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Warhost League Rules & Guide

Summer Season Competition

Rev. I

Columbia South Carolina

Ordinarily a Warhammer 40K competition is a tournament. This type of event is completed within the span of a single day, thus may be mentally & physically draining. Without an opportunity to rest players feel rushed & make mistakes. Further players may not modify army lists to suit a new opponent or different battlefield objectives. Generally these types of events are restricting to a players options for a successful battle. Granted this format serves a purpose for a large numbers of players. The Warhost League is contradicting to that standard model most players are familiar with, or are possibly even intimidated to combat in. This League gives you an opportunity to build an army with a set number of predetermined points you can call upon each game. So your player options are able to change just as a real commander would make changes with available resources given the time along with your objectives vs. your opponents. As this is a judged competition, it is geared to set a standard to the local gamers skills with initial army building, then resource delegating within that army list in preparation of three different game types explained later in the gaming rules. To see these rules click Player Ranking here. The most important rule is always to have fun building an army, have fun playing your army, & to get some enjoyable acceptance that builds confidence with a group of your peers. So have fun & enjoy this first ever competition of who will be crowned the Columbia SC, Warhost League Campion!

The Warhost League is an attempt to do two things. First is to fill a gap in the lack of trophy/award winning 40K leagues in the Columbia, SC area. The second is to present a competition away from standard 40k local tournament style. Players in this League will play six games, one each weekly. Each Player will score in both victory points & objective points. Using a Victory Point & Objective Point system to see these rules click Player Ranking here. Using this system there virtual will be no shut-outs in this competition. Specifically to you as a player this means scoring is determined by how you perform in the game in two areas rather than just one. Victory points are determined by the Value difference of the each players remaining units actual cost end of the game is detailed below in the League Rules Section. Objective points are determined by each players margin of victory collecting & maintaining Objectives. You can't lose everything just because you lost by one objective in an objective-based game, or if you lose by one less unit in annihilation based games. Players are scored by their margin of success in both categories. Another big feature is the "Warhost" army style. Players will, within limits, get the chance to change their army between matches. A player is asked make a 2000 point army list to be eligible for the league. This is including all Wargear, upgradeable abilities/options for all units you may want to take throughout the league competitions six games. From these 2000 points the player will build a customized 1500 point army for each game. This way each player will be familiar with a coming opponent's 2000 point Warhost list; but will not know what units and abilities out of that Warhost list

will be selected for any individual game. So it is important to army build wisely because you only will have a 500 point wiggle room out of your 2000 point list for each League game. Just because you forgot to include a 5 point melta bomb or 10 point rocket from your 2000 point list, and you have a 25 point banner you never use; you may not change out one Wargear or equipment that is not on your set registered army list for another later on just because it may suit you better now. Additionally all players are asked to use the standard Games Workshop 40K PDF army builder for your Warhost 2000 point army list. You may find the GW PDF here. As a player you'll be using it a lot, also it gives judges legible formats look at. In addition Scoring Sheets found here are also going to be provided before each match to the players. From these sheets you will perform you scoring and rate each of your opponents on their sportsmanship and army paintjob. Although the rewards in these last two categories, other than an honorable mention, remain to be seen; but we'll do our best to accommodate those players with a prize. But be aware none are dedicated at this time. Thanks for competing & good luck!

2) Players must be able to provide at least 1500 points worth of models in their registered army with no proxy or substituted models allowed. Modifications on models are legal, providing that the main structure of the unit's model is assembled in accordance with manufacturers design. These modifications cannot be used for measuring actual vehicle shape for purposes of facing, concealment, weapon mounting, line-of-sight or any other rules that may be affected. Models are not required to be painted, but a painting score will be assigned to a player by all opponents they play.

1) All players upon registration must provide a $5 non-refundable (under any circumstances) fee for the sole purpose of tournament prizes. This includes trophies and other awards. All remainders of funds after awards have been purchased will be paid to the player in champion standing.

3) WYSIYG (What You See Is What You Get) is partially enforced, and is described in section 4 of the Universal Rules section. Players will not be required to prove their army is compatible during the registration process. But may be called to provide validation of an army list by your opponent before any game has started. This is done as the terrain & game set up is defined. At this time it is important to clarify any discrepancies with a Judge so it does not cost you later in the game. 4) Players are expected to know and play by the 5th edition of Warhammer 40,000 rules, know their armies' & FAQ provided by Games Workshop. In addition terrain is defined & will be used in accordance this rule book.

5) Players are expected to have reliable transportation and to be able to meet on any unanimously agreed day until the conclusion of the tournament.

