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is rnore than Religion, -

more than Science and

more than Philosophy.
,ftddhism unlike other religions and does
in creation and salvation by an eternal

$o also, Buddhism does not believe that an

soul or ara exists within us and returns
C*d after death'br judgement.
t Buddhism replaces a personal God with
i&- ano rebrrrh
i. Tterefore' tsuddhism,is inore than Religiox..

d-ccgr{iag to Bud.dhism, the law .of cause

ad effect is. accepted not only for material
lfretomenon but also for the co-existing of
3d and physical (ntna and r6pa) in livi:rg
Moreover it projects how mental volition
knna) dominates the co-relation of ndma
Et fipa. Therefore Buddhism is more than

bad actions done .: achieve emancipation from the circle of
-o' or
All inentional good {

mentally by all living 'r-:---" and to attain enlightemenr, a Buddhist

phyri."lly verbally i :-;: :rit-ill the noble eight fold path by
beings generate causes which
will have effects
::- :-r:ion. \7e meditate to realize the truth.
in the i.ra.rt. as a result' on li--= are rwo kinds of truths.
This is how the circle of rebirth keeps lhev are : -
on and on' This process of cycle
of rebirth
noins - The conventional or mundane truth.
i. as suffereing because' in short'
- The ultimate or super-mundane
iif. i, nothing but aging' decay and death' rr u th.
Moreovet, Buddhisrn goes on and
(TIte ultimarc truth can only be
the cause of suffering as the mental i:hieved when you have cleansed your
of craving and clinging :,swholesome deeds and attained a
Buddhism ."" assumed as pessimism
"oibt :0nceatrated mind.)
because Buddha not only pointed
out the true
Therefore Buddhism is more than
nature of suffering and the cause
of suffering :ilosophy.
teaches t" Ito* to extinguish
the suffering
fr". People do wholesome and unwholesome
[y",n.1"frf. eight fold path leading, to complete :eeds physically, verbally or mentally.
..rr"tion of suffering (that is Nibbena') There are three srages to cleanse our
The reducdon of suffering :au-holesome deeds : -
by the teduction of it's cause' l) Physical and verbal deeds through
ih- ,r^oving of suffeting morality,
bY removing of it's cause'. :) Mental deeds through concentration
i,fulf,tti,tg th. eight fold path and leads 3) The potentials or latent unwholeso-
"o"blt wisdom'
to enlightenment and meness through wisdom.

g)fsPeEo.)6o c2fg)ogo)€o

To our unwholesome physical

cleanse Ear,
and verbal deeds, we have ,o U.rita uP our Nose,
moraliry by abstaining from: Tongue, and
Killing, Body
Stealing, through which unwholesome deeds are
Sexual misconduct, committed.
Using intoxicants, By this srage, you can abstain from
Lying, using harsh speech, committing all physical, verbal and mencal
Foolish babble, slander and unwholesome deeds.
making a living through any of the Moreover, with this concenrrared mind,
above. one can peneffare the conventional perceptions
tW4renever which.mislead him to believe objects really exisr
we commit any unwholesome
physical and mental deed, we musr keep on according to their respective perceptional names.
deansing tltese un who]esome deeds . (e.g. believing thar a rree really exists).
Based on convenrionaimoraliry we have
to build up our concenffation through the four This is a starcing point for depaning from
kinds of mindfulness. By using any of these convendonal mundane perceprions and facing
types of mindfulness, we can achieve a
towards the super-mundane existing realities thar
concenffared mind, in this waywe can getcontrol is realizingnimaand rupawhich is the way to
of our five faculties. know the ultimate trurh.
That is :

I -F- -G-
Theinngu Method of Meditation 3. To get concenffation soonerrather rhan
Emancipation from the cycle of rebirrh later, instead ofbreathing as us ual, breath
is the most exalted under taking in life. There consciously contemplating the touch at
are manymethods ofmeditation to implement the tip of your nose (or) the sound of
the four sadpatthina for achieving the in-coming and out-coming breath.
emancipation from cycle of rebirth. 4. Method of contemplation.
After meditating for a while vadana-
Among rhem, the Theinngu methgd (feeling) mayarise. \When uadanil adses,
is accepted as an intensive method of mediation instead of contemplating on the mere
which gives fast and effective results. Therefore conventional perceptions of that feeling
in the TXeran!ru method of rneditation we (which do nor really exisr at all),
hare strict ruies laid down to abide by. you have to conremplate on the physical
Example: and mental phenomeno n (which really
i. Preparadon before meditarion (parit<anma) exis).
2. Resolution to meditare for a certain period The physical phenomenon's are the four
(usually about two hours) or till the dharusandthe mental phenomenon is
meditator overcomes that feeling. the consciousness of that fow dhftus.
-Wthout scratching even when it itches, The four dha-rus arc:
-W tho u t sropping even ifyo u are ired, t. Pathavi dhaTu,extension, earth element,

-\Yitltout changing theposture 2. Apo dhetu, cohesion, warer elemenr,

even rc face
dearh. 3. Tejo dltztu, radiation, heat element,


I' YaTo
dhitu, modon, wind element,
These four dherusco-exisr and are co-
related. Due to interactions between
them, signofone dhnrus becomesmore
prominently overwhelming than the
Heat, cold, icy-cold are mental
perception which misslead you to
assume that your body is suffering
from rhat feeling.
In reality, thar is consciousness of
other rhree. dte presence of ilte sign of rcjo
Stiffness, tautness, numbness, dltetu.
ctamps, acltes and pain are mere Palpimtion, giddiness, irchiness,
mental perceptions which mislead you shaking are mere mental
to assume rhat your body is suffering perceptions which mislead you ro
from that feeling. In reality, that is assum that your body is suffering
consciousness of the presence of the
from that feeling.
sign of paghavl dharu. In reality, that is consciousness of
tlte presence of ilte sign of vdyo
Tightness, congesilon, sweating,
perspiring, and running nose ate
mere mental perception which The meditator must realize drat
mislead you ro assume that your
due m ilte interactions of tlte four dherus,
body is suffering from that feeling.
their presence becomes exposed one after
In realiry that is consciousness of tlte another by their rcspective signs.
presence of the sign of apo dheru.
By contemplating on vedana- (feeling)
correctly over and over again, the meditator will

-J- -K-
come to realize that. Instead of realizing the true And at times, tlte sign of one dltetu becomes
interacting phenomenon, he was under the wrong more prom in en tly overwltelming than the other
view to assume that: &ree. Then tlte mind becomes conscious ofthat
- He was suffering, sage amounring to feeling rhe suffering.
- His body was suffering, Thus replacing, the self and the body by
- His ego was suffering, etc.. interacting dhatusand the mental perceptions
as he wrongly assumed that his bodily self and bv feelins the sufferins.
his feeling were imposed or joined together as
identity. (which is wrongand rcallyabsorb on Now he realizes the emptiness of :
rhe wrong rrack). Egoism,
Now he realizes that therF are two Perception,
separare portions : Identity, etc..
1. His bodily selfwhich is nothing but the four Thus, eliminating
dhatus, and Sceptical doubts and
2. The mental poftion which is conscious of Wrong views
the signs of that four dhzrus. then achievi ng rigfu understanding uthe stream
So, he comes to realize that there is no winner.
such things as self or ego, as he found out himself
that they are conventional perceptions or
superficial names only.
He must know that there are:
The four dltarus inrcrchanging condnuousbz

I -L-

Theinngu Yogi Check Your Own Mind


.f"8BU cSsa8:q8<-'ccc9rcnggr$:

emp8e{c6("€ g ocpeoS f :8crrocc

MEDITATION CENTRE o\ gQplopsseq clsaSaqemp8s oep
HMA\7BI TO\X/NSHIP eo5 qeps@e p:gggg c,rr:@rsSocDe
Tel 620079
d clsa&?-T:e (6e5€rot)
THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
oepaooEo! ogi19g1q6qg D$*d
(DHAMMA D'\NA) qo6$6$es $E<5largtr

2 TIH.E INNGU (Method of Meditation)

PARIKAMMA (PREPARATION) nlma-rfupa, asubhaand the four noble truths

Let's begin with giving tribute to the Lord as taught by him.
Buddha and the THEINNG [/ Sayadaw:
(Namo rassa bhagavaro arahato Includingthewhole3l abodesofalllivingbeings
sammrsambuddltassa) either those suffering or free ofsuffering may all
ofyou share our merits ofdonations, moralities
During this sitting, with a view to attain meditations and determination on meritorious
nibbina, I now donate my five groups of deeds.
kltandha and nin*ripa to the Lord Buddha.
As a result, may I gain magga-na-na, phala- (Equally) Receive our meritorious deeds
nfota, nibbana-6ana, and rhe realization of
nibbana. I am also huppy to receive all the merits given by
all people of goodwill.
During this sitting, with a view to attain
nibbena, I now donate my five groups of SADHU..... SADHU..... SADHU.....
khandha nima-rdpa ro the THEINNGU
As a result, may I achieve the true realization of
the phenomenaof dlte-tu" the ultimate truth of

c?fg)eEoa6o c)fg)e8o2€o
ci saE: o co ep: o5 €0<16) THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

oocfi.:$E: BEGINNING
* cD cBeocyr.rdd [email protected] Lett start our fight against our kilesas
that is defilements.
* co:gE!{E$E.{ g,Qcu:.2o5g. {Eolrr You may sit in any position to enable you
S6-{ dEREcr'lco.-Srr to sit for a long period.
* a"6:{o5{ e$:fooSg-: co::..r'lrr coD€ Sit upright. But be relaxed,
co6rop!: elegoleo$.rr not sdff. '

* ca<rSocr5{ esa)cr5cDco":$: gccocrS{ Keep your left hand below and right
hand upon it.
* qcfeg8o5coo:<.,1rr
Close )tour eyes without tension.
* o8eo.>.f ogSjlrr o8eo:go5n*{ c3egclrr
Start breathing knowing every touch at
the tip ofyour nose.
* -&t -4S oa3<-,11$.rr
Do not let your mind wander elsewhere.
* 8o5cn: eiecn:E:eie%g" Gt.6co$coo5 i

The mind usually wande rs on

unwholesome mind objects.
* 8o5-"*, caE!$6o:esa:E g;po:<-,1lrr I

Try to conceritrate on your breathing.

