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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Reference Guide
v. 1.0  | #Artemis


Foreword v Management Roles and Facilities 20

Purpose vi NASA Centers 22
Partners 23

Introduction 1 Quick Facts 24

Artemis Overview 2 Super Heavy Lifting on the Ground:

Artemis I 3 Transportation, Logistics, and
Pathfinders 24
Artemis II and Beyond 4

Space Launch System (SLS) 5 Orion Spacecraft 27

Introduction 6 Introduction 28
Overview 7 Overview 29
Future Missions and Configurations 7 Future Missions and Configurations 29

Elements 10 Elements 30
Core Stage 10 Crew Module 30
Solid Rocket Boosters 14 European Service Module 33
Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage 14 Launch Abort System 36
Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter 15 Avionics and Software 37
Orion Stage Adapter 15 Parachutes 42
Avionics and Software 15 Crew Module Uprighting System 43

Testing 17 Testing 43
RS-25 Engine Testing 17 Exploration Flight Test-1 44
Booster Testing 18 Heat Shield Testing 45
Core Stage Green Run Testing 18 European Service Module Propulsion Testing 45
Structural Testing 18 Acceptance Testing 45
Wind Tunnel Testing 19 Environmental Testing 46
Structural Testing 47
Launch Abort System Testing 48

ii TOC 3 4 Contents

Image credit: NASA

Aerodynamic, Aerothermal, and Elements 63

Aeroacoustics Testing 49 Launch Complex 39 63
Parachute Testing 49 Vehicle Assembly Building 63
Crew Module Uprighting System Testing 50 Launch Pad 39B 65
Water Impact Testing 50 Launch Pad Systems and Elements 66
Avionics and Software Testing 50 Mobile Launcher 67
Flight Control Team Training and Testing 51 Crawler-Transporter 69
Crawlerway 69
Management Roles and Facilities 52
Software 70
Armstrong Flight Research Center 52
Recovery Operations 71
Goddard Space Flight Center 52
Jet Propulsion Laboratory 52 Testing 72
Johnson Space Center 52 Integrated Test and Checkout Tests
Kennedy Space Center 53 to Prepare for Flight 72
Marshall Space Flight Center 53 Crawler-Transporter 2 Testing 73
Langley Research Center 53 Sound Suppression Testing 73
Glenn Research Center 53 Underway Recovery Testing 74
Ames Research Center 54 Launch Simulations 74
Industry and International Partners 54
Management Roles and Facilities 74
Quick Facts 55 Kennedy Space Center 74
Industry Partners 76
SLS and Orion Livery and External
Markings 57 Quick Facts 77
Livery and Photogrammetric Markings 58 Space Communication and
Cameras 58 Navigation Systems 79
NASA’s Near Space Network 80
Exploration Ground Systems 60 NASA’s Deep Space Network 80

Introduction 61
Overview 62 Acronym List 81
Future Missions and Configurations 62

Contents 3 4 TOC iii


Image credit: NASA


iv TOC 3 4 Contents

  A sunrise view of the low bay entrance to the Vehicle Assembly Building
(VAB) at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Jan. 19, 2022.

Jim Free, Associate Administrator
Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate (ESDMD)

The launch of Artemis I marks a proud and powerful families, who have supported us on this quest to explore
moment in NASA’s and the nation’s history. This flight the cosmos that will begin at Launch Pad 39B.
test is the result of an unparalleled workforce, tireless engi-
neering, advances in modern fabrication and computing, In addition to the contributions from our primary indus-
strong industry and international partnerships, and vital try contractors and international partners, thousands of
support from Congress and multiple administrations. The companies across all 50 states have contributed to building
path to Artemis I has continued through historic events, these systems. Their contributions strengthen our national
including the global pandemic and devastating storms aerospace capabilities and return economic benefits to
that broke records in both number and magnitude. Yet their communities.
here we are, ready to launch!
To the Artemis I team: Please take in every moment of
We are at the culmination of thousands of tests and the mission, from rollout and launch to splashdown, and
analyses conducted across the country and beyond. Like all the moments in between. Pause to reflect on all that
many firsts in engineering on this scale, particularly for we’ve achieved together. Acknowledge your individual
human space exploration vehicles, the rigors of analysis and team contributions to this great mission.
and testing cannot be fast-tracked or minimized. It is
humbling that even our best modeling and simulations This Artemis Reference Guide is a look into all the parts
need operational validation. We learn something, at some that have come together to reach Artemis I, the mission
level, every time we test. that signals the beginning of our human return to the
Moon. I hope you will take time to peruse this document
We will launch the world’s only spacecraft designed to along with all the other resources available online and
carry humans to deep space, atop the most powerful appreciate the immense energy and effort that brought us
rocket, with our dedicated ground systems team and to this moment.
launch and mission control personnel. We’ll take what we
learn from Artemis I and apply these lessons as we move It’s time to fly!
further on the path of human exploration.
We have so many to thank for reaching this tremendous
milestone, not only our tireless industry and international
partners, but—perhaps most importantly—we thank our

Foreword 3 4 TOC v

Under Artemis, the new era of lunar exploration, NASA and its partners will lead human-
ity forward to the Moon and prepare us for the next giant leap, human exploration of
Mars. This Artemis Reference Guide provides detailed descriptions of the systems
and subsystems pertaining to the Artemis I mission, including program overviews;
technical elements; testing; and management roles and facilities for the Space Launch
System (SLS) rocket, Orion spacecraft, and associated ground systems.

vi TOC 3 4

Introduction 4

3 4 TOC 1

America has entered a

new era of exploration.
We call it Artemis.

Astronauts Stephanie Wilson, Karen Nyberg, and Rick Mastracchio (left to right) assist in testing the docking hatch on a representative model of the Orion
spacecraft at Johnson Space Center. Image credit: NASA

Artemis Overview
We’re going back to the Moon for the benefit of all Moon, using innovative technologies to explore more of
humanity—scientific discovery, economic benefits, and the lunar surface than ever before. We will collaborate
inspiration for a new generation of explorers: the Artemis with commercial and international partners and establish
Generation. While maintaining American leadership in the first long-term presence on the Moon. Then, we will
exploration, we will build a global alliance and explore use what we learn on and around the Moon to take the
deep space as one. With Artemis missions, NASA will next giant leap: sending the first astronauts to Mars.
land the first woman and first person of color on the

2 TOC 3 4 Introduction > Artemis Overview


Artemis I
Artemis I will be the first integrated flight test of NASA’s After Orion separates from the ICPS, 10 small satellites
deep space exploration systems: the Orion spacecraft, the known as CubeSats will be deployed to perform experi-
Space Launch System (SLS) rocket, and the supporting ments and technology demonstrations. The CubeSats will
ground systems at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in conduct a range of investigations and technology demon-
Florida. The first in a series of increasingly complex mis- strations from studying the Moon or an asteroid to the
sions, Artemis I will provide a foundation for human deep deep space radiation environment. Each CubeSat provides
space exploration and demonstrate our commitment and its own propulsion and navigation to get to various deep
capability to extend human presence to the Moon and space destinations.
beyond. The primary goal of Artemis I is to thoroughly
test the integrated systems before crewed missions by Orion will continue on a path toward a lunar distant
launching Orion atop the SLS rocket, operating the retrograde orbit, where it will travel about 40,000 miles
spacecraft in a deep space environment, testing Orion’s beyond the Moon, or a total of about 280,000 miles from
heat shield, and recovering the crew module after reentry, Earth, before returning home. This flight test will demon-
descent, and splashdown. strate the performance of the SLS rocket on its maiden
flight and gather engineering data throughout the journey
The SLS rocket will launch an uncrewed Orion spacecraft before Orion returns on a high-speed Earth reentry at
from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s modernized space- speeds of more than 25,000 mph. The high-speed lunar
port at Kennedy. As the Orion spacecraft orbits Earth, velocity reentry is the top mission priority and a necessary
it will deploy its solar arrays, and the interim cryogenic test of Orion’s heat shield performance as it enters Earth’s
propulsion stage (ICPS) will give Orion the big push— atmosphere, heating to nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit
called a trans-lunar injection—needed to leave Earth’s (2,760 degrees Celsius)—about half as hot as the surface
orbit and travel toward the Moon. From there, Orion will of the Sun—before splashing down in the Pacific Ocean
separate from the ICPS about two hours after launch. for retrieval and post-flight engineering assessment.

Illustration of the Orion spacecraft returning to Earth. Image credit: NASA

Introduction > Artemis I 3 4 TOC 3


Artemis II and
The Artemis II flight test will be NASA’s first mission with
crew aboard Orion and will confirm that all the space-
craft’s systems operate as designed with humans aboard
in the deep space environment. The initial launch will be
similar to that of Artemis I as SLS lofts Orion into space.
With a crew of four astronauts aboard this mission, Orion
and the ICPS will orbit Earth twice before committing to
the trip to the Moon to ensure that Orion’s systems are
working as expected while still close to home.

After Orion separates from the ICPS, the crew will use
it as a target for a proximity operations demonstration.
The crew will use Orion’s onboard cameras and the view
from the spacecraft’s windows to line up with the ICPS
as they approach and back away from the stage to assess
Orion’s handling qualities and related hardware and soft-
ware. This demonstration will provide performance data
and operational experience that cannot be readily gained
on the ground in preparation for rendezvous, proximity
operations, and docking, as well as undocking operations
in lunar orbit beginning on Artemis III.

Following Artemis I and II, Artemis III will see Orion and
a crew of four once again travel to the Moon, this time to
make history by landing the first 21st-century astronauts
on the lunar surface. Beginning with Artemis III, NASA
intends to launch crewed missions about once per year,
with initial missions focused on establishing surface capa-
bilities and building Gateway, an outpost in orbit around
the Moon that will provide access to more of the lunar
surface than ever before.

  NASA astronaut Nicole Mann gives a thumbs-up from inside the Orion
mockup. Image credit: NASA/Bill Ingalls

4 TOC 3 4 Introduction > Artemis II and Beyond


Space Launch

3 4 TOC 5


SLS is a super-heavy-lift rocket that provides the founda- For more information about SLS, visit
tion for human exploration beyond Earth’s orbit. NASA
evaluated thousands of combinations of attributes such
as propulsion systems, stages, boosters, performance, SOCIAL MEDIA
development and operations cost, mission complexity, Twitter:
reliability and risks, and the ability to maintain industry Facebook:
base skills. The result was an evolvable rocket, available in Instagram:
crew or cargo configurations, with a proven propulsion
system, that provides a safe launch capability for human
exploration to deep space—the SLS rocket.

SLS was designed for the most challenging deep space represents the best balance of mission performance, safety,
missions involving strategic commitments of national cost, affordability, and risk. SLS is also designed to be flex-
resources, national prestige, and human life. SLS ible and evolvable, opening new possibilities for payloads,

SLS is the
world’s most
powerful rocket
and the backbone
of NASA’s human
lunar exploration

  The SLS rocket for Artemis I stands inside

High Bay 3 of the Vehicle Assembly Building at
NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
Image credit: NASA

6 TOC 3 4

including robotic scientific missions to places like the Future Missions and Configurations
Moon, Mars, and beyond. With its unprecedented power To fulfill America’s future needs for deep space missions,
and capabilities, SLS has the largest payload mass and vol- SLS will evolve into increasingly more powerful configu-
ume of any existing rocket and is the only rocket that can rations. Each succeeding SLS block variant grows more
safely send Orion, astronauts, and cargo to the Moon on a capable through upgrades to the engines, boosters, and
single mission. More mass and volume translate into fewer upper stage, providing a flexible platform for a variety
launches of fewer pieces, requiring less assembly time in of human and robotic deep space missions, rather than
space and less overall risk. requiring the development of entirely new rockets to
increase performance. SLS uses common design elements
Overview that can interface with the ground systems at Kennedy,
SLS is designed for deep space missions and will send the the Orion spacecraft, and future payloads, reducing
Orion spacecraft and cargo to the Moon, which is nearly the complexity of deep space missions over time. In
1,000 times farther than where the International Space addition to flying Orion, SLS can also be outfitted with
Station resides in low-Earth orbit. The rocket will provide wide-diameter payload fairings in varying lengths for
the power to help Orion reach a speed of 22,600 mph, the cargo and robotic science missions.
speed needed to send it to the Moon.
The Artemis I mission will use the first configuration of
SLS benefits from over 50 years of NASA experience with the SLS rocket, known as Block 1, capable of lifting more
liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants, along with than 59,500 pounds (27 metric tons) to orbits beyond
advances in technology and manufacturing practices. SLS the Moon. The Block 1B variant will follow the Block 1
development and manufacturing operations take advan- configuration beginning with Artemis IV and will be
tage of resources established for the space shuttle, includ- able to lift more than 83,000 pounds (38 metric tons) to
ing the workforce, manufacturing processes, tooling and deep space, including Orion and its crew. The Block 1B
facilities, transportation logistics, launch infrastructure, variant incorporates several upgrades to improve SLS
and liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen propellants. performance, allowing the rocket to launch larger and
heavier payloads to deep space destinations. SLS Block 1B
SLS evolvability supports robust human exploration uses the same core stage and twin five-segment solid
beyond low-Earth orbit as exploration missions become rocket boosters as the Block 1 rocket. New-production
more complex and demanding. All planned variants of RS-25 engines will provide slightly more thrust than the
the basic SLS design are based on common propulsion shuttle-era engines and cost 30 percent less to manufac-
components: ture. Most of the increase in performance for the Block 1B
rocket will come from replacing the single-engine ICPS
• A central core stage housing propellant tanks, engines, with a more powerful four-engine exploration upper stage
avionics, and attach points for a pair of solid rocket and a universal stage adapter to carry Orion along with
boosters. large cargos for exploration systems needed to support a
• Four liquid propellant RS-25 engines powered by long-term presence at the Moon.
cryogenic, or supercold, liquid hydrogen and cryogenic
liquid oxygen from the core stage. The Block 2 variant retains the core stage, RS-25 engines,
• Two solid-fuel, side-mounted booster motors that pro- and the new upper stage, but replaces the Block 1 steel case
vide the majority of thrust and steering for the rocket booster motor design with a lighter composite case, new
during the first two minutes of flight, after which they propellant formulation, and other upgrades that increase
are jettisoned. overall performance. It will provide 9.5 million pounds of
• An upper stage fueled by liquid hydrogen and liquid thrust and lift more than 101,000 pounds to the Moon
oxygen for in-space propulsion after separation from and more than 80,000 pounds to Mars.
the core stage.

Space Launch System > Introduction 3 4 TOC 7


Core Stage decades, including the space shuttle’s external tanks and
The SLS core stage is the tallest and most powerful rocket Saturn rockets.
stage NASA has ever built. It measures approximately
212 feet tall and 27.6 feet in diameter (excluding ther- The SLS core stage is designed to operate for the roughly
mal protection system foam and flanges). The stage is eight-minute Artemis I launch from ground and ascent to
the largest ever built by length and volume, and its fully Earth orbit, reaching speeds of faster than 17,500 mph, or
fueled weight, excluding engines, is 2.4 million pounds. nearly 23 times the speed of sound (Mach 23), and more
It was manufactured by the lead contractor for the core than 530,000 feet in altitude before it separates from the
stage, Boeing, at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in ICPS, Orion stage adapter, and Orion spacecraft.
New Orleans using state-of-the-art manufacturing equip-
ment. Michoud is a unique advanced manufacturing The core stage was a major new development effort for
facility where NASA has built spacecraft components for the SLS Program, while other key elements, such as the
RS-25 engines, solid rocket booster structures, and ICPS,

  Diagram of the main components of the Space Launch System. Image credit: NASA

8 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Elements


The core stage is made up of 10 major barrel sections, four

dome sections, and seven rings. Each cylindrical barrel
section consists of eight aluminum panels that vary in
length and height depending on the section. Those panels
are friction stir welded or bolted vertically and horizon-
tally to form the five major sections of the core stage:

• Engine section
• Liquid hydrogen tank
• Intertank
• Liquid oxygen tank
• Forward skirt

Friction stir welding transforms the metals from a solid

state into a “plastic-like” state and then mechanically stirs
the materials together under pressure to form a welded
joint, producing high-strength bonds virtually free of
defects. The intertank is the lone bolted section; it provides
added strength to carry booster loads.

Beginning at the bottom, or aft end, of the stage, the engine

section houses four RS-25 main engines, the engine thrust
structure, propellant ducts, various avionics systems, and
engine thrust vector control systems; it also serves as the
lower attach point for the two solid rocket boosters.

  The SLS core stage is shown atop the mobile launcher inside High Bay 3 The engine section consists of a single barrel section with
of the VAB at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center on June 12, 2021. welded aluminum isogrid panels and is 27.6 feet in diam-
Image credit: NASA
eter and 22.5 feet long. Isogrid is a pattern milled into the
barrel section panels that reduces weight while retaining
have a rich, reliable spaceflight history. Like other SLS structural strength. An aerodynamic boat tail fairing at
components, the SLS core stage leverages design experi- the bottom channels airflow and protects the engines
ence from the space shuttle and has the same diameter as from extreme temperatures during launch.
the shuttle external tank, and the propellant feedlines and
fill and drain ducts were sized around heritage joints and The liquid hydrogen fuel tank is 27.6 feet in diameter and
existing valves. 130.8 feet tall. It consists of five welded barrel sections,
each 22 feet tall, and two end domes. The lower end of
As the literal core of SLS, the core stage supports other the liquid hydrogen tank includes four liquid hydrogen
stages, spacecraft, and payloads atop its uppermost section feedlines to the RS-25 engines. The tank has a capacity of
and serves as the attach point for the two solid rocket 537,000 gallons of liquid hydrogen at minus 423 degrees
boosters. It also includes the four RS-25 main engines, Fahrenheit (minus 253 degrees Celsius).
their liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen propellant supply,
and the avionics and software that control SLS operation The intertank separates the upper dome of the liquid hydro-
and flight until the core stage separates from the ICPS. gen tank from the lower dome of the liquid oxygen tank
and serves as the forward attach point for the boosters. The
intertank contains one barrel section and measures 27.6 feet

Space Launch System > Elements 3 4 TOC 9


in diameter and 21.8 feet tall. It contains a thrust structure The main propulsion system in the core stage consists of
to carry loads imparted from the solid rocket boosters the ducts, valves, and other equipment that supply and
during ascent. The intertank also contains several avionics control the flow of liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen
components, including two rear-facing cameras and inter- propellants, as well as gaseous helium and nitrogen pres-
faces to the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks. surants for valve actuation and line or volume purges. To
accomplish those functions, the main propulsion system
The liquid oxygen tank is 27.6 feet in diameter and 51.6 has four subsystems:
feet tall. It consists of two barrel sections of isogrid alu-
minum panels and two domes. Liquid oxygen is fed to • Liquid oxygen
the engine section and engines through a pair of “down- • Liquid hydrogen
comer” ducts that exit the intertank on opposite sides and • Pressurization
run down the core stage. The liquid oxygen tank has a • Pneumatics supplied by ground systems prior to launch
capacity of 196,000 gallons of liquid oxygen at minus 297
degrees Fahrenheit (147 degrees Celsius). Major drivers in the design of the main propulsion system
included the main propellant tank configuration, main
The forward skirt is located at the top of the core stage. engine configuration, reliability and affordability, mission
It contains one barrel section and connects the core stage requirements, and component mounting. For instance,
to the launch vehicle stage adapter. The aluminum iso- the main propulsion system flow rates and interfaces were
grid structure is 27.6 feet in diameter and 10.4 feet tall. designed around the RS-25 configuration and the need to
It houses the majority of the rocket’s avionics and has supply propellants to the engines under temperature and
connections to launch pad utility umbilicals, the vehicle pressure conditions required by the engines. The orienta-
stabilization system that helps secure SLS to the mobile tion of the engine hydrogen and oxygen feed lines in the
launcher, access doors, vent system, pressurant lines, and engine section determined the feed system layout for the
communications antennas. main propulsion system.

 Teams with Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) and lead contractor Jacobs transport the massive SLS core stage to Kennedy Space Center’s
Vehicle Assembly Building in Florida on April 29, 2021, after its journey from NASA’s Stennis Space Center in Mississippi aboard the Pegasus barge.
Image credit: NASA

10 TOC 3 4

  Image credit: NASA

HOW IT WORKS    Combustion occurs when a fuel is the aerodynamic pressures as SLS accelerates from 0 to
combined with oxygen to produce energy to propel a 17,500 mph and soars to more than 100 miles above Earth
vehicle. In automobiles, oxygen from the atmosphere in just 8 minutes.
combines with gasoline and an ignition source to run a
combustion engine. In rocket science, propellants may Materials engineers qualified the third-generation,
include both fuel and a chemical oxidizer that releases orange-colored spray-on foam insulation to meet the
oxygen. When the fuel and oxidizer combine, they harsh environments that SLS will experience. At the
ignite through a chemical reaction, and the hot, rapidly same time, they made the foam more environmentally
expanding gases look for a way out and move the friendly. When the foam is applied, it gives the rocket a
rocket or spacecraft in the opposite direction. light-yellow color that the Sun’s ultraviolet rays eventually
“tan,” giving the SLS core stage its signature orange color.

Thermal Protection System The thermal protection system provides the insulation
The orange color of the core stage is actually the thermal to keep the cryogenic propellant that powers the RS-25
protection system, or spray-on foam insulation. This insu- engines extremely cold to remain liquid. If temperatures
lation, along with other materials such as cork, provides rise too high, the propellant will become a gas. Hydrogen
thermal protection for every part of the rocket, although it must remain at minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit (minus
is most visible on the core stage. The insulation is flexible 253 degrees Celsius) and oxygen at minus 297 degrees
enough to move with the rocket but rigid enough to take Fahrenheit (minus 183 degrees Celsius).

