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Nishat has grown from a cotton export house into the premier business group of Pakistan with 5 listed companies, concentrating on 4 core businesses; Textiles, Cement, Banking and Power Generation I recently have done my internship in Nishat Mills Limited Unit #3, Sheikhupura Road Faisalabad, in which I got training from each of its department. The internship basically revolved around the product knowledge training. The system, the style of working & the commitment of the employees in NML is really exemplary. In this report, a brief review of the Nishat Mills Limited Unit #3 is being presented. The internship has been done according to the schedule. The textile technologies, production processes have been explained according to my knowledge that I have acquired during my internship. My practical efforts have been explained in this manuscript that is an asset for my future career.

Spin planning is the job to control production and quality of end product i.e. yarns at various stages of spinning process. Factors on which SPIN PLAN will depend 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Type of raw material. Production capacity of mills. Capacity of each machine. Counts to be spun and their quantities. Number of machines available. Number of qualified personals.

Number of bales used daily Jute picked daily Method of mixing = = = 140 bales 250g Mechanical

Number of lines Waste % Beating point Cleaning efficiency = = = = 2 5.6% 4 60%

Total no. Of cards Grains/yd Mechanical draft Actual draft Waste % Cleaning efficiency Production efficiency = = = = = = = 14 67 98.317 105.60 5.3 % above 80 % 85 %


420 - 450 lbs / hr / card


Total number of frames Grains / yd Draft Doubling Delivery rate Efficiency Production = = = = = = = 5 67 8.03 8 350 m / min 85 % 322 lbs / hr / frame


Total number of frames Grains / yd Draft Doubling Delivery rate Production efficiency Production = = = = = = = 5 67 7.9 8 700 m / min 85 % 336.6 lbs / hr / frame

Total number of frames For carded quality Flyer speed Total draft Delivery rate Twist per inch Production rate = = = = = = = 6 4 1050 rpm 7.2 23.64 m/min 1.12 322 lbs / hr / frame

Count Total no. Of frames = = 20/1, 30/1 22

Draft T.P.I Delivery rate Spindle speed O.P.S. calculated Production efficiency

= = = = = =

25.09 17.4 21.52 m / min 14750.8 rpm 10.765 95 %

Total no. Of machines Winding rate Cone weight Tolerance limit Efficiency Production = = = = = = 6 1000 m / min 4.167 lbs + 20 gm 86 % 181.38 lbs / hr / frame

No. Of cones / bag Net weight of bag = = 24 100 lbs

Raw Material
Cotton, belonging to a family that a includes hibiscus and okra, produces natural vegetable fiber used in the manufacture of cloth. Cotton produces sweet nectar that attracts a variety of destructive insect pests, including the boll weevil, bollworm, armyworm and the red spider. In addition to insect pests, there is also a very destructive fungus, called the wilt, which attacks the root system of the cotton plant.
Fiber Thickness:

The thickness of the fiber is termed as fiber fineness which is numerically represented as micronaire value. The lesser the value the finer would be the micronaire (mic). Fiber fineness is one of the most important fiber properties and is expressed as Weight of one inch of fiber in microgram Very Fine Fine Medium Coarse 3.0 3.1-3.9 4.0-4.9 5+

Fiber fineness influence following factors of the following

Yarn strength

Yarn regularity Yarn bulk

Fuzz Fiber:

The longer cotton fibers when detached from the seed are called lint. The undergrowth of fuzz which develops at the tip of the seed is called linters. These are coarse and very short in length.
Staple Length

Staple length is one of the most important characteristics of cotton. It defines the spinability of the fiber. Staple length has been basis for trading the cotton more then a century. In this regards, cotton is divided into three large categories.

The grade is given by the external appearance of the cotton and is determined on the basis of the major or minor brightness of the fibers, by its more or less white color, by the major or minor presence of particles of the leaf or other extraneous substances.

Trash content is assessed from scanning the cotton sample surface with a video camera and calculating the percentage of the surface area occupied by trash particles. The values of trash content should be within the range from 0 to 1.6%. Trash content is highly correlated to leaf grade of the sample.

The color is another important element of evaluation of cotton. In fact, from the major or minor whiteness of the cotton depend on the facility of later workings and the possibility product. of obtaining good yarns. Natural colour of cotton highly influences the chemical processing and dyability of the finished

Fiber Strength :( grams/tex)

Fiber strength is measured in grams per tex (g/t) or centinewton per tex CN/tex. The force necessary to break the beard of fibers, clamped in two sets of jaws, (1/8 inch apart).The breaking strength of cotton is about 3.0-4.9 g/tex, and the breaking elongation is about 8-10%.

Cotton, as a natural cellulose fiber, has a lot of characteristics, such as: Comfortable Soft hand Good absorbency Color retention Prints well Machine-wash able Good strength

Bale Management

Testing, sorting and mixing bales according to the properties of fibre for producing specific good quality of yarn at minimum cost is called Bale management.
Object of Bale management:

An evening out of the quality characteristics of a yarn. A means of avoiding quality jumps.

A possibility of reducing costs as a result of an improved knowledge of the fibre characteristics

Mixing is done to thoroughly mix the fibres with each other as they have different physical parameters. The natural fibres always differ from each other in the following properties i.e. length, maturity, strength cleanliness, moisture etc.

