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Provide one (1) traditional application, and one (1) advanced application of information
systems. It should be different from the examples mentioned in the handout.
 Information systems are used by conventional businesses like Jollibee and Mang
Inasal to dispatch and deliver their meals. Users of Foodpanda, an advanced
application that offers online food delivery in the Philippines, may quickly find
restaurants in their area and place direct orders for their preferred dishes.

Traditional Application

Hardware Software Data People Process

The component that Software is the Data are only The individuals is a series of actions
can be touched is the collection of programs unprocessed facts engaged in the made to get a
hardware of an necessary to carry out and numbers. The planning, creation, particular result or
information system. the input, processing, location, contact and maintenance objective.
Information system output, storage, and details, accounts, of an information
hardware includes control operations of and other details. system should be
things like computers, an information the first group to
keyboards, flash drives, system, as well as the be considered.
and iPads. manuals that go with

Advanced Application

Hardware Software Data People Process

We now have a new Windows by Microsoft Data modeling, data Examples of for improved
class of laptops thanks likewise, Apple's integration and individuals who management that
to technological macOS the two most ingestion, work in leads to higher
advancements, and common widely used transactional data information productivity
management, query
they are fast taking over operating using these systems include
language, query
as the norm. systems course optimization, physical business analysts,
emphasizing Windows data storage, data information
XP, 7, and 10. structures, and other security analysts,
technologies are all and system
included in data analysts.
management research
and technology.
analytical approaches

2. Identify each component of information systems used in your provided applications. See
Page 2 of 01 Handout 1 for examples.

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