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Puerto Rican

Puerto Rican
100 Classic Recipes Made Simple


Photography by Marija Vidal

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This one’s for my dad, Rafael.
He may be gone but is in my heart every time
I cook for my family.



14 22 29
Piña Leche de Coco/ Ensalada de Carambola y
Colada Coconut Milk Jamón/Star Fruit and
Prosciutto Salad
15 23
Coquito/Puerto Leche de Arroz/ 30
Rican Eggnog Rice Milk Ensalada de Repollo/
Cabbage Salad
16 24
Limón Jugo de Carambola/ 31
Cocktail Star Fruit Juice Ensalada de Pulpo/
Octopus Salad
17 25
Cuba Champola de Guayaba/ 32
Libre Guava Smoothie Tripleta/
Three-Meat Sandwich
18 26
Daiquiri Guava 33
Dip Cubano/
19 Cuban Sandwich
Mojito 27
Ensalada de Aguacate y 34
20 Tomate/Avocado and Limber de Cheesecake/
Yellow Bird Tomato Salad Cheesecake Popsicle
28 35
21 Ensalada de Aguacate y Limber de Nutella/
Guava Jueyes/Avocado and Nutella Popsicle
Margarita Crab Salad

38 44 50
Tostones/ Ensalada de Camarones/Shrimp Pollo Frito/
Fried Plantains Salad Fried Chicken

39 45 51
Plátanos Maduros/ Yuca en Escabeche/ Carne Frita/
Fried Sweet Plantains Pickled Cassava Salad Fried Pork Chunks

40 46 52
Puerto Rican– Pastelillos de Carne/ Chuletas/
Style Crab Cakes Meat Turnovers Pork Chops

41 47 53
Bacalaitos/ Habichuelas Guisadas/ Arroz Blanco con Carne Bif/
Codfish Fritters Bean Stew White Rice with Corned Beef

42 48 54
Sorullitos de Maiz/ Yuca con Mojo/Cassava with Churrasco/
Sweet Corn Fritters Garlic Sauce Skirt Steak

43 49 55
Avena/Puerto Rican Arroz al Ajillo con Camarones/ Empanadillas de Guava y Queso/
Oatmeal Garlic Rice with Shrimp Guava and Cheese Dumplings


58 64 69
Funche/ Casabe/ Piononos de Carne/
Cornmeal Hot Cereal Cassava Bread Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains

59 65 70
Arepas/ Yuca Frita/ Pinchos de Pollo/
Sweet Coconut Cakes Yuca Fries BBQ Chicken Kabobs

60 66 71
Arañitas/ Arroz Amarillo/ Milanesa de Res/
Shredded Plantain Fritters Yellow Rice Breaded Steak

61 67 72
Alcapurrias/ Pulled Pork Flan/
Puerto Rican Fritters Sliders Caramel Custard

63 68 73
Rellenos de Papa/ Mofongo/ Tembleque/
Stuffed Potatoes Mashed Plantains Coconut Custard

76 80 84
Bolitas de Yuca/ Arroz con Gandules/Puerto Camarones Guisados Criollos/
Cheesy Yuca Balls Rican Rice with Pigeon Peas Creole Shrimp Stew

77 81 85
Guanimes/ Arroz con Pollo/ Bacalao Guisado/
Corn Dumplings Rice with Chicken Codfish Stew

78 82 86
Jibarito/ Arroz con Salchichas/ Pasteles
Puerto Rican Steak Sandwich Rice with Sausage

Carne Mechada/
Pot Roast


90 94 98
Mofongo Pastelón/ Tres Leches Cake/
Stuffing Plantain Lasagna Three Milks Cake

91 95 99
Pan de Mallorca/ Quesitos/ Cazuela/
Sweet Bread Rolls Cream Cheese Turnovers Sweet Potato Pudding

93 96 100
Albondigon/ Budin de Pan/ Bizcochos de Ron/
Meatloaf Puerto Rican Bread Pudding Rum Cake

Mantecaditos/Puerto Rican
Shortbread Cookies

104 107 110

Guineos en Escabeche/ Sopa de Habichuelas Blancas/ Sancocho/
Pickled Plantains White Bean Soup Puerto Rican Stew

105 108 111

Frijoles Negros y Arroz Blanco/ Asopao de Pollo/ Albondigas/Meatballs
Black Beans and White Rice Chicken Soup
106 109 Bistec Encebollado/
Carne Guisada/ Pollo Guisado/ Steak and Onions
Beef Stew Chicken Stew
Pork Shoulder

8: STAPLES  115

116 121 126

Puerto Rican Sazón Pique/
Sofrito Puerto Rican Hot Sauce
117 Mojo Criollo/ 127
Achiote Garlic Marinade Mojito/
Oil Garlic Dipping Sauce
118 Picadillo de Carne/ 128
Chicharrónes/ Beef Hash Salsa Rosa/
Fried Pork Rinds/Crackling Pink Sauce
119 Alcaparrado/ 129
Chicharrón de Cerdo/ Olives and Capers Mojito Isleño/
Fried Pork Belly Island Sauce Dip
120 Ajili Mojili/ 130
Adobo/ Hot Pepper and Garlic Sauce Chimichurri
Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt
Preparing Plantain/
Banana Leaves

Measurement Conversions

It’s all about making connections.
Like roughly 5 million people in the United States, my family comes from
the island of Puerto Rico. I was the first generation not born on the island itself.
My brother and I were raised very American; my family spoke English at home,
and we ate a predominantly American diet. Still though, one of my strongest
and earliest memories was my dad taking me to the Puerto Rican Parade and
Festival in Chicago. I instantly fell in love with the music and the food—especially
the food. It was later that summer that my tío Julio and Tía Juanita came to
visit from Santurce, and my life changed forever. Juanita spoke no English but
man, could she cook, and she was happy to show me how to make her favorite
recipes. That summer I ate more Arroz con Gandules than I ever had, and it
still wasn’t enough. Once I got a little older, we started visiting family in Puerto
Rico more often and those were some of the best memories of my life. Living on
a beautiful tropical island for a summer, immersed in a different culture than I
was used to in Chicago, my mind was blown. The best part was going out to eat
with family where we enjoyed delicious meals inspired by the island. I remem-
ber going to a small restaurant where they had a pig roasting on a spit—that was
the day I fell in love with pork.
Years later when I became a father myself, I realized I had lost touch with
much of the culture I grew up with. My heritage was just something I remem-
bered and not something that was a big part of my life, so I called my dad and
asked him to teach me to cook Puerto Rican food. He happily obliged and began
teaching me the dishes that his mom taught to him when he was a kid growing
up in the 1940s. I was reconnecting with my past and heritage through my
family’s traditional recipes and in turn, I began teaching and connecting with
my son through the same things. I began joining Puerto Rican food groups on
social media where I learned that every family in every region has their own
variation on how to make dishes, and not a single one of these is the right or
wrong way to prepare the food. Families come together over these meals, and
friends connect sharing recipes and cooking together.

After learning the traditions of Puerto Rican cuisine and cooking classic dishes, I
started to add a modern twist to them, both in terms of the ingredients and the way
they’re prepared. In this book, I’ll teach you how to make some of the most classic
and flavorful dishes in Puerto Rican cuisine, with easy-to-follow recipes and simple
ingredients you can find anywhere. While Puerto Rico’s cuisine has so much to offer,
the best part is connecting with your family and friends over an amazing meal.

Introduction | xi

Puerto Rican
Food Made Simple
food is largely unknown. Only a lucky few who happen to be
good friends with a Puerto Rican family have tried a lot of the
food we have to offer. So, before we jump into the recipes,
first I want to bring you into my family and teach you a little
about Puerto Rico so you can become familiar with our corner
of the world. You’ll see some similarities between what we do
in a Puerto Rican kitchen and a typical American household.
Some of the names of our ingredients may seem a little intim-
idating, or we may use a different word for a kitchen utensil,
but I promise the cooking will come easy and naturally, and
the rewards will be amazing. Puerto Rican food is packed with
flavor and quickly wins the hearts of everyone who tries it.

A Rich Culinary History
Puerto Rican cuisine has just about as rich and diverse a history as any ethnic cuisine
the world over. Originally taking cues from Spanish, West African, and Indigenous
Taíno recipes, Puerto Rican cuisine also incorporates aspects from the vast diversity
of other Caribbean countries as well as the United States.
In the Borinquen diaspora across the US, in cities throughout Puerto Rico, and
often from home to home, Puerto Rican cuisine has been adapted and tailored to
suit the tastes of each family and group of friends, customized to our palates using
the pilon and caldero. The pilon is a wooden mortar and pestle mainly used to grind
spices and mash plantains; the use of wood allows the food to develop its own flavor
profile. The caldero is the traditional cast-iron Dutch oven–style pot that many Puerto
Ricans consider sacred when it comes to cooking rice to perfection, while producing
the gorgeous and flavorful pegao (the burnt rice that sticks to the bottom of the pan).
Puerto Rican food incorporates the vast array of local flora and fauna on La Isla del
Encanto (the Island of Enchantment), from the national fruit, star fruit, to the staples
of rice, beans, cassava/yuca, and plátanos, to the meat dishes where chicken and pork
reign supreme. With its vast acreage of sugar plantations and tropical jungles where
mango, pineapple, and guanabana are merely an arm’s length away, Puerto Ricans are
never far from delicious snacks. While the ingredients alone are enough to bring la
familia running to the dining room, the gems of the Puerto Rican kitchen are sofrito,
sazón, adobo, and the spice rack.
Much as Puerto Ricans are an adaptable people, so is our cuisine. Throughout this
book you will see many recipes that seem similar to those you might find in an Italian,
Irish, or Arab cookbook, except that these recipes have that Rican twist, swapping
key ingredients from the original recipe for those that are readily found in a Boric-
ua’s kitchen.
Perhaps the greatest beauty in being Puerto Rican is the diversity of our roots,
from Southern European, to North and West African, even as far as China; the Puerto
Rican culinary diversity is equally as beautiful, taking on aspects of all our ancestors.


The Easy Puerto Rican Pantry
The Puerto Rican pantry is a literal extension of our widely diverse culinary heritage,
borrowing ingredients from many points of the globe.

Adobo: Puerto Rican adobo differs from other types. The traditional Puerto
Rican version is used to season or dry rub meats, while in Mexico it is used
as a marinade. This seasoning, which often blends salt, black pepper, garlic,
and oregano, can be found in almost every Puerto Rican kitchen.

Garlic powder: Also common in American cuisine, garlic powder is used

to season many Puerto Rican dishes—everything from sauces to stews to
seasoning meats for your main course. It’s easily found in any supermarket
or local store.

Sazón: Another very popular seasoning in the Puerto Rican pantry and
one of the more versatile seasonings, typically made up of cilantro, garlic,
achiote, and salt. It’s available in most supermarkets but is also very easy to
make at home.

Cumin: Cumin is a popular seasoning in several cuisines, and Puerto Rican

food is no different. This easily attainable spice is the base for many other
important seasonings our dishes use.

Oregano: Dried oregano is used in many sauces and stews in Puerto Rican
cuisine. You can usually find Mexican or Italian versions of the seasoning
in most grocery stores, but the Mexican version is definitely more flavorful
and will lend itself to these recipes better. Oregano is a must-have for any
spice rack.

Puerto Rican Food Made Simple | 3

Annatto seeds: Although it adds no flavor to meals, annatto seeds are key in
making the Achiote Oil that gives Puerto Rican Rice its amazing color. This
ingredient can be difficult to find locally, so we order ours online.

Rice: A basic white medium- or long-grain rice is used in Puerto Rico’s most
popular dish, Arroz con Gandules, as well as many other classic dishes. It is
the most important dry good to have stocked in your pantry.

Chicharrónes/Pork Rinds: Chicharrónes serve several purposes when cook-

ing; not only are they a snack that can be eaten on their own, but in a recipe
like Mofongo they add both texture and flavor to the finished product.

Flour: Flour is a staple of any kitchen or pantry no matter what regional,

national, or ethnic cuisine is being prepared. It may well be the most ver-
satile dry good used in cooking. The basic, all-purpose kind will work for
these recipes.

Sugar: Used in many recipes, sugar has a special place in the Puerto Rican
pantry. For nearly 100 years Puerto Rico was one of the United States’ main
suppliers of sugar, making the cultivation of it an important part of the
island’s economy. In these recipes, white granulated sugar works best.


Beans are an integral ingredient in Puerto Rican cuisine. Traditionally, dried

beans were used in all these recipes. Today, balancing hectic schedules
makes canned beans a very attractive option to save time; just make sure
you drain and rinse them thoroughly before using. If you can spare the
time, for a taste of authentic Puerto Rican cooking, you can rehydrate dried
beans in a few simple steps.

1. Thoroughly rinse the beans under cold running water and remove
any remaining debris.
2. Place the beans in a bowl and cover them with fresh cold water.
3. Allow the beans to soak for 12 to 24 hours, then remove from the
water and rinse again before using.


Sofrito: Puerto Rican sofrito is culantro/cilantro-based rather than the more
typical tomato-based, giving it its distinctive green coloring. It is so often
used that sofrito is a must-have at all times.

Gandules Verdes/Pigeon Peas: In many cultures’ cuisines, pigeon peas

are accompanied by rice. Puerto Rican cuisine took this simple pairing and
turned it into its national dish, Arroz con Gandules. Not quite as large or
fibrous as kidney or pinto beans, but still nutrient-dense and protein-rich,
they turn from green to brown when cooked.

Habichuelas Negras y Rojas/Black Beans and Kidney Beans: Both types of

these beans are commonly used in many different meals as ingredients or
sides. Inexpensive and easy to store, they have always been a staple of the
Puerto Rican diet.

Guava Paste: A thick purée of guava fruit and sugar, this ingredient can
be used in both sweet and savory dishes. Served alongside cheese, these
two flavors complement each other perfectly. It’s typically found in the
Goya or Latin American section of the grocery store in a re-sealable tub or
onetime-use plastic packet, but it may be difficult to find outside of major
urban centers.

Tomato Sauce: This is a typical base ingredient in many sauces regardless

of a recipe’s origin. So it’s not surprising that Puerto Rican food features
tomato sauce as well.

Coconut Milk: The abundance of coconuts on the island makes it no wonder

that many drinks like Coquito and desserts like Tembleque are made with a
milk extracted from the pulp of coconuts.

A note about can sizes: I’ve included standard US can sizes in ingredient
lists, but if your grocery store carries a slightly different size can, one or
two ounces more or less won’t significantly affect any recipe. For example,
coconut milk is generally sold in 13.5-ounce cans, but if you find a 15-ounce
can, that’s fine to use.

Puerto Rican Food Made Simple | 5


When I was learning traditional Puerto Rican cooking, I made everything

from scratch. I would spend all day on weekends prepping, running from
stove, to table, to pantry, soaking beans, and mixing adobo and sazón to
ensure I had the right ingredient mix. To save time and make life easier—one
of the goals of this book!—I now buy many of the products that used to be
made from scratch from a local grocer. I frequently use canned foods when
the quality is high enough and, as you may notice thumbing through this
cookbook, most Puerto Ricans trust Goya brand products above others due
to quality, variety, and availability. The most frequent canned purchases
are habichuelas (beans) and gandules (pigeon peas), and sometimes
habichuelas guisadas (stewed beans).

Pique: Pique sauce is a Puerto Rican hot sauce that many restaurants have
on all of their tables. It’s usually made by steeping hot peppers, seasonings,
and fresh herbs in a cider vinegar.

Rum: So popular that this spirit has become synonymous with Puerto Rico
itself, it’s one of the island’s main exports. The main component in many
drink recipes, it’s also the base to a lot of popular sauces and desserts.


The Easy Puerto Rican Perishables
Just like our spices and dry goods, our perishables are a mixture of well-known
favorites and exotic flavors unique to our small tropical island.


Cilantro: The main ingredient in Puerto Rico’s distinctive version of sofrito
that is the base to many of the most popular recipes in the island’s cuisine.
Fresh cilantro should be in stock at all times.

Codfish: As would be expected for an island, seafood is an important part

of Puerto Rico’s culinary identity, and none is more widely utilized than
codfish. Salted bacalao (codfish) is an important start to many stews, salads,
and main meals. Be sure to look for fish that is flat white in color without
spotting or dark areas. Bone-in fish packs a bit more flavor, but buying
deboned fish will save you some stress.

Pork: Pork is such a big part of modern Puerto Rican cuisine that the
island’s route 184 is known as La Ruta de Lechón or “The Pork Highway.”
You can find many restaurants with pigs roasting on spits along this road
in Guavate.

Chicken: Second only to pork in popularity, chicken is eaten in almost every

style of Puerto Rican dish. If you venture out of the large urban areas, wild
chickens can be seen roaming all over the island.

Beef: While not used as often as the previous three proteins, Puerto Rico
has a few amazingly popular dishes made with beef. Foods like Rellenos de
Papa utilize beef as part of its amazing filling, picadillo de carne.

Puerto Rican Food Made Simple | 7

Plantain: A green cooking banana with more sugar and starch than the
typical yellow banana found in most peoples’ fruit bowls. This is never eaten
raw, but once cooked can be used in many forms from a mashed side to
fried chips.

Yautía: An important component in Puerto Rican food, this is the root of the
elephant ear plant and is used as one of the primary ingredients in the masa
or dough of Pasteles, a traditional holiday dish on the island.

Cassava: Commonly referred to as yuca, cassava roots are used in Puerto

Rican cuisine much the way potatoes are in typical American kitchens. It is a
starchy, inexpensive side that can be used in a variety of ways.

Avocado: This widely-loved fruit grows abundantly in Puerto Rico, so it is no

wonder it has made its way into the cuisine. Used in many salads, avocados
add rich flavor, texture, and important nutrients to our diets.

Potatoes: A basic necessity in nearly every kitchen around the world. A

tried-and-true starch that is easy to work with and goes with almost any meal,
they should always be on hand because it’s a surefire bet you will need them.


A lot of traditional Puerto Rican recipes like Rellenos de Papas and Sor-
ullitos are fried in lard. While frying with lard tastes amazing, it isn’t the
healthiest way to go. I like to use vegetable or canola oil whether I’m oiling
a pan or deep frying a dish. You can also use olive oil for sautéing; just
be sure that the oil you choose has a high smoke point, as many of these
recipes call for high heat.


Kitchen Essentials for Ease
When my dad first started teaching me to make Puerto Rican food, he went to a small
shop and bought me a hand-carved pilon (a wooden mortar and pestle). He wanted
me to use the traditional tools to cook with and to have experience with all the tools
he used as a kid. This is one of the many measures my dad took to ensure that he
passed on his legacy to the future generations.
Oddly enough, it was using the traditional tools and cooking methods that ini-
tially intimidated me in the kitchen. I couldn’t find some of the specialty ingredients
and didn’t want to pay the prices for some of the specialized equipment. In time, I
found that many of the kitchen essentials I already owned worked just as well as the
traditional tools. You don’t need to find a Puerto Rican bodega to buy a pilon when
you have a perfectly good food processor and access to the Internet. That’s the beauty
of this cookbook—you don’t need expensive tools to make the best authentic Puerto
Rican food.

There are quite a few Puerto Rican recipes that require you to stand over a pot and
tend to them for hours at a time like soups, stews, and the ever popular Pernil. Others
require a lot of manual work to make them in the traditional way. However, having
friends in the restaurant industry has taught me a lot of little tricks for swapping
traditional methods for the ease of modern appliances to create a simpler, more
enjoyable experience in the kitchen.
Most of my stews have gone from requiring hours of standing over a large stockpot
to using the slow cooker. This doesn’t mean you can’t make these on the stove top; if
that’s what you prefer, simply allow all the liquids in the recipe to simmer for a couple
of hours over medium heat before starting to add in the other ingredients.

Puerto Rican Food Made Simple | 9

About the Recipes
In this book, you’ll find the essential recipes that are important in knowing what
Puerto Rican culture and cuisine all are about, as well as recipes that will give you a
taste of the varying, modern flavors of island life. My goal is to bring you the most
essential and fun recipes to capture Puerto Rico’s essence, with simple methods and
easy-to-find ingredients. If you know our food already, this will be a great tool to help
you make the recipes more easily and often. Conversely, if you have never experienced
the culinary delights of the island’s cuisine, this is a great introduction to delicious
recipes made simple. Either way, the aroma that fills your kitchen from cooking these
dishes will be well worth the effort.

Finding the right recipe can be difficult sometimes when choosing what to cook for
that family dinner or get-together. In laying out the chapters in this book I wanted it
to be as easy as possible to find the exact type of recipe you may need. Do you have to
take the kids to soccer practice after work? Chapter 3 is full of recipes like Churrasco
that take 30 minutes or less. Need to put together a quick lunch and drinks for friends
to hang out on the deck this afternoon? Chapter 2 has no-cook recipes like a great
Tripleta Sandwich and some Mojitos that go together perfectly. Do you plan on making
several different recipes from this book and want to prep some bases ahead of time?
Check out Chapter 8 with all the staples in Puerto Rican cuisine including Sofrito.


At the ends of recipes, I offer little notes and tips to help make your life even easier.
All these tips will fall into six basic categories:

SUBSTITUTION TIP: When ingredients can be subbed out for flavor, allergens, or alterations.

MAKE-AHEAD TIP: Helpful information on what can be prepped in advance to save time.

LEFTOVER TIP: How to store a dish and for how long, including reheating instructions or tips on
repurposing the leftovers into another meal or side dish.

INGREDIENT TIP: Useful information on selecting, preparing, or working with ingredients, plus
helpful nutrition facts.

VARIATION TIP: Suggestions for adding or changing ingredients to mix things up a little or try
something new with the recipe.

ENTERTAINING TIP: Directions for doubling or tripling the recipe to feed more people and/or
tips for keeping things warm and pairing with other dishes and wines.

Puerto Rican cuisine used to be out of reach to many looking to explore it due to
some key ingredients only being available in small shops in Puerto Rican neigh-
borhoods. Over the past 10 years or so, many specialty grocery stores have popped
up that cater to Latin Americans, and many big-box grocery stores now feature an
International or Latino aisle where these formerly hard-to-find ingredients can now
be found easily. Further, the wonder that is the Internet makes getting ahold of once
unattainable items as easy as clicking your mouse. What I find most exciting is that
many stores in Puerto Rico now accept online orders and ship items right to your
door, allowing you to buy authentic products and support small, local sellers.

Puerto Rican Food Made Simple | 11


Beverages and
No-Cook Recipes
combinations and ingredients can be a little intimidating,
which is why I think it’s best to begin with the simplest recipes
possible. Even if you’re familiar with Puerto Rican cuisine, this
is a great chapter to start with. And here’s the best part—these
recipes are all no-cook and no-bake, so we don’t even need
to head over to the stove to make any of them. Easy drinks,
salads, lunches, and desserts that take very little time and
effort but yield amazing results, these no-cook recipes will all
be winners on the first try.

