(PRINT) Tutorial Questions FHHM1114 202210

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Students who have been well trained in sociology know how to think critically about
human social life. Students trained in sociology also know how to help others understand
the way the social world works and how it might be changed for the better. Most
generally, they have learned how to think, evaluate, and communicate clearly, creatively,
and effectively. These are all abilities of tremendous value in a wide variety of vocational
callings and professions. - by The Department of Sociology at UNC Chapel Hill
1. Assessment:
 Final examination --- 60%;
 Coursework --- 40%:
o Oral presentation --- 10%;
o Written assignment --- 15%; and
o Mid-term test --- 15%.

Format of Final Assessment:

Section A: 25 Multiple Choice Questios (25 Marks)
Section B: 10 Short Answer Questions (20 Marks)
Section C: Structural Question (25 Marks) - 2 Options; Choose 1 to Answer
Section D: Essay Question (30 Marks) - 2 Options; Choose 1 to Answer

Format of Mid-term Test:

Section A: 15 Multiple Choice Questios (15 Marks)
Section B: 5 Short Answer Questions (10 Marks)
Section C: Structural Question (25 Marks) - 2 Options; Choose 1 to Answer

2. There are THREE (3) components in your tutorial class:

 Discussion on the preparation of assignment;
 Discussion on the tutorial questions and mid-term test; and
 Presentation.

3. The tutorial questions may OR may not be discussed in your tutorial class due
to time constraints, OR presentations, from Week 7 to Week 10.

Briefing and Discussion on Assignment

 The “Guideline” and other relevant documents should be printed from WBLE
and brought to the class for discussion.
 Absenteeism is strongly discouraged for the assignment-group-forming
 If you are absent from class, kindly consult your tutor as soon as possible. Late
consultation with your tutor after Week 3 will NOT be entertained and you
will have to do the assignment individually.
Topic 1: Understanding Sociology

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. All of the following show the applications of sociological imagination,

A. Muhammad Harith blamed the lack of enforcement by the police

forces as the key reason why his neighbourhood was proned of
B. Sharmila thought that the pressure to slim down her body was just a
tactic used by fitness companies to promote their products and
C. Nancy was frustrated at the government as she assumed that her
joblessness was due to the government’s mismanagement of the
D. Ming Keat was upset that his proposal for a date got turned down
by Sook Man and thought that it was due to his not-so-attractive physical
[1 Mark]

2. Sociology is well-equipped to uncover the truth about social problems because

of _____________________.

A. its emphasis on careful, reliable, empirical research

B. its desire to solve problems
C. its reliance on surveys
D. its theoretical grounding
[1 Mark]

Section B: Short Answer Questions

Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.

Feminist View Functionalist sociological imagination

Marxist View social facts class conflict
Manifest Latent Symbolic Interactionist

1. Sebastian observes that Muslim men in Malaysia generally greet each other
with firm handshakes while the French tends to greet each other with cheek
kissings. His observation is quite often the focus of
__________________________ Perspective.
[2 Marks]

2. Devagi thinks that religion is instrumental in providing a set of ethics and

rules for people to follow in their daily lives. However, some followers tend to
be ethnocentric and have prejudice and stereotype against followers of other
religions. Her views regarding religion shows that she is influenced by
_____________________________ Perspective. [2 Marks]
3. Faridah perceives the society generally tends to underestimate women.
Therefore, she works hard in her career in order to challenge the negative
notions about women by proving the capability of women. Faridah is adopting
__________________________ in Conflict Perspective. [2 Marks]

4. Ting Fan assumes that regardless of any economic development and

technological advancement, injustice often persists in our society as the
powerless groups will always become the victims to such development and
advancement. His assumption shows that he agrees with
_____________________________ in Conflict Perspective. [2 Marks]

5. Workers who have been oppressed and exploited by the bourgeoisie often
engage in constant struggle to fight for better job conditions and benefits. The
struggle between bourgeoisie and workers shows the
_____________________________. [2 Marks]

6. _____________________________ function is the hidden purpose of

anything is our society, which often are unbeknown to humans.
[2 Marks]

Topic 1: Understanding Sociology

Section C: Structural Question

1. Sociology as a formal field of study has a very short history. Of course,
centuries before, thinkers such as Socrates thought and argued about social
behaviour. But most of them did not make systematic observation to test their
speculations against reality. The field of sociology emerged in the nineteen
century, when European social philosophers began to use scientific methods.
Of course, there is a great difference between sociology and other scientific
studies. For this reason, the sciences are commonly divided into natural and
social science.

