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Harrisburg Office: District Office:

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Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Deor Acting Secretory Leigh Chopmon,

We, the undersigned members, ore writing with greot concern obout the process used
to ensure thoi only quolified, legol voters vote in the 2022 Generol Election. Due to the
20,l8 Directive from your office instructing counties to register voters without verificotion
of ideniity, the need to verify the identity ond eligibility of moil ond obsentee bollot
oppliconts is even more criticol io the inteqrity of our elections. As of October 21,2022,
records of 2022 Moil Bollot Doto shows thot counties hove olreody moiled over 240,000
unverified bqllols.
During the Stote Government Committee Heoring on
September 14, 2022.
Representotive Ryon osked Deputy Secretory Morks to exploin the lorge number of
requests submitted to the Sociol Security Adminisirotion Help Americo Vote Verificotion
(HAVV) system. Morks testified thot the HAVV systems is being used to verify SSN4 for moil
bollot opplicotions. He then went on to testify thot if o person submits on involid PennDOI
lD or on invqlid SSN4, the counties must still send o moil bollot to the requestor who
provided involid identificoiion.
Deputy Secrelory Jonolhon Morks: lwont to mqke sure we're cleor obout the
distinction between the two processes. Voter registrotion, there is no federol
requiremeni or stqte requirement thot those numbers motch or thqt every
voter hos to hove one of those two numbers. Wilh moil-in bolloting, it is q
requirement. lf when you opply, your PennDOI lD cqnnot be verified or your
losl four of SSN connol be verified, the county con slill issue lhe bollol, but the
bollot doesn't count unless ihe voter provides o volid form of lD - eiiher o
PennDOT lD or ihe lost four of SSN thot con be verified or one of the other
forms of identificotion provided for in the stotute.
Deputy Secretory Mork's testimony thot counties ore responsible for verificotion of lD prior
to counting o bollot wos subsequently controdicted by the PA Deportment of Stoie:
Guidonce Concerning Exominotion of Absentee ond Moil-ln Bollot Return Envelopes
doted September 26, 2022. The Guidonce tells the counties thot the identificotion is
verified before sending o bollot to on opplicont.
"The Pennsylvonio Election Code describes processes...include muliiple
secure methods used by the voter's county boord of election to verifu thot
the quolified voter's obseniee or moil-in opplicotion is complete ond thot the
stotutory requirements qre sotisfied. These include voler idenlificqlion
verificolion confirmed by either o volid driver's license number, the lost four
digits of the voter's sociol security number or other volid photo identificotion,
ond unique informotion on the opplicotion including the voter's residence
ond dote of birth.
Before sendino lhe bqllol to the opplicont, the county boord of eleciions
confirms the quolificotions of the opplicont bv verifuinq lhe proof of
Fxsnltglipn Ablenlee Mojl ln-Bolloi-Retur s-3.0.pd1)

Deputy Secretory Morks testified thot bollots qre moiled to unverified qppliconts. But less
thon two weeks loter, the Deportment of Stote sent out o guidonce informing the
counties thqt ihe verificotion is done prior to the moiling of bollots. Either the bollots ore
moiled to unverified oppliconts or bollots ore not moiled to unverified oppliconts but both
stotements connot be true. Due to this conflicting informotion, conscientious election
workers could unknowingly occept ond count bqllots for which no verificotion hos ever
County election officiols hove occess to the results of the PennDOT motching verificotion
ond the SSN4 HAVV motching verificotion, but they hove no subslontive role in thot
motching process. County eleclion officiols report thot, for some oppliconts, o letter moy
be generoted ond moiled to the voter, notifying them thot the lD they provided did not
motch the SSA records. The letter instructs those voters to produce o volid form of
identificotion to the county boord of elections. However, if proof of lD is not received,
the county election officiols report thot they con ond do count the bollots without the lD
from the voter. ln oddition, severol counties report thot they con ond do "fix" the involid
lD in the system ond occept the bollot (with no oction token by the voter.)

The controdictory informolion provided by ihe DoS jeopordizes the verificotion of identity
ond eligibility of individuols by whom moil bqllots ore cost. Morks soid thot the unverified
voter's bollot will not be counted unless the voter provides o volid form of lD. He
minimized the issue ond previously testified thot the non-motches occount for just o "smoll
percentoge" of the bollots sent. According to the DoS doto, os of October 21,2022, o
sioggering 24O,OOO bqllots ore "NOT VERIFIED". Thot is on enormous number of bollots
which, occording to the low, must be set oside ond not counted for the 2022 Generol
Eleciion unless the voter produces lD. This will force the counties to, os one county
election director described it, "go ofter the missing informotion" to obfoin proof of lD for
the unverified bollots. Whot level of odditionolstoffing is ollocoted for counties to otiempt
io contoct ond verify the identity of these quorler of q million of bqllol recipienls? Mony
of these unverified bollots ore likely the result of tronsposition of numbers or letters but the
purpose of the low is io ensure integrity. The low requires motching therefore oll must be
set oside ond lD verified prior to being counted.

Becouse the election is just o few short doys owoy, it is osked thot the Deportment of
a lmmediotely issue o directive to qll counties informing them of the requirement to
set those bollots oside ond not pre-convoss, convoss, or count ony of them unless
ond until the opplicont provides o volid form of identificotion. Moke it cleor to oll
couniies thot they moy nol "fix" non-mqlchinq idenlificqlion ond they moy not
count those bollots until proof of lD is received from lhe voier.
lmmediotely correct the Guidonce to reflect the testimony of Deputy Secretory
Morks or provide the Stote Governmeni Committee with on explonotion for the
folse informotion provided under ooth.
a lmmediotely provide the legisloiure with o complete list of oll the nomes ond voter
lDs for oll of the opplicotions on which the SSN4 provided did not motch the Sociol
Security Administrotion records.
a lmmediotely provide the legisloture with o complete list of ollthe nomes ond voter
lDs for oll of the opplicotions on which the PennDOT lD provided did not motch
the PennDOT records.
o Due to the conflicting informotion provided by your deportment, counties
should be required to certify thot oll of these bollots hove been set oside ond
moke q record of lhe lvpe of identificolion produced bv lhe voler who
previouslv provided non-molchinq I D.


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Froncis X. Ryon Down Keefer
Stote Representotive Siote Representotive
I 0l'f Legislotive District 92nd Legislotive District

{",; .41r\r
i A ll
#.rA* ,C/*'* '" ii
l\ 5-t^.1'".''4t
Borb Gleim Perry Stombough
Stote Representotive Stote Representotive
I 99th Legislotive District 86th Legislotive District

Croig Stoots Andrew Lewis
Stote Representqiive Stote Representotive
I 45tn Legislotive District 1 05th Legislotive District

,Aur6 L
Kothy Ropp Trocy Pennycuick
Stote Representotive Stote Represeniotive
55rh Legislotive District l4Zlh Legislotive District

Joseph Homm Dovid Rowe
Stote Representotive Stote Representotive

84tn Legislotive District 851h Legislotive District

Leslie Rossi Borry Jozwiok

Stote Representotive Stote Representotive
59rh Legislotive District Srh Legislotive District

Mike Puskoric
Stote Representotive
Eric Nelson
Stote Representotive
39tn Legislotive District 5Ztn Legislotive District

Mike Jones
Stote Representotive
93'o Legislotive District

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