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If you are reading this, chances are you have worked for the Nigerian Public Service
for more than two (2) years, and are preparing for the Compulsory Confirmation
Promotion Examination. This post is a collection of helpful information to keep in
mind, to make passing this exam easier for you.

1. Keep a diligent eye on your office Notice-Board for information regarding

dates and venues of the upcoming examination.
2. Follow up this information by meeting with related staff, particularly those in
the Administrative Department.
3. Go early to your Accreditation venue. Be sure you have photocopies of
relevant documents and certificates, along with your originals. Better safe
than sorry.
4. On the eve of the examination, it is wise to pack your bag with at least 2
reliable biros (one for you and the other as a back-up, or help for the person
who forgets to come with, yes there is always that one person who forgot) and
your identification slip provided to you after accreditation. If you live far from
the venue, or your venue is Federal Public Service Institute of Nigeria,
Kubwa, do well to carry your food and water.
5. On the exam day, be at the venue between 1 hour or 30 minutes before the
exam start time. This will give you ample time to revise with your colleagues
before the paper begins. This interaction is invaluable.
6. If you don’t know already, this examination is an open-book exam and
reference materials are allowed for use (ref. 060207 of the PSR). These
 The Civil Service Handbook
 Financial Regulation (FR)
 Public Service Rules (PSR)
 Federal Establishment Circulars
 Notes for Guidance Nos 1, 2 and 5
 Past Questions
7. Get your own copy of these books. They are commonly sold around the
Federal Secretariat, Central Area. You do not want to be the guy begging for
PSR in the exam hall, disturbing people trying to write. It costs N1000.
Respect yourself.
8. You don’t need to be told to put your phone on silent or turn it off.
9. Make friends and exchange contact details. This way, if there are any changes
regarding dates, time or location of the examination, someone will notify you.
10.Each paper usually lasts 2 hours and the question paper often has 7 questions,
answer 5. These questions may have sub-questions written immediately
following. It is a written examination so if you haven’t done a lot of
handwriting in a while, I recommend you practice.
QT1. List any 6 items that can be found in seniority list of staff nominal Roll
a. Qualification and subjects
b. Rank and Salary Grade level
c. Sex and Date of birth
d. State of origin
e. Local Government Area
f. Date of confirmation of appointment
g. Date of first appointment
h. Date of present appointment
QT 2.What is Notional promotion and mention 3 officers exempted from this type
of promotion
(a) Notional Promotion is a promotion that does not attract any payment of salary
areas. However, the staff salary and other emoluments are adjusted to reflect what
his/hr actual salary/emolument should be.
This type of promotion is necessitated in order to restore the staff seniority who
may have been superseded by his colleagues or even juniors during his time of
absence of for other reasons beyond his control.
(b) Officers exempted from notional promotion are
Those on leave of absence
Approved leave with pay
Officers on special assignment
QT3. Identify the authority responsible for appointment, promotion and discipline
of offiers in the service
The appointment into the Federal Civil Service are made under the authority of the
Federal Civil Service commission.
For those of Grade level 01 to 06 – the junior staff committee of the relevant
ministry shall make the appointment. To be represented in that sitting are the
FCSC and HOCSF, and final approval comes from the Permanent Secretary of the
particular ministry. Their promotions are also likely conducted by the ministry –
Extra Ministerial Department.
For Grade levels 07 to 10 – This is through an annual entry competition conducted
by the Federal civil service commission in conjunction with OHCSF, ASCON and
For grade levels 12 to 14 – This is by the Federal civil service commission after
due advertisement.
The promotion for grade levels 07 to 14 is done by the federal civil service
commission on the recommendation of the extra ministerial department or the
relevant cadre pool through the office of the head of service of the federation.
For grade levels 15 to 17 – The applications for these appointments are to be
routed through the head of service while the examination/interview and other
appointment processes will be handle by the federal civil service commission.
The promotion here is also done by the federal civil service commission on the
recommendation of the extra ministerial department or the relevant cadre pool
through the office of the head of service of the federation.

The disciplinary power over officers of the federal service is vested on the federal
civil service commission . Notwithstanding, this power can be delegated to any
member of the commission or an officer of the service.
In this regard the federal civil service commission has delegated this disciplinary
action to the permanent secretaries and the heads of extra ministerial departments
in respect of officers on grade levels 01 to 13 with the exception of power for
dismissal which is only limited to grade levels 01 to 06.