(a) Clearly define the term which has been underlined for you in the text
above. (2 marks)

(b) Briefly explain the differences between functionalist perspective and

symbolic interactionist perspective. (4 marks)

(c) Explain manifest and latent function of schools in Malaysia. (4 marks)

(d) Most of our opinions regarding any experience typically come from
common sense. How difference is sociology from common sense?
(5 marks)

(e) To understand social behaviour, sociologists rely on a particular type of

critical thinking, describe as Sociological Imagination. Do you agree
that sociological imagination is beneficial? State your stand clearly and
justify your answers. (10
[25 Marks]

Topic 2: Culture

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT true about culture?
A. Culture is socially constructed.
B. Culture tends to vary from one society to another.
C. Culture makes our lives more difficult and unbearable.
D. Culture provides a set of guidelines for us to follow in our daily lives.
[1 Mark]
The Gawai Dayak is a celebration for the Dayak community. The celebration
starts on the 31 May of every year with a ceremony called antu rua, a ritual to
cast away evil spirits. In the evening, another ceremony called miring
(offerings) takes place accompanied by gendang rayah (ritual music). Dinner is
then served and all those present are expected to talk and mingle. At midnight, a
procession is performed to welcome the god of fertility called Ngalu Petara up
and down the longhouse. The chief of longhouse then will lead the drinking of
wine called tuak.
The ONLY material culture found in the text above is ______________.
A. tuak B. miring
C. antu rua D. gendang rayah
[1 Mark]

3. Language, religion, burial rituals, dancing and music are examples of

A. norm B. folkway
C. cultural practice D. cultural universal
[1 Mark]
Section B: Short Answer Question
Select the BEST answer from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concept or theory.

Culture shock Cultural relativism Culture lag

1. _____________________ is the period of maladjustment when the

nonmaterial culture is still struggling to adapt to new material culture.
[2 Marks]
2. Food choices are a good example of ____________________ because people
have become more tolerant of food from cultures that are not their own.
[2 Marks]
3. ____________________ describes the impact of moving from a familiar
culture to one that is unfamiliar.
[2 Marks]

Section D: Essay Question

1. Explain the elements of culture and how each element helps to maintain
intercultural relation in Malaysia. [30 Marks]

REMINDER: It is very important to have introduction and conclusion when you

are answering an essay question. The introduction and conclusion will
consititute 6 marks out of the total 30 marks for this question.

Topic 2: Culture

Section B: Short Answer Question

Select the BEST answer from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concept or theory.

argot language dialects

Mores Folkways Taboo
Cultural Relativism Cultural Universal Sanctions

1. Without __________________________, humans cannot communicate

effectively, and human culture will not flourish. [2 Marks]
2. By practicing __________________, Ms. Shanti listened patiently to Mr.
Hassan’s explanation on the religious meaning of fasting during Ramadan,
before she informed him about the fasting practice according to Hinduism.
[2 Marks]
3. Mr. Damon smiles at fellow passengers who are on board of the Light Rail
Transit (LRT) during peak hours. Mr. Damon’s behavior can be referred as
__________. [2 Marks]

4. Mr. Tan realizes that he must not kill his own parents regardless of how much
he hates them. The thought of killing parents is considered as __________.
[2 Marks]
5. Ms. Siti Sarah voluntarily gives her seat away to a frail old man. The act of
Ms. Siti is considered as ____________. [2 Marks]
6. Ms. Janice observes that all cultures have their own unique songs. This is
known as ______________________. [2 Marks]

Section C: Structural Question

2. During his visit to Sarawak, David Leong from Seremban, Negri Sembilan,
suffered from culture shock as he discovered that sago worms is a popular
delicacy among many Sarawakians, and are either eaten alive or just fried.
David’s reaction is due to ethnocentrism.

(a) Clearly define the term which has been underlined for you in the text
above. (2 marks)

(b) Describe TWO (2) feelings as the results of culture shock.

