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4GWiFi User Manual

Safety Precautions
Read the safety precautions carefully to ensure the correct and safe use of your
wireless device.
Do not switch on your device when the device use is prohibited or when
the device use may cause interference or danger.

Follow the rules or regulations in hospitals and health care facilities.

Switch off your device near medical apparatus.
Switch off your device in an aircraft. The device may cause interference
to control signals of the aircraft.
Switch off your device near high-precision electronic devices. The
device may affect the performance of these devices.
Do not attempt to disassemble your device or its accessories. Only
qualified personnel are allowed to service or repair the device.
Do not place your device or its accessories in containers with strong
electromagnetic field.
Do not place magnetic storage media near your device. Radiation from
the device may erase the information stored on them.
Do not put your device in a high-temperature place or use it in a place
with flammable gas such as a gas station.
Keep your device and its accessories away from children. Do not allow
children to use your device without guidance.
Use approved adapter only to avoid explosion.

Observe the laws or regulations on device use. Respect others’ privacy

and legal rights when using your device.

It is recommended that the equipment only be used in the environment where temperature

is between 0℃ and 50℃ and humidity is between 10% to 90%. Keep the equipment in

the environment where temperature is between -10℃ and 70℃ or humidity is between

10% to 90%.


Safety Precautions.................................................................................................... 2

1. Overview ................................................................................................................ 5

1.1 Connection Requirements.................................................................................. 5

1.2 LED Working Status Instruction........................................................................ 5

1.3 WiFi Connection.................................................................................................. 6

2. Web UI Settings........ ............................................................................................ 6

2.1 Login the configuration page ............................................................................ 6

3. SSID Settings .........................................................................................................8

4.APN Settings ...........................................................................................................8

5. Login Account........................................................................................................9

6. System Info.............................................................................................................9

7. Statistics.................................................................................................................9

8. Factory Reset .......................................................................................................10

9. Network Mode setting..........................................................................................10

10.Restart .................................................................................................................10

11.Data Connection Switch .....................................................................................10


Warning and Precautions........................................................................................12


Friendly tip……………………………………………………………………………........16

1. Overview

This product is a 4G Wireless Router, providing 4G wireless Internet access, and

through WiFi and USB, so that multiple users share wireless mobile broadband.

1.1 Connection Requirements

The device through WiFi or USB to connect, and use browser to set parameters.

1.2 LCD Working Status Instruction

indicator light status

WiFi Light On WiFi is on.

WiFi Light Off WiFi is off

WiFi Light、Battery Light

and Signal Light fast flash

WiFi Light 、Battery Light

and Signal Light slow Device boot up or Power Off

Signal Light Off No SIM card.

Signal Blue Light On Connect to internet

Signal Red Light On Identification SIM card but Can’t connect to internet

Battery Red Light On Battery Capacity < 30%

Battery Yellow Light On 30%<=Battery Capacity < 70%

Battery Green Light On Battery Capacity >=70%

Battery Green Light flash Charging

WiFi Light flash LED lights sleeping

1.3 WiFi Connection

Step 1: Open WiFi to start WiFi management and then select SSID.

◆For Windows operation system: Right click the wifi management on the task bar; Select

the available Internet access and double click it’s SSID.

◆ For Mac OS X operation system: Select System Preferences->Airport. Select the

correspondence SSID from the drop-down menu.

◆For IOS device: Setting->Wi-Fi, select the right SSID.

◆For Android device: System setting->WLAN setting, select the right SSID.

Step 2: Enter the WiFi password in the pop-up dialog.

2. Web UI Settings

2.1 Login the configuration page

Open the browser, and then input the address The page displayed

as below:

Fig 2.1

The default login username and password are admin admin.

