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Installation And

Operation Manual


Shutting Down the Unit 31
3 Disassembly Procedures 31
Removal of Plates 31
Replacing Plates 32
Plate Details 5 Removing Old Gaskets 32
Unit Part Numbers 6 Installing Continuously Glued Gaskets 33
Plate Material and Date of Manufacture Data 7 Installing Spot-Glued Gaskets 34
Model Nomenclature 8 Installing SUPERLOCK® Snap-In Gaskets 35
Installing Teflon Encapsulated Gaskets and Unit Assembly 35
Frame Pressure Ratings 8 Installing Clip-On Gaskets 36
Condensed Unit Specifications 9 Steps for Manual Cleaning of Plates 37
Plate Pack Widths 10 Plate Cleaning Tips 38
Plate Pack Tightening Dimensions 10 Cleaning-In-Place (CIP) 38
Plate Designations 11 Back Flushing and Strainers 39
Drawings 12 Cleaning Guidelines 39
Element Composition Diagram 12
Plate Hole Designation for UX, SX, GC and GF Series 13
Leakage Between the Plate Pack and the Frame 41
PASS AND FLOW ARRANGEMENT 14 Leakage Between the Nozzle and the End Frame 41
Pass Arrangement 14 Leakage Between the Plates to the
Flow Arrangement 14 Outside of the Unit 42
Drains 15 Mixing of Fluids 42
Connecting “C” Frames 17 Increase in Pressure Drop or a Reduction
in Temperature Reading 43
PLATE STYLES 18 How to Find a Defective Plate With Through Holes 43
Drawings 19
Four-Plate Sequence 20 STORAGE PROCEDURES 44
Multi-Pass Units 20

GASKET DATA 21 General Maintenance 45
Gaskets—Glued 21 Ordering Parts 45
Gaskets—Glueless 22 Returned Material 45
Gasket Storage Procedures 23 Damaged Shipments 45
Mixed Gasket Materials 24 Additional Information 45
GX Gluing Codes 26
GX Start and End Plate Explanations 27
Tightening the Plate Pack 29
Tightening Sequences 30
Precautions Prior to Start-Up 30

You will need the information shown in the table below whenever you contact the factory for service. Upon delivery of your
SUPERCHANGER unit(s), be sure to record the information from the Data Plate on each unit in case the nameplate is destroyed,
lost or becomes illegible.
Equipment Tag # Serial #* Drawing #* Model*

* Tranter must have serial or drawing number to properly identify your equipment.

For PHE parts, service or performance ratings, contact one of Tranter’s authorized Service Centers (see full information for contacting
on page 46).


If the Customer Tag is missing

on delivery, the SO# is stamped
in the top right corner of the
stationary frame.

Data Plate

Figure 1
A data plate like the one shown on the picture above is fixed to the stationary frame
of the unit and provides the following information. This information is helpful
when contacting the factory. 3
“S” Frame “E” Frame
SUPERCHANGER plate corrugations are available in four
patterns. Depending on the applications, the GF, UX, SX, GC
Upper and GX Series plates are used to achieve maximum heat transfer.
Guide Bar

Straight Nozzle
Support UX, SX and GC Series plates: Herringbone (chevron) pattern
“P” Frame is ideally suited for handling aqueous solutions.
Plate Pack
GF Series: Wide gap and parallel (washboard) patterns are
Elbow designed for applications where there are high viscosity fluids or
fluids containing fibers or coarse particles.

GX Series: An asymmetrical four quadrant plate suited for low

viscosity and close temperature approach applications or processes
Lower involving two vastly different flow rates. It is also well suited for
Optional Shroud
Guide Bar equal flows and close approach.
Figure 2
Superchanger Frame, Models HP, UP, SP, MP and FP.
All plates are manufactured from die-formed sheet metal in
virtually any material that can be cold worked, such as stainless
steel, titanium, Alloy C-276, Alloy-20, etc. There are grooves
around the circumference of the plates which accept the sealing
gasket and also add reinforcement because of the ribbed edges.
Fluid passage holes are pierced at the corners of each plate. The
number and location of the holes is dependent upon the design

The gaskets are single piece, molded construction, and generally

bonded to the plates with Pliobond 30 adhesive. The gasket
material is selected for compatibility with the fluids being
Support processed and the operating temperatures.
Each plate also contains flow directors at the top and bottom
of the heat transfer surface in the port hole areas, which evenly
distribute the fluids. Some plates require a hanger, which attaches
the plate to the upper guide bar. For most models, the upper
guide bar is the plate’s sole support member in the frame, while
the lower guide bar serves as an alignment member in all plates
except the UXP-005 and the UXP-001, which are supported by
the lower guide bar. See Figures 4 through 7 and Tables 1a and
2 for specific models.
Figure 3
Superchanger Frame, Models HJ, UJ, SJ and MJ.

Plate Details
Nozzle Numbers on *Hanger *Hanger Flow
Fixed Frames Directors

4 1 4 1 4 1 4 1


“B” Plate
“A” Plate “B” Plate Plate Gasket has narrow
“A” Plate “B” Plate gasket
grooves in
this area at
ports #1
and #2

Plate Gasket
3 2 3 2 3 2 3 2

Chevrons point up on “A” Plate and

down on “B” Plate Hanger Slots “A” Plate has wider groove in this area at ports #1 and #2

Figure 4 Figure 5
Typical UX, SX or GC Series (herringbone) plate with gasket and hanger. Note Typical GF Series (washboard) plate with gasket and hanger.
that the chevron angle for the herringbone plate can differ on various models.

4 1 1

3 2 3 2

Figure 6 Figure 7
Typical GX plate with gasket. Note that the chevron angle for the herringbone Typical GF (wide gap) plate with gasket.
plate can differ on various models.

Unit Part Numbers

Type Of Plate Plate Model Plate Thickness


Flow Direction Chevron Angle Frame Type Number Of Plates

Figure 8
Typical SUPERCHANGER model number, in this case a diagonal flow GX-42 unit
with glued gaskets, 0.7 mm thick high-theta plates, a UP frame and 102 plates.

Figure 8 displays a typical SUPERCHANGER unit part number. The fourth entry represents the plate profile angle, or theta:
The first entry represents the plate style (two-letter code) and H (high)
flow, such as: L (low)
M (mixed)
GX Gasketed Ultraflex / Gasket groove in the A (30°+45° for UXP-960)
neutral plane Z (45°+60° for UXP-960)
GC Gasketed Conventional / Gasket grove in the
bottom plane The fifth entry represents the plate thickness:
GD Gasketed Double Wall 5 (0.5 mm)
GW Gasketed Semi Welded 6 (0.6 mm)
GF Gasketed Free Flow (Wide Gap and Washboard) 7 (0.7 mm)
GM Gasketed Mechanical Glue (Snap-In gaskets) 8 (0.8 mm)
GL Gasketed Conventional / Gasket groove in the 9 (0.9 mm)
neutral plane 0 (1 mm)

The second entry (third character) represents the flow; D for The sixth entry shows the frame type (HP, UP, etc.).
diagonal and P for parallel.
The final entry (three-digit code) represents the plate count.
The third entry (three-digit code) represents the plate model or
surface area.

Plate Material and Date of
Manufacture Data
All plates are stamped with identifcation numbers. The numbers
are located on both ends of the plates as indicated in the sketches
below. The heat number, material and month and year of
manufacture can be determined from these numbers.

Figure 9
General locations of code stamping for various plate models.

Six-Digit Codes Table 1 Plate Codes

Heat No. Code Six-Digit Five-Digit or P-Prefix
(avail. from Month Material
0 Other (Nickel, 317 AISI 304
SS, 317L SS, etc.)

304 SS
316 SS
AISI 316
3 Titanium 654 SMO
Material Year
4 316L SS 254 SMO or other SS
5 Hastelloy-C-276 Titanium Grade 1
6 Incolloy 825 Titanium Grade 2
7 Monel 400 Hastelloy-C-276

Five-Digit Codes 8
316 High Moly
304L SS
Other materials
Year Of Manufacture
Year Heat No. Code (avail.
from Engineering 8 or 08 1998
9 or 09 1999

X X X XX 0 or 00
1 or 01
2 or 02 2002
3 or 03 2003
4 or 04 2004
5 or 05 2005
6 or 06 2006

P-Prefix Codes 7 or 07
Month Of Manufacture

1 Jan/Feb NA
Source Prefix Material
2 Mar/Apr NA
3 May/June NA

P 0 X X XX 4
6 Nov/Dec NA
Heat No. Code (avail.
Year (two-digit) from Engineering

Model Nomenclature
If your unit was manufactured before July 1, 2002, use Table 1a to the port numbering has changed to the new design (see page 13).
determine the current plate style nomenclature for your unit. Note

Table 1a Updated Nomenclature Codes

Old Name New Name Glued Gasket Models
Glued Gasket Models UFX-118/GX-118 GXD-118
GC-12 GCD-012 UFX-140/GX-140 GXD-140
GC-30 GCD-030 UFX-145/GX-145 GXD-145
GC-48 GCD-048 UFX-180/GX-180 GXD-180
GC-50 GCD-050 UFX-205/GX-205 GXD-205
GC-26 GCP-026 UFX-265/GX-265 GXD-265
GC-28 GCP-028 UFX-325/GX-325 GXD-325
GC-51 GCP-051 07S SXP-070
GC-60 GCP-060 14S SXP-140
S3 GFP-030 SX41 SXP-400
S8 GFP-080 UX-05 UXP-005
TW-05 GFP-057 UX-01 UXP-010
TW-10 GFP-097 06T UXP-060
TW-18 GFP-187 UX-10 UXP-100
TD-10 GCD-010 11T UXP-110
TP-10 GCP-010 UX-20 UXP-200
GW-81 GWP-081 UX-40 UXP-400
GW-82 GWP-082 UX-81 UXP-801
GW-83 GWP-083 UX-83 UXP-802
WH-040 GWP-400 UX-90 UXP-900
WX-050 GWP-500 LP-80 UXP-960
UFX-6/GX-6 GXD-006 Snap-In Gaskets
GX-7 GXD-007 GC-26 GMP-026
UFX-12/GX-12 GXD-012 UX-05 UMP-005
UFX-18/GX-18 GXD-018 UX-01 UMP-010
UFX-26/GX-26 GXD-026 UX-20 UMP-200
UFX-37/GX-37 GXD-037 UX-40 UMP-400
UFX-42/GX-42 GXD-042 06T UMP-060
UFX-51/GX-51 GXD-051 TP-10 GMP-010
UFX-60/GX-60 GXD-060 TD-10 GMD-010
UFX-64/GX-64 GXD-064 Double Wall
UFX-85/GX-85 GXD-085 GX-42 GDD-042
UFX-91/GX-91 GXD-091 UX-01 UDP-010
UFX-100/GX-100 GXD-100
Old Name New Name