1. Your Colleague is about to retire from the Service, advise him on documents
he shall present to his Departmental Pension Officer.
2. With the aid of the PSR, list five (5) ways an officer can retire from the
Public Service.
3. Mention ten (10) types of Leave you know in the Service.
4. Define Maternity Leave and Sick Leave with the aid of the PSR.
b) What is the period of Maternity Leave for a pregnant mother and time off
for a nursing mother?
5. With the aid of the PSR, define “Duty Tour Allowance” (DTA).
b) Mention ten (10) types of allowances payable to the officer in the Public
6. a) Mention all the five (5) rules that can disqualify an officer’s petition.
b) Mention four (4) types of Appointments in the Public Service.
7. What is the minimum number of years that an officer must spend in a post
before being considered for promotion?

i) SGL 06 and below

ii)SGL 07 -14
iii)SGL 15 – 17.
a) What is misconduct?

b) Mention ten (10) acts which constitute misconduct in the Public Service.

8. With the aid of the PSR, define the word “Recruitment”

9. Define the following terms:-
 Officer
 Expatriate Officer
 Senior Posts
 Junior Posts
 Wife/Husband (of an officer)
10.You are about to write a petition on a matter that affects you personally,
mention five (5) conditions that may lead to the disqualified
11.List five (5) ways by which an officer can leave the Service
12.Mention three (3) types of appointment in the Public Service
13.Mention the titles of Executive Officers and Administrative Officers and
their grade levels in order of Seniority
14.Differentiate between Deferred Increment and Withheld Increment
15.What are the grounds for differing and withholding increment?
16.List the four (4) types of Appointments in the Federal Public Service
17.Your friend is seeking for a permanent and pensionable appointment, advise
him on five eligible rules for appointment into the Public Service.
18.What is Misconduct?
19.Mention Ten (10) acts of which constitutes Misconduct in the Public Service
20.Mention five (5) officers who would require the approval of the President
before going on Medical Check-up at Government expense abroad.
21.What is the compulsory retirement age for officers in the Public Service?
22.Mention tow (2) exceptions to the rule
23.Your colleague is about to write a petition on a matter that affects him/her
personally. Mention five (5) conditions that may lead to disqualification of
the petition.
24.Discuss the term “Serious Misconduct”
25.Mention ten (10) acts that constitute Serious Misconduct
26.List the types of Appointments in the Federal Public Service
27.Mention three (3) types of people that can be offered Contract appointment
28.Define the term “Maternity Leave”
29.Mention five (5) conditions governing Maternity Leave in the Public Service
30.Differentiate between Secondment and Transfer
31.Your brother is seeking for a permanent and pensionable appointment,
advise him on the eligibility for appointment in the Federal Public Service
32.Your supervising officer is about retiring from the service. Advise him/her
on the documents to present to his/her Departmental Pension Officer.
33.What is the Annual Leave entitlement of the following officers:
34.GL. 07 and above
35.GL. 04 – 06
36.GL. 03 and below
37.What is General Inefficiency?
38.Mention ten (10) acts which constitute misconduct in the Public Service

1. What is Financial Regulations?

2. Mention five (5) functions of the Accountant – General of the Federation
3. What is e-collection?
4. Mention five (5) objectives of the e-collection project
5. What is Budget Deficit?
6. Mention three (3) ways through which the budget deficit could be financed
7. What is Estacode?
8. How much is the Estacode entitlement of the following categories of Public
 Ministers/SGF/Head of Service
 Permanent Secretaries
 Officers on SGL 15 – 17
 Officers on SGL 07 – 14
 Officers on SGL 06 and below
1. What is the Treasury Single Account?
2. State the five (5) objectives of the TSA Policy
3. What is the difference between the Federation Account and Consolidated
Revenue Fund (CRF)?
4. Mention four (4) sources of Federation Account Revenue
5. What is the full meaning of IPPIS?
6. State five (5) objectives of the IPPIS Scheme
7. Write the full meaning of the following:
 FR

Differentiate between dismissal and termination of appointment
Dismissal and termination of appointment are disciplinary actions involving the
permanent removal of an officer from service.
1. Dismissal: Applies to pensionable officers who are guilty of very serious
misconduct. When an officer is dismissed, his losses all claim to retirement benefit
such a gratuity and pension. It is the ultimate penalty for serious misconduct. No
notice is given to the officer. The effective date is the date when the officer is
served the notice even though he may refuse to acknowledge receipt of the notice.
2. Termination of appointment: is often used for officers whose appointments are
still on probation or un-established daily paid. The officer is entitled to on months’
notice or one month’s salary in lieu.
What is Financial Embarrassment?
Financial Embarrassment: is the state of an officer’s indebtedness, which is
causing him serious financial hardship.
What is Classified Correspondence? Give Examples.
Classified correspondence or material is correspondence or material which
has been graded according to its sensitivity or importance and the danger
involved if such material becomes public property.
1. Restricted
2. Confidential
3. Staff confidential
4. Secrete
5. Top secrete.

