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Time Value of Money
LEARNING GOALS MyLab Finance Chapter Introduction Video

LG 1 Discuss the role of time

value in finance, the use of WHY THIS CHAPTER MATTERS TO YOU
computational tools, and
the basic patterns of cash In your professional life
ACCOUNTING You need to understand time-value-of-money calculations to
LG 2 Understand the concepts account for certain transactions such as loan amortization, lease payments, and
of future value and present bond interest rates.
value, their calculation for INFORMATION SYSTEMS You need to understand time-value-of-money
single cash flow amounts, calculations to design systems that accurately measure and value the firm’s cash
and the relationship flows.
between them.
MANAGEMENT You need to understand time-value-of-money calculations so that
LG 3 Find the future value and your management of cash receipts and disbursements enables the firm to receive
the present value of both the greatest value from its cash flows.
an ordinary annuity and an MARKETING You need to understand time value of money because funding for
annuity due, and find the new programs and products must be justified financially using time-value-of-money
present value of a techniques.
OPERATIONS You need to understand time value of money because it affects the
LG 4 Calculate both the future value of investments in new equipment, in new processes, and in inventory.
value and the present value
of a mixed stream of cash In your personal life
Time-value-of-money techniques are widely used in personal financial planning.
LG 5 Understand the effect that With them, you can calculate how much wealth you can accumulate by saving and
compounding interest investing money over time. You can determine how much money you need to set
more frequently than aside now to reach a particular savings target in the future. You can compare the
annually has on future values of lump-sum payments to streams of cash flows such as annuities. You can
value and on the effective calculate payments for consumer loans such as auto loans and home mortgages, or
annual rate of interest. given those payments, you can determine the interest rate that a lender is charging
you. Time-value-of-money techniques can help you with almost any major financial
LG 6 Describe the procedures decision that you face over your lifetime.
involved in (1) determining
deposits needed to
accumulate a future sum,
(2) loan amortization, (3)
finding interest or growth
rates, and (4) finding an
unknown number of


Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

David L. Ryan/Boston Globe/Getty images

E ach week millions of people buy lottery
tickets in the hope of getting rich quick.
In August 2017, someone in Massachusettes got the surprise of a lifetime upon learning she
held the winning ticket to the $758.7 million Powerball jackpot, the second-largest lottery prize
in U.S. history. The winner, 52-year-old hospital worker Mavis Wanczyk, could choose to take
the prize in the form of an immediate $480 million payment, or she could collect her winnings
gradually over time. Specifically, Ms. Wanczyk could elect to receive 30 annual payments,
starting with an immediate payment of $11.42 million with subsequent payments growing
at 5% per year. The sum of those 30 payments equals the advertised lottery jackpot
of $758.7 million.
Why would anyone take $480 million rather than $758.7 million? One answer is that the $480
million comes right away, and with that money in hand, the winner can invest the money and earn
a return. Because of that opportunity, having $480 million today is much more valuable than
having it at some point in the distant future. How much more valuable depends on several factors,
especially the rate of return the winner can earn on investments. Winners of huge lottery jackpots
have to make an early decision about whether it is better to take a lump sum and invest it or better
to take the larger annuity payments spread out over many years. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to
make such a comparison . . . just in case.

CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 237

LG 1 5.1 The Role of Time Value in Finance

The time value of money refers to the observation that it is better to receive
money sooner than later. You can invest money you have in hand today to earn a
positive rate of return, producing more money tomorrow. For that reason, a dol-
lar today is worth more than a dollar in the future. In business situations, manag-
ers constantly face tradeoffs when actions that require cash outflows today may
produce cash inflows later. Because cash that comes in the future is worth less
than cash that firms spend up front, managers need a set of tools for comparing
cash inflows and outflows that occur at different times. Individuals can use those
tools also when making decisions about investing or borrowing money. This
chapter introduces you to those tools.


Suppose that a firm has an opportunity to spend $15,000 today on some invest-
ment that will produce $17,000 spread out over the next 5 years as follows:

Year 1 $3,000
Year 2 5,000
Year 3 4,000
Year 4 3,000
Year 5 2,000

Is this investment a wise one? It might seem that the obvious answer is yes
because the firm spends $15,000 and receives $17,000. Remember, though, that
the value of the dollars the firm receives in the future is less than the value of the
dollars they spend today. Therefore, it is not clear whether the $17,000 inflows
are enough to justify the initial investment.
Time-value-of-money analysis helps managers answer questions like this one.
The idea is that managers need a way to compare cash today versus cash in the future.
There are two equivalent ways of doing so. One way is to ask the question, what
amount of money in the future is equivalent to $15,000 today? In other words, what
is the future value of $15,000? The other approach asks, what amount today is equiv-
timeline alent to $17,000 paid out over the next 5 years as outlined above? In other words,
A horizontal line on which time
what is the present value of the stream of cash flows coming in the next 5 years?
zero appears at the leftmost
end and future periods are
A timeline depicts the cash flows associated with a given investment. It is a
marked from left to right; can horizontal line on which time zero appears at the leftmost end and future peri-
be used to depict investment ods are marked from left to right. A timeline illustrating our hypothetical invest-
cash flows. ment problem appears in Figure 5.1. The cash flows occurring at time zero

F I G URE 5. 1
Timeline Year
Timeline depicting an 0 1 2 3 4 5
investment’s cash flows
–$15,000 $3,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000
238 PART TWO   Financial Tools

F I G URE 5. 2
Compounding and
Timeline showing com- Future
pounding to find future Value
value and discounting to
find present value Year
0 1 2 3 4 5

–$15,000 $3,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000



(today) and at subsequent 1-year intervals are below the line; the negative values
represent cash outflows ($15,000 invested today at time zero), and the positive
values represent cash inflows ($3,000 inflow in 1 year, $5,000 inflow in 2 years,
and so on).
To make the correct investment decision, managers must compare the
cash flows depicted in Figure 5.1 at a single point in time. Typically, that
point is either the end or the beginning of the investment’s life. The future
value technique uses compounding to find the future value of each cash flow
at the end of the investment’s life and then sums these values to find the
investment’s future value. This approach is depicted above the timeline in
Figure 5.2. The figure shows that the future value of each cash flow is mea-
sured at the end of the investment’s 5-year life. Alternatively, the present value
technique uses discounting to find the present value of each cash flow at time
zero and then sums these values to find the investment’s value today. Applica-
tion of this approach is depicted below the timeline in Figure 5.2. In practice,
when making investment decisions, managers usually adopt the present value

Finding present and future values can involve time-consuming calculations.
Although you should understand the concepts and mathematics underlying these
calculations, financial calculators and spreadsheets streamline the application of
time value techniques.

Financial Calculators
Financial calculators include numerous preprogrammed financial routines.
Learning how to use these routines can make present and future value calcula-
tions a breeze.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 239

F I G UR E 5. 3
Input Function N — Number of periods
Calculator Keys N
Important financial keys I/Y I/Y — Interest rate per period
on the typical calculator PMT PV — Present value
CPT PMT — Payment amount per period
Solution FV — Future value
CF NPV IRR DEL INS CPT — Compute key used to initiate financial calculation
C/Y P/Y xP/Y BGN AMORT once all input values have been entered
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
RESET 1 2 3 –
+/– 0 . = +

We focus primarily on the keys highlighted in Figure 5.3. We typically use

four of the five keys shown in third row on the calculator, along with the com-
pute (CPT) key to calculate the value of a fifth key. That is, one of the five keys
in the third row represents the unknown value we want to calculate. There are
also more sophisticated menu-driven functions such as the CF, NPV, and IRR
keystrokes: After you select the appropriate routine, the calculator prompts you
to enter the appropriate input value. Throughout this book our examples pro-
vide the typical keystrokes for the time-value-of-money calculations. It may be
necessary for you to refer to your specific calculator’s reference guide for com-
plete instructions about how to use your financial calculator.
Once you understand the underlying concepts, you probably will want to use
a calculator to streamline calculations. With a little practice, you can increase
both the speed and the accuracy of your financial computations. Remember that
conceptual understanding of the material is the objective. An ability to solve
problems with the aid of a calculator does not necessarily reflect such an under-
standing, so don’t just settle for answers. Work with the material until you are
sure that you also understand the concepts.

Electronic Spreadsheets
Like financial calculators, electronic spreadsheets have built-in routines that sim-
plify time-value calculations. We provide in the text a number of spreadsheet solu-
tions that identify the cell entries for calculating time values. The value for each
variable is entered in a cell in the spreadsheet, and the calculation is programmed
using an equation that links the individual cells. Changing any input variable auto-
matically changes the solution as a result of the equation linking the cells.

Cash Flow Signs

To provide a correct answer, financial calculators and electronic spreadsheets
require that users designate whether a cash flow represents an inflow or an out-
flow. Entering positive numbers designates cash inflows, while entering negative
numbers designates cash outflows. By entering the cash flows correctly, you are
providing the financial calculator or electronic spreadsheet the calculation’s time-
line. With accurate cash flows entered, answers provided by financial calculators
or electronic spreadsheets will indicate the proper result.
240 PART TWO   Financial Tools


Applications of time-value-of-money calculations to financial problems are almost
infinite in variety. One way to place those applications into different categories is
based on the general patterns of cash inflows and outflows. Some financial prob-
lems involve comparing a single cash inflow to a single cash outflow. Others
involve comparing streams of cash inflows and outflows. Here are the basic cash
flow patterns that we will study in this chapter.
Single amount: A lump sum amount either currently held or expected at some
future date. For example, we might want to know how much a $1,000 invest-
ment made today might be worth in 5 years. Or we might wish to know how
much money we have to set aside today to cover some specific one-time pay-
ment we’ll have to make in the future.
Annuity: A level periodic stream of cash flow. Many financial arrangements
involve making or receiving a fixed payment each month or each year for sev-
eral years. The classic example from consumer finance is the home mortgage.
Time-value-of-money techniques help us determine what the monthly mort-
gage payment will be given the size of the loan required to buy a home.
Mixed stream: A stream of cash flow that is not an annuity; a stream of un-
equal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. Most business in-
vestment decisions fall into this category. Two examples appear below. Mixed
stream A involves an immediate cash outflow of $4,400, followed by cash
inflows of varying amounts for the next 6 years. Mixed stream B has a cash
outflow of $50 up front, followed by alternating cash inflows and outflows.

Mixed cash flow stream

Year A B
0 -$4,400 -$ 50
1 100 50
2 800 -100
3 1,200 280
4 1,200 -60
5 1,400
6 300

Regardless of whether a specific financial problem involves a lump sum, an

annuity, or a mixed stream, the tools and concepts required to make valid
comparisons of cash flows across time are similar, as we will see in the rest of
this chapter.

➔ REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–1 What is the difference between future value and present value? Which
approach is generally preferred by financial managers?
5–2 Define and differentiate among the three basic patterns of cash flow:
(1) a single amount, (2) an annuity, and (3) a mixed stream.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 241

LG 2 5.2 Single Amounts

Although most real-world financial problems require managers to make com-
parisons between streams of cash flow over time, some problems are simpler
and involve lump sums or single cash flows at a particular point in time.
Furthermore, understanding how to apply time-value-of-money methods to
lump sum problems is key to knowing how to handle more complex deci-
sions, so we will begin by studying the comparison of lump sums at different


The most basic time-value-of-money concepts and computations concern single
payments or receipts that occur in the present or in the future. We begin by
considering problems that involve finding the future value of cash that is on hand
immediately. Then we will use the underlying concepts to solve problems that
determine the value today of cash that will be received or paid in the future.
We often need to know to what extent the money we invest now will grow in
the future. For example, if you deposit $500 today into an account that pays 2%
future value annual interest, how much would you have in the account in 10 years? Future value
The value on some future date is the value on some future date of money that you invest today. The future value
of money that you invest today. depends on how much money you invest now, how long it remains invested, and
the interest rate earned by the investment.

The Concept of Future Value

Perhaps the most powerful of all time-value-of-money concepts is that of com-
compound interest pound interest. Compound interest is interest paid on an investment’s original
Interest that is earned on a principal and on interest that has accumulated over previous periods. The term
given deposit and has become principal may refer to the original amount of money placed into an investment
part of the principal at the end or to the balance on which an investment pays interest. Compound interest
of a specified period.
works by adding the interest earned from one period to the original principal,
principal to create a new principal value for the next period. Thus, an investor receives
The amount of money on which (or a borrower pays) interest not only on the original principal but also on
interest is paid. interest that has been earned in previous periods and added to the original prin-
cipal balance. The process of adding interest to an investment’s principal and
paying interest on the new, higher balance is called compounding. Compound-
ing may occur daily, monthly, annually, or at almost any time interval. Annual
compounding is the simplest type, so we will begin with examples of annual
To calculate the future value of a sum of money that we have on hand today,
we will apply compound interest over time. To compute the future value, we
must know the present value, or the amount of money we have today; the inter-
est rate; the number of periods that the investment will earn interest; and the
compounding interval, that is, the number of times per year that interest com-
pounds. A simple example illustrates the concept of future value with annual
242 PART TWO   Financial Tools

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 If Fred Moreno places $100 in an account paying 8% inter-

est compounded annually (i.e., interest is added to the $100
MyLab Finance Solution principal 1 time per year), after 1 year he will have $108 in the account. That’s
Video just the initial principal of $100 plus 8% ($8) in interest. The future value at the
end of the first year is
Future value at end of year 1 = $100 * (1 + 0.08) = $108
If Fred were to leave this money in the account for another year, he would be
paid interest at the rate of 8% on the new principal of $108. After 2 years there
would be $116.64 in the account. This amount would represent the principal
after the first year ($108) plus 8% of the $108 ($8.64) in interest. The future
value after 2 years is
Future value after 2 years = $108 * (1 + 0.08)
= $116.64
Substituting the expression $100 * (1 + 0.08) from the first-year calcula-
tion for the $108 value in the second-year calculation gives us
Future value after 2 years = $100 * (1 + 0.08) * (1 + 0.08)
= $100 * (1 + 0.08)2
= $116.64

The equations in the preceding example lead to a general formula for calcu-
lating future value.

The Equation for Future Value

We can generalize the basic relationship illustrated in Example 5.1 to find the
future value of a lump sum in any situation. We use the following notation for
the various inputs:
FVn = future value after n periods
PV0 = initial principal, or present value when time = 0
r = annual rate of interest (Note: Financial calculators often use I/Y to
represent the interest rate.)
n = number of periods (typically years) that the money remains invested
The general equation for the future value after n periods is

FVn = PV0 * (1 + r)n (5.1)

The following example shows how to apply Equation 5.1.

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 2 Jane Farber places $800 in a savings account paying 3%

interest compounded annually. She wants to know how
much money will be in the account after 5 years. Substituting PV0 = $800,
r = 0.03, and n = 5 into Equation 5.1 gives the future value after 5 years:
FV5 = $800 * (1 + 0.03)5 = $800 * (1.15927) = $927.42
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 243

We can depict this situation on a timeline as follows:

Timeline for future value of Year
a single amount ($800 initial 0 1 2 3 4 5
principal, earning 3%, after
5 years) PV0 = $800

FV5 = $927.42

Although solving the equation in the preceding example is not particularly

difficult, using a financial calculator or electronic spreadsheet simplifies the

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 3 In Personal Finance Example 5.2, Jane Farber places $800 in

her savings account at 3% interest compounded annually
and wishes to find out how much will be in the account after 5 years.
MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use1 We can use a financial calculator to find the future value directly.
Calculator First enter –800 and depress PV; next enter 5 and depress N; then enter 3 and
depress I/Y (which is equivalent to “r” in our notation); finally, to calculate the
Input Function
–800 PV future value, depress CPT and then FV. The future value of $927.42 should
3 I/Y
5 N appear on the calculator display as shown at the left. Remember that the calcula-
tor differentiates inflows from outflows by preceding the outflows with a negative
sign. For example, in the problem just demonstrated, the $800 present value
Solution 927.42 (PV), because we entered it as a negative number, is considered an outflow. There-
CF NPV IRR DEL INS fore, the calculator shows the future value (FV) of $927.42 as a positive number
to indicate that it is the resulting inflow. Had we entered $800 present value as a
7 8 9 / positive number, the calculator would show the future value of $927.42 as a
4 5 6 *
1 2 3 –
negative number. Simply stated, the cash flows—present value (PV) and future
+/– 0 . = + value (FV)—will have opposite signs. (Note: In future examples of calculator use,
we will use only a display similar to that shown here. If you need a reminder of
the procedures involved, review this paragraph.)
Spreadsheet use Excel offers a mathematical function that makes the calculation
of future values easy. The format of that function is FV(rate,nper,pmt,pv,type).
The terms inside the parentheses are inputs that Excel requires to calculate the
future value. The terms rate and nper refer to the interest rate and the number of
time periods, respectively. The term pv represents the lump sum (or present value)
that you are investing today. For now, we will ignore the other two inputs, pmt
and type, and enter a value of zero for each. The following Excel spreadsheet
shows how to use this function to calculate the future value.

