the domed cities is harsh, as the planet’s ecosys-
planet’s large water bodies are mildly toxic due to longstanding tem is in slow decline. Kuritan scientists estimate that more than
pollution issues. (Early colonists and industries dumped enor- half of the planet’s original indigenous life forms are extinct.


Constantly in a state of rebuilding, the Benjamin Military District shares an
important border with the Ghost Bear Dominion. Draconians are reminded of
the imminent Clan threat only a few short jumps away through the constant
and heavy DCMS presence on all the district’s worlds.
These worlds have seen centuries of constant warfare, the subject of
Steiner raids and Clan invaders. Social and political concerns are of high
importance here, leading many nobles to believe in their innate su-
periority over the rest of the Combine. Many industries have their
largest factories and concerns scattered among these planets
and maintain a high state of alertness due to their proximity to
Combine enemies. These systems are considered the industrial
heart and soul of the nation; without them, the Combine’s
military and interstellar infrastructure would collapse.


BENJAMIN Regulars, and command center of the Benjamin Military District.

Planetary Ruler: District Governor Trevor Coleson The Warlord’s residence is Shotugama Castle, located just outside
Star Type (Recharge Time): M1V (202 hours) the base on the edge of the sapphire waters of Lake Jordan.
Position in System: 3 Benjamin is the prefecture’s most prosperous world and one
Time to Jump Point: 2.96 days of the top three in the district. With several military and research
Number of Satellites: None academies located here, it has been a dynamic source of scien-
Surface Gravity: 1.08 tific research for the Dragon. The testing grounds on Osaka, the
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted) second-largest of the planet’s three continents, is a popular des-
Equatorial Temperature: 30° C (Temperate) tination for nobles and retired military officers in search of blood
Surface Water: 51 percent sport. Live-fire exercises using prototype designs and weapon-
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir ry are often recorded for later distribution via the Voice of the
HPG Class Type: A Dragon, extolling the Combine’s military prowess and technol-
Highest Native Life: Mammal ogy. Every year, Osaka Fields, located nearby, sees thousands of
Population: 5,410,000,000 military applicants who try to elevate their station in life by enter-
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-A-C-B-B ing the way of the warrior.
Tucked away on the Yamato Peninsula on Osaka is an area
Benjamin is a large world orbiting devoid of industry. Among the pristine and ancient forests and
a dim star. To augment the amount of highlands are large farms that grow everything from rice to
sunlight on the planet, Star League apples to dragonstar fruit. These farms operate with minimal ma-
engineers built and placed into chine impact to preserve a way of life that appeals to those in
orbit twenty massive “semi-sun” need of “civilization detoxification.”
constructs. Circular in shape, these
taiyou ranpu are made of paper-thin
mirrored fabric that resembles the AIX-LA-CHAPELLE
collecting sails on a JumpShip. The Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman Elizabeth McAllister
slowly orbiting taiyou ranpu reflect Star Type (Recharge Time): A2V (163 hours)
enough sunlight down onto the planet to lengthen Benjamin’s day- Position in System: 4
light hours and provides a twenty percent increase in luminosity. Time to Jump Point: 43.02 days
Fair in climate, Benjamin supports hardy crops and livestock Number of Satellites: 3 (Wester, Julich, Burtscheid)
to abundance, providing the DCMS with a large number of Surface Gravity: 0.90
freeze-dried materials for its ration program. Spotting the hills Atmospheric Pressure: High (Tainted)
and deep valleys are massive deposits of petroleum and coal Equatorial Temperature: 43° C (Tropical)
for the system’s voracious manufacturing appetite. Centuries of Surface Water: 81 percent
heavy reliance on these fossil fuels has polluted the ecosystem. Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir
The district governor has enacted several anti-pollution mea- HPG Class Type: B
sures modeled on those found on Luthien. Nonetheless, these Highest Native Life: None
heavy sanctions have not deterred Benjamin’s heavy parts and Population: 469,500,000
vehicle manufacturing centers. Socio-Industrial Levels: B-B-A-B-D
The capital of Benjamin—and the center of the military
district’s power—is Deber City. Distinctly modular and seg- An inhospitable world with an at-
mented, Deber City is a Hugai-era architectural innovation mosphere barely tolerable to humans,
copied on five other Combine worlds which also use the same Aix-la-Chapelle is dominated with one
name. Dominating the center of the capital is Political Park, a large landmass that sprawls across the
six-hundred-acre swath of administrative buildings that handle northern hemisphere. Aachen, the pri-
the prefecture’s bureaucracy. Surrounding Political Park are the mary continent, is rich in dense ores
five operating sectors: commercial, residential, industrial, recre- and volcanic ash. Within a century, Aix-
ation, and military. la-Chapelle was strewn with gaping
Governance of the military district occurs one hundred kilo- mineshafts and billowing refineries.
meters north of Deber City at Judah. This sprawling facility serves The long transit time motivated
as the planet’s military DropPort, headquarters of the Benjamin Diplan to build a components factory


that incorporated locally processed materials rather than wait BUCKMINSTER

for supply shipments. Other corporations followed suit, and by Planetary Ruler: District Governor Cantor Hasegawa
2600 the system was completely self-reliant in producing local- Star Type (Recharge Time): A9III (170 hours)
ly built exports. Conversely, the planet must constantly import Position in System: 6
large quantities of foodstuffs outside of agricultural products. All Time to Jump Point: 23.75 days
attempts to raise livestock have met with disaster due to a combi- Number of Satellites: 1 (Geodesia)
nation of high atmospheric pressure, chemically tainted air, and Surface Gravity: 1.01
harsh weather patterns. Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Nearly all of Aix-la-Chapelle’s domed cities are situated on or Equatorial Temperature: 29° C (Temperate)
near deep pockets of magma. Star League-era thermodynamic Surface Water: 62 percent
reactors provide a steady source of power. Located underground, Recharging Station: Zenith
these power stations are protected from the brutal surface condi- HPG Class Type: A
tions, which has kept them in good operating condition. Volcanic Highest Native Life: Insects
activity is common on Aachen; underwater eruptions are a fre- Population: 2,770,000,000
quent occurrence at a rate of one to two every five years. The Socio-Industrial Levels: A-B-A-B-A
last eruption in 3063 formed a tsunami that wiped out Old Lyons,
killing 30,000 people and erasing the last port city on Aachen. Originally a light industrial and agri-
With frequent windstorms and tornadoes crisscrossing Aachen, cultural world, Buckminster became an
few industrial concerns survive outside the domes. Those that do important world in the Kuritan empire
are built like fortresses, utilizing the granite and iron escarpments in the mid-thirty-first century. Due to a
that wind through the central center of the continent. The most power play between the noble families
famous is the Diplan ’Mechyards near Belnet. The factory uses an Hasegawa and Baek, the Coordinator
architectural design and construction similar to a Castle Brian and shifted borders around and declared
easily holds up against Class 9 storms with winds upwards of 425 Buckminster as the new prefecture
kph. Such facilities were built with typical Kuritan foresight, as they capital, taking the prestige away from
easily serve as defensive bulwarks during times of crisis. nearby Sulafat. The two systems main-
The harsh conditions and ragged landscape of Aix-la-Chapelle tain a rivalry that continues today.
make it an ideal location for the Combine’s venerable Kensai Once known for its agricultural products and light machinery,
Kami. The original school remains in use in the remote wilderness Buckminster saw swift changes once it was given the responsibil-
of Aachen. Located more than a thousand kilometers from the ity of a prefecture capital. A massive influx of military garrisons
nearest domed city, the Kensai Kami occupies an Age of War-era and heavy industry converted much of its arable farmland into
fortress and is constantly updated with the latest in electronics training grounds and toxic dumps. The ecological damage has
and technology. Such modern gadgetry coexists with the ancient sparked protest at times, giving rise to an anti-government
traditions of the samurai and bushido and the hellish environ- movement in the 3040s. The ISF infiltrated many of these groups
ment surrounding the school, creating a milieu that brings out in short order, which turned out to be fortunate after the world
the absolute best in its students. succumbed to Clan Smoke Jaguar. These rebel groups rallied
around several ISF and Kuritan patriots, turning their energies on
the Clan oppressors.
When the world saw liberation, the Coordinator granted am-
nesty to the surviving rebels for their fervor during the occupation.
Though on the surface the populace appears tranquil enough, the
ISF has maintained its grip on the pulse of the underground, noting
a slow rise in anti-Kuritan rhetoric. At least two incidents have been
traced back to Lyran Intelligence Command activity on the planet.
Despite the massive spread of government facilities necessary
to govern a prefecture, the Hasegawa family has done much to
reclaim Buckminster’s former beauty. In 3066, the governor an-
nounced the establishment of several green zones called “Dragon
Gardens.” These plots of land—the smallest being five hundred
hectares—are open to the public to cultivate, using low-tech-
nology tools and ancient Asian traditions. The governor’s edict
has been widely accepted, and many DCMS troops stationed at
Buckminster have petitioned their commands to participate.


DOVER After the Clan Invasion, Dover experienced another renaissance

Planetary Ruler: Daimyo Thomas Rous as Stellar Trek Enterprises began expanding one of the older or-
Star Type (Recharge Time): G2V (183 hours) bital yards. The company then expanded in 3063 as new asteroid
Position in System: 4 mines were opened near the system’s fifth planet. With the influx
Time to Jump Point: 9.12 days of expansion and industry, Dover is well on its way to reclaiming its
Number of Satellites: 1 (Citrine) status as the prefecture’s industry and research powerhouse.
Surface Gravity: 0.93
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 43° C (Arid) GALTOR III
Surface Water: 34 percent Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman Eustace Pevensy
Recharging Station: Zenith Star Type (Recharge Time): F8V (179 hours)
HPG Class Type: B Position in System: 3
Highest Native Life: Reptile Time to Jump Point: 12.01 days
Population: 590,000,000 Number of Satellites: 2 (Temos and Froma)
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-B-B-B-C Surface Gravity: 1.00
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
The silica and titanium sands Equatorial Temperature: 45° C (Jungle)
covering this bright world proved Surface Water: 70 percent
to be excellent resources two Recharging Station: None
centuries after its settlement in HPG Class Type: B
2390. The Silane Sea near the cen- Highest Native Life: Mammal
ter of the main continent Quartz Population: 54,700,000
is a geochemical marvel, a source of a variety of pure chemicals Socio-Industrial Levels: C-C-B-C-B
and compounds suitable for export to electronics manufacturers
throughout the prefecture. DropShips often arrive at the Silane For centuries, the Galtor system suffered
DropPort, fill their cargo tanks with waiting loads of sand, and lift the privations of Davion rule. Liberated dur-
again with the crew never debarking. ing the Third Succession War in the early
Dover experienced its peak during the days of the Star League. thirtieth century, Galtor became a sheltered
Several research and industrial labs dotted its three continents, world in the Dragon’s grip. In 3022, Prince
taking advantage of the rare metals and abundant raw materials Hanse Davion stole the world back from the
to fuel breakthroughs in chemistry, physics, medicine, and metal- Dragon and granted gubernatorial powers
lurgy. In the skies above, the system boasted an elaborate naval to one of the leaders of the partisan forces.
factory and shipyard capable of servicing the constant stream of The liberation came at a heavy cost: over a third of the population
Admiralty and Star League ships that visited Dover. died in the fighting, most of them Kuritan transplants.
The First Succession War claimed most of Dover’s surface The Fox then conceived a plan to lure Combine forces into an
labs and destroyed nearly half of the large mining complexes. ambush. Spreading false news of the discovery of a Star League
The DCMS garrisoned several dozen conventional regiments depot that had remained unspoiled during Kuritan rule, Hanse
on the planet and augmented the planet’s defenses with small presented too tempting an apple for Coordinator Takashi to re-
mercenary BattleMech forces. As raids became less frequent, the sist. Kurita dispatched forces to capture the spoils of that depot in
Combine began using the mercenaries as training commands, numbers not seen in decades. Matters worsened when a real Star
rotating through many of the district’s conventional line units to League depot was discovered just prior to the invasion. Between
keep them in fighting trim. By the end of the Second Succession the DCMS assault force and the Federated Suns defenders, a total
War, Dover’s importance greatly diminished, as the massive ship- of twenty ’Mech regiments faced off on Galtor. Such massive troop
yards were reduced to small maintenance stations capable of concentrations had not been seen since the Second Succession
servicing DropShips and the odd JumpShip. War. The destruction wrought by the AFFS’s three-month cam-
During the reign of Coordinator Shinjiro Kurita, Dover expe- paign stalled the Federated Suns’ programs begun a scant three
rienced a small renaissance. In 2910, the surviving faculty and years earlier. Casualties among the civilian population climbed to
equipment from the Ashio PRE University was relocated to the ten percent as Davion troops repelled the Dragon’s assault.
planet, revitalizing the ruins of the Dover PRE destroyed nearly The Combine retook the world in the Fourth Succession War, a
one hundred years before. By order of the Coordinator, the new scant six years later. With no major combat occurring in the decades
Dover Institute for Higher Learning was established in the plane- since, the population managed to rebound from the tremendous
tary capital, Wairdel. With the renewed attention, several military casualties suffered in those battles. Primarily a subsistence-level
industrial concerns such as Diplan and Hinsdale Electronics agrarian world, Galtor’s Naval Yards represents the only industrial
opened new facilities nearby. facilities that export product off-world.


More Kuritans were relocated to Galtor under the Court’s corporations, such as Bulldog Enterprises, a well-known tank
continuous Civilian Relocation and Revitalization program. manufacturer, and Guided Technologies, proven producer of
Both Luthien Armor Works and New Samarkand Metals were short-range missile systems, call Proserpina home.
given grants to construct facilities on-planet, sparking a surge in Proserpina’s capital city, Conqueror’s Pride, is located on the
growth and a softening of the brainwashed Davion expatriates. eastern shore of Bragadin, which is also home to the famous
The ISF retains a heavy presence on the planet, though rebel ac- University of Proserpina. The planet’s other claim to fame is the
tivities have tapered off in the last decade. native blood limpet, a hard-shelled quasi-reptilian that resides in
Galtor Naval Yards is located at New Derry on the Eire conti- the planet’s swamps, where it waits for any warm-blooded prey.
nent. These yards produce traditional wet naval vessels that can Capable of astounding speed, this small, six-legged beast is a con-
be found on many Kuritan planets. The factory is built in a utilitar- stant threat to unwary travelers in the planet’s swamps.
ian military design, as it is the headquarters of those DCMS units A series of industries centers around the study, capture, pro-
assigned to protect the planet. Extensive training exercises are cessing, and research of this tenacious predator. The blood limpet
done on the sparsely inhabited continent of Samphire. Galtor sees is indirectly responsible for scientific breakthroughs in such tech-
a heavy DCMS rotation, both line and conventional forces, to con- nologies as battle armor, MASC systems, genetic therapy, synthetic
stantly remind its citizens they are no longer on a Davion world. fabrics, and anesthetics. Regardless of industry, civilians who work
Galtor became a designated location for refugees fleeing the Clan with the blood limpet undergo a year’s worth of intensive training on
front. The influx of Kuritan citizens—and ISF agents—has diluted the reptile. Such training has benefited the Combine in other ways,
support for the now-distant Davion throne. as these civilians tend to move onward into positions of responsibil-
ity within the research, academic, and medical communities.

Planetary Ruler: Shogun Perrine Irragang XINYANG
Star Type (Recharge Time): K2V (193 hours) Planetary Ruler: District Governor Frederick Neidlander
Position in System: 4 Star Type (Recharge Time): F0V (171 hours)
Time to Jump Point: 4.85 days Position in System: 2
Number of Satellites: 1 (Taikata) Time to Jump Point: 21.94 days
Surface Gravity: 1.00 Number of Satellites: 1 (Henan)
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted) Surface Gravity: 0.98
Equatorial Temperature: 25° C (Warm-Temperate) Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Surface Water: 67 percent Equatorial Temperature: 30° C (Temperate)
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir Surface Water: 70 percent
HPG Class Type: A Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir
Highest Native Life: Reptile HPG Class Type: B
Population: 2,173,050,000 Highest Native Life: Amphibian
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-B-B-A-B Population: 1,520,000,000
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-C-D-C-C
Proserpina is one of the
Draconis Combine’s most prized Lying close to Luthien and some-
worlds. Housing industry and what distant from hostile borders,
an important military academy, Xinyang is a large world with plenty
Proserpina also serves as a pre- of water but few natural resources.
fecture capital in the Benjamin As a result, it is little more than a
Military District. Originally home major rest and recuperation base
to the Proserpina Hussars bri- for the Arm of the Dragon.
gade (of which but two regiments remain) this world has seen The planet often plays host to bat-
vicious combat between the Dragon and the Federated Suns, talions from other units as they rotate
including a chemical agent attack that renders the Amerigo and off the front lines for rest and resup-
Greater Harpago continents uninhabitable even to this day. The ply. A superabundance of industries have sprung up around the
world’s proximity to the FedSuns border justifies a constant de- comings and goings of DCMS soldiers. At one time Xinyang had a
fense force and a significant logistical network for repair and refit. large supply depot and the largest and best-equipped military hos-
Rich mineral and petrochemical veins on this world, have fu- pitals in the Draconis Combine. Nearby is a major ISF facility which
eled a variety of minor industries covering the three habitable debriefs officers, nobles, and notable warriors coming off the front
continents of Bragadin, Darwan, and Lesser Harpago. These in- lines in search of new information about the enemy. The ukiyos in
dustries produce everything from children’s toys to electronics, Xinyang are large and well staffed with men and women of pleasure
civilian automobiles, and aircraft. Even a few noteworthy military for the soldiers’ enjoyment.


As the planet cannot support the food needs of its large Regulars. The oyabun, Sean O’Clannahan, declared a vendetta
population, the five spaceports across the continent of Beijing against Robert Ivankov. The conflict escalated out of hand very
remain busy. Xinyang is one of the few well-populated planets to quickly. For the next fifty years, several yakuza clans—headed
which the Dragon devotes many JumpShips for food deliveries. by the Fuji Snow-gumi—invaded Xinyang and systematically
Innumerable warehouse and storage facilities sprawl across the pushed the vory v zakone from power. By 2960, the yakuza domi-
landscape, broken up by towering fuel and coolant refineries. The nated the Xinyang underworld and remained in control despite
unofficial authority on Xinyang is the yakuza. two subsequent attempts from outside mafia families.
Several competing Slavic mob families originally started With Coordinator Theodore’s new reforms in testing and ac-
Xinyang’s underworld as they spread out from the Terran cepting yakuza soldiers into the DCMS, Xinyang has been a major
Hegemony. The competition was set aside after a few centuries as recruitment center. The Fuji Snow-gumi runs an unofficial testing
the Combine began using Xinyang as a staging world for its military series on interested parties; those who pass the clan’s stringent
and merchant fleets. Capitalizing on the various vices common to requirements are then recommended to the DCMS’s unofficial li-
such places, the vory v zakone grew in strength, unity, and power, aisons. Through this process, the gumi weeds out all but the most
reaching as high as the office of the planetary chairman. ardent supporters of the Kuritas and siphons the rest into its own
In 2893, one of the mafia bosses murdered the son of the ranks to teach them the meaning of ninjo and giri.
Fuji Snow oyabun, who was serving with the Fifteenth Benjamin


The worlds of the Galedon Military District are among the Combine’s oldest. From
here came Shiro and Urizen Kurita, as well as countless other heroes and figures of
Kuritan history. This sense of place in the universe, along with the bloody sufferings at
the hands of the Dragon’s enemies, has instilled a form of fierce, competitive pride in
each citizen.
The prefectures of Galedon were hardest hit during the Third and Fourth
Succession Wars. Many families are just now finding their way back to their
ancient homelands after a century or more of relocation to prefectures in
the Pesht Military District. These relocations and returns have sparked
an economic mini-revival as additional civilians add to the ever-grow-
ing workforce.
These worlds never forget their place in Combine history. Some
of the most thought-provoking and inspiring art and literature
comes from worlds such as Galedon V and New Samarkand, two
key historical systems. The citizens know what role their ancestors
played in bringing about the Kuritan empire, and they choose nev-
er to forget—and to remind their enemies every chance they get.

GALEDON V This lightly settled planet

Planetary Ruler: Tai-shu Li Dok To has little industry but abundant
Star Type (Recharge Time): K5III (196 hours) high-grade industrial diamonds.
Position in System: 5 Settled in the late twenty-third
Time to Jump Point: 4.12 days century, Galedon V’s vast re-
Number of Satellites: 1 (Shiro) sources and large quantities of
Surface Gravity: 1.2 uncontaminated water brought
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) colonists in by the droves. The
Equatorial Temperature: 25° C (Temperate) common hatred against the Ozawa Mercantile Association
Surface Water: 65 percent led to an alliance with Shiro Kurita and ultimately birthed the
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir Draconis Combine. Nevertheless, the citizens of Galedon V re-
HPG Class Type: A acted bitterly to Shiro’s “usurpation.” In 2332, waves of revolt
Highest Native Life: Mammal swept the planet, but even though Shiro Kurita’s armies were
Population: 1,708,000,000 occupied with the Principality of Rasalhague, enough forces ar-
Socio-Economic Levels: A-A-A-A-A rived to slaughter the rebellion and its leaders. They left behind


ruined cities and starving civilians. Shiro’s Colonial Board then AN TING
helped rebuild the planet, all the while praising Shiro for his Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman James Şahin
benevolence and charity. The starving civilians soon became Star Type (Recharge Time): G1V (182 hours)
grateful to Shiro for providing them with food and shelter, Position in System: 3
and the planet Galedon V has been a staunch supporter of the Time to Jump Point: 9.75 days
Kuritas ever since. Number of Satellites: 1 (Null)
A verdant garden world, Galedon offers much to the citizens Surface Gravity: 0.8
of the Combine aside from its place in history. The rich, volcanic Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
soil of Crete is the primary source of the system’s thriving agri- Equatorial Temperature: 30° C (Temperate)
cultural trade. Through strict farming practices and traditions, Surface Water: 26 percent
Galedon’s ancient farmland remains fertile. The Galedon pear is Recharging Station: Nadir
the planet’s most valuable harvest; its three-year growth cycle HPG Class Type: A
and demanding maintenance makes it an expensive commod- Highest Native Life: Mammal
ity. Typical Galedonian prices for a shared plate of this fruit runs Population: 95,500,000
in the hundreds of K-bills, well out of reach of most working- Socio-Economic Levels: D-C-C-B-D
class citizens.
The hills of Paphos are renowned for its wine industry, often An Ting was colonized early
preparing vintages served in the Imperial Court. The volcanic in humanity’s spread to the stars,
chain that borders the eastern coastline of the continent— but due to its dry and barren
known as the Steps of the Dragon—is the source of valuable landscape, the planet maintained
Galdeonian black and red diamonds. Strict security measures a few small settlements. Not
keep a tight grip on the production and export of these gems, until the later part of the twen-
making them one of the most rare and expensive diamonds in ty-seventh century did An Ting
the Inner Sphere. gain limited importance with the founding of An Ting University.
A prefecture and military district capital, Galedon main- Originally dedicated to teaching mechanical and industrial arts, the
tains a strong DCMS presence. The southern continent of university instituted a DCMS BattleMech training program geared
Luzon houses the tai-shu’s administrative and headquarters towards common civilians who possessed some skill at warmaking.
complexes, as well as two dedicated military DropPorts and The city of Tule Mod, designed for the purpose of supporting the
extensive garrison facilities. The famed Galedon Military nearby university, eventually took over as the planetary capital.
Academy lies outside the capital city of Galedon City. The Davion raids during the Second Succession War reduced this
academy occupies over five thousand hectares of land, which once-prosperous world to a barely self-sufficient rock. Its vast
includes live-fire ranges, an officers’ school, naval station, and farmlands were scarred by battle and heavy industry destroyed by
expansive BattleMech repair and refit facilities. In geosynchro- precision strikes. By 3039, An Ting partially rebuilt and began pro-
nous orbit above the academy is the Galedon Naval Warfare ducing agricultural and other simple exports for nearby systems.
Station, which opened in 3037. The DCA also maintains a ship- Lake Hails, the northern continent Hotei’s largest body of water,
yard complex in a polar orbit. The Galedon Ring services the is the location of Singpan. This city is a large mining community
planet’s aerospace defense units and resupplies the occasion- and also the planet’s oldest surviving settlement. Most of An Ting’s
al visiting WarShip. university candidates come from this region, due to the constant
use of old IndustrialMechs and exosuits in the expansive ore tun-
nels beneath the lake. A Davion raid in 3063 destroyed the ancient
refinery and half the city; the conflagration also set the polluted
lake on fire, which took more than two months to extinguish.
The planet’s main attraction, aside from the university, is the
beautiful Algonquin Island. A caldera partially submerged in the Sea
of Taiwan, the island is the central breeding location for Ting whales.
The stark, treeless landscape of the rocky island exudes a Zen-like
calmness to its visitors. A Buddhist temple was built here in 2530 and
has hosted many Kuritan nobles and Coordinators desiring a few
hours, days, and even months of peace and contemplation.
Kini-Mai sits along the Hiroshima Plateau, near the An Ting
DropPort. This is the primary headquarters of the An Ting Legions and
the local militia. The plateau, which peaks at six thousand kilometers
above sea level, offers wide panoramic views of Hotei’s interior. The
DropPort has been destroyed and rebuilt fifteen times, a testament to
the citizens’ perseverance and dedication to the Dragon.


Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman Yvengi Perera Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman Graham Fillington
Star Type (Recharge Time): F8V (179 hours) Star Type (Recharge Time): G8IV (189 hours)
Position in System: 4 Position in System: 4
Time to Jump Point: 12.01 days Time to Jump Point: 6.19 days
Number of Satellites: 1 (Wold) Number of Satellites: 3 (Benkei, Yoshitsune, Sorrow)
Surface Gravity: 1.45 Surface Gravity: 1.0
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable)
Equatorial Temperature: 20° C (Mild-Temperate) Equatorial Temperature: 25° C (Temperate)
Surface Water: 72 percent Surface Water: 70 percent
Recharging Station: None Recharging Station: Zenith
HPG Class Type: B HPG Class Type: A
Highest Native Life: Mammal Highest Native Life: Mammal
Population: 6,810,000 Population: 3,672,000,000
Socio-Economic Levels: D-D-B-C-C Socio-Economic Levels: A-A-A-A-B

Enif is a world known for its stra- One of the Dragon’s rare self-
tegic location as a staging world for sufficient systems, Hachiman
DCMS assaults on the Periphery. contains plentiful resources
For more than three centuries and ideal planetary conditions.
since the first colony attempt in It is considered the center of
2600, the world supplied only large the district’s computer and ad-
grain harvests for neighboring sys- vanced electronics industry.
tems. Korban Foods sponsored the initial colony effort and built an Containing several major cor-
expansive footprint on Cotswold, the planet’s main continent. The porate-owned industrial parks, warehouses, and manufacturing
agricultural corporation remained the primary employer and pro- centers, the primary continent Ōjin is a collection of glittering
vider for Enif’s small population until Luthien Armor Works built a gems when viewed from the gallery of Daibosatsu. This massive
smelter and armor sheeting facility in 2982. orbital station, opened in 3066, houses the DCMS’s largest mili-
After the Clan Invasion, a mining expedition to the system’s tary electronics research centers.
distant asteroid belt discovered large deposits of germanium. The The principal city on Ōjin is Masamori, the planetary capital,
precious ore, a vital component in building K-F drive cores, flipped best known as the central headquarters for Tanadi Computers. The
the planet’s fortune practically overnight. Within ten years, the electronics firm’s twenty skyscrapers dominate the city skyline.
population tripled as New Samarkand Metals, Stellar Trek, and LAW Their bronzed finish reflects sunlight at all hours of the day, giving
built and expanded facilities to handle the new discovery. Chairman rise to the moniker “City of Bronze Towers.”
Perera has done well in maintaining Enif’s identity as a sleepy back- Masamori is also known among many Kuritan nobles as a
water, restricting new developments to Cotswold and allowing prime example of a city seduced by foreign culture. Items and
native Enivians to relocate to the smaller, isolated continents of services not easily acquired elsewhere in the Combine can be
Scotswold and Potswold. The Chairman’s strictures have rankled found in abundance here. Partly due to the influence of its
several of the newly arrived nobility, but their petitions to the district unofficial lord Chandrasekhar Kurita, Hachiman is considered
governor and the Imperial Court have gone unanswered. the place to find everything from forbidden Steiner entertain-
If Enif is known for anything, it is the extreme simplicity of its citi- ment chips to shadowy mercenary assassins. The Coordinators
zens. Enivians dislike “the Newcomers,” as they feel their pace of life of the Combine have allowed this well of depravity to exist
is challenged and belittled. Loyal to the Kurita family and steadfast within the Combine’s borders primarily as a funnel for foreign
supporters of the Dragon, these citizens are nonetheless mocked by spies and malcontents. With the superior electronics produced
the Newcomers for their simplistic lifestyle and nonconfrontational at- by the planet’s hardworking citizenry over the centuries, the
titudes. Because of Enif’s chronically poor educational system—even Kuritas have permitted Masamori’s existence as a form of
by lower-class standards—Enivians are rarely accepted into military stress relief. Still, the Kurita family maintains its presence on
academies, and few find their way past the lower ranks of the DCMS. Hachiman. For the last four hundred years, at least one Kurita
Though its society is low-key and simple, the planet is not with- family member—usually a distant relation to the throne—has
out its charms. The broad, flat plains of Cotswold are home to wild kept a residence on Hachiman. Chandrasekhar has a vast es-
Enivian mustangs. Traveling in groups of two hundred or more, tate on the southern continent of Deolali and keeps abreast
their wheeling patterns across the plains has inspired artwork of planetary politics. Many of the policies handed down by
that is prized throughout the prefecture. One painting, Woldrise at Planetary Chairman Fillington started out as suggestions from
Dawn, hangs in a guest room in Unity Palace on Luthien. the resident Kurita.


Because of its more open nature, Hachiman is a seething mass amount of fresh water on the continental surface comes from
of espionage. The ISF’s presence rivals that on Luthien. Corporate underground springs and is difficult to access in large quantities.
espionage is considered a product of daily life; the mercenary In 2612, Isesaki Shipping sponsored and built the first colo-
security trade remains lucrative despite the Combine’s historic ny on the surface of the lone planet. Taken by the world’s vast
viewpoint on the industry. The Dragon may allow looser conduct, aquatic beauty, dazzling views of the binary and moons, and
but it keeps an observant eye on what comes in and goes out the hundreds of rich, verdant forest islands and atolls, Isesaki’s
from the three main DropPorts. founder Uchio Randolph, petitioned the Coordinator for corpo-
Asking a Hachiman citizen what the planet’s greatest offer- rate possession of the entire system. Within two centuries, the
ing is to the Dragon invites a long discussion on the variety of corporation built two JumpShip yards, several microgravity man-
natural wonders scattered across the four continents. Deolali’s an- ufacturing facilities, and converted an entire island into a small
cient forests and deep river canyons are an outdoorsman’s mecca. spacecraft manufacturing complex. The system became a major
Jingū’s extreme north latitudes house virgin snowfields and the transportation hub for Combine traffic traversing the Draconis
rare Bodhisattva violet, prized for its beauty and natural perfume. Rift and vaulted Isesaki Shipping into the top tier of commercial
Nashik’s varied tropical terrain hosts annual DCMS war games and corporations in the realm.
more secretive ISF training operations. Scattered throughout are The main continent of Uchio is home to all of the planet’s
small and simple Buddhist and Hindu villages, reminders of the residents. The two smaller continents, Isoroku and Matsubushi,
planet’s Gujarati and Mahratta founding colonies. Hachiman is the have remained unsettled and wild to provide a peaceful retreat
last world to contain genetic relatives to refugees from the United for Isesaki employees. Both located along the equator, these con-
Hindu Collective. These villagers honor their ancestors through sim- tinents are covered in verdant forests, rolling hills, and sparkling
ple living and are exempted from the Combine’s standard societal springs. Several lodges peak through the landscape, most crafted
laws and taxes. in a minimalist style to keep the focus on the natural beauty of
the area. The more magnificent palatial compounds are hard-
wired to the planetary network. Security protocols keep these
ISESAKI locked down so that executives are forced to spend time away
Planetary Ruler: Shugo Sophia Franklin from their workplace, refreshing their body, mind, and spirit.
Star Type (Recharge Time): Close Binary M0V (196 hours) Due in part to the spectacular solar display in the sky, citizens
Position in System: 1 of Isesaki are obsessed with spaceflight and exploration. One of
Time to Jump Point: 5.89 days ComStar’s major Explorer Corps administrative hubs was located
Number of Satellites: 5 (Hoshide, Yui, Furukawa, Onishi, on the outskirts of the Toyohiro Akiyama Spacecraft Complex. With
Yamazaki) ComStar’s recent abandonment of the site, Isesaki employees have
Surface Gravity: 0.80 petitioned that it be converted into an astronomical observatory and
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) historical library.
Equatorial Temperature: 25° C (Temperate) The capital city of Ukonsoi dominates the central plains of Uchio.
Surface Water: 80 percent Its architecture is a blend of Rasalhagian, Shōwa, Buddhist, and
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir neo-Qing designs centered around the four towers of Isesaki head-
HPG Class Type: A quarters. The entire eastern sector of the city contains rows upon
Highest Native Life: Mammal rows of massive warehouses. These facilities hold products and
Population: 9,320,000 shipments from across the Inner Sphere under heavy security. Bulk
Socio-Economic Levels: B-A-D-A-D items are stored here for varying durations as determined by the
Isesaki Transportation Control Division. (Items of perishable or criti-
A single world orbiting cal importance are transferred at one of the two spacedocks located
a close binary star system, near the system’s recharge stations.) Roku Royal trains steadily crawl
Isesaki was surveyed in 2281 through the sector in a complicated but efficient balancing act; de-
and then promptly ignored, as spite the intense traffic flow, only two collisions have occurred in the
it was deemed of little value to last fifty years.
the resource-hungry Combine Several Combine and corporate administrative clusters dot
at the time. Though its surface the rest of Uchio’s surface. Each cluster is surrounded by residen-
is primarily water, the oceans tial and commercial districts, laid out in concentric patterns. At
contain a heavy amount of poisonous bacteria and alkaline com- night, the lights from the continent’s surface give the impression
pounds. Fluctuating tides caused by the small, close moons made of perfectly placed scales, symbolic of the Dragon’s ever-present
coastal settlements extremely difficult and costly. The small influence on Isesaki and its employees.


NEW SAMARKAND for exercise operations in infiltration, deep cover, intelligence,

Planetary Ruler: District Governor Namichi Sato and other more unsavory activities. In return, the ISF kept a finger
Star Type (Recharge Time): F0IV (171 hours) on the pulse of the Combine’s underworld as New Samarkand
Position in System: 6 became known as a criminal and black market haven.
Time to Jump Point: 21.94 days The decaying cities and abandoned zones also provided a fer-
Number of Satellites: 3 (Jimmu, Kōshō, and Chūai) tile ground for Sun Zhang cadets to train in urban environments.
Surface Gravity: 1.05 The large-scale live-fire battlefield has given many graduates an
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) edge in their careers serving the Dragon. Both aerospace and
Equatorial Temperature: 35° C (Temperate) ground forces train among the crumbling ruins of once-vast bu-
Surface Water: 70 percent reaucratic monoliths and ruined towns. On occasion, cadet teams
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir partner with ISF attack squads to take down a crime syndicate
HPG Class Type: A that has grown too large.
Highest Native Life: Mammal Much of the northern continent is flat, peppered with several
Population: 3,246,000,000 hundred quarry pits that extract valuable germanium and other
Socio-Industrial Levels: C-B-C-B-B precious metals from the planet’s crust. New Samarkand Metals’
sole germanium processing facility is located between the coast
The birth world of Shiro Kurita, New and Shiro Kurita Memorial Spaceport, which also contains the
Samarkand was the original capital and ad- vast Isesaki Shipping cargo vaults.
ministrative hub of the Draconis Combine. The Internal Security College is the ISF’s formal education
With vast shipyards in orbit and millions of academy. Also reachable only by underground shuttle, the col-
kilometers of office buildings to house the lege is surrounded by a sixty kilometer circle of diacetylsilicate,
immense bureaucratic network necessary a synthetic sand developed by a motivated Combine research
for the nation, the planet enjoyed immeasur- team. The sand eats through rubber, flesh, and even ferro-fibrous
able success as the center of the Dragon’s armor plating in seconds. Unauthorized aircraft approaching
power. All of that changed when Coordinator within two hundred kilometers are shot down without warning.
Sanethia developed and groomed Luthien as The ISF headquarters is a massive ferrocrete bunker with
the new capital. reinforced walls stretching four kilometers a side. The facility pre-
New Samarkand went into a slow, heavy decline. More than dates the Star League’s Castle Brian project, though it was later
half of the planet’s population transferred to Luthien, creating a certified as one. The fortress stands at the mouth of the polluted
crushing economic recession that brought in an influx of malcon- Di-Sho Delta. In the event of an NBC assault, the entire structure
tents and vagabonds. Organized crime skyrocketed as yakuza can be environmentally sealed in less than two minutes.
gumi and mafia families fought for power. The decline had a posi- The bunker accommodates more than fifty thousand peo-
tive side, however. The situation opened opportunities for two ple, not including the regiment of BattleMechs housed nearby.
essential Combine establishments: the ISF and the Sun Zhang The ISF is proud of the base’s ability to survive independent of
MechWarrior Academy. support from the rest of the universe for more than a decade.
While much of the upper levels of the Combine’s functionary Within one of the many underground bunkers, huge banks of
apparatus relocated to Luthien, the ISF retained its headquarters logistical battle computers constantly process data, surveil-
on New Samarkand. The planetary decay saw several agitators lance, and communications records to predict hotspots within
set up shop among the crumbling mansions and abandoned ad- the Combine and along its outer borders. No roads lead to the
ministrative enclaves. These run-down urban areas created the facility; the main approach is through a guarded system of un-
perfect environment for the ISF to train its agents. Much of the derground shuttle cars that link headquarters, Internal Security
criminal element was allowed to persist, providing fertile ground College, and Shiro Memorial.



Of all the holdings of the Draconis Combine, the worlds contained in the Dieron
Military District are the oldest. Part of the initial waves of colonization from Terra, these
worlds were also part of the Terran Hegemony, despite being courted by Shiro Kurita.
When the Star League fell, they were among the first targeted by Minoru Kurita, deemed
valuable to the Combine. Many of these systems had Kuritan civilians already living and
working there thanks to the various exchange programs between the Star League and
the Draconis Combine.
By and large, these worlds shed their Hegemony allegiances and trappings
long ago, fully embracing the ways and means of the Combine. Though rebel-
lious activity is high at times, the heavier presence of the DCMS—due to
the proximity of several of the Dragon’s enemies—gently reminds the
population of who remains owner of the world.
Because of heavy Hegemony activity, many of these worlds within
Dieron had been industrialized in some fashion. Their importance
to the rise of the Dragon following the failure of the Star League
cannot be overstated. Without key industries, research labs, and
other industrial breakthroughs, much of the Combine’s domi-
nance in the Succession Wars would be nonexistent. Many civilian
dissenters know this and continue their ancestral traditions, trying
to disrupt the Combine long enough for a sympathetic force to arrive
and seize control. Very few of these attempts have ever been fruitful.

DIERON the Terran Hegemony, an insult

Planetary Ruler: District Governor Edward Nakamura that the Kuritans never forgot.
Star Type (Recharge Time): G3V (184 hours) The world benefited greatly from
Position in System: 4 the Hegemony and then the Star
Time to Jump Point: 8.53 days League’s presence, becoming a
Number of Satellites: 2 (Bemer, Nebulos) thriving administrative and re-
Surface Gravity: 1.02 search center.
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) As the Great Houses scrambled to grab former Hegemony
Equatorial Temperature: 27° C (Temperate) worlds, Dieron was a prime target for Kuritan forces. Minoru
Surface Water: 54 percent Kurita fulfilled Shiro’s original plans and seized the world,
Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir naming it a military district capital. The Dragon’s prestige
HPG Class Type: A increased a hundredfold with the possession of one of the
Highest Native Life: Amphibian sundered League’s prominent technology worlds. Excavations
Population: 2,952,000,000 flecked the surface for decades as the Combine sought to un-
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-B-A-B-C cover rumored Star League bunkers and reopen the massive
Castles Brian.
One of the original worlds colonized during the initial exodus Many consider the world cramped due to the limited space
from Terra, Dieron was one of the most highly developed worlds available in the narrow valleys between the planet’s huge moun-
in culture and industry. Shiro Kurita and his successors attempted tain ranges. The prestige of being a military district capital more
multiple times to badger, threaten, bribe, sweet-talk, and court than makes up for the harsh conditions, however. Even with con-
the world into the Draconis Combine. Ultimately, the planet and stant low-level earthquakes and occasional political dissent, the
its associated allies were forced to follow James McKenna into Dieronese are a content people.


Dieron is rich in natural minerals and ores. Several deep mines was put in place in 2191. Star League terraforming technology
scar the bulk of the Scales of the Dragonet, the longest mountain permitted a larger dome and increased viability, and Azami
chain on the planet. Nestled in the long, shallow Sükhbaatar Valley is citizens began an extensive study of the system’s asteroid
the capital of San Martin. While not the largest city on Dieron, it is one belt. The Combine quietly took control of the world after the
of the most scenic as the ancient Oriental architecture enhances the Star League’s collapse.
beauty of the valley. The same cannot be said for the two well-known In 2743, vast deposits of rare metals were discovered on sev-
Castles Brian that can be seen on the distant horizon from the capital. eral of the belt’s more distant asteroids, which led to additional
To the southwest lies Fortress Dieron, built into the summit of colonization efforts. A joint venture by Luthien Armor Works
Mount Shanyu. It is the center of the DCMS’s military power, hous- and Alshain Weapons formed several mining and construction
ing the Warlord of Dieron and his entire command staff. Much of the communities. These domed cities were of lesser manufacture
Fortress remains in perpetual lockdown, sealed tight when Kerensky than those of the original colony, and workers often required fil-
abandoned the planet centuries ago. Northwest of San Martin is tered masks when outside of buildings for long periods of time.
the smaller fortress known as the Dragon Roost. This bunker com- Despite the domed refuges, large Azami communities formed in
plex weaves in and around Tatsuyama Mountain and is the primary the wilds of Al Na’ir, a landscape that mimicked the hot desert
residence of the planetary chairman, the district governor, and the wastes of Terra and distant Arkab.
upper levels of civilian government. The Kuritan Court authorized the establishment of the School
The continent-spanning Atacama Desert girdles most of for Cultural Investigation (SCI) in 2890. Despite the extremely
Dieron’s equator. The gray volcanic sand hides numerous chasms inhospitable locale, many Combine researchers and academics
and sinkholes, many of which are old Star League exploratory flocked to the school for a chance to study the benefits and draw-
mines. A series of large lakes crisscrosses a large portion of the backs of Azami culture. As the community around the school
Atacama, connected to each other by the fast-flowing Khoomei grew, so did the potential workforce.
River—so named from the constant low rumble of the river as Yori MechWorks, a manufacturing facility built into the larg-
it runs from the top of the Chiloe mountain range to the Tibet est asteroid between Al Na’ir and its planetary neighbor Al
Ocean, an elevation change of 12,587 meters. Most of Dieron’s Abila, benefited from the influx of citizens. The ground-based
cultural and administrative centers reside in the valleys and assembly center expanded near Homai-Zaki. The Scarborough
ridges along the Khoomei, including the Iznakki Interplanetary Manufacturing facility doubled in size. As the SCI waned in popu-
Spaceport and nearby Deber City, one of the five “modular cities” larity, the military and industrial importance of Al Na’ir flourished.
of the failed program conceived by Coordinator Hugai Kurita. By the time of the Clan Invasion, the system’s population neared
800 million.
Al Na’ir’s status as a prefecture capital required considerable
AL NA’IR redevelopment to accommodate the large bureaucracy that
Planetary Ruler: Shogun Quentin Parnell Tormark comes with such government. Excavations of numerous moun-
Star Type (Recharge Time): A9II (170 hours) tain plateaus formed several underground cities with access to
Position in System: 5 the outside atmosphere. These cities consisted of a blend of ex-
Time to Jump Point: 23.75 days pensive domes and rare terraforming technology. They used a
Number of Satellites: 1 (Taliswan) series of sealed airlocks and kilometers of air recycling tubes to
Surface Gravity: 0.6 provide a more normal environment for the influx of government
Atmosphere Pressure: Low (Tainted) workers. The largest of these plateau cities is New Petra, which
Equatorial Temperature: 35º C (Temperate) houses fifteen million people and stretches nearly four kilome-
Surface Water Coverage: 30 percent ters below the surface.
Recharging Station: Zenith After Operation BULLDOG, the Coordinator requested
HPG Class Type: A some resettlement of the reclaimed worlds with model Kuritan
Highest Native Life: None citizens. Valuable incentives were offered, and many citizens
Population: 653,665,000 of Al Na’ir chose to relocate, leaving the harsh atmosphere and
Socio-Industrial Levels: A-A-A-A-D landscape behind.
Al Na’ir’s two continents are separated by Micah’s Sea, the
Al Na’ir offered nothing when first planet’s sole ocean. Cedar Rock, the larger of the two land
surveyed, making it a perfect world for masses, is home to Homai-Zaki and the majority of the plan-
Azami colonists in search of a quiet world et’s population. Scarborough, named for the corporation that
to settle. Tainted with high levels of sul- established several processing and assembly plants dotting its
fur, the planet was too inhospitable for surface, is the smaller of the two. The Sahara Sea is located un-
standard colonization. A small research der Scarborough’s surface and is the main source of the planet’s
and observation colony—Homai-Zaki— fresh water.


ASHIO Two of Ashio’s three continents—Rhodesia and Zaire—

Planetary Ruler: Shogun Nikolai Jansma support the planet’s beef industry. The continental soil is
Star Type (Recharge Time): G6IV (187 hours) exceptionally fertile, producing huge yields in the agricultural
Position in System: 3 co-ops. Vesuvius Major is the main source of mining on Ashio;
Time to Jump Point: 7.01 days the island continent’s ancient lava flows are a rich source of
Number of Satellites: 3 (Kauner, Rossi, Hyde) metal ores and minerals. Razor-straight roads cut ferrocrete
Surface Gravity: 1.00 swaths across all three continents, with straightaways extend-
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Breathable) ing for thousands of kilometers. Land trains and other massive
Equatorial Temperature: 35° C (Temperate) cargo containers are a constant sight on these roads, inevitably
Surface Water: 80 percent making their way to the planetary capital Iscariot. Engineers
Recharging Station: Nadir completed the four-thousand-kilometer tunnel under the Great
HPG Class Type: A Silas Sea in 2953, a 124-year project that employed nearly half a
Highest Native Life: Mammal million citizens.
Population: 1,998,000,000 The main source of urban sprawl is Iscariot. The city ex-
Socio-Industrial Levels: B-B-C-B-B ploded when Ashio was designated a prefecture capital by
Coordinator Taragi. Iscariot is also the largest city on Ashio.
Initially discovered in 2179, Ashio was mar- Some of the Combine’s top Zen garden architects designed
ginally settled and mostly forgotten for nearly the city’s layout, creating a peaceful oasis amidst the vast
two hundred years. Its primary claim to Star plains of Rhodesia.
League fame was Mount Vesuvius Major, a In 3034, Kuritan scientists discovered a rare fish breed deep
ten-kilometer tall volcano—the largest in the in the canyons of the Madagascar Sea. The Ashio Eel, mea-
Inner Sphere. It is estimated that if the volcano suring more than four meters in length, is remarkably sweet
ever erupted, Ashio would experience a thou- when lightly cooked. More significantly, its glands contain
sand-year ice age. A few settlements were enzymes that are beneficial in curing neurological disorders
placed, but the system, with such few mineral such as Parkinson’s. Though heavy restrictions were placed on
resources available, was largely bypassed. harvesting these fish, they were pushed to the brink of extinc-
Ashio’s settlers encountered huge cattle-like herbivores tion due to a culinary fad among the nobility. Few of these
migrating across the vast plains. These Ashio mammoths were eels remain in the wild. Their use in cuisine is banned, but they
domesticated and used as beasts of burden and a food source. can occasionally be found in Ashio’s black market, despite the
When the Terran Hegemony re-discovered the system, a rough punishment of death for possession.
agrarian society was found. The Hegemony took advantage of
the situation and Ashio experienced a steady increase in popu-
lation and production. The University of Ashio opened its doors
in 2543 and became the center of genetic research in the region.
Their first success was in developing a more robust beef-pro-
ducing animal, the bullard mammoth.


KAUS BOREALIS slowly collapse. The largest ground city is the capital Iamda,
Planetary Ruler: Planetary Chairman Mark Thompson where the central headquarters of the Planetary Evacuation
Star Type (Recharge Time): K1IV (192 hours) Command remains in control.
Position in System: 4 Kaus Borealis still serves the Combine as a major waypoint in
Time to Jump Point: 5.18 days interstellar travel. Its two recharge stations have been extensive-
Number of Satellites: 1 (Blufisch) ly modified and contain temporary living quarters, a substantial
Surface Gravity: 0.87 cargo holding area, and minor repair facilities. New Samarkand
Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted) Metals maintains a small asteroid mining facility on the far edge
Equatorial Temperature: 55° C (Desert) of the system with bimonthly cargo runs to waiting JumpShips.
Surface Water: 71 percent The ISF stays busy, working alongside the Admiralty as arriving
Recharging Station: Zenith merchant vessels from Rasalhague and independent concerns
HPG Class Type: None from Terra are inspected.
Highest Native Life: Mammal A comprehensive research report delivered to the Imperial
Population: 35,370 Court in 3065 indicated that the situation on Kaus Borealis was
Socio-Economic Levels: F-F-F-D-F slowly reversing. Toxicity levels in the atmosphere were in sharp
decline, as was the average ocean temperature. Seismic activity
Many astrophysicists and plan- had abated substantially; the last volcanic eruption occurred in
etologists consider Kaus Borealis as 3053. Experts suggested that the Combine begin the rebuild-
“a world on death’s door.” It is a hell- ing process and recommended opening the world to surveys by
ish planet of continuous volcanic heavy industry.
activity that is attributed to severe
tectonic shifts of unparalleled mag-
nitude. More than three hundred KESSEL
volcanoes have formed in the last three centuries alone, erupt- Planetary Ruler: District Governor Julius Astankov
ing with increased intensity. Lava flows freely over nearly ten Star Type (Recharge Time): G0V (181 hours)
percent of the planet’s surface at any given time. Observers find Position in System: 2
it hard to believe the world was once lush and verdant. Time to Jump Point: 10.43 days
When first discovered in the early twenty-third century, Kaus Number of Satellites: 2 (Kiev and Svoboda)
Borealis was a serene world of deep emerald oceans, fertile soil, Surface Gravity: 1.21
ancient woodlands, and abundant wildlife. The early colonists Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted)
made their paradise a home and established it as an agricultural Equatorial Temperature: 42° C (Sauna—Tropical)
center. Scientists thought little of the planet’s seismic disturbanc- Surface Water: 81 percent
es until three new volcanoes emerged on the northern continent Recharging Station: Zenith, Nadir
of Lucynda in 2803. More eruptions followed, swallowing entire HPG Class Type: B
towns and farming regions. The Combine began moving its citi- Highest Native Life: Mammal
zens a decade later, spreading them across Algedi Prefecture. Population: 1,478,000,000
By 3013, enough sulfur, methane, and ash were in the atmo- Socio-Economic Levels: C-A-C-A-D
sphere that the ozone layer collapsed. Breathing was impossible
without respirators and acid rain was the norm. Gone was the Captured centuries ago during one of
paradise known to its few remaining inhabitants. Replacing the many conflicts with House Steiner, Kessel
beautiful and serene wilderness were turbulent, poisoned seas was a hotbed of simmering revolt and un-
and barren wastes. Those who remained were volunteers from derground rebellion. At the start of the Third
various government departments and the operational staff of Succession War, the Dieron district gover-
the Borealis Halo. The large, semi-circular polar orbital station nor named Kessel as a prefecture capital
had once served as a weather and observational platform. Now world. The move was done to reassert the
it hosts a variety of scientists and researchers watching a world Combine’s domination of the planet and a


systematic crackdown of rebel cells and traitorous citizens began. QUENTIN

ISF investigations found that much of Kessel’s restiveness stemmed Planetary Ruler: Tozama Daiymo Andreas Repin
from clandestine support by the Lyran Intelligence Command. Star Type (Recharge Time): K9IV (200 hours)
Kessel was a valuable manufacturing center well before its Position in System: 4
inclusion in the Lyran Commonwealth. The Combine coveted Time to Jump Point: 3.31 days
the world when the Star League collapsed. During a drive into Number of Satellites: None
the Federation of Skye, a side operation snapped up the system. Surface Gravity: 0.74
The Combine quickly saw the untapped potential in this mineral- Atmospheric Pressure: Standard (Tainted)
and metal-rich world, already possessing a multitude of mines, Equatorial Temperature: 56° C (Desert)
refineries, manufacturing centers, and other heavy industry. The Surface Water: 53 percent
Combine brought looser industrial regulations, allowing Kessel’s Recharging Station: Zenith
factories to increase their output and fulfill the DCMS’s needs. HPG Class Type: A
Strip-mining and chemical dumping became commonplace Highest Native Life: Amphibian
and attracted the attention of several nearby yakuza clans. Taking Population: 992,461,000
advantage of new labor pools, unions, and associated vices, the Socio-Economic Levels: B-A-B-A-C
yakuza solidified its grip on Kessel’s underworld. The crime syndi-
cates developed labor parity in the planetary economy, attracting The first colonists on Quentin were em-
new manufacturers and corporations to the system. Several in- ployees of Terran corporations seeking to
dustrial giants from outside the Combine applied to form Kuritan exploit natural resources. During the Age
divisions on Kessel, paving the way for Earthwerks, Federated-Boeing, of War, many of these industries turned
Independence Weaponry, and others to enter the Combine markets. to military applications, and the planet’s
Sverdlovsk is the planetary and prefectural capital, located economy thrived. With such prosperity
on the northern continent of Novgorod. Gershtad, which covers came the desire by various neighboring
most of the southern hemisphere, is home to the massive Kessel governments to secure Quentin and its
Imperial Spaceport. Lobopov, the smallest of the three landmass- industries for themselves. The rise of the Star League saved Quentin
es, remains empty and barren, the result of mass strip-mining from the worst ravages of war. The League’s rule brought even more
operations in the twenty-eighth century. wealth to the world when a major BattleMech manufacturing facility
The newest industry boom on Kessel is that of incarceration. was built in the Steel Valley region. This factory became the center-
Several prison complexes mark Novgorod, housing political dis- piece of Independence Weaponry’s flourishing within the Combine.
senters, captured spies, and other malcontents. A new facility is Multiple expansions allowed the company to produce several heavy
being built on Lobopov; when it opens in 3070, it will house more and assault class BattleMechs.
than two hundred thousand inmates. When the Star League collapsed, Quentin became a target of the
Combine, Federated Suns, and Capellan Confederation. The planet
still retains scars from the various engagements, the most visible be-
ing the caustic atmosphere, a result of a massive biological weapon
attack unleashed as a scorched earth tactic. Several nuclear war-
heads were detonated at the arctic polar ice cap, destroying a key
water purification facility and several deep mining operations.
The majority of Quentin’s population resides in and around
Steel Valley on the equatorial continent of Morandi, which is
also home to the capital Prosperity Point. El Largo, Gladius, and
El Minoro are far less populous due to extremely cold tempera-
tures and the gradual decline of several heavy industries on these
continents. Gladius is also home to the planet’s most curious geo-
graphical feature, the Bloody Gash, a hellish canyon stretching tens
of kilometers through the Okopo Mountains. The bottom of the
rift is an active lava flow, and intense thermals rising from the can-
yon create severe turbulence in the atmosphere above the area.
During the FedCom Civil War, Davion troops started a colossal
fire in the Elroy Forest on El Minoro. The fire raged for months,
consuming millions of hectares of primeval forest and killing off
several endangered species. The smoke and ash from the blaze
could be seen from the multitude of orbital facilities, as can the
now-blackened landscape.




ive symbolic pillars are said to support the society of House ON THE OBLIGATIONS
Kurita: the Pillar of Gold, signifying the ruling Kurita dynasty OF THE IDEAL CITIZEN
and its governing apparatus; the Pillar of Steel, symbolizing The highest ideals to which the subjects of Lord Kurita can aspire are Purity
the military; the Pillar of Jade, representing the economic pro- and Harmony.
ductivity and the flow of wealth and commerce; the Pillar of Teak, By Purity is meant freedom from all that might come between the citizen
standing for the culture and art of the Combine; and the Pillar of and their duty to their Lord and government.
Ivory, exemplifying faith, philosophy, and codes of conduct. [Commentary: Purity does not mean avoidance of bodily functions such as
Deep within the recesses of Unity Palace on Luthien is a complex sex. Rather, it refers to using those functions to increase one’s contribution to the
of small apartments called the Sanctum Arcanum. The innermost Dragon. To combine with one of the opposite sex to produce a child is therefore
room is a low-ceilinged chamber dimly lit by indirect lights. Most praiseworthy if the new life is dedicated to the service of House Kurita. Purity
of the chamber is taken up by a raised platform covered with an does not mean all avoidance of uncleanliness. If one must immerse oneself in
ancient, richly colored carpet woven with the design of an intricate uncleanliness in work or combat for the Lord Kurita, this is praiseworthy and no
Asiatic dragon. In the center of the rug is a black-lacquered sword violation of Purity.]
stand holding the well-worn katana of the dynastic founder, Lord By Harmony is meant synchronizing life, action, and thought to the higher
Shiro Kurita. The figure of the dragon twines around five columns purposes of one’s society and one’s Lord.
that rise from platform to ceiling. Each pillar, standing in a collar of [Commentary: Birth is painful, sickness is painful, wounds in battle are painful,
filigreed gold at the base, is carved from a different kind of ivory. old age is painful, death is painful. This is the noble truth that leads to the cessa-
To the right of the sword stand is a smooth, cream-colored col- tion of all pain: the meaning of life will not be found through individual striving
umn of soft ivory, a huge elephant tusk from the eastern coast of but by becoming part of the web of society. One’s life, one’s happiness, and one’s
Africa on Terra. Its strength is self-evident, but its relative softness, strength are really the strength, the happiness, and the life of the whole. Likewise,
which makes it the easiest for ivory carvers to work, is symbolic of one’s pain, one’s wounds, and one’s sickness are the sickness, the wounds, and the
the adaptability of Kurita doctrine within its basic shape. To the pain of the whole. If one craves life, happiness, and strength for oneself alone, then
left of the stand is a column that looks like clear glass but is actu- one’s pain, sickness, and wounds must also attach to oneself alone, and one’s death
ally a gigantic fire hippopotamus tusk from the tropical world of takes on the terror of the end of all things. In reality, one is not single. One is part
Thimphu. It is extremely dense, hard ivory—so hard it gives off of the whole, and when one dies, one knows that the whole never dies but goes on
fire when struck with steel. It symbolizes the strength and rigor of always to serve and increase the glory of Lord Kurita.]
the unbending Kurita codes. —Dictum Honorium, v. II, 17–23
Slightly behind the sword stand and to the right is a column
of vivid turquoise. This is also the shaft of a single tusk from an
ancient mammoth recovered from deep within the Siberian tun- The figure of the Dragon pervades and sums up much of Kurita
dra on Terra. During the tens of thousands of years the tusk was mythology. At times, it is taken to mean the First Lord, Shiro Kurita.
buried, the metallic salts that gave it its color slowly penetrated At other times, it stands for the entire Draconis Combine. The fifth
the tusk’s pores. This mammoth tusk is symbolic of the deep roots pillar symbolizes the sea and the land, the past and the present,
that Kurita ideology has in the ancient doctrines of Terran Asia. the people and the society, all united in the body of the Dragon
Behind and to the left of the sword stand sits a rough-looking of House Kurita.
ivory column that is streaked and unevenly colored but nonetheless Built into the floor directly in front of the platform in the
massive in its strength. Unfinished, with the bark still on, this tusk Sanctum Arcanum is a section of straw tatami mats covered
came from the same elephant as the soft ivory pillar in the front. It with tightly stretched, brilliantly clean white canvas. Of the same
symbolizes the Kuritan people, rough and unfinished themselves, length as the room—just under five meters—and one meter
needing the hand of the artisan but at heart willing to be shaped. wide, this area resembles a miniature judo or aikido practice mat.
Directly behind the sword is the last ivory column, carved At each end of the mats, two hooded figures sit on their heels,
into the serpentine body of an Asian dragon twisting into a left- facing each other at attention. With hands on knees, they remain
handed spiral. Another fossil, the pillar was made from the single, perfectly still but always alert. Each wears a wide-sleeved robe
sword-like horn of the extinct monodon, once native to the an- of rough brown cloth. What appear to be starched linen wings
cient seas of the arctic wastes of Labrea. Until it was uncovered cover their throats and shoulders, but the material is actually a
during a twenty-seventh century mining operation, this huge flexible ceramic that is impervious to weapons. The figures’ heads
trunk of ivory had spent millennia buried in the permafrost, leach- are hooded, and darkly tinted shields obscure all but the lower
ing radioactive isotopes. When the lights in the Sanctum Arcanum part of their faces. Blue, metallic-looking sashes tied around their
are turned off, this fifth pillar seems to hang in the air like a glow- waists hold their robes shut. These monkish guards are Adepts of
ing dragon, filling the chamber with its own soft illumination. the Order of the Five Pillars (O5P).