* er$ o$ eoc: g;1e,:;<.,11rr
The breathirig must be constant and


$ saE:o co ep:$(6 o5 eocr5) THE INNGU (Method of Meditation)

* gflcudsgflr rac3og!: oqo5<-r'1eo$.r sao3 Breath on and on with mindfirlness.

i. spl,,
* sac3oqoSd o11q8 oocS q<.,1io<$rr Bo5
This mindfulness of breathing builds up
samidhi, that is concentration.
"% -dE 6co:cilc8 $o<-'S n

* oenSEc'::q8 o6g:6o0r o)cD.o"%q \fhen you obtain samrdlti, you can

*qq o $o{E: $Eco:<-,1c86o<Srr realize the true nature of physical and
mental phenomena.
* dsl 884d88 eo:fegpcfeE$&o'ldr That's how you must protect yourself
from defilements.
* <rr::q8copi: elcnoS$.rr Even when it itches,'do not scratch.
* eocqEoEj: erE::$.rr If you are tired, do not give up.
* eg:E:q8o:p!: er$E$.rr Do not ch4nge your posture.
* a:ecaoa6:esa:5
@E$<il Try to know the nature of the feeling till
it ends.
* seocDeff:cncog!:cn 8o5cog:G6E From the beginning, you should builci
saeq:@:cicooSrr up samfidhi.
* 60.0) eloE<ieo$.r oegciieo$.rr Be mindful. continuously.

sofg)ec026o gr56?e6D6()
tor) o
THE INNGU (Method of Meditation)
o,i saE:o o: eps0(8 d €ocr5) 2

x GCD"E:GO"o5 oJ Oc. Through samma viyama, that is

q()(Dil 6cD?c36e)?
esa:cfe9$6:eq fleqexS{q8 ecn:E:
right effott, and sammi sati, that is
right mindfu'lness, you witl obtain
eo: o:p!$6? BEolc8$erdrr
samml samedhi, that is right
Through right effort and right
mindfulness, you will obtain right

Through sammi viyama and sammi

sati, you will obtain samme
d s1e@r{ s?8686 <.,::el;::e q<irr
Therefore, repeat this process over and
op c'So$d go: erp: e g ci1
over again.

* oatr$:R: saStr$ eq om$<ieo$.rr Do not let the time roll by.

:* o{$oiE: mal${E: co$8:Eegeo:E Be mindful at every moment.
o c3 co ep: <.,1 e g <-r'le o rr

"sac3coo5,.:r ga8ro:r caao;$go$go" To be liberated from sarhsara, that

{"-? is cycle rebirths.
a3de$ccrSQ"o%6 . ..
"r.rqr? to achieve realizationinsight of the truth,

g,fs)egoo€o s2fg)eEozeo
I clsaE:ooe:g(8osaoo5) g l0 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

. x rac3cosp:en saeq:@:,ico<.rSrr To achieve realization of the truth,
mindfulness is most important.
* rac3coep:eco so,r5eEc.,'1eorr Let this knowledge of wisdom be

o d,r gc $ co qcr e oc: <r'l: SATIPATTHANA

* ooEogc$opr ecu:,ft8<rlcooSrr Satipaggltina is the four applica-
tions of mindfulness.
dsleqcneoDr . . . These are :
cD?or €oefr Egi. cro3oge$eo3 Contemplation of BODY, FEELING,

* -"prga EE\ o8ecucocr5ecu{ a3e1<ileon Start contemplating on your

ds'l cD"ocrc8og:$.i& breathing, that is body mindfulness,
(keya satipagphzna).
* eoefr€%eoTcuoq8 eoeqcc{ c3eqcoc If ary forms of feeling arise,
oD" eosf"ooSogc$cr1dn contemplate on your feelings. (That
is vedand satipagphena).

e?fg)eEoceo cafg)eEoaoo
cD saE:o o ep:$(E c6 aocf
) cc 12 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

c%eosfrcg a16n:qc:q6 Eo9cnecu: 'W'hen you can overcome your

$6:eo:elcE c3elanoc EggccoEop$ feeling, contemplate on your mind
ollbr to clearly perceive and understand
any state of consciousness. (That is
citta satipag.thena).
* g6p6o8"ei GEc\3aE .{"S{"S oc.nocB Moreover, to contemplate on the
a3e I a:ccnc e el cro8 o go$ <id rr
mind object (dhamma), know how
it arises, how it is over-come, how
in the future it does not arise. (That
is dhamme satipelll2ina).
* oo8ogc$oqrt{- $g"$4 6qccr5$Sd Satipagghena is the only way that
o6e@:E:co$e cr:co6: $6<icao5rr leads to the right path and to the
realization of nibbena.
tcaot(oe*a€ocpcf cp:)
* *?{ cog:{EQo5lgo oeoc$o<>cf
Vhile you are practicing vipassana,
eq oE cooEc.,llco<rS rr saesc$ cao.6 oacrl kama uitakka, that is sensual thoughts
crr:eEocr3r qccis Ecoo5r EEcrEocrS
$.rr concentrating: visions, sounds, smells
eog o8cvrcoo5ollco<$ rr crrceEo cB
oac (odour), taste, touch may enter your
sreo6:r oor o$.r sqc:"r odoeo3. mind.
n"Bq Lqpc,S$: @'$ng-ru

dsa8:qoep:0(805ao<r5) c? r4 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

* qcollsEcocf{or Byepeda uiakka that is thoughts of ill

Q:Q6<;,r$eqoocr el$6
q c r-c \ will such as: worries, hatred, anger may
ec cDcDe:cD .D"ecDeJr!
C O l-C \ \ O OC C enter your mind.
cDocueJ"i lgocf()or oo? 6sqooo+Hc%
* SEcr8cocr5$coc o8:ado3oD Eo5ecooll
Vihifisa uitakka, that is thoughts of
cirr olcri caep:ecu:c36:q8 oca6o1}cE cruelry may enter your mind.
_-q- \ c \ o q r. c c \
ec! €o eJ ccD os)e%t elcD 6p:E3op eJeai
E o5 e q e oTcocco oE cr'lco <r5 rI

* d8saes:$sa<,r2c6egcBcopi:
otSer5<.fl$rr Don't let these impure thoughts enter
your mind.
t-c c 6"3):0().
*. -\,/l
sEsr6cDlgoqc o c c
ocD6SpcDC'J" If these thoughts enter your mind, breath
esa:E ao5aoc8aoo5eo:: 9;p<.,rqecSrr abruptly and divert your mind to the tip
of your nose to eliminate them.

ocBoo6olleo$.rr oo3Eegolleorr odE Be mindful. The more mindfulness you

eo ecoc8:eo<-,'})rr can achieve, the sooner you can climinate

cafg)eEo"€o caf8)eto)6o
d o6ro or eps
0(8 05 €ocr5) ca
16 THEINNGU (Method of Meditadon)
Gcleqrr (Grcgtd)
o eqr{ cS <i o oqcco6 eg1:o5 cu:cn
All living beings have never known their
egcue|@co:r s?g eerco:eicnosco:n previous existence and beginning of
o:g$:cug!: oe3rr .D"e% sarhsrra, that is the cycle of life
BEig$;o:d; oc3rr
oc348o5+. oosp@:{ coElcoc)@
'We have existed under the influence
cD?r sza6 aBQBdi. oosp@:{ eqS
of molta, that is delusion, so let us
$o5@qe sa:Err
overcome this moha which causes the
cycle of rebirths, through awareness
and insight uipassanf, meditation.
* d3eencn.r3
4.6Q. sDs6% eg:e1<r'1co<Srr
To overcome moha we must build up
(4 o3'i*:: our five faculties of mind powers, namely:
(;) SQooo: I. Saddha, that is effort or energy.
(g) odsa:: 2. Viriya, that is effort or energy,
(9) oer8r":: 3. Sati, tl:urt is mindfulness or attentiveness,
4. Samedlti, that is concentration.
(3) <.,gcsa::
5. Pedrtd, that is knowledge, wisdom,
cz"se% eo:cs::<r'lrr
insight reasoning power, understan-
ding power.
$sa8:ocoep30(8o5aocr5) c2 i8 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

* 6cl:cn(3 ecnlSeocE 8ca::eg Try hard to build uP these Powers of

mind to overcome moha.
* Qc,5o1p:a,16co<-Sr eqeoe;6co..,Sr 8os If you become drowsy, ifyour mind start
wandering, breath harder emphasizing
{<$a ga{<Sgo ea d
co$c:eep.:Se gco<.Sr
oqq:{q8copi: a6Q6r$E:eo: your out going breath.

* ragltoj"$qctQ. sa"qr6:,,,'lco,-Srr Concentrate on your breathing till you

attain jhina, that is absorPtive
* op$qegq8 samc3oSeq oo8$Eeco2<,,') If you attain ihlna, unrvholesome
thoughts can not enter intc, your mind'
* egp:cn:or Bnq$nq-egco:,r8 -nlQ fu an untimely rain in summer' settles
down a cloud of ciust, so also ihenawill
Qr@rgr"S.. Eil,q$"q c36g::ocri esy:B
: cleanse all unwholesome thoughts of
o1:$ coq::eoo: gf rn"? d d.
"3. "oa your mind.
ecu: E q; 6: e o c.r1l co oS n

* oop:o::cr'1$.rr cagicaEieo:: co6e$o{ Do not let your mind wander, keeP on

cops: e3::<-,'irr c{cS@i:o::o c,8<-S qgr{ trying hard.
eco2 @1:o'::<-,1rr

c??g)€Eoo€o g)66ro60)€o
loD o

dsaE:ooep:$(8o-5aoo5) ce 20 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

* s1^o:o$ o?c% eroS88@co:rr cD? This task can not be undertaken by

saQo:eo::E:eqr qS$S ordinary people. Only virtuous people
@c'l:" and Ariya-puggala-to-be are able to
practice vipassanf.
-1r._g c8o59:eq.{eo2r cDqrso? As you can only gain wisdom by
"814,f49r<) $co<-Srr s1e@f 8dd contemplating on your body, do not let
tdrtdrg sa$Esaqc,S o5,i$.rr your mind wander else where.
Sd$8crrgoc:r o3oSco:: oc8 eg$or::rr
If you gain tranquiliry of your mind,, be
q.4 ogdol$"rr @E$cor:cflrr mindful, be mindful of it.
* ?_4 ao:oc8, criecn6o:${ You musr try to cultivate it. \When you
qEn-a qa16:o:$E$rr can cultivare it, you will gain sukha that
is happiness and peace of mind.