. Uniform mixing is very essential to achieve uniform yarn results Homogeneous mixing ends down can minimize rate. Higher production rate can be achieved. Some times different varieties of cotton are mixed for two purposes. To achieve the required results of yarn To minimize the cost


No. of bales blended daily No. of lots present No. of bales taken / lot Net weight of bale Bale dimensions Bale volume = = = = = = 140 bales 44 lots 1-7 bales / lot 145-149 kg H = 45, W = 20.5, L = 31.5 16.93 ft3

In Nishat Textile Mills Unit No.3 mixing is done mechanically by means of 5 Auto Pluckers, 20 bales are placed in each Plucker. 140 bales are fed in all Auto Pluckers and time taken to open and mix all the bales is 24 hours. Condenser takes the material from Auto Plucker. Two condensers are used for Auto Plucker. From condenser material is passed to a conveyer lattice. From here feeding of cotton is done on the feed lattice of Bale opener. The entire condensers are fitted with the yellow color pipes that are used to carry waste to the filter bags.

The function of this machine is to pluck the cotton, medium length fibre and synthetic fibres. It consists of following parts. Telescope pipe Carriage Plucking beater Center axle Inner round frame Outer round frame Rail It is also included that some roving, sliver and pneumaphil waste are also added in the plucker along with bales in the following quantity; Sliver Roving Pneumaphil

50 kg 15 kg 50 kg

Name M/C model No. of Machines Out put

Automatic Disk Plucker = = = FA002 05 1800 kg/hr

Beater rpm No. of Motors Time taken Dia of rail Main Motor speed

= = = = =

800-900 3 2-4 min/rev 5200mm 960 rpm

The condenser is on of the most important machine in blow room line. Function of
the condenser is to pneumatically convey the opened fibre material and is used for

transporting the fibers from on machine to next.


A fan is fitted in a sheet metal structure. Through channels at both sides, suctions are provided for a Dust Cage, the outside lower part of which is an Air screen Plate. The finned Stripper Roller Situated below the dust cage is enclosed in a two part cover such that the suction of the fan does not exert an adverse influence on the discharge of marteials. Fan speed Cage speed Leather beater speed Suction pressure = = = = 1600 rpm 90-110 rpm 250-300 rpm 300-350 Pa

Mixing is done for whole day in general shift and then machines are cleaned. Any major maintenance is done when require

Basic operations in the Blow Room:
Opening Cleaning Micro dust removal Foreign matter removal Uniform feed to the carding machine Drafting Recycling the waste

Blow room installation consists of a sequence of different machines to carry out the above said operations. Moreover Since the tuft size of cotton becomes smaller and smaller, the required intensities of processing necessitates different machine configuration. Almost all the machines associated with blow room work with air currents hence this unit of machines is called Blow Room.


Opening in blow room means opening into small flocks. The larger the dirt particle, the better they can be removed. Since almost every blow room machine can shatter particles, as far as possible a lot of impurities should be eliminated at the start of the process. Opening should be followed immediately by cleaning, if possible in the same machine. The higher the degree of opening, the higher the degree of cleaning. The cleaning efficiency is strongly dependent on the TRASH %age. It is also affected by the size of the particle. Therefore cleaning efficiency can be different for different cottons with the same trash %age. If cotton is opened well in the opening process, cleaning becomes easier. Mechanical action on fibers causes some deterioration on yarn quality, particularly in terms of naps. Moreover it is true that the staple length of cotton can be significantly shortened. Air streams are often used in the latest machine sequence, to separate fibers

from trash particles.

Following are the principles on which different machines of blow room work. Opposing spikes action Actions of air currents Action of beaters Regulating action Action of gravitational forces and centrifugal forces.


Sequence of machines with make and model Bale Opener Maxi Flow Multi Mixer Cleanomat CVT 1 Cleanomat CVT 3 Dustex Argus AD Loptex

Bale opener is the first machine in the blow room line which is used to open large tufts of cotton into smaller tufts and remove waste.

The material supplied by the feed lattice is deposited on the feed table where it is fed to the spiked lattice. The material is supplied by the spiked lattice to the stripper roller.

The evener roller brushes off the excess material through it back into the blending chamber, so that the evener roller does not become clogged with fibred, a cleaner roller is installed. The fibres brushed off by the cleaner roller are also thrown back into the blending chamber. The quantity of the material in the blending chamber is controlled by the light barrier. Material which falls b/w the feed table and the spiked lattice into the segment pipe is extracted by the waste extractor. From the stripper roller, the material is conveyed to the delivery trunk and from there into the down line machine.

The Maxi flow is the 2nd machine in the Blow room line. The function of MAXIFLOW is to break the large lumps into smaller lumps.

The pre-cleaner Maxi flow is charged with material from above by a condenser LVSA. The condenser LVSA is mounted on a frame above the pre cleaner MAXI flow. The tuft material enters the m/c vertically and is drawn in b/w the rotating first beater roll and the adjustable grid. The second beaters roll which rotates in the same sense as the first beater roll takes over the tufts and flings them up. In this way, the tufts are simultaneously turned over several times coming into contact with the grid bars all over. During this process a large proportion of the impurities are discharged. The procedure is repeated several times until the tufts reach the outlet area. From the outlet area, the tufts are transferred to the next down stream m/c via pipelines equipped with a volumetric nozzle and two fresh air inlet screens. The discharged impurities drop onto the delivery roll via chute plates and eventually reach the waste conduits. The impurities are extracted from above the pipelines. There must be a permanent under pressure in the m/c in order to ensure the proper operational sequence.

