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First edition: February 2021

Published by Coto Japanese Academy

3F, Iidabashi Building 4-9-4, Iidabashi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0072 JAPAN
TEL: 03-6261-4515 FAX: 03-6261-4530
Coto Japanese Academy's - JLPT N2 Kanji Practice book is a guided Kanji
writing exercise book. It is designed for students preparing to take the
JLPT N2 Exam. If you would like to learn how to write Japanese Kanji - we
have selected the 364 most commonly found characters on the Japanese
Language Proficiency Test N2 level.

We hope that this book encourages you to continue learning how to write
Kanji and that you can have fun while you are doing it! We have included a
stroke guide that will show you the method for writing each character and
have included practice spaces that will allow you to master the stroke
order of each character.

Coto Japanese Academy is a Japanese language school in Tokyo and

Yokohama that specializes in fun and practical Japanese for everyday life.
Now with two locations and the ability to take lessons online anywhere
in the world - Anyone can learn Japanese with Coto. You can learn more
about us at

Kanji tables
Kanji *
On-yomi (Chinese origin pronunciation)
Kun-yomi (Japanese origin pronunciation)


Total strokes

Stroke order *

* Kanji information used in this recognition system comes from the KanjiVG project. KanjiVG is copyright © 2009-2018 Ulrich Apel
漢字書き順辞典 and
JLPT N2 Kanji Contents
Unit 1 : Household goods 家庭用品........................1
1.1 Detergent 洗剤①.........................................1

1-12 濯柔軟香衣糸綿布羽毛黄汚

1.2 Cleansers 洗剤②.........................................6

13-22 掃滴量混溶液防革磨床

1.3 Heater ヒーター..........................................11

23-28 灯燃焼接触傾

1.4 Medicine 薬................................................14

29-42 虫刺悩荒肌皮膚乾燥汗患療副塗

Unit 2 : Body parts 体の部位................................21

43-52 脳胸腕腰肩胃臓血鼻骨

Unit 3 : Food 食べ物............................................26

3.1 Ingredient Labels 栄養表示ラベル................26

53-65 乳卵麦砂植根菜油脂干貝柱塩

3.2 On package パッケージ...............................32

66-85 造賞含純材栄庫固厚薄粉粒炭沸蒸濃


Unit 4 : Advertising 広告.....................................41

4.1 Real estate 不動産.......................................41

86-96 績築戸層軒畳角隅周郊税
4.2 Hot spring holiday 温泉..............................46

97-104 季豊泉効湯浴泊劇

4.3 Recruitment 採用........................................50

105-112 雇採募象卒簡封筒

4.4 School 学校................................................54

113-117 超短講課導

4.5 Supermarket スーパーマーケット................57

118-122 菓省贈詰承

Unit 5 : Signboards, Notice Boards 掲示板..........61

5.1 Sign, indication 表示...................................61

123-132 営板清均駐禁喫灰皿総

5.2 In station 駅で............................................66

133-140 鉄改札替算快普線

Unit 6 : Notices お知らせ.....................................71

6.1 Notice of Absence 不在連絡票.....................71

141-151 絡郵再届荷跡担包蔵凍個

6.2 Rubbish Classification ごみの分類...............76

152-158 装誌瓶缶枝袋埋

6.3 Notification of evacuation drills

159-165 各震訓練延協管

6.4 Receipt レシート........................................84

166-169 領殿細額

Unit 7 : Button ボタン..........................................88

7.1 Ticket machine 券売機................................88

170-182 符販片復硬貨枚券般団幼児童

7.2 Remote control リモコン.............................94

183-189 設停換巻湿倍録

7.3 Phone, PC ケータイ、パソコン....................98

190-196 央編像印刷了帯

7.4 Vending machine 自動販売機.....................102

197-200 紅緑温玉

7.5 ATM.........................................................105

201-203 貯照預

Unit 8 : Writing 書くこと....................................108

8.1 Application form 申込書............................108

204-211 署姓齢委籍囲府依

8.2 Mail 手紙...................................................112

212-222 久諸紹介恋祈拝伸祝伺奥

Unit 9 : History 歴史..........................................118

9.1 History 歴史...............................................118

223-236 歴史将軍武兵臣党孫尊賢敬勇勢

9.2 Cultural property 文化財...........................124

237-253 欧芸旧版永損著複刊冊章祭珍銅仏宝塔

Unit 10 : News ニュース....................................132

10.1 Newspaper 新聞......................................132

254-266 令専門貿輸技律捜査億兆爆略

10.2 Weather forecast 天気予報.......................138

267-281 庁況翌陸暴乱減波低圧雲曇氷涼帽

Unit 11 : Agriculture 農業..................................145

11.1 Animal husbandry, Mining industry 畜産、鉱業..132

282-296 農耕畜隻匹群械竹輪泥枯毒岩掘鉱

11.2 Fishery 漁業.............................................151

297-305 漁丸航舟沈星極針測

Unit 12 : Map 地図.............................................156

306-326 池河湖湾岸橋島森林谷坂辺境域村区


Unit 13 : Verb 動詞............................................165

327-341 拾捨挟叫咲比競被移補述占昇踊憎
Unit 14 : Adjective and Noun 形容詞と名詞.........172
342-364 順逆鋭鈍弱軽浅肯巨並双宇仲零型則


Answer ............................................................182

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