Frame Pressure Ratings

Table 1b Frame Pressure Ratings
FRAME TYPE NOMINAL ASME CODE PRESSURE RATINGS Standard unit pressure ratings are shown. Contact the factory
Design Pressure, (psig) Test Pressure, (psig) for higher design pressures, up to 400 psig, depending upon
NJ/NP/VJ/VP Non-code; contact factory Non-code; contact factory
the application.
HJ/HP 100 130
UJ/UP 150 195
SJ/MJ/SP/MP 300 390
FP 350 455

Condensed Unit Specifications
Table 2 Condensed Unit Specifications
Nominal Frame Dimensions Channel Volume Between Plates (gal)
Model Height (in.) Width (in.) Connection (in.) Max. Flow (gpm) Wide Medium Narrow
GXD-007 37 8-1/4 1 75 NA 0.0423 NA
GXD-012 39 14 2 292 NA 0.0872 NA
GXD-018 48 14 2 292 NA 0.124 NA
GXD-026 54 22 2, 4 1171 NA 0.227 NA
GXD-042 71 22 2, 4 1171 NA 0.351 NA
GXD-051 72 27 4, 6 2264 NA 0.444 NA
GXD-037 60 27 4, 6 2769 NA 0.246 NA
GXD-064 79 27 4, 6 2769 NA 0.423 NA
GXD-091 98 27 4, 6 2769 NA 0.6 NA
GXD-118 117 27 4, 6 2769 NA 0.777 NA
GXD-060 69 38 4, 6, 8 4755 NA 0.502 NA
GXD-100 92 38 4, 6, 8 4755 NA 0.845 NA
GXD-140 115 38 4, 6, 8 4755 NA 1.162 NA
GXD-180 138 38 4, 6, 8 4755 NA 1.479 NA
GXD-085 81 50 10, 12, 14 10471 NA 0.88 NA
GXD-145 104 50 10, 12, 14 10471 NA 1.334 NA
GXD-205 127 50 10, 12, 14 10471 NA 1.788 NA
GXD-265 149 50 10, 12, 14 9183 NA 2.243 NA
GXD-325 172 50 10, 12, 14 9183 NA 2.695 NA
UXP-005 24 12 1, 2 265 NA 0.06 NA
UXP-010 31 12 1, 2 292 NA 0.08 NA
UXP-100 45 17 2, 3 520 NA 0.13 NA
GFP-030 58 22 2, 3, 4 1060 NA 0.4 NA
UXP-200 62 24 2, 3, 4 1060 NA 0.34 NA
UXP-060 74 32 4, 6, 8 3825 NA 0.67 NA
SXP-070 71 36 4, 6, 8 4754 NA 0.52 NA
GFP-080 85 30 4, 6, 8 3450 NA 0.9 NA
UXP-400 85 32 4, 6, 8 3825 NA 0.87 NA
SXP-400 83 36 4, 6, 8 4754 NA 0.63 NA
UXP-110 106 32 4, 6, 8 3825 NA 1.21 NA
SXP-140 103 36 4, 6, 8 4754 NA 0.81 NA
UXP-801 105 54 10, 12, 14 11200 NA 2.40 NA
GCP-010 38 13 1, 2 292 NA 0.1135 NA
GCP-016 39 14 2, 5 292 NA 0.063 NA
GCP-026 54 22 2, 3, 4 1171 NA 0.2642 NA
GCP-028 31 7 1 75 NA 0.4 NA
GCP-051 72 27 4, 6 2324 NA 0.55 NA
GCP-060 69 38 4, 6, 8 4755 NA 0.783 NA
GFP-057 71 35 4, 6, 8 4755 2.36 2 1.63
GFP-097 88 35 4, 6, 8 4755 3.23 2.61 1.99
GFP-187 126 35 4, 6, 8 4755 5.08 3.92 2.76
GLP/GLD-013 39 14 2.5 475 NA 0.087 NA
GL-230 121 66 20 23465 NA 3.33 NA
GL-330 145 66 20 23465 NA 3.78 NA
GL-430 169 66 20 23465 NA 4.65 NA

Plate Pack Widths
“A” Dimension for standard thickness materials

Calculating the “A” dimension (Plate Pack Width in Inches) for

various SUPERCHANGER Models can be accomplished by
using the formulas indicated in Table 3. N = Number of Plates.


4 0.015748
5 0.019685
6 0.023622
7 0.027559
8 0.031496
0 0.039370

N = Number of Plates
p = Plate Thickness Designation
t = Plate Thickness in Inches

Please contact Tranter for the “A” Dimension when other plate
thicknesses are involved.

Figure 10
Plate thicknesses.

Plate Pack Tightening Dimensions

Table 3 Plate Pack Tightening Dimensions
Plate Type A Max.* (in.) A Min.* (in.) Plate Type A Max.* (in.) A Min.* (in.)
UXP-005 (t + 0.102362) N (t + 0.094488) N GXD-026, GXD-042 (t + 0.13441) N (t + 0.12541) N
UXP-010 (t + 0.102362) N (t + 0.094488) N GXD-037, -064, -091, -118 (t + 0.11821) N (t + 0.11021) N
UXP-100 (t + 0.0944) N (t + 0.0866) N GXD-051 (t + 0.13441) N (t + 0.12541) N
UXP-200 (t + 0.108268) N (t + 0.102362) N GXD-060, -100, -140, -180 (t + 0.13441) N (t + 0.12541) N
UXP-060 (t + 0.141732) N (t + 0.133858) N GXD-085, -145, -205, -265, (t + 0.13441) N (t + 0.12541) N
UXP-400 (t + 0.141732) N (t + 0.133858) N
GFP-057, -097, -187 (t + 0.2965) N (t + 0.3025) N
UXP-110 (t + 0.141732) N (t + 0.133858) N
GCP-010 (t + 0.1378) N (t + 0.1299) N
SXP-070, SXP-400, (t + 0.102362) N (t + 0.094488) N
SXP-140 GCP-016 (t + 0.07205) N (t + 0.06969) N
UXP-801 (t + 0.181102) N (t + 0.173228) N GCP-026 (t + 0.1633) N (t + 0.1523) N
UXP-802 (t + 0.181102) N (t + 0.173228) N GCP-051 (t + 0.1601) N (t + 0.1548) N
GFP-030 (0.1881N) + 0.07874 (0.1767N) + 0.07874 GCP-060 (t + 0.1790) N (t + 0.1676) N
GFP-080 (0.189013N) + 0.07874 (0.1796N) + 0.07874 GCD-012 (t + 0.1000) N (t + 0.09685) N
GXD-007 (t + 0.10191) N (t + 0.09491) N GLD-230, -330, -430 (t + 0.1831) N (t + 0.1713) N
GXD-012, GXD-018, GL-013 (t + 0.11821) N (t + 0.11021) N

*Applicable to units with elastomeric gaskets, round off to the HOW TO USE TABLE 3:
nearest 1/32 in. Units with teflon encapsulated gaskets should EXAMPLE: Given a model UXP-100-L-6-MP-32, go to thePlate
be tightened to the “A Max.” formula. Pack Width chart above and select Plate Designation 6, the Plate
Designation for a model UXP-100. The corresponding Plate
The single digit of the model number given just before the frame Thickness is 0.023622 in. Now find the Plate Type row showing
designation indicates the plate thickness in tenths of a millimeter. UXP-100 in Table 3. The “A Max.” dimension is calculated by:
The only exception is the zero (0) designation, which indicates a (t+.0.0944)N = (0.023622+0.0944)32 = 3.78 in. The “A Min.”
1.0 mm plate thickness. dimension is calculated in a similar manner. Round off calculated
number to nearest 1/32 in.

CAUTION: On units operating in excess of 200 psig, the tightening dimension is to equal or approach the minimum dimension.
Plate Designations
SUPERCHANGER units are designed so that a fluid which NOTE: Every other plate has to be rotated 180° A-B-A-B in order
enters the “A” plate circuit (nozzles S1, S2, M1 or M2) always to prevent mixing. The first plate in the unit is called a “D” plate
flows in the “A” circuit only. Fluid which enters the “B” plate and has a special gasket arrangement. This arrangement keeps
circuit (nozzles S3, S4, M3 or M4) always flows in the “B” circuit the flow from contacting the stationary frame. The last is called
only. Facing the stationary frame, the right side is always the the “E” plate and is gasketed normally.
“A” side, while the left side is always the “B” side. The “A” and
“B” term refers to the gasket orientation. When looking at the
gasketed side of the plate, an “A” plate becomes a “B” plate when
reversed (turned upside down). If the flow comes in and out on
the left side, it is a “B” orientation.


Movable end frame side

To and from
A side plates
B side


Stationary end frame side

2 Items 1–4 indicate nozzle locations

Figure 11
Plate orientation for the UX, SX, GC and GF Series.

