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6  Grammar

6.2 Grammar 1 The passive: present 6.7 Grammar 2 The passive: modal verbs
and past and future tenses

1 Complete the sentences with the correct passive form 4 Correct the mistakes in the use of passive and active
of the verbs in brackets. forms. Two sentences are correct.
1 London is visited (visit) by millions be renovated
of tourists each year. 1 The ancient sculpture of Thanatos will renovate next

2 Most smartphones (make) month.

in China.
2 Face masks must be worn in all museum rooms
3 The first mechanical computer
and in the souvenir shop.
(invent) by Charles Babbage.
4 It (not recommend) that young 3 A tripod should used to make the photos more
children play video games. in-focus.
5 I’m sorry, all the tickets
4 Purchases at Infinity Fine Arts may make in person
(already sell) out.
6 We (not tell) how many words at the gallery or online.
to write for our homework. 5 Mobile phones cannot be turned on during the show.
7 Social media (use) by over two
6 Do you have to be left your bag in the locker before
billion people.
you enter?
8 The Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao
(design) by Frank Gehry.
5 Translate the sentences into English. Use the correct
forms of the verbs in brackets.
2 Order the words to make questions.
1 Projekty z plastyki muszą być dostarczone do następnego
1 where / held / was / the first World Cup / ?
piątku. (hand in)
When was the first World Cup held? The art projects must be handed in by next Friday.
2 your friend / these biscuits / were / baked / by / ? 2 Kiedy zamierzają zamknąć naszą ulubioną galerię sztuki?
3 the / Louvre / have / visited / yet / you / ?

4 used / the euro / in Ireland / is / ?

3 Koncert mógłby zostać zorganizowany w szkolnej
5 was / designed / who / the Burj Khalifa / by / ? stołówce. (organise)

6 how many / have / works of art / by / collected /

the museum / been / ?
4 Kurtki i płaszcze muszą być zostawione w szatni. (leave)

3 Choose the correct options to complete the text.

The Turner Prize is a British art competition for visual artists. 5 Dlaczego dzieła sztuki powinny być fotografowane bez
It ¹ founded / was founded by an art group in 1984 and is lampy błyskowej? (photograph)
named after the English painter JMW Turner. It ² is usually held /
usually holds in London. Between 1991 and 2006, only artists
under 50 ³ allowed / were allowed to enter. However, now
artists of any age 4 enter / are entered the competition. Each
6 Sesja zdjęciowa będzie zaaranżowana w pobliskim parku.
year, four artists 5 reach / are reached the final and one
(set up)
is awarded / awards the first prize. However, this year all four
nominated artists 7 decided / were decided to share
the prize. So, for the first time, four people 8 won / were won!

UNIT 6 iPhotocopiable  Impulse 2 © Macmillan Education Limited 2020 and Macmillan Polska 2022

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