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Cutting Tool Design

Lecture Video
Changing form and dimension of a component through
metal removal.
Elements of Machining
● Cutting tool
● Tool holding and guidance
● Workholding
● Workpiece
● Machine Tool
Key to success?
Chip Formation Basics
•Cutting tool must be harder and more
wear-resistant than the workpiece

•Interference between tool and workpiece

designated as feed and depth of cut

•Relative motion & force

Basics of Machining Speed
Depth of Cut
Chip Formation
Chip Formation
Type I - Discontinuous or Segmented Chip
Chip Formation
Type I - Discontinuous or Segmented Chip (video 2)
Continuous Chip Formation
Type II - Continuous Chip
Can have built-up edge

Can be serrated, saw-tooth

Basic Terminology
Side View (of part)
Compare side cutting-

Top View edge angle to Lead

Angle (below)
Lead Angle
Increasing the lead angle
removes the same volume
of metal at the same rate
but thins the chip and
reduces tool wear.
Top View
Tool Bit Grinding
Generic wedge-shaped tool

See BBC -
Material Removal
Orthogonal Cutting Theory
•Rake Face
–Surface the chip flows across
–Surface that forms the outer boundary of the wedge
•Rake Angle
–Angle between the tool face and a line perpendicular to the cut
workpiece surface
•Clearance (relief) Angle
–Angle between the tool flank and the workpiece
Cutting Zones
Rake Angle
Has a lot of influence on the behavior.

Increasing the rake angle tends to:

• Reduce cutting forces.

• Reduces BUE formation

• Weakens tool

• Encourages continuous chips

• Can cause chatter with a large

depth of cut

See Playlist: Yan Guo

Chatter mark (machining)

milling turning
Shear Angle
by rake
angle and
Shear and its normal (like friction)
Ratio is an indicator
Chip Thickness of shear angle
Friction Angle Isolate the friction surface...

Thales’s Theorem
A circle fits nicely on a right triangle. The
diameter is the hypotenuse.
Shearing and Shearing Normal
These forces in equilibrium
Cutting Forces
Three Component Dynamometer
Tool post dynamometer
Combining Px and Py into Pxy
From the Toolholder’s Perspective
The machine itself resists this force...

Pz is the Cutting Force

Pxy is the Thrust Force

Pxy is the combined action of the

feed force (Px) and the outward radial
Merchant’s Circle
Changing Friction

Fundamentals of Cutting Tool Design (Second edition). SME

Relief Angle(s)
As the tool advances, it
has to get out of the way.

Also, there is elastic

recovery behind the cutting
Primary and Secondary Relief Angle
Primary and Secondary Relief
Manipulating Factors

•Velocity (Speed)
–Affects temperature
•Size of cut
–Feed rate, depth of cut, lead angle
•Tool Geometry
•Tool Material & Coating
•Cutting Fluids
•Workpiece Material & Geometry
Built Up Edge (BUE)
Chip Breakers
Chipbreaker Geometry
Ideal chip is 6 or 9 shape
Breakers generally forces chip into a tighter radius. But - chips that are
wound too tight (corrugated chips) can cause premature tool wear.
Can be
Two types
Designed for a limited range of speed and feed
Cutting Tool Guidelines
- Cutting force can be high
•Chip Disposal
•Avoid Uneven Motions
- Sometimes it helps though (variable pitch EM)
•Avoid Chatter (see)
–Fewer teeth, higher velocity
–Small nose radius. Depth of cut should be larger than nose radius
--Sharp edge
About Low and Neg. Rake Angles
● Increase tool strength
● Decrease the shear angle
● Increase resistance to chip flow
● Increase chip distortion
● Increase chip breaking action
● Increase work hardening of the surface
Coolant and Lubrication
Coolant and lubrication
● increase the shear angle
● decrease cutting forces
Ideal Chip Formation
● 1.5X as thick as the feed ipr
● Smooth on the rake surface
● Curled into the shape of a 6
Types of Tool Wear
● Face Wear Failure is when the tool can
Flank Wear

no longer produce parts to

Nose Wear
the required specifications

● Crater Wear
● Notch Wear
● Plastic Deformation See:
● Thermal Cracking
● Edge Chipping
Or: Carbide Depot
● Built-up Edge
Mechanisms of Tool Wear
● Abrasive action
● Plastic deformation of the cutting edge
● Chemical decomposition of the cutting-tool
contact surfaces
● Diffusion between work and tool materials
● Welding of asperities between work and tool
Rotating Cutters
Rake angle is
determined by offset
from center axis.

Clearance has to
happen fast (on
periphery) because
the tool and shape of
cut is round.
Rake angle
Rotating Cutting Tools
D-Bit is a simple case
Primary clearance angle

Conical clearance

See Engraver
End Mill Geometry
Still a wedge-shaped
cutting edge.
Primary and secondary
reliefs ground in.
Sharpening affects
End is typically cupped
Other Cutting Tools - Drills
Helical Flutes
Allows easier entry of cutting face into the
material. (Slicing action rather than chopping)
See: Carl A. Bergstrom, Weldon Tool Company
Twist Drill Geometry
Twist Drill Geometry
Flutes on the drill bit are passageways that
permit chips to exit the hole. They may be
straight or helical. The helix angle of the drill’s
flutes will vary according to the material being
Cutting Lips
The cutting lips are the part of the drill bit that
does the actual cutting.
Chisel Edge
The chisel edge is the point of the drill web.
Does not cut as well as the cutting lips. Often, a
pilot drill is necessary. Pilot diameter should not
exceed the web diameter of the larger drill.
Drill Web
The web is the solid part of the drill bit along
the axis of the tool.
The cylindrical portion of the land which is not
cut away to provide clearance. Some drills
have double or triple margins.
The drill point is formed by the two cutting lips
and does the work of metal cutting. The
standard drill point angle is 118° with a
clearance angle of between 10° and 20°.
Rake Angle
The rake angle of a typical twist drill changes
from the innermost to outermost edge of the
cutting lip.
Tap Geometry
Chip Formation in Other Processes
Roughing Mills
Note chip
Plastic Strain FE Model

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