The origins of O5P date to the mid-2300s when it was little more than a Even when Marika Von Rohrs reestablished the office of the Keeper in 2509, the
clerical staff intended to assist the Keeper of the House Honor. Omi Kurita, O5P remained in hiding. The majority of the Order remained distrustful of the Von
daughter of Shiro Kurita, first compiled these codes, known collectively as the Rohrs. Only when Martha Kurita became Keeper did the Order exit the shadows;
Dictum Honorium. The Dictum was conceived as both homage and warning to with the ascendance of Siriwan Kurita, the O5P made their full network available to
future generations of Kuritas. The warning was especially pointed after Omi’s the Keeper once more.
younger sister Shada shamed the family’s honor so badly that Shiro ordered
her execution. Restoration
Assisted by her parents, Omi spent her life maintaining and amending the Under Siriwan’s rule, the Order’s power and prestige increased dramatically.
Dictum, becoming the first to hold the title “Keeper of the House Honor.” Though She encouraged the Order’s evolution into an intelligence agency rivaling the ISF in
the title afforded her no real power, the position entitled her a special degree of scope and power. The Order’s income increased as Draconian law reinforced the sale
respect. With her death, the title passed to her niece, Shiragi Kurita, and ever since of ivory to the people. The Pillarine headquarters on Luthien was constructed on
the Keeper has been a member of some branch of the ruling Kurita line. Siriwan’s orders—including the Sanctum Arcanum in Unity Palace.
Furthermore, Siriwan laid down directives that all DCMS officers were required
Evolution to study martial arts under O5P instructors. This allowed the Keeper a view into the
Sanyu Kurita, third Keeper of the House Honor, is largely credited with the state of the Kuritan officer corps and gave the O5P a measure of influence in military
formation of today’s O5P. A controversial Keeper, she was known for making affairs. Some officers—those with the right state of mind or proper loyalties—
revisions that did not always cast the Kurita family in its best light. Sanyu’s were invited into the Order and became agents of O5P.
independence eventually became reflected in the Order itself. Claiming a mo- The Order’s powers never diminished from the days of Coordinator Siriwan and
nopoly on all ivory trade within the Combine as a means to fund her office, Keeper Martha Kurita, though the O5P remains relatively quiet. They maintain their
Sanyu used a series of alliances and brute force. She then expanded her influ- intelligence apparatus, working in tandem with the ISF at times and on their own
ence to cover all artisans who worked with the prized commodity. The result agenda at other times.
was the formation of an unofficial government bureaucracy with the trappings
of a Kurita-sanctioned guild. Modern Day
Over time, Sanyu’s agents spread out along trade networks and expanded their The ISF remains wary of the Order’s infiltration of all aspects of Combine society,
search for new ivory sources. Although these agents once functioned as mere busi- a situation that rivals the secret police’s own machinations. Agents have attempted
ness agents, the influence of Sanyu and her Dictum gradually transformed these to infiltrate the O5P and compete with the quality of its training. Because of the
operatives into a corps of ideological inspectors, and eventually these inspectors ISF’s lack of women—many O5P adepts and illuminati are female—and the Order’s
assumed the trappings of a monastic order. This transformation, including the own counter-penetration of the agency, ISF success has been limited. This rivalry
assumption of a quasi-spiritual chain of command, provided them with better co- continues unabated, lasting more than five centuries, but neither side will openly
ordination and the protection of mystique and anonymity, much the way ComStar’s admit to such disharmony. Such an admission could have disastrous ramifications
own Order evolved. on the Combine, a situation neither agency wishes to see occur.
The organization picked up its name in reference to the five facets of Combine Nonetheless, during the Keepership of Constance Kurita, efforts to reconcile
society. Meshing well with their self-assigned responsibility to uphold the principles differences between the two agencies were initiated. The détente continued under
of House Kurita, the O5P’s new form made it both the spiritual core of the realm and the Keepership of the Coordinator’s daughter Omi, who tested both sides when she
a potent intelligence apparatus. The transformation was so gradual it caught the asked them to relay a message to the Dragon’s enemies during the Clan Invasion. Her
ISF completely by surprise. With the Order’s sanction from the ruling House Kurita, request sought help in freeing the Heir-Designate trapped on Teniente. Emboldened
there was no way to eliminate it. by the mission’s success, Omi continued to build on that alliance of expediency
through the rest of her years.
Underground Tragically, Omi’s death at the hands of an assassin in 3064 seems to have
In 2459, upon Sanyu’s death, Nihongi Von Rohrs decided to abolish the Keeper of shattered the fragile alliance. While the two agencies might have cooperated in-
the House Honor position. He declared the Von Rohrs were of pure morals and eth- dividually with the Coordinator’s son Minoru in tracking Omi’s killer, such reports
ics and had no need for such a position. To emphasize his point, Von Rohrs had the cannot be independently verified. It remains unclear at present exactly how Minoru
Abbess of the Order, Jamila Benhashemi, summoned to the inner parts of the palace found and executed the assassin and avenged the Dragon’s loss.
and executed. With this act and the follow-up executions of many agents, the posi- The current head of the Order and Keeper of the House Honor is Miyako Kurita,
tion of Keeper was abolished, and the Order fled underground. daughter of Isoroku Kurita, the Warlord of the Dieron Military District. The Abbess is
The Order’s lower-ranked adepts and neophytes, taking advantage of their con- Tomade Yamiro, who was recently under rigorous investigation by the ISF for pos-
tacts in the ivory trade, dropped out of sight. They blended in with the populations sible links to the Black Dragons. Ultimately proven innocent, the Abbess has since cut
of planets as far removed from the Von Rohrs military as possible. While in hiding, the Order’s ties with the agency, forming a crack in the already tattered alliance that
they continued to recruit and induct new members and maintained their network neither group can afford at this time.
through clandestine contacts and secret meetings. —A Brief Survey of the O5P; ISF Report 14-9-245, 14 June 3067


tions and prohibitions placed upon them; their loyalty and energy
The essence of religion is faith, a belief strictly independent of intellectual were to be directed to the higher social classes and ultimately to
comprehension. Your religion, then, provides a complete ideological apparatus the state. The collective was emphasized and individualism dis-
that is devoid of content. The content must come from elsewhere, from the real- couraged; the belief system of each class and caste was as rigidly
ity of man’s interaction with the material universe. And because the state is the prescribed as its position in society.
means mankind uses to mediate this interaction, the content of religion in every The harshness of Kurita control kept innovations in thought
era must reflect the ideological requirements of the state that rules in that era to a minimum over the centuries. Nevertheless, it was the tight-
and the leading class that controls that state. ness of this grip that created exotic cults and practices around
—Analects and Commentaries of the Fifth Era; Sacred Works (O5P), 2817 the edges of society, cults which tend to be as short-lived as
they are fascinating. The Principality of Rasalhague, a major por-
tion of House Kurita for several centuries, had its roots in a form
RELIGION AND PHILOSOPHY of Scandinavian Christianity and did not fully integrate into the
As in all essential matters, the Draconis Combine took its lead in Combine until after the McAllister Rebellion in 2510, two hundred
religion from its founder and First Citizen, Shiro Kurita. Understanding years after Shiro’s death.
the Combine’s First Coordinator is essential to grasping the philo- Rasalhagian society originated from Scandinavia on Terra. The
sophical and religious underpinnings of the Dragon. original settlers of the Principality tended to be free-thinking indi-
The household of Shiro’s father Kamaro was based on the as- viduals who wished to avoid being dominated by the troubles of a
cetic samurai culture of seventeenth-century Japan. Though it larger neighbor. The Rasalhague ethic was self-containment and
has never been clear that the Kuritas could trace their lineage independence rather than conquest. The religious underpinning
back to this early warrior class, Shiro identified strongly with of Rasalhagian belief nurtured the individuality of its believers by
the thought and culture of that era. Exactly which thoughts and fixating them on their personal relation to God. Such individualis-
what aspects of the culture he identified with most depended tic thought ran contrary to the collective culture of the Combine,
on his needs and goals at any given time. This is not to say that creating strong rifts between both peoples. Not until the reign of
Shiro was consciously cynical about his beliefs. Rather, the harsh Siriwan McAllister-Kurita did the ideologies between the Combine
focus of his will tended to channel all aspects of his life toward and the Principality finally integrate. The process was no small en-
achieving his goals. deavor and required concessions that had ramifications across all
Stoic and hardworking, Shiro strongly encouraged these quali- elements of both societies.
ties among his subjects. He also possessed a remarkable talent for
concentrating on a single objective until it was attained, whether THE DOCTRINES OF SHIRO
a stubbornly defended world or an important decision in a fam- Less than ten years after Shiro Kurita became First Coordinator,
ily matter. Some attribute his military prowess to this firmness of he had taken the role of spiritual and governmental leader of the
mind rather than to his skill as a strategist. Combine. Once he had demonstrated that strength of character
From an early age, Shiro and his brother Urizen trained exten- could achieve sweeping victories over formidable enemies, his
sively in the martial arts of jujutsu and aikido and learned combat people responded enthusiastically. They believed Kurita’s suc-
techniques for knives, swords, staffs, and other personal weapons. cesses owed much to a sustained effort and a certain set of mental
Before they reached their teens, they also came under the tutelage of attitudes—something Shiro actively implied—and his followers
masters in the rigorous study of go, shogi, and variations on the strat- could produce similar, if less spectacular, results. His ability to cap-
egy roleplaying games that flourished off and on over the centuries. ture the people’s imagination was no accident. Shiro had learned
Shiro was drawn to Taoism in his youth, absorbing deeply and as a talented, young kendo student that the strength of the sword
early the principle that all things change into their opposites. For came from the ki of the fencer extended through the length of the
example, he could change a headlock by an opponent into his blade. His intention was to weld together the people of Yamashiro
own hold by capturing the other man’s elbow, or he could turn Prefecture, then all the people of New Samarkand, and eventually
withdrawal from the enemy’s advance into his own encirclement all the people and resources of the galaxy into one mighty weapon.
and attack. His appreciation of the Taoist dialectic, the principle The ki controlling that mighty blade would be his own.
of constant change, served him well as he made his way from a To control and channel the people, Shiro realized that he must
lesser household on New Samarkand towards the seat of power mandate a person’s ideology, his view of the universe, and how he
as founder of an interstellar dynasty. related to it. Shiro laid down the fundamental values that would
As Shiro concentrated power on New Samarkand under inform all of Draconis society: Purity and Harmony. These principles
his rule, consolidated the Alliance of Galedon, and formed the appeared, in one form or another, as part of Shintoism, Buddhism,
Draconis Combine, his interest shifted from the Taoist principle of and Confucianism—the religions of ancient feudal Japan. Though
change toward the ancient Confucian principle of stability. purity and harmony may seem benign and transcendent in the ab-
Early in his reign the First Coordinator established the princi- stract, what they came to mean in Draconian practice was harmony
ples of a highly stratified society in which every citizen is assigned with the interests and intentions of the Kurita state and purity from
a rigorously defined position. Each person had very clear expecta- any thoughts that contradicted those of the First Coordinator.



MYTHOLOGY OF Before Shiro Kurita became First Coordinator of the Combine
IVORY IN THE COMBINE in 2319, he took time to raise a family, assuring himself a line of
Historians or social scientists of other Great Houses might suggest that the dy- descendants. Shiro sired two sons and two daughters. Shada,
nastic line derives its existence from the larger society. In the Draconis Combine, the youngest daughter, was born in 2312 and in many ways con-
however, no one ever questions the truism that everything originates with Kurita. sidered his favorite. Even in her youth, she shared Shiro’s strong
Without Kurita, there would be nothing. Long ago, in the twenty-sixth century, one jaw, love for life, and zest for adventure. In 2333, Shada broke her
of the wiser and more capable Coordinators, Lord Hehiro Kurita, was asked which father’s heart and wounded his spirit when she announced her
of the institutions of society he would keep if the ruling House were to lose all but desire to attend the University of Pesht. Shiro knew the need for
one. Without hesitation he replied, “The Pillar of Ivory. As long as the people remain formal education and acknowledged the quality of that institu-
united in their ideology, the dynasty would eventually be able to regain all the rest; tion’s curriculum. He reluctantly permitted his daughter’s request.
without the faith of its people, all would be lost.” Four months later, Shada met Charles Klein, a social para-
Why, then, ivory, as the substance of the Pillar that signifies the thought and site from an undistinguished family. Klein’s presence in Shada’s
conduct of the Kuritan people? Of the Five Pillars, only ivory and teak represent company was barely tolerated by her elders and not condoned.
living materials, and only ivory comes from ambulatory beings like ourselves. Despite the numerous warnings, both fell in love and less than
Starting in earliest youth, the animal’s tusks continue to grow during the whole eight months after leaving her father’s home, she was pregnant.
of its existence; the tusk is built up in layers, the innermost layer being the last Shiro did not take long to learn of this nearly unforgivable
produced, while the outermost eventually becomes a hard and impervious pro- transgression. Alternating between fury and despair, the eldest
tection. In like manner, the Pillar of the people’s consciousness continues to grow Kurita ordered his daughter’s immediate return to the capital. She
with the expansion of House Kurita. As in the layered tusk, each stratum of soci- came under armed escort but refused all of the solutions her fa-
ety is assigned the mode of faith and conduct most suited to its position. As with ther presented. Shiro declared she had disgraced her own honor
the protective outer bark of the tusk, all is kept safe by the strength of character and the honor of the Kurita family. By her affair with a person of no
of the First Lord and the diligence of the Keeper of the House Honor. family and the resulting pregnancy, she had violated the principle
—Commentaries, by Constance Kurita, Keeper of the House Honor; of Purity. By her refusal to abide by the dictates of her father, she
Luthien, 3007 had violated the principle of Harmony. If she were to go ahead
with the birth, the resulting child would carry the impurity and
disharmony into the very heart of the Kuritan realm.
THE DICTUM HONORIUM Shiro had no recourse. He ordered her to the palace courtyard
The society of House Kurita is regimented, and in many ways, early one morning, where she found a firing squad. After offer-
stultified. To maintain the desired degree of order among the ing one last opportunity for Shada to cleanse her dishonor—and
populace, the Combine leaders depend on one document: the her steadfast refusal—Shiro pulled the trigger himself. Later that
Dictum Honorium. morning, he announced the untimely death of his youngest child
The Dictum Honorium is a detailed set of conventions, first and then proceeded with the daily affairs of state.
compiled and published by Omi Kurita—daughter of Shiro
Kurita—upon the death of her sister, Shada. The Dictum contains The First Keeper
strict guidelines on procedures for offering and accepting surren- Less than a week later, Omi—Shiro’s other daughter—began
der, ways of behaving honorably while in an enemy House, and to compile notes on correct behavior. Shiro and Urizen Kurita and
other related protocols. It is the original reference source in the more than two dozen other leaders served as her primary sources
Draconis Combine for the increasingly complex web of obliga- of counsel. Less than four months after Shada’s death, the first
tions that circumscribes the lives of everyone, from top to bottom. version of the Dictum Honorium was verified for accuracy and
Frequently, the Dictum spells out these interrelationships as ta- released for publication. Since then, it has remained the most
bles or as interconnected line charts. It is maintained as a ready produced publication in Combine space, eclipsing The Kuritan Art
reference on every Combine world. Several senior House Kurita of War by more than double.
advisors are reputed to have memorized the entire document. For the remainder of her life, Omi devoted her time to main-
The Dictum—also referred to as the Code—has been heavily taining and amending these documents and speaking publicly in
amended over the years, and now appears in its twelfth revision as a support of the new moral regulations. Her role evolved gradually
set of seven volumes. It is significant to note that over the centuries, into an established, if unofficial, position that became known as
no deletions have ever been made to the document, only addi- “Keeper of the Family Honor,” or “Keeper of the House Honor.” The
tions. None of the punishments recommended for violations have holder of the position was entitled to a special degree of respect
ever been lessened or commuted in subsequent revisions. The text despite no official authority. Every Keeper since Omi has been a
contains many anecdotes, historical examples, and lengthy mono- member of some branch of the Kurita family.
logues. Due to lack of proper editing, the document is somewhat When word of Omi’s death reached New Samarkand in 2375,
disjointed, making it difficult to read. Nevertheless, it provides clear Omi’s niece Shiragi accepted the position. She filled the role ef-
substantiation of House Kurita’s reputation for xenophobia. fectively and without controversy until her own death in 2410.



“On Enemies” “On Proper Behavior When Among Enemies”
The only friends a Draconian has are those who are born in, are totally committed to, Draconians from time to time find themselves in the presence of enemies with-
and will die in service to the Draconis Combine. Members of any other political govern- out being in a state of war. This occurs when they serve as diplomats, delegates,
ment, family, or party not actively loyal to House Kurita are enemies. They must be treated traders, or as exchanged hostages. Such individuals must never allow enemies to
accordingly. All other Houses are deceptions, false pretenders to the throne that is right- learn of House Kurita’s strengths, as these lessons must come as surprises on the
fully Kurita’s, and thus are enemies. All people can be classified either as friends (and fellow field of battle. Enemies must not learn of House Kurita’s secret plans for the future,
loyal Kuritans) or as enemies. There is no such thing as a truly neutral or disinterested party, for a premature revelation may bring an end to the plans.
though the Coordinator can declare an enemy as neutral for a time, as dictated by the needs It is too much to expect of enemies that they follow the proper path of virtue.
of the Dragon. Such declared neutral forces cannot be trusted beyond the circumstances Even animals and the Clans have their own diluted forms of honor, inferior though
required, and citizens are encouraged to distance themselves from so-designated parties. they may be. Draconians must always be conscious of preserving and maintaining
Not all enemies offend House Kurita equally. The lowliest MechWarrior or tech- honor when possible. This means that enemies should also be treated as if they were
nician does not displease the leaders of the Draconis Combine as much as would a people, unless there is evidence that they are not worthy of such treatment or they
pretender to the throne. Many underlings do not realize what wrongs they commit. swear allegiance only to the Clans.
All else being equal, the lesser the enemy’s rank, the lesser the offense. Do not judge
an enemy out of proportion to his failures. It is always possible that some enemies “On Accepting Surrender in Wartime”
not overly evil or afflicted may be salvaged, especially if the enemy has skills that Enemy fighters who offer to surrender on the field of battle either have no code
could be useful to House Kurita. of honor or else their code is completely unsuited to the situation. They should be
killed immediately unless they appear to provide some intrinsic value to further
“On the Relations of Citizens with Enemies” Kuritan conquest.
Citizens of the Draconis Combine are prohibited from having personal relations Enemy fighters who fall into our hands because of wounds, surprise, etc., be-
with enemies. To do so would deteriorate the moral fiber and strength of conviction come a decisive tactical burden on Kurita forces because of the need to care for,
that is so crucial to House Kurita. The Coordinator is the sole authority on defining guard, feed, and transport them. They also represent the potential to transform into
the Dragon’s enemies. For a time and purpose, forces that have been in strife with combat units in our rear. They should be killed promptly unless they appear to pro-
the Combine may be declared a neutral power due to non-aggression pacts. While vide some intrinsic value to further Kuritan conquest.
contact with such neutral powers is allowed, citizens are encouraged to refrain from To give death to enemy fighters in these situations is to give them the honor
relations unless they are vital to the Dragon’s welfare. that is appropriate to warriors, even though they may neither understand this honor
nor deserve it.
“On Proper Behavior of the Warrior” The Rule of Five applies: death is the one appropriate way of dealing with enemy
The proper business of the warrior is death. The warrior cannot enter a contest surrender; there are four exceptions.
with any thoughts of his own survival. His only concern must be to destroy the en-
emy or else die fighting, unless his death would bring further harm to the Draconis 1. When enemy prisoners possess technical skills needed by the Draconis
Combine. In such situations where actions such as a withdrawal is deemed neces- Combine, it should be determined if their state of mind is such that their loyalties
sary to the continued honor and survival of the Dragon, the warrior must choose to can be reattached to House Kurita. If they can be salvaged, tactical circumstances
uphold the Combine’s honor and postpone his death until a later time. permitting, they should be kept as prisoners.

2. Before enemy prisoners are killed, they should be surveyed to determine

“On Proper Behavior Toward Enemies”
which ones might possess information valuable to Kurita forces; these should be
The opposing fighter must be presumed to have the same code of death or vic-
kept alive long enough for the information to be extracted.
tory as the Kurita warrior. It would be disrespectful to the enemy to hold him to a
lesser standard than we hold for ourselves. In the face of the enemy, our objective 3. Before enemy prisoners are killed, they should be surveyed to determine if
is to destroy him utterly, and there must be no hesitation or lack of resolve in this any might be useful as hostages; tactical situation permitting, these should be pre-
regard. It is true that fighters from other Houses hold to weaker standards than do served and returned as quickly as possible to rear areas.
the warrior of House Kurita. Nevertheless, we deal with them in battle as we expect
to be dealt with ourselves, even though they may not actually deserve this honor. 4. A Kurita commander may find himself in a situation in which the surrender of
The Clans are generally treated with respect equal to that of a Kurita warrior, an entire enemy force may be possible. In these cases, prisoners taken early can be
unless the situation demands tactics and decisions that will work for the benefit of preserved so as not to discourage the surrender of others. When the engagement is
the Dragon. On the battlefield, honor is extended to the Clan enemy as best can be complete, the usual rules for accepting enemy surrender apply.
provided. The honor and standards of the Combine are to be upheld above the Clan
enemy, which may mean an abandonment of the enemy’s strict code of warfare. —Dictum Honorium v.XII, 40–78


Shiragi’s term, however, included preparing the first full revision lishing a workable set of proposals for limited but effective warfare.
of the Code after Robert Kurita assassinated Werner Von Rohrs in Though not specifically covered in the Ares Conventions, similar
2395. The second version, dated 2397, reemphasized the need for codes of conduct evolved for administering vendettas.
discretion in personal relationships, particularly in dealing with House Kurita, a culture rooted in military tradition, has em-
outsiders—anyone not of the Kurita family. ployed the art of vendetta more than any other Great House or
Periphery nation. As a result, the techniques, tactics, and regula-
Sanyu Kurita tions for vendetta are more fully developed here than elsewhere.
Shiragi’s successor was Sanyu Kurita. The violent assassina- Only one publication available within the Draconis Combine
tions and exiles of various family members prompted a second contains any information on vendettas. This single manual is The
revision, which came out in 2413. This revision reflected some of Assassin’s Handbook. It is used primarily as a reference for poisons,
House Kurita’s activities in less than the best possible light, and weapons, and other tools of the trade, rather than as a source-
Sanyu found herself the center of controversy for her decisions. book for tactics. (The Assassin’s Handbook is required reading in
With the deaths of Jason and Saigo Kurita, Coordinator Parker many of the Combine’s prestigious academies.) There are also
Kurita strongly encouraged Sanyu to enact a third revision of the the unwritten rules, followed by all agents of House Kurita when
Code, in order to include particular details and soften the previ- conducting vendettas, which are not codified in written form but
ous revision’s aggressive tone. Sanyu declined, citing that “the taught by the appropriate societies and organizations that sur-
need was not yet great enough.” Despite an unpleasant investiga- vive on the ancient art.
tion, her word was accepted and the decision stood. The Kurita rules of vendetta vary, depending on whether the
A third revision was released by Sanyu in 2422 after Nihongi vendetta deals with another House or with other families with-
Von Rohrs seized power and sold her younger sister Lenore into in the Draconis Combine. What follows is only a sample of the
slavery. Sanyu considered a fourth revision in 2426 after her Kuritan rules for revenge. The guidelines described here are spe-
nephew Philip was exiled, but she dismissed the idea after be- cific to the Draconis Combine under the rule of House Kurita; other
ing threatened with prison and slavery. Sanyu kept a low profile Houses operate differently and with less elegance and honor.
from then until her death, though her strong convictions and in-
dependence of mind established the autonomy of the role. Her VENDETTA ACROSS CLASS LINES
successors have since strived to preserve that independence. In the Combine, there are no vendettas across class lines. If a
person of lower class injures or affronts a family of higher class, this
THE ART OF VENDETTA is a public offense against the Harmony of Lord Kurita and will be
The concept of vendetta (and the related concept of the dealt with by the ISF or other civil authority. Persons of higher class
revenge assassination) is old and predates current times by at are authorized to chastise those of lower status at their own judg-
least four thousand years. During these millennia, many mili- ment, and no rights of vengeance attach to the chastised party.
tary strategists, philosophers, and even religious leaders have The only exception is if the aggrieved party is a member of Clan
agreed that violence is often the only appropriate response Nova Cat. As such, the aggrieved may choose to either react in ac-
to violence or other grievous affront. This does not imply that cordance to this vendetta rule or enact the Clan’s Trial of Grievance.
there are no guidelines for conduct. On the contrary, in vendet-
ta societies throughout history, the account books for blood VENDETTAS WITHIN A CLASS
debts have been kept as carefully as the financial records of the The right of vendetta operates only within the aristocracy and
moneychangers, and the rules and conventions surrounding within the military. Within the merchant class, the workers, and the
revenge have been more punctilious than even the strictest Unproductives, individuals do not possess such a level of personal
commercial code. honor that can be offended or require the satisfaction of revenge.
It should be pointed out that a vendetta killing differs from Among the lower orders, however, individuals do retaliate for
a political assassination in that the purpose of the vendetta is insults or injuries. These actions tend to be impulsive. The mid-
to settle accounts, to balance carefully that which is out of bal- dle class, obsessed with upward mobility, parodies with deadly
ance. This requires great precision so that the old imbalance is seriousness the customs of its betters. As financial and trading dy-
corrected without a new imbalance being introduced. A political nasties have gained more clout within the Combine, House Kurita
assassination, on the other hand, is much more straightforward, has tolerated these “plastic” vendettas without granting them
for it removes by the most efficient means available a person who official recognition. Middle-class vendettas tend to fall into two
has become inconvenient. Assassinations are not bound with all categories: the socially pretentious aping of noble honor codes
the rules and formalities of vendettas, though they do draw heav- and the serious elimination of business competition.
ily on the expertise of the vendetta killers. Again, exceptions apply when the situation is dealing with
The dissolution of the Terran Alliance in the twenty-fourth centu- members of Clan Nova Cat. The Clan’s labor, technician, and sci-
ry left many societies unhinged. The rules of many things, including entist castes are seen as common Kuritan laborers in this regard.
revenge, fell into confusion and chaos. The highly structured and The Clan’s merchant caste apes that of their Kuritan counterpart;
formalized Ares Conventions of 2412 went a long way toward estab- if a Clan merchant is the aggrieved party, they may choose to con-


duct a formal Trial of Grievance against the aggressor or simply

ignore the situation, which is then turned over to the proper au- THE ALLURE OF
thorities. Warriors of Clan Nova Cat in the position of the aggrieved THE FORTY-SEVEN
are required to conduct a formal Trial of Grievance, though if the The Tale of the Forty-seven Ronin is a popular subject across the Combine,
affronting person is not of military position, the warrior is disal- spawning countless words, documentaries, topical programs, and more. In
lowed the option of augmented combat. the tale, forty-seven samurai became masterless ronin when their lord com-
Nobles and warriors have an obligation to maintain their per- mitted suicide following a slight from a high advisor to the shogun. It was
sonal purity unsullied. They have a higher calling to preserve the not acceptable to the shogun that his advisor be killed in revenge. After
Harmony of their relation to the will of Lord Kurita. The obligation elaborate deceptions, the forty-seven did kill the advisor, resolving the im-
of purity must never be allowed to interfere with that of harmony. purity of their master’s death, but violating the harmony of the Shogunate.
When a family or an individual requires satisfaction to cleanse They restored harmony by gathering at their master’s grave and committing
their honor, the vendetta must first be registered with House mass suicide.
Kurita and cannot proceed without permission. If the vendetta Within the DCMS, if a junior officer is offended by a senior officer, the junior
would contradict the interests of the Coordinator, the impurity must remove the impurity by killing someone appropriate of his or her own rank;
can be removed by royal decree. he must, in essence, commit seppuku. Because of the strong pull of the Tale of the
Forty-seven Ronin, many junior officers began by killing the senior officer who
If an offended one puts personal purity ahead of the obliga-
caused the offense before carrying out their own death. Senior officers caught
tion of Harmony, they must not trouble the Coordinator further
onto this alarming trend, and the DCMS High Command instituted another prac-
once the impurity has been removed. Rather, they must take the
tice outside the formal rules, wherein the offended junior officer met in combat
initiative in restoring the Harmony of the Dragon by permanently
with another junior officer from the senior’s staff to conform to the rules of du-
removing themselves from the Coordinator’s sight. The best guide
eling. This began a practice that is still carried out today more from tradition:
for resolving these dilemmas continues to be the Chushingura
senior officers often assigned to their aide staff a junior that was highly skilled
(Tale of the Forty-seven Ronin) from medieval Terran Japan.
in the martial arts. This aide had no other functions or duties except to stand in
The rules of vendetta do not apply to civilian women. (Only re- if a duel materialized.
cently have the rules of vendetta been opened to women serving in —Little-Known Traditions of the Dragon; Gymnasium Press Ltd, 3042
an active DCMS command.) A woman has no right or obligation of
revenge for a slight from another woman. If a man of one family of-
fends a woman of another family, the offense is not to her but to her
husband, father, or older brother. Though a man might be obliged to
kill the woman in his own family, he cannot restore balance by killing
Citizens of other Houses and nations can in no way com-
a woman in the other family. Vengeance must be directed against
the offending male. If a younger brother of the offending male is pare with Draconians in terms of purity of character. Between a
killed, balance is not completely restored. If an older brother or the Draconian noble or officer and a person of comparable station
father of the offending male is killed, a new imbalance is created. from another nation, the other is always in some way inferior to
Inasmuch as the impurity attaches to the persons of fam- the Combine citizen. Therefore, no offenses to purity or obliga-
ily members, they alone can cleanse it. Others, especially hired tions of vendetta can arise between Draconians and others of
strangers, cannot accomplish revenge. This rule has given rise to equal station. For a Draconian to take blood offense, the oth-
the practice of “adopting” honorary members into a family unwill- er person must be at least one rank or class level higher. If the
ing or unable to exact the blood price personally. The adoptee is person is of the same or lower rank, the Draconian can simply
given a “gift of obligation” for carrying out the unpleasant duty. chastise them with death, without any of the obligations of for-
Thus, the lowest levels of society came to contain more and more mal vendetta.
“members” of the noblest Kurita families. Competition for these The primary obligation of formal vendetta remains harmony
lucrative gifts was soon monopolized by three guilds of profes- with the Lord Kurita. All vendettas with persons or families of
sional assassins: one predominantly Rasalhagian Nordic, another other Houses must be registered with House Kurita and cannot
from Sverdlovskian Russian roots, and a third of largely Dover Irish proceed without permission.
descent. (It is assumed without question that noble Kuritan Asians Concerning agents or representatives of ComStar, the ob-
would not stoop to such work.) Members of these populations had ligation of harmony and longstanding tradition overrides the
spread throughout most of the Combine, and that gave them the obligation of purity. ComStar operatives cannot be killed under
freedom of anonymity on practically any world held by the Dragon. any circumstances unless decreed by the Coordinator as a mat-
Within the military, no distinction is made in terms of balance ter of state and not of honor. It is acceptable, however, to exile
between junior officers. Balance can be restored by a duel to the the offending operative from the Dragon’s borders. Such action is
death between the two principals. The same holds true among often accompanied with a promise by the Coordinator to restore
senior officers, with the proviso that vendettas must be registered any future imbalance caused by the agent’s re-entrance into the
with the Coordinator, who can choose to restore balance by decree. Combine through the deliverance of death.



Over the centuries, the citizens of the Draconis Combine have developed an Dragon’s Dove
almost personal relationship toward the symbol of the Dragon. An image bor- The Dragon has only a single friend: a small, pale blue dove. This bird often
rowed from the ancient mythology of Terran Asia, the Dragon figures prominently serves as a lookout during the day in exchange for the Dragon’s warmth and protec-
in clichés, epigrams, and other phrases of speech in Kuritan society. From the very tion at night. In common usage, it is a reference to any valuable services rendered
beginning, Shiro Kurita fastened on the Dragon as a symbol of godlike powers be- by a lesser subject or needed assistance from an unexpected source, such as Clan
cause it would ensure his people’s identification with the ruling House, rather than Nova Cat.
to some free-floating, undefined, and unpredictable god-figure. No other House
identifies as completely with a single symbol, or accords it so much esteem, as does Dragon’s Eternal Enemy
House Kurita with its Dragon. This phrase originated as a euphemism for the Federated Suns during the
The court sage Tango, a student of the subject, compiled a book of sayings. Succession Wars. Since the 3050s, this phrase has been shifted in usage to describe
He entitled his book of parables Wisdom of the Dragon. The volume was first pub- the Clans, though many career troops still use it when discussing the Dragon’s more
lished in 3011 and is still widely available today. (It is the third bestselling book in ancient enemy.
the Combine.) The examples below are only a small sampling of the contents, but
they are among the most common. All references come from the mythology of the Dragon’s Joy
Draconis Combine. The meanings of many, if not all, of the phrases would be com- This is the feeling of ecstasy that the Dragon experiences when a citizen fulfills
pletely unknown in the territories of the other Great Houses, save those waiting to his routine duties for the benefit of the Combine.
be reclaimed by the Dragon.
Dragon’s Seeds
Arm of the Dragon Places that were once barren but now permit the Virtues of the Dragon to grow
The combined military forces, particularly the BattleMech regiments, of the and flourish. In common usage, any new worlds conquered by the Combine.
Draconis Combine.
Dragon’s Tears
The Yellow Bird The Dragon cries a single tear for every wound it suffers. In common usage, any
The Dragon has only one dangerous enemy: a very small yellow bird possessed DCMS personnel killed in combat is referred to as a “Dragon’s tear.”
of a fierce demeanor and a sharp beak. Strangely unafraid, this bird searches for
the sleeping Dragon throughout the land. If it were to find the Dragon, the bird Dragon’s Teeth
would poke out its eyes—the Dragon’s only vulnerable points. In common usage, This is an informal name for the Draconis household guard protecting the in-
this expression refers to the fact that any enemy can be dangerous, no matter how cumbent Coordinator. In 2510, Martin McAllister, commander of the household
insignificant in appearance. guard, led a palace coup in which the entire ruling Von Rohrs family was extermi-
nated. This gave rise to a spate of quips among the lower ranks of the military, all
Claws of the Dragon of which related the Dragon’s Teeth to certain parts of the Coordinator’s anatomy.
There are five claws on each of the Dragon’s forelimbs. In common usage, Martin McAllister ordered severe punishment for anyone overheard referring to him
each claw refers to one military district in the Combine: Galedon, Benjamin, Pesht, so disrespectfully.
Dieron, and the spirit of Alshain.
Heart of the Dragon
Dragon Days The sum of manpower, resources, and facilities possessed by the Draconis
The period of time when, due to physical location and seasonal changes, a por- Combine. This is often used in reference to the Dieron Military District, which con-
tion of a world experiences extended darkness. tains the majority of the Combine’s military industrial power.

Dragon’s Blood Pillars of the Dragon

Another name for jewelblood, a rare and precious gem found on the Combine A set of five columns located in the Dragon’s lair. Before sleeping, the Dragon
worlds of Sighisoara and Coudoux. positions his body so that each of the five pillars supports either a limb or the tail.
This also refers to the Five Pillars of the Draconis Combine.
Dragon’s Breath
The Dragon is capable of killing many opponents merely by breathing on them. Sons of the Dragon
In common usage, this refers to the concept that death may come from less-than- In common usage, this refers to any loyal and faithful followers of the Draconis
obvious sources. It is also used as a collective reference to agents of the Internal Combine. Within the ISF, it refers to the Director’s elite assassins.
Security Force. —Wisdom of the Dragon, Fourth Edition; New Samarkand Press, 3052


THE MYSTICISM OF FIVE an attack at 5:00 a.m. on May 5. Using darkness to move out of
There are myriad examples in Draconian culture of the spe- position, the Steiner defenders crashed into the Draconian rear
cial significance of the number five. House Kurita court sages as the Kuritans overran the empty perimeter. The attack utterly
and others have deliberately encouraged the mysticism sur- failed and brought shame upon the Kuritan commander for such
rounding this number. obvious predictability.
While the origins of this attachment are unclear, it is certainly Five-year birthdays are especially significant in Kuritan culture.
not unprecedented. Other cultures often attributed special Because of the high rate of infant mortality—when compared to
meanings or powers to various numbers. For example, the num- the other Great Houses—babies are given only affectionate nick-
ber ten developed a certain importance due to the Arabic names upon birth. On their fifth birthday they receive their full,
system of numbers and decimal mathematics. Special charac- official names as permanent members of the family. The tenth
teristics were ascribed to certain small prime numbers, squares, birthday is a child’s “coming out” celebration and is celebrated
and multiples, with the pseudoscience of numerology support- through either a boy’s gempuku or girl’s quinceañera. These par-
ing these beliefs. ties are considered the end of childhood. In the middle and upper
(Despite what Federated Suns backwater denizens insist, the classes, ten-year-olds usually begin intensified courses of training
number five was not chosen because that was as high as Shiro or education. In the lower classes, they begin full-time work if they
Kurita could count. Especially since they can barely count past haven’t started.
three—conveniently the average number of teeth they possess.) Boys at the age of fifteen leave home for extended military
The Draconis Combine was divided into five military districts training. Girls are considered on the verge of marriage at the
for centuries; each of these districts was further divided into five same age. The twentieth birthday marks the beginning of a
prefectures. After a series of steady conflicts that began with male’s career; a young woman should already be approaching
the Clan Invasion in 3050, the Combine has not yet had time to the fifth birthday of her first child. The twenty-fifth is considered
restructure its holdings into the traditional divisions. A Ministry one of extra-lavish feasting for both sexes, due to the signifi-
of the Court and Ministry of the Interior task force is currently cance of five times five. The fiftieth is considered the prime of
drafting up new district and prefecture borders to be present- a male’s power—and when a woman celebrates her status as a
ed to the Coordinator after his return from the Fourth Whitting wise and fruitful grandmother.
Conference. The more superstitious citizens bemoan the imbal-
ance as the cause of the Combine’s ills of late, from the death of BELIEF SYSTEMS
the Coordinator’s wife to the recent struggles with the Federated
Commonwealth and Clan Ghost Bear. OF THE FIVE CLASSES
The number five also has importance with regard to the The First Coordinator decreed that the work, social structure,
Dragon, and much of Draconian society revolves around the cen- and personal life of the citizen would be rigidly decreed in advance
tral concept of five pillars. The Dragon possesses five claws and for each of the five classes of Combine society. Being conscious of
respects five virtues. the need to control his people’s ideology, Shiro was not going to
Some writings indicate there is only one correct choice and leave a matter of such importance to chance. The religious beliefs
four incorrect choices for each action. Though this statement is of each class were also to be determined by the state.
mathematically suspect, it does serve to remind Draconians to
take care when performing a duty. It also indicates how straight NOBILITY
and narrow a path citizens are encouraged to maintain and how The very small class of kuge constitutes the leadership and
delicate their balance must be along this path. the brains of the Combine. Thus, it needs the greatest possible
The importance given to the number five makes it prominent breadth and flexibility of thought. It is also the most likely source
in the people’s superstitions. The winning combinations in the of possible challenge to the ruling House; as such, it must be kept
various dice, cards, and pick-up sticks games that keep currency under close watch and tight control. Theoretically, every sort of
circulating among the lower orders are all multiples and combina- Asian-inspired thought from ancient Terra is appropriate to this
tions of five. Citizens sometimes let important decisions depend class, though the pull of contradiction is resolved mainly through
on who is the fifth person to walk through a door or to call on the rigidities of Confucianism and the flexibility of Taoism. The
their communications device. Clan Nova Cat’s usage of five in Coordinators have always given great attention to keeping the
their society and military has helped remove some suspicion of minds of the nobility focused on the Confucian chain of obli-
the refugee Clan. gations: of younger sons to older sons, of sisters to brothers, of
It is considered good luck to be in a military unit with the num- wives to husbands, of children to parents, and of everyone to the
ber five in its designation. Kuritan parents frequently use clout, Coordinator. At the same time, the give-and-take of warfare and
cash, or both to get their offspring assigned to such units. This su- politics require a fluid ability to take advantage of opportunity, a
perstition occasionally works to the disadvantage of the Kuritan capacity to yield when softness is necessary, a hardness when it is
military. In one infamous example, a Steiner commander on necessary to crush enemies, and an alertness to the flux of nature
Hesperus II correctly guessed his Kuritan opponent would launch to know which course is appropriate.


Kuritan nobility is also charged with responsibility for maintain- that his deepest value lies in his dedication to the Kurita dynasty.
ing an apparatus of Shinto priests, temples, and ceremonies. The He will risk whatever its scions may require of him, including his
kuge are discouraged, however, from actually believing the super- life, without question or fear. That same loyalty, carefully nurtured
stitions of this ancient religion. Shintoism is the designated belief throughout Combine society and concentrated in its military, will
system of the lower orders. The purpose of the priesthood is to preserve it for generations to come.
keep control of these beliefs firmly in the hands of the nobility. The armed forces have always represented the pinnacle
At the time that Rasalhague—founded on a Scandinavian of service to House Kurita, from the early days of conquest to
form of Christianity derived from Eastern Orthodox Catholicism— the Combine’s battle for survival against the invading Clans.
joined with the rest of the Combine following the McAllister Even during the realm’s darkest period, the Draconis Combine
Rebellion, a political compromise allowed these citizens to Mustered Soldiery kept the Combine alive until a true Kurita ap-
preserve their religion. This provision would only work if the peared to redeem it. DCMS units played a major role in the Inner
Rasalhagian use of “the Lord” meant only the Coordinator (at the Sphere’s ultimate victory over the Clans and serve with distinc-
time also referred to as First Lord) in all public ceremonies. This tion as peacekeeping troops under the banner of the reborn Star
reflected the suspicion and antagonism that the Coordinators League. Each individual MechWarrior, whether a graduate of the
have shown since the time of Shiro towards any religion where finest military academies or a product of the rough-and-ready
the believer’s attention is focused on some form of “god” instead proving grounds, knows this proud history and is determined to
of the Lord of the realm. The old beliefs were allowed to continue add to it. He does not seek mere personal glory but the infinitely
in private and were to remain more or less out of the public eye. greater distinction of having offered his best to the Dragon.
There was less tolerance for this kind of thought among the nobil-
ity than in the lower classes precisely because doctrinal disloyalty
among the nobles was more likely to lead to coup attempts. THE BONES OF THE
WARRIOR A Kurita MechWarrior is more than a fighting machine. Martial prowess goes
Confucianism, bushido, and Zen Buddhism are the belief hand in hand with such gentler arts as haiku, origami, or bonsai, reminding the
systems assigned to the warriors of the Dragon. Followers of warrior of the deep connection between them. Only the willingness to fight and
Confucianism rigidly attach their loyalties to their Lord by way die makes peaceful pursuits possible, and the warrior values them all the more
of their commanding officers. Bushido defines that that duty is for their contrast to the battlefield. No blade stays permanently honed to a ra-
death, whether the enemy’s or their own. Their meditations in the zor’s edge, and Combine warriors are no exception. By offering a brief respite
Zen manner are directed toward clearing their minds for the di- from the brutal demands of warfare, artistic pursuits and intellectual studies en-
rect experience of reality. able a MechWarrior to face the next battle with renewed dedication.
Tenno Kurita said “the mind must be wiped clean of all dust From regular line units to elite commands like the Genyosha to the Ghost
of emotion, all thought of oneself. When an enemy attacks, he is regiments—many of whose members hail from the lower classes and even the
answered by the counterblow just as he would be answered by yakuza (the Combine criminal underworld)—the MechWarriors of House Kurita
the reflection if he had attacked a mirror.” Kurita fighters strive cover the entire spectrum of Combine society. A MechWarrior from the middle
to attain this state of mu-shin (“no mind”) during battle. One who or noble classes may proudly serve in a district unit like the Third Benjamin
attains it is truly a remorseless killer. Once the act is done, he does Regulars, whose members cost the Smoke Jaguars so dearly during that Clan’s
not dwell on it but leaves his mind free for the next decision or the conquest of the planet Asgard in the Clan War.
next attack. Kurita officers with more ambition than ability tend Elite units draw fighters of exceptional talent; even those with the best con-
to memorize the terminology as a substitute for the real thing. nections cannot hold a place in a unit like the Genyosha without the ability to
Those who are not born into the warrior class but choose to back them up. First formed by the legendary MechWarrior Yorinaga Kurita after
enter the Dragon’s military service are strongly encouraged to es- his unprecedented defeat in single combat, the Genyosha units stand along with
pouse Confucianism, bushido, and Zen upon formal acceptance the Sword of Light regiments and the famed Otomo as the ultimate embodiment
into the DCMS. Clinging to the beliefs of one’s upbringing and re- of the Combine’s warrior soul. As for the Ghost regiments, these creations of the
fusing to embrace the established tenets of the warrior class will visionary Theodore Kurita offer less fortunate Combine citizens a rare chance to
greatly impede one’s military career or end it altogether. serve their House and nation in battle. Though initially suspect because of their
Honor and duty are the touchstones of life for a House Kurita ties to criminal elements, many Ghost regiments have proven their skill and loy-
MechWarrior: the honor of the House he serves and his duty to alty since their formation in the wake of the Fourth Succession War. Units like
serve it well. In discharging that duty, he finds his personal honor the Sixth Ghost, which fought Clan Smoke Jaguar to a temporary standstill on
inextricably linked with the good of the Kurita dynasty that has Marshdale in 3051, are living proof that every citizen of the Combine may aspire
ruled the mighty Draconis Combine ever since that realm’s in- to fight for House Kurita.
ception. Steeped in the culture of medieval Japan, trained in the —Primer on the Warrior’s Path for the Aspiring Child; Benjamin Academic
ancient samurai code of bushido, the Kurita MechWarrior knows Press, 3064


No matter what world he or she hails from, a Kurita MechWarrior WORKERS

embodies the values of bushido. Like the samurai of old, they ded- The function of the working class is that it work. The brutal
icate themselves to the art of war as the only means to achieve grind of sixteen-hour days leaves little time for religious study
true peace. On the thirty-first century battlefield, the legions of or discussion. A basic principle in every class is Confucian loy-
House Kurita are legendary for their skill, courage, and tenacity in alty up the chain of obligation, with all chains leading to Lord
the face of overwhelming odds. They believe House Kurita is des- Kurita. The special religious form assigned to the workers is
tined to rule over all of known space, and they take pride in doing Shintoistic superstition.
whatever is necessary to further that goal. The Shinto hierarchy is firmly controlled by the nobles. Shinto
priests drill workers and their families from the time of birth in
MIDDLE CLASS the notion of a world filled with spirits and devils. The natural
Draconis rulers are particularly attentive to the ideological creativity of the workers has given rise to a rich lore of ghost
state of the middle classes. Even if some faction within the nobility stories. Every aspect of nature is endowed with a good or bad
or the military were to seize control, the result would be a continu- spirit that needs constant flattery. Workers are encouraged to
ation of Kuritan society with new faces at the top. However, if the keep small shrines in their homes and workplaces. Their minds
trading class, with its devotion to accumulating capital, were to are continually occupied with giving these spirits the necessary
gain control, a revolution in Draconian mores would take place. attention without the need for any unproductive time away
An intensified Confucianism, defined during the hectic days from the job.
of the Age of Colonization, is established for the middle layer of
society. The merchants, manufacturers, and moneylenders find UNPRODUCTIVES
this satisfying because it reinforces their positions as the heads The leaders of the Combine want the Unproductives, the
of families and corporations. In this way, the focus on the chain “passively rotting mass” in the sump of society, to be drawn
of loyalty passes up through children, wives, and employees to into Shintoistic superstition in the same way as the workers.
themselves at the top. The Unproductives are a mobile class, however. On some plan-
Professionals and intelligentsia among the middle classes also ets, they consist of masses of refugees from other places and
tend to be drawn to the “one God” religions or to cults that rein- other classes. On other worlds, they may be forced labor gangs
force individuality. As a rule, these types will give public lip service rounded up across a whole arc of star centers. Everywhere this
to the required beliefs while rummaging privately through a wide class catches the falling breakage of the rest of society, people
range of ideologies until they find one that suits them. They will marginalized—usually permanently—from the full range of
then meet in secret, hiding away by themselves or with a few belief systems,.
friends during their off hours. To gain something as basic as an evening meal and a mat
By Kuritan law, a man is supposed to spend a year in seclusion to sleep on at an Endeavoring to Assist Shelter (ETAS), an
at the time of his father’s death, which usually occurs sometime Unproductive is required to listen to a homily on Confucian loyal-
in the son’s forties or early fifties. This obligation is customarily ties and perhaps pray to a Shinto shrine. But as everything else in
waived, usually for a bribe. If a middle class individual gives evi- the lives of these beggars, criminals, rejects, refugees, and assas-
dence of being drawn to some unauthorized ways of thinking,
sins, their religion is rootless and adrift.
this year requirement will be strictly enforced. He will spend the
It is these layers of society mingled on the common ground
year at a government center so he may rededicate himself to the
of hopelessness that breeds fanatical and dangerous cults. While
principles of filial piety.
these may occasionally be harnessed to the needs of this or that
If an individualistic cult takes root in the middle class, the leaders
noble family or politician, they are routinely exterminated with-
of House Kurita will spare no pains to eradicate it. These things are
out much thought by the military.
not tolerated in the middle class the way they often are among the
Unproductives. A popular (and true) tale demonstrates their intol-
erance. In the late twenty-ninth century, a scholar of ancient Terran MINORITY RELIGIONS
gaming practices, Professor Gerald Gore, wrote clandestine science Despite the all-encompassing grip on Combine society dictat-
fiction material based on scenarios from early strategy games. He ing how each class should worship, the very nature of humanity
invented a fictional “Maximum Universal Personality,” claiming a opens up other belief systems and faith constructs. The Combine
simple combination of computers and microwave cookery could officially prohibits worship structures that do not run in conjunc-
determine and enhance each person’s “MUP Quotient.” When the tion with the tenets of Confucianism, Zen, bushido, and Taoism.
authorities on Luthien realized an interstellar cult had grown up Of special note are two “one God” religions with roots in ancient
around Gore’s notions, the professor was microwaved and hundreds Terra and the more exotic cults that appear from time to time
of his believers were either executed or sent to Filial Piety Centers. among the worker and Unproductive classes.


JUDAISM who came into the Draconis Combine were mostly Tuaregs,
Non-Asian religions, especially those of the “one God” con- Hausas, and Fulani. Their immigration took them to a dozen
cept that the Coordinator considers competition, are generally or so worlds scattered along the borders with Houses Steiner,
not tolerated in the Draconis Combine. The official exception is Davion, and Liao.
Christianity, which is only semi-tolerated because of the ancient Before their departure from Terra, their faith had been ir-
alliance with the Rasalhague worlds—and even then, adherents revocably altered by two great events in Africa during the early
to this faith tend to keep their celebrations muted. (A widely twenty-first century. Viral epidemics swept the continent from
regarded exception is the Yuletide season on Luthien, where south to north, followed by a mass wave of Shi’ite Muslim evange-
the Christian holiday is used in part as an annual government lism out of the ancient Persian lands.
program to help beautify the city.) The practice of Judaism is of- Divisions within Islam mostly stemmed from a struggle for
ficially prohibited. succession among the immediate descendants of the Prophet
Judaism should not be confused with “being Jewish,” a com- Mohammed in the seventh century. The Shi’ites attached their al-
mon misconception among the Unproductive and worker classes. legiance to Caliph Ali, the lesser of the two powers involved. They
Many Combine citizens consider themselves Jewish as defined created a myth of future redemption and taught that the twelfth
culturally with none of the religious trappings that intertwined Khalif of that branch of the family, the Imam az-Zaman, would re-
the term up through the twenty-first century. Following the incor- turn as a messiah.
poration of the rabbinate by the Terran Roman Catholic Church The North African Muslim tribes adopted this vision with a
following the defeat of a fanatical Israeli state in the mid-2000s, twist of their own. Being of Hamitic stock, the Tuaregs, Hausas,
many people have divested the cultural significance from the re- and Fulani were despised by other branches of the faith—even
ligious. Jews can be found across the Draconis Combine; nearly as racism was technically forbidden by the scriptures. They
every world possessed by the Dragon before the Succession Wars brought to their new Shi’ism a tenet from the Khawarij, a minor
contained at least one major city with strong colonial roots to Islamic sect. This tenet stated that the Caliphate could be held
Jewish culture. Since severing their connections with the more by any believer whom the faithful might consider fit, even if he
scholarly traditions of the religion, today’s modern Jews do not was a slave.
concentrate in the learned positions but exist in equal numbers The devastated survivors of famine and epidemic pinned
among workers and the military. their faith on the long wait for the Imam az-Zaman. Time only
A fair number of minyans—congregations of ten or more convinced them he would be one of their own. As they lost their
Jewish men—do meet clandestinely on many worlds. These tribal identities and merged as one people, they took on the name
groups follow the more ancient forms of Judaism, which have “Azami.” When the Islamic scriptures were finally reconciled with
been forced into the underground countless times throughout interstellar travel in the twenty-fifth century, the Azami were
its history. among the first Muslim people to leave Terra.
The strictest sect of Judaism, considered a cult by Kuritan The Azami settled on Kuritan worlds close to Terra, such as
leaders, is that of Hasidim. Ultra-orthodox and unrestrained Rukbat, Shitara, Algedi, Albalii, Dabih, and Markab. Within fewer
followers of the most ancient form of the religion, they be- than a hundred years, the Von Rohrs sent out military expeditions
lieve that before the prophesied state of Israel can exist, a to break the Azami and integrate them into Kuritan society and
messiah (Moshiach) must first come. In their view, no such ideology. Instead, the Terran viruses that lay latent in the Azami
messiah has yet arrived. In the twenty-fourth century, one of bloodstreams wiped out the Kuritan invaders. Though the prob-
the sect’s rabbis interpreted a text to the effect that when the lem could be easily overcome in subsequent campaigns, such
Moshiach arrived, he would come from the direction of space actions never took place as the Von Rohrs line was overthrown
occupied by House Kurita. Not content to wait, the Hasids and exterminated by the McAllister Rebellion.
moved coreward across the Combine, hoping to meet their The Azami had a realistic appreciation of their position. In 2516,
messiah halfway. an Azami delegation arrived on Luthien. In return for formal au-
tonomy, they agreed to allow Kurita exploitation of their mineral
ISLAM resources. They also agreed to act as border units for the Draconis
Officially, Islam is another of the prohibited “one God” reli- military and to serve when required as cross-border raiders. House
gions. Unofficially on Azami worlds or within Azami-centric cities, Kurita would provide BattleMechs, JumpShips, and DropShips for
the Dragon turns a mostly blind eye to the practice. In other ar- such actions.
eas of the Combine, however, its prohibition is strictly enforced. The question of religion and ideology among the Azami with-
As such, most citizens practicing the Islamic faith tend to remain in the Combine proved more difficult to resolve. In the end, the
within Azami communities. Azami decided that the Dictum Honorium was not dissimilar to
It was nearly 350 years after the beginning of the Terran their own strict desert codes. The ancient Islamic principle of taqi-
exodus that Muslims began moving to other worlds. Those yya—caution—allowed a Shi’ite to pass himself off as a mainline


Muslim if it mean saving his life. Azami leaders saw the wisdom of known as “thetans” ultimately manipulate the body while com-
taqiyya in this situation and agreed to adopt the Dictum as their muning with the spirit as they discover their true selves. Not
ideology if Kurita agreed to not inquire too closely into their ad- classified as a “one-God” religion, Scientos instead revere the
herence of it. After Hehiro Kurita assumed the Coordinatorship alien life force inside them and strive to do its bidding regard-
from his mother Siriwan, the male-supremacist Azami found it less of societal mores. Progressive Scientos have built enclaves
convenient to replace their Imam az-Zaman messiah with the in remote regions on several Combine planets, subsisting on
Kurita Coordinator—if only to blur the lines when dealing with primitive technology and communing with their inner alien and
Combine emissaries. its master, the spirit of the planet. The members live in a col-
Though the Azami are given a liberal berth with regard to their lective lifestyle, giving everything they own to help build these
religious beliefs, the Azami are strict in stamping out other Islamic Thetan Cities; Scientos claim that when a certain number is built
sects from their communities. Such actions rarely catch the eye of upon a planet, the planetary spirit will awaken and reclaim its
the ISF or Kuritan authorities. territory in this dimension. The number of enclaves varies from
system to system and often from person to person. The ISF
Off-Brand Sects tends to use discovered enclaves as training exercises for their
Any society with a rigid, state-controlled central religion is DEST troopers.
bound to generate a crop of exotic cults along its fringes. The A cult with roots far back in pre-exodus Terra is the Chanters.
Combine is no exception. House Kurita takes the people’s ide- These cultists believe that endlessly repeating certain mantras
ology seriously and polices any off-brand religions carefully. improves their luck and brings various rewards of their own
This enforcement is especially severe for any cult that puts up choosing. The Chanters are tolerated by Kuritan authorities, as
an individual as guru or prophet, as this is considered a chal- their beliefs focus on the desires of each individual. Chanting for
lenge to the Coordinator. Between the ISF and the O5P, there luck is popular in the military, especially during combat. Kuritan
is a gray area as to which agency is responsible for controlling commanders have had problems with Chanters using open mikes
the people’s thoughts. In this gray area the cult-like move- to jam tactical communications. Mantras using numbers have
ments flourish, especially within the middle class and among been outlawed in the military because they are too often con-
the Unproductives. fused with artillery fire coordinates.
It would be impossible to describe all the exotic cults in this One cult that surfaces from time to time, despite repeated
work. In the time it takes to read this document, half a dozen (and violent) eradications carried out by the ISF and O5P, is the
new cults will die off and another half dozen will surface on Church of Starry Wisdom. The cult takes various forms depending
Luthien alone. A few of the more esoteric cults are provided here on what world it surfaces, but its core tenets are the same. Each
for context. group has what they call a “Shining Trapezohedron” used to sum-
One cult from the thirtieth century that exterminated itself mon a dark being called the Haunter of the Dark. Because the cult
before even taking a name was a movement that convinced its requires a number of human sacrifices in order to receive the “lim-
followers to attempt interstellar travel by releasing their thoughts itless knowledge of the universe,” it is the first suspect by Kuritan
into space. In order to facilitate the process, the converts decided authorities when a rash of mysterious disappearances crop up
to engage in amateur trepanning—drilling a hole in the skull— in a Combine community. The cult’s bloody practices prey upon
and the cult was wiped out in one week after infection set in the average Combine citizen’s Shintoism and belief in the super-
among the survivors. natural; rumors of a group surfacing in an area has been known
Another is a cult loosely based on the principles of to paralyze a community for weeks. As such, the ISF has a small
Scientology, an extinct cult from the twentieth and twenty- bureau of agents tasked to deal with the Church of Starry Wisdom
first centuries. These “Scientos” believe that microscopic aliens when they receive news of its reappearance.




STRUCTURE Honor all leaders of House Kurita.

old has been considered the most precious of metals Accept authority and responsibility and the dictates of those with authority
since the beginning of civilization. Aside from its glow- and responsibility above you.
ing beauty, it is prized for its malleability and resistance Use all talents and abilities to the benefit of House Kurita.
to corrosion. Gold can be beaten very thin and still retain its co- Work towards the destruction of all enemies.
hesiveness, and it does not readily combine with most chemical Promote a single, unified Star League under the banner of the Dragon.
elements or compounds. —Dictum Honorium VII, 23–29
In the same way, the political workings of House Kurita are
like a veneer of gold over the Draconis Combine. Politics must OBEDIENCE IS THE LIFEBLOOD
be a golden sheen, bringing value and décor, not a heavy bur- OF THE DRAGON; FAIL IN PART
den. These workings should also resemble the gold in electrical AND THE DRAGON WEEPS
connections, precious because of the gold’s utility as well as its in- Obey the one with power and authority, but know you will not strive to serve
visibility. Thus do the Kurita leaders maintain order in the Draconis the cause of the Dragon unless you respect and care for it, as you do for the ones
Combine by subtly manipulating the psychology of their people. whom you serve.
To do this, they use a combination of restricted information, a Iron rusts from disuse; stagnant water loses its purity; as does failure to serve
rigid social order, and constant military presence rather than ob- sap the vigor of the Dragon.
vious legal and police restraints. People oppressed by a tyrannical The authority of the Dragon does not stop at its citizens’ skin. It stops only
ruler will overthrow that ruler; people oppressed by themselves unto death.
and their neighbors will have a more difficult time even discover- —Dictum Honorium VII, 180–188
ing the roots of their discontent.
The mode of thought that maintains the Kuritan social order
The Coordinator is the hub of the wheel of state, or more ac-
is a sense of communality. “No man is an island until himself,” the
curately, the space at the center of the wheel. To those with an
old teaching goes, for we need one another to exist. One person
understanding of kü, a wheel is useless without such space;
is not important: the society is important. If a man should sacrifice
therefore, this space is the wheel. With the Coordinator as the
himself so the society can live on, he does not perish. He survives
Combine’s hub, everything comes back to him, and everything
in the greater life of the society.
flows from him. Yet it seems as though he is not even there or at
The center of this society is the Coordinator, who controls
least is not perceived. The all-powerful Coordinator rarely com-
the government and the military. With the military as his strong
mits any action directly, yet he sees all and pulls all the strings.
arm—the “Arm of the Dragon”—the Coordinator is able to
spread the glory of the Combine into the farthest reaches of
space and protect it from enemies both foreign and domestic. THE ESSENCE OF KÜ
The military serves the Combine and its people by establishing Kü translates as nothingness, though it might be described as negative space
and protecting the social order, and the people serve the mili- that defines positive space. For example, a vase is a shape of clay with an opening
tary by placing the military’s needs first. Those in the military in the middle: clay surrounding space. It is the empty space that defines the vase,
may have to give their lives for the state. No service is more hon- which otherwise would be only a shape of clay. That space, that emptiness, is kü.
orable than that, so the military commands the greatest respect In the Kurita emblem, the dragon is a silhouette within the red disc. The ab-
from the civilian population. sence of detail on the dragon keeps the balance equal as the dragon’s shape is
defined by the solid red color. As such, the kü of the dragon defines the rest of the
THE COORDINATOR disc, and the disc’s internal shape defines the essence of the dragon. The Kurita
The ruler of the Draconis Combine is the Coordinator. He—and emblem becomes a representative unifier of the people and the realm, each reli-
in rare cases, she—is all-powerful. Though not literally considered ant on the other in complete symbiosis. Without the people, there is no Dragon.
divine, he might as well be for the privileges and respect he en- Without the Dragon, the people fade away.
joys. The Coordinator is the Combine, embodied in one person. —Heraldry of the Inner Sphere Nations; University of Geneva Press, 2972
The Coordinator’s entire life is service to the Combine. He is bur-
dened with the responsibility for the welfare of the entire system
and has no other interests. This combination of the physical em- In another respect, the hub is empty because it is the central au-
bodiment of the spiritual ideal and the monastic devotion of the thority of the Coordinator—not the man holding the office—that is
Coordinator to his service produce the reverence his people feel crucial to his power. Each individual Coordinator leaves his mark on
for him. The people of the Combine, constantly exhorted to serve the office, but the position takes precedence over the man. A bad
the Dragon, are thus able to focus their energies on a single sym- Coordinator attracts attention to his personal deeds, which draws
bol. In time, the ideal came to be expressed as the maxim, “Serve honor away from his office. A good Coordinator guides the Combine
the Coordinator, as he serves the Combine and its people.” toward a better future, and his deeds speak for him when he is gone.