“B” plate

“A” plate
Figure 12
Gasket orientation. 11
SUPERCHANGER units are custom designed for each application. A drawing is supplied with each unit depicting all required
dimensional data, equipment specifications, unit performance, nozzle locations and sequence of plates in the heat exchanger. Most
information contained on the drawing is self-explanatory. However, sections illustrating the internal functions of a plate and frame
heat exchanger are sometimes difficult to interpret. The following diagrams are aids for understanding the equipment.

Element Composition Diagram

Figure 13 shows an “S” frame (stationary member), “E” frame
Plate location
(moveable member) and plates of the plate heat exchanger symbol plate
depicted in an element composition diagram. In an element
B side
composition diagram, “B” plates are located at the upper part of
the drawing and “A” plates are shown on the lower side. Plate hole
designation box

A plate is indicated by the line centrally located within a

rectangular compartment between the “S” and “E” frames.

The designation of plate holes is written in the hole designation A side

box formed by extending the vertical plate lines above the center
line for “B” plates and below the center line for “A” plates. The
plate sequence number is written in a box above and below the
plate hole number, respectively, for “B” and “A” plates.

Plate sequence no.

Figure 13
Element composition diagram.

Plate Hole Designation for UX, SX,
GC and GF Series
As shown in Figure 14, the pierced holes at the corners of the
plate are designated as: 1 for upper right, 2 for lower right, 3 for
lower left and 4 for upper left when facing the gasketed side of
the plate. Plates 1 and 2 in Figure 14 are represented as A1234
and B1234 respectively. Plates with all four holes pierced can also
be designated with a blank space or an *. Unpierced ports will
be represented as a zero (0). For example, Plate 3 is represented
by a A1004 since there are no holes at position 2 and 3. Table
8 shows A and B equivalents when an “A” plate is rotated to
become a “B” plate.

Make sure the gaskets are installed correctly in relation to the

flow directors. (See Figures 15 and 16.)

Table 4 “A” and “B” Equivalents

“A” Plate “B” Plate “A” Plate “B” Plate
1234 1234 0204 0204
1034 1230 0034 1200
1204 0234 1200 0034
0234 1204 0004 0200
1230 1034 1000 0030
1004 0230 0030 1000
0230 1004 0200 0004
1030 1030 0000 0000

Figure 14
Porthole designations shown apply to all units purchased Hole designations.
after June 1, 2002. Refer to unit drawing or previous
IOM (SC-10M-9) for older UX, SX, S, GF or TW Series.

NOTE: Flow NOTE: Flow

directors as related directors as related
to “A” and “B” to “A” and “B”
plates plates

“A” Plate “B” Plate “A” Plate “B” Plate

Chevrons point Chevrons point

up on “A” plates up on “A” plates
and down on and down on
“B” plates “B” plates

Figure 15 Figure 16
Correct gasket location. Incorrect gasket location. 13
Pass Arrangement
Positions 1 and 4, as shown above in Figure 17, are upper In the element composition diagram (Figure 17), plate numbers
connections, right and left respectively, and positions 2 and 3 are are shown in boxes as:
lower connections, right and left respectively. Each vertical line
in between the “S” and “E” members represents a heat transfer 1 D1004 (“A” side)
plate while the arrows show the directions of flow in the channels
between two plates and in the port holes. 1034 2 (“B” side”)

The position of a plate hole is indicated by the intersection “D” in D1004 represents the plate adjacent to the “S” frame.
between a vertical line representing the plate and a horizontal “D” also denotes that no fluid runs on the heating surface.
line indicating the flow direction and passage. Holes for passage
of fluid flowing on the surface of a “B” plate are always located A box with no port hole numbers, 11 , in Figure
on the left side (Holes 3 and 4), and holes for passage of liquid 17 means 11 1234 . This is done for simplicity as most plates
flowing on the surface of an “A” plate are always found on the in a unit have four holes.
right side (Holes 1 and 2).

B side

Flow Down

Flow Up

A side

*No number indicates that fluid passes through

all four holes in the plate.

Figure 17
Element composition diagram.

Flow Arrangement
Figure 18 shows the plate arrangement in which “B” side is number of passes in series, is always equal or different from each
arranged in two parallel channels with three passes in series and other by one plate when comparing “A” side with “B” side. The
“A” side is arranged in three parallel channels with two passes total number of plates can be obtained by adding the number
in series. In two parallel channels with three passes in series, the of “D” plates to the number gained by adding the products of
fluid flow Q1 flows on the heating surfaces of two plates separately “A” side and “B” side. In Figure 18 (2 x 3) + (3 x 2) + 1 = 13.
(Q1/2) and gathers again in the port hole. This operation is
repeated three times. In the case of three parallel channels, with
two passes in series, flow Q2 similarly flows on the three heating
surfaces separately (Q2/3), gathering once again in the port hole.

14 The product of the number of channels in parallel, times the

B side

Q1 Q1

Q2 Q2

A side

*No number indicates that fluid passes through

all four holes in the plate.

Figure 18
Flow arrangement.

There are three methods used for draining 3. If the number of passes is greater than four as in Figure 20,
SUPERCHANGER units: the above options require the addition of small holes in
plate corner sections as shown in Figure 22. The amount
1. One pass/one pass (also two pass/two pass with all lower of by-pass through these holes is negligible and there is
nozzles, but not shown) units can be drained by opening no possibility of fluid intermix. These drain holes in the
the piping to the lower nozzles or by opening drain valves
that can be provided in the field in the connecting piping.
element composition diagram (Figure 21) are noted by ,
as the small hole is always placed in the corner without a

See Figure 19. passage hole. For example, 1204 is changed to 12 4 if a

drain hole is present. The size and position of the drain hole
2. Multi-pass units may require factory installed drains, i.e., an is separately specified.
additional nozzle in the end frame. These must be factory
installed. See Figure 19.

NOTE: On multi-pass units that are sized for a close temperature approach, these drain holes are not provided due to the small amount of
bypassing that occurs. Check the drawing to determine whether drains are present.

Plate sequence no.

B side

A side
Plate sequence no.

Factory installed drains Field supplied drain

through frame

Figure 19
One pass—one pass.
Cannot drain out

Plate sequence no.

B side

A side

Plate sequence no.

Figure 20
Five-pass unit with 2 passes that are not drainable.

Plate sequence no.

B side

A side

Plate sequence no.

Figure 21
Five-pass with pass 3 and 4 as drainable. (Plates 8 and 9 have small drain holes.)

Drain Small hole in Plates 8 and 9

Figure 22
Showing first 12 of the 21 plates in Figure 21 with drains in plates 8 and 9.

Connecting “C” Frames
SUPERCHANGER units can be partitioned into multiple
sections by employing the required number of connecting “C”
frames when more than one heat exchange operation is required.
Connecting frames allow several liquids to be processed at the
same time or allow the same liquid to run through several stages
of heat transfer. The flow arrangement with use of a connecting
frame is illustrated in Figure 23 isometrically and in Figure 24
in an element composition diagram.

“C” Frame


Liquid Liquid

Figure 23
Connecting “C” frame—flow diagram.

“C” Frame

Plate sequence no.

Liquid inlet B side Liquid outlet

Water outlet A side

Brine inlet
Plate sequence no.

“S” Frame
“M” Frame
Water inlet Brine outlet

Figure 24
Connecting “C” frame—element composition diagram.

Unlike all other SUPERCHANGER models, the GX series of ULTRAFLEX (GX) and WIDE-GAP (GF) plates differ from
plates is based on a diagonal flow pattern. On a typical one-by- conventional plates in another aspect. Because the gasket groove
one pass unit, nozzle numbers 1 and 3 will be the hot inlet and lies in the plate’s neutral plane, additional configurations are
hot outlet connections. Nozzle numbers 2 and 4 are the cold inlet possible with a given plate. This feature allows the heat exchanger
and cold outlet located lower right and upper left, respectively. to be more precisely designed for each application.
Unlike other plates, GX series can also be designed for parallel
flow. The flow direction is always designated in the model number
by a “P” (parallel) or “D” (diagonal) after the letters “GX.”

Figure 25 Figure 26
ULTRAFLEX (GX) plate design. GX type “H” plate.

Figure 27 Figure 28
GX type “L” plate. GF-type plate.

The bottom left hand corner of each GF and GX unit drawing has
a plate specification chart and plate arrangement/assembly listing
to assist in determining the proper sequence and orientation of
the plates in the unit. You will note that the gaskets used between
the first and last plate of the plate pack and the respective frames
are half thickness.

Due to the number of combinations achievable with GX and GF

technology, we have simplified the assembly process by assigning
a code letter to each corner of the plate. The plate is installed Quantity Gasket Material Theta/Piercing Gluing
correctly when the letter is readable from the upper right corner 1 NBR H 1234 RC Start
when facing the front of the unit. 134 NBR H 1234 LG
133 NBR H 1234 RC
The following examples will help you understand the plate
1 NBR H 0000 RC End

Figure 29
Ultraflex plate gluing assembly.


Wide A R+L
In the Wide-Gap (GF) series of plates, three different channel
Wide B S+K
geometries can be created with each model: wide, medium
Medium A K + L or R + S
or narrow. All units will be wide-narrow, narrow-wide or
medium-medium configuration. The code letter in the top right Medium B L + K or S + R

hand corner of the plates is used to create the various channel Narrow A K+S

geometries as shown below. Narrow B L+R

Four-Plate Sequence
In some instances, the arrangement in a GX model will follow
a repeating four-plate sequence. An example is shown below:

Plate 208 S
209 C
210 R
211 B
212 S
213 C
214 R
215 B
Plate 208 Plate 209 Plate 210 Plate 211

Figure 30
Four-plate ULTRAFLEX sequence.

