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Autoclave Aerated Concrete as a suitable alternative

to conventional concrete in a seismically active


Anthony Gates and Guy Marriage

Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

ABSTRACT: The use of AAC within the construction industry is greatly limited in terms of structural
applications. But in non-structural applications the properties of this material work well in terms of
seismic performance and sustainability – the two aspects focused on in this paper. A theoretical
approach is taken to the study of seismic performance – information and values pertaining to
performance derive from literature reviews of various sources, including manufacturer’s specifications
and independent research studies.

There is little direct correlation between the two aspects of seismic performance and the sustainability
of ACC. However, in New Zealand, both need consideration in the construction of buildings. Theory
suggests that AAC will perform very well under seismic action due to its lightweight nature, closed
regular structure, and standardised connections of each element. And in regard to sustainability,
compared with conventional concrete there is less embodied energy and embodied carbon dioxide
emissions; although the annual operational energy is greater for both heating and cooling loads.

Keywords: AAC, concrete, seismic, sustainability


In the construction industry, concrete is the second most consumed product in the world: only water is consumed
more (Gaimster & Munn 2007). This highlights the dependence modern society has on the material. Due to the high
embodied energy and carbon dioxide emissions involved in the processing of in-situ concrete, an alternative material
which performs in an equal manner but is more sustainable is ideally needed as a substitute for concrete.

Autoclave Aerated Concrete, better known as the abbreviation, AAC, has been identified by many sources of
literature as a sustainable product that is a suitable material for use in the construction industry. This paper
investigates the performance properties of AAC and compares them to the properties of two varieties of concrete, in-
situ and hollow concrete blocks. The economic difference between the materials has not been considered as cost is
an ever changing aspect. Sustainability however has been considered. The performance properties that are
investigated include density, strength and thermal conductivity. These properties are then considered in relation to
how they affect the seismic performance when used in the construction of buildings. This then determines how
suitable AAC is as a material to construct with, in a seismically active location.

The investigation aspects of this paper have been done as a theoretical study based on the current and available
literature on the materials.


Through varying the ratios of raw materials, changing the autoclave time, and incorporating various waste materials,
the density of the final AAC products can easily be manipulated to achieve the required performance properties. This
versatility of the product means that it can easily be adjusted to meet the individual specifications of different
applications. Within this section of the paper, the relationship between the density and other properties is illustrated.

Out of the range of suitable waste products that can be included in the manufacturing of AAC, only four have been
selected for the purpose of this paper. They are selected on the basis of being waste products that are vastly
available and as a result of using them, would increase the sustainability of the final product. The waste products are:
coal bottom ash, fly ash, slate waste, zeolite.

1.1. Density
The oven-dry density of commercially available AAC can range between 470 and 650 kg/m (Hebel 2006). “When the
material is delivered, the practical density is higher because of the moisture content” (CEB 1978:13). For example,
3 3
the density of a standard block with 30% moisture content can increase from 650 kg/m to 900 kg/m (Hebel 2006). In

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology
comparison to conventional concrete, this is approximately one-quarter of the density and therefore one-quarter of
the weight. This means that if standard blocks are used, they can easily be handled on site without the need for
strenuous heavy lifting. Density of the final product is closely related to other aspects of the material such as porosity,
thermal conductivity and strength.
1.2. Porosity
Porosity is the measure of how porous a material is in relation to the total volume. The porosity of AAC has been
determined to be “approximately 80% provided its density is 500 kg/m ” (Laukaitis & Fiks 2006:285). As a result, the
material can absorb up to 193% of it’s own weight in absorbed water. (Andolsun et al. 2005). As the density of the
material decreases, the porosity increases due to more air being present within the material and thus more moisture
can be adsorbed. This highlights one of the major concerns about using AAC as a building material in relation to the
requirement for waterproofing in order to comply with the New Zealand Building Code Cause E1 - surface water and
E2 - external moisture.

