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SAP Cubix

Round 1
1-HR Questions

Question 1: Introduce Yourself, Brief Yourself, Go through your

CV, I am interested to know about you, your credentials &
Experience in Industry?


 Hi, I am Rahul
 I Stay in Faridabad
 I did graduation in Commerce from DAV College Faridabad.
 I have a total experience of 2 years in XYZ Ltd & my Job
Responsibilities are:
1. I prepare the bank reconciliation.
2. I Pass the GL to GL Entry in SAP
3. I Pass the prepaid entries & prepare the amortization sheet.
4. I do accruals & maintain the tracker.
5. I clear the GL Account.
6. I participate in the month end activities
7. I also prepare the MIS reporting as & when required.
 I have a exposure of SAP & working Knowledge of Excel
 So far as my family background is concerned my father is in
Private sector & my mother is a house wife. I have 1 brother
& 1 sister & I am younger one in my family.
 Positivity, willing to learn new things, punctuality are some
of the traits of my personality.
 That is all about me
 Thank you.

SAP Cubix

Question 2: Why are you lookin

looking for a Job Change?


 For the sake of better opportunity & skill development, I am

looking for a Job Change
 For Better Opportunity & enhancing my area of domain, I am
looking for a Job Change

Question 3: Where do you see yourself after 5 Years?


 After 5 Years I would like to see myself as an AM with

important portfolio
 After 5 Years, I will see myself as a Team Leader role in this

Question 4: What skills will reach you to be a Manager?

Answer: My decision making, problem solving, learning & positive
attitude reaches me to be there.

Question 5: What is your short Term & Long Term Goal?

Answer: My Short term goal is to get this Job & accommodate

myself in this environment & my long term goal is to prove
myself as an asset of the

SAP Cubix

Company by implementing
ementing tthe
he things that I learnt from my
previous experiences.

Question 6: Why Should I hire you?

Answer: With reference to my Job profile, I satisfy all the requirements

for this Job.
I have a experience of P2P that is the key requirement of the Job. My
Excel expertise
pertise makes me different from others.

And, I am flexible to work in any shifts.

Question 7: Why do you want to work with Accenture?

Answer: It’s a well known brand & provides a great amenities &
environment to the employees & it will be priv
ilege for me to
work with such a brand & everyone want to be a part of this

Question 8: How will you commute to Gurgaon/Noida?

Answer: I have my own vehicle & there is a shuttle service from
Faridabad to Gurgaon/Noida, so that is not a prob
lem at all.

SAP Cubix

Question 9: Are you comfortable to work in Flexible shifts even in

US Shifts?
Answer: Yes, I am comfortable for that.

Question 10: If I Come to your office & give your feedback from
your manager, what would he say?
Answer: He would say, Rahul is a very Positive not only towards
his work but also caring a positive attitude. Whatever the work
assigned to him, he do it with full dedication.

Question 11: If Your Manager Shouts at you, will y

ou report to HR?

Answer: No, Being a part of team & we have to work together so

there is no need to highlight this to HR.

Question 12: What is your weakness?


1. I can’t so NO to anybody/any work but at the same it hampers

my work as well.

2. I can do 2 work parallely but sometimes it affects my


Question 12:- On which ERP you are currently working On?

Answer:- I am working on SAP S4 HANA.

No 1 in Job Placement

Round 2nd :-Technical Questions

Question 1:- What is Bank Reconciliation:-

Bank Reco is the process of matching the closing balance of the

bank statement with the closing balalnce of Bank ledger (SAP
Ledger) for a specfied period.

In my current organization., i am peparing the bank reconciliation of

two banks on daily, weekly & monthly basis. I have to compare both
the files & highlight the mismatch & take action accordingly.

Question 2:- What are the reasons that causes bank reconciliation to


1. Cheque issued but not presented:- Sometimes we issue a

cheque to the vendor but vendor forget or delay in depositing the
same into bank.

