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Department of Education



Quarter 1 Worksheet no. 1.1 Week 1-2

Name of Student:
Learning Area-Grade Level: MUSIC 9

Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque era are the early periods of

Western Music History. These periods have distinctive characteristics,
historical and cultural background. The Medieval Era is known for its
Gregorian Chant which is mainly used in the early Christian church. When
Renaissance Period came, music became an important leisure activity that
even members of the upper classes were expected to have musical training.
The distinctive characteristic of Renaissance music is imitative polyphony.
After the flourish of Renaissance period, people were introduced to Baroque
music by the latter. It is known to be characterized by grand and elaborate
ornamentation, not only in music but also in sculptures, theaters, and arts.
This period is known for its music genres namely Concerto, Fugue, Oratorio,
and the Chorale.

At the end of the activities, the learner should be able to:

1. describes the musical elements of selected vocal and instrumental music

of Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music; (MU9MRB-Ib-f-5); and,
2. explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
composers/performers, and audience) during Medieval, Renaissance,
and Baroque periods; (MU9MRB-Ia-h-2)


a. listens perceptively to selected vocal and instrumental music of

Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque period;
b. relates Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music to its historical and
cultural background

ACTIVITY 1: Medieval, Renaissance, and Baroque music

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
1. Listen to the following music.
2. Identify the characteristics of the following songs from Medieval,
Renaissance, and Baroque music according to their musical period. Write
your answer in the provided box.
Note: Audio recordings will be sent to you via messenger, google drive, or you
may use the link below.

Song Musical form Period Characteristics of Music period

1 Liturgy of St. Anthony -
2 A l'entrada del temps clar –
3 April is in my Mistress' face –
4 Concerto Grosso for two violins, cello,
strings, and basso continuo by Handel –

ACTIVITY 2.1: Discover and Learn!

1. After listening to the given music in the previous activity, describe the
distinct music changes from the Medieval to Baroque Period.

2. Write down important historical events and cultural background that

influences the changes in music in the different periods.

Historical events/Cultural Background Composer/s

Medieval (700-1400)

Renaissance (1400-1600)

Baroque (1685-1750)

Note: For questions number 1 and 2, write your answer on a clean sheet of paper.

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
Activity 2.2: Famous composer/s!
Instructions: Provide the necessary answers in each column.


Adam de la Halle
France, 1237 - 1288
Giovanni Pierluigi da
Palestrina, Rome
1525 - February 2, 1594
Thomas Morley
1557– 1602
Johann Sebastian Bach
March 21, 1685 to July 28,


A. Instructions: Classify the items in the box according to the historical

period to which it belongs. Write the words in the column below.

Gregorian Chants Fugue Concerto Grosso Invention of compass

Troubadour Music Mass Oratorio Martin Luther’s Protestant reformation

Madrigal Chorale Neumes Cantatas

Medieval Renaissance Baroque

B. Instructions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your
answer sheet.
1. In what period does Christian Church highly influenced the culture and political
affairs in Europe?
A. Medieval Period
B. Baroque Period
C. Renaissance Period

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
2. What is a through-composed vocal music composition that is written and
expressed in a poetic text?
A. Mass
B. Concerto Grosso
C. Madrigal
3. Options below are included in the five main sections of the Mass. Among them
which section is only written in Greek text?
A. Kyrie
B. Agnus Dei
C. Credo
4. What Baroque Musical form is developed through imitative counterpoint?
A. Chorale
B. Fugue
C. Oratorio
5. Oratorio is one of the Baroque Music forms that refers to the extended musical
setting of sacred music.
A. True
B. False
C. Not Sure.

Rubrics for Activity 1 and 2.1

CONTENT The output Sufficiently Limited Superficial
has developed, content and/ or
excellent with with minimal
relevance to adequate inadequate content.
the piece elaboration elaboration
that was or or
provided. explanation. explanation
CREATIVITY Work Work is Work Work is
exception- generally somewhat not
ally unique, unique, unique, unique,
detailed, detailed, detailed, or detailed, or
and and interesting interesting
interesting. interesting. shows some and shows
Explores Explores developing no original
several some ideas ideas or
options and options and without a risks
takes many takes some true sense taken.
creative creative of
risks. risks. originality.

