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1. What is the DIFFERENCE between workday and other HCM tools?

Workday is one of the best, user friendly, cost effective HCM, Payroll and Benefit cloud solution available in
the world which run in Workday Server whereas other HCM tools are not present in cloud and backup has
to be taken manually, updates also needs to be taken manually. There is no disaster recovery in other HCM
tools but in Workday we are having disaster recovery.

2. How many modules are there in workday HCM?

There are 2 modules in Workday and they are Workday HCM and Workday Finance.

3. What is the current VERSION on workday?

Current Version of Workday is 33. (2nd release as on Sep 2019)

4. How many versions are released by workday in year and what are those months?
Every year 2 versions of Workday will be released in the months of March and September.

5. What are the types of tenants in workday?

There are total 6 tenants in Workday but we generally use only 4 tenants which are Sandbox, Sandbox
Preview, Implementation, and Production.

6. Do all the TENANTS available on Saturday?


7. How many REPORT types are there?

There are 3 types of reports in Workday.

8. What is the difference for Xpresso, workday standard report and custom report?
Standard report is delivered by Workday and can be copied whereas Xpresso report is also delivered by
Workday but we cannot copy the reports and Custom reports are the reports which can be customized by

9. Why we are using WORKDAY REPORT?

Workday report is being used for accessing the real data and relevant data whenever it is needed and also
can be used in integrations.

10. What is DATA SOURCE? Why we are using data source?

A data source defines a particular set of business object instances for reporting purposes. Data sources are
defined and delivered by Workday. A data source has a primary business object. Workday delivers different
data sources for the key primary business objects. The same primary business object may be represented
by more than one data source depending on filtering and roles required. Data Source is used in reports and
calculated fields and plays an important role.

11. What DATA will you gather while creating a report?

That depends on requirement. Based on the customer requirement, we need to select the appropriate data
source and business object and then the fields.

12. What’s the difference between SIMPLE and ADVANCED report.

In Simple report, we do not have Enable as Web service whereas in advanced report we have Enable as
Web Service option. In Advanced reports, we have sub filters and prompts options which are not present in
Simple reports. Simple reports cannot be shared with other users whereas advanced reports can be shared
with all authorized roles, users or groups.
13. What is ENABLE as a webservice, what is the use of it?
In workday, we enable the reports as web services so that we can use those reports in integrations for
further processing of data. In reports, while creating the report, we can choose if we want to enable it as
web service. If we skipped it there, then, under advanced tab, we have an option to enable the report as a
web service.

14. What is the difference between FILTER and SUBFILTER?

Using Filters, we can apply the filtering criteria or condition on the Primary Business objects.
With Sub-filters, we can apply the filtering criteria or condition on the Related Business objects.
While executing, the sub-filter condition is executed first and then the condition in Filters.

15. What is PBO & RBO?

PBO is a Primary Business object and is defined based on Data source whereas
RBO is Related Business object and is dependent on Primary Business Object.

16. How many primary business objects we are able to CALL in report?
We are able to call only one Primary Business Object in report

17. How can we see URL's of the report?

We can see URL’s report using Web Services option in Actions.

18. Is there any possibility to migrate the report from 1 tenant to another tenant?
Yes, we can MIGRATE the report from one tenant to another tenant

19. What’s the difference between Instance and Solution?

Solution is used to send data from one tenant to another tenant and also integrations can be added
whereas Instance refers to one unique occurrence of a business object and will migrate only one report
whereas Solution can transfer multiple reports.

20. Why we are using calculated fields, what’s the purpose of it?
Allow users to perform simple arithmetic, date calculations, text manipulation, logical expressions, and
retrieval of related data, formatting and transformations of their existing data. You can use calculated fields
in reporting, business processes, integrations, scheduling recurring processes and other areas within
Workday. Calculated fields can be based on existing Workday-delivered fields, other Calculated Fields or
available Custom Fields.

21. What are the important calculated fields we have gone through till now?
Arithmetic expression, Evaluate expression, Extract single instance, Extract multi instance, Lookup related
value, sub string text, text constant, increment date, decrement date, text length, format date, True or
False condition, Sum related instance, Date difference, etc.

22. How do you transfer to real tenant after testing in sandbox tenant? Will you migrate or configure?
We'll migrate using Object transporter. If the integration contains any custom objects, then such
integrations, we'll configure it again in production.