1. Many calculators allow the user to set the number of payments per year. Most of these calculators are preset for
monthly payments, or 12 payments per year. Because we work primarily with annual payments—one payment per
year—it is important to be sure that your calculator is set for one payment per year. Although most calculators are
preset to recognize that all payments occur at the end of the period, it is also important to make sure that your cal-
culator is correctly set on the END mode. To avoid including previous data in current calculations, always clear all
registers of your calculator before inputting values and making each computation. You can punch the known values
into the calculator in any order; the order specified in this as well as other demonstrations of calculator use included
in this text merely reflects convenience and personal preference.
244 PART TWO   Financial Tools

2 Present value –$800
3 Annual rate of interest 3%
4 Number of years 5
5 Future value $927.42
Entry in Cell B5 is =FV(B3,B4,0,B2,0).
The minus sign appears before the $800
in B2 because the cost of the investment
is treated as a cash outflow.

Changing any of the values in cells B2, B3, or B4 automatically changes the
result shown in cell B5 because the formula in that cell links back to the others. As
with the calculator, Excel reports cash inflows as positive numbers and cash out-
flows as negative numbers. In the example here, we have entered the $800 present
value as a negative number, which causes Excel to report the future value as a
positive number. Logically, Excel treats the $800 present value as a cash outflow,
as if you are paying for the investment you are making, and it treats the future
value as a cash inflow when you reap the benefits of your investment 5 years later.

A Graphical View of Future Value

Figure 5.4 illustrates how the future value of $1 depends on the interest rate and
the number of periods that money is invested. It shows that (1) the higher the
interest rate, the higher the future value, and (2) the longer the money remains
invested, the higher the future value. Note that for an interest rate of 0%, the
future value always equals the present value ($1.00). For any interest rate greater
than zero, however, the future value is greater than the present value of $1.00.
simple interest Compound Interest versus Simple Interest
Interest that is earned only on
an investment’s original princi- Before turning our attention to the concept of present value, we should make a
pal and not on interest that distinction between compound interest, a concept that we have applied in all of
accumulates over time. our examples so far, and simple interest. Simple interest is interest earned only

F I G URE 5. 4
Future Value of One Dollar ($)

Future Value 90
Relationship 20%
Interest rates, time peri-
ods, and the future value 70
of one dollar 60
MyLab Finance Animation 50
30 15%
20 10%
10 5%
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 245

TAB L E 5 . 1 Simple Interest versus Compound Interest

Account Balance
Time (year) Simple Interest Compound Interest
0 (initial deposit) $1,000 $1,000.00
1 1,050 1,050.00
2 1,100 1,102.50
3 1,150 1,157.62
4 1,200 1,215.51
5 1,250 1,276.28
10 1,500 1,628.89

on an investment’s original principal and not on accumulated interest. Naturally

money accumulates faster when an investment earns compound interest rather
than simple interest. When the interest rate is very low and the time that money
remains invested is very short, the difference between earning compound interest
and simple interest is small. But at higher interest rates and for longer investment
horizons, the differences can be quite substantial. Table 5.1 illustrates this con-
cept by showing how much money accumulates over time if an investor places
$1,000 into an account earning 5% interest. If the account pays simple interest,
then the investor receives exactly $50 in interest every period, so after 1 year the
account balance is $1,050, after 2 years the balance is $1,100, and so on. If the
account pays compound interest, the balance grows much faster because the
investor earns more than $50 in interest every period after the first one. After
10 years, the account paying 5% simple interest is worth $1,500, but the account
paying compound interest is worth $1,628.89.
Our focus thus far has been on determining how fast money will grow over
time. In many business and personal finance problems, the relevant question is
not what the future value of an investment will be, but rather how much a future
cash flow (or stream of cash flows) is worth today.


Most investments made by businesses and individuals involve an exchange of
money today for money in the future. For example, a company must spend money
today to build a plant, but over time the products made in that plant will generate
cash inflows for the firm. Therefore, the firm must decide whether those future
cash inflows are worth the cost of building the plant. In much the same way, an
individual investor buys a stock because it will pay dividends and may sell in the
future at a higher price than it sells for today. The investor must decide if the
price required to buy the stock today is worth the future dividends and capital
gains the stock may provide in the future. Thus, both businesses and individuals
need a way to determine the present value of cash flows that come in the future.
present value The present value is the value in today’s dollars of some future cash flow. An
The value in today’s dollars of equivalent definition is that the present value is the amount that one would have
some future cash flow. to invest today such that the investment would grow to a particular value in the
future. For example, suppose an individual is presented with an investment
opportunity that will pay $5,000 three years from now. The present value repre-
sents the amount of money the investor would pay today for the right to receive
246 PART TWO   Financial Tools

that $5,000 cash inflow in 3 years. Like future value, present value depends on
the interest rate and the timing of cash flows.

The Concept of Present Value

discounting cash flows The process of finding present values is often referred to as discounting cash
The process of finding present flows. Present value calculations answer the following question: If you can earn
values; the inverse of com- r percent on your money, what is the most you would be willing to pay now for
pounding interest. an opportunity to receive FVn dollars n periods from today?
This process is actually the inverse of compounding interest. Instead of find-
ing the future value of present dollars invested at a given rate, discounting deter-
mines the present value of a future amount, assuming an opportunity to earn a
certain return on the money. This annual rate of return is variously referred to as
the discount rate, required return, cost of capital, and opportunity cost. We use
these terms interchangeably in this text.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 4 Paul Shorter has an opportunity to receive $300 one year

from now. What is the most that Paul should pay now for
this opportunity? The answer depends in part on what Paul’s current investment
opportunities are (i.e., what his opportunity cost is). Suppose Paul can earn a
return of 2% on money that he has on hand today. To determine how much he’d
be willing to pay for the right to receive $300 one year from now, Paul can think
about how much of his own money he’d have to set aside right now to earn $300
by next year. Letting PV0 equal this unknown amount and using the same nota-
tion as in the future value discussion, we have
PV0 * (1 + 0.02) = $300
Solving for PV0 gives us
PV0 =
(1 + 0.02)
= $294.12
The value today (“present value”) of $300 received 1 year from today, given
an interest rate of 2%, is $294.12. That is, investing $294.12 today at 2% would
result in $300 in 1 year. Given his opportunity cost (or his required return) of
2%, Paul should not pay more than $294.12 for this investment. Doing so would
mean that he would earn a return of less than 2% on this investment. That’s
unwise if he has other similar investment opportunities that pay 2%. However, if
Paul could buy this investment for less than $294.12, he would earn a return
greater than his 2% opportunity cost.

The Equation for Present Value

We can find the present value of a future amount mathematically by solving
Equation 5.1 for PV0. In other words, the present value, PV0, of some future
amount, FVn, to be received n periods from now, assuming an interest rate (or
opportunity cost) of r, equals

PV0 = (5.2)
(1 + r)n
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 247

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 5 Pam Valenti has been offered an investment opportunity

that will pay her $1,700 eight years from now. Pam has
other investment opportunities available to her that pay 4%, so she will require a
4% return on this opportunity. How much should Pam pay for this opportunity?
In other words, what is the present value of $1,700 that comes in 8 years if the
opportunity cost is 4%? Substituting FV8 = $1,700, n = 8, and r = 0.04 into
Equation 5.2 yields
$1,700 $1,700
PV0 = 8
= = $1,242.17
(1 + 0.04) 1.36857
The following timeline shows this analysis.

Timeline for present value of Year

a single amount ($1,700 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
future amount, discounted at
4%, for 8 years) FV8 = $1,700

PV0 = $1,242.17

MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Using the calculator’s financial functions and the inputs shown at
Calculator the left, you should find the present value to be $1,242.17. Notice that the calcu-
lator result is represented as a negative value to indicate that the present value is
Input Function
1700 FV a cash outflow (i.e., the investment’s cost).
4 I/Y
8 N
Spreadsheet use The format of Excel’s present value function is very similar to
the future value function covered earlier. The appropriate syntax is
Solution –$1,242.17
PV(rate,nper,pmt,fv,type). The input list inside the parentheses is the same as in
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT Excel’s future value function with one exception. The present value function con-
tains the term fv, which represents the future lump sum payment (or receipt)
whose present value you are trying to calculate. The following Excel spreadsheet
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
illustrates how to use this function to calculate the present value.
RESET 1 2 3 –
+/– 0 . = +

2 Future value $1,700
3 Annual rate of interest 4%
4 Number of years 8
5 Present value –$1,242.17
Entry in Cell B5 is =PV(B3,B4,0,B2,0).
The minus sign appears before the $1,242.17
in B5 because the cost of the investment
is treated as a cash outflow.

A Graphical View of Present Value

Figure 5.5 illustrates how the present value of $1 depends on the interest rate (or
discount rate) and the number of periods an investor must wait to receive $1.
The figure shows that, everything else being equal, (1) the higher the discount
248 PART TWO   Financial Tools

F I G URE 5. 5

Present Value of One Dollar ($)

Present Value 1.00 0%
Discount rates, time peri-
ods, and present value of 0.75
one dollar

MyLab Finance Animation 0.50

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

rate, the lower the present value; and (2) the longer the waiting period, the lower
the present value. Also note that if the discount rate is 0%, the present value of
$1 always equals $1 no matter when that dollar arrives. But for any discount rate
greater than zero, the present value is less than $1.

➔ REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–3 How is the compounding process related to the payment of interest on
savings? What is the general equation for future value?
5–4 What effect would a decrease in the interest rate have on the future
value of a deposit? What effect would an increase in the holding period
have on future value?
5–5 What is meant by “the present value of a future amount”? What is the
general equation for present value?
5–6 What effect does increasing the required return have on the present
value of a future amount? Why?
5–7 How are present value and future value calculations related?

➔ EXCEL REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–8 It is tax time and you would like to make a tax-deductible contribution
to an individual retirement account (IRA). Using the information pro-
vided at MyLab Finance, find the future value of an IRA contribution
that grows until you retire.
5–9 It is never too soon to begin investing for a child’s college education.
Using the information provided at MyLab Finance, determine the pres-
ent value you would need to invest today to ensure that your child
receives the college education she deserves.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 249

LG 3 5.3 Annuities
How much would you pay today for an investment that pays $3,000 at the end
of each of the next 20 years, given that you can earn 7% on other investments?
How much will you have after 5 years if your employer withholds and invests
$1,000 of your bonus at the end of each of the next 5 years, guaranteeing you a
9% annual rate of return? To answer these questions, you need to understand
A stream of equal periodic cash
the application of time value of money to annuities.
flows over a specified time An annuity is a stream of equal periodic cash flows over a specified time.
period. These cash flows can be These cash flows may arrive at annual intervals, but they can also occur at other
inflows or outflows of funds. intervals, such as monthly rent or car payments. The cash flows in an annuity
ordinary annuity can be inflows (the $3,000 received at the end of each of the next 20 years) or
An annuity for which the cash outflows (the $1,000 invested at the end of each of the next 5 years).
flow occurs at the end of each
annuity due
An annuity for which the cash Annuities are of two general types. For an ordinary annuity, the cash flow occurs
flow occurs at the beginning of at the end of each period. For an annuity due, the cash flow occurs at the begin-
each period. ning of each period.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 6 Fran Abrams is evaluating two annuities. Both annuities pay

$1,000 per year, but annuity A is an ordinary annuity, while
annuity B is an annuity due. To better understand the difference between these
annuities, she has listed their cash flows in Table 5.2. The two annuities differ
only in the timing of their cash flows: The cash flows occur sooner with the
annuity due than with the ordinary annuity.
Although the cash flows of both annuities in Table 5.2 total $5,000, the annu-
ity due would have a higher future value than the ordinary annuity because each of
its five annual cash flows can earn interest for 1 year more than each of the ordi-
nary annuity’s cash flows. In general, as we will demonstrate later in this chapter,
the value (present or future) of an annuity due is always greater than the value of
an otherwise identical ordinary annuity.

Comparison of Ordinary Annuity and Annuity

TA B L E 5 . 2 Due Cash Flows ($1,000, 5 Years)
Annual cash flows
Year Annuity A (ordinary) Annuity B (annuity due)
0 $ 0 $1,000
1 1,000 1,000
2 1,000 1,000
3 1,000 1,000
4 1,000 1,000
5 1,000 0
Totals $5,000 $5,000
250 PART TWO   Financial Tools


One way to find the future value of an ordinary annuity is to calculate the future
value of each cash flow and then add up those figures. Fortunately, several short-
cuts lead to the answer. You can calculate the future value after n years of an
ordinary annuity that makes n annual cash payments equal to CF1 by using
Equation 5.3:

3(1 + r)n - 14
FVn = CF1 * e f (5.3)

As before, in this equation r represents the interest rate, and n represents the
number of payments in the annuity (or, equivalently, the number of years over
which the annuity is spread). The subscript 1 on the term CF1 highlights that
with an ordinary annuity, the first payment comes after 1 year (or, more gener-
ally, after 1 period). The calculations required to find the future value of an ordi-
nary annuity are illustrated in the following example.

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 7 Fran Abrams wishes to determine how much money she

will have after 5 years if she chooses annuity A, the ordi-
MyLab Finance Animation nary annuity. She will deposit the $1,000 annual payments that the annuity pro-
vides at the end of each of the next 5 years into a savings account paying 7%
annual interest. This situation is depicted on the following timeline.

Timeline for future value of Year

an ordinary annuity ($1,000 0 1 2 3 4 5
end-of-year deposit, earning
7%, after 5 years) $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

$5,750.74 Future Value

MyLab Finance Financial

Calculator As the figure shows, after 5 years, Fran will have $5,750.74 in her account. Note
that because she makes deposits at the end of the year, the first deposit will earn
Input Function
–1000 PMT interest for 4 years, the second for 3 years, and so on. Plugging the relevant val-
7 I/Y
5 N ues into Equation 5.3, we have
3(1 + 0.07)5 - 14

FV5 = $1,000 * e f = $5,750.74


Solution 5,750.74 0.07

Calculator use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you can confirm
that the future value of the ordinary annuity equals $5,750.74. In this example,
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
we enter the $1,000 annuity payment as a negative value, which in turn causes
RESET 1 2 3 – the calculator to report the resulting future value as a positive value. You can
0 . = +
think of each $1,000 deposit that Fran makes into her investment account as
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 251

a payment into the account or a cash outflow, and after 5 years the future value
is the balance in the account, or the cash inflow that Fran receives as a reward for
Spreadsheet use To calculate the future value of an annuity in Excel, we will use
the same future value function that we used to calculate the future value of a
lump sum, but we will add two new input values. Recall that the future value
function’s syntax is FV(rate,nper,pmt,pv,type). We have already explained the
terms rate, nper, and pv in this function. The term pmt refers to the annual pay-
ment the annuity offers. The term type is an input that lets Excel know whether
the annuity being valued is an ordinary annuity (in which case the input value for
type is 0 or omitted) or an annuity due (in which case the correct input value for
type is 1). In this particular problem, the input value for pv is 0 because there is
no up-front money received that is separate from the annuity. The only cash
flows are those that are part of the annuity stream. The following Excel spread-
sheet demonstrates how to calculate the future value of the ordinary annuity.

2 Annual annuity payment –$1,000
3 Annual rate of interest 7%
4 Number of years 5
5 Future value $5,750.74
Entry in Cell B5 is =FV(B3,B4,B2,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the $1,000
in B2 because the annuity’s payments
are cash outflows.


Quite often in finance, we need to find the present value of a stream of cash
flows spread over several future periods. An annuity is, of course, a stream of
equal periodic cash flows. The method for finding the present value of an ordi-
nary annuity is similar to the method just discussed. One approach is to calculate
the present value of each cash flow in the annuity and then add up those present
values. Alternatively, the algebraic shortcut for finding the present value of an
ordinary annuity that makes an annual payment of CF1 for n years looks like

PV0 = a b * c1 - d
CF1 1
r (1 + r)n

Of course, the simplest approach is to solve problems like this one with a finan-
cial calculator or spreadsheet program.

IRF E XAM P L E 5 . 8 Braden Company, a small producer of plastic toys, wants to determine the most
it should pay for a particular ordinary annuity. The annuity consists of cash in
MyLab Finance Solution flows of $700 at the end of each year for 5 years. The firm requires the annuity
Video to provide a minimum return of 4%. The following timeline depicts this
MyLab Finance Animation situation.
252 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Timeline for present value of Year

an ordinary annuity ($700 0 1 2 3 4 5
end-of-year cash flows, dis-
counted at 4%, over 5 years) $700 $700 $700 $700 $700

$ 673.08
Present Value $3,116.28

Table 5.3 shows that one way to find the present value of the annuity is to simply
calculate the present values of all the cash payments using the present value equation
(Equation 5.2) and sum them. This procedure yields a present value of $3,116.28.
Calculators and spreadsheets offer streamlined methods for arriving at this figure.