Some Coordinators are strong and take a very active interest in

all that is taking place, but these are often the least successful rul- THE SUFFERINGS OF THE LION
ers. Those who do less and observe more, making their presence The concept of “The Sufferings of the Lion,” or the tormented lives of the
felt as an invisible hand guiding the actions of others, have been nobles, has some truth to it. According to this teaching, the nobles serve the
the better rulers. What is important is the respect others have for Coordinator and are responsible to those beneath them. This double burden
the rank, not the exercise of that rank’s power. entitles the nobility to physical pleasures to relieve their minds of the heavy bur-
The Coordinator may make suggestions to others, or he may dens of responsibility. It is certainly true that the nobles suffer different pressures
speak in parables or haiku. He is skilled at making his will known than workers, but the Sufferings of the Lion seems to be a philosophy invented to
indirectly. In this way, the blame for any problem will fall on the justify the trappings of wealth.
one who “incorrectly pursued” the Coordinator’s wishes. Most Some lowly worker in a factory or ’Mech maintenance center might say that
Coordinators prefer small audiences. Formal Court, when the this noble suffering is news to him. Supervisors and the Neighborly Patrol con-
Coordinator receives his nobles, is an important ritual full of stantly monitor him. He must not sneeze at the wrong time lest he harm the
beautiful spectacle but of no meaning for affairs of state. It serves Combine and disgrace himself or his family. He may hope to cadge a few extra
merely to satisfy the aesthetic demands of the nobility. food rations for his ailing mother but would not dare.
Jinjiro Kurita, although strong, was not an example of a good A nobleman, however, would dare. It would be justified due to his burdens.
Coordinator, as he allowed himself to be too closely identified But the Lion dares knowing he is still watched more closely, by more people, with
with a particular event, the Kentares Massacre. It would have more reason. Such transgression, should it be pursued, carries risk of dishonor,
been better to allow the massacre to take place in his name and that is the Suffering of the Lion.
rather than to lead it directly. To the people of the Combine, a —The Writings of the Exile Pappas; Robinson Publications, 3011
good Coordinator is like a spider sitting in a web and feeling the
vibrations. Ultimate decision and direction comes from him but
not action or meddling in minor affairs—not overt intervention, to tell who might be conspiring against him. Even if he senses
at least. The Coordinator’s declarations would be statements of something, the nobleman must keep his fears to himself to avoid
general intent or carefully disguised statements on specific affairs being branded a paranoiac—a label that can have him sent to a
and should rarely be proclaimed. A popular saying among court- Contentment Home or mental hospital.
iers in Unity Palace is that “the Coordinator should speak once in A noble’s task is to “present the face of House Kurita to the
each moon.” lesser worlds of the Inner Sphere.” This means that his every ac-
tion is scrutinized, down to his grooming and how he chooses to
THE NOBILITY furnish his house through fusui. The Dictum Honorium provides
The nobles are the real movers, the doers, in the Combine gov- reasonable guidance for major questions of behavior, but there
ernment. Their job is to implement the will of the Coordinator. The are many unspoken rules about domestic behavior that must be
most powerful figures in running the Draconis Combine are the understood and respected.
military commanders. Far behind them in real influence are the
ministers, and behind them are the provincial leaders, and then COURT RITUAL
the land- or corporation-holders. These last are noble in title, but Unity Palace, in Imperial City on Luthien, is the center of the
rarely appear at court. Draconis Combine government. The major public areas are the
All figures in the court, down to the lowest latrine cleaner, Courtyard and the Throne Room. The Courtyard is a central area,
have some kind of title. This is because the Coordinator cannot open to the heavens. It is ringed with balconies and paved with
be directly served by, or risk coming into unplanned contact with, red brick made from Dieron’s Scales of the Dragonet mountains.
mere mortals. Higher positions in the court bring high titles, but Various ceremonies and military reviews take place there. The
the nobility who work only at court are seen as “kuri,” or leeches. Throne Room is a large, elegant hall. The Coordinator’s throne
They provide useful contacts for those wishing to address a gen- is on the north wall, and the only obvious entrance is the mas-
eral or minister or attract the attention of the Coordinator himself. sive door directly opposite the throne to the south. Except for the
As they have no real function in the life of society, no matter how throne, there are no other seating arrangements. Beautiful tapes-
well they serve the Coordinator, they are kuri. tries hang in the room, and luxurious rugs cover most of the floor.
The Coordinator can overrule any decision or action by a On the ceiling is a map of settled space inscribed in gold inlay.
noble. No one wishes to offend the Coordinator, so most of the Court functions are highly ritualized. Everything from serv-
nobility are circumspect enough to wait until they are sure they ing the Coordinator’s dinner to the annual Shizoku-kotai—the
have their ruler’s approval. A corollary to this is that someone’s Pageant of Noble Loyalty—is performed according to a set order
extreme activity around court is a sign that he covets or usurps of behavior. Court behavior has so many rules that a Bureau of
another’s function or is guilty of deliberate fawning. Protocol is required to oversee planning for ceremonies. Each
The nobles do have a difficult time maintaining their posi- prefecture and military district capital has a Bureau of Protocol
tion. At Imperial Court on Luthien, intrigue and backstabbing attached to the ruling noble’s estate to handle the intricacies of
are as common as gnats. At times it can be difficult for a noble these minor courts’ protocol.


es the nobles of false pride. At daybreak the nobles, dressed in

RULE 2832.10 their finest robes, assemble in the Courtyard. They solemnly pro-
If conducted at Unity Palace, seppuku can only be performed in the Courtyard. ceed to the Throne Room, where they remove their outer robes to
A raised dais of teak, measuring ten meters square, is placed seventy meters from show themselves dressed in simple worker’s clothing. Next, they
the north end of the plaza border and can be no closer than eighty-eight meters clean the Throne Room, thus displaying their willingness to serve
to the Throne Room entrance. The dais is to be one meter in height, and the front the Coordinator.
faces to the east. After this, the nobles compete in fencing and jousting matches
Thirty minutes before the ceremony, four one-meter wide fusuma panels to show their readiness to defend those they protect. They play
made of Imperial rice paper are placed around the dais at a distance of ten me- a war game called the hushiyo, in which small mock villages are
ters; they are placed at the cardinal points of direction. The south panel contains erected, populated with actual workers, and defended by nobles
the name and flag of the recipient’s homeworld. The west panel contains the against capture by a force of troops. This often has unfortunate
emblem of the recipient’s service unit or government branch. The north panel consequences for the workers, but a good noble will theoreti-
contains the recipient’s family crest. The east panel contains the emblem of cally defend the “village” with few casualties. The Coordinator
House Kurita. Behind each panel, a single stick of incense is to be lit. observes approvingly from a convenient balcony. At sundown,
The implements used are placed on the dais fifteen minutes before the start the nobles again don their formal clothing to enjoy a sumptuous
of the ceremony. At the single stroke of a bronzed gong, witnesses and other par- banquet, where they can congratulate each other on just how
ticipants enter the Courtyard from the east entry arch. The gong is struck with an humble they can be.
ivory staff no larger than fifty centimeters in length.
The honored recipient enters the Courtyard from the west entry arch. His Celebration of the Coordinator’s Birth
body, after the ceremony, will leave through the east arch on a steel bier covered The Coordinator’s birthday is usually the greatest feast of the
in a white cloth. His head will exit the Courtyard through the north arch, to be year, and the ceremony lasts three full days. The Throne Room is
placed in a location to show the wisdom of the Dragon. Witnesses and other par- decorated in flowers suitable to the Coordinator’s birth season—
ticipants will exit through the east arch, after the honored recipient. provided he is not allergic to them, as was in the case of Hehiro
The ceremony will be conducted at the appointed hour with no delay. Kurita. (In such a situation, suitable facsimile plants are acceptable
—Written Guide to the Court and the Servers, Volume I; Unity Palace, 2714 for use.) All nobility who can safely leave their assignments travel
to Unity Palace. Any who cannot send greetings or an authorized
representative to stand in their place, typically an heir or protégé.
Among the great court rituals are Military Honors, Cleansing of This celebration period is the busiest time of the year for ComStar
the Spirit, Celebration of the Coordinator’s Birth, Celebration of the HPG stations across the Combine.
Birth of the Coordinator’s Heir, and the Pageant of Noble Loyalty. On the first day, the nobles arrive, bearing tribute for the
Coordinator. Each gift reflects the progress and production of the
Military Honors noble’s military unit, district, land, or industry over the course of
The most loyal and brave men and women of the Draconis the previous year. Each noble greets the Coordinator, presents
Combine are honored in ceremonies at court. Most of the Military his gift, and reads a poem praising the Coordinator and the past
Honors rituals are variations on one theme, although each medal year’s glories. At this time, the Lord Chamberlain and the Court
and decoration calls for a slight difference in the ceremony. An Poet read the greetings of absent lords who have not sent a proxy.
armed honor guard lines the Throne Room and the path to the The second day—the Coordinator’s actual birthday—is the
Coordinator, with a variety of nobles in court robes and officers in Great Celebration. The Coordinator appears at Unity Palace to the
dress uniforms in attendance. assembled throng of commoners. All workers who can be spared
The samurai to be honored enter and bow deeply before the are given some time off from their jobs. If possible, they receive
Coordinator and the company. The honoree(s) lays his weapons the entire day off, but a half day is more typical. Coordinator
down—weapons are permitted provided they are without power Theodore Kurita opens the Courtyard for select civilians from the
packs or ammunition clips and fully inspected beforehand by the working classes, often chosen by lottery or personally selected by
Otomo (the Imperial bodyguard unit)—and prostrates himself the Coordinator. These commoners, a mix of workers from across
before the throne. The honoree repeats the phrase watashi no the Combine (though the majority are from Luthien), are treated
jinsei no anata no tame ni (“my life for yours”) until he becomes to a special poem by the Coordinator and hear his speech given
hoarse. When the recipient is finished, he rises to his knees. The in real time.
court chamberlain hands the Coordinator a steel shield bearing During the Great Celebration, the people not invited to hear
the decoration, and the Coordinator then bestows the award. the speech in person assemble in common areas or at their homes
to hear the transmission of the Coordinator’s greeting as it is re-
Cleansing of the Spirit ceived. (The Combine pays ComStar an exorbitant rate to send
Once a year on Luthien, the Cleansing of the Spirit ceremony the recording as a Priority-A message to all systems of the Dragon
takes place. This ritual reinforces the idea of the nobles as servants at this time.) Extra food rations are granted and every home cel-
to both the Coordinator and the common people, and so it cleans- ebrates as best it can.


Ten children—one orphan from each military district, one PRIVILEGES

orphan from Luthien, and five war orphans—are adopted into The wealth and position of the nobility entitles them to ma-
the Royal Court staff and given jobs and titles. In the highlight terial benefits and a few intellectual ones as well. Through the
of the evening’s feast at Court, the Coordinator sings a song teaching of the Sufferings of the Lion, many nobles justify their
praising the Draconis Combine and vowing its eternal rule over luxurious lifestyle; a growing movement of late portrays a more
all the stars. “compassionate” nobility. These few elites choose to take a por-
The third day of the celebration is the Honor of the Past and tion of their wealth and return it to the Dragon in some manner,
Future. Statues of past Coordinators are lined up in the Courtyard such as donating to charity foundations, reinvesting into Combine
and decorated with flowers, though those connected to the Von industry, or providing extra food or goods rations to the citizenry
Rohrs are draped in black sashes and void lilies. The Heir-Designate in their sphere of influence.
leaves flowers and food at the Monument to Fallen Draconis Most noble wealth is in the form of land holdings and/or busi-
Heroes. In the Throne Room, the Coordinator bids farewell to the nesses. Those who serve as military leaders or administrators also
nobles, who reaffirm loyalty and love for the Coordinator and receive a generous salary from the government. Just as most
wish him a long life. people with a position of authority have some noble title, so most
nobles have some form of official title, which allows them to dip
Celebration of the Heir’s Birthday their fingers into the government pot.
This celebration is a smaller version of the Coordinator’s birth- Because of government control of commerce, anything a
day celebration. Nobles are not required to attend this one-day noble wants can be acquired one way or another. The only
ceremony, though any who are on the capital at the time are concerns are whether obtaining the desired object will create
strongly encouraged to do so. Nobility off-world receive a tra- a scandal. For example, trusted nobles are allowed to own vol-
ditional invitation to the event; these invitations subtly indicate umes and holovids from other Successor States, but they better
whether their attendance is expected or not. The nobles bestow have a good reason why they do. Some nobles may travel to
gifts and a poem on the Heir-Designate and attend a feast in the other realms for business or pleasure (disguised as business) as
Throne Room. The only acknowledgement to the population is a long as they act extremely loyal back home. The ISF is known
general proclamation by the Coordinator, which praises the heir to send agents along on these trips, specifically for gauging the
and vows his continuing education in the ways of serving the nobility’s activities and determining their loyalty to the Dragon.
Draconis Combine and its people. Nobles who go over the line soon find themselves on a restrict-
ed travel list or will see their appointments carefully screened
Pageant of Noble Loyalty for appropriateness.
The most stylized ceremony at Court, the Pageant has lost Nobles often use their influence to help one another,
much of its intrinsic meaning. The event is appreciated now whether to procure some rare item or to cut through bureau-
more for its aesthetic appeal. The nobles of the Court, the minis- cracy in a government office. These favors may be performed
ters of the Five Branches, the heads of the four military districts, in exchange for similar favors or a cash gratuity. A little eco-
and the head of each military branch are expected to partici- nomic corruption is not seen as evil—as long as it does not
pate. In reality, many of these send a delegate instead, with no deprive the military. Even commoners can persuade a noble to
loss of prestige. cut through the bureaucracy for them, in exchange for a similar
Dressed in special ceremonial garments and elaborate gratuity. The practice is known as kitashu-ro-kuge, or “feeling
headdresses representing their form of service, the attendees like a noble.” It is often said, under the breath, that kitashu-ro-
perform a traditional dance among the five actual pillars sym- kuge is the real reason the Draconis government is known as
bolizing the Pillars of the Dragon in the Throne Room. This first the Pillar of Gold.
dance is the Celebration of Nobility and Service. At the end
of this dance, the nobles group together and form a dragon,
performing another dance that snakes through the public sec-
tions of Unity Palace. This second dance is the Dance of Loyalty, WOMEN AND TITLES
presumed to discover any activity taking place behind closed Through centuries of continued veneration of males and the subservience of
doors in the Palace. females, titles and other practices use the male pronoun or imply the male gen-
The event is more perfunctory than celebratory, done as an ex- der. Even as these attitudes are slowly changing, centuries of tradition preclude
tension of tradition more than substance. In 2981, Minister of the any instant change of title structure. As such, though a planetary chairman may
Treasury Duke Paul Southern fell from under the dragon costume be a woman, she is still referred to as “chairman.”
after the Dance of Loyalty. His body was covered in stab wounds; —Kurita Etiquette Primer, Appendix A-2; Benjamin District Press, 3061
none of the participants had noticed anything unusual, and his
death was ultimately ruled a suicide.


Takashi appointed the young and impetuous youth as Gunji-no-

NOBLE TITLES Kanrei in 3030, looking to distract the Heir-Designate and provide
Nobility in the Draconis Combine use distinct titles, analogous to the stan- him with conflict to build character.
dard titles created by Cameron’s Peer List. They are listed with approximate As the DCMS Deputy for Military Affairs, Theodore refused
equivalents below. The proper Kuritan titles are used in most ceremonial and to be bound by traditions he considered harmful to the realm
formal occasions; the Cameron usage is used in more common situations. he would one day lead. In 3034, he made an agreement with
Some title variations have come into use only recently. Where once only ComStar to recognize an independent Rasalhague Prefecture in
a smattering of dukes and Warlords existed, a change in 3057 enacted by exchange for Star League-era BattleMechs. Though he weathered
Coordinator Theodore Kurita—perhaps to salve the wounded egos of those in a storm of criticism for his action from the conservative quarter,
the nobility who had come to resent his ongoing reforms—has moved toward the advanced machines proved decisive against Federated Suns
more traditionally Japanese terms. assaults just five years later during the War of 3039. Theodore
Daimyos and shoguns now preempt those generic titles in a growing part of similarly showed himself a man of vision on many subsequent
the Combine. occasions by rescinding his father’s prohibition on mercenary
units and launching far-reaching military reforms. Ranging from
Generic Kuritan unit reorganization and tactical innovations to the creation of the
Knight/Lady Lord/Lady* famed Ghost Regiments, these reforms would become one of his
Baron/Baroness Shugo principal legacies.
Count/Countess Tozama Daimyo When the Clans struck the Inner Sphere in 3050, Theodore
Marquis/Marquessa Daimyo was among the first Great House leaders to recognize that this
Duke/Duchess Shogun threat made old enmities irrelevant. He swiftly agreed to an un-
*If the title holder is a MechWarrior, samurai is the proper term. precedented nonaggression pact between the Combine and the
Federated Commonwealth, which he proposed during a gather-
ing of Inner Sphere leaders on Outreach in 3051. He then accepted
KURITAN NOBILITY aid from mercenary units in defending Luthien against a Smoke
House Kurita began with Shiro Kurita and has led the Combine Jaguar/Nova Cat assault. Six years later, when FedCom Prince
for most of the realm’s existence. While the Von Rohrs line is tech- Victor Steiner-Davion proposed creating a unified Inner Sphere
nically related by blood to House Kurita, it is proper to exclude force to take the war to the Clans, Theodore Kurita was among its
the mention of this line of madmen when discussing the Kuritan most enthusiastic backers.
lineage. As the Dragon lives with the lifeblood of House Kurita, it At the First Whitting Conference in 3058, Theodore helped
is assumed the Dragon remained dormant during the dark years found the new Star League and plan the assault that would drive
of the Von Rohrs until it could rise again. Clan Smoke Jaguar from the Inner Sphere. In December, he sym-
The Kurita bloodline has two distinct branches: that of the First bolically repudiated the historical hostility between his own
Coordinator Shiro and his brother Urizen, the First Warlord. Shiro’s realm and the Federated Commonwealth by welcoming Prince
line is considered the line of ascension; when determining eligibil- Victor on a precedent-setting visit to Luthien and publicly giv-
ity, those with a traceable lineage to Shiro are considered higher in ing his blessing to the attachment between Victor and his own
rank than Urizen’s descendants. All members of the Kurita family daughter Omi. Theodore was elected first Lord of the Star League
are held in high regard and carry considerable clout; those closer to in November 3061.
the Coordinator by blood are revered more than distant relations. In 3062, mercenaries masquerading as DCMS units forced
For matters of state security, the ISF often hides important Theodore to annex the worlds of the Lyons Thumb in order to
heirs of the Kurita family after their birth. Rumors abound of dis- safeguard the region from further destabilization. The war with
tant blood relatives being suborned by enemies of the state. Heirs the Ghost Bear Dominion, precipitated by Theodore’s detractors
to these nobility, especially among the Coordinator’s family, are in the Black Dragon Society, caught the DCMS unprepared, as did
typically raised in a different prefecture and under an assumed the sudden strikes from the Federated Commonwealth’s Draconis
name to avoid preferential treatment. When the father feels his March. To further the Dragon’s grief, the Coordinator lost his wife
heir is ready to assume the duties of Heir-Designate, the heir is Tomoe Sakade in 3063, and his only daughter Omi was killed a few
revealed to the public at large, usually during a major festival or months later.
celebration. It is customary to also announce Heir-Designates at Theodore saw the Dragon’s honor redeemed somewhat
the Pageant of Noble Loyalty. with the surrender of AFFC forces in 3065. His term as Star Lord
ended a short time before; the Combine benefitted greatly from
Theodore Kurita the Coordinator’s tenure in both the economic and technologi-
The only son of Takashi and Jasmine Kurita, Theodore has lived cal marketplace. Theodore brought elegance, honor, and dignity
in the Coordinator’s court since birth. During the remainder of to the position, which infused his people with confidence and
Takashi’s reign, he lived a contentious life under his father’s rule. strength, bettering the Dragon as a whole.


Hohiro Kurita Franklin Sakamoto

The eldest son of Theodore and Heir-Designate to the Franklin Sakamoto is the illegitimate son of Theodore Kurita
Coordinator, Hohiro commands the prestigious first Genyosha and Kathleen Palmer. The ISF agent was assigned to watch
Regiment and was selected as Commanding General of Theodore while he attended the military academy on Pesht.
the Star League Defense Force. His elevation to the During his last few weeks there, Kathleen conceived his
position, on par with the great General Aleksandr child. Subhash Indrahar, Director of the ISF at the time,
Kerensky, has continued to honor the Dragon. elected to have Kathleen carry the child to term and
Hohiro’s experiences during the early years of the raise it. Indrahar feared Theodore, who had shunned
Clan Invasion—particularly the loss of his command all arranged marriages proposed by Coordinator
in the Smoke Jaguar assault on Turtle Bay and his Takashi, would not produce a legitimate heir to
subsequent incarceration in Kurushiiyama Prison— the Combine throne. Franklin was born
turned him from a green soldier into an able in 3019.
military commander. Theodore soon married in secret and
Freed from Kurushiiyama by local yakuza, sired several children. As such, Indrahar
Hohiro was reassigned to Wolcott as a liai- now viewed Franklin and his mother as li-
son to the First Genyosha. On Wolcott, his abilities and ordered their assassination.
batchall to the attacking Smoke Jaguars Palmer recognized the danger and sent
included a demand for four OmniMechs Franklin to Marcus Kurita, Takashi’s cous-
and a Star of battle armor suits if the in. Kathleen was killed in 3033 alongside
Combine’s defenders won. The sub- another child, who was mistaken for
sequent defeat of the Jaguars earned Franklin. A year later, the ISF eliminated
the Dragon its first pieces of intact Marcus Kurita and his shadow organi-
Clan battle technology, jumpstarting zation for their plot to overthrow the
the realm’s military research and devel- Combine government.
opment. During the battle for Luthien in Franklin was sent to an orphan-
3052, Hohiro again fought alongside with the age and adopted by Pierre and Sophia
First Genyosha and personally destroyed Sakamoto. The childless couple were
more than five Clan ‘Mechs and assisted high-ranking corporate executives in
in a dozen other kills. During BULLDOG Isesaki Shipping. Franklin received a
less than ten years later, Hohiro led the classical and military education. He rose
First Genyosha to victories on Kiamba and rapidly through the ranks of Isesaki be-
Schuyler and defeated Clan Blood Spirit fore stepping aside to oversee a smuggling
in the Great Refusal on the Clan capital of network for Hachiman Taro Enterprises.
Strana Mechty in 3060. In the midst of the Clan Invasion, a small in-
Like his father, Hohiro has shown himself dependent FedCom unit led by Adam Steiner
capable of overcoming old hostilities and dragooned Franklin. During his brief year with
adapting to new realities. He counts Victor the Somerset Strikers—an ad hoc partnership
Steiner-Davion among his close friends and with Steiner and unofficially sanctioned by the
shares the common goal of maintaining the Combine—Sakamoto was abducted by sev-
Star League against any threat it may face. Both eral Black Dragon subversives. He subsequently
politically and militarily, he will make an able suc- learned about his true parentage as the rebel fac-
cessor to Theodore when the time comes for his tion attempted to use him to discredit Theodore
ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne. and the Coordinator. Sakamoto escaped and re-
Rumors have swirled in Court over the last nounced his birthright.
decade that the Heir-Designate is engaged Sakamoto is a man of abstemious taste. He is
or married; often included are suggestions of a cunning warrior, having served as a smuggling
children. The rumor varies in form and detail, captain and subsequently rising to the rank of chu-
from an arranged marriage to several sa in the DCMS. After defending Theodore during
illicit liaisons, but none have ever the failed 3058 coup, Sakamoto was publicly em-
proven true. If Hohiro is married, the braced by the Coordinator and given a position in
identity and lineage of his spouse are the Otomo. He and Hohiro Kurita often brush up
considered state secrets enforced by the ISF on their kendo skills when the Heir Designate is
and O5P. on Luthien.


Minoru Kurita him as Prefect of the Kessel Prefecture in 3054. In 3057, he was
The youngest of the Coordinator’s children, Minoru spent named by his cousin Theodore as Warlord of Dieron, where he
most of his life out of the spotlight of the royal court and remains remains to this day.
an enigma to most Combine citizens. More a mystic than a war- A staunch advocate of the more rigid strictures of bushido in
rior, Minoru is known for his extensive expertise in kempo karate, his younger years, Isoroku has since softened his stance. Many
juujutsu, and similar martial arts. He served as an informal instruc- close to the Warlord believe he has done so not from old age but
tor to several O5P adepts, teaching even the Pillarine masters from his increasing respect for Theodore’s rigid stance and refusal
techniques previously thought lost to antiquity. His consuming to back down in the face of dissent. Isoroku is well known for his
interest in these disciplines, along with his less prominent posi- stubborn pride, a characteristic that often put him at odds with
tion as a second son, makes him a relatively minor player in House former ISF Director Subhash Indrahar.
Kurita politics. Typically, Isoroku tends to side with the Coordinator in matters
In late 3058, Theodore began making serious peace over- facing the DCMS High Command. While this is not entirely indica-
tures to Clan Nova Cat. Due to the Cats’ vastly different societal tive of a recanting of Isoroku’s viewpoint, the Coordinator values
culture, Theodore sent Minoru as an envoy to help guide the the quiet support of his cousin.
Clan in their new role as a Combine “protectorate” within the
Dragon’s borders. Miyako Kurita
Minoru took matters one step further after his arrival sparked The only child of Isoroku Kurita, Miyako was born in the
talk among the mystical Cats. After spending some time among mid-3040s. With her mother dying during childbirth, she was
the Clan’s leadership, he divested himself of his Kuritan nobility shunned by her father and spent her initial years under the
and became a bondsman of the Clan. Soon after, he challenged care of the Order of Five Pillars. Within the last decade, she
and fought his way through the Clan’s ritual system to become caught the eye of Constance Kurita, who—along with Omi
the Oathmaster, keeper of the Clan’s lore and a guide for those Kurita—advanced her training and education. Keenly intellec-
who seek to walk in visions. tual and possessing a natural grace, she became the obvious
Since then, Minoru has immersed himself into the role as the choice to replace Omi as Keeper of the House Honor after the
soul of the Clan. He is sought for his wisdom and expertise when woman’s death in 3064.
warriors conduct visions, and he has been at the center of many of Miyako has stumbled little in her position, relying heavily on
the Clan’s recent decisions regarding the future of the Nova Cats continued counsel from Constance and her lifelong friend, Mara
and their Combine overlords. Selencia. The older girl formed a tight bond with Miyako when
she was turned over to the Order; the two women were a force to
Constance Kurita be reckoned with in their younger years.
The daughter and eldest child of Marcus Kurita, Constance Isoroku has recently reconnected with his daughter, though
was born and raised in Unity Palace on Luthien. Not eligible for many tongues within Imperial Court suggest it is only to gain ad-
university studies (being female), she performed so well on her ditional prestige due his daughter’s recent appointment.
secondary school exams that her father persuaded a Court law-
yer to train her to think as a lawyer. She eventually became Chief Chandrasekhar Kurita
Aide to Keeper of the House Honor Florimel Kurita. Constance was Born on Luthien near the end of the thirtieth century,
named Florimel’s successor in 3024. For the next forty years, she Chandrasekhar Kurita grew up surrounded by plots and
successfully juggled the demands of the Coordinator and those of intrigue. The court of Coordinator Takashi Kurita was a danger-
the Order of Five Pillars. ous place, as fourteen-year-old Chandrasekhar learned when
Constance has the cool, uninflected speech of an abstract his parents were murdered amid the convoluted intrigue of
thinker and the perfect composure of a trained legal mind. She court life. Understanding that his own survival would hinge
is infinitely patient, a model of grace and decorum, and never re- on persuading the powerful and ambitious that he was no
veals her thoughts or plans before their time. A staunch ally of the threat, the young Kurita strove to appear stupid and harmless.
Coordinator and his kin, she named Omi Kurita as her successor. Growing to manhood, Chandrasekhar artfully constructed a
With Omi’s murder, she has taken Miyako Kurita under her tute- caricature personality, which the Draconis Combine came to
lage and recommended her to the Coordinator as the new Keeper know as the fat and foolish “Uncle Chandy.” Chandrasekhar’s
of the House Honor. antics scandalized the court, and Takashi banished him from
Luthien in 3020. Free to act without arousing suspicion, he used
Isoroku Kurita his inheritance to found an economic empire and—working
The only son of Miyamoto Kurita, brother to Takashi, behind the scenes—masterminded the creation of Hachiman
Isoroku was the overall commander of the prestigious Sun Taro Electronics.
Zhang Academy Cadres for nearly four decades. The acade- Members of the Kurita clan have always been ruled by two
my’s youngest commander, he retired in 3042 and was named seemingly conflicting passions: desire for power and loyalty
professor emeritus, teaching off and on until Takashi named to the Draconis Combine. In Chandrasekhar’s place, any other


Kurita might not hesitate to use his wealth and influence to pur- GOVERNMENTAL
sue the absolute power of the throne. But Chandrasekhar denied
himself this last and instead has used his economic empire in the STRUCTURE
service of the Combine. Free of the xenophobia that permeates The Draconis Combine government gives apparent autonomy
his native realm, he closely studied the other Great Houses. He to the individual worlds. In theory, the Coordinator makes all ma-
is not afraid to borrow ideas and apply them with great success jor governmental decisions. The military district commanders,
in domestic markets. working through the district governors and planetary chairmen,
In addition to overseeing his far-flung business concerns and often make the critical decisions by interpreting the Coordinator’s
continuing the scandalous lifestyle that exiled him from court, will and then implementing them. A planetary chairman who
Chandrasekhar Kurita maintains a primary interest in the activi- decides to rule solely as they see fit will soon be overrun by gov-
ties of a group known as Interstellar Expeditions. This interest ernment troops—assuming he or she is allowed to live that long.
appears to be personal, as one of his mother’s ancestors helped Individual planets frame and enforce their own laws, as long as
form a part of the explorers’ organization. Chandrasekhar’s fam- these laws meet with the Coordinator’s approval. This gives pre-
ily maintained close links with the group through the years. fecture heads and rulers of individual worlds the ability to solve
Chandrasekhar funds an increasing number of IE projects using the problems unique to their worlds. It also cuts down on cultural
HTE profits. divisiveness by allowing the semblance of self-rule. This semi-
Behind the comical persona he shows to the universe lurks a autonomy increases the stature of the military as the one united
quick and cunning mind that has repeatedly gotten the better of force of the Draconis Combine, both in the public perception and
some of the most powerful people in the Inner Sphere. Anyone in running the State.
who has had personal dealings with him quickly discovers that There is very little central government structure. Each pre-
for all his apparent foolishness, “Uncle Chandy” is still a Kurita—as fecture and district sends one representative to the Committee
ruthless and determined as any who have borne the name. of Planetary Unity, which supposedly sets unified policy for the
Combine. Any resemblance between the Committee and a par-
Graeme Kurita liament is strictly on paper, however. The representatives are
Son of deceased Donal Kurita and grandson of the treacher- selected by the district governors, who are also dukes of the
ous Marcus Kurita, Graeme is the planetary chairman of Multan districts, with the Coordinator’s approval. The Committee may
in Qandahar Prefecture. Graeme was dishonored when the Black discuss minor difficulties between individual planets but may
Dragons manipulated his son Angus into a failed plot to assas- not enact any laws. The function of the representatives is actually
sinate Theodore in 3057. By decree of the Coordinator, Graeme’s to report the Coordinator’s wishes—and court gossip—back to
bloodline is no longer eligible for the throne. The governor has the prefects and district leaders and other representatives. Most
opted to remain celibate as an act of penance for his son’s choices. committee meetings consist of a few representatives drinking tea
while they plot against absent members, trade favors, or throw
Mitchell Kurita around the minuscule power they do have for appearance’s sake.
Born in 3002 to Elija Kurita, Mitchell is a distant relation to the The district and prefecture heads are the real administrators
ruling Kurita line and has no chance to ascend to the throne un- of their areas. Each area has a military and a civilian noble leader.
less the rest of the Kuritas in Combine space were wiped out. The civilian is the actual administrator; the military leader is the
Considered a weak child from birth, his formative years were not decision-maker. The prefect heads are the persons most likely to
kind: Takashi banned him from the Imperial Court for nearly two have to tangle with the extraordinary complexities of Draconian
decades “until that sickly whelp grows a spine and amounts to bureaucracy.
more than an Unproductive.” Severely punished in his father’s
court on Tarazed, Mitchell strove to excel in the one field he had MINISTRIES
affinity for: economics. There are five ministries overseeing the day-to-day affairs of
Under an assumed name, the young Kurita spent several the Draconis Combine: the Ministries of War, Interior, Treasury,
years as an apprentice to Chandrasekhar Kurita. The elder Kurita Justice, and the Court. Each ministry has responsibilities to dif-
divined Mitchell’s identity soon enough and treated the young ferent aspects of the Combine, but it is never obvious which
man like a son. Mitchell rose to head Amau Electronics for two ministry covers a specific issue, much less what bureau and sub-
decades, steering the beleaguered company through the Clan committee of a ministry is responsible. Even lifelong members
Invasion until Tanadi took ownership of it. Rather than remain un- of the bureaucracy or those who have spent their lives working
der his mentor’s shadow, Mitchell stepped aside. Chandrasekhar with (or despite) the ministries have a hard time figuring it out.
made some suggestions within the Imperial Court, resulting in For example, having a tooth pulled might seem to fall under the
the Coordinator appointing Mitchell as head of Nissan General jurisdiction of the Bureau of Health and Happiness, a division of
Industries in 3063. By all accounts, Mitchell is content in his new the Ministry of the Interior. First, though, the patient must go
position and remains aloof from court politics, earning him much through the Treasury to acquire one voucher for the dentistry
respect from the Coordinator. work and others for any materials that might be necessary to


HOW MANY KURITANS… The Minbushö, or Ministry of Well-Being of the Land and the
How many Kuritans does it take to change a light bulb? Peoples (also known as the Ministry of the Interior), is responsible
for the living conditions of all Combine inhabitants, the environ-
If it’s a noble’s light bulb: five. One to notice the light bulb’s condition, an- ment, and settlements of the various planets. Anything that does
other to file the request with the Bureau of Procurement, a third to receive the not fit into the responsibilities of any other ministry usually finds
light bulb after its long journey, a fourth to replace the light bulb, and a fifth to its way into the Minbushö’s convoluted structure.
inform the noble of the change. Among the major divisions of the Minbushö are the Bureaus
of General Indoctrination (education), Shelter (housing), Health
If it’s a commoner’s light bulb: two. One to purchase the bulb on the black and Happiness (medical care), Human Growth (worker assign-
market, the other to watch for the ISF while the first one replaces it. ments), Conservation and Salvage of Resources (environmental
and recycling), Domesticated Plants and Animals (agriculture),
If it’s a Warlord’s light bulb: none. A true samurai will sit in the dark and wait Natural Plants and Animals (forestry), and Bureaucracy. In 3060,
for the light bulb to honor him by relighting itself.
the Coordinator authorized the new Bureau of Friendly Interior
Comfort and Concerns (interior cultures) to handle the addi-
If it’s the Coordinator’s light bulb: five hundred. The first five as if it is a noble-
tion of Clan Nova Cat and the growing restlessness from the
man’s light bulb, and 495 nobles to applaud the wisdom of the Coordinator for
Azami worlds.
replacing such an obviously defective bulb.

If it’s a foreigner’s light bulb: four. Because that is the number of troopers in
a standard DEST unit that assassinates a suspected spy. The Ökurashö, or Ministry of Wealth and the Disbursing of
—The Big Book of Jokes for the Spacer’s Wasteroom; New Avalon Press, 2791 Assets (the Ministry of the Treasury), governs the economy, includ-
ing trade and working conditions. The divisions of the ministry
are the most convoluted of all the bureaucracy. For example, the
Bureau of Nourishment (food allocation) would logically belong
complete the work—one voucher for each category of mate-
to the Ministry of the Interior, whereas that ministry’s Bureau of
rial. Then, if the individual must take time off the work, he must
Human Growth should belong in the Ministry of the Treasury. The
obtain an excuse form from either the Treasury or the ministry
Bureau of Interstellar Trade covers customs and tariffs, and the
under which the worker’s employer falls, or both. He may also
Bureau of Economic Exchange and Expansion covers interstellar
need an excuse form from the local military authority, especial-
trade development and control.
ly if the individual works in a military industry (as many do). If
Other departments include the Bureaus of Control and
any travel is involved, forms are needed from the War, Justice,
Distribution of Symbolic Assets (money circulation), Symbolic
Treasury, and Interior ministries.
Assets (the mint), Just Reward for Labor (worker pay scales),
The best local administrators are skilled at Rensikuro-bu (the
Dance of Waiting and Smiling) and Rurdu-Koba-tsö (Finding the Worker Protection (occupation safety), Returns from Outsiders
Cheese in the Maze). A large part of the problem is the bureaucrats (foreign currency exchange), Development and Treaty Brothers
themselves do not know their responsibilities and would rather (trade liaisons with member nations of the Second Star League),
err on the side of omission than commission. Working with the and Development of Untapped Lands (Periphery trade liaison).
bureaucracies, like other Kurita businesses, is a matter of waiting The most important bureau within the ministry, the Bureau
patiently to see who will break and make the first move. Usually, of the Bursar, is often confused with the megalithic Bureau of
the supplicant makes the move and the bureaucracy triumphs. Bureaucracy. The Bursar allocates funds for all other ministries
A minister heads each ministry. The head of each bureau is and bureaus.
also known as the minister of that particular bureau, though they
are also known as subministers. Below these are the commit- JUSTICE
teemen, the heads of subdivisions of bureaus. All ministers and Kakun, the Ministry of Peaceful Order and Honor (the Ministry
subministers are titled. Committeemen are generally also titled, of Justice), dictates law and order for civilians and has charge of
but exceptions are frequent. The formal names of the ministries the court system. In Draconian courts, the accused is allowed a
and their component bureaus, while sometimes charming, often show of civil liberties: the right to counsel, the right to confront
obscure the actual function of the department. the accuser(s), and the right to cross-examination. The excessively
close relation between the police and the courts forces the ac-
WAR cused to prove their innocence and precludes any chance of a
The Hyöbushö, or the Ministry of the Expansion of the truly fair trial. Also, any case with military implications goes to
Glories of the Draconis Combine, covers all aspects of the Pillar Military Court, where civil liberties are unknown. A criminal case
of Steel. A full discussion of this most important of ministries is or civil suit involving a noble automatically goes to Noble Court,
discussed separately. where more credence is given to the noble’s side.



It has been less than a decade since my people have been placed within these “reservation zones.” I am not like my fellow Clansmen: I do not believe we share a spiritual
heritage with these Kuritans or that they have any desire to embrace us as kinsmen. We are, at best, tolerated by our wardens—and a sop when the Ghost Bears come raging
across the border again.
Our enclaves feel more like prison barracks than refugee enclaves. In most cases, we were thrust into harsh terrain among the open areas of worlds within our Irece
Prefecture. In some instances, such as ready-made industrial zones, Kuritan civilians were removed and as such despise us for taking their homes. View a Nova Cat enclave
alongside a Kuritan city and the differences are obvious. Armed security watches our every move. Suspicious eyes avoid our gaze. Kuritan police and ISF bureaucrats demanding
to see identification at any time. All this, despite the claim by the Combine that the Clan has nearly autonomous control over the prefecture.
While the Combine’s society is very similar to our own, it is not compatible. With so much of our lower castes ravaged from our flight, we are heavily dependent on the
Kuritan civilian to provide us with infrastructure, support, labor, and a multitude of other services that we, as Clansmen, have taken for granted. Our situation has laid bare our
predicament and possibly sown the seeds for our destruction.
The warriors do not see the plight of their lower castes.
Those who were Clansmen were transported to these enclaves and distributed among the systems of Irece Prefecture. Many, many more of our “caste” were suborned
Combine citizens, most of whom were happy to remove the yoke of “Clan oppression” from their shoulders. Because so few of our people escaped from the Homeworlds, citi-
zens of the Combine surround our Clan. Citizens who well remember the oppression and abuse of the Clans not so long ago. To them, it does not matter who their captors were.
Nova Cat, Smoke Jaguar, Ghost Bear—we are all still “the Clans” to them. And as such, worthy only of their scorn, hatred, and derision.
Indeed, the only Combine citizens who seem genuinely happy we are here are the nobles. Why not? Clan governance is different from the harsher extremes of the Combine.
To them, we are downright lenient in our dispensation, which is an advantageous situation to them.
Our warriors ignore this. They do not see the difficulties placed upon our lower caste brothers and sisters. High prices for common goods. “Missing” shipments. Outright
refusal of service. Mockery. Even if the Dragon’s citizenry is polite, you can simply look into their eyes and see their mistrust, their anger, their disgust.
Therefore, we stay within our designated zones, among our own people. We avoid the confusion, the culture clashes, the misunderstandings that might lead to beatings or
incarceration. We find protection behind the shield of being Clan. It saddens me that these downtrodden citizens cannot see beyond their xenophobia and paranoia to all the
good the Clan brings to their lives. Better technology. Higher standard of living. An open and honorable way of governance not dissimilar to their own. And most importantly,
we respect and observe the rule of the Coordinator, to whom we owe our very existence.
As I understand it, this is not what the Coordinator wanted when he first proposed this arrangement with our exalted khans. However, it has become our reality. With
corporate agents, ministry officials, and military officers carrying out the “will of the Coordinator,” using and abusing us for our technology and treating us worse than the
Combine’s own Unproductives, we have no reason to believe the Coordinator has our best interest in mind. It is as if the Dragon did not wish to waste further resources on
destroying another Clan, opting instead to let us wither on the vine. The addition of the Coordinator’s freeborn son into our ranks is an insult to the Way of the Clan. Our warriors
may think it is an honor, but we of the lower castes know the truth: he is simply another weapon to kill our culture.
Our situation deteriorates. Only our Clan’s honor props us up. And I fear our warriors will soon kick that prop out from under us. We will wither and die, ground under the
heavy bulk of the Dragon’s scales until we are but dust.
—Personal Notations, 041667; Technician Factor Jarvis Novacat

Despite the separate rule of each planet, the police and courts ted through the ISF. The bureau’s true power lies in the unification
all fall under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. Police are of all media concerns within the Combine. All programming re-
trained together and are prepared to act in concert. The same is quests, ideas, and production must carry official BOI certification
true of the courts. Information on suspect individuals and groups, before it is released to the public.
as well as new techniques for control, are passed freely among
the planetary forces. Prisoners are often passed around to pre- COURT
vent former associates or family members from contacting them. The Kasoku, or the Ministry of the Servants of the Draconis
Included in the Ministry of Justice is the Civilian Guidance Combine (the Ministry of the Court), includes those bureaus di-
Corps, also known as the Friendly Persuaders. This local con- rectly concerned with the nobles, the court, and some others with
stabulary is easily recognizable due to their pink-and-white a less obvious connection. Among the more obscure inclusions
striped uniforms. Also falling under the umbrella of the min- are the Bureau of Hospitality Toward New Lands—which assigns
istry is the Neighborly Patrol (civilian neighborhood watch governors to recently conquered planets—and the Committee of
and vigilantes), the Halls of Swift Justice (criminal court), Planetary Unity.
Guaranteed Honor for Kurita’s Servants (noble court), Machine The Keeper of the House Honor is the most powerful sec-
of Peaceful Conflict Resolution (civil court), Bureau of Confined tion of the Ministry of the Court. Other sections include the
Persuasion (prisons), and the Bureau of Official Information Watchers of the Household, who run Imperial Palace; the
(news and propaganda). Interior Staff of the Coordinator, managing the Coordinator’s
While the BOI is the official source of news and information of cooks and physicians; and the Committee of Special Events,
the Kuritan government, most of its material is supplied by or vet- which plans court ceremonies.



The ISF is not under the jurisdiction of any Commonly referred to still as the “Voice of
ministry. Its doings are shrouded in such the Dragon,” the Koe No Ryu is the Combine’s
secrecy that it officially does not exist. propaganda division. While the Bureau of
No one branch of government can Official Information within the Ministry of
claim control over the ISF, as its agents Justice is the Combine’s formal arm of com-
are everywhere, and their first and munication, most of its material comes from the
only allegiance is to the Coordinator. Koe No Ryu offices. This group puts the official spin
Subdivided into five main branch- on events both within and without House Kurita’s borders. Thanks to
es, all of which operate independently the widespread acceptance of state-run public media, this division
of one another, the ISF has no central holds considerable power and influence in the Combine. At least one
administration outside the director. of its operatives sits on the board of every media concern operating
This arrangement helps foster internal security among the various in Kurita space, serving as an “advisor.”
branches by compartmentalizing operations.
Currently, the ISF’s primary mission is to locate and destroy the Metsuke
surviving elements of the Black Dragon Society while simultane- Though the term metsuke (all-seeing eyes)
ously protecting the Combine against external threats. The Clan and once applied to the entirety of the ISF, the
Federated Suns fronts remain hotbeds of activity for the latter activi- Metsuke is the ISF’s intelligence gathering
ties, which suggests that Theodore does not fully trust his neighbors. and analysis section. Metsuke agents are in-
It should be noted that recent efforts by the Coordinator to filtrators, sleeper agents, and observers who
strengthen Japanese culture among his people has led to an in- take no action but can broadcast what they
flux of new Japanese names for agencies previously tagged with know and see to friendly agents at any time. It
generic labels. Curiously enough, the ISF and DEST entities have has been presumed that the Black Dragon Society maintains its
not received this treatment, most likely because their names are own metsuke-like organization; this is believed to include many
recognized and feared even in foreign space. otherwise legitimate members of society who have given their al-
legiance to the Kokuryu-kai after first earning sensitive positions
Mononokete in government or military life.
The Mononokete—Ghost Hands—is the co-
vert operations division and forms the active Draconis Elite Strike Teams
intelligence branch of the ISF. Though trained The DEST are by far the most well-known
along similar lines to the DEST, Mononokete of the Combine’s active covert operations
operatives work in smaller groups and of- divisions. More a part of the DCMS than the
ten receive more deep-cover assignments. ISF, the ranks of the DEST are composed
Their missions run the gamut from assassina- entirely of cross-trained MechWarriors, pro-
tions and sabotage to spreading misinformation ducing fearless soldiers whose skills allow them
among rival intelligence services, all directed against external to pursue almost any military objective. Under
threats to the state. Within the Combine, Mononokete operatives Theodore’s rule, the DEST are primarily employed as counter-Clan
watch over foreign visitors, particularly as attachés and liaison of- operatives engaging in infiltration of hostile territories, espionage,
ficers. Rarely are the talents of these operatives used to resolve assassinations, and even frontal assaults. As the most exposed
internal matters. branch of the ISF with wide recruitment options, the DEST is the
most likely to be compromised by Black Dragon agents.
The Guiding Hands is the internal security Musukosan No Ryu
division and is the most feared and persua- An unofficial branch of the ISF, the Sons of the
sive division of the ISF. Directed to confront Dragon are relatively new to the security agen-
threats on the home front, this agency has cy. Formed by ISF Director Subhash Indrahar as
built a reputation for brutality against even something akin to a secret society in the early
the mildest anti-government sentiments, but its part of the thirty-first century, members are loyal
“guiding hand” is only as harsh as the Coordinator’s. The Mokonete to the Combine above all else. Headed by the cur-
is responsible for identifying and reeducating dissident citizens as rent ISF Director, Ninyu Kerai-Indrahar, the society is
well as detecting and eliminating foreign agents operating within trusted with the most critical of missions. Though the Musukosan No
the Combine. Currently, this mandate is primarily directed at ferret- Ryu allegedly counts the Coordinator as one of its members, rumors
ing out members of the Kokuryu-kai, who continue to pose a threat spoken in dark corners suggest that the Black Dragons have even in-
despite three major purges launched by this division. filtrated this most secret of secret societies.


The ancient Black Dragon society, with roots as far back as Richard Kurita, is considered the greatest internal threat to the stability of the Combine since the Shadow War
of the previous century. The Kokuryu-kai has always moved in the shadows, influencing nobles and other officials as needed to protect the Dragon from harming itself. Only in
the last few decades has this society moved in a more overt manner, bringing bold violence into the realm.
The Black Dragons’ first blatant militaristic move was an attack on the Davion world of Towne, launched after the FedCom split apart in the face of a Marik-Liao invasion.
Although hoping to bring back the Combine’s glory days with this unsanctioned invasion, the Society found its plans thwarted by mercenaries employed by the Coordinator’s
cousin, Chandrasekhar Kurita. After the incident, a purge of the DCMS was believed to put an end to the secretive sect, but two months later, the Kokuryu-kai struck again with
an assassination attempt on the Coordinator.
The 3058 incident was aided by a large number of sympathizers within the ISF and Otomo, including General Hohiro Kiguri, head of DEST. A second, more widespread purge,
including within the ISF, attempted to destroy the Black Dragons for good. The ISF’s vital role in the operations to destroy the Smoke Jaguars and end the Clan crusade showed
few indications that any of the Kokuryu-kai had survived. One incident, an attempt on Victor Steiner-Davion’s life during his visit to Luthien, has not been officially linked to the
Society, though many among the nobility believe it to be so.
After the Clans’ defeat, much of the ISF assisted the reclamation of the worlds liberated by BULLDOG. Nearly a decade of rebellion against the occupying Clans produced
planetary populations grown accustomed to resistance, which made it nearly as difficult for the ISF to assimilate these reclaimed worlds as it was to bring the remains of Clan
Nova Cat into the Combine. The resource drain on both the agency and the overall economy of the Combine created a great deal of internal dissent that once again awakened
the Black Dragons, who moved forward a few years later with their most ambitious plans yet.
In just a handful of isolated incidents, the latest actions attributed to the Black Dragons have provoked some of the hardest fighting and the most terrible tragedies
in recent years. With the renegade attack on Alshain by the Alshain Avengers in 3062, the Society instigated the biggest conflict on the Clan front since BULLDOG. Along
with the DCMS seizing worlds in the Lyons Thumb after Lyran and mercenary troops struck Combine garrisons, the Federated Suns’s Draconis March launched their own
assault over the border.
These conflicts savaged the Combine military and stretched thin the already-depleted ISF resources. To save face among his people and forestall any more “renegade” ad-
venturism, the Coordinator annexed territories along the Lyran and FedSuns borders and redistributed the DCMS among several hostile borders. Tensing for the next dissident
attack, the Combine stands on the verge of losing most of the reforms the Coordinator has spent his life putting into effect for the nation’s own survival.
—Star League Intel Briefing 53-1; Office of the Star League Intelligence Command, 3065


The O5P is a curious agency, neither officially part of the
Combine’s intelligence apparatus nor technically opposed to it.
The Order is a self-sufficient organization that maintains the dual
roles of protecting the spiritual honor of House Kurita while at the
same time keeping watch over its people. This quasi-agency falls
under the purview of the Ministry of the Court but answers di-
rectly to the Coordinator. The Order’s ministry ties exist so it can
requisition materials and work with the various Court bureaus to
provide assistance as needed.
In order to facilitate its own goals, the O5P has evolved its
own bureaucracy and intelligence network that pervades all of
Combine space and possibly beyond. They have the ear of many
of the Dragon’s officials.


GOVERNMENT DISTRICTS tance of the planets in the region, constant warfare has reduced
The four government districts are analogous to the military many of these historic and priceless relics to rubble and ash.
districts. The district and prefecture names are the same, and the The Algedi Prefecture holds the lion’s share of Hegemony and
borders are generally the same. A few systems are in one military Star League relics. The DCMS, present in abundance due to the
district and another governmental district, a situation that pro- proximity of three major stellar powers, is on constant watch for
duces only problems for that planet. Between simple bureaucratic pirates and unauthorized lostech prospectors. Citizens and certi-
mishaps and deliberate sabotage by one prefect against another, fied foreigners can be found combing the landscapes for relics,
everything is hard to accomplish in a split-district system. antiques, and historical items. As long as every item is registered
A shogun, also referred to as a District Governor, works in con- with the Ministry of Well-Being of the Land and the Peoples and
junction with the military commander in charge of that district the appropriate taxes are paid, prospectors are welcome within
and leads each government district. The military commander the prefecture. Taxes tend to be more than the item is worth, so
the relics are often turned in to the ministry as payment.
always has final say but usually prefers to leave administrative de-
The Al Na’ir Prefecture sees constant military activity within
tails to the shogun. A Planetary Chairman runs individual planets.
its borders, due to its shared border with the Federated Suns’s
Draconis March. Most of the citizenry are tired of the constant
military presence, especially those of the Azami worlds. There are
few people of Asian descent in the Dieron district as a whole and
The Benjamin Governmental District gets much of the
Al Na’ir in general. The age of the first settlements of the systems
Combine’s attention these days. The district is in a seemingly end-
within gives many of these worlds a deeper loyalty to Terra than
less cycle of rebuilding, no thanks to the Clan Invasion, a brutal
to the Combine. More than most Combine citizens, the residents
border war with the Ghost Bears, and Davion aggression during
here would prefer to see the constant border conflicts and inter-
their recent civil war. Many of these district worlds have a con-
stellar war cease. Unlike most Draconians, the people here do not
tinual, heavy DCMS presence.
care who rules this section of space as long as the fighting ends.
The Irurzun and Proserpina Prefectures have seen centuries Conversely, the worlds within the Vega and Kessel Prefectures
of war and destruction, a constant threat with the Dragon’s hos- live under the continual threat of raids, invasions, and spontane-
tile neighbors on both prefecture borders. Social and political ous violence. Faced with a long history of intense conflict with
concerns within these prefectures are typically pushed aside in the neighboring Lyran Alliance (née Commonwealth), prefecture
favor of more immediate military problems. Paranoia about the residents look upon the current peace with suspicion. Fear of
government and ISF, the looming threat of invasion, and the ner- invasion has spread the view that the enemies of the Combine
vous fear of living on a border world all combine to make living on should be stopped by any means necessary.
these worlds exceptionally difficult. Ashio Prefecture boasts strong agricultural worlds that see
Buckminster Prefecture is known for its extensive industrial a large amount of exports to other Combine systems—and lim-
sprawls, all of which lie in striking distance of Clan Ghost Bear. The ited, ISF-monitored trade with those in the nearby Federated
Clan threat continues to loom large among the population, spur- Suns. The planetary chairmen spend their time focused more on
ring record numbers of military academy applicants and proving what their neighbors are doing economically while the nobility
grounds candidates over the last two decades. plays petty politics.
In contrast, Xinyang Prefecture’s small border with the Clan gives
these worlds a bit of psychological relief. Many of these systems lie GALEDON
in close proximity to the capital, and citizens here are comforted GOVERNMENTAL DISTRICT
knowing the elite regiments of the DCMS are only a jump away. As the birthplace of the Draconis Combine, the Galedon
The Benjamin Prefecture is an amalgamation of the other four Governmental District had its days of glory but now suffers the
within the district. Responsible for defending against the first waves lingering aftereffects of the Succession Wars. This combination of
of any attacks by nearby enemies and considered the industrial special history and bloody suffering has instilled great pride in the
heartland of the district, planetary chairmen of these prefecture Galedonians. No district is truer to the Combine and none, save the
worlds tend to defer to the District Governor and the Warlord for former Rasalhague District, has so much pride in its own region.
direction. The DCMS trains extensively across all of the prefecture’s The Tabayama, Kaznejoy, and Matsuida Prefectures have only
systems, providing a sense of security and power to its residents. recently begun receiving back former citizens who were relocat-
ed into Pesht due to the severe Davion assaults of the Third and
DIERON Fourth Succession Wars. Citizens from Alshain and Benjamin were
GOVERNMENTAL DISTRICT also relocated back into these three prefectures, providing a small
The closest district to Terra, the nobles here believe they are boost to local economies and general well-being. With rumors of
the most important district to the Combine. Residents tend to Clan Snow Raven taking over the Outworlds Alliance, many citi-
point to the early signs of Terran history and the Star League relics zens are nervous—not from imminent attack, but from another
that dot many world landscapes. Because of the strategic impor- round of relocations.


The New Samarkand Prefecture maintains a not-so-friend- who relocated have not opted to return to the recently liberated
ly rivalry with the Kagoshima Prefecture. Many citizens of the worlds once held by the Smoke Jaguars and Nova Cats.
New Samarkand worlds hold fast to their place in Combine his- The Clan invasion made the Pesht District one of the hottest
tory. Claiming both Shiro Kurita’s birthworld and the home of the battlefields in the Inner Sphere. Wolcott, the site of one of the
Combine’s beginnings within their borders, the people of New Combine’s earliest victories against the Clans, remained a major
Samarkand believe their prefecture is the jewel of the Combine. staging area for anti-Clan operations for more than a decade. The
Residents in Kagoshima, of course, believe they are deserving system still acts a major DCMS depot that supplies many of the
of the honor because of Luthien’s presence. Several planetary units posted within the district.
chairmen have used this rivalry to great effect by pitting militias The Qandahar Prefecture in particular has been the location of
against each other in yearly war games on several prefecture much of the Combine’s industrial expansion over the last century,
thanks to an abundance of resources and its naturally sheltered
proving grounds. The more emotional contests occur on Miyada,
stellar position. The Bjarred and Ningxia Prefectures have har-
Sighisoara, and Worrell ever since they were reabsorbed within
bored the bulk of refugees over the last few decades; their swift
the Pesht Governmental District.
development has provided a strategic reserve of manpower and
Of the district’s five prefectures, Oshika is the tamest. Several
industrial capacity for the Combine in case of extreme duress. The
longstanding industrial facilities remain operational within the
biggest problem in these three districts is the suspicion held be-
prefecture. The recent boom in naval construction and tech- tween the established citizenry and the newly arrived (within the
nological developments have made this prefecture a more last hundred years) upstarts.
appealing location for the Combine’s brighter minds. The Albiero Prefecture contains several productive agricul-
tural worlds and is often left out of major political wars between
PESHT GOVERNMENTAL DISTRICT nobles. The biggest threat facing these citizens tends to be roving
Pesht, the site of Luthien and the furthest removed from hostile pirate bands, which have dropped off dramatically since the ar-
powers, is the most economically stable of the four districts and thus rival of the Clans.
was the destination for those fleeing the Clan Invasion. These refu- The jewel of the Pesht Governmental District is the
gees resettled along the Periphery border worlds. The resettlement Kagoshima Prefecture, home of Luthien and the important
has been an economic boon for those less-populated systems; many world of Pesht. Since this prefecture is considered the center


of the Combine, the nobility of Kagoshima have an unspoken trappings. Lyrans secretly wish to conquer the Combine to see the
elevated status among their peers. All planetary governments Dragon’s worlds stripped of their natural wealth and the popula-
take special pride in their association with the Combine’s capi- tions enslaved to do the work Lyrans refuse.
tal and are considered the most loyal to the Coordinator. The Though the Combine’s higher levels of nobility recognize the
recent reacquisition of Miyada, Sighisoara, and Worrell from differences between the various Clans, not so the common citi-
the New Samarkand Prefecture has brought additional honor zen. To many, the Clans are an alien civilization, perverted from
to the region. These three worlds, traditionally part of the Pesht the ideals of the Star League. They feast on babies and the youth
District, were “lost” in a bureaucratic war during the late 2900s. of the Combine so they can destroy the Dragon through poison-
The late Duchess Tomoe Sakade was instrumental in bringing ing its honor and integrity. Their worship of various animal totems
the three back into the fold. shows their barbarism and love of senseless violence. These ideals
The Irece Prefecture is the location of the Combine’s current stand as a direct opposite to the tenets and pillars of the Dragon
experiment in cultural symbiosis. What remains of Clan Nova and must be resisted.
Cat has been distributed among the systems within, though the
Clanspeople do not have full rights as Draconian citizens. Each
planet has a designated “reservation zone” that the Clan is al-
lowed to occupy and carve out its version of civilization. Some AND WEAKNESSES
displacement did occur, which has infuriated some populations The major strength of the Draconis Combine is the loyalty
and created a disproportionate amount of unrest in the region. and devotion of its people. Having always lived under a tightly
disciplined system, most of its citizens do not imagine an alterna-
INTERSTELLAR tive system as desirable. They are obedient and loyal, ready for
service. The people of the Combine rejoice in victories for the
RELATIONS Dragon as unto themselves. They feel a deep sense of belonging,
Few Draconians travel, unless they are part of the military. a sense that an injury to one is an injury to all; a triumph for one is
Those who trade with other nations are watched carefully for a triumph for all. This selfless attitude is especially important in a
signs of cultural weakness—and they are aware of the surveil- state low on resources and with a deeply scarred industrial base, a
lance. A common saying among corporate travelers sums up their state dependent on military conquest for development.
attitude well: “The eyes of the Dragon are like a mother watch- The major weakness of the Dragon is, ironically, its militarism.
ing a child in the street.” Those who are tempted to stray too far A society structured around service to the military must main-
from fealty to Kurita and the Dictum Honorium should be thank- tain a precarious balance. If the military is woefully unsuccessful,
ful for the reminder not to stray and for the chance to return to the the people will lose faith. If the military is wildly successful and
Dragon’s protection. Those who are ungrateful flee to the other achieves total conquest, the society will have to be radically re-
Houses and are considered dead by their fellow citizens. Such ac- structured to accommodate the change in status.
tions put a fugitive’s family under heightened ISF scrutiny, often More important, the emphasis on the military is sapping the
with the patriarch being invited to see his ancestors for failing to free will and thought of the people and draining the economy.
instill proper decorum and integrity in his progeny. Once the creative spirit and resources are exhausted, there can be
Travel under such tense circumstances—the slightest inter- no growth in the community.
est in another culture is often reported as treasonous—is not The other weakness of the Combine is the concentration of
conducive to understanding other cultures and is not meant to power in the hands of the Kurita family. Sooner or later, a dy-
be. Military duty will rarely afford any true understanding of the nasty ends—whether by lack of descendants or by assassination.
worlds invaded. Even mercenary units who have served other Concentration of power in a tightly closed circle leaves no provi-
states are segregated from DCMS troops to prevent the spread sion for running the Combine without a Kurita on the throne.
of confusing ideas about other worlds and cultures. This lack of The concentration of power is even more dangerous because of
contact keeps most Draconians ignorant about the other stellar the government’s dependence on one person’s judgment. A bad
nations and receptive to whatever propaganda the government leader does far more harm in a monarchy or dictatorship than in a
wishes to spread. system with distributed powers and clearly defined responsibilities.
The official descriptions of the other nations in the Inner Also, if all power is in one person’s hands, subordinates will spend
Sphere are caricatures emphasizing the worst possibilities of each their time jockeying for position near the leader and neglect what
culture. For example, the Federated Suns is described as a collec- duties they could be performing for the general good.
tion of licentious perverts who wish to spread their seed across The people of the Dragon expect strong leadership from the
settled space, corrupting all humankind with their lazy, immoral Coordinator and look to him for guidance. If anything were to finally
ways. Such behavior would cause civilization to collapse from the loosen the grasp of the Kurita family, the Combine would be ripe for
“cult of the individual” and mindless self-indulgence. The Lyran takeover by another strong leader. If none emerge, the disciplined,
Alliance is described as a group of greedy sensualists and capi- group-minded people of the Combine would either plunge into the
talists, concerned only with acquiring wealth and its poisonous greatest anarchy ever seen or unite in a true, communal combine.




mong the five pillars of the Draconis Combine, the Pillar
of Teak represents the daily life and culture of its people.
Life consists in conflict. So long as man remains a social animal he cannot
Though this precious wood flourished in the hot, moist
live in isolation. All individual hopes and aspirations depend on society. Society is
climates of Terra, it was successfully transplanted to only one
reflected in the individual, and the individual in society.
world in the Combine during the founding years: Jabuka, located
[Commentary: The balance of life is as fine as a sword’s sharpest edge. The more
in the former province of Rasalhague. (It has since been found to
an individual sharpens himself against the whetstone of fate, the more improved
thrive also on Pusht-i-rud and Cylene.)
an edge becomes. Denying the maintenance of the sword invites dullness and dust,
The structure of Draconian society is symbolized by this valu-
burying duty and honor beneath the filth of society.]
able timber because it was one of the strongest and longest-lived
building woods ever used by man. Unity Palace, home of the
The more one secures new pleasure, spiritual or material, the more one
Coordinator on Luthien, is constructed from and decorated pri-
incurs pain not yet experienced. One evil removed only gives place to another;
marily with this beautiful, durable wood.
one advantage gained soon proves itself a disadvantage. One’s own reason is
Just as the royal palace is built from teak, which is practically
the cause of doubt and suspicion; the intellect, with which one wishes to know
imperishable if not exposed, so the structure of Kurita society
everything, declares itself to be incapable of knowing anything in its real state;
must be durable, dependable, and strong. These qualities cor-
one’s finer sensibility, which is the sole source of finer pleasure, has to experience
respond with the ideals of duty, honor, and obedience that rule
finer suffering. The more one asserts oneself, the more one must sacrifice.
every member of Kurita society, from the Coordinator at the apex
[Commentary: Life’s whetstone is a jagged work, varying in its grain as fate curls
to the lowest of the Unproductives.
inward along paths undefined. Suffering and pleasure are irrevocably linked, creating a
Aside from those few demonstrating military, technical, or pro-
passion and understanding of all sides and revealing at times the wisdom of ancestors.]
fessional brilliance, the average Combine citizen will encounter
—Dictum Honorium, v. VIII, 145–147
difficulty in attempting to rise beyond his or her station at birth.
However, each man and woman sees how his place and function
fit into the whole. This stratification does not generally create dis- missing the luxury, leisure, or sensual pleasures that are found in
satisfaction among the masses. the surrounding decadent Great Houses.


