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Bat-og, Reidan D.

Entrepreneurial Behavior and Competencies

BSOA 3-1D June 23, 2022

Question 2: Choose two factors of Individual Behavior and provide one example each based on your
personal experience in a company or business.


Personal Factors

1. Age – I trained in Timezone PH main warehouse during my senior high school days as a 17-
year-old student. Although I was inexperienced and young, I learned a lot during the training
2. Education – At the time, I was enrolled in a Technical Vocational strand with a specialization
on electronics. My strand is in line with the educational background I'm training for,
particularly in terms of repairing electronics or equipment in the warehouse.
3. Abilities – I can comprehend what the technicians are trying to instruct me to do as I am an
electronics student. I learn more from them and i continued to improve my skills and
abilities throughout my OJT days.
4. Marital Status - I was single during my OJT years, which allowed me to concentrate on my
5. Number of Dependents - When I have a problem with the assignment I'm working on, I can
rely on the technicians or my seniors. They regularly instruct us and provide us guidance on
how to improve our skills and apply them in our daily life.
6. Creativity - Our seniors recognized the creative ways we utilized what we already learned to
complete the tasks.
7. Emotional Intelligence - I was pleased and I enjoyed every training session in my OJT days.
My skills have improved during the training days and it is really interesting to use it in my
personal life. Our seniors were really kind to us and treated us like their younger brothers.

Organizational Systems and Resources

1. Facilities – I was eager to explore the warehouse's facilities since I am excited to learn new
things and improve my capabilities. The warehouse itself is not as vibrant as the mall arcade
2. Organization Structure and Design - The warehouse is full of arcade game machines that is
why it is so interesting.
3. Leadership - The technicians were excellent senior leaders since they always ensured that
everyone was engaged and picking up new knowledge, especially for us trainees.
4. Reward System - As trainees, the company gave us a small allowance. The daily allowance
was about 50 pesos. Our seniors usually buy us food as a reward for our work.

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