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 This weeks chart is that of a very senior Business executive (industrialist) who had two related events
close to each other on 18th January 1985 and 31st January 1985. 
 The aim is to work out which of the options, 1 to 4, give these events.

Natives Birth Details:

 Male
 11th April 1927
 12:10 PM MET 
 Zone: -1:00 
 Source: Birth Certificate
 Rome, Italy
 41N54, 012E29
 Ayanamsa: Khullar: 11 Cancer 33 
 Lahiri:11 Cancer 32 
 Tropical: 04 Leo23

Events: Possible Events: 
 (a) being on 18th January 1985 
 (b) being on 31st January 1985

 1 (a) Won prestigious industrial award.

    (b) Deliberately run down by disgruntled ex employee who claimed his idea had been stolen.
Native suffered only broken right wrist.
 2 (a) Left for overseas trip which was to finish with a few days on safari. 
    (b) Accidentally shot himself on safari, shattering his left kneecap, which has left him with a permanent
 3 (a) Employed a live in housemaid.
    (b) Falsely accused by her (at the urging of her boyfriend) to try to extort money from the native.
 4 (a) Killed his wife and daughters.
    (b) Committed suicide.

Please send answers to the list by Thursday 17th May 07, 00:00 AM GMT after which the answer will be
provided on the Astrology Research website on MSN Groups.

*After you've completed your work on this chart, please drag your mouse from left to right just below
the Blind Chart Answer to see the  correct answer appear. * 
*Blind Chart Answer *
Differences in Astrological Twins
by Marguerite dar Boggia

Joseph Campbell and Pio Enrico

Source: Campbell - Joan Halifax, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons; Enrico - privately owned by M.
dar Boggia, with kind permission

Joseph Campbell came from an Irish Catholic family. Pio Enrico came from an Italian Catholic
family. The parents of both families were middle-class and financially successful. Joseph
Campbell was born on March 26, 1904 at 7:25 PM EST in White Plains New York. The time is
from memory. Pio Enrico was born on March 27, 1904 at 3 AM EST in Manhattan, New York.
The time is from the birth certificate in his father's handwriting, rectified to 2:59 AM.

Both boys delighted in attending the movies. When Joseph’s Father took his son to see
Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show at Madison Square Garden, Joseph was thrilled. He identified
with the Indians on their prancing ponies. He was fascinated and obsessed with the Indian,
who had his ear to the ground.

Pio’s Mother, in order to shop at Macy’s department store, had to promise to take Pio to see a
Buffalo Bill movie. Pio had a gun which he treasured. He made swords out of wood for his
playmates. They were the warriors. The mothers in the neighborhood would complain to
Pio’s Mother.

When Joseph was 12 years of age watching a cowboy movie slaughtering native American
Indian women and children, he stood up and shouted: “No! You don’t understand!” His
Mother was embarrassed. Joseph had a younger brother and a sister.

Joseph was an altar boy in the Catholic church. Pio became an altar boy in St. Patrick’s
Cathedral when he defended a younger Italian boy, being beaten by the Irish boys. At that
time there were more Irish boys than Italians in the church. At home, Pio visualized himself
defending the younger Italian boys. This punch is for Tom and this punch is for Joe.

When Pio was 10 years of age, his parents thought that life in the city was not conducive to
Pio’s growth. Pio was an only child. They left for Italy. His Father bought extensive property
next to the river in northern Italy. He planted vegetables, grapes and made wine which he
served in his restaurant. Pio was delighted to live close to nature in the country. For breakfast
he would take some bread and climb a fruit tree. They had every type of tree: figs, apples,
peach, apricot, plum, pears, etc. Pio would climb the 90 trees and take one bird from the nest
and nurture it. His father could not dissuade him. His bluejay would comb his eyelashes.

Joseph Campbell, March 26, 1904 at 7:25 PM EST in White Plains New York
Source: Astrodatabank, RR: A

Joseph was so fascinated by native American Indian lore, that he read every book in the
library. He even read the 14 volume Bureau of American Ethnology. Pio would read late at
night when his parents were asleep. He used a candle flame. His books were those filled with
adventure and courage, such as “Blood and Sand” by Vicente Blasco Ibanez.

Both boys were precocious. When Pio was 2 years of age, he had a hernia. His Mother took
him to Italy for surgery. While in the hospital, Pio recalled being out of the body, watching the
surgery. He noticed that the hospital grounds had a cherry tree. Because an infection set in,
his Mother had to leave for the United States. She left Pio with her parents. When Pio was
recovering, he asked his Grandpa for some cherries. His Grandpa said that it was too early for
cherries. The doctor said that there was a cherry tree in the garden and that he could get him
some. Ever since, his Grandfather called him Mr. know-it-all. He remained with his
grandparents until he was 4 years of age, when his parents retrieved him and traveled to
France, where they remained for one year. They then returned to the United States.

In 1917 Joseph was exceedingly ill with a respiratory disease. His parents sent him to live in
the country. This was a joyous period. He learned the names of the birds, fauna, and much
more. He was close to nature. Joseph attended the best schools and eventually went to
Columbia University. As an accomplished athlete, he received awards in track and field
events. For a time, he was among the fastest half-mile runners in the world. Pio was an
excellent athlete also. He excelled in bike racing.

In 1927 Joseph received a fellowship to attend the University of Paris in France. At that time
he still attended Mass. At the age of 15 Pio told his Mother that he could not accept a god
who would burn him. His wise mother said that he did not have to attend church. His father
warned him to avoid politics and the church. Pio’s father wanted him to become an attorney.
Pio refused. His father said, “In my house, you do as I wish.” So independent, self-willed Pio,
left home and formed a partnership with two friends, selling good fertilizer. Eventually he was
allowed to return home, where at the age of 16, he became a blacksmith, in order to help his
Father to construct a second story for their home.

At that time between 1920-21 there was a civil war in Italy between Fascists and Communists.
At the age of 16, Pio gathered 500 young men from the hills to fight the communists. As their
leader, he had so much magnetism, insight and power, it was as if he was being used by his
Inner Self. Mussolini won the conflict, but he reneged on his promise to establish a republic.