The icon description as below:

Status Item Status description

Sim Card Status Tip “No SIM Card” when Sim Card is not inserted.
After inserting correctly there is no tip
Network Operator Information After inserting the right Sim card and registration
successful, network operator information is displayed.
For example:

Network Type
It shows current network type: For example:

Signal Strength Signal Strength from no signal to excellent signal are

shown as below:

Connection status If the current network connection has been

established, according to the type of network to
display the corresponding icon, otherwise don’t
display any icon.
If you are using mobile network may display 3G or

4G. For example:

Number of WiFi users Show the current number of users connected to the

For example:

Battery Status Shows battery capacity and charging status

Tab 2.1

3. SSID Settings
Network SSID: Set the network name of this device.

Security: Configure the way of encryption of WiFi connection, support open and

WPA encryption.

Password: Set the password of SSID network connection.

4. APN Settings

This page is used to set the needed APN parameters to connect 4G network. Usually,

there is a system default APN to support current connection. The page provide functions

as bllow:

● Modify APN parameters: Choose a APN item from the configuration list, click“Save”

button to save the modification.

● Add new APN parameters: Click “New” button, enter the configuration parameters,

click “Save” to save, and set it as the current default automatically. You can consult the

local network operator to obtain the detailed APN information.

5.Login Account

This page is used to set username and password, when the user access the Web

administration page need to enter.

● Username:User can modify the login name

● New password and confirm: Enter new password, click “ save ” to save the


6. System Info

User can get the basic information from this page, such as software version, IMEI number,

network type , MAC address, etc.

7. Statistics

This page is used to display the traffic statistics. The traffic statistics displayed may have

some errors, just for reference. The record of actual details please refer to the local

network operator shall prevail.

●Current received: From the boot time, so far has consumed downlink traffic.

●Current sent: From the boot time, so far has consumed uplink traffic.

●Current used: From the boot time, so far has consumed traffic statistics.

● Receiving total traffic: From the last time to clear traffic logs, so far has consumed

downlink total traffic.

● Sending total traffic: From the last time to clear traffic logs, so far has consumed

uplink total traffic.

● Used total traffic: From the last time to clear traffic logs, so far has consumed total


●Clear: Clear the current record to start the next round of traffic counting.

8. Factory Reset

In the main page, click “Reset” to reset the device to the original factory settings and

restart it.

9. NetworkMode Setting

3 kinds of mode:4G/3G/,4Gonly,3Gonly.

10. Restart

In the main page, click “Reboot” to reboot the device.

11. Data Connection Switch

Connect or disconnect data connection..

12. SMS

This page is used for executing message related function, including Send SMS,Inbox,

Outbox and Return.

12.1 Send SMS

Access the SMS operation page, select “send SMS ” navigation bar on the left side,

enter the sending page. Enter the recipient’s number and content, click the“Send”button

to complete . Support the group messaging function. If there are two or more recipients,

use comma to separate each. For example: 1323768xxxx, 1383669xxxx

12.2 Inbox

Access the SMS operation page, select “Inbox” navigation bar on the left side to enter

SMS view page. Including user all received SMS.

●Refresh: Click the “Refresh” button to refresh the current message received list.

●View: Select a message, click the “View” button to view the message in detail.

12.3 Outbox

Access the SMS operation page, select “Outbox” navigation bar on the left side to view

all messages sent.

●Refresh: Click the “refresh” button to refresh the current message sent list.

●Delete: Select a message, click “Delete” to delete the selected.

12.4 Return

Click “Return” navigation bar to return the Web management main page.

◎ Warning and Precautions
Electronic Device

Turn off your device near high-precision electronic devices. The wireless device may

affect the performance of these devices. Such devices include hearing aids,

pacemakers, fire alarm system, automatic gates, and other automatic devices can be

affected. If you are using an electronic medical device, consult the device

manufacturer to confirm whether the radio wave affects the operation of this device.


Pay attention to the following points in hospitals or health care facilities:

● Do not take your wireless device into the operating room, intensive care unit, or

coronary care unit.

● Do not use your wireless device at places for medical treatment where wireless

device use is prohibited.

Storage Environment

Do not place magnetic storage media such as magnetic cards and floppy disks

near the wireless device. Radiation from the wireless device may erase the

information stored on them.