1.3. Thermal properties

One of the greatest advantages of being a highly porous material is the insulating properties achieved. This is
achieved by the air within the closed cellular structure resisting high amounts of heat being conducted through the
material. This is quantified through the thermal conductivity which is a measure of how easily heat can transfer
through an object. As an insulator, a lower value results in a better thermal performance. Confirmed through a range
of literature, the thermal conductivity of standard AAC is 0.11 W/m.K (Hebel 2006). In comparison to this, the best
performance of conventional concrete is only 0.38 W/m.K (Zhang & Gjvorv 1991). The relationship between density
and thermal conductivity of all products studied has been illustrated in Figure 1. As it can be seen, in terms of best
insulating performance, AAC with the waste product zeolite incorporated at a density of 270 kg/m out performs the
rest at 0.055 W/m.K (Albayrak 2007). In contrast to this, by adding coal bottom ash to the AAC mixture the thermal
insulating performance decreases. Although a decrease in performance in comparison to the other AAC products
(the worst of 0.306 W/m.K at 625 kg/m (Kurama 2009)), it still provides greater thermal insulating in comparison to
conventional concrete.

Thermal Conductivity - W/m.K

1.2 Concrete
1.0 Standard AAC

0.6 AAC with Coal

Figure 1: Relationship between density and thermal conductivity. Bottom Ash
0.4 Zhang, 1991; Hebel, 2006; Kurama, 2009; Albayrak, 2007.
AAC with
0.2 Zeolite
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500

Density - kg/m3

1.4. Strength
Another impact of AAC being a low density product is the strength. Compressive strength of AAC can range between
1.2 MPa and 8.1 MPa depending on density and any additives. This comparison can be seen in Figure 2. Note that
conventional concrete has not been included in the visual comparison as the range of strength is far greater than
AAC. Conventional concrete is commonly specified with compressive strength up to 30 MPa but can reach 100 MPa
for special applications (Microsilica New Zealand 2010). As can be expected with a brittle material, the flexural
strength is significantly less than compressive strength. The flexural strength of AAC can range from 0.2 to 0.8 MPa.
For non-reinforced concrete, the flexural strength is limited to only 0.05 MPa (Hendry 2001). AAC, slate waste has
the highest performance in terms of both compressive and flexural strength at 8.1 MPa and 1.6 MPa respectively
(Eden et al. 1980). It must be noted that this is when the density of the product is 900 kg/m .

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology

Compressive Strength - MPa

7 Standard AAC
AAC with Coal
Bottom Ash
Figure 2: Relationship between density and compressive strength. AAC with Slate
3 Waste
Source: Hebel, 2006; Kurama, 2009; Eden et al, 1980; Albayrak, 2007.
2 AAC with
1 Zeolite
0 200 400 600 800 1000

Density - kg/m3


The following section explores the sustainability aspects of using AAC in comparison to conventional concrete as a
construction material. The three aspects explored are; transportation differences, energy (both embodied and
operational), carbon dioxide emissions.

2.1. Transportation
“Transportation of materials, both raw and finished, contributes to the energy use and CO2 emission of building
construction” (Gustavsson & Sathre 2006:945). It is known that heavier products consume more fuel during
transportation than lighter, equal volume products. For that reason, AAC products are more sustainable to transport
in comparison to solid conventional concrete. However, in contrast to this, when comparing a standard AAC block
with a standard hollow concrete block, both the volume and weight are significantly less for hollow concrete blocks.
The following explains how:
3 3
A typical AAC block product has a volume of 0.036 m per unit, the density of the product is 470 kg/m ; therefore
each block weighs approximately 17 kg. A 20 Series plain end hollow concrete block has a spatial volume of 0.014
3 3 3
m per unit but only 0.0057 m consists of concrete. With a standard density of concrete being 2400 kg/m , the
resulting weight per block is approximately 14 kg. Therefore, per block, transportation is more sustainable for hollow
concrete blocks than AAC blocks.

2.2. Embodied energy

All of the embodied energy coefficients in this paper are prior to the transportation and installation on site. AAC
blocks contain an embodied energy coefficient of 1536 MJ/m (Huberman & Pearlmutter 2008) while conventional
concrete in a comparative form of hollow concrete blocks is 13.9 MJ/m (Alcorn 2001). In New Zealand, hollow
concrete blocks are installed with steel reinforcing and filled with concrete in the centre of the blocks, this adds to the
overall embodied energy of the finished product. The total embodied energy value which includes the concrete fill has
been calculated to be 25 MJ/block (1786 MJ/m ). To put this in perspective of commonly specified 30 MPa strength
in-situ concrete, the embodied energy coefficient is 2988 MJ/m (Alcorn 2001). It must be noted that all of these
coefficient values do not include any steel reinforcing or mortar used for installation.