Table 5 Plate Hanging Assembly–Four-Plate Sequence

Plate Sequence Gasket Material Piercing Gluing Hanging
1 NBR H 1234 RC Start B
2, 4....206 NBR L 1234 LS R
3, 5....207 NBR H 1234 RC B
208, 210....266 NBR L 1234 LS S, R
209, 211....267 NBR H 1234 RC C, B
268 NBR L 1234 LS S
269 NBR H 0000 RC End C

Multi-Pass Units
Table 6 provides an example of plate arrangement and
specifications for a multi-pass unit.

Table 6 Plate Hanging Assembly–Multi-Pass Units

Plate Sequence Gasket Material Piercing Gluing Hanging
1 NBR H 0234 RC Start B
2, 4....22 NBR L 1234 LS R
3, 5....23 NBR H 1234 RC B
24 NBR L 1234 LS R
25 NBR H 1004 RC B
26, 28....46 NBR L 1234 LS R
27, 29....47 NBR H 1234 RC B
48 NBR L 1234 LS R
49 NBR H 0230 RC End B

Table 7 Temperature Ratings
Gasket Material Max. Temp. Color Code NBR (Industrial Grade) 270 3 Blue
NBR (Partial FDA Approved) 270 1 Blue
EPDM (Full FDA Approved) 300 1 Grey + 1 Red
NBR LH (Low Hard) 284 1 Blue + 1 Green
EPDM (Industrial Grade) 338 1 Grey
NBR LT (Low Temp) 284 1 Blue + 1 Yellow
EPDM (Partial FDA Approved) 338 3 Grey
NBR(P) 284 1 Blue or (1 Blue + 1 White)
EPDM(IR) 338 1 Grey + 1Green
NBR(S) 284 No marking
EPDM(P) Soft 338 2 Grey + 1 Green
NBR(S) 14-920 284 1 Blue + 1 Brown
EPDM(S) 338 2 Grey
Neoprene (CR) 255 1 Green
EPDM-XH 338 4 Grey
PTFE encapsulated EPDM 338 Nothing on the outside (core
Fluoroelastomer (Viton) A & G 350 1 Purple EPDM is marked with 1 Grey)
Fluoroelastomer (Viton) B 350 2 Purple PTFE encapsulated NBR 270 Nothing on the outside (core NBR
is marked with 3 Blue)
Fluoroelastomer (Viton) FDA Full 356 1 Purple + 1 Red
R.C. Butyl 230 1 Yellow
Fluoroelastomer (Viton) GF 350 3 Purple
Silastic (Dow) None
Fluoroelastomer (Viton) GF 04-312 356 1 Purple + 1 White
Silicone 1 Orange (only if the rubber color
Steam grade fluoroelastomer for GE 266 4 Purple
test units is black)

Hypalon (CSM) 158 1 Red *This gasket requires the use of .8 mm (.032 in.) thick plate and a special double side tape
instead of Pliobond.
NBR (Full FDA Approved) 270 1 Blue + 1 Red
NBR (Hydrogenated) 302 2 Blue
Gasket Material Max. Temp. Color Code

The above temperatures are the maximum allowable temperature. In some cases, the upper limit may be lower depending on the
fluids being handled and on the unit design pressure.

Each plate has a molded one piece boundary gasket which is
glued into the continuous gasket groove in each plate. The liquid
flowing on the surface of each plate flows on the inside of each
boundary gasket.

Every port hole gasket contains four bleed passages. (See Figure
32.) If one of the liquids should leak beyond a boundary gasket,
it will flow to the outside of the unit, thus preventing any possible
intermix. (See Figures 31 and 33.)

Bleed ports typical

Figure 31
Flow to exterior from damaged boundary gasket.
four places

Gasket code

Gasket Plate

Figure 32 Figure 33
Four bleed passages. Flow to exterior from damaged boundary gasket.

Functionally, Tranter’s patented SUPERLOCK® glueless gaskets Tranter’s Clip-On glueless gaskets also perform in the same
perform in the same manner as glued gaskets (see Figures 30, 31 manner as glued gaskets.The unique design allows easy and
and 32). SUPERLOCK’s unique lock-in design allows simple fast clip-on installation without glue or tools, as well as simple
installation and removal without glue. The gasket has tabs that removal. Positive gasket seating and lock-in eliminates assembly
press easily into the holes in the plate. Please note that the uncertainties. After inspection, undamaged gaskets can be reused.
differences between glueless gasket plate assemblies and glued
gasket plate assemblies do not allow for the use of a glued gasket The Clip-On gasket system is available in NBR and EPDM, both
on a SUPERLOCK style plate. The use of a glueless gasket on industrial and FDA ratings. The Clip-On design is available in
a plate requiring a glued gasket is also incorrect. (NOTE: the the following models: GMP-026, GC-8, GC-026, GX-26, GX-
D, E and any special turning plates will be standard spot-glued 42 and GL-13. Four of these models—GC-8, GX-26, GX-42
gasketed.) The SUPERLOCK design is indicated by replacing and GL-13—are interchangeable plates, and can be used with
the “X” in the model number with an “M” for a mechanically either glued or Clip-On gaskets.
attached gasket. It is available in the following models: UMP-
005, UMP-010, UMP-060, UMP-200, UMP-400, GMP-026
and GM-010.

Table 8 Typical Clip-On Gasket Installation

1 NBR (S) H0230 RC START B
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 NBR (S) H1234 LG E
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 NBR (S) H1234 RC B
12, 14, 16, 18 NBR (S) H1234 LG GE
13, 15, 17, 19 NBR (S) H1234 RC CB
20 NBR (S) H1234 LG G
21 NBR (S) H1004 RC END C
23 NBR (S) H1004 RC START B
24, 26, 28, 30, 32 NBR (S) H1234 LG E
25, 27, 29, 31, 33 NBR (S) H1234 RC B
34, 36, 38, 40 NBR (S) H1234 LG GE
35, 37, 39, 41 NBR (S) H1234 RC CB
42 NBR (S) H1234 LG G
43 NBR (S) H0230 RC END C
Model: GXD-042; Plate Material: 304 SS; Plate Thickness: 0.5 mm.

Plate No.: Indicates plate number if single number is given. Left. Therefore, “R” is Right and “L” is Left. The second letter
Indicates a numerical sequence pattern if multiple numbers are denotes the plate letter code. Both of these descriptions apply
given. If multiple letter codes are given in the Hanging column, an when the plate is viewed upright with the designated letter code
alternating sequence between the two letters should be followed being read left-to-right in the upper right hand quadrant of the
as indicated in the Plate No. column. plate. Gaskets will be clipped to the front of plate as viewed in
their installed orientation from front-to-back of the assembled
Gasket: Defines the gasket material. unit. “Start” or “End” can be added to the first two-letters with
a space between to denote special gasketing instructions for the
Plate: A five-digit identifier, which describes plate theta as being first and last plates between end-frames and/or partition plates.
“H” high or “L” low, is followed by four integers. These four
integers indicate which ports are pierced. A zero (0) denotes NO Hanging: Indicates the letter code by which a plate is to be hung
piercing at this port location. in the unit. This letter should be located in the upper right of
the plate and read from left-to-right. The plate should be viewed
Clipping: An eight-character field describing how the gasket is as if from looking from the front of the unit.
to be clipped to the plate. The first letter describes whether the
closed port (ringed gasket corner) is in the Lower Right or Lower
Gasket Storage Procedures
Start Plate End Plate When SUPERCHANGER heat exchanger plate gaskets are
maintained as spare parts, it is important that certain storage
procedures be followed to assure that the elastomeric compounds
making up the gaskets do not deteriorate and the useful life of
the gaskets is preserved.

1. Store in an area where the temperature does not exceed 70°F.

The ideal storage temperature is 60°F. NOTE: Never store
in an area where the temperature may fall to or below 32°F.

2. Maintain a maximum of 70% relative humidity.

Clip-On, Channel Channel A Gasket
A, Half Gasket Front, Half 3. Store in a darkened room. Ultraviolet light must be avoided.
Front, All (4) Thickness, Gasket
Ports) Rear, Channel B,
All (4) Ports) 4. Store gaskets so they are free from tension. Do not store in
a stretched or severely bent condition.
Figure 34
GX Clip-On codes (diagonal flow).
5. All potential sources of Ozone, such as operating electric
motors or welding equipment, must be removed from the
storage area.

6. Organic solvents, acids, etc. must not be kept in the storage area.

7. Do not store near heating system radiators.

8. Cover or keep the gaskets in bags or boxes to minimize

exposure to air circulation.

9. Keep gaskets free from dust and particulates.

Right B Left E
Channel A Channel B

Right C Left G
Channel A Channel B

Figure 35
GX Start and End plate explanations.

Mixed Gasket Materials
Most SUPERCHANGER units are equipped with gaskets made unit. One fluid travels across the plate while the other fluid
of one material. However, there are two conditions that dictate passes through the gasketed port holes. In a mixed gasket unit,
the use of different material on a plate. each plate will have two materials. The fluid traveling across the
“A” plate requires gasket material 1. The fluid on the “B” plate
The first is gasket/fluid compatibility. In this case, one material requires gasket material 2.
is not suitable for both fluids in the heat exchanger. An example
is heating quench oil with 285°F steam. Quench oil dictates the In the case of a UX, SX, GF or GC series model, the “A” plate
use of nitrile rubber gaskets, while steam temperature requires will have material 1 on the perimeter while port holes 3 and 4 are
EPDM gaskets. material 2. The “B” plate will have material 2 on the perimeter
with port holes 1 and 2 of material 1. GX models with mixed
The second reason for using two gasket materials on a single plate gaskets would be similar. However, flow is diagonal so diagonally
is cost. This is encountered when an expensive material (usually opposed ports would have the same gasket material.
viton) is required on only one side of the SUPERCHANGER
unit. A significant savings can be realized by using a less expensive All SUPERCHANGER gaskets are purchased as one piece-
gasket material on the other side. molded items. To physically accomplish mixing gaskets on a
plate, the port holes are cut from both gaskets. Subsequently,
As an example: Cooling 180°F sulfuric acid with tower water the port holes of material 1 are matched with the perimeter of
requires viton on the acid side, but nitrile is sufficient on the material 2 and vice versa. (See Figure 36.)
water side.
The following illustrates the above in a typical UX Series plate.
Each plate has contact with both fluids in a SUPERCHANGER

= Gasket Material 1
= Gasket Material 2

Fluid on “A” plate uses port

holes 1 and 2.
“A” plate “B” plate
Fluid on “B” plate uses port
holes 3 and 4.