Pio Enrico, March 27, 1904 at 3 AM EST in Manhattan, New York

Source: Astrodatabank, RR: AA

At the age of 19, Pio, while in the Italian air corps, had 'a near-death experience’ and was
pronounced dead. While out of the body for 20 days, he was taken on a tour by a guide and
told to play an instrument similar to an organ. Before re-entering into his body, he saw many
of his past incarnations. Most of them were related to battles and to war, where he was a
leader. A statue in ancient Greece was erected for his heroism. When he returned to his body,
the Inner Self commanded: ”No more conquering nations!” He then became the writer at 19
years of age. His book was published in Italian. Pio married at 24 years of age and had a son.
He was disillusioned with politics and returned to the U.S. in 1929. He worked as a French
interpreter for a chef. His wife joined him for two years but then returned to Italy, when she
had another child. Pio continued with his writings at night after work.

Joseph during the depression years 1929-32, lived in a shack with NO RUNNING WATER on
land in Woodstock, New York. This was a time of bliss for him. His joy came from the soul.
This is when he wrote his books. He divided his 12 hour day so that he studied and wrote for
eight hours. He considered himself as a ‘scholar’. When he was 30 he found work as a teacher
in the literature department at Sarah Lawrence College. It was a post he would retain for 38
years. It is said that he spent 6 hours a day reading for 65 years. Knowledge was important to
Joseph attained fame in 1949 with his best-selling book: The Hero with a Thousand Faces.
George Lucas, his friend, based his trilogy Starwars on it. Campbell wanted the book to be a
guide to reading a myth. He explained how challenging experiences could be seen as
initiatory adventures. He believed myths are important because it puts us in touch with our
inner being. When he was asked by his students for help in determining their vocation, he
said that enthusiasm comes from God. He asked: Where is your enthusiasm? Follow your

For success we consider the 10th house, its ruler and its aspects. In Joseph’s chart His Aries
stellium trines the Moon, the ruler of the 10th house and domiciled in the 10th house. Wow!
His fame (Moon) is assured. He wrote 38 books, appeared on radio and television programs,
the most famous being the Bill Moyer’s program. The rulers of the 2nd house of income for
Joseph are Pluto, Mars and Jupiter. Pluto and Mars are sextile and Jupiter is part of the Aries
stellium that trines the Moon. His Venus, as the ruler of the Libra ascendant, in the 5th house
of creativity, trines Neptune in the 9th house of publication of books and spiritual endeavors.
His desire was to help humanity. Neptune and Uranus square the Aries stellium in the 6th
house (work). Joseph was unemployed during the depression for 5 years.

Pio’s 10th house rulers are Pluto and Mars. They are sextile. Mars is in the 3rd house of
writing and communication. Pluto is in the 5th house of creativity. He wrote plays, radio
scripts for his radio program, TV scripts and two novels. Only one novel was published and
serialized on an Italian radio station in New York City. There was NO remuneration. The rulers
of the 2nd house of income for Pio are Neptune and Mars. Mars quincunxes the MC. That is
not favorable for success! Neptune and Uranus square the Aries stellium in the 2nd house of
money. He definitely was not a financial success. He made no money through his writings,
directing or acting. Pio had a loaded second house. His great desire was to make money
through his writing, acting, stage direction, and production. Apparently this was not the will of
his inner self. In his past life he was famous, had power and was exceedingly wealthy. In this
life he was forced to live in an apartment with NO bathroom! The soul requires certain

Saturn in Joseph’s chart is in a grand trine with ascendant and Pluto. Pluto, is the ruler of the
2nd house. His income was assured. Saturn sextiles Mars, the ruler of the 6th (work) and 7th
houses (relationships). He liked people. In Pio’s chart Saturn sextiles Mars, the ruler of the
2nd and 3rd houses (writing). It trines Pluto in the 5th house of children and creativity. In both
charts, Mars trines Uranus. Both Pio and Joseph were spiritually-oriented and interested in
occultism. (Uranus) Joseph met Krishnamurti while young. Pio identified with HP Blavatsky,
who wrote many books on occultism, including "The Secret Doctrine."

Saturn in Aquarius in Pio’s chart is in the first house. It is on the Equatorial Ascendant, which
is like a minor ascendant. This gives it extra influence and power. As a type, Pio was dynamic,
magnetic, independent, self-willed, persevering, martial, self-confident, serious, generous,
loving, kind but stern. He had NO tact or diplomacy. His friends were few, but they admired
his great courage. He definitely was not a scholar or an amiable, affectionate, pleasant,
sociable type with a great sense of humor, and interesting, funny stories to tell, as was
Joseph. That was their big difference. Joseph was a financial success. Pio was not. When Pio
had a backer for his stage production on Broadway, Pio insisted on being in control. That was
the end of the financial support and success.

Joseph was a teacher. He wanted to educate and help humanity. He believed in the evolution
of the masses. Joseph died in 1987. Pio was a warrior and an idealist. He believed in
revolution for the masses. He supported all revolutions for peace based on justice and

Joseph had Mars in the 7th house. He married a dancer and choreographer in 1938. Pio never
divorced, loved several women and eventually lived with a young woman starting in 1944
until he died in 1976. I was that woman.

An Alternative Look at Kurt Cobain's Astrology

Bending the wave: distortion or astral streaming? The musical search for belonging and divine
feminine through fixed stars
by Kamila Lizis
© Kamila Lizis - published by The Astrological Journal, 2022 / The Astrological Association of Great
Britain / 04.05.2022

An esoteric understanding of the Nirvana frontman drawing on fixed stars, elements

and modalities

I always wanted to think that I was an alien. I used to think when I was young that I was adopted
by my mother because they found me, and a spaceship let me off. I was from a different planet. I
wanted to be from a different planet really bad. Every night, I used to talk to my real parents and
my real family in the skies.
– Kurt Donald Cobain

 Kurt Cobain in 1991

Source: Julie Kramer, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons 

Music fills spaces within us, it offers us a sense of belonging. Sound finds us when we feel at
odds. Alone with music we can feel consoled, vulnerable and in some metaphysical way
ethereally at home. Regardless of genre, music connects with us in a frequency we respond
to in a spectrum of feelings invoked by sound that penetrates our immediacy. Music we
deeply resonate with has the power to hold us in intimate moments, whether we actively play
it, compose it or are on the receiving end as its listeners. It is the vehicle of memory; it
infiltrates our inner worlds where our truth lives. There is no more powerful path than the
one guided by the music of our own truth.