2. Debited by Bank but not credited by us:- Bank Charges

3. Credited by Bank but not debited by us:- For example Interest

on Investment.

4. Debited by us but not credited by Bank:- For Example when we

deposit any cheque at month end but it will be cleared in the next
month. This is also the case of time & difference.

5. Other reasons like Dishonour of Cheque, Clerical error etc.

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 3:- Which balance do you take while preparing the bank
Answer:- I will take either the closing balance of the bank
statement or the closing balance of SAP Ledger

Question 4:- What is the process to prepare the bank

Answer:-For preparing Bank Reconciliation, First I get the bank
statement from the Bank portal, I log in to the bank , go to the bank
statement tab, select the respective period & export in Excel.
Now we go FBL3N, Select the Bank Ledger followed by Co Code &
select the period & export the data in Excel.
Now, we have two Sheet, No 1 is the bank statement & second
one is the bank ledger that we need to reconcile by the use of
vlookup & highlight the mismatch if any.

Question 5:- What we do after preparing the bank reconciliation?

Answer:- After preparing the bank reconciliation, I need to work

on open items.
For Example for Vendor Entries if open, I need to approach to the
AP team for incoming Payment, I need to approach to the AR
If the period is open then we ask them to take the entries in the
same period else they take the entry in current period.

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 6:- You are going to prepare the bank reconciliation &
you have taken the closing balance of Bank Ledger which item will
you add & which you subtract?

Answer:- If we are taken the closing balance of Bank Ledger (SAP

Ledger) then we will add the following items:-

1. Cheque Issued but not presented

2. Credited by bank but not debited by us

we need to subtract the below items:-

1. Debited by bank but not credited by us

2. Debited by us but not credited by bank

If we are taken the closing balance of Bank Statement then we have

to do vice versa.

Question 7:- There is a bank charges of Rs 4500 but mistakenly you

have entered as 45000/- so what would you do in this case?

Answer:- In this case, we have two options,

1. Either to revere the complete entry (FB08) & take the fresh entry

2. We have to rectify this entry by FB50 by 40500/- in which we debit

the bank & credit the bank charges.

Question 8:- How many transaction that you need to reconcile per
day in bank reconciliation?
Answer:- 100 to 120 transaction per day.

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 9:- How long will you take to prepare the bank

Answer:- It depends on the number of transaction for example for

200 to 300 transaction, i need to spend 2 to 3 hours as i also have to
work on open items.

Question 10:- We have the same closing balance in both Bank

Statement & Ledger so do we need to prepare the bank

Answer:- Yes, because there may be transaction where debit &

credit are matching in both bank Statement & Ledger.

Question 11:- Which formula do you apply while preparing the bank

Answer:- Vlookup

Question 12:- What is Accruals?

Answer:- Accounting of principle states that every transaction is to
be recorded in the system when they incur.

Accrual Expense means the expense in which we have taken the

services but we have not received the bill or posted in the system. In
that case we go for accrual.

Once We receive the actual then we have to reverse the previous

entry of Accruals.

Every 25 of the month we have send the mail to every department

regarding the accruals In which we have taken the services but the
bill against the said services has not been received or booked in an
accounting system.
No 1 in Job Placement

Question 13:- What is the Jornal Entry for distributing goods as free

Answer:- Advertisement Account Dr/ Charity Account Dr

To Purchase Account

Question 14:- What is Prepaid Expense?

Answer:- Prepaid Expense is the expense that is paid in advance.

For example Insurance, AMC, Rent etc.

An Entity initially record this transaction as a prepaid expense &

transfer it to Profit & Loss account over the usage of time.

In Prepaid, First we have to pass the Payable Entry (Prepaid

Expense Account Dr To Vendor Account) Followed by a Payment
(Vendor Account Dr To Bank Account).

