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1. waiter : pelayan/pramusaji 6. chopsticks : sumpit

2. biscuits : biscuit 7. fork : garpu
3. salt : garam 8. spoon : sendok
4. pepper : merica/lada 9. knife : pisau
5. napkin : serbet

Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers merujuk pada distribusi atau urutan (pertama, kedua, dll). Berbeda dengan
Cardinal Numbers yang merujuk pada jumlah (satu, dua, tiga, dll).
Number Cardinal Ordinal
1 One 1st First
2 Two 2nd Second
3 Three 3rd Third
4 Four 4th Fourth
5 Five 5th Fifth
6 Six 6th Sixth
7 Seven 7th Seventh
8 Eight 8th Eighth
9 Nine 9th Ninth
10 Ten 10th Tenth
11 Eleven 11th Eleventh
12 Twelve 12th Twelfth
13 Thirteen 13th Thirteenth
14 Fourteen 14th Fourteenth
15 Fifteen 15th Fiftinth
16 Sixteen 16th Sixteenth
17 Seventeen 17th Seventeenth
18 Eighteen 18th Eighteenth
19 Nineteen 19th Nineteenth
20 Twenty 20th Twentieth
21 Twenty One 21st Twenty First
22 Twenty Two 22nd Twenty Second
23 Twenty Three 23rd Twenty Third
24 Twenty Four 24th Twenty Fourth
25 Twenty Five 25th Twenty Fifth
26 Twenty Six 26th Twenty Sixth
27 Twenty Seven 27th Twenty Seventh
28 Twenty Eight 28th Twenty Eighth
29 Twenty Nine 29th Twenty Ninth
30 Thirty 30th Thirtieth
31 Thirty One 31st Thirty First

Contoh penggunaan Ordinal Numbers dalam membaca tanggal :

 1 August : The 1st (first) of August
 25 December : The 25th (twenty fifth) of December
 My birthday is on the 18th (eighteenth) of September
 Today is the 23rd (twenty third) of October 2018
 The trip will be on the 12th of March 2019


Conditional “If” Type 1

Merupakan kalimat pengandaian di mana kondisi yang disampaikan dalam kalimat tersebut
adalah realita/kenyataan/sesuatu yang mungkin terjadi. Bisa juga untuk menjelaskan hal-hal ilmiah.
Sifatnya saat ini (present).
Rumus :
Kalimat positif :  If the weather is nice, I will go to the
If + Subject + be + adjective (kata sifat), I (will) beach
+ Verb 1  If the sun shine, we go around the town
Kalimat negatif :  If the weather isn’t good, I will not go to
If + Subject + be + not + adjective (kata sifat), the swimming pool
I (will) + not + Verb 1  If the weather isn’t good, I don’t go to
the swimming pool
Kalimat positif :  If I study hard, I will pass the exam
If + Subject + Verb, I (will) + Verb 1  If you water the plant, It grows
Kalimat Negatif :  If Alex doesn’t come, I will not come.
If + Subject + do/does + not + Verb, I (will) +  If Alex doesn’t come, I don’t come
not + Verb 1

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