23. What is the difference in process between implementation, go live and production projects?
Implementation is the process where you develop/make functional set up or move the data from legacy to
Go live is: once we complete the testing in sandbox and migrate the data to production and are available
for use. (The instance when you move an application in workday it can be a report/integration/Business
process] to production i.e., is available to end user is called Go live)
Production environment is the actual running environment.

24. What do you know about XML, where it uses?

XML stands for extensible Markup Language. XML was designed to store and transport data. XML was
designed to be both human- and machine-readable. XML is also playing an increasingly important role in
the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere.

25. Do we have access to transfer the report?

Yes, we can have access to transfer the report if we are able to view the report.

26. What and all the options we are having in advanced report?
We are having Sort, filters, Sub filters, Prompts, Output, share and advanced options in advanced reports

27. What is the purpose to create ESI and MI?

Extract Single Instance is used to extract single field on related business object and Multi instance is used to
extract multiple fields on related business objects.

28. What’s the use of text constant?

Text constant is used to manipulate the existing field data by using evaluate expression with a series of

29. How will you choose business object in calculated field?

Based on the requirement we have to choose the business object, Report BO and Calculated field BO must
be same, then only will be able to call the calculated field in the report.

30. Convert currency stands for?

Convert Currency is used to convert the source currency into the user preferred currency.

31. Scenario to use - PICOF, Connector, Workday Studio?

EIB and Core Connector are both template based models. However EIB is mostly used for inbound
templates and Core Connector for Outbound. We use EIB or Core Connector when vendors can use the
templates otherwise we use Studio as Studio does not require any specific format.

32. Explain the Business needs and how you decide accordingly?
After discussions with Business Consultants we would identify the order of priority and work accordingly,
off course production issues are always tackled first.

33. How do you process the Employee ID in Workday Studio?

In Studio to process the employee ID's, we need to configure the employee id in launch parameters section
in Workday-in component. Then to extract that employee id’s, we can use the write component, where we
need to use MVEL expression to extract the ids.

34. How do you decide which integration to use?

We use EIB or Core Connector when vendors can use the templates otherwise we use Studio as Studio does
not require any specific format.
35. How do you call a report in workday studio?
In Workday-in component, under services, we have a service named "Report Service" using which we can
call the reports which are already enabled as webservice into workday studio.
Using Workday-out-rest component, in properties, under common section, for 'Extra Path' we have an
option "select RaaS Report" where we can call the required report.

36. Where matrix reports used / what is the use of matrix report?
Matrix reports are used for analytics and statistics purpose. We can use these reports in performance
management, expenses analysis, etc...
Matrix reports are similar, but not identical to pivot tables and cross tabs found in other systems. You
group data in a row group and optionally a column group. Values in the matrix cells display aggregate
values scoped to the intersection of the row and column groups to which the cell belongs.

37. What is process mapping??

Process mapping is a set of activities that needs to be performed to manage and update the existing
processes like recruiting. For example: upgrading the recruitment Business process from legacy system to

38. What is gap analysis?

Gap analysis involves the comparison of actual performance with potential or desired performance.

39. Explain the testing process?

We build and carry out initial testing in Implementation environment, once approved we push it to Sandbox
and carry further testing, when passed then we deploy to production.

40. How to troubleshoot Integrations?

In integrations, based on the issue, we'll check all the integration services and attributes that are used and
we'll check the XSLT code to see if there is any error in logic, we'll use different set of launch parameters,
we'll cross check the employee work history, We'll check if there is any security configuration that must be
In reports, we'll check if the data source is properly selected or not, we'll check the business object details.
We’ll make sure that the fields that we use are aligned with the business object, we’ll see if there any
security configuration issue.

41. What is implementation and integration? What is the difference?

Integration is communication between two different technologies
Example: Like sharing data between Workday and Legacy system
Implementation, We have different types of implementations
Moving data from Legacy to Workday (migration)
Functional implementation (First time setup)

42. What are Oxygen Editor / Exchanger Xml?

The Oxygen XML Editor (styled <oXygen/>) is a multi-platform XML editor, XSLT/XQuery debugger and
profiler with Unicode support. It is a Java application, so it can run in Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It also
has a version that can run as an Eclipse plug-in. The Editor facilitates easy editing, browsing, managing and
conversion of XMLDocuments. The Exchanger XML Editor is a Java-based product that provides unique
functionality for viewing, authoring and editing XML data and documents, at a compelling price point.
... Exchanger XML Editor now comes in two editions
43. Soap UI – It is used to test Workday delivered web service
It is external tool which is used to test webservice

44. What is Workday Studio?

Workday Studio is a powerful development tool that enables customers and partners to build sophisticated
integrations to and from Workday applications. These integrations are deployed and run on integration
servers in Workday's data center.