< Mojito, Page 19 13

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Piña Colada
MAKES: 4 drinks  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

3 cups ice The perfect recipe to start this short culinary tour of Puerto
12 ounces pineapple juice Rico is one of the most recognizable drinks anywhere. The Piña
6 ounces light rum Colada embodies the dream of living on an island paradise.
Originally created in 1963 in San Juan, it became the national
4 ounces coconut cream
drink of Puerto Rico in 1978. This sweet rum-based drink is a
2 ounces dark rum
favorite the world over, and the best part is that all the ingredi-
ents are easily and readily available in any supermarket.

1. Place ice, pineapple juice, light rum, coconut cream, and dark rum
into a blender. Blend until completely smooth.
2. Pour into 4 glasses and serve immediately.

SERVING TIP: Serve in hollowed-out coconuts with a slice of

pineapple on the rim of each to feel like you’re on the island, wher-
ever you are.

ENTERTAINING TIP: This recipe is a simple 1 part coconut cream,

2 parts rum, and 3 parts juice. If you’re entertaining for a crowd,
simply scale up as necessary.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Puerto Rican Eggnog

MAKES: 10 drinks  |  PREP TIME: 1 hour (plus 2 to 3 hours chill time)

1 cup dark rum In Spanish adding “ito/-ita” to the end of the word means
2 cinnamon sticks “little.” If your daughter’s name is Rose, you might call her
2 (13.5-ounce) cans Rosita, meaning “little Rose.” Well, that’s what coquito means—
coconut milk a little coconut. Coquito is a holiday favorite in Puerto Rico,
1 (14-ounce) can
much like eggnog is a holiday favorite in the US. With the
condensed milk sweet flavor of coconut and the smoothness of the rum, it’s a
simple drink with a new spin.
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
½ teaspoon ground 1. In a jar with a lid add rum and cinnamon sticks. Close and allow to
cinnamon sit for 1 hour.
2. In a blender, add the coconut milk, condensed milk, vanilla
extract, and ground cinnamon and purée. Pour in rum and cinna-
mon stick mixture and shake well to make sure they are combined.
3. Pour everything into a large bottle or pitcher and refrigerate at
least 2 to 3 hours. The drink will thicken the longer it rests.

VARIATION TIP: If you like a thinner drink add in about ½ cup

water to the ingredients.

STORAGE TIP: The longer Coquito rests, the stronger the flavor
gets. You can allow it to rest for up to a month in the refrigerator
before serving.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 15

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Limón Cocktail
MAKES: 4 drinks  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

4 ounces Bacardí Limón Puerto Rico has two big rum exporters: Don Q, which is the
4 ounces coconut rum island’s largest rum company, and Bacardí, which is arguably
2 ounces pineapple juice the most famous rum company. Both provide a wide variety of
great rums, and this will be the only time you see me picking
one over the other for a recipe. This lemon-based cocktail with
4 lime wedges, for garnish
a hint of sweet pineapple is an easy winner and allows you to
experiment with one of the great flavored rums Puerto Rico
has to offer.

Combine Bacardi Limón, coconut rum, and pineapple juice in a

shaker with ice. Shake well and strain into chilled cocktail glasses.
Garnish with a slice of lime and serve.

MAKE-AHEAD TIP: You can make this ahead of time and allow it
to chill in a pitcher in the refrigerator.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Cuba Libre
MAKES: 1 drink  |  PREP TIME: 3 minutes

½ lime When I used to go out for drinks, one of the drinks I ordered all
Ice cubes the time was a simple rum and coke. Over the years that evolved
2 ounces light rum into the more sophisticated yet still simple Cuba Libre. This puts
a new spin on the classic rum-and-coke cocktail with a hint of
4 ounces cola
lime that balances out the sweetness of the cola. If you can find
bottled cola with real sugar cane rather than artificial sweeteners,
that really makes the difference. With very few easy-to-find
ingredients, you end up with a refreshing Caribbean drink.

Squeeze juice from the lime into a tall glass and add in ice cubes.
Pour in the rum and cola, stir well, and enjoy.

ENTERTAINING TIP: This recipe is a simple 2 parts cola, 1 part

rum, and the juice of half a lime per glass. Simply scale up that
ratio if you’re serving a crowd.

INGREDIENT TIP: After juicing the lime, muddle it in the glass,

then remove it. Muddled lime makes this drink really pop.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 17

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

MAKES: 1 drink  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

2 ounces light rum Nothing says tropical paradise like a nice chilled drink, and
1 ounce fresh lime juice, nothing says chilled drink like a daiquiri. This classic cocktail
plus 1 lime wedge is refreshing, light, and easy to make. Everything you need can
1 ounce simple syrup be found in any major grocery store. This daquiri is a sweeter
drink thanks to the simple syrup, and it goes down easy. Kick
back and enjoy.

Combine rum, lime juice, and simple syrup in a shaker with ice.
Shake well and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a
slice of lime and serve.

ENTERTAINING TIP: This recipe is a simple 2 parts rum, 1 part

lime juice, and 1 part simple syrup. Scale up as necessary for
entertaining a crowd.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

MAKES: 1 drink  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

12 fresh mint leaves The mojito is like candy in a glass. This drink just pops and
½ lime cut into 4 slices shows how versatile rum can be with the flavor of fresh mint.
2 tablespoons There is nothing overly complex or complicated about this
granulated sugar drink, with no hard-to-find ingredients. Mojitos are an easy
1 cup ice
addition to any summer day spent relaxing on the patio.

1½ ounces light rum

1. Muddle the mint and 1 slice of lime in a glass. Add sugar and
½ cup club soda 2 more slices of lime and muddle again. (If you don’t have a mud-
dler, use the handle of a wooden spoon to crush the ingredients.)
2. Add in ice, and pour rum and club soda over the ice. Stir
and serve.

ENTERTAINING TIP: Making a pitcher is very simple. Quadruple

the amounts of all the ingredients and add to a pitcher. Refrigerate
until you are ready to use.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 19

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Yellow Bird Cocktail

MAKES: 1 drink  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

½ lime A classic Caribbean cocktail, the Yellow Bird brings to mind

Ice beaches, evenings on lounge chairs, and tiki torches. The
1¼ ounces orange juice orange juice gives this fun rum cocktail a nice tropical citrus
fruit flavor, but there are many ways to make it—there are
1 ounce light rum
probably as many versions of the Yellow Bird as there are
1 ounce dark rum
places to order them in San Juan. This one is simple and
¼ ounce Galliano liqueur packed with flavor.

1. Juice the lime into a shaker with ice and add the orange juice, light
and dark rums, and the Galliano liqueur.
2. Shake well and strain into a tall glass filled with ice.

VARIATION TIP: Pour 1½ ounces each of light and dark rum

into a glass, then add 2 ounces each of a banana liqueur and
orange juice.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Guava Margarita
MAKES: 4 drinks  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

½ cup fresh lime juice Guava purée may be an ingredient that you aren’t used
1 cup tequila to seeing in your everyday shopping, but it’s easy to find,
½ cup Grand Marnier typically either in the juice or liquor aisles of most stores.
If your local chain doesn’t carry it, this is an item you can
1 cup guava purée
purchase online and not have to worry about spoilage during
Coarse salt
shipping, as it need not be refrigerated until after it’s opened.

1. Mix together lime juice, tequila, Grand Marnier, and guava purée
in a large pitcher. Refrigerate until ready to use.
2. To serve, rub a cut lime around the rim of each serving glass, and
press the rim into salt. Pour margarita into salt-prepped glass.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 21

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Leche de Coco
Coconut Milk

MAKES: 2 to 3 cups  |  PREP TIME: 40 minutes

1 large coconut There is almost nothing that says tropical island like a coconut. It
2 to 3 cups water is a local, abundant ingredient in Puerto Rico that it is an integral
part of the cuisine. Coconuts can be found in any major grocery
store. If you have always seen them and just never knew what to
make with them, let this be your first recipe using this exotic fruit.

1. Using a screwdriver, pierce one of the eyes in the coconut and

tap the end of the screwdriver with a hammer or mallet. Drain
the liquid (you can drink it or store it in the refrigerator for up to
4 days).
2. Crack open the coconut using a hammer and break it into small
pieces. Carefully run a knife between the shell and the white part
of the coconut to remove the meat. If small bits of shell remain on
the meat you can use a vegetable peeler to remove them.
3. Place the coconut meat into a blender and pour in water. Make
sure there is enough water to cover all the coconut meat. Blend
until it is finely grated.
4. Place cheesecloth into a sieve, and place over the container of your
choice. Pour the coconut mixture into the cheesecloth and squeeze
as much liquid as possible into the container.
5. Refrigerate coconut milk and serve within 3 to 4 days.

INGREDIENT TIP: Bake your coconut for 30 minutes at 350˚F.

This will soften the coconut meat and make it easier to remove
once it has cooled. You can also purchase packaged coconut at
many stores and online; simply chop it into small pieces and add it
to the blender.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Leche de Arroz
Rice Milk

MAKES: 4 cups  |  PREP TIME: 1 day

1 cup white rice As you’ll see in this cookbook, rice is used a lot in Puerto Rican
5½ cups water, divided cuisine, even in the drinks. Rice milk is a smooth and sweet
1 teaspoon honey drink that’s easy to adjust to your own tastes. You’ll find there
are many versions of rice milk, but this is the easiest way to
¼ teaspoon vanilla extract
make it. I use honey to sweeten it, though you can use sugar
or even blend in other sweet fruits.

1. Place rinsed rice into a bowl and cover with 1½ cups of water.
Allow to soak overnight.
2. Drain the water from rice. Put the rice and the remaining 4 cups
of water into a blender and pulse for 1 to 2 minutes. Place a sieve
lined with cheesecloth over a bowl and strain the mixture through
the cloth. Squeeze the cloth to get as much liquid out as possible.
3. Mix honey and vanilla extract into milk and place into mason jars
or a pitcher, allowing it to chill until ready to serve.

STORAGE TIP: Rice milk will keep in the refrigerator for up to

1 week.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 23

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Jugo de Carambola
Star Fruit Juice

MAKES: 8 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

10 star fruits Star fruit has a tart flavor with just a hint of sourness. At one
4 cups water point it was somewhat of a specialty item, but most major stores
½ cup granulated sugar now carry them so you shouldn’t have trouble finding them.
Star fruit has a refreshing citrus-like juice that goes great with
breakfast. Want to feel like you’re waking up on our beautiful
isle? Make sure to start the day with a glass of star fruit juice.

1. Halve each star fruit and squeeze the ends to push the pulp out of
the skin. Place the pulps into a blender.
2. Add the water and sugar and pulse until liquified. Pour through a
strainer into a pitcher with ice.

INGREDIENT TIP: A ripe, flavorful star fruit will be yellow to

yellow-green in color. If it’s more green than yellow, it’s not ready to
be used yet.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Champola de Guayaba
Guava Smoothie

MAKES: 4 drinks  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes

1 (14-ounce) package This is a great everyday smoothie with a tropical twist. Guava
guava pulp pulp is another ingredient that is more common and easier to
1 (12-ounce) can find than you might think, usually found in the juice aisle at
evaporated milk the store. Goya is one of my go-to brands that makes a lot of
1 cup water great ingredients throughout this book, including guava pulp.
½ cup granulated sugar
Place guava pulp, evaporated milk, water, sugar, and vanilla extract
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
in a blender and pulse until liquified. To serve, fill glasses with ice
Ice and pour smoothie over ice.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 25

Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Guava Dip
MAKES: 2 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

5 ounces guava paste Guava and cheese work well together in a lot of recipes, creating
2 tablespoons water a great sweet and savory flavor profile. This guava dip is an easy
8 ounces softened crossover recipe for those who may be new to Puerto Rican
cream cheese cuisine, and even for those who may not be big fans of Latin
¼ cup sour cream
food. This dip is a real crowd pleaser, no matter the crowd.

2 tablespoons honey
1. Place guava paste and water into a food processor and pulse until
1 minced garlic clove smooth. Remove paste and set aside. Rinse out processor.
Salt 2. Place the cream cheese, sour cream, honey, garlic, and salt into the
food processor and pulse until smooth. Transfer to a serving bowl
and fold the guava paste into the cheese mixture.

STORAGE TIP: Tightly cover the dip and store it in the refrigerator
for up to 1 week.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Ensalada de Aguacate y Tomate

Avocado and Tomato Salad

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

FOR THE SALAD This simple salad is elevated with the tropical flavors in this
2 large tomatoes, sliced recipe. Avocados are bountiful in Puerto Rico and can be found
½ small red onion, sliced all over the island, and they lend great taste and texture to many
dishes. This salad is perfect for a quick meal with lots of flavor.
2 avocados, sliced
2 tablespoons
chopped cilantro TO ASSEMBLE THE SALAD

Layer half of the tomatoes, red onion, avocados, and cilantro on a

serving plate. Layer in the other half of the ingredients.
2 limes, juiced
3 tablespoons TO MAKE THE DRESSING
white vinegar Whisk together the lime juice, vinegar, olive oil, salt, and pepper in a
1 tablespoon olive oil small bowl, drizzle over the salad, and serve.


Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 27

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Ensalada de Aguacate y Jueyes

Avocado and Crab Salad

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 25 minutes

1 (8-ounce) can lump As is true of any island, seafood is a big part of life in Puerto
crab meat Rico. There are a number of seafood recipes in this book,
¼ red onion, chopped but this is a simple one to start out with. This avocado and
½ green pepper, chopped crab salad is basic in its construction but complex in its
¼ cucumber, chopped
flavor. The presentation of it makes it feel like something
you would get at a high-end restaurant, even though the
2 tablespoons
ingredients are easy to find and even easier to work with.
chopped cilantro
1 lemon, juiced
1. In a large bowl toss together lump crab meat, onions, peppers,
2 tablespoons olive oil cucumbers, and cilantro. Add half the lemon juice, olive oil, salt,
Salt and pepper. Cover and refrigerate until ready to use.
Pepper 2. Peel and roughly chop the avocados. Drizzle with a little olive oil,
salt, and pepper.
2 avocados
3. Spoon some chopped avocado into a lightly greased 1-cup measure
and lightly press down, then add some of the crab mixture. Slide
the mold off and serve. Add a little more chopped cilantro as
garnish if you want.

VARIATION TIP: Add a layer of cooked rice between the avocado

and crab layers to make this a more substantial, satisfying meal.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Ensalada de Carambola y Jamón

Star Fruit and Prosciutto Salad

MAKES: 2 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes

FOR THE SALAD Pork and ham (prosciutto, in this recipe) are big parts of
1 cup lettuce Puerto Rican cuisine; you’ll see them in everything from
½ cup arugula appetizers to main courses and side dishes. A star fruit and
ham salad is a delicious, easy pairing that has an extra wow
4 ounces prosciutto
factor. This is the perfect salad to serve as an appetizer or pair
1 thinly sliced star fruit
with a nice summer lunch.
1 tablespoon
sherry vinegar 1. Rinse, dry, and chop the lettuce. Place lettuce into a medium salad
bowl and add the arugula on top.
3 tablespoons olive oil
2. Roughly chop the prosciutto and place it on top of the arugula,
½ teaspoon garlic powder
then add the thinly sliced star fruit.

In a small bowl whisk together vinegar, olive oil, garlic powder, and
salt. Drizzle the salad with dressing and serve.

VARIATION TIP: If you don’t like prosciutto, sliced serrano ham

will work just as well. Add some thinly sliced bell pepper for extra
texture and flavor.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 29

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Ensalada de Repollo
Cabbage Salad

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 45 minutes

3 cups sliced cabbage Cabbage is a commonly used vegetable in many cuisines

1½ cups julienned carrots worldwide, including Latin and Caribbean. It’s an inexpensive
1 roughly chopped avocado and easy-to-find base for this recipe and many others. Cabbage
Salad is a nice light and crisp vegetarian start to a full dinner
2 tablespoons olive oil
or a light meal on its own—this one works for everything.
4 lemons, juiced
Salt 1. In a large bowl, mix together cabbage, carrot, and chopped
Pepper avocado. Add in olive oil and the juice from the lemons.
2. Add salt and pepper to taste, and toss to coat all ingredients
evenly. Allow to rest at least 30 minutes to allow flavors to really
come through.

VARIATION TIP: Adding a tablespoon of finely chopped cilantro

really makes the flavors pop in this salad. If you want to make it
a creamy salad you can add 1/2 cup mayonnaise before tossing it
all together.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Ensalada de Pulpo
Octopus Salad

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 20 minutes

FOR THE SALAD I used to make this with fresh octopus and always had a
1 (8-ounce) can hard time finding it, until one of my friends taught me how
pre-cooked octopus to make it with canned octopus instead. Canned octopus is
½ green pepper, chopped available at most stores now and tastes just as good in this
½ red pepper, chopped
recipe. Worst-case scenario, it’s also easy to find online.

½ red onion, diced

1 small tomato, chopped TO ASSEMBLE THE SALAD

Drain and rinse the octopus, pat dry, and cut into bite-size pieces. In a
FOR THE DRESSING large bowl, toss together the octopus, green and red peppers, onions,
1 tablespoon olive oil and tomatoes.
1 garlic clove, minced
1 tablespoon white vinegar
In a small bowl whisk together the olive oil, minced garlic, vinegar,
½ lime, juiced lime juice, and salt to taste. Drizzle dressing over salad and toss to
Salt coat evenly.

INGREDIENT TIP: If you want to make this with fresh octopus,

place it in a pot covered with salted water and bring to a simmer,
cover, and allow to cook for about 1 hour. Allow it to cool, then
clean and slice before adding to the salad.

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 31


Three-Meat Sandwich

MAKES: 1 sandwich  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

10-inch French bread loaf The Tripleta is an example of one of the amazing street foods
2 tablespoons ketchup Puerto Rico has to offer. Popularized by food trucks in the
2 tablespoons mayonnaise San Juan area, the name comes from the fact that it is a
sandwich of, well, three meats. While it’s typically grilled,
4 ounces sliced
Swiss cheese
this is a simpler no-cook version that will please anyone.

4 ounces sliced roast pork

1. Slice the French bread loaf in half lengthwise and spread your
4 ounces sliced ketchup and mayo on the inside of the bottom bun.
serrano ham
2. Add the cheese, pork, ham, roast beef, lettuce, and tomato. Close
4 ounces sliced roast beef sandwich, slice in half, and serve.
¼ cup lettuce, shredded
1 sliced tomato VARIATION TIP: Instead of the roast pork, use shredded Pernil
(see page 113), and replace the roast beef with leftover skirt steak
from the Jibarito recipe (see page 78). Try it grilled: Place in a
panini press until toasted and serve.



Cuban Sandwich

MAKES: 4 sandwiches  |  PREP TIME: 20 minutes

1 Cuban bread loaf The Cubano became popular in Puerto Rico in the late 1950s
4 tablespoons mayonnaise and early ’60s when Fidel Castro rose to power in Cuba and
4 tablespoons Puerto Rico saw an influx of Cuban immigrants. The sandwich
yellow mustard brought over by the Cubans, who now called Puerto Rico their
8 ounces sliced
home, spread in popularity throughout the island and beyond
Swiss cheese in Florida, New York, and Chicago, among other places.
16 ounces sliced ham
1. Cut Cuban loaf into quarters and halve each section lengthwise.
16 ounces sliced roast pork
Spread the mayonnaise and mustard on the inside of each section.
4 dill pickles, sliced
2. On each sandwich, layer Swiss cheese, ham, pork, and dill pickle
slices. Close up and serve.

VARIATION TIP: Place in a sandwich press and toast until warm

and the cheese is melted.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: If you can’t find Cuban bread, use Italian


Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 33

Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Limber de Cheesecake
Cheesecake Popsicle

MAKES: 16 servings  |  PREP TIME: 4 hours

8 ounces cream cheese Despite its name, this dessert typically isn’t made as a Popsicle.
1 (14-ounce) can The traditional way to make these is to put them in small plastic
sweetened cups and eat them the same way you would eat a push pop. Now
condensed milk I make them using Popsicle molds and sticks, and my kids make
1 (12-ounce) can less of a mess this way.
evaporated milk
1 cup whole milk 1. Place the cream cheese, condensed milk, evaporated milk,
whole milk, vanilla extract, and sugar in a blender and blend
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
until smooth.
1 teaspoon
2. Pour mixture into Popsicle molds or small plastic cups. Place
granulated sugar
a Popsicle stick into each mold and freeze for at least 4 hours
before serving.


Gluten-Free / Vegetarian

Limber de Nutella
Nutella Popsicle

MAKES: 16 servings  |  PREP TIME: 4 hours

1 (13-ounce) jar Nutella A simple but tasty variation on the cheesecake Popsicle, these
1 (14-ounce) can Nutella Popsicles are even quicker and easier. With the rise in
sweetened popularity of Nutella, this is a more recent addition to Puerto
condensed milk Rican cuisine, and a very welcome one at that.
1 (12-ounce) can
evaporated milk 1. Place the Nutella, condensed milk, evaporated milk, whole milk,
1 cup whole milk vanilla extract, and sugar in a blender and blend until smooth.

1 teaspoon vanilla extract 2. Pour into Popsicle mold or small plastic cups. Place a Popsicle stick
into each and freeze for at least 4 hours before serving.
1 teaspoon
granulated sugar

Beverages and No-Cook Recipes | 35


30 Minutes or Less
Puerto Rican recipes, let’s take it a step further. In this chap-
ter we’ll explore quick meals that you can make when you’re
pressed for time or just don’t want to spend a lot of time in the
kitchen. These recipes range from appetizers to full dinners
that will allow you to sample some of Puerto Rico’s most pop-
ular dishes and fully immerse you in the flavors of the island.

 hurrasco/ Skirt Steak with Chimichurri,
Pages 54 and 130 37
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Fried Plantains

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

3 green plantains Plantains are found in several Puerto Rican dishes. While
1½ cups olive oil they may look like unripe, ordinary bananas, they’re not, and
Salt you don’t want to try to substitute them with bananas. Most
grocery stores carry plantains now, though the best ones are
found at specialty produce markets. For tostones you want nice
green and stiff plantains—these are underripe and perfect for
this recipe.