Ever since Shiro Kurita first forged the Draconis Combine, its To maintain order and discipline among the vast populace of
people have believed they are destined to rule the known universe the realm, the rulers of the Combine enforce the venerable Dictum
by dint of their greater bravery, virtue, and intelligence. Even the Honorium, which now numbers seven volumes. These Codes of
rebirth of the Star League and disassociation with the title of “suc- Conduct emphasize that there is one correct way of conduct and
cession lord” has done little to stem this traditional belief. While four incorrect ways. The false paths are known as Oblivion of Spirit,
the role of conquest through military might has been reduced Sorrow from Weakness, Ignorance of Order, and Pain of Failure.
due to renewed cooperation between Inner Sphere leaders, many Combine citizens learn the Code intimately, from the first day
Kuritans believe that the Combine can still rule through other of First School at the age of four. The Dictum Honorium pervades
means, including influence, corporate and economic savvy, and every institution of Kurita society and has done so for more than
technological achievement. Draconians understand that most of seven hundred years. Its essence is second nature to Kuritans.
the Dragon’s people firmly believe their rigid adherence to honor They see the universe and their place in it through the prism of
and duty already elevates them above the rest of humanity. It is a the Code and interpret all events according to its precepts. When
question of time when other people in the Inner Sphere accept it. faced with discord, the true Kuritan follows the path of the Code
Reverence for the ruling family, especially the godlike Shiro— and eschews all else, even if such a path leads to their passing.
who first envisioned the goal of extending Combine sway over
the Inner Sphere—has made the Kuritans believe it is their moral STRUCTURE OF SOCIETY
imperative. This doctrine underlies every aspect of life—and At the head of Combine society is the Coordinator, who is re-
death—in this realm. vered as the dynastic father of his people. Under him come the
The people of the Dragon are perhaps the most contented of nobility, or kuge, and the military class, the buke. In the center is the
all the Great Houses, not because their daily lives are particularly middle class of professionals and corporate managers. Next down
pleasant but because theirs is a collective identity based on a the line are the commoners, or heinin, who perform most of the
shared vision of society. This vision gives purpose and meaning society’s actual work. Lowest of the low are the Unproductives, an
to their lives. The people believe their Coordinator rules by divine underclass composed of criminals, disgraced members of other
right and that their own place in the scheme of things is part of classes, beggars, and other undesirables. They are often assigned
the same divine plan. Each person has their duty within the divine to undertake suicide missions, serve on cleanup crews in toxic at-
order, giving a transcendent quality to each existence, no matter mospheres, work in unsafe mining operations, act as test subjects
how spartan. This collectivity also prevents ordinary citizens from for research and experiments, and so on.


The basic unit of society is the “nuclear family” concept. This special duties. Indeed, Combine officers will spare no cost in lives,
family unit consists of father, mother, and their offspring. In daily either of their opponents or their own men, in order to meet an
life, this group overlaps with the extended family, a two- or three- objective. Life is cheap; honor is everything.
generation collection that includes grandparents, their married Draconian culture is rooted in a military tradition that dates
children, and their numerous grandchildren. Because of tradition from the days of Shiro Kurita, influenced by the samurai ways
and the crowded conditions of ordinary Combine housing proj- of his Japanese ancestors. Because of his success in forging the
ects, these extended families often share a residence on more Combine through military strategy and sheer determination,
populous worlds, living an almost communal existence. Shiro became revered as godlike by his soldiers, who transferred
Historically, few women who entered military service would such reverence to their families. The warrior qualities he embod-
achieve a measure of equality. That has begun to change over ied represented the ideals of honor, duty, and devotion.
the last several decades, thanks to Coordinator Theodore Kurita’s Furthermore, Shiro’s dedication to creating an empire under
late wife, Tomoe Sakade. An intelligent and fierce samurai in a single ruler expanded to become a manifest destiny. Believing
her own right, she rose to the position of Kagoshima Prefecture that the Combine is destined to rule all of human space, its leaders
commander through her own merits and honorable actions. Her will seek to achieve this goal through any means necessary. This
choice to commit seppuku for the failure of her forces to defend militant obsession, however, served the Combine well in ejecting
the Dragon’s border against the neighboring Clan Ghost Bear in- Clan Smoke Jaguar from the realm and subjugating Clan Nova Cat
dicated that women were equally capable of serving the Combine during Operations BIRD DOG and BULLDOG. The reclamation of
over filial obligations. these worlds took less than most analysts’ projected timeframes,
In most Kuritan households, however, women fulfill tradi- returning the Combine to a stronger position of industrial and
tional time-honored roles. The male is the undisputed head of military power.
his household, while the women are responsible for taking care The propaganda machine continues to feed the Kuritan people
of the home, feeding and clothing their families, raising the chil- images of military glory and dominion, while also assuring them
dren, and overseeing their daughters-in-law. Because Kuritans that all things come to he who has patience. The Dragon may not
are universally indulgent of very young children, one might see be fully roused, but when awakened it can be nigh invincible.
a three-year-old cry and rail in tantrum with his mother, but that
child would never display such behavior in the presence of his fa- XENOPHOBIA
ther or other important male figures. To do so is a severe dishonor Another means of ensuring discipline and unquestioning
and worthy of strict and proper discipline. obedience from the populace is the Combine’s well-known xeno-
At the higher levels of society—among corporate manage- phobia. To maintain the political purity of their House, the rules
ment, for example—wives rarely see their husbands. The men are of the Combine have always sought to limit contact between
expected to spend after-hours with their colleagues. Much busi- their people and those of other realms. Most Kuritans will never
ness is transacted during these seemingly casual get-togethers, venture beyond their own borders unless involved in a military
which is one reason the wives are often excluded. As in the mili- action. Marrying anyone who is not a citizen of the Combine is
tary, this glass ceiling is slowly changing through the efforts and also considered an act of treason. The Dictum Honorium states
honor of sharp Combine businesswomen. that the Combine was born in struggle, and this state of affairs will
Marriages are often arranged, particularly among the upper continue until the Dragon rules all of known space.
classes. Parents send holos and life histories of their daughters to In the early days of the Combine, its leaders even resisted the
the families of marriageable sons. There are many reasons why a idea of trade with other realms, because they feared that their
girl may be rejected by the boy’s family. She might have unsuit- spartan society would be undermined by the availability of luxury
able friendships, for example, or be too bold in expressing herself items. They also feared exposing themselves to possible econom-
in company. If a marriage is arranged, the courtship period lasts ic sabotage from their opponents. Trade was highly restricted to
at least two years, during which the betrothed couple will rarely Coordinator-authorized merchant visits on a case-by-case basis
spend time together unless in the presence of a chaperone. that included a full disclosure of inventory, massive amounts of
Perhaps because of this antiquated tradition, the institution of red tape, and high dock tariffs. During the time of the Von Rohrs,
the geisha is still strong wherever there are large populations of any trading vessels attempting to enter the Combine were seized,
nobility, military, or professional men who can afford the services boarded, and either stripped or turned back after a levy of stiff
of these elegant companions. fines. Neighboring realms quickly learned to avoid Combine
space for over a century.
MILITARISM At the time of the Star League’s formation, the Combine
The traditional ruthlessness of the Kurita ruling line has filtered opened its doors wide to trade. Today, the realm must trade to
down into the society at large. Many Kurita citizens are conscripted obtain both necessities and revenue. Nevertheless, the Minister of
for military training and indoctrination. Because of their training Indoctrination continues to strictly regulate what is suitable for im-
and culture, House Kurita soldiers are fearless and coldblooded, port, to whom it will be made available, and how much intercultural
preferring combat duty to garrison, protection, militia, or other contact is healthy. In the current era, some resource-poor worlds of


the Dragon are almost totally dependent on simple foods imported and technology, the rote training tends to discourage any real ad-
from nearby worlds of the Federated Suns. Among the upper class- vances in these areas because indoctrination stifles creativity and
es, there is always money to buy the gourmet specialties, antique original thought, even among the intellectual elite.
weapons, or frivolous luxury items currently in demand. Loyalty and obedience begin at home, of course. There the
Since House Kurita lacks the resources of its House Davion child learns to revere his parents, his ancestors, and the supreme
neighbor and maintains a closed border with Clan Ghost Bear, its authority of the Coordinator, who embodies the soul of the
xenophobia has strengthened. The Kuritan people have had to Kuritan people.
learn to conserve what they have and do without, if necessary. The Kuritan educational system has numerous methods for
(Ironically, civilians from the liberated Smoke Jaguar worlds got by drilling these attitudes and beliefs at all levels of education. For
with even less, living in poverty that made the lower class Kuritan example, courses in history and even geography interpret facts
family seem as nobility.) This perpetual belt-tightening has cre- and events according to state ideology. Also, every student is
ated a strong esprit de corps among the people. Sharing hardships drilled in sushin (ethics), which teaches patriotism and reverence
has imbued them with a feeling of spiritual strength that reinforc- for the Coordinator. The school system has also become the cen-
es the belief in their superiority over the other, “softer” peoples of tral propagandist for Draconian militarism, and Regular Army
the Inner Sphere. officers attached to each secondary school teach special courses
of military instruction.

MODERNIST HAIKU The Unity of Indoctrination

Currently, the haiku styling of Tomas Ferrel is in vogue among the courtiers The Draconis Combine’s educational system borrows widely
of the Imperial Palace. from other systems but includes some distinctive features.
Primary education is compulsory for all children; secondary
In this world, we walk and higher education are reserved for a select few. This means
Daintily along hell’s roof the majority of children of First School age do get a rudimentary
Gazing at flowers. education; the Dragon’s literacy rate consistently averages above
ninety percent. First School begins at age four and lasts until age
One last time, I think, l will brush the dying flies from my father’s face. ten. During their final year, each child must face a battery of tough
achievement and aptitude tests.
Sick on a journey Only sixty percent of students will pass these stringent exams,
My lurid dreams wander the withered fields afar. and that is intentional. The Ministry of Indoctrination’s Bureau of
Skill Development moves those who succeed to the appropriate
This autumn evening trade or technical Middle School (koto gakko). At this point the re-
Why must I grow old? mainder will most likely leave the education system forever and
A bird vanishes into clouds. enter the workforce.
The vast majority of people are content to end their formal ed-
Children imitating cormorants are the wonderful cormorants! ucation after First School. Because the masses will never engage
in anything but rote duties or manual labor, they share the official
—Life in the Dragon’s Palm, by Tomas Ferrell; Luthien Imperial Press, 3066 belief that higher education might well spoil a good artisan by
making him discontented with his fate.
The Middle School curriculum generally lasts five years and of-
fers a solid course of study in mathematics, science, geography,
EDUCATION history, language, and literature. The students wear uniforms and
In any society, education is the most powerful propaganda are subject to a semi-military discipline, all while continuing their
tool, with control of the media as a close second. The Kurita deep immersion in Combine ideology. Students are encouraged
regime uses these two information agencies to continually rein- to study the martial arts, particularly kendo or kudo—fencing or
force in its people unquestioning loyalty, courage in battle, and archery, respectively—as relaxation.
devotion to order. At age fifteen, students submit to another round of examina-
Kurita education is based on the principle that knowledge, like tions that will determine who is suited for higher education, or
any other aspect of society, must serve. The Ministry of General dai gakko. At the university level, a student is assumed to have
Indoctrination rejects the philosophy that children should be en- mastered the preparatory general subjects and will devote most
couraged to reason out matters for themselves in order to draw of his time to his own special field. Having completed his higher
their own conclusions. Instead, the Kurita system is based heavily education, the student receives his gakushi (learned gentleman)
upon rote learning and the principle that all students be thor- degree. Those selected for postgraduate study and ultimately
oughly indoctrinated with the obedience and loyalty prescribed produce an acceptable dissertation will receive the covered title
by the Code of Honor. Though the Kuritan system stresses science of Hakase, or doctor.


Women are not barred from Middle School or higher educa- UNIVERSITIES AND OTHER
tion programs. They do face immense pressure to perform equal HIGHER LEARNING INSTITUTIONS
to their male peers and fight traditional prejudices regarding a Because of the severe damage that the Dragon suffered dur-
woman’s role in the Combine. Nonetheless, women who suc- ing the four Succession Wars and the subsequent Clan wars, most
ceed despite such obstacles blossom into a vital resource for the of its universities were destroyed or overrun. This included New
Dragon. Many of these successful women tend to be even more Samarkand University, the first ever established in the Draconis
dedicated in their honor and duty to the Combine than their Combine. Many First Schools and Middle Schools were also de-
male counterparts. stroyed, but with the lessening of hostilities in recent decades, the
Some students who do not survive the weeding-out process Ministry of General Indoctrination has begun returning these to
that leads to the koto gakko and then the dai gakko do have one pre-Succession War levels.
other option. Those whose tests show the necessary aptitude Just as with its industrial efforts, however, House Kurita’s native
may attend one of the many semmon gakko (specialty school). education would be seriously lacking if their spy system did not sup-
Some semmon gakko teach higher-level commercial or techni- ply much of the up-to-date science and technology. These technical
cal courses, while others specialize in subjects such as mining subjects, along with military science, are prestigious courses of study.
or agriculture. Though higher education is reserved for males,
women may attend semmon gakko. The course of study usually The Imperial Institute of Technology
lasts three years, with graduates earning a diploma rather than This is as high-level as Kurita technology studies get, though
a formal degree. for three centuries it played catch-up to its counterparts in Houses
Even at the highest levels, Kuritan students receive special Davion and Steiner. Over the last few decades, IIT has benefited
or vocational training rather than a broad general education. As greatly from the data recovered from the Helm Memory Core along
always, the principle is a pragmatic one: the study of liberal arts with the large amount of Clan salvage and technology recovered
would not make a student more useful to the society. Also, the from former Jaguar and Nova Cat worlds. The influx of technology
theory is that such broad, general training would encourage radi- requires an increase of scientific and technical minds and instructors,
cal and dangerous tendencies of thought. a position IIT officials are more than happy to find themselves in.
Although the Kuritan educational system borrows more Only the best and brightest, with high science and math ap-
knowledge than it develops, the state is determined to combine titudes, will be tracked through the Draconian school system to
high technology with traditional values and ideals. During the ex- arrive at the institute’s main campus on Xinyang. Cadets at a few
pansionist Star League era, the founder of Luthien University was academies may elect to spend a year at IIT before graduation if
a broad-minded scholar who appreciated what Kuritans could they pass the institute’s stringent application battery of tests.
learn from the discoveries of scientists and scholars from other
realms. Dr. Paul Edwards spoke for many when in 2780 he stated: Luthien University
“Knowledge shall be sought throughout the galaxy in order to Located on the capital world, this university offers a more tra-
promote the welfare of the Draconis Combine.” ditional spectrum of education, suited to those headed for civil
At the same time, leaders insist that even the most advanced or diplomatic services. Studies range from history and astrogra-
knowledge must not interfere with maintaining the Dictum phy to languages and art history. These graduates are not being
Honorium. A corollary of this is that the entire system is operated primed for the high-paying jobs that graduates of IIT or Kurita’s
by and for the state. The principle permeating every phase of NAIS will land. Instead, they will be the bureaucrats or lower-level
Kurita education is that education is to teach and investigate the members of diplomatic missions. These students have been cho-
sciences and studies that are of practical service to the Combine. sen more for their ability to engage in cultivated discourse with
Private First Schools are non-existent, though there are a few outsiders or the less educated than for possible contributions to
religious-based Middle Schools. Before the devastation of the the ever-present goal of Kurita military dominion.
Succession Wars, some private universities did exist. A few were
outstanding, but most could not compete with government insti- Noius Archipelagus Institute of Science
tutions of higher learning. Indeed, both government and private Military science and technology are the focus of education at
industry gave preference to graduates of state schools. Currently, NAIS, founded specifically—down to the name and acronym—to
no private universities exist in the Combine. compete with the New Avalon Institute of Science. Located on the
As might be expected from such a single-minded system, Noius Archipelagus on Kaznejoy, the NAIS has yet to distinguish
Kurita education is highly centralized. The Ministry of General itself beyond some minor combat vehicle prototypes and a new
Indoctrination dictates all aspects of schooling and rigidly su- algorithm for battle armor communication encryption.
pervises schools. The offices of the ministry compile most of Students of the NAIS are typically those rejected from IIT and
the compulsory textbooks in use. According to Yorito Hale, the other prefecture research institutions. In many academic circles,
Combine’s most influential Minister of General Indoctrination the NAIS is considered a “last chance” facility for those who are
during the thirtieth century, the task of Kurita education is to better than the average citizen worker but not intelligent enough
“transform the school into a weapon of Draconian society.” to find traction in other institutions of higher learning.


NON-JAPANESE CULTURE Though Kuritan society is serious, hardworking, and dutiful,
IN THE DRACONIS COMBINE its people retain a keen sensitivity to beauty. They maintain
Although the general Kurita culture is closely based on that of Terran Japan, an artistic tradition that is heavily indebted to the traditional
the majority of Combine citizens are not of Japanese ancestry. Especially on plan- arts of ancient Japan. For example, the intricate maze of build-
ets where one non-Japanese people predominates, there are definite strands of ings and chambers that make up the Royal Residence at Unity
other cultures discernible. Palace is filled with the finest of ancient and modern paint-
The official Kurita tolerance for “foreign” cultures varies. At this time, under ings, sculpture, pottery, tapestries, rugs, and other examples
Jasmine Kurita’s advocacy of the arts, multicultural study and display is actu- of Kuritan art.
ally encouraged. The School of Cultural Investigation on Al Na’ir is dedicated to Commoners are not encouraged to practice the arts, how-
exploration of the different cultures “from which we took the best elements, to ever, nor have they the time even if they did have the inclination.
forge together the superior way of living known as Kurita culture,” according to Their tastes run more to the “soaps” on state-controlled ho-
Dean Hamin Gemal. Students of cultural investigation apply history, geography, lovision or to the televised sporting events in which men and
anthropology, sociology, art history, and other disciplines to discover the hidden machines fight to the death. (Up until the mid-3050s, Solaris
heritage of the non-Japanese Draconis Combine. The school even formed a task VII footage was banned from the Combine, sparking a huge
force in 3064, sending several instructors and researchers to observe and live in black market for match holovids. That market deflated when
the Clan Nova Cat reserve areas. Theodore lifted the ban and encouraged the Kuritan people to
While most cultural aspects—education, class structure, titles, and modes support Combine-affiliated gladiators.)
of address, for example—display the mainline Japanese-influenced culture of Though military training takes up much of a warrior’s time,
Kurita, arts and crafts on different planets still reflect the individual spirit and many soldiers are serious students and practitioners of haiku,
local cultural influences. For example, the architecture of the School of Cultural the classic poem of seventeen syllables. Often, they compose
Investigation shows distinct references to the building style of the Terran Middle special battle haiku before entering combat and place these
East and northern Africa. in their neurohelmets or cockpits, in case they are killed or
Artists studying at Cultural Investigation, or influenced by its philosophy, taken prisoner.
follow their interests in one of two ways: reproducing the artistic forms of past Where the arts truly flourish is among the nobility and the
times or adapting these forms to the present. Examples of the first include Philip warrior class. This is particularly true in the present era because
Valenzuela’s translations of ancient Spanish authors—such as Marquez, Neruda, the members of the Kurita family are passionate connoisseurs of
and Borges—and Marion Tsevernasky’s popular renditions of Russian, Ukrainian, many different art forms. Constance Kurita, in particular, has be-
and Martian folk music. come an active patron by sponsoring many theater productions
Examples of the adaptive school rank among the most exciting artistic work and events at Unity Palace on Luthien, using the theater built by
being done in the Combine today. The broad, cliff paintings of Bruno O’Leary are Jasmine Kurita.
directly influenced by the Renaissance works of Monet, da Vinci, and Renoir. The government heavily sponsors Nohkabu performing
The neon kabuki performances by Isolde Gunnedottir reflect the mid-twenty-
troupes. Nohkabu is a blend of ancient and modern theatri-
second-century, three-dimensional operatics of Jurgid and Tommes. Michi
cal techniques to create a theatre that appeals to and instructs
Kirosawa’s extremely popular trivid action cinema are directly influenced by the
the ordinary people. The themes of these traveling troupes are
ancient monster telefilms of the Shōwa period.
mostly historical and portray events in the life of the dynastic
The only major gap in the wave of interest in other cultures is that of the
line or the history of the House. Only those who have been
Azami people. Because of their unique status as allies of the Dragon rather than
trained in the National Treasures School may be assigned as a
subjects, they are often viewed with a veil of mistrust. Some inroads have been
performer or creator of these events. Nohkabu has been espe-
made in trying to understand and elevate the Azami culture—especially to
cially popular in the Irece Prefecture among the reserve camp
Kurita enclaves on Azami worlds and neighboring systems—but their own re-
cities of Clan Nova Cat.
luctance to open up their closed culture to outsiders has hampered efforts. The
epic Sands of Fire, a harrowing tale of the Azami wildegort herders who helped
National Treasures School
the DCMS defend against a Davion raid on Dabih, is one of few current exceptions.
Located in Imperial City on Luthien, the National Treasures
Director Mohammed Lakhdar’s Second Succession War-era biopic has met critical
School is staffed by the most accomplished masters of traditional
success on several worlds, including Luthien and New Samarkand.
and contemporary fine art forms. Unlike ordinary advanced-level
In the xenophobic atmosphere of House Kurita, the only way to sell the
schools, the NTS admits women and men.
studies of other cultures is by stressing the superior way of the Combine and the
Just as in ancient Japan, instruction in these arts includes
benefits of incorporating the best of other cultures. It is likely that if Kurita suffers
a major setback either internally or on the battlefronts, these foreign elements serious meditation training, because many believe only mental
will be banned. Those studying these cultures know they are taking a great risk training—shuyo, or self-discipline—can lead a man or woman
and, more than most, truly suffer for their art. to the experience of muga. Muga is the state where nothing
—The Struggle of Culture Amongst the Dragon’s Stars; Proserpina Press, 3066 separates the doer from the doing. The deed is effortless and
masterful. This goal applies to all military, artistic, religious, and
secular endeavors.


The Combine’s biggest known secret is the presence of the yakuza on every sys- The yakuza code of honor extends to the way internal discipline is handled.
tem in the realm. The organized crime clans (gumi) have their roots deep into Terran Seppuku is the final act of atonement for a major breach of honor, much as it is for a
Asia’s past and found a home early in the Dragon’s history. These cartels have adopted samurai. Minor infractions are punishable by yubitsume, a ritual in which the offend-
and merged pockets of Russian and North American mafia, pan-Asian Triads, and ing party severs a fingertip in atonement. As a reward for successful service, yakuza
European mob groups that found themselves in Combine space. Though many of the operatives receive irezumi, or ritual tattoos, which grow more elaborate and cover a
merges were peaceful, far more resulted in brutal territory wars. Membership remains person’s torso and arms as his career progresses. Thus, yakuza with missing fingertips
slanted towards males with an Asian or Combine descent, though of late, powerful and exotic tattoos peeking out from the collars and sleeves of their jackets are a com-
females have begun climbing the ranks of acceptance. mon sight within the organization.
The rank structure of a gumi is generally styled along feudal lines. Each gumi is led by Many gumi believe the yakuza have been given a certain level of legitimacy by
a kumicho (supreme boss) who rules with the aid of his koman (advisors), shingiin (counsel- Coordinator Theodore’s reforms that allow yakuza soldiers to enter DCMS service.
ors), a wakagashira (number-two man), and a so-honbucho (headquarters chief). The senior Rather than elevate their operations on the surface of society, the yakuza prefer to
officers, collectively known as shatei (younger brothers), take orders from the kumicho and remain as they have for centuries. The honor given to them has increased their level
in turn rule over the wakashu (young men), who serve as lesser officers. Enlistees and ap- of loyalty to the Kuritan throne. The gumi see themselves as the pulse of the Dragon,
prentices round out a gumi’s manpower, which are often known collectively as the kobun maintaining the invisible heartbeat of the realm. This fanaticism has spread to gumi
(child figures) to the kumicho’s more popular, informal title of oyabun (father figure). Lesser outside the Combine’s borders, providing the ISF an additional avenue to exploit in
kobun, used as foot soldiers by the clan, are also occasionally referred to as teppodama (a foreign intelligence operations. Kuritan citizens that find themselves trapped on oc-
term often translated into “bullets,” in reference to their expendable nature). cupied worlds know they can find comfort and aid from those yakuza clans operating
Yakuza operations cover a wide range of criminal enterprises, including gambling, among the criminal underworld.
blackmail, racketeering, and smuggling of contraband items such as narcotics and Ironically, the acceptance and fervor of these clans has sparked an increase in
weapons. Operating on a chivalric code of honor very similar to bushido, the yakuza Kokuryu-kai operations. Believing that criminals are incapable of honor—and there-
avoids street-level crime—such as muggings—out of respect for the common man. fore, incapable of adherence to duty and the Dragon—the organized rebels use this
Less competitive than mafia, the yakuza handle inter-clan conflict in a more civilized as a recruitment tool to further fill their ranks.
fashion. Rival gumi usually work out conflicts with a meeting of oyabun. —The Dragon’s Loyal Underworld; University of Pesht, 3064


tradition of promoting the loyal and eliminating the ambitious.

THE GEISHA TRADITION Such policies are necessary to maintain the ancestral grip on the
Geisha are members of an honorable tradition of entertainment dating to realm and prevent anyone from getting enough power or sup-
ancient Japan. Geisha translates loosely as “person of pleasing accomplish- port to stir up things at home. Theodore has re-evaluated some
ments.” These artisans, mostly women, are trained to entertain patrons in a of his looser policies after intense pressure from ISF Director
number of pleasant, artistic ways. A geisha learns several different entertain- Kerai. The ISF, having undergone its own violent purge in the
ment arts such as singing, dancing, poetry writing and recitation, and hostess wake of the 3058 assassination attempt on the Coordinator, con-
arts—massage, food serving, and flower arranging, among others. Outside of tinues to ferret out troublemakers.
serving in the DCMS, the position of geisha is one of the most honorable available Summary executions are commonplace on most worlds, and
to a Kuritan woman. Contrary to popular opinion outside of the Combine, geisha trials are more often kangaroo-court affairs than true workings
are not prostitutes but are closer to bards or court jesters in the entertainment
of justice.
niche. Some women, such as courtesans, are trained in the erotic arts, but this is
Life for the ordinary man or woman is quite similar across all
not the function of the geisha.
the planets that House Kurita claims for itself. This state of af-
The geisha is revered as an artist-server. Most work in special houses, to
fairs best serves the Dragon’s political aims, just as it has served
which patrons go in small groups or alone. One or more geisha will entertain
a patron or group, depending on how much the patron paid. Businessmen fre- in the past. Little street crime exists because the concept of
quently bring their associates to a local house. The geisha serve food, tea, and honor promotes cooperation between people, and most seek
wine in an especially artistic way and entertain with their performing art spe- to behave in an ideal manner. Stealing would be dishonorable
cialty. Sometimes, a patron will take over one geisha, setting him or her up in a because this would imply that the thief was unable to fulfill his
separate house for his benefit. family obligations.
—A Businessman’s Guide to the Draconis Combine (Revised); Commonwealth Even organized crime—unofficially recognized, if not tolerat-
Press, 3015 ed in certain circles—follows a code of honor. The yakuza walk the
fine line between serving the Dragon through their own devices
and profiting their own clan.
SOCIAL PROBLEMS The increased personal freedoms outlined in the 3043 Pillar
The Draconis Combine is a tightly controlled, almost fanatical Reforms brought a steady increase in crime and the expression
society. Because their system of education tends to dictate the of dissident political opinions. The introduction of even harsher
fate of the common people and shape their beliefs, very little punishments for lawbreakers has deterred neither criminals
social unrest exists. Every now and then, a Davion or Outworlder nor dissidents. Some within the government—notably the ISF
ship will jump into Kurita space, make a wide-beam broadcast, and the O5P—might be provoked to take action against these
and then jump out again, but very few of these ships get beyond trends without the Coordinator’s permission. Such actions, how-
the border. Even those that do cannot persuade the Kuritans of ever, could upset the balance of power and seriously weaken the
the trappings and luxuries of their supposedly wealthy neigh- Combine’s position.
bors—an illusion shattered by the recent FedCom Civil War. Such Everyday life in the Draconis Combine, although drab by the
material goods and riches pale in comparison to the spiritual standards of many other nations, is satisfactory. Basic physical
treasures and devotion to the cause of empire that Draconians needs for food, shelter, and clothing are met in as comfortable
hold so dear. A thriving black market provides electronic enter- a manner as the economy permits. As there is virtually no social
tainment equipment and trivids from other Houses, but only the mobility, most people content themselves with their lot in life
richest nobles can afford any of those. and look to their family and friends for joy. People adjust to their
Theodore’s more lenient policies—compared to Takashi, circumstances, and the average Draconian would say that their
some seem downright scandalous—still maintain the Kuritan life was good.



he origins of the modern DCMS can be traced back to
the personal troops of Shiro Kurita, the founder of the PROPER LEADERSHIP
Draconis Combine and the First Coordinator. Though THROUGH THE DRAGON
those forces may seem ragged and inconsequential compared While service to the Dragon is expected of all men and women of the
to today’s DCMS, their conquests of New Samarkand, Galedon, Combine, those who are truly worthy of advancement and promotion are the
and the other worlds that formed the fledgling Combine dis- ones who can understand the people around them. Leadership is the ability to
played the same tenacious fighting spirit that continues to take the wants, desires, and cultural roots of their followers and mold them into
characterize DCMS troops. These early DCMS warriors also pos- an effective force, no matter the arena.
sessed the devotion to tradition and to the Draconis Combine To ignore the basic ideals that define a person is to court disaster for the
that has become a DCMS hallmark. leader and quite possibly his followers. Conversely, grasping these basic precepts
Many civilians and military personnel believe that any fight- is one of the few keys to success. By understanding where one has come from, a
ing force in possession of modern military technology is a modern leader can help one find the path that follows the course the leader sets. Many
army. However, a truly modern fighting force also employs mod- times in our history, our leaders have forgotten this basic understanding, and
ern strategy and tactics. While superior technology can give a disaster inevitably follows.
military force an advantage over its opponents—a considerable Coordinator Siriwan Kurita once said, “One may forgive lack of knowledge
advantage at times—the edge provided by faster machines, for one’s mistakes, but ignorance is only the excuse of the dishonorable.” Future
stronger armor, and more-powerful weapons can be lessened Combine officers would be wise to remember that though they lead men and
women into battle for the Dragon, the Dragon is made of many scales, each bril-
or even lost quite quickly as an opponent’s war technology im-
liant in their own right. To deny one’s individual beauty is to tarnish the Dragon
proves. This phenomenon is vividly illustrated by the Combine’s
as a whole.
recent successes in narrowing the technological gap between its
—A Treatise of Leadership; Luthien Press Publications, 3043
armies and those of the Clans.
Furthermore, the use and rapid adoption of modern strate-
gies and tactics can often enable a technologically inferior force Draconis Combine. No citizen of the Dragon’s realm can serve
to hold its own or even triumph over an opponent. Indeed, the
more fully than as a warrior of the DCMS, the greatest—and
history of human warfare is rife with examples of armies that
among the most feared—instruments of Combine policy.
triumphed over their enemies by employing innovative tactics.
Nevertheless, we need look no further than the Combine’s suc-
cessful defense against the Clan invasion to find evidence of this
The “way of the warrior”—known intrinsically to Combine citi-
truth. No military observer can deny that the Clans possessed a
zens as bushido—lies at the heart of the Dragon’s philosophies. No
clear technological advantage over the Dragon’s forces through-
segment of Kuritan society has embraced the ideals embodied in
out the invasion. However, the Clans’ rigid adherence to their
bushido more fully than the DCMS. Though certain modern develop-
traditional tactics enabled Combine forces to stop the invaders
ments have tempered and challenged this ancient code of conduct,
by rapidly developing and employing new strategies and tactics
devotion to bushido has kept the Dragon strong through more than
designed to exploit this important Clan weakness.
three hundred years of Succession Wars and the Clan invasion.
Coordinator Theodore Kurita’s continuing efforts to reform the
DCMS represent an explicit recognition of this important truth Traditionally, the precepts of bushido were passed down
and an effort to mold the DCMS into a truly modern army. verbally from generation to generation. Over the centuries, de-
scriptions and teachings of the code, along with examples of its
practice and application, have graced the printed and electronic
STRUCTURE page. However, no author has ever succeeded in producing an ac-
OF THE DCMS curate and complete definition of bushido.
The Pillar of Steel is the largest and most powerful organiza- Devotion to the code of bushido served the founder of the
tion in the Draconis Combine. Among many of the Unproductives, Combine, Shiro Kurita, particularly well. Most historians agree that
this pillar is also jokingly considered the nation’s biggest employ- Shiro Kurita developed remarkable self-discipline and clarity by
er. The Pillar of Steel is the undisputed central pillar on which the practicing the principles of bushido. These traits were strengthened
Combine rests. As the DCMS provides the backbone of the Kurita during his conquests of New Samarkand, Galedon V, and the other
government, it is also the undisputed protector of the realm. To worlds that formed the foundation of the Combine. Though centu-
the average Combine citizen (and enemy), as the DCMS goes, so ries would pass before the Dragon saw another leader as skilled as
goes the Dragon. the First Coordinator, the DCMS remained steadfast in its devotion
The DCMS’s central role stems largely from the Combine’s to the main principles of bushido. During the interim years between
unwavering devotion to the philosophies and culture of ancient Shiro and Urizen II, the DCMS’s observance of the code’s traditions
Japan. Our dedication to these virtues and principles has made and precepts acted as beacons, guiding its members through the
the Kuritan citizen one that values honor, duty, and loyalty in dark times of ineffective and often erratic leadership. This stalwart
all aspects of our lives. Our lives are dedicated in service to the adherence made the DCMS able protectors of the realm.


As a result, the other Great House armies learned to fear

When one is serving officially or in the master’s court, he should not the fanatical warriors of the DCMS. Opponents learned their
think of a hundred or a thousand people but should consider only the impor- Combine enemy would neither request nor grant quarter. Every
tance of the master. Nor should he draw the line at his own life or anything opponent learned that a Combine warrior would continue to
else he considers valuable. Even if the master is being phlegmatic and one fight even as all hope was lost, sacrificing his ’Mech and even his
goes unrecognized, he should know that he will surely have the divine pro- life for the Dragon.
tection of the gods and the Buddha … One should rely on neither age nor Politicians also saw opportunity to gain greater control with-
youth. But he who reveres the master and protects the people may be called in the Combine by popularizing the ancient code. Chief among
a sage. them was Urizen Kurita II, who introduced through mass reform
—Hōjō Shigetoki, The Message of Master Gokurakuji; 1256 the “Japanization” of Kuritan society. Urizen II recognized that
bushido’s intimate association with Shinto, the native religion of
First, a man whose profession is the use of arms should think and then act ancient Japan that stressed the veneration of nature spirits and
upon not only his own fame but also that of his descendants. He should not ancestors, could be used to instill even greater loyalty and obedi-
scandalize his name forever by holding his one and only life too dear. On the ence in the populace. Under ancient Shinto doctrine, the Japanese
other hand, in the light of this, to consider this life that is given to us only once emperor was venerated as a descendant of the sun goddess. The
as nothing more than dust and ashes, and lose it at a time when one should not, Coordinator and like-minded leaders worked diligently behind
would be to gain a reputation that is not worth mentioning. One’s main purpose the scenes to establish the philosophy as an essential Combine
in throwing away his life is to do so either for the sake of the Emperor or in some institution—a goal that eventually succeeded.
great undertaking of a military general. The spreading influence of bushido enabled the Dragon’s
—Shiba Yoshimasa, The Chikubasho; 1383 leadership to consolidate greater control over the nation, direct-
ing it on the course they wished. Despite the firm acceptance of
It is hardly necessary to record that both Learning and the military arts are the philosophy among the warrior and nobility, bushido was not
the Way of the Warrior, for it is an ancient law that one should have Learning on fully accepted among all levels of Combine society until the next
the left and the martial arts on the right. But this is something that will not be generation came of age. These scions of the ruling caste were
obtainable if one has not prepared for it beforehand. raised in the warrior traditions as befitting the Combine’s new
—Hōjō Nagauji, Precepts; approx. 1503 culture and completely accepted the old ways. In turn, these war-
riors passed on the traditions to their own children, establishing a
Again, what is called cherishing the Way of the Warrior is not a matter of ex- firm cultural foundation that continues to flourish in the Draconis
tolling the martial arts above all things and becoming a scaremonger. It is rather Combine today.
in being well-informed in military strategy, in forever pondering one’s resources
of pacifying disturbances, in training one’s soldiers without remiss, in rewarding The New Bushido
those who have done meritorious deeds and punishing those who have commit- Throughout the Combine’s history, its military might has heav-
ted crimes, in being correct in one’s evaluation of bravery and cowardice, and in ily relied on the core precepts of the bushido code. This adherence
not forgetting this matter of “the battle” even when the world is at peace. It is to an ancient philosophy provides the DCMS with singular vision
simply brashness to make a specialty of the martial arts and to be absorbed in and wisdom, giving them a fierce reputation throughout the
one’s individual efforts. Such is certainly not the Way of the Warrior of a provin- Inner Sphere. Unfortunately, oftentimes a rigid reliance on the
cial lord or military commander. code brought a narrow-mindedness to the battlefield in both of-
—Kuroda Nagamasa, Writings; 1622 ficers and soldiers, bringing results that were less than victorious.
Those of the Dragon’s warriors driven by such slavish devotion
Know the smallest things and the biggest things, the shallowest things and strove to sacrifice themselves for their misguided actions, strip-
the deepest things. As if it were a straight road mapped out on the ground … ping the DCMS of experienced fighters. This rigidity forced troops
These things cannot be explained in detail. From one thing, know ten thousand to blindly follow unreasonable orders that were often counter-
things. When you attain the Way of strategy there will not be one thing you can- productive and resulted in disaster.
not see. The most well-known example of such blind devotion occurred
—Miyamoto Mushashi, Go Rin No Sho (The Book of Five Rings); 1645 on 9 September 2796, when Coordinator Jinjiro Kurita ordered the
DCMS to slaughter the entire civilian population of Kentares IV.
Though the order was carried out to the letter, many of the par-
With these circumstances, the renewed interest in bushido and ticipants took their own lives, unable to live with the inhumane
other ancient Japanese traditions that spread across the Combine acts they committed in the name of duty. The massacre bolstered
during the latter part of the twenty-seventh century seemed in- the Combine’s reputation as a bloodthirsty and unyielding force.
evitable. The officers and soldiers—and to a lesser degree, the Kentares IV has since become the Dragon’s worst act of barbarism
nobility—enthusiastically embraced this awareness of “the old and remains a stain on the Combine’s honor as a nation.
ways.” Many recognized that bushido provided a convenient phil- Perhaps the most damaging aspect of bushido has been the
osophical justification for their claims of elite status. strict adherence to the code that has fostered a close-minded re-


sistance to change among many DCMS troops and officers. As a

result, the DCMS has repeatedly failed to incorporate innovations Undoubtedly, devotion to the code of bushido has provided our troops
or effectively adapt to new battlefield developments. No doubt with clarity of purpose, wisdom, and the tenacious ferocity renowned
that many warriors throughout the Dragon’s history have rec- throughout the Inner Sphere. At certain times, however, devotion to these
ognized this weakness, but the same strict traditions prohibited precepts has clouded the judgment of our troops and military leaders, hin-
discussion of reform. Warriors believed only one individual in the dering the Dragon. Far too often, warriors driven by ancient concepts to duty
Combine commanded enough respect to implement reforms: the and honor sacrificed their lives in losing battles, reducing the DCMS’s sup-
Coordinator. Until Theodore Kurita, none of the Combine’s leader- ply of experienced fighters. At other times, the willingness of DCMS troops
ship showed the willingness or inclination to effect change. to blindly follow the orders of their leaders—no matter how ill-conceived
Theodore Kurita began to advocate reforms within the DCMS or unreasoning—has produced counterproductive and even disastrous
shortly after being appointed gunji-no-kanrei by his father, Takashi results. Strict adherence to bushido, especially in rigid interpretations of
Kurita. Theodore’s new ideas received little acceptance among the the code, created a close-minded resistance to change among many of our
nobility and the DCMS until his ascension to the throne. Assuming troops and officers. As a result, we have repeatedly failed to incorporate in-
the mantle of Coordinator gave him the authority of the office to novations or effectively adapt to new battlefield developments.
enact his directives. Even so, Theodore knew his ideas would not Throughout our illustrious history, many of the Dragon’s warriors have rec-
find acceptance if his soldiers and citizens believed those ideas ognized this weakness. Tradition dictated, unfortunately, that our troops and
abandoned centuries-old Combine traditions. officers prohibit any discussion of reform. In retrospect, it is clear that only one
Anticipating the resistance, Theodore presented the reforms individual in the Combine commanded enough respect to implement reforms—
as reinterpretations and applications of bushido, showing that a the Coordinator himself.
warrior’s own devotion to the code would require acceptance of It is in the Dragon’s best interest that we look at our ancient and honored
new ways. Using this approach, the Coordinator set in motion a code of bushido in a new light; a new perspective. Bushido itself stipulates that
reform of the DCMS that continues even today. a warrior’s devotion to the code requires him or her to accept such new ways.
The precepts of bushido encourage us to experiment with new strategies and
tactics, not strand ourselves within the confines of outdated methods. A war-
MINISTRY OF THE rior can best serve the Combine by becoming the most effective fighter he or she
EXPANSION OF THE can—a goal that requires being open to innovation. Furthermore, an effective
warrior must cultivate tolerance for others—even less-experienced warriors
GLORIES OF THE or those of inferior social station. By developing open-minded attitudes, com-
DRACONIS COMBINE manders are more likely to recognize brilliant ideas no matter who suggests
The Hyöbushö, known more simply as the Ministry of War, cov- them. Tolerance also demands that warriors of different branches cooperate to
ers all aspects of the military. As the Arm of the Dragon pervades maximize their potential worth to the Dragon.
all aspects of Kurita life, it is easiest to point out that this ministry Service to the state is paramount. One can best serve the Combine not by
handles everything not covered elsewhere. sacrificing themselves in a glorious but ultimately fruitless death, but by learning
Among the divisions of the Ministry of War are the Department from his failures and accepting his weaknesses. Intentionally sacrificing one’s life
of Indoctrination, Bureau of Substitution, Assembly of the Grand for an abstract principle such as personal honor brings shame to one’s family and
Inquisitor, Procurement Department, Draconis Port Authority, dishonors the Dragon for which he has set aside in a quest of selfishness. It is
Bureau of Administration, Combine Military Coordination Office, better to persevere—even retreat, if prudence demands it—and live to claim
Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, Draconis Combine Admiralty, victory for the beloved Draconis Combine another day.
Professional Soldiery Liaison, Physicians of the Dragon, Combine As such, failure or retreat will no longer be considered an automatic disgrace
Support and Engineering, the Draconis Combine High Command, punishable by transfer and demotion. Harsh penalties will be enacted upon those
and the Internal Security Force. The Warlords of each military dis- troops guilty of premature or cowardly failures and retreats, however.
trict have authority over all the military elements in their district. Also imperative to the strength of the Combine and to the honor of bushido
is that commanders and leaders display a flexibility in tactics. Those who can
DEPARTMENT OF INDOCTRINATION replace traditional but outdated practices with strategies and tactics designed
This department is charged with educating youngsters to be- to accomplish more limited goals will find themselves humbled and honored by
come soldiers within the Dragon’s army. The most prestigious the Dragon for their courage and devotion. These tactics may not immediately
schools in the Combine are under its purview. Not only do stu- yield as much personal glory as the traditional, but they increase the likelihood of
dents in military academies and universities learn the ways of the eventual victory for the Combine.
samurai and the specialized skills for their branch in the military, We serve the Dragon, not our personal honor. Bushido demands we act in
but they also undergo three weeks of propagandizing in a wilder- service beyond ourselves. Only with this approach will all people of the Dragon
ness retreat each year. This training session is designed to both lift the Draconis Combine to the heights it deserves.
reinforce unquestioned fealty to House Kurita and the Combine —Coordinator Theodore Kurita, Edict 49-B, personal notation; 3055
and teach skills necessary for wilderness survival.


BUREAU OF SUBSTITUTION Shoddy equipment is of little problem within the Ministry of

This bureau is responsible for sending replacements to units War. The military gets the cream of all production, leaving the
that have suffered heavy casualties. Many units that have been rest of the citizens with second-rate articles. This department is
decimated are simply disbanded, and the soldiers transferred to responsible for setting up defense contracts with various cor-
other units. porations to ensure that the firms are working in the Dragon’s
In addition, the Bureau handles all transfers of soldiers from best interests.
one unit to another for any reason. Many fear the arrival of a A disproportionate number of senior officials within the de-
shuga-to-hama (letter of joyous celebration), which announces partment are graduates from the Pagoda of Luthien Officers.
an individual’s transfer to another unit without promotion and
often with lower pay and decreased status. Some of these letters DRACONIS COMBINE
transfer the individual to another branch entirely. Soldiers who PORT AUTHORITY
display unsocial or mildly treasonous tendencies (such as grum- The Port Authority handles the transport of supplies and re-
bling about the food or posting station) are likely to receive such inforcements via a vast network of JumpShip and DropShip
letters, but poor battlefield performance alone rarely earns one. freighters and space stations. The department is not responsible
When a soldier receives a transfer and a promotion, that notifi- for transporting troops into combat. The DCPA handles the time-
cation comes from the Bureau of Administration. tables for transport, coordinates space traffic around planets, and
is known for its ninety-eight percent on-time rating.
ASSEMBLY OF Labor strikes and work stoppages are unknown in the DCPA,
THE GRAND INQUISITOR because a strike in 3021 resulted in the Coordinator ordering the
The Grand Inquisitor is the one who judges all infractions com- deaths of all the striking dockworkers.
mitted by soldiers against the Draconis Combine, House Kurita,
or the Dictum Honorium. Few called before the Grand Inquisitor BUREAU OF ADMINISTRATION
survive; those who have never talk about the experience. The Every requisition, letter from home, and communiqué goes
accused is not provided with legal counsel but is expected to through the Bureau of Administration. The warehouses and
personally defend his honor and actions. The atmosphere within building complexes that make up the bureau exceed those of
the courts is that of intimidation, and those deemed guilty sim- the Procurement Department. Every system in the Combine has
ply disappear. Nobles and senior officers are “invited to dine with at least one “Administrative City,” where a vast network of build-
their ancestors at their earliest convenience.” It is not uncommon ings, warehouses, and worker housing handles the bureau’s
for the accused to commit unauthorized seppuku after receiving workload for the planet. Prefecture and district capitals dedicate
a summons to report to the Grand Inquisitor’s court, rather than entire islands or small continents to the bureau’s endless march
face public execution. of red tape.
The Grand Inquisitor has more power than the courts of the The Bureau of Administration is also in charge of censoring
Ministry of Justice. The Assembly may override the decision of unfavorable battle reports, letters from home that contain “un-
those courts or may notify them that the Assembly is taking over truths,” and any material that contains references disrespectful
adjudication of a dispute. The Assembly does not judge individual to the Draconis Combine, House Kurita, or the Dictum Honorium.
disputes, as their authority only extends to cases between an in- Contrary to popular thought, the Bureau also scans messages
dividual and the Draconis Combine. As such, cases heard by the transmitted through ComStar before they reach their recipient;
Grand Inquisitor are a rare affair. this operation was put in place by the O5P in the early 2900s. Only
recently did ROM discover Operation EARWAX but has allowed it
PROCUREMENT DEPARTMENT to remain in place. Publicly, the Bureau of Administration main-
The Procurement Department is the quartermaster for the tains it has no influence over message sent through ComStar.
Kurita military, handling all supply requisitions for the armed
forces. The warehouses of the department are gigantic; on some COMBINE MILITARY
worlds, the entire planet contains nothing but such warehouses. COORDINATION OFFICE
The locations of these warehouses are considered a state secret. This office carries out the war orders from the Draconis
Just because a unit needs supplies does not mean it will re- Combine High Command and sends units to planets. In its role as
ceive them. The Procurement Department reviews the unit’s advisor to the High Command, the Military Coordination Office is
loyalty and current battle record to determine if it is worthy to re- staffed with members from all branches of the Combine Mustered
ceive supplies. When a unit is on a “losing streak,” it will get fewer Soldiery, Admiralty, Support and Engineering, Port Authority, and
supplies, and the problem often snowballs. Well-placed bribes the Internal Security Force.
can circumnavigate the mountain of red tape surrounding the In recent times, the office has also been responsible for coordi-
process. Even the worst House unit will still get supplies before a nating the integration of Clan Nova Cat within the Irece Prefecture,
mercenary unit does. as well as the DCMS and Clan military structures.


DRACONIS COMBINE tracts with mercenaries. The Dragon is unwilling to allow these
MUSTERED SOLDIERY units independent command and will often make concessions on
The DCMS is the main body of the Combine’s armed forces other points in order to integrate mercenary units with district
and receives by far the greatest proportion of the Kurita bud- and prefecture commands. The Dragon recognizes that it needs
get. The DCMS contains the Dragon ’Mech Force, the Dragon these professional soldiers; Theodore is more lenient concerning
Armored Force, the Dragon Artillery Force, the Dragon Air Force, such stringent contracts even if many of the veteran commanders
the Dragon Infantry Force, and Special Forces. are not.
Special Forces is a catchall for the various kinds of units used Until recent years, PSL negotiators would extend large amounts
for special missions. One well-known example is the Draconis of credit to fledgling mercenaries with the intent of putting the
Elite Strike Teams (DEST). This elite corps of commandos is trained unit further and further into debt. The Combine has absorbed
in every branch of the military, from piloting a BattleMech to com- many small units as regular troops because of these tactics.
manding a JumpShip. Its members are used mainly to infiltrate Mercenary liaisons—staff officers who work with both the
enemy installations. Members of a DEST force follow the tenets of mercenaries and Kurita command officers— also come from the
the ancient ninjas; they practice stealth and combat maneuvers PSL. Usually, such officers are also members of the ISF, and merce-
constantly. Like samurai, they will commit suicide rather than be naries should ensure that these officers never suspect the unit of
dishonored or captured. treachery. The ISF has been known to judge and exterminate the
At times, the Special Forces branch may have other line units or leaders of suspected units.
floating regiments assigned to it on a temporary basis. Most com-
monly are specialized mercenary commands or dedicated-role PHYSICIANS OF THE DRAGON
units such as the Amphigean Light Assault Groups. To accomplish In the past, medical personnel were looked down upon
the Dragon’s goals, the ISF has the power to command a Special because their profession was considered worthy only for the
Forces unit as needed. weak or women. To combat such discrimination, doctors in
the Combine founded a society known as the Physicians of the
DRACONIS Dragon. By no means mystical—though they do embrace such
COMBINE ADMIRALTY trappings for show—their schools are as good as any in the
Like its sister branch, the DCA contains fighting forces of the Inner Sphere and use top-of-the-line technology. The general
Dragon, embracing the aerospace element of the military. All populace views the Physicians with awe, helping swell the num-
WarShips, combat DropShips, JumpShips, aerospace fighters, bers of Kurita doctors and persuading Takashi Kurita to allocate
their pilots, and support crews are part of the Admiralty. Rivalry more funds to society.
between the DCMS and DCA is intense, from the top brass to Before, during, and after surgery, the Physicians use many
academy recruits. Each branch believes that it is the most impor- rituals, including blessing stethoscopes, speaking to wounds
tant element in the Ministry of War, and therefore in the whole and incisions, and purifying the patient with singing and danc-
Combine. Previous Coordinator’s have fostered this rivalry, as it ing. Most in the upper classes of Combine society recognize these
tends to improve morale and performance. acts for what they are; the average commoner takes comfort in
Theodore’s reforms have tempered this rivalry somewhat, espe- the rituals, seeing it as a connection to his ancestral past.
cially when aerospace forces are directly attached to a regimental On the battlefield, Kurita soldiers view MASH units with the
command. Assignments, promotions and such are all handled by utmost regard. Combat doctors are assigned living accommoda-
the DCA, but the units are considered part of the DCMS command tions on par with senior officers. Even Warlords treat Physicians of
structure, including their use of ranks. Despite the reforms, the cen- the Dragon with respect, as these doctors have absolute power
turies of antagonism can still erupt into internecine violence, both in the operating room. Stories still abound regarding regimental
off the field and on. The most common enlisted-personnel infrac- commanders during the Succession Wars losing a limb due to an
tion in both commands is “aggressive behavior towards honorable ingrown nail.
equals of the Dragon,” an elegant way to state “physical altercations
between service members” at off-duty recreational sites. COMBINE SUPPORT
The DCA also commands the military naval yards in the AND ENGINEERING
Combine, though the day-to-day operations fall under the various This department used to encompass all the combat engineers
corporate interests under contract to the Bureau of Procurement. and technical personnel in the Arm of the Dragon. As various regi-
mental forces absorbed most of the CSE’s engineering teams, the
PROFESSIONAL department became more bureaucratic in nature. In 3043, Takashi
SOLDIERY LIAISON Kurita authorized the reorganization of the department. The re-
This corps of diplomats and bureaucrats is in charge of re- vamped CSE now administers bureaucratic support to all technical
cruiting and supervising mercenaries. Traditionally, the best and combat engineers in the DCMS and DCA, with the other sup-
negotiators are recruited and trained by the PSL to work our con- port services under the Bureau of Administration’s jurisdiction.


DRACONIS HIGH COMMAND The Coordinator is attended by the High Command, a small
This group of staff officers is headquartered in the Royal Palace and assembly comprised of the four tai-shu and their advisors. This
works with the Coordinator to determine military strategy. Warlords body helps the Coordinator manage the DCMS and the Combine.
from the four military districts and other high-ranking generals consti- The High Command is directly responsible for the general
tute the High Command. They study battle reports, planetary terrain, coordination of DCMS forces and for bringing any important in-
and enemy strengths gathered by the Combine Military Coordination formation pertaining to the Combine’s military or government
Office and the ISF. Often, High Command meetings dissolve into fu- to the Coordinator’s attention. These men (and more recently,
rious arguments over which district is the most powerful. Whenever women) implement the Coordinator’s will by relaying his orders
the Coordinator is present, however, such displays are kept to veiled to the appropriate military officers, prefecture authorities, and
threats and insults. A Warlord often gains the Coordinator’s favor by planetary governments. Past Coordinators have often been con-
constructively agreeing or disagreeing with strategy or wisdom, rath- tent in issuing general or even vague orders, trusting their tai-shu
er than cutting down or undermining his peers. to interpret their desires correctly. Coordinator Takashi Kurita was
well known for veiling his orders in haiku or subtle remarks. Any
INTERNAL SECURITY FORCE Warlord acting under such vagaries risks censure or even seppuku
Citizens of the Draconis Combine rarely mention the ISF, but for failing to interpret properly the Coordinator’s wishes.
they all think about it constantly. Responsible for many abduc- Theodore Kurita does abide by such long-established tradi-
tions, killings, and interrogations, the secret police fosters fear, tion, but after the attempted coup and subsequent purges in the
paranoia, and devotion to the state. Those who follow the way of late 3050s, he has taken a more active role in the direction of state
the samurai have little to fear from the ISF, however, unless their and military affairs. Many warriors from the old school of thought
honor conflicts with the honor of the Draconis Combine. view the Coordinator’s actions as heavy-handed interference;
Few visible members of the ISF are visible to the general public. however, the successful results of the DCMS testify to Theodore’s
Most agents belong to other groups or governmental depart- sharp political and military acumen.
ments, and few know about these operatives’ affiliation with the
secret police. The ISF has infiltrated every organization in Kurita GUNJI-NO-KANREI
space and many others in the other Great Houses. Its reach is even Properly entitled the Deputy for Military Affairs, the position of
longer, as citizens may collect a reward for reporting treasonous kanrei was largely one of ceremony. Considered ranking between
activity or talk by others. When military operations are called for, the Warlords of the district militaries and the Coordinator, the posi-
the ISF can take command of any Special Forces unit as needed, tion has been only intermittently filled. Theodore Kurita, appointed
even without notifying that district’s Warlord. to the post in 3030 after receiving the Order of the Dragon, shaped
Inside the secret police is an even more secret society. Called and molded the position into one of power and prestige. In his ca-
the “Sons of the Dragon,” the society is a group of agents who are pacity as kanrei, Theodore introduced his new interpretations of
more loyal to the Director of the ISF and the Coordinator. Few be- bushido and how the DCMS should approach post-Succession Wars
yond the ISF, high-ranking officials in the Order of Five Pillars, and the warfare. Theodore successfully became a brake between Takashi’s
Coordinator’s family are aware of the existence of the group, though rigidity and his Warlords’ increasing power struggles.
many rumors persists in varying form among the common people. When Theodore became Coordinator in 3054, the position re-
[Please refer to the more extensive information on the ISF in the mained vacant.
Pillar of Gold section, as the agency does not fall under the command
or purview of the DCMS. —MK] MILITARY DISTRICTS
The Warlords of the Draconis Combine’s four districts—
DCMS CHAIN OF Benjamin, Dieron, Galedon, and Pesht—command considerable
power within the DCMS and district politics. Each tai-shu is a
COMMAND member of the DCMS High Command and has authority over the
The DCMS acts under the direct command of the Coordinator, regular DCMS regiments stationed in their district. The Warlords
which makes it the ultimate instrument of Combine policy. All answer directly to the Coordinator.
DCMS officers and troops pledge to serve the Draconis Combine Though this arrangement has often enabled Warlords to quick-
as embodied by the person of the Coordinator. The DCMS’s close ly implement the wishes of the Coordinators, the position tends
relationship to the Coordinator provides it with enormous power. to attract ruthless, power-hungry individuals. At some point,
Any abuse of such power is severely punished, even if it occurs most of these leaders become more concerned with advancing
among the DCMS’s highest-ranking officers. The purges after the their own fortunes and agendas over those of the Combine. The
failed Black Dragon coup in 3058 are but a recent example. Coordinators have often appointed Warlords of differing atti-
Traditionally, the Coordinator commands through the four tai-shu tudes and ambitions to play these opposing personalities against
(Warlords), who oversee DCMS operations in the Combine’s military one another. Such strategy prevents any single Warlord from con-
districts. Each Warlord, in turn, exercises authority over the military solidating enough influence or power to threaten the well-being
commanders of the prefectures that compose his assigned district. of the Dragon. As a result, High Command meetings would often


ALSHAIN AVENGERS Benjamin Regulars
The Alshain Military District was swallowed up during the Clan’s Operation With a reputation for resourcefulness,
REVIVAL between 3050–51. Out of the district’s fourteen original regiments, only the Benjamin Regulars have been used re-
five remained. The Bureau of Substitution capitalized on the anger of the Alshain peatedly by the DCMS as reserves among
Regulars at the destruction of their district, and the Regulars were renamed the the neighboring districts. The ability to
Avengers. Though a few worlds remained free of Clan occupation, they could not learn and adapt on the fly is a primary trait
be feasibly administered as an independent district. Theodore Kurita ordered that regimental commanders look for in
them to be incorporated into the neighboring districts of Benjamin and Dieron, a potential recruits. Three regiments were wiped out in raids and
measure hoped to be temporary until the Clans could be removed. reprisals carried out by the Federated Suns Draconis March during
In 3062, all four remaining regiments of the Avengers went renegade and were the recent FedCom Civil War. The remaining four regiments are
destroyed in the first actions of the Ghost Bear War. Due to their shameful and dishon- stretched thin, and rebuilding will take some time.
orable actions, the Avengers colors and insignia were struck from the DCMS rolls, and
all surviving personnel were removed to the place of their ancestors. There are no plans Dieron Regulars
to replace the Avengers; to the public, they were simply casualties of war. For centuries, the district shared a long bor-
der with the Federated Commonwealth—and
the Steiner and Davion states before it—of-
devolve into arguments over the relative strengths and impor- fering constant opportunities for glorious battle
tance of various districts. Such pettiness tends to undermine the throughout history. After the Clan invasion turned
ability of the Coordinators to lead effectively the DCMS. the district into a prime source of reserve troops, it
Theodore Kurita has attempted to correct such a weakness has also become the breeding ground of new DCMS MechWarriors.
by cultivating and maintaining close, working relationships with Highly experienced, the eight Dieron Regulars regiments rarely care
DCMS tai-sho (generals) and other commanders. This reduces his for politics, though some officers have taken advantage of such sim-
dependency on the tai-shu for information and provides an alterna- ple pragmatism in their quest for personal power.
tive chain of command that can be used to implement his wishes.
By somewhat reducing their importance, the tai-shu have found Galedon Regulars
their personal ambitions tempered. Additionally, this approach A district with the longest and proud-
has enabled Theodore to benefit from the skills and experience est history in the Combine, it comes as little
of competent advisors and generals who might otherwise be de- wonder that the troops raised from its worlds
nied access to the Coordinator. The new approach has also helped are among the most venerable and skilled.
Theodore defuse tensions among the Warlords and better unite his With two of the most prestigious military
realm against the outside threats surrounding the Combine. academies to draw upon, great things are
Most importantly, Theodore’s weakening of the district Warlords expected of the soldiers in the Galedon Regulars. The seven regi-
has increased the Coordinator’s own power and freedom to act. ments have excellent relations with the Procurement Department
Without such freedom, Theodore would have encountered difficul- and the Bureaus of Substitution and Administration, meaning they
ty in maintaining a calm, if not peaceful, border with the Federated have little trouble keeping themselves adequately supplied.
Commonwealth before it twisted in the throes of civil war.
Pesht Regulars
PREFECTURES Once a quiet region where local troops
Each military district is divided into several prefectures. In theory, had little more to worry about than staying
a military commander and civilian noble jointly rule each prefecture. in parade formation and repelling the odd
In reality, prefecture commanders enjoy little autonomy. District bandit raid, Pesht became a massive hot
Warlords exert tight control over the military units stationed in each zone after the Clans invaded. Over the next
prefecture and are known to bypass commanders by relaying orders fifteen years, a majority of the Regulars were
directly to those units. This arrangement enables Warlords to prevent reassigned to the expanding Clan front, virtually stripping bare the
prefecture commanders from challenging their power. coreward Periphery defenses. This burden was doubly heavy as the
The true purpose of the prefecture system is to exert control district is also home to the Combine’s capital world of Luthien.
over planetary governments. Individual planets in the Combine
retain much independence on paper with civilian nobles hold-
ing administrative power. The prefecture commander makes all
major decisions pertaining to planetary governance and is given
enough military support to cow planetary governments. The
district Warlords carefully prevent them from mustering enough
strength to mount ambitious plans of their own.