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
Badiola, M.G., Vecino M.A., et al. First Edition 2014. Grade 9 Learner’s Materials
Music and Arts “A Journey Through Western Music and Arts.” Metro Manila,
Philippines. Vibal Group, Inc. -> music_9_tg_draft_4.7.2014.pdf

Prepared by:


Quality Assured by:

JOYCE D. FESICO, TIII, Baao NHS, , SDO Camarines Sur

JERWIN C. AVENIDO, TI, Sta. Lutgarda NHS, SDO Camarines Sur


Validated by:

DAN S. ANADILLA, TIII, Sta. Lutgarda NHS, SDO Camarines Sur

IAN JOSEPH VELASCO, TI, Bagacay NHS, SDO Camarines Sur

Layout Artist: EUGENE T. ABRAGAN, T II, Sagorong HS, SDO, Cam. Sur


Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
LEARNING REFERENCE MATERIAL: Quarter 1 Worksheet no. 1.1 Week 1-2

Music of the Medieval Period (700 – 1400)

This period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages. During this time,
the Christian Church has high influenced in Europe’s culture and political affairs.
Monophonic plainchant or also known as Gregorian Chant was named after Pope
Gregory I, who made this as an official music of the Catholic Church. His action
made monophonic plainchants popular. Originally these chants are transmitted
orally, but eventually scholars of this time agreed to put it into notation called
Neumes to help in the distribution of chants across Europe. Gregorian Chant as we
basically known is the music of the church that flourished in the Medieval Period. It
was literally born in the church’s liturgy and its text are written in Latin and almost
entirely scriptural. This chant was sung in a pure melody, in unison (which make it
monophonic), and without accompaniment. Gregorian chant is modal and are using
free rhythm, without meter or time signature. One of the famous composers of this
era is Adam de la Halle.
Adam de la Halle (France, 1237 – 1288). Adam was also known as Adam le Bossu
(Adam the Hunchback). His father was a well–known citizen of Arras, named Henri
de la Halle. He studied at the Cistercian Abbey of Vaucelles and considered as one
of the oldest secular composers. Adam was a French-born trouvére, a poet, and a
musician. His literary and musical works include chansons and Jeux-partis (poetic
debates). Most of his style is associated by trouveres, polyphonic rondel, and motets
in the style of early liturgical polyphony. Jeu de Robin et Marion, one of Adam’s
musical play, was considered the earliest surviving secular French play. His other
work also includes “La Chanson du roi de Sicile”
In the latter part of the Medieval Period, secular music which has no relation
to the Catholic traditions emerged. Songs of secular music were mostly performed
by troubadours, a group of musicians, who travelled across Europe.

Music of the Renaissance Period (1400 – 1600)

Renaissance which means rebirth, revival and rediscovery is the period
where chorale music flourished. In this period music was freed from medieval
constraints specifically in range, rhythm, harmony, form, and notation. Mass is a
form of sacred musical composition in this era that sets texts of the Eucharistic
liturgy into music. It has five (5) main sections; the “Kyrie (Lord Have Mercy)”,
“Gloria (Glory to God in the Highest)”, “Credo (I Believe in One God)”, “Sanctus and
Benedictus (Holy, holy, and Blessed Is He)”, and “Agnus Dei (Lamb of God)”. Mass is
characterized as polyphonic, can be sung in a cappella or with orchestral
accompaniment, and its text may be syllabic or melismatic. The Chanson and
Madrigal, both secular forms, are also popular in this era that spread throughout
Europe. Madrigal is a secular vocal polyphonic music composition that originated in
Italy and considered as most important secular music of this era. It is written and
expressed in a poetic text and sung during courtly social gatherings. The prominent
instrument of this era is Lute. Other instruments are also developed in this era
because of the evolution of musical ideas occurred.
Music also became more self-sufficient with its availability in printed form
because of the invention of printing in the 1400’s. With the emergence of the social
class (or also known as “bourgeois class”), renaissance music became popular for

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
entertainment. As the new music genre arose, influence of Roman Catholic Church
started to decline. Though sacred music was still of great importance, secular music
became more prominent in this period. Renaissance period was known as the
golden age for “a capella” choral music.
The characteristics of Renaissance music are mostly polyphonic. Imitation
among voices are very common and the use of word painting in texts and music are
evident. Its melodic lines move in a flowing manner in which it is made easier to
perform because its only move along a scale with a few large leaps.
Some famous composers of this time are Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina
and Thomas Morley. One of Palestrina’s work is “Pope Marcellus Mass” and Morley’s
works are “Fire, Fire, My Heart, Sing and Chant It, Fantasie, April Is In My Mistress‟
Face”, and It Was A Lover and His Lass.”