(4 marks)
(c) Explain what are the informal positive sanctions if David Leong
decided to try on the sago worms. (4

(d) Cultural relativism has been practised if one does not judge another
culture from the perspective of his/her own culture, but rather trying to
understand it from the perspective of that particular culture. To what
extent cultural relativism is useful in preventing prejudices against a
foreign culture. (5 marks)

(e) Do you agree that ethnocentrism necessarily brings negative impacts

on our society? State your stand clearly and justify your answers.
(10 marks)
[25 Marks]

Topic 3: Deviance and Social Control

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which one of the following is a deviance but NOT a crime?
A. Spitting on a public road.
B. Lack of courtesy among teenagers.
C. A Muslim lady in Pahang wears male collared shirt with a tie.
D. A primary school student helps his father to buy alchoholic drink.
[1 Mark]

2. Samantha has been laughed at and teased by her school mates due to her
masculine appearance and raspy voice. Samantha is dealing with

A. conformity B. social stigma

C. hate crime D. formal sanction
[1 Mark]
Section B: Short Answer Question
Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.
Social control Deviance Negative sanctions

1. ________________ refers to rule-breaking behaviour of some kind which fails

to conform to the norms and expectations of a particular society or social
[2 Marks]
2. _________________ refers to ways in which a society tries to prevent and
sanction behaviour that violates norms. [2 Marks]
3. _________________are punishments for violating norms. Being arrested is a
punishment for shoplifting. [2 Marks]

Section C: Structural Question

1. Based on the statistics issued by the Penang Women Centre for Change, an
average 3,000 rapes were reported in Malaysia each year with only two of 10
cases reported, In other words, a girl or woman is being raped every 35
minutes somewhere in Malaysia. Most of the rape cases involved victims
below 16 years old. In 2013, the number of cases involving minors was as
high as 2,111 cases. Rape victims endure the immediate physical and mental
trauma of the actual event as well as many ongoing psychological challenges.
The social stigma of being raped can make survivors feel as if they're getting
raped all over again. The stigma of rape is so ingrained in Asian culture;
people frequently don't even realize that their comments and reactions
humiliate sexual assault victims.

(a) Clearly define the term which has been underlined for you in the text
above. (2 marks)

(b) Identify and explain types of sanction which expressing disapproval for
breaking a norm for example rape. (4 marks)

(c) Explain the difference between professional crime and street crime.
(4 marks)

(d) Control theory is theory that views crime as the outcome of an

imbalance between impulses toward criminal activity and controls that
deter it. To what extent these two control systems work against our
motivations to deviate? (5 marks)

(e)Do you agree that there is no victim other than the offender in
victimless crimes? State your stand clearly and justify your answers.
(10 marks)
[25 Marks]
Topic 3: Deviance and Social Control

Section A: Multiple Choice Question

1. According to Strain Theory, criminals commit crime because they are

____________ that they have been prevented from achieving success.

A. shocked B. offended
C. frustrated D. disgusted
[1 Mark]
Section B: Short Answer Questions
Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.

outer control strain law

anomie crime inner control

1. Even if we didn't get caught stealing the television, many people would feel
guilty about taking something they did not buy. ________________ might
even cause a person to turn herself into the police. [2
2. Rachel Lim chooses not to participate in a coming mass rally in Kuala Lumpur
as her husband disagrees with the immorality of such act. Rachel’s choice is
clearly influenced by the ____________________. [2 Marks]
3. People who lived during periods of ________________ typically feel
disconnected from their society because they no longer see the norms and
values that they hold dear reflected in society itself.. [2
4. In such situation where there is a ‘________________’ between the goals and
the means to achieve those goals, and some people turn to crime in order to
achieve success. [2 Marks]

Section D: Essay Question

1. Cheating during examination is a serious offense in UTAR. Discuss this issue

using Notion of Anomie and Strain Theory. Next, explain the social stigma
which will be faced by students.
[30 Marks]

REMINDER: It is very important to have introduction and conclusion when you

are answering an essay question. The introduction and conclusion will
consititute 6 marks out of the total 30 marks for this question.
Topic 4: Social Structure and Social Interaction

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. Lee Mun Yee is an assistant to a marketing campaign manager. She often
encounters a dilemma as she finds it difficult to balance her roles between
arranging the daily agenda for the manager, and also working through the
marketing campaign details with the clients. Lee Mun Yee is facing

A. a role exit B.a role strain

C. a role conflict D.an alienation
[1 Mark]

2. Even without direct physical contact, sexual harassment may occur when the
victims feel that his/her _______________ has been intruded.