● Do not put your wireless device and other accessories in containers with strong

magnetic field, such as an induction cooker and a microwave oven. Otherwise,

circuit failure, fire, or explosion may occur.

● Do not leave your wireless device in a very hot or cold place. Otherwise,

malfunction of the products, fire, or explosion may occur.

● Do not subject your wireless device to serious collision or shock. Otherwise,

wireless device malfunction, overheat, fire, or explosion may occur.

Children Safety

Put your wireless device in places beyond the reach of children. Do not allow

children to use the wireless device without guidance.

● Do not allow children to put the device in mouth.

● Do not allow children to touch the small fittings. Otherwise, suffocation or gullet

jam can be caused if children swallow the small fittings.

Operating Environment

The wireless device is not water-resistant. Keep it dry. Protect the wireless device

from water or vapor. Do not touch the wireless device with a wet hand. Otherwise,

short-circuit and malfunction of the product or electric shock may occur.

● Do not use the wireless device in dusty, damp and dirty places or places with

magnetic field. Otherwise, malfunction of the circuit may occur.

● On a thunder stormy day, do not use your wireless device outdoors.

● The wireless device may interfere with nearby TV sets, radio and PCs.

● In accordance with international standards for radio frequency and radiation, use

wireless device accessories approved by the manufacturer only.

Traffic Safety

When driving, do not use the device.

● When switched on, this device emits electromagnetic waves that

can interfere with the vehicle’s electronic systems such as ABS anti-lock brakes

or airbags. To ensure that there is no problem, do not place this device on top of the

dashboard or within an airbag deployment area.

● Check with your car dealer or the car manufacturer to make sure that the

dashboard is adequately shielded from this device RF energy. Conditions of Use

● Switch this device off before boarding an aircraft.

● Switch this device off when you are in health care facilities, except in

designated areas. As with many other types of equipment now in regular use,

this device can interfere with other electrical or electronic devices,or

equipment-using radio frequencies.

● Switch this device off when you are near gas or flammable liquids. Strictly

obey all signs and instructions posted in a fuel depot, petrol station, chemical plant,

or in any potentially explosive atmosphere.

● When this device is switched on, it should be kept at least 15 cm from any

medical device such as a pacemaker, a hearing aid or insulin pump, etc.

● Do not let children use this device without supervision.

● When replacing the cover, please note that this device may contain

substances that could create an allergic reaction.

● Always handle this device with care and keep it in a clean and dust-free place.

● Do not open, dismantle or attempt to repair this device yourself.

● Do not drop, throw or bend this device.

● Do not paint it.

Collection Point:

This symbol on this device means that these products must be taken to

collection points at the end of their life:

Municipal waste disposal centers with specific bins for these items of equipment.

Collection bins at points of sale.

They will then be recycled, so that their components can be reused, and to prevent

substances being disposed of in the environment.

In European Union countries:

These collection points are accessible free of charge.

All products with this symbol must be brought to these collection points.

In non-European Union jurisdictions:

Items of equipment with this symbol are not to be thrown into ordinary bins if your

jurisdiction or your region has suitable recycling and collection facilities; instead they

are to be taken to collection points for recycling. In the United States, please visit for more information on recycling wireless products.


Q: Forget SSID or WLAN password

A: Start the device and then long press the RESET button to reset the device to the

original factory settings.

Q: The device works well, other computers or WLAN devices can’t establish the WLAN

connection with the wireless device.

A: Make sure wireless card of other equipment works fine and enter the right WLAN


Q: Can’t identify SIM Card(Signal light is always off)

A: Make sure the SIM card inserted correctly or the current SIM card works fine.

Q: WLAN connection is successful, but can’t browse the web(no data traffic)

A: Make sure the tariff of SIM card is normal.

◎ Friendly tip

If the device does not work properly, please try the methods listed as below:

1.Reboot device

2.Reset factory settings

3.Consult the local network operator


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