Thus, what was the truth of Kurt Cobain, the leader singer and founder of US rock band
Nirvana? What was the unique melody coming from his core? And has it been heard? Kurt
Donald Cobain born on 20 February 1967 at 19:38 in Aberdeen, Washington, US, openly
shared a profound longing to reconnect with something more meaningful, non-superficial,
perhaps of alien origin that his inner child was yearning for. But could what he intuitively
hinted on searching have been inside him all along? Perhaps the feeling of alienation and the
path his life meandered on with-out reflected Kurt – the alien with-in?

Astrology is a language of consciousness. The planets within our solar system up to Saturn
symbolise the consciousness of the everyday; the trans-Saturnian planets represent a more
subtle collective form of consciousness whilst the celestial bodies that are beyond our solar
system are beyond human consciousness – it is ‘alien consciousness’. Similarly, the points
beyond the boundary of the Sun (‘out of bounds’ – OOB) symbolise a deeper yin and more
feminine expression.

Cobain’s nativity interweaves tightly with the fixed stars realm and OOB planets. In the light of
the fixed stars in conversations with Cobain’s planets and midpoints (1), his inner frequency
was a highly charged vibration that his body was compelled to hold and created a deep sense
of belonging elsewhere in a different space than the mundane world around him that he was
so sensitive to, that seemed to disappoint and hurt him, akin to the body rejecting foreign

There was another side to Cobain that has not been widely explored – his connection to the
Divine Feminine which had manifested in his open protectiveness about women. Deep inside
Kurt was a vulnerable ‘sonic alien’ that intuitively bended sound and ultimately transformed
music experience for the collective.

My approach to exploring his ‘star consciousness’ is based on embodiments (2) and drawn
extensively from the Blue Rose School of Astrology publications by Andrew Smith.

Astral music and the journey of the soul

In order to dive into Kurt Cobain’s journey in the symphony of his stars and understand his
chart from an alternative perspective, it is essential to consider the concepts of the Music of
the Spheres. I will not focus on the more mainstream interpretation of his astrology as it has
been elaborated on extensively by other astrologers in the past. Instead, I invite you to hear
the invisible and follow the bending wave with Kurt.

The notion of the Music of the Spheres offers understanding of the art of music as celestial
harmony. Each human with their own psycho-spiritual matrix has a unique voice to
reverberate their inner cosmos harmony, which joint in play with others creates a symphony
of sovereign sounds reverberating into the universe.
Music and the human soul are both aspects of the eternal. The one stimulates the other powerfully
and, one might almost say, with scientific precision, thanks to the essential kinship of the two.
- (James, J. 1993)

The Moon connects two different worlds of conscious and subconscious and accounts for our
expression of the inner worlds. The soul is a vessel of the luminous realms from which we
draw imagination. Therefore, consider how the journey of the soul can take us individually to
merge with a unique source of inspiration, the deep imagery looking to be drawn through us,
or sounds we encounter in the dreaming. Since astrology is polysemic (capable of having
several possible different meanings), we might notice many wells of inspiration through its
lens. However, in Kurt’s case, it is undoubtedly his OOB Moon wandering beyond the
boundaries of the Sun, and its unique sequence that opens a gateway to a higher octave of
the soul.

In the moment of incarnation, we come with a unique nativity in which potential for our
growth and explorations is held. Hence, our soulful experience makes up for our unique
relationship with sound and music, whether we chose for it to be of an intimate nature or
shared with the world, like in Kurt’s case.

His emotional intelligence, initiated through cardinal water, Cancer (3), would have
prospected for a soul filled with imaginative proactivity, longing for a caring environment to
proactively weave from the strong imagination, and to reflect what the soul absorbs through
this tremendously deepened, divine emotional questing.

Punk Rock – it was the anger I felt, the alienation – and I realised it was what I always wanted to
– Kurt at age 17

Kurt’s nativity speaks of someone who longs to channel experiences of his inner frequency
and could find refuge in bending conventional sound. Why? Because it would have mirrored
the search to connect with something he could fit in with, though constant attempts to
express the full capacity of his internal world bubbling with sounds to come through him.

In one of his interviews, he admitted. "Most of the time I sing right from my stomach. Where
my stomach pain is." This vibration, accumulated in Kurt, gradually stirred towards his surface
through riffs and his signature tearing-intensively voice. One would wonder if such sensations
could set his body off and cause his continuous stomach issues, since it would have to hold a
tremendous amount of vibration.
Fixed stars and sonic questing

 Kurt’s Natal Chart including Vega, Sirius and Spica (4)

I strongly believe that Kurt’s persistent experience of longing and finding refuge in music
reflected the unchartered frequencies that he merged with internally. In order to understand
his music, one needs to gauge how important fixed stars are in his nativity. Cobain has
undoubtedly been so highly tuned into the Music of the Spheres that an image of him as a
sonic alien emerges. It seems that this sensitivity has ultimately led him to push boundaries
of sound. But there is much more to this journey happening in his vertical realms, indifferent
to the tangible and immediate.

Specifically, Vega and Sirius are intrinsically interwoven with his sense of becoming, his
progressed axis of purpose, the beginning and end of matter, the aspiration which soul
strives towards!

Vega – the Sound of Heavens or the Sound of Home? (5)

The sapphire blue star Vega at 140 cardinal earth is a gateway through which

the astral can be accessed and allow the song of god to breathe life into being; to allow non-linear
(intuitive, Akashi) information pass through you; to help you understand what enchants you; to
describe the phenomena of being spellbound; to outline the theme of the power of sound to
facilitate birth and death; and to act as a portal through which you can pass between worlds. (6)

Vega allows the voice of god to manifest through us, and through the medium of our song.
Kurt’s attunement to this stream-of-consciousness comes from a tight conjunction that Vega
makes to his Venus/Mars midpoint, therefore, arising a theme of channelling Music of the
Spheres literally through him, whilst bringing inspiration into form, actualising something
utterly deeply inspiring, weaving god’s melody through his whole being to be offered back
into spirit. Kurt’s heart was a conduit of the Sound of the Spheres. We can only imagine how
the intensity of inspiration would have been energising him to write and to play, how loud
this inspiration must have been, continuously penetrating his intentions and adding courage
to perform!