This matchine is made up of three parts: storage suction, an intermediates chamber and a delivery section.

The material is charged by an external fan through the connection for material feed into the trunks. The key operated switch is in on position. At least one set point memory must contain operating values. The material is drawn out of the trunks by the delivery rolls and known by the continuously rotating opening rolls into the suction duct. The material is drawn through the material intake funnel by the air current generated by a fan or a condenser and delivered to the down line machine. The desired speed of the dc geared motor of the delivery rolls can be set Via key board Via analog signal Each trunk is filled until the set pressure is reached. The pressure is measured at the measuring points and transmitted to the pressure sensors. When the pressure is reached the controller identifies the trunk as full. The corresponding bar in the display is set to max. Height and the next trunk are filled. The filling level is continuously are calculated according to the discharge speed and the discharge time set in P function 15. The trunk is ready to receive material again only when the calculated filling level has fallen to 75% all the trunks are ready to receive material. The system switches to the next trunk after not more than 30 seconds. If the trunks are identified as full, the material delivery is switched off, but the material transport fan remains in

operation. This is necessary in order to maintain the necessary pressure on the material in the trunks. As soon as a trunk is ready to receive material again, the material delivery is switched on again. If all the trunks are ready to receive material, the system switches to the next trunk after a maximum of one minute even if the change over pressure has not been reached.

This machine is used to remove the dust from the material which is going to be processed.

From the feeding m/c, the material is carried on the feed lattice beneath the pressure roll to the two feed rolls. The feed rolls draw in the material and transfer it to roll. The roll has two mote knives. A carding segment is installed after the first mote knife. Waste is extracted directly from the mote knives i.e. a continuous suction stream removes the impurities produced at the extraction points. Once separated, any waste and dust cannot drift anymore throughout the waste chamber and drawn in again bit is immediately carried off via the suction hoods. A deflector blade is situated before the second mote knife and can be step lessly adjusted during production. In this way the quantity and composition of the waste can be regulated. From here the material is extracted to the next m/c.

The type plate is situated on the left end above the air inlet opening. It consists of the following data.

From the feeding m/c, the material is carried on the feed lattice beneath the pressure roll to the two feed rolls. The feed rolls draw in the material and transfer it to roll. The roll has two mote knives. A carding segment is installed after the first mote knife. Waste is extracted directly from the mote knives i.e. a continuous suction stream removes impurities produced at the extraction points. Once separated, any waste and dust cannot drift anymore throughout the waste chamber and drawn in again bit is immediately carried off via the suction hoods. A guide wing is situated before the second mote knife and can be adjusted during production. In this way the quantity and composition of the waste can be regulated. Roll 2 which runs faster than roll 1 receives the material. Roll 2 is equipped with a guide wing, a carding segment, a separating wing and a connected suction hood. Roller 3 which in turn runs faster than roll 2 is also equipped with a guide wing, a separating wing and a connected suction hood. From here the material is extracted to the next m/c.

The function of this machine is to remove any remaining dust in the material.

The m/c is used for detecting the fibre material. The fibre material is drawn in by a transport fan and guided uniformly on to perforated plates by distribution flaps. Due to their size, the dust particles in the fibre material flow fall through the holes in the perforated plates are drawn in by a transport fan and transported to the waste disposal unit. The dust free tufts are drawn by the transport fan and pass through the material outlet to the down stream machine. The machine is equipped with a separate control in the control cabinet. It is operated by way of display and operated unit. During operation the following standards messages appears on the display.

The function of this machine is to analysis the presence of foreign matter in the material and gives display in the form of spectrogram

Loptex sorter analysis the material that flows in the channel without causing any perturbation. A number of optical sensors continuously check the material illuminated by fluorescent tubes. During the start up phase 180 seconds are dedicated to amp pre heating. After the pre heating phase, following the acquisition phase of means value gathered by each of 256 sensors. The phase is called limit adjustment and has duration of 60182 seconds according to the setting entered into the m/c dates. During this phase the sorter will analysis the material that passes without making expulsions. At the end of limits acquisition time, this value is expressed on the scale of v04095, gives an indication of the grey level of the material with 0 = black. After the acquisition of limit mean, the sorter begins with the procedure of analysis and explosion. It will only stop in case of an alarm. The data limits are now used for automatically updating the limits assuring a continuous adaptation to the shade of the material being analysis.

Argus (Ad-50) Metal Detector detects any metal part in blow room line. There are tow metal detector in two blow room lines of unit #3.

Waste calculations in Blow room

Waste Trash Waste % = = = Lint + Trash Foreign matter only (input-output) x 100 Input

Cleaning efficiency of the machine is the ratio of the trash removed by the machine to that of total trash fed to the machine, expressed as percentage.
Cleaning efficiency % =Trash%in mixing-Trash % in lap 100

Trash % in mixing

"Card is the heart of the spinning mill and Well carded is half spun are two proverbs of the experts. These proverbs inform the immense significance of carding in the spinning process. High production in carding to economies the process leads to reduction a negative influence on in yarn quality. quality. Higher the production, the more sensitive becomes the carding operation and the greater danger of The technological change that has taken place in the process of carding is remarkable.
Card Machine DK 903

Make Model No. of card Temp. RH%

Trutzschler DK 903 13 34 oC 51 %

In short the objects of carding are: To open the lap into individual fibres Elimination of impurities Reduction of neps Elimination of dust Elimination of short fibres Fibre blending Fibre orientation Sliver formation

Point to point

The point of wire end of one surface faces the point of wire end of other surface. These results in opening of fibres into single fibre state which causes cleaning of material.
Point to back

The point of wire point of one surface faces the back of wire point of other surface. This results in transfer of material from latter to the former surface.