Space Launch System > Elements 3 4 TOC 11


  All four RS-25 engines attached to the SLS core stage inside NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. Image credit: NASA

12 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Elements


RS-25 Engines changes related to tailoring them to SLS operating

Four Aerojet Rocketdyne RS-25 engines are part of the requirements and environments. For SLS, the engines
engine section of the core stage and power the core stage received new engine controllers with contemporary avion-
of SLS. Formerly known as the Space Shuttle Main ics, software changes to accommodate higher propellant
Engine, the RS-25 has successfully flown on 135 shuttle inlet pressures and lower temperatures, and new exhaust
missions. It was selected for SLS for its power, efficiency, nozzle insulation for the higher heating environment. The
and reliability—as well as the knowledge and experience engines will operate in temperature extremes from -423
base. The liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen-powered degrees Fahrenheit (-253 degrees Celsius) to 6,000 degrees
engines are compact and highly efficient and provide Fahrenheit (3,316 degrees Celsius) and at pressures exceed-
high performance. ing 7,000 psi (48,263 kPa). For SLS missions, the modified
RS-25s can deliver thrust ranging from 65% to 109% of
The RS-25 is a type of engine known as a staged-combustion their original operational profile, a 5% gain in maximum
cycle engine that burns liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen thrust from the end of the Space Shuttle Program.
propellants at very high pressure. At full throttle, the four
engines will give SLS about two million of its 8.8 million The modified RS-25s can operate at 109% of their original
pounds of maximum thrust. The SLS engines start in operational thrust level for SLS missions, a 5% gain from
a staggered fashion: engine 1, engine 3, engine 4, then the end of the Space Shuttle Program. As new RS-25s are
engine 2, approximately six seconds before booster igni- built for future missions, they will produce 111% opera-
tion. During ascent, the engines are gimballed, or pivoted, tional thrust levels and incorporate advanced manufac-
to direct thrust and steer the rocket. turing methods that will streamline cost and production.

Although SLS uses RS-25 engines that flew on the space

shuttle, engineers made several physical and operational

  The Artemis II RS-25 engines are designated as backups for the Artemis I engines. Engines 2047, 2059, 2062, and 2063 have completed modification
and are ready for flight if needed.

RS-25 Engine Flight Histories for Artemis I


ENGINE 1 — 2 045 ENGINE 2 — 2 056 ENGINE 4 — 2 060
STS-089 01/22/98 Endeavour STS-104 07/12/01 Atlantis STS-127 07/15/09 Endeavour
STS-092 10/11/00 Discovery STS-109 03/01/02 Columbia STS-131 04/05/10 Discovery
STS-095 10/29/98 Discovery STS-114 07/26/05 Discovery STS-135 07/08/11 Atlantis
STS-102 03/08/01 Discovery STS-121 07/04/06 Discovery
STS-105 08/10/01 Discovery ENGINE 3 — 2 058
STS-110 04/08/02 Atlantis STS-116 12/09/06 Discovery
STS-113 11/23/02 Endeavour STS-119 03/15/09 Discovery
STS-118 08/08/07 Endeavour STS-120 10/23/07 Discovery
STS-121 07/04/06 Discovery STS-124 05/31/08 Discovery
STS-127 07/15/09 Endeavour STS-129 11/16/09 Atlantis
STS-131 04/05/10 Discovery STS-133 02/24/11 Discovery
STS-135 07/08/11 Atlantis

Space Launch System > Elements 3 4 TOC 13


Solid Rocket Boosters Engineers are designing next-generation boosters that will
The SLS twin solid rocket boosters, manufactured by lead power SLS flights after all available shuttle-era hardware
booster contractor Northrop Grumman, provide more than is expended. Teams are testing small-scale solid rocket
75% of the total SLS thrust at launch and for the first two motors to evaluate new components, including propellant,
minutes of flight. The SLS booster design is based on the insulation materials, and nozzle materials for future SLS
space shuttle boosters, with an additional propellant segment Block 2 flights before proceeding into full-scale testing.
to provide more power, as well as several other upgrades.
Standing 177 feet tall, the SLS booster is the largest, most Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage
powerful solid propellant booster ever built for flight, with Measuring 45 feet (13.7 meters) tall and 16.7 feet
more than three million pounds of thrust generated by each (5.1 meters) in diameter, the ICPS is a single-engine liquid
booster. While the boosters are using metal casings and parts hydrogen and liquid oxygen-based system that provides
that were flown on space shuttle missions, they have many propulsion in space after the solid rocket boosters and
new upgrades and parts, including a new case insulation-liner core stage are jettisoned. The ICPS is based on the Delta
configuration, new exhaust nozzle design, and new avionics Cryogenic Second Stage, which uses the RL10 engine,
systems to control flight. In addition, the SLS boosters both of which have completed extensive testing and served
undergo an improved, nondestructive evaluation process to on numerous flights of the United Launch Alliance (ULA)
confirm each motor’s readiness for launch. Delta IV rocket, with the RL10 completing its 500th flight
in 2020. Modifications to the Delta Cryogenic Second

Teams with NASA’s Exploration Ground Systems and contractor Jacobs   Technicians with Exploration Ground Systems move the LVSA for the
integrate the ICPS with LVSA atop the rocket’s core stage in the agency’s SLS rocket into the VAB at Kennedy on July 30, 2020, for processing. Image
VAB at Kennedy on July 5, 2021. Image credit: NASA credit: NASA

14 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Elements


 Small satellites, called CubeSats, are shown secured inside

NASA’s Orion stage adapter at Kennedy Space Center on Aug. 5, 2021.
Image credit: NASA

Orion Stage Adapter

The Orion stage adapter connects the ICPS to the Orion
spacecraft. The adapter measures 18 feet in diameter and
In High Bay 4 of the VAB at Kennedy Space Center, pathfinders, or full- 5 feet tall and is made of lightweight aluminum. The
scale replicas of SLS solid rocket booster segments, are stacked during a adapter contains a diaphragm that provides a barrier to
training exercise on Jan. 8, 2020. Image credit: NASA prevent gases, such as hydrogen, generated during launch
from entering Orion.
Stage for SLS included lengthening the liquid hydrogen
tank, adding hydrazine bottles for attitude control, and For Artemis I, the Orion stage adapter will also carry
making minor avionics changes. The ICPS is powered by small satellites, called CubeSats, as secondary payloads
one RL10 engine manufactured by Aerojet Rocketdyne for research or technology demonstrations. The CubeSats
and generates 24,750 pounds of maximum thrust. are no more than 30 pounds each, about the size of a large
shoebox, and do not require any extra power from the
Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter rocket to function. The adapter contains a comprehensive
The SLS adapters connect parts of the rocket, change its secondary payload deployment system for the CubeSats,
diameter, and protect electronics during ascent. The cone- including mounting brackets for commercial-off-the-shelf
shaped launch vehicle stage adapter, also known as the dispensers, cable harnesses, a vibration isolation system,
LVSA, partially encloses the ICPS and connects to the and an avionics unit.
SLS core stage below and the Orion stage adapter above.
In addition to providing structural support for launch and Following separation from Orion and after the spacecraft
a separation system, the LVSA also protects avionics and is a safe distance away, the avionics unit in the secondary
electrical devices in the ICPS from vibration and acoustic payload deployment system will begin sending signals to
conditions during launch and ascent. The LVSA is 27.5 release the payloads at pre-scheduled times. Following
feet tall and measures 27.5 feet in diameter at the base secondary payload deployment, the Orion stage adapter
and tapers to 16.5 feet in diameter at the top. Once the remains attached to the ICPS as the ICPS continues on its
core stage propellant is expended and the rocket is in disposal trajectory.
Earth orbit, a component at the top of the adapter that is
designed to break apart, a pneumatically actuated frangi- Avionics and Software
ble joint assembly, separates the core stage and the LVSA The SLS core stage, boosters, and ICPS have computers
from the ICPS, Orion stage adapter, and Orion. and software that monitor and control their functions.

Space Launch System > Elements 3 4 TOC 15


Avionics are the electrical systems necessary for flight and the stage, distribute power, produce navigation and flight
are driven by software to tell the rocket where it should control data, produce range safety tracking data, execute
go and how it should steer the engines to keep on the flight termination commands, produce motion imagery,
right trajectory. The core stage contains avionics in the provide telemetry to ground systems, synchronize and
forward skirt, intertank, and engine section, as well as the process data, monitor stage conditions, and receive and
engines themselves. The avionics in the boosters and ICPS execute flight safety commands.
are connected to the flight avionics in the core stage. The
core stage flight computers use data from the distributed Core stage avionics consist of four main subsystems:
avionics systems and its own flight computers to control
the rocket and carry out its mission, transmitting perfor- • Flight control
mance data to controllers on the ground and Orion crew • Telemetry
on future missions. • Flight safety
• Electrical power
Core stage avionics and flight software serve as the
“brains” of the rocket. They execute the commands to Three flight computers and four power, data, telemetry,
prepare and launch SLS, route data and commands to and navigation systems are located in the forward skirt.

  Avionics throughout the elements of SLS monitor the rocket’s health and control the flight.

16 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Elements


Each of the three flight computers uses three micropro- Core Stage Telemetry System
cessors. Each flight computer runs the same software for The core stage telemetry system includes radio and ether-
redundancy. The intertank houses 26 avionics systems net communications with the ground, telemetry control,
for power, power distribution, data receiving and han- engineering and development flight instrumentation, and
dling, telemetry, and camera control. The engine section a motion imagery system.
contains 10 avionics systems related to navigation and
engine monitoring. Flight Safety System
The flight safety system provides range tracking data and
SLS flight software was developed at Marshall and pro- controls the rocket’s flight termination system located
vides the flight and pre-flight software functions necessary in the core stage and boosters. For safety, all rockets are
for pre-launch procedures on the pad, as well as launch required to have a flight termination system that can
and ascent up to ICPS separation. remotely destroy the rocket to end the flight if it were to
go off-course.
Flight Control System
The flight control system, led by three redundant flight Avionics Power System
computers, monitors the rocket’s condition, senses vehicle The avionics power system distributes ground power,
motion, generates navigation and control data, actuates stores ground power for flight, and provides data to
main propulsion system valves, monitors the main pro- ground control centers.
pulsion system and engine controls, and routes commands
to engine thrust vector control systems and controllers.

The SLS Program conducted extensive testing on the program to develop new RS-25 engines and components
rocket, ranging from basic structural materials testing to for future Artemis missions.
element-level testing of the engines, boosters, core stage,
and upper stage elements, as well as full integrated testing   The core stage for the first flight of NASA’s SLS rocket is shown in the
B-2 Test Stand during a hot fire test at Stennis on Jan. 16, 2021, as part of
of the entire Artemis I SLS rocket. the Green Run testing series. Image credit: NASA

RS-25 Engine Testing

The RS-25 has successfully flown on 135 space shuttle
missions and has accumulated more than 3,000 starts
and one million seconds of ground and flight hot fire
experience. NASA conducted a series of development
engine ground tests to adapt the former shuttle engine
design to SLS performance requirements and operating
environments. The 14 flown shuttle engines required no
further testing. Two new engines assembled from shut-
tle-era spares were hot fire tested. New engine controllers
for all 16 engines were hot fire tested as part of the devel-
opment engine adaptation series. The agency continues
development engine ground testing as part of an ongoing

Space Launch System > Testing 3 4 TOC 17


rocket stage before its first flight. After manufacture at

Michoud, the stage was transported by barge to Stennis
and installed in the B-2 test stand.

1. Modal Test: For the modal test, engineers applied

forces to the stage mimicking the stresses the rocket
will endure during launch and flight to validate
computer models of structural vibration “modes” and
establish a baseline for Green Run testing.
2. Avionics: The second test was a checkout of the avi-
onics and flight computers, which control the rocket’s
first eight minutes of flight.
3. Fail-Safes: The third test simulated potential issues
to check out all the safety systems that shut down the
stage in case of an issue.
4. Propulsion: The fourth test of the series flowed pro-
pellants through the core stage lines, ducts, and valves
supplying the engines.
5. Thrust Vector Controls: During the fifth test, engi-
neers operated the actuators in the thrust vector con-
trol system that steer the four engines and checked all
the related hydraulic systems.
6. Countdown: The sixth test simulated the launch count-
down, including step-by-step fueling procedures, and
the test team exercised and validated the countdown
timeline and sequence of events.
  Following a successful Green Run hot fire test at Stennis on March 18, 7. “Wet” Dress Rehearsal: During the seventh test,
2021, teams lift the first core stage of the agency’s SLS rocket from the known as the wet dress rehearsal, engineers demon-
B-2 Test Stand. Image credit: NASA
strated loading, controlling, and draining more than
700,000 gallons of cryogenic propellants into and out
Booster Testing of the core stage and then returning the stage to a safe
The SLS solid rocket boosters completed five test firings condition.
and qualification motor testing in a horizontal position at 8. Hot Fire Test: The final Green Run test culminated
Northrop Grumman’s facility in Promontory, Utah. The with firing all four engines together in early 2021 for
first qualification motor test in March 2015 tested booster eight minutes—the same amount of time it will take
operation under high-temperature launch conditions, to send Orion and the upper stage to space. After an
and the second and final qualification test in June 2016 initial test that was shut down after 61 seconds by
chilled the motor to test it under cold-weather conditions. conservative test parameters to ensure the safety of the
Qualification testing also validated major motor upgrades, flight stage, the test team modified the software and
such as new insulation, updated avionics, and a redesigned the stage and successfully completed a full-duration
larger nozzle. hot fire test.

Core Stage Green Run Testing Structural Testing

The Artemis I core stage with its four RS-25 engines Structural testing of the core stage and the ICPS took
underwent a series of eight “Green Run” tests in 2020 and place at Marshall from 2017 through 2020. These tests
early 2021 to thoroughly check out the new, or “green,” helped verify computer models showing that the structural

18 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Testing


design can survive flight. Special test stands subjected test

articles for the core stage engine section, liquid hydro-
gen tank, intertank, and liquid oxygen tank to millions
of pounds of flight-like pushing, pulling, bending, and
twisting stresses. This testing also included deliberately
pushing the propellant tanks beyond their design limits
to understand their breaking points. The tanks failed in
the relative locations as engineers predicted and at the
approximate load levels expected, proving flight readiness
and providing data for designers.

In a separate test program completed in 2017, the SLS

team performed similar structural testing for the ICPS
and payload sections, including the LVSA, the Orion
stage adapter, and a frangible joint assembly.

Wind Tunnel Testing

The SLS team completed numerous tests that simulated
launch and flight conditions. Engineers conducted exten-
  The SLS liquid hydrogen tank is pushed to its limits on Dec. 5, 2020, to sive wind tunnel testing at NASA’s Ames Research Center
see how much force it would take to cause the tank’s structure to fail. This
image shows the resultant buckling of the structure when the tank failed in Moffett Field, California; Langley Research Center
after exposure to more than 260% of expected flight loads over 5 hours. in Hampton, Virginia; and Marshall. Wind tunnel tests
Image credit: NASA

  A model of SLS is tested in the Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel at Langley using high-pressure air blown through the solid rocket boosters to simulate the
booster separation motors’ firing. Image credit: George Homich

3 4 TOC 19

used smaller-scale rocket models to refine designs and it vibrates and responds at or near the speed of sound.
smooth airflow in flight and to determine the effects of During hundreds of test runs at Langley and Ames, engi-
wind before the rocket clears the launch tower, how SLS neers worked on measuring the forces and loads that air
heats up as it pushes through the atmosphere, and how induces on the rocket during every phase of its mission.

Management Roles and Facilities

Marshall Space Flight Center of more than 3,000 identified higher-severity issues that
Marshall is home to the SLS Program Office and manages were found in phase with the software development life
all areas of the program, including planning, procurement, cycle—ultimately contributing to the SLS Program’s
development, testing, evaluation, production, and opera- flight readiness for Artemis I.
tion of the integrated rocket. Marshall also developed and
tested the flight software in-house. Stennis Space Center
The SLS Program includes a Resident Management Office
Michoud Assembly Facility at Stennis Space Center, which conducts SLS engine and
The hardware welded at Michoud included confidence, stage Green Run testing. Stennis provides propulsion test-
qualification, and flight components of the SLS core ing and engineering services and is the nation’s premier
stage. Confidence articles verified that weld procedures rocket propulsion test facility and largest rocket engine
worked as planned and tooling-to-hardware interfaces test site.
were correct. It also gave the weld team experience in
bringing all aspects of hardware, tooling, and software Kennedy Space Center
together. Qualification articles closely replicated flight The SLS Program includes a Resident Management Office
hardware and processing procedures. Engineers later used at Kennedy, responsible for receiving and integrating SLS
the qualification articles in structural testing to ensure hardware, as well as overall integration with Orion and
that the rocket design was sound. launch operations in coordination with the Exploration
Ground Systems Program.
Engineers and technicians used six state-of-the-art weld-
ing tools for the core stage, including the world’s largest Ames Research Center
spacecraft welding tool, the Vertical Assembly Center. Engineers conducted wind tunnel tests on smaller-scale
At 170 feet tall, the Vertical Assembly Center is the last rocket models of SLS at Ames to enhance the design and
stop in welding the primary structure and is used to join stability of the rocket.
domes, rings, and barrels to make a completed section of
the core stage. Langley Research Center
Engineers at Langley completed testing for the SLS rocket
Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and in a low-speed wind tunnel.
Validation Facility
The Katherine Johnson Independent Verification and Industry Partners
Validation (IV&V) facility assures the safety and success Boeing is the lead contractor for the SLS core stage and
of software on NASA’s highest-profile missions. IV&V ICPS, as well as the exploration upper stage for future
has supported the development of SLS software for more missions beginning with Artemis IV. Boeing manufac-
than a decade, providing significant value in improving tures the core stage at Michoud and works with ULA in
the software products as well as the reliability, safety, Decatur, Alabama, to modify the Delta Cryogenic Second
and success of the Artemis mission. Collaboration with Stage for use as the ICPS on Artemis I through III.
the development and test teams resulted in the resolution

20 TOC 3 4 SpaceLaunchSystem>ManagementRolesandFacilities

Northrop Grumman is the lead contractor for the five- Teledyne Brown Engineering is the lead contractor for
segment solid rocket boosters, which are the largest ever the launch vehicle stage adapter, providing engineering,
built for spaceflight. Northrop Grumman manufactures technical support, and hardware for the Artemis I adapter
the booster motors in Utah and then transports them by and structural test article. Teledyne Brown manufactures
rail to Kennedy to be stacked with the aft and forward the adapter using the friction stir welding tools in the
assemblies in the Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility. Advanced Weld Facility at Marshall.

Aerojet Rocketdyne is the lead contractor for adapting

16 existing RS-25 engines that were upgraded from the
Space Shuttle Program to SLS operating conditions and
requirements, as well as restarting production of the RS-25
engines for flight at a higher thrust level. Assembly and
testing occur at the company’s facility located at Stennis.
Aerojet Rocketdyne also provides the single RL10 engine,
manufactured in its West Palm Beach, Florida, facility,
that will power the ICPS.

  At NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Orion’s newly completed pressure vessel for the Artemis III mission is lifted out of the welding
tool. Image credit: NASA

Space Launch System > Management Roles and Facilities 3 4 TOC 21


Quick Facts
SLS Rocket Core Stage
Design Evolvable super heavy-lift  Contractor Boeing
Height 322 ft (98.3 m)  Height 212 ft (64.6 m) from forward skirt to engine
Weight 5.74 million lb (2,603 metric tons [t]) fueled; 3.5 exhaust exit plane 
million lb (1,588 t) unfueled Diameter 27.6 ft (8.4 m) 
Main propulsion Four RS-25 liquid propellant engines and two Weight 2.4 million lb (1,088 t) fueled without engines and
five-segment solid rocket boosters  188,000 lb (85.3 t) unfueled without engines 
Maximum thrust 8.8 million lb (39,144 kN)
Capacities 537,000 gal (2 million L), 317,000 lb (143.8 t)
Maximum speed 22,600 mph (36,371 km per hour [kph]) at ICPS liquid hydrogen fuel; 196,000 gal (741,941 L), 1.86
trans-lunar injection (TLI) main engine cutoff  million lb (843.7 t) liquid oxygen oxidizer 
Payload to 209,439 lb (95 t) 
low-Earth orbit Maximum thrust Approximately 2 million lb (8,896 kN) 

Payload to TLI > 59,525 lb (27 t)  Burn Time 8 minutes 

Additional Facts
• There are:
• 562 cables in the core stage; The largest number—231—are
located in the engine section;
• 45 miles of cabling in the core stage, and more than 18 miles in
the engine section alone;
• 775 independent sensors that have wire routing to them; and
• approximately 100,000 clamps and ties securing wires and
cables throughout the core stage.
• The liquid hydrogen tank shrinks about 6 in (152 mm) in length and
1 in (25.4 mm) in diameter when filled with cryogenic propellant.
• The liquid oxygen tank shrinks approximately 1.5 in (38.1 mm) in
length and 0.5 in (12.7 mm) in diameter when filled with cryogenic
• To compensate for those changes, everything that attaches to
them—ducts, vent lines, systems tunnel, brackets, etc.—must
be connected by accordion-like bellows sections, slotted joints,
telescoping sections, or ball joint hinges.
• Roughly 14,500 fasteners need to be drilled and filled in the
• Each flight computer is rated to operate over a temperature range
of minus 11 degrees to 97.7 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 24 degrees
to 36.5 degrees Celsius).