How is seniority in the service determined?
1. By the date of assumption of duty: Seniority between persons employed
from outside the public service is determined by the date of assumption of
duty i.e. the first to assume duty becomes the more senior if they are on the
same rank and salary grade level.
2. Date of letter of Appointment: Where two or more persons assume duty
the same date, seniority is determined by the date of letter if employment
from the Federal Civil Service Commission.
3. By the date a serving officer attains higher rank: Seniority in any
department and among serving officers is determined by the date an officer I
appointed or promoted to the particular class or grade in which he is serving.
Identify 5 (five) ways of leaving the service

1. By dismissal
2. Termination of appointment
3. By resignation
4. By retirement – compulsory or voluntary retirement
5. By absconding
6. Withdrawal of Service
7. By relinquishing of appointment during probation
8. By death
9. By being invalidated
10. By being declared redundant.

Give the Steps that civil servants should take in supply of information to aid
decision making.

i. Through mastery of knowledge of the problem
ii. Acquisition of relevant facts about the problems under consideration
iii. Analysis of the facts collected
iv. Examine whether available precedents fit into the issues under
v. Determine the conclusion in the light of the facts under consideration.

vi. Giving an idea of probable effect of the conclusion if implemented in civil

service handbook.
List 10 Sources of information in civil service.
1. The public service rules
2. Financial regulations
3. Circulars and curricular letter
4. Treasury circulars
5. Official Gazettes of the Federal and State Governments
6. Laws of the Federation of Nigeria
7. Policy circulars of the Federal Civil Service commission
8. Government white paper
9. Staff list of federal and state governments
10. Public service manual
11. Publication from Federal office of statistics
12. Annual reports of ministries/departments.
13. The Nigerian year book
14. Telephone directory
15. Newsletter etc.
Identify any 5 categories of officers or appointments, which the ivil service
commission cannot make.
1. Judge of the Supreme Court
2. Any officer in the Nigerian police force
3. Nigeria’s representatives abroad, such as high commissioners and
4. Secretary to the Government of the federation
5. Head of the Civil Service of the Federation
6. Permanent secretaries or other chief executive in ministries
7. The personal staff of the president

This is initiated, when an officer is accused of wrong doing, misconduct or
general inefficiency or as soon as a superior officer observes any fault or
shortcoming in the work of an officer subordinate to him/her.
i. A general inefficiency consist of a series of acts of omission or
incompetencies of which the cumulative effect shows that the officer is not
capable of discharging efficiently the duties of the office he/she holds.
ii. Misconduct is defined as a specific act of wrong or an improper
behaviour which is inimical to the image of the service and which can be
investigated and proved, it can lead to termination and retirement.
List any 12 examples of misconduct in the civil service.
1. Unruly behaviour
2. Disclosure of official information
3. Corruption
4. Dishonesty
5. False claim against government
6. Use of foul language
7. Falsification or suppression of records
8. Drunkenness
9. Negligence
10. Insubordination
11. Conviction for criminal offence
12. Failure to keep records
13. Absence from duty without leave
14. Engaging in political activities
15. Disobedience of lawful order such as refusal to accept posting
16. Financial embarrassment
17. Engaging in trade or business without authority on office premises or
during office hours
18. Sleeping on duty
19. Seeking or soliciting the assistance of influence or proponent persons.
20. Improper dressing to office while performing official duty
21. Loitering
22. Dereliction of duties.
State the procedure for removing an officer for general inefficiency.
He/she must have been:
i. warned on two or more occasion previously in writing, giving hi an
opportunity to improve or offer a satisfactory explanation for his failure to
perform his duties
ii. Suffered loss or deferment of his increment
iii. Given ample opportunity for improvement
iv. Given notice of termination, the period of the notice if it is decided that
the officer should leave service immediately should include annual leave,
which the officer is entitled.