The midpoints that fall at 150 cardinal are key median points through which Vega can be
integrated, also pointing at what this Vega’s energy can heal within you. (7)

In Kurt, the alchemical union of the merging of Venus and Mars was filtered through the 14th
degree of the cardinal earth consciousness, less than a degree away from Vega, initiating
creation and building tangible manifestation of spirit and their song.

Cobain was a lightning rod for a higher energy opening a healing space. (8) He was
determined to bridge the bending waves that would rise withing him through grunge, a genre
characterised by distortion and penetrating volume. Kurt admitted writing about things that
hurt him. Was performing a medicine for his insecurities and traumas?

Perhaps since his childhood the energy of Vega felt familiar at heart, offering a safe space to
withdraw to and create a sense of belonging beyond rejection of his family and school peers.
In the arms of sound, he would learn how to play, removed from the troubling family
circumstances. He played in the safety of his room, subconsciously enchanted by the inner
space calling, away from the earthy challenges, something that the opposition to Sirius and
his cardinal water Moon possibly only amplified awareness of.

Sirius – the inner world behind the inner world (9)

Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, the Rainbow Star ‘eye’ watching us from above at 140
cardinal water is a gateway to the Divine Masculine consciousness. Kurt’s Moon, therefore,
blending his inner worlds with the vaster light, was not only beyond the bounds of the
masculine ego (OOB) and living from a more yin expression but also merged with the Sun
behind the Sun, our spiritual star opening one to the Higher Masculine principle.

Sirius is a gateway into the Divine Masculine Light and a realm of strength, courage and honesty,
which can only be reached by unwavering faith, loyalty, commitment and simplicity. It feels to be
central to accessing our Higher Yang Consciousness and is the animating “force” behind the 12
zodiacal consciousnesses. (10)

Kurt’s soulful belonging was extra-terrestrial. His inner world’s journey was infused by this
cosmic light bridging divine consciousness completely indifferent to the mundane. Cobain’s
galactic depths of imagination would have been constantly seeding in the rays of the spiritual
Sun. His sense of becoming, therefore, would have been illuminating the sense of being
highly indifferent to ego and the immediate.

The conjunction with his OOB Moon in cardinal water would have immersed his emotional
body in the Higher Masculine consciousness and have a profound effect on Kurt’s feelings.
One would wonder, were his emotional needs so profoundly infused by this divine frequency
ever fulfilled? Would his primal yearning to feel safety be deepened beyond imagination
when he was at one with himself? Would he have eventually found a partner who was
conscious of such an intensity of feeling and meet them in this ‘extra-terrestrial’ language?

 Kurt Cobain in 1992

Source: P.B. Rage from USA, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons 

His cardinal water Moon would also ebb and flow this whole dynamic in a public manner: it is
placed in the arena of his chart associated with aspirations, in his career, and opposing Vega’s
portico where his home and roots were anchored. No wonder that as a child Kurt questioned
where he came from, whether he was adopted, and longed to reach out for safety to his
other, ‘intergalactic parents’!

On another note, the opposition of Sirius and Vega, the two godly streams, implies that the
Higher Masculine can be accessed through sound or chanting which young Kurt would have
been developing. When Cobain’s parents divorced in 1974, an event that spun him into
questioning his belonging at the ripe age of 8-9, Kurt was exploring music, learning several
instruments that helped him channel his complexity of feelings.

I believe that on a soulful level Kurt was ready for an attunement to the Song of the Spheres,
asked to refine his inner world and surrender to the dissolution of his outer world, to let his
undercurrents flow into the relationship with music that he constantly wrote, recorded,
experimented with. (11) Trauma of separation of the family and his hurt beyond what he
could express at such young age have been a background in preparation to seed a refined
expression, though the road to it must have been utterly painful and paved with personal

Something of a higher meaning and wisdom, however, was rooted in him back then. The
seeds sown underground could stem power into his band Nirvana in future, and Kurt’s
intense passion could be widely received and ultimately transform the music scene. It was a
realisation to be expressed in divine timing.

Sirius is the spiritual Sun. The union with his Moon would suggest that his yin and higher yang
consciousnesses were in affinity. Did this feeling contribute to Kurt’s demise in enjoyment of
‘fame’ that he mentioned in his last letter before his tragic passing? At that time, Cobain had
reached a stage of his emotional evolution during which he was preparing to let go of a lot of
his emotional ties (12). Therefore, the inner vibration experienced by the musician must have
felt aggregated. 
Moreover, Kurt’s Venus/Sun midpoint at 140 mutable water is in a tight trine to Sirius and
square to Rigel, a divine presence, ‘the Christ principle arises through. (13) The musician’s
heart-light concerned with compassionate emotional exchange would have been deepening
his sense of unconditional love for people. It feels like Kurt’s masculine light was infused with
this spiralling feeling despite living in a world into which he felt he never fitted. In his last note
before his passing, he describes the surging waves of empathy:

On our last 3 tours, I’ve had a much better appreciation for all the people I’ve known personally,
and as fans of our music, but I still can’t get over the frustration, the guilt and empathy I have for
everyone. There’s good in all of us and I think I simply love people too much, so much that it makes
me feel too f****** sad. The sad little, sensitive, unappreciative, Pisces, Jesus man.

Sirius in waning quadriundecile with the Piscean Sun stands for social consciousness! This
complex and intimate astrology was in motion through his invisible realms. Therefore,
imagine how the applying progressed Moon was amplifying this dynamic in his spaces, the
sensitivity to the world must have felt absolutely out of control.

On another note, the waxing quadriundecile between Sirius and natal Neptune could imply
that Cobain’s ethereal qualities would have acted like a tuning fork for those he was a muse
to, a meaningful icon of an almost evangelical quality for his fans. Watching Kurt’s interviews,
I gauged that on some level he had the spirited understanding that what he brought to the
world was from somewhere beyond him, perhaps surprising him with the level of
transformation he breathed into music.