AAC blocks contain greater embodied energy per volume in comparison to hollow concrete blocks, but when aiming
to achieve an equal R-value element such as in a wall, the total element embodied energy can be expected to be
less due to the thermal conductivity performance previously identified. Therefore less AAC is needed to achieve the
same R-value.

2.3. Operational Energy

Previously noted in section 1.3 the thermal insulating performance of AAC is far greater than conventional concrete.
In contrast to this, the specific heat, which is the ability to store heat (thermal mass), of AAC is low in comparison to
conventional concrete. As a result, additional insulation is required when achieving an equal R-value construction in
order to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature. This will be illustrated in the following case study.

“Without additional insulation, the deficiency of thermal mass in AAC becomes more apparent and makes its life-
cycle energy prospects less desirable” (Huberman and Pearlmutter 2008:846). A comparison of the annual energy
consumption within a case study building was performed by Huberman. & Pearlmutter (2008).The case study
involved calculating the annual heating and cooling energy consumption within the building for different construction

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology
materials. By changing the construction material used for the walls but maintaining an equal R-value, a comparison of
the results can be made to identify which material requires the least amount of annual operational energy.

In total, 2083 kWh of energy was used in the building with AAC walls but construction with hollow concrete block
walls consumed 1917 kWh annually. This difference in annual energy consumption is primarily due to the difference
in thermal mass provided by the product. This is confirmed by the reinforced concrete structure which is known to
have very high thermal mass and is seen to have less annual energy consumption for both heating and cooling, 1250
kWh and 500 kWh respectively. A summary of these results can be seen in Figure 4.

Annual Energy Consumption - kWh


1000 3: Annual energy consumption for heating and cooling of a case study
building with
Source: constant
Huberman R-values. 2008.
& Pearlmutter

Construction Material

2.4. Carbon Dioxide Emission

One of the side effects of producing materials and consuming energy in the process is the emission of carbon dioxide
(CO2). 30 MPa in-situ concrete emits 165 grams of CO2 for every kilogram (165 g.CO2/kg) (Alcorn 2001). The lowest
emitting form of concrete – hollow concrete blocks, emit 106 g.CO2/kg (Alcorn 2001). Taking into account the
concrete infill (without steel reinforcement), the total carbon dioxide emissions equates to 3.1 kg of CO2 per block
being emitted.
3 3 3
In the production of AAC, products with a density of 400 kg/m and 500 kg/m emit 179 and 217 kg.CO2/m
respectively (Ytong 2009b). In terms of how much this equates to per block, AAC with a density of 400 kg/m emits
6.44 kg of CO2 and a 500 block emits 7.81 kg of CO2. In comparing the values per block between AAC and hollow
concrete blocks, it is clearly illustrated that the AAC blocks emit significantly more carbon dioxide. However, it is not
realistic to compare individual elements, as buildings require the quantities of products to change in order to maintain
a constant R-value. Therefore to get a realistic comparison of CO2 emissions of a building, a case study building is
required to analyse the overall carbon dioxide emissions.

The case study to determine the difference of overall carbon dioxide emissions is done in conjunction with the
operational energy case study conducted by Huberman & Pearlmutter (2008). Once again, the building remains the
same, walls maintain an equal R-value and only the selection of the material changes. For the purposes of
calculating the operational CO2 emissions, the case study selected a 20 year life span, so all values correspond to
this time frame. AAC emits 63 tonnes of CO2 over the time frame, 44 tonnes of CO2 is embodied. The total for AAC
is 32 tonnes less than the total for the reinforced concrete structure. A break down of these comparisons can be seen
in Figure 4.

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology

70 15

Tonnes of CO2 Emissions

19 17
4: Emitted carbon dioxide for the construction 61
Figure30 and operation of a
case study building.
20 Huberman
44& Pearlmutter 2008.