Long Method for Finding the Present Value

TA B LE 5 . 3 of an Ordinary Annuity
Year (n) Cash flow Present value calculation Present value

1 $700 +700 $ 673.08

(1 + 0.04)1
2 700 +700 $ 647.19
(1 + 0.04)2
3 700 +700 $ 622.30
(1 + 0.04)3
MyLab Finance Financial 4 700 +700 $ 598.36
Calculator (1 + 0.04)4
5 700 +700 $ 575.35
(1 + 0.04)5
Present value of annuity $3,116.28

Solution –3,116.28 Calculator use Using the calculator’s inputs shown at the left, you will find the
CF NPV IRR DEL INS present value of the ordinary annuity to be $3,116.28. Because the present value
in this example is a cash outflow representing what Braden Company is willing to
7 8 9 / pay for the annuity, we show it as a negative value in the calculator display.
4 5 6 *
RESET 1 2 3 – Spreadsheet use The following spreadsheet shows how to calculate present value
+/– 0 . = +
of the ordinary annuity.

2 Annual annuity payment $700
3 Annual rate of interest 4%
4 Number of years 5
5 Present value –$3,116.28
Entry in Cell B5 is =PV(B3,B4,B2,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the $3,116.28
in B5 because the annuity’s present value
is a cost and therefore a cash outflow.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 253


We now turn our attention to annuities due. Remember that the cash flows of
an annuity due occur at the start of the period. In other words, if we are deal-
ing with annual payments, each payment in an annuity due comes 1 year ear-
lier than it would in an ordinary annuity, which in turn means that each
payment can earn an extra year of interest. That is why the future value of an
annuity due exceeds the future value of an otherwise identical ordinary
The algebraic shortcut for the future value after n years of an annuity due
that makes n annual payments of CF0 is

3(1 + r)n - 14
FVn = CF0 * e f * (1 + r) (5.5)

Compare this equation with Equation 5.3, which shows how to calculate
the future value of an ordinary annuity. The two equations are nearly identi-
cal but do show two differences. In Equation 5.5 we use the term CF0 rather
than CF1 to highlight that for an annuity due, the first payment comes right
away (at the beginning of the first year when time = 0). In addition, Equa-
tion 5.5 has an added term, (1 + r), at the end. In other words, the value
obtained from Equation 5.5 will be (1 + r) times greater than the value in
Equation 5.3 if the other inputs (the annual cash flow and the number of
payments) are the same. That makes sense because all the payments in the
annuity due earn 1 more year of interest than do payments in the ordinary

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 9 Recall from an earlier example, illustrated in Table 5.2,

that Fran Abrams wanted to choose between an ordinary
MyLab Finance Animation annuity and an annuity due, both offering similar terms except for the timing
of cash flows. We calculated the future value of the ordinary annuity in
MyLab Finance Financial
Example 5.7, but we now want to calculate the future value of the annuity
due. The timeline on the next page depicts this situation. Take care to notice
Note: Switch calculator on the timeline that when we use Equation 5.5 (or any of the shortcuts that
to BEGIN mode.
follow) we are calculating the future value of Fran’s annuity due after 5 years
Input Function
–1000 PMT even though the fifth and final payment in the annuity due comes after
4 years (which is equivalent to the beginning of year 5). We can calculate the
future value of an annuity due using a calculator or a spreadsheet.

Solution 6,153.29
Calculator use Before using your calculator to find the future value of an an-
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT nuity due, you must either switch it to BEGIN mode or use the DUE key, de-
pending on the specific calculator. Then, using the inputs shown at the left,
you will find the future value of the annuity due to be $6,153.29. (Note: Be-
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
cause we nearly always assume end-of-period cash flows, be sure to switch
RESET 1 2 3 – your calculator back to END mode when you have completed your annuity-
0 . = +
due calculations.)
254 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Timeline for future value of Year

an annuity due ($1,000 0 1 2 3 4 5
beginning-of-year deposit,
earning 7%, after 5 years) $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

$6,153.29 Future Value

Spreadsheet use The following Excel spreadsheet illustrates how to calculate the
future value of the annuity due. Remember that for an annuity due the type input
value must be set to 1, and we must also specify the pv input value as 0 because
there is no upfront cash other than what is part of the annuity stream.

2 Annual annuity payment –$1,000
3 Annual rate of interest 7%
4 Number of years 5
5 Future value $6,153.29
Entry in Cell B5 is =FV(B3,B4,B2,0,1).
The minus sign appears before the $1,000
in B2 because the annuity’s payments
are cash outflows.

Comparison of an Annuity Due with an Ordinary Annuity

Future Value
The future value of an annuity due is always greater than the future value of an
otherwise identical ordinary annuity. We can see that by comparing the future
values after 5 years of Fran Abrams’s two annuities:
Ordinary annuity = $5,750.74 versus Annuity due = $6,153.29
Because the cash flow of the annuity due occurs at the beginning of the period rather
than at the end (i.e., each payment comes 1 year sooner in the annuity due), its
future value is greater. How much greater? It is interesting to calculate the percent-
age difference between the value of the annuity and the value of the annuity due:
($6,153.29 - $5,750.74) , $5,750.74 = 0.07 = 7,
Recall that the interest rate in this example is 7%. It is no coincidence that
the annuity due is 7% more valuable than the annuity. An extra year of interest
on each of the annuity due’s payments makes the annuity due 7% more valuable
than the annuity.


We can also find the present value of an annuity due. By adjusting the ordinary
annuity present value calculation, we can easily perform this calculation. Because
the cash flows of an annuity due occur at the beginning rather than end of the
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 255

period, we discount each annuity due cash flow 1 fewer period than an ordinary
annuity. The algebraic formula for the present value of an annuity due is

PV0 = a b * c1 - d * (1 + r)
CF0 1
r (1 + r)n

Notice the similarity between this equation and Equation 5.4. The two equations
are identical except that Equation 5.6 uses CF0 to indicate that the first cash flow
arrives immediately in an annuity due, and Equation 5.6 has an extra term at the
end, (1 + r). The reason for this extra term is the same as when we calculated
the future value of the annuity due. In the annuity due, each payment arrives 1
year earlier (compared to the ordinary annuity), so each payment has a higher
present value. To be specific, each payment of the annuity due is discounted one
less period so it’s worth r% more than each ordinary annuity payment.

IRF E XAM P L E 5 . 1 0 In Example 5.8 involving Braden Company, we found the present value of Braden’s
$700, 5-year ordinary annuity discounted at 4% to be $3,116.28. We now assume
MyLab Finance Animation that Braden’s $700 annual cash in flow occurs at the start of each year and is
thereby an annuity due. The following timeline illustrates the new situation.
Timeline for present value Year
of an annuity due ($700 0 1 2 3 4 5
beginning-of-year cash
flows, discounted at 4%, $700 $700 $700 $700 $700
over 5 years)
$ 700.00
Present Value $3,240.93

We can calculate its present value using a calculator or a spreadsheet.

MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Before using your calculator to find the present value of an annuity
Calculator due, you must either switch it to BEGIN mode or use the DUE key, depending on
Note: Switch calculator the specifics of your calculator. Then, using the inputs shown at the left, you will
to BEGIN mode. find the present value of the annuity due to be $3,240.93 (Note: Because we nearly
Input Function always assume end-of-period cash flows, be sure to switch your calculator back to
700 PMT
4 I/Y END mode when you have completed your annuity-due calculations.)
5 N
Spreadsheet use The following spreadsheet shows how to calculate the present
value of the annuity due.
Solution –3,240.93
C/Y P/Y xP/Y BGN AMORT 2 Annual annuity payment $700
1/x 7 8 9 / 3 Annual rate of interest 4%
4 5 6 * 4 Number of years 5
1 2 3 –
5 Present value –$3,240.93
+/– 0 . = +
Entry in Cell B5 is =PV(B3,B4,B2,0,1).
The minus sign appears before the $3,240.93
in B5 because the annuity’s present value
is a cost and therefore a cash outflow.
256 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Comparison of an Annuity Due with an Ordinary Annuity

Present Value
The present value of an annuity due is always greater than the present value of
an otherwise identical ordinary annuity. We can verify this statement by compar-
ing the present values of the Braden Company’s two annuities:
Ordinary annuity = $3,116.28 versus Annuity due = $3,240.93
Because the cash flows of the annuity due occur at the beginning of each period
rather than at the end, their present values are greater. If we calculate the per-
centage difference in the values of these two annuities, we will find that the annu-
ity due is 4% more valuable than the annuity (remember that 4% is the discount
rate that Braden uses):
($3,240.93 - $3,116.28) , $3,116.28 = 0.04 = 4,


perpetuity A perpetuity is an annuity with an infinite life. In other words, it is an annuity
An annuity with an infinite life, that never stops providing a cash flow at the end of each year.
providing continual annual A number of business and personal investment decisions involve payouts that
cash flow. occur indefinitely into the future and are therefore excellent applications of the
idea of a perpetuity. Fortunately, the calculation for the present value of a perpe-
tuity is one of the easiest in finance. If a perpetuity pays an annual cash flow of
CF1, starting 1 year from now, the present value of the cash flow stream is

PV0 = CF1 , r (5.7)

P E R S O N AL F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 1 Ross Clark wishes to endow a chair in finance at his alma

mater. In other words, Ross wants to make a lump sum dona-
tion today that will provide an annual stream of cash flows to the university forever.
The university indicated that the annual cash flow required to support an endowed
chair is $400,000 and that it will invest money Ross donates today in assets earning
a 5% return. If Ross wants to give money today so that the university will begin
receiving annual cash flows next year, how large must his contribution be? To deter-
mine the amount Ross must give the university to fund the chair, we must calculate
the present value of a $400,000 perpetuity discounted at 5%. Using Equation 5.7,
we can determine that this present value is $8 million when the interest rate is 5%:
PV0 = $400,000 , 0.05 = $8,000,000
In other words, to generate $400,000 every year for an indefinite period requires
$8,000,000 today if Ross Clark’s alma mater can earn 5% on its investments. If the
university earns 5% interest annually on the $8,000,000, it can withdraw $400,000
per year indefinitely without ever touching the original $800,000 donation.

Many financial applications require analysts to calculate the present value of a

cash flow stream that continues forever (i.e., a perpetuity) and grows at a steady
rate. Calculating the present value of a growing perpetuity is not much more com-
plicated than finding the present value of a level perpetuity. For a cash flow stream
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 257

that begins next year, pays an initial cash flow of CF1, and grows after next year
at a constant rate g forever, the present value of the growing perpetuity is

PV0 = a b
r - g

Equation 5.8 applies only when the discount rate is greater than the growth rate
in cash flows (i.e., r > g). If the interest rate is less than or equal to the growth
rate, cash flows grow so fast that the present value of the stream is infinite.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 2Suppose, after consulting with his alma mater, Ross Clark

learns that the university requires the endowment to provide
a $400,000 cash flow next year, but subsequent annual cash flows must grow by
2% per year to keep up with inflation. How much does Ross need to donate
today to cover this requirement? Plugging the relevant values into Equation 5.8,
we have:
PV0 = = $13,333,333
0.05 - 0.02
Compared to the level perpetuity providing $400,000 per year, the growing
perpetuity requires Ross to make a much larger initial donation, $13.3 million
versus $8 million.

➔ REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–10 What is the difference between an ordinary annuity and an annuity
due? Which is more valuable? Why?
5–11 What are the most efficient ways to calculate the present value of an
ordinary annuity?
5–12 How can the formula for the future value of an annuity be modified to
find the future value of an annuity due?
5–13 How can the formula for the present value of an ordinary annuity be
modified to find the present value of an annuity due?
5–14 What is a perpetuity? Why is the present value of a perpetuity equal to
the annual cash payment divided by the interest rate? Why doesn’t this
chapter provide an equation showing you how to calculate the future
value of a perpetuity?

➔ EXCEL REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–15 Because tax time comes around every year, you smartly decide to make
equal contributions to your IRA at the end of every year. Using the
information provided at MyLab Finance, calculate the future value of
your IRA contributions when you retire.
5–16 You have just graduated from college and begun your new career,
and now it is time to buy your first home. Using the information
provided at MyLab Finance, determine how much you can spend
for your new dream home.
258 PART TWO   Financial Tools

5–17 Rather than making contributions to an IRA at the end of each year,
you decide to make equal contributions at the beginning of each year.
Using the information provided at MyLab Finance, solve for the future
value of your IRA contributions when you retire.

LG 4 5.4 Mixed Streams

Two types of cash flow streams are possible, the annuity and the mixed stream.
mixed stream Whereas an annuity is a pattern of equal periodic cash flows, a mixed stream
A stream of unequal periodic consists of unequal periodic cash flows that reflect no particular pattern. Finan-
cash flows that reflect no partic- cial managers frequently need to evaluate opportunities that they expect to pro-
ular pattern. vide mixed streams of future cash flows. Here we consider both the future value
and the present value of mixed streams.


Determining the future value of a mixed stream of cash flows is straightforward.
We compute the future value of each cash flow at the specified future date and
then add all the individual future values to find the total future value.

IRF E XAMPL E 5 . 1 3 Shrell Industries, a cabinet manufacturer, expects to receive the following mixed
stream of cash flows over the next 5 years from one of its small customers.

Time Cash flow

0 $ 0
1 11,500
2 14,000
3 12,900
4 16,000
5 18,000

If Shrell expects to earn 8% on its investments, how much will it accumulate

after 5 years if it immediately invests these cash flows when they are received?
This situation is depicted on the following timeline.

Timeline for future value of a Year

mixed stream (end-of-year 0 1 2 3 4 5
cash flows, compounded at
8% to the end of year 5) $11,500 $14,000 $12,900 $16,000 $18,000

$83,608.15 Future Value
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 259

MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Most financial calculators do not have a built-in function for finding
Calculator the future value of a mixed stream of cash flows, but most of them have a function
Input Function
for finding the present value. Once you have the present value of the mixed stream,
you can move it forward in time to find the future value. To accomplish this task you
must first enter the mixed stream of cash flows into your financial calculator’s cash
16000 CF4 flow register, usually denoted by the CF key, starting with the cash flow at time zero.
18000 CF5
8 I/Y Be sure to enter cash flows correctly as either cash inflows or outflows. Once you
NPV enter the cash flows, you will need to use the calculator’s net present value (NPV)
Solution 56,902.30 function to find the present value of the cash flows. For Shrell, enter the following
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT into your calculator’s cash flow register: CF0 = 0, CF1 = 11,500, CF2 = 14,000,
N I/Y PV PMT FV CF3 = 12,900, CF4 = 16,000, CF5 = 18,000. Next enter the interest rate of 8%

1/x 7 8 9 /
and then solve for the NPV, which is the present value of the mixed stream of cash
4 5 6 * flows at time zero. The present value of the mixed stream of cash flows is $56,902.30,
1 2 3 –
= +
so you need to move this amount forward to the end of year 5 to find the future of the
+/– 0 .
mixed stream. Enter -56,902.30 as the PV, 5 for N, 8 for I/Y, and then compute FV.
You will find that the future value at the end of year 5 of Shrell’s mixed cash
MyLab Finance Financial
flows is $83,608.15. An alternative approach to using the calculator’s cash flow
register and NPV function is to find the future value at time 5 of each cash flow
and then sum the individual future values to find the future value of Shrell’s
mixed stream. Finding the future value of a single cash flow was demonstrated
CPT earlier (in Personal Finance Example 5.3). As you have already discovered, sum-
ming the individual future values of Shrell Industries’ mixed cash flow stream
Solution 83,608.15 results in a future value of $83,608.15 after 5 years.
Spreadsheet use A relatively simple way to use Excel to calculate the future value
C/Y P/Y xP/Y BGN AMORT of a mixed stream is to use the Excel net present value (NPV) function combined
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
with the future value (FV) function discussed on page 243. The syntax of the
RESET 1 2 3 – NPV function is NPV(rate, value1, value2, value 3, . . .). The rate argument is the
= +
+/– 0 . interest rate, and value1, value2, value3, . . . represent a stream of cash flows.
The NPV function assumes that the first payment in the stream arrives 1 year in
the future and that all subsequent payments arrive at 1-year intervals.
To find the future value of a mixed stream, the trick is to use the NPV func-
tion to first find the present value of the mixed stream and then find the future of
this present value lump sum amount. The Excel spreadsheet below illustrates this
approach (notice that the NPV appears as an outflow because it represents the
net present value of the stream of investment costs).

2 Year Cash Flow
3 1 $11,500
4 2 $14,000
5 3 $12,900
6 4 $16,000
7 5 $18,000
8 Annual rate of interest 8%
9 NPV $56,902.30
10 Number of years 5
11 Future value $83,608.15
Entry in Cell B9 is =NPV(B8,B3:B7).
Entry in Cell B11 is =–FV(B8,B10,0,B9,0).
260 PART TWO   Financial Tools


Finding the present value of a mixed stream of cash flows is similar to finding the
future value of a mixed stream. We determine the present value of each future
cash flow and then add all the individual present values together to find the total
present value.

IRF E XAMP L E 5 . 1 4 Frey Company, a shoe manufacturer, has the opportunity to receive the follow-
ing mixed stream of cash flows over the next 5 years.
MyLab Finance Solution
Time Cash flow
0 $ 0
1 400
2 800
3 500
4 400
5 300

If the firm must earn at least 9% on its investments, what is the most it should
pay for this opportunity? This situation is depicted on the following timeline.