List any 10 disciplinary measures/actions that can be taken against an officer
found guilty of general inefficiency or misconduct.
a. Dismissal
b. Termination or retirement
c. Reduction in rank (demotion) Reduction in salary
d. Withholding or deferment of salary
e. Loss of pay/Non-payment for the corresponding days an officer Is not at
his duty post without authority.
f. Surcharge
g. Interdiction
h. Suspension
i. Reprimand
j. Written warning
k. Verbal warning
Define the term serious misconduct
Serious misconduct is defined as a specific act of very serious wrong doing
and improper behaviour which is inimical to the image of the service, it can
be investigated and proven, may lead to dismissal.
Serious acts of misconduct include:
i. Falsification of records
ii. Suppression of records
iii. Withholding of file
iv. Conviction on a criminal charge
v. Absence from duty without leave
vi. False claims against government
vii. Engaging in partisan political activities
viii. Bankruptcy/serious financial embarrassment
ix. Unauthorized disclosure of official information
x. Bribery
xi. Corruption
xii. Embezzlement
xiii. Misappropriation
xiv. Violation of Oath of Secrecy
xv. Violation of Oath of office
xvi. Action prejudicial to the security of the state
xvii. Advanced fee Fraud – criminal code 419
xviii. Sexual harassment
xix. Sabotage
xx. Wilful damage of public property.
Differentiate between Suspension and Interdiction, as disciplinary measures.
Note that Suspension and interdiction are disciplinary actions which involve
stopping n officer for reporting for duty during the period he is under
SUSPENSION: Shall apply where prima facia case, the nature of which is
serious has been established against an officer; he may be stopped from
carrying out the duties of his office pending investigation into the
misconduct. In addition, he is denied the right o enjoying his salary and
allowances during the period he is under suspension. Suspension is not
synonymous with interdiction.
INTERDICTION: When a serious case that may lead to dismissal has been
instituted against n officer, the permanent Secretary/Head if Extra-Ministerial
office may interdict him/her on not more than half pay pending the
determination of the case. When an officer is interdicted, he/she shall cease
to report for duty.
Differentiate between withholding of increment and deferment of increment.
Withholding and deferment of increment are disciplinary actions that can be
taken against an officer.
a. Withholding of Increment: An increments said to be withheld when it is
not granted and the affected officer remains on the same step until the next
incremental date.
b. Deferment of Increment: Deferment implies that an officer’s increment is
postponed from when it is due to another time. The period is fixed at the time
the increment is deferred. It must not be less than three months or more than
six months.
The officer retains his original incremental date for subsequent increments.
An increment deferred or withheld cannot be restored with retrospect effect.
1. Mention five (5) ways in which vacancy occurs in the Federal Civil Service
2. Write the following abbreviations in full
 a.b.c
 b.u
 f.f.n.a
1. List five (5) Codes of Ethics in the Government Business
2. Mention five (5) circumstances in which an officer may be removed from
the Civil Service
3. What is the difference between “Transfer” and “Secondment”?
4. Alhaji Chukwu Oridoha was employed by Kogi State Government. He
assumed duty on the 1st of January, 2008. as Accountant II. He applied to
the Federal Civil Service Commission for his Service to be transferred in
August 2009 because he wants to move to FCT permanently. As the
schedule officer, mention two (2) reasons why the applicant’s request should
not be granted and four (4) conditions that must be met to make his
application effective.
5. What is Leave?
6. Mention three (3) types of leave
7. State the annual leave (days) entitlements of the officers in the following
salary grade level
 SGL 03 and below
 SGL 04- 06
 SGL 07 and above
1. How many Geopolitical zones exist in Nigeria?
2. Name the Geopolitical zones
3. Under what conditions shall an officer be disqualified for promotion? List
four (4) conditions
4. The Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria vests in the Federal
Civil Service Commission the function of recruitment into the Civil Service
of which appointment is within the prerogative of the President. Mention
two of such positions
5. Mention the three (3) arms of Presidential System of Government and the
title of their Heads
6. Enumerate four (4) information required from newly recruited officers for
their documentation
7. State four (4) conditions for determining Seniority in the Civil Service/li>
8. Mention four (4) types of allowances payable in the Service.

1. List three (3) ways a person can become a citizen of Nigeria.

2. List four (4) sources of Nigerian Law.
3. Explain the term “Separation of Power”.
4. List five (5) fundamental Rights guaranteed under Chapter Four of the 199
Constitution of the Federal Government of Nigeria (as amended).
5. What is the rule in Salomon Vs Salomon
6. What is a Contract?
b) Will the death of a party to a contract extinguish an action in Contract?
7. What is an Agent?
b) List four (4) duties of an Agent.
8. List five (5) Courts in Nigeria that appeal to their decisions like the Court of
b) State five (5) duties /obligations as a Nigerian Citizen.
9. Mention five (5) equitable maxims.Service Commission.
10.Mention seven (7) Federal Executive Bodies in the Nigerian Constitution
11.Explain in detail the meaning of a term “Invitation to treat”
12.Explain the term Supremacy of 1999 Constitution.
13.Define the term “Contract”?
14.How can an offer made by a party to a contract be terminated?
15.Explain the concept “fair hearing”
16.Mention five (5) fundamental Human Rights enshrined in the 1999
Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria
17.What type of government does Nigeria operate?
18.Discuss the kind of government in detail
19.State the composition of the Senate and House of Representatives.
For each question, choose which of the four possible answers fits the space best.
Also think about why the other three answers are not possible.
1. Modern conditions such as diabetes and alcohol abuse has caused
life to fall in some countries.

A. expectancy

B. expectation

C. prediction

D. forecast

2. The words of his resignation letter he was unhappy with several of his
former colleagues.

A. signified

B. implied

C. involved

D. inferred

3. Thomas never the negative role he had in taking over the company

A. located

B. disclosed
C. exposed

D. uncovered

4. Dr Hartson is an animal expert, but I don't believe the of his expertise

is as wide as you think.

A. scope

B. width

C. scale

D. weight

5. We understand it's late and we don't mean to , but we have some

important questions for you.

