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• Organs and cells need intact circulatory system
for delivery of :
– oxygen, nutrients,
– hormones,
– electrolytes, water ; and
for removal of:
– metabolic waste and
– carbon dioxide
• For their normal function cells and tissues
• intact circulation
• normal fluid homeostasis including:
– Intact vessel wall integrity
– maintenance of intravascular pressure
• 60% of body weight is water
• Intracellular fluid compartment – 40%
• Extracellular fluid compartment – 20%
– Interstitial fluid including lymph fluid
– Intravascular fluid or blood plasma
– Transcellular fluid
• Edema is an increased fluid collection in the
interstitial tissue spaces.
• The fluid can be collected in different body
– Hydrothorax
– Hydropericardium or
– Hydroperitoneum(ascites)
• Anasarca is a severe and generalized edema
with profound subcutaneous tissue swelling
There are two types of edema fluid:
1. Transudate
– It is a protein-poor fluid
– occur when there is
• under conditions of reduced plasma protein
2. Exudate (inflammatory edema)
– is a protein-rich
– Occurs because of increased vascular
permeability following inflammation
Pathophysiology of edema
➢Conditions that result in edema are:
• Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
• Reduced Plasma Osmotic Pressure
• Lymphatic Obstruction
• Inflammation
• Sodium and water retention
Increased Hydrostatic Pressure
➢Conditions that increase hydrostatic pressure:
A. Impaired venous return
– congestive heart failure
– constrictive pericarditis
– ascites (liver cirrhosis)
B. Venous obstruction or compression
– Thrombosis
– external pressure (e.g., mass)
Reduced Plasma Osmotic Pressure
• Protein-losing glomerulopathies (nephrotic
• Liver cirrhosis
• Malnutrition
• Protein-losing gastroenteropathy
Lymphatic Obstruction
• Inflammatory
• Neoplastic
• Postsurgical
• Postirradiation
Edema can involve any body part but most
common sites includes:
• subcutaneous tissues,
• lungs, and
• brain
• Subcutaneous edema can be diffuse (anasarca)
or more prominent in regions with high
hydrostatic pressure
• dependent edema is an edema which is more
prominent in certain body areas with higher
effects e.g. Lower extremities
– It is a prominent feature of cardiac failure
• Edema due to renal dysfunction is generally
more severe than cardiac edema and affects all
parts of the body equally.
Subcutaneous edema can be pitting or
• Pitting edema – is when a finger pressure over
edematous tissue displaces the interstitial
fluid and leaves a finger-shaped depression
• None pitting edema – when finger pressure
leaves no depression
Effects of edema
• Depends on site of occurrence
• Can be minor or sever.
– pulmonary edema can cause death by interfering
with normal ventilatory function.
– Brain edema is serious and can be rapidly fatal.
• it is extravasation of blood from vessels into the
extravascular space
• The extravasation can be either to the exterior of the body
or into non vascular body spaces
• Trauma – the most common cause
• Atherosclerosis
• inflammatory erosion of the vessel wall
• Neoplasm
• Congestion
• Aneurysm
• Vitamin C deficiency
• spontaneous haemorrhage
• Hematoma: accumulation of blood in tissues.
• Petechiae :Minute (1- to 2-mm) hemorrhages
into skin, mucous membranes.
• Purpura :Slightly larger (up to 1 cm) superficial
hemorrhages in the skin
• Ecchymosis: A larger superficial hemorrhage in
the skin
• Hemothorax, Hemoperitoneum,Hemarthrosis,…
– Accumulation of blood at the respective tissue spaces
• Consequence of haemorrhage depends on
• The volume of blood lost
– Greater losses can cause haemorrhagic (hypovolemic)
• The rate of blood loss – much blood losses can be
tolerated if they appear in long period of time
• The site of haemorrhage is also important
– bleeding in subcutaneous tissues can be insignificant
– if bleeding located in the brain it may cause death
• both indicate a local increased volume of
blood in a particular tissue.
• Hyperemia is an active process resulting from
augmented blood flow due to arteriolar
– The affected tissue is more red than normal
➢Congestion is a passive process resulting from
impaired venous return out of a tissue.
• It can be
– local, resulting from an isolated venous
obstruction or
– systemically, as in cardiac failure, or it may be.