* ge$e$coEca$ *?$qoilS E6a;q1S You will gain wisdom of insight of the
fri_e<'Eg' GSoS€eoSd 8o5[gScD"i mental and physical phenomena
c,:E$18gcr5 .. . occurring presently, when you can secure
control of your indfiya, that is

c) oE:o or ep:$(6 o8 eoo6)
Jc 22 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
C)JcDor They are namely :

Cakkhu ele,
Sota - ear,

c\)Dr Ghena fIOS€;


oc Jtuha tongue,
tsaya body,

o Meqa mind.
n OO o \oc
nc? ge6se% qcD"i. c2stc? ga6gac6c: Tranquility of faculties will enable you
$Ecmdlc8$exSrr to see physical and mental phenomena
occurring vividly as it is.
Q____O er3 0 r-- c 0c
3 eE"cDOElso? c)e)cu()€%clgoQ -- Just because of misleading perceptions,
o (J c'locrSr c'lcBcr5r cleall8:r
o c'} croc.,1]r
you are assuming that this is:

ecr:ocrSp:r 8$:elr e&asr ogol oo59o5 My leg my hand, my body

{t I LOI
eJcDG% 6o3efcDoil
My head, "l', other people.
Man, woman, liuing beings and so on,

et-6 .l
6a€aFa: c o): o l: 9a 0 cit G o:
Cf€ a\O c
;t€ 3/)?f6cD? e"cDlgscc):oEoocDoJil In realiry there is only the association of
- fotrr basic elements of matter, namely :

c?fs)eco"€o sDfg)eEoa6()
I c5 saE:o o ep!0(S 05 eocr5) 24 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

(") oco8
I. Partaul dhatu, that is exrension, earrh
(l) sa:e<.,'l 2. Apo dhetu, rhat is cohesion, water
(e) €cD6e
1 Tejo dlzetu, thar is radiation, hear
(q) ollecu: $s'lecDdrr Veyo dheru, that is morion, wind
x s)8e?os@: eo:o'i:o: g$er g$*"t These four dha-tus co-exist and are co-
@$: o:681$ S.f
$ g, s:o5o:Bacn co$::a2: related. Due to interactions between
?"od QqeoTcgS coEgp:g: p:eac,:Eeg
them one dheru becomes more
prominently overwhelming than the
other three.
eao5co6c.,'l:c.,''L p:eao:Eo::$E:cn: g5
This is the natural continuous change of
ocoooerl opaocf erpoS or qo6 eoocrs$$ matter. Rfrpa lakkhana.
$E:r e$:E:oJ$E: o6o:qcnc $Eco<-,Sn
d8eca2 d6co<-S{q6d eorSg: qd During your meditarion, feelings of one
oo5|o:oScn szqEao: of the above "dheni will become more
prominent. That feelingwill be the main
{<-,Secrcn:$: 8oo5cn p:eao:E$: cause for you to endure at the time of
your death.

e2fg)ecoz€o cafg)oEo?6o
cb saE;o or eprB(8 oS €od)
J3 :6 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
* co8:o::ecSrr eco:Ecu:o<-Srr coo:ooSrr If Pathaui dheru is to be the main
en1 E or:ocSrr e rro$oo e,toSrr .r8 ,rScuo
o,rgrr cause, you will feel stiffness, taurness,

"14 414
ocoSo:o5m eogoloi numbness, cramps, aches and pain to an
c3cBcSolrr unbearable extent.
* S,ococ-Srr en16co:oc-Srr s6eg qcSo: - If Apo dharu is to be the main cause,
o<.irr 6Asc% cnlo:o<_,5rr elcr5qEieq you will feel tightness, congestion,
m;cu:er<.Srr €eccAscor sweating, perspirations, your nose
) c)cDco).
g?:e cr''l oco'Scr o ecre :c-l.\,o
o5. running to an unbearable extent.

* c-,o:er<.rSr esD:N:oosrr eqico:@:cS

- If Tejo dhatu is to be the main cause,
ega:o::o,rSrr s1{ 41{ n-"ecocoscn you will feel heat, cold, icy-cold to an
o oS e co: en d c8.. c3oi cr5o1 rr unbearable extenr.
* C-
cucbeg .En% co8coro<r5rr eallE:cbcn - If Vayo dhetu is to be the main cause,
er:eg:o5cu:ecSrr o:::q):.d{qS {d you will feel palpitation, giddiness,
ollecmmoSen oo5o3 eocy:bc8 6o)6a) itchiness, your head shaking to an
ap aJ" er o'5 cry:: <-,'l rr unbearable extenr.
* 8eo2 d8 eosE:a%{ salcncog!:cn - Therefore, rry ro overcome thar feeling
ecqE$Eeca:E now. Then only you will be prepared to
@1:o-r:<-,1rr $Eeor8 Q.6

cloE:qoep:G(8dod) J2
28 THEINNGU (Method of Mediation)

A e g)3cosf"cDcD(D2
\e C
end'ure it mindftrlly through meditation
cot;lr 3lo Gc)crl)fs
\ n . C C OC C OC when it occurs at the time of your death.
c?g,al cD6Psgo?:?c:qe3 6c6g)"e c?cn

€331a? VEDANA
;F sd3eosg:eq{
\€ O COCO O C r.
ecq5$E8 Ecbep8:<-'1rr To overcome such feelings, you must
oooccoo practice during meditation to change
3)fl:crog oocrD ?c9cgcDc)mef c?q
your awareqess from knowing the
lTeco8o8elp: c3 Qo a3{ eP E: c3<r'lrr
conventional perceptions to the reality
which is vedanz, a feeling process.

3r)(I)q oqocunqc ? " " 'Therefore be aware that :

ecoo$cooeoTocp& eosg:d EdeS8:cr'h Stiffness is a redani,

co8:co:e<jlcup$: eosEa Tautness is a vedanE,
cntrEca:ec5lcop!: eos g:r Numbness is a uedan1,
ernQ coaeoTcupQ: cos f"r Aches is a vedanE,
oc m c
cDcDcD?GOtCUP8 6o3f?t Cramps is a vedanE,
g:co:ec!lcr>$: eosgcr Pains is a vedane,
S..oare,lTco$: eosgcr Palpitation is a vedana:,

I g)fg)eEoa6o s2fg)eEo)eo

cio6:gcop:$(6o5aoo8) JE 30 THEINNGU (Method of Meditedon)

q6caee<rTcu$: eosg:r Congestion is a vedanli,

f"q€.%mtrcu: q8cup$: eos g:r Running nose is a vedani,
gomqEcupis eo3f?r Heat is a vedana-,
c3?3CU"qcC'JP3 Cosf"t Cold is a vedan|,
6osf"t Itchiness is a vedanA
cblc% o)oa)"qco)es eo3f"r Shaking of legs is a uedanz,
crJcDc% cuooJ"qccuPs 6o3f"t Shaking ofhands is a vedane,
ffoJ)epcoes €osf?r Giddiness is a vedapE,
C Cf-C a' C \ OC O O
tWhen you become consciousness of any
floc(y)cD8f 6tg"cscucDc: 3)
eosgro3cr: c3c8c6<irr process ofphysical change in your body,
vedanr (feelings) occur.':Naming those
vedani are mere perceptions.
Gosf"a)" C?of6tc'Dt Gosf"GcDcol o" Perceptions differentiate varieties of
eo:coc:c) cre"€%r ogoSeqcneco: vedanebutperceptions are not a realiry
gaoS e E:o:o3
ll Jl,lL
LoJ L o
only uedani are realitlr.
cre)6% e<.::cleg$.r 5o::ocrc gq:a38: Try to pin point your awareness on only
@o:il vedani which is a reality occurring
moment to moment instead of all sorts
of conventional perceptions.

cafg)eoqfeo 3Df_€peEq)€o
r c) saE: o or qc: G(8 05 eo cr5) ?c 32 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)


* c266Pcaaaoc3c%c\)P3 lgcaJclgcor.o()t Sometimes, forms of color,may appear.
\ n O OC C n C f- C C\ Don't try to identify the color. Just try to
s)3lcD oo:ox)r olcDo)r lgco)(Dt cz()p:o
()3)cDoo)olf.r n c \ cJc.p.o?o\o
c c n\ clg"c:o)? observe the nature of change of color. It's
appearing and vanishing.
oc .n o c oc c oc
ooScD?601 cocDt ooScD?cD olcDS)?:o)cDlt Green color may appear and vanish,
ollor: ecilo3 c6r ollo: cn c1.r5 a3:: cBcB rr

..I-o c e Yellow color may appear and vanish,

e c o c
lcDsGol cDcDr fo)fm oJm??:cucDil Red color may appear and vanish,
c t€ c rr c r- cre c \
* cpo?lg:cpo? cl.qrc:6[q"c:[93 qcpcRrlo?
Do not try to identif/ the color but
c)c.p2c? Elllolil instead. trv to be aware of the nature of

r- 6cD) c r.c constant change.

Gqr ctgr Go)rcr 3)C)t6P6cr) [gcc'J" Sometimes, forms of forest, oceans,
C C i r \ C\
qcoJes 316qor GcD2or GcD?cot 3)g?6P landscapes .T?X appear. Do not try to
ocutr ()3)cr)qo)o 6l!Pc3c\)c? c)6opoo? identify what you see, instead be aware
flolll that these forms are constantly changing.
* cocorElg o$,-,'1oo:r sa$o6r eSE:oleE
Nothing is permanent. Everything is in
a state ofconstant change.

lcD o 3?+g)eEo"6o
THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
olcao:gi: o$ CHANGING ASUBHA
* eg:crSop"$n% ecjT'o::ooSrr
Also forms of Buddhas,
clcnpr go5o8:eg ecjlo::o<Srr
may appear.
* SoiecjTcocqEr
nq::dr qcng:doS Do not tryto identifyit, instead be aware
er oo5?o5.1$.;
- t -d" that these forms are only asubha that is
?Tsr qc:lp{cD:o:Elr erEo.lo;::rr - The convenrional perceptions ofall forms
g o5 o8:$oe*Ef, o8u1*,,,
do not exist in reality whereas all forms
cD f,) cD a)? fio1co::c8 goicrSolrr of existence are nothing but asusfu.

l0E :dgcD sac)c.r6g BS".fSGEo<rSrr - You may also see the forms of corpses
(') qnb (l) qd szc)oDr (e) qd
f.?'' deteriorating from day to day.
:.?to' qd s'c).Dr (C qd -q-
(q) Be aware of the disgusting loathsome
(G) qd:"? (z) qd Jq-
(,) ;.; changing nature of the corpse it is also
Tq:,G) $ cacrcD, ("") qd Jq.o impermanent.
s1o:e9: qco":olrr
-"-E;-d, b*f
oo;c8 so:a3E:rr

I cD saE: o o: eps oS 6od) 36 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
G(E ?3

r( oo cr-c c
____q-sr$gp eepFF,"flgccrrp:
scRcs c
eqRcp You mav also see vour own skeleton or
<ii.rr e a16:
Bf l6:ecA FE ecSrl cucrseelc8:Bf r
narts of it. Be aware of it's chaneing
C.O ncQ, lrc c o c nature also.
o)cpoJqsr cotcql!6o? Lgeg)(r)Ec\)Ps
* c?cui: <lh?:r eFc8:olefcaorr eFf:6:o} \Thatever vou see be mindful of it's
efo)oecoco? $|rr
changing nature of impermanence.

**9rllnLe eD8get: THAT'S VHAT YOU MUST
* C I \
cDogr+B (9oJ \
cocD f'C C r-C C
lgealeor" [gcelorrr Although, there are 40 different rypes
..Q._Q__O o ae o o c o
?g[c\) s2 6J[3 oJl:r o fl cD s oJ[8oJFr eDE g, +3 caqF
of meditation, what occur at your present
81p EcocSr oglg$cntrcq or @$co::o1lrr
moment is what you must meditate on.