A. inconvenience

B. impose

C. interrupt

D. interfere

6. On arriving at the theatre, the Queen was presented with a large of

tulips by a young girl.

A. gathering

B. bouquet
C. bunch

D. clump

7. The suspect's complaints about his treatment by police were and he

was taken into custody.
A. noted

B. viewed

C. mentioned

D. remarked

8. "We will surely our problems if we work together on a solution."

A. sink

B. weaken

C. lessen

D. concentrate

9. Which of the following is gramatically correct?

A This would have been easier if I had taken your advise.

B If you can take advise then you have an advantage over most people.

C The board of directors advise to the CEO was to talk to the media.

D This would have been easier if I had taken your advice.

10. Which one of these sentences is not gramatically correct?

AI except your excuse but I don't like it.

BI would go to the concert, except I have to work that night.

CI accept this trophy on behalf of the entire team.

DDoes this apartment accept tennants with cats?

11. Which one of these sentences is gramatically correct?

AThe C.E.O. travelled to the USA and UK last year.

BThe CEO travelled to the USA and UK last year.

CThe C.E.O travelled to the U.S.A and U.K last year.

DThe CEO travelled to the U.S.A. and U.K. last year.

12. How many of the following words are

misspelled? realy







13. Which of the following words is misspelled?

A liaise

B government

C chauffeur

D peice
14. Which of the following words is misspelled?

A forward

B threshold

C bizzare

D foreign

15. Capitate most nearly means:

A breathless

B behindhand

C asphyxiating

D round

16. Expiable most nearly means:



C felled

D hewn
17. Noteworthy most nearly

means: A discreditable

B worthy

C disreputable
D unsound

For each question, choose which of the four possible answers fits the space best.

Also think about why the other three answers are not possible.

18. We paid the lawyer to up a totally new will, one which left the three
boys much better off.

A. draw

B. bring

C. sign

D. make

19. The time for making decisions is lunchtime.

A. fine

B. optimum

C. peak

D. maximum

20. The elderly patient was considered too to survive an operation.

A. tenuous
B. brittle

C. frail

D. insane

21. Last Sunday, the highest temperature in history was registered.

A. marked

B. accounted

C. noted

D. recorded

22. Milk is an important of calcium and vitamin D and is an important

part of any diet.

A. source

B. ancestor

C. base

D. root

23. The customs officer was suspicious and called the man over to his
luggage more closely.

A. inspect

B. view

C. gaze at

D. glimpse

24. Are these old plates of importance or can I put them into storage?

A. main

B. lively
C. vital
D. urgent

25. The humble bee, so often for granted, plays a key role in agriculture.

A. taken

B. collected

C. given

D. put

26. The average of first 50 natural numbers is ………….

. A. 25.30

B. 25.5

C. 25.00

D. 12.25

27. A fraction which bears the same ratio to 1/27 as 3/11 bear to 5/9 is equal to

……….. .

A. 1/55

B. 55
C. 3/11

D. 1/11

28. The number of 3-digit numbers divisible by 6, is ………….. .

A. 149
B. 166

C. 150

D. 151

29. What is 1004 divided by 2?

A. 52

B. 502

C. 520

D. 5002

30. A clock strikes once at 1 o’clock, twice at 2 o’clock, thrice at 3 o’clock and
so on. How many times will it strike in 24 hours?

A. 78

B. 136
C. 156

D. 196

31. 125 gallons of a mixture contains 20% water. What amount of additional water
should be added such that water content be raised to 25%?

A. 15/2 gallons.

B. 17/2 gallons.

C. 19/2 gallons.

D. 81/3 gallons.

32. 106×106–94×94=? A.


B. 2400

C. 1904

D. 1906

33. Which of the following numbers gives 240 when added to its own

square? A. 15
B. 16

C. 18

D. 20

34. Evaluation of 83 × 82 × 8-5 is …………. .

A. 1

B. 0

C. 8

D. None of these.

35. The simplest form of 1.5 : 2.5 is …………… .

A. 6:10

B. 15:25

C 0.75 : 1.25

36. The first General Secretary

was A. Obafemi Awolowo

B. Nnamdi Azikwe

C. Ufong Ekaete D.

Michael Okpara

37. War against Indiscipline was inaugurated

in A. March, 1984

B. June, 1985 C.

April, 1983 D.