• The tissue has a blue-red color (cyanosis)
• congestion and edema commonly occur
1. Acute passive congestion
• occurs in shock, acute inflammation, or sudden right-sided
heart failure.
2. Chronic passive congestion
• In long-standing congestion → poorly oxygenated
blood causes hypoxia → results in parenchyma cell
degeneration, fibrosis or cell death.

❑Pulmonary congestion:
– 1. Acute pulmonary congestion:
• Alveolar capillaries engorged with blood
• Septal edema
• capillary rupture and passage of red cells into the
– 2. Chronic passive congestion
• left-sided heart failure
• Thickened & fibrotic septa
• Phagocytosis and degradation of red cells result in
intra-alveolar hemosiderin laden macrophages called
heart failure cells➔ brown indurations
• Can result in pulmonary hypertension
❑Hepatic congestion:
A. Acute hepatic congestion:
– central hepatocyte degeneration.
– Peripheral hepatocytes better oxygenated & develop only
fatty changes.
B. Chronic passive congestion of the liver and lower
extremities is most often caused by right-sided heart failure.
• Nutmeg liver, Central lobules grossly depressed
because of loss of cells & appear red brown
• the surrounding brownish-yellow, often fatty, liver
• cardiac cirrhosis
• Hemostasis a collective term which involves:
• 1. maintenance of blood in a fluid, clot-free
state in normal vessels
• 2 prevent blood loss by inducing the rapid
formation of a localized hemostatic plug at the
site of vascular injury.
Normal Hemostasis
• sequence of events in hemostasis at a site of vascular
injury :
A. Local vasoconstriction
– This effect is transient and reduce blood flow
B. Primary hemostasis
– Characterized by platelets aggregation
C. Secondary hemostasis
– Involves activation of the coagulation cascade →clot
D. Counter-regulation (fibrinolysis)
– to limit the hemostatic plug to the site of injury
• It is blood clot (thrombus) formation in
uninjured vessels or thrombotic occlusion of a
vessel after relatively minor injury
• Both hemostasis and thrombosis involve three
– the vascular wall
– platelets, and
– the coagulation cascade
• There are three factors that predispose to
thrombus formation.
They are called Virchow's triad
• (1) endothelial injury
• (2) stasis or turbulence of blood flow, and
• (3) blood hypercoagulability
Endothelial Injury
• An intact dry and smooth endothelium is anti
thrombotic (prevent adhesion of platelet and
other blood cells)
• Endothelial injury by itself can lead to
• Physical loss or functional disruption of
endothelium → exposure of sub endothelial
ECM, adhesion of platelets→ thrombosis
Endothelial dysfunction in the absence of
endothelial cell loss may occur with:
• hypertension,
• turbulent flow over scarred valves, or
• the action of bacterial endotoxins.
• Hypercholesterolemia
• products absorbed from cigarette smoke
• radiation
Alterations in Normal Blood Flow
• Turbulence contributes to arterial and cardiac
thrombosis by causing endothelial injury or
• stasis is a major contributor to the
development of venous thrombi.
• Normal blood flow is laminar.
• Stasis and turbulence :
– Disrupt laminar flow and bring platelets into
contact with the endothelium
➢ Conditions that alter blood flow
• Ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques
• Stenosed valves,…
• Aneurysms, abnormal aortic and arterial dilations
• Myocardial infarction
• Atrial fibrillation,…
• Contributes less frequently to thrombotic
• Is defined as any alteration of the coagulation
pathways that predisposes to thrombosis.
• Can be primary (genetic) or secondary
(acquired) disorders .
• Of the inherited causes of hypercoagulability,
mutations in the factor V gene and the
prothrombin gene are the most common
Secondary (Acquired) Hypercoagulable States :-
• oral contraceptive use
• Pregnancy
• Cancers
• Smoking and obesity
• Prolonged bed rest or immobilization
• Advanced age,….
Types of thrombus
Arterial thrombi Venous thrombi
– Arise at the site of – Arise at area of stasis
endothelial injury – Grow in the direction
and turbulence of blood flow from
– Grow in a retrograde its site of
fashion, against attachment.
blood flow from its – Has loose
site of attachment. attachment
– Has firm attachment – Almost invariably
– They are usually occlusive
occlusive – 90% of occur in
lower extremities.