{Eon@:orqE 6osl"6cB $6co:c8$ If you sit and meditate for a long time,
€o)il all sorts of feelings will arise.

oq26<i$.r o$Eol$"rr oecoco:E?q: q: Although it may be unbearable, do not

cl-- c.)
Gsy)c lgP?otrr
' shake, move or change your posture.
Observe the nature of that feeiing to the

3?fg)eEo"Go safg)oEm6o
ci saE:oca ep:$(8 o5 aoo8) THEINNGU (Method of Medirtlmj
* coE:co:ecilor:q5 C\^
oDcscD cJG3Dtgeocfi Ifstiffness occurs, be aware of it's
cupi: a3<.,1n ocuo3c{copi: ago} gaa6: beginning, it's happening on and it's
cBopi: a3<irr ending.
eco:{o:cec,TcucqE eco:f e a)GoD? Ifaching occurs, be aware of it?s
oo{o:pi: c3<jlrr gacu<${o-g!: c3o1rr begijning, it's happening on and it's
on;{oopi: c3o'lrr ending.
oooeosgeb B6gE gaor gacocsr gae6:r Try to be aware of any feeling from start
ran:m;era:E $cr'h l through out it'a occurring till the end.
;* opi:5$: Edrl-
Meditate with forbearance.

!, Fe
oeaslgc:c3eJ>" FEELING
,k oDSeosE:eoa{ n-f5$Eern8 SoScn To overcome such feelings,. you must
ecu: e$:E:o1r c3iya3op egoo practice during meditation to change
?q"0 your awareness from knowing the
rac3cneg saQcu: qeco5o8qc: c3e
conventional perceptions to the reality
-c3d e$E:o11rr
which is feeling process.

,F .od{ c3qoo}{q8 - Therefore be aware that :

g,fs)eEo2€o g,fs)eEoo6o
ci sa8:q co ep: g(8 d €ocf ) THEINNGU (Method of Medimim)

i* 6o"EcorecJl cug!: 5o::cooSoS 8o5 Stiffness is a feeling

* co8:or:ecjlcopl: ioo:co<Srr Tautness is a feeling,

* cnlEcooedlcuE!: 5o::cocrSrr Numbness is a feeling,

* erac$ o:: euT*€r 5 o::co<rS rr

Aches is a feeling,

,l( pl: 5 o::co <rSrr

ecrTco Cramps is a feeling,
* goca:ec5lcu g!: 5oc:cooS l Pains is a feeling,

;* a8*co:ecllco g!: o::co<-S rr

Palpitation is a feeling,
i( cq6co':ecilcup!: ioc:co<Sl Congestion is a feeling,
,r g"q€6% cqcu:qEcop!: io::cooSrr Running nose is a feeling,
t( ,;cocq8 cu$: 5o::ocrSrr Heat is a feeling,
* e sa:cuc q6 oc p!: 5 oc:co<S rr Cold is a feeling,
lF cuE!: 5oo:cooSrr Itchiness is a feeling,
;r n$n% c';6ocepcu$r io::cocSr Shaking of legs is a feeling,
te cucf eq
q26curqEco$: io::o:<r5n Shaking of hands is a feeling,
;* o:cu:q8cup!: 5oc:co<Srr Giddiness is a feeling,

c?fg)ego.eo g,fg)eEoo6o
ci sa 6:o or ep: g(6 o5 €oc,5)
THEINNGU (Method of Mediraricn

c crc f- c \ oc o \?'hen you become conscious of a-nr

* o
Eloc(!)cDtgf 6[g"c3o)cDc3 ocfclD)a,
process of physical change in your bodi',
(5 or:o:oS)d.-" e3 oi cB <-'1 rr

. CO 16"
feelings (vedana) occur. Naming those
ao?:o3)? s?gf 9lcrDt 3a3ao):o9f-reol (y)
feelings are mere pe=t-=c..-eptla-gg*
6o:@?3cD oPcDc%cDccr)? cDgf6,il?3 Perceptions differentiate varieties of
.8.. o g$ -4E:c3e sr:E sco: a38:o11rr feelings but perceptions are not a realiry
only feelingj are leatiy.

oP"G% 6o3()6ff"t ao?3oc)? 6oJ3?c: Try to pin point your awareness on only
@?:il feelings which is a reality occurring
moment to moment instead of all sorts
of conventional perceptions.
.lococo\ I
This is training tg'purify your mind.
3r(D" ocDcD 6o?cDJcclcr))t a)e"nc?
cagG% ocGe?co)il
0er-cnoooco Therefore, try to change knowing
ocDctgocioilt 3)6t:c)oe c)e?c)c%cD 6l
.COl-COOCc.| 'conventional perceptions' to'activating
aoascDo)cD c)o elgrcs oo)cDo63o lil
feelings' as they occur moment to

srfg)ecor)6() sDf8)eEor6()
cb raE:o co ep:$(8 o6 eod) 9? 44 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

-e C \ \
* ooepcoEco?J"o8cu:cD
d)Q -$.g,
have been clinging to convintional
gaGDsd6cD perceptions such as:
{lnB' My lrg,
dcuc6r My hand,
414d, My body
deal8:qoSd- My head, etc..,
oo5oo5cooSrr . Concerning physical phenomena and
crf"cD()) Pains,

clc8cr5cooS Aches,

clcnlEcocSi. Numbness, etc..,

q"64d$s oc8elo5co<Sl Concerning mental phenomena.
* sagfg" ---- But in realiry they do not exist:
c1{cooo$: crEoD:u lof

cjor: {cDocu$: el Eoo: rr

clecrn8 {cmcu Ef: o 'My ego'.
flq: rr

;ft _c\ c\ o c
f]of. f"oo GrtcD())il There only exist mental and physical
phenomenon, which is nfuta rhpa.

srfg)eEor€o @fs)e8ozeo
c) o8rq oo spr c8 eo crS)
$(6 93 THEINNGU (Method of Mefitation)
;K \rl o c
q6cn e,r:c6$$co,Sr 9a3lcnL q"6cn Sort Rfrps that is physical phenomena,
cDo)il constantly changing, while nimathat is

mental phenomena, becomes aware of it
through feelings.
* @poc;<-,1rr $oecu13<-,1$.1 sa6ocDJ€6fcD"
tk Try hard. Don't give up. \(/e are
r cillr
preparing to face death mindfully
through meditation.
* eocrrc$r 8a?ccDEc8"
$Eq oqo'lco:l
- You can not give up or stop dggf."bl"
ftelings occurring to you on your dying
i * "1-?
qno"6q€"6{4 qr$daJc6{ So try to establish confidence that you

atr{ei5o6:o:11rr can overcome it now.

* 8de$oE:,irr sacncpcSsac3cneq q{"S Change your mind from knowing

oa3q e$:E:o1rr 'unwholesome' to'wholesome' thoughts.
* g:cooS{q8 caq{cSsaaSr sa8goraa3rr If you become aware of 'pain-
perception', it is an unwholesome

t€D o
clsa8:ooq::0(8o5ocf) 92 THEINN GU (Methot of: l*a&ta*n)

aoo:cDo)a) a)qe q?cDsacDt oeosDa)il If b
you : .orrt.mplati y t dii thi
occurring feeling' it becomes d

wholesome thought. ' '

rF qeooEe$c8:<-ilrr Try to achieve it.

* : 6osl" @c?o oq:o1eo{l Do not let your feelings, vedana-, ca:ur;e
. t-
cravlngs, ta+tne.
{€ eosf"cB eosgcg:D'q6eg<-,1eorr Let'feeling'stop at the ''fteling st@*e.
{6 ,eosg:{ eosEcgnd q8egemo8 @poo: Try to stop feeling,.at the feeling stage.

iF eooocc
frcD(I)c\)p oa?cDqc- IF YOU BECOME A\TARE OF
eosf2 orcrncn:eg$n "PAIN" FEELING 4Aq,P,ASS ON TO
eoef, orq)r eq:o1:leo$.r DON'T ALLO\TVEDAN,A. PASS ON
To-T .{M'.' , . . ,,
* o
eosfccD o
GosfrcDc)a ooc^
IUST KNo\r '

sss)eEao6o c?fg)eEooeo
clsa8:oo:ep:0(8o5€ocr5) 9e i0 THEiNNGU (Method of Meditation)

* nraea or g! o16 e oat r $ o5 e eaat SAMSARA
* Gosf" cocs-r:cD:o3 ooq:oglcf@ tVhen feeling, vedani, causes craving,

qcrDil n4he, one is bound to be reborn in the

cycle of rebirth.

x ooepcB orEleoe8o5r The cause that makes 'the cycle of life

revolving' (ot)
* q6eoQ8o5r 'Stop revolving' (ot)
* --qr? So5o)8o5{c.r: coS:cnBE 'Liberated from the cycle of life' is
,rcnc6o: -
44 ne"{oScdcn $Be g c.r:rr not from elsewhere but from yotrr own
mental outlook.
8c,e>ErcE cnlf
@sa::qo5$E: oflqE If you don't meditate, 'the cycle of life
ooepcuE!ego:drr will be revolving',
8c.,c>g:cB cnl{@sa:r"?dg ooqr Through meditation' you can make it
q6o<-Srr 'stop' (or)
* 8<-,org:o8 cq$@m::qdg oospcn 'Liberated yourself from the cycle
qo5e$:cfercsrr of life'.

c?fg)eEq)6() c'afg)eo0rGo
c')oE:goep:S(SoSaod) THEINNGU (Method of Mdiutbn)


*. escosf"o)2 Eodorr
- Vedanal, feeling, ts niima, a mental
;F T-dr $eeg$6co:n Vedant is not Permanent.
i 5oo:$: clc$qel{cre cr:rr
Vedani ends after occurring'
(Feeling end after oqcurring.)
;ft dn@c€ dSio::$; <lc6qecfoeomd So be aware rhat vedan| occurs and
a3eg<J}r ends.
5o::of cf <,'1c6oic6r ioo;oScf <1c8ofl c6r

occurs and ends ,' :

5op: .rj.6r Sorr *occurring,

<1o5rr "Occurring, endingno
t. D
;r car6oaJ"eP <iln
;* fl6n? eSE:{E: eSE:{E: gr8mcu$: -' \(rhenever there is change in physical
ep8: ep8:$: cSegcoor 6oa:egoon . phenomen on, rEPa, mental- Phenome-
non, nemabecome aware of the change
and feeling occurs.

g,fg)eEooco sfg)e8ooco
cisaE:oo:g;B(So56od) i4 THEINNGU (Method of Mediadon'
* q16mo:gi: a>oe3D"cao3E; qG6"+ REpa changes on it's own nature.
cooSrr s'le@:i o6eq cooSoieo:crS$$ aware how tEpa changes.
egooir .odoqep:E:doolrr Be aware that change is the natural sign
e5q" or rEpa.
c) G.D"oo)%,-rq
@ E$,_,1

* E:6cocogi: co<-So3io:;c:olr .od{ Be aware that when rEPa changes in

*"i4 goSo:c8ooirr E:6\. c)cD?o your body, advertence of the mind
towards thut place. And,
"r.?*,rq $6esa:E @p$<irr after that, feeling occuts.

6o)3o? Be mindful of this process as it happens.

$6ao'eo:r ecjTao'
-d -d

oEtg$cDJcDJO: 6r<-,'lrr Contemplate as it takes place, happens,

and occurs.