45. What is xpath?

XPath is syntax for defining parts of an XML document. XPath uses path expressions to navigate in XML
documents. XPath contains a library of standard functions. XPath is a major element in XSLT and in XQuery.
XPath is a W3C recommendation

46. What is RAAS?

Recovery as a service (RaaS) sometimes referred to as disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS), is a category
of cloud computing used for protecting an application or data from a natural or human disaster or service
disruption at one location by enabling a full recovery in the cloud.

47. Can we use multiple data source in Report?


48. What is calculated field and can u name it some functions?

Calculated field is a created entity whose data is derived from two or more fields based on requirement.
Allow users to perform simple arithmetic, date calculations, text manipulation, logical expressions, and
retrieval of related data, formatting and transformations of their existing data. You can use calculated fields
in reporting, business processes, integrations, scheduling recurring processes and other areas within
Workday. Calculated fields can be based on existing Workday-delivered fields, other Calculated Fields or
available Custom Fields.
Some functions are: Arithmetic expression, Evaluate expression, Extract single instance, Extract multi
instance, True or False condition, Sum related instance, Date difference, etc.

49. Evaluate expression?

It evaluates the given condition/set of other calculated fields and returns a value that is specified.

50. Substring function in calculated fields?

The Substring Text function extracts the specified portion of the text within a field. You can use the
Substring calculated field function to extract a substring from a text or single instance field.
Example: substring-before (‘my name is Fred', 'Fred')

51. What is the difference between I load and EIB?

We use iloads for moving bulk data, EIB's are used for moving limited data.

52. Have worked on any external system, if yes than what are the external systems you have used?
PeopleSoft, Success Factors… etc on which you have idea or worked upon

53. Different types of EIB Template???

Request one-time payment, Change organization, assign pay group, Stock grant, personal Information
change, Change job
54. Life cycle of Payroll Connector?
The Payroll Connector enables you to export payroll details, from Workday to an external endpoint.
Workday provides the Payroll Interface integration template. The integration template supports export of
output data in a Workday-defined XML format.

55. Can u generate multiple file in Connector?


56. Business Process?

A business process is a set of tasks that people initiate, act upon and. complete in order to accomplish a
desired business objective.
Once a business process is initiated, Workday routes the tasks to the Responsible roles (users who are
capable of completing the tasks)

57. Security groups?

Workday maintains a formal and comprehensive security program designed to ensure the security and
integrity of customer data, protect against security threats or data breaches, and prevent unauthorized
access to the data of its customers

58. What is Xml and Xslt

XML is Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding
documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.
XSLT (Extensible Style sheet Language Transformations) is a language for transforming XML documents into
other XML documents, or other formats such as HTML for web pages, plain text or XSL Formatting Objects,
which may subsequently be converted to other formats, such as PDF, PostScript and PNG.

59. Why do you use workday studio and EIB while iloads are very easy to load?
Enterprise Interface Builder (EIB) consist of configurable data extraction, transformation, and transports in
a user-friendly form-based graphical interface for business users and analysts.

60. What are the parts that the workday hcm have? Or how is workday HCM divided?
Talent management, performance, hr, payroll, time tracking, case management, recruiting, Benefits,

61. What is GET in workday?

Using get webservices, we will extract the data from workday and send it to downstream systems.

62. How will you convert data during integrations?

In transformation step, we'll make the required transformations to convert the data

63. What is the process that you follow during conversion of a legacy system to workday system and how do
you do it? Explain with every step?
First, we'll gather the business requirements from customer, and then we'll do the fit gap analysis.
After clearing all the gaps, we'll plan further on how to migrate from legacy to Workday.
Once all the functional set up is done in workday, then we'll start moving data from legacy system to
Workday, and then we'll perform the testing and the UAT and once everything is cleared successfully, we'll
move it to production.