• Mural thrombi: thrombi occurring in heart
chambers or in the aortic lumen.
• Vegetations: thrombi on heart valves .
– E.g. infections can cause valve damage,
subsequently leading to large thrombotic masses
(infective endocarditis)
– Sterile vegetations can also develop on
noninfected valves in hypercoagulable states.
Fate of the Thrombus
• Propagation: the thrombus may accumulate
more platelets and fibrin, eventually causing
vessel obstruction.
• Embolization: thrombi may dislodges or fragment
and travel to other sites in the vasculature.
• Dissolution: removal of thrombi by fibrinolytic
• Organization and recanalization: Thrombi induce
inflammation and fibrosis ,and there will be
formation of capillary channels across the
thrombus, re establishing lumen continuity.
• An embolus is a detached intravascular mass that
is carried by the blood to a site distant from its
point of origin
➢ Causes of embolism:
– Thromboembolism – 99%
– Fat droplets
– Air embolism
– Atherosclerotic debris (cholesterol emboli),
– Tumor fragments,
– Foreign bodies,…
• Emboli lodge in vessels resulting in partial or
complete vascular occlusion → ischemic
necrosis (infarction) of downstream tissue
• The site of impaction of an embolus depends
on the source of the emboli
• Embolism in the pulumonary arteries & their
branches derive from thrombus in systemic
veins or the right side of the heart.
• systemic emboli arise from the left side of the
heart or arteries.
• a) Pulmonary thromboembolism (PTE)
• b) Systemic thromboembolism
• c) Crossed embolism
Pulmonary thromboembolism
• > 95% of venous emboli originate from deep leg
vein thrombi.
• Reach to right side of the heart before entering
the pulmonary vasculature.
• The effect of pulmonary embolism depends on
the size of the embolus and on the state of
pulmonary circulation.
• Depending on the size of the embolus, it may
occlude the main pulmonary artery, impact
across the bifurcation (saddle embolus), or pass
out into the smaller, branching arterioles .
• Most pulmonary emboli (60% to 80%) are
clinically silent because they are small.
• Sudden death, right ventricular failure (cor
pulmonale), or cardiovascular collapse occurs
when 60% or more of the pulmonary
circulation is obstructed with emboli.
• patient who has had one pulmonary embolus
is at high risk of having more.
Systemic Thromboembolism
• refers to emboli in the arterial circulation
Origins of systemic Thromboembolism :
• intracardiac mural thrombi-80%
– two-thirds of which are associated with left
ventricular wall infarcts and dilated left atria
• aortic aneurysms
• thrombi on ulcerated atherosclerotic plaques,
• fragmentation of valvular vegetations
• In contrast to venous emboli, which tend to
lodge primarily in one vascular bed (the lung),
arterial emboli can travel to a wide variety of
• The major sites for arteriolar embolization are:
– the lower extremities (75%)
– brain (10%)
– intestines, kidneys, and spleen affected to a lesser
The consequences of embolization depend on:
• vulnerability to ischemia,
• caliber of the occluded vessel, and
• the collateral blood supply
Crossed embolism
• or paradoxical embolism
• occurs in the presence of interventricular
defect when an embolus transferred from the
right to the left side of the heart, then to
systemic circulation.
Fat Embolism
• It is due to entry of fat globules in the
• It usually follows fracture of bones
• it is asymptomatic in most cases and fat is
The pathogenesis includes :
• mechanical vascular obstruction by fat emboli
• biochemical injury.
– free fatty acid from fat globules cause local toxic
injury to endothelium.
• Fat embolism occur due to inflammation
induced raised tissue pressure at the site of
injury that forces fat in to marrow sinsosoid &
• The features of this syndrome are a sudden
onset of dyspnea, blood stained sputum,
taccycardia, change in mental status
Air embolism
• Entry of gas bubbles within the circulation that
can obstruct vascular flow
• Clinical effect seen if >100cc air enter in to
• Air may enter the circulates during:
– Obstetric procedures
– Chest wall injury
– In deep see divers & under water construction
– Neck wounds penetrating the large veins
– Cardio thoracic surgery.