$o5 g:n q:scDGcD? q8Eo6 o::oS:cn: The Lord Buddha teaches us that all
obnrd ecnro:<-Srr physical and mental phenomena are
Seco: 4,.\:ag"{,rSd cnd@g! <iu Therefore try to observe the natural
coep:eo.:Q oeco:$. changes in your body with awareness to
"[qQ ed.S"
safg)oc026o s)sstecoa6()
tcD o
clmE:goep:$(Ed€ooS) THEINNGU (Method of liledturdsrD

enable you to realize that impenriair#

4<S- o$Qoeco:r coogofo){-u
is what the l.ord Buddha teaches us-

* o&cry: e<-rTo:"c8cr5r oo8:coocn <1c$a;,:: Stiffness arises and vanishes in your body-

r( 9.@ eoTcmoic6r fcDocD qcBa;o:{c8rr Pains arises and vanishes in oul body.
* 'B-, ocsga$o}r So be mindfrrl that nothingis p-ermlrnent.
iF e$ 1>"oco:ooof8: $Begcor<icm:n
All these feelings arise and vanish on their
o*r, S.ord. bjg 6q=
s1{ clcao: o}p:$: -- me who wrongly
It is olly assumes that:
'F -
gl.d g:oo<.Sr my hand is suffering,

de$ g:oooSr my leg is suffering, '

c]eell8: gcoooS$. mSr head is stifferin.g

i6 cl dcrr:$ oo5goEatrc,Sc% eoscfcDol This is because of the wrong concept of

* $$,*,#**F*.(
$Eeca:E$$<;1rr Try tu realize it.
* oc3goS$. $Eeoo8
This is how you must achieve wisdom,so
try to contemplate mindfi'rllY.

g,fs)eEoa€o clfg)e8ooeo
ci saE:oor sp: o5 eocf tE I HEINNGU (Metnoo or E
$(8 ) 32

ecoat8l$$t: BALANCING -..: .*

* o ey: 8 cB o e cutr2 <-,1)$.rr

Don't be lacking in samiidhi,
* qcD"cD e:o:8qcD.Jsn Mindful breathing increase samilE
tl( sco:q6:eco2 ogc$6cocSrr
Contemplating promotes Pafrfii

* e cocEStr$e<,,:<.,1rr
If your intensiry of feeling is :

Unbearable breathe harder,

* eos go$E:q8
$&$E:eo: ere<.,:r.,'lrr Unbearable breathe regularlY.
* eosg:588qE 9$9$eo: qeo:c.,1lrr
Balance your intensity of feeling and
* eosE:$. crel:8$. S1$cor;rr
For example:
If your intensity of feeling is:
1 gram, let your samzdhi be I gram.
6osf. coero5cr::r saq cDoo5cl::rr
5 grams, let your samiidhi be 5 grams.
* cosfe e'ho:crc:r sDq &o:cJ::n
10 grams, let your samadhi be 10
* 6osl" coBcntr8oosr srq co6cn;Bor:rr grams.
* Sg$$reco2 g<irr Maintain this balancing,
* q$*dr oc3o:<.,'1eo$.r eopo:$: oeg<.,.l Don't increase yo:uir samidhi more than the intensity of feeling (or) less than it.

saf8)ego"co c?99)eEoa6o
cE sa8:o or ep: g(8 05 eod)
3e ) THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

* clcDrcD cp:q8oE!: eosEr\.oeca:{ -When it becomes more' you will not be

e aSeco:oo:rr able to real\ze the nature of the Process
of the feeling, Because your mind will
have by passed the stageof feeling'
ofi"D +. s co :q E:ocr5 ocf { cl8 a>eg: So also when there is lack of sanedhi
caoop!e; 5o::a.1Eco:rr you will want to stop meditating
change your posture (or) intensity
feelings maY become unbearable'
x d"@ g
@p o'::<irr oSoeoop,i$.rr Therefore try hard' Be brave'
* BflQq -d$Qq esac8$Ecardl Brave and Zealous persons always
* oE!:5$: oc.,'lrr
ContemPlate with forbearance'
*( q?oDo<:o" cBdecu:r elg:<,,1$.rr
Life is short. Don't sPare Yourself'
* --qrg, g:)eo18:eq op;o<-r1$rr You have spared yourself many times
previous lives,
* s1@:m {oSQEco: eicnsSco:rr
You are not the owner ofYour bodY'
* u;Str$qq8 g$.o6qo<-$ og:@rrr -il4ren the time comes, you will have to
depart from Your bodY'
slfg)oEoo€o : c?+g)o8q)co
cb o
THEINNGU (Method of ldsdtunim)
E: g ca ep30(S 05 ocrs)

1 g:,,ag:ecu:&
fugeaxcg;r At one time, when the four mental
groups, niima khandhn, namelP
cil no"f,
l. feelings (vedani),
JI oe?
2: perception s (saftrtd,
?il *5lq mental formations (sankheta)'
9il 8e"*{4 4. consciousn ess (vifrfiana)'
iF 9:6ag:ecu:c,1l:cr: ofiecn2c91E cD"g deserts the piysical body'
ultimately the

body will lecome a corPse which

O. is

;k dn@:€ ag:@:cn q":{ So you must tr)f to desert your $odY
cn saq8p;ecacE
g$.<-,1rr before it deserts You'
* og6o:q o$e a"scr
This bodY is without essence'
ocf aoc8 o sp ecrnE;cD a
g:r disgusdng,
oo:9 oo:ercn;e ag:r
oo:o s?8:oco$e ag:r
* gcereg$.rr it,
"1@rd Do not sPare :

t( g$.o6oic,So1rr
Detach your craving and
glinging to it'

sf$regoxo g,fg)e8oa€o
THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
* e>L.cJ6oD.$. qo:$E<J)eorr
c8. <€E:<-,Jcf B:ege oeoo:cg Be aware of it's deteriorating nature'
* @po::<,,1r @po:;$E:oE! esa:E$6$Ssq.
cu6sorr Try hard. Success is for those who try
* e ra:E$E op hard.
? ".rd @po::qo<.,Sn
* .o"n%{ If you want success, You must try hard'
)t( cBecu ooeg{ esa:E$6o<-Srr \7hat are you going to succeed?
n%4 esa:E$EocSu ' ' You will succeed kilesas, that is
.Eecuorn%q. opaocf defilements of Your mind, '

*:-*o:: {
You had been gpue{br. thele
o$oS o$6o.:55)qoon Y:'?
throughout yorrr:past cyile of rebirths

44f $Soc,Sd cfecuo:eqo3

over and over again,
Now, you must tqr to succeed all these
""T6 @,:., calgEq8
I ,-g-a,!Sfr unwholesome kilesas forever,
qul-?d {.Sq6e g -o, q2op, .nqIS

Be aware that now you ar9 meditating
'fo, yorr. own good, ' -'
Edotil Look at. yourself. See the difficulties
obtained through this troublesome body'
THEINN GU (Method' of Metliatim)

k's a bundle of troubles suEh as:

* oc:{$co$ ooseo:ql Feeding,
o$.g8:eEeq cu6e.r:qrr CIeaning,
* ooSSi$oo$ ooSeo:qrr Dressing,
* cn;$:ene Keeping yotrr.lf healthY and so
sz:E eo:f e gpcf eo: qn -on'
coc$gco} oror.o"n;6r.rr-ru' B.a",rr. * don't want to notice these
we still crave for life'
"*d* qali:oo {".f8d "-rfi@ "ilr.rriri.r,
t*"{U'*{".rSd a"e?
ooJe" ecacd:egcz:l"-r6J6,
Gys"3v.:' agcoglqod tq-,qr - Lord Buddha t."tht' us that amongst
o"@cD salo!:ecu:o:d 8$.ecoEpcaoSl the adversities of life, maintenance
livelihood is the worst' '

* Therefore the more yol.:*1 f'orsake

*"qe S$.FSqS gg.g8oecooc,S ag6:oo -
bodY' the
craving and clineilg to

more Peace or mind You will again'

.8$cd not
$ee Ed- aoE;\ - One has to suffer because he can
liberate himselflfroln cravings and
clinging of his bodY'

sf$cegooe<r safg)eEoa6()
58 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
* @po::$:ec,r2- TrY to detach from the craving

clinging to Your bodY'

Gd,6d,B6: sg.olrr slowlYbYslowlY'
epi;eE!:gS: 99.<.,1rr
lircle bY little,
oaSoo: g$.grru1u and graduallY'
Itd.? $Er eap8:r c:?tq, As little drops of water finally
form an
@^t"% $6o:ocE 4C*6,0 efforts will
a; E; eo;r co 6 ag a; E: e*1,
-iS ocean' so also your recurring
.o,rstg nE <.,1eo rr lead You to be enlightenment'
$o eo;2 Try hard' Be zealous'
@1: <_,'l$"rr

zeal in order
$$. gEon: dcu:: @1:o::<,,1r odn% You have to put in effort with
eE:es?.EoBrr to cleanse your mind from clinging
.or-"rdn%o) . . . g6e<rTple phYsical PercePtions and mental
of feelings'
1:6^'ols:s'4 *gi gs,"Lr3
"" 'nd "%
$co8:olrr $co6:o oggd,gr,,

@poc:<-,1 o$egsao:oj: e8:es2:6cgl cleanse all softs of

Tty hard to

efffogo:eo s?fs,)oEaDGo
c) o E: q o ep: $(6 c8 aoc'S) Gg 70 THEINNGU (Method of Mediation)
' oe

x 5ar:r>pi$6eor erSenopi $6eor qQ.

feelings, you must try hard in order to
oeq:S:cooSr o6al?ca>, $"i*B€
ov€rcome them'

* So8cneco2 ggi:Epi:eo;:o p3ecil oi The mind never wants to endure

o::a;E qir ?nqd 5oo:a16ca-:rr disagreeable feelings, but only wants
enjoY agreeable feelings'

ir g)?qo\ 3q6o3f"f.c%.ccm " . .

disagreeable feelings' you may
want to
eoSqqE ecry:E:ercu::rr '
stop meditating or change your
EEqqE ecryrS:ocu:;rr
or start wandering letting the mind
c8a3::atrEoq{' 8q::a.;8oq{ 86
* d"14 o$:5c'1rr - Yon,must tolerate these sensadons

,F ercco8cil$.r o$EoliJ oq76<i$.rr Q6o<-1c5cil -' Do not stop'msditating' Do not mov€: Do not change Your Posrure'

srfS)eEoo6() sagg:ogooe<-t

c) sa6:q or ep: g(S o5 oc6) THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
* c'lc8co8esa:E ogco3segcocr
Misleading perceptions makes you to
cneco: I opoocsgc6oolrr accept the false idea of egoism. This is
not true.
rafi:eq You may think and feel that your bones
Qocoo5r c{pocoo5r s?a)D;ecD
are almost breaking, your flesh falling ofi
)cqocooSr sae@:eq io:: $oSercoo5r
your nerves almost snapPing.
qoo5c,lcocS rr co8 q<-,1o:<-S l
1g$- dSq In realiry it
oooo5co:r cocncrSco6: is not true.