As per the confirmation by the AP team over the mail regarding the
prepaid expense & we have to maintain the tracker in Excel & pass
the accounting entry at every month end
Expense Account Dr
To Prepaid Expense Account

This is the GL to GL recurring entry that we need to pass every

month end by FBR2.

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 15 :- What is the backup to Post the Prepaid Entry?

Answer:- Proper documentation (Insurance Policy Copy) along with

the Approval.

Question 16:- You have paid an advance Rent of Rs 45,000 for 3

months to XYZ Ltd on 1st April 2020.

Pass necessary Accounting Entry?

The First Entry Would be

1st April 2020

Prepaid Rent Account Dr 45K-----------B/s---Assets

To XYZ Account. 45K

Followed by a Payment Entry

01st April 2020

XYZ Account Dr 45K

To Bank Account 45K

Now we have to transfer this prepaid expense to P&L Account &

the accounting entry would be

30th April 2020

Rent Account Dr 15K

To Prepaid Rent Account 15K

This is a recurring entry that we need to pass every month by using

T code FBr2.
No 1 in Job Placement

Question 17:- You have paid an advance Rent of Rs 60,000 for 3 months
to XYZ Ltd on 1st April 2020 & you forget to take the entry in the month of

Pass necessary Accounting Entry?

The First Entry would be

01st April 2020

Prepaid Rent Account Dr 60K

To XYZ Account. 60K

Followed by a Payment Entry

01st April 2020

XYZ Account Dr 60K

To Bank Account 60K

Now we have to transfer this prepaid expense to P&L Account &

the accounting entry would be

30th April 2020

Rent Account Dr 20K

To Prepaid Rent Account 20K

31st May 2020 ..Forget to take the entry.

30th Jun 2020

Rent Account Dr 40K
To Prepaid Rent Account 40K

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 18:- Whirlpool India has taken the AMC (Annual

Maintenance Cost) of Printers & AC from AIDC Ltd of Rs 1,02,300
on 07 May 2020.

1.Pass the Necessary Accounting Entry?

2.Treatment of Prepaid at Month End?
3.Prepare the Audit Schedule?

Answer 1.

07 May 2020 -
Prepaid Account Dr 1,02,300
To AIDC Account 1,02,300

Balance Sheet
Liabilities Assets
Prepaid Expense 1,02,300

Payment Entry-
AIDC Account Dr 1,02,300
To Bank Account 1,02,300

30th May 2020

AMC Account Dr 7,006

To Prepaid Account 7,006

(1,02,300 *25/365)= 7006

No 1 in Job Placement

Expenses Income
AMC Charges 7,006

Balance Sheet
Liablities Assets
Prepaid Expense 102,300
Less Prepaid (7,006)

Note: This is a recurring entry that we need to pass every month.

Question 19:- What is prepaid Income?

Answer:- Prepaid income means the income that is received in
advance. For e.g Rent, Insurance etc

An entity initially records this transaction as a prepaid income &

transfer it to Profit & loss account over the period of time.

1. Bank Account Dr
To Prepaid Income Account

At Month:-
Prepaid income Account Dr
To Income

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 20:- What is Inter Company?

Answer:- When there is a transaction between two legal entities

of the same organization or between the parent company & its

Question 21:- What is outstanding Expense?

Answer:- Outstanding expense means the expense which has been

booked but not yet paid

Expense Account Dr-------------P&L---Expense

To Outstanding Expense Account-------------B/s---Liabilities

Question 22:- What is Outstanding Income?

Answer:- Outstanding income means the income which is

earned but not yet received.

Outstanding Income Account Dr -----------------B/s----Assets

To Income Account-------------P&L----Income Side

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 23:- What is Fixed Assets?

Answer:- Means the assets that is used for a longer period of

time & that cannot be converted into cash easily & quickly

For example we have purchased the fixed assets of Rs 1,00,000/-

from XYZ Ltd

Fixed Assets Account Dr 100000

To XYZ 100000

XYZ Account Dr 100000

To bank Account 1000000

Balance Sheet


Acc dep 10,000/-

Net Block 90,000/-

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 24:- What is Depreciation?