NOTE: Chevron orientation as related to

“A” & “B” plates.

Porthole designations shown apply to all

units purchased after June 1, 2002. Refer to
unit drawing or previous IOM (SC-IOM-9) for
older UX, SX, S, GC or TW series.

Figure 36
Multiple gasket materials on a UX Series plate.

Table 9 Typical Hanging Specification
1 NBR (S) H0230 RC START B
2, 4, 6, 8, 10 NBR (S) H1234 LG E
3, 5, 7, 9, 11 NBR (S) H1234 RC B
12, 14, 16, 18 NBR (S) H1234 LG G, E
13, 15, 17, 19 NBR (S) H1234 RC C, B
20 NBR (S) H1234 LG G
21 NBR (S) H1004 RC END C
22 — H1004 PARTITION
23 NBR (S) H1004 RC START B
24, 26, 28, 30, 32 NBR (S) H1234 LG E
25, 27, 29, 31, 33 NBR (S) H1234 RC B
34, 36, 38, 40 NBR (S) H1234 LG G, E
35, 37, 39, 41 NBR (S) H1234 RC C, B
42 NBR (S) H1234 LG G
43 NBR (S) H0230 RC END C
Model: GXD-060; Plate Material: 304 SS; Plate Thickness: 0.5 mm.

Plate No.: Indicates plate number if single number is given.

Indicates a numerical sequence pattern if multiple numbers
are given. If multiple letter codes are given in the Hanging
column, an alternating sequence between the two letters should
be followed as indicated in the Plate No. column.

Gasket: Defines the gasket material.

Plate: A five-digit identifier, which describes plate theta as being

“H” high or “L” low, is followed by four integers. These four
integers indicate which ports are pierced. A zero (0) denotes NO
piercing at this port location.

Gluing: An eight-character field describing how the gasket is

to be glued to the plate. The first letter describes whether the
closed port (ringed gasket corner) is in the Lower Right or Lower
Left. Therefore, “R” is Right and “L” is Left. The second letter
denotes the plate letter code. Both of these descriptions apply
when the plate is viewed upright with the designated letter code
being read left-to-right in the upper right hand quadrant of the
plate. Gaskets will be glued to the front of plate as viewed in
their installed orientation from front-to-back of the assembled
unit. “Start” or “End” can be added to the first two-letters with
a space between to denote special gasketing instructions for the
first and last plates between end-frames and/or partition plates.

Hanging: Indicates the letter code by which a plate is to be hung

in the unit. This letter should be located in the upper right of
the plate and read from left-to-right. The plate should be viewed
as if from looking from the front of the unit.

GX Gluing Codes
Diagonal Flow Plates:

Right C Left G Right L Left S


Parallel Flow Plates:

Left C Right G Left L Right S

Left B Right E Left K Right R


Figure 37
These drawings depict how GX plates are to be glued. Note that gluing instructions for diagonal flow GX plates can be reduced to four combinations
while parallel flow GX plates require eight.

GX Start and End Plate Explanations

Frame Side
Frame Side

Looking from the

stationary frame to
the moveable frame

Start Plate­—ALL Start Plate­—back

front side ports side has NO
gasketed.* gasket.

Frame Side
Frame Side

Looking from the

stationary frame to
the moveable frame

End Plate­—front End Plate­—all

side of end plate has back side ports
a normal gasket with gasketed.*
two ports gasketed.**

Figure 38
* These gaskets are half thickness and may be pieced together in various ways depending upon specific model. Flow direction
(i.e., Diagonal/Parallel) is not a factor for these gaskets.
** This gasket will be the same as all non-Start/End plate gaskets. It will have two ports closed by the gasket. Which ports will
be determined by the flow direction (Diagonal/Parallel). Diagonal flow is shown in these illustrations.

SUPERCHANGER units (with optional shroud) are bolted SHOULD ANY PARTS BE MISSING OR DAMAGED,
to and shipped assembled on a skid. Other optional items, if IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY:
supplied, are packed separately. All items should be checked
against packing lists. Tranter, Inc.
P.O. Box 2289
Wichita Falls, TX 76307

Recommended Procedures
All frame models are provided with special lifting eyeholes for 11. Do not apply valve and piping loads to the nozzles. Use
transportation and installation by crane. Rigidly set all models on pipe supports.
the floor by means of foundation bolts. The following installation
tips are also recommended: 12. Install shutoff valves at all nozzle locations.

1. Level the unit. 13. Place vent valves for draining at the highest possible point.

2. Locate the unit in an area that is not congested with piping 14. Provide pumps sending liquid into the SUPERCHANGER
and other equipment. For units with nozzles on the movable with throttling valves.
frame, refer to Figures 39 and 40 on page 29.
15. Install a safety relief valve if the maximum pressure output
3. Provide three feet of working area around the unit. of the pump is greater than that of the heat exchanger.

4. The piping system must allow for thermal expansion. This 16. When a pressure control valve is installed, place it at the
can be accomplished inherently within the piping layout or inlet of the heat exchanger, even if a pressure control switch
by flexible connections. is provided.

5. Debris can cause damage to the gaskets. The gasket areas

must be free from sand, gravel, pieces of iron, etc. before the
unit is closed. CAUTION: D o not expose plate and frame heat
exchangers to continuous vibration and/or high
6. Lubricate the tie bolts. frequency cyclic on/off operation since damage
from fatigue may occur. Do not use metering and
7. Tighten all tie rod nuts. Tighten the unit to plate pack pulsating type pumps. If the SUPERCHANGER unit
dimension per assembly drawings prior to making any is used in cyclic operation, the equipment should be
assembly connections. tightened to the minimum dimension (see Table 3)
to prevent fretting failure. Contact the factory for
8. Uniformly tighten the plate pack. (See tightening assistance.
instructions following.)

9. Flush connecting piping of all debris prior to “hook-up” with

the heat exchanger.

10. Correctly center gaskets inserted between pipe flanges.

Tightening the Plate Pack
The plate pack tightening length (distance between the facing Due to manufacturing tolerances, a unit is sometimes shipped
surfaces of the “S” and “E” frames) is given on the assembly with a plate pack dimension greater than the minimum
drawing and on the unit data plate. The tightening dimension dimension stated on the drawing. If leakage occurs, after a
is identified as “A Max.” and “A Min.” The unit is normally period of time, tighten the unit to the minimum length. If the
tightened at the factory to the average dimension between “A plate pack length is shorter than the minimum length, damage
Max.” and “A Min.” “A Min.” is a minimum length. Consult the to the plates at contact points may result. If leakage occurs at the
SUPERCHANGER Engineering Department before tightening minimum length, contact the SUPERCHANGER Engineering
the unit to a smaller dimension. CAUTION: On units Department for recommendations regarding gasket replacement
operating in excess of 200 psig, the tightening dimension is or additional tightening.
to equal or approach the minimum dimension. The wrench
size required for the various SUPERCHANGER tightening bolt
diameters is shown below. Refer to the SUPERCHANGER
drawing for the actual bolt diameter.

BOLT DIAMETER (in.) WRENCH SIZE (Across Flats) (in.)

3/4 1 1/4
1 1 5/8
1 1/4 2
1 1/2 2 3/8
1 3/4 2 3/4
2 3 1/8
2 1/4 3 1/2
2 1/2 3 7/8

The end frame is

immovable with this
piping arrangement

Figure 39 Figure 40
Correct piping installation—disconnecting A and B connections will permit Incorrect piping installation—the end frame is immovable (side view).
movement of the end frame (top view).

An EZCHANGER Hydraulic Closing Device is available for assembly/disassembly of larger units. See page 45 for details.

Tightening Sequences
Figure 41 gives the tightening sequence for all units. When
facing the stationary frame, tighten using the 1, 2, 3 and 4 bolts WARNING: Do not tighten the plate heat exchanger
in sequence as far as possible before installing the remaining when it is holding liquid, under pressure or
bolts. Be careful to tighten uniformly so that the moveable frame operating. Rupture of the gaskets and exposure to
is kept parallel with the fixed frame within 1/4 in. Check the physical injury may occur. Always cool and drain the
plate pack length on both sides of the plate pack at all tightening heat exchanger before tightening.
bolt locations. Tighten the unit, according to this procedure, to
the plate pack dimension stated on the assembly drawing or unit
data plate. Measure the dimension with a metal tape and tighten
all bolts within 1/32 in. of the “A” dimension. (See Table 3.)

4 bolt unit 6 bolt unit 8 bolt unit 10 bolt unit 12 bolt unit 14 bolt unit 16 bolt unit 18 bolt unit 20 bolt unit

Figure 41
Tightening sequence for all units.

Precautions Prior to Start-Up
1. If there is particulate matter in the process streams, contact 7. When all air is out, liquid will flow out of the vent. Close
your Tranter sales/service office to determine if a pipeline or the vent.
in-port strainer should be used before operating the unit.
8. Slowly and simultaneously open the inlet valves for both fluids
2. Confirm that the plate pack length is correct. to avoid extreme over-pressure due to hydraulic shock.