August, 1982

38. In 1945. ... currency was introduced in

Nigeria A. Naira and kobo

B. Pound sterling

C. Dollar


39. Which state is commonly referred to as the 'confluence

state'? A. Niger

B. Kogi
C. Benue

D. Kwara

40. Who composed the Nigerian national

anthem? A. John A. Ilechukwu

B. Eme Etim Akpan

C. Benedict Odiase

D. Sotu Omoigui

41: The first world war was between

(a) 1911-1914

(b) 1914-1916

(c) 1916-1918

(d) 1914-1918

42: The western and eastern Nigeria became self governed in

(a) 1959

(b) 1960

(c) 1957
(d) 1956

43. The naira note was introduced to replace the pound


A. 1973

B. 1976

C. 1961

D. 1963

44. Fifty naira was introduced in

A. 27th August, 1991

B. 4TH April, 1996

C. 15th June, 1991

D. 6th March, 1996

45. The green colour of the Nigerian flag represents

A. Beauty

B. Peace
C. Agriculture

D. Strength

46. The first university graduate inspector general of police was

A. Abubakar Rilwan

B. Tafa Balogun

C. Ogbonnaya Onovo

D. Mike Okiro

47. The first Nigerian whose portrait was shown in the naira is….

A. Abubakar Tafa Balewa

B. Ahmadu Bello

C. Gen. Murtala Mohammed

D. Nnamdi Azikiwe

48. The president of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC)

is A. Alfa Belgore
B. Adulwaheed Omar

C. Idris Mamah

D. Okun Etiebon

49. The highest national award in Nigeria is the





50. OFR stands for

A. Offer of the Federal Republic

B. Order of the Federal Republic

C. Office of the Federal Republic

D. Officer of the Federal Republic


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Find in the blanks with correct Synonyms.

1. The President was given a hearty

welcome. A. cold

B. warm C.

warmly D.


2. All that glitters are not gold.

A. shining

B. bright

C. gleams

D. gleaming

3. Perhaps there are several other

bodies. A. a few

B. some

C. many

D. a lot of
4. Most of the neighbours quarrel among themselves.

A. chat

B. dispute

C. disputes

D. altercation

5. Judges must not be partial.

A. fairless

B. unequal

C. favouring

D. biased

6. He lives in a spacious house.

A. small

B. large

C. cramped

D. limited

7. One should not pass indecent comments on others.

A. bad
B. ugly

C. vulgar

D. indelicately

8. I like only fictions not biographies.

A. essays

B. fact

C. story

D. reality

9. This evening rains are probable.

A. like

B. likely

C. presume

D. clear

10. Mother Terasa’s eyes lit up with her usual kind

smile. A. warm
B. cruel

C. style

D. sad

For each question, choose which of the four possible answers fits the space best.

Also think about why the other three answers are not possible.

11. Much of the neighbourhood was demolished in the 1940s when

living had deteriorated.

A. situations

B. conditions
C. circumstances

D. states

12. Scientists are yet to understand the full nutritional of the humble

A. favours

B. helps

C. goods

D. benefits

13. You can come and us performing this operation, if you want.

A. discover

B. gaze

C. observe

D. look

14. Bears used to be very in this part of the country, but nobody has seen

one for ten years.

A. sparse

B. broad

C. thorough
D. widespread
15. Ben was to the court for jury duty, but took a doctor's note with him
and was excused.

A. pulled

B. assembled

C. summoned

D. requested

16. The police four states in pursuit of the bank robber.

A. crossed

B. journeyed

C. chased

D. travelled

17. After three years of , the country's economy is finally looking a lot

A. letdown

B. demise

C. overdraft

D. recession

18. We altered our final of yearly profits due to more accurate

advertising and marketing costs.

A. forecast
B. expectancy

C. expectation

D. wishes

Fill in the blanks with correct Antonyms.

19. Prasanna has a gruff voice.

A. rougher

B. rough

C. mild

D. milder

20. Many policians parry questions asked by newspaper

reporters. A. answer

B. ward off

C. evasive

D. face

21.There were copious

rains. A. scanty
B. plenty C.


D. scarcity
22. Angels descend from the

heaven. A. increase

B. ascend

C. gallop

D. come down

23. Martha looks pretty.

A. ugly

B. fine

C. fairly

D. unimpressive

24. The mist engulfed the

ship. A. cover

B. swallow

C. discover

D. permeate
25. One must not disobey the

boss. A. resist

B. obey

C. obeyance
D. submission

26. The least number of five digits which is completely divisible by 39, is ……….

A. 10101

B. 10062

C. 10016

D. 10023

27. 2. If ‘+’ means ‘×’, ‘-‘ means ‘+’, ‘×’ means ‘÷’ and ‘÷’ means ‘-‘ then find the

value of;


A. 6

B. 10

C. -2

D. 12

28. 3. What is 121 times 11?

A. 1331

B. 1313

C. 1133

D. 3131
29. A car covers a distance of 200km in 2 hours 40 minutes, whereas a jeep
covers the same distance in 2 hours. What is the ratio of their speed?

A. 3:4

B. 4:3

C. 4:5

D. 5:4

30. 10001 – 101 = ?

A. 1001

B. 990

C. 9990

D. 9900

31.A number is greater than 3 but less than 8. Also the number is greater than 6
but less than 10. What is the number?