Answer:- means the reduction in the value of assets due to

wear & tear

For Example We have charged 10% dep on the above


Depreciation account Dr 10,000------------------Expense Account

To Accumulated Depreciation Account 10,000-----It will go into

the assets Side & it will deducted from the respective assets

Question 25:- If we sold the said assets of rs 92,000 what would the
journal Entry?


Bank Account Dr 92000

Acc Dep Account Dr 10000

To Sale of Assets 1,00,000

To Profit on Sale of Assets 2000

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 26:- if we sold the same assets on 85000


Bank Account Dr 85000

Acc Dep Account Dr 10,000

Loss of Assets Dr 5000

To Sale of Assets 100000

Question 27:- What is Provision?

Answer:- Provision is the amount that we set aside to cover the

future liability.

For Example:- We have sold some goods to ABC Ltd of Rs 1,00,000

& they have paid 60,000 rs and the balance we have a doubt to
recover it.

Abc Account Ltd 100000
To Sales Account 100000

Debtors 100000

No 1 in Job Placement

Bank Account Dr 60,000

To ABC Ltd 60,000

P&L Account Dr 40,000--------------P&L--Exp

To provision for doubtful debt Account 40,000

Bad Debts Account Dr 40,000----------------P&L Debit---Exp

To ABC Ltd 40,000

Provision for doubtful debt Account Dr40,000
To P&L Account Dr 40,000

Question 28: We have sold goods to Ramesh of Rs 40,000. Ramesh

has paid 28000 and the balance we have a doubt to recover from
Ramesh. Later on Ramesh has paid 5000 and the balance went
to Bad debts. Pass Necessary Journal Entry.


Ramesh Account Dr 40,000

To Sales 40,000

Debtors 40,000

Bank Account Dr 28000

To Ramesh Account 28000

No 1 in Job Placement

P&L Account Dr 12000

To Provision for Doubtful Debt 12000

Bank Account Dr 5000

To Ramesh Account 5000

Bad Debts Account Dr 7000

To Ramesh account 7000

Bank Account Dr 5000

Bad Debts Account Dr 7000
To Ramesh Account 12000


Provision for Doubtful Debt Account Dr 12000

To P&L Account Dr 12000

Question 29:- What is Deffered Revenue Expenditure?

Answer:- Deffered revernue expenditure means the expenditure that

is incurred during an accounting period but the benefit is to be
derived over the period of time.

For Example Advertisement in a Metro

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 30:- What is contingent liability?

Answer:- It is liability or a potential loss that may or may not occur

depend on the outcome of the event.

For Example:- Product Warranties

Question 31:- On this ERP are you working on?

Answer:- I am working on SAP

Question 32:- On which module of SAP are you working on?

Answer:- I am working FI/CO Module:- Financial Accounting &


Question 33:- On Which T Codes are you currently working on?

Answer:- FB50, F-02, FBL3N, FS10N, FBR2, F-03, FB08, FB02 & FB03

FB50:- GL to GL Entry----Document Type SA

FBL3N:- For GL line item Display
F-02:- For GL to GL Entry with the help of Posting Keys
FS10N:- For Account Balance Display
FBR2:- For Recurring Entries
F-03:- For GL Clearing
FB08:- For Reversal of open Item
FB02:- is used for Change Document No (Reference, Narration)
FB03:- is used for Display Document

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 34:- Do you participate in month End Activities?

Answer:- Yes, I participate at various month end activites that is

starting from 25th of every month & end at 15th of the next month.

During this tenure, we have to prepare various reports &

reconciliation like Bank Reconciliation, Passing the prepaid
entries, Accruals,Prepaing Amortization sheet, maintaing the
tracker of Accruals,

Prepare the Cost Center Report, Reconciliation of GST and

analysing & reconciling various Ledger of P&L & B/s.