3. Open all outlet valves completely. 9. Control the amount of heating or cooling by using throttling
valves and product thermometers in conjunction.
4. Completely close the pump discharge valves to the heat

5. Provide venting on both sides of the heat exchanger to

facilitate the removal of air from the system.
CAUTION: To reduce the possibility of water hammer,

6. Start pumps and increase the pressure by opening the pump do not use fast opening and closing valves. The
discharge valve slowly. pressure surge caused by a sudden change in the fluid
velocity can be several times higher than the normal
operating pressure of the system.

Shutting Down the Unit Disassembly Procedures
1. Gradually decrease the pressure of both fluids simultaneously To open the exchanger, it is necessary to disconnect all
until all pressure is relieved. connections (if any) to the “E” moveable frame. Lubricate all
bolts prior to disassembly. Then completely loosen and remove
2. Never open a superchanger unit when it is hot. Cool the all bolts except those indicated by a “filled circle” in the sketch
unit to a warm temperature before opening to prevent below for the size unit involved. The four remaining bolts can
personal injury and gasket loosening. then be loosened in any left-right sequence at 1/4 in. increments
until they can be lifted out.
3. Completely drain fluids from the unit.

4 bolt unit 6 bolt unit 8 bolt unit 10 bolt unit 12 bolt unit 14 bolt unit 16 bolt unit 18 bolt unit 20 bolt unit

Figure 42
Loosening sequence.

Removal of Plates
3. To remove a plate from the frame:

CAUTION: Exercise care when handling plates. The (a) For UXP-005, UXP-010, UXP-100, SXP-070, SXP-400,
edges are sharp. Leather gloves must be worn. SXP-140, GC, GX and GFP-050, GFP-100 and GFP-150
Series, tilt the plate and remove it.
(b) GFP-030, GFP-080, UXP-200, UXP-060, UXP-400
1. Remove the plates one by one from the frame. and UXP-110 Series, lift the plate, push down on the hanger
to release it, tilt the plate and remove it.
2. Clean and/or inspect the plates hanging in the frame by (c) UXP-801 and UXP-802 Series, remove the sectional
removing them one at a time. guide bar track, which is bolted into the bottom of the
upper I beam near the moveable end. Tilt the plates and
remove them one at a time. (There are three of the removable
track sections along the guide bar length to facilitate plate

Replacing Plates
A faulty plate can easily be removed and replaced by a spare plate.
Check that the new plate has the holes and gaskets arranged in the
same way as the faulty one, and that the hangers are arranged in
the same direction as the original installation. When the plates are
properly assembled, the edges form a “honeycomb” configuration
as seen in Figure 43.

If a four-hole plate is defective and no spare plate is available, the

defective plate and one adjacent four-hole plate can be removed.
The capacity of the plate heat exchanger is then reduced, but
usually only slightly. When plates are removed calculate new
“A” tightening dimensions from Table 3.

Figure 43
Plate assembly.

Replacing Gaskets
See Figures 4, 5, 6, 7 and 36.

Removing Old Gaskets

When a gasket requires replacement, steps A1, A2 and A3 may on the plate, the orientation of the bleed grooves and
be followed or alternately steps B1, B2 and B3 may be used if particularly what grooves the gasket occupies.
facilities are available.
B2. For gasket removal, immerse the plate assemblies in a
A1. Remove the plate from the frame and lay it on a clean, 10% to 15% caustic bath solution at 140°F to 180°F for
flat, horizontal surface. Examine and note exactly how the approximately 8 hr. The caustic will soften the glue and
gasket is positioned on the plate, particularly what grooves the gaskets can be removed. Brushing with a nylon brush
the gasket does and does not occupy. will help remove the softened residual glue. (NOTE: Soak
time will vary depending on the type of service and the
A2. Insert a pointed tool (screw driver) under the gasket until length of exposure that the plates have seen.)
a finger can be inserted. Then pull slowly until the gasket
is removed. B3. The caustic solution will normally remove most of the
residue scale buildup on the heat transfer surface. Brushing
A3. Clean the gasket groove. Adhesive residue, oil, grease and with a nylon brush will help remove excess residue. Always
other foreign matter can be removed by applying a solvent rinse thoroughly.
such as Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), Acetone or other
Ketones with a nylon or stainless steel brush. Commercial To remove spot-glued gaskets, follow steps A1, A2 and, if
paint stripping compounds are also effective in removing necessary, step A3.
the gasket adhesive. Dry/wipe the gasket groove. (NOTE:
Use all solvents at room temperature (70°F) and in a well Remove scale deposits, such as calcium compounds, by immersing
ventilated area not exposed to open flame, electric motors, the plates in a 5% to 10% nitric acid solution at room temperature
etc.) Torches, grinding wheels and powered steel wire (70°F). This procedure must be followed by a thorough rinsing.
brushes are not to be used to remove adhesive residue since See “Plate Cleaning Tips” on page 38.
such tools will damage the plates.

B1. When a gasket requires replacement, remove the plate from

the frame and lay it on a clean, flat, horizontal surface.
Examine and note exactly how the gasket is positioned

Installing Continuously Glued Gaskets
1. Make sure the gasket groove area is clean and dry prior to sheet of wood. The longer the compression time, the better
regasketing. the bond. Twelve hours cure time at room temperature (70°F)
should be allowed to assure minimum required adhesion
2. Apply a uniform layer of adhesive in the appropriate of the gasket to the plate for all elastomers except EPDM.
gasket grooves. (A plastic bottle makes an ideal applicator, EPDM gaskets require a minimum of 24 hr cure time at
provided the tip of the applicator is designed to provide a room temperature (70°F) to assure an adequate bond. (When
bead that is approximately 1/8 in. wide.) Do not apply several plates are being gasketed, they can be stacked on top
adhesive in amounts that will allow it to ooze out when the of each other with the weighted wood sheet placed on the
gasket is pressed into the groove. Apply adhesive at room top plate of the stack.)
temperature (70°F). After the glue is applied to the plate,
it should be allowed to set for a minimum of 30 sec before 6. After compression time (step 5), use solvent to remove any
the gasket is set in place. Work on pairs of plates to allow excess adhesive that may have seeped out past the edges of
for this curing time. the gasket.

The recommended adhesive for all elastomeric gaskets is 7. Reinstall plate(s) in the unit insuring that the gasket surface
Pliobond 30. Pliobond 20 and 3M 1347 can also be used, and the sealing surface of the plate ahead are wiped clean to
if Pliobond 30 is not available. Hardening adhesives are not provide a positive seal.
to be used. The number of gaskets that can be glued from
one pint bottle of Pliobond 30 glue may be approximated
as in Table 10.
NOTE: Refer to page 24 when using mixed gaskets.
3. Position the gasket on the plate making sure that the
recess in the gasket at the bleed passage location is up. Also,
when the proper side is up, the gasket code number will be 8. Note that the “D” plate (always the plate next to the fixed
visible in the bleed passage area. Proper groove fit and flow frame end) requires different gaskets. The purpose of the
diverter access is dependent on end-to-end positioning. (See “D” plate is to prevent fluid from flowing across the fixed
Figures 15 and 32.) end frame. The only sealing surface on the “D” plate is the
port hole gaskets. “D” plate gaskets for the UX series consist
4. Using finger pressure, firmly press the gasket into the same of two half gaskets. “D” plate gaskets for the GFP-030 and
grooves from which the original gasket was removed. GFP-080 plates consist of four port hole gaskets and straight
strips, which fit in the gasket groove around the periphery of
5. Compress the gasket by placing the plate under a weighted the plate. The wide port gasket fits the widest groove, and the
narrow port hole gasket fits the narrow groove.

Table 10 Glue Requirements

XP-005 122 GXD-037 30
UXP-010 100 GXD-064 18

UXP-100 85 GXD-091 15
UXP-200 60 GXD-118 13
GFP-030 50 GXD-060, GCP-060 20
UXP-060, SXP-070 35 GXD-100 18
UXP-400 30 GXD-140 14
UXP-110 30 GXD-180 15
SXP-400, SXP-140 30 GXD-085 16
GFP-080 25 GXD-145 14
UXP-801, UXP-802 10 GXD-205 12
GXD-006 50 GXD-265 10
GXD-012, GL-013, GC-016 50 GXD-325 8
GXD-018, GCP-010 35 GFP-057 19
GXD-026, GCP-026 30 GFP-097 18

GXD-042 20 GFP-187 15

GXD-051, GCP-051 17 GL-230, GL-330, GL-430 8, 7, 6

Installing Spot-Glued Gaskets
Spot gluing of Elastomeric gaskets is covered under Tranter’s
U.S. Patent #5070939.

In the following procedure, after the glue is applied to the plate

at the appropriate spots, allow it to set for a minimum of 30 sec
before the gasket is mounted. Work on pairs of plates to allow
for this curing time. Work in a well-ventilated area.

1. Clean the gasket groove in one plate with a rag moistened

with Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK). Circled areas show
the 14 “T” joints
2. Apply a 1/8 in. diameter spot of Pliobond 30 approximately
every 4 in. centered in the gasket groove of the plate just

a) Apply the glue so there are no thin spots.

b) Apply spots of glue at the “T” joints (see Figure 44).

3. Clean the groove of a second plate, as in step 1.

4. Apply adhesive to the second plate, as in step 2.

Figure 44
Locations at “T” joints where glue must be applied.
5. Install the gasket on the first plate. Make sure the gasket is
oriented as shown in Figures 15 and 32.

6. Install the gasket on the second plate, as in step 5. NOTE: Refer to page 24 when using mixed gaskets.

NOTE: The purpose of working with two plates 8. After adequate compression time, use solvent to remove any
simultaneously is to allow the adhesive to set for excess adhesive that may have seeped-out past the edges of
a minimum of 30 sec before the gasket is applied. the gasket.
When working with small plates, a third plate can
be incorporated into the above procedure to obtain 9. Reinstall plate(s) in unit insuring that the gasket surface
set time. The curing time must not exceed 3 min. and the sealing surface of the plate ahead are wiped clean to
provide a positive seal.