1. Carding action:

When two close surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed direction or relative motion is also opposite. Then the action between two surfaces is called carding action.
Function: It is occurred between flats and cylinder.

Maximum individualization of fibers is achieved in this region.

Neps, short fibers, dirt and dust are removed by this action.

There always should be point against point action

2. Stripping action:

When two close surfaces have same wire direction and their speed direction or relative motion is opposite then the action between two surfaces is called stripping action

It is occurred between licker in and cylinder.

There are should be point against back action. Individualization of fibre is also by this action.
3. Doffing action:

When two close surfaces have opposite wire direction and their speed direction or relative motion is also opposite then the action between two is called doffing action

It is occurred between cylinder and doffer. Web formation is accrued by this action. There always should be point against point action

1st licker in

Diameter No. Of revolutions

2nd licker in

= =

172.5 mm 621-1373 rpm

Diameter No. Of revolutions

3rd licker in

= =

172.5 mm 806-1780 rpm

Diameter No. Of revolutions


= =

172.5 mm 1066-2488 rpm

Diameter No. Of revolutions


= =

1287 mm 300-600 rpm

Diameter No. Of revolutions

Card flats

= =

700 mm 96 rpm

Total quantity In operation Speed


= = =

84 30 80-320 mm/min

Sliver Delivery

140 Kg /hr


For Cylinder

Type Height Angle Thickness Wire points/inch2

For Doffer

= = = = =

CU-76-WKD 2.3 mm 63o 0.65 mm 760

Type Height Angle Thickness Wire points/inch

= = = = =

CU 39-3 4 mm 63o 0.85 mm 388

For Taker-In

Type Height Angle Thickness Wire points/inch2

For Top Set

= = = = =

TC-50 KH 5.6 mm 80o 1.1 mm 5

Type Height Angle Wire point

Life of Clothing

= = = =

KBS-450 8mm 75o 450

Doffer clothing life Taker-in clothing life Cylinder clothing life Flats clothing life Stationary flats life

= = = = =

3years 11months 3years 3years 3years


There are five points where waste is separated from fibres on the card. These waste points are: Mote knife separation Taker-in under-casing Cylinder under-casing Flats waste separated by stripping roller Cylinder wire waste separated by stationary flats

A suction system collects all the falling waste at one end of card. From there they are conveyed to the filter room, in which fibres are separated from dust and other material on a special machine called fibre separator. The fly waste is also sucked by vacuum pipes and carried to filter room by a separate duct.



Rpm of cylinder S.S of cylinder

= = = =

519 DN 51519 83112.66 inch/min 1200 12006.791 25588.48 inch/min 1500 15006.791 31985.61 inch/min 1777 17776.791 37892.28 inch/min 96 rpm 9627.55 8307.40inch/min

1st Taker In

RPM of taker in S.S of taker in

2nd Taker In

= = =

RPM S.S of crush roll

3rd Taker In

= = =

Rpm S.S of taker in


= = =

RPM of doffer S.S of doffer

= = =

Feed Roll

RPM of feed roll S.S of feed roll

= = =

5.2rpm 5.27.08 115.60 inch/min

Major draft between roller and doffer

= = =
Total mechanical draft

S.S of doffer/ S.S of feed roll 8307.40/ 115.60 71.86 43.622.13 92.91 Wt per yd fed /Wt per yd (14/16) (7000/65) 94.23 84 7.87 inch / min

= =
Actual draft

= = =



Flats No. Linear speed

= =

Note:In cotton card actual draft is always greater than mechanical draft due to waste removal.
Draft constant

= = =

Mechanical draft DCP 92.91 25 2136.93

Carding Ratio or Power

Stripping Ratio or Transfer Ratio

= 83112.66/37892.28 = 2.193
Condensation Factor

= 10.04

Drawing is an operation by which doubled slivers or are blended, and by leveled

drafting reduced to proper sized sliver suitable of being fed to the simplex. Draw frame contributes less than 5% to the production cost of yam; however its influence on quality of yam is significant. Draw frame process considerably influences the final product, as draw
is last point of compensation for the elimination of errors produced by subsequent m/c.

the inadequacies in the sliver leaving the draw frame pass in to the yarn and are reinforced by the drafting after the draw frame that is why yam can never be better in evenness than the sliver.


From a purely commercial viewpoint the draw frame is of little significance. It usually contributes less than 5% to production costs of the yarn. However, its influence on quality, especially evenness, is advantage of this. Further if the draw frame is not perfectly adjusted there will also be effects on yarn strength and elongation. There are two main reasons for the considerable influence of the draw frame on evenness. First, within the sequence of machines in the cotton-spinning mill, the draw frame is definite compensation point for eliminating errors. The yarn can never be of good quality without draw frame passage.