1. Cut the ends off of each plantain. Find one of the ribs that runs
lengthwise and slice along it. Using your fingers or a spoon,
remove the skin. Slice the plantains into one-inch medallions.
2. In a sauté pan or skillet, heat enough olive oil to cover the plantains
over medium-high heat. Place plantain slices into heated oil and
allow to fry for 2 to 3 minutes on each side. Remove the plantains
from the frying pan and place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil
and cool.
3. Once cool enough to handle, flatten the plantain slices. You can use
a tortilla press for this if you have one, or you can use the bottom
of a plate, a spatula, or even your hand.
4. Place flattened plantains back into the heated oil and allow to fry
until they are a beautiful golden brown, for 3 to 4 minutes. Remove
from oil and place on a paper towel to cool. Sprinkle with salt
before serving.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Plátanos Maduros
Fried Sweet Plantains

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

3 ripe sweet plantains While the plantains used for tostones are green, stiff, and
2 cups oil underripe, the ones you will want for this recipe should be
Salt yellow and spotted. The more dark spots the plantain has, the
riper and sweeter it is. Knowing when to cook the plantain
completely changes the flavor and texture, and it becomes a
brand-new side dish or appetizer.

1. Cut the ends off of each plantain. Find one of the ribs that runs
lengthwise and slice along it. Using your fingers or a spoon,
remove the skin. Slice the plantain into half-inch sections.
2. Heat oil in a sauté pan or skillet over medium to high heat. When
the oil is hot, place the plantains into the pan and cook until they
are golden brown, for 2 to 3 minutes per side. Remove from oil and
lay on a paper towel to cool.
3. Lightly salt and serve as a snack or with dinner.

VARIATION TIP: For a healthier, no-fry version, bake the sliced

plantains at 350°F for 25 minutes until tender.

30 Minutes or Less | 39

Puerto Rican-Style Crab Cakes

MAKES: 8 patties  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

2½ tablespoons Crab cakes are a popular dish in many regions, and everyone
mayonnaise makes them their own way. Of course, there is a Puerto
2 tablespoons Rican version of them, too, with some ingredients you
Dijon mustard may have never used before. Adobo and sofrito are widely
1 teaspoon adobo used in all Puerto Rican cuisine, and you can find recipes
(see page 120) for both in this book. If you don’t want to make your
1 teaspoon sofrito own adobo, it can be found in most stores’ spice aisles.
(see page 116)
1 teaspoon minced garlic 1. In a small bowl whisk together mayonnaise, mustard, adobo,
sofrito, garlic, lemon juice, and egg.
½ teaspoon lemon juice
2. In a medium bowl mix together crab meat and bread crumbs. Fold
1 beaten egg
the mayonnaise mixture into crab mixture, then form 8 patties.
1 pound lump crab meat
3. In a sauté pan or skillet, heat oil over medium to high heat. Add
¾ cup panko bread crumbs crab cakes to the pan in batches, avoiding crowding, and cook until
1 tablespoon oil they are golden brown, for 4 to 5 minutes per side.

STORAGE TIP: These crab cakes will keep in the refrigerator for
3 to 4 days; any leftovers should be frozen.


Dairy-Free / Nut-Free

Codfish Fritters

MAKES: 10 fritters  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

2 cups water Another example of true Puerto Rican street food, bacalaitos
1 pound chopped cod fillet are a staple of festivals and food trucks that can be found dotted
2 cups flour along beaches and in San Juan. They are a savory pancake-like
fritter, crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside, which
1 teaspoon adobo
(see page 120)
uses one of the most plentiful resources available to people
living on an island: fish, a big part of the Puerto Rican diet.
1 teaspoon sazón
(see page 121)
1. Bring 2 cups water to a boil in a saucepan. Place cod into water and
½ teaspoon baking powder
boil for 10 minutes.
½ teaspoon oregano
2. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl whisk together flour, adobo, sazón,
½ teaspoon cumin baking powder, oregano, and cumin. Once completely combined
2 tablespoons sofrito slowly add in the water and sofrito. You will end up with a
(see page 116) thick batter.

2 cups oil 3. After 10 minutes, remove the cod from the water, pat dry, and fold
it into the batter.
4. Heat oil over a medium to high heat in a sauté pan or skillet. Drop
heaping spoonfuls of batter into the pan and cook fritters until
golden brown, for 3 to 4 minutes per side.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: You can also use 1 pound frozen salted cod,
which can be found at any major grocery store. Soak the fish in a
bowl of water for several hours to remove the salt, then rinse. From
here the recipe is the same.

30 Minutes or Less | 41
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Sorullitos de Maiz
Sweet Corn Fritters

MAKES: 15 to 20 fritters  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

2 cups water These sweet corn fritters are another Puerto Rican street
½ teaspoon salt food, perfect for on-the-go snacks. I like to serve them with a
1 tablespoon sugar simple dipping sauce of ketchup, mayonnaise, and garlic. Sweet
corn fritters have been a staple for decades, and their crispy
1½ cups cornmeal
exterior makes them an irresistible appetizer or side dish.
6 ounces shredded
Gouda cheese
1. Boil 2 cups water in a medium saucepan. Once at a boil, remove
2 cups oil water from heat and stir in the salt, sugar, and cornmeal. Return
to heat and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring constantly, until the
dough no longer sticks to the pan. Remove from heat and stir in
the cheese.
2. Once the dough has cooled enough to handle, scoop out 1 heaping
tablespoon at a time and roll into a stick shape.
3. Heat oil over medium to high heat in a sauté pan or skillet (there
should be about 2 inches of oil in the pan). Place formed dough
sticks into oil and fry until golden brown, for 4 to 5 minutes. Serve
as is or with your favorite dipping sauce.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Puerto Rican Oatmeal

MAKES: 2 servings  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

1¾ cups condensed milk Breakfast in Puerto Rico isn’t that different from breakfast
Salt anywhere else in the world, we just have our own little twists
Sugar on popular classics. A big one is Avena, or Puerto Rican
oatmeal. Many of the ingredients in this recipe you probably
1 tablespoon butter
have around the house, so you can easily whip this one
1 small cinnamon stick
together without going to the store.
1 cup oats
Ground cinnamon, 1. In a medium saucepan, bring condensed milk to a simmer. Add
for garnish in the salt, sugar, butter, and cinnamon stick. Bring to a full boil,
making sure everything except the cinnamon stick is com-
pletely combined.
2. Add in oats and turn the heat down, stirring occasionally until oats
are cooked to your desired consistency.
3. Remove from the heat and discard the cinnamon stick. Cover
the saucepan and allow to rest for 2 to 3 minutes. Garnish with
cinnamon before serving.

COOKING TIP: You can make Avena in the microwave by putting

all the ingredients in a large microwave-safe bowl and heating at
50 percent power for 5 to 8 minutes.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: You can use regular whole milk in place of

condensed milk.

30 Minutes or Less | 43
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Ensalada de Camarones
Shrimp Salad

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 5 minutes

3 tablespoons butter This shrimp salad is a simple but delicious recipe with common
3 pounds shrimp, ingredients that are easy to find and work with. On top of that,
deveined and this is an easy-to-make light meal that will please almost every-
tails removed one, so it’s definitely worth a shot. My father was a big shrimp
¼ cup chopped lover so I ended up making this dish often when he would
green pepper come over unannounced, leaving me no time to go shopping.
¼ cup chopped red pepper
¼ cup chopped red onion 1. Melt butter in a sauté pan or skillet over medium to low heat.
Add in shrimp, stirring constantly until shrimp is pink and
¼ cup olives
opaque. Remove shrimp from the pan and allow to cool for
½ lemon, juiced several minutes.
Salt 2. Toss shrimp, green peppers, red peppers, red onions, olives, and
Pepper lemon juice in a large bowl, making sure everything gets a nice
coating of lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper to taste.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: Use frozen or pre-cooked shrimp to save

time. If buying shrimp directly from the freezer case, simply thaw
in the refrigerator before tossing with other ingredients. If buying
frozen, thaw under cold running water, then pat dry.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Yuca en Escabeche
Pickled Cassava Salad

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

1 pound yuca/cassava Yuca en Escabeche is a perfect pairing with Puerto Rican Pernil
Water (see page 113). Like a great potato salad, this escabeche can
⅔ cup olive oil accompany almost any dish and will wow everyone. If you’ve
never heard of or worked with yuca, don’t worry! It’s pretty
1 white onion, sliced
easy to find and even easier to work with.
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 tablespoons 1. Peel the skin from the yuca and chop it into 1-inch chunks.
white vinegar
2. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add in the chopped yuca and
7 to 8 pimento-stuffed boil for 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and rinse the yuca, and set aside.
green olives
3. Heat olive oil in a sauté pan or skillet over medium heat. Add in
Salt the onions and cook until they soften but before they turn brown,
Pepper about 5 minutes. Add garlic and vinegar and simmer for another
2 to 3 minutes.
4. Toss the yuca, the mixture from step 3, and the green olives
together in a large bowl and let rest for at least 1 hour
before serving.

COOKING TIP: Make this recipe a day before you eat it and store
in the refrigerator. The flavors will mingle and have more of a pop
to them when you serve it.

VARIATION TIP: For a punch of extra flavor, add some capers—a

popular addition to this recipe.

30 Minutes or Less | 45

Pastelillos de Carne
Meat Turnovers

MAKES: 10 pastelillos  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

3½ cups flour This is one of the first Puerto Rican dishes I ever had at the
2½ teaspoons salt Puerto Rican festival that’s held every summer in Humboldt
2 teaspoons Park. Street foods like these turnovers were a big part of my
baking powder childhood and sparked my love for Puerto Rican food. This
3½ tablespoons
dish can be made in under 30 minutes if you already have the
vegetable oil Picadillo prepared, which I highly recommend as it is a staple
in Puerto Rican cuisine and can be used in many dishes.
1 lightly beaten egg
¾ cups cold water
1. Whisk flour, salt, and baking powder together, combining com-
1 cup picadillo (see pletely. Slowly whisk in the oil and egg. Add the cold water last and
page 123) mix until combined.
2 cups oil 2. Divide dough into 10 equal pieces. Working on a lightly floured
surface, roll out dough into roughly 6-inch circles.
3. Add about 1 tablespoon of picadillo to each. Using your finger,
brush the edge of the dough with water, fold over, and press the
edges together with a fork.
4. Heat the oil in a sauté pan or skillet over a medium heat (there
should be about 2 inches of oil in the pan). When the oil is hot, fry
turnovers for 2 to 3 minutes per side, until the dough is golden and
flaky. Place turnovers on a paper towel to drain excess oil and cool.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: Goya sells premade dough called discos,

which can be used for these turnovers instead of making your
own dough.

VARIATION TIP: Picadillo is the traditional filling in these turn-

overs, but you can use cheese or crab, or any other protein.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Habichuelas Guisadas
Bean Stew

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

2 tablespoons sofrito Some of the first dishes my dad taught me in Puerto Rican
(see page 116) cuisine were different types of stews he would eat when he was
1 tablespoon sazón a kid. Stews were and are a big part of our cuisine because
(see page 121) they’re inexpensive to make and serve the whole family, and
1 tablespoon adobo my dad had a huge family, so they needed a lot of easy recipes
(see page 120) to feed everyone. This and Mofongo were my dad’s two
1 (8-ounce) can favorite things to eat.
tomato sauce
½ cup pimento-stuffed 1. Pour in the sofrito, sazón, adobo, and tomato sauce to a large
green olives pot over medium heat. Once it starts to sizzle add in olives and
alcaparrado. Allow to simmer for 2 to 3 minutes.
1 teaspoon alcaparrado
(see page 124) 2. Add the beans, potatoes, and 2 cans’ worth of water. Turn heat to
high, cover, and boil for 20 minutes. Serve over white rice.
2 (15-ounce) cans
kidney beans
VARIATION TIP: Feel free to use any type of beans in place of
½ pound potatoes, cubed kidney beans; this versatile recipe will work well with pinto beans,
Water black beans, and chickpeas.

30 Minutes or Less | 47
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Yuca con Mojo

Cassava with Garlic Sauce

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

1½ pounds yuca, peeled Yuca can be purchased both fresh and frozen. Sometimes it’s
and chopped labeled as tapioca in certain stores. Much like a potato, it’s a
Water dietary staple of many Caribbean cultures, especially in Puerto
1 onion, thinly sliced Rico. Yuca con Mojo is a great vegan recipe among the more
¼ cup orange juice
meat-heavy dishes that are typical in Puerto Rican cuisine.

¼ cup lime juice

1. Place 1-inch yuca chunks into a large pot and cover with water.
1 tablespoon Bring to a boil and cook for 15 to 20 minutes, until the yuca
chopped cilantro becomes tender. Drain and set aside in a large bowl.
4 garlic cloves, minced 2. In another bowl toss together onions, orange juice, lime juice,
¼ cup olive oil cilantro, and garlic. Pour over yuca and set aside.
½ teaspoon oregano 3. Heat oil in a saucepan over medium to high heat and add oregano,
½ teaspoon cumin cumin, salt, and pepper. Cook until hot and pour over the
yuca mixture.
Pepper COOKING TIP: You can cook the yuca ahead of time and reheat it
in the microwave if you’re in a time crunch.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz al Ajillo con Camarones

Garlic Rice with Shrimp

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

½ pound medium shrimp, An easy and delicious complete dinner, Arroz al Ajillo con
peeled and deveined Camarones is one Puerto Rican dish that will win anyone over.
1 teaspoon paprika You might find this in many restaurants in the newer areas
Salt of San Juan, where they take classic recipes and add some
modern flair to them. Garlic is a theme in island cooking—
we use it for just about everything.
¼ cup chopped bacon
4 tablespoons butter
1. Place shrimp in a medium bowl and add paprika, salt, and pepper
5 garlic cloves, minced to taste. Toss shrimp so it is evenly coated with seasoning.
3 green onions, diced 2. Cook chopped bacon in a sauté pan or skillet. Once bacon is
3 cups cooked white rice cooked to the point you like it, add shrimp and cook until pink
and opaque. Remove shrimp and bacon from pan but don’t drain
the fat.
3. Melt butter in the same pan over medium heat, then add garlic and
green onion. Once the garlic becomes fragrant add in the cooked
rice, stirring so it absorbs the garlic sauce.
4. Add shrimp and bacon back in, stir and cook for 1 to 2 minutes,
then serve.

30 Minutes or Less | 49
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pollo Frito
Fried Chicken

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 20 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 5 minutes

2 pounds chicken thighs So far, we’ve tackled pork, beef, and seafood. Don’t worry, I
3 tablespoons olive oil haven’t forgotten about chicken! Puerto Ricans use chicken in
1 tablespoon white vinegar a lot of our recipes, so we’ll start with something that is pretty
familiar but with a Puerto Rican twist. Simple fried chicken,
2 garlic cloves, minced
packed with the flavor of our little island. Served with Arroz
1 teaspoon oregano
con Gandules (Puerto Rican rice with pigeon peas), you have
Salt a plate of Puerto Rican soul food.
1 cup flour 1. Rinse and pat chicken dry. Drizzle with olive oil and vinegar, coat-
ing chicken on both sides. Add garlic, oregano, salt, and pepper,
2 cups oil
and rub to make sure chicken is completely coated in seasonings.
Cover and set aside for 15 minutes.
2. After 15 minutes, toss chicken in flour.
3. Heat oil in a large pot over high heat. Add flour-coated chicken
and fry until golden and crispy, 3 to 5 minutes per side.

COOKING TIP: You can marinate and refrigerate the chicken a

day ahead of time. Marinating for a full day will give it great flavor.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Carne Frita
Fried Pork Chunks

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 20 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 5 minutes

2 pounds pork shoulder Another very versatile dish, Carne Frita is a street food that
1 tablespoon sazón is often eaten at clubs on nights out. These can be served as an
(see page 121) appetizer or made with some plantains and rice to make a
1 teaspoon adobo complete meal. With pork being such a large part of our
(see page 120) island cuisine, we find many ways to prep and serve it. Sazón
1 teaspoon oregano and adobo are the only two ingredients you may not already
have, though they can be found at most grocery stores if you
5 garlic cloves, minced
don’t want to make them.
3 tablespoons olive oil
⅓ cup vinegar
1. Cut the pork into 1-inch cubes and season with sazón, adobo,
2 cups vegetable oregano, garlic, olive oil, and vinegar, making sure pork is coated
or canola oil evenly. Cover and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
2. Heat about 2 cups of oil in a large sauté pan or skillet over medium
heat. Add pork to heated oil and fry for about 5 minutes. Remove
from oil and place on paper towels to absorb excess oil, then serve.

30 Minutes or Less | 51
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pork Chops

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

2 tablespoons olive Puerto Rican pork chops are my little brother’s single
oil, divided favorite dish to eat. He orders them every time we go to
2 pounds bone-in a restaurant, so this was a recipe I had to learn. I came to
pork chops find that there wasn’t much effort required to get the most
1 tablespoon white vinegar flavor out of the pork chops. Paired with some Puerto Rican
2 teaspoons adobo rice, this makes for a quick dinner full of that island feel.
(see page 120)
1 teaspoon sazón 1. Drizzle 1 tablespoon olive oil over pork chops and rub to coat.
(see page 121) Season with vinegar, adobo, sazón, and garlic powder, making sure
the chops are completely coated.
½ teaspoon garlic powder
2. In a sauté pan or skillet heat the remaining tablespoon of oil over
medium to high heat. When hot, sear pork chops about 2 minutes
on each side. Once they have a nice sear, reduce the heat and cook
another 5 minutes on each side.

COOKING TIP: For a stronger flavor, marinate ahead of time. Mix

all seasonings with ½ cup olive oil and coat the chops evenly, then
refrigerate for 1 to 2 hours before frying.


Dairy-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz Blanco con Carne Bif

White Rice with Corned Beef

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

2 cups water Corned beef is a simple and relatively inexpensive main

Pinch salt dish that’s delicious with a simple rice side. Cooking it
1 cup uncooked white rice with several distinctly Puerto Rican flavors like sofrito and
sazón give the beef an extra pop it wouldn’t normally have.
1 teaspoon olive oil
Other than those two ingredients there isn’t much you’ll
2 tablespoons sofrito
have trouble finding to make this quick and easy dinner.
(see page 116)
1 teaspoon oregano
1. In a small saucepan, boil 2 cups of water with a pinch of salt, then
1 tablespoon sazón add rice. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
(see page 121)
2. While the rice cooks, heat olive oil in a large pan over medium
Pepper heat. Add sofrito, oregano, sazón, pepper, and tomato sauce,
1 (8-ounce) can cooking for a couple of minutes.
tomato sauce 3. Add corned beef. Break apart the beef and cook for a couple of
2 (12-ounce) cans minutes. Mix in the corn kernels and potatoes and cover. Cook for
corned beef 15 to 20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

½ cup corn kernels 4. Divide rice among plates and add corned beef on top of the rice.

1 potato, peeled and diced

SERVING TIP: The Plátanos Maduros (see page 39) are a perfect
side to round out this authentic Puerto Rican dinner.

30 Minutes or Less | 53
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Skirt Steak

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 12 minutes

1½ pounds skirt steak Churrasco is just as easily served as a main course at a

½ teaspoon cumin high-end restaurant as it is put on a toasted roll and served
½ teaspoon ground at a food truck. It is a versatile meat that is a great rep-
coriander resentation of Puerto Rican cuisine. It uses a few simple
ingredients, most of which you probably already have.

1. Pat the steaks dry. In a small bowl mix cumin, ground coriander,
salt, and pepper together and rub the steak with the mixture,
coating it evenly.
2. Set oven to broil, and broil steak for about 5 minutes per side.
Remove steak from the oven and rest for at least 5 minutes.
3. Thinly slice steaks holding your knife at a roughly 45-degree angle,
then serve.

SERVING TIP: Mofongo (see page 68) is the perfect side to

have with Churrasco. You can also drizzle a little chimichurri
(see page 130) over the steak to give it some punch.


Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Empanadillas de Guava y Queso

Guava and Cheese Dumplings

MAKES: 10 dumplings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

3½ cups flour The sweet and savory flavors of guava and cheese work
2½ teaspoons salt well together in these fried dumplings. This is a festival
2 teaspoons and street food that has quickly gained popularity in
baking powder Puerto Rican homes as a simple dessert. Goya makes a
3½ tablespoons olive oil
guava paste that is easy to find and works well in a lot
of recipes, including this one. You end up with a flaky
1 lightly beaten egg
fried pastry that is the perfect cap to any meal.
¾ cup cold water
10 ounces guava paste 1. Whisk flour, salt, and baking powder together. Once completely
8 ounces cream cheese combined, slowly whisk in the oil and egg. Add in the cold water
last and mix until combined.
Canola or vegetable oil
2. Divide dough into 10 equal pieces. Working on a lightly floured
surface, roll out dough into roughly 6-inch circles.
3. Cube the guava paste and cream cheese into 1/4-inch chunks. Spoon
equal amounts of cheese and guava into the center of each dough
circle. Brush a little water around the edge of each disk and fold in
half, pressing the edges together with a fork.
4. Heat about 2 inches of oil in a pan over medium heat. Once the oil
begins to simmer fry the pastries until they are golden brown, 2 to
3 minutes per side. Let cool on a paper towel and serve.

30 Minutes or Less | 55

5 Ingredients or Less
of long grocery lists with unrecognizable ingredients. This
cookbook is meant to show you that there are plenty of recipes
with easy-to-find and uncomplicated ingredients that don’t
lack anything in the flavor department and are true represen-
tations of Puerto Rican culture. In this chapter we will explore
the best of simple Puerto Rican cuisine with recipes that use
5 ingredients or less (not counting water, oil, or salt and pepper
for seasoning) and will give you a taste of how simple making
Puerto Rican food can be.

< Yuca Fries with Salsa Rosa, Pages 65 and 128 57

Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Cornmeal Hot Cereal

MAKES: 3 to 4 servings  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

3 tablespoons butter Funche is a classic Puerto Rican dish that is derived from
1½ cups milk Italian polenta, displaying some diversity in Puerto Rico’s
1½ cups water wide variety of influences. With only a few ingredients
that are pretty common in most kitchen pantries, this
Pinch sugar
recipe is an easy win when exploring a new cuisine.
Pinch salt
1½ cups cornmeal 1. In a medium saucepan, melt butter and add milk and water. Stir in
sugar and salt to taste and bring the mixture to a boil.
2. Slowly whisk in cornmeal until combined, 2 to 3 minutes. Con-
tinue to cook over a medium heat until the funche thickens, then
remove from heat and serve.