Timeline for present value of Year

a mixed stream (end-of-year 0 1 2 3 4 5
cash flows, discounted at
9% over the corresponding $400 $800 $500 $400 $300
number of years)
$ 366.97
MyLab Finance Financial 194.98
Calculator Present Value $1,904.76
Input Function
0 CF0
400 CF1
800 CF2 Calculator use You can use the NPV function on your financial calculator to
500 CF3
400 CF4 find the present value of the mixed cash flow stream. Recall that to accomplish
300 CF5
9 I/Y this task you must first enter the mixed stream of cash flows into your financial
calculator’s cash flow register by using the CF key. For Frey enter the following
Solution 1,904.76 into your calculator’s cash flow register: CF 0 = 0, CF1 = 400, CF2 = 800,
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT CF3 = 500, CF4 = 400, CF5 = 300. Next enter the interest rate of 9% and then
N I/Y PV PMT FV solve for the NPV. The present value of Frey Company’s mixed cash flow stream

found using a calculator is $1,904.76.
4 5 6 *

RESET 1 2 3 Spreadsheet use To calculate the present value of a mixed stream in Excel, we
+/– 0 . = +
will use the NPV function. The present value of the mixed stream of future cash
flows can be calculated as shown on the following Excel spreadsheet.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 261

2 Year Cash Flow
3 1 $400
4 2 $800
5 3 $500
6 4 $400
7 5 $300
8 Annual rate of interest 9%
9 Present value $1,904.76
Entry in Cell B9 is =NPV(B8,B3:B7).

➔ REVIEW QUESTION MyLab Finance Solutions

5–18 How do you calculate the future value of a mixed stream of cash flows?
How do you calculate the present value of a mixed stream?

➔ EXCEL REVIEW QUESTION MyLab Finance Solutions

5–19 To give yourself a financial head start after college, you have decided to
work summer jobs and invest the money you earn until after gradua-
tion. You expect that your earnings each summer will vary depending
on the job you get. Using the information provided at MyLab Finance,
find the value of your financial head start after graduation.

LG 5 5.5 Compounding Interest More Frequently

Than Annually
Interest often compounds more frequently than once a year. Savings institutions
compound interest semiannually, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, or even con-
tinuously. This section discusses various issues and techniques related to these
more frequent compounding intervals.

semiannual compounding Semiannual compounding of interest involves an investment with two com-
Compounding of interest over pounding periods within the year. Rather than paying the stated interest rate
two periods within the year. once a year, the investment pays one-half of the stated interest rate twice a year.

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 5Fred Moreno has decided to invest $100 in a savings

account paying 8% interest compounded semiannually. If
he leaves his money in the account for 24 months (2 years), he will receive 4%
interest compounded over four periods, each of which is 6 months long. Table 5.4
shows that after 12 months (1 year) with 8% semiannual compounding, Fred will
have $108.16; after 24 months (2 years), he will have $116.99.
262 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Future Value from Investing $100 at 8% Interest Compounded

TA B L E 5 . 4 Semiannually over 24 Months (2 Years)
Period Beginning principal Future value calculation Future value at end of period
6 months $100.00 +100.00 * (1 + 0.04) = $104.00
12 months 104.00 +104.00 * (1 + 0.04) = $108.16
18 months 108.16 +108.16 * (1 + 0.04) = $112.49
24 months 112.49 +112.49 * (1 + 0.04) = $116.99

quarterly compounding
Compounding of interest over Quarterly compounding of interest involves four compounding periods within
four periods within the year. the year. One-fourth of the stated interest rate is paid four times a year.

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 1 6 Fred Moreno has found an institution that will pay him 8%
interest compounded quarterly. If he leaves his money in
this account for 24 months (2 years), he will receive 2% interest compounded over
eight periods, each of which is 3 months long. Table 5.5 shows the amount Fred will
have at the end of each period. After 12 months (1 year), with 8% quarterly com-
pounding, Fred will have $108.24; after 24 months (2 years), he will have $117.17.

Future Value from Investing $100 at 8% Interest Compounded

TA B L E 5 . 5 Quarterly over 24 Months (2 Years)
Period Beginning principal Future value calculation Future value at end of period
3 months $100.00 +100.00 * (1 + 0.02) = $102.00
6 months 102.00 +102.00 * (1 + 0.02) = $104.04
9 months 104.04 +104.04 * (1 + 0.02) = $106.12
12 months 106.12 +106.12 * (1 + 0.02) = $108.24
15 months 108.24 +108.24 * (1 + 0.02) = $110.41
18 months 110.41 +110.41 * (1 + 0.02) = $112.62
21 months 112.62 +112.62 * (1 + 0.02) = $114.87
24 months 114.87 +114.87 * (1 + 0.02) = $117.17

Table 5.6 compares values for Fred Moreno’s $100 at the end of years 1 and
2, given annual, semiannual, and quarterly compounding periods at the 8% rate.
The table shows that the more frequently interest compounds, the greater the
amount of money that accumulates. This statement is true for any interest rate
above zero for any period of time.

Future Value at the End of Years 1 and 2 from Investing

TA B L E 5 . 6 $100 at 8% Interest, Given Various Compounding Periods
Compounding period
End of year Annual Semiannual Quarterly
1 $108.00 $108.16 $108.24
2 116.64 116.99 117.17
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 263


We can rewrite the future value formula (Equation 5.1) for situations when com-
pounding takes place more than once per year. If m equals the number of times per
year interest is compounded, the formula for the future value of a lump sum becomes

r m*n
FVn = PV0 * a1 + b (5.9)

If m = 1, Equation 5.9 reduces to Equation 5.1. Thus, if interest compounds

annually, Equation 5.9 will provide the same result as Equation 5.1. We illus-
trate the application of Equation 5.9 with a simple example.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 7 The preceding examples calculated the amount that Fred

Moreno would have after 2 years if he deposited $100 at 8%
interest compounded semiannually or quarterly. For semiannual compounding,
m would equal 2 in Equation 5.9; for quarterly compounding, m would equal 4.
Substituting the appropriate values for semiannual and quarterly compounding
into Equation 5.9, we find that
1. For semiannual compounding:
0.08 2 * 2
FV2 = $100 * a1 + b = $100 * (1 + 0.04)4 = $116.99
2. For quarterly compounding:
0.08 4 * 2
FV2 = $100 * a1 + b = $100 * (1 + 0.02)8 = $117.17
These results agree with the values for FV2 in Tables 5.4 and 5.5.

If the interest were compounded monthly, weekly, or daily, m would equal 12,
52, or 365, respectively.


As before, we can simplify the computation process by using a calculator or
spreadsheet program.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 1 8 Fred Moreno wished to find the future value of $100 invested

at 8% interest compounded both semiannually and quarterly
MyLab Finance Financial for 2 years.
Calculator use If the calculator were used for the semiannual compounding cal-
Input Function
–100 PV culation, the number of periods would be 4, and the interest rate would be 4%.
The future value of $116.99 will appear on the calculator display as shown to
the left.
For the quarterly compounding case, the number of periods would be 8 and
Solution 116.99 the interest rate would be 2%. The future value of $117.17 will appear on the
CF NPV IRR DEL INS calculator display as shown on the next page.
Spreadsheet use The future value of the single amount with semiannual and
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
quarterly compounding also can be calculated as shown on the following Excel
RESET 1 2 3 – spreadsheet.
+/– 0 . = +
264 PART TWO   Financial Tools

MyLab Finance Financial A B

Input Function
–100 PV 2 Present value –$100
8 N
2 I/Y
3 Annual rate of interest 8%
CPT 4 Compounding frequency - semiannual 2
5 Number of years 2
Solution 117.17 6 Future value with semiannual compounding $116.99
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT 7 Present value –$100
8 Annual rate of interest 8%
C/Y P/Y xP/Y BGN AMORT 9 Compounding frequency - quarterly 4
1/x 7 8 9 / 10 Number of years 2
4 5 6 *
C/CE 11 Future value with quarterly compounding $117.17
RESET 1 2 3 –
+/– 0 . = + Entry in Cell B6 is =FV(B3/B4,B5*B4,0,B2,0).
Entry in Cell B11 is =FV(B8/B9,B10*B9,0,B7,0).
The minus sign appears before the $100 in B2 and B7 because
the cost of the investment is treated as a cash outflow.

continuous compounding As the number of compounding periods per year gets very large, we approach a
Compounding of interest, liter- situation in which we compound interest continuously. In this case interest com-
ally, all the time. Equivalent to pounds every second (or even every nanosecond)—literally, interest compounds
compounding interest an infi- all the time. In this case, m in Equation 5.9 would approach infinity, and as m
nite number of times per year.
approaches infinity, Equation 5.9 converges to

FVn = PV0 * e r * n (5.10)

where e is the exponential function,2 which has a value of approximately 2.7183.

IRF P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5. 1 9 To find the value after 2 years (n = 2) of Fred Moreno’s

$100 deposit (PV0 = $100) in an account paying 8%
MyLab Finance Financial
annual interest (r = 0.08) compounded continuously, we can substitute into
Equation 5.10:
FV2 (continuous compounding) = $100 * e 0.08 * 2
Input Function
0.16 2nd = $100 * 2.71830.16
= $100 * 1.1735 = $117.35
Calculator use To find this value using the calculator, you must first find the
Solution 117.35 value of e0.16 by punching in 0.16 and then pressing 2nd and then ex to get 1.1735.
CF NPV IRR DEL INS Next multiply this value by $100 to obtain the future value of $117.35, as shown
at the left. (Note: On some calculators, you may not have to press 2nd before
7 8 9 / pressing ex.)
4 5 6 *
RESET 1 2 3 – Spreadsheet use The following Excel spreadsheet shows how to calculate the fu-
+/– 0 . = +
ture value of Fred’s deposit with continuous compounding.

2. Most calculators have the exponential function, typically noted by ex. The use of this key is especially helpful in
calculating future value when interest is compounded continuously.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 265

2 Present value $100
3 Annual rate of interest, compounded continuously 8%
4 Number of years 2
5 Future value with continuous compounding $117.35
Entry in Cell B5 is =B3*EXP(B3*B4).

As expected, Fred’s deposit grows more with continuous compounding than

it does with semiannual ($116.99) or quarterly ($117.17) compounding. In fact,
continuous compounding produces a greater future value than any other com-
pounding frequency.


Both businesses and investors need to make objective comparisons of loan costs
or investment returns over different compounding periods. To put interest rates
on a common basis for comparison, we distinguish between nominal and effec-
nominal (stated) annual rate tive annual rates. The nominal, or stated, annual rate is the contractual annual
Contractual annual rate of inter- rate of interest charged by a lender or promised by a borrower. The effective, or
est charged by a lender or true, annual rate (EAR) is the annual rate of interest actually paid or earned. The
promised by a borrower. effective annual rate reflects the effects of compounding frequency, whereas the
effective (true) annual rate nominal annual rate does not.
(EAR) Using the notation introduced earlier, we can calculate the effective annual
The annual rate of interest actu- rate, EAR, by substituting values for the nominal annual rate, r, and the com-
ally paid or earned. pounding frequency, m, into the equation

r m
EAR = a1 + b - 1 (5.11)

We can apply Equation 5.11 using data from preceding examples.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 0 Fred Moreno wishes to find the effective annual rate associ-

ated with an 8% nominal annual rate (r = 0.08) when inter-
est is compounded (1) annually (m = 1), (2) semiannually (m = 2), and (3)
quarterly (m = 4). Substituting these values into Equation 5.11, we get
1. For annual compounding:
0.08 1
EAR = a1 + b - 1 = (1 + 0.08)1 - 1 = 1 + 0.08 - 1 = 0.08 = 8,
2. For semiannual compounding:
0.08 2
EAR = a1 + b - 1 = (1 + 0.04)2 - 1 = 1.0816 - 1 = 0.0816 = 8.16,
3. For quarterly compounding:
0.08 4
EAR = a1 + b - 1 = (1 + 0.02)4 - 1 = 1.0824 - 1 = 0.0824 = 8.24,
266 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Calculator use To find the EAR using the calculator, you first need to enter the
nominal annual rate and the compounding frequency per year. Most financial cal-
culators have a NOM key for entering the nominal rate and either a P/Y or C/Y
key for entering the compounding frequency per year. Once you enter these inputs,
depress the EFF or CPT key to display the corresponding effective annual rate.
Spreadsheet use You can convert nominal interest rates to effective rates (or vice
versa) using Excel’s EFFECT and NOMINAL functions. To find the EAR, the
EFFECT function asks you to input the nominal annual rate and the compounding
frequency. If you input an EAR and the compounding frequency, the NOMINAL
function provides the nominal annual rate or the annual percentage rate (APR).
Interest rate conversions from the 8% APR to the semiannual EAR and from the
quarterly EAR back to the 8% APR are shown on the following Excel spreadsheet.

2 Nominal annual rate of interest 8%
3 Compounding frequency - semiannual 2
4 Effective annual rate of interest 8.16%
5 Nominal annual rate of interest 8%
6 Compounding frequency - quarterly 4
7 Effective annual rate of interest 8.24%
Entry in Cell B4 is =EFFECT(B2,B3).
Entry in Cell B5 is =NOMINAL(B7,B6).

These examples demonstrate two important points. First, the nominal rate
equals the effective rate if compounding occurs annually. Second, the effective
annual rate increases with increasing compounding frequency, up to a limit that
occurs with continuous compounding.3

At the consumer level, “truth-in-lending laws” require disclosure on credit card

annual percentage rate (APR) and loan agreements of the annual percentage rate (APR). The APR is the nominal
The nominal annual rate of annual rate, which is found by multiplying the periodic rate by the number of peri-
interest, found by multiplying ods in 1 year. For example, a bank credit card that charges 1.5% per month (the
the periodic rate by the number periodic rate) would have an APR of 18% (1.5% per month * 12 months per year).
of periods in one year, that
“Truth-in-savings laws,” in contrast, require banks to quote the annual per-
must be disclosed to consumers
on credit cards and loans as a centage yield (APY) on their savings products. The APY is the effective annual
result of “truth-in-lending laws.” rate a savings product pays. For example, a savings account that pays 0.75% per
month would have an APY of 9.38% 3 (1.0075)12 - 1 4 .
annual percentage yield (APY)
Quoting loan interest rates at their lower nominal annual rate (the APR)
The effective annual rate of
interest that must be disclosed
and savings interest rates at the higher effective annual rate (the APY) offers
to consumers by banks on their two advantages. First, it tends to standardize disclosure to consumers. Second,
savings products as a result of it enables financial institutions to quote the most attractive interest rates: low
“truth-in-savings laws.” loan rates and high savings rates.

3. The effective annual rate for this extreme case can be found by using the equation
EAR (continuous compounding) = e r - 1 (5.11a)
For the 8% nominal annual rate (r = 0.08), substitution into Equation 5.10a results in an effective annual rate of
e 0.08 - 1 = 1.0833 - 1 = 0.0833 = 8.33,
in the case of continuous compounding. This result is the highest effective annual rate attainable with an 8%
nominal rate.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 267

➔ REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–20 What effect does compounding interest more frequently than
annually have on (a) future value and (b) the effective annual rate
(EAR)? Why?
5–21 How does the future value of a deposit subject to continuous com-
pounding compare to the value obtained by annual compounding?
5–22 Differentiate between a nominal annual rate and an effective annual
rate (EAR). Define annual percentage rate (APR) and annual percent-
age yield (APY).

FOCUS ON ETHICS in practice

Was the Deal for Manh
Manhattan a Swindle?
Most schoolchildren marvel when about 787 Euros today after adjusting to today, the sum would grow to
hearing Manhattan was purchased for for inflation. Based on the recent roughly 4 trillion guilders or $2 trillion.
a song in 1626. As the story goes, exchange rate between the Euro and Based on New York City’s Depart-
Peter Minuit of the Dutch West India the U.S. dollar, that translates to ment of Finance property tax assess-
Company gave the Lenape Native about $871. Now, the deal looks a bit ments, $2 trillion is roughly twice the
Americans beads and trinkets worth a better for the Lenape. But the surface value of all New York City real estate
mere $24 for the island. area of Manhattan comprises 636,000 today!
But wait. A letter written by Dutch square feet, and condos there sell for Of course, when the deal for
merchant, Pieter Schage, on Novem- an average of $1,700 per square foot. Manhattan was struck, the first asset
ber 5, 1626 to the directors of the So even after adjusting for price trading of any kind on a street called
Dutch West India Company confirmed changes since 1626, Minuit still looks Wall lay over 80 years in the future,
the transaction but valued the goods pretty sly. so the Lenape could not salt the
(which more likely were kettles, mus- Before closing the case, consider receipts away in stocks. Still, the
kets, powder, and axes) at 60 Dutch one more factor. The average annual- illustration makes the larger point––
guilders. According to the Interna- ized return on U.S. stocks over the last compounding is a magical thing!
tional Institute of Social History, 200 years was 6.6%. If 60 Dutch guil- And given this magic, it is less clear
60 Dutch guilders in 1626 are worth ders were invested at 6.6% from 1626 who fleeced whom.