64. What data will you gather while creating a report?

That depends on requirement. Based on the customer requirement, we need to select the appropriate data
source and business object and then the fields.
65. What are workday webservice API?
Workday Web Services (WWS) provide developers with access to Workday’s robust business services via
standards-based web services. These web services provide operations for interaction with many critical
areas of Workday, including benefits, organization, payroll, and recruiting.

66. How would you test the requirement and configure sandbox or direct?
We have a testing team who will do the testing in sandbox using different scenarios/test cases. Once the
testing is completed then, we'll move it in the production tenant.

67. How do you transfer to real tenant after testing in sandbox tenant? Will you migrate or configure?
We'll migrate using Object transporter. If the integration contains any custom objects, then such
integrations, we'll configure it again in production.

68. What is onboarding?

If we are using the recruiting Module in Workday then we need to follow the Onboarding Process for the
new hires in workday.
Basically it is nothing but sequence of to-do lists.
Your onboarding process is not complete until you have no more items in your inbox.
After that it will go to your supervisor Approval/Business Process.
After his approval and uploaded the required docs, then the Onboarding process will complete.

69. How do you gather the requirements?

Initially, the BRM will gather the basic requirements from the client. Then after a set of meetings with
client, we'll gather clear set of requirements and maintain documentation for it. Later on, we'll check with
the technical team to ensure there are no understanding gaps.

70. How do you meet and talk with the business users?
We'll communicate to business users mainly through mail, and to have any meetings, we'll connect through
comcalls and WebX.

71. How does u handle the prioritizations between demanding clients?

Based on criticality of module, criticality of the issue and depends on end user.

72. Are all the requirements gathered with business users?

Through specialized/ process specific BRMs.

73. How do you get requirements?

Initially, the specialized/ process specific BRMs will gather the basic requirements from the client. Then
after a set of meetings with client, we'll gather clear set of requirements and maintain documentation for
it. Later on, we'll check with the technical team to ensure there are no understanding gaps.

74. How will you communicate with the vendors and business users?
We'll communicate to business users mainly through mail, and to have amy meetings, we'll connect
through comcalls and WebX.

75. If an hr team has a better idea than you are configuring for the business process how would you get a
better understanding and do it?
Firstly, we'll discuss among the team and with managers, if they are OK with the HR team's idea, and then
we'll have the discussion with the client. If the managers and the client approve/agree with the HR's idea,
then it will be implemented.
76. Does recruiting module have different tenant than the normal one?

77. How do integrations really work in workday?

Integration is the communication between external systems and workday. Mainly, based on customer
requirement, we'll push the data from workday to external systems and put the data from external system
into workday.
Ex: Payroll data, Demographic data, Hire information, Benefits data, etc

78. Examples of requirements with benefits?

Benefit elections, plans, allowance plan, salary plan, vehicle allowance, mobile, internet allowance, etc.
Only the eligible employee should be able to enroll to benefits that are provided.

79. What requirements do you really gather for integrations?

If it is inbound or outbound, what data needs to be sent, selection of integration type based on the given
requirements, what fields are required in output, Output format, Launch parameters, any eligibility criteria,
if require any adhoc data, scheduling frequency if applicable.

80. Some examples of errors in integration?

Error transforming data,
No value output from applying empty integration map,
An error occurred while processing Launch Parameters: Either the 'Pay Group' or 'Pay Group Members'
Launch Parameters must have a value.
Unable to identify payroll company for a given pay group
Authentication/credentials in delivery method

81. Explain the hire business process?

The Hire business process is used to hire into a position in Workday.
The steps which are involved in hire business process are:
- Identify hiring need. Before a position can be filled, it must be identified as available. ...
(A position and job profile must be created in a supervisory organization)
- The job description will be included in job profile. ...
- Create the required hiring restrictions based on the org policies and positions.
- A person with the appropriate role initiates the business process by completing the Hire Employee task in
- Workday routes the Propose Compensation step to the person with the appropriate role to propose
compensation for the candidate.
- The business process is complete when the designated “completion step” is carried out.

82. What are the different sectors that you have worked on?
Core HCM, Benefits, Compensation, etc… answer based on your current profile

83. What is BIRT reporting?

Business Intelligence Reporting Tool
Workday Report Designer (BIRT) enables you to design and use business form layouts for meeting the exact
report layout specifications required by your organization. These specifications might include rich text
formatting, headers and footers, page breaks, and exact placement of labels, data, spaces, and margins.
84. What attributes and parameters are in integration systems?
In integration system, we have integration field attributes where we need to enable the services and data
sections. We also have Integration attributes, where we need to choose the output format, payroll vendor,
output version, etc.