Genyosha Initially birthed from An Ting’s success in
The Genyosha—Black Ocean—traces its forming the An Ting Academy, the Legions con-
roots and heritage through Yorinaga Kurita, tributed to Jinjiro Kurita’s war effort during the
who formed the unit in 3027. Fifty personally Second Succession War. A string of later defeats
selected men were trained to Yorinaga’s ex- mirrored the regiments’ decline of the once pros-
acting standards and then transferred into perous planet. The Legions have struggled ever
various DCMS line units with the expectation to train their new com- since to rebuild their honor and experience, and
rades. Well-supplied and composed of elite troops fiercely loyal to their two regiments are more a commoners’ cad-
the Coordinator, these two regiments have been a major adversary re than an elite DCMS fighting force.
to all of the Combine’s foes since the Fourth Succession War.
Arkab Legions
Otomo and the Dragon’s Claws Born from a forced negotiation between
The primary duty of the warriors of the the Azami people and the Dragon’s will, the
Otomo and the Dragon’s Claws is to pre- Arkab Legions serve the Combine under an
serve the Coordinator’s life. The Otomo has oath of loyalty. Though this oath has been
a long and honorable history as personal sorely tested over the last five hundred
bodyguards to countless Coordinators over years on both sides, the three regiments of
several centuries. Their brief foray into dis- the Arkab Legions remain loyal as allies to the Combine.
favor and dishonor after the attempt on
Theodore Kurita’s life in 3059 was redeemed Night Stalkers
after being staffed with members of the dis- Formed in 3020 from funding provided
solved Ninth Ghost regiment. Coordinator by various commercial enterprises, the
Takashi Kurita created the Dragon’s Claws, Night Stalkers were retired Tai-sa McGavin’s
also known as the Izanagi Warriors, in 3051. pet project authorized by the High
Command. The two light ’Mech regiments
Sword of Light consisted of retired DCMS officers, proving
Raised, trained, and equipped to be among the grounds graduates, and lesser-skilled academy graduates. The
Combine’s best and most loyal troops, the Sword of Night Stalkers have done much to serve the Dragon in every way
Light regiments have fought valiantly for the realm possible, even at the cost of their personal honor.
since the days of the Star League. Membership in
any of the five regiments is among the most Proserpina Hussars
prestigious and difficult postings to attain, The elite of the floating regiments
with harsh restrictions that only the holo- of the DCMS, the Proserpina Hussars
caust of the Clan invasion could relax. have served the Kurita family since be-
fore the birth of the Draconis Combine.
Sun Zhang Cadre Public records show that a tank division
The Sun Zhang Military Academy’s brutal known under the same name fought for Shiro Kurita in the early
but effective cadres operate on similar pro- years of his reign. The Hussars are unquestionably loyal to House
tocols to the Sword of Light regiments and Kurita and put little stock in politics or doctrine. On occasion, the
are answerable only to the High Command Coordinator has personally defended their attitude toward politi-
and the Coordinator rather than to any dis- cal correctness.
trict Warlord. Like the Swords of Light, the
four ultra-loyal Sun Zhang Cadres are kept well supplied with the Ghost Regiments
best equipment the Procurement Department can offer, yielding The Ghost Regiments, formed from un-
top-notch warrior-students with technology to match. desirables—the lower classes and the
criminal elements of our society—were
Amphigean Light Assault Groups the brainchild of Theodore Kurita in the
The brainchild of Jinjiro Kurita, the days following the Fourth Succession
Amphigean LAGs were considered expend- War. Some Ghost regiments remain true to
able shock troops, trained to soften up an their members’ origins, with various yakuza
enemy’s tough spot. No samurai were incor- oyabun exerting influence over these units’ af-
porated into the units, a standard that remains fairs. Such activities have kept the seven Ghost regiments under
today. The two remaining LAGs are expected the watchful eye of the ISF.
to stand ready to further the goals of the Dragon at any cost.



The Legions of Vega, once the undis- The Combine’s planetary militias nominally fall under the
ciplined and dishonorable dregs of the DCMS High Command on paper but in reality find themselves
DCMS, have turned around since Theodore under the authority of the planetary and prefecture governors.
Kurita commanded the regiments in 3024. Militias typically consist of two to three regiments of infantry, one
Since these units are no longer considered to three battalions of armor, and attached aerospace assets. Half
worthless but merely fallen from grace and of these forces operate on a reserve status, with many civilians
capable of redemption, MechWarriors sent to one of the three stepping into a militia role only as the situation dictates. Militia
regiments may find themselves able to return to the ranks of the soldiers are usually conscripted from the local populace through
District Regulars or equally prestigious assignments. either compulsory enlistment or a draft process, often dictated
by the prefecture administration. On occasion, some militias will
Ryuken cross-train with neighboring systems; these are typically worlds
The legendary Wolf’s Dragoons trained the along the Periphery border. Such engagements, which occur
elite, highly mobile Ryuken, an experiment con- once every four to five years, can be several months in length and
ceived by the late Coordinator Takashi Kurita. are often heralded as national competitions.
When political machinations put the Dragoons
and the Ryuken at each other’s throats, the MERCENARY UNITS
failure of the Ryuken became a stain on their The Combine has had a love-hate relationship with merce-
collective honor that continues to color the five naries over the last several decades, stemming from Takashi
regiments’ interaction with other DCMS troops. Kurita’s infamous “Death to Mercenaries” edict during the Fourth
Succession War. The reality is that the Combine needs these hired
Clan Nova Cat soldiers to augment DCMS operations and bolster defenses. With
The Abjured Clan took refuge within the Theodore’s ascension to the throne, Takashi’s edict was relaxed,
Combine’s Irece Prefecture, an arrangement and the Combine resumed hiring. Many mercenary commands
proposed by the Coordinator. The Clan fields remain leery of the Combine, however, no thanks to the DCMS’s
six galaxies of troops across the prefecture more ignorant officers trying to absorb these commands through
and has recently received permission to ab- the “company store” syndrome.
sorb any civilians wishing to join the Clan’s Conversely, mercenaries have a more comfortable relationship
castes. So far, few Combine citizens have taken up the offer. with the Combine’s corporate entities. Several interstellar com-
panies have given generous contracts to mercenary commands,
UNIT TYPES using them for garrisoning important resource sites or providing
The DCMS recognizes four categories of units: Regulars, float- facility defense in case of pirate or raider attacks. Often, mercenar-
ing commands, planetary militia, and mercenaries. ies hired under corporate auspices remain under the corporation’s
command, though in some cases the contract may stipulate partici-
pation in whole-world defensive operations as necessary.
The Regulars are the standard regimental combat unit of the
DCMS. These receive the majority of the appropriations from the MAJOR
Bureau of Substitution and Appropriation and the Procurement
Department. They are considered the backbone of each district
Like all militaries throughout history, the DCMS requires a steady
army, though they can be reassigned to other theaters as needed.
supply of fresh warriors to maintain its strength. Combat, accidents,
The bulk of academy and university graduates are assigned to one
and age claim the veterans of every generation, and with every new
of the district Regulars regiments. These frontline units are under
battle, green troops must take their turn. The inexperienced and
the command of their home district Warlord but can be temporar-
unlucky are weeded from the ranks through attrition until today’s
ily detached to another Warlord as necessary.
untried soldiers become tomorrow’s veterans.
Military academies and universities are the DCMS’s primary
sources of recruits. These institutions prepare individuals for life in
While the bulk of the Combine’s defense rests on the shoul-
the DCMS by teaching them military routine, rigorous discipline,
ders of the Regulars, the Dragon looks to its floating commands
and the specific skills they will need to succeed in the military.
for offensive strike capabilities. Many of the DCMS floating com-
Generally, military academies and universities use batteries of
mands were formed for a particular mission or purpose, such as
academic and psychological tests and other diagnostic tools to
the Genyosha’s training under Yorinaga Kurita or the Amphigean
measure every applicant’s aptitude for various subjects. However,
Light Assault Groups’ mission as expendable shock troops.
individual applicants usually receive broad leeway to determine
Floating commands answer to the Warlord of the district where
their own courses of study. As a result, a certain number of poten-
they are currently assigned.


tially gifted soldiers are never used to their full potential, because funding from the DCMS, the government of An Ting, and the An
individuals may choose to study fields for which they are not well Ting Legions. The Legions supply instructors and much of the
suited. Additionally, when selecting new students, academy and equipment—decommissioned or replaced materiel—for the uni-
university admission boards often give applicants’ social stand- versity’s MOS programs. Cadets are required to spend two years
ing and political leanings as much consideration as their aptitudes serving in the Legions after graduating.
and skills—another practice that prohibits the DCMS from fully Residents of An Ting and primary school graduates are given
utilizing the talents of its potential troops. preference in admissions. The university has a more lax atmosphere
DCMS regulations require all military academies and universities when compared to other academies within the Combine, though
to offer a standardized basic training package during the first few the high-stakes rivalry with the Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy
months of instruction. After completing the program, every stu- often creates pressure to excel. Competition between the two
dent must satisfactorily complete at least one military occupational schools is fierce and often crosses the line from rivalry to personal
specialty (MOS) before entering the DCMS. Each MOS provides a offense. The university loses few enrollees, however: instructors
student with the knowledge and skills needed to perform at the and advisors take a personal interest in every student under their
minimum level of proficiency in the selected specialty, as defined authority. They spot most potential failures in time, turning these
(and adjusted periodically) by the DCMS Academy Board. students’ talents toward specialties at which they can succeed.


Based on the Turning out an average of twenty
planet Midway, highly trained MechWarriors every year,
the Aerospace the DDG emphasizes combat train-
and Interstellar ing and prides itself on bringing out a
Institute (AII) warrior’s personal drive to excel. This in-
trains its stu- struction comes with complete disregard for a student’s political
dents to serve in aerospace units, DropShips, and JumpShips. and philosophical leanings.
The DCA assisted the AII in creating a WarShip program in 3056. The DDG has one of the easier enrollment processes. The acad-
The slow turnover among the DCA’s DropShip and JumpShip emy accepts any applicant who meets the physical and mental
vessels over the last several decades created little demand for requirements. Students progress at their own pace; those who
those crews. As a result, nearly all of the AII’s cadets receive aero- work harder excel faster. The DDG only offers MechWarrior train-
space fighter training. Just over a third of each year’s cadet class ing, with advanced courses scheduled as necessary. Many students
is selected for WarShip training. treat the Gymnasium as a workout center with the added bonus
Though the AII obtains most of its enrollees from proctor of occasional simulator runs. Classes are typically impromptu
recommendations, the academy also accepts a limited number gatherings held in various areas around the compound. Because
of independent petitions. Depending on the course curriculum, the DDG emphasizes preparation for combat, political doctrine
the AII’s training programs can last anywhere from six months and loyalty to House Kurita are never an issue.
to two years. The academy graduates approximately 140 fighter
pilots a year and only a handful of DropShip and JumpShip pi- DOVER INSTITUTE
lots. Conversely, the academy’s WarShip facilities are churning FOR HIGHER LEARNING
out more trained personnel than vessels to be crewed. Several of Raised from the ru-
these graduates go on to universities for training as line officers ins of the Ashio People’s
who will command vessels larger than a fighter. Reconstruction Effort
(PRE) University, the
AN TING UNIVERSITY Dover Institute for Higher Learning was officially opened in 2910
ATU closed in 3015 after a band of Sun by Coordinator Shinjiro Kurita. The school has trained techni-
Zhang Cadre alumni staged a retaliatory cians, doctors, engineers, and even MechWarriors for the past
raid for the cadre’s losses in the Kensai 160 years. The historical Roweena Hall, originally built in 2480,
Kami. Excessive damage to the main edu- still bears the scorch marks from when the university suffered
cation center and the Star League-era catastrophic damage during the Shadow War in 2865.
machine shops forced prefecture officials Applicants must meet basic physical and mental require-
to shut down the university and send its ments. They must also demonstrate the ability to build on what
current crop of students to other academies in the Combine. they learn through scholastic records and a thesis paper. For
Restored to full operational capacity in 3055 after Combine re- many students, proving or disproving the theories in these en-
searchers assimilated the Helm Memory Core, ATU has since trance essays becomes the focus of a student’s four-year course
turned out several hundred fine warriors. The university receives of study. The Dover Institute also allows MechWarriors to try


their hands at all levels of combat, giving them an appreciation Because the school focuses more on repairs and technical exper-
for every position on the battlefield. The only combat-oriented tise than direct combat skills, students may apply only if they have
training available is the institute’s MechWarrior program; the been rejected from another academy. A small number of students
academy is primarily noted for its excellent technical and sci- are automatically accepted if they have excellent recommendations
entific courses. from trade school administrators, and roughly ten applicants are
The intense atmosphere at Dover causes a certain amount of transfers from ComStar’s Explorer Corps on limited duty assignment.
stress. Instructors analyze and review every test, simulator, and re- After two years, candidates must pass a field exam, usually
search abstract down to the most insignificant detail. The theory held at HTI’s continent-spanning holdings on Linqing. Several
is that only such intensive scrutiny will teach cadets to make the billion tons of scrap litter the compound’s five million square ki-
most intelligent choice in every decision. Graduates of Dover tend lometers; students are expected to travel from their debarkation
to be thoughtful and precise, from scientist to technician, econ- point to the HTI DropStation within a set period, using whatever
omist to MechWarrior. All MechWarrior cadets and much of the they can to build their transportation. HTI has maintained a ninety
student body subscribe to the code of bushido, often conducting percent graduation rate for the last four decades.
lively debates on the proper emphasis to be placed on it and its
value on both the mercantile and military battlefields. INTERNAL SECURITY COLLEGE
Those possessing inher-
GALEDON MILITARY ACADEMY ent paranoia, nastiness, and a
Originally founded on Galedon crafty nature are recommend-
V after the formation of the Alliance, ed for the Internal Security
the Galedon Military Academy is the College, the training ground
oldest Combine academy. The pri- for ISF agents. Curricula include such relevant classes as physical
mary campus occupies the majority education, psychology, and anatomy, and the more unusual such
of the southern continent of Luzon, as spacecraft boarding and zero-gravity martial arts. The list of
complete with six live-fire fields and a students is classified, as knowing the identity of future agents is a
proving grounds that is second only to Osaka Fields. crime against the state.
GMA doctrine slowly evolved to one that venerated physical Located on New Samarkand, the ISC is isolated and well
strength and endurance as being vital to a warrior’s role. Academy protected. Surrounding the grounds are sixty kilometers of di-
life grew progressively more brutal until training procedures were acetylsilicate, a sand that eats away metal, rubber, and flesh. Any
modified to prevent unnecessary deaths. Half of a cadet’s term aircraft within 200 kilometers is shot down without warning. No
now takes place on the inhospitable world of Matsuida, which one save the Coordinator and the Director of the ISF simply “vis-
challenges a student’s mental and physical capacities through a its” the ISC; no applications are accepted. Students are selected
series of long campaigns and war games, along with extensive through a classified process, and only a rare few refuse the op-
physical workouts and competitions. Advanced studies in non- portunity to join the state’s security force.
military disciplines are conducted on Galedon V, where the GMA’s
main administrative offices are located. MINORU KURITA UNIVERSITY
In spite of the abuse and exhaustion—or perhaps because of A visionary of sorts, Coordinator Minoru
it—GMA instructors instill strong loyalty to House Kurita and to Kurita perceived a renewed outbreak of war
the academy. A poor performance reflects on a cadet’s loyalty among the Successor States. Determined to
and is punished by the nearest instructor. make sure the Dragon was ready, he created
MKU to mass-produce trained infantrymen.
HACHIMAN TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Although a university in name, MKU is more a
Birthed from an idea by training facility designed to churn out the great-
Coordinator Hugai Kurita, HTI is a est number of soldiers in the least amount of time.
school dedicated solely to battle- Training lasts only six months, after which graduates are
field technology skills. Students grouped according to their home prefecture, and prefecture of-
get hands-on training in the repair ficials assign them to the planetary militias therein. In the past, a
of BattleMechs, aerospace fighters, startling number of these green troops never saw more than one
DropShips, and conventional armor. In addition, this school main- battle, and survivors were transferred to other units to plug gaps
tains a special certificate course in scrounging and extreme field in manpower. During the Succession Wars and the Clan invasion,
repairs. This one-year program is a joint project with ComStar’s instructors considered MKU graduates’ first battle as a final exam.
Explorer Corps and is located on Ningxia. As a result, MKU has few alumni.


PAGODA FOR aside personal pride and work together for the good of the Combine.
LUTHIEN OFFICERS Attrition tends to be highest among MechWarrior students, who fail
The Pagoda and the Wisdom of the to abandon the opinion that MechWarriors are a step above other
Dragon University are the toughest finishing branches of warfare and entitled to special consideration.
schools remaining in the Combine. Between
the two, the Pagoda is steeped in political SUN ZHANG
influence, catering to the nobility of the MECHWARRIOR
realm and specializing in the skills necessary ACADEMY
for life at court. The university’s location on The SZMA is the largest academy of its
Luthien adds to its prestige. Every student kind in the Inner Sphere, graduating more
is considered an officer candidate, though most will never see than 450 soldiers each year. Located on
combat or even leave the planet. It exists solely for the privileged, New Samarkand, the SZMA trains BattleMech,
earning it the nickname “Pampered Luthien Officers” among the armored infantry, and aerospace fighter cadets.
more common soldiery. The training regimen is harsh, often brutal, but SZMA graduates are
Applicants must be of affirmed noble background; a heredi- among the most respected and privileged soldiers in the DCMS.
tary title is not enough to guarantee entrance. The interview The SZMA emphasizes strict military discipline. All aspects of
process is a grueling gauntlet of formal interviews and social func- bushido are drilled into a cadet with an emphasis on service to the
tions that rival the productions found among the courts of House Draconis Combine. All cadets must carry themselves as samurai
Steiner. Candidates spend four to six years in schooling, depend- and treat each other with the respect that station deserves, down
ing on their course of study and often on the political influence of to permitting duels to the death for major slights to a cadet’s
the cadets or their families. Popular courses include those on pro- honor. (Abuse by an instructor does not count, as an instructor is
tocol, administration, and bureaucracy; cadets who study tactics considered to belong to a higher social station; a cadet is barely
and warfare strategies are in the minority. Due to the tremendous worthy of an instructor’s attention, let alone scorn.) Many failing
political influence wielded by any person attending, only the truly students perform seppuku before receiving official notice of their
inept can be dismissed from the Pagoda. Those that are may elect impending dismissal.
to resign or perform seppuku to avoid the shame of dismissal. Graduates are honored with the presentation of wakizashi and ka-
Life at the Pagoda is an ongoing social gauntlet, full of pos- tana swords, which may be worn with a dress uniform. They are then
turing and endless debates over whose family possesses more assigned to one of the Sun Zhang Cadres for at least a nine-month
influence. Those who stress combat skills over social graces are term. From time to time the Coordinator grants rare exceptions to
snubbed by students and instructors alike. Rare are the cadets select DCMS regiments, allowing them to select from the best SZMA
that can exercise enormous influence over the entire student cadets that have not yet received a cadre assignment.
body. The most notable example in recent years is Isoroku Kurita,
the current Warlord of Dieron and cousin to the Coordinator. UNIVERSITY OF
SUN TZU SCHOOL OF COMBAT Suffering from a lack of equipment
Often overshadowed by the Sun Zhang and proper facilities for decades, the UP
MechWarrior Academy, the Sun Tzu School of offers two-year programs for battlesuit,
Combat offers a remarkably diverse range of infantry, and cavalry occupational spe-
courses. A large percentage of its graduates cialties, and a four-year program for MechWarriors and aerospace
go on to officer training at a university. The pilots. Combat training is offered on two tracks, one for enlisted
school offers training in all branches of com- cadets, and the other for officer candidates.
bat, and in a departure from DCMS tradition, The bulk of UP’s student body is made up of residents of
emphasizes the ways in which each branch Proserpina, though its reputation does attract a disproportion-
supports the others. This emphasis reflects the reforms instituted al amount of candidates from remote Combine worlds as well.
by Theodore Kurita and is one reason for the favorable attention it Competition for the MechWarrior and aerospace slots is particularly
receives. Ten years after a sizeable grant from the DCMS, the school fierce due to the limited resources available to the university. Once
has expanded to three different campuses and a satellite facility on admitted, students are immersed into one of the most balanced pro-
Kagoshima built specifically for battle armor training. grams of classroom learning and hands-on experience available in
The Sun Tzu school teaches a “team play” attitude, stressing the Combine. The high success rate among graduates gives the aver-
greater equality between differing branches of warfare. The com- age student a sense of confidence that cadets elsewhere often lack.
petition for positions in the school’s conventional forces programs is Because the Proserpina Hussars traditionally maintain and
steep, as this is the only school in Combine space where conventional refurbish the school themselves, the DCMS has not paid the uni-
soldiers can receive samurai swords. The school teaches the philos- versity much attention. As such, most graduates go on to serve
ophy of bushido along with loyalty to House Kurita. Instructors use in the Proserpina Hussars and are largely ignored by many of the
the precepts of bushido to reinforce the notion that cadets must put Combine’s line regiments.


WISDOM OF engagements, often pitting students against uneven odds.

THE DRAGON Seventy-five missions, lasting from a few hours to several days
Located on Kagoshima, the and worth up to forty points each, are run during the length
Wisdom of the Dragon school of the course. A student must have 750 points in order to par-
is the premier finishing university in the Combine. Cadets at- ticipate in the graduation ceremony. The top-scoring warrior in
tend the university to hone their skills in strategy and command; each class receives a promotion in rank and may opt to join the
graduates are considered the elite of the DCMS. Unlike the program as an instructor.
Pagoda, the Wisdom of the Dragon is officially open to all citi- The original Kensai Kami is located on Aix-la-Chapelle. Two
zens of the Combine who meet its stringent mental and physical branch schools exist; one on Luthien and the other—recently re-
requirements, are officer candidates, and have at least two years opened—on McAlister.
at an academy with the highest marks possible or are sponsored
by a DCMS field officer of tai-sa rank or higher. OSAKA FIELDS
The atmosphere at the Wisdom of the Dragon contains an PROVING
intensity unmatched by any other Combine academy or univer- GROUNDS
sity. No matter what the field, a cadet is pushed to the limits of While the DCMS relies
their mental and physical endurance. On top of their academic almost exclusively on its
pressure, students must also cope with intense social pressure to military academies and uni-
follow the ancient traditions on which the Combine was founded. versities to produce a steady flow of soldiers, it does acknowledge
The university’s rigorous adherence to the precepts of bushido that true samurai may also rise from sources other than the noble
exceeds that of any other school, and instructors stress loyalty to and privileged classes. The “proving grounds” concept is set up
House Kurita above all. Theodore Kurita’s reforms have met fierce for practicing military maneuvers and honing combat skills and
resistance over the last decade but have made steady progress offers citizens of low birth or low academic standing an avenue
among both students and instructors. to develop and exhibit the skills needed to enter the rolls of the
The Wisdom of the Dragon rarely loses a student except in DCMS. Proving grounds can be found on every prefecture and
training accidents. Years in an academy or serving in the DCMS district capital within the Combine and on a few other populous
have hardened the typical candidate, so few drop out because worlds.
of pressure. Graduation takes place in the presence of the Generally, proving grounds are dedicated to a specific branch
Coordinator, who awards each graduate the coveted katana of warfare and operate according to a variety of administrative
and wakizashi. styles. The ISF maintains operatives at all proving grounds to scru-
tinize promising candidates for correct doctrine and loyalty to the
KENSAI KAMI Combine. Those approved by the ISF generally receive invitations
The Kensai Kami training program pits to study at military academies, though exceptionally talented
the best MechWarriors currently serving in candidates may receive only a minimum of training and indoctri-
the DCMS against instructors and one an- nation before entering the ranks of the DCMS.
other in an effort to push the elite to greater The Osaka Fields Proving Grounds on Benjamin are the largest
heights of skill. Based on the Star League’s in the Combine. They consist of a large, untamed wilderness area
ancient Gunslinger program, the Kensai Kami that borders an abandoned Succession Wars-era military base. In
is a “master’s program” in the combat arts. Only the 3061, the DCMS authorized a grant that added an urban combat
most talented warriors in a given regiment receive the honor of environment for infantry squad tactics, which the planetary mi-
undergoing the training. litia uses regularly to test and train new recruits. Three live-fire
Every regiment is allowed to send one warrior of sho-sa ranges exist for MechWarriors to use in calibrating their machines
rank or lower to each Kensai Kami course. A warrior may only or simply to grow accustomed to piloting their family’s ancestral
participate in the program once during his or her career. The heirlooms. Grudge matches are common fare and draw large
three-month course sees each candidate fight a series of simula- numbers of spectators, making the proving grounds a source of
tor and dummy-fire battles against elite instructors and other entertainment for civilians in the Benjamin District. The DCMS im-
students. Competitions range from one-on-one battles to lance poses stiff fines to enforce the strict prohibition on wagering, a
problem that typically occurs among the planet’s nobility.


UNIFORMS AND INSIGNIA in proper condition with no tears, rips, or other such deformities.
The DCMS command structure, uniforms, medals, and deco- Other Great Houses may allow such slovenly behavior in the cock-
rations represent and reinforce the history and culture of the pit of a war machine; proper bushido warriors do not.
Combine military. These traditions help instill pride and a sense of When the warrior leaves his ’Mech, he must don his non-com-
group identity among DCMS troops. bat uniform. This consists of a dark gray jersey with a diagonal red
stripe across the chest and dark gray trousers with a red stripe run-
UNIFORMS ning down each leg. He must also wear the standard calf-length
In Combine society, individuals wear clothing that reflects black boots and black visor cap adorned with his regiment, battal-
their station in life. Therefore, the uniform of a DCMS trooper ion, and company insignia. A wide black belt with a silver buckle
confers the prestige and respect associated with military service encircles the pilot’s waist. Again, this uniform is expected to be in
in the Combine. In fact, many soldiers on leave from their units pristine condition. Wearing a uniform with rips, tears, burn marks,
choose to remain in uniform. and other marks of wear and tear are grounds for punishment and
may result in a breach of honor with the warrior’s superior.
Senior Officers Like all Kurita soldiers, MechWarriors wear their rank insignia
Officers of the rank of tai-sa and above (captain in the on the left collar and the insignia of House Kurita and their district
Admiralty) constitute the senior officers of the DCMS. Warlord on each shoulder.
All senior officer uniforms are black but otherwise follow the
same design as the standard uniforms of each service branch. For Aerospace Pilots
example, an infantry tai-sho wears a black, standard DCMS infantry Kurita aerospace pilots wear simple, brownish-purple jumpsuits
uniform. Unlike uniforms of the other Great House militaries, Kurita and parachute vests with front-mounted ripcords. All aerospace pi-
uniforms have few trappings. Medals and decorations are worn only lots wear special pads over their thighs, lower legs, and shoulders to
on the dress uniform. Like all DCMS uniforms, senior officer uniforms reduce the risk of injury when their craft encounters turbulence. All
are made from flame-, tear-, and water-resistant trichloropolyester. leg pads contain regulators that prevent a pilot’s blood from pool-
The chief component of the senior officer’s uniform is the high- ing in his lower extremities during high-G maneuvers. Additionally,
collared black tunic. Each shoulder of the tunic bears the black-on-red every pilot’s control helmet contains an Environmental Regulator
Combine dragon symbol and gold Japanese symbols that describe Unit that allows the pilot to breathe normally even when his craft is
House Kurita and the officer’s military district Warlord. Officers may in space or a hazardous planetary atmosphere.
wear any type of cufflinks they prefer with their tunics. Popular
cufflinks show school crests, images of a Kurita dragon, swords, or Support Personnel
BattleMechs. Cufflinks may not exceed two centimeters in width, Technicians wear brownish-purple jumpsuits similar to those
however, as larger cufflinks are too flashy for the proper officer. worn by aerospace personnel. These unadorned suits feature
All officers wear unadorned black trousers. The trouser legs numerous pockets for storing tools and other needed items.
are stuffed inside the officer’s boots, which are black polyvinyl- Generally, DCMS commanders do not subject technicians to in-
ate and must always be kept polished. Officers are permitted to spections and allow them to wear any clothing they prefer; most
wear handguns on their belts, and most carry a second, concealed technicians wear the jumpsuit simply because the Procurement
weapon. Graduates of the Sun Zhang Academy, Wisdom of the Department provides no other work clothing for them. All tech-
Dragon university, and the Sun Tzu School of Combat may wear nicians are required to wear proper caps, which resemble cloth
their katana and wakizashi as well. baseball caps, but contain a slim sheet of steel inside the fabric to
The officer’s hat is also black. Officers wear their regiment in- protect from incidental contact with blunt objects.
signia on the front of their hats, battalion insignia on the left side,
and company insignia on the right side. Infantry, Armor, and Conventional Troops
Senior officers are expected to take special care to keep their Soldiers in the DCMS’s infantry, armor, and conventional branch-
uniforms immaculate so that their corpses will be presentable to es wear rugged, full-length, light tan jumpsuits. These garments
an opposing general if they are killed in combat. feature shoulder and elbow padding to reduce the risk of injury
from lifting heavy weapons and other vigorous activity. Soldiers
MechWarriors are required to wear a branch-insignia pin on the chest of their suit.
MechWarriors of the Draconis Combine have two sets of regu- The conventional hat has a short visor and earflaps, which may
lar uniforms: one for inside a ’Mech and one for public use. be turned down during cold weather or fierce winds. Artillery per-
While operating a ’Mech, warriors may wear the standard sonnel are issued hats with extra insulation in the earflaps to muffle
sleeveless and legless one-piece bodysuit, boots, a neurohelmet, the sounds of artillery pieces. Many infantry units are issued hel-
the biofeedback apparatus needed to operate the helmet (often mets, gloves, and thick jerkins to protect them from blunt weapons
attached to the back of the helmet near the neck), and a cooling and flamers. The jerkins issued to vehicle personnel absorb shocks
vest. MechWarriors need not wear rank insignia while fighting. from bumping around inside a vehicle. In addition, their helmets
Even though MechWarriors will rarely be seen in public wearing prevent injury to the head. Both types of jerkins contain cooling el-
their cockpit garb, they are expected to keep their utility uniform ements to help protect the wearer from excessive heat.


Dress Uniforms
The basic dress uniform for all DCMS personnel consists of a DCMS COMMAND STRUCTURE
white tunic, black pants, and red boots. The white tunic’s adorn- Commissioned Officers Equivalent Admiralty Rank
ment was changed in 3062 to narrow red stripes running along Tai-shu (Warlord) —
the outside of the sleeves and down the center of the tunic’s front, Tai-sho (General) Tai-sho (Admiral)
black cuffs, and a high red collar. Sewn in the tunic is a belt, which Sho-sho (Brigadier General) Cho-sho (Commodore)
is fastened with a clasp fashioned in the shape of the Kurita drag- Tai-sa (Colonel) Captain
on crest. Rank insignia are worn on the collar, and color-coded Chu-sa (Lieutenant Colonel) Sho-sa (Commander)
shoulder bars denote the soldier’s service branch. Sho-sa (Major) Dai-i (Lieutenant Commander)
The black pants are virtually identical to those worn by senior Tai-i (Captain) Chu-i (Lieutenant)
officers, except for the addition of vertical piping along the legs Chu-i (Lieutenant) Sho-i (Ensign)
that matches the soldier’s shoulder bars.
Enlisted Ranks
RANK INSIGNIA Sho-ko (Sergeant Major) Kaisō-chō (Chief Petty Officer)
The DCMS command structure consists of commissioned-of- Kashira (Talon Sergeant) Ittō Kaisō (Petty Officer First Class)
ficer ranks and enlisted ranks. The system is designed to create a Shujin (Master Sergeant) Nitō Kaisō (Petty Officer Second Class)
clear, concise chain of command. Unlike the DCMS’s highest com- Gunsho (Sergeant) Santō Kaisō (Petty Officer Third Class)
mand echelons, the command structure at the regimental level Go-cho (Corporal) Kaishi-chō (Leading Seaman)
and below resembles similar structures employed by other Inner Gunjin (Lance Corporal) Ittō Kaishi (Seaman)
Sphere militaries. Heishi (Private) Nitō Kaishi (Apprentice)
The DCMS has used its basic rank system for nearly four hun- Hojuhei (Recruit) Santō Kaishi (Recruit)
dred years. The current system reflects minor modifications
instituted by Theodore Kurita shortly after he was appointed Sho-sho (Brigadier General)
gunji-no-kanrei. The rank of tai-shu applies to all DCMS Warlords. The sho-sho is normally a Warlord or general’s
Japanese names are given to all enlisted ranks in a gesture of aide, though sho-sho may command regiments.
respect for the Combine’s ancient Terran history. Traditionally, The sho-sho insignia is a green kanji “4.”
DCMS leaders displayed little regard for the noncommissioned
officers and contended that enlisted ranks did not warrant the Tai-sa (Colonel)
honor of Japanese names. Subsequent edicts changed this out- Tai-sa typically serve as regimental com-
dated mode of perspective. manders. The tai-sa insignia is a green kanji “3.”
All DCMS ranks use stylized kanji numerals as insignias. Rank The equivalent rank in the DCA is the captain of
insignia is worn on the left collar of the uniform at all times, on a a vessel. The DCA retains the Star League tradi-
small colored rectangle that denotes a soldier’s service branch. tion of denoting this rank as Captain, which is
Cherry red denotes BattleMech troops; yellow denotes aerospace not to be confused with a DCA rank of tai-i. Someone addressed
pilots; dark green denotes DropShip and JumpShip crewmem- as “captain” on a DCA vessel is the commander of the ship.
bers; light green denotes support personnel; dark brown denotes
infantry; light blue denotes vehicle personnel; and purple de- Chu-sa (Lieutenant Colonel)
notes artillery personnel. Chu-sa usually command battalions,
though they occasionally serve as regimental
Tai-shu (Warlord) executive officers or regimental staff officers.
A tai-shu commands an entire Combine The chu-sa insignia is a green kanji “2.”
military district. All four tai-shu report directly
to the Coordinator and wear green kanji “5s” Sho-sa (Major)
to denote their rank. Each also wears a bar Generally, sho-sa serve as battalion staff
below the rank insignia that distinguishes the officers, though some serve as senior com-
Warlords from generals. pany commanders. The sho-sa insignia is a
green kanji “1.”
Tai-sho (General)
Tai-sho most often serve as prefec- Tai-i (Captain)
ture commanders or members of the High A DCMS tai-i usually commands a com-
Command staff, though senior regimental pany. The tai-i insignia is a royal blue kanji
commanders may also bear this rank. The tai- “5.” DCA officers of equivalent rank—chu-i—
sho insignia is a green kanji “5.” command flights of six aerospace fighters.


Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Go-cho (Corporal)

Technically, senior master chief petty of- Go-cho usually serve as assistant squad
ficers are members of the Combine Support leaders or vehicle commanders. The go-
and Engineering Corps rather than the cho insignia is a lavender kanji “3.” The DCA
DCMS. However, in recognition of the senior equivalent is kaishi-chō.
master chief petty officer’s position as the highest-ranking techni-
cian in the Combine military, the DCMS and DCA reserve the rank Gunjin (Lance Corporal)
insignia of a royal blue kanji “4” for the exclusive use of these senior Individuals of the gunjin rank receive
techs. Traditionally, each regiment contains a single senior tech. higher pay than heishi, but the rank confers
no additional authority or responsibility.
Chu-i (Lieutenant) The gunjin insignia is a lavender kanji “2.”
The chu-i is lowest of the DCMS commis- The DCA equivalent is ittō kaishi.
sioned officer ranks. Traditionally, officer
school graduates enter the DCMS at this Heishi (Private)
rank, and lance and platoon commanders Recruits are automatically promoted to
are awarded this rank. The chu-i insignia is the rank of heishi after successfully completing basic training. The
a royal blue kanji “3.” heishi insignia is a lavender “1.” The DCA equivalent is nitō kaishi.
The equivalent Admiralty rank is sho-i (ensign), the lowest rank
of an aerospace pilot. DCA sho-i who command aerospace lances Hojuhei (Recruit)
are traditionally called “lancers.” While in basic training, an individual is called a hojuhei. Recruits
wear no insignia, only the colored rectangle that denotes their
Sho-ko (Sergeant Major) service branch. The DCA equivalent is santō kaishi.
Sho-ko is the highest enlisted rank in
the DCMS; the DCA equivalent is kaisō-
chō (Chief Petty Officer). Few exist in either branch, because an
enlisted soldier must strive his entire career to reach this rank. DECORATIONS
Typically, regiments contain a single sho-ko, who is responsible The DCMS awards many medals and decorations for service
for the discipline and conduct of all enlisted personnel and non- beyond the call of duty.
commissioned officers in the regiment. The sho-ko insignia is a
royal blue kanji “2.” All DCMS lance second- BUSHIDO BLADE
in-command officers also wear this rank. The Bushido Blade is awarded to officers who demonstrate
great courage or leadership on the field of battle. Recipients wear
Kashira (Talon Sergeant) the five-centimeter red circle, which is divided by a black katana
The kashira represents the first of the so-called middle ranks. sword, on the left breast pocket of their dress uniform.
The kashira insignia is a royal blue kanji “1.” Support and Engineering
petty officers wear the insignia, as do noble-born MechWarriors THE FLEDGLING
and those who own their own BattleMechs. These individuals are The Warlord of the Pesht Military District awards the Fledgling
still addressed as “MechWarriors” and not kashira, however. The to green Pesht Regulars chu-is who perform beyond their expected
DCA equivalent rank is ittō kaisō. limits. The decoration consists of a red braid attached just below the
left collar and looped under the left arm. Once promoted to tai-i, a
Shujin (Master Sergeant) recipient may no longer wear the decoration. Soldiers often receive
Shujin is the highest noncommissioned the Fledgling along with a promotion, and so never wear the braid.
officer rank. The shujin insignia is a laven-
der kanji “5.” MechWarriors who do not FOUNDATION OF GALEDON
own their own ’Mechs also wear the insignia but are addressed as Each year, one soldier serving in the Galedon Military District
“MechWarrior.” The DCA equivalent is nitō kaisō. receives the Foundation of Galedon in recognition of extraordinary
courage and dedication to the principles of the Pillar of Steel—not
Gunsho (Sergeant) the least of which is strict adherence to the traditions of bushido.
The DCMS gunsho typically serves as an The decoration consists of a black pillar with a silver dragon coiled
infantry squad leader or vehicle command- around it, hanging from a blue and silver ribbon. Recipients may
er. The gunsho insignia is a lavender kanji also paint blue and silver bands on the arms of their BattleMechs or
“4.” The DCA equivalent is santō kaisō. battlesuits, the turret of their vehicle, or the wings of their fighters.



Any great leader who falls in battle joins the ranks of the Fallen This particular award is notable because it is not given to the
Samurai. The name of the deceased is etched on the Great Wall of top scoring warrior of each quarter’s Kensai Kami. The Wreath is
Luthien alongside the names of those who fell before them, and his instead presented to his or her parents, guardian, or closest kin.
direct superior awards a black-and-red dragon banner to the fallen The award, a bronzed wreath surrounding the Kurita dragon, is
hero’s next of kin. meant to be placed in the entranceway of the recipient’s home or,
Tai-sho Tomoe Sakade, former commander of Kagoshima if the recipient is deceased, at their memorial marker. First given in
Prefecture and wife of Theodore Kurita, was the first woman hon- 2820, the award honors the wisdom and guidance of the warrior’s
ored with the Glory of the Fallen Samurai in 3063. She fell during ancestors, who provided the means and opportunities for the re-
the Combine-Dominion War; her name was put forward by Tai- cipient’s success. The Wreath was reinstated in 3048 when Kanrei
shu Kiyomori Minamoto of the Pesht Military District. Theodore Kurita resurrected the Kensai Kami.


The Guardian of the Lair is awarded to warriors who per- NEW SAMARKAND RIBBON
form heroic actions in the defense of the Pesht Military District. Any officer whose strategy and tactics enable him to win a battle
For members of the Pesht Regulars, the decoration consists of against imposing odds may become a Knight of New Samarkand.
a smoke-colored, diamond-cut gem placed in a gold setting. The Coordinator himself bestows this decoration, which consists of
Members of other units receive the decoration in a silver setting. a red-and-black ribbon adorned with a depiction of an Oriental tiger.
The decoration is worn on the left breast, below all other service The decoration is worn on the left side of the recipient’s uniform.
ribbons and medals. With Theodore Kurita’s permission, Tai-shu
Ashora sent several Guardian of the Lair awards to members of ORDER OF THE DRAGON
the Kell Hounds and Wolf’s Dragoons to honor their efforts in the The Order of the Dragon is awarded to those who have aided
defense of Luthien against the Clans. the Draconis Combine by directly contributing to significant ter-
ritorial gains for the nation. The Coordinator himself awards the
HONOR OF WAKIZASHI medal, which is the highest honor a DCMS officer can receive, and
A high-ranking officer who chooses to obey personal or fam- recipients become knights in the Order of the Dragon.
ily honor above his duty to House Kurita may receive the Honor The medal consists of the black-on-red Kurita crest surround-
of Wakizashi. When the Coordinator awards this medal, he grants ed by a wreath of eight, gold-tipped blue points. The medal hangs
the recipient the honor of performing seppuku to show remorse on a blue-and-black ribbon.
for his offense against the Draconis Combine rather than dishonor
of submitting to execution. PROSERPINA BAR
The medal hangs from a heavy gold chain; the weight of the The Proserpina Bar is awarded to members of the Proserpina
medal is designed to remind the recipient of the burden of honor. Hussars who demonstrate great skill or bravery against oppo-
nents. The medal consists of a stylized dragon’s claw fashioned
HONOR TREE from bronze and obsidian. Most DCMS units award similar decora-
The Honor Tree is awarded to a Luthien citizen who acts in an tions to their members.
extraordinary manner that benefits the Combine in a significant
fashion. The Keeper of the House Honor presents the citizen with SILVER CLAW
a special cutting selected from her garden; typically, it is a bonsai The Dieron Military District Warlord presents the Silver Claw to
tree but on several occasions has been a different species of tree, the member of each Dieron Regulars regiment who achieves the
the meaning of which is known only to the Keeper and the hon- most confirmed kills in a given campaign. The medal consists of a
ored citizen. These trees are jointly cared for by both the Keeper’s simple dragon claw pendant that warriors may wear with informal
staff and the citizen, for the life of the tree. dress only. Warriors who receive multiple Claws often qualify for
The oldest known Honor Tree is 218 years old, given to the Katana Cluster.
Honorable Citizen Iago McMurphy. His groundbreaking research in
optics led to a breakthrough in miniaturization production, saving WATCHER OF THE DRAGON’S EYE
the Combine billions of K-bills annually in manufacturing costs. The Coordinator awards the Watcher of the Dragon’s Eye cer-
tificate to civilians who take direct action to protect the Draconis
KATANA CLUSTER Combine. Past recipients include a housekeeper who exposed a
Each year, the DCMS MechWarrior in each military district who spy in the Combine administration (2653), a young boy who de-
tallies the most confirmed ’Mech kills during the previous twelve stroyed an ammunition dump behind enemy lines (3027), and
months receives the Katana Cluster. The medal consists of a silver the entire civilian population of Edo on Turtle Bay (3050). The cer-
cast of the Kurita dragon banded with five different colors, hang- tificate inscription offers the recipient the Coordinator’s personal
ing from a green-and-black ribbon. commendation and the blessing of the Draconis Combine.




To say that the Combine government controls the economic
1. Following the right path in all things, and avoiding or working against
system is almost redundant. As the Coordinator controls the no-
those who do not.
bles, military, and every other aspect of life, he is the government.
2. Treating friends as such, and enemies as such.
House Kurita is not as wealthy a state as its size and importance
3. Maintaining honesty in all relations with friends, and integrity in all rela-
might suggest. Many of its worlds are actually resource-poor,
tions with enemies.
having been settled for the purpose of exploiting only a few se-
4. Behaving with proper decorum in the face of adversity or temptation.
lect minerals or crops. Other worlds have been hit hard by the
5. Maintaining pride and self-esteem in the face of death.
Succession and Clan Wars and are victims of the philosophy of de-
—Dictum Honorium VII, 30–38
stroying the planet in order to save it. The disruption of interstellar
transit during the Second and Third Succession Wars seriously af-
fected many of the Dragon’s worlds. Unable to grow their own
SUCCESS OF THE COMBINE food, these worlds found themselves cut off from needed sup-
THROUGH PROPER WORK plies. The Clans’ Operation REVIVAL and subsequent ten years of
Devotion to duty, perfected through greater self-discipline, leads to an improved occupation severed many trade links to interdependent worlds,
state of personal freedom and sense of joy focused on fulfillment in one’s work. sending many once-prosperous systems into severe economic re-
[Commentary: Business is war on the field of numbers. Financial ruin from cession. The Kurita government typically redistributes segments
poor decisions and improper decorum is as deadly as badly considered tactics of the affected population to other systems to “balance the load,”
and unconsidered strategies. In the great machine, one faulty gear can create a often with mixed results. The citizens do not complain; to ques-
catastrophe; one poorly maintained part could destroy a company. It is the duty tion the Dragon’s judgment is simply not done.
of the worker to give all he is to the success of his endeavor. For the smallest part The Combine government frequently keeps breadbasket
plays the largest role in the success or failure of the greater purpose.] worlds and systems with intact industrial bases at artificially high
—Dictum Honorium VII, 215–216 population levels. Through the Economic Relocation Program,
the government moves people to these planets, where large

families are encouraged through a system of monetary and social
he emerald green Imperial jade gemstone has been highly
rewards—and through restricted availability of contraceptives. The
prized for millennia, with special mystic properties often as-
official reason for this population program is to be ready to re-seed
sociated with it. Among some peoples, the possession and
barren worlds when the conflict is past. The unofficial but generally
contemplation of jade objects was though to bring a serenity to
accepted reason is to encourage young people to broaden their ex-
the soul and drive away evil thoughts.
perience as a Combine citizen by joining the military.
Fine pieces of jade have always been worth large amounts
Because of overpopulation, food rationing exists on even agri-
of money, but most cultures prefer gold, silver, germanium,
cultural planets. What is available varies in quality with simple but
diamonds, or even platinum as symbols for commerce. In the
fresh foods for their people. Less-endowed worlds have to make
Draconis Combine, the Pillar of Jade stands for commerce and
do with a bewildering variety of processed items. Corporations
industry. Indeed, pieces of jade are placed in all offices and fac-
or the government provide housing by way of a cumbersome
tories as a reminder to focus on the expected task and not to
bureaucracy—making things crowded at times—though public
become feverish with hopes of wealth. Even the well-informed
housing is clean, well-maintained, and adequate, unlike many of
trader or executive will often stop to meditate on jade when
the Combine’s Inner Sphere counterparts.
feeling that the pressure to succeed may interfere with his or
Medical care is also available at no cost but can be frighten-
her judgment.
ingly primitive. On many worlds, all but the most ill persons are
Among the most popular forms for jade carvings are the
better off going to a village folk medicine clinic for herbal tea and
simple pierced disk, the pillar, and the tree. The pierced disk, a
hot compresses rather than going to a government-run Health
form dating to primitive man on Terra, suggests breaking through
and Happiness Center where doctors might be experimenting
the materialist view of life to see the vastness of the heavens.
with new and unknown techniques. Of the scientific disciplines,
It also suggests a coin, open to the same view, which has been
medical practice best reveals the depths of ignorance to which
drilled to become “worthless,” indicating that money should hold
humanity has fallen—and how Kuritans apply any recovered
little value compared to the greater scheme of life. The largest
knowledge to benefit the military first. DCMS medical service is
jade disk resides in Chandrasekhar Kurita’s mountain palace on
considered extravagant compared to the simple clinical services
Hachiman. Twelve meters in circumference, the disk was cut from
offered to most working-class citizens. Combine citizens take this
the jade mines on Galedon V, the largest source of the stone in
disparity in stride.
the Combine.


Each ryu (known to outsiders as a K-bill) is divided into 100 yen. The Combine government is constantly changing the make-up of its currency; at the time of the last revision
in 3060, the denominations were 1, 5, 10, and 20 yen coins (copper alloy); 50 yen, 1 ryu, and 5 ryu coins (silver alloy); and 10, 20, 50, 100, and 500 ryu notes. The 1,000 and 10,000
ryu notes used before 3060 are rare, but they remain legal tender in the Combine.
Each prefecture mints its own coins and notes, but there is little difference among them beyond the name of the mint, which is embossed on the edge of coins or as a
watermark on notes. Coins display the Kurita dragon on one side with the value embossed over it and the mon (heraldic symbol) of a Combine world on the other. The larger
the coin’s value, the smaller the size; a 20 yen coin is half the size of a 1 yen piece.
Notes are uniform in design, though the paper used varies on the military district of the issuing mint. Each note also carries a watermark in the form of the district’s mon.
Ryu notes from Pesht are dark rouge, Benjamin’s are light orange, Galedon’s are robin-egg blue, and Dieron’s are dove gray. The lettering and symbols on all notes are black ink
and contain the symbol of the Draconis Combine on one side and the side profile image of a Coordinator on the other. The denomination is prominently visible on both sides.
Ryu notes larger than 50 have a silver border, and the rarer 1,000 and 10,000 notes have a gold border.
Yen (copper alloy) Ryu (silver alloy) Ryu
Value Image Value Image Value Image
1 mon of Alshain 1 mon of New Samarkand 10 Taragi Kurita
5 mon of Benjamin 5 mon of Luthien 20 Takashi Kurita
10 mon of Dieron 50 Siriwan Kurita
20 mon of Pesht 100 Shiro Kurita
50 mon of Galedon V (silver alloy) 500 Miyogi Kurita
1,000 Sanethia Kurita
10,000 Martin McAllister

Not surprisingly, the most civilized developments in Kurita two realms’ common border. Eighty years prior, under Treasury
medicine are the well run Welcoming Homes, or hospices. These Minister Tadaki Nagai, all businesses were designated as either
provide a quiet, pleasant atmosphere, sparsely furnished, sunny Direct Service (military) or Indirect Service (civilian).
rooms with large meditation gardens, pain relievers, and a be- The military designation affords a business government pro-
nignly neglectful medical staff. tection from both physical threats and economic difficulties. A
More than ample and elegant housing always exists for de- military firm, however, is almost entirely controlled by the armed
serving people with the proper connections, however, and forces, with a military hierarchy paralleling and able to over-
luxury foodstuffs appear on fine porcelain dishes on even the rule the company’s board of directors. Each military board may
most sharply rationed planet. The nobility have the cash and oversee several companies, or in the case of supranational corpo-
the connections to acquire any household item they desire, with rations (such as Luthien Armor Works), just one.
noble families able to retain house physicians among their many Civilian businesses maintain more control over their own af-
attendants. If one were to point this out to an ordinary Draconian fairs. Most civilian businesses still deal with the military in some
citizen, he would simply shrug and say that the upper classes way, and all civilian firms operate under the direct supervision
serve the Coordinator more closely and have responsibility to the of at least one military officer. The amount of supervision will
lower classes as well. They need more sensual pleasures as they depend on what percentage of the business directly affects
have more pain in their souls. This way of regarding the Sufferings the military.
of the Lion has become a basic tenet of Kurita society. In a military firm, production schedules and even entire prod-
This acceptance of station is a constant on those worlds that uct lines may change suddenly to reflect the needs of the war
have been part of the Dragon for centuries. It is a harder—and effort. Should a civilian company be in disagreement with the
more difficult—task to adjust the citizens of other realms to this military about production plans, the firm may simply find itself
peaceful existence. Their decadent lifestyles and looser environ- unable to obtain raw materials to manufacture the goods the mili-
ment, not to mention their ignorance of the finer details of honor, tary does not want produced.
make the citizenry more prone to rebellion and dissent.
ALL ROADS LEAD TO THE MILITARY With natural resources generally in short supply, conservation
The Kurita economy is geared to the improvement of Kurita has become an important part of Combine life. The conservation
life and to the grandeur of the Draconis Combine. At present, this ethic combines with respect for the work needed to produce any-
means concentrating on military and war production, as Davion thing of value. To waste any substance is an affront to nature and
actions during the recent FedCom Civil War have destabilized the an act of disloyalty toward the Draconis Combine.


Conservation of Resources Bureau (CRB) auditors conduct in- Believing that the Capellan Confederation’s rigorous so-
spections roughly every six months to ensure that corporations are cial stratification was responsible for their defeat in the Fourth
not wasting resources. The CRB matches industries that use waste Succession War, Coordinator Takashi instituted the Pillar Reforms
as their raw materials, so that one industry will receive another’s us- in 3043. These laws, which relaxed the restraints on social classes
able waste products, while sending their waste to a third. Private in Combine society, are a major reinterpretation of the Dictum
citizens will occasionally find a CRB agent or a Neighborly Patrol Honorium and remain in place today. The reforms also allow citi-
member going through the trash to make sure it has been properly zens more privacy than ever before. These reforms are not openly
sorted into organic, cloth, plastic, glass, paper, metal, and so on. opposed by the O5P or the ISF.
The Pillar Reforms seem to have inspired a great sense of op-
THE CORPORATE STRUCTURE timism among the Combine’s ordinary citizens. In addition to
The Kurita economy was based on a policy of controlled scar- enjoying greater personal freedom, people in the Combine have
city, with the government’s Committee of Resource Management a higher standard of living for the first time in a century.
in control of the distribution of all resources, goods, and services.
Noble families usually owned the Combine’s industries, but es- Agricultural Planets
sential services, such as electric power generation, were run as Agrarian systems have more primitive conditions than indus-
governmental monopolies. trial areas do. They often compensate by offering more room and
Although the Kurita economy is government-run, it is by no sometimes better food to their residents. Noble families own the
means a communist economy. It can be best described as “con- majority of arable land, which is tilled by serfs and Unproductives
trolled-market capitalism.” New businesses start up only with in a feudal scheme similar to other Great Houses. This is usually
the permission of the government and must be run under close a plantation-style arrangement in which peasants receive a sal-
government supervision. The corporations are not owned by the ary for their work but must buy their food at whatever prices the
government; they have their own directors and may issue stock if landholder wishes to charge. Unproductives receive no salary and
they wish. There is a tolerance of small operations on most worlds, are housed and fed in slave-like conditions.
such as the independent farmer’s markets. If they become too suc- Middle-class farmers hold a small percentage of the land,
cessful, they are usually closed down or absorbed by a larger firm. growing enough to feed their families and still sell a surplus at the
Ownership of a corporation is equivalent to landholding in markets. Peasants going to the markets spend their ration cou-
terms of noble prestige and power. Kurita corporations operate in pons on whatever fresh produce, meat, or fish they can afford. The
much the same way as did feudal fiefdoms. Workers become at- marketing farmers cash in the coupons at a government office for
tached to the company that employs their parents; often, the only whatever percentage of the face value the officials decide to pay.
way to leave their employ is to join the military or be exchanged to Middle-class farmers and small landholders exist on many indus-
another corporation. (This is often called “given a new opportunity trial worlds, providing fresh food and and basic employment.
to grow in transplanted soil.”) If fired, a worker will probably never
find employment with another corporation and either becomes
an Unproductive or joins the military to spend the rest of his short
life among the lowest militia grunts. The government often sends SERVICE (MILITARY)
Unproductives to work in the worst, most grueling positions of CORPORATIONS
state-run industries. The only other option is starvation.
In some cases—dependent on the circumstances of firing— ALSHAIN WEAPONS
starvation is the honorable choice and the disgraced worker Main Headquarters: East Lime (Tok Do)
is allowed a proper funeral for having seen his life to its natural CEO: Daimyo Kristof Webber
conclusion. Some starve simply to avoid the fate of becoming an Main Products (Alshain Weapons, Tok Do): Panther BattleMech,
Unproductive, which disgraces the worker’s family and former Pacifier SecurityMech, various IndustrialMechs
employer, implying they did not raise or train the worker in proper Main Products (Diplan ’Mechyards, Aix-la-Chapelle): Hitman
execution of duty. The entire family may never work again, cer- and Kabuto BattleMechs
tainly not for that firm.
Loyal workers live their entire lives around the corporation. Profile: Alshain Weapons underwent severe hardships after
They are born in corporate hospitals, attend corporate schools, Clan Ghost Bear conquered most of the Free Rasalhague Republic,
live in corporate houses, buy from corporate stores, and are including Alshain. The Combine maintained strong economic ties
frequently cremated and entombed in company mausoleums. with several of its former worlds within the FRR; Alshain Weapons
Most workers wear uniforms indicating the company for which was one of these. The corporation received hefty grants from the
they work and the position they hold. Workers purchase these DCMS and the Bureau of Procurement to build new facilities in
uniforms, along with nearly everything else they need, from the Combine space. Alshain Weapons has since continued supplying
company store. These emporiums graciously allow credit against the Dragon with its venerable Panther light ’Mechs. It acquired fal-
the next paycheck for their high-priced goods. tering Diplan ’Mechyards in 3060.



Headquarters: Skytower City (Luthien) Headquarters: Matabushi (Schuyler)
CEO: Daimyo Piram Germane CEO: Tozama Daimyo Mark Maestas
Main Products (Proserpina; Bulldog Enterprises): Bulldog, Main Products: Achilles, Behemoth, and Monarch DropShips,
Manticore, Schiltron, and Tokugawa tanks civilian trivid systems, mass market entertainment modules
Main Products (Luthien; Buda Imperial): Daimyo mobile HQ, Main Products (Chatham; Tomori Trans Industrial): Nekohono’o
Tokugawa tank, standard and heavy wheeled APCs, cool- and Vengeance-class DropShips, various small craft
ant trucks, various support vehicles
Main Products (New Samarkand; Nav Hull): Monitor and Profile: Galileo Instruments began as a manufacturer of con-
Mauna Kea Naval Vessels, Ashigaru-class Freighter, various trol equipment for spacecraft but diversified into sophisticated
other watercraft and watercraft components electronic systems for a variety of applications. After a falling out
between the corporation and the military procurement board in
Profile: Although a small company with factories located only 3018, Galileo gave up the guidance systems division to remain a
in four systems, Buda Imperial has a long and illustrious history in civilian company. The move initially gutted Galileo, but shrewd
the manufacture of military vehicles. They are noted in Combine development and research in civilian electronics over the last
history as the first to mount flamers on their coolant trucks during several decades has paid dividends. The company re-entered the
the First Succession War, a practice quickly emulated by the other military market after acquiring Tomori Trans Industrial in 3055.
Great Houses. The practice, once known as the “Buda Surprise,” As part of the Coordinator’s rebuilding initiatives concerning
foiled a Davion raiding assault on Tok Do in 2809 after Federated former Clan-occupied worlds, Galileo transferred its corporate
Suns forces believed they had captured a large supply convoy. headquarters to Schuyler in 3064. The move was more symbol-
In 2810, the Coordinator granted Buda Imperial the entire moon ic, showing the citizenry that the planet was worth rebuilding.
that orbits Pesht. This moon was renamed after the company and Galileo is one of the top five employers on the planet and has
is the current location of Buda Imperial’s corporate headquarters. turned Matabushi into a model corporate city.
The company is well known for the Tokugawa medium tank, a In the mid-3060s, Galileo opened a new line of products in
solidly-built combat machine commonly found among all DCMS mass-market entertainment modules. The company’s foray into
forces. Older versions trickle down into the planetary militia as the entertainment market was a calculated risk by new CEO Mark
new ones are replaced. Maestas, looking to diversify Galileo’s slumping civilian profit
Buda acquired control of Bulldog Enterprises in early 3067. lines. The risk worked. Combat Ops: Halstead Station ranked num-
Marquis Piram Germane opted to leave Bulldog intact, merging ber one in sales across the Combine for three years straight. The
only the two corporate distribution networks. Buda acquired company’s follow up, Combat Ops: Vega, crested the 3066 charts
Bulldog’s robust R&D division. In return, the company provides its in presales alone.
new subsidiary with Buda’s superior corporate ratings within the
Bureau of Procurement and the Ministry of the Interior. HACHIMAN TARO ENTERPRISES
Headquarters: Masamori (Hachiman)
COSBY BATTLEMECH CEO: Lord Chandrasekhar Kurita
AND MYOMER RESEARCH FIRM Main Products: Consumer electronics, military fire-control
Main Headquarters: Glorious Sunset (Vega) systems, C3 computer systems
CEO: Jennifer Watanabe
Main Products: Crusader and No-Dachi BattleMechs, Inner Profile: Starting on a modest scale, HTE owes its rapid growth
Sphere standard battle armor in equal parts to strong financial backing from Chandrasekhar
Kurita and to a business approach that borrowed heavily from
Profile: Cosby has struggled of late as sales of its redesigned Lyran and Marik models.
Crusader have been lackluster. As a result, Watanabe made the ex- Focusing initially on servicing the growing domestic demand
pensive decision to redesign two of the lines to accommodate the for consumer electronics, HTE’s early years were marked by fierce
company’s more popular No-Dachi BattleMech. The new factories competition with Tanadi Computers. Since then, the company has
have been problematic and are now the subject of an extensive expanded its operations and now produces advanced electronics
investigation by the Bureau of Worker Protection. Until the bu- for the DCMS.
reau’s inquiry is finished, Cosby has two complete manufacturing
facilities at a standstill. The situation is not a pleasant one, and the
board has begun calling for Watanabe’s resignation.