Through doubling the slivers are made even Doubling results in homogenization (blending) Through draft fibers get parallelized Through the suction, intensive dust removal is achieved Auto leveler maintains absolute sliver fineness Blending

Quality of the draw frame sliver determines the yarn quality. Drawing is the final process of quality improvement in the spinning mill. Drafting is the process of elongating a strand of fibers, with the intention of orienting the fibers in the direction of the strand and reducing its linear density. Drawing apart of the fibers is affected by fibers being carried along with the roller surfaces. For this to occur, the fibers must move with the peripheral speed of the rollers. This transfer of the roller speed to the fibers represents one of the problems of drafting operation. Roller drafting adds irregularities in the strand. Drafting also actually reduced the strand irregularities by breaking down the fiber groups. Drafting is accompanied by doubling on the draw frame, this off sets the added irregularity.

The total draft No. of draw frame passages Break draft

No. of doublings Grams/meter of sliver fed to the draw frame Fibre length Fibre fineness Delivery speed Type of drafting In Nishat Textile Mills Unit No. 3, there are total ten drawing frames. Five drawing frames are used as breaker, five as finisher.

Total No. of frames Make Model Mfg. Year


= = = =

5 Rieter RSBD35 2003 (Rieter)

Total no frames Make Model Mfg. Year

About RSB-D30

= = = =

5 Rieter RSB-D35 2003 (Rieter)

Length of machine Height of machine Width of machine Drafting system Draft range Delivery speed

= = = = = =

1800 mm 2000 mm 2410 mm 4/3 with pressure bars 4 12 400 m / min

Can dimension No. of deliveries No. of doublings Length of sliver in cane

= = = =

20 42 inches single 8 5000 yards


For RSB-D35 Back zone

Roller gauge Nip to nip setting Middle zone Roller gauge Nip to nip setting Front zone Roller gauge Nip to nip setting

= =

5 mm 40 mm

= = = =

5.5 mm 40.5 6 mm 41 mm


Hank sliver Shorter fiber %age Staple length Level of draft


Pressure system Color of spring use = = spring pressure Red

Amount of pressure used

On front and IV roller On 2nd and back roller On pressure bar Life of cots
Diameters of different roller

= = = =

40 kg on each side 30 kg on each side 10 kg on each side 2 Years

Bottom rollers dia Top rollers dia 2nd top roller dia Calendar roller dia

= = = =

35 mm (all) 34 mm 27 mm 51 mm each

Motor speed Motor pulley dia Machine pulley dia


= = =

1450 rpm 167 mm 100 mm

Rotary speed of front roll Surface speed of calendar roll

= = = = =

1450 2421.5 rpm DN 3.1451/10002421.5 387.78 m/min 2421.5 44 48 49 30 3479.05 rpm 3.143479.0535/1000 382.34 m/min


Rotary speed

= =

Surface speeds of front roll

= =


Rotary speed = Surface speed = = =


634.008 rpm DN 3.1435/1000634.008 69.71 m/min 2421.523/7771/8137/5947/30 622.904 rpm DN 3.14 35/1000 622.904 68.49 m/min

Rotary speed Surface speed

= = = = =


Rotary speed Surface speed

=2421.544/7568/5937/11444/52 = = = = 449.65 rpm DN 3.14 35/1000 449.65 49.44 m/min



= = =

Surface speed of 3rd roll Surface speed of back roll 68.49 49.44 1.385



= = =

S. speed of 2nd roll S. speed of 3rd roll 69.74 68.49 1.018 S. speed of front roll S. speed of 2nd roll 382.34 69.71 5.48 S. speed of calendar roll S. speed of front roll 387.78 382.34 1.014 D1 D 2 D 3 D4 1.385 1.018 5.48 1.014 8.01

Draft b/w front roll and 2nd drafting roller


= = =

Draft b/w front and calendar roller


= = =

Total draft of drafting system

= = =

Actual production

S. speed of C.R. (/min) 60 67 8 85 Lbs / shift. 7000 100

= = =

387.78 x 39 60 67 8 0.85 36 7000 1640.53 lbs / shift / delivery 3281.06 lbs/ shift / D.F.

Photo-cells are mounted at creel which sense the absence of any sliver A motion stops m/c in case of roller lapping. M/C stops automatically when said length is completed in the can.


When one can is filled, it is replaced by empty can and machine starts automatically.

Temperature Relative humidity = = 96oF 58%

Roving machine is complicated, liable to faults, causes defects, adds to production costs and delivers a product that is sensitive in both winding and unwinding. This machine is forced to use by the spinner for the following two reasons


Sliver is thick, untwisted strand that tends to be hairy and to create fly. The draft needed to convert this is around 300 to 500. Drafting arrangements of ring frames are not capable of processing this strand in a single drafting operation to create a yarn that meets all the normal demands on such yarns.


Draw frame cans represent the worst conceivable mode of transport and presentation of feed material to the ring spinning frame.


Drafting the sliver into roving

Protective twist to drafted strand Winding the twisted roving on a bobbin


Fiber to fiber cohesion is less for combed slivers. Rollers in the creel can easily create false drafts. Care must be taken to ensure that the slivers are passed to the drafting arrangement without disturbance. Bobbin and flyer are driven separately, so that winding of the twisted strand is carried out by running the bobbin at a higher peripheral speed than the flyer. The bobbin rail is moving up and down continuously, so that the coils must be wound closely and parallel to one another to ensure that as much as material is wound on the bobbin.

Since the diameter of the packages increases with each layer, the length of the roving per coil also will increase. Therefore the speed of movement of bobbin rail must be reduced by a small amount after each completed layer.

Length delivered by the front roller is always constant. Owing to the increase in the diameter of the package for every up and down movement, the peripheral speed of package should keep on changing , to maintain the same difference in peripheral speeds between package and flyer.

