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Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

International Journal of Agronomy and Agricultural Research (IJAAR)

ISSN: 2223-7054 (Print) 2225-3610 (Online)
Vol. 19, No. 1, p. 1-9, 2021

Growth and yield performance of pechay (Brassica napus L.) in

hydroponics system as influenced by magnetic field
John Paul D Galvan*, Marvin D Adorio, Mhell Ruth Ann C Simon, Romar P Razote

Department of Engineering, Cagayan State University, Sanchez Mira, Cagayan, Philippines

Article published on July 30, 2021

Key words: Magnetic field, Hydroponics, Pechay, Growth, Yield


Magnetic water treatment and hydroponics system, as two distinct technologies, has shown remarkable
results in enhancing crop growth and yield. The combination had somehow shown promising results;
however, literature is still limited. This study determined the growth and yield performance of pechay as
influenced by magnetic water treatment in a hydroponics system. Magnetization was done using a varying
number of permanent magnets. Based on the result, a positive effect was observed for all the parameters
considered. Notably, an increase of 24.7% in height, 30% in the number of leaves, 18.56% in leaf length,
47.93% in leaf area, 46.50% in root length, and 34.97% in fresh weight against the control. The results
suggest that the application of magnetic fields on the nutrient solution in hydroponics systems could further
enhance crop production and could be applied for practical use.
* Corresponding Author: John Paul D. Galvan  [email protected]

Galvan et al. Page 1

Int. J. Agron. Agri. R.

Introduction production also gives higher yield (Putra and

Food insecurity and hunger have already been Yuliando, 2015; Aires, 2018; Jain et al., 2019; Savvas
prevalent anywhere in the world. These have become et al., 2013) for in this system, nutrients are provided;
very alarming because the numbers related to this giving opportunity for plants to direct the energy in
have no longer been declining (FAO, 2019). This seeking nutrients to producing yields thereby aiding
situation has continued to worsen with continual the plants to reach their genetic and yield potential.
growth and a rapid increase in the world’s population. Additionally, this system can maximize production
According to the World Population Prospects 2019: for growing can be done intensively in all-year-round
Highlights of the United Nations, it was estimated production and lesser space requirement (Grillas et
that the world population would increase by up to 9.7 al., 2001; Aires, 2018). Also, the use of this system
billion in 2050, making food demand and food increases water-use efficiency, thus conserving water
consumption expand. The status of the food and the costs associated (Putra & Yuliando; 2015;
production rate exacerbates the situation further. Jain et al., 2019; Lagomarsino (2019); Sardare &
Growth in agricultural production is being Admane, 2013).
constrained by land and water scarcity combined with
decreasing soil productivity and water resources’ On the other hand, magnetic water treatment (MWT)
quality (FAO, 2019), which is caused by poor land is the process of passing water in a magnetic field,
management and practices (Gachene and Kimaru, which later affects the structure and properties of
2003; Hussain et al., 2014). Likewise, unaddressed water (Mosin & Ignatov, 2014). The effect of MWT on
effects of climate change as manifested by extreme water, though small, has caught the interest of
weather events continue to threaten and negatively researchers to use it for practical applications
affect agricultural production in terms of crop yield (Surendran et al., 2016; Chang & Weng, 2006). And
and food supply (FAO, 2019; IPCC, 2014). These recently, its application has been recognized in
situations have put pressure on every stakeholder, medical, environmental, and industrial processes
directly and indirectly, involved in agricultural including desalination, and removal of scales and
production. Thus, finding and developing innovative corrosion products (Ali et al., 2014). As notably
and sustainable solutions, interventions, and mentioned, the effect of MWT also shows a promising
approaches to increasing agricultural production is of potential application in the field of agriculture, as it is
immediate concern. There had been several considered safe and an eco-friendly technique that
approaches developed and are used today; these gives beneficial effects to crops (Taimourya et al.,
include soilless culture systems (i.e., “hydroponic 2018; Ali et al., 2014; Efthimiadou et al., 2014 ).
system”) and magnetic water treatment (MWT).
Krisnaraj et al. (2018) claimed that exposing the seed
A hydroponics system is a soilless culture system of red cowpea, soybean, corn, mustard, rice, tomato,
where the plants' nutrients are being provided and green gram to the magnetic field has a positive
through irrigation water (Savvas et al., 2013). This impact on the seed’s germination, vigor, and growth.
technique has rapidly expanded worldwide and has These results are similar to the observations of
shown a promising effect on crop production Aladjadjiyan (2002) and Florez et al. (2005) for corn,
(Sharma, 2018) and such a technique could be used to Efthimiadou et al. (2014), and Yusuf and Ogunlela
mitigate food shortages (Lagomarsino, 2019). In this (2015) for tomato, Carbonell et al. (2000) for rice,
system, soil independence and disease problems and Podlesny et al. (2004) for broad beans and pea
associated with and occurring in the soil, including cultivar, Aly et al. (2015) for Valencia orange, Marei et
soil-borne pathogens have been eliminated, which has al. (2015) for red and yellow bell pepper, Maheshwari
resulted in cleaner, healthier, and higher quality of and Grewal (2009) yield for snow pea and celery, and
produce (Hussain et al., 2014; Savvas et al., 2013; Taimourya (2018) for strawberry. Yusuf and Ogunlela
Sardare, 2013). Using the hydroponic system for crop (2015) also mentioned that tomato plants irrigated