“Other historical facts during this era is the discovery of the actual position of earth in
the solar system by Copernicus, the invention of compass creating a wider navigation
not only of the lands but also of the oceans, and Martin Luther’s Protestant

Music of the Baroque Period (1685 – 1750)

Baroque derived from the Portuguese word “barroco” which means “pearl of
irregular shape”. The Baroque music began in Italy. It expanded throughout Europe
because of its composers like Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frideric Handel
whose works have great influence in this era. Some of Bach’s composition includes
Brandenburg Concertos (concerto grosso), Mass in B minor, Cantata 208 and 211,
Fugue in G minor, and Well-Tempered Clavier. One of the famous compositions of
Handel is the Messiah. Bach and Handel together with other German composers
like Georg Philipp Telemann, Michael Praetorius, and Johann Pachelbel are most
influential in this time. Italian Baroque composers of this era which also partake in
the development of Baroque music were Alessandro Scarlatti, Antonio Corelli,
Claudio Monteverdi and Antonio Vivaldi. During this time, Baroque music is
characterized with grandiose and elaborate ornamentation that were clearly seen
and heard in the musical compositions created by these composers. Primarily it has
contrapuntal textures with some homophony and melodies of Baroque music are
not easy to sing or remember. Its music also has dynamic contrast (alternation
between loud and soft). Regarding in the musical instruments of this era,
harpsichord and organ are the keyboard instruments that are commonly used.
In musical notation, new instrumental techniques and changes are also
developed. When it comes to tonality, Major and minor tonality was also created.
Additional musical terms and concepts which evolved in this period were still used
in the present time.
New forms of Baroque music are binary – AB, ternary – ABC, ground bass
and fugue. Other music genre of this time is Concerto, Concerto Grosso, Oratorio,
and Chorale. Concerto is a form of orchestral music that employs a solo instrument
accompanied by an orchestra while the Concerto Grosso is also an orchestral music
of the same era wherein the music is between a small group of solo instruments
called concertino and the whole orchestra called “tutti”. Next is Oratorio, a large-
scale musical composition, both for orchestra and voices, that includes narratives

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
on religious themes. And lastly Chorale, a musical composition that resemble a
harmonized version of hymnal tunes of the Protestant Church during the Baroque era.

The end of Baroque period falls on the death of Johann Sebastian Bach in
1750 which also the marked of the new era in music.

Reference: -> music_9_tg_draft_4.7.2014.pdf

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
Activity 1:
Song Musical form Period Characteristics of Music period
1 Liturgy of St. Anthony - Gregorian - Medieval -Monophonic Chant -Free meter
v=WkjgycIb2J4 -Modal
-Usually based on the
- Use of Neumes notation
2 A l'entrada del temps clar – - Trouvador - Medieval - Usually monophonic Music - Sometimes with improvised
- Tells of chivalry and courtly
- Originated in France
- Written in the French
3 April is in my Mistress' face – - Madrigal Renaissance - Polyphonic - Sung a cappella
- Through–composed
- Frequently, in 3 to 6 voices
4 Concerto Grosso for two violins, -Concerto - Baroque - Melodies sound elaborate
cello, strings, and basso continuo Grosso and ornamental
by Handel – - Melodies are not easy to sing or remember
- Primarily contrapuntal
textures with some
- Dynamic contrast – the
alternation between loud and
- Music genres—operas,
oratorios, suites, tocatas,
concertó grosso, fugue
- Orchestra consists of
strings and continuo
- Harpsichord and organ are
the keyboard instruments
that are commonly used

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340
Activity 2.2: ANSWER KEY


Adam de la Halle - Le Jeu de Robin et de Marion Medieval
France, 1237 – 1288 - La Chanson du roi de Sicile
Giovanni Pierluigi da - Palestrina’s Pope Marcellus Mass Renaissance
1525 - February 2, 1594
Thomas Morley - Fire, Fire, My Heart Renaissance
- Sing and Chant It
1557– 1602 - Fantasie
- April Is In My Mistress‟ Face
- It Was A Lover and His Lass

Johann Sebastian Bach - Brandenburg Concertos (concerto Baroque

Germany grosso)
March 21, 1685 to July 28, - Mass in B minor
- Cantata 208 and 211
- Fugue in G minor
- Well-Tempered Clavier

Address: Freedom Sports Complex, San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur

Email: [email protected]
Telephone No: (telefax) 8713340 |

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