A. backstage B. proxemics
C. personal bubble D. role performance
[1 Mark]
European friends of mine who grew up in small European villages in the
1950s described childhoods like those in a traditional New Guinea village:
everybody knew what everybody else was doing and expressed their
opinions about it, people married spouses born only a mile or two distant,
people spent their entire lives in or near the village ... and disputes within
the village had to be settled in a way that restored relationships or made
According to the ideas of Ferdinand Tönnies, both the 1950’s-small-European-
them toleratable, because you were going to be living near that person for
villages and the traditional New Guinea villages are _________________.
the rest of your life (Diamond, 2012).
A. gesselschafts B. gemeinschafts
C. pastoral societies D. agricultural societies
[1 Mark]

4. All of the following are the elements of dramaturgy, EXCEPT:

A. Presenting the self.

B. Behaving like actors.
C. Maintaining personal space.
D. Performing interaction rituals.
[1 Mark]

5. Select the BEST answers from the following box and fill in the blanks (write
only the alphabets in the blanks):

A. It lead to Peter Principle and this is an idea that employee within a

hierarchy will keep getting promoted until they reach a level of
B. It can also deprive individual from having a voice in decision making
especially those who is lower down in a hierarchy.
C. It can also lead to trained incapacity within a general organization that is
workers become so specialized that they losses touch with overall picture
and fail to notice obvious problem.
D. It lead to the perception that those in charge are cold and uncaring.
E. It can lead to goal displacement where commitment to follow the rules
becomes more important than the original goal of the organization.


No. The Ideal Type of Bureaucracy DYSFUNCTIONS

(a) Division of Labor [1 Mark]
(b) Hierarchy of Authority [1 Mark]
(c) Written Rules and Regulations [1 Mark]
(d) Impersonality [1 Mark]
(e) Employment based on Technical Qualifications [1 Mark]


Topic 4: Social Structure and Social Interaction

Section B: Short Answer Questions

Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.

Dramaturgy Proxemics role distance

group mechanical organic

1. Strangers who are on board of a train that crosses borders between countries
share no common identity, and they usually do not talk to one another. The
strangers on the train are not a social ____________________.
[2 Marks]
2. In a graduation ceremony, all attendees must practice ____________________
in which they should separate their outward performance from the inner self.
[2 Marks]
3. ____________________ is a method that studies social interactions as if
everyone is an actor, and his/her life is a series of stage performances.
[2 Marks]
4. The Malaysian society is having ____________________ solidarity as all
individuals are performing different tasks, and they are relying on one another
to survive. [2 Marks]
Section C: Structural Question
1. Social roles are a set of expectations for people who occupy a social status. It
is very common for an individual to occupy multiple social roles

(a) Clearly define the term which has been underlined for you in the text
above. (2 marks)

(b) Describe TWO (2) social roles that you are currently occupying
simultaneously. (4 marks)

(c) Explain the processes involved when an employee is deciding to exit

his role through resignation. (4 marks)

(d) Ascribed status is a position an individual either inherits at birth or

receives involuntarily later in life. To what extent social class is an
ascribed status? (5 marks)

(e) Do you agree that students who are not performing well in their studies
are normally suffering from role strain? State your stand clearly and
justify your answers. (10 marks)
[25 Marks]



Topic 4: Social Structure and Social Interaction
Section D: Essay Question

1. Discuss the differences between in-group and out-group AND the differences
between primary group and secondary group with relevant examples.
[30 Marks]

2. Discuss your social interactions with your friends and family members by using
dramaturgy. Provide relevant examples to strengthen your arguments.
[30 Marks]

REMINDER: It is very important to have introduction and conclusion when you

are answering an essay question. The introduction and conclusion will
consititute 6 marks out of the total 30 marks for this question.



Topic 5: Social Inequality

Section A: Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Activity Theory, the elderly people who remain active and
socially involved will be _________________________.

A. best adjusted to the life after retirement

B. more likely to suffer from stroke
C. less willing to die earlier
D. lonely and sorrow
[1 Mark]
2. Which of the following role is traditionally assigned to females rather than

A. Leadership role. B. Productive role.

C. Expressive role. D. Instrumental role.
[1 Mark]

“We beat the heck out of those gay people. We stop them by violence and
we’re normal, they’re not. It’s normal to hate gay people. Gay guys are so
desperate. I’d rather stay away from them. Never mind that I’m so not hot.
Lesbians are so totally hot, they’re just experimenting. One day they’d be
with a man, like me.” (Extracted from an article by Tan, C. C. in the New
Straits Times, 2008).