A. 5

B. 6

C. 7

D. 8
32. In the following series a wrong number is given. Find out that

number. 4, 5, 10, 18, 34, 59, 95

A. 5
B. 10

C. 18

D. 34

33. A clock reads 4:30. If the minute hand points East, in what direction will
the hour hand point?

A. North

B. North-West

C. North-East

D. South-East

34. The sum of squares of two numbers is 80 and the square of difference
between the two numbers is 36. Find the product of two numbers.

A. 11

B. 22

C. 33

D. 26

35. The value of 1.07 × 65 + 1.07 × 26 + 1.07 × 9 is;

A. 10.73
B. 10.7

C. 10.70

D. 107
36. Switzerland is often cited as a classic example of a country

with a. Unitary constitution

b. Quasi-unitary

c. Federal

d. Confederal

37. The power of a head of state to dissolve the legislature and order a
general election is usually associated with the

a. Presidential system of government

b. Monarchial

c. Parliamentary

d. Unitary

38. The act of bringing a legislative session to an end only for business to
continue later is called

a. Adjournment

b. Prorogation

c. Resolution
d. Abrogation

39. An electoral process in which candidates for elective offices re selected

by party members is

a. Primary election
b. Electoral college

c. Direct election

d. Preferential voting.

40. The principle whereby a legislator's tenure is abruptly brought to an end by

his constituency is

a. Rejection

b. Reference

c. Recall

d. Impeachment

41. Which of the following traditional Nigeria societies practiced systems

of checks and balance

a. Tiv

b. Yoruba

c. Hausa

d. Igbo

42. In British West Africa, the elective principle was first introduced

in a. Nigeria
b. Ghana

c. Sierra Leone

d. Gambia
43. A court order compelling the executive or its agencies to produce
an unlawfully detained person is called a writ of

a. Mandamus

b. Subpoena

c. Habeas corpus

d. Bail

44. The political party that replaced NNDP before independence was

a. NYM



d. AG

45. The Babaginda administration’s transition to civil rule program officially

started in

a. 1992

b. 1990

c. 1987
d. 1985

46. The 1960 Independence Constitution of Nigeria provided for

the A. President as head of government

B. Governor-General as head of state

C. Queen as head of state

D. Governor-General as head of government

47. The independent African countries that signed the OAU Charter on
May 25,1963 were

48. In a parliamentary system of government,a vote of no confidence leads to the

resignation of
49. The chairman of the National Defense Council asprovided in the
1999 Constitution is the

A. Minister of Defence

B. Chief of Defence Staff

C. Chief of Army Staff

D. President
50. Ethnic politics in Nigeria can be traced to

the A. Macpherson Constitution

B. Lyttelton Constitution

C. Clifford Constitution

D. Richard's Constitution


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21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


1. Nothing in life runs smooth.

A. polish

B. fine C.

rough D.


2. Whatever he writes is

hazy. A. easy

B. filmy

C. misty

D. clear

3. The management of the school has closed all admissions.

A. open

B. limited

C. shut D.

Rearrange the following six sentences (A), (B), (C), (D), (E) and (F) in the
proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then answer the
questions given below.

(A) With all the bid information being available and tracked online, corruption has
considerably reduced.

(B) Today, most, ie over ninety-five per cent, households, in the city
enjoy. broadband connection.

(C) All city contracts are now bid for online.

(D) Over twenty years ago the city government, Central Government and the
private sector made a concerted effort to shift the economy to include IT.

(E) As our cities do expand and become more complex, such a system will
make governance more manageable.

(F) This level of connectedness has changed not only the city's economy but
also how it is governed and how business is conducted.

4) Which of the following should be the FIRST sentence after rearrangement?

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D
E. E

5) Which of the following should be the SECOND sentence after rearrangement?

A. A
B. B

C. C

D. D

E. F

6) Which of the following should be the THIRD sentence after rearrangement?

A. A

B. C

C. D

D. E

E. F

7) Which of the following should be the FIITH sentence after rearrangement?

A. A
B. B

C. C

D. D

E. E

8) Which of the following should be the LAST (SIXTH) sentence

after rearrangement?

A. B
B. C

C. D

D. E

E. F

Directions: Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C) and (D) given below each
sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold in the sentence to make it
grammatically correct ? If the sentence is correct as it is given and no correction
is required, mark (E) as the answer.

9) We have hired an advertising agency to prepare a campaign to encourage

people votes.

A. Votes by people
B. People to vote

C. Voting for people

D. People from voting

E. No correction required

10) During the training programme the new recruits will be briefed about how
their role in the new organisation.

A. Which are their role

B. For its roles

C. About their role

D. What their roles

E. No correction required

11) The equipment is in such poor condition that we have no alternative to buy
new ones.