VARIATION TIP: Funche is usually served one of two ways. The

first is as a hot breakfast cereal with some of your favorite sliced
fruit on top, or a splash of cream. The other way is to pour it into
a large ramekin or a greased pan, then place it in the refrigerator
to cool. Once it is cooled and hardened, turn it over onto a serving
dish and slice it.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Sweet Coconut Cakes

MAKES: 20 cakes  |  PREP TIME: 40 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

2 cups flour Whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or anytime in between,

1 teaspoon baking powder arepas are the perfect snack. They can be sweet or savory
1 cup sugar depending on how you’re feeling, and they go with any meal as
a side or appetizer. I have family and friends who use arepas to
Pinch salt
scoop guisados and asopaos (stews), like you would use chips.
1 cup coconut milk
½ cup vegetable oil 1. In a medium bowl whisk together flour, baking powder, and sugar
until completely combined, and add a pinch of salt to taste. Slowly
whisk in coconut milk, stirring until just combined.
2. Lightly flour your hands and knead the dough until it’s completely
incorporated and becomes sticky. Cover the bowl and allow dough
to rest for 30 minutes.
3. Lightly flour a flat surface to work on. Take half the dough and
roll it out until it is about ⅛-inch thick. Using a cookie cutter (a
2-inch one will work), cut out your arepas and set aside. Repeat
this process with the second half of the dough. You’ll have about
20 arepas in total.
4. In a large sauté pan or skillet heat ½ cup vegetable oil. Carefully
lower arepas into oil and fry until the edges become a golden
color, about 1 minute. Turn arepas and fry another 45 seconds to
1 minute.
5. Transfer arepas to a paper towel to drain excess oil. Serve while
they are warm and crisp.

VARIATION TIP: For an even sweeter taste sprinkle a little bit of

cinnamon and sugar over the arepas before serving. For a savory
arepa, use whole milk instead of coconut milk and only a pinch
of sugar, and add in a teaspoon of garlic powder when mixing
the dough.

5 Ingredients or Less | 59
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Shredded Plantain Fritters

MAKES: 15 to 20 fritters  |  PREP TIME: 25 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 20 minutes

3 green plantains Arañitas means “little spiders” in Spanish, but don’t

Garlic salt be put off by the name. These crunchy fried plantains
1 cup oil pack a lot of flavor and are a staple in the farms and
sugarcane fields of Puerto Rico as a quick savory finger
food. In my childhood kitchen, Arañitas were a way
to hold over the family until dinner was ready.

1. Cut both ends off of the plantains. Find one of the ribs that runs
lengthwise and slice along it. Remove the skin using your fingers
or a spoon. Halve the peeled plantains and shred with a cheese
grater into a large bowl.
2. Cover the shredded plantains in water and add garlic salt to taste,
soaking for 10 minutes (this will allow them to absorb the garlic
flavor). Drain the water and place shredded plantains on a paper
towel to absorb excess liquid.
3. In a sauté pan or skillet, heat oil over medium to high heat. Scoop
1 heaping tablespoon at a time of the shredded plantains and roll
into small balls. Press the balls flat and place them carefully into
the heated oil, frying until they are bright yellow, 2 to 3 minutes
per side.
4. Remove the arañitas and place onto a paper towel to drain excess
oil, then serve.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Puerto Rican Fritters

MAKES: 10 to 15 alcapurrias  |  PREP TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

Salted water Alcapurrias are completely unique to Puerto Rico. My

5 green (unripe) bananas first experience eating them was when I was a kid going
1 pound yautía/taro root to the Puerto Rican Day Parade in Humboldt Park. When
my dad was ordering food, I couldn’t remember the name
1½ tablespoons achiote
oil (see page 117)
of what I wanted and ordered the wrong thing. It was
a good thing I did though, because it introduced me to
Alcapurrias, and I’ve been in love with this Puerto Rican
1 pound picadillo, fresh
street food ever since. This is a dish you can find in any
(see page 123) or canned
Puerto Rican restaurant on the island or stateside.
2 cups oil

1. Fill a large bowl with salted water and peel bananas and yautía.
Slice the bananas into roughly 1-inch sections. Chop the yautía
likewise into about 1-inch cubes. Place bananas and yautía in the
salted water and soak for at least 10 to 15 minutes.
2. Drain the water, then place the small chunks into a food processor
and pulse until they are finely diced. Place the mixture in a large
bowl and add 1 tablespoon achiote oil, stirring until mixture takes
on the color of the oil evenly. Refrigerate your dough mixture for at
least 1 hour, and up to overnight.
3. After the dough has rested brush ½ tablespoon of achiote oil on a
piece of wax paper. Scoop ¼ cup of the dough onto the wax paper
and spread it out into a rough circle with a spoon. Scoop about
1 tablespoon picadillo into the center, then carefully fold the wax
paper to bring the edges of the dough together and pinch to seal.

> continued on next page

5 Ingredients or Less | 61

4. Heat about 2 cups oil in a large sauté pan or skillet over medium
to high heat. Using a spoon, carefully place alcapurrias into the
heated oil and fry until golden, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Remove
from oil and place on paper towels to drain excess oil. Serve warm,
with a side of pique (see page 126).

VARIATION TIPS: My dad put his own spin on this recipe; instead
of achiote oil, he would use about 1 tablespoon of sazón to add
coloring to the masa (dough) mixture. While I have only made my
alcapurrias with picadillo, my brother makes his with many differ-
ent fillings, like shrimp or chicken. Get creative with your fillings!

MAKE-AHEAD TIP: You can easily make these a few days ahead of
time. Complete steps 1 through 3, then refrigerate for up to 3 days.


Dairy-Free / Nut-Free

Rellenos de Papa
Stuffed Potatoes

MAKES: 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 40 minutes

2 pounds potatoes I once tried Alcapurrias because I ordered the wrong food by
Water mistake. Well, what I was actually looking for, but didn’t know
Salt the name of as a little kid, was rellenos de papa, maybe the
most popular Puerto Rican street food. My son has inherited
4 tablespoons butter
my love for them, so much so that when we went to Puerto
1 egg
Rico last spring, he was determined to try an authentic one
½ cup cornstarch made on the island. This recipe is one of my personal favorites.
1 pound picadillo, fresh
(see page 123) or canned 1. Peel and cut potatoes into about 1-inch cubes, then place them in
2 cups oil a large pot with enough water to cover potatoes. Add a little salt
to the water, and boil potatoes about 20 minutes until they are soft
and fork tender.
2. Drain the water and place potatoes in a large bowl with the butter,
egg, salt to taste, and 1 tablespoon cornstarch. Mash ingredients
together; they will be a little thicker and dryer than regular mashed
potatoes. Let cool enough to be handled with your bare hands.
3. Divide the potatoes into 10 equal portions. Lightly coat your hands
with flour and roll the potatoes into balls. Create an indent in the
center of each and spoon in about 1 tablespoon of picadillo. Close
up the potato around the meat and roll the ball in the remain-
ing cornstarch.
4. Heat 2 cups of oil in a sauté pan o# skillet over medium heat. Place
the balls into the heated oil and fry until golden on all sides, 1 to
2 minutes. Remove from skillet and place on paper towels to drain
excess oil and cool.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: You can easily make this recipe with instant
mashed potatoes. Follow the instructions on the package and add
adobo to taste to season the potatoes. Remember, you want the
potatoes to be thick and dry to work with, so use slightly less liquid
than what the package instructions call for.

5 Ingredients or Less | 63
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Cassava Bread

MAKES: 5 flatbreads  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

1 pound yuca Casabe is a simple flatbread that is enjoyed across the Carib-
(cassava root) bean and is perfect with almost any meal or to eat on its
Salt own. The versatility of casabe is well known; you can enjoy
it hot and fresh right after it’s made, or enjoy it later as a
midnight snack. One of the only ways my brother eats it is
with a spread of strawberry preserves and a glass of milk.

1. Peel and grate the yuca using the finest grate. Place finely grated
yuca into a cheesecloth and squeeze excess moisture into a bowl.
You want to remove as much liquid as possible.
2. Place grated yuca into a bowl and add a pinch of salt. Break
apart the yuca, making sure there are no clumps, and divide into
5 equal portions.
3. Heat a skillet over low to medium heat. Once the pan is hot, place
one portion of grated yuca in the center of the pan, using a spatula
to spread it out. Cook until golden, 2 to 3 minutes, then flip and
cook the other side until golden. Repeat with the other portions.

SERVING TIP: You can serve Casabe warm when it’s soft
and pliable, or allow it to cool and it will harden and have a
cracker-like consistency.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Yuca Frita
Yuca Fries

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

3 pounds yuca Yuca fries, yuca frita, or sometimes affectionately called

Water fried yuquitas, are a prime example of the fried tuber that
3 cups canola oil exists in nearly every culture but made here distinctly Puerto
Rican. My aunt would make yuca frita when she had guests
who weren’t overly familiar with Puerto Rican cuisine. As
with most side dishes in this cookbook, this is very easy
to make and goes with almost everything. Give this a try
sometime with a cheeseburger in place of French fries.

1. Peel your yuca and cut into about 4-inch-long sticks. (I prefer mine
closer to a steak fry, but some people like them thinner).
2. Place in a pot with enough water to cover the yuca by 1 inch. Bring
to a boil and simmer for about 20 minutes, or until the yuca is soft
yet still firm enough to hold its shape.
3. Drain the water. In a sauté pan or skillet heat the oil over medium
heat. Once the oil is hot, place the yuca in the skillet and fry until
golden brown, 2 to 3 minutes.
4. Place cooked yuca on paper towels to drain the excess oil and serve
with Salsa Rosa (see page 128).

5 Ingredients or Less | 65
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz Amarillo
Yellow Rice

MAKES: 6 servings  |  COOK TIME: 30 minutes

4 tablespoons achiote oil, Besides plain white rice this is probably the sim-
fresh (see page 117) plest Puerto Rican rice recipe, and that is saying a lot
or purchased
for an island that has more ways to cook rice than
2½ cups rice square feet of land. This basic arroz amarillo is a good
4½ cups chicken stock way to dip your toes into Puerto Rican cuisine.
2 teaspoons sazón
1. Heat the oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add rice and cook for
a couple of minutes stirring occasionally.
2. Pour in the chicken stock, sazón, and salt. You want enough
chicken stock to cover all of the rice by 1 inch. Cover and bring
to a boil, then reduce heat to low and cook, covered, for another
20 minutes. If the rice is undercooked once all the stock is
absorbed, add in a little water, cover, and continue to cook on low
until rice achieves desired consistency.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pulled Pork Sliders

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

2 green plantains I ate these for the first time in a small restaurant in Isla Verde
6 tablespoons oil on our most recent trip to Puerto Rico. While this is a newer
1 cup coconut milk recipe to me, I quickly fell in love with it. This puts a Puerto
Rican twist on a classic American pulled pork slider.
½ teaspoon chipotle chili
pepper spice (McCormick
makes a good one) 1. Score the plantain lengthwise along one of the ridges, and remove
the peel. Slice into 1-inch pieces.
¼ cup cilantro
2. Heat about 4 tablespoons of oil in a sauté pan or skillet. Fry
plantains until they start to brown, roughly 2 minutes. Flip and
3 cups pulled pork, canned fry for another 2 minutes, then remove from heat and place on a
paper towel.
3. Once they’re cool enough to handle, smash plantains on a piece of
wax paper using the bottom side of a plate to flatten them.
4. Heat another 2 tablespoons of oil in the skillet and fry plantains
again for 2 minutes per side. Remove plantains and place on paper
towels to drain excess oil.
5. Put coconut milk, chipotle pepper chili spice, cilantro, and salt in a
food processor and pulse until smooth and well combined.
6. Build sliders with shredded pork in between 2 fried plantains.
Drizzle each with the chipotle sauce and serve.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: Use leftover Pernil (see page 113) for an

even tastier Puerto Rican dish.

5 Ingredients or Less | 67
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Mashed Plantains

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

2 garlic cloves A few of the recipes in this chapter are family favorites
1 cup plus 1 tablespoon in my house. When my dad used to come over no other
olive oil dish would put a smile on his face like Mofongo. While I
Salt love Mofongo with steak or even lobster, my dad would
3 green plantains
have it with a simple side of rice and some beans. He said
that’s how his mom used to make it all the time when
1 cup chicharrónes,
he was a kid, and he still enjoyed it the same way.
homemade (see page 118)
or purchased
1. Put garlic in a large pilon. Add 1 tablespoon olive oil and salt, and
mash until you get an oily paste. Set aside.
2. Cut both ends off of the plantains. Find one of the ribs that runs
lengthwise and slice along it. Peel the skin off using your fingers or
a spoon and slice the plantains into 1-inch pieces.
3. Heat 1 cup olive oil over medium to high heat (use enough to
cover the sliced plantains in the bottom of the pan). Fry plantains
for 2 to 3 minutes per side. Remove from oil and place on a paper
towel to cool.
4. Add fried plantains and chicharrónes to the pilon and mash
together. Once completely combined, scoop out and serve.

VARIATION TIP: Mofongo can be served as a main course with

a side of white rice. I have often had it as a side dish drizzled with
an Ajillo sauce and plated with Churrasco. You can also roll it
into small dumpling-like balls and serve in soup. Feel free to use
store-bought pork rinds in place of the chicharrónes to save time.

COOKING TIP: While traditionally made in a pilon, most restau-

rants now use food processors to make Mofongo. This is a
perfectly acceptable way to prep this meal and will save you some
time and effort.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Piononos de Carne
Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains

MAKES: 12 pinwheels  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

3 ripe yellow plantains Piononos are a cool mix of sweet and savory flavors. They
1 cup vegetable oil exist in several different cultures, but they usually take the
1 cup picadillo, fresh form of pastries. Of course, in Puerto Rico we have to do
(see page 123) or canned things a little bit differently. Instead of making a pastry, we
2 eggs
use the sweet plantains that are plentiful on the island to make
pinwheels, which are then stuffed with savory picadillo.
Pinch salt

1. Cut both ends off of the plantains. Find one of the ribs that
runs lengthwise and slice along it. Peel the skin off using your
fingers or a spoon. Slice lengthwise; you should have 4 to 5 slices
per plantain.
2. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan or skillet over medium to high
heat. Once the oil begins to sizzle, lay the plantain strips in the
skillet and fry for 3 to 4 minutes per side. Remove from oil and roll
into small pinwheels, placing toothpicks in the ends so they hold
the circular shape. Make sure there is a small hole in the middle for
the picadillo filling.
3. Spoon picadillo into the center of each pinwheel.
4. In a small shallow dish beat the eggs with a pinch of salt. Dip the
filled pinwheels into the egg and place back in the oil, frying for
3 to 4 minutes. Place pinwheels on paper towels to drain excess oil
and let cool before serving.

VARIATION TIP: Add shredded cheese on top of each pinwheel

before frying them the second time, letting the cheese melt before
serving. I love my picadillo, so I tend to stuff everything with it, but
feel free to experiment with different fillings like crab or lobster.
This recipe will work with almost any filling and be delicious.

5 Ingredients or Less | 69
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pinchos de Pollo
BBQ Chicken Kabobs

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 2 hours  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

4 pounds chicken thighs This may be one of the most popular recipes on my You-
1 tablespoon adobo, Tube channel and Facebook page. The sheer simplicity
fresh (see page 120) makes it a favorite for just about everyone who comes
or purchased across it. Barbecuing chicken on the grill is a universally
1½ tablespoons sazón, loved way to cook it, no matter where you’re from. Add
fresh (see page 121) in the amazing Caribbean flavors of this Puerto Rican
or purchased version, and it’s easy to see why this one is a winner.
2 teaspoons oregano
1 tablespoon olive oil 1. Cut chicken thighs into about 1-inch cubes, and put in a large
bowl. Add adobo, sazón, oregano, and olive oil to the chicken.
⅓ cup barbecue sauce
Toss until the chicken is completely coated. Cover the bowl and
marinate in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.
2. After the chicken has marinated, remove from the refrigerator.
Heat the grill while you place the chicken onto skewers. Lay
skewers on the grill and cook until chicken reaches an internal
temperature of 165°F. Brush with your favorite barbecue sauce
and serve.

VARIATION TIP: I often make pork shoulder kabobs on the grill

using a different marinade: 1 tablespoon oregano, 1 teaspoon
cumin, 5 minced garlic cloves, ½ cup brown sugar, 1/3 cup orange
juice, 2 tablespoons lime juice, and 1 tablespoon light rum. Mari-
nate cubed pork in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours; the rest of
the recipe is the same.



Milanesa de Res
Breaded Steak

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

3 cups panko While I am a fan of the Jibarito on page 78, my little brother
bread crumbs prefers this breaded steak sandwich. This is one recipe my
2 tablespoons salt dad used to make all the time for us, and we always felt
2 tablespoons pepper like we were getting a special treat. At the time we didn’t
1 tablespoon adobo,
know that Dad was making the same thing for himself,
fresh (see page 120) just putting ours on a bun while he ate his steak with rice.
or purchased When I told my little brother that Dad was teaching me
1 teaspoon garlic powder to cook, this is the first meal he asked me to make.

2 eggs
1. In a shallow dish whisk together panko bread crumbs, salt, pepper,
6 thinly sliced steaks
adobo, and garlic powder. In a second shallow dish beat the eggs.
(I use top round)
2. Take each steak and press both sides into the bread crumb mixture,
then dip in beaten eggs, and back through the bread crumbs a
second time. Set aside on a plate.
3. Add about ½ inch of oil into a large sauté pan or skillet and heat
over medium to high heat. Once the oil is hot, add the breaded
steaks and fry until the breading turns a nice golden brown, 2 to
3 minutes per side. Remove from the skillet, place on paper towels
to drain excess oil, and serve.

VARIATION TIP: These steaks can be served as the main dish

with a side of rice and beans or served as a sandwich on a toasted
bun with some French fries.

5 Ingredients or Less | 71
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Caramel Custard

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 8 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 35 minutes plus 1 hour chill time

1¼ cups granulated Flan is probably the most traditional of all Puerto Rican
sugar, divided desserts. My brother and I had eaten it hundreds of times,
Water but we always feared it would be too complicated to try to
1 (12-ounce) can make it ourselves. When I finally decided to tackle learning
evaporated milk it, I was pleasantly surprised at how easy it really is to make.
5 eggs
1. Pour ¾ cup sugar and ¼ cup of water into a microwave-safe glass
⅛ teaspoon salt
bowl, and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Microwave
1 teaspoon vanilla until mixture becomes a golden honey color, 5 to 6 minutes. Watch
carefully so as not to let it burn.
2. Pour caramel into ramekins and set them in a deep baking dish.
3. Whisk together the evaporated milk, eggs, salt, vanilla, and ½
cup of sugar, and divide this mixture evenly among the pre-
pared ramekins.
4. Pour water into baking dish about halfway up the ramekins. Bake
at 325°F until the flan is set, 20 to 25 minutes. Using tongs or an
oven mitt, remove ramekins from baking dish and place in the
refrigerator to allow to cool completely, at least 1 hour.
5. Once cooled, gently run a butter knife between the edge of the
ramekin and the flan. Turn the ramekin upside down and slide the
flan onto a plate to serve.

COOKING TIP: My brother doesn’t like to bake so he microwaves

his flan. To do this, complete steps 1 through 3, and then micro-
wave the flan-filled ramekins on high for about 8 minutes with
a serving plate over top so they don’t overflow. Then cool in the
refrigerator as above.

VARIATION TIP: You can use 1 (13.5-ounce) can of coconut milk

instead of evaporated milk to make Flan de Coco (coconut flan).
Top it with a little whipped cream, fruit, or ice cream.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Coconut Custard

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 2 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 8 minutes plus 2 hours chill time

2 (13.5-ounce) cans My dad and I spent a lot of time together while he was
coconut milk teaching me how to make Puerto Rican dishes. The first time
½ cup cornstarch I made tembleque was one of the funniest afternoons we
½ cup sugar spent together. He had me cracking up as he explained how
¼ teaspoon salt
the name of this dessert means “jiggly”—and how he would
often get in trouble with my mom for calling her tembleque.
1. Pour coconut milk into a large saucepan. Whisk in cornstarch until
mixture is smooth, then add the sugar and salt.
2. Heat the coconut milk mixture over medium heat, stirring con-
stantly until the mixture begins to thicken, then remove custard
from heat.
3. Sprinkle the insides of 6 ramekins with a little cold water, then
spoon the custard evenly into the ramekins. (The water helps to
keep the custard from sticking to the ramekins.) Cool the custard
to room temperature, then place ramekins in the refrigerator to
chill for 2 hours.
4. Run a butter knife around the edges of the ramekins to loosen
custard, then turn it upside down and slide it onto a plate. Top with
cinnamon to taste and serve.

5 Ingredients or Less | 73

One-Pot Recipes
comes across in the meals we eat. Dinner is a time for families
to gather together at the end of the day, break bread, and
share their experiences. For this reason, one-pot recipes are
a huge part of our cuisine and culture—meals that make it
easy and inexpensive to feed a lot of people without too much
work. In this chapter we will explore some great one-pot and
one-skillet recipes that are simple to create and great for
feeding the whole family.

 amarones Guisados Criollos /
Creole Shrimp Stew, Page 84 75
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Bolitas de Yuca
Cheesy Yuca Balls

MAKES: 20 bolitas  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 35 minutes

Water This recipe is made in both a pot and a skillet so technically

Salt it’s a two-pot dish, but it’s a great introduction to this chapter
1 pound frozen yuca as these Bolitas are the perfect little appetizer for the one-pot
dinners to follow. They are the Caribbean equivalent to moz-
6 ounces cheddar
cheese, cubed
zarella sticks (except these are way better) and they complete
the look, feel, and mood of any Puerto Rican get-together.
2 cups oil
1. Fill a large pot with water. Add about 1 tablespoon of salt and bring
to a boil.
2. Place yuca into boiling water and cook until fork tender, 20 to
25 minutes.
3. Drain the water from the yuca and remove the wood stems. Season
cores with salt and pepper and mash until they are the consistency
of mashed potatoes.
4. Take 1 tablespoon at a time of the mashed yuca and place one
of the cheese cubes into the center, closing the yuca around the
cheese. Repeat with the rest of the yuca.
5. Heat about 2 cups of oil in a sauté pan or skillet over medium heat.
Add the yuca balls and fry until golden brown, 1 to 2 minutes per
side. Remove from the skillet and place on paper towels to drain
excess oil.

VARIATION TIP: I enjoy the sharp taste of cheddar cheese in

these bolitas, but my little brother prefers mozzarella cheese—
both work great, and mozzarella melts quicker, making the bolitas
a little cheesier.

ENTERTAINING TIP: These bolitas are great on their own,

but they’re even better with Salsa Rosa (see page 128). You can
also make a sweet and savory guava dipping sauce by mixing
2 tablespoons of guava paste with ¼ cup white vinegar; microwave
until the paste is completely melted into the vinegar, stir, and serve.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Corn Dumplings

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour

2 cups corn flour Guanimes are the perfect side dish for Puerto Rican stews.
¼ teaspoon ground anise Later in this chapter I have a recipe for Bacalao Guisado, a
1 cup coconut milk codfish stew for which these corn dumplings are a great accom-
paniment. These dumplings are famously paired with this stew
½ cup honey
to provide perfect balance—think of a grilled cheese sandwich
Banana leaves for cooking
with warm tomato bisque on a chilly fall day. But guanimes
(see page 131 for prep)
aren’t just for stews; they are wonderful on their own as well.
Salted water

1. In a medium bowl combine corn flour, ground anise, coconut

milk, and honey and mix until smooth.
2. Cut the banana leaves into roughly 8-by-8-inch squares. Spoon
about 2 tablespoons of the corn flour mixture into the center of
each leaf. Roll the leaf like a cigar; there should be about 1½ inches
on each end of the leaf that has no corn mixture in it. Pinch and
roll the ends to seal them, and tie with cooking twine.
3. Fill a large pot with salted water (use no more than ½ teaspoon
salt) and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to a gentle simmer.
Place the rolled banana leaves into the water and simmer
for 1 hour.
4. Unwrap leaves and serve.