The extract above clearly shows _________________________.

A. sexism B. homophobia
C. gender roles D.heterosexuality
[1 Mark]

4. Discrimination is the denial of _________________ and equal

_________________ to individuals or groups due to prejudice or any other
arbitrary reasons.

A. freedoms; forces C. opportunities; rights

B. dignities; respects D. friendships; statuses
[1 Mark]
Section B: Short Answer Questions
Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.

dominant primary ethnic

secondary racial minority
1. Read the following passage about race and ethnicity in Malaysia carefully and
later identify each group as either the ethnic group or racial group, or either as
the dominant group or minority group in Malaysia:

Malaysia is a plural society comprising three broad categories of people – Malays,

Chinese and Indians, that are socially constructed by the British colonialists, with a
significant number of indigenous people scattered in certain places across Peninsular
Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak. The three broad categories of people are initially
differentiated due to their economic contributions, national origins, ways of life, and
patterns of settlements, rather than their physical appearances. Since the
independence of Malaya in 1957, and later Malaysia in 1963, the Malays, who are
strictly Muslims according to the Federal Constitution, continue to be the most
politically powerful group in the country, despite multiple attempts from other groups
to demand for their fair share of political rights. Though Chinese and Indians often
feel they have been neglected and mistreated by the government, they are definitely
(a) The Malays, Chinese, and Indians are _____________ groups.
(b) Negritos is a _____________ group.
(c) Orang Asli and indigenous people in Sabah and Sarawak are the
_____________ groups.
(d) The Malay Muslims is the _____________ group in Malaysia.
[8 Marks]

Select the BEST answers from the following boxes and fill in the blanks with
sociological concepts or theories.

heterosexism ethnocentrism affirmative action

graying racism Labeling
aging Ableism Sexism

2. The belief that one race is better and thus enjoying a higher status compared to
other races who are more inferior is ____________________.
[2 Marks]
3. ____________________ is the belief that people with disabilities are helpless,
defective, unwhole, and childlike in nature. [2 Marks]
4. An intergenerational conflict occurs as ____________________ costs a lot to
government budget when aging population getting more than their fair share
of society’s resources, mostly in health care sector and social care and support.
[2 Marks]
5. A higher proportion of Malays and other indigenous people in Sabah and
Sarawak working as civil servants in the government is the result of
____________________. [2 Marks]
6. Whether you are old or not is not just based on biological factors, but also
based on a number of other factors such as personal history or biography,
gender age, and timetable or signals from the society. This explains the
____________________ Theory on age. [2 Marks]
7. If you believe that the relationship between two men or two women are
unnatural and immoral, then you are practicing ____________________.
[2 Marks]
Topic 5: Social Inequality

Section C: Structural Question

1. Karl Marx and Max Weber both argued that social class was an important
factor that led to social inequality. However, they disagreed on what were the
factors that determined one’s social class.

(a) Clearly define the term which has been underlined for you in the text
above. (2 marks)

(b) Describe TWO (2) groups of people that are the results of economic
inequality according to the ideas of Karl Marx. (4 marks)

(c) Explain the differences between Marx’s and Weber’s ideas on the
factors that determine one’s social class. (4 marks)

(d) Social mobility is the movement of individuals or groups from one

position in a society’s stratification system to another. To what extent
upward social mobility is possible in the Malaysian society? (5 marks)
(e) Do you agree that social stratification is necessarily disadvantageous to
the people? State your stand clearly and justify your answers.(10
[25 Marks]
Topic 5: Social Inequality

Section D: Essay Question

1. Discuss THREE (3) factors that lead to the prevalence of glass ceiling and
consequently propose THREE (3) solutions to overcome such predicaments for
the working women. [30

2. Discuss aging using Disengagement and Activity Theory. Next, provide TWO
(2) suggestions to cope with challenges of aging population in Malaysia.
[30 Marks]
[Total : 30 Marks]

REMINDER: It is very important to have introduction and conclusion when you

are answering an essay question. The introduction and conclusion will
consititute 6 marks out of the total 30 marks for this question.


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