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with magnetically treated water result in a faster Materials and methods

maturity of tomatoes. An enhancement of chlorophyll Preparation of Nutrient Solution
content, carbohydrate content, and nutrient In this study, a masterblend hydroponic fertilizer was
concentrations was remarkably noted by Aly et al. used which consists of three fertilizer types: masterblend
(2015) and Marei et al. (2015). These positive effects 4-18-38, calcium nitrate (CaNO3), and magnesium
on the physiological and biochemical characteristics sulfate (MgSO4). A single set was diluted into nineteen
of the crop were attributed to the effect of the (19) liters of water. As per the recommendation of the
magnetic field on changing water’s surface tension manufacturer, each of the three-fertilizer types was

and solvency, which facilitate easy absorption of diluted separately into three (3) one-liter containers and

nutrients present and dissolve in water (Mane and was thoroughly mixed with the rest of the nineteen (19)

Sawant, 2015). Aside from the beneficial effect of liters initially prepared.

magnetic water treatment on growth, yield, and

Preparation of Seedlings and Seedling Plugs
development of crops; a significant increase in water-
The pechay seeds were sown and germinated in a
use efficiency (Marei et al., 2015; Al-Khazan et al.,
seedling tray at a 1:1 ratio for garden soil and
2011; Taimourya et al., 2018), enhancement on soil
compost. After two weeks, the seedlings were ready
moisture condition reducing soil water loss (Aly et al.,
for transplanting. The seedlings were transplanted
2015; Mostafazadeh-Fard et al., 2011), and
separately into a polyurethane foam, which served as
improvement on soil characteristic including an
a planting media. The seedling plugs were placed in
increase in available P and extractable K as well as a
Styrofoam cups with holes at the bottom to allow the
change in soil pH and electrical conductivity
pechay seedlings' roots to pass through. It was then
(Maheshwari and Grewal, 2009).
placed in the holes provided in a piece of plywood,
which held the cups, and are so positioned on the top
The effectiveness of each technology separately on
of the drum container. The punch holes provided
enhancing crop and water productivity has been very
allow the lettuce roots to be submerged into the
promising and remarkable based on the literature nutrient solution.
review that has been conducted. The combination
might also be as promising as their effect separately. Magnetization
Krzysztof (2001) stated that the magnetic field had Magnetic treatment of the nutrient solution was done
positively influenced the yield of tomato and cucumber using permanent magnets. The magnets were
in the hydroponic cultivation system. Also, a study assembled in pairs outside the polyvinyl chloride (PVC)
conducted by Shukla et al. (2017) reported a decrease pipe. The PVC pipe was connected to a submersible
in the time of growth and a generalized better growth pump. The pumps were used to recirculate the nutrient

of plants. Moreover, Agcaoili (2019), Youssef & Abou solution throughout the system. As the nutrient
solution flows through the assembled magnetic water
Kamer (2019) have studied the performance of lettuce
treatment system (magnetic device) the nutrient
as influenced by the magnetic field in a hydroponic
solution was magnetized. The magnetized nutrient
system, and both have the same generalization that
solution was then introduced to the immersed roots of
magnetic field exposure of water solution has enhanced
the pechay plants.
growth parameters. This literature has studied the
combination of the two technologies and has shown Data Gathering
positive and beneficial effects on crop performance. The data that was gathered on the growth and yield of
However, the combination of the two technologies is pechay plants include plant height (cm), number of
still new and is yet to be verified. In general, this study leaves per plant, leaf length (cm), leaf area (cm2), root
determined the growth and yield performance of length (cm), and fresh weight (g). The plant height,
pechay (Brassica napus L.) as influenced by magnetic leaf length, and root length were taken using a

water treatment in a hydroponics system. straight edge ruler on a centimeter scale.