A. many alternative like

B. any alternative except

C. no other alternative

D. no alternative but
E. No correction required

12) Since the deadline has been changed from next week to this Thursday
you should give this work priority.

A. Priority this work

B. Prioritised this work

C. Not give priority this work

D. Be given this work priority

E. No correction required

13) After the success of our project we have been receiving more requests than
we do not have the resources to handle them.

A. Too many requests

B. More requests that

C. Most of the requests

D. Many requests but

E. No correction required
14. I ...... tennis every Sunday

morning. A. playing

B. play

C. am playing

D. am play

15. Don't make so much noise. Nonso ...... to study for her Civil Service

test! A. try

B. tries C.

tried D. is


16. Jun-Sik ...... his teeth before breakfast every morning.

C. cleans

D. clean

17. Sorry, she can't come to the phone. She ....... a bath!
A. is having

B. having

C. have

D. has

18. many times every winter in Frankfurt.

A. It snows
19. How many students in your class ...... from

Korea? A. comes

B. come

C. came

D. are coming

20. Weather report: "It's seven o'clock in Frankfurt and .......

" A. there is snow

B. it`s snowing

C. it snows D.

it snowed
21. Babies .......when they are hungry.

A. cry

B. cries

C. cried

D. are crying

22. Jane: "What ...... in the evenings?"

Mary: "Usually I watch TV or read a

book." A. you doing

B. you do C.

do you do

D. are you doing

23. Jane: "What ...... ?"

24. Jane ...... her blue jeans today, but usually she wears a skirt or a

dress. A. wears
B. wearing

C. wear

D. is wearing

25. I think I ....... a new calculator. This one does not work properly any

more. A. needs

B. needed

C. need

D. am needing

26. What is three fifth of 100?

A. 3

B. 5

C. 20

D. 60

27. If David’s age is 27 years old in 2011. What was his age in 2003?

A. 17 years

B. 37 years
C. 20 years

D. 19 years

28. What is the remainder of 21 divided by 7?

A. 21

B. 7

C. 1

D. None of these

29. What is 7% equal to?

A. 0.007

B. 0.07

C. 0.7

D. 7

30. I am a number. I have 7 in the ones place. I am less than 80 but greater than
70. What is my number?

A. 71

B. 73
C. 75

D. 77

31. How many years are there in a decade?

A. 5

B. 10

C. 15

D. 20

32. What is the square of

15? A. 15

B. 30

C. 252

D. 225

33. What is the value of x if x2 =

169 A. 1
B. 13

C. 169

D. 338

34. What is the reciprocal of 17/15?

A. 1.13

B. 15/17

C. 17/15

D. 30/34

35. In a century how many months are

there? A. 12

B. 120
C. 1200

D. 12000

36. When ancient Olympic games first held

? A. 776 BC
B. 780 BC

C. 790 BC

D. 800 BC

37. Who is known as the father of Modern Medicine

? A. Euclid

B. Pythagoras C.

Hippocrates D.


38. Rome was founded around ?

A. 1000 BC

B. 1200 BC

C. 1400 BC

D. 1600 BC

39. Which is considered as oldest civilization of the world ?

A. Mesopotamian Civilization
B. Egyptain Civilization

C. Harappan Civilization

D. Chinese Civilization

40. In which year American Revolution started ?

A. 1774

B. 1775 C.

1776 D.


41. In which year American Independence was acknowledged by England ?

A. 1782

B. 1783 C.

1784 D.


42. Who was the author of the "American Declaration of Independence" ?

A. Jefferson

B. Lafayette
C. George Washington

D. Thomas Paine

43. The Renaissance scientist who explained how planets moved around the sun
was ?

A. Kepler

B. Rebelais

C. Francis Bacorr

D. Gutenberg

44. Russian revolutionary, who founded the Communist Party was

B. Stalin

C. Lenin

D. Trotsky

45. Who is also known as the founder of scientific socialism ?

A. Karl Marx

B. Lenin
C. Rousseau

D. Engels

46. Who said that " Man is a political animal" ?

A. Aristotle

B. Karl Marx
C. Lenin

D. Plato

46. Who was the first executive president of Nigeria?

A. Alhaji Shehu Shagari

B. Alhaji Alhmadu Bello

C. Alhaji Abubakar Tafa Balewa

D. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe

47. Who is the last military head of state?

48. Who was the first CBN governor?

A. Prof. Chukwuma Soludo

B. Dr. Louis Edet

C. Sanusi Lamido Sanusi

D. Dr. R.P. Feton

49. Who was the first Nigerian Labour congress leader?

A. Adams Oshiomole

B. Omar Waheed

C. Anwuka Awuzie

D. Michael Imoudu

50. When did Gen Ibrahim Babangida stepped aside and appointed Chief Ernest
Shonekam to head Interim National Government?

A. 26th August, 1993

B. 4th June, 1991

C. 29th May, 1992

D. 1st October, 1990


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