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Progress Test

4 Units 7 & 8

Mark: / 80 marks

A Read the article about people and their money.

Money Makes The World Go Round

Who’s got it? How much have they got? Where did they get it? later, following the phenomenal success of the seven Potter
Read on to find out. books and eight films, Rowling is reportedly worth over
A 500 million pounds and is the world’s richest author.
In 2012, Oklahoma City police approached a beggar carrying a D
sign requesting money for travel and food. When asked why he When James Bowen rescued an injured cat, he had no idea
was begging, the man – Shane Warren Speegle – claimed that he it would help him turn his life around. James, who had
had made $60,000 begging the year before and had no reason been homeless, was trying to get his life together. He made
to get a job. With an income of $60,000 per annum, Speegle is a meagre living by busking in the streets of London. The
hardly on the breadline; he would be earning the same as the last thing James needed was a pet, but Bob (the cat) had
average US architect or computer programmer analyst. other ideas. He began accompanying James and, before
long, James was making three times his usual amount as
the pair attracted more and more fans. So James wrote a
Tamara Ecclestone is the daughter of Formula One boss Bernie
book about their relationship, A Street Cat Named Bob. It’s a
Ecclestone. Born into a life of fabulous wealth and privilege,
wonderful story about love, commitment and a real person’s
she describes herself as a model, TV presenter and business
daily struggle with life. And though they no longer need
entrepreneur. She starred in her own TV reality show, Tamara
to busk, they still do twice a week because they enjoy it
Ecclestone: Billion $$$ Girl, in which viewers were given an
so much.
insight into her busy life as a glamorous socialite. Her billionaire
father has been criticised for lavishing so much money on her, E
including purchasing for her a number of multi-million pound In 1988 at the age of 20, Jay Sommers inherited almost $5.5
homes in London and Los Angeles. But, not wanting to take her million from a distant relative. The first thing the young man
privileged life for granted, Tamara also gives back. She is a key did was to buy five new cars. And then he kept on spending. In
fundraiser for the Great Ormond Street Hospital for sick children. fact, he blew through nearly $300,000 in the first two months.
Realising he needed help in managing his new-found wealth,
or it would soon be short-lived, he asked a businessman friend
Who isn’t familiar with the rags-to-riches tale of Harry Potter
of his to look after his finances. Unfortunately, the friend turned
author J.K. Rowling? While struggling to support herself and her
out to be a terrible financial adviser who lost all of Sommers’
young daughter on welfare payments, she worked on a book,
money in bad investments and questionable deals. Sommers
the idea for which had occurred to her while she was travelling
sued his friend and won $877,000, but it all went to paying off
on a train from Manchester to London in 1990. Over 20 years
lawyers and for making payments on other debts.

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B Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You are going to read an article about people and their money. For questions 1 – 10, choose
from the paragraphs A – E. The paragraphs may be chosen more than once.
Which paragraph(s)
1 mentions a person who is very successful in his/her chosen field?
2 talks about someone who put his/her faith in the wrong person?
3 mentions facing life’s problems with a faithful companion?
4 describes someone who has never experienced poverty?
5 talks about a person who has no intention of ever working?
6 mentions someone who previously earned a small amount of money by
entertaining people?
7 mentions a person who had a life-changing thought while using public transport?
8 says that someone does something for pleasure rather than money?
9–10 mention someone who relied on donations from the general public?   (___ / 10 marks)

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Vocabulary and Use your English
A Circle the correct words.
This recession has destroyed the economy, and we can only stimulate / transform growth by creating jobs.
The architect rolled up the blueprints and put them into a cardboard cylinder / rectangle.
Reluctantly, Bernie splashed out / forked out 100,000 euros for the diamond necklace his wife insisted on having.
Miranda bought some gorgeous vintage clothes at a flea / stock market.
My financial assumption / forecast for the next quarter sees banks tanking and food commodities rising.
Electronic devices / instruments such as tablets and smartphones are getting more and more sophisticated as the
technology improves.
There’s no need to reinvent / remodel the wheel when there are smart technology products already on the market.
Will you accept a cheque or do you prefer to be paid in cash / money?
(___ / 8 marks)

B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.