Spica – the voice of the Feminine (14)

Revealed in non-verbal and non-linear expression, Spica speaks up for the deep yin within.
Connecting with Spica happens in the invisible, through sound and movement. Spica is a
knowing, filtered through planets she comes in tight aspects to; she brings clear messages
from the Deep Feminine consciousness, empowering the more reflective, creative part of us.

Cobain channelled the voice of the Feminine in his creative expression. When Spica and
Uranus are in conversation, sound brings sacred Feminine insights into awareness. The
experience can stream a sudden abstract knowing that comes in as a tone. This vibration
stimulates to create, to bring out a radical tone in one’s voice, a unique voice that travels off
the beaten track.

Essentially, the urge to liberate the voice of the Feminine was wired in Kurt as he
subconsciously embodied an awakening light chord electrifying him to release music
exhibiting often shocking lyrics.

The musician was a lightning rod of creation in synergy with the deep wisdom of the
Feminine which sounded out in his protective attitude towards the abused and shamed
Feminine uniquely honoured and consistently immortalised in his work.
Polly wants a cracker
I think I should get off her first
I think she wants some water
To put out the blow torch

(…) Polly wants a cracker

Maybe she would like some food
She asked me to untie her
A chase would be nice for a few

Writing songs like ‘Rape Me’ or ‘Polly’, detailing the abduction of a young girl, told from the
point of view of the attacker, was Kurt’s way to channel the pain of violation and abuse of
women he got to notice along his path.

The accentuation of Cobain’s rebellious spirit propelled him to push the boundaries of the
sexist bias of his time. He had an evolved awareness constantly stimulating him to embody
the feminine voice.

Furthermore, Kurt was deeply concerned to find cognitive understanding of suffering, loss,
separation, repression, and abuse – all reflected in his native sequence of Ceres and Algol
star. l will elaborate on these themes in more detail in ‘Bruises on a fruit’ – my follow-up
article to the present one.

Cobain was adamant to use his ‘position’ in the music industry to speak up for these issues
and to empower anti-violence movements.

Kurt’s ability to honour the feminine in his writing would bring the congruency in his band
breaking out of the sexist rock star image. Even in the incipient stages of Nirvana’s existence,
Kurt was bringing the awareness of the need to hear the feminine and adjust the attitude
towards women in written music. The waxing biquintile between Kurt’s Spica and his Piscean
Mercury only emphasises his urgent need to make music that has an aptitude to express
these sensitive and highly emotional messages. There is also an interesting corelation
between the progressed Moon cycle and Spica. Cobain was introduced to musical
instruments in 1973 by a profound feminine figure in his life, his aunt Marie Early, who was a
guitarist. At that time, Kurt’s progressed Moon conjoined Spica.
 Kurt’s progressed chart on 23 December 1987 –
progressed Moon and Venus were opposing Spica (a seeding point of this cycle). (17) 

When the progressed Luna reached 230 cardinal fire in the opposition to Spica and at the
same time trine his natal Ceres and conjunct his progressed Venus, the first demo recordings
of Nirvana emerged in 1987.

Moon and Venus together are the ‘Yin Dharma’ (16), but also suffice for an alchemical union
drawing the creative force from within (Moon) and without (Venus). Since the two progressed
planets merged in cardinal fire, one could think that the resonance of the inner child
impassioned an open expression of Kurt’s creativity. As if the soul clock remembered the
seeding of this cycle when in his childhood his aunt ignited the passion for music in him, and
now that first note has evolved to illuminate the music path ahead.

Bending the wave

It is imperative to delve into the nature of Kurt’s sovereign sound as this is the key to
understand the glue between star consciousness and his expression. The genre he chose to
play encapsulates his minor tones and his major frequencies, the anger and unfulfillment
around his safety and emotional needs but also the excitement and mission to play. When
thinking of Kurt, picture a sound wave bending, searching to reach a higher volume, to
become heard in its uniqueness!

This bending wave is distortion!

Distortion challenges sound to become heavy and untamed, disturbing the simple and
plotting intrigue in the calm, breaking through the ordinary. Cobain bended the waves
naturally in music and other sonic experiments.

Sonic experiences and their intensity

Embodying a saturation of otherworldly consciousnesses pouring through sound, music and
imagination can be complex to any (never)-mind and hard to contain for anybody. There are
periods when this frequency rises and intensifies. Could it have contributed to Kurt’s
alienation in his own home-like world or even to the body issues around his stomach (Moon)?
I sing from my stomach, right where the pain is. All I can do is scream into a microphone
– Kurt Cobain

Those familiar with similar experiences may derive from such periods of cosmic frequency
surges that truly feel as if waves of energy bend under skin: that body is humbly holding it
together and something needs to be urgently created out of this electrifying charge.

Montage of Heck as a subconscious interstellar transmission

In 1987 (18) Kurt assembled Montage of Heck, a 36-minute-long cassette, a surreal, abstract
insight into the mind of then 20-year-old Cobain. It was a true ‘atonement’ (19), a timeframe
to seed an opportunity to restructure home and career, truly reflected in Kurt starting
Nirvana at that very time! But there is another layer to this energetic weave involving Saturn.
She is the embodiment of the soul. She finds form and offers a vehicle to the retrieved

l: Natal, progressions and transits on 24 November 1987
Inner wheel: Kurt Cobain's natal chart
Middle wheel: secondary progressed chart for 24 Nov 1987
Outer wheel: transits on 24 Nov 1987 (Montage of Heck tapes recordings)(21) 
Kurt assembled cut-ups patching together random sounds of TV shows interspersed with the
sound of the toilet flushing, people vomiting, outtakes of music, albums mixed with lullabies,
disturbing alien-like screeches, white noise and unexpected silence.

Subconsciously or not, this was a creative attempt of a sonic transmission. Interestingly, at

that period, Spica opposed Cobain’s progressed Moon, speaking for raised imagination and
inspiration coming from a soulful level. Simultaneously, there must have been a radical push
to retrieve the path home within Kurt (20), perhaps the mash up of recordings was a mosaic
of sound, a fractured language that he unconsciously chose to send off into the ether like a
transmission and define pieces of the resurfacing pain of separation and existential
displacement as these planets would have been transiting the empty leg of Kurt’s Ceres –
Pluto/Uranus – Chiron/Mercury mutable t-square!