22 TOC 3 4 Space Launch System > Quick Facts


RS-25 Engines Solid Rocket Boosters

Contractor Aerojet Rocketdyne Contractor Northrop Grumman 
Height 14 ft (4.3 m)  Height 177 ft (54 m) 
Diameter 8 ft (2.4 m) Diameter 12 ft (3.7 m) 

Weight (each) 7,750 lb (3.5 t) Weight (each) 1.6 million lb (726 t) loaded; 219,000 lb (99.3 t)
Propellants Liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen
Maximum thrust 418,000 lb (1,852 kN) at sea level; 512,300 lb Solid rocket motor Five propellant segments
(2,279 kN) in a vacuum at 109% power level Propellants Polybutadiene acrylonitrile (PBAN)
Burn time 8 minutes Maximum thrust 3.6 million lb (16,014 kN) each (vacuum)
Burn time 2 minutes, 6 seconds
Additional Facts
• The RS-25 exhaust is clean, superheated water vapor. Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage
• Each turbine blade powering the RS-25’s high-pressure fuel (Upper Stage)
turbopump produces more horsepower than a Corvette ZR1’s 638
Contractor Boeing and United Launch Alliance
horsepower, and its airfoil is the size of a quarter.
Designation Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage (modified
• Pressure within the RS-25 is equivalent to that found at an ocean
Delta IV Cryogenic Second Stage) 
depth of 3 mi—about the same distance as Titanic’s resting place
below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean. Height 45 ft (13.7 m)
• Hot gases exit the RS-25’s nozzle at 9,600 mph (15,450 kph)—13 Diameter 16.7 ft (5.1 m)
times the speed of sound, or fast enough to go from Los Angeles to
Weight 72,197 lb (32.7 t) fueled
New York City in 15 minutes.
Engine Aerojet Rocketdyne RL10B-2
• Four RS-25 engines push the SLS rocket 73 times faster than an
Indianapolis 500 race car travels. Propellants Liquid hydrogen, liquid oxygen
• The RS-25 is so powerful that it could power 846,591 mi of Maximum thrust 24,750 lb (110 kN)
residential streetlights—a street long enough to go to the Moon Reaction Control Hydrazine
and back, then circle Earth 15 times. System
• SLS’ four RS-25 engines consume propellant at the rate of 1,500
gal (5,678 L) per second during their 8 minutes of operation—more
Launch Vehicle Stage Adapter
than enough to drain an Olympic-size swimming pool in that time.
• The RS-25 generates about 20% more thrust at sea level than Contractor Teledyne Brown Engineering
comparable kerosene engines using the same amount of fuel. Height 27.5 ft (8.4 m)
• While the RS-25 is about the same size and weight as the two Diameter 27.5 ft (8.4 m) bottom; 16.5 ft (5 m) top
turbojet engines on an F-15 fighter, it generates eight times more
Weight 10,000 lb (4.5 t)
thrust, which it achieves in less than 5 seconds, operating between
minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 240 degrees Celsius) and
6,000 degrees Fahrenheit (3,316 degrees Celsius). Orion Stage Adapter
• In the RS-25, coolant travels through the main combustion chamber Manufacturer NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center 
in 2 milliseconds, increasing its temperature by 400 degrees Height 5 ft (1.5 m) 
Fahrenheit (204 degrees Celsius).
Diameter 18 ft (5.5 m) 
Weight 1,800 lb (0.8 t)
Available payload 516 ft3 (14.6 m3)

Space Launch System > Quick Facts 3 4 TOC 23


Super Heavy Lifting on the Ground:

Transportation, Logistics, and
The SLS Program provided several full-scale “pathfinders” The core stage pathfinder is a full-scale mockup struc-
to give transportation and ground handling crews the turally similar to the core stage in shape, size, weight,
opportunity to rehearse and perfect logistics and han- center of gravity, and handling interfaces. Lacking the
dling procedures prior to receiving Artemis I hardware internal tanks and equipment of the flight hardware, the
and pave the way for smooth shipping, handling, and pathfinder was used to practice transport, handling, and
lifting operations. lifting operations at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility
in New Orleans, Louisiana; NASA’s Stennis Space Center
near Bay St. Louis, Mississippi; and Kennedy.
  Infographic with details of the Space Launch System core stage pathfinder. Image credit: NASA

24 TOC 3
Launch System > Super Heavy Lifting on the Ground:
r eavyLLogistics,
i gontheGroundT:ransp
i nL,Pathfinder
i sa,ndPathfinder

  NASA’s Pegasus Barge arrives at the Launch Complex 39 turn basin wharf at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Sept. 27, 2019, to make its first delivery
to Kennedy in support of the agency’s Artemis missions. Image credit: NASA

Moving flight hardware during manufacturing and testing Pegasus was designed and built in 1999 to transport
within facilities and onto rail cars, barges, and aircraft space shuttle external tanks from Michoud to Kennedy.
requires care and specialized equipment. While the RS-25 It replaced the Poseidon and Orion barges that were
engines move by truck and the booster motor segments used to carry Saturn rocket stages and hardware for the
travel by rail, the core stage and launch vehicle stage adapter Apollo Program. Pegasus was modified in 2014 to carry
require their own transportation and handling equipment. the longer SLS core stage. A 115-foot section was removed
and replaced with a 165-foot section capable of carrying
NASA’s Super Guppy aircraft has a cargo compartment more weight and lengthening Pegasus from 260 feet to
that is 25 feet tall, 25 feet wide, and 111 feet long; it can 310 feet. Pegasus has no engines and is moved by tugboats
carry more than 26 tons. The aircraft has a unique hinged and towing vessels.
nose that can open more than 200 degrees, allowing large
pieces of cargo to be loaded and unloaded from the front. For surface transportation, SLS relies on specialized
The Super Guppy has been responsible for the transporta- ground support equipment. This is a set of modular
tion of both SLS fight hardware and the Orion spacecraft. equipment including smaller brackets, shackles, and pins
that secure the giant rocket hardware to the slow-moving
NASA’s Pegasus barge is the largest vehicle used to trans- motorized transports that transfer rocket components
port SLS elements. Pegasus ferried the Artemis I core stage between buildings, barge, and test stands.
from Michoud, where it was manufactured, to Stennis
for Green Run testing. After Green Run, Pegasus carried Like the flight hardware that depends on it, the ground
the core stage to Kennedy. Pegasus also transported the support equipment was designed and built to exact spec-
launch vehicle stage adapter from Marshall Space Flight ifications; furthermore, every move is carefully choreo-
Center in Huntsville, Alabama, to Kennedy. graphed by the operations teams.

Space Launch System > Super Heavy Lifting on the Ground: Transportation, Logistics, and Pathfinder 3 4 TOC 25

  A full Moon is in view from Launch Complex 39B at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida on June 14, 2022. The Artemis I Space Launch System
(SLS) and Orion spacecraft, atop the mobile launcher, were being prepared for a wet dress rehearsal to practice timelines and procedures for launch.
Image credit: NASA

26 TOC 3 4 Space Launch Systems > Quick Facts



3 4 TOC 27


NASA’s new spacecraft for human missions to deep space
will usher in the next era of space exploration. Orion is For more information about the Orion program, visit
composed of three main elements and supporting subsys-
tems. The main elements are 1) the crew module, where
astronauts live and work; 2) the service module, which SOCIAL MEDIA
provides power, propulsion, and critical supplies; and Twitter:
3) the launch abort system, which can pull the spacecraft Facebook:
and crew to safety in the event of an emergency during Instagram:
launch or ascent to orbit.

Drawing from more than 50 years of spaceflight research

and development, the Orion spacecraft is designed to meet
the evolving needs of our nation’s deep space exploration space expeditions to take humans farther than ever before,
program for decades to come. A series of increasingly including to the vicinity of the Moon and beyond.
challenging missions awaits as Orion embarks on deep

…the Orion
spacecraft is
designed to meet
the evolving needs
of our nation’s deep
space exploration
program for decades
to come.

Artist’s concept of the Orion spacecraft

approaching the Moon.

28 TOC 3 4

  Artist’s concept of the separation of the Orion spacecraft from the Interim Cryogenic Propulsion System.

Overview Future Missions and Configurations

The Orion spacecraft, built by lead contractor Lockheed Artemis II will be the first flight with astronauts aboard
Martin for NASA, is specifically designed to carry astro- Orion. The spacecraft will be equipped with advanced
nauts on deep space exploration missions farther than environmental control and life-support systems designed
ever before and requires an array of features to keep the to be highly reliable while taking up minimal mass and
spacecraft and its crew safe. On deep space missions, volume for deep space missions. Additional crew systems
both distance and duration dictate the capabilities and will include advanced display and control panels, a com-
advanced technologies needed. No other spacecraft has pact toilet, exercise equipment to help prevent muscle
the technology to endure the extremes of deep space, such and bone atrophy, and spacesuits capable of keeping the
as advanced environmental and life support, navigation, astronauts alive for six days in the event of cabin depres-
communications, radiation shielding, and the world’s surization to support a multi-day return from the Moon.
largest heat shield to protect astronauts and return them
safely home. Deep space missions require highly reliable systems because
astronauts at the Moon will not have the benefit of frequent
Artemis I will send Orion on an uncrewed flight test resupply shipments to bring spare parts from Earth, like
around the Moon and back to test the spacecraft’s systems those to the International Space Station. Distance and
and performance in a deep space environment before duration for deep space missions have shaped the design of
carrying astronauts beginning with Artemis II. Artemis I Orion’s compact systems, not only to maximize available
will test Orion’s navigation and communications systems space for crew comfort, but also to accommodate the vol-
beyond the range of GPS and above communication ume needed to carry consumables, such as food and water
satellites in Earth orbit; test the radiation sensors and for the entirety of a mission lasting days, weeks, or even
shielding outside the protection of Earth’s magnetic field; months. Missions beyond Artemis II will also include a
and test the world’s largest heat shield during a high-speed rendezvous and docking system for docking to a human
return from the Moon. Future missions with crew will landing system that will take astronauts to the surface of
also include advanced systems for life support designed for the Moon or to the lunar-orbiting Gateway outpost.
the demands of a deep space mission.

Orion Spacecraft > Introduction 3 4 TOC 29


Crew Module Pressure Vessel
The crew module is the pressurized part of the Orion The underlying structure of the crew module is called
spacecraft, sometimes referred to as the capsule, where the pressure vessel. The pressure vessel consists of seven
crew members on future missions will live and work on large aluminum alloy pieces that are joined together using
their journey to the Moon and back to Earth; it is the friction stir welding to produce a strong, yet lightweight,
only portion of Orion that returns to Earth at the end airtight capsule. The seven major structural pieces include
of the mission. Although Artemis I is an uncrewed the barrel, the tunnel, the forward and aft bulkheads,
mission, the crew module can accommodate four crew and three cone panels. Orion’s original designs required
members on future missions for up to 21 days without 33 welds to create the pressure vessel. Engineers refined
docking with another spacecraft, and it will provide a the design to reduce the number of welds to seven on
safe habitat through launch, in-orbit operations, landing, Artemis I, saving 700 pounds of mass on the spacecraft.
and recovery.

  Illustration showing the major components of the Orion spacecraft.


30 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


7 Welds of Orion’s Pressure Vessel Forward Bay Cover

At the top of the crew module, the forward bay cover
protects the top portion of the capsule, as well as the
Tunnel parachutes, during launch, orbital flight, and reentry; it is
covered with the same thermal protection tiles as the back
shell. After the spacecraft reenters Earth’s atmosphere, it
Forward is jettisoned at an altitude of approximately 23,000 feet
to allow for deployment of the parachute system. The
parachute system includes a series of 11 parachutes that
are deployed in a sequence to slow down the module from
about 325 mph to 20 mph or less and provide a safe speed
Panels for splashdown into the ocean.

Heat Shield
The bottom of the Orion capsule is covered by the world’s
largest ablative heat shield, measuring 16.5 feet in diame-
ter. The heat shield sheds intense heat away from the crew
Barrel module as Orion returns to Earth, traveling about 25,000
mph and enduring temperatures about half as hot as the
surface of the Sun at nearly 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit
(2,760 degrees Celsius). The outer surface of the heat
2 shield is made of 186 billets, or blocks, of an ablative
material called Avcoat, a reformulated version of the mate-
rial used on the Apollo capsules. The Avcoat is bonded to a
titanium skeleton and composite skin that gives the shield
its shape and provides structural support for the crew
Illustration of the seven aluminum alloy pieces that were welded together module during descent and splashdown. During descent,
to create the Orion pressure vessel. the Avcoat ablates, or burns off in a controlled fashion,
transporting heat away from Orion.
Back Shell
Covering the pressure vessel, on the sides of the crew mod- The Avcoat is first made into large blocks at NASA’s
ule, is the back shell, made up of 1,300 thermal protection Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, then shipped
system tiles. These tiles are made of a silica fiber material to NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida and machined
similar to the tiles used for more than 30 years on the into 186 unique shapes before application onto the heat
space shuttle, and they incorporate a stronger coating shield. Engineers look for voids in the bond lines and also
called “toughened uni-piece fibrous insulation,” or TUFI measure the steps and gaps between the blocks. The gaps
coating, which was used toward the end of the Space are filled with an adhesive material and then reassessed.
Shuttle Program. The tiles protect the spacecraft from After the thermal protection system has been applied and
in-space micrometeoroid debris as well as the extreme inspected, engineers and technicians put the heat shield
temperature variances from the –350-degree-Fahrenheit through a thermal cycle test. This testing ensures that the
coldness of space to the 5,000-degree heat when entering thermal protection blocks are properly bonded and will
Earth’s atmosphere at lunar return velocities. Spacecraft perform as expected when they are exposed to the extreme
returning from the Moon reenter Earth’s atmosphere temperatures during the mission. The heat shield is then
faster and hotter than spacecraft from low-Earth orbit. given a coat of white epoxy paint. Aluminized tape is
applied after the painted surface dries to dissipate electri-
cal surface charges and maintain acceptable temperatures.

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 31


Once all testing has been completed, the heat shield is The seats in the crew module are designed to accommo-
bolted to the crew module. date nearly 99% of the human population—from a 4´10˝
woman to a 6´5˝ man. Seats also include adjustable seat
Propulsion System pans, foot plates, and arm rests, as well as adjustable hand
The crew module has a propulsion system composed of controller mounts to ensure that astronauts can reach
12 small engines, called reaction control system thrust- all the controls while in their pressure suits. Most of the
ers, provided by Aerojet Rocketdyne, that provide full equipment the crew will need to live in space on future
control of crew module translation and rotation. When missions, such as food, medical kits, emergency equip-
the crew module separates from the service module for ment (including masks and fire extinguishers), sleeping
reentry into Earth’s atmosphere, the 12 thrusters control bags, and the pressure suits worn for launch and return
the spacecraft’s return by firing bursts of propellant in to Earth will be stored in lockers located under the seats.
varying sequences.
On crewed missions, the crew module will be configured
Interior with four seats. For the uncrewed Artemis I mission, only
Inside the crew module, the floor structure where the crew the commander’s seat will be flown. Sitting in that seat
seats will be attached and where the crew stowage lockers (designated seat number 1) will be a male-bodied manikin
will be located is called the backbone assembly, which is equipped with a spacesuit and two sensors to test radiation
a nine-piece bolted structure of crisscrossing beams. The impacts that could affect a human body. Sensors under the
backbone, made of aluminum, also provides additional headrest and behind the seat will record acceleration and
structural support for the crew module. vibration data throughout the mission. The space under

  During NASA’s Artemis I mission, two identical “phantom” torsos named Helga and Zohar will be equipped with radiation detectors while flying aboard
Orion to measure the effects of radiation in space and to test for protection with Zohar wearing a vest, while Helga will not. Image credit: NASA

32 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


keeping crew healthy and comfortable. A cockpit with

glass displays and control panels will allow the crew full
control of Orion. Water tanks and a dispenser will provide
drinking water and a simple way to rehydrate and warm
food. The crew module’s waste management system, or
lavatory, is designed for multi-week missions and will
privately accommodate personal hygiene needs for both
men and women. Astronauts will use Orion’s built-in
exercise device, which supports both aerobic and strength
training. The environmental control system will remove
excess heat, humidity, and odor generated during exercise.
  Interior of the Orion Medium Fidelity Mockup at Johnson Space Center
in Houston. Image credit: NASA European Service Module
Orion’s European Service Module is provided by ESA
the commander’s seat will be used to store lockers for the (European Space Agency) and built by lead contractor
“official flight kit,” which will carry various mementos Airbus. It is the powerhouse that fuels and propels the
during the trip around the Moon and back to Earth. Orion spacecraft in space. The service module is located
below the crew module and is designed for long-duration
In what would be the pilot seat location (designated seat missions to deep space destinations. It provides critical
number 2) will be mass simulator plates that work with
accelerometer sensors to test seat vibration. In the space
where the two rear, or lower, seats will be located on future   Engineers work to fit three spacecraft adapter jettison fairing panels
missions will be two manikin torsos, called phantoms, onto Orion’s service module inside Kennedy’s Neil Armstrong Operations
and Checkout Building on Oct. 13, 2020. Image credit: NASA
that simulate human tissue and organs. The phantoms
are part of an investigation to measure radiation levels
during the mission and evaluate a radiation protection
vest worn by one of the phantoms. Two accelerometers
also will be attached on the lower seat back simulator
where the phantom without the vest will be located,
which is closest to the hatch. The accelerometers will
provide a comparison of vibration in the upper and lower
seats. During splashdown, all accelerometers will measure
impact accelerations on these seat locations. The team will
compare those accelerations to the measurements taken
during water impact testing at NASA’s Langley Research
Center in Virginia.

Environmental control systems will maintain cabin tem-

perature, pressure, and humidity inside the capsule. The
crew module also contains systems for avionics and power,
and the sealed capsule provides the protection needed to
safeguard spacecraft systems, and crew on future missions,
from cosmic and solar radiation in deep space.

On future missions with astronauts, a life-support

system will maintain oxygen and carbon dioxide levels,

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 33


  An artist’s impression of the Orion spacecraft with ESA’s service module. The module sits directly below Orion’s crew capsule and provides propulsion,
power, thermal control, and water and air for four astronauts. The solar array spans 19 m and provides enough power for two households. Image credit: NASA

functions for Orion, including propulsion, thermal con- separates from the upper stage of the SLS rocket, the ser-
trol, and electrical power generated by the solar arrays. vice module will propel Orion on its mission and help it
return to Earth, detaching before the crew module enters
The consumable storage system of the service module Earth’s atmosphere.
will provide potable water, nitrogen, and oxygen to the
crew module on crewed missions. Potable water will be The farther into space a spacecraft ventures, the more capa-
provided by the water delivery system and stored in four ble its propulsion systems need to be to maintain its course
tanks with metal bellows, covering usable water needs with precision and ensure its return home. In addition to
of the crew for the duration of the mission. Oxygen and its function as the main propulsion system for Orion, the
nitrogen will be provided by the gas delivery system and service module is responsible for orbital maneuvering and
stored in four tanks. position control. It’s equipped with a total of 33 engines:
one main engine, eight auxiliary engines, and 24 reaction
The cylindrical module is unpressurized and about 13 feet control thrusters.
high, including the main engine and tanks for gas and
propellant. During launch, the service module fits into The main engine is an orbital maneuvering system engine
a 17-foot-diameter housing, surrounded by three fairing previously flown on space shuttle missions, provided
panels that protect it from the harsh environments of by NASA and made by Aerojet Rocketdyne. The auxil-
launch, such as heat, wind, and acoustic vibrations. iary engines are R4D-11 engines, also made by Aerojet
Once Orion is above the atmosphere, the fairing panels Rocketdyne and provided by NASA. The reaction control
surrounding the service module will be jettisoned and thrusters are provided by ESA and are the same model as
its four solar arrays will unfurl. After the spacecraft those used on the Automated Transfer Vehicles built by

34 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


ESA that carried cargo and resupply goods from Earth to the Orion crew module adapter—which connects the
the International Space Station between 2008 and 2015. service module to the spacecraft’s crew module—and
the spacecraft adapter, which attaches to the Orion
The main engine will provide major in-space maneuvering stage adapter, Orion/service module’s connection to the
capabilities throughout the mission, including inserting SLS rocket. The crew module adapter houses electronic
Orion into a distant retrograde orbit around the Moon equipment for communications, power, and control, and
and also firing powerfully enough to depart the Moon’s it includes an umbilical connector that bridges the electri-
orbit to return to Earth. The eight auxiliary engines are cal, data, and fluid systems between the modules.
also used for translational maneuvers, essentially backing
up the main engine. The 24 reaction control thrusters are Computers control all aspects of the service module. The
used to steer and control Orion in orbit, but usually only service module’s avionics manage the powered equipment
12 are used and the other 12 are mostly backup. The pro- of the module and the data-exchange services, which are
pulsion system can also be used, during some late phases based on instructions received from Orion’s flight com-
of the launch, for potential abort scenarios. puters in the crew module. Nearly seven miles of cables
send commands and receive information from sensors.
Orbital Maneuvering System Engine
Flight History for Artemis I The service module’s electrical power system provides
power for the Orion spacecraft, manages the power
FLIGHT DATE ORBITER generated by the four solar-array wings of the service
STS-41G 10/05/84 Challenger module, and charges the main batteries on the crew
module. Each solar array wing consists of three panel
STS-51J 10/03/85 Atlantis
sections, and each panel is approximately 6.5 by 6.5 feet
STS-61B 11/26/85 Atlantis
(2 by 2 meters). The total length of each wing is nearly
STS-27 12/02/88 Atlantis 23 feet (7 meters). There are a total of 15,000 gallium
STS-30 05/04/89 Atlantis arsenide cells on the four arrays used to convert light
STS-33 11/22/89 Discovery into electricity, and the arrays can turn on two axes to
STS-31 04/24/90 Discovery
remain aligned with the Sun for maximum power. A
power control and distribution unit provides the power
STS-41 10/06/90 Discovery
interface between the service module and the crew mod-
STS-37 04/05/91 Atlantis ule adapter, distributes electrical power to service mod-
STS-43 08/02/91 Atlantis ule’s electrical equipment, and protects the power lines.
STS-44 11/24/91 Atlantis
STS-45 03/24/92 Atlantis
The service module’s thermal control system includes
radiators and heat exchangers to keep the equipment
STS-46 07/31/92 Atlantis
and future astronauts at a comfortable temperature.
STS-101 05/19/00 Atlantis The thermal control system includes an active portion,
STS-106 09/08/00 Atlantis which transfers the heat of the entire spacecraft to the
STS-98 02/07/01 Atlantis service module’s radiators, and a passive portion, which
STS-104 07/12/01 Atlantis protects the service module from internal and external
thermal environments.
STS-110 04/08/02 Atlantis
STS-112 10/07/02 Atlantis

The service module’s structure is covered with Kevlar to

absorb shocks from micrometeorites and debris impacts.
During launch, the service module is held in place between

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 35


The three solid rocket motors work together to propel

Orion’s crew module to safety in an emergency: the abort
motor pulls the crew module away from the rocket; the
attitude control motor steers and orients the capsule; then
the jettison motor ignites to separate the LAS from the
crew module prior to parachute deployment.