Don’t sit in that chair; one of the legs is loose so it’s . STABLE
The were set in place, the area was cleared and
finally, the old building was demolished. EXPLODE
You can’t check the of a diamond with the naked
eye; you need to use a special magnifying tool. PURE
These 100-euro notes are obviously ; no one will
believe they are real. FORGE
It would certainly be to your career if you had a
degree in economics. ADVANTAGE
I think some people don’t care at all about the poor. AFFLUENCE
Is gold or copper a better of electricity? CONDUCT
The of an average rock is greater than that of chalk. HARD
(___ / 8 marks)

C Complete the words in the sentences.

Diamond and graphite are different forms of the same e _ _ _ _ _ _, carbon.
Use the control p _ _ _ _ to add and remove software on your computer.
Of course you’ll pass your English exam; it’s not r _ _ _ _ _ science.
Copy the files to a m _ _ _ _ _ stick and then I can upload them to my computer.
In the science lab there is a huge poster of the p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ table on the wall.
A river of m _ _ _ _ _ lava flowed down the side of the volcano and threatened the village.
(___ / 6 marks)

D Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words.

 be burn crash do get have got invest launder line
make owe save speculate throw tighten withdraw    
He’s just lost his job; he acts like he’s got money when he should be his belt.
The banker his pockets, encouraging criminals to their money through his bank.
Gerald deep pockets and when he sees a new company with potential, he in it.
Daphne is irresponsible. She money to several people, but instead of clearing her debt, she
her money around.
Now that Carlos in the money, he no longer has everything on a shoestring.
Petros is lucky – he likes to on the stock market and he usually a decent profit.
Rupert for ages to go on that skiing trip, but he was disappointed and he didn’t think he
his money’s worth.
People became nervous and their money from the banks; that is when the market .
(___ / 8 marks)

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A Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
If scientists hadn’t discovered how to split an atom, they never the atomic
bomb. (invent)
Supposing the program , what would you do? (not work)
If you the professor, would you give him this book, please? (see)
But for the revision I did, I so high on the test. (not score)
If we burning fossil fuels, the air quality would improve greatly. (stop)
The journal won’t publish your paper unless you more details about your
research. (provide)
If you add oil to water under normal conditions, they . (not mix)
I for your help right now if they had approved my grant request. (not ask)
(___ / 8 marks)
B Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
We’d better the professor again today. (not disturb)
I really wish you your nails, Jason. It’s so annoying! (not bite)
Oh, come on now! It’s high time you the basics of chemistry. (know)
I’d rather you my computer if you don’t mind. (not use)
If only I attention during biology lessons when I was at school. (pay)
This lecture is so boring! I wish we here and gone to a café instead! (not come)
(___ / 6 marks)
C Circle the correct words.
Driving carefully, the GPS guided George to his destination / George was guided to his destination by the GPS.
Not only / Not until her credit card had been paid off could Dina start to save money.
Had you bought / You had bought it during the sales, it would have cost less.
Not having met / Not meeting Adam’s parents before, Tania was quite nervous.
Milos, whose / who’s my brother’s friend, is a well-known physicist.
Never / Nowhere can shoppers find better bargains than those online.
The research that conducted / conducted supports my theory.
Being torn / Having been torn, the coat couldn’t be returned to the shop.
(___ / 8 marks)
D Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.
Ulm is the city which Albert Einstein was born.
2012 was the year the most rain fell in England.
The thing annoys me the most is that I’m the only one who cleans the lab.
Andrew, to I gave the report, is my assistant.
The reason they are here is to be shown the new equipment.
6 I didn’t know at the time was that the scholarship had already been awarded.
Mr Stone, research facility I’ve been working in, is highly intelligent.
It is at this location they discovered the meteorite.
(___ / 8 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up C1 Second Edition

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Complete the Exam Task.
Exam Task
You read the following announcement in an English-language magazine:

Articles needed!
ented many useful thi
Human beings have inv wo uld like yo u, the
useful ? We
but which is the most the most
icles telling us which is
readers, to submit art ve s ou r lives.
plain how it impro
useful invention and ex
st interesting articles.
We will publish the mo

Write your article in 220–260 words in an appropriate style. (___ / 10 marks)

Copyright © National Geographic Learning. Close-up C1 Second Edition

Permission granted to photocopy for classroom use. Progress Test 4

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