Most certainly, what Kurt had been moving through then has found an outlet in breaking the
mould of how he shared his vision in the world, how he exchanged his voice in the public
arena, how his journey with Nirvana seeded that year. Montage of Heck leaves you
distraught, unsettled and awakened to Kurt’s internal uniqueness galvanising regular forms
to create such an intense and bizarre piece. It is an intimately assembled transmission
invisibly rippling through the night, from the womb of Kurt’s creation, as he worked on it in
the dark questing through a language of noise, distortion, voices and songs.

Perhaps Montage of Heck was an attempt to find a common language with the Spheres? Or
perhaps it was a projection of the business of the internal frequencies coming in sharp from
the ‘gates of his watchers’ from beyond?

Astrology is music
There are waves in all of us that ebb and flow, some subconsciously familiar and others
immense like unchartered oceans but all merging and spiralling through our realms,
streaming the depth of our spheres into unique processes of creation. A musician plays these
waves, akin to an astrologer divining them. Music and astrology are, therefore, one path of
harmonics and spheres, they only differ in sound and expression when drawn out.

Both fabrics speak of conversations with your soul, or a dialogue of co-creation that once
played or spoken reverberate forever.

Kurt’s music reveals his true essence, and a vision emerges of his consciousness infused with
sacred Higher Presence that wired and enlivened him. Perhaps playing created moments of
soulful bliss in him where tones made the Sonic Alien feel complete, ‘coming as he was’, and
eager to share his light with those genuinely meeting him on the bent waves.
Johnny Depp - Glimpses into the Actor's Turbulent Soul
by Julian Venables
© Julian Venables - published by The Astrological Journal, 2022 / The Astrological Association of Great
Britain / 01.09.2022

Johnny Depp in 2020, Berlinale

Source: Harald Krichel, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Horoscopic micro-analysis through midpoints and synastry (with the actor’s former
wives and girlfriends) sheds further subtle light on the Pirates of the
Caribbean Hollywood star whose public court fight with ex-wife Amber Heard in
Virginia astonished the world this year.

Johnny Depp has had quite a year of it, what with his extraordinary defamation battle with ex-
wife Amber Heard in the Fairfax County Circuit Court (Virginia), featuring torrid and conflicting
testimonies of physical abuse all publicly aired on global TV. He broadly won the case though
she achieved a victory on her defamation counterclaim. The judicial outcome is the subject of
appeals by both parties as I write.

When US judge Penney Azcarate announced her decision, the world learnt that Depp had
nonchalantly left US soil and was in the UK on a rock tour with guitarist Jeff Beck. He
continues to branch out into rock music, writing songs, guitar playing and singing. He has
recorded a new album (apparently this is what he always wanted to do, and why he originally
moved to Los Angeles). Not only all this, but he recently made $3.6 million from the sale of his
debut artwork featuring painted portraits of major stars such as Elizabeth Taylor and Bob

The defamation trial trended hugely on social media for weeks with – fairly or not – much
popular support for Depp against Heard.

So, this is a timely moment to get to know Depp the Hollywood A-lister a lot better – star of
the Pirates of the Caribbean movie franchise, among many other hit movies. Here I examine
his midpoints, aspects of his birth chart and present some insights into his synastry as well as
other points that might not so easily be noticed.

Johnny Depp, natal, 9 June 1963, 8:44 am, Owensboro, Kentucky, USA.
Source: Astrodatabank
Depp’s fixed stars
It is my observation that Hollywood ‘stars’ tend to have natal planets or angles close to
powerful fixed stars that give them an added celestial attractive quality, helping them to be
discovered and put into the limelight.

Depp’s two most prominent fixed stars conjunct planets with 1-degree orbs are:

 Mercury in Taurus (25°17’) conjunct Algol (which in 1963 was at 25° Taurus 38’).
 Moon in Capricorn (13°48’) conjunct Vega (14° Capricorn 48’ in 1963).
 North Node at 20° Cancer 38’ conjunct Castor at 19° Cancer 43’.
 Neptune at 13° Scorpio 24’ conjunct Zuben Elgenubi at 14° Scorpio 34’.
 Pluto at 9° Virgo 37’ conjunct Zosma at 10° Virgo 47’.
 Depp’s Sun in Gemini is in between Rigel at 16° Gemini 18’ and Bellatrix at 20° Gemini 25’,

Depp’s Moon is in its detriment in Capricorn, but conjunct the lucky and powerful star Vega
which, according to Ptolemy, has the nature of Mercury and Venus. It so happens that his
Mercury and Venus are in Taurus, the exaltation of the Moon, and therefore must answer to
the Moon; both planets are also conjunct Algol, a star known for its malefic as well as its
protective qualities, which according to Ptolemy has the nature of Saturn and Jupiter.

Algol is associated with losing one’s head. It is interesting that earlier in his career, Depp
played the lead role in the film Sleepy Hollow with Christopher Walken as the headless
horseman – who specialises in decapitation of victims.

Furthermore, Depp has natal Saturn square Venus, both in their domicile. An interesting
reception of dignity, enhanced by the fixed stars? This helps to explain why he appears to
attract considerable good luck in his career and remains one of Hollywood’s most popular
stars despite revelations about his life that would have brought down just about anyone else.

Depp’s Sun/Moon and Ascendant/Descendant midpoints

His Sun/Moon midpoint falls exactly on the Aries point: 0° Aries, the Vernal Equinox, the
beginning of the tropical zodiac by celestial longitude. This is a totally irrepressible, energetic

Sun/Moon: This is your point of identity awareness. Look to the characteristics of the sign to
discover how to describe your combination of spirit and soul or vitality and feeling.

Depp’s Ascendant/Midheaven midpoint falls at 22° Gemini 54’ which is reasonably close
enough to his Gemini Sun, but it is his Sun/Midheaven midpoint at 25° Taurus falling exactly
on his Mercury/Venus conjunction in Taurus, that really is, I think, the power point of his
success. It is his relationships, what or who he fancies and attracts, and how he
communicates to them, that is very important.