INGREDIENT TIP: I purchase my banana leaves from a local

produce store, but Goya sells pre-packaged, ready-to-use banana
leaves if you’d prefer to skip the prep step.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: If you can’t find ground anise in your spice

aisle, look for ground fennel, which has a very similar flavor profile;
while not exactly the same, it will work in this recipe in the small
amount needed.

One-Pot Recipes | 77
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Puerto Rican Steak Sandwich

MAKES: 2 sandwiches  |  PREP TIME: 35 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

1 tablespoon sazón In my house, a tradition is that on your birthday you get to

(see page 121) pick a restaurant and choose whatever you want to eat. Every
1 teaspoon adobo year my son picks a small Puerto Rican restaurant by our
(see page 120) house and orders a Jibarito. While it doesn’t originate from the
1½ teaspoon garlic island itself, the jibarito was created by Puerto Rican chef Juan
powder, divided Figueroa at his restaurant, Borinquen, in Humboldt Park back
1 tablespoon olive oil in the mid-1990s. The Jibarito has become a wildly popular
1 teaspoon white vinegar sandwich for stateside Puerto Ricans no matter where they live.

½ pound skirt steak

1. In a large bowl whisk together sazón, adobo, 1 teaspoon of garlic
2 green plantains
powder, olive oil, and vinegar.
¼ cup mayonnaise
2. Trim the fat from the skirt steak and place in the bowl, completely
¼ cup ketchup coating it with the marinade. Cover the bowl and allow steak to
Shredded lettuce marinate for at least 20 minutes.

Sliced tomato 3. Cut both ends off of the plantains. Find one of the ribs that runs
lengthwise and slice along it. Peel the skin off using your fingers or
a spoon. Slice in half lengthwise.
4. Heat oil in a large sauté pan or skillet over medium heat, then fry
plantain strips for 3 to 4 minutes per side. Remove from oil; while
still warm, smash the plantains so you end up with long, wide, flat
strips. Place back in the oil and fry for another 2 to 3 minutes per
side, then place them on paper towels to drain excess oil.
5. Drain all but 2 tablespoons of oil from your skillet and return to
medium heat. Sear steaks 2 to 3 minutes per side, then remove
from skillet and let rest for about 5 minutes.


6. While steak is resting mix together mayonnaise, ketchup, and
½ teaspoon garlic powder in a small bowl.
7. To assemble the sandwich, brush mayonnaise mixture on 1 slice
of fried plantain. Then layer your steak, lettuce, and tomato, and
another fried plantain. Slice in half like a sub and serve with a side
of rice.

VARIATION TIP: Add a slice of mozzarella or your favorite cheese

to the jibarito to make it even more mouthwatering.

One-Pot Recipes | 79
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz con Gandules

Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon Peas

MAKES: 6 servings  |  COOK TIME: 40 minutes

¼ cup achiote oil You haven’t really eaten rice until you have tried this Puerto
(see page 117) Rican national dish. Arroz con Gandules made me want to
1 cup sofrito (see page 116) learn Puerto Rican cuisine from my dad. Just like I did, many
Salt people fall in love with our food once they try this rice, and
it is easily the most popular recipe on my YouTube channel.
There are as many variations to it as there are families on the
2 cups white rice
island, as Arroz con Gandules is not only one of the most
2 (15-ounce) cans gan-
popular dishes but also one of the most versatile, often used as
dules verdes (green
a side to another great entrée or as a main course on its own.
pigeon peas)
4 cups water
1. Heat oil in a caldero or Dutch oven over high heat until the oil
3 packets Goya starts to sizzle. Add the sofrito, salt, and pepper and cook, stirring
chicken bouillon often for about 5 minutes.
2. Stir in rice making sure it is evenly coated. Cook for a couple of
minutes, then add pigeon peas, water, and chicken bouillon.
3. Bring mixture to a boil without stirring. Once boiling, stir, lower
the heat, then cover and simmer for about 20 minutes.
4. Stir rice and serve.

VARIATION TIP: A lot of people add ham or bacon to this dish. If

using, add about 1/2 pound at the same time as the sofrito. You can
also add 2 tablespoons chopped pimento olives with the pigeon
peas for an extra kick.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz con Pollo

Rice with Chicken

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour 5 minutes

2 tablespoons olive oil Arroz con Pollo is a widely popular Puerto Rican meal. It shows
2 pounds chicken thighs off our love for the one-pot dishes that allow the flavors of all
½ cup diced onion the ingredients involved time to cook and really meld together.
You can walk into any Puerto Rican restaurant whether on the
¼ cup chopped
green olives
island or stateside and order this straight off the menu. Arroz
con Pollo will quickly become a go-to recipe in any home.
½ cup sofrito
(see page 116)
1. Heat oil in a caldero or Dutch oven over high heat. Place chicken
2 tablespoons capers
thighs into heated oil and cook for 4 to 5 minutes per side, just
1 (12-ounce) can enough to brown the chicken but not cook all the way through.
tomato sauce Remove chicken from caldero and set aside.
2 cups white rice, 2. In the caldero, add diced onions and cook until they soften and
uncooked start to become translucent, about 5 minutes. Add olives, sofrito,
4 cups water capers, and tomato sauce; mix together and cook for another
5 minutes.
3. Reduce heat to low and add in the rice and water, then place the
chicken back in. Simmer for 20 minutes, stir, then cover, simmer-
ing for another 25 minutes.

COOKING TIP: You might feel the need to stir the rice as it cooks.
Resist this urge! Stirring your rice while it cooks will make it
too sticky.

VARIATION TIP: Traditionally this was made with bone-in chicken

thighs, which is how my dad and his family cooked it. I have always
used boneless thighs. If you use bone-in, they should be tender
enough by the time they finish cooking to easily pull the meat
away from the bone with a fork.

One-Pot Recipes | 81
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Arroz con Salchichas

Rice with Sausage

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 50 minutes

3 tablespoons sofrito You might be noticing a pattern: We Puerto Ricans love

(see page 116) our rice. Simple rice recipes are great for feeding the whole
2 teaspoons sazón family without spending a lot of money or trying to create
(see page 121) overly complex meals. Rice is such an essential part not only
2 (5-ounce) cans of Puerto Rican cuisine but the island’s culture as well; each
Vienna sausage recipe is a little different depending on what it’s served with.
2 (8-ounce) cans
tomato sauce 1. Add sofrito, sazón, sausages plus their liquid from the cans, tomato
Salt sauce, salt, oil, and alcaparras to a large caldero or Dutch oven.
Bring to a simmer over low heat, then add in rice and simmer for
¼ cup olive oil
another 5 minutes.
3 teaspoons
2. Pour the water into the caldero. Bring to a boil, then stir, scraping
alcaparras (capers)
the rice from the bottom of the pot to prevent burning. Cover the
2 cups white rice pot and reduce the heat to low and simmer for about 20 minutes.
1¾ cups water 3. Uncover and stir rice again, making sure no rice is sticking to the
bottom, recover, and cook for another 10 minutes. Remove from
heat and let rest, covered, for 5 minutes before serving.

VARIATION TIP: I have a few friends who also like to put kidney
beans in this dish. Try serving your Arroz con Salchichas with the
Plátanos Maduros (see page 39).


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Carne Mechada
Pot Roast

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 2 hours 30 minutes

4½ tablespoons Puerto Rican pot roast is a little bit different than other
olive oil, divided versions in several ways. Not only is this one made on
2 tablespoons white the stove top rather than roasted in the oven, we also
wine vinegar stuff it with even more great ingredients. Carne mechada
1½ tablespoons adobo takes a little bit of time to make but is not overly complex
(see page 120) (thanks to one pot!) and comes out tasting amazing.
1 teaspoon oregano
3 pounds round or 1. Combine 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons vinegar,
chuck roast 1 tablespoon adobo, and oregano in a small bowl.

1 cup cubed ham 2. Using a long knife make a slice in the center of your roast. Place
the roast in a large bowl or baking dish and coat evenly with the
⅓ teaspoon garlic powder
marinade. Rest for at least 15 minutes.
3 chopped onions
3. In a large caldero or Dutch oven, heat ½ tablespoon oil over
1 cup cooking sherry medium heat. Add in ham, garlic powder, ½ tablespoon adobo,
2 cups water and onions, and sauté about 5 minutes. Remove sautéed ingredi-
ents from pot, and stuff them into the slit you made in the roast.
4. Heat 2 more tablespoons oil in your caldero over medium heat.
Place roast in heated oil and sear on all sides. Pour sherry and
2 chopped carrots water into the pot and season with salt and pepper to taste. Cook,
2 potatoes, peeled uncovered, until the liquid starts to steam, then turn down to low
and chopped heat, cover the pot, and simmer for about 2 hours, checking the
liquid levels often. Add water if needed. With about 25 minutes
left, mix in the carrots and potatoes, then serve.

SERVING TIP: Arroz Amarillo (see page 66) is the perfect side for
this dinner.

VARIATION TIP: You can replace the cubed ham with about
¼ pound of cooked chorizo.

One-Pot Recipes | 83
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Camarones Guisados Criollos

Creole Shrimp Stew

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

3 tablespoons achiote Puerto Ricans like their seasonings and flavors; we use a lot of
oil (see page 117) them in most of our meals. Another cuisine with some great
¼ cup sofrito flavors is Creole. It’s only natural that Puerto Ricans would
(see page 116) borrow some of their great seasonings and flavors and put our
3 bay leaves own twist on them. This shrimp stew is a beautiful blending of
½ cup alcaparrado two styles of cooking that come together easily and deliciously.
(see page 124)
3 ounces cubed ham 1. Heat achiote oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add the sofrito,
bay leaves, alcaparrado, and ham, and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes.
1 (16-ounce) can whole
Set aside.
peeled tomatoes,
drained and chopped 2. Drain the whole tomatoes and roughly chop them. Add the tomato
sauce and chopped tomatoes to the same pot and return to heat,
1 cup tomato sauce
bringing to a boil.
2 pounds medium shrimp,
3. Reduce the heat to medium and add the shrimp, cooking for
peeled and deveined
about 5 minutes until they become pink and opaque. Add salt and
Salt pepper to taste, cook for a couple of minutes to meld the flavors,
Pepper then serve.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Bacalao Guisado
Codfish Stew

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour

Salted water My dad always scolded me whenever I said the name of

½ pound peeled yuca this dish. I used the full name, Bacalao Guisado, and he
1½ pounds cod fillet would always tell me that no one on the island says the
full name! It was shortened and popularized as Baca-
1 tablespoon olive oil
lao Guisao, and he liked to throw jabs at me whenever
2 tablespoons sofrito
I made it, asking how he was able to teach me how to
(see page 116)
make it right but couldn’t teach me how to say it right.
1 cup diced onion
1 green pepper, diced 1. Fill a large pot with salted water (use no more than ½ teaspoon
½ cup tomato sauce salt) and bring to a boil. Place peeled yuca and deboned cod fillets
into the water and boil for 35 to 40 minutes.
1 tablespoon sazón
(see page 121) 2. Drain the water, then break the codfish into bite-size chunks and
chop the yuca into about 1-inch cubes.
½ cup pimento stuffed
green olives 3. Heat olive oil in a large pot over medium heat. Once the oil starts
to sizzle, add in the sofrito and sauté for about 1 minute until
it becomes fragrant. Then add onions and green pepper, and
cook for about 5 minutes until they become tender. Add tomato
sauce, sazón, olives, cod, and yuca. Reduce heat to low, cook for
15 minutes, then serve.

SERVING TIP: The Guanimes (see page 77) are a perfect side for
this dish, or you can serve it over white rice with some Tostones
(see page 38) for dipping.

VARIATION TIP: Classic salted codfish is used for this recipe.

I tend to make it with fresh cod, but if you are going with salted,
make sure to soak in water for a day to remove the salt. You will
want to change the water out a couple of times during that period.
You can also easily use potatoes in place of yuca if you like.

One-Pot Recipes | 85
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

MAKES: 18 servings  |  PREP TIME: 35 minutes plus 1 hour chill time  |  COOK TIME: 2 hours 20 minutes

FOR THE MASA Pasteles are the go-to dish for Puerto Ricans during the
10 green bananas Christmas season. While pasteles are made in several Carib-
2 green plantains bean countries, the Puerto Rican version is pretty unique. It
blends several cuisines, including the masa (dough) based
2 pounds yautía root
on what the native Taínos made from cassava root. This
½ pound potatoes
cultural combination of foods over the centuries has created
2 tablespoons milk a singular and tasty holiday dish that everyone loves.
¼ cup achiote oil
(see page 117) TO MAKE THE MASA
Salt Peel and cube the bananas, plantains, yautía, and potatoes. Put into a
food processor and add milk, oil, and salt to taste. Blend until smooth.
Keep covered and refrigerate for at least an hour.
3 pounds pork shoulder
3½ tablespoons sof-
rito (see page 116) Cut the pork shoulder into very small cubes. Put into a large pot
and add sofrito, tomato sauce, water, sazón, and salt and pepper to
1 (8-ounce) can
taste. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about
tomato sauce
45 minutes. Let cool enough to be handled by hand.
2 cups water
1 tablespoon sazón TO ASSEMBLE THE PASTELES
(see page 121) 1. Place a prepared banana leaf on a piece of parchment paper and
Salt brush with a light coating of achiote oil. Spoon about ¾ cup of the
masa into the center of the leaf and spread it out to form a thin
circle with no breaks in it. Then scoop about ½ cup of the pork
18 banana leaves (see filling on top of the masa.
page 131 for preparation)
2. Holding the parchment paper edge farthest from you carefully fold
Achiote oil (see page 117) it in half toward you. The open end of the banana leaf should be
facing you; fold that in about 1½ inches. Next fold in the side to
your right toward the center, and then fold the left side over that.
What you should have will essentially look like a banana leaf enve-
lope with no sides open. Wrap a piece of cooking twine around the
pastel and tie it shut with a bow.


3. Bring a large pot (it can be the same pot you used to make the pork
shoulder) of salted water (use no more than ½ teaspoon of salt) to
a boil and carefully place the wrapped pasteles into the water. Make
sure the pasteles are completely immersed. Allow to boil for about
1½ hours.
4. Remove from water, let cool, and serve.

MAKE-AHEAD TIP: While not complicated, making pasteles is

a long process. If you would like to break it up, complete steps
1 through 4 and then freeze until you are ready to cook them. Let
them thaw before boiling, or boil for an extra roughly 30 minutes. If
they aren’t done yet don’t worry; simply rewrap them and boil them
a little longer.

One-Pot Recipes | 87

Sheet Pan, Casserole

Dish, and Bakery
together in a skillet or getting a pot of stew going, sometimes
you need to be able to just throw something in the oven and
walk away so you can get other things done. Puerto Rican
families tend to be large, and big families need a lot of atten-
tion, after all. Puerto Rican cuisine has plenty of these types of
recipes. In this chapter we will take a look at the simplicity of
sheet pan and casserole dish recipes from our little island, and
explore easy versions of some of our most iconic baked goods.

< Rum Cake, Page 100 89

Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Mofongo Stuffing
MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 35 minutes

1 tablespoon plus While not an old-school traditional Puerto Rican recipe,

1 cup olive oil Mofongo Stuffing has crept up in popularity in the last
1 onion, chopped decade. Showing the versatility of our cuisine, it is a fusion
4 garlic cloves, chopped between classic Puerto Rican Mofongo and American
½ cup chopped ají
Thanksgiving–style stuffing to create a new side that works
dulce peppers with about any meal—no need to relegate it to holidays.
1 ají caballero
pepper, chopped 1. Preheat your oven to 375°F. Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a sauté pan
or skillet over medium heat and add onion, garlic, and peppers,
2 medium toma-
and sauté for 5 minutes until the vegetables begin to soften. Add in
toes, chopped
tomatoes, butter, and 1 cup of water. Bring mixture to a boil, then
2 tablespoons butter reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
1 cup water 2. Let mixture cool slightly, then transfer to a food processor and
4 green plantains blend until smooth.

1 ounce chicharrónes 3. Cut both ends off of plantains. Find one of the ribs that runs
(see page 118) lengthwise and slice along it. Peel the skin off using your fingers or
a spoon. Slice the plantains into 1-inch sections.
4. Heat about 1 cup olive oil over medium to high heat. Place plan-
tain slices into heated oil (use enough oil to cover the plantains)
and fry for 2 to 3 minutes per side. Remove from pan and place on
a paper towel to drain excess oil and cool.
5. In a large bowl combine vegetable mixture, fried plantains, and
chicharrónes, mashing it like you would potatoes. Transfer to a
baking dish and bake for about 15 minutes. Remove from oven, let
cool, and serve.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: If you can’t find some of the peppers listed

above you can use sweet Italian peppers in place of ají dulce
peppers, and while habanero peppers have more heat, you can use
a small one or a fresno pepper in place of the ají caballero pepper.
See page 118 for a chicharrónes recipe, but in a pinch, you can use
pork rinds.


Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Pan de Mallorca
Sweet Bread Rolls

MAKES: 10 rolls  |  PREP TIME: 3 hours  |  COOK TIME: 30 minutes

½ cup warm milk Another recipe that borrows its origins from another culture
1½ cups warm water is Pan de Mallorca. Known in English as Mallorca bread, this
1 (¼ ounce) pack- was originally a Spanish recipe that started out as ensaimada,
age dry yeast a bread fried in pork lard. Once here it was embraced and
8 egg yolks
changed into the sweet bakery treat it is today. If you are
lucky enough to travel to Puerto Rico, visiting an island
¾ cup granulated sugar
bakery for Pan de Mallorca is a must. These rolls are perfect
1 cup (2 sticks)
for breakfast and go great with your morning coffee.
melted butter
6½ cups bread flour
1. Pour milk, water, and dry yeast into a large bowl and let rest
1 teaspoon salt for 1 to 2 minutes. The mixture will form a foamy head as the
Powdered sugar yeast activates.
2. While this liquid mixture is resting, in another large bowl whisk
together the eggs, sugar, and butter until completely combined.
Pour the yeast mixture into your egg mixture and whisk
until combined.
3. Add in your flour and salt, and knead the dough. If you have a
stand mixer with a dough hook, you can use this instead of knead-
ing by hand. You want to knead it until it is tacky. Transfer to a
bowl, cover with a kitchen cloth, and rest on the counter for about
2 hours. By the time it’s ready it should have doubled in size.
4. Lightly flour your working area and place the dough on it. Sprinkle
dough with a little flour as well. Break the dough into 10 equal
pieces and roll them out into long cords, about ½ inch thick. Coil
the cords into circular buns, tucking the end of the cord under the
bottom. Place rolls onto a parchment-lined baking sheet, cover,
and rest for 45 minutes.

> continued on next page

Sheet Pan, Casserole Dish, and Bakery  | 91


5. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Lightly brush each roll with a little
melted butter and bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from the
oven and let buns cool to room temperature, then sprinkle with
powdered sugar and serve.

COOKING TIPS: You want your water and milk temperatures to

be between 120°F to 130°F. This is important; if they’re too cool the
yeast won’t rise, if they’re too hot you’ll kill the yeast. I have done
the latter many times while learning to cook with yeast. If kneading
by hand, it’s important not to overwork the dough as kneading it
too much can overheat the yeast. Instead of letting the dough rest
on the counter, you can refrigerate it overnight while it rises.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: If you don’t have access to bread flour, you

can use all-purpose flour.


Dairy-Free / Nut-Free


MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour

1½ cups bread crumbs Sometimes there is nothing like a dinner of simple comfort
½ teaspoon cumin food, and nothing says comfort food like a great meatloaf. Like
½ teaspoon coriander most well-known dishes, Puerto Ricans put their own twist
on meatloaf. Adding in some of the flavors and seasonings
1 teaspoon sazón
(see page 121)
unique to the island really puts this classic dish over the top.

1 tablespoon adobo
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. In a large bowl whisk together bread-
(see page 120)
crumbs, cumin, coriander, sazón, and adobo.
2 eggs
2. Add in eggs, sofrito, and ketchup, and combine. Then add cilantro
2 tablespoons sofrito and onions, mixing until completely incorporated. Lastly, add
(see page 116) in the ground beef. (This is added last so the beef doesn’t get
2 tablespoons ketchup overworked and the meatloaf stays tender.)
2 tablespoons 3. Once the mixture is completely incorporated, place it on a baking
chopped cilantro sheet and form into a loaf shape. Pour about ½ cup of water onto
¼ chopped onion your sheet pan and bake for 45 minutes to 1 hour. Remove from
the oven and serve while hot.
2 pounds ground beef

Sheet Pan, Casserole Dish, and Bakery  | 93

Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Plantain Lasagna

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 40 minutes

5 ripe yellow plantains My brother is a huge fan of lasagna, so when my dad told us
Oil Puerto Rico has a layered casserole comparable to the beloved
4 beaten eggs Italian dish, he couldn’t wait to try it. I just had to dig in and
learn how to make this to one-up my little brother. The bonus is
2 cups picadillo
(see page 123)
that it’s really easy to make and has an unbelievably great flavor.

1½ cups shredded
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Cut both ends off of the plantains.
Find one of the ribs that runs lengthwise and slice along it. Peel the
1½ cups shredded skin off using your fingers or a spoon, then slice lengthwise, ending
Swiss cheese up with 4 strips per plantain.
2. Heat the oil in a large sauté pan or skillet over medium heat.
Carefully lay the plantain strips in the oil and fry for 3 to 4 minutes
per side. Place on paper towels to drain excess oil.
3. Line the bottom of a 9-by-13-inch baking dish with half the fried
plantains. Pour half of the egg wash over the plantains making sure
to coat them evenly. Spoon the picadillo over the egg, then evenly
spread half of each cheese over the picadillo. Layer the rest of the
plantains and egg wash, and top with the remainder of the cheeses.
Bake for 20 to 25 minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: Mozzarella and Swiss are my favorites, but

you can use any cheese you like on this one.


Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Cream Cheese Turnovers

MAKES: 9 pastries  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

1 sheet thawed puff pastry Quesitos may be one of the most popular baked treats
1 (8-ounce) package on the island. So much so that the stores and bakeries
cream cheese that sell them have started calling them by the name
¼ cup granulated sugar of their packaging: Bomboneras, which literally means
1 teaspoon vanilla
“candy box” or “chocolate box.” These are the perfect
little dessert or sweet treat any time of the day.
1 beaten egg white
1 tablespoon honey
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. On a lightly floured surface, lay out
the thawed puff pastry sheet. Using a pizza cutter or knife, cut into
9 equal pieces.
2. In a small bowl whip together cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla.
Scoop about 1 tablespoon of the cheese mixture into the center
of each pastry. Fold each corner inward so they overlap over
the cheese.
3. Place pastries on a parchment-lined baking sheet, brush with
beaten egg white, and sprinkle each with a pinch of sugar. Bake for
15 to 20 minutes until they puff up and become golden in color.
Let cool and brush with honey before serving.

VARIATION TIP: You can add a little guava paste to the cheese
before closing up the pastries to add a fruity flavor.

Sheet Pan, Casserole Dish, and Bakery  | 95

Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Budin de Pan
Puerto Rican Bread Pudding

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

16 slices of bread Puerto Rican bread pudding is one of those recipes

1 (14-ounce) can that has as many ways to cook it as there are Puerto
condensed milk Ricans themselves. Each version has a little twist to it
1 cup evaporated milk that makes it unique. Over the years I’ve played with
5 eggs, beaten
different ways to make it, and I’ve come up with this
one that I think has the best combination of flavors.
¼ cup melted butter

1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Tear the bread slices into large chunks
in a large bowl then pour condensed milk and evaporated milk
over the bread. Mix together, soaking the bread pieces. Then mix
in the beaten eggs and melted butter and combine well.
2. Put everything into a greased Bundt pan, and bake for about
25 minutes. Pierce with a toothpick to make sure it’s done (if it is,
the toothpick will come out clean). Let cool before removing from
the pan and serving.

VARIATION TIP: Feel free to add raisins or other dried fruit to your
taste. If using, mix them in with the eggs.


Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Puerto Rican Shortbread Cookies

MAKES: 20 cookies  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

½ cup (1 stick) butter When my aunt and uncle visited from Puerto Rico for the
½ cup shortening first time, my brother and I were little kids. Aunt Juanita
½ cup granulated sugar would be at our house all day cooking, not only making
meals for our whole family, but also making little treats
1 beaten egg yolk
for my brother and I. Mantecaditos were one of the treats
1 teaspoon vanilla
she made for us often, and they always bring back great
Salt childhood memories whenever I make them myself.
2¼ cups flour
1 (10-ounce) can 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. In a large bowl cream together the
guava paste butter, shortening, and sugar, and egg yolk until it starts to form
peaks. Mix in vanilla, salt, and flour until completely combined.
2. Scoop about 1 tablespoon of dough at a time onto a parchment-
lined baking sheet. Press your thumb into the center of the cookie
to create an indent, and place about 1/2-inch cube of guava paste
into each indent. Bake for 20 to 25 minutes. Remove from oven
and place cookies on a wire rack to cool before serving.

VARIATION TIP: Instead of guava paste, you can use just about
any jelly you like.

Sheet Pan, Casserole Dish, and Bakery  | 97

Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Tres Leches Cake

Three Milks Cake

MAKES: 12 servings  |  PREP TIME: 25 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 45 minutes plus 1 hour chill time

5 eggs, yolks and This is a popular Latin cake that my brother and I didn’t
whites separated try until we were young adults. Both of us agree that we
1 cup granulated sugar missed out on a lot of great cake during our childhood!
1 teaspoon vanilla More and more people are trying different variations of the
1¼ cups flour
Tres Leches but truly there is nothing like the original.

¾ teaspoon salt
1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. In a small bowl, beat egg yolks until
1 teaspoon baking powder they become light and fluffy. Add sugar and vanilla and mix
1 (12-ounce) can until combined.
evaporated milk 2. In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until they form peaks (you
1 (14-ounce) can sweet- may want to use an electric mixer for this). Fold whites into the
ened condensed milk yolks with a spatula, then slowly fold the flour, salt, and baking
¼ cup whole milk powder into the mixture.

1½ cup whipped cream 3. Pour batter into a greased and floured 9-by-13-inch baking
dish, and bake for 35 to 40 minutes. Test cake with a toothpick
1 tablespoon pow-
to make sure it is done. Remove cake from oven and allow to
dered sugar
cool completely.
4. In a medium bowl whisk together the three milks. Using a small
wooden skewer, poke holes in the cake and pour the milk mixture
over the whole cake. Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least
1 hour to chill.
5. Once chilled, in a small bowl beat together the whipped cream and
powdered sugar. Spread the mixture over the cake before serving.

VARIATION TIP: For a real island taste, replace the sweetened

condensed milk with coconut cream, usually found in the canned
goods aisle of most grocery stores.



Sweet Potato Pudding

MAKES: 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour 25 minutes

1½ pounds sweet potatoes I ended the last chapter with a Puerto Rican holiday
1½ pounds pumpkin must-have, Pasteles. This recipe is another holiday classic, this
Water time a dessert, Cazuela. Just about everywhere else, Cazuela
is a stew or a one-pot meal. Of course, though, in Puerto
1½ teaspoons salt
Rico we have to be different. Our version is a crustless sweet
1 cup coconut milk
potato and squash pie that’s perfect for the Christmas season.
1½ cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon ground cloves 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Peel the pumpkin and sweet potatoes
½ teaspoon cinnamon and cut into 2-inch cubes. Bring a large pot of water to boil,
enough to cover the pumpkin and sweet potatoes, and boil for
½ teaspoon ginger
about 20 minutes.
¼ cup rice flour
2. Drain the water. Put pumpkin and sweet potatoes in a large bowl
3 beaten eggs with the salt, coconut milk, sugar, ground cloves, cinnamon,
ginger, flour, and eggs, and beat with a mixer until smooth
and incorporated.
3. Pour the batter into a greased 8-by-8-inch baking dish. Bake
for 1 hour.
4. Remove from the oven, turn the broiler on, and place under the
broiler for about 2 minutes so it gets a nice crust on it. Once done
baking, place in the refrigerator to cool before serving.

VARIATION TIP: Classically this recipe is made with calabasa (a

Caribbean squash) rather than pumpkin. Calabasas can be hard
to find sometimes so I use pumpkin, but if you can find them use
those instead.

Sheet Pan, Casserole Dish, and Bakery  | 99

Bizcochos de Ron
Rum Cake

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 1 hour

FOR THE CAKE Rum cake is a popular dessert no matter where you go. In
½ cup chopped pecans Puerto Rico it’s usually enjoyed as a holiday treat. The Puerto
1 (18½-ounce) box Rican version, Bizcochos de Ron, not only has rum in the
yellow cake mix batter but it’s also typically soaked in rum glaze as well.
1 (3¼-ounce) box instant
vanilla pudding TO MAKE THE CAKE

½ cup dark rum 1. Preheat your oven to 350°F. Grease a Bundt pan, then sprinkle the
chopped pecans across the bottom of the pan.
½ cup vegetable oil
2. In a large bowl beat together the cake mix, vanilla pudding, rum,
4 eggs
oil, and eggs until completely combined. Pour cake batter into
prepared Bundt pan over the pecans, place in the oven, and bake
for one hour.
1 cup granulated sugar
½ cup (1 stick) butter TO MAKE THE GLAZE

¼ cup dark rum 1. About 10 minutes before the cake is finished baking, mix together
the sugar, butter, rum, and water in a small saucepan. Bring to
¼ cup water
a boil, then turn down the heat and simmer for 3 to 4 minutes,
stirring constantly.
2. Test cake with a toothpick to make sure it’s done, then remove
from the oven. Invert the pan and slide the cake out onto a serving
plate. Pour the hot glaze over the cake and allow it to soak in and
cool before serving.

VARIATION TIP: If you like raisins you can add them into this
recipe. Soak the raisins in rum for at least a day before mixing
them into the batter.



Slow Cooker/
Pressure Cooker Recipes
feeding a lot of people with a single dish. I covered some of
these types of recipes in the one-pot section of the book. Here,
we’ll take a deeper dive into some recipes that you may find in
a traditional Puerto Rican home. These recipes are the same
traditional ones my dad taught me, but I simplified them by
creating simple set-it-and-forget-it slow-cooker and quick
pressure cooker versions of them. There’s no need to slave over
a hot stove all day to achieve that old-style feel of island cook-
ing. Now you can spend time with your family while cooking for
them, instead of spending all your time and attention focusing
solely on the process. You get more time to enjoy what is great
about Puerto Rican food: the togetherness of family.

< Sancocho, Page 110 103

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Guineos en Escabeche
Pickled Plantains

MAKES: 4 servings  |  PREP TIME: 4 hours  |  COOK TIME: 4 hours

1 red onion, sliced Out of all the Puerto Rican dishes I learned to prepare
6 garlic cloves, minced and serve, the one that I never truly understood was
2 cups olive oil Guineos en Escabeche. While I love the flavor of bananas,
using them in this recipe over plantains seemed a bit
1 cup apple cider vinegar
odd. As I got older and started thinking more about
½ cup alcaparrado
healthier cooking, I came to realize what a perfect vegan,
(see page 124)
low-calorie recipe Guineos en Escabeche truly is as it’s
½ teaspoon peppercorns
quick, easy, and can be eaten as a salad or snack.
10 green bananas
1 avocado, diced 1. Put sliced onion, garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, alcaparrado,
and peppercorns into the slow cooker and stir. Set cooker to high
and cook for 3 hours. (This is a good “set and forget” recipe, giving
you time to do other things while the ingredients are pickling.)
2. Cut the ends off of the bananas. Sliding a knife lengthwise down
one of the spines to create an opening, use either your thumb or
a spoon to remove the peel from the unripe banana. Slice each
banana into 1-inch sections. Place them into the slow cooker
and cook on low for another hour. Bananas should be tender but
still firm.
3. Allow to cool enough to handle and pour into a large container.
Add avocados and carefully mix together. Refrigerate for at least
4 hours before serving.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Frijoles Negros y Arroz Blanco

Black Beans and White Rice

MAKES: 4 to 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 8 hours

2 cups dried black beans Though there are several staples in Latin American cuisine,
¾ cup sofrito rice and beans reigns supreme. As you’ve learned throughout
(see page 116) this book, most Puerto Rican dinners are usually served
½ cup chopped with some type of rice and beans, whether it’s Arroz con
canned tomato Gandules or Arroz Blanco con Habichuelas (white rice
¾ teaspoon cumin with beans). This recipe, however, is one that my brother
has always preferred over either of those, and is probably
½ teaspoon oregano
the reason why many in the family think he might secretly
½ Spanish onion, diced
be from the Dominican Republic, where black beans are
2 garlic cloves, minced more popular. As with kidney and pinto beans, black
4 cups water beans are packed with nutrients and high in fiber—truly
Salt a superfood. If you enjoy this recipe as my brother does,
Pepper make it for breakfast with a couple of eggs on the side.

½ cup chopped cilantro

1. Rinse and remove any debris from black beans. Add sofrito,
tomatoes, cumin, oregano, onions, and garlic to your slow cooker
along with 4 cups of water. Stir.
2. Set the cooker to low and cook for 8 hours. The beans should be
soft but still firm enough to hold their shape. Turn the heat off, add
salt and pepper to taste, and stir in the cilantro. Serve over freshly
cooked white rice.


Dairy-Free / Nut-Free

Carne Guisada
Beef Stew

MAKES: 8 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

3 pounds cubed beef Just about every culture has its own version of a classic
2 tablespoons adobo beef stew. This Puerto Rican version was the first stew
(see page 120) my dad taught me to make, so it will always hold a spe-
1 teaspoon cumin cial place in my heart on top of quickly becoming one
1 tablespoon flour
of my favorite fall dishes. While it is a complete meal by
itself, I love serving it over some white rice. This recipe
4 garlic cloves, diced
perfectly lends itself to cooking in a pressure cooker.
4 tablespoons sofrito
(see page 116)
1. Place cubed beef in a large bowl and sprinkle with adobo, cumin,
1 cup chopped cilantro and flour, and toss to coat. Select sauté on the pressure cooker, and
1 (8-ounce) can add in the seasoned beef in batches, browning on all sides, about
tomato sauce 5 minutes per batch.
1½ teaspoon sazón 2. Add garlic, sofrito, cilantro, tomato sauce, sazón, and alcaparrado
(see page 121) to the pressure cooker. Stir everything together and lock the lid
into place. Cook on high pressure for 10 minutes. Let the pressure
¼ cup alcaparrado 
release naturally for about 5 minutes, then do a quick release.
(see page 124)
3. Add in the cubed potatoes and replace the lid. Set to high
3 peeled potatoes, cut
pressure and cook for 2 more minutes. Allow the pressure to
into 1-inch cubes
release naturally.

VARIATION TIP: You can also make this the traditional stove top
way. Sear the meat over medium to high heat in a large pot or
caldero, then remove the meat and add in sofrito, cilantro, and
garlic, and cook for 2 to 3 minutes. Add in seasonings and enough
water to cover meat, then cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add
in potatoes and cook, covered, for another 20 minutes.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Sopa de Habichuelas Blancas

White Bean Soup

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 50 minutes

½ pound chopped bacon What do Puerto Ricans eat when the flu bug strikes or when
½ pound dry white the temperature dips? Out of the various soups we enjoy
navy beans together, sopa de habichuelas blancas always hits the spot for
1 garlic clove, minced me. Think of your grandmother’s special soup that helps chase
¼ cup sofrito
away a chill and replenish your vitality without leaving you
(see page 116) overly full. The starchiness of the white beans gives this soup
its distinct texture and will have you scraping the bowl to
½ cup alcaparrado
(see page 124) get every last morsel. You can also experiment with different
herbs and spices you like and make this recipe your own,
1 cup tomato sauce
the way I did by turning it into a pressure cooker soup.
8 cups chicken broth
2 potatoes, peeled 1. Cook bacon until desired doneness, then remove from pan and
and cubed set aside.
2. Rinse beans thoroughly, then place beans, garlic, sofrito, alcapar-
rado, tomato sauce, and chicken broth into the pressure cooker.
Set the cooker to high pressure for 35 minutes, with a complete
natural release.
3. After 35 minutes stir in the potatoes, replace the lid, and set to
high pressure; cook for another 3 minutes, then do a five-minute
natural release followed by a quick release.

VARIATION TIP: If cooking on the stove top, sauté bacon in a large

pot until crispy. Remove from the pot and add in sofrito, garlic,
and alcaparrado. Cook 2 to 3 minutes until the garlic becomes
fragrant. Add in the remainder of the ingredients and stir. Bring to
a simmer, cover, and cook for about 20 minutes, then serve.


Dairy-Free / Nut-free

Asopao de Pollo
Chicken Soup

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

8 to 10 cups salted water When I learned this recipe, my wife took it over and
1½ cups angel hair pasta made it her own. I made this for her once and it became
2 tablespoons olive oil a staple in our kitchen. Puerto Rican chicken soup is now
her be-all and end-all of soup. The rich flavors that the
2 chicken breasts
sazón and sofrito bring to something as simple as chicken
3 chicken thighs
soup is nothing short of amazing. The recipe is also so
4 garlic cloves, minced easy to tweak to make it completely to your taste.
2 potatoes, cubed
3 carrots, chopped 1. Bring about 3 cups of salted water (use no more than ½ teaspoon
salt) to a boil. Add in noodles and cook for about 12 minutes.
1 bunch of
Drain and set aside.
cilantro, chopped
2. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of olive oil into the pressure cooker and
½ cup sofrito
set to sauté. While oil is heating, cut chicken into about 1-inch
(see page 116)
bite-size cubes. Brown the chicken in the oil; don’t cook it all the
½ cup alcaparrado way through, just enough to give it a nice sear.
(see page 124)
3. Add the garlic, potatoes, carrots, cilantro, sofrito, alcaparrado,
2 tablespoons chicken bouillon, and sazón into the pressure cooker with the
chicken bouillon chicken. Lock lid into place, set to high pressure, and cook for
1½ teaspoon sazón 4 minutes. When finished, let the pressure release naturally for
(see page 121) 5 minutes, then finish with a quick release. When the valve drops
remove the lid and stir in the pre-cooked noodles, then serve.

COOKING TIP: I like to cook the noodles separately because I

think they become too soft when preparing them in the pressure
cooker. You can add in the noodles with the rest of the ingredients
if you like them softer.

VARIATION TIP: You can add rice to the recipe to create a heartier
meal. With about 2 hours left on the cook time, pour in 1½ cups
rice, re-cover, and allow to finish cooking for another 2 hours.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pollo Guisado
Chicken Stew

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 4 to 8 hours

3 chicken breasts, cubed More so than any other main course, I believe that Pollo
2 potatoes, cubed Guisado encapsulates what it means to enjoy Puerto
½ cup alcaparrado Rican cuisine. Whether for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or
(see page 124) a midnight raid of the leftovers in the refrigerator, this
3 carrots, chopped
Borinquen chicken stew will provide you with the sabor
of Puerto Rico in every bite. As mentioned in the intro-
1½ teaspoons sazón
duction to this book, Puerto Rican culture is defined by
(see page 121)
the diversity of cultures within it, and the flavors present
1 teaspoon adobo
in Pollo Guisado are a representation of many of them.
(see page 120)
Served with rice or on its own, this is an all-time favorite.
½ teaspoon cumin
½ teaspoon oregano Put the chicken, potatoes, alcaparrado, carrots, sazón, adobe,
1 (8-ounce) can cumin, oregano, and tomato sauce into the slow cooker with
tomato sauce enough water to submerge everything, and stir. Set to low and cook
for 8 hours, set to high for 4 hours. Serve with rice or by itself.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Puerto Rican Stew

MAKES: 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 20 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 8 hours

1½ pounds top round beef There’s a great beef stew earlier in this chapter, but don’t
1 yuca, peeled think that sancocho is just another beef stew; this is one
and chopped of the most traditional stews of the island. When you
3 potatoes, peeled talk about down-home comfort foods, nothing in all of
and chopped Puerto Rican cuisine comes close to sancocho. Whenever
1 yellow plantain, sliced my Puerto Rican friends find out I’m making it, I get calls
from them asking when they can come get some. If you’re
2 green plantains, sliced
looking for a real comfort food, this is the recipe for you.
2 ears corn
5 garlic cloves, minced
1. Chop beef, yuca, and potatoes into roughly 1-inch cubes. Slice
⅓ cup chopped the plantains into about 1-inch pieces and the ears of corn into
Spanish onions 2-inch pieces.
⅓ cup chopped 2. Add the beef, yuca, potatoes, plantains, corn, garlic, onions,
green pepper peppers, cilantro, adobo, sofrito, and beef broth to the slow cooker
½ cup chopped cilantro and stir to combine, adding salt and pepper to taste. Set on low and
cook for 6 to 8 hours, until all the starches are tender, then serve.
1 tablespoon adobo
(see page 120)
VARIATION TIP: To make this on the stove top, heat a couple
½ cup sofrito of tablespoons of oil in a caldero or Dutch oven. Sauté the garlic
(see page 116) and onions until the garlic becomes fragrant. Add cubed beef and
brown on all sides. Then add green peppers, cilantro, sofrito, sea-
4 quarts (16 cups)
sonings, and 4 cups of the beef broth. Bring to a boil, then reduce
beef broth heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients
Salt and beef broth and cook until all the starches are tender.





MAKES: 5 servings  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 6 to 8 hours

FOR THE MEATBALLS These cool little meatballs are simple to make but versatile.
1 pound ground beef Serve them over some rice and you have a great dinner,
½ cup bread crumbs or throw them on a toasted roll and you have the perfect
meatball sandwich for lunch. My little brother usually just
½ cup sofrito
(see page 116)
toasts a little Italian bread to eat with them. He loves using the
bread to sop up the sauce, not letting any of it go to waste.
1 beaten egg
½ bunch cilantro, chopped
1 tablespoon oil
1. Combine the ground beef, bread crumbs, sofrito, egg, and cilantro
FOR THE SAUCE in a medium bowl. Form the mixture into roughly 1½-inch balls.
4 cups beef broth 2. On the stove top heat 1 tablespoon oil in a sauté pan or skillet
1 tablespoon sofrito over medium to high heat. Sear the meatballs on all sides, 2 to
(see page 116) 3 minutes per side. Remove the meatballs and set them aside.

1 (8-ounce) can
tomato sauce
Add the beef broth, sofrito, tomato sauce, and alcaparrado into the
¼ cup alcaparrado
slow cooker and mix. Add meatballs to the sauce, set to low heat, and
(see page 124)
cook for 6 to 8 hours.

VARIATION TIP: To make these on the stove top combine all the
sauce ingredients in a caldero or Dutch oven, then make the meat-
ball mixture. Place the formed meatballs into the sauce and bring
to a simmer. Cover and cook for 25 to 30 minutes.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Bistec Encebollado
Steak and Onions

MAKES: 6 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 8 hours

2 pounds flank steak Bistec Encebollado is a very typical lunch or dinner recipe
Salt in most Latin American countries. Spanish onions tend
Pepper to have a sweeter flavor than many other onions and
balance out the vinegar, garlic, and oregano. On the
2 Spanish onions, sliced
stove top I would never cook a steak to well-done;
2 garlic cloves, minced
but here, the moisture gets locked in while in the slow
¼ cup red wine vinegar cooker, ensuring an extremely tender cut of meat.
1 cup beef broth
2 teaspoons oregano 1. Slice steak into long thin strips and place into the slow cooker.
Season with salt and pepper to taste. Cover the steak with the
1 tablespoon cumin
sliced onion and minced garlic.
2. In a small bowl mix together the vinegar, beef broth, oregano, and
cumin and pour over steak and onions. Set slow cooker to low and
cook for 8 hours.

VARIATION TIP: To make this on the stove top, mix together red
wine vinegar, ½ cup beef broth, oregano, cumin, and garlic. Place
the steak in the marinade, making sure it is completely coated.
Cover and place in the refrigerator for at least 8 hours. After
marinating, heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a skillet and sauté onions
for 3 to 4 minutes. Pour in the other ½ cup of beef broth and let
the onions cook, absorbing the broth for another 7 to 10 minutes.
Remove the onions from the pan, and in the same pan cook the
steak to your preferred temperature.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Pork Shoulder

MAKES: 8 to 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 4 to 8 hours  |  COOK TIME: 8 hours

6 pounds pork shoulder This is the recipe I know a lot of people have been waiting for
2 heads garlic (well, anyone who knows Puerto Rican cooking definitely has
½ cup olive oil been waiting for this one!). Everyone has certain go-to meals
or dishes that make them think of their family and together-
¼ cup white vinegar
ness. Well, the three recipes guaranteed to bring Puerto Rican
2 teaspoons sazón
families together are arroz con gandules, pasteles, and pernil.
(see page 121)
1 teaspoon adobo
1. Make slits in all sides of the pork shoulder. Peel 1 head of garlic
(see page 120)
and stuff the cloves into the slits you just made.
1 teaspoon oregano
2. Put the olive oil, vinegar, sazón, adobo, oregano, and pepper in a
Pepper food processor and blend until smooth. Coat the pork shoulder
with this mixture, then wrap in plastic wrap and rest in the
refrigerator at least overnight.
3. Remove the pork from its wrapping and place in the slow cooker
on low for 8 hours. Slice, then serve.