People without finance training often fail to appreciate the power of compound interest. Consider the following
data for a typical credit card:
Outstanding Balance: $5,000
Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 12%
Minimum Payment: Larger of [(1% + APR>12) * balance] or $25
Minimum Payment Only $100 Payment Each Month
Monthly Payments to Zero Balance 208 71
Total Interest Paid $4,242 $1,993

The first minimum payment is $100, but that minimum will decline each month as the outstanding balance shrinks.
Making the minimum payment every month means that the borrower takes 17 years to pay off the card, paying more
than $4,000 in interest along the way. By paying $100 each month, however, the borrower repays the debt in one-
third the time and at less than half the interest cost.
How much responsibility do lenders have to educate borrowers? Does the fact that the government requires dis-
closure statements with a few standardized examples illustrating the time value of money change your answer?
268 PART TWO   Financial Tools

➔ EXCEL REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–23 You are responsible for managing your company’s short-term invest-
ments and you know that the compounding frequency of investment
opportunities is quite important. Using the information provided at
MyLab Finance, calculate the future value of an investment opportu-
nity based on various compounding frequencies.
5–24 What if your short-term investments provide continuous com-
pounding? Using the information provided at MyLab Finance,
determine the future value of an investment opportunity based on
continuous compounding.
5–25 Rather than comparing future values, you often compare the effective
annual rates of various investment opportunities with differing com-
pounding frequencies. Using the information provided at MyLab
Finance, solve for the effective annual rates of several investment
opportunities with different compounding frequencies.

LG 6 5.6 Special Applications of Time Value

Future-value and present-value techniques have a number of important applica-
tions in finance. We’ll study four of them in this section: (1) determining deposits
needed to accumulate a future sum, (2) loan amortization, (3) finding interest or
growth rates, and (4) finding an unknown number of periods.


Suppose that you want to buy a house 5 years from now, and you estimate
that an initial down payment of $30,000 will be required at that time. To
accumulate the $30,000, you will wish to make equal annual end-of-year
deposits into an account paying annual interest of 6%. The solution to this
problem is closely related to the process of finding the future value of an annu-
ity. You must determine what size annuity will have a future value of $30,000
after 5 years.
Earlier in the chapter we used Equation 5.3 to find the future value of an
ordinary annuity that made a payment, CF1, each year. In the current problem,
we know the future value we want to achieve, $30,000, but we want to solve for
the annual cash payment that we’d have to save to achieve that goal. Solving
Equation 5.3 for CF1 gives

3(1 + r)n - 14
CF1 = FVn , e f (5.12)

Plugging the relevant values into Equation 5.12, we find that the annual
deposit required is $5,321.89.
3(1 + 0.06)5 - 14
CF1 = $30,000 , e f = $30,000 , e f = $5,321.89
0.06 0.06
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 269

As a practical matter, to solve problems like this one, analysts nearly always
use a calculator or Excel as demonstrated in the following example.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 1 As just stated, you want to determine the equal annual

end-of-year deposits required to accumulate $30,000 after
5 years, given an interest rate of 6%.

MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you will find the annual
Calculator deposit amount to be $5,321.89. Thus, if $5,321.89 is deposited at the end of each
year for 5 years at 6% interest, there will be $30,000 in the account after 5 years.
Input Function
30000 FV
6 I/Y Spreadsheet use In Excel, solving for the annual cash flow that helps you reach
5 N
CPT the $30,000 means using the payment function. Its syntax is PMT (rate,nper,pv,
fv,type). We have previously discussed all the inputs in this function. The follow-
Solution –$5,321.89 ing Excel spreadsheet illustrates how to use this function to find the annual pay-
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT ment required to save $30,000.

1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 * MyLab
+/– 0 . = + 2 Future value $30,000
3 Annual rate of interest 6%
4 Number of years 5
5 Annual annuity payment –$5,321.89
Entry in Cell B5 is =PMT(B3,B4,0,B2,0).
The minus sign appears before the annuity
payment in B5 because deposit amounts are
cash outflows for the investor.

loan amortization The term loan amortization refers to a situation in which the borrower makes
The determination of the equal fixed periodic payments and gradually pays down the loan principal over time. A
periodic loan payments neces- loan amortization schedule is a record of the payments that a borrower makes,
sary to provide a lender with a including the interest and principal components of each payment, and the schedule
specified interest return and to
shows the remaining loan balance after each payment. Many consumer loans such
repay the loan principal over a
specified period. as home mortgages and car loans are typically structured as amortizing loans. In
terms of time-value-of-money-concepts, the stream of fixed payments in an amor-
loan amortization schedule
tizing loan has the same present value as the original principal. In other words,
A schedule of equal payments
given the principal, the interest rate, and the term (i.e., the length of time that the
to repay a loan. It shows the
allocation of each loan payment borrower makes payments) of the loan, we can calculate the periodic loan pay-
to interest and principal. ment by finding an annuity that has the same present value as the loan principal.
Earlier in the chapter, Equation 5.4 demonstrated how to find the present
value of an ordinary annuity given information about the number of time peri-
ods, the interest rate, and the annuity’s periodic payment. We can rearrange that
equation to solve for the payment, our objective in this problem:

CF1 = (PV0 * r) , c1 - d
(1 + r)n
270 PART TWO   Financial Tools

P E RS O N AL F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 2 Alex May borrows $6,000 from a bank. The bank requires

Alex to repay the loan fully in 4 years by making four end-
of-year payments. The interest rate on the loan is 10%. What is the loan pay-
ment that Alex will have to make each year? Plugging the appropriate values into
Equation 5.13, we have

CF1 = ($6,000 * 0.10) , c1 - d = $600 , 0.316987 = $1,892.82

(1 + 0.10)4
MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Using the calculator inputs shown at the left, you verify that
Calculator Alex’s annual payment will be $1,892.82. Thus, to repay the interest and princi-
pal on a $6,000, 10%, 4-year loan, equal annual end-of-year payments of
$1,892.82 are necessary.
10 I/Y Table 5.7 provides a loan amortization schedule that shows the principal and
4 N
CPT interest components of each payment. The portion of each payment that repre-
sents interest (column 3) declines over time, and the portion going to principal
Solution –$1,892.82 repayment (column 4) increases. Every amortizing loan displays this pattern; as

each payment reduces the principal, the interest component declines, leaving a
N I/Y PV PMT FV larger portion of each subsequent loan payment to repay principal. Notice that

1/x 7 8 9 / after Alex makes the fourth payment, the remaining loan balance is zero.
4 5 6 *
RESET 1 2 3 – Spreadsheet use The first spreadsheet below shows how to calculate the annual
+/– 0 . = + loan payment, and the second spreadsheet illustrates the construction of an amor-
tization schedule.

2 Present value $6,000
3 Annual rate of interest 10%
4 Number of years 4
5 Annual loan payment –$1,892.82
Entry in Cell B5 is =PMT(B3,B4,B2,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the loan
payment in B5 because loan payments
are cash outflows for the borrower.

Loan Amortization Schedule ($6,000 Principal, 10% Interest,

TA B L E 5 . 7 4-Year Repayment Period)
Beginning- End-of-year
of-year Loan Interest Principal principal
End-of-year principal payment [0.10 * (1)] [(2) - (3)] [(1) - (4)]
  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
1 $6,000.00 $1,892.82 $600.00 $1,292.82 $4,707.18
2 4,707.18 1,892.82 470.72 1,422.10 3,285.08
3 3,285.08 1,892.82 328.51 1,564.31 1,720.77
4 1,720.77 1,892.82 172.08 1,720.74

Because of rounding, a slight difference ($0.03) exists between the beginning-of-year-4 principal (in col-
umn 1) and the year-4 principal payment (in column 4).
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 271

2 Loan principal $6,000
3 Annual rate of interest 10%
4 Number of years 4
5 Annual annuity payments
6 Year Total To Interest To Principal Principal
7 0 $6,000.00
8 1 –$1,892.82 –$600.00 –$1,292.82 $4,707.18
9 2 –$1,892.82 –$470.72 –$1,422.11 $3,285.07
10 3 –$1,892.82 –$328.51 –$1,564.32 $1,720.75
11 4 –$1,892.82 –$172.07 –$1,720.75 $0.00
Key Cell Entries
Cell B8 is =PMT($D$3,$D$4,$D$2,0,0), copy to B9:B11
Cell C8 is =-$D$3*E7, copy to C9:C11
Cell D8 is =B8-C8, copy to D9:D11
Cell E8 is =E7+D8, copy to E9:E11
The minus sign appears before the loan payments
because these are cash outflows for the borrower.

To attract home buyers who could not afford fixed-rate 30-year mortgages
requiring equal monthly payments, lenders offered mortgages low “teaser” inter-
est rates that adjusted over time. Recall from Chapter 2 that subprime mortgages
are mortgage loans made to borrowers with lower incomes and poorer credit
histories as compared to “prime” borrowers. The Focus on Practice box dis-
cusses how such mortgages have worked out for some “subprime” borrowers.


One of the performance measures that investors and corporate managers focus
on most is growth. How fast a firm can grow its sales, earnings, or cash flows is
an important signal about its competitive position in the market. Similarly,


New Century Brings Trou
Trouble for Subprime Mortgages
As the housing market began to boom adjustable rate mortgage (ARM), Instead, borrowers in trouble could
at the end of the twentieth century and which featured a low introductory try to convince their lenders to allow
into the early twenty-first, the market interest rate that reset upward after a a “short sale,” in which the borrower
share of subprime mortgages climbed preset period of time. Interest rates sells the home for whatever the mar-
from near 0% in 1997 to about 20% of began a steady upward trend begin- ket will bear and the lender agrees to
mortgage originations in 2006. Several ning in late 2004. In 2006, some $300 accept the proceeds from that sale as
factors combined to fuel the rapid billion worth of adjustable ARMs were settlement for the mortgage debt.
growth of lending to borrowers with tar- reset to higher rates. In a market with For lenders and borrowers alike, fore-
nished credit, including a low interest rising home values, a borrower has closure is the last, worst option.
rate environment, loose underwriting the option to refinance the mortgage,
standards, and innovations in mortgage using some of the equity created by As a reaction to problems in the
financing such as “affordability pro- the home’s increasing value to reduce subprime area, lenders tightened
grams” to increase rates of homeown- the mortgage payment. After 2006, lending standards. What effect do
ership among lower-income borrowers. however, home prices started a you think this change had on the
Particularly attractive to new 3-year slide, so refinancing was not an housing market?
home buyers was the hybrid option for many subprime borrowers.
272 PART TWO   Financial Tools

people who want to judge their own performance as investors look at the
growth rate in the value of their investment portfolio or in the prices of particu-
lar stocks they own. Finding a growth rate involves the same mathematics as
finding an interest rate, because the interest rate determines how fast money
grows over time. To calculate a growth rate, we again make use of Equation
5.1, but in this case we want to solve for the interest rate (or growth rate) repre-
senting the increase in value of some investment between two time periods.
Solving Equation 5.1 for r, we have

FVn 1 > n
r = a b - 1 (5.14)

The simplest situation is one in which an investment’s value has changed over
time, and you want to know what compound annual rate of growth (or interest)
is consistent with the change in value that occurred over time.

P E RS O N AL F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 3 Consumers across the United States are familiar with Dollar

Tree stores, which offer a vast array of items that cost just
$1. Most shoppers at Dollar Tree probably do not know that the company’s
stock was one of the best-performing stocks during the decade that ended in
2016. An investor who purchased a $10 share of Dollar Tree stock at the end
of 2006 saw the firm’s stock price grow to $70 by 2016’s close. What com-
pound annual growth rate does that increase represent? Or, equivalently, what
average annual rate of interest did shareholders earn over that period? Let the
initial $10 price represent the stock’s present value in 2006, and let $70 repre-
sent the stock’s future value 10 years later. Plugging the appropriate values into
Equation 5.13, we find that Dollar Tree stock increased almost 21.5% per year
over this decade.
r = ($70 , $10)(1 > 10) - 1 = 0.2148 = 21.48,

MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use Using the calculator to find the interest or growth rate, we treat
Calculator the earliest value as a present value, PV, and the latest value as a future value,
FV. (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or the FV value to be input as
Input Function
–10 PV
a negative value to calculate an unknown interest or growth rate.) If we think of
an investor buying Dollar Tree stock for $10 at the end of 2016, we treat that
$10 payment as a cash outflow. Then the $70 future value represents a cash in-
flow, as if the investor sold the stock in 2016 and received cash. The calculator
Solution 21.48 screenshot confirms that the growth rate in Dollar Tree stock over this period

was 21.48%.

1/x 7 8 9 / Spreadsheet use The following spreadsheet shows how to find Dollar Tree’s
4 5 6 * growth rate using Excel’s RATE function. The syntax of that function is
1 2 3 –
+/– 0 . = +
RATE(nper,pmt,pv,fv,type,guess). We have encountered the function’s arguments
nper, pmt, pv, fv, and type previously. In this problem, $10 is the present value,
and $70 is the future value. We set the arguments pmt and type to zero because
those arguments are needed to work with annuities, but we are calculating the
growth rate by comparing two lump sums. The new argument in this function is
guess, which in nearly all applications you can set to zero.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 273

2 Present value –$10
3 Future value $70
4 Number of years 10
5 Annual rate of interest 21.48%
Entry in Cell B5 is =RATE(B4,0,B2,B3,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the $10 in B2 because
we treat the investment’s cost as a cash outflow.

Sometimes individuals want to know the interest rate that is associated

with a stream of cash flows rather than two lump sums. For example, if you
pay a lump sum today in exchange for a stream of cash flows over several
years, what rate of return is implicit in this arrangement? The most straight-
forward problem of this type involves solving for the interest rate embedded in
an annuity.

P E RS O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 4 Jan Jacobs can borrow $2,000 today, and she must repay the
loan in equal end-of-year payments of $482.57 over 5 years.
Notice that Jan’s payments will total $2,412.85 (i.e., $482.57 per year * 5 years).
That’s more than she borrowed, so she is clearly paying interest on this loan, as
we’d expect. The question is, what annual interest rate is Jan paying? You could
calculate the percentage difference between what Jan borrowed and what she
repaid as follows:

$2,412.85 - $2,000
= 0.206 = 20.6,

Unfortunately, for two reasons this calculation does not tell us what interest rate
Jan is paying. First, this calculation sums Jan’s payments over 5 years, so it does
not reveal the interest rate on her loan per year. Second, because each of Jan’s
payments comes at a different time, it is not valid to simply add them up. Time-
value-of-money principles tell us that even though each payment is for $482.57,
the payments have different values because they occur at different times. The key
MyLab Finance Financial idea in this problem is that there is some interest rate at which the present value
Calculator of the loan payments is equal to the loan principal. It’s this interest rate that
equates the loan principal to the present value of payments that we want to find.
Solving for that algebraically is very difficult, so we rely on a calculator or spread-
sheet to find the solution.
Calculator use (Note: Most calculators require you to input either the PMT or
Solution 6.60 the PV value as a negative number to calculate an unknown interest rate on an
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT equal-payment loan. We take the approach of treating PMT as a cash outflow
N I/Y PV PMT FV with a negative number.) Using the inputs shown at the left, you will find that the
1/x 7 8 9

interest rate on this loan is 6.6%.
4 5 6 *
RESET 1 2 3 – Spreadsheet use You can also calculate the interest on this loan as shown on the
+/– 0 . = +
following Excel spreadsheet.
274 PART TWO   Financial Tools

2 Present value $2,000
3 Annual annuity amount –$482.57
4 Number of years 5
5 Annual rate of interest 6.60%
Entry in Cell B5 is =RATE(B4,B3,B2,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the $482.57
in B3 because we treat the loan payment
as a cash outflow.


Sometimes individuals want to know how long it will take them to reach a par-
ticular savings goal if they set aside a lump sum today or if they make fixed
deposits into an investment account each year. The simplest situation is when a
person wishes to determine the number of periods, n, it will take for an initial
deposit, PV0, to grow to a specified future amount, FVn, given a stated interest
rate, r. To solve this problem, we will once again rely on the basic future value
relationship described in Equation 5.1, except that here we want to solve for n
rather than FVn.
If we solve Equation 5.1 for n, we obtain the following equation

log a b
n = (5.15)
log (1 + r)

In other words, to find the number of periods it takes to accumulate FVn dollars
starting with PV0 dollars and earning rate r, we first take the logarithm of the
ratio of the future value to the present value. Then we divide that by the loga-
rithm of 1 plus the interest rate.

P E RS O N AL F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 5 Ann Bates wishes to determine how long it will take for her
initial $1,000 deposit, earning 8% annual interest, to grow
MyLab Finance Financial to $2,500. Applying Equation 5.15, at an 8% annual rate of interest, how many
Calculator years, n, will it take for Ann’s $1,000, PV0, to grow to $2,500, FVn?

log a b
Input Function
–1000 PV $1,000 0.39794
2500 FV
n = = = 11.9
8 I/Y
log (1.08) 0.03342
Ann will have to wait almost 12 years to reach her savings goal of $2,500.
Solution 11.9
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT Calculator use Using the calculator, we treat the initial value as the present value,
PV, and the latest value as the future value, FV. (Note: Most calculators require
either the PV or the FV value to be input as a negative number to calculate an
1/x 7 8 9 /
4 5 6 *
unknown number of periods. We treat Ann’s $1,000 initial deposit as a cash flow
RESET 1 2 3 – and give it a negative number.) Using the inputs shown at the left, we verify that
+/– 0 . = +
it will take Ann 11.9 years to reach her $2,500 goal.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 275

Spreadsheet use You can calculate the number of years for the present value to
grow to a specified future value using Excel’s NPER function, as shown below.