The 17-foot-long, 3-foot-diameter abort motor, built by

Northrop Grumman, has a manifold with four exhaust
nozzles and provides thrust to quickly pull the crew
module to safety if problems develop during launch.
The high-impulse motor is designed to burn most of the
propellant within the first three seconds and burns three
times faster than a typical motor of this size to immedi-
ately deliver the thrust needed to pull the crew module
to safety. If needed during a launch emergency, the crew
module would accelerate from zero to 400–500 mph in
just two seconds.

The attitude control motor, also built by Northrop

Grumman, consists of a solid propellant gas generator
and eight equally spaced valves capable of providing 7,000
pounds of thrust in any direction. The unique valve con-
trol system enables each valve to open and close, directing
the flow of gas. The motor operates to keep the crew mod-
ule on a controlled flight path after it is pulled away from
the rocket by the abort motor, and then it reorients the
module for parachute deployment and landing.
 Inside the Launch Abort System Facility (LASF) at NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center, the fully assembled Orion spacecraft for the agency’s The jettison motor was built by Aerojet Rocketdyne
Artemis I mission is prepared for transport. Image credit: NASA
and is the only LAS motor that fires on every mission.
During a normal launch, once SLS successfully clears
Launch Abort System most of the atmosphere and the LAS is no longer needed,
Orion’s launch abort system, also known as the LAS, is the jettison motor fires to separate the LAS from the
designed to carry the crew to safety in the event of an spacecraft. From this point, abort scenarios are handled
emergency during launch or ascent atop NASA’s SLS by the engines in the service module. In a pad abort
rocket. It can activate within milliseconds to pull the or launch abort scenario with crew, the jettison motor
spacecraft away from the rocket and position the module ignites to separate the LAS from Orion after the attitude
for a safe landing. control motor has reoriented the spacecraft and prior to
parachute deployment and landing.
The LAS is divided into two parts: the fairing assembly
and the launch abort tower. The fairing assembly is a shell There will not be astronauts inside the spacecraft for
composed of a lightweight composite material that pro- the Artemis I mission, so the abort and attitude control
tects the capsule from the heat, wind, and acoustics of the motors will not be active. The jettison motor will still fire
launch, ascent, and abort environments. The launch abort once Orion has reached orbit to enable the spacecraft to
tower includes the system’s three motors. continue on the remainder of its journey. The full abort

36 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


system has been thoroughly tested and certified for flights capable of controlling the spacecraft’s orientation after
with astronauts beginning with Artemis II. separating from the rocket.

The tower-like abort structure is specifically built for deep Avionics and Software
space missions and to ride on a high-powered rocket. It is The Orion primary flight computers have over 750,000
designed with its motors above the Orion crew module that lines of code that operate all the spacecraft systems,
pull the capsule away from the rocket, rather than push it including power, communications, guidance, navigation,
away with motors at the base, as some other escape systems control, thermal management, instrumentation, and
designed for other destinations are built to do. This design propulsion. For Artemis I, the software is fully automated
is ideal for deep space missions because it minimizes the and is able to execute the mission and handle numerous
mass that aborts in an emergency by leaving the service potential faults, including upsets due to radiation, with-
module behind and avoids carrying thousands of pounds out ground support. In addition, the software has a robust
of unwanted mass to deep space by fully jettisoning the command and telemetry system that provides NASA’s
entire LAS once it is no longer needed. Mission Control Center, or MCC, with the insight and
ability to handle unforeseen circumstances and adjust
The Orion LAS also offers the highest thrust and accel- software operation.
eration escape system ever tested, generating 400,000
pounds of thrust. In the event of an abort during ascent In the event of a complete failure of all flight computers
to orbit, the LAS can outrun the SLS rocket, which gener- during reentry, Orion has a backup flight computer with
ates 8.8 million pounds of thrust. The puller-style system independently developed software that will take over
with the tower above the spacecraft is the first of its kind control and safely land the spacecraft. This capability will

  Engineers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston are evaluating how crews inside a mockup of the Orion spacecraft interact with the rotational
hand controller and cursor control device while inside their Modified Advanced Crew Escape spacesuits. Image credit: NASA

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 37


be expanded to cover all phases of the flight for future avionics also can handle the severe acoustic and vibration
missions. Software in computers other than the primary environments associated with launch, orbit, a fiery entry
flight computers handles various other tasks, such as video into Earth’s atmosphere, and a saltwater landing.
processing and optical navigation. All of the software has
been extensively tested in multiple laboratories and in Orion’s avionics system consists of the following subsystems:
nominal and off-nominal conditions to ensure that all the
various subsystems are working together to execute the • Command and data handling
planned mission. • Guidance, navigation, control, and propulsion
• Communications and tracking
The Orion spacecraft also houses a number of state-of- • Power
the-art avionics units to handle data generated by onboard • Instrumentation
systems, control the various functions of the spacecraft, • Displays and controls
carry out commands sent from the MCC (or by the crew
on future missions), and return systems telemetry for Command and Data Handling
insight into systems status. The brains of the Orion spacecraft consist of two vehicle
management computers that deliver more computing
The avionics and other electronics used in Orion are almost power to the Orion spacecraft than any previous space-
entirely driven by software and commercial processor craft designed for humans.
technologies that have been ruggedized to endure extreme
radiation and temperature fluctuations. Orion’s updated

  The Integrated Test Laboratory (ITL) has a full set of avionics, harnessing, sensors, and flight software identical to that on Orion. Using this real flight-like
hardware and software, the lab is used to simulate and test every aspect of the EM-1 mission from launch to splashdown. Image credit: NASA

38 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


Each of the vehicle management computers is made up

of two flight computer modules (FCMs), which are in
charge of flight control and other software; a communi-
cation control module that allows commands and data to
flow between Orion and the MCC; and a display control
module for astronaut displays that will be installed on
future crewed Artemis missions. The FCMs provide a
high-integrity platform to house software applications and
have sufficient processing power to perform command
and control of Orion. Each of the four FCMs is internally
redundant and continually checks all operations to be sure
they match. If the FCMs ever detect a difference between   Teams conduct power-up and docking operations for the Sensor Test for
them due to a hardware failure or a radiation upset, the Orion Relative Navigation Risk Mitigation (STORRM) in a payload support
different FCM “fails silent” by stopping all outputs so that room at Johnson Space Center’s Mission Control Center in Houston.
Image credit: NASA
a potentially corrupted FCM doesn’t issue critical com-
mands to the spacecraft. The FCM then resets itself, listens
to the other FCMs to relearn where the spacecraft is and component on the spacecraft, and they control effectors
what is happening, and then rejoins the other FCMs in such as valves, thrusters, and heaters. All sensor data,
controlling the spacecraft—all within 22 seconds. Having such as temperature and pressure, is routed through the
four FCMs on the spacecraft allows the flight software to PDUs as well. The PDUs also communicate with SLS as it
continue firing thrusters and flying as Orion transitions launches Orion and puts it on its trajectory to the Moon.
through the challenging radiation environment of the
Van Allen belts, as the probability of all four FCMs being Orion’s onboard data network is a triple-redundant net-
upset in the same 22 seconds is extremely low. work that allows the FCMs to communicate with all of the
other avionic components on Orion. It uses a networking
The four redundant FCMs greatly improve system reli- technology called Time-Triggered Gigabit Ethernet that is
ability, yet Orion includes another measure of backup capable of moving data at a rate 1,000 times faster than
capability with the addition of a completely different systems used on the space shuttle and space station. This
computer, capable of running different code should it networking technology allows NASA engineers to cate-
ever be needed. This capability is called the backup flight gorize different types of data and prioritize how it should
software. In the unlikely event that something goes wrong travel through the onboard network. Time-critical data
with the primary flight computers on Orion, a dissimi- relating to vital systems like navigation and life support,
lar processing platform with dissimilar flight software called time-triggered data, has guaranteed bandwidth and
is hosted on a system called the vision processing unit. message timing to ensure it is always delivered exactly
This dissimilar computer and software provide a backup on time. Data that is critical for delivery but not timing,
function to the redundant FCMs during critical phases of such as file transfers, is called rate-constrained data and
flight, with a focus on crew survival and return functions is sent immediately whenever time-triggered data is not
in the highly unlikely scenario in which anything renders present. Data used for non-critical tasks such as crew vid-
all the FCMs ineffective. The vision processing unit also eoconferencing is delivered over the remaining bandwidth.
provides a place to store data during times when Orion The technology means that critical data and non-essential
can’t communicate with the ground. data can travel safely over a single network on board a
spacecraft for the first time. It is built upon a reliable com-
Eight power and data units (PDU) connect the flight mercial data bus that has been hardened to be resilient to
computers and the software to the rest of Orion. These space radiation and proven on Orion’s Exploration Flight
PDUs, each of which has two cards with two redun- Test-1. The data system interfaces with all components,
dant channels on each card, control the power to every

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 39


including the service module, through radiation-hardened • GPS Receivers: The GPS receivers on Orion are similar
network switches. to ground-based receivers, except that these are capable
of operating at the very high velocities of spaceflight.
Guidance, Navigation, Control, and Propulsion The GPS sensor system provides position and velocity
The Guidance, Navigation, Control, and Propulsion updates during low-Earth orbit operations, ascent, and
(GNC&P) system is responsible for always knowing where reentry. GPS-based altitude values are the primary
the spacecraft is and where it is going, and it controls the triggers for entry events. Outside the range of GPS
propulsion system to keep Orion pointed in the proper in deep space, Orion will rely on NASA’s Deep Space
direction and on the correct trajectory. Network to determine the spacecraft’s location using
sensitive measurements of communication signals
At the center of this system is the GNC&P flight software that pass between Orion and large tracking dishes on
that runs on the vehicle management computers. This the ground.
software receives inputs from navigation sensors and pilot • Barometric Altimeter Assembly: By sensing the
controls and commands the appropriate effectors on the atmospheric air pressure outside the spacecraft during
crew module, service module, and LAS to accomplish ascent and reentry, these assemblies can measure
mission objectives. The Orion GNC&P software operates Orion’s altitude. They provide a backup altitude value
across a variety of mission phases, including pre-launch, for parachute and other deployments during entry.
ascent, Earth orbit, transit to and from the Moon, and • Star Trackers: The star tracker operates like a camera
various abort scenarios, as well as loiter, rendezvous, but is much more sensitive and takes pictures only of
docking, and entry on future missions. The software stars. By comparing the pictures to a known star cat-
must operate in both manual and automated modes and alog, the sensor determines spacecraft attitude during
must handle commands from the ground and the crew orbital operations.
on future missions. The software must also run complex • Optical Navigation Camera: The optical navigation
guidance and navigation algorithms while controlling camera takes images of the Moon and Earth. By
highly dynamic configurations during reentry, ascent looking at the size and position of these objects in the
aborts, and orbital maneuvers. picture, the camera can determine Orion’s range and
bearing relative to that object. The optical navigation
The onboard navigation system for Orion is composed of a camera is part of the Orion emergency return system
number of redundant sensors for measuring Orion’s posi- to autonomously operate the spacecraft in the event of
tion, which refers to where Orion is in space, and attitude, lost communication with Earth.
which refers to the direction the spacecraft is pointing. • Sun Sensors: The Sun sensors are located on the ser-
Like most systems on the spacecraft, there are usually at vice module and are used to determine the direction of
least two of each sensor to increase reliability of the overall the Sun during emergency safe mode. Knowing where
system. Several different types of sensors are needed, as the Sun is ensures that Orion can point its solar arrays
the spacecraft operates in the atmosphere during ascent in the right direction to keep power flowing to the
and reentry, in low-Earth orbit, and near the Moon. These spacecraft.
include the following:
Communications and Tracking
• Orion Inertial Measurement Units: Each unit contains Orion uses a high-speed communications system, employ-
three devices, called gyros, that measure spacecraft ing four phased array antennas on the crew module and
body rotation rates and three accelerometers to mea- two phased array antennas on the service module. Phased
sure spacecraft body accelerations. This inertial data array antennas allow signals to be controlled and directed
is used by the vehicle management computers for without requiring any physical movement of the antenna.
onboard navigation to compute spacecraft position, These will be used for video, data, and voice communica-
velocity, and attitude. tions with the spacecraft, along with command uplink and
telemetry downlink to ground stations, NASA’s Tracking

40 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


  Goddard’s Networks Integration Center, pictured here, coordinated the communications support for both the Orion vehicle and the Delta IV rocket,
ensuring complete communications coverage through NASA’s Space Network and Tracking and Data Relay Satellites. Image credit: NASA

and Data Relay Satellite systems, and NASA’s Deep Space the Moon. The solar arrays are jettisoned with the service
Network after leaving Earth’s orbit. module right before entering Earth’s atmosphere, so the
batteries also provide all the power needed to keep the
On future missions with crew, an emergency radio sys- astronauts safe for return to Earth and up to 24 hours
tem will allow voice communications anytime during a after splashdown.
mission if the main communications system fails, and
search and rescue radios and satellite phones will be avail- Instrumentation
able after landing for communication with the recovery Accomplishing flight test objectives requires a dedicated
team. An audio system on board will enable astronauts to instrumentation system that will measure the dynamic
speak with each other and with the MCC while they are response of all Orion subsystem performance during
wearing spacesuits. critical phases of the Artemis missions.

Power The developmental flight instrumentation (DFI) data

The Orion power system is capable of generating and system measures unique subsystem performance, such as
supplying all of the power that is required for its in-orbit spacecraft temperature and vibration, during all phases of
operations. The four solar arrays, which are located on the mission from launch, to flight in space, to return to
the service module, generate about 11 kilowatts of power. Earth. The system is required to measure the response of
Power is transferred between the solar arrays and batter- newly designed components and structures to verify and
ies and to the end systems via the power and data units. validate engineering models that will be used to predict
Orion’s four main batteries are located on the crew module their future performance.
and use small-cell packaging technology to ensure crew
safety while providing 120 volts of power to the many The architecture of the DFI system is robust and relies on
systems on Orion. The batteries are fully charged before proven hardware and software to deliver high reliability.
launch to operate the spacecraft until the solar arrays The central components are data acquisition units that
can be deployed once in orbit. The batteries also operate have two interfaces: one for the sensor interface and one
the spacecraft when the solar arrays cannot be pointed for the control interface. The sensor interface communi-
at the Sun or when Orion is in the shadow of Earth or cates with the temperature, strain, accelerometers, and

Orion Spacecraft > Elements 3 4 TOC 41


“glass cockpit” provides fully redundant crew controls

and displays, with over 60 graphical user interface for-
mats and interactive electronic procedures—a first in
spacecraft history.

Also contained within the crew module are systems to
support Orion’s safe return to Earth. Orion’s parachute
system is designed to ensure a safe landing for astronauts
returning from deep space missions to Earth in the crew
module at speeds exceeding 25,000 mph, as well as during
abort scenarios. While Earth’s atmosphere will initially
slow the spacecraft down to 325 mph, the parachutes will
slow Orion to a safe speed of 20 mph or less for landing in
the Pacific Ocean.

The parachute system includes 11 parachutes made of

36,000 square feet of parachute canopy material and
attached to the top of the spacecraft with more than
13 miles of Kevlar lines. Parachute deployment begins
at about five miles in altitude with three forward bay
cover parachutes used in conjunction with pyrotechnic
linear thrusters to ensure separation of the forward bay
cover, which protects Orion and its parachutes during
the heat of reentry. The forward bay cover parachutes
  Orion descends to Earth under three massive red-and-white main para- are packed using a hydraulic press, with forces as high as
chutes after its first flight test on Dec. 5, 2014. Image credit: NASA 3,000 pounds.

acoustic sensors. The control interface communicates with Two drogue parachutes are deployed to slow and stabilize
the power, control, recording, telemetry, and time-sync the crew module during descent and establish proper
hardware. The sensors can be changed between flights conditions for main parachute deployment to follow. The
to allow engineers to make adjustments based on what is drogues are deployed by cannon-like mortars from the
learned about a previous flight. crew module forward bay at 100 feet per second (68 mph).
The drogues are packed using a hydraulic press, with
Displays and Controls forces as high as 10,000 pounds.
On future missions, displays and control equipment
inside the capsule will be the crew interface to the Orion Three pilot parachutes will lift and deploy the main
systems. Without astronauts aboard Artemis I to test the parachutes from the crew module forward bay. They are
displays and controls during the mission, Orion will carry mortar-deployed from the crew module forward bay at
mass simulators in place of the display and control panels 112 feet per second (76 mph). The pilots are packed using
as well as a technology demonstration payload for a dig- a hydraulic press for convenience but are much lower
ital crew interface that can respond to voice commands. density and can be “hand packed” if required.
Beginning with Artemis II, the displays and controls
will consist of three display units, seven switch interface The three main parachutes will then slow the crew module
panels, two rotational hand controllers, two translational to a speed that ensures astronaut safety during landing.
hand controllers, and two cursor control devices. Orion’s Each of Orion’s main parachutes weighs 270 pounds

42 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Elements


and is packed to the density of oak wood to fit in the top after landing and opens a valve for helium to flow into the
part of the spacecraft, but once fully inflated, the three uprighting bags. As the gas fills the bags, they deploy from
mains would cover almost an entire football field. The their containers and inflate to their full volume.
mains are packed using a hydraulic press, with forces as
high as 50,000 pounds. They are autoclaved with a vac- The CMUS will deploy regardless of the landing position
uum applied to the parachute at 190 degrees Fahrenheit of the capsule. It takes less than four minutes for the
(88 degrees Celsius) for 48 hours to help “set” the packing CMUS to upright the capsule, and the system will keep
and remove atmospheric moisture. Orion upright and stable after splashdown in the ocean
and for at least 24 hours, if necessary. The capsule must
Embedded in several parachutes are pyrotechnic riser cut- be upright for crew module communication systems to
ters, which use fuses set to ignite at specific times and push operate correctly and to help protect the health of the
blades through bulletproof materials to sever the lines at crew members inside on future missions from health
precise moments and allow the parachutes to unfurl to impacts due to extended time hanging upside down in
complete the deployment sequence. Within 10 minutes seat harnesses.
of descent through Earth’s atmosphere, everything must
deploy and assemble itself in a precise sequence to slow
Orion and its crew for a safe splashdown in the ocean. The
parachute system also must be able to keep the crew safe
in several failure scenarios, such as mortar failures that
could prevent a single parachute from deploying, launch
aborts, or other conditions that produce loads close to or
exceeding the maximum material capability.

Crew Module Uprighting System

When Orion splashes down in the Pacific Ocean off the
coast of San Diego, it will stabilize in one of two positions:
the top of the capsule pointed up or top pointed down.
The crew module uprighting system, known as CMUS,
deploys a series of five bright-orange helium-filled bags on
the top of the capsule to flip Orion right side up in the
event it stabilizes upside down.  The Orion Crew Module Uprighting System (CMUS) and Neutral
Buoyancy Laboratory team completed two successful sea tests off
the coast of Galveston, Texas. CMUS is designed to inflate five bags
The five bags that make up the CMUS are packed in hard after the Orion spacecraft and its crew splash down after return-
containers and installed atop the capsule inside the struc- ing from deep space missions, enabling the capsule to right itself.
tural gussets between the parachutes and other equipment. Image credit: NASA
The bags are inflated with helium gas that is stored in
pressure vessels located close by the bags. Each bag has an
independent inflation system. The CMUS system initiates

The Orion Program conducted rigorous testing of the the crew module, service module, LAS, parachute system,
spacecraft, from element-level testing with test articles for and other supporting systems—including both flight tests

Orion Spacecraft > Testing 3 4 TOC 43


  Lockheed Martin technicians test the fitting of the Orion spacecraft’s heat shield back shell panels inside the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout
Building high bay at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The back shell panels serve as the outer layer of the spacecraft and will protect it against the
extreme temperatures of re-entry from deep space. Image credit: NASA

and ground tests—to integrated testing of the full space- Orion landed in the Pacific Ocean and was recovered by
craft that will fly on Artemis I. NASA and the U.S. Navy.