INDEPENDENCE WEAPONRY immediately placed a bid to construct the new battle suit.
Headquarters: River City (New Samarkand) Using an upgraded production process, IHBAI began cranking
CEO: Judith Hotchkiss out Void suits at a newly constructed facility in the southern
Main Products (Independence Weaponry, Quentin): Akuma, region of Luthien.
Atlas, Chimera, Excalibur, Gunslinger, Hatamoto-Chi, Tigiki received a personal commendation by the Coordinator
JagerMech III, Marauder, Naginata, Ninja-To, Shugenja, Tai- for the company’s quick turnaround in providing the lethal suits
sho, Tessen, and Victor BattleMechs for the DCMS. The Coordinator’s recognition landed IHBAI ad-
Main Products (Blankenburg Technologies, Soul): BattleMaster ditional DCMS grant money, which is being used to build a new
and Katana BattleMechs facility on Agematsu in the Galedon Military District.
Main Products (Telfar BattleMechs, Midway): Lynx and
Headquarters: LexaCity (Irece)
Profile: As neutral as a weapons manufacturer can get on CEO: David Hu
the interstellar political stage, Independence Weaponry services Main Products (Hun Ho): Stinger, Cerberus, and Grasshopper
and supplies most major military manufacturers across the Inner BattleMechs, BattleMech actuators and gyroscopic systems
Sphere. Based in the Combine, IW operates less as a corporation
and more as a conglomerate, with each division responsible to a Profile: Once known in the Star League era as the best man-
particular faction and their protocols. This type of setup leads to ufacturer of Stinger LAMs, LexaTech has suffered a complete
some odd situations, such as preventing any IW-manufactured identity crisis after 3051. When Irece fell to the Clans, the single
weapons in the Combine from being sold, transported, or used surviving LAM production facility—so large it occupied an island
in the manufacturing process of Federated Suns equipment, de- offshore LexaCity—was violently dismantled by the occupiers.
spite the fact that the weapons are identical to those produced Clan officials since that time claim the destruction was to remove
elsewhere. Nevertheless, IW has successfully negotiated political a perversion of warfare, a reason that sits oddly with Inner Sphere-
minefields for centuries with aplomb. educated scholars of Clan society.
Many of IW’s manufacturing, research, and subsidiary facilities With the loss of its primary facility, LexaTech was forced to
have worked with the Professional Soldiery Liaison Department reinvent itself. Utilizing its Cerberus factories located in Oshika
to hire on additional security in the form of mercenaries. Prefecture, the company increased production of its durable
Independence CEO Judith Hotchkiss controls the corpora- IndustrialMechs. The cosmetic redesigns made the Stinger more
tion. Rumors have been mounting that Hotchkiss is considering marketable, and the Procurement Department authorized ship-
a large-scale relocation of IW’s main corporate headquarters, pos- ments of the ’Mech to planetary militias located along the Clan
sibly to Davion space where she has paternal ties. Both CEOs of occupation border. With the increased sales, LexaTech then re-
Blankenburg Technologies and Telfar BattleMechs have threat- fined its other facilities and focused on producing key spare parts
ened a hostile takeover if Hotchkiss initiates such a move. and systems for other light ’Mechs.
With the liberation of Irece, the company has relocated its
ISHIKAWAJIMA-HARIMA corporate offices to their original location. Negotiations with
BATTLE ARMOR INDUSTRIES Clan Nova Cat’s merchant caste remain stalled, however, as
Main Headquarters: Ishikawajima (Luthien) rumors spread of LAW’s more aggressive tactics to secure the
CEO: Jonas Tigiki Clan’s technology.
Main Products: Void battle armor

Profile: IHBAI is a relatively new company in the wide ar-

ray of military corporations within the Combine. Originally a
research and design firm dedicated to virtual engineering
for several civilian electronics and industrial concerns, IHBAI
joined the DCMS battle armor program as a technical consul-
tant. When the first Void prototype was successful, Jonas Tigiki


LUTHIEN ARMOR WORKS DCMS’s largest weapons manufacturer, supplier, and the sole eco-
Headquarters: Tokyo Island (Luthien) nomic engine on several Combine worlds.
CEO: Shogun Hoek Botterfield Over the centuries, LAW has absorbed or acquired several
Main Products (Dieron; LAW—Dieron): Grand Dragon of its former competitors. Typically, LAW’s board of directors
BattleMech, BattleMech refits leaves the assimilated company’s internal structure intact;
Main Products (Enif; LAW—Enif): BattleMech and combat ve- often, many of its new employees are not even aware of the
hicle armor plating transition of power. LAW senior executives continually chal-
Main Products (Luthien; BBP Industries): Bara no Ryu, lenge several of its subsidiaries to compete for contracts in the
Excalibur, Intruder, Nekohono’o, Okinawa, and Triumph-class corporate arena; they believe such activity only strengthens
DropShips, BattleSat System Defense Stations the corporation as a whole.
Main Products (Luthien; Guthry Island OmniMech Production When Sanethia Kurita authorized and designed the transfor-
Facility): Avatar, Black Hawk-KU, Blackjack, Firestarter, Owens, mation of Luthien, she allotted several million square kilometers
Raptor, Strider, and Sunder OmniMechs for LAW to build upon. The corporate designers selected two ma-
Main Products (Luthien; Primary Factory): Charger, jor island formations off the coast of the future site of Imperial
Daikyu, Daimyo, Grand Dragon, Jenner, Komodo, Mauler, City. Major reconstruction transformed the shallow bay, diverting
O-Bakemono, and Quickdraw BattleMechs; Kage, Kanazuchi, millions of metric tons of water back into the Obsidian Sea. The
and Raiden battle armor result was two massive plateaus that towered over the landscape:
Main Products (Yorii; LAW—Yorii): Grand Dragon BattleMech Tokyo and Guthry Islands. LAW engineers then sculpted each
Main Products (Al Na’ir; Yori Mech Works) Atlas, Catapult, and into an organically centered arcology containing worker hous-
Hatamoto-series BattleMechs ing, manufacturing facilities, production areas, and smelting pits.
Main Products (Al Na’ir; Scarborough Manufacturers): Personal transportation rails interconnected the two islands and
Pegasus, Saladin, Saracen, and Scimitar hovertanks, nearby Imperial City. In 3052, LAW built its massive OmniMech
Maxims, heavy, and standard hover APCs complex in and around the bases of both towers, covering much
Main Products (Oshika; Nimakachi Fusion Products Ltd.): of the former bay floor. Despite the sheer amount of machinery
Bishamon, Spider, and Venom BattleMechs and people in such a small area, the heavily populated LAW City
Main Products (Altair; Izumi JumpShip Yard): Chimeisho-class maintains a harmonic feel that pleases the eye, if not the nose.
JumpShip Pollution is a perennial problem, one that LAW engineers are still
Main Products (Altair; Kurita Combine Munitions Corp): Riever working to resolve.
aerospace fighter The second-largest LAW facility is its administrative division,
Main Products (Kessel; Diverse Optics, Inc.): laser weaponry located in LAW City on Pesht. It employs nearly fifty million work-
Main Products (Qandahar; Dow-Nexus Fusion Products): vari- ers to handle the monolithic company’s internal bureaucracy.
ous fusion engines
Main Products (Galtor; Galtor Naval Yards): Neptune MATABUSHI INCORPORATED
Submarine, civilian cargo submarines, various watercraft Headquarters: Pollux (Pesht)
Main Products (Proserpina; Guided Technologies): Missiles, President/CEO: Shogun Ishi Tahiro
missile launchers, and missile guidance systems Main Products (Avon): Overlord and Union-class DropShips
Main Products (Jeanette; Jeanette Naval Yard): Triton-class Main Products (Luthien): Military targeting and communica-
missile submarine tions systems
Main Products (Hanover; Saxe-Heidelberg Heavy Industries): Main Products (Pesht): computers, advanced electronics, ro-
Shuriken Spotter Plane, Graf-Tengu Air Transport, various botics, banking, shipping
civilian aircraft
Main Products (Benjamin; Whitworth Specialty Manufacturing): Profile: Matabushi’s position proves the adage that “the gi-
BattleMech repair and modification services ant grows unchecked when the walls are knocked down.” The
corporation has survived multiple wars and economic crises in its
Profile: The biggest corporate conglomerate within the position as the most prosperous and technologically advanced
Combine and considered the Dragon’s iconic BattleMech manu- company in Kurita space. Even during the Clan Invasion, where
facturer, Luthien Armor Works is a foundational linchpin of the several of its outlying branches were consumed and dismantled,
Kuritan empire. LAW’s primary loyalty has always been to the Matabushi used whatever opportunities it could seize to survive.
Kuritan throne, structuring its hierarchy and business plans to With the reacquisition of its former properties after Clan Smoke
the whims of the Coordinators. Nothing during its centuries of Jaguar’s destruction, the corporation looks to regain its place as
existence has truly threatened the massive corporation. It is the the largest defense contractor in Kurita space not owned by LAW.


Matabushi has the government seal of approval, allowing it first NEW SAMARKAND METALS
bid on any contracts and giving it first civilian access to any new Headquarters: Garden (New Samarkand)
technology captured. President/CEO: Daimyo Charles Sadafuji
The Matabushi National Service Division produces guidance Main Products: Behemoth, Demolisher, Schrek PPC Carrier,
and tracking sensor systems, other computerized equipment, and Kage and Raiden battle suits, standard armor alloys, fer-
robotics that might have applications in civilian transportation in ro-fibrous armor, endo-steel structure, commercial steel,
most advanced societies. In the Combine, however, any equip- smelting and forging equipment
ment is subject to military requisition. Only a token minimum that Main Products (Shimonita; Sapphire Metals): Charger
is manufactured here goes for civilian use. BattleMech, various IndustrialMechs, armor plating
Matabushi Finance remains the largest private finance firm in
the Combine. Most banks are government-run; Matabushi offers Profile: “If it’s metal, it’s Samarkand!” This motto has served
a privatized alternative built on a steady partnership with the gov- New Samarkand Metals for six centuries. For the first five hundred
ernment. One of Matabushi’s major functions is to change House years of its existence, NSM was the largest supplier of steel and
bills liberated from other Successor States into useful currency, armor alloys for the Combine’s military and commercial indus-
mainly K-bills—for use by citizens within the Combine—and tries. With mines, smelters, and other manufacturing facilities on
C-bills, used by major corporations and government contractors most of the worlds taken by the Clans, NSM faced a minor eco-
that operate beyond the Dragon’s borders. nomic crisis in the early 3050s. President Sadafuji moved forward
The corporation’s shipping and trade division grew in paral- with NSM’s aggressive research into alternative alloys, such as
lel with their financial business, laundering money throughout Tempered Samarkite (developed in 3019). The best-selling and
settled space. Most of its dealings are with the scattered few ultra-secret steel formula has since been refined twice, making it
pirate bands along the Dragon’s Periphery border, the pacifistic easier to formulate than its original version.
Outworlds Alliance (in an attempt to keep Alliance border worlds Responsible for a large segment of mining operations within
economically unstable), and along the Ghost Bear border. Lesser Oshika, New Samarkand, and Tabayama Prefectures, NSM main-
operations occur along the Federated Suns, though recently the tains a solid profit line with little competition. With gigantic
ISF has utilized Matabushi in various operations to undermine the mining operations—both surface and asteroid—in several sys-
economy on Davion border worlds. tems, the corporation supplies the Dragon with raw materials for
energy, manufacturing, trade, and other purposes. NSM is also a
MIDWAY SHIPYARDS key supplier of material for the Outworlds Alliance thanks to an
Main Headquarters: Orbital (Midway) agreement forged with the Coordinator’s blessing back in 2971.
CEO: Lawrence Maas Despite recent troubles with the overbearing Ravens within the
Main Products (Midway; Midway Shipyards): Inazuma-class, Alliance, the agreement remains in place. NSM is also responsible
Kirishima-class, and Kyushu-class WarShips for much of the Dragon’s germanium mines, many of which are
Main Products (Schuyler; Dharma HyperSpace) Scout-class located through the heart of the Combine.
Profile: Considered the Combine’s experts in WarShip con- Main Headquarters: Onami (Kagoshima)
struction, Midway Shipyards began originally as a JumpShip CEO: Mitchell Kurita
manufacturer. Its first slips, still in orbit around the planet Midway, Main Products: Various fusion engines
produced Star Lord- and Invader-class vessels for the Dragon.
Midway-built JumpShips were known for their solid construction Profile: One of the primary fusion engine suppliers to the
and had fewer breakdowns and repair issues than other similar Combine’s military industry, Nissan General Industries draws its
class vessels. roots from ancient Terra. The company was lured to the Combine
Midway was given the DCA’s contracts for the Inazuma-, in 2612, receiving two hundred years of tax breaks and automatic
Kirishima-, and Kyushu-class WarShips based on their exemplary grants in exchange for more than seventy-five percent of its pro-
record. The contracts included a massive series of grants to in- duction. After Nissan relocated to Kagoshima, the company’s
crease the Midway yards, tripling the company’s size in less than profits exploded and were redirected back into research and devel-
four years. Midway’s increase in fortune has trickled down to the
planet proper, providing a level of comfort and satisfaction rarely
found among other corporations of the same size.
opment division and building other facilities within the Combine.
As a courtesy to its benefactor, Nissan sells its fusion products
at cost to other Combine military industries but at a significant
The shipyards produce an average of one to three JumpShips a
year as resources are reallocated to the WarShip program. GENERAL INDUSTRIES
markup to the Dragon’s traditional enemies. The recent warming
of relations with the Federated Suns has opened opportunities for
the Davions to purchase Nissan engines with trade discounts, in-
creasing the company’s production and bolstering its profit line.


STELLAR TREK ENTERPRISES says much about the influence “Uncle Chandy” has in regards to
Main Headquarters: Strabo (Chatham) economic advice with the Imperial Palace.
CEO: Trevaline Lemieux
Main Products (Chatham): Invader, Merchant, and Monolith VICTORY INDUSTRIES (FORMERLY
Main Products (Dieron): Kyushu-class and Tatsumaki-class Main Headquarters: New Pontiac (Marduk)

WarShips, Kyushu cargo shuttle CEO: Ulysses Edwards
Main Products (Dover; Hinsdale Elec): Condor and Nagumo- Main Products: Avatar, Black Hawk-KU, and Firestarter
class DropShips, various shuttles and small craft OmniMechs, Griffin and Wolverine BattleMechs

Profile: Another of the Combine’s venerable shipbuilding indus- Profile: Victory Industries, under its former moniker Norse
try, Stellar Trek formed during the days of the Alliance of Galedon. BattleMech Works, has been manufacturing BattleMechs for the
The company has remained at the forefront of K-F research and DCMS and other concerns for centuries. A minor manufacturer
JumpShip construction design, earning it the DCA’s Kyushu- and compared to the megalithic LAW, the company’s primary claims
Tatsumaki-class WarShip production contracts. Though the new to success have been a streamlined production process and a re-
yards at Dieron support only the WarShip program, the company fined technology staff. The Norse team was one of the few invited
has not diverted resources from its more important commercial by the DCMS to reverse-engineer captured Clan technology in the
JumpShip projects. The decision to expand without reconfiguring early 3050s, leading to a lucrative subcontract producing three of
its logistical chain has put Stellar Trek into a financial hole, further the Combine’s new OmniMechs. Along with its redesigned Griffin
exacerbated with the delays to the Tatsumaki program. and Wolverine models—both venerable and popular designs with
Because of the company’s struggle with the Dieron yards, DCMS MechWarriors—Victory has found a solid niche within the
there is a severe disparity in working conditions between its two Combine’s military industry.
shipyard locations. Workers at the Chatham site are rotated to
Dieron for a year to assist the Dieron staff, a duty assignment that WAKAZASHI ENTERPRISES
is not welcomed by most of the established employees. Headquarters: Peal (Dover)
CEO: Daimyo Evelyn Tours-Kunis
TANADI COMPUTERS Main Products (Chatham): Lucifer II, Oni, Sai, Shilone, and Tatsu
Headquarters: Masamori (Hachiman) aerospace fighters; Defender II, Inseki, Inseki II, and Suzume
President/CEO: Mirza Peter Abdulsattah conventional strike fighters
Main Products: Inner Sphere Standard battle armor, military Main Products (Dover): Sholagar and Slayer aerospace fighters
tracking and communications systems, home electronics, Main Products (Schuyler): Sai and Sholagar aerospace fighters
small appliances, personal and commercial communication Main Products (Togura; Togura WarShip Yards): Kirishima-
systems, security systems class Cruiser
Main Products (Benjamin; Amau Electronics): military circuit Main Products (Tiflis; Surb Gevorg Manufacturing
boards, consumer electronics, small appliances Incorporated): Wakusei no Mochiagerumono Air Transport
Main Products (New Samarkand; Yan Manufacturing): Yan
Profile: Tanadi produces computers and other electronics for Stutter, various VTOL aircraft
office, government, and home use. It also designs and installs com-
munications systems in homes, personal transportation devices, and Profile: Wakazashi Enterprises was one of the premier aero-
other commercial buildings. A separate division handles equipment space manufacturers in the Star League era. After the start of the
testing and installation for sensitive government operations, requir- First Succession War, Wakazashi planned to relocate its facilities
ing ISF security clearances and the loyalty of its employees. to the Periphery to avoid damage from the unfolding carnage.
Tanadi experienced a brief disruption in 3056 when Hachiman Coordinator Minoru Kurita wooed the corporation’s loyalty by of-
was subjected to a Word of Blake-sponsored raid. Later evidence fering them the sole contract to build the Shilone, a design still
showed collusion by two senior directors, who died in the assault. manufactured and used today by the DCMS.
With the company’s board in disarray and under investigation Today, Wakazashi is one of the Combine’s largest aerospace man-
by the ISF, the Coordinator approved the sale of the company to ufacturers, accounting for nearly seventy percent of the commercial
Chandrasekhar Kurita. and civilian aerospace market. Its design division is often “loaned” to
Currently, Tanadi is one of the top five electronics manufacturers other Combine military aerospace manufacturers and was integral in
in the Combine. More importantly—and significantly—Tanadi has the initial phases of the DCA’s restarted WarShip program.
increased its product sales and production outside the Combine In 3042, Wakazashi absorbed Mangon Aeronautics. The seam-
by 200 percent since Chandrasekhar’s takeover. (Tanadi products less transition also netted Wakazashi several valuable DropShip
are marked up an average of 150 percent in markets beyond the and JumpShip contracts from the DCA, which recognized the cor-
Combine’s borders, speaking well of the corporation’s dedication poration’s increased production capability and their reputation
to quality.) The fact that the elder Kurita is the Coordinator’s cousin for quality.



Headquarters: Ukonsoi (Isesaki)
SERVICE (CIVILIAN) CEO: Daimyo Ernest Machida
CORPORATIONS Main Products: Interstellar shipping, small craft, cargo
modules, Roku Royal land train, Tramp-class JumpShips
Headquarters: Kiley (Tuscarawas) Profile: Isesaki Shipping dates back over five centuries.
President/CEO: Daimyo Dorothy Liu Though the firm has undergone changes and restructuring
Main Products: Harvester Ant, Plowshare Transport Landtrain, over time, Isesaki holds a royal patent to trade anywhere in the
Orange Blossom PickerMech Inner Sphere. Turbulent relations between the Combine and its
neighbors have sometimes made these operations difficult, but
Profile: Begun as a simple agricultural implements manufac- Isesaki’s agents and extensive contacts with “independent” trad-
turer, Interstellar Harvester has experienced solid growth for over ers have always allowed the company to find a way to its goals.
three hundred years. Originally founded on Cusset, IH was on cor- Rumors among Imperial courtiers typically place Isesaki’s free-
porate life support after the Clan Invasion swallowed it up. What rein mandate in league with ISF operations beyond the Combine
remained of the staff—only twenty-eight employees managed to border. While no evidence has ever surfaced that the transport
escape the Wolf advance—wound up at IH’s development facility company is simply an extension of the security force, the ISF has
on Tuscarawas. Unable to fulfill their government contracts, the been known to place agents on more far-reaching routes.
company filed for “bankruptcy stasis” under the Committee of In addition to its primary business concern of interstellar
Resource Management’s emergency bailout fund and closed its shipping, Isesaki has branched into other related products and
doors for eight years. services. The company is the primary domestic shipping provider
In 3060, IH reopened business, having built several new manu- on the bulk of the Combine’s planets. Isesaki’s manufacturing arm
facturing and processing centers on Tuscarawas. What vaulted IH produces several types of all-purpose cargo modules, the popu-
into the black was their limited partnership with Kong Interstellar lar Roku Royal land train, and a handful of Tramp-class JumpShips
Corporation to produce the Harvester Ant. Sales of the newly ac- every few years. These vessels are built directly for the company;
quired design—built from Combine resources and priced for the retired JumpShips are often sold at auction to independent buy-
Kuritan economy—soared, helping IH recoup eighty percent of ers and some small shipping concerns.
its losses in fewer than five years. Currently, the company is wrapping up construction on its new
orbital manufacturing facilities over Luthien. The interlinked stations
are slated to produce Isesaki’s new Roku Royal II tracked land train.


IVORY TRADE OF THE mountains. The hostile weather allows aircraft to be tested under
ORDER OF THE FIVE PILLARS the most hostile of conditions for takeoff and landing.
Headquarters: Imperial City (Luthien)
President/CEO: Keeper of the House Honor Miyako Kurita LONG LIFE COMPANY
Main Products: Ivory acquisition and trade Headquarters: Bonanza (Altair)
President/CEO: Tozama Daimyo Traci Lewison
Profile: Not a corporation per se, this quasi-governmental Main Products: hospital equipment, herbal medicines, phar-
monopoly was formed when Sanyu Kurita was Keeper of the maceuticals
House Honor during the twenty-fifth century. The O5P was origi-
nally formed as the firm’s security force, eventually evolving to Profile: The Long Life Company has existed for more than two
take over the trade and finance the Keeper’s work. While O5P’s hundred years, founded on sales of herbal medicines and patent
interests now focus elsewhere, the Ivory Trade remains in place nostrums. It now is the leading supplier of sophisticated chemi-
partially for tradition and to monitor and regulate the trade of this cal medications and hospital equipment, though its biggest profit
valuable material within the Combine and along its borders. maker is the steady sale of its “home remedy” medicinal tonics.


Headquarters: Xer (Palos) Headquarters: Jassen (Nox)
CEO: Elizabeth Roshenco President/CEO: Daimyo Unno Kitabake
Main Products: Wine production Main Products: Mining equipment, industrial chemicals, syn-
thetic plastics, myomers
Profile: A blanket company encompassing three of the biggest
vineyards on Palos, Joyous Spring Wines enjoyed more than twenty Profile: The second-largest commercial company in the
years of booming business after the world fell to House Davion to- Combine, Metals of the Earth dates back to the Star League era,
ward the end of the Fourth Succession War. Fine Palos wines found when it was established on Nox as a medium-sized mining firm.
a place on the tables of the rich and powerful throughout the The company grew to one of the Combine’s largest commercial
Federated Commonwealth. That all changed when the Capellan industrial firms when selected by Sanethia Kurita to spearhead
Confederation seized control of the world again in 3057. Cut off the bulk of construction on Luthien in 2619. The company did
from its most profitable market, Elizabeth Roshenco’s company exceptional work under budget—rumored to be at the cost of
was in a crisis financially, and Capellan executives were pressuring thousands of Unproductive laborers—and enjoyed premier sta-
the CEO to sell the company for a tenth of what it was worth. They tus with the Combine government for four centuries. In the early
were sorely disappointed when Chandrasekhar Kurita’s agents ar- 3020s, however, a scandal involving then-President Shogun Rollo
rived to offer Roshenco a generous financial rescue package and Rourke nearly ruined Metals of the Earth.
access to Kurita’s extensive shipping interests. Because Metals of the Earth has operations on a number of plan-
Able to reach lucrative markets in Lyran Commonwealth and ets, its ’Mech security force was rather large. Shogun Rourke skimmed
Federated Suns territory, Joyous Springs Wines rebounded from profits and used the corporate security force to intimidate the pop-
financial ruin. The company is in negotiation with several other ulations of worlds where the company had mines. The ISF learned
Kuritan vineyards that have expressed an interest in joining the Rourke intended to use his power to foment a series of uprisings as
Joyous Springs fold. a cover for his absconding into the Periphery with a large amount of
wealth and stolen resources. Before he could enact his plan, Rourke
KINKAKUJI ENTERPRISES was apprehended and summarily executed. Takashi Kurita appoint-
Main Headquarters: Newton (Kirei na Niwa) ed Daimyo Unno Kitabake as the new president and CEO.
CEO: Daimyo Werner Jacobsen At a well-preserved ninety-nine years of age, the venerable
Main Products: Manazuru Air Transport, various other civil- Unno Kitabake shows no signs of stepping down. A brilliant man,
ian aircraft he has earned renown across the Inner Sphere for his innovations
in mining and processing. His son Richard, a spry seventy years of
Profile: Built from a merger of two other conventional air- age, is slated to step into his father’s place as CEO.
frame manufacturers in 2950, Kinkakuji stormed the civilian As the Combine’s largest manufacturer of myomers, Metals of
aerospace market, producing three variable interplanetary airlin- the Earth was entrusted by the DCMS with the task of reverse-engi-
ers that, though ugly, were reliable and cheap to maintain. Once neering the Federated Commonwealth’s triple-strength myomers.
established financially, the company then branched into conven- Metals of the Earth has always been closely tied to the ruling
tional luxury aircraft for the Combine nobility. dynasty, as one of the original founder members was a Kurita.
What makes Kinkakuji airframes so durable is the extensive There has always been at least one Kurita on the Board of the
testing they undergo during the development phase. The main Directors; currently, that member is Chandrasekhar Kurita. These
plant is located on a large plain battered by severe and unpre- ties and the company’s longstanding record of successes earns
dictable windstorms rolling in from the surrounding needle-like them the majority of industrial contracts within the Combine.



Main Headquarters: Yokahama (Apriki) Headquarters: Vrydolyak (Pesht)
CEO: Brett O’Shaughnessy CEO: Daimyo Thom O’Callaghan
Main Products (Dieron): various WorkMechs Main Products: Civilian transportation vehicles, railway
Main Products (New Samarkand): various WorkMechs systems, public transit, freight transportation, Prowler
Main Products (Philadelphia): Herdsman IndustrialMech, vari- multi-terrain vehicle
ous WorkMechs
Main Products (Togura): Herdsman IndustrialMech, various Profile: Pesht Motors produces sixty-five percent of the Combine’s
WorkMechs trains, tractors, buses, and automobiles. It also runs the mass transit
system on most of the Dragon’s worlds, even building and providing
Profile: Formed in 2570, Osaka Heavy Metrics built its reputa- streetcars to be drawn by beasts on planets that cannot afford any
tion upon the success of its initial heavy construction design, the other vehicles. At least one Pesht Motors auto manufacturing center
Kiso ConstructionMech. Debuting in 2638, the Kiso became OHM’s can be found on every planet in the Combine.
mainstay product until all three of its production facilities were CEO O’Callaghan stepped into his position after Fuyoshi Nose
destroyed in the Succession Wars. With the loss of its most popu- perished in a horrible intrasystem accident in 3063. Looking to en-
lar product and the complete destruction of its headquarters on large Pesht’s corporate portfolio, he initiated talks with the DCMS
Arlington, OHM foundered. to produce small reconnaissance vehicles.
Since that time, OHM has primarily focused on heavy construc- Pesht Motors began constructing a new factory on Unity two
tion tools and materials and producing cheap IndustrialMechs for years ago. A new city has already sprung up in the otherwise
various industries. The reemergence of Star League data from the unspoiled wilderness around the factory site. The once-placid
Helm Memory Core contained several technical specifications for waters of Lake Dunn and the Orville River have already begun to
the Kiso manufacturing line, which is now in pre-production. OHM show the effects of unregulated pollution.
plans to debut the revamped design during the company’s five-
hundredth anniversary. SPARKLING SPIRITS,
PEOPLE’S PROTECTION Headquarters: Kooya (Huan)
Headquarters: East Wexler (Hanover) President/CEO: Tozama Daimyo Vikram Lafyette
President/CEO: Tozama Daimyo Juno Ollsen Main Products: Purified water products, wines, bottled spirits
Main products: Security and bodyguard services, personal
security systems, Protector personal sidearm series Profile: For over two centuries, Sparkling Spirits survived main-
ly by the influence of its founder, Patel Tsuki, and his family. The
Profile: In the fearful atmosphere that permeates the higher Tsuki family wielded powerful influence within the royal court until
strata of Kuritan nobility, companies that produce systems and 3060. After the attempted assassination of Theodore in 3058, the
personal weapons are prolific. The most successful is People’s ISF discovered ties between the Tsuki family and the Black Dragons.
Protection, whose clientele are Kuritan leaders and nobility on The Coordinator deposed the family, stripping them of their titles
more than forty planets. Hiring out bodyguard services and and having them executed. The Combine then nationalized the
armed escorts for valuables, People’s hit the Combine’s spotlight company, which sparked profits to record-setting heights.
after foiling a highly public assassination attempt on Thessalonika
Planetary Chairman Earl Darrell Johannes in 3027. In the four de- SPREADING THE GLORIES,
cades since, hired protective services now constitutes fifty-three INCORPORATED
percent of the company’s profit line. All of the company’s hired Headquarters: Cho (Minakuchi)
staff are ex-DCMS service members who were honorably dis- President/CEO: Tozama Daimyo Timothy De Sorrentelli
charged or retired. Main Products: Arts and entertainment production and
People’s was built on its manufacturing of alarm systems, distribution
secure storage safes and rooms, surveillance equipment (and
detectors), and a host of other security products. The company Profile: Spreading The Glories is an arts and entertainment
also produces small personal weapons, mostly bladed weapons, production and distribution firm. It mostly churns out war movies
slug-throwing guns, and laser pistols. All of its products are sold and morally instructive romances for consumption by the mass-
strictly to the civilian market. The research and development de- es. Taking its cue from holos and films imported from outside
partment, run by several retired DCMS officers, freely shares ideas the Combine border, STG produced such hits as The Attack of the
and research with the military. Polymer-Coated Man, Gojira 3050, and Far Country. The company’s
musicals combine pageants and sentimental paeans to loyalty,
honor, family love, and collectivism.



Headquarters: Memphis (Styx) Headquarters: Sosolito (Ludwig)
CEO: Tozama Daimyo Charles Monahan CEO: Ignatius Brown
Main Products: Mining equipment and refineries Main Products: Planetary freight and passenger shipping

Profile: Styx Mining exists solely to serve as a foil to Metals Profile: Established during the Second Succession War,
of the Earth and New Samarkand Metals. Whenever both com- Turanian Transport Company is the largest freight service on the
petitors have drawn a disproportionate number of government Federated Suns world of Towne. Using cargo airships to traverse
contracts, some are redistributed to Styx. The firm also picks up the rugged terrain of the Eigophian and Gunderland mountains,
slack when both competitors are overextended and have no fur- the company transports copper ore and timber to Port Howard
ther equipment available. The working environment in the Styx for processing and offworld export. The beautiful and durable
boardrooms is heavy with fatalism as the corporation struggles hardwood from the Eigophian mountain bloodwood is prized
with its purpose in the Combine. throughout the Draconis March.
Conversely, the working class enjoys a less stressful environ- Chandrasekhar Kurita bought this company in 3057, using his
ment because of the lack of constant contracts. Since the Combine acquisition as an excuse to deploy mercenaries on Towne to foil
heavily subsidizes Styx, workers often find long stretches of time a plot by the Black Dragon Society. The Society had recruited Tai-
when no work is being done. Many are encouraged to join the sho Jeffery Kusunoki, and together they had formulated a plot to
planetary militia and, because of the time available to them, they grab Towne, in order to rekindle war between Kurita and Davion
end up among the militias’ mid-level officer corps. at a time when the Combine could ill afford to be distracted from
the Clan threat.
SURINAMI PROCESSING TTC broke ground on a new factory complex and divisional head-
Headquarters: Surinami (Ko) quarters in 3064. Located on Ludwig, TTC’s new development is
President/CEO: Daimyo Hughbert Turnbull rumored to be the result of an agreement between the Coordinator
Main Products: Consumer packaged goods, commercial and Chandrasekhar, where all of the younger Kurita’s holdings must
catering be headquartered within the Combine. The factory and surround-
ing employee city registers huge losses on Chandrasekhar’s yearly
Profile: Surinami Processing produces processed foods reports, yet no expense is spared in construction.
ranging from freeze-compressed survival rations to the Tinned
Splendors specialty gourmet line. The bulk of their business is the YOSHIMATSU CHEMICALS
Happy Home Helper line of canned, boxed, and compacted foods, Headquarters: Siang (Biham)
especially prepared to feed many people from the small cooking President/CEO: Daimyo Ned Yoshimatsu-Rodgers
space of an average Kurita home. Main Products: Paint, cleaning and industrial chemicals, pe-
Surinami’s highest profit brand, Stomach’s Joy, is sold on only troleum-based fuels
ten Combine worlds a year. The company uses a complex popula-
tion algorithm and reconfigures its “sales list” for the brand every Profile: The largest chemical concern in Kurita space,
October; the announcement of the next year’s planetary list is a Yoshimatsu Chemicals is famous across the Inner Sphere for its
highly anticipated event. Once a system is on “the list,” it receives rigorous safety procedures. A YC division is located in each Great
massive imports of Stomach’s Joy for the next sales year. If the House and Periphery nation that sells their product; these ad-
system falls off the list, imports cease. ministrators keep track of each Yoshimatsu product and licensed
While such actions would normally make Stomach’s Joy one of manufacturer. Every other year safety teams are sent out to various
the most expensive perishable goods in the Combine, the com- plants to conduct extensive quality control tests, and at least one
pany discourages overpricing. Surinami sells the product on a ISF agent commonly accompanies them for “protection purposes.”
variable pricing structure according to a citizen’s status. This prac- President Yoshimatsu-Rodgers flirted with scandal in 3057
tice ensures that the dish remains wholly accessible for all citizens when he married Beth Rodgers, a common middle-class school
to enjoy. Consumers report that eating a lot of Stomach’s Joy pro- teacher. The only heir to the Yoshimatsu dynasty on Biham, he was
duces a feeling of well-being, an almost floating sensation, that nearly stripped of his title for the dishonor, until the ISF revealed
brings people back again and again. the Rodgers family’s distant connection to the Sorenson line.
Happy Life Meals, Surinami’s catering brand, provides food for Yoshimatsu’s bride-to-be had voluntarily taken the class demotion
institutions, corporate cafeterias, schools, hospitals, and Feeding in order to teach, a vocation for which she is exceptionally gifted.
Stations. The quality of food is average, but the product is hard to No one is certain what favors Yoshimatsu called in, but the nobility’s
beat in the cost department. dissent to his marriage quickly dissipated. Ned took the Rodgers
surname as his own to honor the distant Sorenson bloodline.



Even with the improvements, Kurita consumer goods are
not high enough caliber to market around the galaxy, but gov-
Combine merchants are not the problem: they operate on a code similar to
ernment-connected merchants have no qualms about trading
our own and thus are not difficult to deal with. What makes dealing with the
in materials and goods sorely needed, even by the military, if
Dragon so problematic is the sheer amount of bureaucratic “red tape” that needs
they need ready cash. Some merchants have received special
accounted for. To their credit, these economic samurai factor that into all their
dispensation from the Coordinator to broker deals with Clan
dealings with us.
Diamond Shark, though such deals are more military in nature
We need to learn to do the same, or we as a Clan will perpetually be left hold-
with little civilian impact. The unique position of Clan Nova Cat,
ing the short end of the stick.
however, has opened opportunities for merchants and corpo-
—Dorian Novacat, in a personal communiqué to the Clan’s Merchant
rate executives to acquire, study, and propagate Clan-inspired
Council, 3064
technology and products, further increasing Kuritan quality in
the interstellar market.
Part of the Combine’s problem in trade matters has been a
INTRA-COMBINE TRADE perennial lack of long-term planning for short-term gains. For
In the Draconis Combine, production and distribution of ma- example, if the Capellan Confederation has large quantities of
terials and goods is still highly specialized on specific worlds. Too plastisteel available, Combine traders will sell surplus ’Mech
few worlds are totally self-sufficient, meaning more effort goes armor to the Free Worlds League in order to acquire the cash nec-
into transporting materials around the Combine. There have been essary to buy the Liao overage. There is no consideration for the
some improvements, mostly from the realm’s larger shipping long-term need for the ’Mech armor. Part of this short-sighted op-
firms. The majority of industries reliant on one raw material are eration is that a percentage of such a sale would go to the broker.
typically located on the planet with the resource in abundance. Earlier this century, the Combine had for a time granted
Production still remains slow in most places, however. “Most Favored Nation” trading status with the Confederation
The Clan Invasion disrupted trade routes for nearly five years and the League. The agreement failed to boost the economies
as various shipping concerns re-plotted ancient routes. Several of any of these nations, however, as there was little to offer their
facilities faced temporary shutdowns due to shortages; at least trade partners.
two corporations found a critical shortage in JumpShips and Despite the Second Star League Accords and broad neutrality
DropShips to accommodate the changes. The liberation of the on the trade markets, the Combine officially does not trade with
worlds within the Smoke Jaguar/Nova Cat Occupation Zone the Lyran Alliance or the Federated Suns. Unofficially, however,
relieved much of the pressure as trading firms worked to re-es- civilian firms with no government involvement conduct trade
tablish their old routes. with these ancient antagonists. Traders from worlds who want
Any Draconian citizen who can afford to buy consumer goods to maintain their lucrative accounts with the Combine soon learn
usually prefers foreign imports over the fairly shoddy Combine the elaborate etiquette surrounding business in the Kurita em-
versions. Working-class people are encouraged to keep posses- pire. One of the prime directives of such etiquette is to hide one’s
sions to a minimum, not only because of high prices and small close ties to one’s government and to withhold any knowledge of
living spaces but also through a cultural ethic that discourages the other parties.
accumulating luxury items. (Such items would be defined as any-
thing not necessary to maintaining life in one’s proper station.)
Workers who attempt to acquire excess goods are considered COMBINE BUSINESS TIPS
either unseemly imitating nobles or perhaps partaking of trea- Kurita businessmen and women will never begin to discuss business right
sonous activities against the Combine. Nobles, on the other hand, away. Instead, they will converse about the seasons, the stars, the wonders of
are encouraged to accumulate and display fine objects as a reflec- botany, all the while waiting for the other party to break down and mention busi-
tion of their status and the glory of the Combine. ness first. To do so is a sign of weakness and impatience to a Draconian; they will
Middle-class citizens and military families are in a perpetual avoid doing this as a matter of honor. If business is broached first by a Draconian,
craze to acquire semi-practical objects such as electronic gadgets they’re possibly a spy with a fake cover, in trouble with the ISF, or the issue is of an
and products for personal adornment. This began as a taste for emergency on the scale of impending death and destruction.
imported toys and luxuries in the mid-thirtieth century. The fad Draconian businessmen do not conduct business over the comm or by HPG.
got out of hand in the mid-3040s, and official government policy They wish to always look their business associates in the eye.
began to promote “buying Kuritan.” This pro-Combine move- —Business In the Sphere: Hints for the Lyran Trader (Revised); Commonwealth
ment found moderate success as corporations took advantage of Press, 3038
state-sponsored tax breaks to improve their products.


The Draconis Combine imports both useful and frivolous STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES
items from Ghost Bear and Davion space. Food is the most com- The greatest strength of the Combine is its people. The
mon import along the border worlds, primarily to satisfy the Dragon’s citizens are devoted to their society and their
cravings of pampered nobles. Among the other useful items Coordinator in a deep, unquestioning way that any other head of
brought in are building materials such as plastisteel and mold- state would envy. All Combine citizens have a sense of their place
able concrete, along with high-tech industrial items. The amount in the grand scheme of life. Rather than spending time trying to
of plastisteel imported indicates how severely limited produc- get ahead by raising their social status, Kurita workers strive to
tion facilities for the material are in the Combine—especially show honor by finding the best way to do any job they are given.
with the loss of several worlds to Clan Ghost Bear. Kuritan en- The loyalty and production levels of Draconis workers, like those
gineers hoping to keep pace with technological developments of Combine soldiers, are amazing to citizens of other realms. The
elsewhere probably study the high-tech items. Most industrial general population also accepts a standard of living that is ade-
items are used as intended, as Kurita productions typically fails quate, though rarely more than that.
to keep up with demand. The ultimate economic weakness of the Combine is its policy
Frivolous imported items include goods such as toys, small of wholehearted commitment to the military. This single-minded
appliances, and electronic entertainment systems, though sev- policy hamstrings new production, innovation, and development
eral Draconian firms have produced equivalent products in within the civilian and private sectors. The nobility can sometimes
recent years. Antique weapons, collected by high society nobil- cause problems as well, with their cautiousness holding up prog-
ity in every Great House and beyond, are an especially popular ress and their underhanded backstabbing and court intrigues
import in the Draconis Combine. Weapons that range back to pre- distracting them from necessary work. The middle class, military,
spaceflight Terra are eagerly sought and fuel a lucrative, if highly and nobles—all of whom are exposed to influences from outside
specialized, black market. the Combine—may also be susceptible to a dangerous form of
In contrast, Clan Ghost Bear and House Davion do not import materialism. Luxury trade sometimes threatens to distract mer-
much from the Combine. Most Kuritan goods are of average to chants from their clever negotiations for raw goods because they
subpar quality, attracting little interest to buyers. (Something can can so easily move luxury items within the Combine.
also be said for these realms’ reluctance in putting more money In the mid- to late-3020s, an upturn in the Combine’s infla-
into the Combine coffers.) Most popular Combine exports tend to tion rate lopsided several trade agreements to the detriment of
be Kuritan liquors and wines, black market military technology, the Dragon. A sweeping purge of the Ministry of Treasury, newly
and select personal weapons. placed austerity measures, and a courtly disdain for outward trap-
The Combine and Periphery states trade freely, as the pings of wealth reversed the trend until the Clan Invasion.
Outworlds Alliance and the Taurian Concordat are a perfect mar- The loss of several key worlds in the Clans’ assault destabilized
ket to sell untested, unacceptable, or outdated products. House the Combine’s economy for nearly a decade. With so many worlds
Kurita often supplies Periphery worlds with goods that no one interdependent on each other, many noble leaders were left
else will sell. The number one item is weapons, even if outdated. scrambling to find new sources of replenishment—all while un-
Kurita merchants also sell chemicals, computers, and cheap, small der the possibility of another assault. The formation of the Second
appliances within these outlying systems. Star League settled the economy down to a more manageable
level. This opened up numerous trade options that Kuritan mer-
chants eagerly exploited, bringing unprecedented amounts of
goods and services back into the Combine. The surplus was well
timed, as the rebuilding of the former Smoke Jaguar-occupied
worlds has taken quite a bit of capital.



his section provides new rules to supplement those found KAOSU/CHI NO HEBI
in A Time of War: The BattleTech RPG (AToW). These rules (Arthopleuris Draconius/
offer players and gamemasters additional features that can Arthopleuris Haemadipsa Draconius)
be used to enhance campaigns based in the Draconis Combine. A bane of spacers and mechanics,
the kaosu no hebi doesn’t look like it can
CREATURES cause the damage it does. Biologists do
not know where the kaosu originated;
This section provides several new creatures found on worlds
it is a common pest that can be found
in the Draconis Combine. All of them follow the rules for crea-
anywhere within—and beyond—the
tures presented in AToW pp. 238–245, and in the AToW Companion
Combine’s borders. This small worm resem-
(AToWC), pp 106–135.
bles a pale, stringy earthworm, though it has a
tougher skin and uses thousands of microscop-
ic legs surrounding its body to move.
The kaosu’s favorite meal is insulation, especially that found
in high tech equipment such as BattleMechs and spacecraft. The
worm zeroes in on active power lines to feed. A single kaosu can
strip a meter of wire in roughly two hours. Its feet act as miniature
razors, slicing and cutting as it moves. A mouth at the worm’s pos-
terior devours the debris as it clears from underneath the body.
DRAGON DOVE The kaosu’s excretory orifice is located at its anterior and produc-
(Pseudobuteo Doveris) es a paste-like, lubricating waste that flows the length of its body,
The primary predator on Dover, keeping the worm insulated, breaking down the insulate material,
dragon doves populate the coastal re- and protecting the worm from electric current.
gions hunting the local fish and reptiles The kaosu reproduces asexually and prolifically, limited only by
that inhabit the planet’s small seas. Their appearance resembles the amount of food it digests. Infestations can quickly spiral out
that of the ancient Terran hawk, though two long, curly head- of control if not contained early. Several industrial pesticides and
feathers give the dragon dove an elegant appearance. With electricity traps are available on the market and found at nearly
wingspans averaging four meters or more, these birds can soar every spaceport and station in the Combine.
upwards of three kilometers into the sky. Their migratory patterns A mutated version of the kaosu has been reported, though
have them ranging across the surface of the planet, though they rarely. Found mainly on derelict vessels and in abandoned ruins,
return to their nesting grounds along the equatorial belt. these chi no hebi enter through any available opening on an or-
Dragon doves have long been a research topic for students at ganism. The chi are drawn towards bone marrow. While feeding,
the Dover Institute for Higher Learning. Their complex communi- the worm secretes a poisonous enzyme that burns nerve endings.
ties, migration, and feeding patterns, and sleek, predatory look The victim feels as if they are burning from the inside out; death
are the subject of thousands of papers, artworks, and treatises on comes within seventy-two hours. Rumors that the ISF uses chi no
aerodynamics. The Tatsu aerospace fighter owes part of its look hebi as part of a torture regimen are unfounded.
and maneuverability to the dragon dove.
Home world: Unknown
Home world: Dover Preferred environment: Swamps, urban, space habitats
Environment: Plains and coastal regions Type: Introduced (kaosu no hebi); Introduced/mutated (chi no hebi)
Type: Introduced Body Shape: Flat and legless
Body Shape: Avian Coloring: Pale white or gray
Coloring: Grayish blue Length: 20–70 cm
Length: 60–80 cm Diameter: 1 cm
Wingspan: 215–240 cm Weight: 30 g
Weight: 12–15 kg
2 3 3 5 2 2 1 Traits: Blood Sucker, Coldblooded, Offensive Adaptation (Fangs)
Traits: Flight (+1), Good Vision (+1), Poor Hearing, Skittish Skills: AniMelee +3, Perception +1
Skills: Perception +2 Size: Extremely Small (–3)
Size: Small (–1) Armor: None [0/0/0/0]
Armor: None [0/0/0/0] Attack: [Internal; 1M/1]
Attack: [Claws: 1M/1] Movement: 5/15/30
Movement: 0.2/90/—


(Camelus Dromedaius Chapelleus) (Pachirisu Marmotis Hachimanus)
The origin of the oushi-uma—known outside the Combine Pachirisu are common, diurnal squirrel-like animals native to
as an ox horse—is lost through the centuries. Combine biologi- Hachiman. They are easily recognizable for their large fluffy tails
cal scientists believe the oushi-uma has its genetic roots in the that curl around them at night. The original colonists called them
dromedaries of Terra’s deserts. Those inhabiting the wastes of “night puffs” for their pillow-like appearance in trees and tall
Aix-la-Chapelle’s arid landmass of Aachen certainly resemble the shrubs. Combine biologists renamed them after discovering their
ancient species: sinewy necks, long legs, coarse fur. Similar beasts more unusual trait. Theses “lightning squirrels” have a bioelectric
can be found on many of the arid worlds of the Combine. Though gland that dispenses a nasty shock to predators who grab the
their appearance varies slightly be- pachirisu’s tail. A single shock is enough to stagger a human; two
tween worlds, usually due to can send a human into unconsciousness or even stop the heart.
high or low gravity, these In the wild, pachirisu travel in small packs of five to seven, usu-
oushi-uma are universally ally a mix of adults and juveniles. They are not territorial but rove
docile, travel in herds, and large areas in search of food, shelter, and attention. They are eas-
can survive for weeks without ily domesticated and are a popular pet on Hachiman and several
food or water. other populous Combine worlds, though laws dictate such house
Oushi-uma are common pets have their shock glands removed. Because of their high ener-
beasts of burden as well as a gy and short attention span, however, pachirisu are mischievous
source of textiles. The mammal and destructive. They are known to eat communication wires, in-
is commonly found amongst sulation, and other small electronic equipment.
low-tech communities scattered A popular yakuza initiation rite called sorera wo subete shutokushi-
across the Combine. They adapt masu (get them all) involves chasing a pack of pachirisu in an enclosed
easily to a variety of environ- and low-light area. Initiates must catch as many pachirisu as possible
ments but tend to thrive in in five minutes; their success is determined by how entertaining they
wide-open savannahs, tundra, are to the observers. The rite found its way into lower-class neighbor-
and scrub lands. hoods as a form of urban sport. It
is not unusual for area medi-
Home world: Aix-la-Chapelle cal care centers to treat
Preferred environment: Plains, savannah a number of younger
Type: Introduced (mutated) adults over the course
Body Shape: Tall four-legged mammal of a holiday for “puffball
Coloring: Muted colors, typically ash to auburn shock” injuries.
Length: 4–5 meters
Height: 1.5–2 meters Home world: Hachiman
Weight: 400–700 kg Preferred environ-
ment: Forest, Urban
Type: Native
24 30 1 4 4 2 1
Body Shape: Four-legged
Traits: Camouflage (+1), Domesticated Coloring: Dusky yellow, black or brown spots
Skills: AniMelee +1, Perception +2, Running +7 Length: 60 cm
Size: Large (+1) Height: 20 cm
Armor: None [0/0/0/0] Weight: 7 kg
Attack: [Bite/hooves: 1M/2]
Movement: 28/45/90
4 3 7 6 5 6 4
Traits: *Exceptional Attack (Shock: 0E/4D on successful attack
once per turn, instead of biting), Tool User
Skills: AniMelee +4, Perception +4, Swimming +3, Tracking +3
Size: Small (–1)
Armor: None [0/0/0/0]
Attack: [Bite; 1M/1*]
Movement: 10/20/40

(Ponginais Tawagoto Peshti) (Aldrovandic Pseudoflorae Mardukis)
The scourge of Pesht’s early settlers, the tawagoto saru makes First discovered in the jungles of Marduk, the snapping dragon
its nests among dark crags and caves while hunting in the lower is a carnivorous plant. Nestled within foliage alongside an animal
valleys and forests. As Pesht grew in prestige and industry, their trail or watering hole, the snapping dragon drapes its thin tendrils
hunting grounds were slowly eliminated, and the tawagoto saru across a path or over nearby bushes or trees. When prey brushes
faced extinction. In the late twenty-seventh century, the Pesht DEST by, the vines contract near the plant’s stalk and whip around the
command built a preserve for the animals and imported a colony to animal’s nearest body part. Small thorns grip the animal’s skin as
New Samarkand. Isolated, these tawagoto saru are rumored to be the plant secretes a mild contact sedative, slowing the prey down.
genetically altered and violent towards unrecognized humans. The vines drag ensnared animals towards the leaf-like throat near
Due to the ISF’s protection, the tawagoto saru bounced back and the ground. When prey is on the fibrous leaves, the stalk con-
overran their protective preserve. The animal adapted to the urban tracts. This constriction snaps the throat stem upwards, levering
environment spread across Pesht. Today it is an urban pest, infesting its prey fully into the trap. The broad leaves then clamp down like
garbage middens, decaying buildings, tunnels, and sewers, as well jaws, trapping the animal, and is slowly digested.
as inhabiting the high peaks and valleys of several mountain ranges. The snapping dragon is easily recognized by the bright pink
Tawagoto saru packs consist of fifteen to twenty adults. Juveniles streaks that color the outside of its throat stem. Its bluish-gray
are only present when the pack is migrating to a new hunting tendrils are harder to see, as they blend well with the surrounding
ground. Hunting packs, led by one or two alpha females, use basic foliage. Though originally native to Marduk, Star League biologists
tactics and adapt their skills as situations warrant. A standard hunt- exported several hundred of the plants to other jungle worlds as
ing tactic sees half the pack chase its prey as the rest surge ahead. a form of pest control. Snapping dragons can devour upwards of
These flankers help steer their target into a space where they can sur- six to ten medium-sized mammals and reptiles a month. The plant
round their prey, kill it, and feed. In pack defense, the tawagoto saru flowers twice a year and is fast-growing. On Tabayama, snapping
scoop up fecal matter and other nearby substances, tossing them at dragons were planted in order to control the rampant whitetail
their antagonists in a delaying action while the pack scatters. deer population; within two years, the plants propagated to the
These ape-like mammals have exceptional sense of smell, and point that the deer was threatened with extinction.
captive subjects have been recorded hunting successfully even
while blind. Their four-fingered claws are surprisingly articulate,
giving them limited ability to wield primitive tools such as stones
and heavy sticks and manipulate mechanical door mechanisms.
Stories of parents returning home from work to find a pack of
tawagoto saru devouring a child are mostly legend.

Home world: Pesht

Preferred environment: Forest, jungle, swamps, ruins
Type: Native
Body Shape: Four-legged with sinewy tail Home world: Marduk
Coloring: Mottled red (adult); green (juvenile) Preferred environment: Jungle
Height: 900 cm Type: Native
Width: 2.5 meters Body Shape: Flowering plant
Weight: 65 kg Coloring: Mottled green and pink stem; blue-gray leaves
Length: 2 meters
Diameter: 250 cm
6 7 5 5 5 6 2
Weight: 100 kg
Traits: Aggressive, Armor (+2), Good Smell,
Offensive Adaptation (Claws, Fangs), STR BOD DEX RFL INT WIL EDG
Pack Hunter (6-20), Tool User 3 10 1 1 1 0 0
Skills: AniMelee +6, Perception Traits: Armor (+2), Blood Sucker, Exceptional Attack (Constrict:
+5, Running +4, Stealth +2, see p. 114, AToWC)
Swimming +1, Tracking +3 Skills: None
Size: Medium (+0) Size: Medium (+0)
Armor: Scaled [2/1/1/2] Armor: Fibrous [2/1/2/2]
Attack: [Bite, claws; 2M/2] Attack: [Constriction; 0M/0]
Movement: 11/25/50 Movement: —



(Viperidis Saliens Tarazedi) (Minivaranusis Toguras)
The Tarazed viper is considered to be the most dangerous rep- Best known for their exotic look and extreme loyalty, Toguran
tile in Combine space. A common inhabitant of the mountains dragons lounge in noble houses across the Combine. Averaging
and caves of its namesake, the viper’s venom can kill a human in half the length of an adult human’s forearm, this nimble reptile is
less than five seconds. What makes this deadly reptile more vi- found covering the coastal flats and shorelines along Togura’s plan-
cious, however, is its uncanny ability to leap forward more than et-girdling equatorial ocean. The dragon looks similar to miniature
seven meters in a strike attack. komodo dragons found on Terra, with one obvious exception. It
Yellow and black triangular markings make the viper easy possesses a flattened face and short snout similar to that of a feline
to spot when it is sunning on a rock or lying along the banks of predator. Short, wiry hairs cover the nape of the animal’s neck.
various hot springs. Similar in size and look to the Tarazed rock Excellent swimmers, Toguran dragons spend their first year of life
python, it is distinguishable due to a low, hard ridge of spines in the deeper alkaline sea. Dragon pairs mate for life and are loyal
that run from the viper’s snout to roughly a third of its length. The to their mates. When domesticated, they confer that loyalty to their
spines are used in a similar fashion to a snake’s tongue, scenting owner. Their uncanny tracking ability makes them impossible to
the air around it. When extending the ridge forward and fanning abandon; stories occasionally cross the Combine HPG nets of drag-
its “mohawk,” the membranes can smell a scrub jackal a kilometer ons travelling thousands of kilometers to reunite with lost owners.
away. The viper flattens the ridge a second or two before it strikes. Because the dragons have need of heavy alkaline water and a
Fortunately for the residents of Tarazed, the viper is rarely specific diet to survive, they are exorbitantly expensive to keep as
found outside its mountain environs. The few mines still in opera- pets. Outside of Togura, dragons are a rarity in lower-class families.
tion conduct daily sweeps for the viper, as it tends to find its way
to warm spots near the facility refineries.

Home world: Tarazed

Preferred environment: Mountains, rocky highlands
Type: Native Home world: Togura
Body Shape: Serpentine Preferred environment: Coastal waters
Coloring: Black with yellow triangles Type: Native
Length: 3 meters Body Shape: Four legged
Diameter: 30 cm Coloring: Black
Weight: 10 kg Length: 20 cm
8 8 1 6 3 5 1 Weight: .05 kg

Traits: Aggressive, Armor (+1), Camouflage (+1), Offensive STR BOD DEX RFL INT WIL EDG
Adaptation (Fangs), Poisonous (Injected; AP/Strength: 1S/4; 2 2 3 7 4 4 2
Duration: 2 Minutes; Notes: Continuous, Lethal) Traits: Cold-blooded, Good Hearing (+1)
Skills: AniMelee +6, Perception +3, Tracking +4 Skills: AniMelee +2, Perception +3, Swimming +2
Size: Medium (+0) Size: Very Small (–2)
Armor: Scaled hide [1/1/1/1] Armor: None [0/0/0/0]
Attack: [Bite; 2M/2] Attack: [Claws; 1M/1]
Movement: 6/16/32 Movement: 9/19/38


Mass Attributes Size BAR Damage Move
Creature (kg) (S/B/D/R/I/W/E) (Mod) (M/B/E/X) (AP/BD) (W/R/S)
Dragon Dove 12 2/3/3/5/2/2/1 Small (–1) 0/0/0/0 1M/1 0.2/90
Traits: Flight (+1), Good Vision (+1), Poor Hearing, Skittish
Skills: Perception +2
Kaosu/Chi no Hebi .03 2/1/1/5/1/4/1 Extremely Small (–3) 0/0/0/0 1M/1 5/15/30
Traits: Blood Sucker, Coldblooded, Offensive Adaptation (Fangs)
Skills: AniMelee +3, Perception +1
Oushi-uma 400 24/30/1/4/4/2/1 Large (+1) 0/0/0/0 1M/2 28/45/90
Traits: Camouflage (+1), Domesticated
Skills: Animelee +1, Perception +2, Running +7
Pachirisu 15 4/3/7/6/5/6/4 Small (–1) 0/0/0/0 1M/1* 10/20/40
Traits: *Exceptional Attack (Shock: 0E/5D on successful attack, instead of biting), Tool User
Skills: AniMelee +4, Perception +4, Swimming +3, Tracking +3
Pesht Tawagoto Saru 65 6/7/5/5/5/6/2 Medium (+0) 2/1/1/2 2M/2 11/25/50
Traits: Aggressive, Armor (+2), Good Smell, Offensive Adaptation (Claws, Fangs), Pack Hunter (6–20), Tool User
Skills: AniMelee +6, Perception +5, Running +4, Stealth +2, Swimming +1, Tracking +3
Snapping Dragon 100 3/10/1/1/1/0/0 Medium (+0) 2/1/2/2 0M/0 —
Traits: Armor (+2), Blood Sucker. Exceptional Attack (Constrict: see p. 114, AToWC)
Skills: None
Tarazed Viper 10 8/8/1/6/3/5/1 Medium (+0) 1/1/1/1 2M/2 6/16/32
Traits: Aggressive, Armor (+1), Camouflage (+1), Offensive Adaptation (Fangs), Poisonous (Injected; AP/Strength: 1S/4; Duration: 2 Minutes; Notes: Continuous, Lethal)
Skills: AniMelee +6, Perception +3, Tracking +4
Togura Dragon 11 2/2/3/7/4/4/2 Very Small (–2) 0/0/0/0 1M/1 9/19/38
Traits: Cold-blooded, Good Hearing (+1)
Skills: AniMelee +2, Perception +3, Swimming +2


PERSONAL EQUIPMENT programs or randomized protocols. NEPs operate as a standard

The equipment described below follows the standard rules for noteputer when disconnected from the planetary grid.
A Time of War. Black market NEPs are available at exorbitant prices. Tanadi
recently began installing tracking codes (and in higher-level user
devices, tracking bugs) to help authorities crack down on illegal
sales. When detected, individuals possessing or using a stolen
NEP are subject to immediate apprehension.
Game notes: Using a connected and authorized device gives a
+1 bonus to all Investigation and Interrogation rolls.

This night-vision scope produced by Galileo Instruments origi-
nally began as a side project for the professional shooting circuit.
The resulting prototype impressed Daimyo Charles O’Brennan,
a retired sniper from the Fortieth Dieron Regulars. The daimyo
brought it to the attention of the DCMS—which had originally
passed on the project—and it was quickly put into production for
the military. Two hundred years later, it remains the top scope for
DCMS snipers and sharpshooters. Though heavier than its coun-
terparts in other militaries, the optics are superb and the scope
works equally well both at night and day. The night-vision capa-
bility gives the operator visual clarity out to 800 meters. Use of the
scope is limited to authorized DCMS personnel. Stringent orders
for troops to destroy their optics have kept all but a handful find-
ing their way outside the Combine.
Game notes: Characters using a ScanScope to conduct attacks
receive a –3 modifier to M/L/E ranges and negate Darkness modi-
fiers out to 800 meters.
TANADI NETWORK Though currently in vogue as the Combine ramps up its
ENFORCEMENT PAD (NEP) WarShip programs, space construction and repair efforts have
The ubiquitous NEP is an been an integral part of the Admiralty’s duty for centuries. A tried-
indispensable tool for civilian and-true tool for workers assigned to construction or repair duties
law enforcement and higher- is the standard space dock repair suit. There are a few manufac-
level government and military turers of the standard suit, though the most popular is the one
bureaucrats. Designed and produced by Stellar Trek Enterprises.
produced solely by Tanadi for The suit is blocky but comfortable. Reinforced bracing is locat-
over fifty years, the NEP gives ed at every articulation point, and a hard plastic frame connects
officials instant connectivity each joint. Three layers of insulation weave line the inside of the
with planetary networks in suit, with the outside skin made of a polyblend of synthetics, plas-
order to carry out assigned tic, and lead. Due to its mass, the suit is near-impossible to move
duties. Many a citizen has unassisted in standard gravity. While it looks like a standard exo-
been stopped by a Friendly skeleton suit, that is the only resemblance to such technology.
Persuader for questioning Sensors woven through the suit’s frame are tied to the helmet’s
while their background or alibis are checked against real-time heads-up display. The hands of the suit allow fine motor control, as
schedules, transit information, database information, and the outer layer is a stiff glove that can be slipped off (the glove is
more. The NEP gives functionaries the capability of making clipped to the cuff). The user can then manipulate smaller objects
faster, more informed decisions in their various duties. and tools using the inner sheath glove, which is seamlessly joined
Each NEP is assigned to a user using a unique security code. to the suit’s sleeve. It is recommended that mechanics only expose
Those in use by high-level dignitaries, nobles, and officers often the inner glove to space conditions for no more than twenty min-
have additional security measures installed, such as biometric utes at a time, as the insulation leaks body heat.