85. Is workday studio a different tool?

Workday Studio is a powerful development tool enabling customers and partners to build sophisticated
integrations to and from Workday. These integrations are deployed and run on your behalf on integration
servers in Workday’s data center.

86. What is talent module?

Workday Talent Management works seamlessly with Workday Human Resource Management to let you
align and assess talent, pay for performance, and plan your leadership success. You can do all of this from a
single, unified solution.

87. What is workday recruiting?

An intuitive mobile interface gives hiring managers and recruiters the freedom to collaborate and
communicate from anywhere. And with social sourcing, recruiting analytics, and complete visibility into the
entire talent pipeline, Workday Recruiting offers an entirely new experience for your hiring team.

Step 1: After selection of an employee in the hiring process. If we are using recruiting module then we need
to hire that employee through Recruiting Module.
Step 2: Firstly they will send the link to the concerned hiree with the credentials.
Step 3: after accessing that link with the given credentials. The Hiree needs to do Some Tasks. In which he
needs to check the personal information and the details etc., once he had done all the pending tasks then
the business process will trigger to the concerned reporting Manager.
Step 4: Manager needs to do Tasks.
After checking the compensation Grade and will upload the required doc's.
After that the Recruiting Process will be completed.

88. What is workday delivered user based security groups?

Absence Administrator, Absence Calculations Administrator, Benefits Administrator, Attachment Download
Access Restriction, Finance Administrator etc.

89. Difference between user based and role based security with examples?
Both role and user-based access are a subset of what’s called “access control.”

 User Level: Access control limits that can access certain areas of a software system, and the actions they
can perform. Access control is a standard security concept, and should be familiar to any user of business
software, even if they are unfamiliar with the term. Securing software and its features at the individual
level. The most basic form of user-based access is a simple login and password combination that either
grants or denies access.
 Role-Based Access: Role-based access (or role-based permissions), adds another layer of categorization
on top of what is provided by user-based access. Users are still given a login and password, but instead
of their access being determined on an individual level, role-based access allows users to be assigned to
groups that are in turn assigned particular capabilities. Examples of common groups include
administrators, managers, super-users, users, etc. This approach has a few advantages over user-based
90. What is the necessity of dealing with IT department?
If there are any technical issues which cannot be resolved by a HR person, then they will have to contact
the IT team.

91. Will there be any situations to deal with HR department and the IT department combines?
Yes… In recruitment and in other modules as well the HR team may face issues with the applications.
The issues can be like some fields may not be available; the application may not work due to technical
The IT tech team will have to contact the HR team to know the exact business process so that they can
configure them properly.

92. What are the versions you have worked in workday?

Refer your profile for WD project and year for the version

93. What are the impact and results of the latest updates?
After every update, we'll do the testing in preview tenants to check if any of the existing integrations and
business process is affected with the new releases. Till now we haven't faced any issues.
Refer community for latest updates

94. Discuss about the stage of project in which we are in?

We are on a support project. The project is already on live and we'll handle any production issues.

95. What are the Business objects?

 Business object is one of the main parts in Workday for retrieving fields Data.
 Work Day stores data as Business objects, Business object has Fields and Instances
 A Business objects is composed of set of related fields like Data Base Tables
 Fields acts as DB columns, Instances acts as DB Rows in workday
 Business Objects automatically links Related Business objects (RBO’s) to access customer need
 Business object are Organization, workers, Positions...etc...

96. Why you choose EIB and Studio?

 EIB: Enter Interface Builder to Build the own Simple and Secure Integration based on your unique
Business need with Work Day. You can use these EIB to build both inbound and outbound
integrations. EIB defined an Integration That has one Data source, one Transformation and one
Delivery point and It allows XML files. You can choose Set predefined (XSL) Transformation to
presented output in Excel and CSV format. It’s Deliver the External system endpoint using SFTP,
FTPS, HTTP, Email, Web dev and AS/2 services and Encrypt the document with PGP key. Its creation
is simple, flexible and No need of code to build the Integration, so mainly Prefer the EIB’s
 Workday Studio: It is power full Development tool enabling customers and partners to build
sophisticated and highly customized Integration tool from Workday. It has many functionalities and
preferred studio Integration little bit complex when compare to EIB integrations.