Exploration Flight Test-1 Sending Orion to such a high altitude allowed the
Orion’s first uncrewed test flight, known as Exploration spacecraft to return to Earth at speeds near 20,000 mph.
Flight Test-1, or EFT-1, demonstrated and validated the Returning at this speed, as fast as any spacecraft built for
Orion crew module’s systems that are critical to crew humans had endured since the Apollo program, exposed
safety, such as heat shield performance, separation events, the heat shield to temperatures close to 4,000 degrees
avionics and software performance, attitude control and Fahrenheit, 80% of what the crew module would endure
guidance, parachute deployment, and recovery operations. returning from the vicinity of the Moon. EFT-1 collected
data to help NASA lower risks to the astronauts who
The EFT-1 test flight launched a high-fidelity crew mod- will fly on Orion beginning with the Artemis II mission.
ule and a mock service module on a ULA Delta IV Heavy This first flight also gave NASA the chance to continue
rocket from Space Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral refining its production and coordination processes, and
Air Force Station in Florida. During the nearly four-and- Orion’s teams gained important experience and training
a-half-hour test flight, Orion orbited Earth twice, reaching in preparation for launching Orion on its first integrated
an altitude of approximately 3,600 miles—about 15 times flight with the SLS rocket.
farther into space than the International Space Station—
before returning to Earth. At the end of the flight test,

44 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Testing


Heat Shield Testing safely and accurately to prove that they would be reliable
Following Exploration Flight Test-1, the Orion heat in getting the spacecraft where it needs to go during deep
shield was redesigned from a single-piece system to space exploration missions.
individual blocks of material. Before the time-saving
block system was used, a fiberglass-phenolic honeycomb The PQM was equipped with a total of 21 engines: one
structure was bonded to the structure’s skin. Then each U.S. Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS)
of the 320,000 tiny honeycomb cells were individually engine, eight auxiliary thrusters, and 12 smaller reaction
filled with Avcoat by hand, inspected by X-ray, cured in control system thrusters produced by Airbus in Germany.
a large oven, and robotically machined to meet precise The service module that will fly on Artemis missions has
thickness requirements. 33 engines in total, with double the amount of reaction
control system thrusters included in the PQM. The full
The new design introduced several considerations that module was a roughly 15-foot cube made of stainless steel
prompted further testing for risk reduction. Engineers that provided the full components for testing the thrust-
performed more than 30 tests across the United States ers, fuel lines, and firing of Orion’s engines.
on the new design to investigate the effects of the block
structure that could disrupt the smooth airflow and Teams from NASA and ESA completed 48 hot fire tests
cause localized heating spots. Understanding both effects and three discrete pressurization tests conducted in two
confirmed that the heat shield will thermally protect the phases at White Sands. The focus of these firing tests was
astronauts during entry into Earth’s atmosphere. the interaction between the engines and the propulsion
subsystem, as well as the performance of the pressurization
Teams tested the Avcoat material at NASA’s Ames control assembly. Engineers conducted five additional hot
Research Center’s Arc Jet Complex and at NASA’s fire tests with the auxiliary engines on the PQM, as well as
Johnson Space Center’s Atmospheric Reentry Materials tests on the pressure control assembly valves that involved
and Structures Evaluation Facility. Teams also per- chilling the valves and performing multiple cycles to rec-
formed thermal testing at Johnson’s Radiant Heat Test reate anomalies.
Facility. During these tests, the Avcoat surface reached
temperatures of over 3,000 degrees Fahrenheit (1,649 Teams successfully conducted a 12-minute propulsion
degrees Celsius). Heat shield testing also took place at test fire to simulate an abort-to-orbit scenario in which
NASA’s Langley Research Center with a 6-inch Orion the spacecraft’s service module must place Orion in a safe
heat shield model in the 20-inch Mach 6 wind tunnel. orbit if a problem were to arise after the LAS has been
The model was machined to represent small-scale fea- jettisoned. The test, which was the longest-ever continu-
tures, including the patterns expected as the heat shield ous burn conducted on an OMS engine to date at White
ablates during return to Earth. Sands, used the PQM to fire the OMS engine, eight aux-
iliary thrusters, and six reaction control system thrusters.
European Service Module
Propulsion Testing Acceptance Testing
Engineers used a replica of the service module’s pro- At Kennedy, the Artemis I Orion crew and service mod-
pulsion subsystem, called the propulsion qualification ules underwent functional and performance testing in the
module (PQM), for testing at NASA’s White Sands Test high bay of the Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout
Facility. The data from these tests helped to certify the building, knowns as the O&C, to ensure its workmanship
service module propulsion system for the Artemis I and before ground processing and integration with the SLS
II missions and beyond. The PQM was designed to verify rocket in the Vehicle Assembly Building.
the performance of the service module engines, propellant
feed systems, and various other propulsion operations Proof Pressure Testing
during expected and unexpected conditions. Testing of To certify that Orion could withstand the rigors of
the PQM ensured that all engines and thrusters fired spaceflight, engineers completed a series of tests on the

Orion Spacecraft > Testing 3 4 TOC 45


pressure vessel. In a test stand inside the proof pressure at Kennedy, engineers conducted acoustic and thermal
cell, technicians attached hundreds of strain gauges to cycle testing for each module separately in the high bay of
the interior and exterior surfaces of the structure. The the O&C.
strain gauges measured the strength of the welds as the
pressure vessel was pressurized at incremental steps over • Direct Field Acoustic Testing: During this testing,
two days to reach the maximum pressure it is expected the crew module or service module was surrounded
to encounter during flight. The tests confirmed that the with speakers and exposed to maximum acoustic levels
weld points would endure the extreme forces during the that Orion will experience in space. Engineers secured
launch, in-space, entry into Earth’s atmosphere, and land- the module inside a test cell and then attached micro-
ing phases on Artemis missions. phones, strain gauges, and accelerometers. The module
was blasted with extreme vibrations and acoustic levels
Crew Module and Service Module Functional and up to 141 decibels—as loud as a jet engine during
Performance Testing takeoff—to ensure that the spacecraft and its systems
The Artemis I Orion crew module underwent initial could withstand the noise expected during launch.
power-on events, which was the first time the vehicle • Module Thermal Cycle Testing: Inside a specially
management computers and the power and data units constructed thermal cycle chamber, teams rapidly
were installed on the crew module, loaded with flight soft- cycled the crew module or service module between hot
ware, and tested. These tests verified the health and status and cold temperatures over several days to thermally
of Orion’s core computers and power and data units; they stress the hardware and ensure the workmanship of the
also ensured that the systems were able to communicate module’s hardware and its subsystem operations. The
precisely with one another to accurately route power and cycle of temperatures for the initial thermal test ranged
commands throughout the spacecraft. from 29 to 129 degrees Fahrenheit during 105 hours
of testing.
The Artemis I Orion service module also separately
underwent initial power-on tests. The tests allowed tech- After engineers at Kennedy completed testing on the
nicians to check that all cables were connected and data Artemis I crew module and service module individually,
was transferred at the speeds required by Orion, as well as they were moved to the Final Assembly and System Testing
the power distribution across the module. (FAST) cell, where they were integrated and put through
their final system tests prior to shipping to NASA’s Neil
After initial power-on, the Orion crew module and service A. Armstrong Test Facility near Sandusky, Ohio, for three
module underwent separate functional testing, which months of rigorous simulated in-space environmental
ensured that each of the module’s systems powered on testing at the world’s largest and most powerful space
and functioned as designed. After engineers completed environment simulation test facility.
functional testing, teams conducted separate perfor-
mance testing of the crew module and service module. An international team of engineers and technicians
This testing verified that each module’s systems not only completed environmental testing in two phases inside the
powered on but functioned within the correct parameters. Space Simulation Chamber:
Performance testing also took place after the two modules
were joined. • Integrated Spacecraft Thermal Balance and Thermal
Vacuum Testing: The first phase of testing was a ther-
Environmental Testing mal vacuum test lasting 47 days while Orion’s systems
Environmental testing simulates environments the space- were powered on under vacuum conditions that sim-
craft will experience through launch, travel in deep space, ulate the space environment. The spacecraft was sub-
and recovery; it also evaluates the spacecraft’s structure jected to extreme temperatures, ranging from minus
and systems in those conditions. Before joining the crew 250 degrees to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (minus 157 to
module and service module for the Artemis I mission 149 degrees Celsius), to replicate flying in and out of

46 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Testing


sunlight and shadow in space. To simulate these condi- launch, return to Earth, parachute deployment, and water
tions, a specially designed piece of hardware, known as landing—that Orion will go through during a mission.
the Heat Flux System, was used to heat specific parts of During some test phases, engineers pushed expected pres-
the spacecraft at any given time. It was also surrounded sures, mechanical loads, vibration, and shock conditions
on all sides by a set of large panels called a cryoshroud up to 40% beyond the most severe conditions anticipated
that provided the cold background temperatures of during the mission, analyzing data to confirm that the
space. The testing ensured that Orion’s systems per- spacecraft structures could withstand the extreme envi-
formed correctly in extreme flight conditions. ronments of space.
• Integrated Spacecraft Electromagnetic Interference/
Compatibility Testing: The second phase of testing was These tests helped to verify Orion’s design and structural
a 14-day electromagnetic interference and compati- durability for Artemis missions to the Moon.
bility test. All electronic components have an electro-
magnetic field that can affect other electronics nearby. • Pressure Testing: Pushing and pulling with pressure
This testing ensured that the spacecraft’s electronics that equates to 140% of the maximum expected loads
worked properly when operated at the same time, as during missions ensured that the spacecraft structures
well as when bombarded by external sources. The test could withstand intense loads at launch and reentry.
campaign confirmed that the spacecraft’s systems per- • Modal Testing: During modal testing, dynamic loads of
formed as designed. pressure were applied to the spacecraft structures. With
more than 20,000 parts making up Orion’s service
After testing in Ohio for several months, Orion was flown module alone, modal tests evaluated how the spacecraft
back to Florida and returned to the FAST cell at Kennedy’s
O&C Building for a final round of testing and assembly
that included end-to-end performance verification of the   The Orion crew module for Exploration Mission-1 recently underwent
spacecraft’s subsystems, checking for leaks in the space- Direct Field Acoustics Test, where it was exposed to maximum acoustics
craft’s propulsion systems, installing its solar array wings, levels that the vehicle will experience in space. Spacecraft response and
sound pressure data were collected with microphones, strain gauges, and
performing spacecraft closeouts, and pressurizing a subset accelerometers. The max decibel level was -12 dB. Image credit: NASA
of its tanks in preparation for flight prior to rolling to the
Multi-Payload Processing Facility (MPPF) for commodity
servicing before integration with the rocket.

Structural Testing
Testing with Orion’s “structural twin” at Lockheed
Martin’s facility in Colorado validated Orion’s structure
and enabled engineers to push the structure past design
standards, simulating the harsh environments that
will physically affect the Orion spacecraft. NASA and
Lockheed Martin built the structural test article to be
identical to Orion’s main structural elements: the crew
module, service module, and LAS. It did not include the
non-structural items, such as the spacecraft computers,
propulsion, and seats, for these tests.

Testing involved a series of 21 tests using six different con-

figurations—from a single element to the full stack—and
various combinations in between. The different configu-
rations simulated the different flight conditions—such as

Orion Spacecraft > Testing 3 4 TOC 47


  A fully functional launch abort system with a test version of Orion attached launches on NASA’s Ascent Abort-2 atop a booster provided by Northrop
Grumman on July 2, 2019, from Launch Pad 46 at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. Image credit: NASA

components held up to vibration, especially at connec- Launch Abort System Testing

tion points. Testing for Orion’s launch abort system included two
• Stiffness Testing: Stiffness testing applied pressure major flight tests, along with hot fire testing for the indi-
steadily and continuously to the spacecraft’s structures. vidual motors.
This tested how the structures would respond to the static
loads that the spacecraft will experience on missions. Pad Abort-1
• Acoustic Testing: Acoustic testing blasted the struc- NASA’s Pad Abort-1 test was Orion’s first major flight test
tures with sound waves that simulated the vibrating and the first fully integrated test of the LAS. The agency
rumble of launch, reaching more than 160 decibels. successfully launched a test version of the crew module
• Pyrotechnic Shock Testing: Shock tests recreated the and its launch abort stack on May 6, 2010, at the U.S.
powerful pyrotechnic blasts needed for separation Army’s White Sands Missile Range near Las Cruces, New
events during flight, such as the LAS separating from Mexico. The flight test demonstrated the capability of the
the crew module after a successful launch. LAS to propel the crew module to a safe distance during a
• Jettison Testing: Jettison tests mimicked deployment ground-initiated abort on the launch pad.
mechanisms required to jettison the forward bay cover
and ensured that components could endure the shock The test lasted about 2.5 minutes from launch until the
levels expected during flight. test version of the crew module touched down about a
• Lightning Testing: Lightning tests evaluated potential mile north of the launch pad. The crew module reached
flight hardware damage that could occur if the rocket a speed of approximately 445 mph in the first three sec-
and spacecraft are exposed to a lightning strike prior onds, with a maximum velocity of 539 mph in its upward
to launch.

48 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Testing


trajectory to about 1.2 miles high. The parachutes guided Defining the crew module aerodynamics, both static and
the crew module to touchdown at 16.2 mph. dynamic, helped to ensure stable and controllable flight
from entry into Earth’s atmosphere to parachute deploy-
Ascent Abort-2 ment and descent. Similarly, defining the aerodynamics
NASA conducted the second major flight test for the for the LAS helped to ensure successful launch aborts
launch abort system, known as Ascent Abort-2, on July 2, during ascent from the launch pad to orbit. Defining the
2019, to test the Orion LAS during ascent, which is when aerothermal environments for the crew module and LAS
the spacecraft is expected to experience the greatest aero- ensured that the thermal protection systems will protect
dynamic stress. Combined with subsystem qualification them from heat during atmospheric entry, ascent, and
tests and the successful Pad Abort-1 test, this test resulted ascent aborts. Characterizing the aeroacoustics was also
in a LAS that is certified to fly on the Artemis missions important in designing and testing the Orion and LAS
with astronauts aboard. structures for the vibrations and loads they will experience
during ascent and reentry.
During the test, which lasted approximately three min-
utes, a booster provided by Northrop Grumman launched Teams completed more than 120 tests as part of devel-
from Space Launch Complex 46 at Cape Canaveral Air oping the aerodynamic, aerothermal, and aeroacoustic
Force Station in Florida. It carried a fully functional LAS databases for Orion. Teams have conducted tests in 25
and a test version of Orion to an altitude of nearly six different wind tunnels, four ballistic ranges, two shock
miles at over 1,000 mph. At that point, the LAS’ powerful tunnels, and three research laboratories across the United
reverse-flow abort motor fired 400,000 pounds of thrust, States at NASA facilities in Virginia, California, and Ohio;
propelling the Orion test article to a safe distance away Department of Defense facilities in Tennessee, Maryland,
from the rocket to splash down in the Atlantic Ocean. and Florida; and universities such as the University of
For cost-saving purposes, the test article was not equipped Buffalo in New York. The tests have covered speeds from
with parachutes, nor was the test capsule recovered from 38 mph to about 15,000 mph.
the ocean.
Parachute Testing
Motor Testing NASA has fully qualified the parachute system for flights
Engineers have completed final qualification testing for with crew through an extensive series of 17 developmental
each of the LAS motors—the attitude control motor, tests and eight qualification tests at the U.S. Army’s Yuma
jettison motor, and abort motor. These tests looked at Proving Ground in Arizona.
the maximum high- and low-temperature conditions
that a motor might see during a launch in Florida to During the development series, engineers tested different
provide the data on how the motor reacts under hot or types of failure scenarios and extreme descent conditions
cold stressing conditions. to refine Orion’s parachute design and ensure that the
parachutes will work in a variety of circumstances.
Aerodynamic, Aerothermal, and During the qualification testing, engineers evaluated
Aeroacoustics Testing the performance of the parachute system during normal
Engineers used wind tunnel testing and simulations to landing sequences as well as several failure scenarios
understand Orion’s flight behavior in Earth’s atmo- and a variety of potential aerodynamic conditions to
sphere and develop the aerodynamic, aerothermal, and ensure that astronauts can return safely from deep
aeroacoustics databases for Orion. The databases help to space missions.
verify the performance, controllability, thermal protec-
tion system, structure, and safety during all phases of While airdrop testing was a vital, and very visible, com-
atmospheric flight, including launch aborts, by allowing ponent to the development of Orion’s parachutes, ground
accurate flight simulations and informing the design for testing and analysis were equally important to ensuring
the spacecraft. success. Airdrop testing cannot physically reach all possible

Orion Spacecraft > Testing 3 4 TOC 49


spaceflight deployment conditions, but its data helped with the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Cypress, Air Force per-
generate computer models of parachute performance and sonnel, and Texas A&M Galveston. Teams completed an
allowed the team to evaluate the parachutes in altitude additional four tests in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast
and airspeed regimes that could not be thoroughly drop of Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, in cooperation with
tested. Repeated simulation of the parachutes with varied the U.S. Coast Guard Station Fort Macon and the U.S.
parameters, called the Monte Carlo method, allowed the Coast Guard Cutter Maple. These tests demonstrated
team to estimate the bounds of what parachute loads and performance in a natural wave environment and were
performance should be expected throughout the life of the instrumental in the certification of the CMUS.
program. Ground testing of material capabilities, coupled
with the parachute simulations, determined how much Water Impact Testing
structural margin exists in the system. This combination Teams conducted water-impact testing at NASA’s Langley
of ground tests, airdrop tests, and analysis qualified the Research Center in the center’s Hydro Impact Basin at
system for Artemis flights with astronauts. the Landing and Impact Research Facility to provide
high-fidelity data of the forces that the Orion spacecraft
Crew Module Uprighting System structure and its astronaut crew would experience during
Testing landing, helping to protect the crew and informing future
Engineers tested the crew module uprighting system, designs. Water-impact testing evaluates how the spacecraft
or CMUS, as part of Orion’s first flight test and imple- may behave in parachute-assisted landings in different
mented a series of design changes to improve its perfor- wind conditions and wave heights.
mance. During EFT-1, three of the system’s five bags did
not properly inflate. The spacecraft landed and remained Engineers used three different test versions of Orion as
upright in the water; however, had the capsule landed the spacecraft’s design was refined over the course of
upside down, the two functioning CMUS bags would the test series. The final series of drop tests used the test
likely not have been able to fully upright the capsule. article previously used for structural testing at Lockheed
Design improvements included thickening the inner Martin’s facility in Colorado, which was based on the final
bladder of each bag to make it more durable, changing design for the configuration that will fly on Artemis II.
how the bags are packed, developing a hard enclosure for Teams will use data from the drop tests as well as from the
upcoming Artemis I flight test in final computer model-
ing for loads and structures prior to Artemis II.
  Workers check the pressure of the bright orange stabilizers that will keep
Orion upright in the water if needed. NASA, Lockheed Martin, and the U.S.
Navy are conducting the test in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of San Diego. Avionics and Software Testing
Image credit: NASA The Orion program uses a network of integrated test labs
designed to reduce cost and schedule risk by providing
an early opportunity in the development phase of the
the packed bags, and improving manufacturing processes program to perform systems-level avionics and software
for better control and consistency. testing for Orion in a realistic environment.

Engineers also performed several full-scale uprighting Engineers used Lockheed Martin’s state-of-the-art facil-
tests with a mock-up of the Orion crew capsule. These ity called the Exploration Development Laboratory in
tests demonstrated that the CMUS would perform as Houston for this testing, including avionics system testing
intended, including if any one of the five uprighting bags to reduce risk prior to the Pad Abort-1 test and Exploration
were to fail to inflate. This process included seven tests Flight Test-1. Initial testing of systems also included the
in the calm water of the Neutral Buoyancy Lab, a giant guidance, navigation, and control, as well as automated
pool at NASA’s Johnson Space Center primarily used for rendezvous and docking, and crew interfaces. Engineers
astronaut training. The teams also successfully completed also used the facility to perform early development, inte-
two tests off the coast of Galveston, Texas, in cooperation gration, and dry-run testing of Orion avionics hardware

50 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Testing


  Teams conduct a vertical drop test of an Orion test article as part of water-impact testing at the Hydro Impact Basin at Langley’s Landing and Impact
Research Facility. Image credit: NASA

and software and associated internal and external crew An ITL configuration is the highest-fidelity test platform
module interfaces using flight-representative software and that Orion avionics hardware and software would expe-
an appropriate suite of ground support tools, systems, rience prior to actual testing regimens on the assembled
and software. spacecraft, providing as close to a “test like you fly” envi-
ronment as can be assembled within a lab setting.
Lockheed Martin’s Orion Integrated Test Lab, or ITL,
located near Denver, runs full mission scenarios from pre- Flight Control Team Training
launch to landing, or specific phases of the flight. The lab and Testing
uses a full-size Orion mockup with a fully integrated set of The flight control team began training for the Artemis I
Orion’s crew module and service module avionics, power, mission in 2019 and will continue in the weeks prior to
wiring, guidance, navigation, and control hardware. The launch. They constantly refine and practice procedures
lab’s systems connect to the MCC, which allow for real- they will use on the ground to monitor, command, and
time monitoring and commanding of the spacecraft in control Orion. Flight controllers in the MCC prepare by
Houston in order to simulate the Artemis I mission. simulating various parts of Orion’s journey, from launch
through outbound powered flyby to the Moon, including
Tests performed in the ITL are essential for identifying the trans-lunar injection burn that sends the spacecraft
software problems and validating proper functionality out of Earth orbit and toward the Moon. The MCC also
and performance of the spacecraft avionics system. simulates Orion’s orbit around the Moon and return pow-
ered flyby from the Moon through entry, descent, landing,
and recovery, including the final trajectory corrections

Orion Spacecraft > Testing 3 4 TOC 51


and burns Orion will need to enter the atmosphere and actual Orion spacecraft at the Exploration Development
splash down in the Pacific Ocean. Lab in Houston.

Simulations and testing have included joint operations Engineers also tested the Orion communications system to
between industry partners and NASA’s flight operations ensure that the spacecraft and the MCC could flawlessly
team, with NASA doing real-time monitoring and com- communicate and send data through NASA’s satellite net-
manding of the simulated version of Orion at the ITL works in space and on the ground. The MCC verified that
in Denver from the MCC in Houston. Testing has also these communication systems work with Orion during tests
been done with a low-fidelity Orion mockup and with the of different Artemis I scenarios from launch to landing.