EfO@d qE co:erocnos -,,,

o9:o36 ef cD"r arg:oS6co.rS{ You are thinking and feeling like that
o: because of perceptions of feelings which
orcn<rSocn oS cd cocncS oS* ooEef co:r
are misleading you, to form a false
ogEf o::grr
"repi. impression, delusion of mind, false
opinion, etc..
te s1{ sacSpcrS$. aoE$E<irr Be mindful of these features.
* $E,-,1eorr Let any feeling occur in your bodY.

$6 a.; E o eo::cf $B o6x.,1eo Let it be any amount.


* s1$sq8 oo:eg$eo:oolrr Let see whaq will happen next.

,k g:$:q8 coccq$eo:oolrr After pains, what else can haPPen.

efffegu:e<,r szfg)eE006()

$ sa E: oco ep:
1i-. THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
0(6 o5 60cr5)
* 4dps6l8 oa:q$eo:oolrr After aches, what else can haPPen.

ElLdoecu:cfS6r 86"?E:o: oc3 Let it be any amount. Only be mindful

elqoS<r'l$.rr as it occurs.{oS@:cm co6:n9o eaooc6coo: This body is just like a rest house at

coE!;ieq6$. qco<-,Srr c66r.r raeE:,r5r crossed roads where all classes of travelers
ec'y:Er e$:c6cnocd e, go6fiair gcss
from anywhere may take shelter so is your

Q qcar:o:: cDdsi{SolcooSrr So?o1,) body where various types of forms of

feeling may arise.
a g:c{oS@:cn ?.360 s g:ecjlal8 ecrTo::
e<-Srr r>aeo s g:ec5latrE ecjlcuco,_Srr
'Whether the feelings are agreeable or
* sle@:$ sqe<jlecllr aTaecjlecll q.r{
o: g,irr ao:eea:E qollrr disagreeable, be conscious and observe
the feelings till it ultimately ends.

el5$EqE grc3:o.r3 8de@E:eo:<.ilrr If the intensity of feelings become

s: c3:ocB ga c3 eo: cn 6 eo:o1lrr unbearable, switch on your mind to your
concentrated breathing at the tip of your
nose with awareness mindfully.
* a6aoo5aooSr a(qre r-c q6osqoo)l
)EflgfccrJ: e ,
Breathe abruptly and rapidly.

srfsreco€o srfg)eEoo€o
doE:goep:$(8deoc,5) 23 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

* coc
GO3f" a)CUCDt e ooc
&?3):O 3)CDCD| eosf" Carry on knowing the occurring feelings
1)CDCDT &?a)30 a)cDcD cuo65()lil and the touch at thq tip of your nose
* -o?d8 c3eg,.r'lrr sDG6E6 go:op:egc.,11rr Repeat this process again and again,

E$*og$- a3eqolll recurrendv

, and vice-versa.
irc Gosf"ooocr? ?<3i
Awareness of is dukkha.
* &?c):o
c)cr}fcD c)at Awareness of breathing is sukhta.
* ?qr o?ar c3eE<-,'1rr Keeping on being aware of dukkha,
sukha alternatively.

. COC C r-c
i* sto
'l oq€3):oDil oaoqo6eesa:c
lg,Def If intensity of feelingis still unbearable,
o<${q8 ag:{oS@'{ divert your mind to various parts ofyour
B$.,q"lr cfcp
Such as :
.tCOOC ocoooc
3:6AlC3C)a)OJCDT Your head, yout knees,
cooc 't-oooc
6t9a)ctJ:c)crJcDt Your face, your calf,
oJcDcD:a)cucDt e$oolcSoQcBr Your eye, Your foot,
g,fg)eEo"co g,fg)eSooeo
2e THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

x eosEo{:Qsza'l sa6oc?aJ"Ed, on If the intensiry of feelings are bearable,

a>cc:"c% $Eegqesa:Err try to observe them to know the nature
of their characteristi.r rp."ifi
e OC r ""lly.
* 4":4dd 88oo:;r erE8:o:oc:rr VHAT DO YOU O\trN? "' --#i'

rF c'lsa8$.e<-,:cBqc:o>rsl Do you own yourselfl

Can you givycommand to your body?
Such as :
oq:$.r "
not to feel pain,
not to ache,
oeo$"r nor do die,
not to become old,
ero:el m1$:er$E$.r not to become sick
r"rd$€ e$:c8qoeqlrr not to become i]], etc...
* s?eca?
- But this is not rhe case,
e<:r"q $6co:{ G%.6fqcD"l that's ,why they dre occurring on their
d"Er€ erlo$:g"eo2rr Therefore don'r be craving and clinging
to your body,
cJ ca E: go: sp: $(8 oB oo6) 82 THEINNGU (Method of Meditarion)

c c o c4 Detach your cravings to it.

l-c\cc Lord Buddha teaches us that we must be
* lgcD8"?q":cD 8ol:,o. eDgf cD6P3c? detached all craving and clinging.
o<-Sg$.qocSrr (ogs<lop{ ..rSg$qd)

,( $co$:,cr.eq g$.{6g ao8:\9.s49$eq Onlywhen you can detachyourself trom

c . oc c
cDf €o:cD?o())il cravfngand clinging, only then you will
(?,€-B"nq q$q'd€rd) be affito put an end to sufferings.
..': / 1 11 - !j'
,. ,ii'.,_J .

c c\ \ \THY SUFFERING? :.,:

c\ fue you still suffering now? .' t )'.

* srro eoc:qGfa)o).:ll
C\ C n\ COC O If you are sdll suffering now, then it is - -
r( eoc:6lcfcc):qc eEf.tcGc):o)ololl ;i',i':
/\ c c O cOC o\ because you have not detached yourself
(gcuf 3C)c2of cD6P:6%q 6D3 cDl
from craving and clinging.
* Snor? aoE:\Qsao$-qrt{ QE:QE:S: Therefore be mindful to understand and
rcaLize the truth in suffering of feelings.
S:$Eesa:E @$c,1rr
C CO O C C C\ C Try to be brave to undergo any sufferings
aJ 6: e)" saooc? o?3Jc qc oc:6'H?l c)gqO

.\ \ O O
c)Bq 'l sDf"oo
ct3olil " sD3)roqo)ll
in order to achieve enlightenment.
c n t-c o
c)oJ"8c%ccD"e q6a)3cD?r clsDrlgoq)
fuk yourself, where others succeed, why
\ should not 'I' succeed?

c2fg)eEooeo c?sg)eEoo6o
cb sa€:q or ep: p(8 oE aocS) o? 84 THEINNGU (Method of Mediadonl

.accott ()cc)qe "Be resolute even to face death to
*''- -L----l-- t
30cD6C)!olll cleanse all defilements.'
Success is most important.
* qQ. -nqt@:cjlco<-rDrr
tffhy are you suffering?
* .or.@r€ aoE:\eqocbrr
The cause of suffering is, craving and
* ao8:\$E:\. oe@c8:co sDcpg": -gd
clinging to your body, such as:
P:f. -
This is my hand,
This is my leg,
o This is my head, and so on.
dedl8:r {$ 8os:f-SBQ b-$'" foilr
Therefore contemplate to realize this
r( d"@r€ ocococB $Eesac8g<-,11rr
tVhen the cause which is craving and
r( rae@:E:caep: $o$:o ofieco2qEr
-n8lf clinging is removed the result which is
cDq)s eocsqBe: aJloao:olo)oo(Dll
suffering is no more.

L I I J Jl
Try to be brave to undergo anysufferings
r( c2f?a6l sc)"oq()?ll
in order to achieve enlightenment.

s?lSPeE006() g,fg)oEo?6o
c,i oE: q<n ep: g(6 6 €oc8) o3 86 THEINNGIJ (Method of Msditation)

* eqpoSloxr qeco8ecrn8rcq 3o!d qQ In timeslgone by, fuin'pugel*to-be

(the holy ones) followed this practil,
@o..,5 r,' o gloin1f c'c6:e@:E:cn<)
followfd this path leadings to the
extinction of all sufferings.
Therefore they manage to Put an end to
* d"@€ agccco5c36i$: lcaeq qFE6t all phenomena of sufferings. :

So it tryhard now. (OR)

is up to 11ou to
* {<Sco$:D @1:oc;rr so try hard and follow suit, contemplate
Sagc{oS ,$%d' oge@rcQ oq6<i}; ,on 'the pheno@enon of ,the .bodY
88qe@p$coo:cilrr specifically- ! ,,

* 88op!cn
88erl mo:Ssp ooE$Eo'Srr Depend on yourself.

r( Eo5cn $6eEcocr 8d{qes9:E e$E:<-'1rr Correct w-hat is happening in yoqr mind.

* e$q:, {o$og:cd Enlightenment is not be 'sought
cD6p!{o>o -&tg" elsewhere. It is in the phenornena of
'S7isdom for liberation is a realiry.
* qc6e$ncBQ 8o54cpo cocn<.S$t-'llcotSrr
Therefore, try to rcalizr the truth of the
;ft e829o6%.egzlE ffu11't
phenomenon of your body.

c?fg)e8oa6o gfiPeEfPeo
cB oE:qco ep:$(8 c6 aoc8) 88 THEINNGU (Method of Meditetion)

* orm<$q'oSqE comcS$6:ega:<-,1lco,r5rr If you can detach craving and clineing

from yourself;, you will experience peirce
of mind.

* cDeaD $cu$;gqdegao8 n$EqE coecln If you achieve it for a moment, you will
$6:esa:cocSrr be peaceful for a moment.
. co.l \ C C C QC-e " C
il( 6p$<1at $co$:gqcaasa.e $ascqc qof If you achieve it for a while, you will
qa1 $6:esa:cocSn be peaceful for a while.
.e OC \
o[!:Qd C C C OC.q If you achieve it forever, you will be
'F $cu$:go3oes/)c fltcqcecD?
peacefirl forever.
sa$:{E $6:eo:$rr
Therefore, contemplate on the signs of
,F d"@r€ 88qeqQ cuqo^neco:{ coo
characteristics of the phenomenon you
crrcco 6crro e$oEco6: go: op:c,1) rr

have realized again and again.

srfs)e8oo6o @fg)eEooeo
$co8:gcop:$(6oBaoo6) oe 90 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

9atcD l
i (Eliminating tar.rha)
(caqaoa) In the "THENNGU" meditation
clo8:q Soorg: cngg:$:{6orqc centre, contemplating on asubha is
o3 e cu cr: e alE :,1'h$ : sac cr eo'l cD qrs
practice to - Iessen KILEST\ It is
e$:e$rc$eoQ. oqcooggc$:{ S8?: especially practiced to attain
eogfi<lco.rSrr oq;o$Q ocn s1o1Ee6{ sakadegemi magga.
qq$-qd $Et-'lcocSrr
,x eosEogc6cosp:eci1'9: 8$oo5qooir
fu you have to eliminate 'diglri', that is
wrong opinion, through contemplating
oc2 coq6coq::ecil gr oqcooS q.r1
on 3'vedana-',
t -t so also you must
contemplate on' asublta' to eliminate
'nghe', that is clinging.