– Arterial catheterisation& intra venous infusion. Etc.
Amniotic fluid embolism
• It is a grave but uncommon complication of
• It had mortality rate over 80%.
• The amniotic fluid containing fetal material
enters via the placental bed, the ruptured
uterine veins.
• The onset is characterized by sudden sever
dyspnea,cyanosis, hypotensive shock followed
by seizure & coma of the labouring mother.
• 50% cases they will develop DIC due to fetal
material activation of the coagulation cascade.
• An infract is an area of ischemic necrosis caused
by occlusion of either the arterial supply or
venous drainage in a particular tissue.
• 99% of all infarcts result from arterial
• Mechanism include:
– Local vasospasm
– Expansion of atheroma
– External compression of the vessels. e.g trauma
– Entrapment of vessels at hernial sacks etc.
Factors that determine the size & development
of an infract:
A. The nature of vascular supply
• The presence of dual blood supply in the Lung
, Liver, Hand & fore arm offset the occurrence
of infraction rapidly unlike renal & spleenic
circulation, which have end arterial supply.
• B: Rate of development occlusion:
– slowly developing occlusions → provide time for
collaterals dev’t →infraction are less likely
• C: Vulnerability or susceptibility to hypoxia
– Death of cells after ischemia varies
• Neurons after 3 to 4 minutes
• Myocardial cells die after 20-30min of ischemia
• D: Oxygen content of blood
– in an anaemic patients even partial obstruction may
lead to tissue infarction
• E: The severity & duration of ischemia.
Types of infarcts
• Infarcts are classified deepening on:
• A) The basis of their colour (reflecting the
amount hemorrhages)
– Hemorrhagic (red)
– white(anemic)
• B) The presence or absence of microbial
– Septic
– Bland
A. Red infarcts
• It occurs:
– Venous occlusions as in ovarian torsion
– In loose tissues such as lung which allow blood to
collect in infarcts zone
– Tissues with dual circulations (eg. lung), permitting
flow of blood from unobstructed vessel in to necrotic
– In tissues that were previously congested because of
sluggish out flow
– When flow is re established to a site of previous
arterial occlusion & necrosis
B. White infarcts
• It occurs in arterial occlusion or in solid organs
such as heart, spleen, kidney, where the
solidity of the tissue limits the amount of
hemorrage that can percolate

• Gross
• All infarcts tend to be wedge shaped, with the
occluded vessel at the apex and the periphery
of the organ forming the base.
• Microscopy
• ischemic coagulative necrosis.
• The brain is an exception to this
generalization, where liquifactive
• necrosis is common.
Disseminated intravascular
coagulation (DIC)
Definition: -
• - It is an acute, or chronic thrombohemorrhagic
• occurring as a result of progressive activation of
• coagulation pathway beyond physiologic set point
• secondary to a variety of diseases resulting in
failure of
• all components of hemostasis, hence the other
term for
• DIC is consumption coagoulopathy.
Etiology and Pathogenesis

• It is a coagulopathy that occurs following

various clinical conditions.
• Two major mechanisms activating the
coagulation pathway to cause DIC are:
• ( 1) release of tissue factor or thromboplastic
substance in to the circulation
• (2) widespread injury to the endothelial cells.
1.Tissue thromboplastin substance sources include:
A: In massive trauma, sever burns & extensive surgery.
– auto infusion of thromboplastin from the tissues
B: In obstetric conditions
– thromboplastines derived from the placenta, dead
retained foetus amniotic fluid may enter the
C: Cancers such as adenocarcinoma of lung
– release of a variety of mucus like secration which
directly activating factor x ,VII & Proteolytic
D: In gram-negative sepsis (an important cause
of DIC),
• bacterial endoxins cause
– increased synthesis and release of tissue factor
from monocytes
– Activate monocytes to release TNF alpha which
Increase expression of tissue factor and adhesion
molecules in endothelial membrane
2 Endothelial injury:
• Wide spread endothelial injury result from:
– Deposition of antigen antibody complexes as it
occur in systemic lupus erythematosus
– Extreme temperature eg. Heat, stroke, burns
– Hypoxia, acidosis, shock
Clinical Course
• The two major consequences of DIC
1. widespread deposition of fibrin within
the microcirculation which leads to:
– Ischemia of affected organs and
–Microangiopathic haemolytic anaemia
2. platlet consumption and increase
fibrinolysis leading to :
– hemorrhagic diathesis So the clinical
• Clinically they present with:
– extensive skin & mucus membrane bleeding and
haemorrhage from multiple sites,
– Respiratory symptoms such as dyspnea, cyanosis
may occur.