A small thruster pack is attached to a life support system on and minor nobles desiring a modern equivalent, the compound
the back of the suit. Wearers working under normal conditions version is available. The unique lever system provides the same
can operate up to twenty-four hours in the suit. The thruster pack amount of power for a fraction of the energy; using a modern
contains enough reaction mass for standard operations; excessive compound yumi, an experienced archer can hit a course target
use or bursts longer than ten seconds can quickly drain the pack. close to 250 meters away. The compound yumi can be disassem-
Game notes: Switching from outer to inner gloves (and vice bled for travel and storage.
versa) is a Complex Action. Game rules: Loading a compound yumi requires a Simple
Action. Because of the bow’s stability and power, the Attack Roll
COMPOUND YUMI receives a +1 bonus.
The yumi is an exceptionally tall bow, much like the
ancient longbow, with one critical difference. The
yumi is asymmetrical in shape, with the top half
much longer than the bottom. Traditional yumi
are made through laminating bamboo, wood,
and leather, using techniques virtually
unchanged from the time of
ancient Japan on Terra.
Compound yumi came in NISSAN 8G-12
vogue after Minoru Kurita came SHOOTER’S SPECIAL
to power. A consummate archer, Combine laws restrict projectile and laser weapon possession
Minoru was passionate about the to licensed professionals and the nobility. While ostensibly pro-
sport. He shot more than fifty tecting the lower classes from themselves, these laws have also
arrows every morning, using a restricted professional sport shooting to an elite pastime. Though
hand-built archery range that participants are restricted to the well-off and various nobles,
mimicked those from the Kuritans from all walks of life enjoy observing and debating the
early Tokugawa period. The nuances of the sport.
Coordinator was so adept he A particular favorite among professional shootists is Nissan’s
could nail a grasshopper dead-center at a distance of fifty meters tried and true 8G series of pistols. The 8G-12 is considered the elite
or more. Courtiers took to the sport quickly, believing it an avenue of the line, made from rare earth metals and precisely calibrated.
to Minoru’s good graces. Each pistol is custom-made for the owner, fitting the person’s
Using the ancient yumi design and materials is considered a grip, stance, weight distribution, and other factors that can affect
high art among the Combine nobility. For those lower classes a shooter’s performance. The result is a highly accurate pistol with



Infantry Weapon Construction Data

Tech Class/Type Damage Weight of Weapon
Infantry Weapon Type (Rating) (Damage Type) Base Range (Each) /Ammo (Shots) Crew
Melee and Archery Weapons
Compound Yumi (Bow) IS / Clan (C) Small / Melee (B) 0 0.01 2.0 kg / 0.07 kg (1) 1
Small Arms
Auto-Pistol (Nissan SG-12) IS (C) Small / Standard (B) 1 0.17 2.7 kg / 0.16 kg (8) 1
Machine Pistol (H-T Spec-7a) IS (D) Small / Standard (B) 0 0.13 1.2 kg / 0.2 kg (7/1) 1
Shotgun (Wakazashi O-12) IS (D) Small / Standard (B) 0 0.35 5.2 kg / 0.2 kg (10/3) 1

Infantry Armor Construction Data

Infantry Armor Type Tech (Rating) Damage Divisor Notes
Space Dock Repair Suit IS (D) 1E Infantry wearing this armor may operate in vacuum


Equipment Cost/
Item Ratings Reload Aff Mass Notes
Galileo Scan Scope D/X-C-B/A 200 DC 1.5kg +3 Attack Roll Modifier at M/L/E Ranges; Negates Darkness Modifiers up to 800m;
Requires Micro-Power Pack to function (0.1 PPH)
Tanadi Network Pad C/X-F-C/D 900 DC 400g Portable; Required Micro Power Pack (0.1 PPH); Provides +1 to Interrogation and Investigation
Skill rolls when connected to network

Equipment BAR Cost/

Item Ratings (M/B/E/X) Patch Aff Mass Coverage Notes
Space Dock Repair Suit D/C-E-C/B 2/3/3/3 7,500/50 DC 150kg Full Encumbering; Provides +2 STR; Includes Engineer’s Helmet (see
p. 296, AToW), Descartes Mk. XXI Computer (see p. 303, AToW),
Emergency Jet Pack (see p. 312, AToW), and 24-hour life support

Equipment Cost/ Mass/

Item Ratings AP/BD Range Shots Reload Aff Reload Notes
Skill: Archery
Compound Yumi C/C-D-D/A 2B/2 11/28/75/170 1 30/2 DC 2kg/70g Simple Action to reload; +1 Attack Roll Modifier;
includes Laser Sight, Bow Accessory Mount (see
p. 286, AToW)
Skill: Small Arms
Auto-Pistol (Nissan SG-12) C/B-B-B/C 3B/4 15/25/65/160 8 250/3 DC 2.7kg/160g +1 Attack Roll Modifier
(–3 if not custom-made for user)
MP (H-T Spec-7a) D/X-X-D/D 4B/2B 5/15/32/70 7 190/25 DC 1.2kg/200g Burst: 7; Recoil –1; includes Sound and Flash
Suppressor (see p. 286, AToW)
Shotgun (Wakazashi O-12) D/C-C-C/D 2B/5BS 5/11/22/45 10 180/2 DC 5.2kg/200g Burst: 3; Recoil –1; Includes Stunstick
(see p. 264, AToW)

exceptional range. Possession of these weapons is considered a agents and important personages. Reloading is a bit complicat-
supreme luxury, and individuals caught with one that is not their ed, as it requires sliding off part of the forward trigger guard then
own are subject to immediate incarceration. seating a new clip.
Game notes: If using a pistol not built specifically for the Rumors broke in early 3052 that People’s Protection were us-
shooter, apply a –3 penalty to all Attack Rolls. ing Clan-occupied worlds as a test bed for the model. The rumors
were proven true when the company used footage taken from
PEOPLE’S Schuyler showing several children wielding the 7a in a firefight
PROTECTION with a Clan police squad.
H-T SPEC-7A Game notes: The 7a can fire in single shot or Burst Fire mode.
In the mid-2900s, People’s Switching between modes takes a Simple Action. The weapon
Protection introduced the comes with a built-in sound and flash suppressor; it cannot mount
H-T Spec-5a, a low-cost, light a silencer or scope.
machine pistol built as a
hold-out weapon for security
personnel and private protec-
tion details. The 5a was popular
despite its horrible reliability; the
firing mechanism needed replaced every forty to fifty rounds.
The latest version of the widespread H-T is the 7a, which debuted WAKAZASHI O-12 SHOTSTUN
in 3053. Using composite materials, the weapon is extremely light, Developed for Friendly Persuaders dispatched to high-securi-
small, and sturdy. A self-enclosed magazine holds seven bullets in ty or tension-prone worlds, the Wakazashi ShotStun serves a dual
the grip. The bullpup design includes an integral flash and sound purpose for peace officers. A coaxially mounted stun baton, which
suppressor, making it a favorite hold-out weapon for intelligence can pivot from its forward resting position 180 degrees, provides


a friendlier alternative to the violent suppression tactics available economic classes, paving the way for the more traditional lower
to the traditional shotgun. The baton’s stun capacity is switched and upper class divide—as long as the world remains under the
on by pressing the trigger forward in the guard. Persuaders are Dragon’s authority.
trained in the use of the weapon, as it can be unwieldy for those Worlds near the Combine’s core highlight the ideal economy
unfamiliar with its functions and weight. Every year, academies of the nation. Trading is restricted to nearby worlds and consists
send several dozen rookies to the nearest care center for treat- primarily of necessary products. People in these systems learn
ment of shock burns. to make do with what is available locally; luxury items are exor-
Game notes: Switching the baton to its rear seating is a bitantly priced, affordable only by the nobility. Personal firearms
Complex Action. Turning the stunner on or off is a Simple Action. are heavily restricted through a complex permit system. With such
The stun baton operates as a Stun Stick (see p. 264, AToW). a simple existence, citizens do not require high wages and have
long since adjusted to sparse living conditions.
COST OF LIVING IN The Dieron Military District is constantly on a war footing.
Imported goods and materials are more expensive as the DCMS
THE DRACONIS COMBINE keeps the district worlds on alert. Because so many goods and
The four military districts of the Draconis Combine have one services are redirected into the DCMS’s rebuilding efforts, civil-
common feature: a hardworking lower class. The working poor ian products and necessities such as housing and fuel feel the
make up the majority of population of every world in the realm. economic bite. To give citizens something cultural to focus on
Wages tend to remain along the same scale from prefecture to during their downtime, travel and entertainment options are
prefecture. The variance comes from the upper classes and nobil- kept inexpensive.
ity: the more of these involved in a planet’s economy, the higher Facing a looming threat on the Clan front, the Benjamin Military
the cost of living. On district and prefecture capital worlds and District is at a heightened security level. With the Combine-
centers of military industry, costs and wages can fluctuate wildly. Dominion war only a few years past, much of the district’s efforts
As a general rule of thumb, the more populated the world, the have been in rebuilding defenses and the DCMS. Combine materi-
higher the cost to reside there. Less economically developed re- als flow in a constant stream to the Irece Prefecture in particular,
gions, typically worlds where mining and agriculture are the main helping Clan Nova Cat citizens settle into their new homes. Much
source of work, are considered poor on an economic scale but of this increase has boosted costs as companies adjust their out-
more reasonably priced for those of modest means. put and tax levies. The higher cost of goods and services has
Compared to the rest of the Inner Sphere, the Combine is caused economic problems on less prosperous worlds, which
considered very poor. Marginal worlds of the other Great Houses many citizens ultimately blame on the new Clan-in-residence.
would be considered upper-class systems if under the Combine’s Considered the slowest in growth is the Galedon Military
rule. New corporate ventures that make it through the Dragon’s District, partly due to its constant rebuilding efforts from wars
grueling bureaucracy find it exceptionally expensive to conduct with the Federated Suns. The unspoken ceasefire between the
business. Conversely, the business failure rate is low,
as the Combine provides an abundance of grants
and services to provide assistance. These programs TYPICAL SALARY TABLE
often come with long-term debt allowances, bind- (Prices and Salary Rates as of Fiscal Year 3067)
ing these corporate interests tighter to the realm.
Biweekly Salary Military District
Because the Dragon’s economy is heavily tied to
its military, the realm’s times of prosperity ebb and (in ryu) Dieron Benjamin Galedon Pesht
flow roughly with its periods of war and peace. This is Unproductive NA NA NA NA
especially prevalent on Dieron and Galedon Military Minimum Wage 125 100 85 70
District worlds near the Federated Suns border. Lower Class 185 161 113 98
Systems that have changed hands between the two
Merchant Class 493 428 436 376
realms see drastic economic swings. The Combine
Upper Class 8,380 7,002 7,320 5,721
enacts severe restrictions on imports and exports
to neighboring systems still under enemy control Lord/Lady 13,826 12,708 14,213 11,639
and impose heavy taxes on extant corporations not Samurai 26,300 24,793 25,185 23,914
of Combine origin. These actions are conducted Shugo 589,490 536,935 575,063 525,519
primarily to drain excess cash flow from the plan- Tozama Daimyo 1,695,027 1,567,308 1,620,730 1,310,682
etary economy, indebting the populace to Draconian
Shogun 25,729,824 24,382,199 25,493,777 22,072,486
products and services. A secondary effect splits the


Combine and the Suns—Draconis March raids notwithstand- wastes out-of-date equipment, redirecting such material to mili-
ing—has elevated the district’s economy over the last fifteen tary commands and proving grounds for use as target practice
years. Many noble families have benefited from the boon of tech- and training models.
nological growth within the district, which is slowly spreading Medical costs are largely defrayed by the Combine govern-
throughout the realm. ment depending on in the patient’s social class. Because the
Perennially considered the slowest to change in the Combine, government wishes to have a healthy workforce, the citizen’s
the worlds of the Pesht Military District are also the most tradi- employer—through hefty deductions—covers most common
tional. Low-technology communities are found side-by-side with medical services. Emergency needs not directly related to one’s
advanced metro zones, offering a range of products and services. usefulness to the state are the responsibility of the individual.
Trends do not start within the district, save Luthien; the district’s Local travel and entertainment are cheap on most Draconian
citizens are usually the beneficiaries of at least a decade’s worth worlds. As the Kurita government keeps a steady hand on the
of innovation from elsewhere within the Combine. Many worlds style and content of such indulgences, these activities tend to
reclaimed from Clans Smoke Jaguar and Nova Cat continue to idolize the realm’s history and stature. Conversely, interstellar
rebuild. Assimilated Clan technology found there is starting a travel can be prohibitively expensive unless a family is relocat-
mini-renaissance within the district’s more populous systems. ing under refugee status or under one of the Dragon’s periodic
Weapons and accessories fall within two distinct categories relocation initiatives.
in the Draconis Combine. Ancient weapon forms, such as knives, The table below shows average salaries for various eco-
tetsubo clubs, bows, and their ilk, are easily found on any world nomic and social classes in each military district of the Draconis
within the realm. Because the majority of Draconians revere the Combine, with percentage modifiers based on the location and
ancient ways of bushido, samurai, and other pan-Asian philoso- importance of a given world, as well as the relative cost and
phies, these weapons are considered more of an art form than availability of equipment in such regions. The equipment modi-
instruments of violence. fier tables allow players to determine the cost, availability, and
Conversely, mechanical weapons such as pistols and rifles are legality of equipment and services in each district as well, with
heavily regulated through a long, convoluted bureaucratic process the cost expressed as a percentage of the item’s listed price and
that can take upwards of five years to complete. In part because the availability modifiers given in terms of rating levels. Positive
they are not classified in society as an art form—the rare gun kata modifiers increase the percentage of the item’s cost or its equip-
discipline found among the yakuza excepted—any sign of such a ment levels as indicated, making items harder to acquire, while
weapon is cause for immediate inquiry into a citizen’s permit his- negative modifiers reduce cost or levels.
tory. Social experts argue restricting these weapons is a design to In many cases, the gamemaster determines into which catego-
keep the culture pure and the innocent protected from the tempta- ries a world may fall. Border worlds lie close enough to another
tion immediate access to these weapons bring. Spot inspections by state to have either significant cross-border trade, or (in the case
the Department of Private Citizen Small Weapons Ownership en- of Combine planets that border Davion or Dominion space)
sure authorized weapons aren’t being resold on the black market. beefier than usual military defenses. Major worlds consist of na-
Electronic devices and equipment are a common sight among tional capitals or major industry or trade centers. Backwaters, by
most citizen classes. With several epicenters of technology found contrast, are sparsely populated worlds largely lacking in major
in the realm on worlds like Hachiman, Isesaki, Luthien, and Dover, industries or even a native military defense force.
cheap electronic goods are a benefit to Draconians. The technolog- There is no limit to how much modifiers may change the per-
ical breakthroughs have filtered down to regular society, providing centage of an item’s final cost, but availability and legality levels
a variety of devices within affordable reach of the lower class. may not fall lower than A or rise higher than F.
Imported entertainment is heavily restricted, usually through
a long bureaucratic process and multiple tariff and fee structures.
Those who can afford such luxury items must possess current li- EXCHANGE RATES
censes and authorization for these products. The Combine media (as of 1 September 3067):
markets thrive in the resulting vacuum, creating cheap produc-
K-bill (ryu) 1.00 TC Bull 3.05
tions that venerate Combine values and uphold the ancient honor
and history of the realm.
C-bill 0.76 CP Bull 3.82
Most Draconian families possess at least one civilian vehicle D-bill (pound) 0.92 MC Dollar 3.05
per household. Many a family’s financial status can be determined S-bill (kroner) 0.90 FR Dollar 7.63
based on how many personal transports they own. Most of the L-bill (yuan) 1.53 Talent 6.10
lower class prefers using mass transit or simpler forms of locomo- M-bill (eagle) 0.86 Skull 15.27
tion such as bicycles to get around, as fuel costs are extremely Escudo 5.09 Kerensky 0.15
volatile. Military surplus and armed vehicles are prohibited items
R-bill (krona) 1.27
on most worlds, found primarily among private security firms,
corporate garrisons, and noble compounds. The Combine never



Cost Modifier (%)/Availability Modifier/Legality Modifier (by Region/World Type)
Item/Expense Dieron Benjamin Galedon Pesht Major World Backwater
Blades, unpowered 85/–2/–1 80/–2/–2 85/–1/–1 80/–/–1 –10/–2/–2 +4/–1/+0
Blades, powered 90/–1/+0 90/–1/–1 95/–1/+0 100/+0/–1 –5/–1/–1 +5/+0/–1
Staffs 80/–2/–2 70/–2/–2 85/–2/–1 65/–2/–2 –5/–2/–2 –3/–2/–3
Archery 75/–2/–2 80/–1/–2 75/–2/–2 70/–2/–2 –12/–1/–1 –5/–3/–3
Pistols, ballistic 130/+3/+1 140/+3/+1 135/+3/+2 150/+3/+2 +2/+4/+2 +8/+2/+0
Pistols, energy 150/+3/+1 160/+3/+2 145/+3/+2 170/+3/+2 +2/+4/+2 +10/+2/+0
Rifles, ballistic 120/+2/+2 130/+2/+1 130/+2/+1 165/+2/+2 +5/+2/+2 –3/+1/+0
Rifles, energy 150/+3/+2 160/+2/+2 145/+2/+2 145/+2/+1 +5/+2/+2 +3/+1/+1
SMGs 195/+3/+3 190/+2/+2 185/+3/+1 200/+2/+3 +8/+1/+3 +8/+2/+0
Shotguns 110/+0/+1 100/+0/+0 115/+1/–1 120/+0/+0 –2/+0/+0 –2/–1/–2
Throwing weapons 70/–2/–1 85/–1/–1 80/+0/–1 90/+0/–1 –10/+0/–1 –4/–3/–1
Support weapons 200/+3/+2 195/+1/+2 180/+2/+1 210/+3/+2 +17/+2/+0 +10/+1/+1
Demolitions 170/+2/+2 165/+1/+2 155/+2/+2 180/+2/+1 +12/+2/+1 +3/+1/+1
Weapon Accessories
Power Pack/Rechargers
Standard 105/+0/+0 110/–1/+0 103/+1/+0 105/+0/+0 –4/+0/+0 +5/+1/+0
High-Capacity 110/+0/+1 114/+1/+0 108/+1/+1 110/–1/+1 –2/+0/–1 +8/+0/+1
Quick-change 112/+1/+1 110/+1/+0 106/+1/–1 103/+1/+0 –3/+0/+1 +10/+0/+0
Rechargers 105/+1/+0 108/–1/+1 100/+1/+1 109/+1/+1 –3/+0/+1 +7/+1/+1
Armor/Combat Garb
Flak 90/–1/+0 90/–1/–1 100/+0/–1 110/+1/–1 –5/–1/+0 +6/+1/–2
Ablative 95/+0/+0 100/–1/+0 98/+0/+0 100/+0/+1 –2/–1/+0 +8/+0/–1
Ablative/Flak 100/+0/+0 102/–1/+0 103/+0/+0 106/+1/+0 –2/–1/+0 +12/+1/+0
Ballistic Plate 96/–1/+0 99/–1/+0 104/+0/–1 102/+0/+0 –3/–1/+0 +4/+2/+0
Leather 88/–2/–1 90/–1/–1 94/–1/–1 96/–1/+0 –5/–2/+0 –5/–1/–1
Miscellaneous 105/+0/+0 103/+0/+0 105/–1/+0 105/+1/+0 –3/–1/+0 +3/+0/+0
Camo/Sneak Suits 150/+1/+2 160/+2/+2 155/+2/+1 180/+2/+2 +10/+2/+3 +20/+1/+2
Battle Armor 200/–2/+2 190/–1/+2 195/–1/+2 220/+1/+3 +30/+1/+3 +45/+2/+2
Misc. Equipment
Communicators 85/–2/+1 94/–1/+0 80/–2/+0 90/+0/+0 –7/–2/+0 +3/–1/+0
Kits 95/+0/+0 98/+0/+0 100/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 –5/–1/+0 +2/+1/+0
Computers 78/–2/+1 85/–1/+0 70/–2/+0 90/–1/+0 –12/–2/–1 +4/–1/+0
Musi-chips, Combine 60/–2/–1 75/–2/–1 72/–3/–2 65/–2/–1 –9/–2/–2 +2/–2/–1
Musi-chips, Import 240/+3/+3 255/+3/+3 275/+3/+3 310/+3/+3 –5/+3/+2 +18/+4/+2
Tri-vid Sets/Cameras 98/–1/+0 100/–1/+0 92/–2/+0 100/–1/+0 –8/–2/+0 +3/–1/+0
Holovids, Combine 55/–3/–2 65/–2/–2 60/–3/–2 68/–3/–1 –10/–3/–2 +2/–2/–2
Holovids, Import 285/+3/+3 260/+3/+3 290/+2/+3 320/+4/+3 –3/+1/+3 +24/+4/+2
Print Media, Combine 65/–2/–1 73/–2/–2 78/–2/–2 70/–2/–1 –8/–2/–2 +3/–2/–1
Print Media, Import 225/+2/+2 230/+2/+2 245/+1/+3 297/+4/+3 –4/+1/+2 +35/+4/+2
Personal Gear/Expenses
Clothing 110/+0/+0 105/+0/+0 100/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 –7/+0/+0 +3/+1/+0
Food 90/–1/+0 102/+0/+0 100/+0/+0 101/–1/+0 –3/–1/+0 +6/+1/+0
Housing, Rental 85/+1/+0 90/+2/+0 87/–1/+0 85/–1/+0 +5/+1/+0 –4/–2/+0
Utilities 99/+1/+0 100/+1/+0 93/+0/+0 100/+0/+0 +12/+1/+0 –2/–1/+0
Housing, Owned 110/+1/+1 113/+1/+1 102/+0/+2 105/+1/+2 +15/+2/+1 –7/+0/+0
Utilities 130/+0/+0 127/+0/+0 140/+0/+0 135/+0/+0 +40/+1/+0 +2/+0/+0
Hotel Rental/Expenses 100/+1/+1 103/+0/+0 100/+0/+0 108/+0/+0 +10/+0/+0 +4/+0/+0
Fuel 145/+1/+1 126/+0/+1 130/+1/+0 150/+1/+0 –8/+0/+0 +8/+0/+1



Just as the location and relative industrial, economic, or
political importance of a world influences its economy, these DRACONIS COMBINE
The following information for gamemasters and players of A
factors also affect the local black market (if any). As always,
Time of War: The BattleTech RPG campaigns covers other aspects
the efforts of local law enforcement and the material needs
of Combine characters and life in the Draconis Combine. This in-
of the planet’s inhabitants can make the results vary widely
formation should be used to add local flavor to such campaigns
at the gamemaster’s discretion. In general, players can find
and characters.
the price for any piece of hardware or service required by
determining the item’s availability and legality ratings, modi-
fied for the appropriate district (in the Price Guide Table) and
then consulting the Black Market Base Cost Table. Additional
The underlying foundation of a Draconian’s life is to live for
modifiers to the base costs are provided as well, based on the Dragon. Everything a citizen does should be beneficial to the
the character’s location in Kurita space. A character may ne- Kuritan realm in some form. The Combine exists for the people,
gotiate these prices using the Negotiation/Commercial Skill, and the people live to serve the Dragon. The realm is manifested
but gamemasters should keep in mind that black markets are in the person of the Coordinator, whose character and presence
typically illegal, fly-by-night operations—often organized exudes the identity of the Combine. For an average citizen, going
and operated by the local yakuza. Most who trade in illicit against the Coordinator’s will is unheard of.
goods and services don’t have the patience for a drawn-out Among the lower classes, this ideology is enough to provide a
bargaining process. purpose for daily living. The higher the social stratum, however,
As with the cost of living modifiers above, prices fluctuate the looser this ideology becomes. The higher classes experience
based on a character’s location in the Combine, with all appli- an increase in power and comfort, which the more unscrupulous
cable modifiers multiplied together. use and abuse to their personal gain. The nobility recognizes its

Item/Expense Dieron Benjamin Galedon Pesht Major World Backwater

Personal Vehicles
Civilian, Ground 104/–1/–1 100/–1/+0 105/+0/+0 108/+0/+1 –4/+0/+0 +8/+1/–1
Civilian, Air 107/–1/+0 103/+0/+0 103/+0/+0 110/–1/+1 –5/–1/+1 –8/+1/–2
Civilian, Seagoing 100/+0/+0 105/+0/+0 102/+0/+1 105/+0/+0 –7/–1/+0 –10/+2/–1
Civilian, Spacecraft 106/–1/+0 102/+0/+0 104/+0/+0 109/+0/+1 –2/+0/+0 +7/+2/–1
Military, unarmed 200/+0/+1 207/+0/+1 198/+0/+1 220/+0/+2 +0/+0/+2 –3/–1/+1
Military, IS-armed 250/+3/+3 242/+3/+3 260/+2/+3 280/+2/+3 +10/+1/+2 +0/+1/+1
Military, Clan-armed 310/+3/+2 290/+1/+3 328/+3/+3 300/+1/+3 +15/+1/+2 +20/+1/+1
Fusion-powered 130/+0/+1 126/+1/+1 120/+0/+1 125/+1/+1 –8/+0/+1 +11/+1/+1
ICE-powered 96/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 93/–2/+0 98/+0/+0 –4/–1/+0 +6/+0/+0
Medical/Survival Gear
Medical Kits 100/+0/+0 101/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 95/+0/+0 +5/+1/+1 +17/+2/+1
Cybernetic Limbs 100/+1/+0 104/+0/+0 109/+1/+0 99/+0/+1 –4/+0/+1 +9/+1/–1
Bionic Eyes/Ears 129/+0/+0 120/+1/+0 117/+0/+0 122/–1/+0 +3/+1/+0 +13/+1/–1
Other Medical Gear 100/+0/+1 103/+0/+0 106/+0/+1 102/+0/+0 –3/+0/+0 +4/+2/+1
Medical Services 190/+1/+1 182/+0/+1 170/+1/+1 188/+1/+1 +14/+2/+1 +29/+2/+2
Survival Kits 92/–1/+0 97/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 95/+0/+0 –5/–1/+0 –10/–1/–1
Other Survival Gear 100/+0/–1 102/–1/+0 100/+0/+0 98/–1/+0 –5/–1/+0 –10/–1/+0
Surface Travel 80/–1/+0 91/+0/+0 88/–1/+0 95/+0/+1 –8/+0/+1 –4/–1/–1
Atmospheric Travel 95/–1/+1 99/+0/+0 93/+0/+0 100/+0/+1 –3/+0/+2 +5/+1/+0
Oceanic Travel 97/+0/+0 92/+0/+1 100/+0/+0 96/–1/+0 –6/–1/+0 +3/–2/–1
Space Travel, In-system 130/–1/+2 126/–1/+1 125/+0/+1 140/+0/+2 +11/–1/+1 +35/–1/–1
Space Travel, interstellar 275/+2/+2 288/+2/+2 270/+1/+2 280/+2/+3 –5/+1/+1 +28/+1/+2
Concerts/Theater 100/–1/+1 95/+0/–1 80/–1/–1 65/–2/+1 –10/–1/+2 +13/+0/+0
Sporting Events 80/–1/–1 85/–1/–2 75/–1/–1 78/+1/+0 –14/+0/–1 –5/+1/–2


place of rule. As such, alliances, agreements, and other, less de-

BLACK MARKET sirable decisions are a means to the greater end and endured
BASE COST TABLE stoically for the moment.
Constant war has made the common Draconian a hardy
Availability individual. A simple life is the most desired, as the more com-
plicated things become, the less fruitful the outcome for the
Legality A B C D E F
Dragon. Thus, hard work is not wasted; such tasks are seen as vital
A 0.5 0.75 1.5 1.75 3.75 8 to the Combine’s welfare and success. The Unproductives are an
B 0.75 1.5 2 3.25 4.5 9.5 ever-present reminder that failure to serve the Dragon is to fall
C 1.5 2 2.75 4 5.25 12 purposeless to the wayside, directionless and adrift. The loss of
structure in a Kuritan’s life is to be feared, as it inevitably leads to a
D 3 4 5 6 7 15
wasted, forgotten death.
E 6 7 8 10 12 25 Though the philosophy of bushido is most prevalent in the
F 10 11 14 17 20 40 DCMS, many of its tenets can be found throughout Combine so-
ciety. Business is conducted honorably and with single-minded
devotion. Boardroom combat can be politically and professionally
Additional Modifiers
lethal, especially if vendetta is evoked. Because retreat is rarely an
Dieron Military District x1.10 option, those who attempt to bring change or discussion forward
Benjamin Military District x1.04 must be prepared to weather possible backlash. Breaking away
Pesht Military District x0.97 from the established norm can make a citizen (along with his family)
Galedon Military District x1.08 a social pariah—someone useless to the betterment of the Dragon.
The accumulation of wealth is considered a burden borne
Major World* x1.05
by those sufficiently educated and knowledgeable to handle it.
Hot Zone* x1.35 Ideally, the nobility are responsible for those lower-class citizens
Hostile Border* x1.12 underneath them—be they employees, citizens, or soldiery—
Periphery Border World* x1.01 while serving the Coordinator. This additional obligation entitles
Nova Cat World* x0.95 the noble class access to physical pleasures not legal to the lesser
subordinates to relieve their minds of such a heavy burden. Many
Backwater x1.06
Draconian nobles handle this balance well, indulging in small
*Hot Zone, Hostile Border, and Periphery Border Worlds are described in vices and expensive gifts while using their wealth to create op-
the Combine Border Crossing Results rules on p. 84. Major worlds portunities to better the lower classes in their care. There are other
serve as district or prefecture capitals, or as centers of major indus-
nobles, however, who submit to the baser instincts of greed, glut-
try (such as worlds that host the companies described in this book or
can locally manufacture items of Tech Level D or better). tony, or lust and cast aside the tenets of Draconian living. They see
their wealth as a gateway to power and prestige beyond the reach
of their current position, leading to conspiracy and corruption.
privilege; those seeking power twist it to their own purposes. Such activity is justified due to the individual’s burdens, despite
Those who adhere to the Combine’s core philosophies use their the increase of risk inherent to the action.
position to better the people beneath them—in turn, strengthen- Corruption exists at all levels of the Combine, though less so
ing the Dragon. This dichotomy of interest creates a low-level of among the lower classes. The yakuza thrive as an outlet for this
tension among the various nobility and upper classes not readily darker side of citizenry. Many nobles see organized syndicates as
discernible to the non-Draconian. A person must be able to in- a necessary evil in the Dragon’s underbelly. The yakuza, in turn,
terpret the subtleties of language, gesture, and timing to discern see themselves as protectors who shield the lower classes from
the true issues at play. A simple tea ceremony between business the nobility’s predations. Authorities who veer from the Dictum
partners could mask a hostile takeover, a lover’s quarrel, or state Honorium and the Dragon’s precepts often find themselves at
treason, and observers could be none the wiser. odds with local yakuza. Conversely, those nobles who do right by
The Dragon’s perseverance through several centuries of war- their subjects find an undergirding of support from the criminal
fare comes not from a desire to defeat its enemies, but to carry out underworld. Coordinator Theodore’s honorable actions in deal-
Shiro Kurita’s original mission: to see all humanity under the hon- ing with the yakuza and the formation of the Ghost Regiments
orable rule of the Draconis Combine. As the other Great Houses have given the syndicates an unofficial stamp of approval to con-
fought the Succession Wars to claim the vacant Star League tinue their actions as guardians.
throne, the Combine fought to further its mandate. Citizens of the Local authorities are given wide latitude in autonomy, often
Combine know this is not a plan simply enacted but a philosophy down to the precinct and zone level. The Friendly Persuaders are
that encompasses their entire lives. With everything done to ben- highly visible in areas with a history of violence or maleficence.
efit the Combine, the Dragon will eventually rise to its rightful The visual cue of their candy-striped uniform is enough to


dissuade many overt criminal activities. What goes unseen, how- ed within these systems, giving the people a proverbial spine for
ever, is the multitude of plainclothes observers, ISF agents, and their continued survival.
O5P operatives mixing among the crowds. Though following their Several centuries after joining the Combine, many systems still
own directives, they are not afraid to step in and dissuade those cling to their past heritage as Terran Hegemony worlds. Among
citizens who attempt to go above their station or whose actions the people of the district, loyalty to the Dragon comes imme-
may harm the Dragon. diately after a citizen’s loyalty to their world. The ISF has spent
Most Draconians give little thought to those outside the untold years attempting to stamp out this mindset.
Combine and view their interstellar neighbors as belligerent ob- Because of the district’s prominent position between the
stacles to the Dragon’s ultimate purpose. The constant Succession Dragon’s ancient adversaries, the people here are constantly
Wars cemented that viewpoint as the Great Houses fought only wary. Strangers with little or no authority are regarded with suspi-
to claim the rule of the Star League. The Combine’s goal was in- cion that can last decades. People are more aware of happenings
trinsically loftier and therefore pure, putting Draconians at a level outside the Combine’s border, an awareness that stems from their
higher than the rest of the Inner Sphere. Hatred and loathing for constant watch for raiders or the next invasion wave.
the Dragon’s perennial enemies—Houses Steiner and Davion—is Most nobles among these worlds see themselves above the
predominant along the shared borders. Given a Draconian’s in- rest of the Combine. This mindset comes from the importance of
nate xenophobia, making inroads through trade, politics, and the district’s worlds to the Dragon’s industry. The combination
conquest is a tough proposition for outsiders. Within the Dragon’s of Hegemony history, a powerhouse industrial base, and fierce
core systems, where citizens have only rumors and official news of resistance to enemy incursions has made many district nobles
various conflicts and not direct experience, such xenophobia can insufferable on visits to Luthien and other worlds of importance.
devolve into a form of interstellar bigotry. Typical Draconian sto- The ISF’s presence is known but hardly seen. Because of the
icism masks such actions from public display, but true sentiment district’s position near Terra and two ancient Combine enemies,
is seen through body language, price gouging, and a slowdown the agency takes a quiet observational role. Agents follow a sus-
of processes in completing administrative tasks. pected subversive, record his actions, and mark his contacts for
Permeating all layers of Draconian lifestyle is the traditional further investigation. The region’s nobles are under constant scru-
tea ceremony. Influenced by Zen Buddhism and twenty-second tiny due to their necessary contact with foreign trade dignitaries
century practices on Terran Japan, the Way of the Tea (chado) and other elements. Espionage is a way of life on most worlds in
is itself an art form many rigorously pursue. The otemae (man- the region, adding a dose of paranoia to many in the upper class-
ner of tea) has many layers, from chakai (simple) to chaji (formal) es. Stories of citizens whisked away in the night for questioning
rituals, depending on the occasion. (A chaji ceremony with the are more truth than rumor.
Coordinator can last upwards of six hours.) Every city and village
in the Combine has at least one public chashitsu (tea building). Benjamin Military District
These buildings typically contain a floor hearth, shoji screens, The people inhabiting the worlds of the Benjamin Military
decorative alcoves, several entrances, and a dedicated mizuya District are fiercely loyal to the Dragon. The Combine rescued
(preparation area). More elaborate chashitsu are surrounded by a many from Clan oppression, banishing the Smoke Jaguars for
roji (tea garden) or Zen garden. their evil ways. Even with the Jaguars removed and the Nova
Those who master the various ceremony arts are well respect- Cats contained, the people of Benjamin know the Ghost Bears
ed in their community, and their opinions carry great weight. can rage across the border at any time, as they did less than half
Experienced tea masters are highly sought after by nobles and a decade prior.
planetary leaders. Acquiring a tea master as a mentor can be a The stories and reports coming from survivors of the Clan oc-
difficult but rewarding task. Students spend a minimum of fifteen cupation have built up a mythology of hatred for the “children of
years under a master’s tutelage. Kerensky.” The average citizen views the Clans as brutal overlords
with an alien civilization that threatened to topple the might of
REGIONAL VIEWS the Dragon. Only the rightness of the Dragon’s cause and its con-
Most Draconians share a common identity within the Dragon. tinued purpose—to rule all of the human sphere—pushed the
Each of the four military districts have slightly different values, Clans back where they belong: under the Kurita heel.
goals, and outlooks on their place within the Combine as a whole. A strong military presence instills a sense of pride in the iron
might of the Combine. Culture and the expression of art is con-
Dieron Military District sidered equally important for male warriors but unfit for women,
Citizens of these systems are exceptionally proud of the children, and the infirm to express properly. Active duty soldiers
worlds of their birth. The Dieron district claims some of the ear- are catered to; retired veterans, especially those from Clan cam-
liest worlds colonized by Terrans, and residents often point to paigns, are worshiped. Most upper class citizens and minor nobles
ancient Star League relics and fortifications as a source of their defer to those wearing DCMS uniforms—as long as at least some
pride. Constant wars of possession and raids have been conduct- attempt at bushido behavior is present.


The ISF and O5P maintain a subtle but open presence in the because they went against “the way it has always been done.”
region. Returning combatants and merchants from outside the For example, many government buildings are still built
Combine are commonly detained for intelligence debriefings. through simple manual labor rather than utilizing advanced
Citizens are observed at length, lest they make contact with for- construction methods.
eign elements who do not have the Dragon’s best interest in mind. Such devotion runs at odds with the settlement of Clan
Nova Cat in the Irece Prefecture. Many regard the hosting of the
Galedon Military District Nova Cats as an affront to the aesthetic of the realm. Others see
Despite the glory days of the Combine’s birth being well be- it as putting the Clan in its place as a servitor. Citizens view the
hind them, citizens of the Galedon worlds take great pride in their Coordinator’s gifting of the Irece Prefecture to Clan Nova Cat as
role in the Dragon’s rise. The people here firmly believe they are an act of compassion, something the Clans have proven incapable
the epitome of the Combine and refuse to believe otherwise. of. While the citizens admire the Coordinator’s actions, they are
Without these worlds, Shiro Kurita’s dream of conquest and rule offended by the Clan’s failure to adopt Draconian traditions and
would have died stillborn. way of life. This breach of honor has spawned a growing sense of
Of all the people in the Combine, those from this district hold distrust towards the Combine’s newest residents.
to the strictest forms of honor and duty. They view the Dragon’s The ISF spends the least amount of manpower among the
mandate in black and white with little gray. The lower classes wor- district’s border worlds. Agents do nothing to disguise their pres-
ship the Coordinator and the realm, knowing that his successes ence, relying on the ISF’s reputation to keep mischief subdued.
are due largely to their efforts through the centuries. Citizens in The agency’s higher echelons have broad discretionary power to
this district are keenly aware of the honor and shame that has handle any situations that develop, with heavy concentration in
happened here; debates of actions and decisions made centuries Nova Cat enclaves. Such latitude has proven detrimental at times,
ago remain hot topics in tea houses and parks across the region. as Black Dragon incidents and subversives are slowly on the rise.
The ever-present threat of another invasion from the Federated
Suns or the newly arrived Clan Snow Raven in the Periphery keeps
citizens on their toes. Rudimentary defense courses and militia CROSSING BORDERS
training are a social necessity for every resident. Little news from Travel by citizens within the Draconis Combine is permitted
across the border finds root among these worlds; they firmly be- with limited monitoring and few restrictions. Draconians can travel
lieve it to be nothing but propaganda designed to lull them into for recreation or relocation; merchants and nobles may also travel
complacency before the next strike. Strangers are warily accepted, for business and political needs. Those wishing to travel intrasys-
though anyone who challenges the status quo finds themselves tem need only apply for the permit, pay the application fee, submit
under observation by the ISF. the permit, wait for its acceptance, pay associated tax levies, apply
Infiltrating Davion MIIO agents were, at one time, a common for official travel documents, pay additional transportation and
problem. Incidents have tapered off in recent years, though the fuel fees, and enjoy their trip during the approved window—ad-
ISF and O5P remain vigilant for spies. Individuals can be brought ditional late fees are applicable if the travel window is exceeded.
in and interrogated for simple infractions of societal norms. Travelling to other systems within the realm requires the same pro-
cess repeated for each system through the appropriate prefecture
Pesht Military District Minbushö departments. Applications are rarely denied, though
The prefectures of the Pesht district have the dubious distinc- nobles have the authority to veto an application at any point in
tion of being both the jewel and the backwater of the Combine. the process. Residents planning an interstellar journey begin the
Kagoshima Prefecture is the location of Luthien, a point of pride process at least eighteen months prior to their departure.
for many citizens who reside in this sector of space. Not surpris- Merchants and nobles go through a faster application cycle.
ingly, these Combine worlds ooze the Dragon’s essence and are Permits are completed for an entire itinerary at one time rather
drenched in culture, nationalism, rituals, and traditions. than system by system. If the route takes the applicant beyond
The more distant prefectures that border the Periphery remain the Combine border, the ISF reviews the entire permit pack-
culturally connected to the Combine, but the pace of life is much age and often assigns a case agent to the traveler’s entourage.
slower than in other districts. Because of strong cultural connec- Mercenaries under contract to corporate or private citizens are
tions to the capital, a large number of worlds in the district turn automatically assigned agents from the ISF and the Professional
out a sizeable portion of academics and artisans. Worlds that Soldiery Liaison office.
border the Ghost Bear Dominion have the highest percentage of A traveler’s documentation is checked during both a DropShip’s
applicants accepted into the DCMS. departure and arrival burn. Access to the JumpShip is limited to
A large number of residents trace their family history back nobles; if the vessel is a DCMS or DCA transport, no passenger—re-
through other Combine worlds, thanks to the realm’s periodic gardless of class—may exit their DropShip unless given permission
relocation programs and refugee grants. Many embraced Shiro by the transport’s captain. Those who violate these laws are auto-
Kurita’s early emphasis of adopting ancient Japanese culture. matically charged with espionage and sabotage and are held until
Tradition is sacred; modern initiatives have often been refused they can be transferred to a nearby ISF agency.


Worlds lying within one jump of uncharted space or an crosser. Certain Action Checks, made before the vessel hops
Inner Sphere border traditionally employ close aerospace pa- the border or soon after its arrival, may further modify the cir-
trols, system sensor satellites, and similar measures to watch cumstances surrounding such travel.
for pirate or military incursions. Dedicated DCA Port Authority This modified Reaction Check, generally made as soon as the
(DCAPA) teams randomly check arriving and departing ves- border crosser enters a new system and completes any related
sels for contraband. These security protocols protect Combine Action Checks (unless otherwise noted), determines what kind
worlds with an escalating range of responses based on deter- of response—if any—the border crosser and his vessel arouse
mined threat level. Casual inquiries can lead to brief detention, among local security forces. All modifiers made to the standard
spot inspections, interceptions, seizure, or armed combat. numbers given in the Draconis Combine Reaction Table during a
DCAPA teams are given a broad mandate to carry out their border crossing appear in the Additional Reaction Modifiers
duties; threats that appear to be outside the teams’ capabili- section of the table.
ties are referred to DCA military units on standby. High profile To determine a specific encounter or reaction from local
systems such as a prefecture capital or heavy industrial worlds military, security, or bandit forces present in the system, the
see DCAPA teams augmented with regular militia forces. At border-crossing player should roll 2D6, apply the appropriate re-
Luthien and the four district capitals, these duties are assigned action result modifier, and consult the appropriate column of the
only to frontline DCMS and DCA forces. Border Crossing Roll Results Table for the region into which the ves-
Vessels refusing to submit to DCAPA requests are regarded as sel has just crossed. The encounter descriptions provide a more
hostile and receive one warning shot before being fired upon. In detailed explanation of each encounter type, allowing gamemas-
high-profile systems, fleeing, failing to communicate, or deviat- ters to further develop whatever reaction the arriving vessel and
ing from a provided flight plan is cause for immediate violence its crew receive.
and subjugation. Those who submit and have nothing to hide (or
grease the right palms) find a DCA inspection tedious and time- DRACONIS COMBINE
consuming. Border-world inspectors tend to be more thorough, BORDER CROSSING
confiscating anything deemed in violation of cultural and local ROLL RESULTS TABLE
laws. These inspection teams often include an ISF or O5P agent The Border Crossing Roll Results Table identifies regional bor-
who looks for evidence of espionage. ders and the types of regions into which player characters are
Hostile vessels are confronted and pursued by available moving: hot zones, hostile borders, Periphery borders, or green
DCA forces. These Combine crews have orders to shoot first zones. Gamemasters should note that not all zones exist during
and ask questions later—if possible. The Combine takes its all eras. Green zone worlds, for example, do not exist during the
restricted border policy seriously; at each border world, the Succession Wars.
DCA has at least one fast-response team stationed near popu- A hot zone is an active war zone, like the Lyran Commonwealth/
lar jump points or near the planet’s surface. In systems where Draconis Combine border during the Second Succession War or
space assets are unavailable or cannot bring the threat down, the War of 3039. It may also be an extremely tense Demilitarized
uncooperative vessels will find ground forces waiting for them Zone such as the region of space between the Terran Hegemony
when they land. and the Combine after Amaris seized the Star League.
Traditionally, interstellar powers are rarely given expanded A hostile border is a notch down on the danger scale from a
travel rights through the Combine. Through the accords of the hot zone, but still tense enough to get interesting. There’s no ac-
Concord of Kapteyn, the Free Worlds League and the Capellan tive warfare going on, nor is it on the brink, but the region has
Confederation were given limited travel rights to worlds with- enough history of mutual hostilities between powers that player
in one jump of the Combine border, but those rights were characters are likely to get hassled when they try to cross over.
revoked in 3055. Clan Nova Cat may travel freely throughout Good examples include the Combine/Ghost Bear Dominion bor-
the Combine, though these vessels face rigorous and intensive der or worlds that reside a jump away from the Federated Suns
inspections regardless of what world they visit. Clan Diamond Draconis March.
Shark is currently the only foreign power granted expanded Periphery border worlds lie on the edges of the Galedon
travel rights, but only to certain worlds within the Benjamin and and Pesht Military District that border “uncivilized” space and
Pesht Military Districts. therefore are most heavily frequented by pirates and incom-
In game terms, a border crosser (the JumpShip captain ing traffic from the Outworlds Alliance. Any world along this
or the most prominent of the player characters aboard the border qualifies as such.
border-crossing vessel) may determine the likelihood of an Finally, a green zone is any border region where relations be-
encounter during an attempt to cross any of the Combine’s tween powers are fairly calm, such as the short stretch of worlds
prefecture boundaries by making a modified Reaction Check. bordering the remains of the Free Rasalhague Republic during the
Additional modifiers may apply to this roll based on various cir- post-Clan Invasion era or the Dieron Military District border with
cumstances, including character traits belonging to the border the Terran Hegemony during the Star League’s heyday.



Encounters (per Region Type Entered by Border Crosser)
Modified Hot Hostile Periphery Green
2D6 Result Zone Border Border Zone
0 or less Attacked! Attacked! Pirates! Pirates!
1 Attacked! Pirates! Pirates! Pirates!
2 Raiders! Raiders! Pirates! Bandits!
3 Raiders! Raiders! Bandits! Interception
4 Interception Interception Bandits! Interception
5 Interception Interception Confiscation! Confiscation!
6 Interception Confiscation! Attacked! Confiscation!
7 Confiscation! Confiscation! Interception Inspection
8 Confiscation! Confiscation! Interception Inspection
9 Scrutiny Inspection Inspection Registered
10 Scrutiny Scrutiny Inspection Scrutiny
11 Scout Scrutiny Scrutiny Ignored
12 Registered Registered Ignored Ignored
13 or more Registered Registered Greetings! Greetings!

Type Description/Effects
Pirates! A veteran bandit force of equal or greater strength in aerospace and marine support attacks the border crosser(s) with the intent to cripple and plunder the vessel(s)
and enslave everyone on board. Over major worlds, such as industrial centers or regional capitals, treat this as an Attacked! result.
Bandits! A bandit force of equal aerospace strength and average skill attacks the border crosser(s) with the intent to board and plunder the vessel(s). Over major worlds, such
as industrial centers or regional capitals, treat this as a Raiders! result.
Raiders! A small strike force of equal or lesser strength in aerospace and marine assets from the nearest military power attacks the border crosser(s) with intent to disable or
capture the vessel(s) and prevent them from warning local/regional security.
Attacked! A veteran local military/security force of equal or greater aerospace and marine strength attacks the border crosser(s) with the intent to capture, cripple, or destroy
the vessel(s), believing them to be hostile invaders or dangerous criminals.
Interception A local military/security force of equal strength in aerospace and marine assets and average combat skills orders the surrender of the border crosser(s) and attempts
to detain and board the vessel(s) on suspicion of subversive activities or the smuggling of contraband. Will attack with intent to cripple or destroy if provoked or if
the border crosser(s) resist.
Inspection A random DCAPA inspection, backed up by minimal force, is requested of the border-crossing vessel(s). Any attempt to resist or stonewall the inspection may result
in local security scrambling an interception force from the nearby jump station or patrol vessels, if any (see Interception).
Confiscation! A current military crisis of emergency prompts local military/civil authorities to demand that the vessel(s) used by the border crosser(s) immediately surrender the
vessel(s) to an appointed officer for military use as a transport or weapon of war. Any resistance will result in the scrambling of interceptors to take the vessel(s) by
force (see Interception). If there is no military or local crisis, treat this result as an Inspection.
Scrutiny The vessel(s) used by the border crosser(s) are flagged by local security or military for further observation by other regional forces or the ISF. Roll for an encounter
in the next system, regardless of location and border status, with an additional –2 Reaction roll modifier. If the modified roll drops the result to Attacked! or below,
apply the Interception result instead.
Scout An unregistered and unknown JumpShip is discovered nearby. It does not respond to hails but may attack or flee if provoked.
Registered Local sensor probes or solitary patrol craft query the vessel(s) used by the border crosser(s) regarding their identification, nationality, destination, and business but
otherwise leave the ships alone unless they engage in overtly hostile action or their responses to any inquiries fail to check out. In such cases, local authorities may
call for an Inspection or Confiscation.
Ignored Aside from a casual scan by local sensor satellites or wandering patrol craft, the border-crossing vessel(s) are left alone and unacknowledged by local
authorities and traffic.
Greetings! Friendly vessels and/or patrols operating close by issue trusting hails to the border-crossing vessel(s). Aside from a genuine eagerness for conversation, news from
beyond the system of trade, these greetings have no ulterior motive.



2D6 Roll Reaction Type Reaction Result Modifier
0 or less Extremely Negative –4
1–4 Negative –2
5–10 Neutral 0
11–12 Positive +1
13 or more Extremely Positive +2

Reaction Roll Modifiers

Receiving Character Origin
Reacting Character Draconis Combine Inner Sphere Other
Dieron Military District +2 +1 +0 +1 –2 –1 +0 +0 +0 –1 +1 +0 –3 +1 +0
Benjamin Military District +1 +2 +0 +1 –3 –2 +0 +0 +0 –1 +2 +0 –3 +0 +0
Pesht Military District +0 +0 +1 –1 –1 +0 +0 +1 –0 –2 +0 –1 –2 +1 –0
Galedon Military District +2 +1 –1 +2 –0 +0 +1 –0 +1 –3 +0 –2 –1 –0 –0
Periphery Border +0 +0 –0 –1 +0 –0 +0 +0 –0 –1 +0 +2 +0 +1 +1
Davion Border –1 –1 –1 –2 +0 –0 +0 +0 –0 –0 +1 –1 –2 –1 –1
Ghost Bear Border +1 +1 –0 +0 –2 –1 –0 +0 +1 –0 +2 +0 –3 +0 +0
FRR Border +1 +2 +0 +0 +1 –1 +1 +1 +1 –0 +3 +0 –3 +2 –2
Chaos March Border –1 +0 +0 +0 –1 –1 –2 –1 +1 –1 +1 +0 –1 –1 +2

Receiving Character Origin Key

DMD=Dieron Military District BMD=Benjamin Military District PMD=Pesht Military District
GMD=Galedon Military District GBD=Ghost Bear Dominion LA=Lyran Alliance
CC=Capellan Confederation FW=Free Worlds League CM=Chaos March
FS=Federated Suns FRR=Free Rasalhague Republic P=Periphery
CL=Clan CS=ComStar WB=Word of Blake

Additional Reaction Modifiers (for Border Crossing)

Condition or Circumstance Reaction Roll Modifier
Major military activity underway in region –3
*To be relevant, the Connection Trait must be applicable to the Combine and must be
Border crosser is Commercial/Government-employed +2
extensive enough to influence the locals. The border crosser must make a successful
Border crosser is Independent Vessel –1
Protocol Action Check, adding the value of the Trait to the roll result.
Border crosser is using Clan Vessel –2 †Skill Checks are required for these efforts at the time of the border crossing, reflecting
Border crosser is Mercenary/Friendly Military +1 advance communications or responses to hails from local security agencies, with
Border crosser vessel is Military Class –2 modifiers based on the margin of success (MoS).
Border crosser Connection Trait used* +1/level ‡Bribery attempts require a successful Negotiation or Performance Action Check with a –2
Border crosser has Enemy/Negative Reputation Trait –1/level roll modifier (plus any reaction modifiers from the Draconis Combine Reaction Table).
Border crosser has In for Life/Dark Secret Trait –1 This Action Check roll is modified by +1 for every 500 C-bills or 5 percent value of any
Border crosser has Unlucky/Bloodmark Trait –1/level cargo being smuggled (whichever is greater) by the border crosser(s), as well as by the
Border crosser has Yakuza Connection +1 relevant reaction roll modifiers from the Draconis Combine Reaction Table. Double this
monetary cost if the bribe is attempted at the time of crossing, rather than having been
Border crosser uses Protocol Skill† +1 MoS
arranged ahead of time. A failed Action Check during a bribery attempt automatically
Border crosser uses Bureaucracy Skill† +1 MoS
applies the margin of failure (MoF) to the border-crossing check roll.
Border crosser attempts preemptive bribery‡ +1/2 MoS
§Repeat the reaction roll for every world visited after the initial failure, regardless of
Border crosser attempts bribery at crossing‡ +1/3 MoS
location or border status. This modifier increases over time by 1 point per month
Border crosser failed in bribery attempt‡ –MoF (based on the time elapsed since the last failure) to a maximum of 0.
Border crosser failed previous crossing§ –4(+1/month since failure, max 0)


DRACONIS COMBINE Characters who hold some power or prestige within the
Combine have ample opportunities to involve themselves in
ADVENTURE HOOKS these constant power struggles. In any era, the most obvious
The sprawl of the Dragon’s realm encompasses industrial move is to find a way to benefit from the Coordinator’s decisions
powerhouse systems to simple agrarian worlds, everyday work- or a ministry’s operation, a practice that Kurita philosophy tac-
ing-class citizens to influential nobles in the Imperial Court. itly allows—as long as the Dragon benefits. In eras where strong
Depending on local conditions, varying amounts of turmoil Coordinators such as Urizen II or Hugai Kurita held the throne,
bubble beneath even the calmest of surfaces, offering plenty of political maneuvering was hidden in manipulation and nuance.
potential trouble in which player characters can enmesh them- Canny characters adept at manipulating the Combine’s tenets can
selves. Below are some plot hooks for gamemasters and players find ways to enrich themselves from the system, shaming and de-
to consider when campaigning in the Draconis Combine, or with stroying their enemies.
Combine characters. With the Combine’s reliance on its monolithic bureaucracy,
a player character’s level of wealth and power determines his or
THE RED TAPE MOUNTAIN her access to the myriad levels of Combine government and com-
A rule of the realm is that to get anything truly meaningful merce. Campaigns run on economic bases or class disputes can
accomplished, one must go through a number of bureaucratic be set on any world in the Combine.
channels. Oftentimes, it seems that the more important an item,
journey, or situation, the larger the amount of red tape to cut SHADOWY UNDERGROUND
through. Much of life in the Combine for those beyond the work- Though the Combine goes through great pains to downplay
ing class involves knowing the right people in the right places. the seedier elements of its society, the yakuza’s domination of
Many find that doing a favor for one person leads to a chain of the criminal underworld is an open secret. Gang warfare between
favors that greases several palms and provides numerous op- clans is a common occurrence on more populous worlds. The
portunities for side adventures and events that can gobble up a yakuza clans live, fight, and die following a darker version of the
character’s time and money. The end result is usually worth the bushido code adapted for their environment. Power struggles are
effort, as new contacts are made and added to a person’s power common, with oyabun playing the role of the nobility among the
base. Within the Combine, those who can get things done quickly shadowy underworld.
are the ones who know the right people at the right time. Player characters can find themselves embroiled in the affairs of
Just like corporations, the various ministries and departments the yakuza, promoting or destroying a clan’s power and influence.
of the Kurita government often operate in competition with each Rival clans, mafia families, and triads also populate this stratum of
other. Budgets and grants are seen as prizes to attain, keeping society and can quickly entangle characters who stumble their way
much-needed capital out of the hands of rival agencies and bu- into an event, hangout, or crossfire. Among the yakuza favors are
reaus. Bureaucratic power within the Combine is a combination considered political gold; earning one from a clan can be a worth-
of money and connections. The paper war that rages among the while experience. Fulfilling a requested favor from an oyabun can
administrative halls of the realm can be every bit as vicious as involve anything from a simple job to part of a larger, more com-
those in a corporate boardroom. For players who find satisfaction plex power play by a planetary noble or imperial courtier.
in waging a war of negotiation, money, and connections, wading
into a conflict between ministries can be rich and rewarding. EYES ARE EVERYWHERE
The ISF—and to a lesser extent, the O5P—is a constant pres-
COURT WARFARE ence in the Combine and will most likely influence almost any
The nobility in the Combine holds tremendous power, most- player campaign. Despite its fearsome reputation, the agency is
ly due to the Combine’s approach to duty and honor. Through a competent organization devoted to the welfare of the Dragon
the edicts of the Suffering of the Lion, Combine nobles find and the pursuit of universal conquest. The danger lies with the
themselves in a position to either make the lower classes bet- wide operational latitude given to ISF agents: some are more zeal-
ter off—which benefits the Coordinator and the Dragon as a ous than others, often for political reasons.
whole—or selfishly indulge in their own vices. Whichever path If the players are Combine or Combine-oriented, the ISF may
they choose, these nobles find themselves at odds with others of be observing them for signs of treason or actions contrary to the
similar or greater stature to their own. Dragon’s purpose. Recent incidents involving the Black Dragons
To be successful in whatever endeavor they choose, nobles are fresh in the minds of ISF agents; accusations of treason are taken
use whatever weapons are available and known to them. Politics seriously. Conversely, if the players show the ISF they are working
is the most common; with the realm draped in the veneration of towards the Dragon’s best interest, they may gain allies, contacts,
ancient traditions and customs, political maneuvering is an art or even assistance if needed. Working against the interests of the
form. Every action, word, and gesture can carry a multitude of Combine, however, brings a powerful enemy to oppose them. The
meaning within the Byzantine and vicious worlds of the Imperial survival and success of the Dragon is everything to this agency and
Court and the DCMS. plausible threats will be eliminated before questions are asked.



Much of the Combine’s corporate culture is heavily linked with The following rules supplement those in Total Warfare (TW),
its military. Civilian enterprises are considered a second-class op- TechManual (TM), and Tactical Operations (TO), and cover com-
eration when compared to military contractors. Competition for bat in various terrain and environmental conditions that players
contracts, technology, and resources in various markets is fierce. may encounter in the BattleTech universe. All players should read
During the technological boom of the Star League, Combine in- through these rules and agree to their use before beginning play.
dustries spent their energies competing with Hegemony firms,
often acquiring needed technology and research using espio- NEW UNIT TYPES
nage, subterfuge, and political pressure. During later eras, such The following are new battlefield unit types available in the
activities occurred less frequently but were still carried out against Draconis Combine. Unless otherwise stated, they follow the rules
neighboring realms as foreign corporations attempted to branch laid out in TW, TM, and TO.
into Kurita space.
While outright violence between competitors is a major HEAVY
breach of etiquette and law, the bureaucratic and political battles RIOT INFANTRY
waged between corporations are a standard way of life. Using When the Dragon’s citizens
any means necessary—within the confines of Draconian law and are in need of forceful educa-
the Dictum Honorium—to gain the upper hand in negotiations tion, the Friendly Persuaders
is common practice. Player characters who operate along the remind them of their duty as
fringes of Draconian society can be quietly retained for services Draconian citizens. If this re-
minder requires the use of stun
deemed unworthy of upper class actions, or they may be used to
batons and riot shotguns, then
prevent such activities.
so be it. For those times when
Many of the Combine’s megalithic corporations have business
a truly criminal element rears
dealings across the Inner Sphere, providing opportunities for
its head, the Persuaders call
player characters. Foreign assets, delegates, dignitaries, corporate
out their tactical teams. These
officers, and the like need protection, guidance, or observation. teams ride armored cars, carry
Government agencies such as the ISF or Procurement Department thick ballistic armor, and wield
may have need of representatives or operatives to provide assis- recoilless rifles capable of
tance or act as intermediaries. The benefits and drawbacks of such bringing down buildings or de-
assignments can increase a character’s political power or honor or livering riot gas canisters.
make way for the Dragon to remove subversive and reactionary
elements from itself. Heavy Riot Infantry 1
Notable Unit: Thirty-second Riot Response Precinct, Imperial
ATTACKED! City, Luthien
No matter the era, the Draconis Combine has always shared Tech Base (Rating): Inner Sphere (D/C-C-C)
two broad, hostile borders. The Dragon’s continual emphasis on Transport Weight: 3 tons
its military and its bushido ways make it a perennial instigator. Equipment:
The Terran Hegemony, Federated Suns, Lyran Commonwealth Primary Weapon: 20 Wakazashi O-12 Shotguns
(and later Alliance), Outworlds Alliance, and Clan Ghost Bear have Secondary Weapon: 8 Bullet Shields
all known the fear of a Combine assault. Conversely, most of its Armor: Draconis Combine Standard Infantry Kit
neighbors have taken the opportunity to attack the Dragon at ev- Battle Value: 89
ery turn when strategically necessary. The border worlds of the Notes: Can only damage conventional infantry units. Unable to
Combine are subjected to constant raids and assaults as enemies conduct Anti-’Mech attacks
Platoon Type (Specialty): Foot (None)
of the nation probe and assess Kuritan readiness. Characters op-
Ground MP: 1
erating on worlds within reach of either border can easily find
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 28 (7/4)
themselves caught in such an attack and forced to choose sides—
Damage Divisor: 2
even while working for the Dragon’s interests. Politics and power
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
plays are always an underlying issue; those characters who can
-1 (0 Hex), 0 (1 Hex), +1 (2 Hex), +2 (3 Hex)
tap into such undercurrents will find ways to turn such incidents Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers):
to their benefit—or downfall. 10 (28-7), 9 (26-24), 8 (23-21), 7 (20-19), 6 (18-16), 5 (15-13), 4 (12-10),
3 (9-7), 2 (6-5), 1 (4-2), 0 (1)


Heavy Riot Infantry 2 Despite news that many of these spare parts find their way into
Notable Unit: Thirty-second Riot Response Precinct, Imperial newly manufactured models, trust in the Dragonstar product is
City, Luthien nearly fanatical.
Tech Base (Rating): Inner Sphere (D/C-C-C) Part of the vessel’s charm is its history. Though officially de-
Transport Weight: 24 tons buting in 2610, the Dragonstar’s roots go back to the days of the
Equipment: Dragon’s expansion. The original Dragon’s Stars vessels were
Primary Weapon: 16 Wakazashi O-12 Shotguns used extensively in shuttling Combine dignitaries and officials
Secondary Weapon: 8 Heavy Recoilless Rifles and were, for a time, a symbol of the Dragon’s diplomacy efforts.
Yakima strove to keep the aesthetics of the older vessel in the re-
Armor: Standard Ballistic Plate
vamped (and renamed) Dragonstar design, though with updated
Battle Value: 61
systems and electronics.
Notes: Does +1 damage to conventional infantry at range 0.
With the advent of battle armor and a resurgence in naval war-
Unable to conduct Anti-’Mech attacks fare, the DCA commissioned Yakima to develop the Dragonstar
Platoon Type (Specialty): Mechanized (Wheeled) into a military transport. With minimal changes to the craft’s ar-
Ground MP: 3 mor, engine, and weapons bays—a testament to the militaristic
Platoon Size (Squad/Platoon): 24 (6/4) eye by commercial engineers in the Combine—Dragonstar Assault
Damage Divisor: 2 Transports (AT) began arriving at DCA installations within a year.
To-Hit Modifier (Range in Hexes):
–1 (0 Hex), 0 (1–2 Hexes), +2 (3–4 Hexes), +4 (5–6 Hexes) Dragonstar PT (Passenger Transport)
Maximum Weapon Damage (# of Troopers): Type: Civilian Spheroid
10 (24-23), 9 (22-21), 8 (20-18), 7 (17-16), 6 (15-14), 5 (13-11), 4 (10-9), Use: Passenger Transport / Assault Craft
3 (8-6) 2 (5-4), 1 (3-2), 0 (1) Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2610
Mass: 150 tons
Battle Value: 1,205

Length: 18 meters
Width: 14 meters

Fuel: 6 tons (480)

Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Heat Sinks: 20
Structural Integrity: 11

Nose: 85
Sides: 72
Aft: 55
PASSENGER TRANSPORT Crew: 1 officer, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 1 gunner, 42 bay personnel
Designed and produced during the height of the Star League,
the Dragonstar PT is the workhorse of the Combine’s intersystem Cargo
transport network. These spherical transports are a common sight Bay 1: Jump Infantry Bay (2) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (16.5 tons) 1 Door
at all Combine spaceports, ferrying passengers from the planet to
waiting vessels in orbit or at the system’s primary jump points.
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV
Dragonstars are relatively cheap to build. As they are notori-
Large Laser Nose 5 8 8 8 – –
ously prone to breakdown, these vessels are retired after logging Medium Laser Nose 1 3 5 – – –
at least 1,000 AU of travel. Most Combine transportation firms Medium Laser L 1 3 5 – – –
find that purchasing a new Dragonstar is more cost effective than Medium Laser R 1 3 5 – – –
paying for escalating repair fees. Yakima Enterprises, the vessel’s Large Laser Aft 5 8 8 8 – –
primary manufacturer and part of the Stellar Trek Enterprise con- Medium Laser Aft 1 3 5 – – –
glomerate, is aware of the paradigm. A solid secondary market in
salvaging and stripping the older vessels for spare parts keeps the Note: All crew quarters use Steerage Compartments. Jump
company in business—along with heavy government subsidies. Infantry Bays may also be used to carry 40 passengers.


