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The teaching profession BSED 1

Title: Educational Philosophies

Portfolio Entry No. 2
Directions: Explain in your own way of understanding these educational philosophies.

Educational What the literature says (Please cite My own understanding and
Philosophy reference) explanation
Essentialism Essentialism is an approach assuming it is constantly  where you can
that people and things have natural and create the most value, then
essential common characteristics which finding ways to execute it most
are inherent, innate and unchanging. effortlessly. 
Thus, it is regarded as an educational
philosophy. However, having the
common essence and the same
essentials at the same levels can lead
to undesired practices in real life too.
Perennialism Perennialists believe that the focus of It is a teacher centered
education should be the ideas that have philosophy that emphasizes the
lasted over centuries. They believe the importance of transferring
ideas are as relevant and meaningful knowledge, information, and
today as when they were written. They skills from from the older
recommend that students learn from generation to the younger ones.
reading and analyzing the works by it is like traditional, or they are
history's finest thinkers and writers
basing it on the books or history. 
Social Social reconstructionism is a philosophy The teacher is an activist. rather
Reconstructivism that emphasizes the addressing of than being passive informant of
social questions and a quest to create a knowledge teachers becomes a
better society and worldwide facilitators for analysis and
democracy. Reconstructionist educators change
focus on a curriculum that highlights
social reform as the aim of education
Constructivism Constructivism is the theory that says knowledge is constructed
learners construct knowledge rather through human activity ,
than just passively take in information. individuals creates meaning
As people experience the world and through their interactions.
reflect upon those experiences, they
build their own representations and
incorporate new information into their
pre-existing knowledge (schemas).
Progressivism Progressivists believe that education it is learning by doing 
should focus on the whole child, rather
than on the content or the teacher. This
educational philosophy stresses that
students should test ideas by active
experimentation. Learning is rooted in
the questions of learners that arise
through experiencing the world. It is
active, not passive. The learner is a
problem solver and thinker who makes
meaning through his or her individual
experience in the physical and cultural
context. Effective teachers provide
experiences so that students can learn
by doing. Curriculum content is derived
from student interests and questions. T
Behaviorism Behaviorism is a theory of learning Through Observation and test
based on the idea that all behaviors are experiments 
acquired through conditioning, and
conditioning occurs through interaction
with the environment. Behaviorists
believe that our actions are shaped by
environmental stimuli
Existentialism Existentialists believe that every The self is the sole judge of his or
individual is unique and education must her own actions. human freedom 
cater to the individual differences.
Therefore, the objective of education is
to enable every individual to develop his
unique qualities, to harness his
potentialities and cultivate his
Lasallian Lasallian education enriches the whole Concerns for the poor, and social
Education person through teaching, technology justice. Faith in the presence of
and the development of the student’s God and respect for all persons
cultural, intellectual, physical, social and
spiritual well-being. Lasallian education
centers on Catholic values and personal
relationships, emphasizing academic
excellence, faith formation, inclusion,
respect for the individual, service and
social justice.

After learning all these philosophies, what did you realize? 

I realized that in teaching there are a lot of characteristics on how a teacher teaches and that each of it
differs. and it shows how important we should know all these philosophies in education if we are to
become future educators. it is a huge help for us to find our own path in our teaching profession.

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