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The leaf area determination was done using a standard comparable and was repeatedly observed at 21 DAT
method and procedure for finding the area of irregular and 28 DAT. Furthermore, during harvest (28 DAT),
shape. The fresh weight of the plant was determined by it was remarkably noted that the height of pechay was
weighing the freshly harvested plant on a digital increased by 24.7% as compared to the control
weighing scale. The plant height measurement was
done weekly from the transplanting (week 0) to In this study, it can be noted that the exposure of
harvesting (week 4) while the other response nutrient solution for the hydroponic system to the
parameters (the number of leaves per plant, leaf length, magnetic field has a positive effect on the plant height
leaf area, root length, and fresh weight) were of pechay. That is, an increasing number of magnets

determined at harvest (week 4). yields to an increased in plant height. This conforms
with the results of Agcaoili (2019), and Youssef &
Abou Kamer (2019), De Souza et al. (2005). The
Statistical Analysis
increase in height can be attributed to the ability of
The experiment was laid out in randomized complete
the magnetic field to change the characteristics of the
block design (RCBD) with four treatments, including
water (or nutrient solution) including surface tension
the control. The treatments were the different
and solvency (Mane and Sawant, 2015; Pang and
numbers of magnets, which were as follows: T0 =
Deng, 2008), pH, EC, and TDS (Maheshwari and
control (No magnets); T1 = six (6) magnets; T2 =
Grewal, 2009). The application of magnetic field also
twelve (12) magnets; and T3 = eighteen (18) magnets. resulted in the activation of enzymes and hormones
which improves the mobilization and transportation
The data were analyzed using analysis of variance of nutrients (Maheshwari and Grewal 2009;
(ANOVA), and the significant differences were Surendran et al., 2013) which tends to facilitate easy
determined using the least significant difference (LSD). absorption and increase the assimilation of dissolved
nutrients in water thereby stimulating plant growth
Results and discussions and development (Mane and Sawant, 2015; Youssef &
Height Parameter Abou Kamer, 2019).
The mean height of the pechay at different growth
stages as affected by the different number of magnets Leaf Parameters

was presented in Table 1. Based on the results, during The number of leaves, leaf length, and leaf area at the
different numbers of magnets were shown in Table 2.
the 7 through 28 days after transplanting (DAT)
Statistical analysis revealed that the number of leaves
growth stages, the height of pechay was significantly
(p<0.01), and leaf area (p<0.01), and leaf length
affected (p<0.01) by the different number of magnets.
(p<0.05) were significantly affected by the different
At those growth stages (7 DAT through 28 DAT), it is
number of magnets. The recorded data showed that
shown that the highest plant height was achieved
the highest number of leaves, longest leaf length and
when the plants are immersed with nutrient solutions
largest leaf area were obtained from the plants
subjected to a magnetic field (magnetized water)
immersed with solution exposed to 12 magnets (T2)
brought by 18 magnets (13.1cm at 7 DAT; 17.7cm at 14 and 18 magnets (T3). In comparison to the control,
DAT; 24.1cm at 21 DAT; and 31.8cm at 28 DAT). the percentage increase in leaf length was 9.79% to
18.56% while the percentage increase in leaf area was
At 7 DAT, the height of the control plants (T0) is
26.65% to 47.93%.
noncomparable to the height of the plants immersed
with nutrient solutions exposed with 6 magnets (T1). The better growth parameters and improved
However, it is comparable with the height of plants characteristics of the plants’ leaf when used with
immersed with nutrient solutions (magnetized water) magnetically treated water have also been
subjected to 12 magnets (T2) and 18 magnets (T3). At mentioned by several researchers (Vashisth and
14 DAT, the height of the control plants and the Nagarajan, 2010; Maheshwari & Grewal, 2011;

plants immersed with magnetized water was already Surendran, et al., 2016).