2 Present value –$1,000
3 Future value $2,500
4 Annual rate of interest 8%
5 Number of years 11.9
Entry in Cell B5 is =NPER(B4,0,B2,B3,0).
The minus sign appears before the $1,000
in B2 because we treat the initial deposit
as a cash outflow.

A similar type of problem involves finding the number of level payments

required to pay off a loan. That is, suppose we know the loan principal, the loan
payment, and the interest rate. With that information we can determine how
many payments will be required to completely repay the loan. Here again the
loan principal is the present value, and we want a stream of annuity payments
that have the same present value. We know the interest rate, but we do not know
how many loan payments are required.

P E R S O N A L F IN A N C E E X A M P L E 5 . 2 6 Bill Smart can borrow $25,000 at a 7.25% annual interest

rate. The lender requires Bill to make equal, end-of-year pay-
ments of $3,878.07. Bill wishes to determine how long it will take to fully repay
the loan. The algebraic solution to this problem is a bit tedious, so we will find
the answer with a calculator or spreadsheet.
MyLab Finance Financial Calculator use (Note: Most calculators require either the PV or the PMT value
Calculator to be input as a negative number to calculate an unknown number of periods. We
treat the loan payments as cash outflows here and show them with a negative
number.) Using the inputs at the left, you will find the number of periods to be
9 years. So, after making 9 payments of $3,878.07, Bill will have a zero outstand-
ing balance.
Spreadsheet use The number of years to pay off the loan also can be calculated as
Solution 9
CPT RCL ENTER CPT CPT shown on the following Excel spreadsheet.

4 5 6 * MyLab
1 2 3 –
+/– 0 . = + 2 Present value $25,000
3 Annual payment amount –$3,878.07
4 Annual rate of interest 7.25%
5 Number of years 9.0
Entry in Cell B5 is =NPER(B4,B3,B2,0,0).
The minus sign appears before the $3,878.07
in B3 because we treat the loan payments
as cash outflows.
276 PART TWO   Financial Tools

➔ REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–26 How can you determine the size of the equal, end-of-year deposits nec-
essary to accumulate a certain future sum at the end of a specified
future period at a given annual interest rate?
5–27 Describe the procedure used to amortize a loan into a series of equal
periodic payments.
5–28 How can you determine the unknown number of periods when you
know the present and future values—single amount or annuity—and
the applicable rate of interest?

➔ EXCEL REVIEW QUESTIONS MyLab Finance Solutions

5–29 You want to buy a new car as a graduation present for yourself, but
before finalizing a purchase you need to consider the monthly payment
amount. Using the information provided at MyLab Finance, find the
monthly payment amount for the car you are considering.
5–30 As a finance major, you realize that you can quickly estimate your
retirement age by knowing how much you need to retire, how much
you can contribute each month to your retirement account, and what
rate of return you can earn on your retirement investments. With that
information, you can solve for the number of years it will take to save
the money you need to retire. Using the information provided at
MyLab Finance, estimate the age at which you will be able to retire.


The time value of money is an important tool that financial managers and other
market participants use to compare cash inflows and outflows occurring at dif-
ferent times. Because firms routinely make investments that produce cash
inflows over long periods of time, the effective application of time-value-of-
money techniques is extremely important. These techniques enable financial
managers to compare the costs of investments they make today to the cash
inflows those investments will generate in future years. Such comparisons help
managers achieve the firm’s overall goal of share price maximization. It will
become clear later in this text that the application of time-value techniques is a
key part of the valuation process needed to make wealth-maximizing decisions.


LG 1
Discuss the role of time value in finance, the use of computational tools,
and the basic patterns of cash flow. Financial managers and investors use time-
value-of-money techniques when assessing the value of expected cash flow
streams. Alternatives can be assessed by either compounding to find future
value or discounting to find present value. Financial managers rely primarily
on present-value techniques. Financial calculators and electronic spreadsheets
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 277

streamline the application of time-value techniques. Cash flow patterns are of

three types: a single amount or lump sum, an annuity, or a mixed stream.
LG 2
Understand the concepts of future value and present value, their calcula-
tion for single amounts, and the relationship between them. Future value (FV)
relies on compound interest to translate current dollars into future dollars. The
initial principal or deposit in one period, along with the interest earned on it,
becomes the beginning principal of the following period.
The present value (PV) of a future amount is the amount of money today
that is equivalent to the given future amount, considering the return that can be
earned. Present value is the inverse of future value.
LG 3
Find the future value and the present value of both an ordinary annuity
and an annuity due, and find the present value of a perpetuity. An annuity is a
pattern of equal periodic cash flows. For an ordinary annuity, the cash flows
occur at the end of the period. For an annuity due, cash flows occur at the
beginning of the period.
The future or present value of an ordinary annuity can be found by using
algebraic equations, a financial calculator, or a spreadsheet program. The value
of an annuity due is always r% greater than the value of an identical annuity.
The present value of a perpetuity—an infinite-lived annuity—equals the annual
cash payment divided by the discount rate. The present value of a growing per-
petuity equals the initial cash payment divided by the difference between the
discount rate and the growth rate.
LG 4
Calculate both the future value and the present value of a mixed stream
of cash flows. A mixed stream of cash flows consists of unequal periodic cash
flows that reflect no particular pattern. The future value of a mixed stream of
cash flows is the sum of the future values of each cash flow. Similarly, the pres-
ent value of a mixed stream of cash flows is the sum of the present values of the
individual cash flows.
LG 5
Understand the effect that compounding interest more frequently than
annually has on future value and on the effective annual rate of interest. Interest
can compound at intervals ranging from annually to daily and even continu-
ously. The more often interest compounds, the larger the future amount that
will be accumulated, and the higher the effective, or true, annual rate (EAR).
The annual percentage rate (APR)—a nominal annual rate—is quoted on
credit cards and loans. The annual percentage yield (APY)—an effective annual
rate—is quoted on savings products.
LG 6
Describe the procedures involved in (1) determining deposits needed to
accumulate a future sum, (2) loan amortization, (3) finding interest or growth
rates, and (4) finding an unknown number of periods. (1) The periodic deposit
to accumulate a given future sum can be found by solving the equation for the
future value of an annuity for the annual payment. (2) A loan can be amortized
into equal periodic payments by solving the equation for the present value of an
annuity for the periodic payment. (3) Interest or growth rates can be estimated
by finding the unknown interest rate in the equation for the present value of a
single amount or an annuity. (4) The number of periods can be estimated by
finding the unknown number of periods in the equation for the present value of
a single amount or an annuity.
278 PART TWO   Financial Tools


The chapter opener described a lottery prize that could be taken as a $480 million
lump sum payment or mixed stream of 30 payments, with the first payment of
$11.42 million coming immediately, followed by 29 additional payments growing
at 5% per year. If the lottery winner could earn 2% on cash invested today, should
she take the lump sum or the mixed stream? What if the rate of return is 3%?
What general principle do those calculations illustrate?

SELF-TEST PROBLEMS (Solutions in Appendix)

LG 2 LG 5 ST5–1 Future values for various compounding frequencies  Delia Martin has $10,000 that
she can deposit in any of three savings accounts for a 3-year period. Bank A com-
IRF pounds interest on an annual basis, bank B compounds interest twice each year, and
bank C compounds interest each quarter. All three banks have a stated annual
interest rate of 4%.
a. What amount would Ms. Martin have after 3 years, leaving all interest paid on
deposit, in each bank?
b. What effective annual rate (EAR) would she earn in each of the banks?
c. On the basis of your findings in parts a and b, which bank should Ms. Martin
deal with? Why?
d. If a fourth bank (bank D), also with a 4% stated interest rate, compounds
interest continuously, how much would Ms. Martin have after 3 years?
Does this alternative change your recommendation in part c? Explain why or
why not.

LG 3 ST5–2 Future values of annuities  Ramesh Abdul has the opportunity to invest in either of
two annuities, each of which will cost $38,000 today. Annuity X is an annuity due
IRF that makes 6 cash payments of $9,000. Annuity Y is an ordinary annuity that makes
6 cash payments of $10,000. Assume that Ramesh can earn 15% on his investments.
a. On a purely intuitive basis (i.e., without doing any math), which annuity do you
think is more attractive? Why?
b. Find the future value after 6 years for both annuities.
c. Use your finding in part b to indicate which annuity is more attractive. Why?
Compare your finding to your intuitive response in part a.

LG 2 LG 3 ST5–3 Present values of single amounts and streams  You have a choice of accepting either
of two 5-year cash flow streams or single amounts. One cash flow stream is an ordi-
LG 4 nary annuity, and the other is a mixed stream. You may accept alternative A or B,
either as a cash flow stream or as a single amount. Given the cash flow stream and
single amounts associated with each (see the following table), and assuming a 9%
opportunity cost, which alternative (A or B) and in which form (cash flow stream or
single amount) would you prefer?
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 279

Cash flow stream

Year Alternative A Alternative B
1 $700 $1,100
2 700 900
3 700 700
4 700 500
5 700 300

Single amount
At time zero $2,825 $2,800

LG 6 ST5–4 Deposits needed to accumulate a future sum  Judi Janson wishes to accumulate

$8,000 by making equal, end-of-year deposits over the next 5 years. If Judi can earn
IRF 7% on her investments, how much must she deposit at the end of each year to meet
this goal?

WARM-UP EXERCISES Select problems are available in MyLab Finance.

LG 2 E5–1 Assume that Amaya Chidori makes a ¥40,000 deposit into an investment account in
a bank in Sendai, Japan. If this account is currently paying 0.5% per annum, what
will the account balance be after 2 years?

LG 2 LG 5 E5–2 Paul Jackson saved £6,200 over last 2 years and decided to invest in an individual
savings account (ISA), which is a type of savings account that offers tax exemptions
to residents of the United Kingdom. If the ISA pays 3% annual interest, what will
the account balance be after 3 years?

LG 3 E5–3 Lisi Ji just won $12 million in the Hong Kong mega lottery. She is given the option
of receiving a lump sum immediately, or she can elect to receive an annual payment
of $1 million at the end of each year for the next 15 years. If Lisi can earn 8% annu-
ally on her investments, which option should she take?

LG 4 E5–4 Yassir Ismail is planning to install a new machine for his metal fabrication business in
Dubai. The machine will cost AED240,000 (United Arab Emirates dirham). He esti-
mates that the new machine will generate cash inflows shown in the following table,
over its 5-year life.

Year Cash flow (in AED)

1 42,000
2 50,000
3 62,000
4 48,000
5 40,000

Should Yassir purchase and install the new machinery if he expects a minimum
annual return of 12% on his investment?
280 PART TWO   Financial Tools

LG 5 E5–5 First Choice Bank wants to earn an effective interest rate of 18% per year. In order to
suit different potential borrowers’ needs, the bank offers two options. The first calcu-
lates interest on a weekly compounding basis, while the second calculates interest
compounded monthly. What interest rate is the bank required to report for the two
options? Give one reason why a borrower might prefer an interest rate compounded
monthly over one that is compounded weekly.

LG 6 E5–6 Jack and Jill have just had their first child. If they expect that college will cost
$150,000 per year in 18 years, how much should the couple begin depositing
annually at the end of each of the next 18 years to accumulate enough funds to
pay 1 year of tuition 18 years from now? Assume they can earn a 6% annual rate
of return on their investment.

PROBLEMS Select problems are available in MyLab Finance. The MyLab icon
indicates problems in Excel format available in MyLab Finance.

LG 1 P5–1 Using a timeline  Barnaby PLC is considering starting a new branch of their busi-
ness in Northern Ireland that requires an initial outlay of £280,000 and is
expected to produce cash inflows of £80,000 at the end of years 1, 2, and 3;
£70,000 at the end of years 4 and 5; and £90,000 at the end of year 6.
a. Draw and label a timeline depicting the cash flows associated with Barnaby’s
proposed investment.
b. Use arrows to demonstrate, on the timeline in part a, how compounding to find
future value can be used to measure all cash flows at the end of year 6.
c. Use arrows to demonstrate, on the timeline in part a, how discounting to find
present value can be used to measure all cash flows at the beginning of the period
(time zero).
d. Which of the approaches—future value or present value—do you think financial
managers rely on most often for decision making?

LG 2 P5–2 Future value calculation  Without referring to the preprogrammed function on your

financial calculator, use the basic formula for future value along with the given
interest rate, r, and the number of periods, n, to calculate the future value of £1 in
each of the cases shown in the following table.

Case Interest rate, r Number of periods, n

A 11% 4
B 8 5
C 10 2
D 7 3
E 4 6

LG 1 X P5–3 Future value  You have $100 to invest. If you put the money into an account
MyLab earning 5% interest compounded annually, how much money will you have in
10 years? How much money will you have in 10 years if the account pays 5%
simple interest?
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 281

LG 2 X P5–4 Future values  For each of the cases shown in the following table, calculate the
MyLab future value of the single cash flow deposited today and held until the end of the
deposit period if the interest is compounded annually at the rate specified.

Case Single cash flow Interest rate Deposit period (years)

A $ 200 5% 20
B 4,500 8 7
C 10,000 9 10
D 25,000 10 12
E 37,000 11 5
F 40,000 12 9

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–5 Time value  James has €4,000 to invest in a savings account at 5% interest com-
pounded annually.
a. Find out the compound value in the account after (1) 2 years, (2) 6 years, and (3)
10 years.
b. Use your findings in part a to calculate the amount of interest earned in (1) the
first 2 years (years 1 to 2), (2) the next 4 years (years 3 to 6), and (3) the last 4
years (years 7 to 10)
c. Compare your findings in part b. Why does the amount of interest earned
increase in each succeeding period?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–6 Time value  Isabella wishes to purchase a Nissan GTR. The car costs £85,000 today
and, after completing her graduation, she has secured a well-paying job and is able to
save for the car. The price trend indicates that its price will increase by 3% to 6% every
year. Isabella wants to save enough to buy the car in 5 years from today.
a. Estimate the price of the car in 5 years if the price increases by (1) 3% per year
and (2) 6% per year.
b. How much more expensive will the car be if the price increases by 6% rather
than 3%?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 X P5–7 Time value  You can deposit $10,000 into an account paying 9% annual interest either
MyLab today or exactly 10 years from today. How much better off will you be 40 years from
now if you decide to make the initial deposit today rather than 10 years from today?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–8 Time value  Peter just got his driver’s license, and he wants to buy a new sports car
for $70,000. He has $3,000 to invest as a lump sum today. Peter is a conservative
investor and he only invests in safe products. After approaching different banks, he
is offered the following investment opportunities:
a. River Bank’s savings account with an interest rate of 10.8% compounded monthly.
b. First State Bank’s savings account with an interest rate of 11.5% compounded
c. Union Bank’s saving account with an interest rate of 9.3% compounded weekly.
How long will it take for Peter to accumulate enough money to buy the car in
each of the three cases?
282 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–9 Single-payment loan repayment  Kelly borrows $30,000, to start a motor repair
business in Hong Kong, that she must repay in a lump sum within the next 9 years.
The interest rate is 10% annually compounded. There is no prepayment penalty.
a. What amount will be due if she decides to repay the loan after 2 years?
b. How much would she have to repay after 5 years?
c. What amount is due at the end of 8 years?

LG 2 P5–10 Present value calculation  Without referring to the preprogrammed function on your

financial calculator, use the basic formula for present value, along with the given
discount rate, r, and the number of periods, n, to calculate the present value of $1 in
each of the cases shown in the following table.

Case Discount rate, r Number of periods, n

A 2% 4
B 10 2
C 5 3
D 13 2

LG 2 P5–11 Present values  For each of the cases shown in the following table, calculate the
present value of the cash flow. Assume that the cash flow is received at the end of
the period noted in the table.

Case Single cash flow Discount rate Periods (years)

A €8,000 11% 5
B 12,000 8 12
C 60,000 13 20
D 48,000 20 7
E 6,000 5 9

LG 2 P5–12 Present value concept  Answer each of the following questions.

a. How much money would you have to invest today to accumulate $6,000 after
6 years if the rate of return on your investment is 12%?
b. What is the present value of $6,000 that you will receive after 6 years if the dis-
count rate is 12%?
c. What is the most you would spend today for an investment that will pay $6,000
in 6 years if your opportunity cost is 12%?
d. Compare, contrast, and discuss your findings in parts a through c.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–13 Time value  Aziz Hussain has been offered an investment that will pay him $6,000
3 years from today.
a. If he earns 8% compounded annually in a treasury bond, what value should he
place on this opportunity today?
b. What is the most he should pay to purchase this investment today?
c. If Aziz can purchase this investment for less than the amount calculated in part
a, what does that imply about the rate of return he will earn on the investment?
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 283

LG 2 P5–14 Time value  An Iowa state savings bond can be converted to $100 at maturity
6 years from purchase. If the state bonds are to be competitive with U.S. savings
bonds, which pay 3% annual interest (compounded annually), at what price
must the state sell its bonds? Assume no cash payments on savings bonds prior
to redemption.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–15 Time value and discount rates  John Ross has received his pension statement that
promises to pay him a lump sum of £150,000 when he retires exactly 10 years from
today. A pension release firm has offered him an immediate cash payment in
exchange for his pension.
a. What is the least amount John should accept if he can earn the following rates of
return on similar-risk investments during the 10-year period?
(1) 4%
(2) 8%
(3) 12%
b. Rework part a under the assumption that the £150,000 payment will be received
in 15 rather than 10 years.
c. Compare your findings in parts a and b, and explain the relationship indicated
between future value, length of investment, and the applicable rate of return.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 P5–16 Time value comparisons of single amounts  In exchange for a $23,000 payment
today, a well-known company will allow you to choose one of the alternatives
shown in the following table. Your opportunity cost is 9%.