1) Judging: Judges will have final call in any and all rules issues. If a contested rule is found to be wrong after judgment, the Judge's decision still stands. Therefore, it is in your best interest to know the rules and your FAQ extensively in order to maintain a smooth friendly gaming experience. At any time or in any case a Judge has the ability to, make any decisions on scoring, rules, player registry, player qualification, points scored, or on any issue whatsoever regarding the tournament or its rules. 2) Insubordination: Arguing or hostilities toward a player or Judge will result in the offending player's forfeit of the match. In addition to keep in the favor of sportsmanship, the offending player may receive a single warning per game. Any additional case within same game will result in a forfeiture of the match. Thus the offending player will concede this game & any points earned up to this point may be awarded to the opposing player. In other words, keep it clean & friendly.

3) Cheating: Any cheating of any kind is not tolerated. Thus the offending player will concede this game & any points earned up to this point may be awarded to the opposing player. In other words, keep it clean & friendly. 4) WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get; (WYSIWYG) will be partially enforced. If any models in a player's registered army is not assembled to represent the specific Wargear available to models (other than standard or assumed items such as default grenades), must be plainly obvious at the carry. A judge may rule against a player for this, resulting in the loss of that item or equipment for that game or until the WYSIWYG is satisfied by the judges. Thus, it is important to clarify any possible discrepancies with your opponent before the game starts; because once the game starts it is up to the Judge to make the ruling. It is each players responsibility to make their models represents clearly what they have and or define what their models represent in a cooperative manner with your opponent. Failure to do so may ultimately cost the player a forfeit conceded ruling by a Judge to their opponent for that game.

5) Game Army Lists: A player must provide/specify all 1500 army lists on the day of the assigned league game. All stats, abilities, Wargear, for every miniature in play must verifiable at anytime by your opponent or by a Judge. In other words know your army & know it may be called into question at anytime. If any cheating is found obvious see section 3 of the universal rules. If it is possible neglect the player will lose that miniature for that game, ruling by a Judge. In other words, dont say you have extra armour if you cant afford it. You may lose that vehicle for the game.

3) Army Points: Each game will be played at 1500 points chosen from the players registered 2000 point Warhost list. Force Organizational guidelines will be enforced; so one HQ & two troops minimum for each game. 4) Game Types: The league tournament will employ three types of games. Objective, Quadrant, & Annihilation game types. See the game play sheets here to detail how each game type is played. Objective Games, each game sets 5 objectives at deployment, 12 from any table edge & 12 from any other objective. The player that starts first sets 2 objectives while the player that starts last will set 3 objectives. The player that has more scoring units within 3 of an objective, which is not contested, will win. The bigger the margin of objectives the more objective points you earn. Quadrant games represent the 4 by 6 game table divided into four equal 2 by 3 sections related to as Quadrants. Similar to objective games, scoring units can only score that quadrant if it has at least one scoring miniature in that quadrant area at the end of the game. A quadrant is contested only by an opposing scoring units, further a scoring unit may not be considered Annihilation Games are scored


1) Player Ranking Structure: Players are ranked on total points in Victory Point and Objective Points categories in all game types except Annihilation, in which Victory Point are doubled. All points awarded are given in margins per players performance. You technically can lose a match and still win decent points. See the scoring data sheet here to detail how the scoring is handled. 2) Player Game Assignments: Players are initially organized alphabetically. Opponents are randomized on the first match, and will continue down the alphabetical list for each additional match.

purely on your destruction of your opponent, or in turn their destruction on you. As you score no objectives other than Annihilation, these games are worth double points. The scoring is set on the margins of victory. This is scored by totaling each player surviving/remaining units vs. the opposing players surviving/remaining units. Each unit destroyed scores zero points. Any units, still in reserve, falling back or below half strength, scores zero points (they are scored as a complete loss of that unit). Half strength & above the player scores Half of the value of that unit; rounding up. A player may score a full point value only if no wounds has been assigned & failed by that unit at the end of the game. Compare the remaining values of your armies & the margin of victory is determined by the difference of points between the two opponents.

forfeited the match. 2) Game Time: All games will have no specified ending time limit. However, if the players are forced to end their game for any reason, a Judge will make a ruling on scoring. In most cases, the scoring will be based as if the game ended in the current state. There are no instances in which a game can be resumed at later times.