Management Roles and Facilities

Armstrong Flight Research Center and Rescue office, which provides the responsive location
Armstrong Flight Research Center has supported Orion’s services for Orion crew recovery.
flight testing in preparation for Artemis I. Armstrong was
the developmental flight instrumentation (DFI) lead for Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Ascent Abort-2 and supported flight test development and The Jet Propulsion Laboratory supports Orion systems
system integration, ground operations definition, plan- engineering and integration. The team also provides
ning, and personnel; it also provided component testing. independent validation of Orion’s thermal protection
The team also led test vehicle integration and DFI for the system and parachutes and provides advanced spacecraft
Pad Abort-1 (PA-1) flight test and was the integrated prod- environmental monitoring.
uct team lead for construction of the flight’s launch site.
Armstrong also led the Ikhana remotely piloted aircraft Johnson Space Center
that was used to capture live video during the Orion entry NASA’s Orion program is managed at Johnson, where
and landing for Exploration Flight Test-1. The center also engineers oversee the design, development, and testing
supported Orion’s Capsule Parachute Assembly System of the spacecraft, as well as spacecraft manufacturing
(CPAS) during parachute qualification testing. taking place across the country and in Europe. Johnson
is also home to the nation’s astronaut corps and the iconic
Goddard Space Flight Center Christopher C. Kraft Mission Control Center.
Goddard Space Flight Center supports Orion communica-
tion and navigation operations through NASA’s Near Space Mission Control Center (MCC)
Network (NSN), including a constellation of Tracking Since 1965, NASA’s MCC has been the helm of America’s
and Data Relay Satellites (TDRS) and associated ground human spaceflight and is the primary facility where flight
stations. The center also provides tracking and navigation controllers command and control human spacecraft mis-
support with its Flight Dynamics Facility. sions. MCC is the facility from which flight operations
personnel will remotely monitor and operate the Orion
Goddard supports the NASA Communications Network spacecraft and receive data from Orion and the SLS rocket
(NASCOM), which carries command and telemetry data during Artemis missions.
and provides mission-critical voice loops between ground
stations, mission control centers, and other ground seg- The MCC is composed of several flight control rooms
ments. The Goddard team also supports NASA’s Search (FCRs), including FCR-1; FCR-2; and the Red, White,
and Blue FCRs. Johnson upgraded the White FCR from

52 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Management Roles and Facilities


its shuttle legacy configuration into a modern mission states, atmosphere, and winds; and plume and aerother-
control configuration to serve as the mission control for modynamic analysis and consultation.
flights of NASA’s Orion spacecraft.
The LAS integration and transition to production opera-
White Sands Test Facility tions is managed by Marshall with Lockheed Martin as
NASA’s White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico is a the lead contractor. Marshall also provides fabrication,
component of Johnson that tests and evaluates potentially production, and assembly support to NASA teams across
hazardous materials, spaceflight components, and rocket the Orion Program. This effort includes the integration of
propulsion systems for NASA centers, other government Orion and the SLS rocket.
agencies, and commercial industry. This work includes
testing Orion’s service module, the powerhouse of the Michoud Assembly Facility
spacecraft that provides in-space propulsion, power, and Michoud is a component of Marshall where manufactur-
other astronaut life-support systems, including consum- ing and assembly of some of the largest parts of the Orion
ables like water, oxygen, and nitrogen. spacecraft, including Orion’s pressure vessel, take place.
The work done at Michoud includes the production and
Kennedy Space Center welding of the Orion crew module pressure vessel struc-
Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout ture, the production of the crew module adapter structure,
(O&C) Building the production of heat shield block material and composite
When the Artemis I Orion spacecraft arrived at Kennedy panels, the production of service module fairings, and the
following initial manufacturing at Michoud Assembly assembly and integration of LAS structural components.
Facility in New Orleans, it was placed in the O&C build-
ing. The O&C contains a large room called a high bay that Langley Research Center
operates as a high-tech factory, and it was there that the Landing and Impact Research Facility
spacecraft was assembled and readied for Artemis I. The Engineers performed water impact testing on Orion at
high bay includes unique tooling stations, test fixtures, the Hydro Impact Basin at Langley’s Landing and Impact
chambers, and clean rooms for the buildup and testing of Research Facility. The water basin is 115 feet long, 90 feet
the spacecraft. wide, and 20 feet deep. The basin is located at the west
end of the gantry, which is a 240-foot-high, 400-foot-
The facility is capable of processing multiple spacecraft in long, 265-foot-wide A-frame steel structure. The gantry
varying production phases. Orion spacecraft for EFT-1 and provides the ability to control the orientation of the test
Artemis I have been completed in the O&C with the assem- article while imparting a vertical and horizontal impact
bly of spacecraft for future Artemis missions well underway. velocity, which is required for human-rating spacecraft.

Marshall Space Flight Center Glenn Research Center

More than 1,500 parts for the spacecraft have been Glenn serves as the lead for ESA/Airbus integration and
fabricated in Marshall’s machine shop, including clips, management. It also leads in spacecraft mechanisms,
sleeves, and rod ends used for unique connections on pyrotechnics, and structures. Furthermore, the center is
the Orion spacecraft. Marshall assists Orion’s European a co-lead for the crew and service module and spacecraft
Service Module (ESM) Integration Office by providing adapter. It also provides support for spacecraft integration;
Orion isolation valve refurbishment and Orion gas valve test and verification; avionics, power and wiring subsys-
seat material testing, as well as support for Orion’s service tems; and software and Guidance Navigation & Control.
module propulsion systems with subsystem-level hot fire
test operations, along with data review. Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility
Neil A. Armstrong Test Facility, formerly known as Plum
Other contributions include support related to space and Brook Station, is a remote test facility near Sandusky,
terrestrial environments, including radiation, plasma, sea Ohio, and home to four world-class test facilities, which

Orion Spacecraft > Management Roles and Facilities 3 4 TOC 53


perform complex and innovative ground tests for the Northrop Grumman
international space community. Engineers conducted Northrop Grumman produces the launch abort motor
major tests for the Orion spacecraft at the facility’s and the attitude control motor for the Orion spacecraft’s
Space Environments Complex, which houses the world’s LAS under an agreement with Lockheed Martin. The
largest and most capable space environment simulation abort motor is manufactured at the company’s facilities in
facilities. These include the Space Simulation Chamber, Magna, Promontory, and Clearfield, Utah, and the atti-
which simulates the thermal and vacuum conditions of tude control motor is produced at the company’s facility
space and provides an environment in which to test elec- in Elkton, Maryland.
tromagnetic interference; the Reverberant Test Facility,
a 100,000-cubic-foot reverberant acoustic chamber; and Aerojet Rocketdyne
the Mechanical Vibration Facility, a vibration table capa- Aerojet Rocketdyne provides eight auxiliary engines and
ble of testing an entire spacecraft in all three axes. 12 reaction control thrusters for the Orion crew module
as well as the jettison motor for the LAS, under contract
Ames Research Center to Lockheed Martin. The company also manufactures the
Ames has contributed to a variety of testing and devel- high-pressure helium tanks that inflate Orion’s flotation
opment activities for the Orion spacecraft. Engineers at system for water-based landings. Orion’s auxiliary engines
Ames helped develop and test materials for Orion’s heat and reaction control thrusters are produced at Aerojet
shield and cone-shaped back shell using Ames’ Arc Jet Rocketdyne’s facility in Redmond, Washington. The jetti-
Complex under various heating and pressure environ- son motor is a combined effort of the company’s facilities
ments selected to simulate flight conditions. Using Ames’ in Orange, Virginia, and Huntsville, Alabama.
Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel, teams also tested models of
Orion at supersonic air speeds. Additionally, researchers Aerojet Rocketdyne will also develop the Orion main
at Ames used supercomputing capabilities to predict and engine that will be integrated into Orion’s service module
better understand how different abort scenarios—from on Artemis missions VII through XIV, replacing the
the launchpad to the edge of space—will affect vibration Orbital Maneuvering System Engine repurposed from
levels on the spacecraft. the Space Shuttle Program, also manufactured by Aerojet
Industry and International Partners
Lockheed Martin European Space Agency and Airbus
Lockheed Martin is the lead contractor for the design, Orion’s European Service Module is provided by ESA
development testing, and production of the Orion space- and built by main contractor Airbus. Workers across
craft for NASA’s Artemis missions. As lead contractor for 10 European countries and the United States supply
Orion, Lockheed Martin manufactures the spacecraft’s components for the service module, including Germany,
crew module, LAS, and crew module adapter. The Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark,
company also integrates Orion’s service module into a Norway, Spain, and the Netherlands. The final product is
completed spacecraft. Lockheed Martin’s Orion Program assembled at Airbus facilities in Bremen, Germany, before
Office is based in Houston, where teams conduct Orion being shipped to NASA.
engineering and design. The team performs the majority
of the Orion engineering work in Denver, manufactures
the crew module pressure vessel and thermal protection
materials at Michoud, and completes final assembly of
the spacecraft in the O&C at Kennedy and at Lockheed
Martin’s Spacecraft, Test, Assembly and Resource
Center nearby.

54 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Management Roles and Facilities


Quick Facts
Orion Summary

Gross liftoff 72,000 lb (32,650 kg) Reaction control 160 lbf (75 kgf)/engine
weight system vacuum
engine thrust
Trans-lunar 53,000 lb (24,050 kg)
injection mass Return payload 220 lb (100 kg)

Post-trans lunar 51,500 lb (23,850 kg) Landing weight 18,200 lb (8,250 kg)
injection mass Gross liftoff 20,600 lb (9,350 kg)
Usable propellant 16,000 lb (7, 250 kg) weight

Launch Abort System Service Module (Propulsion, Electrical Power, Fluid

Height 50 ft from LAS tip to LAS/SM interface, with ogive Storage)
panels Length 15.7 ft (4.75 m)
Diameter 3 ft (1 m) at tower Diameter 16.5 ft (5 m)
17 ft (5.2 m) at base Gross liftoff 30,900 lb (14,000 kg)
Liftoff weight 16,700 lb (7,600 kg) weight
Propellant weight 5,700 lb (2,600 kg) Engines/thrusters 24 reaction control system thrusters
Abort motor 7,600 lb (3,450 kg) 50 lb (23 kg) of thrust each
weight includes 4,700 lb (2,100 kg) of propellant 8 auxiliary engines
400,000 lb (181, 400 kg) of peak thrust 110 lb (50 kg) of thrust each

Attitude motor 1,700 lb (750 kg) 1 Orbital Maneuvering System

weight includes 650 lb (300 kg) of propellant 6,000 lb (2,700 kg) of thrust

7,000 lb (3,200 kg) of thrust Solar arrays 4 arrays

Jettison motor 900 lb (400 kg) 15,000 solar cells

weight includes 350 lb (150 kg) of propellant 62 ft (19 m) when deployed

40,000 lb (18,100 kg) of thrust 11 kW of regenerable electrical power

Crew Module (Crew and Cargo Transport) Spacecraft Adapter

Height 11 ft (3.3 m) Weight of spacecraft adapter 2,800 lb (1,300 kg)
Diameter 16.5 ft (5 m) jettisoned fairings

Pressurized 690.6 ft3 (19.5 m3) Weight of spacecraft adapter 1,000 lb (450 kg)
volume (total)
Habitable volume 316 ft3 (9 m3)

Orion Spacecraft > Quick Facts 3 4 TOC 55


Three Forward Bay Cover Parachutes
Three Main Parachutes
Diameter 7 ft (2.15 m)
Diameter 116 ft (35 m)
Length 100 ft (30 m)
Length 220 ft (67 m)
Weight 8 lb (3.5 kg) each
Weight 270 lb (120 kg) each
Material All Kevlar materials
Material Kevlar and nylon materials
Deployment 26,500 ft (8,000 kg)
altitude Deployment 9,000 ft (2,750 m)
Deployment speed 475 ft (145 m) per second (324 mph) (520 kph)
Deployment speed 190 ft (60 m) per second (130 mph) (210 kph)
Density Approx. 49 lb (785 kg) per ft3 (roughly the same
as oak) Density Approx. 44 lb (700 kg) per ft3 (roughly the same
as oak)
Final packed size 7.2-in by 6.9-in (18-cm by 17-cm) (0.16-ft3)
(.005 m3) cylinder Final packed size Approx. 7 ft3 (.2 m3); irregular shape to fit into the
Orion forward bay
Two Drogue Parachutes
Diameter 23 ft (7 m)
Length 100 ft (30 m)
Weight 60 lb (27 kg) each
Material Kevlar and nylon materials
Deployment 25,000 ft (7,600 m)
Deployment speed 450 ft (140 m) per second (307 mph) (500 kph)
Density Approx. 40 lb (640 kg) per ft3 (roughly the same
as oak)
Final packed size 16.5-in by 16.2-in (42-cm by 41-cm) (2-ft3)
(.06 m3) cylinder

Three Pilot Parachutes

Diameter 10 ft (3 m)
Length 70 ft (21 m)
Weight 9 lb (4 kg) each
Material Kevlar and nylon materials
Deployment 9,500 ft (2, 895 m) altitude
Deployment speed 190 ft (58 m) per second (130 mph) (81 kph)
Density Approx. 35 lb (560 kg) per ft3 (roughly the same
as pine)
Final packed size 6.8-in by 13.3-in (17-cm by 34-cm) (0.3-ft3)
(.008 m3) cylinder

56 TOC 3 4 Orion Spacecraft > Quick Facts


SLS and Orion

Livery and External

3 4 TOC 57

boosters from the core stage, core stage and launch vehicle
stage adapter from the ICPS, and ICPS and Orion stage
adapter from Orion and its service module.

The markings help to characterize these movements, and

the data will feed back into computer models to help engi-
neers understand actual vs. predicted movements. Every
key launch event and its marking were analyzed for place-
ment. Key considerations were where to place on-board
cameras to survive the harsh launch environment, as well
  The NASA logotype, or “worm” logo, and ESA logo are seen in this as ground camera locations.
illustration of the Orion spacecraft in space near the Moon on the Artemis I
mission. Image credit: NASA
Livery and Photogrammetric
In addition to the SLS core stage’s distinctive orange color, The Orion spacecraft is adorned with several distinctive
several other markings are visible on the outside of the external markings for the Artemis I mission. The NASA
rocket and Orion spacecraft. insignia, known as the “meatball,” appears along with
the ESA logo on the spacecraft adapter jettison fairing
The most visible are the national and agency livery, or panels that will be visible from the launch pad and protect
distinctive exterior markings, such as “USA,” the U.S. the service module during launch. The NASA logotype,
flag, the NASA insignia known as the “meatball” or the referred to as the “worm,” is painted on the outboard
logotype known as the “worm,” and the ESA mark. wall of the spacecraft’s crew module adapter and will be
visible both on the pad and in space. The worm and ESA
SLS, Orion, and the mobile launcher also have black-and- logo will also appear on the underside of the crew module
white markings that play an important role in Artemis I. adapter but will be visible only while Orion is in space. The
Called photogrammetric markings, the black-and-white NASA meatball and an American flag are also painted on
checkerboards, squares, and circles on the outside of the the exterior of the crew module and will be visible while
rocket serve as imagery references for engineering photo Orion is in space and may be visible when Orion returns
and video documentation of SLS attitude and position to Earth after its blazing reentry through the atmosphere.
relative to ground structure during liftoff and ascent.
Markings range in size from 0.2 inches to 3 by 3 feet. Orion hardware will also include photogrammetric
Multi-checkered pattern markings on the solid rocket markings that serve as imagery references for engineering
boosters measure 24 by 130 inches. photo and video documentation during liftoff and ascent
in addition to those on the SLS rocket.
Some of the markings are visible only to internal cam-
eras and will capture separation and jettison events. The Cameras
launch vehicle stage adapter has eight internal markings; SLS and Orion have several cameras on the rocket, as well
the interim cryogenic propulsion stage (ICPS) has 12; as inside and outside the spacecraft, that will gather engi-
the forward bay of Orion’s service module has 30; the neering pictures and video to inspect systems and capture
spacecraft adapter has 12; and spacecraft adapter jettison imagery during the mission.
panel 1 has 12 markings.
SLS has a total of eight cameras, with four on the engine
Engineers are interested in every movement of the rocket, section that look upward, two on the intertank looking
in every phase of flight, from the launch pad to its return toward the bottom of the rocket, and two inside the launch
to Earth. Most of the markings will be used during vehicle stage adapter to capture the ICPS separation event.
separation events, such as SLS from the mobile launcher, Orion has seven external cameras and five cameras inside

58 TOC 3 4 SLSandOrionLiveryandExternalMarkings>OrionSummary

the spacecraft. Each of the solar array wings has a wire-

less camera near the tip that can be pointed to inspect
the exterior of the spacecraft, as well as three cameras
mounted on the crew module adapter—two point toward
the service module at different angles, and one points
upward toward the crew module inside the crew module
adapter to capture separation prior to reentry. Three
cameras are mounted inside Orion to capture views from
inside and outside the crew module, with one looking out
the top docking hatch window, one looking out the front
pilot window, and one mounted between the pilot seats
looking at where the instrument panel will be located on
future missions. Two additional exterior cameras face the
forward bay cover.

In addition to the cameras on SLS and Orion, there are

more than 150 ground cameras used for inspecting or
monitoring the rocket during launch.
 The NASA “worm” livery and black-and-white photogrammetric
markings are visible on completed solid rocket motor segments. Image
credit: NASA

Technicians with lead solid rocket boosters contractor Northrop Grumman paint photogrammetric markings on one segment of an SLS solid rocket motor.

SLS and Orion Livery and External Markings > Orion Summary 3 4 TOC 59

Ground Systems

60 TOC 3 4 ExplorationGroundSystems>OrionSummary


The Exploration Ground Systems (EGS) program is help- For more information about Exploration Ground Systems
ing to build a diverse future in spaceflight at Kennedy, (EGS), visit
which has served as the nation’s gateway to exploring the
universe for more than 50 years. Taking the knowledge SOCIAL MEDIA
and assets of NASA’s successful spacefaring past, EGS’ Twitter:
mission is to transform the center from a historically Facebook:
government-only launch complex to a spaceport that can NASAGroundSystems
handle several different kinds of spacecraft and rockets—
both government and commercial.

Unlike previous work focusing on a single rocket or program’s approach to long-term sustainability and afford-
spacecraft, such as the Saturn V or space shuttle, EGS is ability is to make processing and launch infrastructure
preparing the infrastructure to support several different available to commercial and other government customers,
spacecraft and rockets, including the SLS rocket and thereby distributing the cost among multiple users and
the Orion spacecraft for Artemis I. A key aspect of the reducing the cost of access to space.

  A view of the Vehicle Assembly Building at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center during sunrise on Jan. 19, 2022, with the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft for
the agency’s Artemis I mission stacked inside. Image credit: NASA

Exploration Ground Systems > Introduction 3 4 TOC 61


Overview Future Missions and Configurations

EGS was established to develop and operate the systems Following the uncrewed Artemis I mission, EGS will
and facilities necessary to process, assemble, transport, and continue upgrades to support crewed missions with the
launch rockets and spacecraft. Jacobs is the lead ground Block 1 configuration of the SLS rocket for Artemis II
and launch operations contractor for EGS at Kennedy, and III. Launch Pad 39B is ready for Artemis I, and a new
conducting all Artemis I flight hardware acceptance, pro- liquid hydrogen tank and emergency egress system at the
cessing, stacking, integration, testing, and launch support. pad will support Artemis II, the first crewed launch. The
new liquid hydrogen tank will hold about 1.25 million
For Artemis missions, EGS is focusing on the equipment, gallons of usable liquid hydrogen propellant to support
management, and operations required to safely connect the SLS rocket and is the largest tank ever built for NASA.
the Orion spacecraft with the SLS rocket; move the rocket The emergency egress system will provide an escape path
to the launch pad; successfully launch it into space; and for the astronauts and ground crew in the unlikely event
recover the spacecraft once it has splashed down. To of an extremely hazardous situation at the level of the crew
meet this challenge, EGS upgraded Launch Pad 39B, access arm on the mobile launcher.
the crawler-transporters, the 52-story Vehicle Assembly
Building (VAB), the Launch Control Center’s Young- Following Artemis III, NASA will build a second mobile
Crippen Firing Room 1, and other facilities. launcher, also known as ML2, to support the SLS Block 1B
and Block 2 configurations. The next SLS configurations
will use the exploration upper stage, which will replace
the ICPS as the rocket’s upper stage, allowing NASA to

…the Exploration
Ground Systems
(EGS) program is
helping to build a
successful and diverse
future in spaceflight.

  An aerial view of Launch Complex 39B with

Exploration Ground Systems’ mobile launcher for the
Artemis I mission on the pad. Image credit: NASA

62 TOC 3 4

send astronauts and heavy cargo to the Moon on a single

launch. The ML2 will accommodate the new upper stage
and structural adapters that increase the height of SLS on
the more powerful configurations. Although the next SLS
configurations will be about 40 feet taller than Block 1,
the tower of the second mobile launcher is planned to be
only about seven feet taller than the first mobile launcher
to fit in the VAB and on Launch Pad 39B. However, wind
will have a greater effect on the taller configurations of the
rocket and impart higher loads on the mobile launcher.
In addition, select swing arms and interfaces must be
located at different elevations for ML2 to accommodate
the height increase, and the new upper stage also requires
different interfaces from those with ML1, as well as two
new swing arms.

Launch Complex 39
Launch Complex 39 consists of the VAB for final assembly
and testing of the rocket and spacecraft; a crawlerway used
by the crawler-transporter that will carry the rocket on top
of the mobile launcher between the VAB and the pad; the
Launch Control Center, which contains the firing rooms
for commanding the launch; various operational support
buildings; and launch sub-complexes for separate launch
pads, which include 39A and 39B—with Launch Pad
39B supporting SLS launches to send Orion on Artemis
missions to the Moon.

Vehicle Assembly Building

One of the largest buildings in the world by volume, the
VAB covers eight acres and is 525 feet tall and 518 feet
wide. The VAB was constructed for the assembly of the
Apollo Saturn V Moon rocket, the largest rocket made by
humans at the time. It is made up of 65,000 cubic yards
of concrete, and its frame is constructed from 98,590
tons of steel. It stands atop a support base of 4,225 steel
pilings driven 164 feet into bedrock. The last structural
beam was positioned in the VAB in 1965. The interior
construction, including the construction of the extensible
In this view looking up in High Bay 3 of the VAB at NASA’s Kennedy
work platforms, was completed in 1966. The building is Space Center on Mar. 16, 2022, all of the work platforms that surround the
Artemis I SLS and Orion spacecraft are fully retracted. Image credit: NASA

Exploration Ground Systems > Elements 3 4 TOC 63


and the Orion spacecraft for access during processing for

Artemis missions. Several miles of Apollo- and shuttle-era
abandoned copper and lead-shielded cabling also were
removed to make room for the installation of state-of-
the-art command, communication, and control systems
needed to perform testing and verification prior to rollout
to the launch pad.

