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Background of the Study

Vegetables provide an abundant and inexpensive source of energy. It is a

valuable source of vitamins minerals and proteins. These are important food

varieties within human diet because it serves as a bulk of roughage the body

desires and which are usually lacking in most traditional staple foods(Hunde,

2017). The World Health Organization estimate that low fruit and vegetable

intake contributes to approximately 2.7 million deaths a year from chronic

disease and causes about 31% of ischemic heart diseases and 11% of

strokes worldwide (Hunde,2017).

Due to the rapid increase of the world’s population today, there are some

alternatives that farmers used in order to meet the demands of the people

specially in terms of food consumption. Pesticides and other inorganic

chemicals are applied in agricultural farming to increase the productivity of

agricultural products specifically vegetables.

The use of chemicals in modern agriculture has significantly increased

productivity. But it has also significantly increased the concentration of

pesticides in food and in our environment, with associated negative effects on

human health(Anderson, 2014). Moreover, it is now better understood that

pesticides have significant chronic health effects, including cancer,

neurological effects, diabetes, respiratory diseases, fetal diseases, and

genetic disorders. These health effects are different depending on the degree,
and the type of exposure. Typically, the effects are different for farmers who

are directly exposed to pesticides, compared to those for farmers’ relatives or

people living in rural areas who are less directly exposed. There are also

effects on consumers through pesticide residues in food.

In addition, pesticide residues remain for long periods of time, and that

they are specially toxic to the young. Also, pesticides kill domestic animals,

fishes and bees. Moreover, their use results in the development and evolution

of pesticide resistance in insects, weeds and plant pathogens. Nevertheless

hundreds of pesticides are used worldwide, and some pesticides are used in

some countries but not in others(Anderson, 2014).

In south Korea,natural farming method is applied. This method utilizes

natural materials and products which is based on the principle of

interdependence among all living things. This aims to have a nurturing impact

on the environment, in sharp contrast to the disadvantageous effects that

often accompany modernized and commercialized agriculture. The

observance of the natural cycle and environment-friendly agricultural practices

applied in a modern setting refreshes the established perspectives on farming

and provides an alternative to technology-intensive agriculture. Natural

Farming was developed by Dr. Cho Han Kyu at the Janong Natural Farming

Institute in South Korea. It was originally intended to change the chemical-

based and harmful farming methods that were being practiced in South

Korea. Natural Farming promotes respect and care for the environment, but

also produces more with less cost and labor. Natural Farming recognizes the

abundance of nature and utilizes indigenous resources for production. Its

basic philosophy is to maximize the inborn potential of a life form and its
harmony with the environment by not interfering with their growth and

development or forcing the crops to yield more than what they can. Natural

Farmers believe that the best way to achieve top quality yield is to respect the

nature of life. The NF methodology is based on the Nutritive Cycle Theory,

that guides the Natural Farmer on what inputs to apply, how much and how

often. Natural Farming applies the principle of interdependence in which

people should nature, instead of surmounting it or undermining it. Natural

Farming is also envisioned so as to contribute to the alleviation of poverty,

disease and environmental destruction by providing an alternative means of

livelihood and food production. As a farming method that goes back to basics

using materials from nature and without force or chemicals. Natural Farming

guarantees its farmers healthy and strong products needed to provide for their

families and society. Natural farming respecting the natural cycle of life is

more than a farming technique. It is a philosophy, a new economics and a

way of life (Reddy, 2011).

One of the inputs of natural farming in South Korea is the use of Oriental

Herbal Nutrients(OHN). It is made from herbs which are full of energy and

function to increase plant robustness, to sterilize and keep plants warm. This

also revitalizes crops and activates their growth Throughout the Nutritive

Cycle, OHN can be used throughout the early, vegetative, changeover and

fruiting or reproductive stages( Reddy, 2011).

In the Philippine setting, specifically in New Albay, Maragusan,

Compostela Valley, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

funded the Small Farms Marketing Project (SFMP) implemented by the

Catholic Relief Services (CRS) with local partner, Kasilak Development

Foundation Inc (Kasilak to promote organic farming. It was found out that

natural farming technologies were cheaper and more accessible as the need

to invest a lot of capital had been substantially reduced. Instead of buying

expensive inorganic fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides and other output

enhancing chemicals, the use of natural farming technologies had lowered

their costs of production thereby improving their net income. The costs of

production were reported to have declined by 2.3% to 46.5% after the partial

and full adoption of Natural Farming Technology System compared to the

costs incurred with conventional farming. An additional benefit of Natural

Farming Technology System was that it reduced health risks. All respondents

considered natural farming technologies’ to make a positive contribution to

health, safety and the environment as additional factors encouraging

adoption. One of the respondents emphasized that her health was better now

that she was eating vegetables that had been produced under a natural

farming system rather than under a traditional inorganic system. The natural

methods used are indigenous micro-organisms (IMO), fermented fruit juice

(FFJ) and fermented plant juice (FPJ), fish amino acid (FAA), oriental herbal

juice (OHN) and calcium phosphate (Caphos)(Lamban, etal, 2011).

In the same instance, the Local Government Unit of Carmen is promoting

natural methods of increasing the production of agricultural products.

Research Questions

1. What is the level of pre-test of the experimental group in terms of the

number of fruit vegetables?

2. What is the level of post-test of the experimental group in terms of the

number of fruit vegetables harvest?

3. Is there a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test of

the experimental group?

4. Do the pre-test and post-test of the experimental group have significant


Conceptual Paradigm

Input Process Output

No. of fruit.vegetables No. of fruit vegetables

Pre-Test Utilization of Oriental Post-Test
Oriental Herbal Herbal Nutrients Oriental Herbal
Nutrients Nutrients

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