Flyer inserts twist:

Each flyer rotation creates one turn in the roving. Twist per unit length of roving depends upon the delivery rate. Front roll delivery (inch/min) = (flyer rpm) / (TPI) Turns per inch = (flyer rpm) / (Front roll delivery) Higher levels of roving twist, therefore, always represent production losses in Roving frame and possible draft problems in the ring spinning machine. But very low twist levels will cause false drafts and roving breaks in the roving frame.

T.P.I depends on the following factors

Yarn Count

The finer counts require more twist because the number of fibers per cross section of the thread is less.
Staple Length

The longer staple length of cotton requires less t.p.i as compare to the short staple
Man Made Fibers

Man made fibers require less t.p.i as compared to the natural fibers Roving strength: Roving strength is a major factor in determining winding limitations. It must be high enough for the fibers to hold together in a cohesive strand and low enough for satisfactory drafting at the spinning machine. The factors affecting roving strength are as follows:

The length, fineness, and parallelization of fibers The amount of twist and compactness of the roving.

The uniformity of twist and linear density.

In Nishat Textile Mills Unit 3 there are 6 simplex frames of Toyoda FL-16

Observations: Total no of machine

Machines used for 30s coun Machines used for 20s count No. of spindles per frame Model Make Mfg. Year Spindle speed Delivery rate Production efficiency TPI Drafting System Range of draft Applied draft Twist range Twist applied (T.P.I) Rail balancing method Temperature R.H. %

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

4 2 120 FL-16 Toyoda 1991 model 1050 rpm 23.64 m/min 85 % 1.02 4/4 arrangement 5-25 7.21 0.7 - 1.5 1.02 Dead weight 96Fo 58 %

Type of creel Creel angle

= =

Power creel Can be changeable


Front zone setting

Roller gauge Nip to nip setting

Middle zone setting

= = = =

6.5 mm 35.0 mm 20.5 mm 49 mm

Roller gauge Nip to nip setting

Back zone setting

Roller gauge Nip to nip setting

= =

21.5 mm 50 mm


Hank sliver Short fibre % age Staple length Level of draft = = = = = spring pressure 10 kg 21 kg 14 kg 14 kg

Top Roller Pressure

Pressure system Pressure on front roller Pressure on second roller Pressure on third roller Pressure on Back roller

For 1st hank roving black spacer is used which cause 7 mm apron nip.

Condition Color

Machines is at rest Sliver breakage at creel by photocell Roving breakage by photocell Indication of doffing

Red light Green light Yellow light White light 960 rpm 190 mm 222 mm 43 T 46T 61 T 29 T Motor rpm 190 47 47 222 54 32 960 190 47 47 222 54 32

Motor speed Motor pulley dia Drive pulley dia Twist change gear Total draft change gear Back draft change gear Lifter change wheel Spindle speed = = = = = = = = =

= Front roller speed = = 2 roller speed


1050.325 rpm Motor rpm 190 82 72 T.C 222 91 91 91 960 190 82 72 43 222 91 91 91 276.797 rpm Motor rpm 19082724320 222 91 91 91 21 960 190 82 72 43 20 222 91 91 91 21 263.616 rpm

= = = =

3rd roller speed

Back roller speed

= Motor rpm19082724326463360 222 91 91 91 104 83 61 26 = 960 190 82 72 43 26 46 33 60 222 91 91 91 104 83 61 26 = 47.88 rpm = Motor rpm 190 82 72 43 26 46 222 91 91 91 104 83 = 960 190 82 72 43 26 46 222 91 91 91 104 83 = 38.35 rpm

Draft calculations

D1=front zone draft

= =

Surface speed of F.R Surface speed of 2nd roll. 276.79 D 263.616 D 1.05 Surface speed of 2nd roller Surface speed of 3rd roller 263.616 47.88 5.50

D2= draft b/w 2 &3 rolls



= = = =

D3 (Break draft ) Break draft = surface speed of 3rd roller

= = = = = = = = = = Twist constant = = = =

Surface speed of back roller 47.88 38.35 1.25 D1 D2 D3 1.05 5.50 1.25 = 7.22 Total mechanical draft TDC 7.22 46 332 Spindle speed rpm Surface speed of front roller 1050.325 D N (inch/min) 1050.325 975.19 1.0765 T.P.I. T.C. 1.0765 43 46.29

Total draft Draft constant


Calculated production (lbs/shift) = = Efficiency of simples So actual production Total no of spindles Total production = = = = = = = = spindle rpm 60 8 T.P.I 36 840 count 1050.325 60 8 1.0765 368400.98 15.80 lbs / shift / spindles 85 % 15.80 85 100 13.43 lbs/shift/spindle 120 / frame 13.43 120 1611.6lbs/shift/frame 1611.6

After the roving frame yarn-manufacturing process is started. The process is accomplished by using ring frame which performs following functions.


To draft the roving until the required fineness is achieved. To impart strength to the fiber, by inserting twist. To wind up the twisted strand (yarn) in a form suitable for storage, transportation and further processing.


It is universally applicable, i.e. any material can be spun to any required count. It is simple and easy to master. The know-how is well established and accessible for everyone.

Creel is a simple device as design is concerned. These are mounted on several rails arranged one behind the other and extending over the whole length of machine. There is one holder for each spindle.