7. Compress the gasket by placing the plate under a weighted

sheet of wood. The longer the compression time, the better
the bond. Twelve hours cure time at room temperature
(70°F) should be allowed to assure maximum adhesion of the
gasket to the plate for all elastomers except EPDM. EPDM
gaskets require a minimum of 24 hr cure time at room
temperature (70°F) to assure an adequate bond. (When
several plates are being gasketed, they can be stacked on top
of each other with the weighted wood sheet placed on the
top plate of the stack.)

Installing SUPERLOCK® Snap-In Gaskets
SUPERLOCK gaskets are covered under Tranter’s
U.S. Patent #4995455.

1. Position the gasket on the plate making sure that the recess 3. Insert each tab inside its corresponding slot and push firmly
in the gasket at the bleed passage location is up. When the until the tab locks into the slot. Make sure that each of the
proper side is up, the gasket code number will be visible in porthole tabs (located in the bleed port area towards the
the bleed passage area. Correct end-to-end position is also middle of the plate) is also snapped into its slot.
important for a proper groove fit and fluid access to the flow
diverter. (See Figures 15 & 32.)
NOTE: Refer to page 24 when using mixed gaskets.
2. Make sure that the tabs of the SUPERLOCK gaskets are
lined up with the slots in the gasket groove of the plate.

Installing Teflon Encapsulated Gaskets and Unit Assembly

10. Single side hydrostatic test to design pressure shown on
CAUTION: On units operating in excess of 200 psig, assembly drawing.
the tightening dimension is to equal or approach the
minimum dimension. 11. Double side hydrostatic test to test pressure shown on
assembly drawing.

12. If unit leaks during either of the above tests, run 150°F to
1. Install double-sided tape in the center of the gasket
170°F hot water for one hour. Let the unit cool and tighten
groove. Use continuous strips. Do not contaminate the
to average dimension as shown on assembly drawing using
tape surface.
same increments as in step 8.
2. Do not overlap tape strips as this will cause leakage in
13. Re-conduct the hydrostatic test.
that area.
14. If unit still leaks, mark plate and area of leakage.
3. Install Teflon such that bleed ports (notches) in each section
in rubber core are installed in the up position.
15. Disassemble unit and check gasket and seal surface for
defects, especially at the leakage sites. If no apparent defect is
4. Install plates per the assembly drawing that is received with
found, apply an even thin layer of “Teflon TFE Pipe Thread
the unit.
Sealer,” furnished by McMaster Carr (,
part #4538K1), to Teflon gasket at leakage site.
5. Check top surface of Teflon and gasket seal surface for
16. Retighten unit using same procedure as listed above.
6. Install all bolts and tighten the unit (snug tight only).
17. Re-conduct the hydrostatic test.
7. Refer to page 30 for tightening sequence.
18. Unit should not seal. If unit is still leaking, contact
the factory.
8. Tighten unit in 1/16 in. increments to ensure even
compression of gaskets.
NOTE: Refer to page 24 when using mixed gaskets.
9. Ti g h t e n t o m a x i m u m d i m e n s i o n a s s h ow n o n
assembly drawing.

Installing Clip-On Gaskets
There is one kind of channel arrangement. The first, uneven and
last channel will always be S2/S4. The even channels will always
be S1/S3. The Tranter standard connection location is hot in/
out S1/S3. Therefore, it will start and end with a cold channel.
If a hot in/out in S2/S4 is required, the first and last channels
will subsequently be hot.

1. Attach half-A gasket to the start plate in the RORU

orientation, as in Figure 46. Hang by the ORU orientation,
as shown in Figure 45.
2. Attach B gaskets to even plates by the LOLU orientation. (See
Figure 46.) Hang by the ORD orientation, so the “O” is in
Figure 45
the lower right corner. (See Figure 45.) This is equivalent to Plate hanging orientation.
Channel B.

3. Attach A gaskets to odd plates by the RORU orientation,

as shown in Figure 46. Hang by the ORU orientation, as in
Figure 45. This forms a Channel A.

4. Attach B gasket to end plate by the LOLU orientation, and

attach half-A gasket to the backside of the end plate by the
RORU orientation. (See Figure 46.) Hang by the ORD
orientation with B gasket facing inside. (See Figure 45.) This
completes the plate pack.

The following is an example of the above in a GLD-013 heat

exchanger: Start plate

Plate Hanging Assembly

1 RORU Start ORU
2, 4..54, 56 LOLU ORD
3, 5..55, 57 RORU ORU
58, 60..70, 72 LOLU ORD
59, 61..71, 73 RORU ORU

Even plates Odd plates

Gasket Attaching Assembly LOLU RORU
1 RORU Start
1 LOLU End

End plate End plate


Figure 46
Gasket attaching orientation.

SUPERCHANGER plate and frame type heat exchangers
are designed for both manual cleaning and cleaning-in-place
operations. Where possible, utilize a cleaning-in-place system
that will allow pumping water or cleaning solutions into the
unit without disassembling. A CIP system may be purchased
through Tranter. If this is not feasible, use the manual method.
Descriptions of the two cleaning procedures follow.

Steps for Manual Cleaning of Plates

1. Open the unit in accordance with disassembly procedures 9. The lower portion of each plate as hung in the unit should
on page 31. be inspected carefully and cleaned appropriately as this
is the primary area where residual solid material tends to
2. Clean each plate separately. Depending upon the amount accumulate.
of cleaning to be performed, the plate can be cleaned while
still hanging in the unit or removed, placed on a flat surface 10. Wipe off the mating surface, i.e., the rear of the plate where
and cleaned. the gasket seats.

3. Never use a steel brush or steel wool on the plates. If a 11. Upon completing the cleaning, inspection and installation of
brush is required, use one with bristles that are softer than each plate, the unit may be closed, tightened per the assembly
the plate material. If iron is forcibly rubbed on a stainless drawing and the tightening instructions (page 30), and placed
steel surface, it is impossible to remove all imbedded particles into operation.
and will result in accelerated rusting and/or corrosion. If it
is absolutely necessary that a metal brush be used, the brush
material must be compatible with the plate material.
CAUTION: Do not use chlorine or chlorinated water
4. Be careful not to scratch the gasket surfaces. to clean stainless steel, Hastelloy, Incolloy, Inconel
and 254SMO. Chlorine is commonly used to inhibit
5. After brushing, each plate should be rinsed with clean water. bacteria growth in cooling water systems. It reduces
the corrosion resistance of stainless steel, Hastelloy,
6. Use high pressure rinse when cleaning continuously glued Incolloy, Inconel and 254SMO. The “protection layer”
plate assemblies. of these steels is weakened by chlorine and makes
them more susceptible to corrosion. This increase in
7. See “Plate Cleaning Tips” on page 38 for specific types susceptibility to corrosion is a function of time and
of deposits. the chlorine concentration. For any applications
where chlorination must be used with non-titanium
8. The gaskets must be wiped dry with a cloth. Solid particles equipment, please contact the factory.
adhering to the gaskets cause damage and result in leakage
when the unit is put back in operation.

Plate Cleaning Tips
1. Do not use hydrochloric acids, or water containing in excess TYPE OF FOULING SUGGESTED CLEANERS
of 300 ppm chlorides, with stainless steel.
Calcium Sulphate, Silicates Citric, Nitric, Phosphoric or Sulfamic Acid
Calcium Carbonate 10% Nitric Acid (1 volume concentrated
2. Do not use phosphoric or sulfamic acid for cleaning Nitric Acid with specific gravity 1.41 to 9
volumes of water), Oakite 131
titanium plates.
Alumina, Metal Oxides, Silt Citric, Nitric, Phosphoric, or Sulfamic Acid
(To improve cleaning, add detergent to acid.)
3. Limit cleaning solution concentration to 4% in strength, with Barnacles, Mussels, Seaweed, Wood Chips Back flush per cleaning-in-place procedure
temperatures not exceeding 140°F unless otherwise specified. below and Figure 48
Biological Growth Sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide
General guidelines for cleaning are tabulated below. (Please refer
to steps 1 through 3 above for precautions.)



pH probe
to monitor Self-priming
cleaning pump

CIP cleaning
solution tank

Figure 47 Figure 48
Cleaning-in-place flow chart. Piping using brine (top view).

Cleaning-In-Place (CIP)
Cleaning-in-place is the preferred cleaning method when it will be necessary to reverse flow for at least 1/2 the cleaning
especially corrosive liquids are processed in a SUPERCHANGER time to wet all surfaces.
unit. Install drain piping to avoid corrosion of the plates due
to residual liquids left in the unit after an operation cycle. (See 5. For optimum cleaning, use the maximum flow rate of water,
Figure 47.) rinse, or CIP solution that the CIP nozzle size will allow (2
in. @ 260 gpm, 1 in. @ 67 gpm.) A CIP operation will be
To prepare the unit for cleaning, follow the procedures listed most effective if performed on a regularly scheduled basis
below: and before the unit is completely fouled.

1. Drain both sides of the unit. If it is not possible to drain, 6. Flush thoroughly with clean water after CIP cleaning.
force liquids out of the unit with flush water.

2. Flush the unit on both sides with warm water at

approximately 110°F until the effluent water is clear and CAUTION: If brine is used as a cooling medium,
free of the process fluid. completely drain the fluid from the unit and flush the
unit with cold water prior to any cleaning operation.
3. Drain the flush water from the unit and connect CIP pump. Corrosion will be kept at a minimum if all traces of
(See “Plate Cleaning Tips” above for suggested cleaners.) brine are eliminated before using hot cip solutions
on either side of the heat exchanger.
4. For thorough cleaning, it is necessary to flow CIP
solution bottom to top to insure wetting of all surfaces
with cleaning solution. When cleaning multiple pass units,

Back Flushing and Strainers
Often, when fibers or large particulates are present, back flush-
ing of the unit proves to be very beneficial. This is accomplished
by either of the following methods:

1. Flush the unit with clean water in reverse flow pattern to

the normal operating direction.