;F cDCDlo)" obcoep:ecu:o $oc>cD[gq]<r) Clinging is an attachment to physical
cod<ico.Sn ob.;ects.

Attachment and clinging arise because

Qe<1c8d QecBeEonrr
we don't realize the deteriorating process
of physical objects.

efs)e8oa6o sfs)eE66()
THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
clo8:qcasp:$(EdaocB) gc

Therefore, you must meditate to realize

;* s1e@:f Q<-r,1c,5$Eco:egacE
the deteriorating nature of physical
The method to contemplate asubha rs,
;* sTcD oEge$t ,$g?:slrgo mgPogliE
you have to breathe hard but at the same
caq:on$: oorS$Ei 6eoq$ time you must concentrate on
-%d of, aoc,8 el$oS ge,r:q.r'lca<-tS rr
loathsomeness of the corpses in stead of
s'letred ApD"{ gac3ecoc:d 8o5cn being mindful of the breathing.
ESq,d oqcoeq{ *tgd$s go:q
\(hile contemplating on asubha, You
ik d4.8, gc:qp:Qoa1 o<3g o$E'',-c,8cn
may sometimes encounter the vision of
secDi. sSB 88agc{.:5 sDcroDcD the form of the corpse of yourself or of
$Eegc,z:{ $E qcDdolco,Sn others.

.- c -S .,e The appearance of the asubhathat had

i( caeo [geqgcnecp2 6c)cDoo
passed awa)z recently although flexible in
aooS aoo8 e <.peq2ep8:e$:6:cno$:- -
the beginnitg-

Slowly, it will get cold and stiff.

i* -Bdt$di Gsascutocr5rr oc$; ccDoe

clsaEqorepr$(8c6oo6) e? 94 THEINNGU (Method of Meditationt

* egro5aoc6$: sao::eq E$io:r dcocr It will further deteriorate showing blue

qc6o::orcS rr .inoSeq s:eal8:eqcn and black patches, even rorten liquid mav
sag6 qpieq <r!8:qo::o<-S rr
trickle from the mouth or nose.
a6 r- C c o C --
* ca<7b$"e[goi obeqsar f"sr caoo6% o":r
The flies will hover, feed, and lay their
ggo())rr eggs on that corpse.
* nL.^6-.cD:G% e,-,1l,rEr agco$. aBaB Maggots will form, feed and spread all
eqpcf qo:r eogp,rSo:: eqooSrr over the body.
* cacl":6% o3r
$Bcoc$: |cnlocSrr The flesh will fall off.
* sa$eqo{E:or: $Eo:otSrr Qeo::Er Bones will become visible, hanging and
gS, -A2a Efdq' Pldcnlo'-Srr drop apart.
iF eq:.rEeco2 ga8:od cq$ocSrr
Later, there is nothing left but a heap of
* coEa''lo:6eo: 88sae2o{-dt 3o{E: Sometimes you may be able to see your own

pEc8QocSrr asubha happening in the same way.

* "'l-, -o.1r,*rt$€ $5eo;$6cofiQ This is just a general trend of process of

secD\. $6opcfldrr asubha.
ot48t SoieoTo,:Sdn-: o{oi,-'1q:r
3{{"tq It does not mean that everybody will
-S6a;" o6@5o:$: qa.189 coeroSrr come across every detail like this.,_,

c?lg)6too€o srfg)e(Jq)6o
d saE:qor ep:p(8 o6 eoo8) ecl 96 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)
o \ e nC "l-e l--C Cf-C C "O
* softcog) e36alc3el33 BcaJcgc()())rr 16T3 You may only see a vision of skull or ribs,
eq $Ea;8$Eo<-Srr and so on.
3D"dGEEE 46qQ -e"rq nefo'Iil \Thatever you see, meditate on rhat
e c c\ c c. c e \
* seo)ccDo)cD o ocDaocD6l6p9o)€CD"C:O)
L oLlL o You may want to avoid seeing this
"occootco, o(DcD3D8ll
g)?ocD disgusting unpleasant vision.
c .l\
;f o6lcDrcDolsil
t-J lo Don't be afraid of thar loathsome sight.
* a6$E:$E:eco: oqE:r se.oi. ,[gd Breathe harder intensively with
c:cc:"c{ fl8":cfollil awareness of the impermanence of the
nature of asubha.
* $E:$Ergpo:r e)t€rcD co8ei::eoc $Eo:r The harder you breathe, the more clearer
oo)il the vision may become.
* cgr?

O C Ce
0)\ \ O O
ge c) 3Do ocD?cD6cull
\6 O . O C
*.LLLIL g)3o) S.r3)3D gr?6lcD
aOCDCD?aOCDCD? rWhen one meditates
on asubhaover and
ogr:Q o a'lcDJGcD? 8 a g:@:eoTg: over again, the overwhelming vision

tdo szfE)eEor)6o
cboE:qoep:$(8c6eoc;) e2 98 THEINNGU (Method of Meditation)

o:6oo5eqQ E qd.tQEo5eg eopc,1): of loathsomeness lessens his craving and

ecuf,)o13 CD?GCD'.)co:e..r1'lrr clinging to his putrid body.
o c r-6 o c c c a ,-q--
* c?o?a8"lg8cD cDgo)())cD())o) coc6f If you assume that your body is srill
c fo c -,,co:o)o
c " c 6a)3qcl
6c):qer oocD6f g%())6f attractive, then you are still attached to
oldrr your body.

{4nSrE Q Agpgdepr o.zSndgd ql if you see the loathsomeness of your

q6g$eoSeEo:: saoo@:,r!q8:eg body, the putrid process of your body,

or,loe $Eeqr el6f cD"@? cD"o(pot elo the asubhaofyour body, over and over
again, you are cleansing yourself from
ep06% eall8co'l:eca:E $1e gcoc<-,1bn
kima ra-ga and rupa rala.

dsle@:f clsa8:q mog:$:{8c)?o? Therefore THEINNGU meditation

Or" C C O
o QO nc? ooJcDe,,?Eg"f : cD caq: s 6cD: centre emphasizes the importance of
eo:p@oc $6.r'1co<-Srr gontemplation of asubha.

ccco cpoomcD 6poc?

gac?3p cpRg"+3())" For one to realize on one hand. the
e a'l E : c.,'I e o <-,'l or.-S rr
loathsomeness and putrid process of the
bodv will lessen rhe artachment to.

c2fg)eEoo€o srfs)eEooeo
100 THEINNGU (Method of lvfediadonl
dsaE:qcoep:p(Sdaoo8) ee

c And on the other hand to enlighten.'*ou

* cD@cDcDo) crl
with the essence that even this asubia is
d:co8: c3GE o:r eo,jl cotS rr

"o.'t5o: Further more. you must meditate to

ds'lecR ocDdr s?t;o?:ecD c>c,SB]crc5d
attain the right understanding that all
forms of living beings and all forms of
aoE[i8 R::eip: ef ,-,1lrr
matter are nothing but aJu6ra.
If you can see asubha just for a
ra?cDmEg"$t{ coacn$Eq8 crrocPor moment, you can detach yourself from
ao -qpo G % co acne dl8: c-,1lco.-S ll klma rEga and ruPa raga ror t
I f

,F src?clcDEg"$t{ q.$q"1EEqE crro -ctPo
If-you can for a while, you
see asubha

o -1p o c% q" $ q"1 e a'18:<-t1} o.rS rr
can detach yourself from knna Egaand
' a rivhile.
ruPa raga lor
ik o$o6: o,1c,5e9gio$: $Er Qdo$r If you can see asubha Permanently,
you can detach yourself from l<ima Ega
$S $SeqqS ea$ca6:
and rfrpa rrga permanently.
* Bdg"qqr:oa8 {.-Seco5$o5@:cn During the period of Lord Buddha, he
co g!: epoeoll8:c.t"Ieo:Er eor:eg q,:o$: taught the 500 monks residing in the

tcD o
c) sa E :o or ep:$(E o5 oc;) coc r02 THEINNGU (Method of r\Iedirarion ;,

(f ")' qgereco\ o g8$o5$. eaen8,rsp: forest, a monk by the name of konlaand

the famous queen khema, etc.. the
4.4 o q -cng g:$:,^B ,qg":Q. ecrr:@:;
c \e o c
---q \ \ S2Cr)CD method how to contemplate on asubhz
6CD?OACD 3D 3 OO|O)GCD g2aSO):
rLo o O Lot O------r-
All of them attained arahat-hood.
snoeoll q$ a6:ecoE er)@<icocSrr
Therefore, THEINNGU Sayadaw also
* sle@:f c) saE:qaoq:ecoscncuE!:
teaches monks, nuns, and lay people how
co<-'Eiqo$: c5u::r :3o96$. qqfitd
to contemplate on asubha.
ecu:8crp;oqoS saqo mgg:$: pg::
$:cB ec.,:e gco:e<-,11rr
* cao3Dfoo coclgccfc? oglor(," sr5 For those who can attain a vision of

BEcEQ or,i{ ogc:qc,1lco,rSrr as u bha through meditation contemplate

on it.

------Qo 6cD ococtgc cr-COC \ O c o c And for those who can not, contemplate
sDa)3Df sco) ?Etc'r6%T qe
com.rlq e o sa e o>?8:(8 Sgotd..d BSBSI through the help of an actual dead body
cDGa)s?GcDr6:ecr:r8 eao:E co:: 4 or a make up putrid form.
,.Q--q-O o\r-ca-c c o
?8[oJq qgDsa)l.o[golgor cDog)f:cosp: Q
Breathe abruptly to attain samidhi.
* a6odadeo:: erpg<r1rr eagffiqeEc,1eorr

c2fs)6o026o slfg)e80"6o

c) saE:q co ep; $(8 d aoo6) co? r04 THEINNGU (Method of Meditadon)

oc c .D(DqcDlg()
^a())cDe: co arocrrcc Also contemplate on your body as an
QcPa"s:oeol [9C)
c c c cr-c
s)coo coo cDqoo eoc [9c g":oj"8qoo
\ asubha, that is loathsomeness.
o Contemplate over and over again that
eoGcrJf ...
eS.". dag:@:cn:opi:d-
this loathsome asubha will become:
ccc Rotten, swelling and bulging,
?oqooJ cD6P:r 86loo?cD6P:r
cr- c c oe
c Rottenliquid tricklingfrom here and there,
?3?o[g t?o6% qoo?o) 6P3r
cc Maggots feeding on the putrid body,
ccu"cDo":q() oJcDeP:t
Ofe \ C
3acD36%(D193 gmJqc)o? cD6P:r The flesh will all offi
co o \ 'Worthless,
cDf93o9c? cD6P3r valueless,
co\ -Vithout any
3D"9 g)$o3)"qor6lc? cD6P3l essence,
nGE'$o$6qel<.$ coep:r Must be buried and turn into earth,
eo c
03q"qoo?cD -|P: (or) must be cremated and so on.