Drafting arrangement is the most important part of the machine. It influences mainly evenness and strength. If higher drafts can be used with a drafting arrangement, then coarser roving can be used as a feeding material. This results in higher production rate at the roving frame and thus reducing the number roving machines required, space, personnel.


Spindles and their drive have a great influence on power consumption and noise level in the machine. The running characteristics of a spindle, especially imbalance and eccentricity relative to the ring flange, also affect yarn quality and of course the number of end breakage. Almost all yarn parameters are affected by poorly running spindles

Lappet guide performs the same sequence of movements as the ring rail, but with a shorter stroke. This helps to control the yarn tension variation with in control, so that ends down rate and yarn characteristics are under control

Traveler imparts twist to the yarn. Traveler and spindle together help to wind the yarn on the bobbin. Length wound up on the bobbin corresponds to the difference in peripheral speeds of the spindle and traveler. If traveler weight is too low, the bobbin becomes too soft. If a choice is available between two traveler weights, then the heavier is normally selected, since it will give greater cop weight, smoother running of the traveler and better transfer of heat out of traveler. When the yarn runs through the traveler, some fibers are liberated. Most

of these fibers float away as dust in to the atmosphere, but some remain caught on the traveler and they can accumulate and form a tuft. This will increase the mass of traveler and will result in end break because of higher yarn tension.
Ring department of Unit No. 3

Total no. of frame Make Model Mfg. Year No. of spindles per frame Total no. of spindle

= = = = = =

22 Toyoda RY5 1991 (RY5) 960 21120


Dia of front drafting roller Dia of middle bottom drafting roller Dia of back bottom drafting roller Top roller dia Cots dimension Hardness Top apron dimensions Bottom apron dimension Top apron life Bottom apron life = = = = = = = = = = 25 mm 25 mm 25 mm 28 mm 19 28 26 70 shore 37 28 1.1 73 30 1.1 2 years 1 years.

Front zone Back zone = = 44 mm 46 mm


Pressure on front top roller Pressure on middle top roller Pressure on back top roller = = = 18 kg 16 kg 14 kg

Temperature Relative Humidity = = 94 Fo 60 %

This arrangement is attached with the ring frame with the help of a suction fan at one end of the frames. If thread breaks and workers is not attentive it piles on the floor and also touches the neighboring threads and breaks them. Therefore, quality deteriorates this is why pneumatic pipe is attached with ring frame.


Speed change from low o high or from high to low is accomplished by changing the driving pulley speed with the pelt-shifter according to the commands from the auto counter or independent changeover switch operation. Limit switches make control LS-20 and LS-21. The mechanism is as shown in figure.

When the auto-counter reaches the specified setting after the start of spinning frame operation and acceleration signal AC10.1 is set, the motor installed at the gear-box starts to rotate the driving shaft The belt shifter connected to the driving shaft is operated to move the belt to the high-speed side. The time for shafting from the low speed to the high speed is 3 to

5 seconds. When the belt is shifted to the specified position, limit switch LS-20 installed at the gearbox is actuated to stop the motor and start the specified highspeed operation. When the pinning frame approaches the full bobbin state, the auto counter reaches the specified setting and declaration signal AC10.2 is set. The motor installed at the gearbox starts reverse revolution to move the belt to the low speed side. SAFETY SWITCHES
Ring Ralloverturn Stop Device

This device brings the machine to full shutdown when the ring rail is raised beyond the specified total lift because of incorrect setting of the full bobbin stop timing the specified total lift because of incorrect setting of the full bobbin stop limiting.
Door Safety Switches

The rod moves in the direction of the arrow shown by solid line to actuate the limit switch.
Penumtic Clearer

The model RY5 ring spinning frame employs the cage revolution type pneumatic clearer made by Towa Koygo as an optional component. When the yarn fed from the front roller is cut the pneumatic clearer sucks fibers through, flute pipes provided for each staff and carries them through the duct under the top board to the filter box on the out end. Then, the filter separates the fibers from the air.
Speed Calculations

Motor rpm

1460 rpm

Motor pulley Dias Driven pulley dia Belt thickens Spindle speed at start of package

= = = = =

196.185 mm 185.196 m 4 mm 1460 185+4 200+0.5 196+4 13172.85 rpm 1460 196+4 200+0.5 185+4 = 20.5+0.5 14750.8 rpm 20.5+0.5

Spindle speed at middle of package Spindle speed at end of package Speed of main driving shaft

= = =

13172.85 rpm 1460 196+4 185+4 1544.97 rpm 1460 39 63 38 36 67 = 97 81 36 274.0174 rpm 87 84 104 69 28

Speed of front roller

Speed of middle roller

= =

274.0174 36 41 43 33 38 14.85 rpm 274.017 36 41 43 33 32 87 84 104 82 27 10.914 rpm

Speed of back roller

= =

Break draft b/w back roller and middle roller


Surface speed of middle roller Surface speed of back roller

= = Note: 0.8 is the 80% thickness of apron

(25+(1.1 2 0.8) 14.85 25 10.914 1.456

Main draft b/w middle roller and front roller


25+274.0174 (25+ (1.12.8)) 14.85

= Total mechanical M.D. Total M.D = = = = = = Draft constant = = =

Actual Draft

17.239 D1 D2 1.456 17.239 25.09 Surface speed of front roller Surface speed of back roller 25+274.0174 25 10.914 25.10 T.M.D. D.C. 25.09 43 1078.87 20 0.83 20 0.83 24.09

Count delivered Hank roving A.D.