– convulsion & coma in case of CNS bleeding
– Oligouria if acute renal failure, etc..
• Failure of the circulatory system to maintain an
appropriate tissue perfusion and oxygen delivery
to organs.
• Shock is not synonymous with low blood pressure
• hypo perfusion (shock) → hypoxic and metabolic
effects → initially cause reversible cellular injury→
if persist → irreversible tissue injury and death
• compensatory mechanisms sustain the patient, at
least for a while.
• When these adaptations fail, shock becomes
Types of Shock
• Cardiogenic shock
• Hypovolemic shock
• Septic shock
• Anaphylactic shock
• Neurogenic shock
1.Cardiogenic shock:
• Caused by failure of myocardial pump resulting
from intrinsic myocardial damage, extrinsic
pressure, or obstruction to outflow.
• Inability of the heart to pump → leads to
decreased cardiac output →dec. delivery of
blood to tissues
• Clinical causes:
-Myocardial infarction, myocarditis
-Ventricular rupture
-Cardiac tamponade
-Pulmonary embolism
Hypovolemic shock
• Occurs secondary to a pronounced decrease
in blood or plasma volume, caused by loss of
fluid from the vascular compartment.
• Decreased effective blood volume leads to
decreased venous return.
• Causes of hypovolemic shock:
– Hemorrhage
– Fluid loss (e.g., vomiting, diarrhea, burns, or
Neurogenic shock :

• follow acute injury to the brain or spinal cord.

• Which result in loss of vascular tone and
peripheral pooling of blood.
Anaphylactic shock
• represents systemic vasodilation and
increased vascular permeability as a
consequence of a systemic type I
hypersensitivity reaction
Septic Shock
• septic shock ranks first among the causes of death in
• Have 50% mortality rate.
• a kind of shock caused by systemic microbial infection,
• Septic shock results from the host innate immune
response to infectious organisms .
• Most cases of septic shock ( 70%) are caused by
endotoxin-producing gram-negative bacilli.
• gram-positive bacteria and fungi can also elicit septic
Pathogenesis of Septic Shock
• Components of microorganisms binds to a
specific receptor on monocytes, macrophages,
and neutrophils→ intracellular signalling
→Production cytokines such as IL-1 and TNF→at
low doses cytokines localy eradicate the bacteria.
→ if severe infections, and a consequent
augmentation of the cytokine cascade), →
systemic effects of TNF and IL-1 may begin to be
seen, including fever, increased synthesis of
acute-phase reactants, and increased production
of circulating neutrophils.
• Finally, at higher levels , the syndrome of septic shock supervenes ;
the same cytokine and secondary mediators, now at high levels,
result in .
• Systemic vasodilation (hypotension) ,
• Diminished myocardial contractility
• Widespread endothelial injury and activation, causing systemic
leukocyte adhesion and diffuse alveolar capillary damage in the
• Activation of the coagulation system, culminating in disseminated
intravascular coagulation (DIC).
• The hypoperfusion resulting from the combined effects of
widespread vasodilation, myocardial pump failure, and DIC causes
multiorgan system failure that affects the liver, kidneys, and central
nervous system, among others.
Stages of Shock
• Shock is a progressive disorder that if uncorrected
leads to death
1.nonprogressive stage
• An initial stage during which reflex compensatory
mechanisms are activated and perfusion of vital organs
is maintained. stage
• characterized by tissue hypo perfusion and onset of
worsening circulatory and metabolic imbalances
• there is widespread tissue hypoxia.
3.An irreversible stage
• the body has incurred cellular and tissue injury so
severe that even if the hemodynamic defects are
corrected, survival is not possible.
• Shock of any form causes pathology by
inducing prolonged tissue hypoxic injury.
• shock is characterized by failure of many
organ systems.

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