Alternative Single amount

A $28,500 at end of 3 years
B $54,000 at end of 9 years
C $160,000 at end of 20 years

a. Find the value today of each alternative.

b. Are all the alternatives acceptable? That is, are they worth $23,000 today?
c. Which alternative, if any, will you take?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 X P5–17 Cash flow investment decision  Tom Alexander has an opportunity to purchase any
MyLab of the investments shown in the following table. The purchase price, the amount of
the single cash inflow, and its year of receipt are given for each investment. Which
purchase recommendations would you make, assuming that Tom can earn 10% on
his investments?

Investment Price Single cash inflow Year of receipt

A $18,000 $30,000 5
B 600 3,000 20
C 3,500 10,000 10
D 1,000 15,000 40
284 PART TWO   Financial Tools

LG 2 P5–18 Calculating deposit needed  Peter put £6,000 in an account earning 4% annually.

After 4 years, he made another deposit into the same account. At the end of 6 years,
the account balance is £13,000. What was the amount deposited at the end of year 4?

LG 3 X P5–19 Future value of an annuity  For each case in the accompanying table, answer the
MyLab questions that follow.

Case Annuity payment Interest rate Annuity length (years)

A $ 2,500 8% 10
B 500 12 6
C 30,000 20 5
D 11,500 9 8
E 6,000 14 30

a. Calculate the future value of the annuity, assuming that it is

(1) An ordinary annuity.
(2) An annuity due.
b. Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type
of annuity—ordinary or annuity due—is preferable? Explain why.

LG 3 P5–20 Present value of an annuity  Consider the following cases.

Case Annuity payment Interest rate Annuity length (years)

A £ 30,000 8% 3
B 24,000 12 15
C 8,000 5 20
D 160,000 9 8
E 72,000 10 12

a. Calculate the present value of the annuity, assuming that it is

(1) An ordinary annuity.
(2) An annuity due.
b. Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type
of annuity is preferable—ordinary or annuity due? Explain why.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 3 P5–21 Time value: Annuities  Marian Kirk wishes to select the better of two 10-year annui-
ties. Annuity 1 is an ordinary annuity of $2,500 per year for 10 years. Annuity 2 is
an annuity due of $2,300 per year for 10 years.
a. Find the future value of both annuities 10 years from now, assuming that
Marian can earn (1) 6% annual interest and (2) 10% annual interest.
b. Use your findings in part a to indicate which annuity has the greater future value
after 10 years for both the (1) 6% and (2) 10% interest rates.
c. Find the present value of both annuities, assuming that Marian can earn (1) 6%
annual interest and (2) 10% annual interest.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 285

d. Use your findings in part c to indicate which annuity has the greater present
value for both (1) 6% and (2) 10% interest rates.
e. Briefly compare, contrast, and explain any differences between your findings
using the 6% and 10% interest rates in parts b and d.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 3 P5–22 Retirement planning  Jill Smyth, a 22-year-old university graduate, has just landed
her first job and has planned to retire at age 62. She has decided to deopsit £5,000
every year in an individual savings account (ISA), which is tax-free for British citi-
zens and gives a 5% per annum return.
a. If Jill continues to make end-of-year $5,000 deposits into the ISA, how much will
she have accumulated in 40 years when she turns 62?
b. If Jill decides to wait until age 32 to begin making deposits into the ISA, how much
will she have accumulated when she retires after 30 years?
c. Using your findings in parts a and b, discuss the impact of delaying deposits into
the ISA for 10 years on the amount accumulated by the end of the period?
d. Rework parts a and b, assuming that Jill makes all deposits at the beginning,
rather than the end, of each year. Discuss the effect of beginning-of-year deposits
on the future value accumulated by the end of Jill’s sixty-second year.

Personal Finance Problem

LG 3 P5–23 Value of a retirement annuity  Your bank manager has informed you about a new
investment plan that will provide you with $5,000 at the end of each of the next 20
years. If you have an opportunity to earn a guaranteed return of 6%, what is the
most you would pay for this annuity right now?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 LG 3 P5–24 Funding your retirement  John Wick is 50 years old and has saved nothing for retire-
ment. However, he has just inherited £150,000 from his great grandfather and wants
to invest it in a retirement plan. He plans to put the money in an investment account
earning a 10% return. He will let the money accumulate for 15 years, when he will
retire at the age of 65. He would like to deposit enough money so that he can begin
making withdrawals of £40,000 per year starting at age 66 and continuing for 24
additional years, when he turns 90. He wants the balance in his account after the last
withdrawal to be £0. After investing in his retirement plan, John wants to spend the
rest of his money on a world tour.
a. How much money must John invest to achieve his goal? Construct a timeline to
help visualize the details of this investment plan.
b. John realizes that once he retires he will want to invest only in less risky assets,
like government securities that will earn a slightly lower rate of return—5%. So
he will earn 10% until age 65, and then 5% per annum from age 65 to 90. How
much money does he need to set aside now to achieve his retirement goal?
c. Suppose John has changed his mind and invests the entire inheritance into the
account earning 10%. After making his last withdrawal at age 90, he wants to
leave the remaining money to his niece. How much would his niece receive when
John withdraws the last annual installment of £40,000?
286 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 LG 3 P5–25 Value of an annuity versus a single amount  Assume that you just won the state lot-
tery. Your prize can be taken either in the form of $40,000 at the end of each of the
next 25 years (i.e., $1,000,000 over 25 years) or as a single amount of $500,000
paid immediately.
a. If you expect to earn 5% annually on your investments over the next 25 years,
ignoring taxes and other considerations, which alternative should you take? Why?
b. Would your decision in part a change if you could earn 7% rather than 5% on
your investments over the next 25 years? Why?
c. At approximately what interest rate would you be indifferent between the two

LG 3 P5–26 Perpetuities  Consider the data in the following table.

Perpetuity Annual payment Discount rate

A €120,000 8%
B 60,000 12
C 1,500 6
D 300,000 4
E 3000 7

Determine the present value of each perpetuity.

P5–27 Perpetuities  Suppose you have been offered an investment opportunity that will pay
you $500 at the end of every year, starting 1 year from now and continuing forever.
Assume the relevant discount rate is 6%.
a. What is the maximum amount you would pay for this investment?
b. What would you pay if the first cash flow from this investment comes immedi-
ately, and the following cash payments of £500 after 1 year thereafter.
c. Suppose the first cash flow from this investment is 4 years from now; that is, the
first payment will be made at the end of fourth year and will continue every year
thereafter. How much is this worth to you today?

X P5–28 Perpetuities  You are evaluating an investment that will pay $75 in 1 year, and it
will continue to make payments at annual intervals thereafter, but the payments will
grow by 4% forever.
a. What is the present value of the first $75 payment if the discount rate is 10%?
b. How much cash will this investment pay 100 years from now? What is the pres-
ent value of the 100th payment? Again, use a 10% discount rate.
c. What is the present value of the entire growing stream of perpetual cash flows?
d. Explain why the answers to parts a and b help to explain why an infinite stream
of growing cash flows has a finite present value?

Personal Finance Problem

P5–29 Creating an endowment  On completion of her introductory finance course, Marla Lee
was so pleased with the amount of useful and interesting knowledge she gained that
she convinced her parents, who were wealthy alumni of the university she was attend-
ing, to create an endowment. The endowment will provide for three students from
low-income families to take the introductory finance course each year in perpetuity.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 287

The cost of taking the finance course this year is $200 per student (or $600 for 3
students), but that cost will grow by 2% per year forever. Marla’s parents will create
the endowment by making a single payment to the university today. The university
expects to earn 6% per year on these funds.
a. What will it cost 3 students to take the finance class next year?
b. How much will Marla’s parents have to give the university today to fund the
endowment if it starts paying out cash flow next year?
c. What amount would be needed to fund the endowment if the university could
earn 9% rather than 6% per year on the funds?

LG 4 P5–30 Value of a mixed stream  For each of the mixed streams of cash flows shown in the
following table, calculate the future value at the end of the final year if deposits are
made into an account paying annual intertest of 8%. Assume that no withdrawls are
made during the period and that the deposits are made
a. At the end of each year (i.e., the first deposit occurs 1 year from now)
b. At the beginning of each year (i.e., the first deposit occurs immediately)

Cash flow stream

Year X Y Z
1 $20,000 $7,000 $15,000
2 10,000 9,000 12,000
3 15,000 6,000 13,000
4 5,000 11,000
5 8,000

Personal Finance Problem

LG 4 P5–31 Value of a single amount versus a mixed stream  Boris Miller has contracted to sell a
piece of land that he owns, which has permission for a residential development. A
property developer is willing to buy the land and has proposed two methods of pay-
ment. The developer is willing to pay £150,000 now or a deferred payment over the
next 4 years paying £40,000 at the end of year 1, £30,000 at the end of year 2,
£50,000 at the end of year 3, and £60,000 at the end of year 4. Boris wants to use
the proceeds at the end of year 5 to start a business and is concerned about future
value of his receipts at the end of year 5. He can earn 4% annual interest from his
investment account. Which alternative should Boris choose?

LG 4 X P5–32 Value of mixed streams  Find the present value of the streams of cash flows shown
MyLab in the following table. Assume that the opportunity cost is 12%.

Year Cash flow Year Cash flow Year Cash flow
1 -$2,000 1 $10,000 1−5 $10,000/yr
2 3,000 2–5 5,000/yr 6–10 8,000/yr
3 4,000 6 7,000  
4 6,000    
5 8,000  
288 PART TWO   Financial Tools

LG 4 P5–33 Present value: Mixed streams  Consider the mixed streams of cash flows shown in
the following table.

Cash flow stream

Year A B
0 -$50,000 $10,000
1 40,000 20,000
2 30,000 30,000
3 20,000 40,000
4 10,000 -50,000
Totals $50,000 $50,000

a. Find the present value of each stream using a 5% discount rate.

b. Compare the calculated present values and discuss them in light of the undis-
counted cash flows totaling $50,000 in each case. Is there some discount rate at
which the present values of the two streams would be equal?

LG 1 LG 4 P5–34 Value of a mixed stream  Neil Tyson has developed a prototype of an armored

fabric that is very light, but is capable of stopping projectiles as efficiently as a tradi-
tional bullet-proof jacket. A military supplier is considering the technology and has
offered to pay Neil £30,000 in years 1, 2, and 3; and £40,000 in years 4 to 6. All
payments will be made at the end of each year.
a. Lay out the cash flows involved in the offer on a timeline.
b. If Neil applies a required rate of return of 10% to them, what is the present value
of this series of payments?
c. Another company has made an offer of a one-time payment of £275,000 for the
fabric. Which offer should Neil accept?

P5-35 Value of a mixed stream  Cook Energy Ltd plans to build a new low-cost nuclear
power plant in France. The construction will cost €30 million right now, but cash
flows of €12 million will start arriving at the end of years 1 to 8. The plant will
need to be decommissioned at the end of year 5 and will cost €45 million for land
restoration, to be paid at the end of year 9.
a. What is the total undiscounted cash flow associated with this project over its
9-year life? Given this answer, do you think Cook should accept this project?
b. Assuming an interest rate of 8%, calculate the net present value of the project.
What if the interest rate is 15%? Comment on what you find.

LG 4 P5–36 Relationship between future value and present value: Mixed stream  Using the infor-
mation in the accompanying table, answer the questions that follow. Assume all
transactions take place at the end of the year.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 289

Year Cash flow

1 $3,000
2 0
3 4,000
4 8,000
5 12,000
6 6,000

a. Using a discount rate of 7%, determine the present value of the cash flows.
b. Suppose you had a lump sum equal to your answer in part a. You invested this
sum in an account earning a 7% return each year. How much would you have
after 6 years?
c. Calculate the future value of cash flows 6 years from now and compare it to your
answer in part b.
d. How much would you be willing to pay for this, assuming that you can earn 7%
on your investments?

LG 4 P5–37 Relationship between future value and present value: Mixed stream  The table below
shows a mixed cash flow stream starting in 1 year, except that the cash flow for year 3
is missing.

Year 1 $10,000
Year 2 5,000
Year 3  
Year 4 20,000
Year 5 3,000

Suppose you somehow know that the present value of the entire stream is
$32,911.03 and that the discount rate is 4%. What is the amount of the missing
cash flow in year 3?

LG 5 P5–38 Changing compounding frequency  Using annual, semiannual, and quarterly com-

pounding periods for each of the following, (1) calculate the future value if £10,000
is deposited initially and (2) determine the effective annual rate (EAR).
a. At 12% annual interest for 5 years.
b. At 15% annual interest for 8 years.
c. At 18% annual interest for 11 years.

LG 5 X P5–39 Compounding frequency, time value, and effective annual rates  For each of the
MyLab cases in the table below:
a. Calculate the future value at the end of the specified deposit period.
b. Determine the effective annual rate, EAR.
c. Compare the nominal annual rate, r, to the effective annual rate, EAR. What
relationship exists between compounding frequency and the nominal and effec-
tive annual rates?
290 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Compounding Deposit
Amount of Nominal frequency, m period
Case initial deposit annual rate, r (times/year) (years)
A $ 2,500 6% 2 5
B 50,000 12 6 3
C 1,000 5 1 10
D 20,000 16 4 6

LG 5 P5–40 Continuous compounding  For each of the cases in the following table, find the
future value at the end of the deposit period, assuming that interest is compounded
continuously at the given nominal annual rate.

Amount of Nominal Deposit period

Case initial deposit annual rate, r (years), n
A $1,000 9% 2
B 600 10 10
C 4,000 8 7
D 2,500 12 4

Personal Finance Problem

LG 5 P5–41 Compounding frequency and time value  François plans to invest $4,000 in an indi-
vidual savings account (ISA) at a nominal interest rate of 6%.
a. How much will François have in the account after 10 years if interest is com-
pounded (1) annually, (2) semiannually, and (3) daily (assuming 365-day
b. What is the effective annual rate (EAR) for each compounding period in part a?
c. How much greater will François’ ISA balance be if the interest is compounded
continuously rather than semiannually for the same period?
d. Consider your answers in parts a, b, and c. What does it indicate about the rela-
tionship between compounding frequency and the compound value for nominal
interest rates?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 3 LG 5 P5–42 Annuities and compounding  Janet Boyle intends to deposit $300 per year in a
credit union for the next 10 years, and the credit union pays an annual interest
rate of 8%.
a. Determine the future value that Janet will have in 10 years, given that
end-of-period deposits are made and no interest is withdrawn, if
(1) $300 is deposited annually and the credit union pays interest annually.
(2) $150 is deposited semiannually and the credit union pays interest semiannually.
(3) $75 is deposited quarterly and the credit union pays interest quarterly.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 291

b. Use your findings in part a to discuss the effect of more frequent deposits and
compounding of interest on the future value of an annuity.

LG 6 X P5–43 Deposits to accumulate future sums  For each case shown in the following table,
MyLab determine the amount of the equal, end-of-year deposits necessary to accumulate the
given sum at the end of the specified period, assuming the stated annual interest rate.

Sum to be Accumulation Interest

Case accumulated period (years) rate
A $ 5,000 3 12%
B 100,000 20 7
C 30,000 8 10
D 15,000 12 8

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–44 Creating a retirement fund  Harry Brolin plans to retire after 38 years and wants to
accumulate €180,000 when he retires. Harry plans to make equal, end-of-year
deposits into a savings account paying 8% annual interest.
a. What amount does he need to deposit every year to create €180,000 in 38 years?
b. If Josh can afford to deposit only €700 per year into the account, how much will
he have accumulated in 38 years?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–45 Accumulating a growing future sum  You have $30,000, and you are making the
decision between consumption and investment. You are considering either using all
of the money to buy a new car or investing the whole amount. You have two invest-
ment options: You can either put the money into a savings account with a nominal
interest rate of 5% compounded monthly, or invest the money in stocks with an
expected return of 6% compounded continuously.
a. If you choose to invest, how much will you have 6 years later if you invested in
(1) the savings account, or (2) stocks?
b. If you invested in the savings account, how long will it take for you to double
your money?
c. Suppose the price of the car inflates by 2% per year. If you choose to invest your
money in stocks, how long will it take for you to be able to afford two cars?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 2 LG 3 P5–46 Inflation, time value, and annual deposits  Sadiq Ansari wants to support his daugh-
ter’s education by paying for her MBA degree from a premier university in Britain.
LG 6 Research indicates that the fees for a 1-year MBA course at any good British univer-
sity will cost £35,000 now. His daughter is 3 years old and he expects that he will
need to pay her fees in 20 years. He wishes to invest a fixed amount at the end of
each of the next 20 years to fund her degree. He is also aware that, on average, the
fees are likely to increase by 4% annually.
a. What is the expected fees for an MBA degree in 20 years, when Sadiq will have
to pay for his daughter’s course?
292 PART TWO   Financial Tools

b. How much must Sadiq invest at the end of each of the next 20 years if his invest-
ments pay 8% every year.
c. If Sadiq invests at the beginning instead of at the end of each year, how much
must he invest each year if his investments pay the same 8% per year?