97. What are The Launch parameters in CCW?

The Data parameters extract the records that what are the data needed current as of specified parameters
in The Lunching an Integration System.
The CCW has four lunch parameters in Workday, they are…
 As Of Entry Moment enables you to search for and retrieve future-dated data changes where the
changes has been entered in workday ,but the effective date has not passed yet.
 Effective Date defines the end of date range during which changes became effective. The
integration extracts all changes with effective dates on or before this date.
 Last Successful As of Entry Moment default to the last moment at which the Integration system was
successfully lunched. You can override this date and time in order to force the Integration to search
for and retrieve data changes over a wider period.
 Last Successful Effective Date defines the beginning of a date range during which changes became
effective. The Integration extracts all changes with effective dates after this date

98. When do use Transaction Log?

The Transaction log to monitor The Events for particular transaction type or Business process type in
workday, and find compare differences that have occurred in your workday Data within a particular Time
period. We use Transaction log after Lunching Integration.

99. How do you create Report?

Report creation following simple steps, Initially you search for CREATE CUSTOM REPORT in search Box,
then appears a new window on your system it asking report name , select the Data source and select report
type ,you fill the all information after click OK ,next another screen you can see options like column, sort,
filter, prompts, output, share and Advanced etc, then you choose column then select the Business Object
,and Field next click “ + ” button for Adding columns. After choose sort option for sorting Ascending or
Descending the fields of data, then select Filtering and sub filtering tab’s for filter the data .Prompts are
used in Reports give Runtime parameters. An output option is used for displaying output format in the
Report. In Share option default selected don’t share others for security. Advanced option, you choose the
web services enabled for retrieve data this Reports data then click Save and Run the report and then you
can see the resulted output in Excel file.

100.What are the different types of integrations you have handled in your previous projects?
Connectors (CCW & PI), EIB

101.What are the different CORE connectors based integrations you have used?

102.Some practical scenarios using custom reports and calculated fields?

Explain about the scenarios which we have shared in class.

103.What are the runtime limitations of EIBs and Studio integrations?

In EIB during outbound retrieving data from web service or from any source must be under 31 hours and
even inbound loading must be under 31 hours.
- In EIB not greater than 2 hours is given for transforming data and 2hrs during inbound for error report
generation and attaching to files.
- When transforming data using XSLT it consumes multiple times more memory than source data
required and workday limit the data to 15 GB
Workday studio integration should be completed within 2hrs for the best case scenario.
- Use more than 1.5 GB of memory during processing. Integrations can use several times the amount of
memory that the output files require.
- Generate more than 3 GB file during integration run.
- Generate any file larger than 250 MB

104.What are the various components of studio assembly?

There are two types:
1) Transport in (workday-in and local-in) and out:
Transport-in: these acts as starting point of assembly. It defines the parameters, attributes, maps to the
integration system, these helps in getting message from the workday and local source.
Out-transport work in sending message to external system using https and Ftp, sftp protocols etc these
only work in request only and response modes.
2) Common components: these are defined by workday which is subassembly components used in
developing integration systems.
3) Mediation steps: predefined steps by workday that support operations like transformation, validation,
logging, identity; you can create them using springs.
4) Basic mediation components: these are useful to modify or transform a message, mediation defines a
sequential ordering of one or more individual process that perform operation on message as it pass
through mediation definition. It is of two types synchronous and asynchronous where in asynchronous no
response to other components and in later we have to create steps for the response.
5) Advanced mediation steps: the basic mediation steps connect the processing steps into chaining events,
the advance try to dynamically control how the assemblies run time averse the chain process.
1) Splitter
2) Aggregator
3) Route

105.What is the concept of reference ID in Workday?

Reference id plays a crucial role in workday integrations. It is divides in to type a value. We allocate
reference id to instance of business object. Types can be same but value should differentiate.
For example let’s consider business objet instance like French, English etc…
Which has type of language_id but value something else which differs for every instance? It is assigned by
workday using sequence generator, but we can edit them and remember not assign same id value to same
business instance because problems especially in mapping when referencing the internal value with
external when both instance have same id cause problems in mapping in overriding the value.

106.What are the building blocks of EIB integration?

