SML Assignment: 2) For Ridge Regression, If The Regularization Parameter 0, What Does It Mean?

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SML Assignment

Deepak Sundaram M


1) In a simple linear regression model (One independent variable), If we change

the input variable by 1 unit. How much output variable will change?
a) by 1
b) no change
c) by intercept
d) by its slope

Ans- Opt D

2) For Ridge Regression, if the regularization parameter = 0, what does it mean?

(A) Large coefficients are not penalized

(B) Overfitting problems are not accounted for

(C) The loss function is as same as the ordinary least square loss function

(D) All of the above

Ans- Opt D

3) For Ridge Regression, if the regularization parameter is very high, which options

are true? (Select two)

(A) Large coefficients are significantly penalized

(B) Can lead to a model that is too simple and ends up underfitting the data
(C) Large coefficients are not penalized

(D) Can lead to a model that is too simple and ends up overfitting the data
Ans- Opt A,B

4) For Lasso Regression, if the regularization parameter = 0, what does it mean?

(A) The loss function is as same as the ordinary least square loss function

(B) Can be used to select important features of a dataset

(C ) Shrinks the coefficients of less important features to exactly 0

(D) All of the above

Ans- Opt A

5) For Lasso Regression, if the regularization parameter is very high, which options

are true? (Select two)

(A) Can be used to select important features of a dataset

(B) Shrinks the coefficients of less important features to exactly 0

(C) The loss function is as same as the ordinary least square loss function

(D) The loss function is as same as the Ridge Regression loss function
Ans- Opt A,B

6) What’s the penalty term for the Ridge regression?

(A) the square of the magnitude of the coefficients

(B) the square root of the magnitude of the coefficients

(C) the absolute sum of the coefficients

(D) the sum of the coefficients

Ans- Opt A

7) What’s the penalty term for the Lasso regression?

(A) the square of the magnitude of the coefficients

(B) the square root of the magnitude of the coefficients

(C ) the absolute sum of the coefficients

(D) the sum of the coefficients

Ans- Opt C

8) Which one is true?

(A) Lasso regression stands for Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection


(B) The difference between ridge and lasso regression is that lasso tends to

make coefficients to absolute zero as compared to Ridge which never sets

the value of the coefficient to absolute zero

(C) Lasso can be used to select important features of a dataset

(D) All of the above

Ans- Opt d
9) Which one is true?

(A) Ridge regression decreases the complexity of a model but does not

reduce the number of variables since it never leads to a coefficient been zero

rather only minimizes it

(B) Ridge regression is not good for feature reduction

(C) As the regularization parameter increases, the value of the coefficient

tends towards zero. This leads to both low variance (as some coefficient leads

to negligible effect on prediction) and low bias (minimization of coefficient

reduces the dependency of prediction on a particular variable)

(D) All of the above

Ans- Opt d

10) What are the limitations of Lasso Regression? (Select two)

(A) If the number of features (p) is greater than the number of observations

(n), Lasso will pick at most n features as non-zero, even if all features are


(B) If there are two or more highly collinear feature variables, then LASSO

regression selects one of them randomly which is not good for the

interpretation of the data

(C) Lasso can be used to select important features of a dataset

(D) The difference between ridge and lasso regression is that lasso tends to

make coefficients to absolute zero as compared to Ridge which never sets

the value of the coefficient to absolute zero

Ans- Opt A,B

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