VARIATION TIP: Traditionally (the way my dad taught me), pernil

is roasted in the oven to give it a crispy skin. To cook it this way,
once the pork is done marinating, preheat your oven to 325°F.
Once the oven has reached temperature place the pork shoulder
in a deep baking dish with at least 2-inch-high sides. Roast for
3½ hours, then turn the heat up to 450°F. Pour about ¼ to ½ cup
water into the pan and cook another 35 minutes or until the skin is
as crispy as you like it.

INGREDIENT TIP: Choose a nice marbled pork shoulder with

plenty of fat as this will help keep it moist during cooking.



Rican cuisine, so we always have a few items on hand. Some
of them we use so frequently that we tend to prepare them in
larger quantities and keep them for when we’re ready to use
them. Throughout this book you’ll see a lot of ingredients over
and over again, such as adobo and sofrito, and each time you
see one of these staples in a recipe, the page number where
you can find the recipe will be listed next to it. You can find
these staples in the store or online, but why buy them when
they’re so simple to make and end up tasting so much better
when you create them from scratch? Having these staples
on hand will make everything easier—and make you a pro at
cooking Puerto Rican cuisine.

< Chimichurri, Page 130 115

Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Puerto Rican Sofrito

MAKES: 4 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

1 bunch cilantro If you take away one thing from this book, it is that sofrito
1 red bell pepper is 100 percent, without a doubt, the most utilized staple
2 Spanish onions in any Puerto Rican kitchen. This culantro-based sauce is
truly the lifeblood behind Puerto Rican cuisine. You can
2 green bell peppers
buy Goya culantro-based Sofrito at the store or order it at
4 cubanelle peppers
most Puerto Rican restaurants, but nothing is better than
4 culantro leaves making a fresh batch at home. The perfect blend of flavors
10 ajíes dulces makes anything from soups to sides to main courses some-
(sweet peppers) thing above and beyond anything you have ever tried.
15 garlic cloves
1 tablespoon capers Wash, peel, seed, and roughly chop the cilantro, bell pepper,
Spanish onions, green bell peppers, cubanelle peppers, culantro
leaves, ajies dulces, garlic cloves, and capers. Place the onions
and cubanelle peppers in a food processor and pulse until finely
chopped. Add the cilantro, red bell peppers, green bell peppers,
culantro leaves, ajíes dulces, garlic, and capers in and continue
blending until smooth.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: There are a couple of ingredients you may

have trouble finding, but that’s okay; there are simple substitu-
tions. Cubanelle peppers can be replaced with green bell peppers,
for a total of 6. If you can’t find culantro, add in a little extra cilan-
tro. Ajíes dulces can be replaced with Italian sweet peppers.

STORAGE TIP: I always make plenty of sofrito at a time so I have

some on hand whenever I need it. I pour the extra Sofrito into an
ice cube tray and freeze it, and I take the cubes and toss them
right into whatever I’m making (each cube in my tray is about
2 tablespoons, but yours may be different).


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Achiote Oil
MAKES: 1 cup  |  COOK TIME: 15 minutes

1 cup olive oil When I first attempted to make arroz con gandules, I was
4 tablespoons certain that the orange hue of the rice came from tomato sauce.
annatto seeds I later came to find out (and man, am I glad I did) that the
color comes from achiote oil mixed into the rice. One of the
greatest cooking lessons my father ever taught me was how
to reduce annatto seeds into an oil that’s used as a staple in
many Puerto Rican recipes. This simple seed is probably one
of the greatest secret weapons in the Puerto Rican cupboard.

1. Pour oil and seeds into a saucepan. Bring the oil to a slight simmer
over medium heat, then turn the heat down to low and simmer for
2 to 3 minutes. Once the oil has taken on a deep red color, remove
from heat.
2. Let oil cool to room temperature, then strain the seeds and discard.

STORAGE TIP: Store oil in a sealed jar at room temperature.

Achiote will last for 2 to 3 months when properly stored.

Staples | 117
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Fried Pork Rinds/Crackling

MAKES: 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 35 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 3 hours 30 minutes

3 pounds pork back It took me several years of cooking to realize when

fat with skin someone says chicharrónes, they’re talking about one of
2 cups oil two possible ways to make it. Each version has its own
Salt specific uses. This first one, an exploded pork crackling
with little to no meat, is generally used in the making of
other recipes, like Mofongo, for example. Once crushed
in the Mofongo, they lend the same kind of texture that
breadcrumbs do in some traditional American recipes.

1. Preheat oven to 250°F. Cut the pork into roughly 2-inch-wide strips,
then slice along the strip between the skin and the fat, removing the
fat from the skin. Cut the strips into 2-by-2-inch cubes.
2. Place a wire rack on top of a baking sheet, lay the cubes fat side
down on the wire rack. Bake for about 3 hours until the pork skin
is completely dried out.
3. Heat about 1 inch of oil over medium heat in a pan or skillet on
the stove top. Do not allow the oil to start bubbling, place the dried
pork skin in oil in batches. Fry for 4 to 5 minutes, until the pork
skin bubbles and starts to puff up.
4. Remove from oil and place on paper towels to drain excess oil. Salt
and pepper pork rinds to taste.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: If you’re short on time, chicharrónes can

be substituted with store-bought pork rinds, but let’s be honest,
once you make them from scratch you will never buy them
bagged again.

STORAGE TIP: These will keep in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Chicharrón de Cerdo
Fried Pork Belly

MAKES: 10 servings  |  PREP TIME: 1 hour  |  COOK TIME: 25 minutes

2 pounds pork belly The second type of chicharrónes you’ll come across is fried
1½ tablespoons pork belly. While the first type can be eaten as a snack or
garlic powder used in a recipe, I have only ever eaten this one as a snack
1½ teaspoons sazón or side dish. Whenever my dad would make any kind of
(see page 121) pork dish, he would cut some extra pork and fry it in the
1 teaspoon oregano pan with the rest of dinner and just eat the fried pork pieces
as his own side dish. Think of this as bacon that you can eat
with any meal at any time. Okay, you can eat bacon with any
meal at any time, so imagine bacon but seasoned and packed
2 cups oil with even more flavor, and that’s chicharrón de cerdo.

1. Cut pork belly into 2-by-2-inch cubes and place in a large bowl.
Add the garlic powder, sazón, oregano, salt, and pepper over the
pork and toss to coat.
2. Heat about 1 inch of oil in a pan or skillet over medium to high
heat. Fry seasoned pork chunks until they are a deep brown on all
sides, about 10 minutes. Remove pork from the pan and place on
paper towels to drain excess oil. Season with salt and pepper to
taste and serve immediately.

Staples | 119
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt

MAKES: 2 cups  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

⅓ cup oregano During my childhood, our house was often the meeting
½ cup garlic powder place for friends from school, and one object they always
4 tablespoons seemed to notice was the red-topped plastic container of
onion powder Goya Adobo seasoning. Mankind has had a long love affair
4 tablespoons
with all forms of salt, and adobo is the one you’ll find in
black pepper Puerto Rican kitchens. Adobo seasoning is amazingly ver-
satile and can be used in nearly every recipe in this book,
4 tablespoons
ground cumin and almost every recipe not in this book. Always remember
to salt to taste, and be careful not to overdo the adobo.
4 tablespoons paprika
4 tablespoons ground
Whisk together the oregano, garlic powder, onion powder, black
pepper, ground cumin, paprika, coriander, and turmeric in a
2 tablespoons turmeric medium-size bowl.

STORAGE TIP: Store in a mason jar in a cool, dry place until ready
to use. Adobo will last for well over a year.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

MAKES: ⅓ cup  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

1 tablespoon ground Sazón, which literally translates to “seasoning,” is as integral to

annatto seeds the Puerto Rican kitchen as the star is to the Puerto Rican flag.
1 tablespoon ground One does not exist without the other. What often amazes many
coriander people who have tasted my cooking or tried my recipes over
1 tablespoon cumin the years is the robust flavors that Puerto Rican food contains.
1 tablespoon garlic powder Once prepared, your sazón will be one of the most important
tools in your kitchen, and don’t be surprised how often you
1 tablespoon salt
find yourself sprinkling this seasoning on a variety of dishes.
2 teaspoons oregano

Whisk together ground annatto seeds, coriander, cumin, garlic

powder, salt, and oregano in a medium-size bowl.

STORAGE TIP: Store in a mason jar in a cool, dry place until ready
to use. Like most dried seasonings, sazón will last for well over
a year.

Staples | 121
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Mojo Criollo
Garlic Marinade

MAKES: 2½ cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

½ cup olive oil Mojo Criollo is an amazing marinade that you can use on
10 smashed and peeled nearly every type of meat or seafood. As I thought about
garlic cloves which staples I should cover in this chapter, I realized I had
1½ cups orange juice a bag of chicken thighs in my refrigerator right then, lazily
½ cup lime juice
resting on a jar of Mojo Criollo. I’m sure we’ve all heard
the English slang word “mojo”—well, this is basically the
½ cup lemon juice
Creole Mojo, so go ahead and get creative with your usage.
2 jalapeños, sliced
Not just a marinade, it can be used as a salad dressing, a
Salt sandwich spread, or a dip for tostones for a blast of flavor.

1. Heat the oil in a saute pan or skillet over medium heat.

Add the garlic and sauté for 1 to 2 minutes until the garlic
becomes fragrant.
2. Add the orange juice, lime juice, lemon juice, jalapeños, and salt,
and cook for 2 to 3 minutes, then remove from heat.

VARIATION TIP: If you prefer a smoother texture, simply pulse in

a blender or food processor until smooth.

STORAGE TIP: Mojo Criollo will keep in the refrigerator, covered,

for 3 to 4 days.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free

Picadillo de Carne
Beef Hash

MAKES: 5 servings  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 30 minutes

2 tablespoons achiote My Picadillo de Carne is one of the most versatile recipes

oil (see page 117) that you’ll find in this cookbook. From Pastelillos de Carne
¼ cup sofrito to Carne con Arroz y Habichuelas, or simply spooned
(see page 116) over some eggs, this amazing ground beef recipe works
¼ cup alcaparrado in almost any dish. It also smells so good that I’ll sneak a
(see page 124) spoonful to snack on while cooking it. Have fun with this
1 pound ground beef one and try it with pasta, as the protein for a salad, or even
2 tablespoons in a bowl topped with pique (see page 126). No matter
tomato paste what you eat it with, picadillo is always a perfect choice.
1. Heat achiote oil in a large saute pan or skillet over medium heat.
Add in sofrito and alcaparrado and cook for about 5 minutes;
the sofrito should be simmering and the moisture just starting
to evaporate.
2. Add ground beef, breaking it up in the pan, and brown it until
most of the moisture evaporates. Stir in tomato paste and cook for
2 to 3 minutes. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper to taste.

VARIATION TIP: Make this recipe your own by adding any of the
following before the ground beef is added: ½ cup diced onions,
½ cup diced green peppers, ½ cup chopped cilantro, or 2 chopped
culantro leaves.

STORAGE TIP: Picadillo will keep in the refrigerator for 3 to

4 days.

Staples | 123
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Olives and Capers

MAKES: 2 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

6 ounces pimento-stuffed As with many cooking staples, there are times when it would
green olives be much easier to just head down to the grocery store and buy
3 ounces capers a jar of olives and capers in oil. When you see how effortless
½ cup red wine vinegar it is to make your own alcaparrado and how much better it
2 tablespoons olive oil
tastes though, you may never go back to store bought. You’ll
see that it’s used in many of the recipes in this book; it’s simple
to make and adds amazing flavor. Sometimes just leaving
the mason jar of alcaparrado open in the kitchen entices the
family to start lurking around to see what I’m cooking.

Roughly chop green olives and place in a mason jar. Add the
capers, vinegar, olive oil, and pepper to the jar and shake well. Store
in the refrigerator to allow the flavors to mingle.

STORAGE TIP: Sealed and refrigerated, alcaparrado will last for

about 6 weeks.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Ajili Mojili
Hot Pepper and Garlic Sauce

MAKES: 2 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

6 jalapeños, seeded When some people think of Puerto Rican food, there’s often
and chopped a misconception that many of the spices have a lot of heat,
8 to 10 garlic as they do in Mexico or Peru. In fact, many Puerto Rican
cloves, minced spices tend to be on the mild side. Ajili Mojili is one of the
6 peppercorns exceptions to this rule as it is often made with hotter spices
¼ cup lime juice than most other Puerto Rican sauces. This little gem is
another of my brother’s favorites, and he often uses a couple of
½ cup olive oil
habaneros in addition to the jalapeños to kick it up a notch.
2 teaspoons salt

Put the jalapenos, garlic cloves, peppercorns, lime juice, olive oil,
and salt into a food processor and blend until smooth. Seal in a jar
and refrigerate.

STORAGE TIP: Ajili Mojili will keep in the refrigerator for 3 to

4 days.

Staples | 125
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Puerto Rican Hot Sauce

MAKES: 2 cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes plus 2 days resting

5 habanero peppers If you’ve ever eaten in a Puerto Rican restaurant, pique is the
5 jalapeño peppers little jar of hot sauce that’s likely to be on every table. Various
1 Spanish onion, sliced pickled peppers (depending on how hot you like it) and garlic
give it that perfect punch of flavor. You can drizzle this over
10 garlic cloves, halved
and mashed
nearly every recipe in this book and you’ll find that it tastes a
little different with each dish. When adding to a meal, you can
10 peppercorns
use just the juice by holding a fork over the top of the jar, or
⅓ teaspoon salt
if you like heat, get adventurous and go for the peppers, too.
1 cup apple cider
vinegar (extra if needed
1. Remove the stems from the habanero peppers and jalapeno
to fill your jar)
peppers and quarter them lengthwise (do not remove the seeds).
2. Place peppers in a large jar and add onions, garlic, peppercorns,
and salt. Fill the rest of the jar with apple cider vinegar leaving
about 1/2 inch of space between the vinegar and the top of the jar.
Close the jar tightly and shake to combine all the ingredients.
Allow to sit for at least 2 days at room temperature.

STORAGE TIP: Pique will keep for a couple of months when refrig-
erated in a sealed container.

SUBSTITUTION TIP: Traditionally this is made with ají caballeros,

but I know those can be difficult to find. In their place, you can
use habaneros.

VARIATION TIP: I use a 50/50 split of habaneros and jalapeños.

You can increase the heat by using more habaneros than jalapeños,
or decrease the heat by using more jalapeños than habaneros.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Garlic Dipping Sauce

MAKES: 2½ cups  |  PREP TIME: 15 minutes

1 cup olive oil Technically this is called a garlic dipping sauce, but my
8 to 10 garlic favorite way to use this Mojito is to drizzle it over Mofongo
cloves, minced and a little bit of lobster. You’ve probably noticed by now
1 Spanish onion, chopped that Puerto Rican cuisine leans very heavily on the flavors
3 tablespoons
garlic brings to the table, so it’s only logical that we would
chopped cilantro have a recipe for garlic dipping sauce. This is perfect to eat
with tostones to add a splash of flavor to the fried plantains.
2 tablespoons lemon juice
You can even brush a little bit of this across the top of a
2 tablespoons lime juice
Jibarito to really bring your sandwich to the next level.

Put the olive oil, garlic cloves, onion, cilantro, lemon juice, lime
juice, and salt in a food processor and blend until smooth. Seal in a
jar and refrigerate.

STORAGE TIP: Mojito will keep in the refrigerator for 3 to 4 days.

INGREDIENT TIP: This garlic dipping sauce is not to be confused

with Mojo de Ajo/Garlic Sauce. To make Mojo de Ajo, place 1 cup
of oil and 10 peeled and crushed garlic cloves in a small saucepan
and simmer for about 20 minutes. Once cool, blend in a food
processor until smooth.

Staples | 127
Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegetarian

Salsa Rosa
Pink Sauce

MAKES: 1½ cups  |  PREP TIME: 10 minutes

1 cup mayonnaise Salsa Rosa is a fun little dipping sauce that many of
6 tablespoons ketchup us “invented” as children with a simple ketchup and
1 garlic clove, minced mayo mixture; that is, until we learned how much more
amazing everything is with a little added garlic. Many
Puerto Rican restaurants serve this as a dipping sauce
and possibly call it by a different name. Sometimes I’ve
even referred to it as “Mayo Ketchup Garlic Sauce.” While
the name may not be the most creative, what you can
find to dip into Salsa Rosa is left to your imagination.

In a small bowl, whisk the mayonnaise, ketchup, and garlic clove

together. Place in a mason jar, seal, and refrigerate until you are
ready to use.

VARIATION TIP: Add in hot sauce or a little salt and pepper to

taste until you get the flavor or heat you want.

STORAGE TIP: Salsa Rosa will keep in the refrigerator, covered,

for 3 to 4 days.


Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Mojito Isleño
Island Sauce Dip

MAKES: 3½ cups  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

¼ cup olive oil In this book, I haven’t gone too deeply into the fish recipes
1 Spanish onion, chopped that bless the island, but if there is one thing to know about
1 green pepper, chopped Puerto Rican fish recipes, it’s that almost all of them can
be topped with mojito isleño. This sauce goes perfectly
4 garlic cloves, minced
with any type of fish, shrimp, scallops, and basically any
½ cup alcaparrado
other type of seafood. Topping grilled fish with mojito
(see page 124)
isleño is perfect for those looking for an amazingly simple
1 cup tomato sauce
sauce with immense flavor and very few calories.
1 bunch cilantro
Salt 1. In a saute pan or skillet, heat the oil over medium heat. Sauté the
Pepper onions and bell peppers until onions start to become translucent.
2. Add garlic, and cook until the garlic becomes fragrant. Add in the
alcaparrado, tomato sauce, cilantro, salt, and pepper and cook for
another 10 minutes.

VARIATION TIP: If you want a little heat in your Mojito Isleño, go

ahead and add some pique to your taste.

STORAGE TIP: Mojito Isleño will keep in the refrigerator, covered,

for 3 to 4 days.

Staples | 129
Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

MAKES: 1 cup  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes

½ cup finely chopped While not a classic Puerto Rican recipe, chimichurri
cilantro marries well with many of our dishes. This traditionally
½ cup finely Central American sauce has found its way onto our little
chopped parsley island. Many Puerto Rican restaurants serve this over their
2 tablespoons oregano churrasco or have a bottle of it on the tables. This bright,
3 tablespoons minced tangy sauce has amazing flavor and is incredibly versatile
red onion as it can be used as a marinade, salad dressing, veggie
1 tablespoon minced garlic dip, or as a topping for any kind of meat or seafood.

⅛ teaspoon adobo
In a small bowl, mix the cilantro, parsley, oregano, onions, garlic,
Olive oil
and adobo, then drizzle in a little olive oil, stirring until com-
pletely combined.

STORAGE TIP: Chimichurri will keep for about 3 days when cov-
ered and refrigerated.


Dairy-Free / Gluten-Free / Nut-Free / Vegan

Preparing Plantain/Banana Leaves

MAKES: 10 to 20 leaves  |  PREP TIME: 5 minutes  |  COOK TIME: 10 minutes

10 to 20 plantain/ I learned the hard way that you can’t buy plantain or banana
banana leaves leaves from the store and expect to use them right out of the
package to wrap anything. The first time I made Pasteles,
my dad sat back and watched me struggle to wrap them
because the leaves are very crisp and not at all pliable until
you cook them. They kept splitting and cracking open, leaking
all the hard work I had put into my Pasteles out onto my
countertop. Over time, with practice and a healthy dose of
listening to my dad laugh, I found that the 10 minutes of time
spent cooking the leaves saved me hours of aggravation.

1. Preheat oven to 200°F. Cut the leaves to the size you need; this will
vary depending on the recipe. Pasteles will need a larger-size leaf,
while Guanimes need a much smaller-size leaf.
2. Place leaves on a baking sheet in a single layer, careful not to
overlap them. Bake for 5 to 10 minutes, until the leaves are soft and
pliable. Use immediately after preparing.

COOKING TIP: You can prep the leaves on the stove top by turn-
ing on one of the burners and slowly passing the leaf about 1 to
1½ inches above the flame. The leaves will darken to a deep green,
but you don’t want to burn them. Heat them just enough to make
them pliable.

INGREDIENT TIP: If you want to give any of the dishes in this

book a real island look and feel, line your serving plates with
banana leaves; simply cut the leaf to the size of your plate before
you serve your dish.