Get data (from web services, sftp, workday attachment, custom report etc)
Transformation: to desired output. (.csv, custom Xslt, custom report)
Delivery Transport Protocol (for sending data to external system using these)

107.What are the different options available to test a document delivery configuration in Workday?
Create a definition and configure the retention policy and the address to be delivered the dress and
protocols used to deliver it, give a tag name to distinguish itself from other files attach it in a business
process-> launch a integration-> later test whether it reached its destination by checking it on server, Or
using test document which gives the preview of the file on external system.

108.Have you developed and / supported Workday Integrations in the last 2-3 years?
Yes, I was mainly on the supporting side also a very little on the implementation side

109.What types of Workday HCM applications have you worked / used?

Core HCM. I only worked on human capital management.

110.Tell me about the types of integrations you did on your last job

111.Give me an example of an integration problem you had to solve.

Issue 1: After the Weekly Service Update, some integration may have run from our disaster recovery
environment causing duplicate delivery.
Issue 2: We have PICOF integration which delivers the file to the ADP only for the US Employees
demographic information. The integration failed.
112.Tell me about a core connector / EIB / Studio that you have created.
GENERAL QN, explain the scenario

113.What is the difference between core connector, EIB and Studio?

Core Connector: Core connector is predefined templates, which will generate standard output format as
XML and also we can configure one delivery.
EIB: EIB’s are called simple integrations, which have 1 data source, 1 transport, 1 delivery.
Studio: Studio is a complex integration, we can use multiple data sources , multiple outputs, and multiple
delivery paths.

114.How do you convert the file format of a core connector and studio output, do they use same process or
different process. Describe in detail.
Same Process by using XSL Transformation.

115.Describe in detail your experience with Payroll Interface.

Explain about PICOF Integration.

116.Describe in detail your experience with Field mapping and Workday Report designing and builder.
117.Tell me about conversion and mapping data elements from/to Workday data sources.
118.How would you describe your experience level with calculated fields?
119.Tell me about a complex calculated field that you have created.
120.Describe the types of issues you deal with the integrations during delivering / retrieving the files.
Refer to your Training concepts, and explain based on your practice
These are general questions (To test your knowledge and experience)

121.How would you describe your experience level with XML, XSLT, X-Path and web services?
I am good at XSLT.
Xslt is nothing but extensive style sheet of xml these are used for rendering the xml document.
It has two attributes XTT and ETT transform xml data to require out.
Xpath as we all know workday is object oriented. it use xml.
Xml stores data using two types of database formats. One is relational and other was hierarchy database

122.Tell me about the data types (PBOs / RBOs) that you have used most often, during your last Project?
Mostly I have used organization (recent project), worker (often), RBO (division, country).

123.Tell me about ISU and ISSG.

Integration System user: Used to create another workday User
Integration security system group: Used to assign multiple domains, based on requirement.

124.Explain the terms Benefits, Compensation, Time tracking, Absence Management, Field overrides, Field
attributes, Integration notifications, Integration Attachments, Integration services.

Benefits: Are those which come under the direct checks category where benefits depend on the role which
we can also say based applies to all members in pay group.
Compensation: The element links to compensation and payroll. Compensation elements link compensation
and payroll. Examples of Compensation Elements include: Salary, Hourly Pay, Commission, Bonus, and Car
Allowance. The employer sets up plans that have a plan type and these plan types may or may not be
derived from an element. When a compensation element is attached to a plan and the plan is assigned to
an employee, Workday can determine which earnings to use to pay the employee for his or her
compensation using the pay calculation process. A compensation package consists one of one or more
plans. For example, a package for Non-Management positions may be created that includes specific salary,
merit, stock, and bonus plans.

Integration services are those where data is categorized into data section where we select required service
to be included in the integration process.
For example: change detection service is used to change the detection.
PI data section is used to get the data for the fields to show in output.
Transaction log service used to find last log activity in the objects.
There are different services where we can configure based on clients requirements to generate the report.

Field over rides these are useful to override an existing column with the required column name and values.

Field attributes: when we select the services we also select vast amount of data where unnecessary data
not required at present would also be brought so we select required fields to be shown in the output.

Integration attachment: these play crucial role in transforming the data. Where the attachment is
configures to particular integration using the integration attachment like XSLT attachment.
Example as in bound attachment etc.

125.Tell me about the types of integrations you developed on your last job?
Refer your profile

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