AAC Hollow Concrete Reinforced
Blocks Concrete

Construction Material


As it is well known, New Zealand is located within a high seismically active region known as the Pacific Rim of Fire.
Because of this, buildings that are being constructed are required to be designed for the likely event of a high
intensity earthquake with a return period of up to 500 years. In order for a building to comply with this requirement of
NZS 1170 – Structural Design Actions, it must withstand the earthquake and remain standing for the duration of a
safe evacuation if needed. The type of building dictates how much damage can be considered acceptable and the
structural performance that needs to be achieved. NZS 1170 rates buildings on their importance to society in the form
of a scale of one to four; where four is of greatest importance. For example, a hospital has an importance level of four
and a isolated farm building is importance level one. Through good design, and taking into account the factors that
affect the severity of seismic forces, a building has a greater chance of withstanding the design level earthquake. As
it has previously been identified, AAC is approximately one-quarter the weight of conventional concrete and as a
result will have a significant effect in reducing the experienced acceleration forces acting on the building in an

The single most important factor determining the inertia force in a building is its weight. Newton’s law
states that inertia force is proportional to mass or weight. The heavier an object the greater the inertia
force... We should therefore build as light-weight as practicable to reduce seismic vulnerability.
(Charleson 2008:18)

Ductility, which is the allowable movement in which a building or building element can deflect is another important
factor to consider when designing a building. Various literature states that standard AAC has properties of flexural
strength of 0.20 MPa which is 0.15 MPa greater than conventional concrete. Although small, the increased flexural
strength identified equates to the performance of non-reinforced elements to withstand greater ductile movements.
Generally, a masonry structure such as those constructed from AAC blocks will consist of two constructional
elements; the blocks and the mortar. Reinforcing is often needed to reduce the brittle behaviour that is experienced
under seismic action. The brittleness of the masonry is due to “the fact that common masonry has high compressive
strength but low tensile/shear strength” (MHE international LLC:9).

Ductility has a large influence upon the magnitude of accelerations and seismic forces... Depending
upon the degree of ductility a structure possesses the design seismic force can be reduced by
approximately as little as one sixth of an equivalent non-ductile structure. (Charleson 2008:23)

As with any building, “the structural layout is the most critical parameter affecting the response of a structure to
earthquake loads” (MHE international LLC:24). To effectively resist earthquake loads, a building must minimise the
torsion experienced and provide suitable force paths. To achieve these objectives successfully, two simple guidelines
are recommended. The first guideline is to keep the structure “symmetrical in plan with respect to two orthogonal
directions” (MHE international LLC:24). In doing this the experienced torsion is resisted effortlessly and minimises
structural damage. The second guideline is to provide adequate structural systems that are ideally linear which allow
forces to transfer to other members and eventually dissipate into the ground (Charleson 2008). In addition to this, to
avoid buckling and torsion acting on an individual element, the form of the element must be taken into consideration.

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology
Because of its lower strength, Hebel Supercrete Block walls are often envisaged as not being suitable
for seismic areas. However, because it is solid without cores, it has the same properties in all
directions, which is a distinct advantage for earthquake loads, as earthquake loads can apply forces to
a structure from any direction (Hebel 2009:32).

This confirms that AAC, as an individual element, is a good product to use in a seismically active region. But as
buildings are constructed from many blocks or panels, the fixings and detailing are effectively the determinant on
whether or not the product will perform well. As with many products, the application defines the performance
requirements needed. This can also include the detailing of the connections that are allowable.

3.1. Details and Connections

Movement can almost be guaranteed within a building as a result of foundation settlement, thermal expansion and
contraction and earthquake loads for example. Materials such as timber have the ability to deflect with the movement
of the building without incurring any structural damage. However, AAC is typically a brittle masonry construction
material with cannot deflect in the same manner. Therefore movement joints must be allowed for and installed to
accommodate these movements. In doing this, the risk damage is minimised. Manufacturers restrict the maximum
length of continuous run walls to six metres to avoid this problem.

3.2. AAC Blocks

When creating a non-structural or partition wall from AAC blocks or panels, a simple lightweight fixing that provides
sufficient strength can be used. In order for the wall to remain non-structural and not suffer any damage during an
earthquake, adequate separation gaps are needed between the wall and the structure. As each building is
individually designed to have a specified deflection, the size of the separation gap is not standardised and requires a
structural engineer to calculate.

Clear vertical gap between the infill and columns (typically between 20mm to 80mm wide), and an
approximately 25mm wide horizontal gap between the top of the wall and the soffit of the beam above.
(Charleson 2008:164).

