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4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

1A Questions and answers

1 READING & SPEAKING understanding questions

b Florence Welch 1 What 2 did 3 don’t 4 was 5 who 6 would 7 Where 8 Have
9 What / Which
Dan Stevens 1 When 2 do 3 What 4 What 5 Who 6 would 7 How 8 does 9 Do

c 1 D – question 9 2 F – question 5 3 D – question 7 4 F – question 4 5 D – questions 1 and 8

6 D – questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 7 F – question 9 8 F – question 3

2 GRAMMAR question formation

a 1 What brings you to London?
2 How long are you going to be in London for?
3 Don’t you like London?
4 Can you tell us if there’s any truth in that?

b a question which ends with a preposition = 2

a subject question, where there is no auxiliary verb = 1
a question which uses a negative auxiliary verb = 3
an indirect question = 4

Grammar Bank 1A

a 1 Should I tell her how I feel?

2 How long have you known your best friend?
3 Could you tell me when the next train leaves?
4 What are you thinking about?
5 What do you like doing at the weekend?
6 What kind of music does Jane like listening to?
7 Do you know what time the film finishes?
8 How many students came to class yesterday?
9 Do you remember where the restaurant is?
10 Who does the housework in your family?

b 1 How often do you usually do exercise?

2 Who wrote Oliver Twist?
3 Could you tell me how much this book costs?
4 I can’t remember where I parked my car this morning.
5 Did you enjoy your trip to Paris last weekend?
6 What kind of work does your sister do?
7 Who ate / has eaten the last biscuit?
8 Do you know what time the swimming pool opens on Saturdays?
9 Why didn’t / doesn’t your sister like the present you gave her?
10 Do you have to play your music so loud?

3 PRONUNCIATION intonation: showing interest

a 1a 2b 3b 4a 5b

c 2 Why not 3 Me too 4 How interesting 5 Oh really

1 English File © Oxford University Press 2020

4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

4 READING & VOCABULARY working out meaning from context

c 1G 2C 3E 4B 5D 6A 7F

e 1 gut feeling 2 foolproof 3 light-hearted response 4 geek 5 work–life balance 6 the point of
7 good-natured rivalry 8 job-seekers

5 LISTENING understanding the stages of a short interview

b 1 have dinner, three people 2 have, boyfriend, get pregnant 3 practise philosophy
4 What animal

How did they answer? What happened in the end?
1 I can’t answer this right now. Can I answer this at the He got the place at university.
John Lennon, Picasso, and another artist or musician
(he can’t remember).
2 No, I don’t have a boyfriend, and I have no plans to She decided immediately that she didn’t
get pregnant. want to work for that company.
3 Well, I still think a lot. He got the job.
4 A cat She didn’t get the job.

2 English File © Oxford University Press 2020

4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

1B It’s a mystery

1 READING & LISTENING understanding facts vs theories

b They are all unsolved mysteries.

c 1 There was nobody at the lighthouse. This was discovered by the three new lighthouse keepers
who arrived at the island to relieve the men who had been working there for three months.
2 the lighthouse door was unlocked
a chair was knocked over
one rain jacket was hanging on its hook, but the other two
had disappeared
the clocks had stopped
the last entry in the log book was 9 a.m. on 15th December
3 The men had argued about a woman; they had been kidnapped by German agents; they had been
carried away by a sea serpent, a giant bird, or a boat full of ghosts.

d 1 puzzle 2 baffle 3 remote 4 extraordinary 5 trace 6 solve

e Muirhead thought that the men had been washed away by an enormous wave.
People rejected his idea at the time.
Now people think that small waves can combine to create a huge wave, which swept the men

f 1 A huge rock was lying on the steps leading up to the lighthouse, but it would have been too
heavy for anyone to carry, so it adds evidence to the idea of the huge wave.
2 The ship Queen Elizabeth II was hit by a 100-ft wave in 1995, a modern example of Muirhead’s
3 A paper in a scientific journal has recently been published saying that monster waves really
4 1901 was the date when Muirhead actually solved the mystery, but then there was no proof.
5 There are some things we will never know the answers to.

2 GRAMMAR auxiliary verbs

c 1 Did 2 do 3 have 4 have 5 did
A5 B4 C2 D1 E3

Grammar Bank 1B

a 1 He’s booked the flights, hasn’t he?