1) Tardiness: Match times will be scheduled beforehand. We will try to accommodate as many players as possible when scheduling. That being said, it is a player's responsibility to be present, with his army, when the match is scheduled to begin. A player who is fifteen minutes late or more without considerable prior notice after a match is scheduled to begin. The player not able to commit to that game will be considered to have

Warhost Summer League

Objective & Quadrant Rules Summary

Rev. I 6.24.2011


The League will play 6 total games, two will be Objective, two will be Quadrant, and two will be Annihilation. For all games the Deployment type will be random and is found on page 92 of the Warhammer 40k rule book. While the missions are pre set your deployment is not. Below rules are displayed concerning the Objective & Quadrant games only. Annihilation games are worth double Victory Points & are scored accordantly with the League Organizational rules included in the Warhost League Rules & Guide.

4 5

Objective games scoring is the same as the Warhammer 40k Rule book Seize Ground section page 91. Differences are there will always be 5 objectives, the player that has initiative (goes first) places 2 objectives, then the opponent places the other 3.This is done before any players deployment takes place & the opponent may attempt to steal the initiative at the start of the game. Further all objectives must be 12 from any table edge & at least 12 apart from each other.

3 4

Quadrant games are scored by having a scoring unit in that quadrant while you opponent does not. Scoring units are defined on page 90 of the Warhammer 40k Rule book and/or in your army Codex. Only scoring units may contest quadrants already occupied by a scoring unit. Further, a single Scoring unit may claim multiple quadrants at once. Additional rules: if a scoring unit is falling back, pinned, or in close combat at the end of the game that unit may not score or contest any quadrant.

Columbia SC. Summer Warhost: *Third Revision 6/13/2010*

League Player Ranking & Points System Major Victory may be eared if your margin of victory over opponent is 1000 points or greater by the end of the game; your opponent scores a Major Loss. Minor Win may be eared if your margin of victory over opponent is 500 to 999 points by the end of the game; your opponent scores a Minor Loss. Draw may be eared if your margin of victory over opponent is less than 500 points by the end of the game; your opponent also scores a Draw.

6 Game War Host League Objective: Compete in six games for a prize & recognition as the summer 2011 Warhost Champion. Of those 6 games a total of 24000 points may be earned, with 4000 points possible each game. The Games to be played is as follows: Game Type First Game Second Game Third Game Forth Game Fifth Game Sixth Game Control Ground Ground Annihilation Control Annihilation Deployment Pitched Battle Dawn of War Spearhead Dawn of War Spearhead Pitched Battle Objective 5x for each player 4x Table Quadrants 4x Table Quadrants NONE
Victory Points Are Doubled

5x for each player NONE

Victory Points Are Doubled

Objective Points - Hold all 5 Objectives or all 4 Quadrants with a scoring unit while your opponent holds none you may score a Massacre while your opponent scores a Defeat. Hold 4 Objectives or 3 Quadrants with a scoring unit while your opponent holds only one you may score a Major Victory while your opponent scores a Major Loss. Hold 1or 2 more Objectives or one more Quadrants with a scoring unit while your opponent holds less objectives or Quadrants Minor Win while your opponent scores a Minor Loss. Hold Equal Objectives or Quadrants while maintaining a Victory Point Draw you may both score a Draw.

Player Ranking Objective: Each game will be scored individually in two categories: Victory Points & Objective Points Each player at the end of their game will complete a Warhost League Game Sheet that will be provided to track each game. The totals verified by a Judge will be used to develop a player ranking system. Player points earnings is as follows:
Points Earnings Victory Requirements
Victory Points Moral Points Objective Points

Massacre Major Victory Minor Victory Draw Minor Loss Major Loss Defeated

2000 1750 1500 1000 500 250 25



2000 1750 1500 1000 500 250 25

Moral Points - Only awarded in the case of a forfeit (a player that is unable to fulfill a committed game by a no show or cancelation) or a conceded (game that is ended early by a player that is considered incomplete) match. *NOTE* Objective points are unavailable in Annihilation Games or in Moral Victories.

Victory Points - Massacre may be eared if your opponent is completely wiped-out by the end of the game; your opponent scores a Defeat.

Columbia SC, Warhost 2011 Summer League Player Name: _________________________ Opponent Name: _________________________ Game Number: 1 Victory Win Type: Massacre Major Win Minor Win Draw Defeated Objective Win Type: Massacre Major Win Minor Win Draw Defeated Sportsmanship Score: 1 2 3 Painting Score: 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 5 6 Major Loss Minor Loss Major Loss Minor Loss 2 3 4 5 6

Player Game Scoring Sheets. Revision #1

Player Name:


Opponent Name:


Game Number:

Victory Win Type:


Major Win Minor Win



Major Loss Minor Loss

Objective Win Type:


Major Win Minor Win



Major Loss Minor Loss

Sportsmanship Score:

Painting Score:

For Any Gaming Issues Please Wright on the back.

For Any Gaming Issues Please Wright on the back.

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