60 . C O CO This is how you must contemplate on

3q go?3
?c:cfcD"q 3Drof"8D3cDq)N,
asubha blta-vana.
eor-€.nococre This is howyou must develop your mind
3c'? ca3?oD[g8col g) ocDc? cDPlg3 flcf
r-c o ot-c
q[sc3cD" s)c).D3)cDr 3E1)3D3)()"o[9O
to attain sati and samidhi through
ccrc.t\ asubha bhevana.
Gs??c go:eJ"33a"3qcD cf [3c3ololl

safs)eEo)co ca66to60lco
loD o
\ C
a) sac:? o)
r/O C C\
106 'fHEINNGU (Method of lvfedirarion)
[9(o o) eocD./

* o
g2a)aDa)cDt or- c
c?3JaD c)()"oSocD?qc
c - \When you attain sublza sama-dhi, vou
will see the vision of the putrid corpse in
o q co@:,f 8o5e1c,Eeg$. $Eco:er,,Srr
your mindt eye.

srr?: ccD?c3cD? qc c)
- Moreover, if you increase your sama-dhi,
Q 3Dlg3c?
coccf-ccccr-c this vision of asubhavnll be seen whether
oJmcooo)o)es lgcr eJcDc98gcuP; lgcr
ca€ r-c cu"o)oe(Dil
oc c you close or open your eyes.
cD qoo[g:

x - Furthermore, you may also visualize

dSeE:cB 88agcc{,So:E oenc)r
o\ physical object as a deteriorating
6 0
J))a o L

@d@d coqo6<.1o5egQ saa2:o@r

r-c f-c c
c2[9o lgco)?oo)il
r- c
* e?qo oo
3?13"3[loc)tP"f6% Seeing that visions of your own asubha
o o f-c o (or) other physical objects as asubha
q6q, c?Qg)q. [gccfo)"())? c)o"6 is
co\ because you have attain sufficient
6CD?C:CDJ)il Lo
ocoror-cf--c The more you artain samidlzi, the
* c)o.ocD?3€cD?c36cu€oJr ?193 [98t9P
c ca-c f-c c c clearer will be the vision of asubha.
cucorc lgcq6cu lgocv)o(l)il flocD6P3 6% And,
the lesser will be your arrachment to
raedlgc co6$egQ cool^nr spo eal8:c.,1l:
physical objects.
6cuGa) $Eer.:Sr

s|2fg)eEoc6o e?ffe3o:ect
doE:qoop:$(6c6eoc6) co? 108 THEINNGU (Method of tr'feditarion)

* Q".fdEtG€eco2
oQecSeco2q:ecilrr Now asyou visualize the deteriorating
process of physical objects, you realize

* s1e,.,o.$ Ssaqoooq@ q $Eeq$E: tn' and become less atrached to them.

d"@:€ 8oor9: {
o)o@sa€oi<-'11drr Attaining the vision of asublta is still
eSE:$EesaoE saaio\ c).Doo cD%ru:a 'sama-dhi bhivana' stage. So, to switch

J8-nq-.o{ ","€ec'%cnr s2d on to 'uipassanr bhetana', contemplate

ga:E on the sabhtra lakkha+a that is natural
5q: qE: $E
characteristic of asubha. And moreover,
the samanrtrta lakkhana, that is ti-
* (-q-6'ES[qt dgq oDcP:occD" If you don't contemplate on the asubha
co%cn"c% gq:oa38:qE - after attaining asubha samddhi, you may
become :

$:eg.oo!oir fed up of life,
feel repentant,
oRG%i. oaoc6aoP8c) coEecP:c6coE!:
cOO want to live in solitude,
cQaje oc\?o?r
eao:cBcop!eposll feel undependable,

s2fg)oEoc6() clfg)eEo)Go
c) sa E:q o: g: o5 eooE) coe 110 THEINNGU (Method of l{edita.llni

o6cr:rE e$:oS$c:r co6:o) eq:cf ql: get hallucinations and do on, on rhe
wrong track.

* 8eco2 caec:c:e"cDct eo?.DoP" Therefore, contemplare on asubha rc

ggo:qel.,Srr attain asub,ha pafifii' form 'asubha
The method to achieve this is:
,gp:qo4+pl:cneco2 . " "
sa a7 ooq6coqrt@ti" oo"ocu%cn"i. to contemplate on the physical object to
cropo<3csDedloDernE gop g8:<J)rr realize it's sabhiva lakkhana and.
samafrfra lakkltana.
* szfi:osac7co@: QSorqE " . . If you auain the vision of a skeleton,
ocoSec:clo3 go2:q8:o1r be aware that it is pathaur asublza.
sa$pgsaaico@:\ cno6.D" coJtc:cs'7) Then hardness and softness is it,s
o)? a)aD?oo:qcr:r.t'ldrt sabheva lakkha4a.
c)Sorc:ecDcr coJ.c)G.D".%q. rlqd And the impermzrnenry srate of hardness
e$:E:olegQ o).D?ocr)? cl"oecu% and softness is it's samartfra lakkhana.
cs:oo'ldrr If you attain the vision of the roften
ra<;6sageaq-Et{ and bulging forms of corpse,
gace,jl s> o co c8.. g q: q E: o1 rr be aware that it is apo asubha,

g)s6?eC)0?6() s?fs)ecqr6o
ccc t12 THEINNGU (Method of Mediadoni
Then fluidiryand cohesion isit's sbhen
* sac26r rag oq:o@:\. <-'$8:$E:oeo:r
}.eo:$E:o crrc%un
And the impermanenty state of fluidiry and
dS,r?8s$E:r $.eo:$E:a>Gc>"6%\. tb cohesion is it's samartfia lakkhana.
4 e$:E:olegQ 3).D?otr)? o"oe
If you attain the vision of maggots feeling
* ecu:,t5cogo:gDs czo'D{ $Eonq8 -
on the corpse,
olecu: sa c2 ood g q: qE:<-t1rr be aware that is uiiyo asubha.
Then motion is it's sabhava lakkhana.
ecu:.:S o \. 9.6 tt't,",.
g.s g.s c? a? cDEt
o)6.Drt ecooc6cn$?D6.D"cr;f c)'D?o
And the impermanent state of motion
d8 qR69p:ot ecoo,:Scn$o crer':n%q. it's samafifia lakkhana.

eP:E:obegQ o:ococn: sDoP

If you attain the vision of burning
* oqco@:8:eq eo:o8$lc8eqcoc$E q8r
be aware that it is teio asublta,

ecDccoc eo cg:q8:t:1lrl
e "Dd,. rs

cb saE: g or ep:P(8 d eocr5) cc?
ll4 THEINNGU (Method of lvledirationt
sacTo@:\. (i?c)63)rl 634:c)GcDt())?
Then heat and cold is it's sabhiva
crcDroo%cDro'ldrr ' Iakkhana.

* d8 goeco:l Gcrrsc)GcD?"%\. t[qQ And the impermanent stare of hear and cold
e$:E:olegQ o)cD?o.:.)" c>2oPo>% is it's samafirta lakkltana.

* ca3)cD@:cn: q6coeP:@:{eor2 96 As the vision of asubltaisa physical objecr,

o:sp:\ o>c?cs-Dc%e,jlo:oeet"E aoEPE try to realize the lakkhana that is
so:: c3E: g:: elp: e g <-,1 n
characteristic of r1pa.

4,-S6oTd s>e7co@:cnr {oSqqo'r) object of asubha you attain,
44-"Ptulb" contemplare on chat asu:bha.

dScae<-,Tg? o).D"oo),?.n ri. c:"oe

Try to reaJize the sabhaua lakkha4a and
cu%cn" $E esac8 ggo:<-tl1rr
samafrfia lakkhana of that asublta which
you have visualized.
raop:en ----sac2co q16co edl
At first, you have to try to obtain the vision
cu:eoc8 g9o5e1o,rS"
of an asubha.

loD o
c) oE: gor <p;$(8 cB aocE) ca3 116 THEINNGU (Method of \{ediationi

* eoToc$$ecD?cu€: -- Q..fdE: .:PqE: After that, you have to conremplate on rhe

deteriorating process of that asubharll rou
<.1,'58:eg co:{ $8$:em2 g E ocBE gd
get fed up of being attached to it.
cocqoeal)E:,-,lcoceeao8r g$:o:o e gzo8

* dSeq:crS saqconSoeoo:a6:eeo:Et And then to become detached rcrhe asubha

object, you must try ro attain sabhava
a) 3D"oc'J(?cvn{ oq..s rr

Iakkhan4 of it.

raecD o.D"ocD%cn?cD qo5esa:E Finally, to be liberated from the physical

Sauan a lakkhana, you must contemplare on
cup!: o[}4 e)G.D?r cDeleoqcur:{
rhe impermanenr nature which is sama.6ia
o@SES oco6co6 ggo:qocSrr
lakkhana repearedly.

r( d8{ -?.oq $Ees'z:Egr

Therefore, try to obtain a vision of asubha,
try to detach from clinging to it,
try to obtain it's sabltaua lakkhana,
n:e rnEgr try to obtain ils satnafrfra lakkhna
a3o5e sa:Epqo<Srr to be liberated.
eo:coro$Et-'eosg:' { gp:eco2 c1r 'Sotepatti puggala' meditated on
qco<.,1}r ecr::crSp:r 8$:o{4'?g- ued' 'vedanii' and efiminated the wrong vieu'
of 'puggala partfiatti', that is 'egoism'.
{ .-,,Sco<-Srr

s?f8)eEoo6() e?fgrecooco
118 THEINNGU (Method of trIeditation)
cbsaE:goep:Q(8o5eoo6) cc?
'Sakadigtmi puggala' meditared on
* c>cDslol8@icDecD? '-e-' 4 n[$t 'asubha'and eliminated all patterns oi
c)aDs()3)cDcD o(DcDilil forms into minute cells.
cn'l L- L

.lcr-re 6
GoJ) 6losr2of ca€D:s) a)3D
o l()lg3 d)
Andgami puggala meditated or
o c c re co ' ti-lakkhaga' and eliminated the concepr
q eocDq)cD6tg"383co)? orf oecDc/) of minute cells.
o cr cre Araltatta puggala eliminate s 'santati
q(,g)lg3eD6o)? a)gcDoPo) o(D83 padfiatti', that is continuiry of time and
. c r- c \ ao o t
6CD'o a)3)Oae
L r O)O)G|6,CDCD
o u o O(JCD6I3)
rcD t enters nibbena.
c{ qfleo:Egc,1co.-Srr As rain drops can penetrate through rhe roof
6cD?C3oO 63c)ol3c3o6l6cD? c?o3CA": osGq that has not being properly roofed,
o ^c
c c
n.'t58Eerlrr so, also l<dma Ega &. rupa Ega can e:silv
peneffare into the mind without wisdom.
d"-"t o"ofro cn8:eor 8dq 6po
o$ q8:ecr:,r5$Eerlrr Therefore,
3r6tg?c . . . contemplate on asubhato detach yourself
c?a? c>cDEgc$rqe or orcoEr.rS.,qg"r from knna rzga and rup riga.
q)oq ,.,,$oo5@q6sa"El Don'r miss this oppomunity ro achiere
* saS;$flq$:r o:-oc2:$r nibbena, that is enlighrenment.


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