Question 35:- How do your prepare the data of Month End Closing?

Answer:- First on 25th of every month, i write a mail to every

department regarding the submission of accruals invoice. On the
basis of the data, we have to maintain it in Excel tracker & pass the
entries accordingly.
In the same way, after checking the prepaid excel tracker, we have
to pass the recurring entry. We also maintain reports of various
ledgers like creditors report, Debtors Report, Cost Center reports

Question 36:- What is MIS Reporting & what type of Report do you

Answer:- MIS means management information system, any report

that we need to prepare it in excel, have to share with the
management is called MIS Reporting. We prepare various reports
like Cost Center Reports, Debtors, Creditors, analysis of ledger

No 1 in Job Placement
Question 37:- How comfortable are you in Excel?

Answer:- I am very much comfortable in Excel, Even i prepare the

files without mouse.

I am normally using basic operation to advanced including

Vlookup, Sumif, Countif, If Conditions, Pivot Tables, Macro etc.

Question 38:- How will you rate yourself out of 10?

Answer:- 7.5 to 8 because Excel is very wide & it is very difficult to

cover the entire excel.

Question 39:- What is Macros?

Answer:- Macros is used to record the function, create the
shortcut of it & use it accordingly.
Where there is a repetitive task in excel, we record that function &
create a shout cut that saves our time.

Question 40:- What is Vlookup?

Answer:- Vlookup is used to retrieve the data from the range of

cells based on Column No.

=vlookup(Lookup Value,Table array, Column No, 0)

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 41:- What is Sumif?

Answer:- Sumif is used to add all the number in a range of cells

based on criteria


Question 42:- How many line items have you worked on?

Answer:- 3000 to 5000 line items.

Question 43:- What is Amortization?

Answer:- Amortization means breaking of any intangible assets into

further periods for example Depreciation & prepaid Expense.

Question 44:- What is difference between FBL3N & FS10?

Answer:- FBl3N is used for GL line item Display where we can see
the debit & credit entry of a ledger while FS10N is used to display
the account balance where we see the total debit & credit for a
particular period.

Question 45 :- What is Difference Between GL & Cost Center?

Answer:- GL is used for a External Reporting & Cost Center is
used for a Internal reporting and Cost Center is always assigned to
the Expense

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 46: What is the T Code to reverse the wrong Entry?

Answer: FB08 is used to reverse the Entry in SAP.

Reversals are of two types:-

Reversal of Open Item Reversal of Cleared Item

Question 47:- How do you clear the Ledger?
Answer:- There is a T Code F-03 that is used to clear the General

Question 48:- Why do we need to clear the GL?

Answer:- We need to clear the GL Account just to clear the books of

accounts. Every knoff Entry should come in Cleared Items.

Question 49:- What is your daily routine?

Answer:- Since i am in UK Shift, So my day starts at 12 Noon, with

reconciling the bank, i daily reconcile two bank & it take around 2
hours to complete it.
For the open items in Bank reconciliation we need to coordinate
with the cross functional teams & update it. Apart from the bank
reconciliation, we also pass the GL to GL entry in SAP.
We also prepare various reports like Cost Center Report, Prepaid
report, analysis of ledger, Update audit scheduled, reconciliation of
various ledgers of P&L & B/s et

No 1 in Job Placement

Question 51:- What is reclass Entry?

Reclass entry means rectifying the ledger to make it correct.

Question 52:- What you do in your GST Reconciliation?

GST Reconciliation:- In GST reconciliation we need to reconcile
the date of CGST & SGST input. For that we need to Go to FBL3N
& export both the ledger for a specified period. Now we have to
reconcile both the data by using Vlookup & highlight the
mismatch. This file we need to send to our manager along with
the cross functional team for taking the action accordingly.

No 1 in Job Placement


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