Sun/Midheaven: This point represents your goal or life objective. Look to the characteristics of
the sign for more information on how to create your best progress or advancement.
Synastry: Depp’s friends in rock music

Alice Cooper, natal, 4 February 1948, 10:33 pm, Detroit, Michigan, USA.
Source data: Astrodatabank
Source photo 2006: Thomas Brodbeck, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Alice Cooper and Hollywood Vampires

Since 2012 Depp has been in rock band Hollywood Vampires fronted by Alice Cooper (the
infamous rock star who features the guillotine and head-chopping in his stage act.
(Remember – Depp and his prominent Algol.) Depp has collaborated with Cooper who
happens to have a Mercury/Saturn midpoint at 25° Taurus – see above).

Hollywood Vampires has released two albums and extensively toured. The name fits the
band as Cooper has Pluto at 13° Leo conjunct Depp’s Ascendant at 12° Leo. A perfect synastry
relationship to transform Johnny’s outlook and identity from film star to rock star. It’s a
win/win. And Alice Cooper’s legendary status is bolstered and continued as his Sun/Moon
midpoint is at 18° Capricorn conjunct Depp’s South Node.
Jeff Beck and new album 18

Jeff Beck, natal, 24 June 1944, time unknown (noon chart), Wallington, England.
Source data:
Source photo 2018: Egghead06, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
In 2022 Depp collaborated with Jeff Beck, the virtuoso blues rock guitarist, who has carved his
own unique path through rock ’n’ roll. Their album 18 was released in mid-July of this year.

Beck has (in a noon chart) his Moon at 15° Leo, Mars at 19° Leo and Jupiter at 24° Leo, all
inside Depp’s 1st house. Maybe Beck is guitar tutor to Depp as well as a fellow collaborator
and player?

Interestingly in the midpoint structure, Jeff Beck has his natal Saturn at 0° Cancer, Venus at 1°
Cancer and Sun at 2° Cancer. All these make strong 4th harmonic aspects to Depp’s
Sun/Moon midpoint at 0° Aries. Clearly a case of a strong motivation to do something
together and take the initiative.

Saturn = Sun/Moon: You might experience problems and difficulties in relationships. Any

emotional inhibitions can be offset by dedication to your professional life or career. It’s probably
an effort to understand others and might be easier to be a loner.

Venus = Sun/Moon: You can express love, attraction and affection. Marriage, partnerships, and
relationships come easily. A good balance of aesthetic and artistic tendencies can lead to success
and a magnetic social life.

Depp’s wives and girlfriends

As a Gemini Sun sign, with ruler Mercury conjunct Venus in Taurus in the 10th, Depp has had
several notable girlfriends and been through two marriages to date and a lengthy partnership
with French singer Vanessa Paradis.

His second marriage, to Amber Heard, became a violent and toxic battlefield ultimately
played out in ferocious court cases in the UK and US. Let’s have a look back at some of his
previous relationships and see if his partners shared or linked to any powerful points to his
angles or midpoints.
Winona Ryder, natal, 29 October 1971, at 11:00 am,Rochester, Minnesota, USA.
Source data: Astrodatabank
Source photo 2012: Larry Richman, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Winona Ryder (Depp relationship: 1989-1993)

Stranger Things star Ryder had an important relationship with Johnny Depp that lasted around
four years. She was 17 and he was 25. In 1990 they starred together in Edward Scissorhands.
It’s arguable that her career was launched through Depp because she has her Sun/Moon
midpoint at 5° Capricorn in a square to her natal MC in Libra. Aside from that, the other
midpoint that jumps out is her Moon/Venus midpoint conjunct Depp’s natal Moon in
Capricorn. It was possibly, in retrospect, an ambition-helpful love for both. The sense of
destiny they felt to be together was because in synastry, her nodal axis stretches right across
Depp’s Ascendant/Descendant axis.

Moon/Venus: This point represents love feelings for others as well as how you love yourself. Look
to the sign placement for style of affection, artistic tendencies and how you express your joy for
Kate Moss, natal, 16 January 1974, time unknown (noon chart), Croydon, England.
Source data: Astrodatabank
Source photo 2019: Crooked House Films, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons
Kate Moss (Depp relationship: 1993-1998)
Depp was 31 and Kate 20 when they met. We only have a solar noon chart for Moss, but her
Venus/Jupiter midpoint is conjunct his Descendant in Aquarius, and quite possibly, her
Moon/Mars midpoint connects to his Ascendant/Descendant axis as well.

Johnny has a couple of powerful Scorpio midpoints: Moon/Mars at 8° Scorpio, and

Moon/Pluto at 11° Scorpio. This means that Johnny has a Moon/Pluto = Ascendant in his natal

Ascendant = Moon/Pluto: Your general approach to life might cause upsets and upheavals due
to an inclination to act impulsively and with extreme emotional expression.

Moss’ natal Moon approximately falls into that Scorpio zone, and her natal Mars opposes
those two midpoints.

The power of passion ruled these two, as there’s quite a lot of Mars involved!

Moon/Mars: This point represents excitement and impulsive feelings where you feel urges to act.
Look to the sign placement for how you express energy or fighting spirit and release inner tensions.

Moon/Pluto: This is the point where you express extremes of emotion and feeling. Look to the
sign placement for more information on how you experience emotional outbursts and impulsive

Venus/Jupiter: This point indicates the joy and happiness of the love experience. It’s the point
where you like to have a good time. The sign placement gives more information on the style of your
popularity, sociability and how you harmonise with others best.
Vanessa Paradis, natal, 22 December 1972, at 05:10 am,St.Maur des Fossés, France.
Source data: Astrodatabank
Source photo 2007: Benoît Derrier, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Vanessa Paradis (Depp partnership: 1998-2012)

Vanessa Paradis is the mother of Depp’s two children, and they lived together mainly in
France. Reportedly, they remain friends.

Their relationship is much enhanced by the Sun/Moon midpoint; Vanessa’s natal Sun at 0°
Capricorn is exactly square Johnny’s Sun/Moon at 0° Aries. Depp’s natal Sun at 12° Gemini is
trine Vanessa’s Sun/Moon at 12° Libra; furthermore, her Sun/Moon opposes his natal Jupiter
in Aries, and as an extra boost, her Moon/Venus midpoint is opposite his Sun/Moon.