2 It’s hot today, isn’t it?
3 I do like it, but it isn’t my favourite.
4 Neither would I.
5 Is he? I thought he was arriving today.
6 Tom liked it, but I didn’t. I thought it was awful.
7 She does like you. She just doesn't want to go out with you.
8 Yes, I am, and so is my boyfriend.
9 You’ll remember to call me, won’t you?
10 I really want to go to Egypt, but my boyfriend doesn’t.

b 1 It’s a great club, isn’t it?

2 Don’t you?

3 English File © Oxford University Press 2020

4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

3 Neither have I.
4 Oh, don’t you?
5 I do.
6 Do you?
7 Why didn’t you go?
8 I did go, but I arrived really late because my car broke down.
9 So am I.

3 PRONUNCIATION & SPEAKING intonation and sentence rhythm

a 1 Did you? 2 I don’t believe… I do 3 You don’t like…?. I do like them.

4 LISTENING & SPEAKING following instructions

d 1 the person = an important person in your life
2 the animal = problems in your life
how you interact with it = how you deal with your problems
3 the house = your ambitions
no fence = you are open to new ideas
a fence = you often think you are right
4 the table = how you are feeling at the moment
5 the cup = how strong your relationship is with the person you are walking with
6 the water = your friends
how wet you get = how important your friends are to you (very wet = very important)

h possible answers
1 …the more I spend. / the more I save.
2 …the better I feel. / the worse I feel. / the more I do.
3 …the more difficult they are to understand.
4 …the thinner I get. / the hungrier I am. / the more bad-tempered I am.
5 …the more I enjoy it. / the easier it gets.
6 …the fitter I get. / the more I like it.

5 VOCABULARY compound adjectives

b 1 minded 2 sufficient
they both have a positive meaning

c The second word

d Positive
easy-going = relaxed and happy to accept things without
worrying or getting angry
good-tempered = cheerful and not easily made angry
laid-back = calm and relaxed
open-minded = willing to listen to, think about or accept different ideas
well-balanced = sensible and emotionally in control
well-behaved = behaving in a way that other people think is polite or correct
absent-minded = tending to forget things, perhaps because you are not thinking about what is
around you, but about something else

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4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

bad-tempered = often angry; in an angry mood

big-headed = having a very high opinion of how important and clever you are
narrow-minded = not willing to listen to new ideas or to the opinions of others
self-centred = tending to think only about yourself and not thinking about the needs or feelings of
other people
strong-willed = determined to do what you want to do, even if other people advise you not to
tight-fisted = not willing to spend

5 English File © Oxford University Press 2020

4th edition

Student’s Book Answer Key

1 COLLOQUIAL ENGLISH Talking about…getting a



b Sts should have ticked: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8.

c 1 He asks some general questions about their journey to the interview, the weather, or if they have
been to Oxford before.
2 He asks some general questions about the candidate, their CV, their background.
3 Information which shows how the candidate meets the criteria for the post, including specific
skills and experience they have that is relevant.


a One candidate thought they were being interviewed for a very different job.
One candidate started eating a chocolate bar during the interview.
One candidate arrived in their tennis clothes.

b 1 He could have stopped the interview or carried on.

2 She was diabetic and needed to eat something to calm down.
3 Clothes that are appropriate for the role that they are applying for.
4 He had forgotten that he had the interview and had come directly from the tennis court in his
tennis clothes. He didn’t get the job.


a 1 How would you describe Facebook to your grandmother?
2 Would you rather fight a horse-sized duck or a hundred duck-sized horses?

b 1T
2 F (‘It’s not something that I have direct experience of…’)
4 F (It was to see if candidates had the ability to multitask.)
5 F (He would have had to have asked for the question to be repeated, and he probably wouldn’t
have been able to answer immediately.)

1 demonstrate 2 commenced 3 viewed 4 announced 5 appropriate footwear, a lady
6 am aware of 7 response

a S, D, A b 1D 2B 3A 4F 5E 6C

d 1 terrible terrible 2 really really 3 definitely

e 1 speaking 2 will
They give the word extra stress.

6 English File © Oxford University Press 2020

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