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Câu 1: 

Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'How interesting!' in
rapid speech?
A. How interesting
B. How-w-interesting
C. How-j-interesting
D. How-u-interesting

Câu 2: In which of the following sentences does the word 'there' has the weak form?

A. You shouldn't go there.

B. There should be a suggestion.
C. There it is
D. Put it there.

Câu 3: In the word 'pronunciation', the primary stress is on the ......................
A. third syllable
B. second syllable
C. fourth syllable
D. first syllable

Câu 4: Which of the following categories does not belong to content words?

A. Nouns
B. Conjunctions
C. Adjectives
D. Adverbs

Câu 5: Intonation involves ...............

A. the rising and falling of the melody to various pitch levels during the
articulation of an utterance.
B. the variation of stress and rhythm.
C. the rising and falling of the voice to various pitch levels during the
articulation of an utterance.
D. the variation of accent and pronunciation.
Câu 6: A weak form is the pronunciation of a word or syllable in ...................

A. an open manner

B. an unstressed manner
C. a distorted manner
D. a stressed manner

Câu 7: Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT

A. You can be better understood if you place the stress where it should be when
you're speaking.
B. In every word in English, there is one main emphasized syllable.

C. The vowel sound in a syllable sounds higher in pitch, longer, and louder.

D. The vowel sound in a stressed syllable sounds higher in pitch, longer, and

Câu 8: The suffix 's' in the word 'dogs' is pronounced as [z] ([dogz]). This is an example of... 

A. deletion
B. progressive
C. regressive assimilation
D. coalescent assimilation

Câu 9: Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?

A. Sentence stress is what gives English its rhythm or "beat".
B. Sentence stress is accent on certain words within a sentence
C. Like word stress, sentence stress can help us to understand written English X
D. Word stress is accent on one syllable within a word.

Câu 10: Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

A. Metathesis is a process that deletes a sequence of segments.
B. Metathesis is a process that reverses a sequence of segments.
C. Metathesis is a process that reorders a sequence of segments.
D. Metathesis is a process that redoes a sequence of segments.

Câu 11: If the consonants (whether stop or not) are identical, the consonant is
somewhat__________, the two consonants are not articulated separately

A. shortened
B. deleted
C. varied
D. lengthened

Câu 12: When a stop is followed by another stop or affricate, the first stop is 

A. released
B. aspirated
C. not released or aspirated
D. not release

Câu 13: In writing the difference between the strong form and the weak form of a word
is ...........
A. not apparent
B. apparent
C. well defined
D. not unclear

Câu 14: In which of the following examples, the sound [t] at the end of the first word is NOT
A. Both Back chair and Back door are correct
B. Back yard
C. Back chair
D. Back door

Câu 15: In English, stress helps create ................

A. the rhythm of the language
B. the pronunciation of the
C. the pitch of the language
D. the speed of the language

Câu 16: Which of the following statements is not correct?

A. Intonation is the melodic pattern of an utterance

B. Intonation is primarily a matter of variation in the pitch level of the sound.

C. Intonation is primarily a matter of variation in the pitch level of the voice.

D. Intonation conveys differences of expressive meaning.

Câu 17: In order to keep the rhythm of English, some sounds in a sentence have to be ...........
A. lengthened
B. compressed
C. replaced
D. changed

Câu 18: In rapid speech, the word “grandpa” is pronounced as ....

A. [`gramdpa]
B. [`grænpa]
C. [`grændpa]
D. [`græmpa]

Câu 19: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'A cow and a buffalo'
in rapid speech?
A. A cow-and-buffallo
B. A cow an-da buffallo
C. A cow-w-an-da buffallo
D. A cow-w-and a buffallo

Câu 20: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'look out' in rapid
A. loo - kout
B. look-out
C. loo - kout and loo-k-out are correct
D. loo-k-out

Câu 21: Which of the following words has the second syllable stressed?

A. geometric
B. technician
C. understand
D. graduation

Câu 22: Which of the following statement is CORRECT?

A. In progressive assimilation the conditioning sound follows and affects the
preceding sound.
B. In regressive assimilation the conditioning sound precedes and affects the
following sound.
C. In coalescent assimilation the conditioning sound precedes and affects the
following sound.
D. . In progressive assimilation the conditioning sound precedes and
affects the following sound.

Câu 23: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'my orange' in rapid
A. my + w + orange
B. my orange
C. my + j + orange
D. none is correct

Câu 24: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'mend it' in rapid
A. m-endit
B. mend it
C. me - ndit
D. men - dit

Câu 25: Coalescent assimilation is also referred to as a type of ....

A. complementary
B. reciprocal assimilation
C. contrasting assimilation
D. supporting assimilation

Câu 26: The movement of pitch within an intonation unit is referred to as ...............

A. the intonation contour of that sentence.

B. the intonation of that sentence.
C. the intonation contour of that unit.
D. the intonation of that unit.

Câu 27: Knowing how to recognize the stressed syllable ........................

A. will help you with comprehension

B. will help you with reading
C. will improve your vocabulary
D. will make you better understood

Câu 28: If the intonation falls to the low level (1) [a terminal fall], it signals ..................
A. a question
B. an incomplete
C. uncertainty
D. certainty

Câu 29: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'Employ a new team'
in rapid speech?

A. Employ a new team

B. Employ-j-a new team
C. Employ-w-a new team
D. Employ-r-a new team
Câu 30: In a stress-timed language, stressed syllables are .....................................
A. equal in timing
B. sometimes less prominent than unstressed syllables
C. varied in timing
D. sometimes more prominent than unstressed

Câu 31: The word 'as' in the phrase ‘As much as possible’

A. has both strong and weak forms

B. has the weak form
C. has the strong form
D. None is correct.

Câu 32: In the question ‘What’s he looking at?’, the word 'at' has ...........................
A. None is correct
B. the strong from
C. the weak form
D. both strong and weak forms

Câu 33: Which of the following is the possible pronunciation of the words: 'A toy and a game' in
rapid speech?
A. A toy-j-and a game
B. A toy an-da game
C. A toy-and-a game
D. A toy-j-an-da game

Câu 34: Which of the following is not a rule of sentence stress?

A. The last word of a question is always stressed.

B. Content words are stressed.
C. The time between stressed words is always the
D. Structure words are unstressed.
Câu 35: The relative highness or lowness of the voice is known as ........

A. rhythm
B. pitch
C. melody
D. stress

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