Staples | 131
Measurement Conversions



2 tablespoons 1 fl. oz. 30 mL 250°F 120°C

¼ cup 2 fl. oz. 60 mL 300°F 150°C
½ cup 4 fl. oz. 120 mL 325°F 165°C
1 cup 8 fl. oz. 240 mL 350°F 180°C
1½ cups 12 fl. oz. 355 mL 375°F 190°C
2 cups or 1 pint 16 fl. oz. 475 mL 400°F 200°C
4 cups or 1 quart 32 fl. oz. 1L 425°F 220°C
1 gallon 128 fl. oz. 4L 450°F 230°C




1/8 teaspoon 0.5 mL

½ ounce 15 g
¼ teaspoon 1 mL
1 ounce 30 g
½ teaspoon 2 mL
2 ounces 60 g
¾ teaspoon 4 mL
4 ounces 115 g
1 teaspoon 5 mL
8 ounces 225 g
1 tablespoon 15 mL
12 ounces 340 g
¼ cup 59 mL
16 ounces or 455 g
1/3 cup 79 mL 1 pound
½ cup 118 mL
2/3 cup 156 mL
¾ cup 177 mL
1 cup 235 mL
2 cups or 1 pint 475 mL
3 cups 700 mL
4 cups or 1 quart 1L

Measurement Conversions | 133
A Preparing Plantain/Banana Piña Colada, 14
Achiote Oil, 117 Leaves, 131 Rice Milk, 23
Adobo, 3, 120 Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62 Star Fruit Juice, 24
Ajili Mojili, 125 BBQ Chicken Kabobs, 70 Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20
Albondigas, 111 Beans, 5 Bistec Encebollado, 112
Albondigon, 93 Bean Stew, 47 Bizcochos de Ron, 100
Alcaparrado, 124 Black Beans and White Rice, 105 Black Beans and White Rice, 105
Alcapurrias, 61–62 dried, 4 Bolitas de Yuca, 76
Annatto seeds, 4 White Bean Soup, 107 Breaded Steak, 71
Achiote Oil, 117 Beef, 7 Budin de Pan, 96
Sazón, 121 Beef Hash, 123
Arañitas, 60 Beef Stew, 106
Arepas, 59 Breaded Steak, 71 Cabbage Salad, 30
Arroz al Ajillo con Camarones, 49 Meatballs, 111 Camarones Guisados Criollos, 84
Arroz Amarillo, 66 Meatloaf, 93 Canned foods, 5–6
Arroz Blanco con Carne Bif, 53 Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains, 69 Caramel Custard, 72
Arroz con Gandules, 80 Meat Turnovers, 46 Carne Frita, 51
Arroz con Pollo, 81 Plantain Lasagna, 94 Carne Guisada, 106
Arroz con Salchichas, 82 Pot Roast, 83 Carne Mechada, 83
Arugula Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62 Carrots
Star Fruit and Prosciutto Salad, 29 Puerto Rican Steak Cabbage Salad, 30
Asopao de Pollo, 108 Sandwich, 78–79 Chicken Soup, 108
Avena, 43 Puerto Rican Stew, 110 Chicken Stew, 109
Avocados, 8 Skirt Steak, 54 Pot Roast, 83
Avocado and Crab Salad, 28 Steak and Onions, 112 Casabe, 64
Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27 Stuffed Potatoes, 63 Cassava/yuca, 8
Cabbage Salad, 30 Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Cassava Bread, 64

White Rice with Corned Beef, 53 Cassava with Garlic Sauce, 48

B Beverages Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76
Bacalaitos, 41 Coconut Milk, 22 Codfish Stew, 85
Bacalao Guisado, 85 Coquito, 15 Pickled Cassava Salad, 45
Bacon Cuba Libre, 17 Puerto Rican Stew, 110
Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49 Daiquiri, 18 Yuca Fries, 65
White Bean Soup, 107 Guava Margarita, 21 Cazuela, 99
Bananas. See also Plantains Champola de Guayaba, 25
Guava Smoothie, 25
Pasteles, 86–87 Cheese. See also Cream cheese
Limón Cocktail, 16
Pickled Plantains, 104 Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76
Mojito, 19

Cuban Sandwich, 33 Cream cheese Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127
Plantain Lasagna, 94 Cheesecake Popsicle, 34 Garlic Marinade, 122
Sweet Corn Fritters, 42 Cream Cheese Turnovers, 95 Guava Margarita, 21
Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Guava and Cheese Hot Pepper and Garlic
Cheesecake Popsicle, 34 Dumplings, 55 Sauce, 125
Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76 Guava Dip, 26 Limón Cocktail, 16
Chicharrón de Cerdo, 119 Creole Shrimp Stew, 84 Mashed Plantains, 68
Chicharrónes, 4, 118 Cuba Libre, 17 Meatloaf, 93
Mashed Plantains, 68 Cubano, 33 Mojito, 19
Mofongo Stuffing, 90 Cuban Sandwich, 33 Octopus Salad, 31
Chicken, 7 Cucumbers Olives and Capers, 124
BBQ Chicken Kabobs, 70 Avocado and Crab Salad, 28 Pickled Cassava Salad, 45
Chicken Soup, 108 Cumin, 3 Pickled Plantains, 104
Chicken Stew, 109 Piña Colada, 14
Fried Chicken, 50 D Pork Chops, 52
Rice with Chicken, 81 Daiquiri, 18 Pork Shoulder, 113
Chimichurri, 130 Dairy-free Pot Roast, 83
Chuletas, 52 Achiote Oil, 117 Preparing Plantain/Banana
Churrasco, 54 Avocado and Crab Salad, 28 Leaves, 131
Cilantro, 7 Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27 Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62
Coconut milk/cream, 5 BBQ Chicken Kabobs, 70 Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126
Coconut Custard, 73 Bean Stew, 47 Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon
Coconut Milk, 22 Beef Hash, 123 Peas, 80
Coquito, 15 Beef Stew, 106 Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt, 120
Corn Dumplings, 77 Black Beans and White Rice, 105 Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116
Piña Colada, 14 Cabbage Salad, 30 Puerto Rican Stew, 110
Pulled Pork Sliders, 67 Cassava Bread, 64 Pulled Pork Sliders, 67
Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59 Cassava with Garlic Sauce, 48 Rice Milk, 23
Sweet Potato Pudding, 99 Chicharrónes, 118 Rice with Chicken, 81
Codfish, 7 Chicken Soup, 108 Rice with Sausage, 82
Codfish Fritters, 41 Chicken Stew, 109 Sazón, 121
Codfish Stew, 85 Chimichurri, 130 Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60
Coquito, 15 Coconut Custard, 73 Shrimp Salad, 44
Corn Coconut Milk, 22 Skirt Steak, 54
Puerto Rican Stew, 110 Codfish Fritters, 41 Star Fruit and Prosciutto
White Rice with Corned Codfish Stew, 85 Salad, 29
Beef, 53 Corn Dumplings, 77 Star Fruit Juice, 24
Corn flour/cornmeal Creole Shrimp Stew, 84 Steak and Onions, 112
Corn Dumplings, 77 Cuba Libre, 17 Stuffed Potatoes, 63
Cornmeal Hot Cereal, 58 Daiquiri, 18 Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59
Sweet Corn Fritters, 42 Fried Chicken, 50 White Bean Soup, 107
Crab Fried Plantains, 38 White Rice with Corned Beef, 53
Avocado and Crab Salad, 28 Fried Pork Belly, 119 Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20
Puerto Rican–Style Crab Fried Pork Chunks, 51 Yellow Rice, 66
Cakes, 40 Fried Sweet Plantains, 39 Yuca Fries, 65

Index | 135
Desserts G Hot Pepper and Garlic
Caramel Custard, 72 Sauce, 125
Gandules verdes, 5
Cheesecake Popsicle, 34 Island Sauce Dip, 129
Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127
Coconut Custard, 73 Limón Cocktail, 16
Garlic Marinade, 122
Cream Cheese Turnovers, 95 Mashed Plantains, 68
Garlic powder, 3
Nutella Popsicle, 35 Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains, 69
Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49
Puerto Rican Bread Pudding, 96 Mofongo Stuffing, 90
Puerto Rican Shortbread Mojito, 19
Achiote Oil, 117
Cookies, 97 Nutella Popsicle, 35
Avocado and Crab Salad, 28
Rum Cake, 100 Octopus Salad, 31
Avocado and Tomato
Sweet Potato Pudding, 99 Olives and Capers, 124
Salad, 27
Three Milks Cake, 98 Pasteles, 86–87
BBQ Chicken Kabobs, 70
Pickled Cassava Salad, 45
E Bean Stew, 47
Pickled Plantains, 104
Beef Hash, 123
Eggs Piña Colada, 14
Black Beans and White Rice, 105
Caramel Custard, 72 Pink Sauce, 128
Cabbage Salad, 30
Plantain Lasagna, 94 Plantain Lasagna, 94
Caramel Custard, 72
Puerto Rican Bread Pudding, 96 Pork Chops, 52
Cassava Bread, 64
Stuffed Potatoes, 63 Pork Shoulder, 113
Cassava with Garlic Sauce, 48
Sweet Bread Rolls, 91–92 Pot Roast, 83
Cheesecake Popsicle, 34
Sweet Potato Pudding, 99 Preparing Plantain/Banana
Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76
Three Milks Cake, 98 Leaves, 131
Chicharrónes, 118
Empanadillas de Guava y Queso, 55 Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62
Chicken Stew, 109
Ensalada de Aguacate y Jueyes, 28 Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126
Chimichurri, 130
Ensalada de Aguacate y Tomate, 27 Puerto Rican Oatmeal, 43
Coconut Custard, 73
Ensalada de Camarones, 44 Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon
Coconut Milk, 22
Ensalada de Carambola y Jamón, 29 Peas, 80
Codfish Stew, 85
Ensalada de Pulpo, 31 Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt, 120
Coquito, 15
Ensalada de Repollo, 30 Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116
Corn Dumplings, 77
Equipment, 9 Puerto Rican Steak
Cornmeal Hot Cereal, 58
Sandwich, 78–79
F Creole Shrimp Stew, 84
Puerto Rican Stew, 110
Cuba Libre, 17
Fish, 7 Pulled Pork Sliders, 67
Daiquiri, 18
Codfish Fritters, 41 Rice Milk, 23
Fried Chicken, 50
Codfish Stew, 85 Rice with Chicken, 81
Fried Plantains, 38
Flan, 72 Rice with Sausage, 82
Fried Pork Belly, 119
Flour, 4 Sazón, 121
Fried Chicken, 50 Fried Pork Chunks, 51
Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60
Fried Plantains, 38 Fried Sweet Plantains, 39
Shrimp Salad, 44
Fried Pork Belly, 119 Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127
Skirt Steak, 54
Fried Pork Chunks, 51 Garlic Marinade, 122
Star Fruit and Prosciutto
Fried Pork Rinds/Crackling, 118 Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49
Salad, 29
Fried Sweet Plantains, 39 Guava Dip, 26
Star Fruit Juice, 24
Frijoles Negros y Arroz Blanco, 105 Guava Margarita, 21
Steak and Onions, 112
Funche, 58 Guava Smoothie, 25

136 | Index
Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59 Limber de Cheesecake, 34 Coquito, 15
Sweet Corn Fritters, 42 Limber de Nutella, 35 Corn Dumplings, 77
White Bean Soup, 107 Limón Cocktail, 16 Cornmeal Hot Cereal, 58
Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20 Cream Cheese Turnovers, 95
Yellow Rice, 66 M Creole Shrimp Stew, 84
Yuca Fries, 65 Mantecaditos, 97 Cuba Libre, 17
Guanimes, 77 Mashed Plantains, 68 Cuban Sandwich, 33
Guava paste/pulp, 5 Meatballs, 111 Daiquiri, 18
Guava and Cheese Meatloaf, 93 Fried Chicken, 50
Dumplings, 55 Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains, 69 Fried Plantains, 38
Guava Dip, 26 Meat Turnovers, 46 Fried Pork Belly, 119
Guava Margarita, 21 Milanesa de Res, 71 Fried Pork Chunks, 51
Guava Smoothie, 25 Mofongo, 68 Fried Sweet Plantains, 39
Puerto Rican Shortbread Mofongo Stuffing, 90 Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127
Cookies, 97 Mojito, 19 Garlic Marinade, 122
Guineos en Escabeche, 104 Mojito (sauce), 127 Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49
Mojito Isleño, 129 Guava and Cheese Dumplings, 55
H Mojo Criollo, 122
Guava Dip, 26
Habichuelas Guisadas, 47
N Guava Margarita, 21
Habichuelas negras y rojas, 5 Guava Smoothie, 25
Ham Nutella Popsicle, 35
Hot Pepper and Garlic
Creole Shrimp Stew, 84 Nut-free
Sauce, 125
Cuban Sandwich, 33 Achiote Oil, 117
Island Sauce Dip, 129
Pot Roast, 83 Avocado and Crab Salad, 28
Limón Cocktail, 16
Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27
Mashed Plantains, 68
Hot Pepper and Garlic BBQ Chicken Kabobs, 70
Meatballs, 111
Sauce, 125 Bean Stew, 47
Meatloaf, 93
Beef Hash, 123
Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains, 69
I Beef Stew, 106
Meat Turnovers, 46
Island Sauce Dip, 129 Black Beans and White Rice, 105
Mofongo Stuffing, 90
Breaded Steak, 71
Mojito, 19
J Cabbage Salad, 30
Octopus Salad, 31
Jibarito, 78–79 Caramel Custard, 72
Olives and Capers, 124
Jugo de Carambola, 24 Cassava Bread, 64
Pasteles, 86–87
Cassava with Garlic Sauce, 48
L Cheesecake Popsicle, 34
Pickled Cassava Salad, 45
Pickled Plantains, 104
Lard substitutes, 8 Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76
Piña Colada, 14
Leche de Arroz, 23 Chicharrónes, 118
Pink Sauce, 128
Leche de Coco, 22 Chicken Soup, 108
Plantain Lasagna, 94
Lettuce Chicken Stew, 109
Pork Chops, 52
Puerto Rican Steak Chimichurri, 130
Pork Shoulder, 113
Sandwich, 78–79 Coconut Custard, 73
Pot Roast, 83
Star Fruit and Prosciutto Coconut Milk, 22
Preparing Plantain/Banana
Salad, 29 Codfish Fritters, 41
Leaves, 131
Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Codfish Stew, 85

Index | 137
Nut-free (continued) Olives Pigeon peas, 5
Puerto Rican Bread Pudding, 96 Bean Stew, 47 Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon
Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62 Beef Hash, 123 Peas, 80
Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126 Beef Stew, 106 Piña Colada, 14
Puerto Rican Oatmeal, 43 Chicken Soup, 108 Pinchos de Pollo, 70
Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon Chicken Stew, 109 Pink Sauce, 128
Peas, 80 Codfish Stew, 85 Piononos de Carne, 69
Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt, 120 Creole Shrimp Stew, 84 Pique, 6, 126
Puerto Rican Shortbread Island Sauce Dip, 129 Plantain Lasagna, 94
Cookies, 97 Meatballs, 111 Plantains, 8
Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116 Pickled Cassava Salad, 45 Fried Plantains, 38
Puerto Rican Steak Pickled Plantains, 104 Fried Sweet Plantains, 39
Sandwich, 78–79 Rice with Chicken, 81 Mashed Plantains, 68
Puerto Rican Stew, 110 Shrimp Salad, 44 Meat-Stuffed Sweet Plantains, 69
Puerto Rican–Style Crab White Bean Soup, 107 Mofongo Stuffing, 90
Cakes, 40 Onions and Steak, 112 Pasteles, 86–87
Pulled Pork Sliders, 67 Oregano, 3 Plantain Lasagna, 94
Rice Milk, 23 Preparing Plantain/Banana
Rice with Chicken, 81 P Leaves, 131
Rice with Sausage, 82 Pan de Mallorca, 91–92 Puerto Rican Steak
Sazón, 121 Pantry staples, 3–6 Sandwich, 78–79
Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60 Pasta Puerto Rican Stew, 110
Shrimp Salad, 44 Chicken Soup, 108 Pulled Pork Sliders, 67
Skirt Steak, 54 Pasteles, 86–87 Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60
Star Fruit and Prosciutto Pastelillos de Carne, 46 Plátanos Maduros, 39
Salad, 29 Pastelón, 94 Pollo Frito, 50
Star Fruit Juice, 24 Peppers Pollo Guisado, 109
Steak and Onions, 112 Avocado and Crab Pork, 7. See also Bacon;
Stuffed Potatoes, 63 Salad, 28 Ham; Sausage
Sweet Bread Rolls, 91–92 Codfish Stew, 85 Chicharrónes, 118
Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59 Garlic Marinade, 122 Cuban Sandwich, 33
Sweet Corn Fritters, 42 Hot Pepper and Garlic Fried Pork Belly, 119
Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Sauce, 125 Fried Pork Chunks, 51
Three Milks Cake, 98 Island Sauce Dip, 129 Pasteles, 86–87
White Bean Soup, 107 Mofongo Stuffing, 90 Pork Chops, 52
White Rice with Corned Beef, 53 Octopus Salad, 31 Pork Shoulder, 113
Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20 Puerto Rican Hot Pulled Pork Sliders, 67
Yellow Rice, 66 Sauce, 126 Three-Meat Sandwich, 32
Nuts Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116 Pork rinds, 4, 118.
Rum Cake, 100 Puerto Rican Stew, 110 See also Chicharrónes
Shrimp Salad, 44 Pork Shoulder, 113
O Pernil, 113 Potatoes, 8
Oats Picadillo de Carne, 123 Bean Stew, 47
Puerto Rican Oatmeal, 43 Pickled Cassava Salad, 45 Beef Stew, 106
Octopus Salad, 31 Pickled Plantains, 104 Chicken Soup, 108

138 | Index
Chicken Stew, 109 Rum, 6 Sofrito, 5, 116
Creole Shrimp Stew, 84 Coquito, 15 Sopa de Habichuelas Blancas, 107
Pasteles, 86–87 Cuba Libre, 17 Sorullitos de Maiz, 42
Pot Roast, 83 Daiquiri, 18 Soups. See also Stews
Puerto Rican Stew, 110 Limón Cocktail, 16 Chicken Soup, 108
Stuffed Potatoes, 63 Mojito, 19 White Bean Soup, 107
White Bean Soup, 107 Piña Colada, 14 Spices, 3
White Rice with Corned Beef, 53 Rum Cake, 100 Star Fruit and Prosciutto Salad, 29
Pot Roast, 83 Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20 Star Fruit Juice, 24
Prosciutto and Star Fruit Salad, 29 Steak and Onions, 112
Puerto Rican Bread Pudding, 96 S Stews
Puerto Rican cuisine, 2 Salads Bean Stew, 47
Puerto Rican Eggnog, 15 Avocado and Crab Salad, 28 Beef Stew, 106
Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62 Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27 Chicken Stew, 109
Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126 Cabbage Salad, 30 Codfish Stew, 85
Puerto Rican Oatmeal, 43 Octopus Salad, 31 Creole Shrimp Stew, 84
Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon Pickled Cassava Salad, 45 Puerto Rican Stew, 110
Peas, 80 Shrimp Salad, 44 Stuffed Potatoes, 63
Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt, 120 Star Fruit and Prosciutto Sugar, 4
Puerto Rican Shortbread Salad, 29 Sweet Bread Rolls, 91–92
Cookies, 97 Salsa Rosa, 128 Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59
Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116 Sancocho, 110 Sweet Corn Fritters, 42
Puerto Rican Steak Sandwiches Sweet Potato Pudding, 99
Sandwich, 78–79 Cuban Sandwich, 33
Puerto Rican Stew, 110 Puerto Rican Steak
Puerto Rican–Style Crab Sandwich, 78–79 Tembleque, 73
Cakes, 40 Pulled Pork Sliders, 67 Three-Meat Sandwich, 32
Pulled Pork Sliders, 67 Three-Meat Sandwich, 32 Three Milks Cake, 98
Sazón, 121 Tomatoes
Q Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27
Quesitos, 95 Chimichurri, 130 Black Beans and White Rice, 105
Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127 Mofongo Stuffing, 90
R Octopus Salad, 31
Garlic Marinade, 122
Recipes, about, 10–11 Puerto Rican Steak
Hot Pepper and Garlic
Rellenos de Papa, 63 Sandwich, 78–79
Sauce, 125
Rice, 4 Three-Meat Sandwich, 32
Pink Sauce, 128
Black Beans and White Rice, 105 Tomato sauce, 5
Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126
Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49 Tostones, 38
Sausage with Rice, 82
Puerto Rican Rice with Pigeon Tres Leches Cake, 98
Sazón, 3
Peas, 80 Tripleta, 32
Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60
Rice Milk, 23 Shrimp
Rice with Chicken, 81 V
Creole Shrimp Stew, 84
Rice with Sausage, 82 Vegan
Garlic Rice with Shrimp, 49
White Rice with Corned Beef, 53 Achiote Oil, 117
Shrimp Salad, 44
Yellow Rice, 66 Skirt Steak, 54 Avocado and Tomato Salad, 27

Index | 139
Vegan (continued) Piña Colada, 14 Pink Sauce, 128
Bean Stew, 47 Preparing Plantain/Banana Puerto Rican Bread Pudding, 96
Black Beans and White Rice, 105 Leaves, 131 Puerto Rican Oatmeal, 43
Cabbage Salad, 30 Puerto Rican Hot Sauce, 126 Puerto Rican Shortbread
Cassava Bread, 64 Puerto Rican Seasoned Salt, 120 Cookies, 97
Cassava with Garlic Sauce, 48 Puerto Rican Sofrito, 116 Sweet Bread Rolls, 91–92
Chimichurri, 130 Rice Milk, 23 Sweet Corn Fritters, 42
Coconut Custard, 73 Sazón, 121 Sweet Potato Pudding, 99
Coconut Milk, 22 Shredded Plantain Fritters, 60 Three Milks Cake, 98
Corn Dumplings, 77 Star Fruit Juice, 24
Cuba Libre, 17 Sweet Coconut Cakes, 59 W
Daiquiri, 18 Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20 White Bean Soup, 107
Fried Plantains, 38 Yuca Fries, 65 White Rice with Corned
Fried Sweet Plantains, 39 Vegetarian. See also Vegan Beef, 53
Garlic Dipping Sauce, 127 Caramel Custard, 72
Garlic Marinade, 122 Cheesecake Popsicle, 34
Guava Margarita, 21 Cheesy Yuca Balls, 76 Yautía, 8
Hot Pepper and Garlic Coquito, 15 Pasteles, 86–87
Sauce, 125 Cornmeal Hot Cereal, 58 Puerto Rican Fritters, 61–62
Island Sauce Dip, 129 Cream Cheese Turnovers, 95 Yellow Bird Cocktail, 20
Limón Cocktail, 16 Guava and Cheese Yellow Rice, 66
Mojito, 19 Dumplings, 55 Yuca. See Cassava/yuca
Olives and Capers, 124 Guava Dip, 26 Yuca con Mojo, 48
Pickled Cassava Salad, 45 Guava Smoothie, 25 Yuca en Escabeche, 45
Pickled Plantains, 104 Nutella Popsicle, 35 Yuca Frita, 65

140 | Index
Thank you to my father, Rafael, for helping me connect with our Puerto Rican heritage
and for the hours he spent laughing in the kitchen while teaching me to cook. Thank you to
my mom, Patty, for keeping me on the straight and narrow for many years and never giving
up on me. And my little brother, Dennis, without whom this book wouldn’t be possible. You
helped me perfect family recipes, you helped me when I was at a loss for words, and you
helped me network and grow. To my children, Anthony and Maddie, who amaze me every
day and give me purpose. Last but not least, most importantly, thank you to Katie, my wife,
who has been my rock and support through thick and thin, who put up with my making
messes in the kitchen while I worked at my craft. Without her, the Average Guy Gourmet,
this book, nothing I have done would have been possible.
About the Author
TONY RICAN is the creator of “Average Guy Gourmet,” a
YouTube cooking channel with nearly 15,000 subscribers,
built around simple and fun recipes created by an average
dad. With his family originally from Santurce, Puerto Rico,
Tony was the first generation born off the island after his
father moved to Chicago. He spent 15 years on the road as a
professional wrestler and has since settled down to become
© Ian Storck

a husband and a father. His greatest accomplishment—

becoming a dad—is what made him want to reconnect with
his heritage and explore Puerto Rican culture through its
cuisine, with his father and children. He now uses the theatrics and production he learned
from pro wrestling, along with simple meals taught to him by his father, to help others learn
to cook. Visit him online at

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