2. Arrange piping and valves so the unit may be operated in

reverse flow mode on the product side for fixed periods of
time. This method is particularly well suited for steam-to-
product units.

3. The use of strainers are recommended in supply lines

ahead of the exchanger when the streams contain significant
solids or fibers. This will reduce the requirements for
back flushing.

Cleaning Guidelines
8. Remove rusted or pitted areas that appear on the plates with
1. Never open the unit when hot, under pressure, holding commercial scouring powder. Follow this by flushing with
liquid or operating. clean water.

2. Never clean the plates with a steel brush or steel wool. 9. Cleaning solutions should always be circulated with a
centrifugal pump.
3. Always wipe the gaskets clean before closing the
unit to prevent damage resulting from adhering 10. Do not use hydrochloric (muriatic) acid for cleaning plates.
particulate matter.
11. Thoroughly rinse the plates with clean water following any
4. Always use clean water (free from salt, sulphur, type of chemical cleaning.
chlorine or high iron concentrations) for flushing and
rinsing operations.

5. If steam is used as a sterilizing medium, do not exceed

270°F steam temperature with nitrile gaskets and 350°F
with EPDM gaskets.

6. If chlorinated solutions are used as the cleaning media,

employ a minimum concentration at the lowest temperature
possible. Minimize the plate exposure time. The chlorine
concentration must be less than 100 ppm and temperatures
must be under 100°F with a maximum plate exposure time of
10 min. Follow the cleaning recommendations of suppliers,
relative to concentration, temperature and treatment time.

7. Always add concentrated cleaning solutions to water before

circulating through the unit. Never inject these solutions
while the water is circulating.


Figure 49
Troubleshooting sources of leaks.

Leakage Between the Plate Pack and the Frame
(See Figure 49, Item 1)


1. Use a felt tip marker to identify the area where the leakage
seems to be occurring and then open the plate pack.
2. If the leakage occurs in the area of a nozzle, then observe Remove all foreign matter, relocate the gasket, or replace the
the gasket condition of the “D” plate or “E” nozzle “O” damaged gasket.
ring. Foreign matter, scars, other damage to the gasket
surfaces and any gasket dislocation may be the problem.
3. Check the end frame for foreign objects, surface Remove any interference between the gasket and the surface
unevenness, or any other condition which might interfere of the end frame.
with the seal between the gasket and the adjacent surface.
4. Check the plate for cracks or holes. If a plate has perforation, it must be replaced.

Leakage Between the Nozzle and the End Frame

(See Figure 49, Item 2)


1. Fluid is flowing from the area between the nozzle and the Check the integrity of the continuous pressure weld between
end frame (point A on Figure 50) and/or the interior of the stub end and the seal point (point C on Figure 50). Dye-
the end frame and the seal plate (point B on Figure 50). check for small cracks. If the dye-check reveals any linear
indication, the area needs to be ground down and re-welded
using TIG welding, and the appropriate welding wire. If the
weld damage occurred due to a blow to the nozzle, some of
the plate assemblies may be damaged. Damaged plates should
A B be replaced.

Figure 50
Troubleshooting nozzle/end frame leaks.

Leakage Between the Plates to the Outside of the Unit
(See Figure 49, Item 3)


1. Mark the area of the leak with a felt tip marker.

2. Check the plate pack dimensions to insure they agree with Depressurize unit and adjust the plate pack as necessary.
Table 3. Overtightening may cause plate damage. Disassemble unit per procedure on page 31.
3. Look for mislocated, loose or damaged gaskets. Relocate gaskets, reglue loose gaskets and replace damaged
4. Check for plate damage in the area. A damaged plate usually must be replaced. For temporary
duty, if the damaged plate has four holes and an adjacent plate
(front or back) has four holes, remove both plates and retighten
the plate pack according to Table 3. Contact the factory if
temporary operating characteristics need to be developed for
a smaller number of plates. See “How to Find a Defective
Plate” on page 43.
5. Make sure the plate pack sequence is A-B-A-B-etc., see Inspect the plate pack for damage and place the plate assemblies
Figure 15. in the correct order.

Mixing of Fluids

1. Make sure the piping is connected to the correct locations Relocate piping to the correct connections.
on the heat exchanger.
2. Make sure the plates are properly arranged on each adjacent Open the plate pack and replace the plate gasket assembly.
plate according to the assembly drawing (A-B-A-B...
3. Make sure the gaskets are correctly oriented on the plates Replace gaskets correctly.
with the “bleed port” of each gasket facing away from the
plate surface. See Figures 32 through 34.
4. Follow the steps described in “How to Find a Defective Remove and replace as discussed on page 33. Inspect the
Plate” on page 43. If a leak is found, use a felt tip marker plate pack for damage and place the plate assemblies in the
to locate the place. correct order.

Increase in Pressure Drop or a Reduction in Temperature Reading

1. The pressure drop from the inlet to the outlet on one or Try cleaning-in-place (CIP) as described in Figures 47 and
both sides of the unit is too high compared to the original 48. Check the accuracy of the instrumentation. Pressure
specified pressure change. taps should be installed 10 and 5 pipe diameters upstream
and downstream, respectively, from flow disturbing source,
i.e., elbow, valve, reducer, etc.
2. The temperature readings are correct for the process; The plate surfaces are clean enough, however, the inlet of the
however, the pressure drop is high. unit could be clogged. Back flushing the equipment or CIP
may solve the problem.
3. The temperature readings do not correspond to the original The pressure drop is probably also increasing. The change
temperature settings or specifications. in the temperature readings indicates that there is a buildup
of deposits on the plate surfaces. If CIP or back flushing the
equipment does not work, the unit will need to be opened and
the plates cleaned.

4. The pressure drop is too low, and the unit is known to The pump capacity may be too small. Check the pump manual.
be clean.

How to Find a Defective Plate With Through Holes

Severe corrosion may cause defect to occur. The following 8. The defect can be found by placing a lamp on the rear side
method is recommended to determine the location of the of the plate and by observing the light that passes through.
defective plate or plates:
9. If the defect is small, the use of dye penetrant may be required
1. Open the unit, remove all fouling from surfaces and dry the to locate the defect. Because of the metal to metal contact
plates after cleaning. Make sure the bleed port areas (see of the plates, the defect can be larger when the plate pack is
Figure 32) are clear. compressed than when it is in the free state.
2. After completely drying the plates, reassemble the unit.

3. Supply water to one side (“A” side) and raise the water
pressure to approximately 50 psig.

4. Open the drain valve at the lowest point or break the NOTE: A unit with multiple pass circuits that does not
flange on “B” side. By removing the flange and fittings, it allow the fluid to drain out of each channel on one
is possible to look into the nozzle and measure to the exact side cannot be tested in this way unless the special
leaking plate. center plates are first removed. See Figure 20 as an
5. Stop the test if water flows out of the drain valve or flange
on “B” side.

6. Open all valves and empty the unit of all water.

7. Open the unit promptly and find which plate is wet on “B”
side. This plate and the preceding plates may have defects.

When a SUPERCHANGER plate and frame heat exchanger is 6. Coat all bolt threads with light grease.
to be placed in storage for six months or longer, the procedures
listed below must be followed: 7. Loosening of the plate pack is not recommended. However,
it is advisable that to avoid any compression set of the
1. If the unit has been recently shipped from our factory and gaskets, the plate pack length dimension be adjusted.
is unused, disregard steps 2, 3 and 4; follow steps 5 through This should be greater than the unit’s stated minimum
10. tightening dimension (T.D.).

2. If the unit has been used and long-term storage is required, 8. Protect the unit from direct sunlight, intense heat radiation
it must be completely drained. Prior to draining remove the or ultraviolet radiation by loosely covering the unit with an
optional shroud, if provided, and let the unit cool to ambient opaque, reflecting type plastic film or similar material. Make
temperature. Units with plate packs arranged with one pass sure air is allowed to circulate around the unit.
on each side (all nozzles on the stationary end frame) are self-
draining. Simply vent at the upper nozzle location and drain 9. It is preferable to store the unit indoors, well protected from
from the lower nozzle for each side individually. A two pass/ the weather. The temperature in the storage area should
two pass or one pass/two pass plate arrangement is also self- ideally be 60°F to 70°F with a relative humidity of 70%
draining, provided all two pass side nozzles are at the lower or lower.
elevations (numbers S2, S3, M2 and M3). Other units may
be self-draining if they have been fitted with separate drain
and vent nozzles, or with vents and drain holes. Units that
are not self draining must have the plate pack completely CAUTION: Never store the unit in an area where the
loosened to drain all liquids. Before opening the plate pack, temperature is at 32°F or lower.
wipe off the exterior surfaces to make sure no fluids or debris
fall onto the plate pack.

3. Open the plate pack and thoroughly clean the unit internally
and externally. Dry the unit. (Blowing dry, hot air at 10. All potential sources of Ozone, such as operating electric
approximately 150°F on all areas is an excellent method.) motors or welding equipment, should be removed from the
storage area to preclude Ozone attack on gaskets. Gaskets
4. Install blind flanges with gaskets on all nozzles. Plug all should not be exposed to direct sunlight (ultraviolet
other openings. radiation) and should be stored in dark plastic bags. Under
proper storage conditions, gaskets generally have a shelf life
5. Coat all unpainted carbon steel component surfaces with of approximately four years.
light grease, SAE 30 oil or other rust inhibiting products.


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