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The improved leaf characteristics might be due to the Furthermore, it can be observed that the number of
increased mobility of water and nutrient molecules. magnets has a direct relationship with the fresh weight.
Based on these improved leaf characteristics, The same findings have also been mentioned by several
Surendran, et al. (2016) suggests that magnetic water researchers (Agcaoili, 2019; Hozayn and Qados, 2010; El
treatment can be applied to increase the development Sayed, 2014; Youssef & Abou Kamer, 2019; Efthimiadou

of canopy cover that would help combat weed growth et al., 2014, De Souza et al., 2005).

to increase nutrient and water usage and ultimately

The enhanced fresh weight of the plants can be
crop yield. Also, an increase in canopy size might have
generally explained by the increase in root growth
a practical application for better absorption of carbon
and the increase in leaf parameters (specifically leaf
dioxide (CO2).
area). The enhancement of root growth enables the
easy extraction and transport of nutrients while the
Root Parameter increase in leaf area tends to increase light
The recorded root length was 15.7cm, 18.9cm, interception and photosynthetic activity. The
21.0cm, and 23.0cm for T0, T1, T2, and T3, enhancement of these two parameters had ultimately
respectively. Statistical analysis showed that the root increased the fresh weight of the plant.
length was significantly affected (p<0.01) by the
application of a magnetic field on the nutrient Table 1. The weekly height of pechay influenced by

solution. However, further comparison of the mean the varying number of magnets (cm).

root length revealed that T2 and T3 are TREATMENT 0 DAT 7 DAT 14 DAT 21 DAT 28 DAT
T0 (No Magnets) 6.9 11.4a 14.9a 19.7a 25.5a
noncomparable but are both comparable with T1 and T1 (6 Magnets) 6.9 11.9ab 16.1b 22.0b 27.6b
T0. The two latter treatment means, on the other T2 (12 Magnets) 6.8 12.2b 17.0c 22.7c 29.1c
T3 (18 Magnets) 6.6 13.1c 17.7d 24.1d 31.8d
hand, are comparable. The increments on root length Grand Mean 6.8 12.1 16.5 22.1 25.5
vs. the control were 20.38% for T1 and from 33.76% to ANOVA ns ** ** ** **
cv (%) 5.39 1.48 1.39 1.05 1.28
46.50% for T2 and T3. As can be observed, there is a
positive relationship between the magnetic field and
Table 2. The number of leaves, leaf length, leaf area,
the root length of plants. This finding is in line with
root length, and fresh weight of pechay at harvest as
several studies (Agcaoili, 2019; Youssef & Abou
influenced by the different number of magnets.
Kamer, 2019; Iqbal et al., 2016).
Treatments Number Leaf Leaf Root Fresh
of Leaves Length Area Length Weight
(cm) (cm2) (cm) (g)
The increase in root length explains the increase in
T0 (No Magnets) 10a 19.4a 94.1a 15.7a 65.2a
leaf parameters for the increase in root growth helps T1 (6 Magnets) 11a 20.6a 100.7ab 18.9b 72.6b
T2 (12 Magnets) 12ab 21.3ab 122.0bc 21.0c 81.7c
in the easy absorption of dissolved nutrients in the T3 (18 Magnets) 13b 23.0b 139.2c 23.0c 88.0c
Grand Mean 11 21.1 114.0 19.7 76.9
water. These findings suggest a practical use of the CV 4.41 5.35 6.97 3.41 3.04
magnetic field in increasing root growth to allow easy ANOVA ** * ** ** **

extraction and absorption of moisture and nutrients

in deep layers of soil thus further increasing yield.
In this study, the application of magnetic fields in
hydroponics systems has shown a beneficial effect on
Fresh Weight
the growth and yield of pechay. Pechay plants when
The magnetic treatment of nutrient solutions
submerged into magnetically treated nutrient
increased the fresh weight vs. the control. Statistical
solutions have grown faster, increased in leaf
analysis revealed a significant difference (p<0.01) for
the treatments against the control. The heaviest fresh parameters, enhanced root length, and fresh weight.

weight was achieved when the nutrient solution was All the parameters considered (plant height, number
exposed to 12 magnets (T2) and 18 magnets (T3) with of leaves, leaf length, leaf area, root length, and fresh
a corresponding percentage weight increment of weight) have shown a positive relationship with the
25.31% and 34.97% when compared to the control. increasing number of magnets.

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