Dragonstar Assault Transport (3060)

Type: Military Spheroid
Use: Assault Craft
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 3060
Mass: 150 tons
Battle Value: 1,175

Length: 18 meters
Width: 14 meters

Fuel: 6 tons (480)

Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Heat Sinks: 20
Structural Integrity: 11

Nose: 85
Aft: 55 Nearly as old as the nation that birthed it, the Hoshiryokou is
a common sight at busy Combine space stations. Its boxy design
has seen several aesthetic changes over the centuries. Despite the
Crew: 1 officer, 2 enlisted/non-rated, 1 gunner
cosmetic alterations, the essence of the Hoshiryokou remains un-
changed from its debut.
Cargo Initially conceived as a standard cargo and passenger hauler,
Bay 1: Battle Armor Compartment (12) 2 Doors the Hoshiryokou served passably in the role. Its modular cargo con-
Bay 2: Cargo (4.5 tons) 1 Door tainers were interchangeable with utilitarian passenger carriages.
For amenities, comfort, and space, the Dragonstar succeeded
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Heat SRV MRV LRV ERV where the Hoshiryokou failed to deliver. Kintetsu Stellar Systems
Large Pulse Laser Nose 5 9 9 9 – – faced bankruptcy when Yakima Enterprises’ offering pushed the
ER Medium Laser Nose 1 5 5 5 – – Hoshiryokou out of the market. Rather than fold, Kintetsu found a
Medium Pulse Laser L 2 4 6 – – – new way to use its cargo hauler, using extensive grants from the
Medium Pulse Laser R 2 4 6 – – –
Combine government.
The structure of the Hoshiryokou was reinforced, and a space
2 ER Medium Lasers Aft 2 5 5 5 – –
tug adapter was fitted to its front. Free upgrades to all owners
of the vessel sent Kintetsu deeply into debt to the government.
Note: All crew quarters use Steerage Compartments. Isesaki Shipping bought the company for little more than a hand-
ful of ryu and a two-hundred-year agreement to produce the
space tug for the DCA under cost.
The Hoshiryokou is in constant use, interchanging cargo be-
tween vessels at high-traffic stations and moving malfunctioning
DropShips to maintenance slips or other JumpShips. In low traffic
networks, the Hoshiryokou serves double-duty with Dragonstars,
transporting cargo and passengers around a system. The vessel’s
reliability is exceptional, and many Combine merchants have two
or three in use with their convoys.
Though not a military vessel by design, the Hoshiryokou has
found its way through several conflicts. In 3056, the Dogstar Express
delivered a DEST squad to a Clan Smoke Jaguar merchant ves-
sel at Luzerne. The tug’s crew pressed their vessel against a Clan
Broadsword that attempted to undock from the JumpShip. After the
merchant JumpShip was captured, the Broadsword was discovered
to have the OmniMechs of Beta Galaxy’s Command Star on board.
The Dogstar Express’s quick action netted the Dragon five pristine
Clan OmniMechs and fifteen Clan scientists and technicians.


Type: Civilian Aerodyne
Use: Tug Boat
Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2480
Mass: 800 tons
Battle Value: 1,216

Length: 51 meters
Width: 36 meters
Height: 12 meters

Fuel: 20 tons (1,200)

Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 5
Maximum Thrust: 8
Heat Sinks: 8
Structural Integrity: 25
Armor First built for the Alliance of Galedon, the Gaajian operated as
Nose: 122 an escort vessel for Alliance merchants. This system patrol boat
Sides: 92 remains in service within the DCA and is commonly used by
Aft: 82 the Port Authority. Largely unchanged since its debut, this tiny
DropShip is the symbol of the Dragon’s longevity and authority
Cargo on every Combine world.
Bay 1: Cargo Containers, 10-ton capacity (10) 1 Door Today’s Gaajians equip high-powered Look-Down Radar and
Bay 2: Cargo (8 tons) 1 Door Hi-Res Imagers to scan incoming and outgoing traffic. Modest
crew and officer quarters provide comfort for those on deep sys-
Life Boats: 0 tem patrols. If necessary, up to two platoons of marines can be
Escape Pods: 1 housed to carry out police or boarding actions. The small bay has
Crew: 1 officer, 4 enlisted/non-rated, 1 gunner, 9 steerage pas- enough room for a pair of Dragonstars.
sengers Though primarily used for orbital and station patrols, Gaajians
can also be found at an important system’s more common pirate
Notes: Equipped with 18 tons of Standard armor and Naval Tug points. DCA JumpShips often rotate through a system’s pirate
Adapter points, dropping off and relieving crews on perpetual watch for
smugglers, pirates, spies, and would-be invaders. Though not suf-
Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) ficiently armed to stop an invasion fleet, Gaajians have proven
Arc (Heat) Type Heat Short Medium Long Extreme Class to be more than a match for small-time mercenaries and pirates
Nose (10 Heat) looking to steal valuable Combine commodities.
Large Laser 8 1 (8) 1 (8) – – Laser A common practice with many Gaajian crews is to record the
2 Small Lasers 2 1 (6) – – – Point Defense vessel’s history through painting the interior spaces. Similar to
Aft (3 Heat) yakuza tattoos, the artwork is done by crew during a Gaajian’s
Small Laser 1 0 (3) – – – Point Defense long patrol circuit. Prominent events, from police actions to na-
val combat, and personal happenings such as the birth of a child
or the death of a beloved crewman, are illustrated in colorful
detail. Because many vessels are a few centuries old, the murals
are a living history of people, worlds, and the nation itself. The
oldest Gaajian in service is the Hiroshima Sunlight. Commissioned
in 2489, the Sunlight has transported five Coordinators and doz-
ens of Kuritan family members during its long history. It recently
transported the Heir-Designate to Dieron before returning to its
duty station with the DCS Galedon Express.


Gaajian System Patrol Boat (2485) Gaajian System Patrol Boat (3060)
Type: Military Spheroid Type: Military Spheroid
Use: System Patrol Boat Use: System Patrol Boat
Tech: Inner Sphere Tech: Inner Sphere
Introduced: 2485 Introduced: 3060
Mass: 1,500 tons Mass: 1,500 tons
Battle Value: 3,351 Battle Value: 3,592

Dimensions Dimensions
Length: 70 meters Length: 59 meters
Width: 49 meters Width: 59 meters
Height: 49 meters Height: 59 meters

Fuel: 100 tons (5,000) Fuel: 100 tons (5,000)

Tons/Burn-day: 1.84 Tons/Burn-day: 1.84
Safe Thrust: 4 Safe Thrust: 4
Maximum Thrust: 6 Maximum Thrust: 6
Heat Sinks: 68 Heat Sinks: 54 (108)
Structural Integrity: 12 Structural Integrity: 12

Armor Armor
Nose: 208 Nose: 208
Sides: 182 Sides: 182
Aft: 172 Aft: 172

Cargo Cargo
Bay 1: Small Craft Cubicle (2) 2 Doors Bay 1: Small Craft Cubicle (2) 2 Doors
Bay 2: Cargo (95 tons) 1 Door Bay 2: Cargo (111 tons) 1 Door

Life Boats: 0 Life Boats: 0

Escape Pods: 4 Escape Pods: 4
Crew: 2 officers, 4 enlisted/non-rated, 6 gunners, 10 bay personnel, Crew: 2 officers, 4 enlisted/non-rated, 5 gunners, 10 bay
42 marines personnel, 21 marines, 12 battle armor marines

Notes: Equipped with 43.5 tons of Standard armor. A Look-Down Notes: Equipped with 43.5 tons of Standard armor. A Look-Down
Radar and Hi-Res Imager are mounted in the nose. Radar and Hi-Res Imager are mounted in the nose.

Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard) Weapons: Capital Attack Values (Standard)
Arc (Heat) Type Heat Short Medium Long Extreme Class Arc (Heat) Type Heat Short Medium Long Extreme Class
Nose (46 Heat) Nose (61 Heat)
3 PPC 30 3 (30) 3 (30) – – PPC 2 ER PPC 30 3 (30) 3 (30) 3 (30) – PPC
4 Medium Lasers 12 1 (10) – – – Laser 2 Large Pulse Lasers 20 2 (18) 2 (18) – – Pulse
4 Small Lasers 4 1 (12) – – – Point Defense 2 ER Medium Laser 10 1 (10) 1 (10) – – Laser
FR/FL (22 Heat) Anti-Missile System (48) 1 0 (3) – – – Point Defense
2 Large Lasers 8 2 (16) 2 (16) – – Laser FR/FL (30 Heat)
2 Medium Lasers 6 10 (1) – – – Laser 2 Large Pulse Lasers 20 2 (18) 2 (18) – – Pulse
AR/AL (6 Heat) 2 ER Medium Lasers 10 10 (1) 10 (1) – – Laser
2 Medium Lasers 6 10 (1) – – – Laser AR/AL (8 Heat)
Aft (26 Heat) 2 Medium Pulse Lasers 8 1 (12) – – – Pulse
2 Large Lasers 16 16 (2) 16 (2) – – Laser Aft (31 Heat)
2 Medium Lasers 6 10 (1) – – – Laser 2 Large Pulse Lasers 20 2 (18) 2 (18) – – Pulse
4 Small Lasers 4 12 (1) – – – Point Defense 2 ER Medium Lasers 10 1 (10) 1 (10) – – Laser
1 Anti-Missile System (48) 1 0 (3) – – – Point Defense



SASAYAKU CONTROL TRANSPORT Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced)
A common sight in Combine police fleets for the last century, Movement Type: Wheeled (Medium)
the ’zaabaa—as it is known by many Friendly Persuaders—is a Equipment Rating: D/X-F-F
low-slung civilian personnel carrier. The ’zaabaa is a command- Tonnage: 25
and-control vehicle capable of coordinating tactical teams, patrol
groups, and local DCMS units. In low population zones, the ’zaa- Equipment Mass
baa is used instead of the more ubiquitous minicars or bicycles Chassis: 6
found in high density areas. Engine/Controls: Electric (Fuel Cell) 5.5
’Zaabaas are crammed with communications equipment, Cruising MP: 5
making the crew space more utilitarian than comfortable. The Flank MP: 8
four tons of cargo space is customized to a crew’s mission, often Heat Sinks: 0
containing riot gear, standard emergency supplies, roadway as- Fuel: 1,212 km 1
sistance kits, criminal suppression systems, and in some cases, Armor Factor (BAR 7): 44 2
temporary prisoner transportation cubes. Those tasked with Armor
more tactical duties contain additional weapons and gear, as well
as surveillance equipment and sensors.
Front 12
Identical in form, Sasayaku Control Transports are indis-
Sides 15/15
tinguishable from the more prevalent ’zaabaa. Every major
Rear 12
population center contains dozens of Sasayaku CTs operating on
a constant rotation. The cargo area in the rear is converted into
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage
a Gossamer drone launch bay. Half of standard ’communications
None — —
consoles are replaced with the more sophisticated surveillance
and control systems. The Sasayaku has half of the infantry space
Crew: 5 (1 officer, 4 enlisted/non-rated)
found in a ’zaabaa. As such, a Sasayaku is paired with a nearby
’zaabaa in case assistance is needed.
5 tons 1 Door (Right Side)
Type: Obuzaabaa 2 tons Infantry Compartment 1 Door (Rear)
Technology Base: Inner Sphere
Movement Type: Wheeled (Medium) Notes: Features Off-Road chassis modification, Drone Control
Equipment Rating: D/X-D-C System (1 drone, 2.5 tons), Communications Equipment (1 ton).
Tonnage: 25

Equipment Mass
Chassis: 6
Engine/Controls: Electric (Fuel Cell) 5.5
Cruising MP: 5
Flank MP: 8
Heat Sinks: 0
Fuel: 1,212 km 1
Armor Factor (BAR 7): 44 2
Front 12
Sides 15/15
Rear 12

Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage

None — —

Crew: 5 (1 officer, 4 enlisted/non-rated)

4.5 tons 1 Door (Right Side)
4 tons Infantry Compartment 1 Door (Rear)

Notes: Features Off-Road chassis modification, Communications

Equipment (2 tons).


For centuries the Dragon has kept an eye on its citizenry,
watching to protect them from undue harm caused by outside
influences. By observing the people, the Combine’s upper
levels of government maintain a finger on the pulse of the
nation. While many outside the realm would see such actions as
obtrusive and invasive, those inside the Dragon’s grasp embrace it.
Such activity helps officials proactively protect the populace from
divisive elements and subversion, maintaining a peaceful atmo-
sphere in which to live and work.
The Gossamer is the latest in a long line of drone technology
used by civilian protection services for the last several centuries.
The drone’s lifting power is sufficient to carry sophisticated hi-res
imaging systems and multi-directional audio pickups, transmit- WAKAMIYA SALVAGE DESTROYER
ting its data in a real-time feed to a grounded control system. A holdover from the early days of Combine exploration
In heavy urban areas, Gossamer drones are controlled from efforts, the Wakamiya continues to serve as the Combine’s pre-
Sasayaku Control Vehicles, providing necessary mobility and a miere surface naval vessel. Found cruising the oceans of the
small reaction team to handle detected crises. Dragon’s many primarily water worlds such as Buckminster,
Drone usage is heavier on Combine border worlds as the ISF Athenry, and Isesaki, the Wakamiya remains in service over five
also fields specialized surveillance teams to keep tabs on foreign centuries later. Finding two or more of these salvage destroyers
diplomats, merchants, and other persons of interest. On impor-
on a single world is rare.
tant worlds such as prefecture capitals, the ISF uses modified
Initially conceived as an all-in-one vessel, the Wakamiya
Luxemburg-class airships as its central drone network. During
recent incursions by Draconis March troops, the ISF used drones mounts impressive offensive and defensive capabilities that
at night, keeping tabs on Davion troop movements and maintain- surround a dedicated core of deep-water salvage and rescue
ing reliable intelligence for the DCMS. Gossamers are silent and equipment. The Wakamiya serves as a mobile command center,
typically color-neutral, making them extremely difficult to detect coordinating fleet efforts across the globe. Underwater bays
in the twilight and evening hours. service the vessel’s submarine escorts, while twelve light bays
on deck utilize the oversized aft helipad. The Wakamiya carries
Type: Gossamer up to eight additional surface vessels—typically hovercraft or
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced) light ships—and provides fire support through the main turret
Movement Type: Airship (Small)
mounted near the bow. Up to twelve drones provide additional
Equipment Rating: E /X-X -F
Mass: 4,450 kg observational and sensor data crucial to the Wakamiya’s multi-
mission role.
Equipment Mass Aside from standard defensive operations, the Wakamiya
Chassis: 379 assists local mining efforts under the waves. Sizable cargo bays
Engine/Controls: Electric (Solar) 570 provide needed equipment for survey and construction efforts.
Safe Thrust: 2 Vehicle complements can be adjusted to accommodate sup-
Max Thrust: 3 port vessels and other equipment, and the vessel provides a
Structural Integrity: 2 temporary administrative and control platform until the facility
Heat Sinks: 0
is ready.
Fuel: N/A 0
On border worlds subjected to constant raids and temporary
Armor Factor (BAR 2): 4 48
Armor occupations, Wakamiyas serve as a central hub for Draconian
Value resistance. A Davion assault on Deshler in 2872 defeated the
Front 1 small garrison force and attempted to control the system for
Sides 1/1 the Federated Suns. What the AFFS failed to take into account
Aft 1 was the Sakura no Hana. The Hana’s captain kept the ship
mobile along the main coast and deep inland rivers, striking
Weapons and Ammo Location Tonnage Davion patrols with its hovercraft and VTOL complement. The
None — —
harassment kept the Davion forces focused on the Hana, as the
invaders had minimal aerospace support. The Hana suffered
Crew: 0 (Drone)
Cargo: 8 kg standard severe damage from a DropShip strike but did not sink, limping
along for another month before the arrival of the Second
Notes: Features Ultra-light chassis modification, Hi-Res Imager Sword of Light. The captain of the Sakura no Hana was awarded
(2,500 kg, Nose), Drone Operating System (945 kg). the Bushido Blade for his efforts.


Type: Wakamiya-class Salvage Destroyer Weapons and Ammo (continued) Location Mass
Technology Base: Inner Sphere (Advanced) 2 SRT 6 Front 6
Chassis Type: Naval (Large, Template E) Ammo (SRT) 30 Body 2
Mass: 50,500 4 Machine Guns Front 2
Battle Value: 48,028 Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Equipment Rating: D/E-F-F 2 LRT 20 FR/FL 40
Ammo (LRT) 72 Body 12
Equipment Mass SRT 6 FR/FL 6
Chassis: 15,453 Ammo (SRT) 30 Body 2
Engine/Controls: Fusion 13,180.5 2 Machine Guns FR/FL 2
Cruising MP: 5 Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Flank MP: 8 2 Fluid Guns FR/FL 8
Heat Sinks: 60 60 Ammo (Fluid) 400 Body 20
Fuel: N/A 0 2 Machine Guns AR/AL 2
Turret (T1): 5.5 Ammo (MG) 200 Body 1
Turret (T2): 10.5 2 Fluid Guns AR/AL 8
Turret (T9): 3.5 Ammo (Fluid) 400 Body 20
Armor Factor (BAR 10): 1563 98.5 LRT 20 Rear 10
Internal Armor Ammo (LRT) 18 Body 3
Structure Value SRT 6 Rear 3
Front 56 200 Ammo (SRT) 15 Body 1
Front R/L Side 56 185/185 2 Machine Guns Rear 1
Rear R/L Side 56 171/171 Ammo (MG) 100 Body .5
Rear 56 171 Advanced Fire Control System — 30
Turret (T1) 56 160
Turret (T2) 56 160 Crew: 174 (27 officers, 83 enlisted/non-rated, 75 gunners)
Turret (T9) 56 160 Cargo:
1,820 tons liquid cargo (2,000 tons) 1 Door (Rear)
Weapons and Ammo Location Mass 2,610 tons refrigerated cargo (3,000 tons)
4 LRM 20 Turret (1) 40 11,530.5 tons standard cargo 2 Doors (FR, FL)
Ammo (LRM) 96 Body 16 4 super-heavy vehicle bays (800 tons) 2 Door (Front)
2 PPC Turret (1) 14 8 heavy vehicle bays (800 tons) 3 Doors (Front, FR, FL)
3 Long Tom Turret (2) 90 16 light vehicle bays (800 tons) 2 Doors (FR, FL, Rear)
Ammo (Long Tom) 180 Body 36
2 PPC Turret (2) 14 Notes: Features Armored and Tractor (Naval) Chassis Modifications,
2 LRM 20 Turret (9) 20 helipad (500 tons, T7), 4 lift hoists (12 tons, 2 FR, 2 FL), 8 fluid suction
Ammo (LRM) 48 Body 8 systems (8 tons, 2 FR, 2 FL, 2 AR, 2 AL), 3 field kitchens (9 tons), com-
2 PPC Turret (9) 14 munications equipment (8 tons), MASH equipment (7 additional
2 LRT 20 Front 20 theaters, 10.5 tons), 60 steerage quarters (300 tons), 62 maritime
Ammo (LRT) 36 Body 6 lifeboats (62 tons), drone control system (12 drones, 8 tons).


A Clan Diamond Shark, 167, 185

Clan Ghost Bear, 9-10, 70, 73, 75
Dragon Renewal(s), 60-62
Dragon’s Heart, The, 77 I Kurita, Isoroku, 8-9, 100, 119
Kurita, Jasmine, 63, 65, 117, 133
Abdulsattah, Peter, 162 Clan Ghost Bear Dominion, 73, 83, 117, 184-85 Dragon’s Soul, The, 88 Icar, 54 Kurita, Jason, 21-22, 24-25, 104
Aberdeen, Evan, 58 Clan Hell’s Horses, 73, 75 Dragon’s Spine, The, 78 Imperial City, 35-37, 56, 59, 61-62, 78, Kurita, Jinjiro, 39-42, 44-48, 114, 138, 144
Admiralty, 141 Clan Homeworlds, 72 Dragon’s Spirit, The, 93 114, 133 Kurita, Jon, 54-56
Aix-la-Chapelle, 84-85 Clan Invasion, 9, 69-75, 78-89, 82, 86, 90, 94 Dragon’s Tears Plaza, 79 Imperial Court, 7, 12, 27, 32, 38, 40, 96
Kurita, Kamaro, 101
Al Na’ir, 94, 133 Clan Nova Cat, 70, 72, 80-81 Dromini, 54, 67 First Succession War and, 44
Kurita, Lenore, 24
Prefecture, 125 Clan occupation, 82 Second Succession War and, 46
Kurita, Leonard, 29, 32-33
Albalii, 110
Albiero Prefecture, 56, 73, 126
Clan Occupation Zones, 72 E Imperial Institute of Technology, 132
Independence Weaponry, 97, 159
Kurita, Marcus, 67, 70, 118-20
Clan Smoke Jaguar, 70, 72, 80, 82, 85 Earthwerks, 97 Kurita, Marika, 22, 24
Alexandria, 60 Clan Snow Raven, 125, 184 Echo, 27, 36-37 Indrahar, Clarissa, 57
Kurita, Minoru, 38-41, 72, 93, 100, 119
Algedi, 96, 110, 125 Clan War, 108, 155 Edict of 2650, 37, 38 Indrahar, Jervis, 61
Kurita, Mitchell, 120, 161
Alkalurops, 60 Coleson, Trevor, 84 Edo, 70 Indrahar, Subhash, 118
Kurita, Miyako, 100, 119, 164
Alliance of Galedon, 14-17, 32, 79, 101 Colia, 54 Edwards, Ulysses, 162 Interior Staff of the Coordinator, 121
Kurita, Miyamoto, 119
Alshain, 124-25 Combine-Dominion War, 5 Ellis, Rutherford, 82 Internal Security Force (ISF), 92, 106, 123,
Kurita, Miyogi, 49-52, 54-57
District, 67 ComStar, 5, 12 Endeavoring to Assist Shelter (ETAS), 109 142, 188
Kurita, Necess, 58-59
Altair, 17, 19 Explorer Corps, 91 Enif, 90 Interstellar Expeditions, 120
Kurita, Nihongi, 22-24
Amaris, Stefan (Usurper), 38, 49, 185 First Succession War, 41-42, 51 Interstellar Harvesters, 163
Kurita, Oma, 22, 24
Amau Electronics, 120
An Ting, 89
Fourth Succession War, 67, 69
Hospice, 60-61
F Irece Prefecture, 72, 78, 80-81
Irragang, Perrine, 87
Kurita, Omi, 21-22, 72, 75, 100, 102, 117, 119
Federated Commonwealth (House Stiener- Kurita, Parker, 24, 104
Arcadia, 41 Concord of Kapteyn, 65, 185 Irurzun Prefecture, 125
Davion), 65, 69, 70, 72-73, 75 Kurita, Philip, 24, 104
Arkab, 94 Cosby BattleMech Isesaki, 179
Civil War, 74-75, 97, 135, 143, 156 Kurita, Richard, 124
Asgard, 17, 108 and Myomer Research Firm, 158 Isesaki Shipping, 91, 118, 163
Federated Suns (House Davion), 5, 19, 25, Kurita, Robert, 22-25, 104
Ashio, 95 Cost of living, 178-79 Ivankov, Robert, 88
27, 32, 34, 39, 77, 87, 97, 183 Kurita, Roweena, 49, 50, 52, 55, 59
Prefecture, 125 Coudoux, 106
Ashora, Teyasu, 73 Council of One, 17
First Succession War, 41-42, 44
Second Succession War, 45-46, 49, 50-52 J Kurita, Saigo, 24, 104
Kurita, Sanethia, 33-36, 78-79
Astankov, Julius, 96-97 Courcheval Challenge, 73, 75 Third Succession War, 54-58, 61-63 Jabuka, 129, 130
Aubisson, 54 Kurita, Sanyu, 100, 104
Coventry, 26, 72 Federated-Boeing, 97 Jacobsen, Werner, 164
Azami, 39, 81, 83, 94 Kurita, Shada, 100, 102
Creatures, 170-74 Federation of Skye, 19-20, 23-24, 27, 97 Jansma, Nikolai, 95
Kurita, Shinjiro, 56-59, 70, 86
Crossing, 63 Jarrett, 46
B Crucis March, 44
Third Succession War, 54, 56-57, 60-61
Ferrell, Tomas, 131 Joyous Springs Wines, 164
Kurita, Shiragi, 102, 104
Kurita, Shiro, 88-89, 92-93, 182, 184
Baek family, 85 Currency, 156 Fillington, Graham, 90 Junction, 17
doctrines of, 101
Benet III, 63 Cussar pocket attack, 39-40 Formal Court, 114
Benhashemi, Jamila, 100 Cylene, 62, 130 Franklin, 45 K as First Coordinator, 12-17, 19-21, 27,
29, 32, 36-37
Benjamin, 17, 24, 37, 77, 84, 125 Franklin, Sophia, 91 Kagoshima Prefecture, 73, 75, 126-27, 184
Military District, 11, 44, 54, 65, 83-88,
106, 125, 178, 183-85
D Free Rasalhague Republic, 21, 185 Kankoku Military Fabrication Corporation, 26
Kasaku, 121-22
Kurita, Siriwan, See McAllister-Kurita, Siriwan
Kurita, Takashi, 8, 12, 42, 67, 70, 86
Dabih, 110 Free Worlds League (House Marik), 23, 25, Third Succession War, 61-63, 65
Prefecture, 125 Dance of Loyalty, 116 167, 185 Katsuyori, 51
Bjarrad, 80-81 Kurita, Takiro, 37-38
Darius, 46 First Succession War, 41 Kaus Borealis, 96
Prefecture, 56, 126 Kurita, Taragi, 52, 54-57, 95
Davarapala Accords, 57, 61 Fourth Succession War, 65, 167, 185 Kaznejoy Prefecture, 125, 132
Black Dragon(s), 7, 9, 36, 70, 72-73, 75, Kurita, Tenno, 19, 21-22, 108
Davion, Hanse “the Fox,” 63, 65, 69, 70, 72, 86 Second Succession War, 51 Kazutoyo, Amanda, 37
100, 117, 120, 123-24, 188 Kurita, Theodore, 8-9, 11, 51, 63, 69-70,
Davion, Ian, 63 Third Succession War, 54, 59 Kell Hounds, 63, 70
Blake, Jerome, 38 72-73, 78, 108, 182
Davion, Melissa, 55, 63 Friendly Persuader, 7-8, 11, 122, 182, 189 Kentares IV, 41-42, 44, 49, 114, 138
Bone Norman, 39 Fourth Succession War, 65, 67
Davion-Steiner alliance, 67 Fukuroi Riots, 37 Kerai-Indrahar, Ninyu, 11, 72, 123
Border crossing(s), 184-85 Kurita, Toshiro, 14, 16-17, 20-22, 24, 88,
DCMS, 108, 137-39 Kerensky, Aleksandr, 38-39, 46, 69, 183
Botterfield, Hoek, 160
Bozeman, Gunso, 5, 7, 9-10
chain of command, 142 G Kessel Prefecture, 54, 96-97, 125
Kessel-Dromini gap, 23-24
101-2, 117
Kurita, Victor, 20-21
medals and decorations, 152-53 Galatia III, 63
Breed, 75 Kestrich, Samuel, 34 Kurita, Vladimir, 21-22
rank insignia, 151-52 Galedon Military District, 39, 77, 88-92
Brody, Duke Armitage, 17 Kiamba, 118 Kurita, Warren, 28-29, 33
structure, 137-39 Third Succession War, 54
Brown, Ignatius, 166 Kiguri, Hohiro, 124 Kurita, Yoguchi, 48-52, 54
training centers, 145-49 Galedon V, 14-15, 21, 88-89, 137
Buckminster, 85 Kingsley, Dexter, 67 Kurita, Yorinaga, 108
unit types, 145 Galileo Instruments, 158, 175
Prefecture, 125 Kinkakuji Enterprises, 164 Kurita, Zabu, 40, 45-49
uniforms and insignia, 150-52 Galtor III, 86-87
Buda Imperial Vehicles, 158 Kirei Na Niwa, 16 Kurita II, Urizen, 35-37, 137-38
De Sorrentelli, Timothy, 165 Galtor Naval Yards, 86-87
Bulldog Enterprises, 87
Bushido, 9, 36-37, 85, 108-9, 137-39, 182
Deber City, 84, 94
Dehgolan, 51
Germane, Piram, 158
Gillespie, Ricardo, 58
Kitabake, Unno, 164
Kiyomori Minamoto, 11 L
Delavan, 41 Gore, Professor Gerald, 109 Klein, Charles, 102 Labrea, 99
C DEST (Draconis Elite Strike Teams), 59, 79, Gram, 39 Ko, 54 Lafayette, Vikram, 165
Lemieux, Trevaline, 162
Caldrea, 27 111, 123, 141, 191 Granada, Yori, 55 Korban Foods, 90
Caliphate, 110 Dictum Honorium, 100, 102-4, 113-14, 127, Grumium, 51 Kosoan Trading Company, 34 Lewison, Traci, 164
Cameron, Ian, 29-30 129-30, 132, 157 Guaranteed Honor for Kurita’s Servants, 121 Kokugaku, 37 LexaTech Industries, 81, 159
Cameron, Michael, 19, 37, 38 Dieron, 17, 19, 77, 93-94, 114 Guided Technologies, 87 Kozoma, Frederick, 47-48 Liu, Dorothy, 163
Cameron, Richard, 38 Dieron Military District, 11, 93-97 Guiding Hands, 123 Kumamoto, 38 Loerring, Ursula, 9
Cameron, Simon, 38 First Succession War, 44 Gunji-No-Kanrei, 142 Kurita, Adam, 21-22, 24 Long Life Company, 164
Capellan Confederation (House Liao), 23, Fourth Succession War, 65, 67 Kurita, Angus, 120 Lucerne, 45-46
25, 97, 110, 157, 167, 185 Third Succession War, 54 H Kurita, Blaine, 33 Luthien, 17, 35-36, 70, 72, 78-79, 84, 87, 90-92
First Succession War, 42
First Succession War, 41 Diplan ’Mechyards, 84-86, 157 Hachiman, 90-91, 179 Kurita, Chandrasekhar, 72, 90, 119-20, 124,
Second Succession War, 51 Dnepropetrovsk, 15 Hachiman Taro Enterprises, 118-20, 158 155, 158 Third Succession War, 54, 57-58, 60, 62, 65
Third Succession War, 58-59 Donegal, 27 Halstead Station, 63 Kurita, Constance, 65, 100, 119 Luthien Armor Works, 26, 44, 79, 87, 90, 94, 160
Castle(s) Brian, 85, 92-94 Doneval II, 73 Harrow’s Sun, 62-63 Kurita, Drago, 38 Luthien University, 132
Celebration of the Coordinator’s birth, 115-16 Dover, 86, 179 Hasegawa, Cantor, 85 Kurita, Elaine, 33 Luzerne, 191
Celebration of Nobility and Service, 116 Dow-Nexus Fusion Products, 83,160 Heaven’s Gate, 40 Kurita, Elija, 120 Lyons Thumb, 73, 117, 124
Chain Gang regiments, 46 Draconis Combine Foundation (2319), 18 Helm Memory Core, 82, 132, 146 Kurita, Graeme, 120 Lyran Alliance/Commonwealth, 5, 20,
Chandler, 45-46 Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery, Hendriks, Stephanie, 59 Kurita, Grant, 28 23-27, 35, 39, 82, 96-97, 183
Chatham, 62 See DCMS Hesperus II, 42, 46, 39, 50-51, 60, 107 Kurita, Hanako, 24 First Succession War, 39, 41-42, 44
Cherenkoff, Vasily, 65, 67 Draconis High Command, 142 Hinsdale Electronics, 86 Kurita, Hehiro, 29-30, 32, 102, 111, 115 Fourth Succession War, 65-67
Chevy Chase, 46 Draconis March, 44, 51, 55, 61, 73, 75 Hotchkiss, Judith, 159 Kurita, Hohiro, 60-62, 70, 72, 82, 118 Second Succession War, 45, 48-52,
Chrysanthemum Throne, 78, 118 Draconis Rift, 19, 77, 79, 91 Hu, David, 159 Kurita, Hugai, 49, 58-60, 94 54, 57, 61
Clan Blood Spirit, 118 Dragon Medallion, 52 Hyöbushö, 121 Kurita, Isaac, 20-21 Third Succession War, 54, 56, 58, 60, 65


M O Rule 2832,10, 116

Rule of Five, 103
Styx Mining, 166
Succession War(s), 1-2, 9, 60, 78, 82, 93 W
Maas, Lawrence, 161 O’Callaghan, Thom, 165 Rules of war, 56 First, 40-44, 50, 86 Waddesdon Traders, 34
Machida, Ernest, 163 O’Clannahan, Sean, 88 Wakazashi Enterprises, 162, 177-78
Ryan Cartel iceships, 34 Fourth, 63, 65-67, 86, 88, 108, 125, 157
Machine of Peaceful Conflict Resolution, 121 O’Shaughnessy, Brett, 165 War of 3039, 67-69, 185
Second, 42, 45-53, 58, 86, 89, 155, 185
Maestas, Mark, 158
Mallory’s World, 63
Odell, 41
Ollsen, Juno, 165
S Third, 54-65, 81, 86, 88, 125, 155 Watanabe, Erasmus, 79
Watchers of the Household, 121
Sadafuji, Charles, 161 Sufferings of the Lion, 114, 116, 156, 188
Mara, 62, 65 Operation Waterly, Myndo, 67
Saginaw, 41 Sulafat, 85
Markab, 73, 110 BIRD DOG, 130 Way of the Tea, 183
Markov, Paul, 83 Sahin, James, 89 Sulevani, Rajiv, 52
BULLDOG, 63, 72, 75, 94, 118, 124, 130 Sun Zhang MechWarrior Academy, 37, 57, Way of the Warrior, 14, 137-38
Marsden, Alistair, 24 Sainze, Raymond, 39
EARWAX, 140 92, 146, 148 Webber, Kristof, 157
Marshdale, 108 Sakade, Tomoe, 73, 117, 127, 130
FREEDOM, 57 Surinami Processing, 166 West, Santin, 80
Matabushi Incorporated, 160-61 Sakamoto, Franklin, 118
GALAHAD, 65 Svelvik, 46 Wisdom Through Audacity, 34
Matamoras, 81-82 Sakamoto, Pierre and Sophia, 118
PRAYING MANTIS, 51 Sverdlovsk, 15, 16, 97 Wolcott, 70, 118, 126
Matsuida Prefecture, 125 Sakamoto, Samson, 58
REVIVAL, 71, 143, 155 Sveson, Rikkard, 37 Woldrise at Dawn, 90
Maximum Universal Personality Quotient, 109 Sakhara V, 45
THOR, 65 Wolf’s Dragoons, 67, 70, 145
McAllister Rebellion, 21, 26, 101, 108, 110 Samsonov, Grieg, 67
McAllister, Captain Martin, 27-28, 79, 106
Order of the Five Pillars, 8, 188
Osaka Heavy Metrics, 165
Samurai, 37, 85, 137-38 T Women, titles of, 116
Worrell, 17, 126-27
McAllister, Elizabeth, 84-85 Sanctum Arcanum, 99-100 Tabayama Prefecture, 125
Oshika, 126
McAllister-Kurita, Siriwan (Lady), 27-30,
32-33, 35-36, 100-101, 137
Outer Reaches Rebellion, 14
Sandoval, Duke, 75
Sandoval, James, 73
Tahiro, Ishi, 160
Takanashi, Alexander (Zander), 5, 7, 9-10 X
Outreach, 117 Xenophobia, 130
McKenna, James, 19, 93 Sandoval, Tancred, 75 Tamar Pact, 19-20, 22-23, 26-27, 57, 60
Outworlds Alliance, 30, 32, 59, 125, 168, Xhosa VII, 58, 60
Menkent, 24 Santander, Carson, 50-52 Tanadi Computers, 162, 175
185, 189 Xinyang Prefecture, 87-88, 125, 132
Metals of the Earth, 80, 164 Sato, Namichi, 92 Tango, 106
Ozawa Mercantile Association, 14-15, 19,
Mickertrick, General, 58
Midway Shipyards, 161 79-80, 88
Scarborough Manufacturing, 94
School for Cultural Investigation, 94
Tannil, 34
Taro Toguchi, 7-8, 10 Y
Yakima Enterprises, 190
Military Coordination Office, 140
Military corporations, 157-62 P Schuyler, 73, 80, 118
Second Star League, See Star League
Taurian Concordat, 32, 168
Telos IV, 17 Yakuza, 7-8, 65, 81, 88, 134-35
Minamoto, Courcheval, 75 Pageant of Noble Loyalty, 114, 116-17 Selencia, Mara, 119 Teniente, 100 Yamashiro Prefecture, 14, 101
Minbushö, 121 Pain of Failure, 129 Sevren, 65 Terra, 20, 23, 25, 33, 35, 38-39, 54, 83, 93-94 Yodama, Shin, 42
Ministry of Court, 120, 121-22 Palmer, Kathleen, 118 Shadow War, 52, 54, 57 Terran Alliance, 19, 104, 109 Yokohama, Jacob, 57, 82
Ministry of Interior, 120, 121 People’s Protection, 165, 177 Shin Yodama 7-11 Terran Hegemony, 17, 19, 22, 25-26, 88, 93, 95 Yokoshima-Stuart, Lynette, 80
Ministry of Justice, 120, 121-22 People’s Reconstruction Effort, 45, 49, 52 Shinono system, 34 Tetsuhara, Minobu, 67 Yorioshi, Ukita, 65
Ministry of the Servants Perera, Yvengi, 90 Shiro Kurita Memorial Spaceport, 92 Tharkad, 8, 50-51 Yoshimatsu Chemicals, 166
of the Draconis Combine, 121 Periphery worlds, 24, 29-30, 32, 38, 73, 78, 90 Shitara, 110 Thompson, Mark, 96 Yoshimatsu-Rodgers, Ned, 166
Ministry of the Treasury, 120-21 Pesht, 11, 17, 32, 77, 79, 118 Sighisoara, 106, 126-27 Tigiki, Jonas, 159
Ministry of War, 120-21, 139-40
Ministry of Well-Being
Pesht Military District, 77-83, 106, 126-27,
179, 184-85
Skondia, 27, 39, 60 Tishomingo, 49-50 Z
Skye, 22 Tomade Yamiro, Abbess, 8-9, 11 Zebebelgenubi, 60
of the Land and the Peoples, 121 Pesht Motors, 79, 165 Snow Fire, 49, 51 Tormark, Quentin Parnell, 94
Minnesota Tribe, 45, 46 Petroff, Boris, 11 Society, 129-35 Toshi, Yvonne, 40
Miyada, 126-27 Pevensy, Eustace, 86 Sociopolitical structure, 113 Tours-Kunis, Evelyn, 162
Miyasato, Timth, 34 Physicians of the Dragon, 141 Solaris VII, 133 Towne, 39, 54, 72
Monahan, Charles, 166 Pillar Reforms, 157 Sons of the Dragon, 142 Toyama, Hideyoshi, 56
Monument to Fallen Draconis Heroes, 116 Planetary Evacuation Command, 96 Sorenson, Blaine, 27-28 Treaty of Vega, 29, 30
Moore, 45 Pollux Proclamation, 32 Sorenson, Daniel, 21-22 Trolloc Prime, 39
Moray, Emun, 51 Port Arthur, 80, 82
Motochika, Chosokabe, 46 Sorenson, David, 24-25 Trondheim, 22
Port Authority, 140, 185 Sorenson, Illiyana, 27 Tukayyid, 51
Multan, 120 Port Benjamin State Correctional Facility, 46
Murchison, 63 Sorenson, Jan, 22, 25 Truce, 70, 72
Port Moseby, 54 Sorenson, Jarod, 27 Turanian Transport Company, 166
Musashi, Kendrick, 37 Principality of Rasalhague, 19-22, 24-25, Sorenson, Zarabeth, 27 Turnbull, Hughbert, 166
N 27, 32, 37, 88, 96
Proserpina, 87
Sorrow from Weakness, 129
Southern, Paul, 116
Turtle Bay, 70, 80, 118
Nagai, Tadaki, 156
Nakamura, Edward, 93-94
Prefecture, 125
Protectorate of Donegal, 20
Sparkling Spirits, Incorporated, 165 U
National Treasures School, 133-34 Spreading the Glories, Incorporated, 165 Underground, 188
Pusht-i-rud, 130 St. John, 24, 27
Neidlander, Frederick, 87-88 Uniforms, 150-51
New Avalon, 42
New Bergen, 20-21
Q Star League, 9, 29-30, 32, 34, 36, 52, 57,
69-70, 72, 86, 93-94, 97
United Hindu Collective, 91
Unity Palace, 40, 49, 56, 59, 78-79, 90
Quandahar, 81, 83 Accords, 33 Universities, 132-33
New Caledonia, 49
Prefecture, 78, 120, 126 Castle Brian, 79 of Ashio, 95
New Ivaarsen, 54
Quentin, 97 Defense Force, 30, 32, 39, 118 of Pesht, 102
New New Delhi, 15
fall of, 38
New Rhodes III, 41
New Samarkand, 14-17, 19, 21-22, 24-28, R Fourth Whitting Conference, 8
Unproductives, 7, 44, 46, 62, 104, 109-10, 182

32, 35, 39, 79, 88, 92

Prefecture, 126-27
Radstadt, 40
Randolph, Uchio, 91
Gunslingers, 75
Second Star League, 12, 78, 121,
Vanderham, Denise, 51
Third Succession War, 57, 63 Rasalhague 167-168 Vanern, 33
New Samarkand Armor Works, 26 Military District, 54, 62, 65, 67, 125 Steel Valley BattleMech facility, 97 Vega, 24, 65
New Samarkand Metals, 26, 81, 87, 90, Prefecture, 117 Steelton, 54 Vega Prefecture, 125
92, 96, 161 province, 129 Steiner, Adam, 118 Victory Industries, 162
New Vandenburg Revolt, 38 Repin, Andreas, 97 Steiner, Elizabeth, 54 Voice of the Dragon, 123
Ningxia Prefecture, 126 Reunification War, 29, 32-33, 36 Steiner, Eric, 57 Von Rohrs, Kozo, 26
Nissan General Industries, 120, 161, 176, 177 Richmond, 46 Steiner, Katrina, 65 Von Rohrs, Krüger, 26
Nobility, 107-8, 114, 116 Rim Worlds Republic, 32, 39 Steiner, Melissa, 65 Von Rohrs, Marika, 100
Court, 121 Robinson, 49, 51, 55-56, 73 Steiner-Davion, Victor, 63, 72, 117-18, 124 Von Rohrs, Nihongi, 22, 24-26, 100, 104
titles, 117 Roku Royal, 91, 163 Stellar Trek Enterprises, 86, 90, 162, 175, 190 Von Rohrs, Werner, 22-24, 104
Noius Archipelagus Institute of Science, 132 Ronin War, 67 Sterenson, Ingmar, 62 Von Rohrs, Yama, 26-27
Noketsuna, Michi, 67 Roshenco, Elizabeth, 164 Strana Mechty, 118 Von Rohrs family, 27-28, 110, 116-17, 130
Norman, King Hugh, 17 Rous, Thomas, 86 Streator, 42 Voskoboynikov, Yuri, 81-82
Nox, 26-27 Rukbat, 110 Styx, 26 Vrydolyak, 79, 165



Armor Type: Draconis Combine Standard Infantry Kit Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0

Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Can only damage conventional -1 0 +1 +2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry units.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 89 Transport Wt: 4 Movement MP: 1 Type: Ground

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Draconis Combine Standard Infantry Kit Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Can only damage conventional -1 0 +1 +2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry units.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 89 Transport Wt: 4 Movement MP: 1 Type: Ground

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Draconis Combine Standard Infantry Kit Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Can only damage conventional — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier -1 0 +1 +2
infantry units.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 89 Transport Wt: 4 Movement MP: 1 Type: Ground

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Draconis Combine Standard Infantry Kit Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — 10 10 9 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Can only damage conventional -1 0 +1 +2 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry units.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 89 Transport Wt: 4 Movement MP: 1 Type: Ground

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Armor Type: Standard Ballistic Plate Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — — — — — 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0

Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Does +1 damage to conventional -1 0 0 +2 +2 +4 +4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry at range 0.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 61 Transport Wt: 24 Movement MP: 3 Type: Wheeled

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Standard Ballistic Plate Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — — — — — 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Does +1 damage to conventional -1 0 0 +2 +2 +4 +4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry at range 0.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 61 Transport Wt: 24 Movement MP: 3 Type: Wheeled

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Standard Ballistic Plate Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — — — — — 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Does +1 damage to conventional -1 0 0 +2 +2 +4 +4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry at range 0.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 61 Transport Wt: 24 Movement MP: 3 Type: Wheeled

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A


Armor Type: Standard Ballistic Plate Divisor: 2
Experience: 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Gunnery Skill:
Anti-’Mech Skill:
Max Weapon Damage* — — — — — — 10 10 9 9 8 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1 0
Notes: *Damage is always applied in 2-point Damage Value groupings RANGE IN HEXES (TO-HIT MODIFIER)
Range 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Does +1 damage to conventional -1 0 0 +2 +2 +4 +4 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Range Modifier
infantry at range 0.
Cannot conduct Anti-’Mech Field Gun Type: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A
Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A Disposable Weapon: N/A Ammo: N/A

BV: 61 Transport Wt: 24 Movement MP: 3 Type: Wheeled

Movement MP: N/A Type: N/A

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

Standard Scale

Damage Threshold
9 (85)
Type: Dragonstar Assault Transport (PT)
Thrust: Tonnage: 150
Safe Thrust: 5 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Maximum Thrust: 8 Era: Star League

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Standard Scale (1–6) (7–12) (13–20) (21–25)
1 Large Laser [DE] N 8 8 8 — —
1 Medium Laser [DE] N 3 5 — — —
1 Medium Laser [DE] LS 3 5 — — —
1 Medium Laser [DE] RS 3 5 — — —
1 Large Laser [DE] A 8 8 8 — —
1 Medium Laser [DE] A 3 5 — — —
Cargo: Integrity:
Infantry Bay - 2 platoons (2 doors) 11
Cargo Space - 16.500 tons (1 door)

Fuel: 480 Points

BV: 1,205

Left Right
Damage Damage Heat
Threshold Threshold Scale
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)

8 (72) 8 (72)
Aft Damage Threshold 24*
(Total Armor)
6 (55)
Name: Level* Effects Heat Sinks: 20*
Avionics +1 +2 +5 Engine 2 4 D
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: 30 Shutdown 20 (20) 19*
28 Ammo Exp. avoid on 8+ Single 18*
FCS +2 +4 D Gear +5
27 Pilot Damage, avoid
Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 17*
on 9+
Life Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 16
Sensors +1 +2 +5 +2
Support 25 Random Movement,
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 avoid on 10+
+4 Modifier to Fire 14*
23 Ammo Exp. avoid on 6+ 13*
VELOCITY RECORD 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 12
Turn #
21 Pilot Damage, avoid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
on 6+
Thrust 20 Random Movement, 10*
avoid on 8+
Velocity 9
19 Ammo Exp. avoid on 4+
Effective Velocity 8*
18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+
Altitude +3 Modifier to Fire 7
15 Random Movement, 6
avoid on 7+
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 5*
Thrust 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 4
Velocity 10 Random Movement, 3
Effective Velocity avoid on 6+
8 +1 Modifier to Fire 2
Altitude 5 Random Movement, 1
avoid on 5+
© 2015 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo
are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

Standard Scale

Damage Threshold
9 (85)
Type: Dragonstar Assault Transport (3060)
Thrust: Tonnage: 150
Safe Thrust: 5 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Maximum Thrust: 8 Era: Clan Invasion

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Standard Scale (1–6) (7–12) (13–20) (21–25)
1 ER Medium Laser [DE] N 5 5 5 — —
1 Large Pulse Laser [P] N 10 9 9 — —
1 Medium Pulse Laser [P] LS 4 6 — — —
1 Medium Pulse Laser [P] RS 4 6 — — —
2 ER Medium Laser [DE] A 5 5 5 — —

Cargo: Structural
Battle Armor Bay - 3 Squads (2 doors) Integrity:
Cargo Space - 4.5 tons (1 door) 11

Fuel: 480 Points

BV: 1,175

Left Right
Damage Damage Heat
Threshold Threshold Scale
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)

8 (72) 8 (72)
Aft Damage Threshold 24*
(Total Armor)
6 (55)
Name: Level* Effects Heat Sinks: 20*
Avionics +1 +2 +5 Engine 2 4 D
Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: 30 Shutdown 20 (20) 19*
28 Ammo Exp. avoid on 8+ Single 18*
FCS +2 +4 D Gear +5
27 Pilot Damage, avoid
Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 17*
on 9+
Life Consciousness # 3 5 7 10 11 Dead 26 Shutdown, avoid on 10+ 16
Sensors +1 +2 +5 +2
Support 25 Random Movement,
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 avoid on 10+
+4 Modifier to Fire 14*
23 Ammo Exp. avoid on 6+ 13*
VELOCITY RECORD 22 Shutdown, avoid on 8+ 12
Turn #
21 Pilot Damage, avoid
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
on 6+
Thrust 20 Random Movement, 10*
avoid on 8+
Velocity 9
19 Ammo Exp. avoid on 4+
Effective Velocity 8*
18 Shutdown, avoid on 6+
Altitude +3 Modifier to Fire 7
15 Random Movement, 6
avoid on 7+
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Shutdown, avoid on 4+ 5*
Thrust 13 +2 Modifier to Fire 4
Velocity 10 Random Movement, 3
Effective Velocity avoid on 6+
8 +1 Modifier to Fire 2
Altitude 5 Random Movement, 1
avoid on 5+
© 2015 WizKids, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of WizKids, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the Catalyst Game Labs logo
are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Standard Scale
(Total Armor)
13 (122)


Type: Hoshiryokou
Name: Tonnage: 800
Thrust: Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Safe Thrust: 5 Era: Age of War
Maximum Thrust: 8

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Standard Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50)
1 Large Laser N 8 1 (8) 1 (8) — —
2 Small Laser N 2 1 (6) — — —
1 Small Laser A 1 0 (3) — — —
Structural Integrity: 25
Naval Tug Adaptor

Left Wing Right Wing

Damage Threshold Damage Threshold
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)
10 (92) 10 (92)

Bay 1: Cargo Space - 100 tons (1 door)
Bay 2: Cargo Space - 8 tons (1 door)
Aft Damage
BV:1,216 Fuel:1,400 Threshold
(Total Armor)
9 (82)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Gear +5

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Life

FCS +2 +4 D +2
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp.
Sensors +1 +2 +5 K-F Boom D
Crew: 6 Marines: 0
Passengers: 9 Docking
Thrusters D
Other: 0 Battle Armor: 0 Collar
Life Boats/Escape Pods: 0 /1
Left +1 +2 +3 D

VELOCITY RECORD Right +1 +2 +3 D

Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thrust Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Effective Velocity
Altitude HEAT DATA
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc
Thrust 8 (8) Nose: 10 Aft: 1
Velocity Single Left Wing: Right Wing:
Effective Velocity Fwd: 0 Fwd: 0
Altitude Aft: 0 Aft: 0

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Standard Scale
(Total Armor)
21 (208)


Type: Gaajian System Patrol Boat (2485)
Name: Tonnage: 1,500
Thrust: Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Safe Thrust: 4 Era: Age of War
Maximum Thrust: 6

Left Damage
Weapons & Equipment Inventory Threshold
Right Damage
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)
Standard Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50) 19 (182) 19 (182)
3 PPC N 30 3 (30) 3 (30) — —
4 Medium Laser N 12 2 (20) — — —
4 Small Laser N 4 1 (12) — — —
2 Large Laser FL/FR 22 3 (26) 2 (16) — —
2 Medium Laser
2 Medium Laser AL/AR 6 1 (10) — — —
2 Large Laser A 22 3 (26) 2 (16) — —
2 Medium Laser
4 Small Laser A 4 1 (12) — — — Structural Integrity: 12
Look-Down Rader
High-Resolution Imager

Bay 1: Small Craft - 2 units (2 doors)
Bay 2: Cargo Space - 95 tons (1 door)

BV:3,351 Fuel:5,000 Aft Damage

(Total Armor)
18 (172)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Gear +5

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Life

FCS +2 +4 D +2
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp.
Sensors +1 +2 +5 K-F Boom D
Crew: 10 Marines: 0
Passengers: 42 Docking
Thrusters D
Other: 0 Battle Armor: 0 Collar
Life Boats/Escape Pods: 0 /4
Left +1 +2 +3 D

Right +1 +2 +3 D
Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thrust Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Effective Velocity
Altitude HEAT DATA
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc
Thrust 68 (68) Nose: 46 Aft: 26
Velocity Single
Fore-Left: 22 Aft-Left: 6
Effective Velocity
Altitude Fore-Right: 22 Aft-Right: 6

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Standard Scale
(Total Armor)
21 (208)


Type: Gaajian System Patrol Boat (3060)
Name: Tonnage: 1,500
Thrust: Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Safe Thrust: 4 Era: Clan Invasion
Maximum Thrust: 6

Left Damage
Weapons & Equipment Inventory Threshold
Right Damage
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)
Standard Scale (1–12) (13–24) (25–40) (41–50) 19 (182) 19 (182)
2 ER PPC N 30 2 (20) 2 (20) 2 (20) —
2 Large Pulse Laser N 20 2 (18) 2 (18) — —
2 ER Medium Laser N 10 1 (10) 1 (10) — —
1 AMS N 1 0 (3) Point Defense
[48 rnds]
2 Large Pulse Laser FL/FR 20 2 (18) 2 (18) — —
2 ER Medium Laser FL/FR 10 1 (10) 1 (10) — —
2 Medium Pulse Laser AL/AR 8 1 (12) — — —
2 Large Pulse Laser A 20 2 (18) 2 (18) — — Structural Integrity: 12
2 ER Medium Laser A 10 1 (10) 1 (10) — —
1 AMS A 1 0 (3) Point Defense
[48 rnds]

Look-Down Rader
High-Resolution Imager

Bay 1: Small Craft - 2 units (2 doors)
Bay 2: Cargo Space - 111 tons (1 door)

BV:3,592 Fuel:5,000 Aft Damage

(Total Armor)
18 (172)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Gear +5

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 Life

FCS +2 +4 D +2
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp.
Sensors +1 +2 +5 K-F Boom D
Crew: 11 Marines: 0
Passengers: 33 Docking
Thrusters D
Other: 0 Battle Armor: 0 Collar
Life Boats/Escape Pods: 0 /4
Left +1 +2 +3 D

Right +1 +2 +3 D
Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thrust Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Effective Velocity
Altitude HEAT DATA
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Heat Sinks: Heat Generation Per Arc
Thrust 68 (68) Nose: 61 Aft: 31
Velocity Single
Fore-Left: 30 Aft-Left: 8
Effective Velocity
Altitude Fore-Right: 30 Aft-Right: 8

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.


Front Armor
BAR: 7 (12)


Type: Obuzaabaa Tactical Vehicle Crew: 5

Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:

Cruising: 5 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Flank: 8 Era: Succession Wars Modifier to all Skill rolls Modifier to Driving
Skill rolls
Movement Type: Wheeled

Right Side Armor (15)

Left Side Armor (15)
Engine Type: Electric (Fuel Cell) Engine

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)

Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng Engine Hit
1 Cargo (4.5 tons) — Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
1 Communications Equipment (2 tons) Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3

Infantry Compartment (4 tons) Stabilizers

Chassis Modifications: Off-Road Front Left Right

Rear Armor

BV: 134

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.



Front Armor
BAR: 7 (12)


Type: Sasayaku Control Transport Crew: 5

Movement Points: Tonnage: 25 Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:

Cruising: 5 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Flank: 8 Era: Succession Wars Modifier to all Skill rolls Modifier to Driving
Skill rolls
Movement Type: Wheeled

Right Side Armor (15)

Left Side Armor (15)

Engine Type: Electric (Fuel Cell) Engine

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)

Qty Type Dmg Min Sht Med Lng Engine Hit
1 Cargo (4.5 tons) — Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
1 Communications Equipment (1 ton) Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
1 Drone Carrier Control System (1 drone) Stabilizers
Front Left Right
Infantry Compartment (2 tons)
Chassis Modifications: Off-Road Rear

Rear Armor

BV: 134

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

BAR: 2


Nose Damage
(Total Armor)

Name: Tonnage: 4,450 kg

Thrust: Template: E
Safe Thrust: 2 Tech Base: Inner Sphere
Maximum Thrust: 3

Weapons & Equipment Inventory

Standard Scale (1–6) (7–12) (13–20) (21–25)
Qty Type
1 Drone (Remote)
— — — —
— — — —

Structural Integrity: 2

Left Wing Right Wing

Damage Threshold Damage Threshold
(Total Armor) (Total Armor)
1 ( 1) 1 ( 1)

Cargo: 8 kg
Chassis Modification: Ultra-Light Chassis

Fuel: N/A

BV: 6 Aft Damage Threshold

(Total Armor)
1 ( 1)


Gunnery Skill: Piloting Skill: Avionics +1 +2 +5 Gear +5

Hits Taken 1 2 3 4 5 6 FCS +2 +4 D +2
Modifier +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 Incp. Sensors +1 +2 +5

Crew: 0 Marines: 0 Thrusters

Passengers: 0 Elementals: 0 Left +1 +2 +3 D
Other: 0 Battle Armor: 0
Right +1 +2 +3 D
Life Boats/Escape Pods: 0 /0
Engine –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 D
Turn # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thrust Points per Cycle Turn
Effective Velocity Velocity 1 2 3 4
0.25 1 — — —
Altitude 0.5 1 — 1 —
0.75 1 — 1 1
1 1 1 1 1
Turn # 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 1.25 2 1 1 1
Thrust 1.5 2 1 2 1
1.75 2 1 2 2
Velocity 2 2 2 2 2
2.25 3 2 2 2
Effective Velocity 2.5 3 2 3 2
Altitude 2.75 3 2 3 3
3 3 3 3 3

© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

BAR: 10 Front Armor


Type: Wakamiya-class Salvage Destroyer Crew: 185 Life Boats: 62

Movement Points: Tonnage: 50,500 Gunnery Skill: Driving Skill:

Cruising: 5 Template: E
Tech Base: Inner Sphere Commander Hit +1 Driver Hit +2
Flank: 8 Modifier to all Skill rolls Modifier to Driving
Era: Age of War Skill rolls
Movement Type: Naval
Engine Type: Fusion

Weapons & Equipment Inventory (hexes)


Right Front Armor (185)

Qty Type Loc Dmg Min Sht Med Lng Engine Hit

Left Front Armor (185)

4 LRM 20 T1 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 Sensor Hits +1 +2 +3 D
2 PPC T1 10 DE 3 6 12 18 Motive System Hits +1 +2 +3
3 Long Tom Artillery T2 25 AE,S — 1 2 30
2 PPC T2 10 DE 3 6 12 18
Front Left Right
2 LRM 20 T9 1/Msl 6 7 14 21
2 PPC T9 10 DE 3 6 12 18 Rear
2 LRT 20 F 1/Msl 6 7 14 21
2 SRT 6 F 2/Msl — 3 6 9
4 Machine Guns F 2 DB — 1 2 3
2 LRT 20 FR/FL 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 NOTES
1 SRT 6 FR/FL 2/Msl — 3 6 9 4 Super-heavy Vehicle Bays (2 Doors)
2 Machine Guns FR/FL 2 DB — 1 2 3 8 Heavy Vehicle Bays (3 Doors)
2 Fluid Guns FR/FL * DB,S — 1 2 3 16 Light Vehicle Bays (2 Doors)
2 Lift Hoists FR/FL [E] — — — —
2 Fluid Suction Systems FR/FL [E] — — — — Chassis Modifications: Armored
2 Machine Guns AR/AL 2 DB — 1 2 3 Chassis, Tractor (Naval), Advanced
2 Fluid Guns AR/AL * DB,S — 1 2 3 Fire Control System, 8 tons of
2 Fluid Suction Systems AR/AL [E] — — — — communication equipment, MASH
1 LRT 20 R 1/Msl 6 7 14 21 unit with 7 additional theaters, drone
1 SRT 6 R 2/Msl — 3 6 9 carrier control system (12 drones),
2 Machine Guns R 2 DB — 1 2 3 helipad, 3 field kitchens

Right Rear Armor (171)

Left Rear Armor (171)
1,820 tons liquid cargo (1 Door)
2,610 tons refrigerated cargo (1
Ammo: (Fluid Gun) 800, (Long Tom Artillery) 180, Door)
(LRM 20) 162, (LRT 20) 126, (Machine Gun) 700, 11,491.5 tons cargo (1 Door)
(SRT 6) 75

BV: 48,028

Turret 1 Armor Turret 2 Armor Turret 9 Armor

(160) (160) (160)

Rear Armor

Turn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


© 2015 The Topps Company, Inc. Classic BattleTech, BattleTech, ’Mech and BattleMech are trademarks of The Topps Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Catalyst Game Labs and the
Catalyst Game Labs logo are trademarks of InMediaRes Production, LLC. Permission to photocopy for personal use.

Hohiro Kurita
Theodore Kurita

Five symbolic pillars are said to

support the society of House Kurita:
the Pillar of Gold, signifying the
ruling Kurita dynasty; the Pillar of
Steel, symbolizing the military; the
Pillar of Jade, representing economic
wealth and commerce; the Pillar
of Teak, standing for culture
and art; and the Pillar of Ivory,
exemplifying faith, philosophy,
and codes of conduct.

House Kurita Crest

Sword of Light

Luthien Flag

Coins display the Kurita

dragon on one side with the
value embossed over it and
the mon of a Combine world
on the other. From left to right,
denominations are 1 ryu, 1 yen,
5 ryu, 5, 10, 20, and 50 yen.

The DCA commands the military naval yards in the Combine, though day-to-day operations
fall under the various corporate interests under contract to the Bureau of Procurement.

Notes are uniform in design, though the paper used varies on the military district of
the issuing mint. Each note also carries a watermark in the form of the district’s mon.

Tai-sa Sahalli

Al Na’ir Flag

Arkab Legion

Operating on a chivalric code of honor very similar to bushido,

the yakuza avoids street-level crime—such as muggings—out of
respect for the common man. Less competitive than mafia, the
yakuza handle inter-clan conflict in a more civilized fashion.


Luthien Tanadi Victory Wakazashi

Armor Works Computers Industries Enterprises



Sho-sho Shin Yodama

Izanagi Warriors
(Dragon’s Claws)

Based in the Combine, Independence Weaponry operates less as a corporation and more as a conglomerate,
with each division responsible to a particular interstellar faction and their protocols.

Independence Joyous Sparkling Turanian

Weaponry Springs Wines Spirits Inc. Transport Co.

Warlord Kiyomori

Minoru Kurita

Sun Tzu
School of Combat

Aerospace and
Interstellar Institute

Sun Zhang
Academy Port Arthur Flag

The Sun Tzu School of Combat teaches a “team play” attitude,

stress­ing greater equality between differing branches of warfare.

Though certain modern developments have tempered and challenged bushido, devotion to this ancient code of conduct
has kept the Dragon strong through more than three hundred years of Succession Wars and the Clan invasion.

Long Life Company Yoshimatsu Chemicals


Hachiman Flag

Hachiman Taro

Chandrasekhar Kurita

Mononokete Koe No Ryu Draconis Elite Strike Teams

Internal Security

Mokonete Metsuke Musukosan No Ryu

The DEST squads of the ISF are ever-vigilant in hunting down and eliminating sympathizers of the Black Dragons.

Abbess Tomade Yamiro

Order of the Five Pillars


“Life consists in conflict. So long as man remains a social animal he cannot live
in isolation. All individual hopes and aspirations depend on society. Society is
reflected in the individual, and the individual in society.”
~Dictum Honorium, v. VIII, 145

Tai-shu (Warlord)

Tai-sho (General) Sho-sho (Brigadier General) Tai-sa (Colonel) Chu-sa (Lieutenant Colonel) Sho-sa (Major)

Tai-i (Captain) Senior Master Chief Petty Officer Chu-i (Lieutenant) Sho-ko (Sergeant Major) Kashira (Talon Sergeant)

Shujin (Master Sergeant) Gunsho (Sergeant) Go-cho (Corporal) Gunjin (Lance Corporal) Heishi (Private)

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