However, in using the separation gaps to protect the non-structural walls from deflecting structure, this is only
effective for in-plane forces. Out-of-plane forces acting perpendicular to the wall need to be resisted with additional
bracing. The first and simplest approach to doing this would be to cantilever the wall from the floor; however this
requires large structure at floor level to resist the bending moments that are experienced. A solution to this problem is
to provide reinforcement that extends from the non-structural wall to the surrounding structure. The reinforcement
must be able to deflect independently from the structure in order to avoid transferring any seismic forces to the wall.

As it has been identified, the separation gaps protect the non-structural walls from experiencing seismic forces, but
the gaps also present performance problems such as sound and thermal insulation, and fire protection issues. As
there is no single solution to overcome these problems, and with each building being individual, the detailing solution
must be agreed upon between the architect and the engineer involved in the project. Given the situation, the
requirement of the detail is to provide adequate insulation for sound and/or thermal and fire resistance without
compromising the value of having a separation gap.

A structural wall built from AAC has to allow for the forces acting on the building and transfer them between the
elements while maintaining the structural stability. This particular design requirement has to allow for earthquake
loads which act in any direction ranging from being in-plane to out-of-plane in relation to the walls. To design and
construct a building using AAC blocks, it is recommended to use a running bond pattern of stacking the blocks as this
effectively ties the blocks together so they act as a single element. This is particularly necessary at intersecting walls.
In addition to this, reinforcement installed in the mortar joints is proven to provide masonry with significant increase in
strength and durability under the effects of earthquakes and stopping the collapse of walls. (Murfor masonry
reinforcement 2009). Mortar reinforcement is specified to be installed on the first layer of mortar and then every
fourth layer after this (Bekaert 2009). Because the reinforcement is installed within the mortar joint, there is no
additional work required in preparation of the AAC blocks used. Therefore, the individual blocks remain a solid
element that is not compromised by any penetrations for conventional wall reinforcement.

Because of the low compressive strength of AAC in comparison to conventional concrete, point loads acting on the
AAC blocks need to be treated carefully to avoid damage; this is a common problem that is seen with the roof
structure acting on the AAC block walls. However, the problem and solution of this is not limited to this application. In
a lightweight, residential situation, no additional preparation needs to be done to the wall. The timber truss will rest on
the top of the block wall and be tied down using a bolt or rod which penetrates the depth of approximately 1.3 blocks
and is held in with an adhesive grout. The connection detail of the bolt/rod must provide for the transfer of seismic
forces and accelerations experienced on the roof through to the wall and subsequently the foundations.

If a heavy roof is being constructed or any other large point load is acting on an AAC wall, a pad stone is needed to
dissipate the forces evenly over a greater area. A pad stone is a high density concrete block that will not endure any
deformations under design level dead and live loads. To ensure that the connection between the point load and the
pad stone is strong and seismically safe, it is recommended to embed the fixing within the pad stone. The pad stone
must also be sufficiently connected to the surrounding AAC wall to ensure the whole structural system moves as one.

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology
From a seismic viewpoint, integrating alterative structure such as a concrete floor system which extends to the
operation as a lintel for penetrations in walls on the level below provides a better connection than using a standard
AAC lintel block. This is because the structure of the floor slab, which spans the length of the wall, effectively acts as
the lintel and can resist earthquake forces both in-plane and out-of-plane. It also means that if there is a floor above
the lintel, no additional strengthening of the block is needed.

3.3. AAC Panels

When constructing a floor or flat roof using AAC panels as the structure, the connections to the walls are the critical
fixing points. The panel rests upon the wall or within the web of a steel beam. To ensure that the floor or roof panels
will not fall off the walls or collapse under earthquake loads, reinforcing steel is grouted between the AAC panels in a
specifically designed groove and extended into the wall. Depending on the span of the panels, intermediate beams or
walls may be required. To tie the flooring and roofing panels to the intermediate beams or walls, a vertical dowel rod
extends from the beam or wall and is grouted into a drilled hole in the panel (Hebel 2009). By doing this the panel is
seismically restrained to the beam, stopping it from moving independently from the structure.