= = = =


As Count T.P.I.


= = = = = =

3.89 20 T.M. v Count 17.396 Spindle r.p.m. Front roller delivery (in/min) 14750.8 = 17.4 . 25 274.0174

Also T.P.I.

By shortcut method


= 1 36 81 97 67 200+0.5 25.4 36 = 38 17.4 T.P.I. T.C. 17.4 63 1096.2 63 39 20.5+0.5 25

Twist constant

= = =

LIFTER CALCULATIONS Yarn length delivered per revolution of heart cam (meter) = = = 1 65 39 60 LCB 59 front roller dia (mm) 3.14 1 1 32 32 55 55 LCA LCA 36 36 1000 3.14 1000 1 65 39 60 LCB 59 25 5.96 meter

Twist contraction = = = 2.64(T.M)-4.82 2.64(3.89) 4.82 5.48

Due to twist contraction, the count becomes coarser, so we have to put more draft Existing draft Actual draft (which should be employed) = = 25.09 (100 5.48) 100 26.46 Due to twist contraction, turns per inch would also increase. Calculated T.P.I. = 17.4 = 25.09

Actual T.P.I. (being observed in the yarn) = = 14.4 (100+5.48) 100 18.35

Spindle speed changes during building of package so we take Spindle speed T.M. T.P.I No. of ring frames for 20 CD/H No. of spindles per frame So Calculated production = spindle speed 60 8 T.P.I. 36 840 count = = = = = 14750.8 rpm 3.89 17.4 22 960

= 60 8 . 17.4 = =


36 840 20

0.67 lbs/shift/spindle 10.765 OPS/shift

Efficiency of ring Actual production

= = =

95% 10.765 95 100 10.23 OPS 10.23 22 960 13503.60lbs/shift 40510 lbs/day 405 bags / day 100 lbs

Total production of 20 CD/H

= = = =

Where weight of each bag

Winding is the process which result in producing a good package of long length and fault free yarn. Most of the spinning mills use automatic winding machines. Quality of yarn and package and winding machine production are improving day by day. The requirement of yarn from the ring department comes in the small packages (Ring Bobbins). This yarn is full of defect i.e., thick and thin places etc. these defects are removed on the winding machines. The objects of winding are: To prepare a bigger package having sufficient length of yarn on it. To remove spinning faults i.e. thick and thin places. To improve the quality of the yarn

The development of automatic winding has reduced the labour requirement of winding and along with the development of electronic yarn clearer has been a major factor leading to the most universal adoption of single yarn winding and cleaning. There are three main types of automatic winding machines. Machines with one automatic knotter per winding head. Machines with traversing knotter to serve a number of spindles. Carousel machine in which the winding heads circulate around a fixed control unit incorporating a magazine and knotter


No. of machines Make 6 MURATA

Model Mach coner Mfg. Year No. of spindle per machine Cradle Cantilever type Winding speed Winding range Winding angle

7-11 (4) 1984, (1) 1986, (1) 1992 84 1000 m/min 800 - 1200 m/min 50- 57

Delivery speed of winding drum Efficiency No. of spindles for 20 CD/M Production 100 Total production of 20CD = = = = = 3.359 lbs/hr/drum 3.359 84 282.149 lbs/shift 2257.19 lbs/day 67.716 bags = = = 1000 m/min 86 % 84 1 86 84020

=1000 1.0936 60

No. Of bags/day

Packing is the last stage in the yarn manufacturing process. Packing in charge under the super vision of GM mills is held responsible for all the issues relating to the packing of the yarn. There are two types of packing
Export Packing

Cartons are used in the export packing

Local Packing

Poly propylene bags are used for local packing

Each bag weight is 100 lbs or 45.36 kgs(excluding tare) In packing department following kinds of cones are packed:


Quality lab has following instrument for testing quality parameters of cotton fibre, yarn and fabric. Polyester fibres are also tested here.

This moisture meter is used for measuring moisture content of cotton. Samples from lot are tested by this meter and reading of moisture content is noted from three different places and then takes its average for accurate reading of moisture content.
Oven for moisture measurement

This is also used for moisture measurement. Weight of cotton sample before and after heating in chamber of oven is noted and then moisture is calculated. If W W1 M Then M = W W1 = = = Sample weight Dry sample weight Moisture content

It is also called Shirley analyzer. It is used to determine amount of trash in raw cotton.

Sample of cotton is weighted before and after trash drop out and so amount of trash is calculated by difference of weight.

It is also called as ultra violet meter. It is used for testing color fastness of polyester. A sample is tested from four sides by UV meter and then average of four readings is calculated for accurate results. As reading is high polyester is of good quality and vice versa.

HVI Spectrum is used to determined micronair value, maturity, length, uniformity, amount of fibres, short fibre index, strength, elongation, moisture, Rd value, +b value, color grade, trash count, trash area and trash grade. Moisture and maturity are two additional properties of HVI spectrum as compared to HVI 900

HVI 900
HVI 900 is used to determine micronair value, length, uniformity, amount of fibres, short fibre index, strength, elongation, Rd value, +b value, color grade, trash count, trash area and trash grade AFIS is used for advance fibre integration system. This instrument is used for nep testing, length and maturity testing and trash classification testing. Three testings can also be done separately. A sliver of weight 0.4-0.6gm with length 30 cm is used for accurate determination of neps, trash and fibre count.

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