Platforms A–K
Each of the giant steel platforms measures about 38 feet
long and 62 feet wide, weighing between 300,000 and
325,000 pounds. The platforms are attached to rail beams
that provide structural support and contain the drive
Teams at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center participated in the first joint mechanisms to retract and extend them. Each platform
integrated launch countdown simulation for Artemis I inside Firing Room 1 rides on four Hillman roller systems that are located
of the Launch Control Center on July 8, 2021. Seen at the top of the room
is Charlie Blackwell-Thompson (right), the launch director for Artemis  I.
two on each side—much like a kitchen drawer glides in
The training exercise involved engineers from Kennedy, Marshall, and and out.
Johnson coming together to rehearse all aspects of the launch countdown.
Image credit: NASA
• Platform A (346 feet above the VAB floor) provides
access to the Orion spacecraft’s LAS for Orion Lifting
located 3.5 miles from Launch Pad 39A and 4.2 miles Sling removal and installation of the closeout panels.
from Launch Pad 39B. LAS Antenna Testing (Antenna Hat installation for
testing) is also performed at this level.
The iconic facility serves as the central hub of NASA’s • Platform B (311 feet above the VAB floor) provides
premier multi-user spaceport, capable of hosting several access to the Orion Service Module Umbilical and has
different kinds of rockets and spacecraft at the same time. emergency egress stairs from the Crew Access Arm
Whether the rockets and spacecraft are going into Earth White Room.
orbit or being sent into deep space, the VAB will have the • Platform C (280 feet above the VAB floor) provides
infrastructure to prepare them for their missions. access to the Orion stage adapter and the ICPS.
Engineers use this level for operations to join the ICPS
The tallest portion of the VAB is called the high bay. with the launch vehicle stage adapter and also with the
There are four high bays, two on the east side and two on ICPS umbilical. Platform C also makes it possible to
the west side of the building. Each has a 456-foot-high open the LVSA upper access doors for entry to the top
door, enabling rockets to be stacked vertically and then of ICPS.
rolled out to the launch pad. The high bay doors are the • Platform D (264 feet above the VAB floor) makes it
largest in the world and take about 45 minutes to open or possible to open the LVSA lower access doors for entry
close completely. to the ICPS to perform flight battery and computer
installation on the ICPS equipment shelf.
There are five overhead cranes inside the VAB, including • Platform E (246 feet above the VAB floor) provides
two that can hold 325 tons. Operated from cabs near the access to the core stage forward skirt umbilical.
VAB’s ceiling, the cranes are precise enough to lower an Engineers use an elevated access platform on this
object onto an egg without cracking it. level for operations to join the LVSA and core stage.
Entry into the core stage forward skirt is necessary
NASA removed the shuttle-era work platforms and to access components of the rocket’s avionics for
installed ten levels of new work platforms, 20 platform verification operations.
halves altogether, in high bay 3 to surround the SLS rocket

64 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Elements


• Platform F (192 feet above the VAB floor) provides access to the aft center segment, as well as booster systems
to the core stage intertank and the core stage intertank tunnel cable routing and closeouts.
umbilical. Engineers use the multi-level ground support • Platform K (86 feet above the VAB floor) provides
equipment access platform, referred to as F-1, on this access for booster segment stacking operations of the
level for access to the booster forward assemblies and aft center segment to the booster aft assembly and
the core stage to booster forward attach points. The booster systems tunnel cable routing and closeouts.
upper level of F-1 is used for lifting sling removal during Level K-1 is installed under the platform for access to
booster stacking to join the forward assembly. the core stage and lower booster attach points.
• Platform G (166 feet above the VAB floor) provides
access for booster segment stacking operations of the Launch Pad 39B
forward segment to the forward center segment and NASA has upgraded Launch Pad 39B from its previous
booster systems tunnel cable routing and closeouts. uses under Apollo and the Space Shuttle Program to
• Platform H (139 feet above the VAB floor) provides support the SLS rocket and other potential users. The
access to the booster segment for operations to join the guiding principle behind the upgrades and modifications
forward center segment to the center segment, as well has been to make the area a “clean pad,” which will allow
as booster systems tunnel cable routing and closeouts. a variety of rockets to launch from the pad. The basics that
• Platform J (112 feet above the VAB floor) provides all rockets need, such as electrical power, a water system,
access for operations to join the center booster segment a flame trench, and a safe launch area, are in place. The
other needs of individual rockets, including access for

Standing atop the mobile launcher, NASA’s Space Launch System (rocket and Orion spacecraft) can be seen at Launch Pad 39B at Kennedy Space Center
on Mar. 18, 2022. Image credit: NASA

Exploration Ground Systems > Elements 3 4 TOC 65


  NASA’s mobile launcher, atop Crawler-Transporter 2, moves into High Bay 3 at the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) on Sept. 8, 2018, at Kennedy
Space Center. Image credit: NASA

workers, can be met with the towers or other structures holds roughly 400,000 gallons of water, or enough to fill
that deliver the rocket to the pad. 27 average swimming pools. At ignition and liftoff, this
water is dumped on the mobile launcher and inside the
During refurbishment projects, teams replaced 1.3 mil- flame trench in less than 30 seconds. The peak flow rate
lion feet of copper cables with 300,000 feet of fiber cable, is 1.1 million gallons per minute, high enough to empty
installed new bypass lines and valves, removed the heri- roughly two Olympic-size swimming pools in one min-
tage liquid oxygen vaporizer, installed a liquid hydrogen ute. The water tower was sandblasted and repainted so it
separator vaporizer, replaced the heritage environmental can continue to withstand the corrosive salt air from the
control system equipment, and replaced the fire suppres- nearby Atlantic Ocean.
sion piping around the entire pad complex. The vaporizers
convert the liquid oxygen or hydrogen into gas, which Flame Trench
then is fed back into the tank to pressurize it to begin the The flame trench contains a flame deflector to safely divert
flow to the rocket. the exhaust plume from the SLS rocket during launch.
The refurbished flame trench is 450 feet long—the size
Launch Pad Systems and Elements of one and a half football fields—and the new flame
Sound Suppression System deflector will experience a peak temperature of 2,200
The purpose of the sound suppression system is to dampen degrees Fahrenheit (1,204 degrees Celsius) during launch.
sound, vibrations, and extreme heat during liftoff to keep Teams removed Apollo-era bricks from the flame trench
the rocket and the launch pad safe. The water tower for and installed more than 96,000 heat-resistant bricks, in
the Ignition Overpressure and Sound Suppression System three different sizes, using bonding mortar and, where

66 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Elements


required, steel plate anchors. In areas where significant be used to assemble, process, and launch the SLS rocket
temperature and pressure will occur, technicians fastened and Orion spacecraft from Launch Pad 39B for the first
steel plate anchors to the walls at intervals to reinforce the three Artemis missions.
brick system.
The launcher is designed to support the assembly, testing,
The deflector is made up of 150 steel plates, each weighing checkout, and servicing of the rocket, as well as to transfer
up to 4,000 pounds, and it measures 57 feet wide, 43 feet it to the pad and serve as the structural platform from
high, and 70 feet long. The deflector’s north side is slanted which it will launch. During preparations for launch,
at about a 58-degree angle and will redirect the rocket’s the crawler-transporter will pick up and move the mobile
exhaust, pressure, and intense heat to the north at liftoff. launcher into high bay 3 in the VAB. The launcher will
be secured atop support posts, called mount mechanisms,
The flame trench and deflector are above ground level, and and the crawler will move out of the way.
the two main structures on either side of the flame trench
serve as the platform to support the mobile launcher and The mobile launcher for the Block 1 configuration of the
rocket. These structures are the catacombs on the east SLS rocket consists of a two-story base, which is 25 feet
side and the Pad Terminal and Communication Room high, 165 feet long, and 135 feet wide. The base serves
(PTCR)/Environmental Control System (ECS) room on as the platform for the rocket and a tower that will be
the west side of the flame trench, which is the area below equipped with several connection lines, called umbilicals,
the pad containing water lines and piping. As part of the and launch accessories that will provide SLS and Orion
refurbishment, teams also reinforced the roof of the cata- with power, communications, coolant, propellant, and
comb to be able to support 25.5 million pounds. stabilization prior to launch. The tower stands about 345
feet tall and contains a walkway for personnel and equip-
Lightning Towers ment entering the crew module during launch prepara-
Teams installed three 600-foot-tall masts with overhead tions, as well as astronauts on crewed missions. There are
wires used to transmit electrical energy around the perim- tower floor levels every 20 feet for personnel to access the
eter of the pad to provide lightning protection for rockets rocket and ground support equipment.
as they are processed and launched from the pad.
The launcher will roll out to the pad for launch atop
Propellant Systems the crawler-transporter, carrying SLS and Orion. After
Along the pad perimeter are storage spheres for liquid the crawler-transporter makes the eight-hour trek to the
oxygen to the northwest of the pad and liquid hydrogen to pad just over four miles away, engineers will lower the
the northeast of the pad. The liquid oxygen system holds launcher onto the pad and remove the crawler-transporter.
in excess of 850 thousand gallons of liquid oxygen, which During launch, each umbilical and launch accessory will
is transferred to the SLS rocket during launch countdown release from its connection point, allowing the rocket and
via lines from the sphere to the pad. The liquid hydrogen spacecraft to lift off safely from the launch pad.
system holds in excess of 850 thousand gallons of liquid
hydrogen, which is transferred to the SLS rocket during Umbilicals
launch countdown via vacuum jacketed lines from the Aft Skirt Electrical Umbilicals: Two aft skirt electrical
sphere to the pad. A second liquid hydrogen sphere is under umbilicals connect to the SLS rocket at the bottom outer
construction to store in excess of 1.25 million gallons of edge of each booster and provide electrical power and
liquid hydrogen for transfer to the rocket beginning with data connections to the SLS rocket until it lifts off from
the second launch of SLS. the launch pad. The umbilicals act like a telephone line
and carry a signal to another subsystem on the mobile
Mobile Launcher launcher called the launch release system. This system
Weighing over 11 million pounds and standing 400 feet distributes the launch signal to the rest of the launch
tall, the mobile launcher is the ground structure that will

Exploration Ground Systems > Elements 3 4 TOC 67


are about 33 feet tall and provide liquid oxygen and liquid
Launch Accessories hydrogen fluid lines and electrical cable connections to
the SLS core stage engine section to support propellant
Crew Access Arm handling during pre-launch operations. The umbilicals
tilt back before launch to ensure that all hardware safely
Orion Command
and Service Modules
and reliably disconnects and retracts from the rocket
during liftoff.
Interim Cryogenic
Propulsion Stage
Core Stage Intertank Umbilical: The core stage intertank
Core Stage Forward Skirt umbilical is a swing arm umbilical that connects to the
SLS core stage intertank. The intertank umbilical’s main
Vehicle Stablizer System
function is to vent gaseous hydrogen, which is boiloff from
the extremely cold liquid hydrogen fuel, from the core
Core Stage Inter-tank stage. The arm also provides conditioned air, pressurized
gases, and power and data connection to the core stage.
This umbilical, located at the 140-foot level on the mobile
launcher tower, swings away at launch.

Core Stage Forward Skirt Umbilical: The core stage forward

Aft Skirt Electrical (2)/ skirt umbilical is located at the 180-foot level on the mobile
Purge (2) launcher tower, above the liquid oxygen tank. This umbilical
will swing into position to connect to the core stage forward
Tail Service Mast (2) skirt of the SLS rocket and then swing away before launch.
Vehicle Support Posts Its main purpose is to provide conditioned air and nitrogen
gas to the SLS Core Stage Forward Skirt cavity.

Interim Cryogenic Propulsion Stage Umbilical: The

interim cryogenic propulsion stage umbilical is located at
  Diagram of the umbilicals and launch accessories for the SLS. about the 240-foot level on the mobile launcher tower.
This umbilical supplies fuel, oxidizer, purge air, gaseous
nitrogen and helium, and electrical connections to the
accessories and the SLS boosters, and it initiates the interim cryogenic propulsion stage of the SLS rocket. The
launch release command. umbilical also provides hazardous gas leak detection and
swings away before launch.
Aft Skirt Purge Umbilicals: Two aft skirt purge umbilicals
connect to the SLS rocket at the bottom outer edge of Orion Service Module Umbilical: The Orion service mod-
each booster to remove potentially hazardous gases and ule umbilical connects the mobile launcher tower to the
maintain the required temperature range of components Orion service module. The umbilical is located at the 280-
through a heated gaseous nitrogen purge to the cavity of foot level of the tower and, prior to launch, will transfer
each booster’s aft skirt. Teams connect these umbilicals liquid coolant and air for the electronics and purge air
during stacking operations in the VAB, and they remain and nitrogen gas for the environmental control system to
connected until released during liftoff. support the spacecraft and the LAS. The umbilical tilts
back before launch.
Tail Service Mast Umbilicals: Two tail service mast umbil-
icals connect the zero-level deck on the mobile launcher Launch Accessories Crew Access Arm: The crew
to the SLS rocket core stage aft section. These umbilicals access arm is located at the 274-foot level on the mobile

68 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Elements


launcher tower. The arm rotates from its retracted posi- the crawler weighs approximately 6.6 million pounds, and
tion and interface with the SLS rocket at the Orion crew the overall size of the crawler is 131 feet long, 114 feet
hatch location to provide entry to and exit from the wide, and 20 to 26 feet tall, based on the position of the
Orion crew module during operations in the VAB and jacking equalization and leveling cylinders. The crawler
at the launch pad. The access arm provides a clean and was designed to travel 2 mph unloaded, and speed while
controlled work area for people and equipment entering carrying a rocket and spacecraft is limited by analysis that
the crew module, an egress path during an emergency, determines what rate provides the smoothest ride. As of
and access to servicing panels for the Orion crew mod- the end of 2021, CT-2 has traveled 2,365 miles.
ule and service module. On crewed missions, the access
arm also provides entry and exit for astronauts. The Able to raise and lower its sides and corners independently,
arm retracts from the Orion spacecraft before launch. the crawler is designed to roll underneath the mobile
launcher while inside the VAB, pick it up, and steadily
Vehicle Stabilizer System: The vehicle stabilizer system carry it 4.2 miles to Launch Pad 39B. The crawler has four
is located at the 200-foot level of the mobile launcher reinforced pickup points on its surface that secure into
tower and provides a structural interface to the SLS place underneath the mobile launcher to carry it to the
core stage. The system helps reduce core stage motion pad. Pinch blocks are located at three of the four pickup
during rollout to the launch pad, processing operations, points to secure the load being carried. The crawler uses
high-wind events at the pad, and the launch countdown. its hydraulic suspension to keep the platform level all the
The stabilizer drops down and away from the rocket way to the top pad, which is built atop a sloping pyramid,
at launch. where it sets the platform in place.

Vehicle Support Posts: Eight posts support the load of the Once the crawler makes the eight-hour trek to the pad
solid rocket boosters, with four posts for each booster. The with engineers and technicians aboard, the mobile
support posts, made of cast steel, are five feet tall and each launcher and SLS will be lowered onto pad mount mech-
weigh about 10,000 pounds. They are located on the deck anisms. After platforms are lowered and power transfers
of the mobile launcher and are instrumented with strain are complete, the crawler rolls back down the pad slope
gauges to measure loads during stacking, integration, and parks just outside the pad perimeter gate. The crawler
rollout, and launch operations. The posts will structurally will wait there until a few days prior to launch in case a
support the SLS rocket through T-0 and liftoff. rollback is required. Then it will roll to a parking site to be
protected during launch.
NASA has upgraded one of a pair of behemoth machines, Crawlerway
called crawler-transporters, to handle the combined SLS The crawlerway is the 4.2-mile path from the VAB to
rocket and mobile launcher combination. NASA mod- Launch Pad 39B that was constructed in 1964. From
ified Crawler-Transporter 2, also known as CT-2, for outside edge to outside edge, the crawlerway is 130 feet
Artemis from its previous use to move the space shuttle wide and is composed of two 40-foot lanes, with a 50-foot
and Saturn V rocket with redesigned and upgraded roller grass median strip in between them. The top layer is com-
bearings, a new assembly that can carry a greater load, posed of a river walk 4 inches (10 centimeters) thick on
and an improved lubrication system. The crawler’s uprated the straight sections and 8 inches (20 centimeters) thick
load-carrying capacity is 18 million pounds, 50% higher on curves. Underneath is at least four feet of crushed lime
than the original design. The crawler does not interface rock, which sits atop as much as 20 feet of hydraulically
with the rocket, enabling it to also carry other future compressed fill. From the VAB to Pad B there is approxi-
rockets with no additional modifications needed. mately 45,000 tons of rock.

Larger than the size of a baseball infield and powered by For the Artemis I mission, the path from the VAB to
locomotive and large electrical power generator engines, Launch Complex 39B must be able to support at least

Exploration Ground Systems > Elements 3 4 TOC 69


25.5 million pounds for the crawler as well as the massive To condition the crawlerway, technicians lifted dozens of
weight of the SLS rocket, the Orion spacecraft, and the concrete blocks, each weighing over 40,000 pounds, onto
mobile launcher. Teams have performed crawlerway con- a mobile launcher platform previously used for the space
ditioning to ensure that the crawlerway is strong enough shuttle and CT-2. Engineers then drove the loaded trans-
to withstand the weight and provide stability for the porter up and down the path between the VAB and launch
Artemis I mission, as well as even heavier loads in antici- pad, with each pass increasingly compacting the soil.
pation of heavier payloads on future missions.
Conditioning the crawlerway is essential to prevent- Spacecraft Command and Control System
ing a phenomenon called liquefaction, in which the The computer software and hardware that operate, moni-
crawler-transporter, the mobile launcher, and the load on it tor, and coordinate the ground equipment for the launch
causes the crawlerway to vibrate and shake the soil to the of the SLS rocket and Orion spacecraft are called the
point that the soil itself will behave like a liquid instead of spacecraft command and control system (SCCS). The SLS
a solid, causing the crawler to tip to one side or the other. rocket and Orion spacecraft generate about 100 megabytes

Teams at Kennedy work to strengthen the crawlerway for launch by driving Crawler-Transporter 2 (CT-2), carrying a mobile launcher platform that
was used during the Space Shuttle Program, back and forth on the crawlerway on Jan. 22, 2021, with several cement blocks, each weighing about
40,000 pounds. Image credit: NASA

70 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Elements


of data per second at liftoff, demanding a robust computer

system that can process the volume and speed of this
information needed to deliver to that data to the launch
team and corresponding mission systems in real time. The
system is the electronic hub where information traveling
to and from the SLS core stage, the rocket’s ICPS, Orion,
ground systems, and the operators inside the firing room
intersect. During loading and launch, the software will
process up to 575,000 changes per second.

The SCCS represents a suite of advanced software tailored

to the unique needs of SLS and the Orion spacecraft. It is
designed to take advantage of modern computers, servers,
and information technology to provide a faster, safer, and
more reliable network than systems previously developed
to support the space shuttle. Engineers also designed it
to be upgraded and adapted to support the rocket and
spacecraft as they are flown in different configurations
and advanced variants.
  NASA’s’ mobile launcher makes a solo trek along the crawlerway atop
Recovery Operations Crawler-Transporter 2 to Kennedy’s Launch Complex 39B on June 27, 2019.
In addition to the hardware elements that are part of the Image credit: NASA

ground systems supporting launch, the landing and recov-

ery team, led by EGS from Kennedy, will be responsible assembly, the team will drain the well deck and secure
for safely recovering the Orion capsule, as well as crew on Orion on the cradle.
future missions, after splashdown and returning them to
land. The interagency landing and recovery team consists During a crewed mission, astronauts can be recovered in
of personnel and assets from the U.S. Department of either open water or the well deck of the ship, depending
Defense, including Navy amphibious specialists and Air on sea conditions and other factors on the day of landing.
Force weather specialists, and engineers and technicians For an open-water crew egress, the Navy divers will install
from Kennedy, Johnson, and Lockheed Martin. a stabilization collar around the spacecraft as well as an
inflatable platform, known as the front porch, to assist
Before splashdown of the spacecraft, the recovery team with stabilizing Orion and helping recover the astronauts.
will head out to sea in a Navy amphibious ship that has a During crew recovery in the well deck, technicians will
well deck at the waterline to allow boats to dock inside the pre-position a crew egress stand to access and recover
back of the ship. At the command of the NASA recovery the crew after the spacecraft is fully recovered into the
director, Navy divers and other team members in several well deck.
inflatable boats will approach Orion. When Orion is
ready to be pulled into the well deck, the divers will attach Open-water personnel will work to recover Orion’s for-
a cable, called the winch line, and up to four additional ward bay cover and three main parachutes to the port
tending lines to attach points on the spacecraft to pull side of the Navy ship, where a crane will lift them onto
the spacecraft into the ship. The winch will pull Orion the ship’s main deck. If teams recover the jettisoned cover
into a specially designed cradle inside the ship’s well deck, and parachutes, engineers can inspect the hardware and
and the other lines will control the lateral motion of the gather additional performance data. Teams will transport
spacecraft. Once Orion is positioned above the cradle the spacecraft and other hardware on the ship from the
landing site to a pier at U.S. Naval Base San Diego. After

Exploration Ground Systems > Elements 3 4 TOC 71


technicians secure Orion and the other associated hard-

  Inside High Bay 3 of the Vehicle Assembly Building at Kennedy Space
Center, the work platforms are shown retracted from around the Artemis I
ware in the recovery transportation fixture, a platform
Space Launch System on Sept. 20, 2021. All 10 levels of platforms were nicknamed the Armadillo, they will transport the hard-
extended and retracted as part of an umbilical test. Image credit: NASA ware by truck to Kennedy.

Integrated Test and Checkout
Tests to Prepare for Flight
The integrated test and check out series performed after
SLS was assembled in the VAB and at the launch pad thor-
oughly tested all the systems, end to end, prior to launch.