LG 6 X P5–47 Loan payment  Determine the equal, end-of-year payment required each year over
MyLab the life of the loans shown in the following table to repay them fully during the
stated term of the loan.

Loan Principal Interest rate Term of loan (years)

A $12,000 8% 3
B 60,000 12 10
C 75,000 10 30
D 4,000 15 5

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–48 Loan amortization schedule  Han Xiao just closed a $50,000 business loan that she
must repay her brother, who has agreed to lend it at 5% annual interest. Han must
repay the loan over the next 5 years, in five equal, end-of-year payments.
a. How much does Han have to pay every year if she has to repay the loan by the
fifth end-of-year installment?
b. Prepare an amortization schedule showing the interest and principal breakdown
of each loan payments.
c. Explain why the interest expense of each subsequent payment declines over time.

LG 6 P5–49 Loan interest deductions  Liz Rogers just closed a $10,000 business loan that she
must repay in three equal, end-of-year payments. The interest rate on the loan is
13%. As part of her firm’s detailed financial planning, Liz wishes to determine the
annual interest deduction attributable to the loan. (Because it is a business loan, the
interest portion of each loan payment is tax-deductible to the business.)
a. Determine the firm’s annual loan payment.
b. Prepare an amortization schedule for the loan.
c. How much interest expense will Liz’s firm have in each of the next 3 years as a
result of this loan?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–50 Monthly loan payments  Tim Smith is shopping for a used luxury car. He has found
one priced at $30,000. The dealer has told Tim that if he can come up with a down
payment of $5,000, the dealer will finance the balance of the price at a 6% annual
rate over 3 years (36 months).
a. Assuming that Tim accepts the dealer’s offer, what will his monthly (end-of-
month) payment amount be?
b. Use a financial calculator or spreadsheet to help you figure out what Tim’s
monthly payment would be if the dealer were willing to finance the balance of
the car price at a 4% annual rate.

LG 6 P5–51 Growth rates  Jamie Turner bought shares of stock in three different companies
on January 1, 2012. He eventually sold his shares on January 1, 2017. The
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 293

following table shows his sale and purchase price for the three stocks. Calculate
the average annual growth in each of the stock Jamie held over this time.

Purchase price Sale price

Company on January 1, 2012 on January 1, 2017
A £6.40 £21.20
B 1.20 12.20
C 3.40 9.70

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–52 Rate of return  Rishi Singh has $1,500 to invest. His investment counselor sug-
gests that Rishi should buy an investment that pays no interest but will be worth
$2,000 after 3 years.
a. What average annual rate of return will Rishi earn with this investment?
b. Rishi is considering another investment, of equal risk, that earns an annual
return of 8%. Which investment should he make, and why?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–53 Rate of return and investment choice  Madeline Jones has $6,000 and wants to
invest it. Because she is only 20 years old, she is not worried about the length of the
investment’s life. Her primary concern is the return she will earn on the investment.
Her financial advisor has identified four investments that are ideal for her per her risk
preferences. All the investments require an initial $6,000 payment.

Investment Future cash inflow Investment life (years)

A $15,000 15
B 8,000 4
C 13,000 12
D 10,500 6

a. Calculate the average annual rate of return on each of the four investments
available to Madeline.
b. Which investment would you recommend to Madeline, given her goal of
maximizing the annual return?

LG 6 P5–54 Rate of return: Annuity  Amit Krishnamurthy invests in a bond that promises him
$6,000 each year for the next 20 years. If he pays $75,000 for this investment, what
is his annual rate of return?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–55 Choosing the best annuity  Raina Herzig wishes to choose the best of four annuities
available to her. In each case, in exchange for paying a lump sum today, she will
receive equal, end-of-year cash payments for a specified number of years. She con-
siders the annuities equally risky and is not concerned about their differing lives.
294 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Her decision will be based solely on the rate of return she will earn on each annuity.
The following table shows the key terms of the four annuities.

Annuity Cost of annuity today Annual cash flow Life (years)

A $30,000 $3,100 20
B 25,000 3,900 10
C 40,000 4,200 15
D 35,000 4,000 12

a. Calculate, to the nearest 1%, the rate of return on each of the four annuities
Raina is considering.
b. Given Raina’s stated decision criterion, which annuity would you recommend?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–56 Interest rate for an annuity  April Bartrick has just received an inheritance of
$1,000,000. She plans to invest the entire sum in an annuity, paying at the end of
each year for the next 20 years. Two personal bankers suggest different long-term,
fixed income instruments that she can invest in. However, the annual payment from
the first investment is $94,393 and $117,459 from second investment.
a. What is the rate of return offered by the two investments (rounded off to the
nearest whole percent)?
b. April is willing to settle for an annuity that carries an interest rate assumption of
9% per annum. What minimum annual payment would be acceptable for her?

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–57 Loan rates of interest  You have a credit card debt amounting to $50,000. The card
charges you a 32% interest rate with monthly compounding. You believe that the
interest rate of the existing debt is too high, so you decide to switch cards and move
the outstanding balance on the old card to the new card. After doing some research,
you find Cards A, B, and C as alternatives. If you move the existing debt to Card B
or Card C, there will be extra charges (handling fees). Card B will charge $500, and
Card C will charge $1,000 handling fees.

Card Interest rate Outstanding amount

A 30% $50,000
B 29 50,500
C 28 51,000

a. If you pay off the debt in 1 year with equal monthly amounts, how much interest
payments have you saved by using (1) Card A, (2) Card B, and (3) Card C rather
than keeping your existing card?
b. Which card should you choose?

LG 6 P5–58 Number of years needed to acccumulate a future amount  For each of the following
cases, determine the number of years it will take for the initial deposit to grow to
equal the future amount at the given interest rate.
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 295

Case Initial deposit Future amount Interest rate

A $ 300 $ 1,000 7%
B 12,000 15,000 5
C 9,000 20,000 10
D 100 500 9
E 7,500 30,000 15

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–59 Time to accumulate a given sum  Manuel Rios wishes to determine how long it will
take an initial deposit of $10,000 to double.
a. If Manuel earns 10% annual interest on the deposit, how long will it take for
him to double his money?
b. How long will it take if he earns only 7% annual interest?
c. How long will it take if he can earn 12% annual interest?
d. Reviewing your findings in parts a, b, and c, indicate what relationship exists
between the interest rate and the amount of time it will take Manuel to double
his money.

P5–60 Number of years to provide a given return  In each of the following cases, determine
the number of years that the given ordinary annuity cash flows must continue to
provide the desired rate of return given the cost of the annuity.

Case Cost of annuity Annuity payment Desired rate of return

A $ 1,000 $ 250 11%
B 150,000 30,000 15
C 80,000 10,000 10
D 600 275 9
E 17,000 3,500 6

Personal Finance Problem

LG 6 P5–61 Time to repay installment loan  Mia Salto wishes to determine how long it will take
to repay a $14,000 loan given that the lender requires her to make annual end-of-
year installment payments of $2,450.
a. If the interest rate on the loan is 12%, how long will it take her to repay the loan
b. How long will it take if the interest rate is 9%?
c. How long will it take if she has to pay 15% annual interest?
d. Reviewing your answers in parts a, b, and c, describe the general relationship
between the interest rate and the amount of time it will take Mia to repay the
loan fully.

LG 6 P5–62 ETHICS PROBLEM  The Grameen Bank of Bangladesh is considered to be a pio-

neer institution in developing and promoting ‘micro finance.’ This emerging area in
banking provides opportunities to the lowest income group of a society and offers
loans as small as 1,000 Bangladeshi Taka (approximately $12). However, they
charge an interest rate of almost 20% per annum and have been criticized for
exploiting the poor. The Grameen Bank has defended its rates saying that the lower
296 PART TWO   Financial Tools

value of each loan adds to a substantial administration cost that needs to be recov-
ered if the venture has to be financially viable. How would you respond to this
defense of micro finance practices?


At the end of 2019, Uma Corporation is considering a major long-term project in an

effort to remain competitive in its industry. The production and sales departments have
determined the potential annual cash flow savings that could accrue to the firm if it acts
soon. Specifically, they estimate that a mixed stream of future cash flow savings will
occur at the end of the years 2020 through 2025. The years 2026 through 2030 will see
consecutive $90,0000 cash flow savings at the end of each year. The firm estimates that
its discount rate over the first 6 years will be 7%. The expected discount rate over the
years 2026 through 2030 will be 11%.
The project managers will find the project acceptable if it results in present cash
flow savings of at least $860,000. The following cash flow savings data are supplied
to the finance department for analysis.

Year Cash flow savings

2020 $110,000
2021 120,000
2022 130,000
2023 150,000
2024 160,000
2025 150,000
2026 90,000
2027 90,000
2028 90,000
2029 90,000
2030 90,000

Create spreadsheets similar to Table 5.3, and then answer the following questions.
a. Determine the value (at the end of 2019) of the future cash flow savings expected
to be generated by this project.
b. Based solely on the one criterion set by management, should the firm undertake
this specific project? Explain.
c. What is the “interest rate risk,” and how might it influence the recommendation
made in part b? Explain.

MyLab Finance Visit for Chapter Case:

Funding Jill Moran’s Retirement Annuity, Group Exercises, and numerous online resources.
Integrative Case 2
Track Software Inc.

S even years ago, after 15 years in public accounting, Stanley Booker, CPA, re-
signed his position as manager of cost systems for Davis, Cohen, and O’Brien
Public Accountants and started Track Software Inc. In the 2 years preceding his de-
parture from Davis, Cohen, and O’Brien, Stanley had spent nights and weekends de-
veloping a sophisticated cost-accounting software program that became Track’s ini-
tial product offering. As the firm grew, Stanley planned to develop and expand the
software product offerings, all of which would be related to streamlining the ac-
counting processes of medium- to large-sized manufacturers.
Although Track experienced losses during its first 2 years of operation—2013
and 2014—its profit has increased steadily from 2015 to the year just ended (2019).
The firm’s profit history, including dividend payments and contributions to retained
earnings, is summarized in Table 1.
Stanley started the firm with a $100,000 investment: his savings of $50,000
as equity and a $50,000 long-term loan from the bank. He had hoped to main-
tain his initial 100% ownership in the corporation, but after experiencing a
$50,000 loss during the first year of operation (2013), he sold 60% of the stock
to a group of investors to obtain needed funds. Since then, no other stock trans-
actions have taken place. Although he owns only 40% of the firm, Stanley ac-
tively manages all aspects of its activities; the other stockholders are not active in
its management. The firm’s stock was valued at $4.50 per share in 2018 and at
$5.28 per share in 2019.


Track Software Inc.,

Profit, Dividends, and Retained Earnings, 2013–2019

Net profits Dividends Contribution to retained

Year after taxes paid earnings
2013 –$50,000 $ 0 -$50,000 - 0 = -$50,000
2014 –20,000 0 -20,000 - 0 = -20,000
2015 15,000 0 15,000 - 0 = 15,000
2016 35,000 0 35,000 - 0 = 35,000
2017 40,000 1,000 40,000 - 1,000 = 39,000
2018 43,000 3,000 43,000 - 3,000 = 40,000
2019 48,000 5,000 48,000 - 5,000 = 43,000

298 PART TWO   Financial Tools

Stanley has just prepared the firm’s 2019 income statement, balance sheet, and
statement of retained earnings, shown in Tables 2, 3, and 4, respectively, along with
the 2018 balance sheet. In addition, he has compiled the 2018 ratio values and in-
dustry average ratio values for 2019, which are applicable to both 2018 and 2019
and are summarized in Table 5. He is quite pleased to have achieved record earnings
of $48,000 in 2019, but he is concerned about the firm’s cash flows. Specifically, he
is finding it more and more difficult to pay the firm’s bills in a timely manner and
generate cash flows to investors, both creditors and owners. To gain insight into
these cash flow problems, Stanley is planning to determine the firm’s 2019 operating
cash flow (OCF) and free cash flow (FCF).
Stanley is further frustrated that the firm cannot afford to hire a software devel-
oper to complete development of a cost estimation package that he believes has
“blockbuster” sales potential. Stanley began development of this package 2 years
ago, but the firm’s growing complexity has forced him to devote more of his time to
administrative duties, thereby halting development. Stanley’s reluctance to fill this
position stems from his concern that the added $80,000 per year in salary and bene-
fits for the position would certainly lower the firm’s earnings per share (EPS) over
the next couple of years. Although the project’s success is in no way guaranteed,
Stanley believes that if the money were spent to hire the software developer, the
firm’s sales and earnings would significantly rise once the 2- to 3-year development,
production, and marketing process was completed.
With all these concerns in mind, Stanley set out to review the various data to
develop strategies that would help ensure a bright future for Track Software. Stanley
believed that as part of this process, a thorough ratio analysis of the firm’s 2019
results would provide important additional insights.


Track Software Inc., Income Statement ($000)

for the Year Ended December 31, 2019

Sales revenue $1,550

Less: Cost of goods sold 1,030
Gross profits $ 520
Less: Operating expenses
Selling expense $ 150
General and administrative expenses 270
Depreciation expense 11
Total operating expense $ 431
Operating profits (EBIT) $ 89
Less: Interest expense 29
Net profits before taxes $ 60
Less: Taxes (20%) 12
Net profits after taxes $ 48
CHAPTER 5    Time Value of Money 299


Track Software Inc., Balance Sheet ($000)

December 31
Assets 2019 2018
Cash $ 12 $ 31
Marketable securities 66 82
Accounts receivable 152 104
Inventories 191 145
Total current assets $421 $362
Gross fixed assets $195 $180
Less: Accumulated depreciation 63 52
Net fixed assets $132 $128
Total assets $553 $490

Liabilities and stockholders’ equity

Accounts payable $136 $126
Notes payable 200 190
Accruals 27 25
Total current liabilities $363 $341
Long-term debt 38 40
Total liabilities $401 $381
Common stock (50,000 shares outstanding
at $0.40 par value) $ 20 $ 20
Paid-in capital in excess of par 30 30
Retained earnings 102 59
Total stockholders’ equity $152 $109
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $553 $490


Track Software Inc.,

Statement of Retained Earnings ($000)
for the Year Ended December 31, 2019

Retained earnings balance (January 1, 2019) $ 59

Plus: Net profits after taxes (for 2019) 48
Less: Cash dividends on common stock (paid during 2019) 5
Retained earnings balance (December 31, 2019) $102
300 PART TWO   Financial Tools


Actual Industry average

Ratio 2018 2019
Current ratio 1.06 1.82
Quick ratio 0.63 1.10
Inventory turnover 10.40 12.45
Average collection period 29.6 days 20.2 days
Total asset turnover 2.66 3.92
Debt ratio 0.78 0.55
Times interest earned ratio 3.0 5.6
Gross profit margin 32.1% 42.3%
Operating profit margin 5.5% 12.4%
Net profit margin 3.0% 4.0%
Return on total assets (ROA) 8.0% 15.6%
Return on common equity (ROE) 36.4% 34.7%
Price/earnings (P/E) ratio 5.2 7.1
Market/book (M/B) ratio 2.1 2.2

a. (1) On what financial goal does Stanley seem to be focusing? Is it the correct
goal? Why or why not?
(2) Could a potential agency problem exist in this firm? Explain.
b. Calculate the firm’s earnings per share (EPS) for each year, recognizing that the num-
ber of shares of common stock outstanding has remained unchanged since the firm’s
inception. Comment on the EPS performance in view of your response in part a.
c. Use the financial data presented to determine Track’s operating cash flow (OCF)
and free cash flow (FCF) in 2019. Evaluate your findings in light of Track’s cur-
rent cash flow difficulties.
d. Analyze the firm’s financial condition in 2019 as it relates to (1) liquidity,
(2) activity, (3) debt, (4) profitability, and (5) market, using the financial state-
ments provided in Tables 2 and 3 and the ratio data included in Table 5. Be sure
to evaluate the firm on both a cross-sectional and a time-series basis.
e. What recommendation would you make to Stanley regarding hiring a new soft-
ware developer? Relate your recommendation here to your responses in part a.
f. Track Software paid $5,000 in dividends in 2019. Suppose that an investor ap-
proached Stanley about buying 100% of his firm. If this investor believed that by
owning the company he could extract $5,000 per year in cash from the company
in perpetuity, what do you think the investor would be willing to pay for the firm
if the required return on this investment is 10%?
g. Suppose you believed that the FCF generated by Track Software in 2019 could
continue forever. You are willing to buy the company in order to receive this per-
petual stream of free cash flow. What are you willing to pay if you require a 10%
return on your investment?

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