In order to integrate services into a building, penetrations are usually needed in floors. Because floors constructed
from AAC are panels and not a continuous element, the position and size of penetrations are limited. “The maximum
width of any opening in a panel is 200 mm or 1/3 of the panel width, whichever is the lesser” (Hebel 2009:20). If the
size of the penetration is to be increased then a steel frame hanger is required to support the ends of the panels at
the opening. The steel hangers suspend from the adjacent panels to provide an unnoticeable structure while
supporting the opening. If penetrations are made to the specified allowable dimensions there is no additional
reinforcement required for seismic strengthening. The building services that use the penetrations must be seismically
braced to ensure movement that is experienced during an earthquake does not damage the surrounding AAC. AAC
can easily be damaged due to the soft, lightweight nature of the product.

3.4. Fixings
Selecting the grade of fixing is determined based on the load which is to be applied. Almost any fixing can be used
with AAC, including nails and coarse thread screws which are typical timber fixings. As well as the fixing itself, wall
anchors can be used to increase the strength of resistance to pullout loads. All types can be used including rawl
plugs, impact anchors, and framed anchors. Traditional masonry anchors such as dyna bolts and adhesive injection
systems also work effectively within AAC.

In addition to the conventional fixings used in construction, AAC blocks require ties to connect blocks together.
Depending on the application requirements, various types are available. Standard wall ties which are a flat metal
plate which spans between blocks at critical locations creates a fixed and solid connection between blocks; control
joint ties which tie blocks together but allows for movement between blocks, also known as expansion ties are ideal
for seismic situations as they allow for movement while providing reinforcement; sliding joint ties allow for vertical
sliding between blocks, used in situations where there is expected to be significant movement, an example of this is
in conjunction with the separation gaps of non-structural walls.


Autoclave aerated concrete has many potentials to reduce the construction industry’s dependence on conventional
concrete. In doing so, there are expectations that the sustainability of the industry will also increase.

The reality is that AAC cannot completely replace conventional concrete. The mechanical properties explored within
the paper highlight many differences between the two materials. The greatest difference is the compressive strength
of the material. As previously identified, AAC has a considerable less amount of compressive strength, even with
additives of waste products. This difference will result in buildings constructed with AAC being limited in size unless
additional and potentially costly structure is installed.

For certain applications AAC is the best choice for achieving the greatest building performance. An example of this is
when using the product as an insulating material. The lower thermal conductivity of AAC in comparison to
conventional concrete confirms that AAC is the better choice as it provides greater insulation. However, being a low
density product with high insulating properties means that there is little ability to store heat as a thermal mass
product. This influences the energy consumption of a building. Regarding thermal mass, a building constructed from
AAC in comparison to a building constructed from conventional concrete, with equal R-values for floors, walls and
roofs, the AAC building will consume greater annual energy to achieve a set comfortable air temperature (Huberman
and Pearlmutter 2008). This is a result of increased energy consumption for both cooling and heating.

As a result of greater operational energy consumption, there are also greater CO2 emissions. However, the embodied
CO2 emissions from manufacturing conventional concrete outweigh the total emissions of an AAC building over a 20
year time frame. Another sustainability aspect is embodied energy involved with the manufacturing of the materials.
The embodied energy within AAC is 1536 MJ/m . In relation to both in-situ concrete and hollow concrete blocks that
have been filled with concrete, this is a notably lower coefficient.

From a seismic point of view, AAC is theoretically the better choice in comparison to conventional concrete as the
lightweight properties reduce the experienced acceleration forces acting on the building in an earthquake. Also the

44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology
increase in ductility of the material is greater than conventional concrete. With the correct connections and addition of
elements such as mortar reinforcement, the AAC elements are expected to perform very well in the event of an
earthquake. An emphasis on specifying the correct fixing for the application is also needed as this has a large
influence on the performance at the detailed connections.

In conclusion, if a block product is required for a project, then hollow concrete blocks have been identified as being
the most appropriate in comparison to AAC blocks for the majority of the aspects reviewed in this paper. If AAC is
being compared to conventional in-situ concrete, then AAC has some significant advantages. Due to each
construction project being individual in regards to the performance requirements and sustainability aspects,
investigation for project specific information is required before selecting the appropriate construction material. Overall
it is the application that determines whether or not AAC will be a suitable substitute for conventional concrete


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44 Annual Conference of the Architectural Science Association, ANZAScA 2010, Unitec Institute of Technology

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