• Modal Tests: These tests characterize vibration

“modes” for the integrated structure using hydraulic
shakers and calibrated hammers.
• Interface Verification Test: Also performed with the
Orion stage adapter test article and the Orion simula-
tor, as well as with the Artemis I Orion, this test veri-
fies functionality and interoperability of SLS-to-Orion
• Communications End-to-End Test: This test validates
communications between the integrated rocket and
spacecraft and the ground using a radio frequency
antenna in the VAB, another near the pad that covers
the first few seconds of launch, and a more powerful
antenna that uses the Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
System and the Deep Space Network.
• Umbilical Release and Retract Test: This process tests
the timing of booster arming and firing and the com-
mand for umbilical release.
• Vehicle Assembly Building Project-Specific
Engineering Test: This test performs element-level
testing of SLS in the VAB.
• Countdown Sequence Test: With a simulated launch
countdown inside the VAB, this test demonstrates the
ground launch software and ground launch sequencer,
which checks for health and status of the rocket and
spacecraft sitting on the pad.
• Flight Safety System Test: This test serves as a rehearsal
for pre- and post-wet dress and ordnance and flight
termination system communications.
• Dynamic Rollout Test: This test rolls the integrated
rocket and spacecraft from the VAB to Launch

72 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Testing


Complex 39B and back again to compare actual loads brakes, control system modifications, diesel engine refur-
to analytical models. bishments, vent hoods, exhaust, and other upgrades.
• Pad Project-Specific Engineering Tests: These proce-
dures at the launch pad test radio frequency, as well as Sound Suppression Testing
guidance, navigation, and control; they also perform Water flow sound suppression tests at Launch Pad 38B
final ordnance tests. are one of the final checkouts ahead of the launch of
• Wet Dress Rehearsal: This process tests propellant load- Artemis I. At launch, the SLS rocket will produce nearly
ing procedures, structural response, thermal condition- nine million pounds of thrust—and a lot of sound. The
ing and loading procedures, the vehicle control system, purpose is to reduce and dampen damaging acoustic
avionics and software checkout, electromagnetic inter- and thermal energy and high-pressure sound waves that
ference, guidance and navigation, the main propulsion could otherwise damage the mobile launcher, the launch
system, engine and booster nozzle steering, and more. pad infrastructure and flame trench, and even the rocket.
During liftoff, the sound level reaches 176 decibels, and
Crawler-Transporter the water flow cuts vibrations and sound down by a few
Engineers tested the new modifications on CT-2 incre- decibels, sufficient to minimize pad damage.
mentally to prepare for the first integrated flight test of
SLS and Orion. The 20-year-life modifications roll-tested
the new 1,500-kilowatt generators, parking and service

A wet flow test at Launch Pad 39B on Sept. 13, 2019, tests the sound suppression system that will be used for the launch of NASA’s Space Launch
System for the Artemis I mission. During the test, about 450,000 gallons of water poured onto the Pad B flame deflector, the mobile launcher flame hole,
and the launcher’s blast deck. Image credit: NASA

Exploration Ground Systems > Testing 3 4 TOC 73


These tests help to evaluate and improve recovery proce-

dures and hardware ahead of Orion’s flight on Artemis I
and prior to the first crewed mission, Artemis II. Testing
also included recovering the spacecraft from Orion’s first
flight test, EFT-1, when Orion splashed down in the
Pacific Ocean about 600 miles off the coast of San Diego,
California, at the end of the test.

Launch Simulations
In preparation for Artemis I, teams in the Launch Control
Center (LCC) have been performing launch simulations
that involve rehearsing all aspects of the launch count-
down. Under the leadership of the Artemis I Launch
Director, Kennedy’s team of engineers are seated at
consoles inside Firing Room 1 and Firing Room 2 of the
LCC for the simulations, using software to replicate the
commands and operations they will be giving and moni-
toring on launch day. Launch countdown simulations also
include the participation of engineers and test directors
 Navy divers practice recovering a mock Orion capsule during an from Johnson and Marshall.
Underway Recovery Test on Nov. 3, 2021. Image credit: NASA
Simulations include training exercises that introduce fic-
tional but realistic problems for engineers to identify and
Underway Recovery Testing work through. They take teams from cryogenic loading—
Teams have practiced procedures and operations in filling tanks in the SLS core stage with supercold liquid
Johnson’s Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory pool and in the hydrogen and liquid oxygen—all the way through count-
open water off the coast of California during a series of down and liftoff. These tests ensure that the Artemis I
underway recovery tests, using a test version of the Orion launch team is prepared for launch day.
spacecraft and other equipment that will be used during
recovery operations. The term “underway” refers to recov-
ery tests done when a ship is at sea.

Management Roles and Facilities

Kennedy Space Center Multi-Payload Processing Facility
Kennedy is home to the Exploration Ground Systems A unique facility at Kennedy, the Multi-Payload Processing
Program and has transformed many facilities from Facility (MPPF) is used to fuel the Orion spacecraft with
their heritage shuttle or Saturn V and Apollo roles to hazardous propellants and other fluids the spacecraft will
support Artemis missions, focusing on the equipment, need for the journey around the Moon.
management, and operations required to safely process,
assemble, transport, and launch the Orion spacecraft and The spacecraft is moved out of the O&C aboard a trans-
SLS rocket. port pallet and air-bearing system that sits on top of a
transporter. In the MPPF, it is moved into a service stand

74 TOC 3 4 ExplorationGroundSystems>ManagementRolesandFacilities

that provides 360-degree access, allowing engineers and high bay, contains several work stands and platforms to
technicians from EGS, Jacobs, and other support organi- provide access to hardware during processing. Two 200-
zations to fuel and service the spacecraft. Crane operators ton cranes, one located at the east end of the building
remove the transportation cover and use fuel lines and and the other at the west end, are positioned to lift the
several fluid ground support equipment panels to load the booster segments from a horizontal position to a vertical
various gases and fluids into the crew and service modules. position. A crane control room provides access for two
crane operators.
When Orion returns to Earth after its mission, technicians
will transport it to the MPPF, where they will use special- Railroad tracks lead to and continue through the facility
ized equipment to remove unused hazardous propellants to allow for transport and delivery of the large segments.
from its tanks during spacecraft post-flight processing. During processing activities for the SLS rocket, the
five booster segments will arrive at the RPSF by rail.
Launch Abort System Facility Technicians will inspect the segments and rotate them to
After fueling in the MPPF, teams move the Orion space- a vertical position for stacking operations.
craft to the Launch Abort System Facility. The 50-foot
-tall LAS, including ogive panels, is prepared horizontally The RPSF also will receive the booster aft skirt from the
inside the facility and then positioned on top of Orion BFF. During processing, the aft segment is attached to the
for launch and ascent into orbit. The facility is taller than aft skirt and aft exit cone that covers the nozzle to compose
many processing facilities at Kennedy to allow clearance the lower part, called the aft assembly. Teams will transport
for vertical assembly of the Orion spacecraft with the the aft assembly, three center segments, and the forward
LAS. The facility has cranes and other equipment needed segment to one of two smaller surge facilities that are part
to integrate the system during launch processing. of the RPSF complex for storage until needed for stacking.

Booster Fabrication Facility Launch Equipment Test Facility

The Booster Fabrication Facility (BFF) is a 45-acre site at The Launch Equipment Test Facility (LETF) is a versatile
Kennedy, located near the VAB and the mobile launcher test and development area used to test a wide variety of large-
site. Northrop Grumman, lead contractor for boosters, scale hardware and ground support equipment components.
and NASA engineers use the facility to refurbish, manu-
facture, and assemble the aft skirt assembly and forward Upgraded from its shuttle heritage to support Artemis
assembly for the twin solid rocket boosters on SLS. missions, the LETF provided a proving ground to safely
assess machinery to support the launch of the SLS
The BFF consists of seven buildings and includes facilities rocket. Equipment at the facility can recreate liftoff and
for the SLS Program’s solid rocket booster processing and operational conditions to test component performance
administrative offices. The buildings that most signifi- and can supply cryogenics, hydraulics, electrical systems,
cantly contribute to booster hardware processing include environmental control systems, and other commodities.
the Manufacturing Building, Multi-Purpose Logistics Engineers build prototypes and test designs at the LETF
Facility, and Aft Skirt Test Facility. on machinery that duplicates sections of a launch pad and
simulates pressures and forces of launch to test in flight-
Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility like conditions.
The Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility (RPSF)
receives the booster segments for the SLS rocket and
prepares them for integration with other hardware in the
VAB prior to launch.

The facility is over 90 feet high, more than 190 feet long,
and about 90 feet wide. The large open area, called the

Exploration Ground Systems > Management Roles and Facilities 3 4 TOC 75


LETF Components The LETF high bay is an indoor structure large enough to
• Vehicle Motion Simulator: The vehicle motion sim- host the assembly of the large ground support structures.
ulator emulates all the movements a rocket makes as It is equipped with environmental control systems and an
it is rolled to the launch pad and, more importantly, overhead crane.
through the first 30 milliseconds of flight. This process
allows exact simulations of the force and conditions Launch Control Center
under which umbilicals and other launch equipment The Rocco A. Petrone Launch Control Center (LCC)
must work to become qualified for use. contains several control rooms, known as firing rooms,
• North and East Towers: There are two towers at the from which countdown and launch operations are super-
LETF built to mirror the launch towers used for vised and commanded. Once the rocket has cleared the
rockets. The simulation towers, while shorter than the launch tower, control switches from the LCC over to
structures seen at launch pads, are outfitted with the Johnson’s MCC. Many activities involved with preparing
same features so engineers can evaluate launch pad rockets, spacecraft, and payloads for space can be con-
designs ahead of rolling out a rocket. The north tower trolled by engineers sitting at computer terminals in the
is a 60-foot-tall structure, and the east tower stands firing rooms. Likewise, all activities at the launch pads
40 feet tall. Umbilical and access arms can be attached can be run from a firing room. The LCC is also equipped
to the towers and used with the vehicle motion simula- with a suite of complex software linking the launch team
tor to perform qualification testing. operators inside the main firing room to the SLS rocket
• Test Fixture: Engineers use the 600-ton test fixture and Orion spacecraft in processing areas such as the VAB
for multipurpose proof loading and conducting and the mobile launcher, as well as at Launch Complex
experiments to ensure hardware and ground support 39B, and to controllers at the Space Force Eastern Range
components can meet engineering requirements. and personnel at other NASA control centers.
• Water Flow Test Loop: Teams verify fluid lines and
components such as valves, pumps, and meters in a • Young-Crippen Firing Room: Today’s modernized
test apparatus that can run parts and lines through firing rooms serve as the brain behind launch opera-
high-flow tests to confirm them for operation and tions. EGS modified the Young-Crippen Firing Room,
other uses. also known as Firing Room 1, for Artemis with the
• Cryogenic Systems: The LETF is equipped with a advanced computer and software systems that will
cryogenic system for safely handling and using super- allow greater situational awareness for launch control-
cold chemicals and propellants commonly used in lers. Firing Room 1 will serve as the main firing room
rocketry. Liquid nitrogen and liquid hydrogen can be for Artemis I.
pumped to areas of the LETF to accurately simulate • Firing Rooms 2 and 3: Firing Rooms 2 and 3 will also
launch operations with the vehicle motion simulator, support Artemis. EGS upgraded Firing Room 2 to
towers, and other areas of the facility. support software verification and validation testing,
• Control Room, Workshops, and High Bay: The provide simulation support, and serve as the location
LETF is equipped with a full control room and the for support launch team personnel for Artemis mis-
infrastructure to provide video and high-speed data to sions on launch day. Teams have repurposed Firing
controllers, along with feeds for detecting hazardous Room 3 for use as a software design and development
gas leaks and other systems necessary to safely operate environment focused on software required to operate
launch support equipment. and control ground and flight hardware.

Additionally, the LETF includes shops to make and Industry Partners

assemble cables and pneumatic, hydraulic, and gas pres- Jacobs
sure systems for use throughout Kennedy facilities. There Jacobs provides comprehensive services to NASA’s Artemis
are machine and welding shops and an electrical shop. missions as a contractor to EGS, the Orion program,
and the Space Launch System. Jacobs is the lead ground

76 TOC 3 4 ExplorationGroundSystems>ManagementRolesandFacilities

and launch operations contractor for EGS at Kennedy, provided core stage systems engineering and integration
conducting all Artemis I flight hardware acceptance, support, and at Johnson, the team supported Orion para-
processing, stacking, integration, testing, and launch chute system development and fabrication.
support. The team helped develop the Artemis I launch
control software and supports NASA in the LCC firing
rooms for all countdown activities. At Marshall, Jacobs

Quick Facts
Mobile Launcher 1 (ML1)

Total height above ground ~400 ft (~122 m) Weight Approximately 6.65 million lb (or the weight of about 15
Statues of Liberty or 1,000 pickup trucks)
Two-story base 25 ft (7.7 m) high × 165 ft (50.3 m)
long × 135 ft (41.1 m) wide Speed Loaded: 1 mph
Unloaded: 2 mph
Height off ground 22 ft (6.7 m), “0” deck is 47 ft
(14.3 m) off the ground Load Able to transport 18 million lb (3,016.4 t) (or the weight of
capacity more than 20 fully loaded 777 airplanes)
Height of six steel mount 22 ft (6.7 m) (in VAB or on launch
mechanisms pad) Tower 40 ft (12.2 m) square, about 345 ft (105 m) tall

Height above the ground of 47 ft (14.3 m) (in VAB or on launch Hydraulic Reservoir capacity: 2,500 gal (11,365 L)
mobile launcher deck when pad) system Steering: 4 pumps, 34.4 gallons (156.4 L) per minute
positioned on six steel mounts (gpm)(lpm) @ 1,200 revolutions per minute (rpm) per
The booster aft skirt sits on Eight to support the rocket pump
Vehicle Support Posts (VSPs) (four per booster) on the mobile Steering pressure: 5,000 psi (34,474 kPa) maximum
launcher platform during transfer JEL: 8 pumps, 60 gpm (227 lpm) max, 15–20 gpm
to the pad and at liftoff (56.8–75.7 lpm) nominal @ 1,200 rpm per pump
Tower 40 ft (12.2 m) square, about 345 ft JEL pressure: 3,000 psi (20,670 kPa) maximum
(105.2 m) tall
Tower floor levels Every 20 ft (6.1 m) for personnel Electrical Systems
access to the rocket and ground
DC power 16 locomotive traction motors: 375 hp (280 kW)
support equipment
system Diesel engines: Alco, 16 cylinders (2 @ 2,750 hp
Approximate ML1 weight ~11.3 million lb (~5,125.6 t)
[2,051.5 kW] each, for DC)
Generators (DC): 4 @ 1,000 kW each
Crawler-Transporter AC power Runs all onboard systems
Height Ranges from approximately 20 ft (6.1 m) to 26 ft (1.8 m), system Diesel engines: Power, 16 cylinders, 2 @ 2,220 hp each,
based on the position of the jacking, equalization, and for AC power
leveling cylinders Generators (AC): 2 @ 1,500 kW each

Size Overall: 131 ft (40 m) long × 114 ft (35 m) wide. The Capacity Diesel fuel capacity: 5,000 gallons (18,927.1 L)
mobile launcher contacts the crawler at four points, Fuel consumption: 1 gal per 32 ft (10 m) (approximately
arranged in a 90-ft (27.4-m) square (same as the base 165 gal (750 L) per mi); Drive system gear ratio: 168:1
line on a professional baseball field)

Exploration Ground Systems > Quick Facts 3 4 TOC 77


Vehicle Assembly Building Launch Pad 39B

• One of the largest buildings in the world by area, the VAB covers • During refurbishment projects, 1.3 million feet (396,240 meters)
eight acres and is 525 feet (160 meters) tall and 518 feet (158 of copper cables were removed and replaced with 300,000 feet
meters) wide. (91,440 meters) of fiber cable.
• At 130,130,415 cubic feet (3,684,883 cubic meters), it is one of the • The water tower for the Ignition Overpressure and Sound
largest buildings in the world by volume. Suppression System holds roughly 400,000 gallons (1,818,436
• It is made up of 65,000 cubic yards (49,696 cubic meters) of liters) of water, or enough to fill 27 average pools. This water is
concrete, and its frame is constructed from 98,590 tons of steel. dumped on the mobile launcher and inside the flame trench in
It stands atop a support base of 4,225 steel pilings driven 164 feet less than 30 seconds. The peak flow rate is 1.1 million gallons per
(50 meters) into bedrock. minute (4,163,953 liters per minute), high enough to empty roughly
• The VAB high bay doors are the largest in the world at 456 feet two Olympic-size swimming pools in one minute.
(139 meters) high and take about 45 minutes to completely open • The three lightning towers are about 600 feet (183 meters) tall—
or close. taller than the VAB, which is 525 feet (160 meters) tall.
• The building is home to a NASA logo that covers 12,300 square feet • The catacomb roof was reinforced to be able to support 25.5
(1,142.7 square meters) and the largest American flag, at 209 feet million pounds (11,340 tons)—the equivalent of 2,125 average-size
(64 meters) tall by 110 feet (33.5 meters) wide, painted on the side African elephants.
of the VAB. • The refurbished flame trench and new flame deflector will with-
• The flag originally was painted onto the VAB in 1976 for the stand temperatures of between 3,000 degrees and 5,600 degrees
Bicentennial Exposition on Space and Technology. Fahrenheit (1,649 and 3,093 degrees Celsius) during launch.
• In 2020, repainting the American flag and the NASA logo required • More than 96,000 bricks were installed on the walls of the flame
more than 500 gallons (1,893 liters) of paint. trench during the refurbishment project.
• There is no platform I in the VAB so that it is not confused with the • The flame trench is 450 feet (137 meters) long; that is equal to the
numeral 1. length of about 1.5 football fields.
• The building is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and • The flame deflector is made up of about 150 steel plates, each
is designated as a National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. weighing up to 4,000 pounds (1,814 kilograms).
• Liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen tanks store supercooled liquid
gases (that are used for propellant) at minus 297 degrees and
minus 423 degrees Fahrenheit (147 and minus 423 degrees
Celsius), respectively.
• Apollo 10 was the first mission to begin at Launch Pad 39B when it
lifted off on May 18, 1969, to rehearse the first Moon landing.
• Three crews of astronauts launched to the Skylab space station in
1973 from Pad 39B.
• Three Apollo astronauts who flew on the historic Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project mission to link up in space also launched from Pad 39B.

78 TOC 3 4 Exploration Ground Systems > Quick Facts


Space Communication
and Navigation

3 4 TOC 79

Artemis missions will rely on NASA’s comprehensive com- Near Space Network Relay Services
munications network services for journeys to lunar orbit. The Near Space Network also provides services to Artemis
NASA’s worldwide network infrastructure will provide I through NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
seamless communications, with different service levels as (TDRS) constellation, which can provide near-continuous
Orion leaves Earth, orbits the Moon, and returns safely communications services. Located about 22,000 miles
home. above Earth, TDRS relay data from spacecraft at lower
altitudes to ground antennas during launch and low-Earth
NASA’s Near Space Network and NASA’s Deep Space orbit phases of the Artemis I mission. TDRS will continue
Network will support communication and navigation service until Orion and ICPS leave its coverage volume,
services. Communication services allow flight controllers when NASA’s Deep Space Network takes over, and then
to send commands to the spacecraft and receive data from again on Orion’s return to Earth, from the final return
Orion, the Space Launch System, and the rocket’s upper trajectory correction burn through splashdown.
stage. Navigation, or tracking, services enable the flight
controllers to calculate where the spacecraft are along their NASA’s Deep Space Network
trajectory through space. The Deep Space Network (DSN) will handle communi-
cations beyond low-Earth orbit. Additionally, the network
NASA’s Near Space Network will facilitate communications during the deployment of
NASA’s Near Space Network provides a suite of commu- CubeSats that will fly as secondary payloads on Artemis I
nications and navigation services through commercial and with their own science and technology missions. The
government-owned, contractor-operated network infra- DSN consists of three facilities spaced equidistantly from
structure. The network will provide communications and each other—approximately 120 degrees apart in longi-
navigation services during launch and navigation services tude—around the world. These sites are at Goldstone,
at various points on the journey to the Moon. near Barstow, California; near Madrid, Spain; and near
Canberra, Australia. The strategic placement of these sites
Near Space Network Direct-To-Earth Services permits constant communication with spacecraft as Earth
The Near Space Network’s Launch Communications rotates—before a distant spacecraft sinks below the hori-
Segment (LCS) includes three ground stations along zon at one DSN site, another site can pick up the signal
Florida’s coast to meet the specific needs of the SLS rocket and carry on communicating.
and will provide links to both Orion and SLS during
prelaunch and launch for Artemis I. Specifically, the first The Near Space Network and Deep Space Network
two stations along the rocket’s flight path will provide will work together to support navigation for Orion so
uplink and downlink communications between the rocket that engineers can employ a technique called three-way
and mission controllers. In the final phases of ascent, the Doppler tracking. Using this method—with two ground
third station will downlink high-rate telemetry and video stations on Earth in contact with Orion simultaneously,
from SLS while Orion connects to communications relay one from each network—NASA can triangulate Orion’s
satellites. The Near Space Network’s navigation services location relative to the ground stations.
extend to Orion’s journey from low-Earth orbit to the
Moon and back through ground stations in Santiago,
Chile, and Hartebeesthoek, South Africa.

80 TOC 3 4 Space Communication and Navigation Systems > Introduction


Acronym List
BFF Booster Fabrication Facility RPSF Rotation, Processing and Surge Facility
CMUS crew module uprighting system SCCS Spacecraft Command and Control System
CT-2 Crawler-Transporter 2 SLS Space Launch System
DFI developmental flight instrumentation TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
DSN Deep Space Network TLI trans-lunar injection
EFT-1 Exploration Flight Test-1 TUFI toughened uni-piece fibrous insulation
EGS Exploration Ground Systems ULA United Launch Alliance
ESA European Space Agency VAB Vehicle Assembly Building
ESDMD Exploration Systems Development Mission Directorate VSP Vehicle Support Post
ESM European Service Module
FAST Final Assembly and System Testing
FCM flight computer module
GNC&P Guidance, Navigation, Control, and Propulsion
gpm gallons per minute
ICPS interim cryogenic propulsion stage
ITL Integrated Test lab
JEL Jacking, Equalizing, Leveling
kph kilometers per hour
LAS launch abort system
LCC Launch Control Center
LETF Launch Equipment Test Facility
LVSA launch vehicle stage adapter
MCC Mission Control Center
ML1 Mobile Launcher 1
ML2 Mobile Launcher 2
MPPF Multi-Payload Processing Facility
O&C Neil Armstrong Operations and Checkout Building
OMS Orbital Maneuvering System
PBAN polybutadiene acrylonitrile
PDU power and data unit
PQM propulsion qualification module
PSI pounds per square inch
PTCR Pad Terminal and Communication Room
rpm revolutions per minute

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  A Goldstone 111.5-foot (34-meter) Beam Waveguide antenna tracks a spacecraft as it comes into view. The Goldstone Deep Space Communications
Complex is located in the Mojave Desert in California. Image credit: NASA

82 TOC 3 4 Space Communication and Navigation Systems


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