Jupiter = Sun/Moon: You have optimistic and enthusiastic self-expression. Life could be about
discovering the true nature of self. In general, you’ll have good fortune, success and expansion but
be wary of over-exaggeration and over-inflation.

Jupiter also plays a big part in their relationship as her natal Jupiter (and North Node) conjoins
his natal Moon in Capricorn.

Lastly, her natal MC is conjunct his natal Mars and her natal Moon in Cancer sextiles his natal
Venus and Mercury.
The overall shared synastry is very strong, enough to keep them together for almost 14 years.

Amber Heard, natal, 22 April 1986, time unknown (noon chart), Austin, Texas, USA.
Source data:
Source photo 2018: Gage Skidmore, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

Amber Heard (Depp’s second wife: 2015-2017)

Aquaman star Amber Heard has no official birthtime. But if we use a noon chart and some
prominent midpoints, we can get a better insight into her.

Her Uranus/North Node is at 26° Aquarius which makes a square (4th harmonic) to Depp’s
Mercury-Venus conjunction in Taurus. A relationship destiny that was exciting, though short-
lived, disruptive and unexpected.

Mercury = Uranus/North Node: You are very intelligent and make rapid quick-fire decisions
that can involve others. You can tune into the thoughts of the group and be a conduit for
information. You might be critical.

Venus = Uranus/North Node: Your affections can be erratic, and you can be turned on as fast
as you can be turned off again, too. Your feelings are affected by the group you’re with and you
might fall in love quickly, changing the direction of your destiny.
Her Venus/Saturn is at 1° Pisces opposite Depp’s natal Uranus. Dreams of a steady marriage
were shaken up by a number of perceived (or alleged) instabilities in both parties.

Uranus = Venus/Saturn: Love relationships can cause you to be tense and want to break away
suddenly. You might change your relationship status very quickly: either by falling in love or by

Her Venus/Uranus is at 8° Pisces in opposition to Depp’s natal Pluto in Virgo. ‘Crazy’ love
expression with no boundaries led to dominance and control issues (and en passant, this is
the midpoint that could resonate with the poo-in-the-bed allegation which gave rise to the
cruel social media nickname ‘Amber Turd’).

Pluto = Venus/Uranus: You can get excessively excited by love and act out your feelings in
extreme ways.

Her Venus/nodes are at 12° Leo and 12° Taurus, and her Mars/Jupiter is at 12° Aquarius.
These three midpoints strongly activate Johnny Depp’s natal Ascendant and Descendant at
12° Leo/Aquarius. A love match that is under pressure, particularly to do with resources and

Ascendant = Venus/North Node: You have a pleasant and affectionate nature and are cordial
and polite in your behaviour. This brings good contacts and lovers into your life.

Ascendant = Mars/Jupiter: Your general approach to life has a successful and ambitious quality
about it that encourages other people to work well with you. You are known for making lucky and
fortunate decisions.

Furthermore, since they both have natal Venus on 25/26° Taurus, it is this midpoint
combination that brought her into Depp’s sphere of relationship.

The most obvious synastry is probably Heard’s natal Mars conjunct Depp’s Moon which has a
sort of ‘executive’ quality to it: the Capricorn combination was clearly going to need a law
court to sort out their differences. However, Amber might not have been aware that her
Saturn retrograde in Sagittarius squares Depp’s Pluto in Virgo. In a court of law between two
people with that aspect, who do you think might win? And, with those planets in mutable
signs, is it a good idea to keep going or to change tack and position as was claimed during the
defamation trial? Heard also has Chiron in Gemini square Depp’s Pluto (in her untimed natal,
Heard has Saturn opposite Chiron). This is a challenging aspect, to say the least.

Another acutely important synastry aspect is Heard’s natal Sun at 2° Taurus opposite her
natal Pluto at 6° Scorpio; this rides over Depp’s natal MC/IC axis. The result is, of course, a
global battle around reputation. Her natal Pluto powerfully stirs his natal roots and
foundations, and can lead to extreme results, as we were all witness to in trial exchanges and

The other ‘obvious’ synastry aspect in their natal, is that they both share the same Venus-in-
Taurus, and Heard, possibly unwittingly, activates Depp’s Venus square Saturn natal aspect:
she probably perceives him as cold and unloving or alienating of her.
Depp’s relationships: conclusion
Astrologically, Depp inclines to women who display power (Mars). His natal MC/IC is 3°
Taurus/Scorpio, and so Winona Ryder’s Sun at 5° Scorpio (ruled by Mars in old astrology) is
conjunct that axis; Kate’s natal Mars at 8° Taurus is conjunct his axis; Heard’s natal Pluto in
Scorpio opposing his MC. The ‘winner’ is Vanessa Paradis because her natal MC is conjunct his
Mars whilst quietly trine his MC/IC – this resulted in her keeping him long enough to raise a

Johnny Depp’s relocated chart to the UK

Johnny Depp’s natal Venus in Taurus is the planet in its best condition in his natal chart. It so
happens that if he moves to the UK, his natal Venus sextiles his relocated MC (which is at
25/26° Cancer) on longitude 00W24’, and in support of that, his natal Sun in Gemini also
sextiles his relocated Ascendant/Descendant (18° Libra/Aries). With transiting Jupiter in Aries
currently going through his natal 9th house (as I write), an extended (12-year cycle?) stint of
living in the UK, would be most agreeable and beneficial to him, favouring his career and his
relationships. His working musical relationship with Jeff Beck could develop nicely, and he
might well find happiness living to the west of London, or around the Welsh borders and
south-west of the UK.

He could also enjoy living in a large Scottish country estate as he has a Moon/Venus paran
running across Scotland at 57N13’ through Loch Ness. He might also like to try visiting
Snowdonia National Park in Wales, and the uniquely eccentric art town of Portmeirion as he
has a Venus/node paran at 52N41’.

Ireland might also hold much appeal and potential for his personal growth and expansion, as
his Jupiter Descendant lines runs right down the western side of Ireland, taking in Galway and
Tralee. The same Venus/node paran also runs through Limerick.

The midpoint summaries in italics are by Julian Venables, part of work he created for Esoteric
Technologies Pty Ltd, and now used by Astrolabe.

Published by: The Astrological Journal, Sep/Oct 2022

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